5 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. supposing I was a writer, say, for a newspaper or for a magazine. I could create content in one language, FreeSpeech, and the person who's consuming that content, the person who's reading that particular information could choose any engine, and they could read it in their own mother tongue, in their native language

      for - freespeech can be used as an international language translator - data structure of thought - from TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan

  2. Feb 2024
  3. victranslates.blogspot.com victranslates.blogspot.com
    1. 原則上問題不複雜:作者要為書的內容負責,譯者要為翻譯品質負責。但在實際運作上,譯者交出譯稿之後,通常經其他人修改就逕自出版,如何修改不會徵詢譯者的意見。 在此情況下,譯文如果被改壞了或改錯了,我認為譯者沒有理由要概括承受,因為責任就在那個改稿者身上。(真要問責,還可以追究下去,但無論如何都很難說是譯者的責任。)


  4. Apr 2022
  5. Dec 2019
  6. Sep 2018
    1. RDF Translator is a multi-format conversion tool for structured markup. It provides translations between data formats ranging from RDF/XML to RDFa or Microdata. The service allows for conversions triggered either by URI or by direct text input. Furthermore it comes with a straightforward REST API for developers.