625 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
    1. kow

      kow gi n. the top; the interior / inside (of a country).

      ca kow / ci kow up, on (up on; top; above, on top, high, upstairs, on high, atop, aloft, overhead; about, to, over, at, upon, with, across, along, against, after, before).

      kowe v. to be high, high (elevated, advanced, great, bred, lofty, tall, steep).

      kow-kow bi n. bushman, a person who lives in the bush.


    2. mukk

      mukk adv. never (ever, not at all, little, ne'er) [jamais]. I will never forgive you.


    3. naan

      naan v. get to the goal in a chase game [arriver au but dans un jeu de poursuite] I will reach the goal before you join/rejoin/meet/overtake me.

      naan v. 1. to drink (drink, imbibe, drain, quaff, absorb, bib, ingrain, blot; drink away); 2. to drink alcohol.

      naan gi n. alcoholic drink (booze / boose).

      naanu gi n. pipe. Among the Saint-Louisiennes, there are some who once smoked pipes.


    4. dëkk

      dëkk v. give a challenge.

      dëkk v. to live (dwell, live in, inhabit, stay, occupy, lodge, tenant, shack), to be from (come from, hail from, belong, originate from).

      dëkk bi n. village, town (city, place, burgh).


    5. ñuul

      ñuul v. be black.

      ñuul wi n. black dress horse / black-robed horse [cheval à robe noire] I sold my black horse.

      ñuulal bi (blacken, to blacken your hair; product to darken hair).


    6. taar

      taar bi n. great beauty (of a person).

      taar bi n. (fr.) tare weight, packaging or container weight.

      taara bi (slave taken by her master as a wife, in addition to the four wives recognized by Islamic law); taaru (to be of great beauty).


    7. ndaw

      ndaw det. quantitative. that of [que de]. So much money wasted on marriage!

      ndaw v. to be small, young (adj. youthful, teenage, immature; n. youth, juvenille, junior, teenager, lad, youngish).

      ndaw gi n. youth (youthfulness, girlhood, teens, freshness); virginity (maidenhead), nubility.

      ndaw li n. messenger (courier, herald, runner).

      ndaw ñi n. young people [les jeunes].

      ndaw si n. young woman (wench, baby).

      ndawal gi (side dish); ndawràbbin bi (traditional dance of Lebou women); ndawtal gi (offer, as a gift, on the occasion of a happy event, a certain sum of money; gift offered on the occasion of a happy event).


    8. Parts of Speech

      adv. An adverb is a word or an expression that modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb, determiner, clause, preposition, or sentence. Adverbs typically express manner, place, time, frequency, degree, level of certainty, etc., answering questions such as how?, in what way?, when?, where?, and to what extent?.

      n. A noun is a word that functions as the name of a specific object or set of objects, such as living creatures, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas. However, noun is not a semantic category, so it cannot be characterized in terms of its meaning.

      pron. In linguistics and grammar, a pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns have traditionally been regarded as one of the parts of speech, but some modern theorists would not consider them to form a single class, in view of the variety of functions they perform cross-linguistically.

      adj. In linguistics, an adjective is a word that modifies a noun or noun phrase or describes its referent. Its semantic role is to change information given by the noun.

      v. A verb, from the Latin verbum meaning word, is a word that in syntax conveys an action, an occurrence, or a state of being. In the usual description of English, the basic form, with or without the particle to, is the infinitive. In many languages, verbs are inflected to encode tense, aspect, mood, and voice.

      prep. Prepositions and postpositions, together called adpositions, are a class of words used to express spatial or temporal relations or mark various semantic roles.

      conj. In grammar, conjunction is a part of speech that connects words, phrases, or clauses that are called the conjuncts of the conjunctions. The term discourse marker is mostly used for conjunctions joining sentences.

      det. A determiner, also called determinative, is a word, phrase, or affix that occurs together with a noun or noun phrase and serves to express the reference of that noun or noun phrase in the context.

  2. Mar 2021
    1. Consonant Pronunciation

      b - boy / ban

      c - chat / ceeb

      d - dog / dara

      f - fire / fas

      g - good / agsi

      j - job / jox

      k - keep / kaani

      l - land / lakk

      m - mark / naam

      n - nice / àdduna

      ñ - genius / gaañ

      p - paint / puso

      r - rat / raxas

      s - soup / kawas

      t - take / tubaab

      w - wait / kéwél

      x - (see note below) / xaalis

      y - yes / yaa

      There is no English equivalent for this sound, it is a slightly guttural sound that is between x and k. It may also be pronounced merely as h, especially among non-natives.

      mb - mbaa

      mp - dàmp

      nd - ndey

      ng - ngan

      nj - njaay

      ŋ - masoŋ

      Prenasalized consonants don't exist in English the way they do in Wolof. ng and ŋ sound almost the same if not the same. Words like sing, bring, king, mango, etc. are the closest to this sound.

    2. Please add to this project by annotating non-highlighted Wolof entries with a corresponding audio file. Thank you!

    3. Vowel Pronunciation

      a - absorb / sant

      aa - far / laaj

      e - get / dem

      ee - where / seet

      é - say / bés

      ée - sane / wéer

      ë - bird / kër

      i - pit / fit

      ii - meet / siis

      o - moment / fomp

      ó - no / jóg

      oo - door / loos

      óo - phone / fóon

      u - cook / ubbi

      uu - moon / juuyoo

    4. Primary source for audio files:


      Secondary source for audio files:


    5. Attribution for audio files: Mamadou Sy [CC BY 2.0 fr], via Wikimedia Commons

  3. jangawolof.org jangawolof.org
    1. lacking power
    2. dool
    3. geer
    4. jaam
    5. jaam
    6. geer
    7. village elders
    8. leatherworkers
    9. griots
    10. hierarchal
    11. African Studies
    12. Political Science
    13. Leonardo Villalón
    14. social strata
    15. social stratified society
    16. patriarchal
    17. endogamous
    18. Dakar-Wolof
    19. language
    20. other languages
    21. neighbouring languages
    22. traditional culture
    23. Wolof
    24. missionaries
    25. 20th century
    26. brotherhood
    27. Muridiyya
    28. political
    29. Sufi leaders
    30. 20th
    31. Wolof communities
    32. Senegalese Sufi
    33. Islamic brotherhoods
    34. Muslim movements
    35. resisted the French
    36. not a nearly universal conversion
    37. massive conversions to Islam
    38. West African jihads
    39. conversion of substantial numbers of Wolof to Islam
    40. professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic History
    41. 18th century
    42. rituals
    43. dances
    44. amulets
    45. jinn
    46. Islamic scholars
    47. founding of
    48. adherents of Islam
    49. convert to Islam
    50. traditional religion
    51. oral traditions
    52. pre-Islamic religious traditions
    53. Sunni Islam
    54. Sufi traditions
    55. local elements
    56. 8% of the population are Wolof
    57. the Gambian capital
    58. Wolof language and culture
    59. 16% of the population are Wolof
    60. northwestern region
    61. largest ethnic group
    62. independence
    63. colonial rule
    64. Senegal
    65. the Gambia
    66. French
    67. British
    68. enforced after the 1890s
    69. abolished in Wolof lands
    70. sought to end the slave trade
    71. colonial administrators in Senegambia
    72. slave-raiding
    73. American plantations
    74. Portuguese
    75. Dutch
    76. French
    77. British
    78. transatlantic demand for slaves
    79. Senegambia
    80. Portuguese had begun purchasing slaves
    81. acquired through purchase or capture
    82. earliest known history
    83. trading of goods
    84. slave trading
    85. Pidgin Wolof
    86. 3rd person plural
    87. përëmye
    88. million
    89. njëk
    90. njëk
    91. bu
    92. bu
    93. ñeent
    94. téeméer
    95. junni
    96. junni
    97. junni
    98. junni
    99. junni
    100. junni
    101. junni
    102. junni
    103. junni
    104. junni
    105. junni
    106. junni
    107. junni
    108. junni
    109. junne
    110. junni
    111. ñaar
    112. benn
    113. ak
    114. téeméer
    115. téeméer
    116. téeméer
    117. téeméer
    118. téeméer
    119. téeméer
    120. téeméer
    121. téeméer
    122. téeméer
    123. téeméer
    124. téeméer
    125. téeméer
    126. téeméer
    127. téeméer
    128. téeméer
    129. téeméer
    130. yett
    131. ñaar
    132. ñaar
    133. ñaar
    134. ñaar
    135. ñaari
    136. ñaar
    137. ñaar
    138. ñaar
    139. ñaar
    140. ñaar
    141. ñaar
    142. ñaar
    143. ñaar
    144. ñaar
    145. ñeent
    146. ñeent
    147. ñeent
    148. ñeent
    149. ñeent
    150. ñeent
    151. ñeent
    152. ñeent
    153. ñeent
    154. ñeent
    155. ñeent
    156. ñeent
    157. ñeent
    158. ñeent
    159. ñeent
    160. ñent
    161. ñett
    162. ñett
    163. ñett
    164. ñett
    165. ñett
    166. ñett
    167. ñett
    168. ñett
    169. ñett
    170. ñett
    171. ñett
    172. ñett
    173. dara
    174. sero
    175. zéro
    176. neen
    177. weer
    178. fan
    179. fanweer
    180. fanweer
    181. ak
    182. ak
    183. ak
    184. ak
    185. ak
    186. ak
    187. ak