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  1. Jan 2016
    1. E. coli is a type of fecal coliform bacteria commonly found in the intestines of animals and humans. E. coli is short for Escherichia coli.
    2. Fecal coliforms are bacteria that are associated with human or animal waste
    3. E. coli comes from human and animal waste. During rainfalls, snow melts, or other types of precipitation, E. coli may be washed into creeks, rivers, streams, lakes, or groundwater. 
    4. In some people, particularly children under 5 years of age and the elderly, the infection can also cause a complication called hemolytic uremic syndrome, in which the red blood cells are destroyed and the kidneys fail. About 2%-7% of infections lead to this complication. In the United States, hemolytic uremic syndrome is the principal cause of acute kidney failure in children,
    5. With intensive care, the death rate for hemolytic uremic syndrome is 3%-5%.

      in most cases children who are under five years old die from those dieseas because there immune system gets weak so fast, also there kidney fail and starts to give up on them

  2. www.foodsafety.gov www.foodsafety.gov
    1. Wash hands before preparing food, after diapering infants, and after contact with cows, sheep, or goats, their food or treats, or their living environment .

      people are not doing that, theyre also not washing tjere food off theybare to trusting

    2. Avoid eating high-risk foods, especially undercooked ground beef, unpasteurized milk or juice, soft cheeses made from unpasteurized milk, or alfalfa sprouts.

      avoiding eating high- risk food they mean places like McDonald's, wendy's, etc because they rush food they're not taking to cook there food well done

    3. E. coli is the name of a type of bacteria that lives in your intestines and in the intestines of animals. Although most types of

      Ecoli is a bacteria that is in our body its not harmful to us until it's in our food, although most of them can get us sick

    4. E. coli O157:H7, causes bloody diarrhea and can sometimes cause kidney failure and even death. E. coli O157:H7 makes a toxin called Shiga toxin and is known as a Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC).  There are many other types of STEC, and some can make you just as sick as E. coli O157:H7. 

      there is more then one type of e.coli people a'rent really educated on this is what in our food that can kill us

    5. Contaminated food, especially undercooked ground beef, unpasteurized (raw) milk and juice, soft cheeses made from raw milk, and raw fruits and vegetables (such as sprouts)

      people are not cleaning there food or cooking thee food well done sometimes in restaurant will ask you "would you like your food well done"