7 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2020
    1. The let keyword declares a template input variable that you reference within the template. The input variables in this example are hero, i, and odd. The parser translates let hero, let i, and let odd into variables named let-hero, let-i, and let-odd.
  2. Jul 2020
    1. First specify grid as the display method, and then write place-items: center on the same element. place-items is a shorthand to set both align-items and justify-items at once. By setting it to center, both align-items and justify-items are set to center.
    2. Next we have the deconstructed pancake! This is a common layout for marketing sites, for example, which may have a row of 3 items, usually with an image, title, and then some text, describing some features of a product. On mobile, we'll want those to stack nicely, and expand as we increase the screen size.

      With a little tweak could be useful for conference apps

    1. In a case like this, the hill is telling us to break up the list.

      A cohesive list help us to have a hill-chart that moves. Group in one chart all team's task, is danger because cause a freezing of the chart. In this situation split the list in various todo list

    2. Note how that the status is human generated, not computer generated. This reflects a real person’s feeling of the work at this moment.

      In this way anyone can give a big picture of the development's state. Rely on computer, make the things too automatic to give it less importance