12 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. jurisdiction

      "the authority of a sovereign power to govern or legislate"; 管轄範圍

    2. perforates

      "to make a hole through"; 穿過

    3. courtesy

      "behavior marked by polished manners or respect for others"; 禮節、禮儀

    4. treachery

      "violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence"; 叛變

    5. headlong

      "without pause or delay"; 猛然地

    6. enswathes

      "to enfold or enclose with or as if with a covering"; 包裹住

    7. reproach

      "an expression of rebuke or disapproval"; 批評的話語

    8. forebode

      "to have an inward conviction of (something, such as a coming ill or misfortune)"; 預示、預感

    9. fangs.

      “a long sharp tooth”; 獠牙

    10. hinders

      "to make slow or difficult the progress of";妨礙

    11. infamy

      “evil reputation brought about by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal”; 醜惡的、聲名狼藉的

    12. nape

      "the back of the neck";頸背