55 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. overall this web page looks nice and coding is easy to understand

    2. <nav>

      width of nav is not correct it should cover whole page according to me because in chrome browser it looks like it doesn't start from extreme left

    3. <img src="images/distance-and-inclass-students.png" alt="Picture of Students" width="600"></a>

      this image is not in correct position it should be on the right side not in the center of the page so you should use sorrect float in this and make image in right side og the page

    1. overall, i like the way you did coding for this web page it looks very impressive

    2. background of this webpage should be more light because its colour put strain on eyes

    3. <div class="paragraph"> The first thing that stands out to me about Glass Expression’s website would be the background image that was chosen

      according to me you should use P element instead of using class paragraph because size and font of text is nor too accurate so you should use another font and text size to make this web page more accurate

    1. the colours that you used in this web page is very eye effecting you should use more primary and light colours

    2. Praesent mauris est, vestibulum eget blandit quis, lacinia vitae diam. Cras at arcu in mauris fermentum porta a eget neque. Fusce eget dui finibus, ullamcorper nisl consequat, placerat magna. Curabitur nec hendrerit dolor, eu congue dui. Nulla quis velit gravida neque cursus finibus a eget ligula.

      font size is very less

    3. Aenean semper faucibus mollis. Suspendisse ut velit felis. Integer ornare metus ac velit iaculis, nec eleifend velit accumsan. Pellentesque magna lorem, porttitor ut efficitur ut, aliquam vestibulum massa

      font size is very less

    4. Curabitur maximus nulla eu tortor rhoncus bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nunc pharetra leo dui, at auctor arcu malesuada non.

      font size is very less

    5. <img src="images/dgl-logo.png" width="56" alt="digital-design-logo" />

      its size must be accurate because this is main logo , this is very small in your coding so you have to work on its width and height

    6. src="images/distance-and-inclass-students.png"

      you should increae its height and width and float it to right properly

    7. <p> Quisque risus neque, fermentum a molestie et, blandit in enim. Suspendisse venenatis scelerisque nulla vel facilisis. Morbi lacinia magna justo. </p> <p> Ut a elit feugiat, lobortis nibh eget, lacinia diam. Duis dapibus elementum est, sit amet consequat purus faucibus ac. Phasellus tristique vestibulum nisl in vestibulum. Pellentesque condimentum leo non diam convallis, eget venenatis turpis malesuada.

      the font size of this text should be bit large because text is very small

    8. <li><a href="home.html"></a>Contact</li> <li><a href="services.html"></a>Portfolio</li> <li><a href="portfolio.html"></a>Services</li> <li><a href="contact.html"></a>Home</li>

      it needs to be in center of nav bar , so that it give good appearance to web page

    9. li><a href="home.html"></a>Contact</li> <li><a href="services.html"></a>Portfolio</li> <li><a href="portfolio.html"></a>Services</li> <li><a href="contact.html"></a>Home</li>

      space between all of these elements doesn't look accurate here , there should be more space and also these should not be in buttons it should be in links

    10. <a href="portfolio.html">Learn More</a>

      The element a must not appear as a descendant of the button element.

    11. <button><a href="services.html"></a>Find out how we can help you</button>

      The element a must not appear as a descendant of the button element.

    1. overall, information that you write on this page is nice and informative

    2. <h2>Mission-Website Redo-Ascent Physiotherapy</h2> <p> The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a website (I have chosen <a href="https://ascentphysiotherapy.com/">Ascent Physiotherapy</a>), to see what works on the site, if anything, and what could be improved. </p> <p> Using screenshots to illustrate the areas needing attention, I will set out my comments and suggestions in a similar format that I would lay out the new Ascent Physiotherapy website. </p> <p> These changes will improve the usability of the page, create visual hierarchy and enhance readability, creating a more user friendly experience. </p> </header>

      here, the size of text should be bit larger than now , so that it will be easy for users to read it easily because font size is very less now

    3. <img src="images/bio's cut off.png" width="260"

      space is not allowed here so this is illegal character in path segment .that is why image in your index.html in chrome browser does not look appropriate it is below the border line of the box

    4. <img src="images/navbar lo fi wireframe.jpg" width="260" alt="wirefram

      space is not allowed here so this is illegal character in path segment .

    5. <img src="images/home screen1.png" width="260"

      space is not allowed here so this is illegal character in path segment .

    6. <img src="images/not responsive.png" width="260" alt="image cut off to show non responsiveness of page"

      space is not allowed here so this is illegal character in path segment .so your code should be like this:-

  2. Oct 2022
    1. overall very good work i'm very impressed about your work

    2. silk

      perfect code

    3. background-image: linear-gradient(356deg, rgba(34,193,195,1) 0%, rgba(253,187,45,0.022846638655462215) 100%), url('images/elephants.jpeg');

      according to me i think instead of black and white colour you should add gradient colour that is orange and sky blur as per reference image so that it will look more perfect

    1. 'People wearing masks walking down the street shows an increase of swagger,' new reports indicat

      this is nice you write text that totally describes your picture

    2. overall very good work i am impressed that you put background colour also

    1. overall very good work

    2. display: inline-block

      you should remove indent here

    3. margin: 50px; padding: 30px; border-radius: 30px; background-image: radial-gradient(rgba(52,254,237,0.4),rgba(37,67,252,0.4)), url(images/elephants.jpeg); background-size: cover; filter: grayscale(100%);

      in this card two you should work on gradient and also this is mention in the read me that you can do black and white only for fun so i think that you should change its colour to gradient (skyblue and orange )

    1. <img src="images/Christmas.jpg" width="350" alt="Christmas">

      according to me this picture should be about live reporting where we can see people are doing reporting

    2. overall good need some changes on this page

    1. overall very good but you should add background colour to evary page so this this look more perfect

    2. background-color: beige; padding: 40px;

      accordint to me you should adjust width and height of padding

    1. overall very good i like that you added background picture also

    2. <p id="cancel">* * 48 Hour Cancellation Required * *</p>

      according to me this should be in bit small text

    1. overall good need some changes

    2. <ul> <li>Monday ~ Closed</li> <li>Tuesday 9:00am ~ 5:00pm</li> <li>Wednesday 9:00am ~ 8:00pm</li> <li>Thursday 9:00am ~ 8:00pm</li> <li>Friday 9:00am ~ 5:00pm</li> <li>Saturday 9:00am ~ 4:00pm</li> <li>Sunday ~ Closed</li>

      according to me you should enlarge text size and also give a background colour to a page so that it will look more perfect

    1. <h2>Meet the Team</h2>

      i think you have to put this in h1 tag and make it more bold

    2. <h1>Welcome to Hairpins Boutique Salon</h1>

      this text should be more bold and strong you should increase its px

    3. .Check-out{background-color: khaki;}

      here the background color looks very odd according to me you should change it to another

    4. overall, it looks very good and impressive need some changes

    1. <ul class="colourList"> <li>FULL FOIL: $188/$219 with cut</li> <li>3/4 FOIL: $172/$203 with cut</li> <li>1/2 FOIL: $158/$189 with cut</li> <li>1/4 FOIL: $144/$175 with cut</li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2>Styling</h2> <ul> <li>BLOWOUTS ~ 30 mins: $40 - $45</li> <li>BLOWOUTS ~ 45 mins: $47 - $52</li> <li>BLOWOUTS ~ 1 hour: $60 - $67</li>

      good work , you arranged it very well

    2. mages/fav

      there is no logo on the website

    1. .

      logo is not there in the webpage

    2. <iframe class="ourLocation" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2581.078124688557!2d-124.9970849861962!3d49.690501597011604!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x5488138ac0ed09b7%3A0x859b2cfce3bc31ea!2sHairpins%20Boutique%20Salon!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sca!4v1664997034635!5m2!1sen!2sca" width="600" height="450" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"></iframe> </aside>

      i like the way you put this map frame in it this is very impressive

    1. We are incredibly proud of our diverse team of stylists who greet each client with a smile. We prioritize inclusivity, community, and sustainability, and make sure that everyone who walks through our door feels welcome.

      i like the way you put all these paragraphs below the pictures it look very impressive

    2. <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li> <li><a href="services.html">Services</a></li> <li><a href="contact.html">Contact Us</a></li>

      These look like normal text ,you should make it look like a link so that users can easily know that think is a link and there is further information in it

    3. e>Hairpins Salon | Home

      according to me you should enlarge the size of text here so that it will look perfect

    4. overall , codes are arranged in very well manner and also you put bullet points and highlight text you can also use small text for website page links that will look more realistic and also you should use more bold letters and (h1,h2,h3,h4) headings also

      overall good work !

    1. My Web Experience

      Here, you can also use bullet points to make it look nice and also you can underline and bold the main text here . overall it is well done