13 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. 任 何 工 具 的 设 计 都 会 参 杂 隐 性 的 价 值 观 , 也 就 是 说 构 建 学 习 分 析 工 具 也 是 在 表 达 创 作 者 特 定 的 教 育 世界 观 。


    2. 学习分析当前最为流行的使用场景是预测学生在学业上的完成度,即通过算法分析学生顺利完成课业、课程的可能性。


    3. 学习分析是什么


    1. ne key distinction is found in the type of discovery that is prioritized. In both communities, research can be found that uses automated discovery and research can be found that leverages human judgment through visualization and other methods.


    2. In education, the emergence of “big data” through new extensive educational media, combined with advances in computation [1] holds promise for improving learning processes in formal education, and beyond as well. I


    3. Growing interest in data and analytics in education, teaching, and learning raises the priority for increased, high-quality research into the models, methods, technologies, and impact of analytics.


    1. 通 过 学 习 分 析 技 术 得 到 的报 告 ,更 可 用 于 学 生 的 自 我 评 价 ,帮 助 学 生 了 解 自 己 的 优 势和 不 足 ,认 识 自 我 、发 展 自 我 、规 划 自 我


    2. 改 进 学 习 实 践 、增 强 学 习 效 果 是 学 习 者 和 教 育 机 构 的 共同 愿 望 ,也 是 教 育 信 息 化 所 进 行 的 学 习 技 术 系 统 设 计 希 望 实现 的 目 标


    3. 从 纵 向 发 展 角 度 来 看 ,学 习 分 析 技 术 是 CMI 与DDDM 发展 的 产 物 ,而 从 横 向 发 展 角 度 来 看 ,学 习 分 析 技 术 又 是 网 络分 析 技 术 (web analytics)与 学 术 分 析 技 术 (academic analytics)综 合 应 用 的 结 果


    1. Learning Analytics is the development and application of data science methods to the distinct characteristics, needs, and concerns of educational contexts and the data streams they generate. The goal is to better understand and support learning processes and outcomes through both short‐cycles improvements to educational practice and long‐cycle improvements to the underlying knowledge base. This chapter has overviewed the distinct character of the data used in learning analytics, the kinds of analyses applied, and the pedagogical uses to which the analytics are put; together these characteristics highlight why learning analytics is seen as an especially promising technology to improve teaching and learning. To make this vision a reality, universities will need to be proactive in building up the requisite technical and policy infrastructure.


    2. Prediction models can produce several different kinds of results useful to learning analytics.


    1. Yet, the use of learning analytics remains mostly limited to the basic reporting about student engagement.


    2. In short, learning analytics increases the quality and quantity of feedback loops in the education system for teachers, learners and administrators.
