29 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. s/distance-and-inclass-students.png" alt="distance and inclass students" /> </figure> <h1>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h1>

      At the point we started annotating this assignment Roberta's hypothesis wasn't working so we did it in Slack. My only contribution was to suggest to make the first photo and its accompanying paragraph sit side by side using the float property. At this point I can't see anything to add that hasn't been covered by Cat other than good job - It looks basically flawless as far as I can tell. I have learned quite a lot from reading through the comments though...

    2. <!DOCTYPE html>

      I'm also test commenting. Let me know if you see it

    1. li><a href="https://learndigital.dev/contact">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="https://learndigital.dev/portfolio">Portfolio</a></li> <li><a href="https://learndigital.dev/services">Services</a></li> <li><a href="https://learndigital.dev/">Home</a></li>

      Wondering if you have any suggestions for my nav list to make it centered in it's box. I tried giving it padding 40px 14px in css like you did but for some reason that made the letter go under the grey bar (the opposite direction of what I was hoping for)

    2. <!DOCTYPE html>

      This looks great. I actually think it looks a bit nicer than the example!

    3. <li><a href="https://www.facebook.com/NICDGL">Facebook</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.instagram.com/digital_design_and_development/?hl=en">Instagram</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAZ6hIWyMC0DXjktmyGtEMw/">YouTube</a></li> </ul>

      For this list I gave it a line height of 20px in CSS and it made the spacing more like the example

    4. <li><a href="https://learndigital.dev/contact">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="https://learndigital.dev/portfolio">Portfolio</a></li> <li><a href="https://learndigital.dev/services">Services</a></li> <li><a href="https://learndigital.dev/">Home</a></li>

      Fancy! NIce work on the links, I didn't know we were supposed to have actual links, oops

    1. .hero figure { float: right; padding-bottom: 15px; }

      I see here you floated the figure but I think you need to float the text in the other direction to make them side by side

    1. article class="card-evaluation"> <h3>1. Purpose</h3> <p>The site and its individual pages have a confused sense of purpose. I believe the shop is for glass working tools and supplies but none of the pages clearly spell this out or how to utilise the site to purchase these tools or supplies.</p> <figure> <img src="images/glass-exp-home-text.jpg" alt="Screenshot of the Glass Expressions Home page text" width="65" height="65"> <figcaption>The Glass Expressions Home page contains irrelevant text that would be better served on an "About Us" page.</figcaption> </figure>

      Is putting the figures inside the articles how you got a box inside of another box? Very cool by the way. Edit: Upon further inspection it seems the figures are how you got a picture inside a box, how did you get that box in another box? Is that why you nested the article in the section?

    2. <p>My evaluation looks at the site based on 4 criteria:</p> <ol> <li>Purpose</li> <li>Visual hierarchy</li> <li>Content that is easy to find</li> <li>Use of quality images</li>

      Nicely organized content overall.

    3. <section class="suggestions"> <h2>Suggestions and Re-imagined Layout</h2> <article>

      I probably should know this but I didn't realize you could nest an article inside a section. Nice!

    4. <h1>Website Evaluation: Brenda's Glass Expressions</h1>

      A little constructive criticism, it's a bit hard to find things to improve upon when you're so good at this! :p

    1. <section>

      You can give each section a name so you can style them each separately in the stylesheet. You can see in mine how I gave my section both an id and a class and then didn't use them at all for the styling. The intention was there lol.

    2. <ul> <li> The website's header is unorganized and distracting with its rotating photo carousel

      It might be nice to break this list up into sections so it's not such a big chunk of text. Maybe with boxes or even 2 lists with separate headings. Cat caught the other things I noticed, and a couple I didn't -rockstar. You can also change the font of the list in css if you want to.

  2. Oct 2022
    1. t" photo of salon chairs facing the mirrors on the wall "

      I don't think there are supposed to be spaces between the the text and the quotation marks here

    1. <!DOCTYPE html>

      I honestly can't see anything I would change here, it looks really good. I see rather than using inline styling you're doing it all in css which I have read is the best way. I like how the nav bar matches the footer, it ties all the pages together nicely.

    1. <article class="newsContainer"> <img src="images\pexels-uriel-mont-6280466.jpg" > <div class = "text"> <p class = "live">Live</p> <p class = "breaking">Breaking</p> <p style = "color:grey;">UK</p> </div>

      The way you did this is smart, making them paragraphs and then making each a box in css. I made mine into buttons but then they wanted to stack on top of each other and I had to find a way to make them go side by side.

    2. <a>Watch Video</a>

      Overall this assignment looks awesome. You clearly understand all of this much better than I do :) I'm curious why you didn't make this a live link?

    1. p>I feel very new to this HTML world, though it's quite exciting when I get something to <em>actually</em> work! I live in Courtenay with my husband and 3 kids, as well as 2 cats and 2 dogs. I love studying online at my own schedule, but I hope to take some inperson classes in the future. In my spare time I love to camp and hike. I also volunteer as a wildlife caregiver at <a href="https://www.marswildliferescue.com//"> MARS wildlife rescue</a> <p> <h2>Web Experience</h2> <p>My experience with the web is quite basic. I wouldn't consider myself super tech-savvy, but I love to learn and am excited to be making sense of this stuff. </p> <h2>Coding Languages</h2> <p>This is a short paragraph, as I know <em>none.</em> I am currently taking this course and PHP which I am finding challenging.<p> <h2>Hopes for DGL 103</h2> <ul><!--need to add more hopes!--> <li>Gain a solid foundation of the HTML coding language</li> <li>Become a bit more confident when it comes to <q>computer stuff</q></li> </ul> </body> </html>

      Hi Chelsie. I'm very new to this too and I can't see anything I would change other than when lines are long like this it's a bit easier to read and edit if you break them up into smaller lines.

  3. Sep 2022
    1. <footer><small>This was created on September 19, 2022</small> </footer>

      I wondered the same thing as Cait, if maybe the < small > needs it's own line. Otherwise this looks great in so far as I can tell

    2. <p>I would like to become more comfortable with this type of work. I would also like to have a greater understanding of the time and effort that goes into web design. I am currently exploring and learning, and will see where it all takes me. As far as <i>this course</i> specifically, I would like to continue becoming more and more fluent in CSS and HTML, and maintain my newfound comfort with using these languages.</p> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </body> <footer><small>This was created on September 19, 2022</small> </footer> </html> <!-- I keep getting an error here with my footer tag, but can not figure it out. -->

      If this was broken up into separate lines it might be a little easier to read and edit

    1. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- F22 DGL 103 DLU1 - Caitlin Garland - Assignment A --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <title>assignment A</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World</h1> <p>This is Caitlin speaking.</p> <img src="images/snowboarding.jpeg" width="600" alt="snowboarding"> </body> </html>

      Hello, lovely code. Everything looks good here, I don't think it needs anything (not that I'm currently qualified to say lol)

      I like your photo, it's pretty :)

    1. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- F22 DGL 103 DLU1 - Gillian Harris - Assignment A --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Assignment A</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World</h1> <p>This is Gillian speaking.</p> <img src="images/littlebearrainbow.JPG" width="600" alt="Little Bear"> </body> </html

      This looks great, I wouldn't suggest any changes :)

    1. p>My name is caitgarland, and I am originally from Vancouver, where I went to school and worked in the health and fitness industry for most of my 20s. In 2018, my husband and I moved to Victoria, where I decided to make a complete career change and apply for a marketing position at a small media company. I work in a supportive environment that fosters creativity, learning, and growth. So, when I decided to enroll in the <a href="https://www.nic.bc.ca/programs/business-applied-studies/digital-design-development/" target="_blank">Digital Design & Development Program</a> at NIC, my team was very encouraging. I work full-time and have a young toddler at home, so I have been taking part-time courses since last September and <!-- Stressed emphasis --> <em>love</em> it so far!</p> </section> <section> <h2>What Is My Experience With the Web?</h2> <p>In my current position as a digital marketer, I work with the web every day. For example, I have experience with various CMS platforms, including WordPress and Django, to add content to websites that I manage and coordinate marketing campaigns to promote that content.</p> </section> <section> <h2>Do You Know Any Coding Languages?</h2> <p>I have very basic experience with HTML and CSS.</p> </section> <section> <h2>What Do I Want to Learn in This Course?</h2> <p>The <b>two</b> outcomes I hope to see at the end of this course are:</p> <ol> <li>I hope to have a broader understanding of the HTML and CSS coding languages and use this knowledge and associated skills in my current marketing position.</li> <li>After completing this course, I hope to feel confident enough to learn other coding languages in the Digital Design & Development Program.</li> </ol> </section> <hr> <footer> <small>Copyright &copy; 2022 caitgarland</small> </footer> </body> </html>

      I wonder if breaking up this line into smaller lines would make it easier to edit?

    1. Would you mind explaining this?

      "This is awesome, great idea to automatically populate the subject line. Very cool!"

    2. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!--DGL 103 DLU1I - Cat Grey - Assignment B--> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Assignment B</title> </head> <body> <header> <h1>DGL-103 Assignment B</h1> </header> <section> <h2>Meet Cat</h2> <p>Hey there! My name is Cat. I'm a student at North Island College in the <strong>Communication Design Program</strong>.</p> <p>This is my <mark>third</mark> foray into the post-secondary world. I also have a Bachelor of Arts from University of Calgary in Psychology, as well as a technical diploma from the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology in <strong>Health Information Management</strong>. </p> <p>Prior to returning to school at NIC I was working as a Program Manager of a Health Human Resources Database but I'm very excited to be back in learning mode and flexing my creative muscles. </p> <p>You can contact me in these places:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Email</strong>: <a href="mailto:cgrey@northislandcollege.ca?subject=Regarding%20Your%20Site">cgrey@northislandcollege.ca</a></li> <li>DGL-103 Slack Channel</li> </ul> </section> <section> <!--I've inserted sections for each of the sections of answers to the questions for the assignment, as semantically it made sense to me--> <h2>Web Experience</h2> <p>I've been a bit of a video game and computer geek since my family first got a computer in the mid 90's. </p> <p>As a teen I dabbled in the various <em>early</em> social media sites like Nexopia and Myspace, which required some basic knowledge of markup languages if you wanted your profile to <strong>stand out</strong>. Additionally, being into video games has forced me to be familiar with various basic coding to track down files or enable some functionality or another. </p> <p>As Program Manager in the HHR sector, I also facilitated conversations between my team and a contracted web developer to create new functionality for our program's database and website, so I am familiar with database query languages and I have developed concepts for a web developer to code.</p> </section> <section> <h2>Coding Languages</h2> <p>I have dabbled in small amounts of HTML in the past, but just small bits here and there. I do know and work with <em>data query</em> languages, such as SQL.</p> </section> <section> <h2>Course Expectations</h2> <p>In this course I am excited to be able to piece together the various bits of information I've learned over the years regarding HTML and CSS. I would really like to be able to use HTML to spice up my own personal art page/store to make it something more true to me. I'm really looking forward to learning more HTML and CSS in this course and <u>gaining more confidence in it</u>!</p> </section> </body> </html> Copy lines Copy permalink View git blame Reference in new issue Go Footer © 2022 GitHub, Inc. Footer navigation Terms Privacy

      This looks great to me but I still don't really understand everything I'm looking at.

      Your use of sections seems very sensible. I just used line breaks to space mine but semantically I think this is more sensible.

      I see you did that extra fancy bit to make the email link go to the subject line. Very nice

      And your comment seems appropriate - to help the collaborators understand your reasoning

      Can I ask how you decide how long to make each line of text with the

      ? Is it an aesthetic choice or just for ease of being able to read each line more easily while you're working?

      I would love to be able to suggest something but I'm not knowledgeable enough at this point to see a way to improve upon this.

    1. element to successfully create a list--> <!-- I used the hyperlink

      Hello, very nice code you've got here :)

      At my skill level it seem awfully presumptuous to be making suggestions to anyone else but here goes...

      Line 25: I might split this onto separate (p) lines to make it easier to work with and read without having to scroll over every time

      I'm curious why you chose (em) to add italics on line 22, and (i) on line 25. Is there a difference between the effect each has?

      Why did you add this? - (link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css") *Edit: I see it's because you've added some css :)

      Please note I am using rounded brackets for the purpose of communicating because if I use the angle brackets the editor actually does the edits

    1. fax</a>, but I live

      Hello, nice code!

      It seems like a good choice aesthetically to move the text from your first paragraph onto separate lines. And paragraphs 3 and 4 as well.

      I ended up doing the same with mine, started with everything on these big long lines initially then ended up separating them all later.

      I like your use of the unordered list to bullet your pastimes. 

      I'm curious why you made "exploring the mountain" small? Just for aesthetic emphasis?

      Is there a difference between (b) and (strong) that made decide to go with (b)? - I had to use rounded brackets to write this because when I used the angle brackets the editor took them out and made the sentence bold!

    1. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!--F22 DGL103 DLU1I- Cat Grey - Assignment A--> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Assignment A</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World</h1> <p>This is Cat speaking.</p> <img src="images/catfield.JPG" width="600" alt="Cat Grey"> </body> </html>

      Hi Cat, I noticed you put "This is Cat speaking" on a separate line from "Hello World." Someone smart told me that putting the elements on different lines makes it easier to edit later, is that why you chose to do it that way?