31 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. Outcome

      It would have been important to have a guide on how many hours one should spend on a certain topic/activity as well as on deadlines for activities. This helps to ensure that the cohort moves together and beats deadlines.

    2. Design effective l

      and facilitate?

    3. The objectives of this module are for you to:

      By the end of this module, you will be able to;

    4. Objectives

      Learning Outcomes

    5. Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere

      We could use an East African wise saying/proverb that says; Wealth, if you use it comes to an end; learning if you use it, increases -Swahili Proverb

    6. Objectives

      Wouldn't module outcomes be better than objectives?

    1. eflection to your Extend NZ blog or portfolio.

      Let me put one key observations here based on my reflections after going through this module. It is well written and organised and captures most elements that affect learning. I am wondering whether it is important to have something on inclusivity and overcoming common challenges in facilitation. Just my thoughts not a must.

    2. repare a detailed written reflection (~1500 words) or equivalent ‘think-aloud’ video reflecting on your learning from this module.

      This exercise can be built on so that it acts as one of staking a claim to the badge associated with this module. This means requiring the participants to not just reflect (think and document) but to also hyperlink evidence of their accomplishments. Those that will prefer the video format will take videos of snapshots of their accomplishments. This if well structured would capture the whole module and ensure full participation in the various activities since this evidence will be required at the end.

    1. Add a link or copy of your work for this module to the Moodle assignment submission here. Note : If this is the first time you are submitting evidence for one of the Extend NZ modules, you will need to follow the instructions here first.

      As already stated in previous pages, for participants to be able to do this, the assumption is that they already know how to create a blog and a portfolio and that they even understand what works well for them. This is a wrong assumption. I therefore suggest that this is addressed in the preliminary stages or it is made part of the first module assuming (i hope i am right) that these modules will be done in a certain sequence starting with EXTAFR101 to the last one, If not, then each module can cater for this in the preliminary stage

    2. Found a ‘nugget’ and made it as meaningful as possible

      Not clear as it is presently written

    1. Teacher for Learning Activity 6

      It is not clear to me what this activity is trying to help me achieve. Metacognition? I am not sure but i do not seem to understand the instructions. It also relies on tools that may need participants to have prerequisite technical skills

    2. Curiosity is the fuel for discovery, inquiry, and learning.

      Since we are discussing learning, i think it would be more ideal if we used a learning-related example like this creative commons one with two curious learners https://c8.alamy.com/comp/F35RWW/curious-students-reading-books-in-class-F35RWW.jpg

    1. One activity that can be done at the end of class

      This link does not take one directly to the questionnaire but to a whole page on related items. Maybe the direct link to the actual questionnaire when already opened can be hyperlinked here https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5738a0ccd51cd47f81977fe8/t/5750e567f699bbceac6e97f5/1464919400130/CIQ.pdf

    2. Metacognition asks the question “What do I know about how I learn and think that will help with this new situation?”.

      Would this creative commons image on this link drive the picture better? https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTVFM2tFDhj25k9eHii-4X5EpVjgc3wyb6RUQ&usqp=CAU

    1. Success has to do with deliberate practice. Practice must be focused, determined, and in an environment where there’s feedback

      We could use a creative commons image that shows feedback in learning like the one on this link https://poorvucenter.yale.edu/sites/default/files/styles/card_image/public/inner-landing-page-card-images/caines_teaching_in_teal.jpg?itok=7nE3IIpi

    1. Mastery is not something that strikes in an instant, like a thunderbolt, but a gathering power that moves steadily through time, like weather.

      Again the image attached here may not drive the point home well. I would advise that we put an image showing learners who seem to have achieved mastery of say reading like this creative commons one on this link https://images.theconversation.com/files/104793/original/image-20151208-3154-igvt3u.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&rect=0%2C209%2C5574%2C2707&q=45&auto=format&w=1356&h=668&fit=crop

    1. relevance of a topic, perhaps consider removing that content from your course.

      Do we want to tell them this? This is not something that teachers decide on their own. It is in the curriculum and must somehow teach it

    2. Motivation is knowing you are learning, growing, and succeeding toward your desired outcome while sustaining positive momentum.

      I am not sure if the image again here truly reflects what is in this statement. How about this creative commons image of this girl reading a book


    1. f you have discipline, drive, and determination, nothing is impossible.

      The picture illustrating these words looks a bit odd in terms of motivation. Could we replace it with a creative commons image of motivation/determination like the one on this link? https://static.demilked.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/creative-rut-design-inspirational-quotes-designers-gaby-izarra-creative-market-6.jpg

      or this one https://icytales.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Self-Motivation.jpg

      or even this one https://coachingwithgraham.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/boulder3-1-1024x911.jpg

    1. Visit the Discussion Forum to share your thoughts and see

      Do we need to provide a guide on how long the response should be and whether they should do it in prose or in bullet points? Someone might decide to write a life history here

    1. (The information about Universal Design for Learning research evidence goes into great depth about this).

      Could we also link them to more details about UDL since the illustration given here looks a bit too 'busy'. We could use this link so that they get more details on what or how to go about UDL https://blog.yorksj.ac.uk/moodle/files/2015/11/Universal-Design-for-Learning-Guidelines-2-1024x791.jpg

    2. he Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct and Use Them’.

      I would suggest that we also include a step-by-step practical guide on how to create mind maps like the one shown on this link. https://www.edrawsoft.com/mindmap/create-mind-map-on-microsoft-word.html#:~:text=%20Part%202:%203%20Steps%20to%20Create%20a,Step%203:%20Format%20Your%20Mind%20Map%20More

    3. If we believe in active student learning, we must consider the variety of ways in which students are encouraged to participate

      The picture attached to this statement would be better if it had a culture-faire picture of a teacher and a group of students /class engaged in active participation in learning

    1. Extend NZ blog or portfolio.

      I think that the assumption here is that all participants know how to create portfolios, blogs.....This may not be the case and so perhaps a demo on how to create these can be incorporated in the course design?

    2. T4L Activity 1

      Since it is an online activity, can we label it as TFL E-tivity 1? I would use the more conventional abbreviation (TFL) instead of T4L . Use of conventional language is part of netiquette in online learning

    1. Octopus​

      Many words here can be replaced with items that are within the immediate environment of the learners

    1. EXTAFR101 homepage

      Looks a bit sketchy. Is it possible to have a more colourful creative commons picture of an African teacher in class surrounded by real students, pens, rulers, books and other learning paraphernalia ?

    1. ng is the product of the activity of the learners

      The picture given here does not seem to explain the statement preceding it. How about a picture reflecting a learning activity or learners interacting in a learning venture?

    1. Watch this short video – How do I become a ‘Teacher for Learning’?

      I suggest we replace this video with a culturally relevant one portraying an African teacher and set up