30 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2016
    1. The main themes of the novel are materialism, corruption and The American Dream.


    2. community similar to that of careless and materialistic

      Yeah, I could see that. Most people would think money is the most important thing. I mean it kinda is when you're pursuing a dream. It comes with college fees, transportation. I barely have enough for both, Thank the 7 gods I get free trans passes for now.

    3. The Corruption Of The American Dream

      Sounds Very Interesting

    1. how many of us don't work hard?


    2. the American Dream, where virtues of hard work and ambition can take one anywhere.

      Literally Anywhere. (note i'm annotating for reference not just support for my EQ)

    3. "I don't dream at night, I dream all day; I dream for a living.

      BET BET BET!

    1. The term “ The American Dream” has a few interpretations, but one of the most popular is “ Life,liberty, and the pursuit of happiness


    2. depending on their perseverance and luck.

      Sad to say, but luck does play some parts.

    3. The American Dream Essay

      Not stealing information, But will give credit if I see something i agree with.

    1. At the Center for a New American Dream, we seek to cultivate a "new" American dream—one that emphasizes community, ecological sustainability, and a celebration of non-material values, while upholding the spirit of the traditional American dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

      But Money Is Fuel, I need some to get around.

    2. The New American Dream

      I've Actually never heard of this before.

    1. We have nothing against successful careers or wealth or fame, but far more of us believe that the American Dream is about giving our kids a better life

      For parents at least. Though I agree.

    2. The American Dream, we seem to feel, is a simple, connect-the-dots matter; it makes perfect sense.

      Yeah connect the dots, but the road isn't as flat.

    1. Might this sentiment be considered the foundation of the American Dream?

      If it's telling me, you may pursue anything, you can't be told not to then yes.

    2. What is the American Dream?

      Whatever you make it to be. But the general ideal would be prosperity, freedom, and decomacy.

    1. Do your part.

      Be humble. Etc Self Explanatory.

    2. Create community.

      Why not?

    3. Promote an optimistic marketing message.

      When you're feeling good about yourself, people will feel that energy and would exchange it towards something positive.

    4. Acknowledge the hard times.

      Please do.

    5. Obstacles to the Dream

      Read Below

    1. rich and successful.

      Has to be more than just this, right?

    2. The American Dream is what you make of it

      THANK YOU!

    3. I believe the American Dream is working hard to achieve your goals. It is also making enough money to support your family.

      The General IDea

    4. The American dream is under attack because of the broken political system, high unemployment, and economic inequality.

      I could definitely see that, the employment rate along with racist still playing a part.

    5. Citizens of America have a mixed view of the American Dream.

      Different perspectives.

    6. The American Dream is alive, but the American Spirit has died.

      I can see that.

    7. I believe every single individual is capable of deciding the path in life they choose to take. Now society has become stereotypical about success and how we reach it.


    8. We decide our path and how we live which is different from saying the American dream is dead.


  2. Dec 2015
    1. Lean finely textured beef brings down the cost of ground beef by about 3 percent,

      "save money, live better; walmart."

    2. Lean finely textured beef is safe

      When did anyone cared about what was being devoured . People eat to eat. No one checks what goes into his or her system unless you are a paranoid human individual.
