4 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. “Fake news” was actual false news: stories that were blatantly made up, written and shared by people in the US who were economically or politically motivated.

      I originally did not like the term "Fake news" because I felt that it was an attack on journalism and free speech but sadly it is now a mainstay in society. Social media platforms are filled with "fake news" and they all have an agenda whether it related to politics or religion. Who knows how severely the 2016 presidential election was impacted by "fake news" but the phenomenon is certainly an issue in 2023.

    2. And the rise of deepfakes—wholly AI-generated content, as opposed to the Pelosi video’s edited clips from real (fact-checkable) speeches—will only make this problem more thorny and more urgent.

      With the introduction of deepfakes into society it is very important that online users educate themselves on how to properly spot these videos. It would be nice if platforms could tag these videos with warnings but since most don't, it is crucial to fact check each piece of content that may seem suspicious.

  2. Aug 2023
    1. A lot of the time, mainstream news can be very biased or politically motivated. This makes it hard to decipher its credibility.

      I actually agree with this take, most media outlets push certain political agendas but that can be said for both parties. That's why I believe that media literacy is vital when consuming content online in today's society. Fake news has spread like wildfire but readers should still hold some responsibility for deciphering whether or not something is credible.

    2. I actively avoid news about politics as it frustrates me. It makes me feel small and no matter what my views it won’t make any difference at all to what goes on in the country or world, so there is no point listening to it.

      I understand that news and politics can be very frustrating at times but I believe that it is important to stay informed. The ideology of believing that your voice or views aren't acknowledged is a popular belief for many Americans but the only way that can be changed is by staying informed and voting. I'm not the biggest fan of politics but I try stay up to date with current events no matter how tiring it may be.