43 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. They open up new possibilities for building a decentralised social Semantic Web of Knowledge.

      QUERY What are the 20204 tools that have caught up with the vision

    2. Users run self-sovereign Knowledge interoperability hubs within their own browsers. They can connect to collaborate with other

      FOR This is a very e very exciting development towards VALUE CREATION in the COMMONS

    3. Intertwingularity: Linked Data meets Linked Text

      QUERY Is there a taxonomy for data, information, insightr, knowledge, ontology, wisdom, cosmic knowing etc?

    4. Our focus is not on codifying knowledge, but on creating opportunities for articulations grounded in integrated semantic web research

      EXTENSION We would love to use these methods as a way to co-create Digital Dialogues such that members of a Dialogue group can synchronously and asynchronously annotate what is going in beneath their words and language

    5. Knowledge Presentation vs RePresentation

      FOR David Bohm spoke to this deeply as a way to show that when people speak, they do so from re-representations which are slightly different to that which they heard This is how communication becomes INCOHERENT

    6. Experience the Web: as an extension of your Mind

      QUESTION How has AI began to do this already?

    7. Without users having to think about it

      DISSENT Surely, the point of humanising text is that humans actually THINK about it rather than THOUGHTS put in by others?

    8. his enhances our ability to consult the ‘Common Record’, improving its growth and quality.
    9. adjacent knowledge.

      For Adjacent Knowledge

      We have been introduced to Stuart Kauffman's work on The Adjacent Possible which feels related


    10. Authoring Tool for Thought, which helps individuals in augmenting their tacit awareness , through developing, sharing and collaborating on
    11. in a form that can be shared in decentralised emergent social knowledge networks.

      POTENTIAL The potential is for a record of COLLECTIVE INSIGHT

    12. we are seeking a paradigm shift away from knowledge exchange facilitated by machine “understanding” to one where human understanding plays a more significant role in the creation and exchange of semantic addressable knowledge across decentralised knowledge networks and communities

      It also feels important that human MISUNDERSTANDING can act as a catalyst for COMPASSION

    1. Western religious and philosophical traditions dating back to the 12th century

      Prior to the 12th centuries Celtic Monasteries were doing this in the 6th century

    2. industrial religion

      Beyond Industrial Religion Instead of Industrial Religion - we can choose a new phrase wch has no incoherent baggage of 'industry' or 'religion' which have had their negative realities

    3. the Middle Ages saw productive yields, especially in agriculture, grow at unprecedented rates.

      Johnson Su We are planning to use Johnson Su technologies to restore soil as a regenerative being GIen Ương & Food Production Process Gien knows about a food product system that has a massive output

    4. the meaning, value, and use of work.

      FOR Eirunomics intends to VALUE meaning, work and values

    5. manual labor came to be understood not only as necessary for the maintenance of the body but also for the salvation of the soul.

      PROFIT When did profit come into the equation?

    6. kind of alternative socioeconomic organization to the emerging feudal relations of production, a movement that had begun to draw the people back to village life, beginning with Pachomius’s original successes in the deserted villages of Tabannese and Pbow.

      BioRegions This is now a fancy term called BioRegions

    7. While the monk’s physical labors initially were deemed a matter of penitence and a means of resisting acedia, the fact that the significance of work was already integrated into the very practice of spiritual life evinced a consciousness of the laboring body far removed from the commonplace

      Glendalough IN the 6th century, Saint Kelvin founded a monastery at which there were hundreds of clerics and thousands of lay workers surrounding the monastery

    8. Labor’s meaning came to be accepted as nothing more than an inevitable and inescapable mortal process within base nature, a symbol of enslavement."

      Insight This is what humans are NOT on the balance sheet. Humans are the PRODUCT that is sold in an organisation. All lavbour costs are added to with PROFIT Quantum Balance Sheet For this willing, placing humans as an asset on the balance sheet transforms labour into an ASSET rather than as an expense

    9. ideological conception of labor lowly construed as mere toil,

      Insight Abrahamic Religions also places the human as an original sinner Demiurge This sounds like a Demiurge concept

    10. The social body was thus marked by a severe and tightly maintained division between a small fraction of a propertied class free from the need to labor and the rest, “free” or unfree, whose lives were consumed by laboring for another.

      PRACTICE This makes the COMMONS a very important social structure

    11. Thus, the laboring body qua labor always already harbors all the seeds for its immortality, for producing the perfection of life for itself, which is the qualitative perfection of eternal life

      Quantum Balance Sheet This is the idea we have of a Quantum Balance Sheet which acts as a collective consciousness manifesting process for tangible and intangible values for a collective - beyond the power and control of the shareholders - hence the need for a Fair Shares Commons

    12. illuminate and reinvest in its capacities for the infinite and eternal."

      Eirunomics In service to the Divine - in whatever form Divine acts on the human bio psychosocial awareness

    13. abandoned Roman villages

      History The roman army did not conquer Ireland Comment The Roman Army conquered Ireland through the Roman Catholic Church

    14. pre-Benedictine communities,

      Benedictines Benedictines have been in Ireland since the 12th century PRE-Benedictines These were the Druid classes who lives as a Commons and who set down their civil stature according to BREHON LAW which was written down by 6th and 7th century monks in Ireland

    15. Christian monastic communities.

      Christian Monastic Communites

      This gives Ireland a pivotal role as our Gaelic ancestors developed a form of Celtic Spirituality which according to some authors 'saved Europe from teh dark ages'.

    16. salvific

      Etymology of Salvific

      "tending to save or make secure," 1590s, from Latin salvificus "saving," from salvus "uninjured, in good health, safe"

      We use the term Undivided Wholeness as reminded to us by David Bohm

      Gaelic IN Gaelic, the term we use is Sabhailte

    17. This labor can be put at the service of human society, the life of the non-human, and if you are so inclined, in service to the very Ground of Being.

      FOR This is exactly what Eirunomics is proposing to do with its DAGDA streams: D ~ Dialogue A ~ Ancient Wisdom G ~ Generative AI D ~ Debt Free Mutual Credit / Currency and A ~ Alterative Collective Healing and all in teh form of a Fair Shares Commons which acts on Terra through Soil, Water, Food and Energy

    18. but simply stresses the need to take religious forms of consciousness very seriously, as real agentic forces.

      ACTION Taking this as a good idea, it means Eirunomics uses a similar approach to ANCIENT WISDOM as a RELIGIO rather than a religion

    19. 13th century medieval Europe

      Insight I am also reminded of the Hanseatic League which formed in the 14trh century

    20. educational achievements plummeting

      Opportunity If education is failing, then we have an opportunity to increase peer to peer insight co-creation and curation

    21. post-literate

      insight Post-Literate means PRE-THOUGHT and PRE-Word - we have to get into the collective unconscious at the stage of thought formation

  2. Sep 2024
    1. podcast

      FUNCTIONALITY IDEA: When there is no transcript, how do we MARK the timestamp to link the annotation to TIME rather than to WORDS?

      Reflections on Failings of David Bohm Society

      1. 0:48 Failing is an important aspect of Dialogue
      2. 0:59 Crisis means the point at which a system must change
      3. 1:00 We must also name what is going right in human culture
      4. 1:10 We must also place human evolution in a cosmic frame of cosmic evolution
      5. 1:14 If thought is in crisis, this means it is at the point of change
      6. 1:14 Bohmian Dialogue is a practice of such change
      7. 1:15 In my experience, many institutions that are formed to support evolution, do not want to evolve themselves. They are nor pro-prioceptive. The humans who run them do not want to examine their own thinking process
      8. 1:47 Save the Whales - So many phds and directors and advisors. What if they are all PARASITES and do nto want to evoelve, for to do so would end their economic rewards in being involved in the institution?
      9. 1:50 We need less of these people too, we need ordinary people, farmers, child carers, gardners, more real people and less intellectuals
      10. 2:13 Bohm's prize is to change the nature of consciousness. If the Bohm Society did this for one idea in one person, then consciousness is changed and there is no failing
      11. 3:09 Why do we need to avert catastrophe? Surely we need catastrophe to reboot?
      12. 3:30 Why is there an urgency? We have billions of years left to evolve yet?
      13. 4.00 yes, we have seen people do not want to DIALOGUE - they want to discuss Dialogue :-)
      14. 4:24 Good idea. Work with an existing group to do Dialogue rather than working with a Dialogue group to do something else
      15. 4:41 Great analagy. What is the SOIL for Dialogue?
      16. 6:32 Finding people to LIVE the proposals is what we are doing. We are doing this in the USA and in Europe. And yes it needs funding. We are translating Bohm's ideas with other ideas and submitting funding applications. It is with this funding that we can answer some of the basic Bohm questions about thought as a process
      17. 7:27 It is strange that the Krisnamurti world do not do that? There is no equivalent David Bohm centre and if there were, perhaps they would nto do it either, becase they would all prioritise the survival of the institution rather than the true inspection of thought
      18. 7:55 what is the missing ingredient?
      19. 8:07 this is why we are creating a Fair Shares Commons as an economic hub. We are linking Dialogue to Ancient Wisdom, Debt Free Currency, AI and Alterative healing
      20. 8:18 this is why we propose a physical living and working space in Kansas and Lough Derg (Ireland) 21 8:32 yes, we making it virtual and local and global 22 8:42 yes. we make this a spiritual practice based on a link to the ancient Gaelic goddess Eiru and to other pre-christian cosmic deities 23 9:17 We are setting up ways to measure the value of it on a profit and loss account and on a balance sheet. We want to create a community balance sheet that is founded on Bohmian principles. 24 9:43 surely speaking with hundreds of people IS communicating? What do you feel is missing? 25 10:08 We have seen people change in one minute when they are presented with their own incoherence. We have video evidence of it. We do this all the time. 26 10:43 As in most endeavours, YOU are the problem, and we say that with our arms around you. You create your own incoherence. 27 11:14 Even Bohm was not a full time Dialoguist. He was a teacher who dabbled in Dialogue. He died on the verge of something. We have chosen to examine this something to take his work forward in real life. 28 11:26 There was only one Christ and One Buddha and one Confucius. It only takes One fractal to transform such that all fractals transform 29 12:16 CURIOUS ABOUT BIRBECK??? 30 12:34 We need to BE COHERENT :-) 31 13:45 What is COGCI Labs? 32 13:55 Funding has to come first :-) 33 14: 37 How do you expect to get help when you turn the COMMENTS OFF??
    1. "the critical missing piece

      Guyrie - building it for small groups

    2. amplify group smarts

      Gien is talking about Indyweb - a Web 3.0 stack In contrast to central servers - (broadcast) Indyweb = small trust networks (no limits) People centred Interpersonal Local First Information owned by PERSON and stored locally Give people permission to others to share Assign trust levels to different people Surf web - store locally - visiting sites as a PROCESS FB and LI stores YOUR search on THEIR server Store my own queries - as a constellation MindPlex is a current name External representation of a digital life - recorded and locally Network the mindplexes together We each have our own Mindplex Our own salient ideas Share parts of our network that are SALIENT We share information Interpersonal communications channels Indyweb - SW development project - Douglas Engelbart - Ted Nelson - transclusion - Vannavar Bush - Memex - Guyrie has a phd around these ideas INformation commons

    3. hyperdocument system

      Paul is now annotation based on clicking the text in the web page

    4. Paul is now making an ANNOTATION

    5. I am now making a real time annotation as Gien is speaking.

      Changing a view of the file - This is also a philosophical invitation - to see the information as WHOLE

      Gien is talking about PERSONAL TRUST networks


      PERSONAL perspectives in SMALL GROUPS

    1. Gien, here is me testing placing an annotation on this page.

      I will spend more time on the video and annotate in real time in a few days.

      I am very excited at this potential

    1. These views are the ones I see from the window of where I lived. My hope is to move into a piece of land that borders the Lough. The place is called Cluanmoylan.

    2. The music is so haunting. It is the opening music to the movie Michael Collins. Irish music lands deeply in my soul.