16 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2017
    1. They know now that fake news sells and they will only be in it for the money

      Coler should not declare any information about how much money he makes from telling lies and trade using deception. Nevertheless, Coler just wanted to observe how the disease will spread and it exploded everywhere.

    2. huge Facebook group of kind of rabid Trump supporters just waiting to eat up this red meat that they're about to get served

      The audience, who would soak and expand that kind of misinformation.

    3. fit into existing right-wing conspiracy theories.

      The audience

    4. his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.

      Why liberals did not fall in the trap?

    5. blatantly

      In an open and completely obvious manner.

    6. freelance

      Independent / uncommitted.

    7. LetTexasSecede

      a movement that demands the independence of the state of Texas.

    8. scraping or crawling websites

      Scraping or crawling websites are bots that systematically harvest and extract data from the entire world's web.

  2. Jan 2017
    1. facile

      superficial / shallow.

    2. subtle


    3. imbibe

      Verb/ to absorb or ingest. Absorb information.

    4. The only people inclined to believe the hoax headline “FBI Agent Suspected in Hillary Email Leaks Found Dead in Apparent Murder-Suicide” are those who already loathe Clinton. The story may intensify hatred, but it doesn’t alter opinion or allegiance.

      People want to hear want the want to hear, despite the credibility of the source.

    5. That modifier “fake,” to put the point slightly differently, suggests that non-“fake” news must be conversely genuine, truthful, factual.

      I agree, You need to have both verified and valid source of information, and the media nowadays lacks those perks.

    1. One idea is that when we encode problematic information as memory, unless we tag it as ‘wrong,’ we might accidentally retrieve that wrong info as real

      This counter strategy may backfires.

    2. which means that the average user most likely retweets this content unconditionally,” he says. “It was an unexpected finding, because as an informed reader, I don’t retweet everything I see. But we see systematic lack of a critical ability to distinguish sources

      This is commonly happening in our daily basis, we see something that goes with our thoughts and believes and we start to back it up with trustworthy and credibility.

    3. Fake news about climate change, vaccines and other hot-button science topics has already proven to get clicks

      True, most websites tend to publish topics that are more likely to be just a "clickbait". to attract viewers.