8 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. However, research has provided several additional cautions. We highlight a few important ones here, but be aware that there are many more, and technology, as would be the case with any tool or strategy, should be applied judiciously after careful learner/needs analysis.

      Wishing they had an example here.

    2. social presence (the feeling of being connected and present with each other, for example through video or text discussions designed for students and instructors to learn about each other),cognitive presence (the feeling of being intellectually present in the community, growing and developing meaning through interaction, for example through online question and answer sessions or group collaboration

      Definetly a component in modern VR conferencing applications. I am wondering how AR technology will change these sorts of dynamics...

    3. Learners are viewed as active agents who bring their own knowledge, past experiences, and ideas into the learning process, which impacts how they learn new information.

      Seems to align well with recently discussed ideas about situated learning etc.

    4. we attempt to provide suggestions for making instructional design decisions that utilize available digital technologies effectively.

      This seems somewhat subjective but I find that "Available technologies" means more and more all the time.

  2. Sep 2023
    1. translating principles of learning and instruction into specifications for instructional materials and activities”

      I can only imagine how true this must be in digital spaces

    1. Use of the principles, products, and procedures of instructional technology, however, continue to be vital to school effectiveness, especially in times of school restructuring.

      I think COVID and the learning loss that followed certainly apply here.

    2. I hope I do not unleash the floodgate of individual criticisms or personal war stories.

      In reading this, unfortunately that is what mostly comes to mind. This passage, whether or not it means to really speaks to the inadequacies of our current instructional systems. If this can be learned effectively, what makes a graduate degree as appealing?

    1. Big Tech was the main beneficiary as industries and institutions jumped on board, accelerating their own disruption, and civic leaders were focused on how to use these new tools to grow their brands and not on helping us understand the risks.

      This passage really speaks to me here. This is likely the chricton-esqe danger I could see. Apathy from elected officials and general disinterest could really cause the proliferation of un-fettered growth in AI research