16 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2017
  2. Aug 2017
    1. he still speaks.

      As a UCCer with a tag line that 'God is still speaking' - I wonder, is there where that comes from? It makes sense.

    2. Paul left them

      Not really specifically to this text, but in general, with the help of JANT, it appears that the audience here doesn't have a lot of respect for Paul. Earlier in verse 18 Paul is considered a babbler and there are other references to his 'so called' message.

    1. the mother of Jesus

      This is one thing I don't like about John. The fact that Jesus' mother, Mary, is never used by name an indication of his divinity. To me it's misogynistic.

    2. the first of his signs

      Signs: As we have learned, signs have future meanings than the actual event. I didn't know the actual sign would be called out. That seems too clear for the Bible.

    1. The tempter

      I find this to be interesting language that the devil or satan has voice. But this is certainly a parallel to Moses's 10 temptations.

    2. devil

      Devil: The JANT has helped me put this into perspective and think of 'devil' in a different way. It's an equivalent of Satan but the definition to to 'test the righteousness.'

  3. Jul 2017
    1. all nations

      This seems more like something Paul would say than Jesus. Jesus was Jewish and upheld the law.

    2. no one knows

      I think this indicates since no one knows, there's more room to seek more information. It's not over yet.

    1. You brood of vipers

      This appears in Matthew too! The context seems that the vipers are the law keepers and are being challenged by Jesus to repent.

    2. river Jordan

      I understand the river Jordan to represent a transition or moving from one way of being into another way of being. Crossing the Jordan, as I understand it was also crossed withe the Israelite's crossed into the Promised Land.

    1. Just as the church is subject to Christ,

      I think I learned this in OT too - that the husband is compared to Christ, the wife compared to the church. Again, more hierarchy, power and control.

    2. I myself am an Israelite

      Paul seemingly trying to prove that he is Jewish and since God hasn't abandoned him, God hasn't abandoned the Jews. Could also be a bit of chest pounding.

  4. Jun 2017
    1. What I am saying in regard to this boastful confidence, I am saying not with the Lord’s authority, but as a fool;

      The notes in the study guide indicate that Paul's boasting is according to human standards. This fits with, what I call his, passive aggressive language.

    1. who had set me apart before I was born and called me through his grace

      Paul seems to be a copy cat version of Jesus here. It's reflective of some OT scripture in that 'we are known before we are born.'

    2. 0In what I am writing to you, before God, I do not lie

      Erhman says this is Paul reinforcing his place as an apostle and one that is working through the works of Jesus.