- Feb 2019
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quaked the wild; deer drove for the dales, darting for dread,
It sounds like they are on a hunt for something and the picture looks very well draw.
blew briskly on their bugles three bare notes; braches bayed therefore, and bold
I was looking for a definition for bugles and got chips lol. would like to know what it meant.
when he had heard Mass, with horns to the hunting field he hastens away
war cry in the distance is what it sounds like it is saying.
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This reading was very good and not as crazy as the other ones we have read. It was fun learning about the old time and it also reminds me of old movie about jousting and other things that go on in that time period. i cant wait to read the other one.
Give me now your weapon, upon God’s name,
Hand over that weapon in gods name as in let me have that weapon
head of this house, I, Arthur am named.
He is in charge of everything
A light peace of armor made out of metal but easily looks like a shirt.
Arthur would not eat till all were served,
Authur was a humble person and showed respect to others.
wife of King Arthur in Arthurian legend. Explaining her beauty.
jousted full jollily
Jousting was when to men would be on opposite sides of a field. while on a horse charging at each other with wooden spears.
was a member of the royal line at Troy and cousin of Hector.
Soon as the siege and assault had ceased at Troy, the burg broken and burnt to brands and ashes,
Fighting already. I just started reading. They burnt down something and seige as in ran in and fought
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would not be worthy of his blood
He would not be worthy of is own family if they are using the blood as in family blood
I thought this reading was very good. it took me back to the movie with king author or was a tv show. i don't remember but it was cool and interesting. The knights where very skilled and cool. though this read was a very different i found it ti be exciting.
He was not slow to take up the Queen’s glove,
he took the queens hand
a man of high social standing who owns and lives on an estate in a rural area, especially the chief landowner in such an area.
Knights of the Round Table
They were the best knights in King Arthur's kingdom, and lived in King Arthur's castle,
since the Picts
were a confederation of peoples who lived in what is today eastern and northern Scotland during the Late Iron Age and Early Medieval periods.
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This story was long AF but it was really good from the begging to the end. Tristan was i would say a humble person and tried helping other. The people loved him for the way he would just teach them new ways of doing things. He was no ordinary hero if that what you would like to call him. him not being able to find be with his loved one was said. I feel that as we read these stories it goes from killing dragons and people to a similar but nicer person then the others.
a drink supposed to arouse love and desire for a particular person in the drinker; a love potion.
The begging. Tristan is turning out to be a great person and was then kidnapped a set a sail. He then began to find joy in trying to help others and by doing so he was moving up in ranks if you so.
The barons also cherished him, and (as you shall learn) Dinas of Lidan, the seneschal, beyond all others. And more tenderly than the barons and than Dinas the King loved him. But Tristan could not forget, or Rohalt his father, or his master Gorvenal, or the land of Lyonesse.
Tristan loved being treated well and living some what like a king but he could not forget his home.
For our joy did you come to this roof, stay near us a long time, friend.”
The music was so good that he wants him to stay forever until his death.
take this harp and show your skill.”
The king wants the boy to play a song of his home land
is a civil parish and village situated
will follow you gladly and teach you other crafts of venery.”
Venery meaning- sexual indulgence. Thats funny i wonder what he teach him next.
I left his home unbeknownst upon a ship that trafficked to a far place,
He was kidnapped and sold by the sea
The pack and the hunt streamed after it with a tumult of cries and winding horns
A battle cry of some sort.
that the sea will hardly bear a felon ship, and gives no aid to rapine
the violent seizure of someone's property. The sea will take any boat apart.
“Fool-hardy was never hardy,”
meaning "brave" or "bold." Put them together and you've got “foolishly brave.”
Tristan; that is the child of sadness.”
She named a child after sadness. That is weird.
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Apart . Beowulf reminds me of a good hero in most story's of how he i slaying the demons and of his past of how he was raised. His fighting and always with a group or sometimes alone. it was a good reading and somewhat different in the movie.
Apart 1. The story is really getting good with Beowulf and his group traveling across the seas to fight a demon named Grendel that was killing people at night and taking them back to his cave. When Beowulf team arrives they go to meet the king of the land and the king already knows why they are there. Reading the first part takes me back to the movie and when he fights the demon and they fight for a while until it is finally dead.
fare inland
Head into the village
a movable bridge used in boarding or leaving a ship at a pier.
a company of the best Asleep from their feasting, insensible to pain And human sorrow.
To drunk to know pain and have any feelings
a formal curse by a pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine.
Grendel is a man-eating demon (never a good sign) that lives in the land of the Spear-Danes and attacks King Hrothgar's mead-hall,
quickened life
Put to rest
the killer instinct Unleashed among in-laws, the blood-lust rampant.
A rampage of just killing for fun.
took leave Of his life on earth.
Took a break and went to be alone
Who cast him away when he was a child And launched him alone out over the waves.
As a child he was sent away with gifts and had to take care of himself
prow rode
the portion of a ship's bow above water.
endure (something) without complaint or resistance; tolerate.
the seat or bench at a Germanic feast.
Shield Sheafson,
Shield Sheafson is the leader of the Danes
- Jan 2019
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You promised us a good run,
This quote Cuchulainn tells the charioteer show that he wants to go until someone or thing has stopped them.
The story of Cuhullin was a very interesting one. It tells a story of power and how he wanted to become the best warrior. He would challenge any one in his path and would just show off his talents to who was near him. As i continue to read my minds pictures a cold heart person willing to kill anyone in his path for fame and power and that will got to any length and distance to win. I feel in the world we live today people are willing to tear each other apart just to reach the top. That is where my mind leads me,
Ply the goad on the horses,
Goad is a spiked stick to move cattle
Who is Lugh?