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  1. Apr 2021
  2. drive.google.com drive.google.com
    1. The thing we are talking about tonight is part of the great fight we are carrying on and it represents a forward and an upward look

      When he mentions an upward look, I imagine he's talking about an upward battle like how Black Americans are at the bottom of the hill fighting a battle with White Americans at the top. And slowly but surely they are making progress.

    2. After all it is rather satisfactory after all this talk about rights and fighting to sit and dream of something which leaves a nice taste in the mouth.

      Some people are on board with the idea of freedom for Black Americans. Not everybody was against the fight for freedom.

    3. "How is it that an organization like this, a group of radicals trying to bring new things into the world, a fighting organization which has come up out of the blood and dust of battle, struggling for the right of black men to be ordinary human beings -- how is it that an organization of this kind can turn aside to talk about art?

      He recognizes how people view the organization

    1. It is one-sided and often pre-judging. Should we not then have a journal of free discussion, open to all sides of the problem and to all camps of belief?

      He's open to the idea of talking with everyone about the problem. Maybe so that both sides can understand each other better and come to a conclusion of how to fix it.

    2. I think what he's saying is that there needs to be a more formal and serious way of publicizing art because it has been sporadic and he feels like it needs to be a constant thing thats produced.

    3. When he says that a convinced minority must confront a condescending majority, I think he's speaking about how Black Americans need to stand up to the White Americans. And when he goes on to say that art cannot completely accomplish this, but I believe it can lead the way, he is saying that Black Americans just need to stand up and fight against it instead of continuing to write and paint about but rather fight it.