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    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements [optional]

      We thank the reviewers for their insightful comments regarding our study and for appreciating the range of experiments used, the depth of our study and the significance of our work. We also thank reviewers with expertise in evolutionary biology for highlighting the need for precise wrong of some parts of the manuscript and the need for balancing the various viewpoints on the current understanding of early metazoan evolution. A point-by-point response to each reviewer comment is given below. We believe that we can effectively address most reviewer comments in a revised version. The revised improved manuscript will be the first insightful study of intracellular signalling pathways in the context of early animal evolution. We thank the reviewer for noting that this study is highly impactful and can have a broader influence on the scientific community.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      __ Summary: The researchers identified PIP4K (phosphatidylinositol 5 phosphate 4-kinase) as a lipid kinase that is specific to metazoans. In order to determine its conserved function across metazoans, they compared PIP4K activity in both early-branching metazoans and bilaterian animals. Biochemical assays demonstrated a conserved catalytic activity between the sponge Amphimedon queenslandica (AqPIP4K) and human PIP4K. In in-vivo experiments, AqPIP4K was found to rescue the reduced cell size, growth, and development phenotype in larvae of null mutant in Drosophila PIP4K. Based on these findings, the authors suggest that the function of PIP4K was established in early metazoans to facilitate intercellular communication. The experiments were well designed, and a range of biochemical, in vitro, and in vivo experiments were conducted.__

      __ That being said, there are some questions that require further discussion before we can fully accept the author's conclusion of an evolutionarily conserved function of PIP4K across metazoans.__

      Major comments:

      • The authors mentioned that PIP4K is metazoan-specific and involved in intercellular communication. How can we explain the presence of PIP4K in choanoflagellate genomes? Despite its high similarity with conserved domains and functionally important residues, experimental results with the PIP4K from Choanoflagellate (Monosiga brevicollis, MbPIP4K) such as Mass spectrometry-based kinase assay and mutant Drosophila PIP4K didn't show similar activity to sponge AqPIP4K. The authors suggested that "In the context of other ancient PIP4K it is possible that since choanoflagellates exist as both single-cell and a transient multicellular state and do not have the characteristics of metazoans, PIP4K does not play any important functional role in these." However, this explanation is not well justified; they need to provide a more detailed discussion on this. Response: PIP4K is found in the genome of the choanoflagellate, M.brevicollis. MbPIP4K has the requisite kinase domain and the critical residue in the activation loop (A381) required for PIP4K activity is also conserved with the Amphimedon enzyme. Despite this, MbPIP4K was unable to rescue the growth and cell size phenotype of dPIP4K mutants (dPIP4K29) unlike AqPIP4K.

      We have previously published a comparison of the in vitro activity versus in vivo function for the three PIP4K enzymes in the human genome (Mathre et.al PMID: __30718367). While all three human PIP4K isoforms can functionally rescue the Drosophila dPIP4K mutant, there is a nearly 104-fold difference for in vitro activity between them with PIP4K2C showing almost no in vitro activity. __The difference in in vitro enzyme activity between MbPIP4K and AqPIP4K is similarly notable. We would however highlight that this is more likely a reflection of the limitations of the in vitro PIP4K activity.

      However, while AqPIP4K can rescue function in vivo (rescue of fly mutant phenotypes) MbPIP4K could not when expressed in fly cells. This must imply that there are differences in the polypeptide sequences of AqPIP4K and MbPIP4K that allow the former but not the latter to couple to the Insulin PI3K signalling pathway in fly cells. Given that Amphimedon and Choanoflagellates are separated by 100-150 Mya in evolution, this is possible. Our data on expression of AqPIP4K and MbPIP4K in fly S2 cells shows that they do not have equivalent localization (Fig 2C). What are the differences in the two polypeptides that lead to this? We will perform a multiple sequence alignment using PIP4K sequences from multiple choanoflagellates and sponges to identify these differences.

      We will include the results of this analysis and an appropriate discussion in the revised manuscript.

      • Likewise, the PIP4K gene has been identified in cnidarians, which are a sister group to bilaterian animals. However, the Cnidaria HvPIP4K showed no activity in biochemical or functional assays. In comparison to sponges, cnidarians are relatively complex organisms, and I believe that PIP4K is highly important for intercellular communication, as it is in bilaterians. The authors attempted to explain this by suggesting that "Based on theories of parallel evolution between cnidarians and sponges during early metazoan evolution, it is possible that the PIP4K gene was retained functional in one lineage and not in other." However, I am not convinced by this statement.

      Response: This is a really interesting and challenging question from the reviewer. We are aware that both sponges (Porifera) and Cnidaria are examples of primitive metazoans separated by 80-90 Mya of evolution, yet while AqPIP4K shows activity and can functionally rescue dPIP4K mutants, HvPIP4K cannot. What does this mean?

      A key difference between sponges and cnidarians is that while cnidarians have a simple “nerve-net” like nervous system, sponges do not have such a mode of communication. Therefore, it is possible that PIP4K, which we propose works in the context of hormone-based communication, is functionally important in sponges.

      We are of course aware and acknowledge that in a like for like experimental system (Drosophila cells) our data shows that the two proteins behave differently, be it in terms of in vitro activity or in vivo function. This must imply inherent differences in the two polypeptides.

      What we propose to do is to compare available PIP4K sequences from multiple Porifera and Cnidaria genomes and try and understand differences in the protein sequence that might explain differences in function. These results and their implications will be included in the revised manuscript.

      • Please provide details of the databases (Uniprot-KB, NCBI sequence database, Pfam) versions. After identifying the specific PIP4K protein in each species (e.g. AqPIP4K and HvPIP4K), have you considered performing a reciprocal blast against the human genome to see if you have a top hit to PIP4K? Hence, the main focus of the project is on PIP4K as a metazoan-specific protein. We need to include a wider representation of non-bilaterian animals, including multiple species from sponges, ctenophores, placozoans, and cnidarians. Additionally, please check if homologues of PIP4K are present in other unicellular holozoans besides choanoflagellates. Response: We will add the NCBI IDs for all the sequences. We have carried out reciprocal blast to human proteome and then classified the selected sequences as PIP4K, we will add the results in the supplementary for the same. We will add more species of sponges, ctenophores, placozoans, and cnidarians in our analysis of PIP4K sequences. We will also include an analysis of other unicellular holozoans where genome sequence is available.

      • Authors suggested the identification of other components of the PI signaling pathway along with PIP4k in the sponge. What is the status of these PI signaling pathway genes in other non-bilaterians and choanoflagellates? Response: We will add the details of the same in the revised manuscript and agree that this will help enhance the interpretation of our results.

      • Phylogenetic tree of all PIP4K sequences (Figure 1C): How authors can be certain that the identified PIP4K sequences (e.g. AqPIP4K, HvPIP4K, and MbPIP4K) are indeed PIP4K, especially when there are several closely related proteins? It is important to conduct phylogenetic analysis alongside other PIP sequences (such as PI3K, PI4K, PIP5K, and PIP4K). If this analysis is carried out, the identified AqPIP4K, HvPIP4K, and MbPIP4K should be grouped together with human PIP4K in the same cluster. Response: As described in the methods, we have searched all the individual genomes analyzed for all PIK and PIPK enzyme sequences. We have marked the domains (using Pfam and Interpro) on these sequences and eliminated other PIK and PIPK sequences (such as PI3K, PI4K, PIP5K) and selected only PIP4K. To additionally confirm the distinction between PIP5K and PIP4K, we have manually inspected each sequence to establish the identity of the A381 amino acid residue in the activation loop. The identity of the amino acid at this position in the activation loop has been experimentally demonstrated to be an essential feature of PIP4K (Kunze et.al PMID: 11733501) and we have also confirmed this independently in a recent study (Ghosh et.al PMID: 37316298).

      We will perform the phylogenetic analysis of the phosphoinositide kinases in the format suggested by the reviewer and add it in the revision as a supporting evidence.

      Minor comments:

      • Line 157: Phylogenetic conservation of PIP4Ks: Please provide details about bootstrap analysis. Response: Will be added

      • Line 230: symbol correction 30{degree sign}C Response: Will be done

      • Line 429-430: "from early metazoans like Sponges, Cnidaria and Nematodes." Nematodes are not considered early metazoans. Response: Apologies for the typo. This will be corrected. We agree that nematodes are not early metazoans.

      • Line 477-478: "However, interestingly, MbPIP4K::GFP localizes only at the plasma membrane in S2 cells (Figure 2C)." This part was not further discussed. Can you please elaborate on why MbPIP4K::GFP localizes only at the plasma membrane in S2 cells? Response: We have discussed this point specifically in response to major comment by the reviewer and it will be addressed as described.

      • Line 598: "the earliest examples of metazoa, namely the coral A. queenslandica" A. queenslandica is a sponge, not coral. Response: Apologies for the error. We will correct it.

      • Line 602: "Amphimedon and human enzyme, although separated by 50Mya years of evolution" I think it's 500 million years ago, not 50 million years ago. Response: This typo will be corrected.

      • Line 612: "coordinated communication between the cells is the most likely function" the cell. Response: Will change the sentence accordingly

      • Line 614: "intracellular phosphoinositide signalling the identity of the hormone" missing full stop punctuation. Response: Will change the sentence accordingly

      • Line 802 - 804: "other by way of difference in colour. The sub clusters have been numbered (1- early metazoans, 2- Nematodes, 3- Arthropods, 4- Molluscs, 5- Vertebrates (isoform PIP4K2C), 6- Vertebrates (isoform PIP4K2A), 7- Vertebrates (isoform PIP4K2B)." In the Figure, I can't find numbers on the subclusters. Response: Will add the numbers in the figure.

      • Line 805- 807: "Phylogenetic analysis of selected PIP4K sequences from model organisms of interest. PIP4K from A. queenslandica has been marked in rectangular box." The rectangular box is missing in the figure. Response: Will change the figure accordingly

      • Figure 1C: full forms of species names are missing. Response: Will change the figure accordingly

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required):

      The data is presented well, and the authors used a wide range of assays to support their conclusion. The study is highly impactful and can have a broader influence on the scientific community, particularly in evolutionary molecular biology, development, and biochemistry.

      The study provides interesting findings; however, the reasons for PIP4K not being functional in cnidarians as in sponges and why PIP4K is present in unicellular holozoans but not functional are unclear.

      We thank the reviewer for appreciating the significance and impact of our study. The very helpful questions raised by the reviewer will help enhance the quality of our study even further. We will make every effort to address these queries.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required):

      The manuscript by Krishnan et al. uses molecular phylogenetics, in vitro kinase assays, heterologous expression assays in Drosophila S2 cells and mutant complementation assays in yeast to study the evolution and function of putative PIP4 kinase genes from a sponge, a cnidarian and a choanoflagellate. Based on these experiments, the authors conclude that PIP4K is metazoan-specific and that the sponge PIP4K has conserved functions in selectively phosphorylating PI5P.

      The study is in principle of interest and it could all be valid data, but the large number of flaws in the data presentation and/or analysis just makes it hard to assess the quality and thus validity of the data and conclusions.

      We thank the reviewer for appreciating the potential interest in our findings of PIP4K function in early metazoans. We thank them for noting the need for correcting data presentation and these will be done in the revision.

      __ Major comments:__

      Overall, the manuscript lacks scientific rigor in the analysis and representation of the results, and the validity of many of the conclusions is therefore difficult to assess.

      Major problems are:

      (i) The authors base their study on the evolution of PIP4K genes on a deeply flawed concept of animal evolution. On multiple occasions, including the title, the authors refer to extant species (e.g. Amphimedon) as 'early metazoan', 'regarded as the earliest evolved metazoan' (l. 46-7) or 'the earliest examples of metazoans' just to name a few. This reflects a 'ladder-like' view on evolution that suggests that extant sponges are identical to early 'steps' of animal evolution.

      We thank the reviewer who is clearly vastly more experienced in the field of evolutionary biology for the possible imprecise/incorrect usage of the word “ancient metazoan”. As new entrants to this area of evolutionary biology, we have of course referred to the existing literature such as PMID: 20686567 to guide us. This paper describes the sequencing of the A. queenslandica genome. It is clear that there is perceived value in studying this sponge in the context of early animal evolution although we are aware of there are a multitude of sponges and not all of them may be of value in the study of early animal evolution. We will peruse the literature more carefully and revise the manuscript to provide a more balanced view of this very interesting but unresolved area.

      Also, the author's interpretation that one cluster of genes 'contained the sequences from early metazoans like sponges, cnidaria and nematodes' is referring to an outdated idea of animal phylogeny where nematodes were thought to be ancestrally simple organisms grouped as 'Acoelomata'. This idea of animal phylogeny was however disproven by molecular phylogenetics since the 1990ies.

      Response: We are aware that the field of animal classification is undergoing continuous evolution. While earlier classifications may have been based of the presence or otherwise of a coelom and/or other anatomical features, we are aware of the use of molecular phylogenetics.

      The phylogeny presented in Fig 1C is based on the sequence relationships between the PIP4K sequences from various animal genomes. Any errors in the labelling of groups such as that highlighted by the reviewer will be revised or corrected after a careful consideration of extant views in the field, which are somewhat varied.

      (ii) The description of taxa in the phylogenetic tree in Fig. 1B lacks any understanding of phylogenetic relationships between animals and other eukaryotic groups. What kind of taxa are 'invertebrates' or 'parasites'? And why would 'invertebrates' exclude cnidarians and sponges? Also, why is the outgroup of opisthokonts named 'Eukaryota'?? Are not all organisms represented on the tree eukaryotes?

      Response: We apologize for this imprecision in labelling taxa. This will be corrected.

      (iii) The methods part lacks any information about the type of analysis (ML, Bayesian, Parsimony?) used to perform the phylogenetic analysis shown in Fig. 1C. Also, the authors mention three distinct clusters (l.428) that are not labelled in the figure.

      Response: We will update the methods to include the additional details requested by the reviewer. Fig 1C will be re-labelled.

      (iv) The validity of the Western Blot is difficult to assess as the authors have cut away the MW markers. Without, it is for example difficult to assess the size differences visible between Hydra and Monosiga PIP4K-GFP proteins on Fig. 2B. Also, it has become standard practice to show the whole Western blot as supplementary data in order to assess the correct size of the bands and the specificity of the antibody. This is also missing from this manuscript.

      Response: Cropped Western blots have been shown to facilitate figure preparation in the main manuscript. The complete uncropped Western blots, in all cases, will be shared as Source data as is the standard practice for multiple journals in the review Commons portfolio.

      (v) The authors claim that AqPIP4K was able to convert PI3P into PI with very low efficiency (Figure 2E), but without further label in the figure or explanation, it remains unclear how the authors come to this conclusion.

      Response: We regret the typo in line 500 of the manuscript we have stated that “Further,……… was able to convert PI3P into PI with very low efficiency (Figure 2E).” What we intended to write was “Further,……… was able to convert PI3P into PI (3,4) P2 with very low efficiency (Figure 2E).” The efficiency with which this reaction takes place is very low and has been reported by us (Ghosh et.al PMID: 31652444) and others (Zhang et.al PMID: 9211928). At the exposure of the TLC shown in Fig 2E the PI(3,4)P2 spot cannot been seen. Much longer exposures of the TLC plate will be needed to see the PI(3,4)P2 spot. This will be corrected in a revised version of the manuscript.

      (vi) The box plots in Fig. 3C and D lack error bars and thus seem to be consisting of only single data points without replicates. Also, Fig. 3C is a quantification of Fig. 3B but it remains unclear what has been quantified and how. It is also unclear how %PIP2 was determined.

      Response: For Fig 3C, the colony count has been done from three replicates and the average has been considered to calculate the % growth for each genotype. We will include error bars and clarify this in the revised figure legend. For Fig 3D, the PIP2/PIP ratio has been calculated from biological replicates and average has been represented in the graphs. The individual values can be provided as supplementary data.

      (vii) Throughout Fig. 4, I do not understand the genotypes indicated on the x-axis of the plots and below the images. I read the figure legends and manuscript describing these results at least 3 times, but cannot figure out what it all means. On Fig. 4C, what is the wild-type situation?

      Response: We apologize for the lack of precision in labelling the figures versus the figure legends. This will be corrected in the revision:

      The genotypes are as follows

      • w1118 (control) * Act-GAL4. This has been referred to as wild type in the figure legend and called Act-Gal4 in Fig4 panels A-E
      • dPIP4K29 – This refers to the protein null strain of dPIP4K. This strain is the background in which all reconstitutions of PIP4K genes have been done.
      • PIP4K transgene from A. queenslandica.
      • AqPIP4KKD Kinase dead PIP4K transgene from * queenslandica. In panels A, B, D and E, Act-GAL4: dPIP4K29* indicates the genetic background in which either AqPIP4K or AqPIP4KKD has been reconstituted.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      If validated and put in the right phylogenetic context, the study is potentially contributing to expanding our knowledge on the evolution of metazoan-specific features, especially the evolution of proteins involved in cell-cell signalling and growth control. My field of expertise is broadly in evo-devo, molecular phylogentics, developmental genetics and cell biology. The in vitro lipid analysis seems interesting and potentially valid but I do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate its validity.

      We thank the reviewer for appreciating the novelty of our contribution and its potential to contribute to understanding the evolution of metazoan specific signalling systems, once appropriate corrections have been made. We also appreciate their positive comment on our in vitro experimental analysis. This paper is a big effort to not only perform phylogenetic analysis but address the emerging interpretations experimentally as much as possible.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary In this manuscript, the authors investigate the evolutionary origins of metazoan Phosphatidylinositol phosphates (PIPs) signaling by elucidating the sequence and function of the PIP4K enzyme, which is crucial for converting PI5P to PI(4,5)P2 through phosphorylation. The authors have described PIP4K-like sequences distributed throughout metazoans and choanoflagellates through an extensive sequence screening. With in vitro and in vivo functional assays, the authors have shown that the sponge A. queenslandica PIP4K (AqPIP4K) is functionally similar to its human counterpart and highlight the major discovery of this study - that PIP4K protein function dates back to as early as sponges.

      We thank the reviewer for noting the major finding of our study and our efforts to experimentally validate, using multiple approaches, the findings of our detailed bioinformatics analysis of PIP4K gene distribution across the tree of life.

      Major comments

      There are two key limitations to this paper. Like the sponges, ctenophores are one of the earliest branching metazoans. They are not well addressed in the paper. Secondly, despite finding PIP4 homologs in choanoflagellates, the authors claim that PIP4 is metazoan-specific.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting these two points; we recognize that both of these are important to address, to the extent that it is possible to do so. These will be addressed using the approaches detailed in the response to reviewer 1 comments.

      1. Line 46: A. queenslandica is the earliest branching metazoan. The phylogeny of sponges and ctenophores is not conclusively defined and hence, the statement must be rephrased. Despite the brief description of the evolution of metazoan lineage in the discussion section, ctenophores are missing from the phylogenetic tree. At least a sequence-level information PIP4K in ctenophores would strongly back the claims of the manuscript. Here is the link to the Mnemiopsis database. Response: We thank the reviewer for highlighting this point and pointing us to the Mnemiopsis database. We will most certainly analyse ctenophore genome sequences and add the ctenophore PIP4K sequence to the phylogeny, post analysis and the discussion will be modified to reflect the findings.

      Mentioning that choanoflagellates contain homologs of PIP4K contradicts the statement that PIP4K is metazoan-specific. As per Fig 1E., the domain organization of PIP4K is conserved among choanoflagellates and metazoans. What is the percent sequence similarity to the query? This could answer why it doesn't show activity in Drosophila rescues - the system might simply not be compatible with the choanoflagellate homolog. The same may apply to the cnidarian homolog HvPIP4K. Further evidence is needed before concluding that MbPIP4K doesn't phosphorylate PIP5. It is additionally fascinating that MbPIP4K localizes at the plasma membrane unlike other homologs - this function might be choano-specific. Overall, PIP4K's possible origin in the choanoflagellate-metazoan common ancestor backs the current research that choanoflagellates indeed hold clues to understanding metazoan evolution. Further research is necessary before concluding (as in line 648) in the discussions section, where it is mentioned that "PIP4K does not play any important functional role in choanos".

      Response: We thank the reviewer for highlighting the very interesting but incompletely understood facets of our study vis-à-vis choanoflagellates versus metazoans. The proposal for additional analysis is indeed interesting and we will carry out these analysis and revise the text accordingly.

      __ Minor Comments__

      1. A detailed comparison of the sequence of the hydra PIP4K might help understand why it may not have worked like the sponge PIP4K. The discussion on the cnidarian PIP4K evolution is not convincing. It may not have worked because of it being expressed in a non-natural system. Structure prediction and comparison of proteins from different early branching animals should be used. Response: Thank you for these suggestions to understand why the cnidarian PIP4K may not have been functional. We will perform the suggested analysis and incorporate the data into the revision.

      78 - Multicellularity evolved many times. Maybe say 'first evolved metazoans'

      Response: Thank you for the suggestion.

      Line 598 A. queenslandica is not a coral, it's a sponge.

      Response: Text will be changed accordingly

      Line 612 'thcells' à 'the cells'

      Response: Text will be changed.

      Line 623 - full stop missing after metazoans.

      Response: Text will be changed

      Figure 1B - Classification should be consistent - C. elegans is a species name, whereas ctenophores and vertebrates belong to a different classification. Invertebrates is not a scientific group. The edges of the lines of the phylogenetic tree don't join and they need to be arranged correctly.

      Response: The names in the phylogeny will be changed to maintain uniformity. The representation of the phylogeny will be changed as mentioned.

      Figure 2B The full blot could be shown in the supplement.

      Response: Full blot will be provided as source data on resubmission or included as supplementary based on the destination journal’s specification.


      1. Heterologous overexpression does not always provide the full picture of the gene functionality. To make claims on the evolution of function, testing gene functions homologous systems can give a better picture. For example, performing in vitro kinase activity assays of MbPIP4K after overexpressing PIP4K in Monosiga brevicollis. would be a great. Data is missing also about the presence and function of ctenophore PIP4K. Overexpression of ctenophore-PIP4K in Drosophila for functional analyses could help in understanding the distribution/diversity of function of PIP4K in early animals. Response: We agree with the reviewer that heterologous expression may sometimes not replicate the biochemical environment of cells in the organism from which the gene being expressed was originally derived. Yet, heterologous expression experiments do sometimes provide an insight into properties solely dependent on the polypeptide with limited or no contribution from the cellular environment. In principle expressing PIP4K in M.brevicollis cells and then performing kinase assays would be a very good idea. However, we would like to highlight that till date there has been only one study where septins have been transfected in Choanoflagellates and their localization being observed. We are not set up to culture M. brevicollis and will be unable to do this for a revision of the current manuscript. However, we appreciate the importance of this experiment and will do this in collaboration with a choanoflagellate lab in a follow up study to this one.

      Ctenophores like cnidarians have two main layers of cells that sandwich a middle layer of jelly-like material, while, more complex animals have three main cell layers and no intermediate jelly-like layer. Hence ctenophores and cnidarians have traditionally been labelled diploblastic. Studies have shown that ctenophores and unicellular eukaryotes share ancestral metazoan patterns of chromosomal arrangements, whereas sponges, bilaterians, and cnidarians share derived chromosomal rearrangements. Conserved syntenic characters unite sponges with bilaterians, cnidarians, and placozoans in a monophyletic clade while ctenophores are excluded from this clustering, placing ctenophores as the sister group to all other animals. Ctenophore PIP4K sequence can be identified and compared as discussed before to other PIP4K sequences used in this study.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Significance: This is the first study that addresses PIP signaling pathway in early metazoans. The findings of this manuscript contribute to the understanding of second-messenger signaling and its link with the origin and evolution of metazoan multicellularity. PIP signaling is crucial in different metazoan aspects such as cytoskeletal dynamics, neurotransmission, and vesicle trafficking, and hence, plays a critical role in metazoan multicellularity. Through this study, it was interesting to see that some components of the PIP signaling pathway are conserved in yeast, but some, such as the PIP4K protein evolved at the brink of metazoan evolution, highlighting the need for complexity in metazoans and their close relatives - the facultatively multicellular choanoflagellates. Since this is a crucial pathway in human biology and has medical significance due to its role in tumorigenesis and cancer cell migration, this study serves the audience in basic research such as evolutionary biology, and applied research such as human medicine. My field of expertise is molecular biology, cell biology and microbiology, with specific expertise on choanoflagellates. Therefore, it is exciting to see the homologs of PIP4K present in choanoflagellates.

      __ Evidence, Reproducibility, and clarity:__

      The authors have made a clear case of why PIP4K needs to be studied. They have thoroughly mapped PIP4K throughout the tree of life. The results are clear and reproducible. With the findings of this study, they have linked the PIP signalling cascade and metazoan evolution. Using the heterologous expression of sponge A. queensladica PIP4K, they have made compelling evidence that AqPIP4K functions in PIP5 phosphorylation, as seen in humans and Drosophila. However, it was not convincing why the hydra PIP4K was not functional. It was also not convincing why the PIP4K is metazoan-only when there is a conserved sequence (with conserved domain structure) present in choanoflagellates.

      We thank the reviewer for appreciating the novelty and importance of our findings in multiple areas of basic biology related to early metazoans and basic biomedical sciences. We also note their comments on the clear and reproducible results presented. Points raised related to the lack of functionality of PIP4K from Hydra and choanoflagellates are noted and will be addressed as indicated in response to other reviewer comments.

      Experiments/Analysis to be done

      1. We will perform a multiple sequence alignment using PIP4K sequences from multiple choanoflagellates and sponges to identify these differences.
      2. What we propose to do is to compare available PIP4K sequences from multiple Porifera and Cnidaria genomes and try and understand differences in the protein sequence that might explain differences in function.
      3. We will add more species of sponges, ctenophores, placozoans, and cnidarians in our analysis of PIP4K sequences. We will also include an analysis of other unicellular holozoans where genome sequence is available.
      4. We will perform the phylogenetic analysis of the phosphoinositide kinases in the format suggested by the reviewer and add it in the revision as a supporting evidence.
      5. Structure prediction and comparison of proteins from different early branching animals should be used.
      6. Uniformity of terminology and alignment with conventions in the field of animal taxonomy
      7. NCBI ID of sequences to be added and include more non-bilaterian animals sequences in phylogeny- redo the phylogeny.
      8. Check for PI signalling genes in choanoflagellates
      9. More detailed description of phylogenetic analysis.
      10. Add complete Western blot as source data.
      11. *

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. If no revisions have been carried out yet, please leave this section empty.

      • *

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      • Expression of PIP4K in choanoflagellates and in vitro kinase assays with lysates. It is beyond our technical ability to perform these experiments at this stage.
    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, the authors investigate the evolutionary origins of metazoan Phosphatidylinositol phosphates (PIPs) signaling by elucidating the sequence and function of the PIP4K enzyme, which is crucial for converting PI5P to PI(4,5)P2 through phosphorylation. The authors have described PIP4K-like sequences distributed throughout metazoans and choanoflagellates through an extensive sequence screening. With in vitro and in vivo functional assays, the authors have shown that the sponge A. queenslandica PIP4K (AqPIP4K) is functionally similar to its human counterpart and highlight the major discovery of this study - that PIP4K protein function dates back to as early as sponges.

      Major comments

      There are two key limitations to this paper. Like the sponges, ctenophores are one of the earliest branching metazoans. They are not well addressed in the paper. Secondly, despite finding PIP4 homologs in choanoflagellates, the authors claim that PIP4 is metazoan-specific.

      1. Line 46: A. queenslandica is the earliest branching metazoan. The phylogeny of sponges and ctenophores is not conclusively defined and hence, the statement must be rephrased. Despite the brief description of the evolution of metazoan lineage in the discussion section, ctenophores are missing from the phylogenetic tree. At least a sequence-level information PIP4K in ctenophores would strongly back the claims of the manuscript. Here is the link to the Mnemiopsis database.
      2. Mentioning that choanoflagellates contain homologs of PIP4K contradicts the statement that PIP4K is metazoan-specific. As per Fig 1E., the domain organization of PIP4K is conserved among choanoflagellates and metazoans. What is the percent sequence similarity to the query? This could answer why it doesn't show activity in Drosophila rescues - the system might simply not be compatible with the choanoflagellate homolog. The same may apply to the cnidarian homolog HvPIP4K. Further evidence is needed before concluding that MbPIP4K doesn't phosphorylate PIP5. It is additionally fascinating that MbPIP4K localizes at the plasma membrane unlike other homologs - this function might be choano-specific. Overall, PIP4K's possible origin in the choanoflagellate-metazoan common ancestor backs the current research that choanoflagellates indeed hold clues to understanding metazoan evolution. Further research is necessary before concluding (as in line 648) in the discussions section, where it is mentioned that "PIP4K does not play any important functional role in choanos".

      Minor Comments

      1. A detailed comparison of the sequence of the hydra PIP4K might help understand why it may not have worked like the sponge PIP4K. The discussion on the cnidarian PIP4K evolution is not convincing. It may not have worked because of it being expressed in a non-natural system. Structure prediction and comparison of proteins from different early branching animals should be used.
      2. 78 - Multicellularity evolved many times. Maybe say 'first evolved metazoans'
      3. Line 598 A. queenslandica is not a coral, it's a sponge.
      4. Line 612 'thcells'  'the cells'
      5. Line 623 - full stop missing after metazoans.
      6. Figure 1B - Classification should be consistent - C. elegans is a species name, whereas ctenophores and vertebrates belong to a different classification. Invertebrates is not a scientific group. The edges of the lines of the phylogenetic tree don't join and they need to be arranged correctly.
      7. Figure 2B The full blot could be shown in the supplement.


      1. Heterologous overexpression does not always provide the full picture of the gene functionality. To make claims on the evolution of function, testing gene functions homologously systems can give a better picture. For example, performing in vitro kinase activity assays of MbPIP4K after overexpressing PIP4K in Monosiga brevicollis. would be a great. Data is missing also about the presence and function of ctenophore PIP4K. Overexpression of ctenophore-PIP4K in Drosophila for functional analyses could help in understanding the distribution/diversity of function of PIP4K in early animals.


      This is the first study that addresses PIP signaling pathway in early metazoans. The findings of this manuscript contribute to the understanding of second-messenger signaling and its link with the origin and evolution of metazoan multicellularity. PIP signaling is crucial in different metazoan aspects such as cytoskeletal dynamics, neurotransmission, and vesicle trafficking, and hence, plays a critical role in metazoan multicellularity. Through this study, it was interesting to see that some components of the PIP signaling pathway are conserved in yeast, but some, such as the PIP4K protein evolved at the brink of metazoan evolution, highlighting the need for complexity in metazoans and their close relatives - the facultatively multicellular choanoflagellates. Since this is a crucial pathway in human biology and has medical significance due to its role in tumorigenesis and cancer cell migration, this study serves the audience in basic research such as evolutionary biology, and applied research such as human medicine. My field of expertise is molecular biology, cell biology and microbiology, with specific expertise on choanoflagellates. Therefore, it is exciting to see the homologs of PIP4K present in choanoflagellates.

      Evidence, Reproducibility, and clarity:

      The authors have made a clear case of why PIP4K needs to be studied. They have thoroughly mapped PIP4K throughout the tree of life. The results are clear and reproducible. With the findings of this study, they have linked the PIP signalling cascade and metazoan evolution. Using the heterologous expression of sponge A. queensladica PIP4K, they have made compelling evidence that AqPIP4K functions in PIP5 phosphorylation, as seen in humans and Drosophila. However, it was not convincing why the hydra PIP4K was not functional. It was also not convincing why the PIP4K is metazoan-only when there is a conserved sequence (with conserved domain structure) present in choanoflagellates.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Krishnan et al. uses molecular phylogenetics, in vitro kinase assays, heterologous expression assays in Drosophila S2 cells and mutant complementation assays in yeast to study the evolution and function of putative PIP4 kinase genes from a sponge, a cnidarian and a choanoflagellate. Based on these experiments, the authors conclude that PIP4K is metazoan-specific and that the sponge PIP4K has conserved functions in selectively phosphorylating PI5P.

      The study is in principle of interest and it could all be valid data, but the large number of flaws in the data presentation and/or analysis just makes it hard to assess the quality and thus validity of the data and conclusions.

      Major comments:

      Overall, the manuscript lacks scientific rigour in the analysis and representation of the results, and the validity of many of the conclusions is therefore difficult to assess.

      Major problems are:

      (i) The author base their study on the evolution of PIP4K genes on a deeply flawed concept of animal evolution. On multiple occassions, including the title, the authors refer to extant species (e.g. Amphimedon) as 'early metazoan', 'regarded as the earliest evolved metazoan' (l. 46-7) or 'the earliest examples of metazoans' just to name a few. This reflects a 'ladder-like' view on evolution that suggests that extant sponges are identical to early 'steps' of animal evolution. Also, the author's interpretation that one cluster of genes 'contained the sequences from early metazoans like sponges, cnidaria and nematodes' is referring to an outdated idea of animal phylogeny where nematodes were thought to be ancestrally simple organisms grouped as 'Acoelomata'. This idea of animal phylogeny was however disproven by molecular phylogenetics since the 1990ies.

      (ii) The description of taxa in the phylogenetic tree in Fig. 1B lacks any understanding of phylogenetic relationships between animals and other eukaryotic groups. What kind of taxa are 'invertebrates' or 'parasites'? And why would 'invertebrates' exclude cnidarians and sponges? Also, why is the outgroup of opisthokonts named 'Eukaryota'?? Are not all organisms represented on the tree eukaryotes?

      (iii) The methods part lacks any information about the type of analysis (ML, Bayesian, Parsimony?) used to perform the phylogenetic analysis shown in Fig. 1C. Also, the authors mention three distinct clusters (l.428) that are not labelled in the figure.

      (iv) The validity of the Western Blot is difficult to assess as the authors have cut away the MW markers. Without, it is for example difficult to assess the size differences visible between Hydra and Monosiga PIP4K-GFP proteins on Fig. 2B. Also, it has become standard practice to show the whole Western blot as supplementary data in order to assess the correct size of the bands and the specificity of the antibody. This is also missing from this manuscript.

      (v) The authors claim that AqPIP4K was able to convert PI3P into PI with very low efficiency (Figure 2E), but without further label in the figure or explanation, it remains unclear how the authors come to this conclusion.

      (vi) The box plots in Fig. 3C and D lack error bars and thus seem to be consisting of only single data points without replicates. Also, Fig. 3C is a quantification of Fig. 3B but it remains unclear what has been quantified and how. It is also unclear how %PIP2 was determined.

      (vii) Throughout Fig. 4, I do not understand the genotypes indicated on the x-axis of the plots and below the images. I read the figure legends and manuscript describing these results at least 3 times, but cannot figure out what it all means. On Fig. 4C, what is the wild-type situation?


      If validated and put in the right phylogenetic context, the study is potentially contributing to expanding our knowledge on the evolution of metazoan-specific features, especially the evolution of proteins involved in cell-cell signalling and growth control.

      My field of expertise is broadly in evo-devo, molecular phylogentics, developmental genetics and cell biology. The in vitro lipid analysis seems interesting and potentially valid but I do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate its validity.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The researchers identified PIP4K (phosphatidylinositol 5 phosphate 4-kinase) as a lipid kinase that is specific to metazoans. In order to determine its conserved function across metazoans, they compared PIP4K activity in both early-branching metazoans and bilaterian animals. Biochemical assays demonstrated a conserved catalytic activity between the sponge Amphimedon queenslandica (AqPIP4K) and human PIP4K. In in-vivo experiments, AqPIP4K was found to rescue the reduced cell size, growth, and development phenotype in larvae of null mutant in Drosophila PIP4K. Based on these findings, the authors suggest that the function of PIP4K was established in early metazoans to facilitate intercellular communication. The experiments were well designed, and a range of biochemical, in vitro, and in vivo experiments were conducted. That being said, there are some questions that require further discussion before we can fully accept the author's conclusion of an evolutionarily conserved function of PIP4K across metazoans.

      Major comments:

      • The authors mentioned that PIP4K is metazoan-specific and involved in intercellular communication. How can we explain the presence of PIP4K in choanoflagellate genomes? Despite its high similarity with conserved domains and functionally important residues, experimental results with the PIP4K from Choanoflagellate (Monosiga brevicollis, MbPIP4K) such as Mass spectrometry-based kinase assay and mutant Drosophila PIP4K didn't show similar activity to sponge AqPIP4K. The authors suggested that "In the context of other ancient PIP4K it is possible that since choanoflagellates exist as both single-cell and a transient multicellular state and do not have the characteristics of metazoans, PIP4K does not play any important functional role in these." However, this explanation is not well justified; they need to provide a more detailed discussion on this.
      • Likewise, the PIP4K gene has been identified in cnidarians, which are a sister group to bilaterian animals. However, the Cnidaria HvPIP4K showed no activity in biochemical or functional assays. In comparison to sponges, cnidarians are relatively complex organisms, and I believe that PIP4K is highly important for intercellular communication, as it is in bilaterians. The authors attempted to explain this by suggesting that "Based on theories of parallel evolution between cnidarians and sponges during early metazoan evolution, it is possible that the PIP4K gene was retained functional in one lineage and not in other." However, I am not convinced by this statement.
      • Please provide details of the databases (Uniprot-KB, NCBI sequence database, Pfam) versions. After identifying the specific PIP4K protein in each species (e.g AqPIP4K and HvPIP4K), have you considered performing a reciprocal blast against the human genome to see if you have a top hit to PIP4K? Hence, the main focus of the project is on PIP4K as a metazoan-specific protein. We need to include a wider representation of non-bilaterian animals, including multiple species from sponges, ctenophores, placozoans, and cnidarians. Additionally, please check if homologues of PIP4K are present in other unicellular holozoans besides choanoflagellates.
      • Authors suggested the identification of other components of the PI signaling pathway along with PIP4k in the sponge. What is the status of these PI signaling pathway genes in other non-bilaterians and choanoflagellates?
      • phylogenetic tree of all PIP4K sequences (Figure 1C): How authors can be certain that the identified PIP4K sequences (e.g AqPIP4K, HvPIP4K, and MbPIP4K) are indeed PIP4K, especially when there are several closely related proteins? It is important to conduct phylogenetic analysis alongside other PIP sequences (such as PI3K, PI4K, PIP5K, and PIP4K). If this analysis is carried out, the identified AqPIP4K, HvPIP4K, and MbPIP4K should be grouped together with human PIP4K in the same cluster.

      Minor comments:

      • Line 157: Phylogenetic conservation of PIP4Ks: Please provide details about bootstrap analysis.
      • Line 230: symbol correction 30{degree sign}C
      • Line 429-430: "from early metazoans like Sponges, Cnidaria and Nematodes." Nematodes are not considered early metazoans.
      • Line 477-478: "However, interestingly, MbPIP4K::GFP localizes only at the plasma membrane in S2 cells (Figure 2C)." This part was not further discussed. Can you please elaborate on why MbPIP4K::GFP localizes only at the plasma membrane in S2 cells?
      • Line 598: "the earliest examples of metazoa, namely the coral A.queenslandica" A.queenslandica is a sponge, not coral.
      • Line 602: "Amphimedon and human enzyme, although separated by 50Mya years of evolution" I think it's 500 million years ago, not 50 million years ago.
      • Line 612: "co-ordinated communication between thcells is the most likely function" the cell.
      • Line 614: "intracellular phosphoinositide signalling The identity of the hormone" missing full stop punctuation.
      • Line 802 - 804: "other by way of difference in colour. The sub clusters have been numbered (1- early metazoans, 2- Nematodes, 3- Arthropods, 4- Molluscs, 5- Vertebrates (isoform PIP4K2C), 6- Vertebrates (isoform PIP4K2A), 7- Vertebrates (isoform PIP4K2B)." In the Figure, I can't find numbers on the subclusters.
      • Line 805- 807: "Phylogenetic analysis of selected PIP4K sequences from model organisms of interest. PIP4K from A.queenslandica has been marked in rectangular box." The rectangular box is missing in the figure.
      • Figure 1C: full forms of species names are missing.


      The data is presented well, and the authors used a wide range of assays to support their conclusion. The study is highly impactful and can have a broader influence on the scientific community, particularly in evolutionary molecular biology, development, and biochemistry.

      The study provides interesting findings; however, the reasons for PIP4K not being functional in cnidarians as in sponges and why PIP4K is present in unicellular holozoans but not functional are unclear.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Overall comments:

      Reviewer #1:

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study by Parker et al describes the innovative use of single-cell RNA sequencing to detect markers and traits of pollen. Using pollen allows detection of recombinant events allowing the ability to do quantitative trait mapping using gene expression as a trait. This led to the discovery of expected cis QTL, but there is an intriguing trans QTL as well. The trans eQTL was mapped to a candidate causal locus DUO1. This is exciting given its role in pollen development and will obviously be followed up on in future studies.

      We thank the reviewer for these kind comments.

      Overall, this is an exciting technological advance that will rapidly advance our ability to map pollen traits and arguably more importantly create high density recombination maps across organisms. I realize this is a proof of principle study and the questions below are intended to improve this already strong manuscript.

      We agree with the reviewer that the main conceptual advance in our manuscript is the novel methodology for meiotic recombination breakpoint identification and eQTL mapping using snRNA-seq.


      The overall strength is the development of a method to map recombination using single-cell genomics of pollen. The weakness is the limitation to studying pollen traits at least for now. The other weakness is helping the reader apply this to their own research questions. This is easily addressable through updating the writing in a way that is more accessible.

      We thank the reviewer again for their praise of our work. Although we chose to focus on eQTL mapping in pollen at this stage, we believe that the methods we have developed could also be applied to other organisms and tissues, so long as there as genetic diversity between individual cells in the population. This was previously demonstrated using F4 segregant populations of C. elegans (Ben-David et al. 2021). We therefore state in the Discussion that “eQTL mapping with snRNA-seq is also possible in diploid cells from segregating populations, provided sufficiently high numbers of individuals are used as input”.

      The methods described in the study could be of great use to other researchers who wish to peform eQTL analyses. We therefore agree with both reviewers that the method should be made as transparent as possible in the paper. We have therefore updated the Results, Methods and Discussion sections to address the specific points of both reviewers about clarity.

      Reviewer #2:

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript by Parker et al, the authors developed a methodology to scale up eQTL studies using single-nucleus RNA-Seq of meiotic products using Arabidopsis thaliana pollen. Each pollen grain, collected from an F1 hybrid between two inbred lines, is haploid and contains a unique combination of the two parental genomes, effectively replacing the F2 population typically used in QTL studies. Single-nucleus RNA-Seq served as both phenotype and genotype, as it was used also to infer recombination profiles. In their experiments, the authors used a mixture of pollen from five different crosses - each between the reference Arabidopsis accession and another accession - for the first experiment, followed by a repeat of one of the original crosses in a second experiment to increase coverage and show reproducibility. They describe their approach to genotyping, performing the eQTL analysis, and describe statistics of the cis- and trans-eQTLs. In particular, they identify and discuss in detail a strong trans-eQTL on chromosome 1 that significantly and reproducibly associate with the expression of hundreds of genes. The likely candidate gene underlying this trans-eQTL is DUO3, a transcription factor known to play a role in pollen development, although the authors acknowledge that further experiments are needed to show that this is the causal variant.

      As this is a novel methodology with the potential for widespread adoption by the community, most of my comments focus on expanding the details provided about the methodology and discussing its limitations. Additional clarity of information will help to ensure its reproducibility and wider applicability.

      We agree with the reviewer that the main advance demonstrated in our study is the novel method for eQTL mapping. As noted in our response to reviewer 1, we agree that the method should be as made as clear as possible for readers, so that they can apply it to their own research questions. We have therefore updated the Results, Methods and Discussion sections to address the specific points of both reviewers about clarity.


      The methodology developed in this study significantly advances the feasibility of eQTL studies. The ability to easily scale up the number of individuals analyzed provides unprecedented resolution for identifying underlying alleles. In addition, because the pollen from each cross can be collected and processed together, environmental and technical variables between individuals (in this case, pollen nuclei) are tightly controlled. This advantage is underlined by the discovery of a strong trans-eQTL, which is likely to play an important role in pollen biology, and whose different alleles are spread across natural populations. I am therefore very excited about the publication of this manuscript.

      We thank the reviewer for these very positive remarks.

      Specific Comments:

      Reviewer #1:

      1. What is the average maker resolution in bp and cM? What numbers of nuclei would be needed to profile to gain single gene resolution in Arabidopsis?

      For haplotyping and crossover analysis, we grouped informative reads into 25kb bins to reduce both the number of predictions required for haplotype inference, and the number of statistical tests required for eQTL mapping. We can therefore estimate the median distance between non-empty bins for each nucleus as a proxy for marker resolution resolution. We find that the median distances between non-empty bins across all nuclei are 350 kb and 500 kb for the first and second dataset respectively. To address this question, we have updated the Results section to include some analysis of marker distributions, and added histograms of distributions as Figure 2 – figure supplement 1A.

      The question of how many nuclei would be needed to gain single gene resolution of eQTL mapping is extremely difficult to answer, as the detection and resolution of eQTLs depends on several different factors:

      • First and foremost, as pointed out by the reviewer, the sample size i.e. number of nuclei profiled, makes a difference to the ability to detect eQTLs.
      • Secondly, as in all RNA-seq experiments the effect size of the measured change in gene expression has a large impact on the ability to detect eQTLs. eQTLs causing small effect size changes will therefore require more nuclei to detect than those with large effect size changes. This likely explains why we were able to detect a larger proportion of trans-eQTLs in the second dataset with more nuclei compared to the first dataset, since trans-eQTLs tend to have smaller effect size changes.
      • Finally, the rate of meiotic recombination around the eQTL locus has a large impact on the resolution of the mapped eQTL. Loci in low-recombining regions, such as close to or within the centromere, will likely never be mappable to single-gene resolution, even with extremely high numbers of nuclei, due to genetic-linkage over large regions of the genome. This is exemplified by the CPV1 locus that we mapped in the Col-0 x Db-1 cross, that maps to the centromere of Chromosome 1. Despite correlating with a relatively large effect size change in gene expression in PLL1 (Figure 6 – figure supplement 3B), we could only map this trans-eQTL within a 1.5 LOD drop interval of >10 Mb. One way to address the issue of resolution caused by crossover rate could be to use mutants such as recq4 or figl1 which increase the rate of recombination, as was demonstrated recently (Capilla-Pérez et al. 2024). In summary, the number of nuclei required to map an eQTL to single-gene resolution is not fixed, and depends on both the effect size of the change in expression, and the genomic location of the causal variant. We have added a new paragraph to the Discussion to address this question and provide some potential future solutions.
      1. It would be great if the authors could add a discussion of how the resolution of mapping could be improved and what it would take to get there?

      We agree this is an important question for future work. As mentioned in response to point 1 of Reviewer #1, we have added a new paragraph to the Discussion to address this question and provide some potential future solutions.

      1. Could this approach be feasible for species where there is not a reference genome?

      While this would require different methods to the ones used in our study, it is possible to identify and genetically map markers using single-cell sequencing of recombinant pollen without a reference sequence. For example, we have used single cell sequencing of hybrid pollen to assemble the genome of the pollen mother plant by providing linkage information (Sun et al. 2022; Campoy et al. 2020). We mention this in the Discussion, where we state: “it has been demonstrated that genotypes created using gamete single cell sequencing can be used to disentangle complex genome assemblies and resolve the haplotypes of polyploid species such as potato.”

      1. It is stated 67% are located with in 2Mb of a gene and technically that is is cis-, but there aren't really long range interactions in Arabidopsis (>30kb)...so are these really cis or trans? It might be worth considering how cis vs trans are defined. Basically, what is truly cis vs trans?

      We agree with the reviewer that eQTLs that are genuinely located more than 30 kb from a gene are likely to be trans-eQTLs in Arabidopsis. Our reasoning for using a conservative approach to classifying eQTLs as cis is due to the resolution of the mapping procedure, and the expectation that the majority of identifiable eQTLs willl act in cis, not in trans. By using a conservative threshold we hope to prevent the misclassification of cis eQTLs as trans. To better inform the reader, we provide histograms showing the distribution of distances from mapped eQTLs classified as cis to the gene which was used as a phenotype as Figure 3B and figure 6 – figure supplement 3A, and report the median distances from cis-eQTLs to the affected gene in the Results.

      1. What percent of the time was the actual crossover captured, if at all? Is this possible with snRNA-seq?

      Assessing the accuracy of crossover mapping without ground truth information would be complex. In future we hope to use simulations and/or samples with known recombination patterns to benchmark the quality of crossover calling. This is outside the scope of the current paper. However, without knowing the true locations of crossovers we can use the probabilities produced by the rHMM to estimate 95% confidence intervals on the locations of individual crossovers. We find that the 95% confidence intervals of called crossovers follow a bi-modal distribution depending on their proximity to the centromere. For crossovers that were predicted to occur in the chromosome arms, the median 95% confidence interval size was 1.1 Mb. For crossovers that are proximal to the centromere, or where lack of markers means that the haplotype of the centromere is ambiguous, then the median 95% confidence interval size was 8.2 Mb. We have now added information from these confidence intervals and corresponding plots showing the resolution of individual crossover calls to the Results and Figure 2 – figure supplement 1B.

      1. How many eQTL were there per locus?

      We detected an average of 0.14 and 0.63 eQTLs per expressed gene in the first and second datasets, respectively. We have added this information to the Results.

      1. How deep were the libraries sequenced and were they sequenced to saturation? In general, I did not find any sequencing summary statistics. How many reads were sequenced per library, per genotype etc, how many aligned, how many UMIs per cell, how many transcripts detected per cell. This will help give the reader a baseline for knowing what kind of quality is needed to successfully implement this strategy in their own lab.

      We thank the reviewer for this important comment. We have now added a table of sequencing statistics to the supplemental data as Supplementary file 1.

      __ Reviewer #2:__

      (1) Given the sparseness of snRNA-Seq data per nucleus/cell (inherent to single cell technologies), what happens to low expressed genes? Is any filtering done? For example, in the extreme case of a gene that is either undetected or has only a single read in some nuclei, would a sufficiently large number of nuclei theoretically allow the detection of an eQTL signal for that gene? Alternatively, does this method remain inherently blind to genes expressed below a certain threshold? Please discuss these limitations and prospects.

      We indeed applied a expression filtering threshold to remove lowly expressed genes from the analysis, before performing eQTL mapping. Specifically, we removed genes which were detectably expressed (i.e. with at least one mapping read) in fewer than 5% of the cells. This is stated in the Methods section entitled “eQTL mapping analysis”, and we have added clarifications to make the filtering method clearer.

      (2) The methods section states that FACS sorting was used to isolate 40,000 nuclei; however, the final datasets contained only 1,394 or 7,458 nuclei. Could you provide a detailed breakdown of the losses at each step of the filtering process? As this is a key factor in the overall efficiency of the method, it would be valuable to discuss the potential for increasing throughput in future implementations. Also, how the total yield increased fivefold between repeats - could you elaborate on the factors that contributed to this improvement?

      We apologise for the lack of precision in this section of the Methods in the first draft of the manuscript. We have now updated the relevant Methods sections to include more of the concrete statistics about the preparation of nuclei samples and single-nucleus library construction. The statistic 40,000 referred to the approximate average number of “events” that we generally aim to sort using the FACS machine. We have now removed this statistic from the Methods as it does not accurately reflect the numbers of events that were sorted in the case of these two libaries, which was in fact slightly higher__.__

      For the sample used to generate the first dataset, we sorted approximately 53,000 events. Some of these may in fact represent debris, and so the true number of sorted nuclei will be less than this amount. At the time that this sample was prepared, we did not have access to a cell counter to orthogonally validate the output of the FACS machine. After sorting, the nuclei were concentrated by centrifugation before loading onto the 10x Chromium controller. Although the aim of this centrifugation step was to concentrate the nuclei, it almost certainly causes some nuclei to burst and or clump together, resulting in losses. This may explain the low recovery rate of the first dataset.

      For the sample used to generate the second dataset, we sorted approximately 55,500 events and then measured the number of nuclei after sorting using a Luna FX cell counter. According to these estimates, the total number of nuclei in the sample was around 38,250 in 135µl volume. From this, 43µl containing approximately 13,150 nuclei was loaded onto the 10x Chromium controller, without centrifugation. According to the 10x Chromium next GEM single cell 3’ v3.1 user guide, the reported recovery rate of singlet barcodes for this number of input cells/nuclei is around 53%, or 7000 nuclei, which is in line with the 7458 that we recovered.

      The difference in yield between the first and second datasets may stem from a higher quality input sample with less debris, or from the removal of the centrifugation step from our protocol. Alternatively, it may result from advances in the 10x platform, kits and technology - the first dataset was collected in 2022, whilst the second was collected in 2024. There are many technical variables that differ between the two datasets - including the individuals who performed the experiment. This means that any prediction about the cause of the difference in yield can only really be speculative.

      (3) It is unclear what happened to the vegetative nuclei during this process. While the authors attribute the differences between the first and second experiments to handling, previous studies (Schoft et al. 2015) suggest that vegetative and sperm nuclei can be distinguished in FACS analysis after DNA staining. This suggests that, for future applications, it may be possible to refine this method to specifically focus on either vegetative or sperm nuclei by adjusting the gating parameters in FACS. The inclusion of the FACS sorting graphs with the gating used as a supplementary figure would also be helpful in understanding and replicating this aspect of the methodology.

      We agree with the reviewer that some of the loss of vegetative nuclei may result from the gating stragety applied during FACS. We have added a statement clarifying this to the Results. We are now working with fluorescent reporter lines that distinguish the sperm and vegetative nuclei, to determine more appropriate gating strategies for vegetative nuclei, and hope to improve the recovery of these nuclei in the future. As suggested by the reviewer, we have added the gating strategies of the two FACS experiments as supplementary Figure 1 – figure supplement 1, and Figure 6 - figure supplement 1.

      (4) For the benefit of future users, it would be helpful to discuss the following points: (1) Would you recommend using a combination of several parents, as in the first experiment, or limiting the analysis to two parents? (e.g. it seems some of the recombination patterns could not be called due to the mix of five crosses) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? (2) How should one estimate the optimal number of nuclei/cells to use? Can you downsample the nuclei and see the effects of lower numbers on identified eQTLs? (3) Given that different single-cell RNA-Seq protocols involve trade-offs between the number of cells and the number of UMIs per cell in relation to cost, what strategy would you recommend to users to optimize their experiments?

      The design of experiments depends on the research goals and budget of the project. However, we do have some recommendations for mixing of different genotypes – namely, that care must be taken to select genotypes to pool which are sufficiently genetically distinct, since genetically similar genotypes will be harder to distiguish and demultiplex correctly. Where possible, pooling is invaluable as a way to control for technical variation. When pooling is not possible due to genetically indistiguishable genotypes, then experimental design and randomisation must be considered carefully to prevent confounding. We have added some recommendations in this regard to the Discussion.

      We addressed the question of number of nuclei on the detection and resolution of eQTLs in response to Reviewer #1 point 1. __We have added a new section to the Discussion to address this question. __In general it is hard to perform power analyses prior to conducting transcriptomic experiments, because the effect size of gene expression changes of interest are generally not known in advance. More general investigations of the trade off between number of cells and number of UMIs in single-nucleus sequencing experiments have been thoroughly investigated by other groups (Svensson et al. 2017; Mandric et al. 2020).

      (5) It is not entirely clear which exact linear model was used for the association study. Specifically: (1) How were the five parents included in the model? (2) Why was it necessary to correct for population structure in this case, given the controlled crosses? (3) How was technical variation accounted for, and how were principal components derived and incorporated into the analysis? (4) What is meant by "cell type control" and were the few VN included in the analysis? To ensure clarity and reproducibility, it would be helpful to provide more detailed explanations and to explicitly state the linear equation used for fitting.

      We apologise for the confusion as to the linear model used. __We have now updated the Methods section to make this clearer and explictly included the formula of the linear model. __For an experiment containing N pooled hybrids, for each barcode the predicted genotype of Parent 2 (as the first parent was always Col-0) was included in the model using (N - 1) dummy variables, and the predicted haplotype as a set of N continuous variables (with zero representing either the Col-0 allele, and one representing the Parent 2 allele). Despite the controlled crosses, the genotype of Parent 2 has to be controlled in the equation because the mix of five hybrids is similar to population structure, i.e. haplotypes that are only found in Kar-0 are reasonably correlated in the dataset, even when these haplotypes are completely unlinked, because only nuclei from the Col-0 x Kar-0 cross can share them. Controlling for Parental genotype prevents the detection of these as spurious correlations.

      In the initial models, cell type was not explicitly controlled but was captured primarily by principal component 1 of the PCA, which was used as a covariate. The vegetative nuclei were not excluded from the analysis, but likely did not contribute strongly due to their limited number. In the models where haplotype x cell type was modelled, cell type cluster was also explicitly used as a covariate. We have updated the Methods to make these points clearer.

      (6) To my understanding, utilizing the 10X platform with the ATAC-Seq option could provide a much more accurate recombination map. This approach would allow the inclusion of SNP information from non-transcribed regions and lowly expressed genes, which are often missed with current methods. Perhaps this is a useful consideration to add to the discussion as a potential improvement for future studies?

      We indeed already mention the possibility of using single nucleus ATAC-seq for crossover analysis in the Discussion section. In addition to the theoretical improvements to the recombination mapping mentioned by the reviewer, snATAC-seq could also be used for molecular QTL mapping, to identify so-called “chromatin-accessibility” or caQTLs. A limitation however, would be reduced power for QTL mapping, due to the noisier nature of the molecular phenotype: on a single cell level, chromatin accessibility is an inherently binary phenotype, i.e. either a read is identified in a peak or it is no, but the absence of a read in a peak is not necessarily evidence that the region is closed in that cell, due to sparsity and high levels of dropouts.

      (7) Could you clarify how the five parents from the larger panel referred to in the paper were selected? What criteria were used and how might this selection affect the results or applicability of the methodology?

      The selection of the five parents in the larger panel was determined by practical considerations. We performed a large number of crosses to Col-0 using available accessions for which there were available genome assemblies, that also had similar flowering times and vernalisation requirements. Only a proportion of these crosses were successful. From the remaining hybrids we then selected five which represented geographical diversity, and that we also felt should be genetically distinct enough to demultiplex using variants. We do not see how the selection could have affected the applicability or generalisability of the methodology.

      (8) In most of the analyses using the mixture of pollen from five crosses, the data are predominantly from sperm cells. It is not clear whether VN data were explicitly removed, or whether VN data were included at any stage of the analysis of the first experiment. Given that almost all the data are from sperm nuclei, it might be more accurate to consistently refer to results from this first dataset as "sperm" rather than using terms such as "pollen nuclei" or "pollen gene expression".

      To be clear, vegetative nuclei were not specifically removed from any analyses, however due to their low number in the first dataset we did not attempt to map vegetative nucleus specific eQTLs. We have updated the Methods to make this point clearer.

      (9) As many of the cis-eQTLs result from structural variations, in some cases related to the presence or absence of the gene in question itself, and given that expression quantification is performed relative to the reference genome, could you provide statistics on the following? Specifically, how often is gene expression higher when the haplotype is from the reference parent compared to the other parents? It would be helpful to break this down into different categories of identified eQTLs (cis vs. trans, and within cis, structural variants vs. other variations). This analysis would provide an estimate of the reference bias inherent in this quantification approach.

      The reviewer is correct that there will be some reference bias when it comes eQTLs caused specifically by gene presence-absence variation, because only genes which are present in the Araport11 annotation are tested for eQTLs. This means that genes which are present in Col-0 but absent in other accessions can be identified, whereas genes that are absent in Col-0 but present in other accessions cannot. __We have added a caveating statement to the Discussion to make this clear. __In aggregate, however, we do not see a strong bias gene expression change direction amongst genes with cis-eQTLs. In the Col-0 x Db-1 cross, for example, we see that 51.3% of genes with cis-eQTLs have higher expression in Db-1 than in Col-0 (𝛘2 p = 0.53).

      (10) The authors discuss some examples of PSV1 genes in the context of the cell cycle. Could you provide additional statistical measures to support these findings, such as GO enrichment analyses for these genes?

      We performed hypergeometric test analysis to test the enrichment of cell cycle factors reported in Supplementary File IX of Van Leene et al., 2010, amongst the genes with a PSV1 trans-eQTL (Van Leene et al. 2010). Of the 501 unique genes in this list, 112 were expressed in our snRNA-seq dataset to a sufficient level to be tested for eQTLs. Of these, 33 had a mappable trans-eQTL at the PSV1 locus. This represents a statistically significant enrichment of genes annotated as involved in the cell cycle (p = 0.032). We have added this analysis to the Results section.

      (11) The crosses were grown under slightly different conditions. While I do not suggest repeating the experiment, especially as the main PSV1 result was reproducible, it would be useful to determine whether pollen collected from these two conditions show similar gene expression patterns, even in bulk. This analysis could shed light on whether pollen gene expression is relatively insensitive to these environmental variations, and whether the second trans-eQTL CPV1 is specific to plants grown in 18C.

      We agree that the combination of pollen from two temperature conditions in the second experiment is not an ideally designed experiment. We had expected that differences caused by temperature variation would be identifiable as prinicipal components in the single nucleus sequencing data, however this was not obviously the case. Unfortunately, we do not have remaining pollen material from these samples to perform bulk RNA sequencing or qPCR analysis. Although we cannot rule out a temperature effect explaining CPV1, we believe that the most likely explanation for why this was not identified in the first dataset is that it is specific to vegetative nuclei, of which there were very few in the first dataset, and also perhaps to the Col-0 x Db-1 comparison (unlike PSV1 which appears to be shared in at least Col-0 x Db-1 and Col-0 x Rubezhnoe-1 sperm nuclei), meaning that there was much less power to detect it.

      (12) "Approximately 87.4% of cis-eQTLs were specific to sperm nuclei, likely reflecting the greater statistical power for sperm. " - This claim can be checked by downsampling the number of nuclei used in the sperm analysis to the same number as in the VN.

      In principal downsampling analysis could be used to test this hypothesis, however we feel it would unnecessarily add a confusing element to the manuscript. In future we will consider performing a thorough benchmarking and power analysis of the eQTL method, however we feel this is currently out of the scope of this “proof of principle” manuscript. __We have instead opted to remove this speculative statement from the manuscript. __

      (13) "This suggests either that CPV1 affects different sets of genes in sperm and vegetative nuclei, or possibly that there are two independent variants underlying CPV1 which affect sperm and vegetative gene expression respectively" - As done with the genes affected by PSV1, can you use the data from Ichino et al. to show in which cell types the genes affected by CPV1 alleles are expressed?

      As requested, we have added a UMAP-plot for the example CPV1 trans-eQTL affected gene PLL1 showing its expression in mature vegetative nuclei, as Figure 6 – figure supplement 4C.

      (14) "DUO3 is expressed at a low level however, and is only detectable in 14.1% of Col-0 × Db-1 nuclei," - Can you pseudo-bulk the nuclei according to the haplotype of PSV1 to get a better estimate of DUO3 expression levels in each allele? Or would this be equivalent to the linear model currently used?

      As the reviewer themself states, this approach would be somewhat equivalent to the linear model approach currently used, with the downside of not being able to control for other factors such as cell type or principal components.

      (15) "studies suggesting that Arabidopsis pollen is 2C (Friedman, 1999", - To my understanding Friedman 1999 reports that sperm are stopped in the middle of S phase and thus not with 2C genomic content.

      Thank you for this correction. We have now updated this statement to read: “studies suggesting that Arabidopsis pollen has a DNA content greater than 1C”.

      (16) Could you include a heatmap showing the called recombination profiles, similar to the background colors in Fig. 2C, for all nuclei arranged by their snRNA-Seq coverage? This would provide a clearer visualization of the data distribution and the relationship between coverage and accuracy of recombination patterns calling.

      We have added a heatmap as requested as Figure 2 – figure supplement 2.

      (17) Some figures ( & captions) are missing important details or could benefit from clarification: (1) In Fig. 2B, it is not defined what the orange represents. (2) In Figs. 3A and 6A, the size of the dots is not defined. (3) Aesthetic note: In Fig. 3B, the same colors as in Fig. 3A are used, although they represent different categories. I suggest modifying the color scheme for better clarity. (4) In Fig. 4A, it is unclear what "All" refers to. (5) In the caption for Fig. 4, panels (E) and (F) are mistakenly labeled as (B) and (C).

      We thank the reviewer for these important suggestions. We address them here point-by-point:

      • In the lower panels of figure 2B, the blue and orange lines represent the marker read distributions supporting the Col-0 and parent 2 haplotypes, respectively. We have updated the figure legend to clarify this.
      • The sizes of the points in figures 3A and 6A are proportional to the LOD score of the eQTLs. We have updated the figure legends to make this clear.
      • We have altered the colours of Figure 3B (now also relabeled as Figure 3C).
      • In Figure 4A, as well as Figure 4D, Figure 4 – figure supplement 1A and Figure 5 – figure supplement 1A, the black line “All” represents the negative log10 FDR from the log ratio test of all haplotypes, i.e. whether there is an overall association between a locus and the expression of the target gene, in any or all genotypes compared to Col-0. To make this clearer, we have updated the figure legends.
      • We thank the reviewer for spotting this oversight. We have now corrected the labelling of the figure legends. Ben-David, Eyal, James Boocock, Longhua Guo, Stefan Zdraljevic, Joshua S. Bloom, and Leonid Kruglyak. 2021. “Whole-Organism EQTL Mapping at Cellular Resolution with Single-Cell Sequencing.” ELife 10 (March). https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.65857.

      Campoy, José A., Hequan Sun, Manish Goel, Wen-Biao Jiao, Kat Folz-Donahue, Nan Wang, Manuel Rubio, et al. 2020. “Gamete Binning: Chromosome-Level and Haplotype-Resolved Genome Assembly Enabled by High-Throughput Single-Cell Sequencing of Gamete Genomes.” Genome Biology 21 (1): 306.

      Capilla-Pérez, Laia, Victor Solier, Elodie Gilbault, Qichao Lian, Manish Goel, Bruno Huettel, Joost J. B. Keurentjes, Olivier Loudet, and Raphael Mercier. 2024. “Enhanced Recombination Empowers the Detection and Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci.” Communications Biology 7 (1): 829.

      Mandric, Igor, Tommer Schwarz, Arunabha Majumdar, Kangcheng Hou, Leah Briscoe, Richard Perez, Meena Subramaniam, et al. 2020. “Optimized Design of Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Experiments for Cell-Type-Specific EQTL Analysis.” Nature Communications 11 (1): 5504.

      Schoft, Vera K., Nina Chumak, János Bindics, Lucyna Slusarz, David Twell, Claudia Köhler, and Hisashi Tamaru. 2015. “SYBR Green-Activated Sorting of Arabidopsis Pollen Nuclei Based on Different DNA/RNA Content.” Plant Reproduction 28 (1): 61–72.

      Sun, Hequan, Wen-Biao Jiao, Kristin Krause, José A. Campoy, Manish Goel, Kat Folz-Donahue, Christian Kukat, Bruno Huettel, and Korbinian Schneeberger. 2022. “Chromosome-Scale and Haplotype-Resolved Genome Assembly of a Tetraploid Potato Cultivar.” Nature Genetics 54 (3): 342–48.

      Svensson, Valentine, Kedar Nath Natarajan, Lam-Ha Ly, Ricardo J. Miragaia, Charlotte Labalette, Iain C. Macaulay, Ana Cvejic, and Sarah A. Teichmann. 2017. “Power Analysis of Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Experiments.” Nature Methods 14 (4): 381–87.

      Van Leene, Jelle, Jens Hollunder, Dominique Eeckhout, Geert Persiau, Eveline Van De Slijke, Hilde Stals, Gert Van Isterdael, et al. 2010. “Targeted Interactomics Reveals a Complex Core Cell Cycle Machinery in Arabidopsis Thaliana.” Molecular Systems Biology 6 (1): 397.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript by Parker et al, the authors developed a methodology to scale up eQTL studies using single-nucleus RNA-Seq of meiotic products using Arabidopsis thaliana pollen. Each pollen grain, collected from an F1 hybrid between two inbred lines, is haploid and contains a unique combination of the two parental genomes, effectively replacing the F2 population typically used in QTL studies. Single-nucleus RNA-Seq served as both phenotype and genotype, as it was used also to infer recombination profiles. In their experiments, the authors used a mixture of pollen from five different crosses - each between the reference Arabidopsis accession and another accession - for the first experiment, followed by a repeat of one of the original crosses in a second experiment to increase coverage and show reproducibility. They describe their approach to genotyping, performing the eQTL analysis, and describe statistics of the cis- and trans-eQTLs. In particular, they identify and discuss in detail a strong trans-eQTL on chromosome 1 that significantly and reproducibly associate with the expression of hundreds of genes. The likely candidate gene underlying this trans-eQTL is DUO3, a transcription factor known to play a role in pollen development, although the authors acknowledge that further experiments are needed to show that this is the causal variant.

      As this is a novel methodology with the potential for widespread adoption by the community, most of my comments focus on expanding the details provided about the methodology and discussing its limitations. Additional clarity of information will help to ensure its reproducibility and wider applicability.

      1. Given the sparseness of snRNA-Seq data per nucleus/cell (inherent to single cell technologies), what happens to low expressed genes? Is any filtering done? For example, in the extreme case of a gene that is either undetected or has only a single read in some nuclei, would a sufficiently large number of nuclei theoretically allow the detection of an eQTL signal for that gene? Alternatively, does this method remain inherently blind to genes expressed below a certain threshold? Please discuss these limitations and prospects.
      2. The methods section states that FACS sorting was used to isolate 40,000 nuclei; however, the final datasets contained only 1,394 or 7,458 nuclei. Could you provide a detailed breakdown of the losses at each step of the filtering process? As this is a key factor in the overall efficiency of the method, it would be valuable to discuss the potential for increasing throughput in future implementations. Also, how the total yield increased fivefold between repeats - could you elaborate on the factors that contributed to this improvement?
      3. It is unclear what happened to the vegetative nuclei during this process. While the authors attribute the differences between the first and second experiments to handling, previous studies (e.g., Schoft et al. 2015) suggest that vegetative and sperm nuclei can be distinguished in FACS analysis after DNA staining. This suggests that, for future applications, it may be possible to refine this method to specifically focus on either vegetative or sperm nuclei by adjusting the gating parameters in FACS. The inclusion of the FACS sorting graphs with the gating used as a supplementary figure would also be helpful in understanding and replicating this aspect of the methodology.
      4. For the benefit of future users, it would be helpful to discuss the following points: (1) Would you recommend using a combination of several parents, as in the first experiment, or limiting the analysis to two parents? (e.g. it seems some of the recombination patterns could not be called due to the mix of five crosses) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? (2) How should one estimate the optimal number of nuclei/cells to use? Can you downsample the nuclei and see the effects of lower numbers on identified eQTLs? (3) Given that different single-cell RNA-Seq protocols involve trade-offs between the number of cells and the number of UMIs per cell in relation to cost, what strategy would you recommend to users to optimize their experiments?
      5. It is not entirely clear which exact linear model was used for the association study. Specifically: (1) How were the five parents included in the model? (2) Why was it necessary to correct for population structure in this case, given the controlled crosses? (3) How was technical variation accounted for, and how were principal components derived and incorporated into the analysis? (4) What is meant by "cell type control" and were the few VN included in the analysis? To ensure clarity and reproducibility, it would be helpful to provide more detailed explanations and to explicitly state the linear equation used for fitting.
      6. To my understanding, utilizing the 10X platform with the ATAC-Seq option could provide a much more accurate recombination map. This approach would allow the inclusion of SNP information from non-transcribed regions and lowly expressed genes, which are often missed with current methods. Perhaps this is a useful consideration to add to the discussion as a potential improvement for future studies?

      Other comments (I quoted lines from the manuscript as there were no line numbers): 7. Could you clarify how the five parents from the larger panel referred to in the paper were selected? What criteria were used and how might this selection affect the results or applicability of the methodology? 8. In most of the analyses using the mixture of pollen from five crosses, the data are predominantly from sperm cells. It is not clear whether VN data were explicitly removed, or whether VN data were included at any stage of the analysis of the first experiment. Given that almost all the data are from sperm nuclei, it might be more accurate to consistently refer to results from this first dataset as "sperm" rather than using terms such as "pollen nuclei" or "pollen gene expression". 9. As many of the cis-eQTLs result from structural variations, in some cases related to the presence or absence of the gene in question itself, and given that expression quantification is performed relative to the reference genome, could you provide statistics on the following? Specifically, how often is gene expression higher when the haplotype is from the reference parent compared to the other parents? It would be helpful to break this down into different categories of identified eQTLs (cis vs. trans, and within cis, structural variants vs. other variations). This analysis would provide an estimate of the reference bias inherent in this quantification approach. 10. The authors discuss some examples of PSV1 genes in the context of the cell cycle. Could you provide additional statistical measures to support these findings, such as GO enrichment analyses for these genes? 11. The crosses were grown under slightly different conditions. While I do not suggest repeating the experiment, especially as the main PSV1 result was reproducible, it would be useful to determine whether pollen collected from these two conditions show similar gene expression patterns, even in bulk. This analysis could shed light on whether pollen gene expression is relatively insensitive to these environmental variations, and whether the second trans-eQTL CPV1 is specific to plants grown in 18C. 12. "Approximately 87.4% of cis-eQTLs were specific to sperm nuclei, likely reflecting the greater statistical power for sperm. " - This claim can be checked by downsampling the number of nuclei used in the sperm analysis to the same number as in the VN. 13. "This suggests either that CPV1 affects different sets of genes in sperm and vegetative nuclei, or possibly that there are two independent variants underlying CPV1 which affect sperm and vegetative gene expression respectively" - As done with the genes affected by PSV1, can you use the data from Ichino et al. to show in which cell types the genes affected by CPV1 alleles are expressed? 14. "DUO3 is expressed at a low level however, and is only detectable in 14.1% of Col-0 × Db-1 nuclei," - Can you pseudo-bulk the nuclei according to the haplotype of PSV1 to get a better estimate of DUO3 expression levels in each allele? Or would this be equivalent to the linear model currently used? 15. "studies suggesting that Arabidopsis pollen is 2C (Friedman, 1999", - To my understanding Friedman 1999 reports that sperm are stopped in the middle of S phase and thus not with 2C genomic content. 16. Could you include a heatmap showing the called recombination profiles, similar to the background colors in Fig. 2C, for all nuclei arranged by their snRNA-Seq coverage? This would provide a clearer visualization of the data distribution and the relationship between coverage and accuracy of recombination patterns calling. 17. Some figures ( & captions) are missing important details or could benefit from clarification: (1) In Fig. 2B, it is not defined what the orange represents. (2) In Figs. 3A and 6A, the size of the dots is not defined. (3) Aesthetic note: In Fig. 3B, the same colors as in Fig. 3A are used, although they represent different categories. I suggest modifying the color scheme for better clarity. (4) In Fig. 4A, it is unclear what "All" refers to. (5) In the caption for Fig. 4, panels (E) and (F) are mistakenly labeled as (B) and (C).

      Schoft, Vera K., Nina Chumak, János Bindics, Lucyna Slusarz, David Twell, Claudia Köhler, and Hisashi Tamaru. 2015. "SYBR Green-Activated Sorting of Arabidopsis Pollen Nuclei Based on Different DNA/RNA Content." Plant Reproduction 28 (1): 61-72.


      The methodology developed in this study significantly advances the feasibility of eQTL studies. The ability to easily scale up the number of individuals analyzed provides unprecedented resolution for identifying underlying alleles. In addition, because the pollen from each cross can be collected and processed together, environmental and technical variables between individuals (in this case, pollen nuclei) are tightly controlled. This advantage is underlined by the discovery of a strong trans-eQTL, which is likely to play an important role in pollen biology, and whose different alleles are spread across natural populations. I am therefore very excited about the publication of this manuscript.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study by Parker et al describes the innovative use of single-cell RNA sequencing to detect markers and traits of pollen. Using pollen allows detection of recombinant events allowing the ability to do quantitative trait mapping using gene expression as a trait. This led to the discovery of expected cis QTL, but there is an intriguing trans QTL as well. The trans eQTL was mapped to a candidate causal locus DUO1. This is exciting given its role in pollen development and will obviously be followed up on in future studies.

      Overall, this is an exciting technological advance that will rapidly advance our ability to map pollen traits and arguably more importantly create high density recombination maps across organisms. I realize this is a proof of principle study and the questions below are intended to improve this already strong manuscript.

      1. What is the average maker resolution in bp and cM? What numbers of nuclei would be needed to profile to gain single gene resolution in Arabidopsis?
      2. It would be great if the authors could add a discussion of how the resolution of mapping could be improved and what it would take to get there?
      3. Could this approach be feasible for species where there is not a reference genome?
      4. It is stated 67% are located with in 2Mb of a gene and technically that is is cis-, but there aren't really long range interactions in Arabidopsis (>30kb)...so are these really cis or trans? It might be worth considering how cis vs trans are defined. Basically, what is truly cis vs trans?
      5. What percent of the time was the actual crossover captured, if at all? Is this possible with snRNA-seq?
      6. How many eQTL were there per locus?
      7. How deep were the libraries sequenced and were they sequenced to saturation? In general, I did not find any sequencing summary statistics. How many reads were sequenced per library, per genotype etc, how many aligned, how many UMIs per cell, how many transcripts detected per cell. This will help give the reader a baseline for knowing what kind of quality is needed to successfully implement this strategy in their own lab.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Seems our reviews are fairly consistent and positive. Both of us would like greater transparency with the method and how it can be used by other labs.


      The overall strength is the development of a method to map recombination using single-cell genomics of pollen. The weakness is the limitation to studying pollen traits at least for now. The other weakness is helping the reader apply this to their own research questions. This is easily addressable through updating the writing in a way that is more accessible.

  2. Dec 2024
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1

      General Comment. *Using ubiquitous and targeted heterologous expression of the honeybee venom peptide Apamin in Drosophila, the authors find that apamin has antimicrobial activity that is enhanced by membrane-tethering and dependent on the Drosophila pattern-recognition receptors PGRP-LA and PGRP-SC2. Expression of apamin in the Drosophila gut or ingestion of Apamin by honeybees has positive effects on gut health as shown by a number of metrics. *

      __ Answer: __We thank the reviewer for their insightful comments. We agree that the findings of this study are significant and have broad implications for understanding the antimicrobial properties of apamin. As suggested, we have further delved into the molecular mechanisms underlying apamin's antimicrobial activity, providing additional details on its interactions with target bacteria. We have also expanded our discussion on the role of membrane-tethering in enhancing apamin's activity and its potential impact on its localization. We believe that these additional illustrations strengthen our conclusions and provide a more comprehensive understanding of apamin's biological functions.

      Major comments:

      Comment 1. *The key conclusions are convincing and largely supported by the data as shown. The data is presented clearly, save for some areas in the results where the authors should be more explicit about the methods that were used as they affect the reader's interpretation of the results (see minor comments). *

      __ Answer: __We would like to express our gratitude to the reviewer for their constructive feedback and positive remarks regarding our manuscript. We are pleased to note that the reviewer found our key conclusions convincing and largely supported by the data presented. This affirmation encourages us as we strive to contribute meaningful insights to the field. We acknowledge the reviewer's suggestion to enhance clarity in certain areas of the Results section, particularly concerning the methods employed. We appreciate this guidance and have taken it into account. In our revised manuscript, we have made explicit revisions to ensure that the methodology is clearly articulated, thereby improving the reader's interpretation of our results. Thank you once again for your valuable feedback, which has undoubtedly strengthened our work. We look forward to your continued guidance as we finalize our manuscript.

      Comment 2. *If the authors wish to conclude that PGRP-LE and PGRP-LC are not required for the demonstrated functions of Apamin, the authors should do a double knock-down of PGRP-LC and LE together, as these pattern recognition receptors function partially redundantly in activation of the Imd pathway (e.g. doi: 10.1038/ni1356). *

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate reviewer's interesting suggestion to know PGRP-LE and LC's functions are redundant to activate Imd pathway or Apamin is totally independent of Imd pathway. As reviewer suggested, we have conducted double knockdown of PGRP-LE and PGRP-LC and showed that apamin still suppress bacterial infection regardless of these double knockdowns of these genes. This data suggests that apamin's antimicrobial function is totally not dependent on PGRP-LE or LC and open new questions about apamin's unique function as AMP. We added new data in Fig. 5d and described in main text as below:

      "Knockdown of PGRP-LC or LE, as well as their combined knockdown, did not affect the antimicrobial efficacy of apamin (Fig. 5b-d), suggesting that the antimicrobial properties of apamin are independent of PGRP-LC and LE functions (Fig. 5a)."

      Comment 3. *The Introduction and Discussion would benefit from providing more context that helps the reader understand the significance of the research. Where is apamin expressed in the honeybee? Is it likely to be ingested and have effects on gut health in natural conditions? Do honeybees have homologs of PGRP-LA and PGRP-SC2? Do these findings translate to the honeybee system in any way or are they restricted to heterologous expression in Drosophila? *

      __Answer: __We thank the reviewer for valuable suggestions. We agree that providing additional context on the natural role of apamin in honeybees and the relevance of our findings to the honeybee system is crucial.

      Natural expression and function of apamin: While apamin is primarily known for its neurotoxic effects, studies have suggested that it may also play a role in antimicrobial defense. While its specific expression pattern in honeybees is not fully understood, it is conceivable that it is mainly expressed in venom sacs according to research on biochemistry and pharmacology of apamin (Habermann, 1972; Schumacher et al, 1994; INOUE et al, 1987) . We have outlined this information in the Introduction section as follows:

      "Apamin, an 18 amino acid peptide neurotoxin, is one of the bioactive components of bee venom, making up 2%-3% of its total dry weight, naturally expressed in bee venom sacs (RIETSCHOTEN et al, 1975; E.H., 1976; Son et al, 2007; Zhou et al, 2010; Habermann, 1972)."

      Potential for ingestion and gut effects: Although direct evidence for apamin ingestion and its impact on gut health in natural conditions is limited, it is plausible that honeybees could be exposed to apamin through various means, including foraging and social interactions. However, artificial interference is the potential application method that we are more focusing on. We have included additional details regarding the function of apamin in the Introduction section as follows:

      "It is the smallest known neurotoxic polypeptide and exhibits elevated basicity and sulfur content, demonstrating prolonged action relative to other pharmacological agents influencing the central or peripheral nervous systems(Habermann, 1972)."

      Honeybee homologs of PGRPs: Concerning the honeybee PGRPs and their homologs in Drosophila, we have provided an explanation as follows:

      "While honeybees possess homologs of PGRP family, including PGRP-LC and PGRP-S2, their specific roles in response to apamin and other antimicrobial peptides remain to be elucidated(Larsen et al, 2019a)."

      Relevance to the honeybee system: While our study primarily utilized Drosophila as a model system, the conserved nature of innate immune pathways suggests that the findings may have broader implications for honeybee health. Future studies aimed at directly investigating the effects of apamin in honeybees will be essential to fully understand its role in their physiology and behavior. We have incorporated these points into the Discussion sections to provide a more comprehensive and informative overview of our research as below:

      "In conclusion, it is important to note that much of our understanding of the honeybee immune system is derived from studies conducted on the Drosophila model, owing to the evolutionary proximity of these two species (Larsen et al, 2019b). This close relationship allows for valuable insights into immune mechanisms that are conserved across species (Evans et al, 2006; Morfin et al, 2021). Research has demonstrated that the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster serves as an effective model for studying the effects of insecticides on honeybees, particularly in understanding the sub-lethal impacts of neonicotinoids, which are known to affect pollinators significantly (Tasman et al, 2021).

      By investigating the function of honeybee AMPs within the Drosophila platform, we can further enhance our knowledge of immune responses and their implications. Just as research on Drosophila has significantly advanced our understanding of human genetic diseases (Bellen et al, 2010; Casci & Pandey, 2015; Bier, 2005; Perrimon et al, 2016; Rieder & Larschan, 2014; Bilder et al, 2021), studying honeybee AMPs in this context holds the potential to uncover novel therapeutic avenues and deepen our comprehension of immune function across taxa."

      Comment 4. *It is surprising that there is no speculation or hypothesis provided about why PGRP-LA and -SC2 may enhance apamin activity whereas other components are nonessential. It was a significant part of the paper but receives almost no discussion. *

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for highlighting this important point. The specific mechanism by which PGRP-LA and PGRP-SC2 enhance apamin's activity is an intriguing question that warrants further investigation. Our findings indicate that both PGRP-LA and PGRP-SC2 are crucial for the antimicrobial action of apamin, as their knockdown abolishes this effect, suggesting a specific functional relationship between these peptidoglycan recognition proteins and apamin's mechanism of action in the gut environment.

      PGRP-LA is known to play a significant regulatory role as positive regulator of immune responses, while PGRP-SC2 has been shown to promote gut immune homeostasis and prevent dysbiosis, which is essential for maintaining a balanced microbiome in Drosophila (Guo et al, 2014). The enhancement of apamin activity by these proteins could be attributed to their ability to modulate the immune response and facilitate a more effective antimicrobial environment, thereby allowing apamin to exert its effects more efficiently.

      Furthermore, our study aligns with previous research indicating that PGRP-SC2 can limit commensal dysbiosis and promote tissue homeostasis, which may enhance the overall efficacy of antimicrobial peptides like apamin in combating pathogenic bacteria (Guo et al, 2014). By leveraging the evolutionary insights gained from Drosophila, we can better understand how these mechanisms operate in honeybees, ultimately contributing to our knowledge of immune function across species. We have provided a detailed explanation of the potential roles of PGRP-LA and PGRP-SC2 in the action of apamin, as outlined below:

      "The PGRP-LA gene is located in a cluster with PGRP-LC and PGRP-LF, which encode a receptor and a negative regulator of the Imd pathway, respectively; structural predictions suggest that PGRP-LA may not directly bind to peptidoglycan, indicating a potential regulatory role for this PGRP in modulating immune responses (Gendrin et al, 2013). PGRP-SC2 possesses amidase activity, which means it can cleave the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell walls, rendering them susceptible to further degradation and ultimately leading to bacterial cell death. This amidase activity contributes to the insect's innate immune response by directly targeting and neutralizing bacterial threats (Takehana et al, 2002; Park et al, 2007; Paredes et al, 2011)."

      Comment 5. *Line 264: The fact that Rel knockdown did not impair antimicrobial activity of Apamin is a bit odd since upregulation of PGRP-SC2 upon infection is at least partially dependent on Rel (de Gregorio 2002, EMBO J), and the authors find that PGRP-SC2 is required for apamin activity. This is somewhat incongruous. *

      __Answer: __We thank the reviewer for highlighting this important point. The observation that Rel knockdown did not impair apamin's antimicrobial activity, despite its role in upregulating PGRP-SC2, is indeed intriguing.

      Several factors may contribute to this discrepancy:

      Redundancy in PGRP-SC2 regulation: It is possible that other transcription factors, in addition to Rel, may regulate PGRP-SC2 expression. Therefore, even in the absence of Rel, sufficient levels of PGRP-SC2 may be maintained to support apamin's activity(Bischoff et al, 2006) . Direct effects of apamin: Apamin may directly interact with bacterial cells or host immune cells and contribute to its antimicrobial activity, even in the absence of optimal PGRP-SC2 levels.

      We cited (de Gregorio 2002, EMBO J) paper and added explanation for this result as below:

      "It is known that the upregulation of PGRP-SC during infection is partially reliant on the Rel pathway (Gregorio et al, 2002). Our findings indicate that apamin can exert its antimicrobial activity independently of Rel's transcriptional activation function. This observation can be attributed to two key factors. First, there may be redundancy in the regulation of PGRP-SC2 expression, as other transcription factors could compensate for the absence of Rel, allowing sufficient levels of PGRP-SC2 to be maintained to support apamin's activity. Second, apamin may have direct interactions with bacterial cells or host immune cells, contributing to its antimicrobial effects even when optimal levels of PGRP-SC2 are not present. These mechanisms suggest that apamin can function effectively in the immune response, highlighting its potential as a versatile antimicrobial agent."

      Comment 6. *I cannot comment on the adequacy of the statistical analyses. Some recommendations to improve the methods: *

      *- Be specific about the kind of medium used to rear flies (provide or cite recipe). Different cornmeal-yeast media have very different compositions and can affect fly physiology and microbiome characteristics. *

      *- Specify flipping schedule (every 2-3 days?) - this also affects microbiome. *

      __Answer: __We thank the reviewer for their valuable comments. We agree that precise experimental details are crucial for reproducibility and accurate interpretation of results.

      To address the reviewer's specific concerns:

      Culture medium: We used a standard cornmeal-molasses-agar medium. The specific recipe for this medium is as follows: water add up to 5 L,agar 47g, inactive yeast 65.5g, corn flour 232.5g, soy flour 30g, molasses 350 ml, tegosept sol. 35g, propionic acid 12.5ml, phosphoric acid 2.5ml. Flipping schedule: Flies were flipped every 2-3 days to prevent overcrowding and maintain optimal culture conditions.

      We have included these details in the Methods section to enhance the clarity and reproducibility of our experiments.

      Minor comments:

      *- Line 90: Be specific about how the constructs differ from endogenous Melittin and Apamin. Do the endogenous versions have signal peptides? *

      Answer: The endogenous versions do not have signal peptides we have used, we have specified this in the manuscript for readers to have a better understanding as below:

      "To assess the functionality of genetically encoded honeybee VPs in the Drosophila model, we developed UAS-Melittin, and UAS-Apamin constructs that incorporate a previously characterized signal peptide at their N-termini (Choi et al, 2009), which original AMP and VP sequences do not have (Fig. 1a)."

      - Line 92: What is 'broad expression'? Ubiquitous? Specify driver or extent of expression.

      Answer: We have added "by tub-GAL4 driver"

      *- Line 93: Was this oral or septic P. aeruginosa infection? *

      Answer: We have added "oral"

      *- Lines 97-98: Melittin expressed genetically did not show activity against the one pathogen that was tested; making a broad statement without qualification about activity seems excessive. *

      Answer: We have added "against P. aeruginosa"

      *- Line 105: Various Gal4 drivers that express in different tissues or a similar subset of tissues? *

      Answer: We utilized tub-GAL4 and da-GAL4 in this part of screening, they both drive expression in ubiquitous tissues. Daughterless (da) involves in the transcriptional regulation of various processes, including oogenesis, neurogenesis, myogenesis, and cell proliferation. While tub-GAL4 is ubiquitous expression throughout most tissues and cell types in the Drosophila body. We have added "various ubiquitously expressing"

      *- Line 134: Present as a commensal? Pathobiont? Pathogen? *

      Answer: Apibacter raozihei is generally considered a commensal bacterium in the honeybee gut. We have added to manuscript "which is present as a commensal bacterium in the guts of".

      *- Line 149: Are Cyanobacteria naturally present in gut microbiota? What are photosynthetic bacteria doing as part of a gut microbiome? *

      Answer: While cyanobacteria are not typically found in the gut, cyanobacterial 16S rRNA-like sequences have been previously detected in human gut samples, bovine rumen, termite gut, and other animal intestines, suggesting the presence of a non-photosynthetic cyanobacterial lineage in these aphotic environments(Hu & Rzymski, 2022; Hongoh et al, 2003).

      *- Line 171: Where is apamin endogenously expressed in the honeybee? Only in the venom gland? Or in gut cells as done here in Drosophila? *

      Answer: Natural expression and function of apamin: While apamin is primarily known for its neurotoxic effects, studies have suggested that it may also play a role in antimicrobial defense. While its specific expression pattern in honeybees is not fully understood, it is conceivable that it is mainly expressed in venom sacs according to research on biochemistry and pharmacology of apamin (Habermann, 1972; Schumacher et al, 1994; INOUE et al, 1987) .

      *- Line 252: -LC and -LE work in a complementary/semi-redundant fashion, so single knockdown is not an effective method of indicating that they are not required for antimicrobial function. *

      Answer: We appreciate reviewer's interesting suggestion to know PGRP-LE and LC's functions are redundant to activate Imd pathway or Apamin is totally independent of Imd pathway. As reviewer suggested, we have conducted double knockdown of PGRP-LE and PGRP-LC and showed that apamin still suppress bacterial infection regardless of these double knockdowns of these genes. This data suggests that apamin's antimicrobial function is totally not dependent on PGRP-LE or LC and open new questions about apamin's unique function as AMP. We added new data in Fig. 5d and described in main text as below:

      "Knockdown of PGRP-LC or LE, as well as their combined knockdown, did not affect the antimicrobial efficacy of apamin (Fig. 5b-d), suggesting that the antimicrobial properties of apamin are independent of PGRP-LC and LE functions (Fig. 5a)."

      *- Lines 279-283: The bacterial infections that expression of these AMPs were tested against should be mentioned in the text, as all bacteria are not equivalent. *

      Answer: Added with "P. aeruginosa"

      *- Line 296: Challenged with which bacteria? *

      Answer: Added with "P. aeruginosa"

      *- Line 328: Provide brief explanation of what Ttk depletion is for reader context. *

      Answer: Added with short explanation as below:

      "which refers to the reduction or elimination of a protein called TTK (Monopolar Spindle 1 Kinase) that plays a crucial role in cell division, specifically in ensuring accurate chromosome segregation during mitosis (Mason et al, 2017)."

      *- Line 719: This should say, '5 days after eclosion'. *

      Answer: Corrected

      *- General comment on figures: The little icons used to denote what the figure is depicting (gut health, climbing, aging, etc.) are very effective. *

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for their appreciation on figures.

      *- General comment on figure titles: Use of the term 'infectious dose' throughout does not make sense. I think what the authors mean is 'pathogen load' as they are testing using CFUs. 'Infectious dose' should only be used to refer to the amount/OD of pathogen that was initially administered to establish an infection. Also, 'oral feeding' should be used throughout instead of 'orally feeding'. *

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for their insightful comment. We agree that the use of the term 'infectious dose' was inaccurate in certain contexts. We have revised the manuscript to use 'pathogen load' to refer to the number of CFUs administered or recovered, as this more accurately reflects the bacterial burden.

      We have also replaced 'orally feeding' with 'oral feeding' throughout the manuscript to improve clarity and consistency.

      We appreciate the reviewer's attention to detail and believe that these changes have significantly enhanced the clarity and accuracy of the manuscript.

      *- Figure 1O: Abrupt die-offs at 1000hrs and 2800hrs in the UAS-Melittin line suggest that lifespan experiment was only performed once and that die-offs may have been exacerbated due to infrequent flipping. This is perhaps not an issue as the lifespans appear to be quite different between the active line and control regardless. *

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for their careful observation. The abrupt die-offs in the UAS-Melittin line at 1000 hours and 2800 hours were unexpected. While we cannot definitively rule out the possibility that infrequent flipping might have contributed to these events, we believe that the overall lifespan difference between the experimental and control groups is substantial and likely reflects a genuine biological effect of Melittin overexpression.

      *- Figure 2F would be improved by putting the legend in the same descending order that the genotypes are displayed on the graph (tApamin infected, GFP infected, tApamin, GFP) *

      Answer: We have corrected error.

      *- Figure 3I: Unclear what small image inserted in the graph depicts. *

      Answer: This is an image of fly stem cells that is available for free licensing.

      - Figures 3N and 3O are verry low resolution and difficult to identify the differences that the authors *intend to show. *

      Answer: We have utilized a higher resolution image and revised the figure accordingly.

      - Figure 4 title is confusing. Do the authors mean, "Locomotion of flies expressing neuronal Apamin, sleep in flies with ubiquitous expression of Apamin, and Smurf results induced by different types of stress."?

      Answer: Corrected as below:

      "Locomotion of flies expressing neuronal tApaminDC, sleep in flies with ubiquitous expression of tApaminDC, and Smurf results induced by different types of stress."

      *- Figure 5: Some of these graphs are very cluttered and difficult to parse (particularly 5H). Suggest putting peptide sequences in figure title rather than underneath graphs to simplify and increase visual effectiveness. *

      Answer: We have improved by removing the sequences to figure legend part.

      *-Throughout: Methods section in particular could use a solid edit for grammar. Homogenize capitalization of "Gram-negative/-positive" and "gram-negative/-positive" *

      Answer: We have corrected error.

      *- Line 98: "an AMPs" should be "an AMP" *

      Answer: We have corrected error.

      *- Line 119: Incorrect grammar. Suggest, "which did not affect the lifespan of female flies and had only a slight effect on male flies" *

      Answer: We have corrected error.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      *The paper reveals that apamin has antimicrobial properties. The intended significance seems to be an exploration of apamin for therapeutic potential in gut health, but this is not explicitly stated by the authors. The contribution mainly appears to be conceptual in nature. *

      *The findings appear to be in line with other recent in vitro results suggesting that apamin has antimicrobial properties (DOI: 10.9775/kvfd.2024.32125). *

      *Researchers interested in developing therapeutic applications for bee venom constituents or promoting gut health and microbiome balance will likely find this research of interest. *

      *My expertise is primarily in Drosophila molecular genetics and immunity. I have a broad understanding of Drosophila immune pathways, epithelial immunity, and infection dynamics. I do not feel qualified to comment on the statistics or data analysis aspects of this paper. *

      Answer: We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's positive feedback regarding our findings on the antimicrobial properties of apamin. We are grateful for the acknowledgment that our results align with recent in vitro studies, such as the one referenced (DOI: 10.9775/kvfd.2024.32125), which further supports the significance of our work. We have cited this paper in the Discussion section as below.

      "Our findings are consistent with recent in vitro studies demonstrating the antimicrobial and antibiofilm effects of apamin (AYDIN et al, 2024)."

      We recognize the reviewer's observation that our intended significance-specifically, the exploration of apamin's therapeutic potential for gut health-was not explicitly stated in the original manuscript. To address this, we have revised the Introduction and Discussion sections to clearly articulate our aim of investigating apamin as a candidate for promoting gut health and microbiome balance. We believe this clarification will enhance the conceptual contribution of our study and its relevance to researchers interested in therapeutic applications of bee venom constituents.

      "Apamin shows promising therapeutic potential for enhancing bee gut health by exhibiting antimicrobial properties that can help maintain a balanced microbiome. Its ability to modulate immune responses and promote gut integrity, particularly in the presence of harmful bacteria, positions apamin as a valuable candidate for developing strategies aimed at improving gut health in honeybees."

      Additionally, we appreciate the reviewer's expertise in Drosophila molecular genetics and immunity, and we are grateful for their insights regarding the broader implications of our research. We will ensure that our manuscript reflects these considerations more explicitly.

      Thank you once again for your valuable feedback, which has helped us improve the clarity and impact of our work.

      Reviewer #2

      *Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): *

      General Comment. *The reviewer would like to thank the authors for their contributions to the research of animal venoms and their therapeutic value. The manuscript is very well and clearly written. Additionally, the choice of using a model organism such as D. melanogaster in the context of venoms research strengthens the manuscript by providing evidence that is both robust and broadly applicable, thus enhancing the manuscript's scientific merit and relevance to the field. *

      Answer: We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the reviewer for the positive feedback and thoughtful comments regarding our manuscript. We are pleased to hear that the reviewer appreciates our contributions to the research on animal venoms and their therapeutic potential. The reviewer's acknowledgment of the clarity and quality of our writing is particularly encouraging, as we strive to communicate our findings effectively. Additionally, we are glad that the choice of Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism was recognized for its ability to strengthen our research by providing robust and broadly applicable evidence. This endorsement enhances the scientific merit and relevance of our work within the field. Thank you once again for the constructive feedback, which has been invaluable in refining our manuscript.

      Comment 1. *What is the significance of that the biological property of apamin is independent of its disulfide bonds? Does it suggest that the core functional parts of apamin might not entirely depend on its stabilized structure? Could it mean that modifications to the molecule that disrupt disulfide bonds wouldn't necessarily eliminate all of its activity, which could be important in designing analogs or derivatives of apamin for research or therapeutic purposes etc.? This sentence is written in the abstract which means that it should be a key finding, and it should be clear and a given to the reader. However, it is not the case, and it should be stated more clearly. *

      Answer: We greatly appreciate the reviewer for the perceptive notation. The fact that the biological functioning of apamin needs no disulfide bonds should bring forth the attention of the scientists because it has further implications. This hints that apamin's major functional units are most likely to compose from its polypeptide instead of being rooted in the disulfide-stabilized tertiary structure(Habermann, 1972). The strategy can then lead to the optimization of apamin-based drugs with altered disulfide bridges granting them either higher activity or reduced toxicity. These changes can give apamin additional properties like stability, bioavailability, or selectivity, which make it suitable for research and applied use. We have included an explanation for this in both the Results and Discussion sections.

      "This finding suggests that the core functional components of apamin may not be entirely reliant on its stabilized structure."

      "We discovered that apamin lacking the C-terminus retains its function as an antimicrobial agent, despite missing one of its two disulfide bridges. This finding suggests that the core functional components of apamin may not be entirely dependent on its stabilized structure, indicating that modifications to the molecule that disrupt these disulfide bonds could still maintain some level of activity. These insights are vital for designing analogs or derivatives of apamin, as they pave the way for developing new compounds that could retain therapeutic potential even without the native disulfide bond configuration (Habermann, 1972)."

      Comment 2. *The authors well explained the evolutionary proximity between apamin producing Honeybees and D. melanogaster in order to justify the choice of the model organism which we can all agree on for genetics and developmental biology studies. However, when addressing the behavior of the insects (sleeping, locomotion, social etc.) which are driven by their ecological roles, evolutionary strategies, and social complexity. How much can you really tell about the role of apamin in the behavior of Honeybees (highly social and form colonies) by studying it on an insect (D. melanogaster) which has a completely different and divergent behavior (solitary and exhibit only few basic forms of social interaction)? *

      Answer: We appreciate the reviewer's insightful comment. While Drosophila melanogaster is an excellent model organism for investigating fundamental biological processes, we recognize the limitations of using it to fully comprehend the complex behavioral effects of apamin in honeybees. Nevertheless, our study establishes a foundational understanding of apamin's potential impact on behavior, including its effects on sleep and locomotion-core behavioral processes that are conserved across many organisms, including insects (Zimmerman et al, 2008).

      By employing Drosophila as a model, we were able to identify potential mechanisms of action for apamin, particularly regarding its effects on intestinal systems. Although honeybees and fruit flies exhibit ecological differences, there is substantial consensus and experimental evidence that many molecular pathways involved in immune responses are conserved between these species. Thus, while the interpretation of behavioral changes induced by apamin may be limited by the ecological and evolutionary divergence between honeybees and fruit flies, the molecular pathways governing the immune response in honeybees can be effectively studied using the Drosophila platform. This approach has previously revealed functions of genes related to human genetic diseases. We have clearly articulated this limitation and the advantages of using the fly model to study the honeybee immune system in the Discussion section as follows:

      "In conclusion, it is important to note that much of our understanding of the honeybee immune system is derived from studies conducted on the Drosophila model, owing to the evolutionary proximity of these two species (Larsen et al, 2019b). This close relationship allows for valuable insights into immune mechanisms that are conserved across species (Evans et al, 2006; Morfin et al, 2021). Research has demonstrated that the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster serves as an effective model for studying the effects of insecticides on honeybees, particularly in understanding the sub-lethal impacts of neonicotinoids, which are known to affect pollinators significantly (Tasman et al, 2021).

      By investigating the function of honeybee AMPs within the Drosophila platform, we can further enhance our knowledge of immune responses and their implications. Just as research on Drosophila has significantly advanced our understanding of human genetic diseases (Bellen et al, 2010; Casci & Pandey, 2015; Bier, 2005; Perrimon et al, 2016; Rieder & Larschan, 2014; Bilder et al, 2021), studying honeybee AMPs in this context holds the potential to uncover novel therapeutic avenues and deepen our comprehension of immune function across taxa."

      Comment 3. *Please include the following references: *

      • Wehbe R, Frangieh J, Rima M, El Obeid D, Sabatier JM, Fajloun Z. Bee Venom: Overview of Main Compounds and Bioactivities for Therapeutic Interests. Molecules. 2019 Aug 19;24(16):2997. *

      • Nader RA, Mackieh R, Wehbe R, El Obeid D, Sabatier JM, Fajloun Z. Beehive Products as Antibacterial Agents: A Review. Antibiotics. 2021; 10(6):717. *

      Answer: We have incorporated the references mentioned above in appropriate sections of the manuscript. We appreciate the reviewer's suggestions.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript is very well and clearly written. Additionally, the choice of using a model organism such as D. melanogaster in the context of venoms research strengthens the manuscript by providing evidence that is both robust and broadly applicable, thus enhancing the manuscript's scientific merit and relevance to the field.

      Answer: We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the reviewer for their positive feedback regarding our manuscript. We are thrilled to hear that the clarity and quality of our writing were appreciated. Additionally, we are glad that the choice of Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism in our venoms research was recognized for its ability to provide robust and broadly applicable evidence. This endorsement underscores the scientific merit and relevance of our work within the field, and we appreciate the reviewer's acknowledgment of this important aspect. Thank you for your encouraging comments, which motivate us to continue exploring this vital area of research.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The reviewer would like to thank the authors for their contributions to the research of animal venoms and their therapeutic value. The manuscript is very well and clearly written. Additionally, the choice of using a model organism such as D. melanogaster in the context of venoms research strengthens the manuscript by providing evidence that is both robust and broadly applicable, thus enhancing the manuscript's scientific merit and relevance to the field.

      Some comments to add:

      • What is the significance of that the biological property of apamin is independent of its disulfide bonds? Does it suggest that the core functional parts of apamin might not entirely depend on its stabilized structure? Could it mean that modifications to the molecule that disrupt disulfide bonds wouldn't necessarily eliminate all of its activity, which could be important in designing analogs or derivatives of apamin for research or therapeutic purposes etc.? This sentence is written in the abstract which means that it should be a key finding, and it should be clear and a given to the reader. However, it is not the case, and it should be stated more clearly.
      • The authors well explained the evolutionary proximity between apamin producing Honeybees and D. melanogaster in order to justify the choice of the model organism which we can all agree on for genetics and developmental biology studies. However, when addressing the behavior of the insects (sleeping, locomotion, social etc.) which are driven by their ecological roles, evolutionary strategies, and social complexity. How much can you really tell about the role of apamin in the behavior of Honeybees (highly social and form colonies) by studying it on an insect (D. melanogaster) which has a completely different and divergent behavior (solitary and exhibit only few basic forms of social interaction)?

      Please include the following references:

      1. Wehbe R, Frangieh J, Rima M, El Obeid D, Sabatier JM, Fajloun Z. Bee Venom: Overview of Main Compounds and Bioactivities for Therapeutic Interests. Molecules. 2019 Aug 19;24(16):2997.
      2. Nader RA, Mackieh R, Wehbe R, El Obeid D, Sabatier JM, Fajloun Z. Beehive Products as Antibacterial Agents: A Review. Antibiotics. 2021; 10(6):717.


      The manuscript is very well and clearly written. Additionally, the choice of using a model organism such as D. melanogaster in the context of venoms research strengthens the manuscript by providing evidence that is both robust and broadly applicable, thus enhancing the manuscript's scientific merit and relevance to the field.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Using ubiquitous and targeted heterologous expression of the honeybee venom peptide Apamin in Drosophila, the authors find that apamin has antimicrobial activity that is enhanced by membrane-tethering and dependent on the Drosophila pattern-recognition receptors PGRP-LA and PGRP-SC2. Expression of apamin in the Drosophila gut or ingestion of Apamin by honeybees has positive effects on gut health as shown by a number of metrics.

      Major comments:

      The key conclusions are convincing and largely supported by the data as shown. The data is presented clearly, save for some areas in the results where the authors should be more explicit about the methods that were used as they affect the reader's interpretation of the results (see minor comments). If the authors wish to conclude that PGRP-LE and PGRP-LC are not required for the demonstrated functions of Apamin, the authors should do a double knock-down of PGRP-LC and LE together, as these pattern recognition receptors function partially redundantly in activation of the Imd pathway (e.g. doi: 10.1038/ni1356 ). The Introduction and Discussion would benefit from providing more context that helps the reader understand the significance of the research. Where is apamin expressed in the honeybee? Is it likely to be ingested and have effects on gut health in natural conditions? Do honeybees have homologs of PGRP-LA and PGRP-SC2? Do these findings translate to the honeybee system in any way or are they restricted to heterologous expression in Drosophila? It is surprising that there is no speculation or hypothesis provided about why PGRP-LA and -SC2 may enhance apamin activity whereas other components are nonessential. It was a significant part of the paper but receives almost no discussion. Line 264: The fact that Rel knockdown did not impair antimicrobial activity of Apamin is a bit odd since upregulation of PGRP-SC2 upon infection is at least partially dependent on Rel (de Gregorio 2002, EMBO J), and the authors find that PGRP-SC2 is required for apamin activity. This is somewhat incongruous.

      I cannot comment on the adequacy of the statistical analyses. Some recommendations to improve the methods:

      • Be specific about the kind of medium used to rear flies (provide or cite recipe). Different cornmeal-yeast media have very different compositions and can affect fly physiology and microbiome characteristics.
      • Specify flipping schedule (every 2-3 days?) - this also affects microbiome.

      Minor comments:

      Line 90: Be specific about how the constructs differ from endogenous Melittin and Apamin. Do the endogenous versions have signal peptides?

      Line 92: What is 'broad expression'? Ubiquitous? Specify driver or extent of expression.

      Line 93: Was this oral or septic P. aeruginosa infection?

      Lines 97-98: Melittin expressed genetically did not show activity against the one pathogen that was tested; making a broad statement without qualification about activity seems excessive.

      Line 105: Various Gal4 drivers that express in different tissues or a similar subset of tissues?

      Line 134: Present as a commensal? Pathobiont? Pathogen?

      Line 149: Are Cyanobacteria naturally present in gut microbiota? What are photosynthetic bacteria doing as part of a gut microbiome?

      Line 171: Where is apamin endogenously expressed in the honeybee? Only in the venom gland? Or in gut cells as done here in Drosophila?

      Line 252: -LC and -LE work in a complementary/semi-redundant fashion, so single knockdown is not an effective method of indicating that they are not required for antimicrobial function.

      Lines 279-283: The bacterial infections that expression of these AMPs were tested against should be mentioned in the text, as all bacteria are not equivalent.

      Line 296: Challenged with which bacteria?

      Line 328: Provide brief explanation of what Ttk depletion is for reader context.

      Line 719: This should say, '5 days after eclosion'.

      General comment on figures: The little icons used to denote what the figure is depicting (gut health, climbing, aging, etc.) are very effective.

      General comment on figure titles: Use of the term 'infectious dose' throughout does not make sense. I think what the authors mean is 'pathogen load' as they are testing using CFUs. 'Infectious dose' should only be used to refer to the amount/OD of pathogen that was initially administered to establish an infection. Also, 'oral feeding' should be used throughout instead of 'orally feeding'.

      Figure 1O: Abrupt die-offs at 1000hrs and 2800 hrs in the UAS-Melittin line suggest that lifespan experiment was only performed once and that die-offs may have been exacerbated due to infrequent flipping. This is perhaps not an issue as the lifespans appear to be quite different between the active line and control regardless.

      Figure 2F would be improved by putting the legend in the same descending order that the genotypes are displayed on the graph (tApamin infected, GFP infected, tApamin, GFP)

      Figure 3I: Unclear what small image inserted in the graph depicts.

      Figures 3N and 3O are verry low resolution and difficult to identify the differences that the authors intend to show.

      Figure 4 title is confusing. Do the authors mean, "Locomotion of flies expressing neuronal Apamin, sleep in flies with ubiquitous expression of Apamin, and Smurf results induced by different types of stress."?

      Figure 5: Some of these graphs are very cluttered and difficult to parse (particularly 5H). Suggest putting peptide sequences in figure title rather than underneath graphs to simplify and increase visual effectiveness.

      Throughout: Methods section in particular could use a solid edit for grammar. Homogenize capitalization of "Gram-negative/-positive" and "gram-negative/-positive"

      Line 98: "an AMPs" should be "an AMP"

      Line 119: Incorrect grammar. Suggest, "which did not affect the lifespan of female flies and had only a slight effect on male flies"


      The paper reveals that apamin has antimicrobial properties. The intended significance seems to be an exploration of apamin for therapeutic potential in gut health, but this is not explicitly stated by the authors. The contribution mainly appears to be conceptual in nature.

      The findings appear to be in line with other recent in vitro results suggesting that apamin has antimicrobial properties (DOI: 10.9775/kvfd.2024.32125).

      Researchers interested in developing therapeutic applications for bee venom constituents or promoting gut health and microbiome balance will likely find this research of interest.

      My expertise is primarily in Drosophila molecular genetics and immunity. I have a broad understanding of Drosophila immune pathways, epithelial immunity, and infection dynamics. I do not feel qualified to comment on the statistics or data analysis aspects of this paper.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      1. General Statements

      We thank the reviewers for their thorough and positive evaluation of the manuscript.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      We revised the manuscript following the suggestions of the reviewers to make the article more concise and comprehensible to a wider audience. Specifically, we rearranged Section 5, rewrote the difficult-to-understand sections 5 and 6, and removed unnecessary or overlapping text in Introduction and Discussion. We have also addressed the specific points raised by the reviewers. The responses to individual points are detailed below.

      Reviewer 1:

      The reviewer did not ask for any changes to the manuscript.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation of the manuscript.

      Reviewer 2:

      1/ Title: Structure-based mechanism of RyR channel operation by calcium and magnesium ions

      The authors may consider using an alternative term instead of "operation".

      Thank you for the suggestion. We considered and discussed the term "RyR channel operation" very thoroughly with several colleagues, including native English speakers, and we found it to represent the complex RyR behavior in situ and in experiments most exactly. Alternative terms such as "control" suggest a one-way deterministic action from the ion binding to the protein state, which is not the case. The terms such as "modulation" implicate the presence of a higher RyR state-governing principle, such as phosphorylation, nitrosylation, binding of auxiliary proteins, etc.

      2/ Abstract: Please spell out CFF and MWC theorem.

      Thank you for the proposal. CFF was changed to caffeine; MWC was changed to Monod-Wyman-Changeaux

      3/ Line 87-88: "In striated muscle cells, RyR channels cluster at discrete sites of sarcoplasmic reticulum attached to the sarcolemma where electrical excitation triggers transient calcium release by activation of RyRs."

      There is no attachment between sarcoplasmic reticulum and sarcolemma, please rewrite.

      We respectfully disagree, since there is strong evidence for the existence of discrete contact sites between the sarcolemma and sarcoplasmic reticulum both at triads of skeletal muscle (Rossi et al., 2019) and at dyads of cardiac muscle (Mackrill, 2022), at which both membranes are firmly attached.

      However, to avoid potential misunderstanding, we changed the sentence to "In striated muscle cells, RyR channels cluster at the discrete sites of sarcoplasmic reticulum attached to the sarcolemma in triads or dyads, where electrical excitation triggers transient calcium release by activation of RyRs" (lines 86-87).

      4/ Lines 104-107: "Recently, mathematical modeling of the cardiac calcium release site (Iaparov et al., 2022) confirmed that Mg2+ ions could at the same time act as the negative competitor at the calcium activation site and as an inhibitor at the inhibition site. Unfortunately, the structural counterpart of RyR inactivation, an inhibitory binding site for divalent ions, has not been located yet in RyR structures."

      Note that the exact structural counterpart exists (Nayak et al., 2022, 2024), where Ca and Mg were found both at the activation and inhibition sites. The paragraph should be updated accordingly.

      We respectfully disagree. In the cited works of Nayak et al. (2022; 2024) it was shown that Ca and Mg ions bind firmly at the activation site. Both atoms were also observed at the ACP molecule bound at the ATP binding site. However, they were not observed at the divalent ion-binding inhibition site, which is distinct from the ATP binding site and resides in the loops of the EF-hand region.

      However, to clarify the meaning of the disputed sentence, we have changed it to: "Although binding of Ca2+ or Mg2+ to an inhibitory binding site has not been observed yet in RyR structures, a consensus is emerging that the EF-hand loops constitute this site (Gomez et al., 2016; Zheng and Wen, 2020; Nayak et al., 2024; Chirasani et al., 2024 )" (lines 107-109).

      5/ Lines 108-110: The activation of RyR by agonists was shown to be accompanied by a conformational change around the Ca2+ binding site that leads to a decrease in the free energy and to a concomitant increase of the Ca2+ binding affinity and a population shift between the closed and open conformations (Dashti et al., 2020).

      Please clarify to what state does the "decrease in free energy" refer, to the open or to the closed state?

      Thank you for the proposal. The text was changed to: "The activation of RyR by agonists was shown to be accompanied by a conformational change around the Ca2+ binding site that leads to a decrease in the free energy of the open state and concomitantly to an increase of the Ca2+ binding affinity of the activation site. As a result, the occurrence probability of a RyR state/conformation shifts from the closed toward the open (Dashti et al., 2020)" (lines 110-113).

      6/ Figure 2: please indicate if distances were measured between the C-alphas or side chains.

      Thank you for the proposal. The figure legend was modified to "Distances D1 between the Cα atoms of E4075 and R4736 or equivalent. Right - Distances D2 between the Cα atoms of K4101 and D4730 or equivalent."

      7/ Line 353-357: "These data suggest that interactions between the basic arginine residue R4736 and the acidic residues at the start of the initial helix E of the EF1-hand are specific for Ca2+-dependent inactivation in RyR1, whereas the interactions between the lysine K4101 that immediately follows the F helix of EF1 and the middle of the S23 loop (corresponding to D4730 and I4731 in RyR1) may play a part in the inactivation of both RyR1 and RyR2 isoforms.

      Sentence is unclear; please rewrite. Overall, the entire section "Spatial interactions between the EF-hand and S23* regions" should be simplified and shortened.

      Thank you for the proposal. The text was changed to: "These data suggest that interactions between the basic arginine residue R4736 and the acidic residues E4075 and D4079 are specific for Ca2+-dependent inactivation in RyR1, whereas the interactions between the lysine K4101 and the residues D4730 and I4731 (rRyR1 notation)* may play a part in the inactivation of both RyR1 and RyR2 isoforms." (lines 334-337).

      We did not find a way how to make the whole section simpler and shorter at the same time without losing clarity.

      8/ Lines 246-249 and Table 1. "all structures corresponding to rRyR1 residues 4063-4196 were<br /> subjected to energy minimization and submitted to the MIB2 server for evaluation of the ion binding score (IBS) of individual amino acid residues and the number of ion binding poses (NIBP) for Ca and Mg ions."

      Please elaborate on the "ion binding score" and "number of ion binding poses" concepts and provide reference for the MIB2 server.

      Thank you for the proposal. We added the reference for the server (Lu et al., 2022) (line 228) and added the information: "IBS values of individual residues are determined using sequence and structure conservation comparison with 409 and 209 respective templates from the PDB database for Ca2+ and Mg2+ (Lin et al., 2016) and assessing the similarity of the configuration of the residue to its configurations in known structures of its complexes with the given metal (Lu et al., 2012). Ion binding sites are determined by locally aligning the query protein with the metal ion-binding templates and calculating its score as the RMSD-weighted scoring function Z. The site is accepted if it has a scoring function Z>1, and based on the local 3D structure alignment between the query protein and the metal ion-binding template, the metal ion in the template is transformed into the query protein structure (Lin et al., 2016). The larger the IBS value, the higher the tendency of the residue to bind the ion. The larger the NIBP value, the larger the number of such complexes with acceptable structure" (lines 224-234).

      9/ Lines 460-466: Nine structural models of RyR were selected, and then these are referred to in the text only with the pdb code. The reviewer understands that it would be difficult to recapitulate all conditions but either a table in the main manuscript file or a minimal description in the text following the pdb code would increase clarity and help readers to follow the content.

      Thank you for the proposal. We added a new Table 2 "Model structures used for identifying the allosteric pathways" on line 452 that contains the required information, and inserted a reference to it in the text at line 446 "According to these criteria we selected five RyR1 model structures (Table 2)..."

      10/ Line 467: "In the selected structures, we identified residues with high allosteric coupling intensities (ACI) for both the inhibition and activation network and compared them with residues important for ligand binding and gating of RyR (Table 2)."

      Please define further the concept of "allosteric coupling intensities". The corresponding methods section appears to focus on the outputs of the OHM server without delving too much on the algorithm or principles followed. Is the allosteric coupling between neighboring residues, or reflect movement of the residues due to ligand binding? Is there a "reference" state or are the comparisons carried out within each allosteric state? This would help to introduce better the sections "The inhibition network" and "The activation network".

      Thank you for this suggestion. We have lately realized, considering both the server output and the original work of Wang et al. (2020), that a better term for the variable depicting the role of the residue in the allosteric pathway would be the residue importance RI rather than the ACI. The allosteric pathway is determined on the basis of the network of contacts between pairs of residues in the given structure. The more contacts are present between two residues, the higher is the probability that a perturbation will be propagated from one to the other residue (Eq. 3 of Wang et al. (2020)). An allosteric pathway is then defined as the pathway that transmits the signal the whole way from the allosteric site to the active site.

      Based on this we have changed in the manuscript the term "allosteric coupling intensity" to "residue importance" throughout the text and figures of the manuscript. It should be underlined, that this change has no effect whatsoever on presented data and conclusions. We inserted the following formulation in the Results section:

      "The term residue importance defines the extent to which the given residue is involved in the propagation of a perturbation from the allosteric site to the active site, i.e., the fraction of simulated perturbations transmitted through this particular residue. The more contacts are present between two residues, the higher is the probability that a perturbation will be propagated from one to the other residue (Wang et al., 2020)." (lines 439-443).

      We also inserted the following formulations into the Methods section: "The simulation of the perturbation propagation was performed 10 000 times per structure and pathway to estimate the values of residue importance." (lines 1093-1095), and we expanded the relevant sentence: "Allosteric pathways were traced using the server OHM (https://dokhlab.med.psu.edu/ohm/#/home, (Wang et al., 2020)), in which the allosteric pathway is determined on the basis of the network of contacts between pairs of residues in the given structure." (lines 1082-1084).

      11/ Figure 8: The figure would be more meaningful if the pathways were drawn in the context of the 3D structure.

      Thank you for the proposal. The pathways described in Fig. 8 are too complex for description in the RyR 3D structure, therefore they were not presented in the original manuscript. However, to follow the reviewer's proposal we have illustrated the pathways observed in the inactivated RyR1 channel (7tdg) and the open RyR2 channel (7u9) in Expanded View Figure EV1 and added the corresponding Expanded View Movie EV1 and EV2. These RyR structures were selected for displaying both the intra- and inter-monomeric inactivation pathways.

      12/ Lines 610-612: "The structure of the inactivated RyR2 has not been determined yet; however, it is plausible to suppose that it exists at high concentrations of divalent ions and differs from the inactivated RyR1 structure by the extent of EF-hand - S23* coupling. "

      The speculation would be more fit for the discussion section.

      Thank you for the proposal; however, the sentence introduces a logical supposition, necessary there for reasoning on the construction of the model. We reformulated the sentence to: "In the absence of a structure of the inactivated RyR2, the model assumes that such a structure exists at high concentrations of divalent ions and differs from the inactivated RyR1 structure by the extent of EF-hand - S23* coupling." (lines 573-575).

      13/ Lines 617-619: Closed and primed macrostates could be combined into a single closed macrostate of the model since both are closed and cannot be functionally distinguished at a constant ATP concentration.

      The rationale for combining closed with primed does not seem a good idea, especially since the authors also mention that "the primed state is structurally very close to the open state" (lines 925-926). If the COI model is based on the structural findings, in principle it seems that primed should be treated separately.

      Thank you for the proposal. The use of both the closed and primed states was crucial for solving the model. As a matter of fact, although the primed and closed states are in part structurally different, functionally they are identical, that is, closed. Consequently, to be distinguished in a functional model we would need to incorporate single-channel data obtained under conditions when the ratio of closed and primed channels was modulated under otherwise identical conditions. Unfortunately, such a set of data, for instance at a varying ATP concentration for a range of cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations, does not exist for either RyR1 or RyR2 channels. Moreover, while there are several RyR1 high-resolution structures in the primed state (such as the 7tzc that we used; 2.45 Å; Melville et al. (2022)), the resolution of the corresponding RyR2 structures (6jg3, 6jh6, 6jhn; 4.5 - 6.1 Å; Chi et al. (2019)) is not sufficient for determination of allosteric pathways. Fortunately, however, the two sets of conditions for RyR2 open probability data that were available in the literature turned out to represent activation of channels either selectively from the closed state (Fig. 10C), or almost selectively from the primed state (Fig. 10A, B). This allowed us to interpret the difference in the allosteric coefficients as a consequence of this fact.

      To better clarify the idea, the corresponding text of the Discussion was modified as follows (lines 926-931): "RyR channels can be considered mostly in the primed state under these conditions since the binding of ATP analogs induces the primed structural macrostate in RyRs even in the absence of Ca2+ (Cholak et al., 2023). Fortunately, the two sets of conditions for RyR2 open probability data that were available in the literature turned out to represent activation of channels either selectively from the closed state (Fig. 10C), or selectively from the primed state (Fig. 10A, B).", and "construction of such a model is at present hampered by the lack of open probability data at a sufficiently wide range of experimental conditions and the absence of high-resolution structures of WT RyR2 in the primed state" (lines 934-937).

      14/ Line 619. Please define the "COI" acronym. I assume it is closed, open and inactivated but this is not mentioned.

      We thank the reviewer for noticing the insufficiency. We expanded the specific sentence as follows: Therefore, we constructed the model of RyR operation, termed the COI (closed-open-inactivated) model, in which we assigned a functional macrostate corresponding to each of the closed, open, and inactivated structural macrostates (Figure 9A)" (line 582).

      15/ Figure 9: The diagrams are difficult to follow. Something that could improve it is to differentiate more between open and closed gates, but further elaboration would help the reader.

      We thank the reviewer for paying attention to details. The open state was differentiated in Figure 9 (after line 603) by adding a pore opening to the gate.

      To elaborate on the gating transitions and to keep the manuscript concise, we added a new Expanded View Figure EV2, which illustrates the relationship between the ion binding within macrostates and the transitions between macrostates.

      Nevertheless, for the complexity of the model, which would need a multidimensional presentation, we had to limit the illustration to only the binding of the first ions at the binding sites. We hope that it will help the reader to grasp the principle of the model function more easily.

      16/ One comment is that the manuscript is too long; the manuscript exceeds the typical length required by most journals. To enhance its suitability for publication, the content needs to be synthesized and streamlined. The manuscript is written for an audience specialized in the RyR field and may be challenging for outsiders or for readers unfamiliar with structure and/or biophysical models.

      We thank the reviewer for opening this problem. The specific contribution to the understanding of RyR operation communicated by this manuscript was achieved by the synergy of approaches coming from different fields of RyR research - the structural, the functional, and the synthetic/systems ones. This needed deep immersion into complex studies performed over several decades to unwrap their complementary contributions. Only then we could synthesize the stepwise advances and integrate the mosaic of partial discoveries into the COI model. When conceptualizing the manuscript we were also considering a two-paper version, one on structural aspects and the other on modeling aspects. We realized that the two papers would need to have a very high overlap at the allosteric mechanism to be understandable in separation and would be difficult to publish in the same journal. We also anticipated a typical side effect that structuralists and modelers would read just their parts and would not appreciate enough the feedback from alternative views - how to design and interpret future structural, functional, and modeling studies.

      Compacting the manuscript would be extremely difficult for us. In our view, the dense text would make it even more challenging for readers unfamiliar with some of the numerous approaches used here, as often happens to prominent multidisciplinary journals. Maybe it would be possible with the help of AI, but for now, we prefer to remain authentic.

      Nevertheless, we made some effort. To shorten the manuscript, we have removed the paragraph describing the timeline of the search for the RyR inhibition site that was originally on lines 126-151 and replaced it with the paragraph on lines 129-134: "The regulatory domains involved in both, activation and inactivation of RyRs (Figure 1) are located in the C-terminal quarter of the RyR. The Central domain participates in the Ca2+ binding activation site; the C-terminal domain bears several residues of Ca-, ATP- and caffeine-binding activation sites; the U-motif participates at the ATP- and caffeine-binding sites; the EF-hand region contains the putative Ca-binding pair EF1 and EF2; and the S23 loop bears one residue of the caffeine-binding site and two residues interacting with the EF-hand region of a neighboring monomer (Samso, 2017; Hadiatullah et al., 2022)". We also removed the statements about the proposed kinetic mechanism of inactivation by Nayak et al. (2022), originally on lines 175-184. Finally, we removed the discussion of the work of Gomez et al. (2016) originally on lines 882-889, since it fully overlapped with the statements in Results on lines 358-367 (now lines 338-347). We also moved the text of the subsection "Relationship between the COI model and RyR allosteric pathways" (originally lines 670-685) into subsection "Construction of the model of RyR operation", lines 592-603 and 645-662 of the revised version.

      17/ Another comment is the limited consideration of two relevant published works. One is by Chirasani et al. (2024), focused on allosteric pathways similar to the ones described here. The other work is by Nayak et al (2024), with cryo-EM structures of RyR1 focused on the interplay with Mg2+ and Ca2+. Overall, the manuscript would be strengthened by incorporating such related results in the literature.

      We thank the reviewer for the concerns, but we cannot fully agree. The paper of Chirasani et al. (2024 ) was cited in the manuscript as its online-first version, Chirasani et al. (2023). The manuscript now refers to the printed version proposed by the reviewer. The Chirasani et al. work was discussed on lines 870-881. The paper concentrates on the interaction between the EF-hand region and the S23 segment and its effect on RyR inactivation, which we referenced in the manuscript, but not on the allosteric pathways as mentioned by the reviewer. To broaden the consideration of this important work, we have introduced a more detailed discussion of Chirasani et al. (2024 ) by adding the following text to the manuscript: Lines 881-888: "Based on their structural analysis of the open RyR1 structure 5tal, Chirasani et al. (2024 ) proposed that narrowing the gap between the EF-hand domain and S23 loop, resulting in H-bonding interactions between the EF-hand residue K4101 and the S23 loop residue D4730, and those between the EF-hand residues E4075, Q4076, D4079 and the S23 loop residue R4736, is a consequence of the binding of Ca2+ to the EF-hands. However, our PDBePISA analysis revealed a similar number of interactions between the EF-hand region and the S23 loop not only in open and inactivated but also in primed RyR1 structures (Figure 3). The presence of EF hand-S23 hydrogen bonds in the primed and open RyR1 structures suggests that the proximity of the EF-hand domain and S23 loop is a structural trait distinguishing RyR1 from RyR2, not a consequence of Ca2+ binding to the EF hand.*"

      The data and ideas of the illuminating work of Nayak et al. (2024) were discussed and referred to in the manuscript in several places, originally lines 74, 77, 164 (Introduction), 311, 340 (Results), 892-893, and 971 (Discussion). To broaden consideration of this work, we have expanded the discussion of this paper by adding the text shown in bold into the Introduction: "Recent studies reporting RyR structure at a high divalent ion concentration provide only indirect support for the molecular mechanism of Ca2+/Mg2+-dependent inactivation. Wei et al. (2016) and Nayak et al. (2024) observed a change in the conformation of the RyR1 EF-hands in the presence of 100 µM Ca2+ and 10 mM Mg2+, respectively, compared to low-calcium or low-magnesium conditions." (lines 135-138) and in the Discussion (lines 889-891): "The recent RyR1 structure 7umz (Nayak et al., 2024) provided evidence of Mg2+ ion bound in the RyR activation site, thus confirming the functional studies that established competition between Ca2+ and Mg2+ at this activation site (Laver et al., 1997; Zahradnikova et al., 2003; Zahradnikova et al., 2010)."

      Reviewer 3:

      Minor comment: While I am not an expert in allosteric model construction and therefore cannot fully assess their methodological approach, I observed that the authors fixed a number of parameters to achieve model convergence. A more detailed explanation of the rationale behind these fixed parameters would enhance clarity. Currently, these parameters are not clearly specified in the text and are somewhat obscured by the broader description of all parameters included in the model.

      We thank the reviewer very much for this comment, which made us realize that the relevant sections were written in a too technical manner, without sufficient explanation of the ideas behind the derivation and optimization of the model. To clarify the rationale of this process, we have rewritten the subsection "Derivation of the model open probability equation" and the section "Description of RyR operation by the COI model". In the subsection "Derivation of the model open probability equation", we have explained the simplification of the full set of equations (Eqs. 3A-C) into Eqs. 4A-C (lines 642 - 666). In the section "Description of RyR operation by the COI model", we have explained the extent of over-parametrization and the rationale of reducing it by three methods: combining the data into groups with common parameter values; eliminating parameter interdependence by fixation of one parameter at a preset value taken from the literature or postulated a priori; and sharing parameter values between data groups when no significant difference between these values was observed (lines 683-685, 702-710, 719-740).

      We hope that these changes make the manuscript more comprehensible.


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    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors conducted a meta-analysis of a large set of deposited structures of ryanodine receptors (RyR) 1 and 2, aiming to elucidate the gating and inactivation mechanisms of these channels. This work is significant as the functional understanding of this giant ion channel remains limited, despite extensive research efforts. The challenges primarily stem from its large size and complexity, with numerous modulating and activating ligands as well as post-translational modifications.<br /> This is a comprehensive and well-executed study, providing valuable insights into the differences in ligand sensitivities between RyR1 and RyR2. Notably, the authors clarify the role of the EF-hand pairs in the inhibition mechanism and how these differences drive the distinct inhibition sensitivities between the two isoforms. Additionally, they constructed an allosteric model that effectively recapitulates single-channel measurements available in the literature.

      Minor comment: While I am not an expert in allosteric model construction and therefore cannot fully assess their methodological approach, I observed that the authors fixed a number of parameters to achieve model convergence. A more detailed explanation of the rationale behind these fixed parameters would enhance clarity. Currently, these parameters are not clearly specified in the text and are somewhat obscured by the broader description of all parameters included in the model.


      Overall, this study marks a significant advance in understanding the mechanism of this channel, which plays a critical role in excitation-contraction coupling. It also lays the groundwork for more robust and thorough methods to study allosteric mechanisms in large protein complexes.<br /> Insights from this study may be used for the rational design of allosteric drugs targetting this channel to treat heart and muscular diseases.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is an interesting contribution by Zahradnikova et al. on the structure-based mechanism of RyR by calcium and magnesium. To this effect, they systematically and quantitatively compare multiple structures from the pdb database using bioinformatics. The comparisons between structures are rigorous and include RyR reconstructions in multiple conditions. They represent the more comprehensive structural comparison to date. The study proposes main long-allosteric pathways between the activation and inhibition ion binding sites and the ion gate and reasons the different inactivation properties of RyR1 and RyR2, which is an important question on the field.

      Based on the allosteric model, they built a model of "RyR operation" using Monod-Wyman-Changeaux and Markov theorems. While the reviewer cannot comment on the mathematical model due lack of expertise, it appears to have high predictive power and strong agreement with single channel functional data.

      Specific issues are noted below.

      Title: Structure-based mechanism of RyR channel operation by calcium and magnesium ions

      The authors may consider using an alternative term instead of "operation".

      Abstract: Please spell out CFF and MWC theorem.

      Line 87-88: "In striated muscle cells, RyR channels cluster at discrete sites of sarcoplasmic reticulum attached to the sarcolemma where electrical excitation triggers transient calcium release by activation of RyRs."

      There is no attachment between sarcoplasmic reticulum and sarcolemma, please rewrite.

      Lines 104-107: "Recently, mathematical modeling of the cardiac calcium release site (Iaparov et al., 2022) confirmed that Mg2+ ions could at the same time act as the negative competitor at the calcium activation site and as an inhibitor at the inhibition site. Unfortunately, the structural counterpart of RyR inactivation, an inhibitory binding site for divalent ions, has not been located yet in RyR structures."

      Note that the exact structural counterpart exists (Nayak et al., 2022, 2024), where Ca and Mg were found both at the activation and inhibition sites. The paragraph should be updated accordingly.

      Lines 108-110: The activation of RyR by agonists was shown to be accompanied by a conformational change around the Ca2+ binding site that leads to a decrease in the free energy and to a concomitant increase of the Ca2+ binding affinity and a population shift between the closed and open conformations (Dashti et al., 2020).

      Please clarify to what state does the "decrease in free energy" refer, to the open or to the closed state?

      Figure 2: please indicate if distances were measured between the C-alphas or side chains.

      Line 353-357: "These data suggest that interactions between the basic arginine residue R4736 and the acidic residues at the start of the initial helix E of the EF1-hand are specific for Ca2+-dependent inactivation in RyR1, whereas the interactions between the lysine K4101 that immediately follows the F helix of EF1 and the middle of the S23 loop (corresponding to D4730 and I4731 in RyR1) may play a part in the inactivation of both RyR1 and RyR2 isoforms.

      Sentence is unclear; please rewrite. Overall, the entire section "Spatial interactions between the EF-hand and S23* regions" should be simplified and shortened.

      Lines 246-249 and Table 1. "all structures corresponding to rRyR1 residues 4063-4196 were<br /> subjected to energy minimization and submitted to the MIB2 server for evaluation of the ion binding score (IBS) of individual amino acid residues and the number of ion binding poses (NIBP) for Ca and Mg ions."

      Please elaborate on the "ion binding score" and "number of ion binding poses" concepts and provide reference for the MIB2 server.

      Lines 460-466: Nine structural models of RyR were selected, and then these are referred to in the text only with the pdb code. The reviewer understands that it would be difficult to recapitulate all conditions but either a table in the main manuscript file or a minimal description in the text following the pdb code would increase clarity and help readers to follow the content.

      Line 467: "In the selected structures, we identified residues with high allosteric coupling intensities (ACI) for both the inhibition and activation network and compared them with residues important for ligand binding and gating of RyR (Table 2)."

      Please define further the concept of "allosteric coupling intensities". The corresponding methods section appears to focus on the outputs of the OHM server without delving too much on the algorithm or principles followed. Is the allosteric coupling between neighboring residues, or reflect movement of the residues due to ligand binding? Is there a "reference" state or are the comparisons carried out within each allosteric state? This would help to introduce better the sections "The inhibition network" and "The activation network".

      Figure 8: The figure would be more meaningful if the pathways were drawn in the context of the 3D structure.

      Lines 610-612: "The structure of the inactivated RyR2 has not been determined yet; however, it is plausible to suppose that it exists at high concentrations of divalent ions and differs from the inactivated RyR1 structure by the extent of EF-hand - S23* coupling. "

      The speculation would be more fit for the discussion section.

      Lines 617-619: Closed and primed macrostates could be combined into a single closed macrostate of the model since both are closed and cannot be functionally distinguished at a constant ATP concentration.

      The rationale for combining closed with primed does not seem a good idea, especially since the authors also mention that "the primed state is structurally very close to the open state" (lines<br /> 925-926). If the COI model is based on the structural findings, in principle it seems that primed should be treated separately.

      Line 619. Please define the "COI" acronym. I assume it is closed, open and inactivated but this is not mentioned.

      Figure 9: The diagrams are difficult to follow. Something that could improve it is to differentiate more between open and closed gates, but further elaboration would help the reader.


      Overall, the work is a valuable conceptual contribution to the field that will help in the mechanistic understanding of RyR function.

      One comment is that the manuscript is too long; the manuscript exceeds the typical length required by most journals. To enhance its suitability for publication, the content needs to be synthesized and streamlined. The manuscript is written for an audience specialized in the RyR field and may be challenging for outsiders or for readers unfamiliar with structure and/or biophysical models.

      Another comment is the limited consideration of two relevant published works. One is by Chirasani et al. (2024), focused on allosteric pathways similar to the ones described here. The other work is by Nayak et al (2024), with cryo-EM structures of RyR1 focused on the interplay with Mg2+ and Ca2+. Overall, the manuscript would be strengthened by incorporating such related results in the literature.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: The data provides evidence for a novel model of divalent cation activation and inhibition of RyR1 and RyR2. The model defines allosterically coupled closed, open, and inactivated RyR states common for both RyR isoforms. The model is consistent with published single channel open probability data. The model is justified and brings together relevant novel and published structural and functional data and will provide a useful framework for discussion of future functional and structural findings. The manuscript will have the greatest appeal to a specialized audience dedicated to understanding the structure and function of the ryanodine receptor and excitation-contraction coupling.

      Major comments

      The claims and conclusions are supported by the data. I do not suggest any additional experiments. The data and methods are presented in an adequate fashion for reproduction by specialised investigators. The statistical analysis is adequate

      Minor comments

      Prior studies are appropriately referenced and clearly described.


      The study is highly significant because the divalent cations are the primary regulators of ryanodine receptor activity during excitation-contraction coupling. The structural basis of this regulation if of the utmost importance in terms of understanding the basic molecular mechanisms and in future drug design.

      My expertise is in ryanodine receptor function and structure

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reply to the Reviewers

      We sincerely thank the reviewers for their comprehensive and constructive feedback.

      Reviewer #1

      Major comments:

      1. The data and key conclusions of the paper are convincing. However, the reliability of the findings in terms of the new interaction could be improved by not relying solely on proximity ligation approaches (BioID, PLA), but employing a complementary biochemical strategy. The authors state that an immunoprecipitation (IP) was not possible due to a lack of antibodies for IP. This does not seem convincing since in the paper Saito-Diaz et al which they cite commercial antibodies were used to immunoprecipitate APC. Alternatively, the cell line expressing tagged ROBO1 could be used together with endogenous or tagged APC for an biochemical interaction experiment.


      We thank the reviewer for this important suggestion. In our initial studies, we attempted co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) experiments using several different antibodies directed to APC. The signal detected was very low, possibly reflecting relatively low endogenous expression of ROBO1 in COS-7 cells, technical challenges associated with co-IP of APC and ROBO1, which are both large proteins (>200 kDa), and/or transient interactions between the two proteins. As part of the revision plan we will carry out co-IP experiments using HEK293A cells stably expressing full length ROBO1 (5H9 cells).

      Regarding the PLA experiment, I was very surprised by the very strong labeling for Clathrin+ROBO1 shown in the representative image. It is hard to believe that this image is representative when the average number of dots in the quantification is about 100. From the image it is also hard to see how it would be possible to quantify individual dots. For this, a zoom would be helpful.


      We thank the reviewer for this helpful comment. In the revised manuscript, we have added a magnified panel to Figure 4E.

      Clathrin and ROBO1 are likely not even direct interactors but come together by their common interaction with AP2. Therefore, to back this surprisingly strong result up, I would recommend to include one more control such as another rabbit antibody recognizing a protein that does not associate with clathrin or use e.g. the ROBO1 wildtype vs the ROBO1 mutant, that does not bind AP2 and therefore should also not associate with clathrin, for the experiment. Even better, the authors could confirm the PLA results by the mentioned complementary biochemical experiments to bolster the findings by an independent approach.


      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. As recommended, we will use the complementary biochemical approaches suggested, and will perform immunoprecipitation experiments to examine interactions with clathrin in cells that express wildtype ROBO1 vs. cells that express mutant ROBO1 that does not bind AP2. As recommended, we will further perform experiments using control antibody directed to a protein that does not associate with clathrin.

      Minor comments:

      In general, data and methods are presented in a manner that should make them reproducible by others. Some small things to improve are:

      1. In the paragraph on antibodies the used concentrations for the different applications should be provided.


      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and apologize for the omission. In the revised manuscript, we have added a supplementary table to clarify the concentrations of antibodies used for different experimental applications. Please see Table s1.

      It should be described how the poly-D-lysine coating was exactly performed.


      We thank the reviewer for this comment. In the revised manuscript, we have added the procedure for poly-D-lysine coating in the "Materials and Methods" section. Please see page 7 line 143-144.

      The statistical analysis looks adequate. There are just some minor things that should be specified:- Just to make sure: Is it really always SD which is provided and not SEM? Sometimes the error bars look so small that I was wondering about this.


      We appreciate the opportunity to clarify that we used SD consistently in the manuscript.

      • It should be specified for each experiment which post-hoc test is used or stated that one is always used for the One-Way ANOVA and the other for the Two-Way ANOVA resp. a rationale should be provided why two different post-hoc tests are used.


      We have added the post hoc tests used for each assay in the figure legend. The rationale for the different post hoc tests used has also been added in the "Materials and Methods" section as "Two-tailed paired Student's t-test was used for two-group comparisons. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's post hoc multiple comparison test was used for multiple-group comparisons with a single independent variable, and two-way ANOVA followed by Sidak's post hoc multiple comparison test was used for multiple-group comparisons with two independent variables". Please see page 12 line 275-279, page 20 line 519-520, page 21 line 524-525, 533-534, 537-538, 540-541, 543-544, page 22 line 551-552, 555-556, 561-562, 576-577, page 23 line 582, 584-585, 587, 589-590, 595, 599, page 24 line 624-625, 629, 635-636, page 25 638-639.

      • When using the t-test, it should be stated whether it is paired or unpaired and one- or two-tailed.


      Two-tailed paired Student's t-test was used in Fig. 5C. We have added in the "Materials and Methods" section and figure legend in the revised manuscript. Please see page 12 line 275-276, page 23 line 587.

      • It should be stated whether it was tested that the data fulfill the requirements for parametric tests (normal distribution).


      We have added "The data fulfilled the requirements for normal distribution using the Shapiro-Wilk test" in the "Materials and Methods" section in the revised manuscript. Please see page 12 line 274-275 in the revised manuscript.

      Text and figures are mostly clear, apart from some small things:

      • I was wondering about figure 1B. If I understand the methods description right, all cells were permeabilized prior to secondary antibody application. Why then is so little fluorescence for Flag visible in the first PBS row at 30 min? That would only make sense for me if the cell was not permeabilized and the protein internalized. So where did the majority of the protein end up after 30 min since you should see the entire population in a permeabilized cell? Could you please comment on this?


      We thank the reviewer for this comment. The cells were permeabilized prior to secondary antibody application. Since NSLIT2 binding to ROBO1 can facilitate ADAM10-mediated ROBO1 cleavage to release the extracellular domain of ROBO1 (Coleman et al., 2010), this may have caused little fluorescence for Flag to be visible in the first PBS row at 30 min. In the revised manuscript we have added a comment about the finding described. Please see page 13 line 293-296.

      • Fig. 2A the upper left image (0 min PBS) should be very similar to the upper left image in Fig. 1B, shouldn´t it? But it looks quite different to me in terms of surface amount of ROBO1-Flag. Could you please comment on this?


      We apologize for the confusing images included in the original version of the manuscript. As noted, the upper left image (0 min PBS) in Fig. 2A should be very similar to the upper left image in Fig. 1B. We have now instead included an image for Fig. 2A that is more representative of the data from the experiments we performed.

      • Please explain what the molecular difference between bio-active NSLIT2 and bio-inactive CSLIT2 is. Please provide a rationale why you sometimes use CSLIT2 as negative control and sometimes DD2SLIT2. In Fig. 3G you are using DD2SLIT2. Even though there is no significance reached with the analyzed n, it is very striking that the bars are consistently higher upon DD2SLIT2 application. Can you comment on this effect? Or am I misunderstanding the labeling of the figure?


      Bio-active NSLIT2 consists of the N-terminal fragment of SLIT2 and contains the second leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain (D2), which binds to the first two Ig domains of the ROBO1 receptor (Ig1-2). Bio-inactive CSLIT2 consists of the C-terminal fragment of SLIT2, which does not bind ROBO1. DD2SLIT2 consists of the N-terminal fragment of SLIT2 but lacks D2 LRR domain that is essential for ROBO1 binding. Neither CSLIT2 nor DD2SLIT2 can bind the ROBO1 receptor (Bhosle et al., 2020; Mukovozov et al., 2015; Patel et al., 2012). In Fig. 3G, DD2SLIT2 was used as negative control and did not affect cell spreading, so the bars are consistently higher upon D2SLIT2 application. The use of CSLIT2 or DD2SLIT2 in different experiments was due to the availability of these reagents. In Fig. 3F and 3G, we have made modifications to the X axis to clarify.

      • On page 3 it states "...endocytosis of ROBO1...requires...APC": I found this confusing since it is the dissociation of APC that is required for promoting endocytosis. Therefore, it would be good to rephrase this sentence.


      We apologize for the confusing language. In the revised manuscript, we have changed "endocytosis of ROBO1 from the cell surface requires the tumor suppressor protein, APC" to "endocytosis of ROBO1 from the cell surface requires the dissociation of the tumor suppressor protein, APC". Please see page 4 line 35-36.

      • On page 8 is written "...cells surface ROBO1 [is] removed". Please be more accurate since the acid wash does not remove ROBO1, but only the antibody bound to the extracellular epitope.


      We apologize for the confusing language. In the revised manuscript, we have changed "cell surface ROBO1 removed" to "anti-Flag antibody binding ROBO1 removed from the cell surface". Please see page 8 line 153-154.

      • On page 8 provide an explanation for the abbreviation HAC.


      To enhance clarity, in the revised manuscript we have used the full name "acetic acid" instead of using the abbreviation "HAC". Please see page 8 line 155.

      • On page 15 you speak of "mutant AP2". Please be more accurate since there is no mutant AP2 involved, but you are refering to ROBO1 with mutations in its AP2 binding motifs.
      • On page 14 you speak of "cells expressing the mutant alleles of AP2". As above, please be more accurate and replace with "cells expressing ROBO1 harboring mutations in both AP2 binding sites".


      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and apologize for the confusion. For the sake of accuracy, we have made the changes as suggested by the reviewer. Please see page 15 line 351 and page 14 line 331-332.

      • On page 19 you write: "Using proximity ligation assays, we observed that ROBO1, APC and clathrin interact with one another". I am maybe a bit picky here, but in my eyes with these assays you only show that they are very close together and might be in a complex, but you do not show (direct) interaction in a strict sense. Therefore, I would downtone this a bit.


      We thank the reviewer for this important comment. As suggested, in the revised manuscript, we replaced "Using proximity ligation assays, we observed that ROBO1, APC and clathrin interact with one another" with "Using proximity ligation assays, we observed that ROBO1, APC and clathrin are in close proximity to one another". Please see page 18 line 458. We have similarly amended the language throughout the manuscript. Please see page 3 line 11-12, page 4 line 37, page 16 line 391, 394, 396, 398, page 22 line 564.

      • In Fig. 5B I would find it easier for the reader if siRNA and control were shown side by side for the different conditions.


      In the revised manuscript, we have made the changes suggested by the reviewer to enhance clarity.

      • Between the internalization assays and the spreading assays, you switch from HEK293 cells to COS7 cells. Please provide a rationale for this for the reader.


      Because the endogenous expression of ROBO1 is relatively low in COS-7 cells, we generated a HEK293A cell line that stably expresses ROBO1, and used these cells to examine subcellular traffic of ROBO1 and explore interactors of ROBO1. We next sought to explore the functional consequences of internalization of ROBO1 and the functional role of APC. As we and others previously showed that SLIT2-ROBO1 signaling inhibits cell spreading (Bhosle et al., 2020; Patel et al., 2012; Tole et al., 2009), we elected to use this measure as a biologic read-out. Because HEK293A cells do not spread as much as COS-7 cells, we instead used COS-7 cells for the spreading assays.

      • You provide a table with putative interactors within the paper and as supplementary table. Could you please explain better to the reader what your criteria were for including hits into the "short-list" presented in Table1.


      We chose proteins based on two criteria. The first was association with full-length ROBO1, but not with ROBO1 lacking the intracellular domain. The second was association with full-length ROBO1 under basal conditions, but loss of association with full-length ROBO1 after exposure of cells to NSLIT2. In the revised manuscript, we have added the criteria in the manuscript. Please see page 15 line 363-366.

      Typos - p. 6: CO2 instead of CO2

      • p21 last line: Immunoblotting should not be capitzalized.

      • Figure s1 legend: full-lenth is missing a g


      We apologize for the oversight. In the revised manuscript, we have corrected these typos. Please see page 6 line 97, page 21 line 535 and page 24 line 611.


      It was already known from Drosophila and for mammalian cells that SLIT2 induces the endocytosis of ROBO1 and that this is necessary for its repulsive function in axon guidance as the authors point out. The key advance of the study is the identification of APC as an interactor of ROBO1 which decreases its endocytosis until it dissociates upon SLIT2 binding to ROBO1. This is an interesting aspect which opens up parallels to the regulation of Wnt signaling by APC as the authors discuss. The significance of this finding would be even greater if it would have been shown that this mechanism actually operates in axon guidance. That not being the case, the authours might want to discuss in more detail if APC has previously been implicated to affect axon guidance.

      Researchers working on endocytosis, adhesion, cellular signaling and the development of the nervous system will be interested in these findings.


      We thank the reviewer for the positive comments regarding the significance of our findings. As recommended, in the discussion section of the revised manuscript we will discuss in more detail what is known about the role of APC in axon guidance.

      Reviewer #2

      Major comments:

      1. As the authors emphasize the role of NSlit2 in Robo1 internalization throughout their manuscript, I suggest authors include "NSlit" in their title. Something like this "Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) regulates the NSlit2-induced internalization and signaling of the chemo repellent receptor, hRoundabout (ROBO) 1" or maybe a better title.


      As suggested, we have changed the title of the revised manuscript to "Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) regulates the NSLIT2-induced internalization and signaling of the chemorepellent receptor, Roundabout (ROBO) 1".

      In addition to transferrin as the control for their internalization studies, have the authors tested the specificity of NSlit-2-induced internalization with other Robo receptors such as Robo2? Does the APC bind to Robo2 also?


      We thank the reviewer for this comment. Due to significant cost constraints, we focused our BioID experiments on identifying proteins that interact with ROBO1. In the revised manuscript, we will expand the discussion to consider the questions raised here by the reviewer.

      The N-Slit group at 0' in Figure 1 b and Figure 2a, the Flag-Robo staining looks very different. Is it because the authors did not use ADAM protease inhibitor in Figure 2a that's why they are seeing more internalized Flag-Robo at 0'? It is not very clear either in the Results or the legend.


      We apologize for the confusing images. We used ADAM protease inhibitor for all endocytosis assays, as mentioned in the "Materials and Methods" section. The upper left image (0 min PBS) in Fig. 2A should be very similar to the upper left image in Fig. 1B. We have now replaced the image in 2A with one that is more representative of the overall results.

      Have the authors tested the Surface Robo1 pool in siAPC cells induced with or without N-Slit2?


      We added NSLIT2 to cells as we started endocytosis assay. At the time point of 0 min, the surface ROBO1 pool was not affeacted by NSLIT2.

      Does the Robo1 mutated with AP2 binding motifs interact with APC? Have authors performed a Proximity ligation assay with AP2-binding motifs mutated Robo1 and APC?


      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. As recommended, we will perform proximity ligation assays to examine interactions between APC and ROBO1 which lacks AP2-binding motifs.

      The resolution of PLA dots in the current version is very low. Authors should include higher magnification pictures for these interactions and also PLA dots channel should be separately represented in addition to the DAPI merged images for better clarity and interpretation.


      We thank the reviewer for these suggestions. In the revised manuscript, we have included figures with the recommended modifications to enhance clarity. Please see figure 4A, 4C and 4E.

      Do the Slit2 treated cells affect APC mRNA expression? Or does Slit2 only inhibit the interaction between APC and Robo1? Have the authors tested the mRNA expression of APC in slit2-treated and untreated cells?


      We thank the reviewer for this question. We will perform the experiments suggested and include the results in the revised manuscript.

      The authors have tested the effect of Slit2-induced inhibition of cell spreading under different experimental conditions however it is also important to test the cell migration/proliferation rates under control and siAPC conditions with or without Slit2 treatment.


      We thank the reviewer for this comment. In order to test the effect of APC on SLIT2-induced cell migration, a migratory cell type would be required. This would involve introducing a third cell type in addition to the HEK293 and COS-7 cells we have already used, and first validating our key experimental findings in the new cell type. Please see our response to the 10th sub-comment in Minor Comment 4) of Reviewer 1.

      Do authors see the inhibition of Robo1 and Cyfip interactions also in the presence of Slit2 by PLA assay?


      We thank the reviewer for this interesting question. As this was beyond the scope of the current study, we did not examine whether SLIT2 inhibits interactions between ROBO1 and CYFIP. In the Discussion section of the revised manuscript, we will address this question as a potential line of future investigation.

      Studying the endogenous Robo1 and APC interaction by PLA is good but I suggest authors do standard co-IP assays to visualize these interactions since authors have already generated a variety of general epitope- tagged constructs for both Robo1 and APC. These epitope-specific antibodies that are best suitable for IP are easily available with many antibody companies. This is the first study to suggest that the interaction between Robo1 and APC so the strong biochemistry would have a good impact on the findings.


      We appreciate this important suggestion. We will perform the recommended studies and include the results in the revised manuscript. Please also see our response to Reviewer 1, Major Comment 1).

      Minor comments:

      1. I suggest the authors show the single-channel images of Flag-robo (green) in Figure 2B for a clear visualization of internalized Robo in a cell. With DAPI-merged images, it is hard to specifically visualize Robo in these cells.


      We assume the reviewer was referring Figure 2A instead of 2B. To enhance clarity, in the revised manuscript we have made the changes suggested by the reviewer.

      In Figure 1C, the Y axis should have a clear indication. Instead of "% internalized" it should be mentioned as "% Internalized Robo1".


      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and apologize for the oversight. In the revised manuscript, we have made the suggested change in Figure 1C, 2B, 2D, 2E, 5B and 5D.

      I suggest authors to include the simple schematic of the mechanism they are proposing in the manuscript.


      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. To enhance clarity, in the revised manuscript we will include a simple schematic of the mechanism our findings suggest.

      The authors should mention the rationale or the function of using the acid wash method for their experimental conditions for a better understanding of the reader.


      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and apologize for the oversight. We performed acid wash experiments to remove the anti-Flag antibody that binds ROBO1 from the cell surface for the endocytosis assay. To increase the clarity, in the "Materials and Methods" section of the revised manuscript we have included the rationale for using acid wash. Please see page 8 line 153-154.

      siRNA-mediated knockdown of specific genes should be correctly denoted in the figure. For example, instead of "CLTC", it should be "siCLTC" for easy understanding. The same correction has to be done in all the figures with siRNA data.


      We thank the reviewer for this helpful comment and apologize for the oversight. As suggested, we have made the suggested changes throughout the revised manuscript and in Figure 2C, 2D, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 6C, s2C and s2D.


      Bhosle, V.K., Mukherjee, T., Huang, Y.W., Patel, S., Pang, B.W.F., Liu, G.Y., Glogauer, M., Wu, J.Y., Philpott, D.J., Grinstein, S., et al. (2020). SLIT2/ROBO1-signaling inhibits macropinocytosis by opposing cortical cytoskeletal remodeling. Nat Commun 11, 4112.

      Coleman, H.A., Labrador, J.P., Chance, R.K., and Bashaw, G.J. (2010). The Adam family metalloprotease Kuzbanian regulates the cleavage of the roundabout receptor to control axon repulsion at the midline. Development (Cambridge, England) 137, 2417-2426.

      Mukovozov, I., Huang, Y.W., Zhang, Q., Liu, G.Y., Siu, A., Sokolskyy, Y., Patel, S., Hyduk, S.J., Kutryk, M.J., Cybulsky, M.I., et al. (2015). The Neurorepellent Slit2 Inhibits Postadhesion Stabilization of Monocytes Tethered to Vascular Endothelial Cells. J Immunol 195, 3334-3344.

      Patel, S., Huang, Y.W., Reheman, A., Pluthero, F.G., Chaturvedi, S., Mukovozov, I.M., Tole, S., Liu, G.Y., Li, L., Durocher, Y., et al. (2012). The cell motility modulator Slit2 is a potent inhibitor of platelet function. Circulation 126, 1385-1395.

      Tole, S., Mukovozov, I.M., Huang, Y.W., Magalhaes, M.A., Yan, M., Crow, M.R., Liu, G.Y., Sun, C.X., Durocher, Y., Glogauer, M., et al. (2009). The axonal repellent, Slit2, inhibits directional migration of circulating neutrophils. Journal of leukocyte biology 86, 1403-1415.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Comments on Huang et al.

      In their manuscript, Robinson and colleagues explore the role of the APC protein in the regulation of Slit-Robo signaling in mammalian cell culture. In particular, the authors investigate the importance of APC in controlling the endocytosis of Robo and its subsequent signaling. The authors begin by demonstrating that as previously reported in a Drosophila model that Slit induces the internalization of Robo through Clathrin dependent endocytosis and that this effect depends on two AP binding motifs in the Robo c-terminal tail. In a cellular readout for Slit- signaling the authors demonstrate that Slit inhibition of cell spreading in COS7 cells depends on the receptor endocytosis. A BioID screen for proteins that bind Robo in a slit-dependent manner identified a number of candidate proteins and the authors chose to focus on the APC protein whose association with Robo is down-regulated by Slit. Using a series of in vitro and cell based experiments the authors propose a model in which APC negatively regulates Robo internalization and subsequently impacts receptor signaling. Overall the findings are interesting and many of the experiments are well controlled; however, significant technical and conceptual concerns limit enthusiasm for the manuscript in its current form.

      General- throughout the manuscript the magnification of the cells in the micrographs are too low. I would recommend including insets to more clearly show the observed effects (especially for the localization figure).

      Specific comments

      Figure 1: The effect of Slit on Robo internalization appears to be robust and the transferrin control is welcome. The authors need to do a better job of explaining how exactly they are quantifying the internalized pool, especially given the likely cell to cell variability in the amount of expression of the transfected constructs. Labeling the figure more clearly to indicate what is Scarlet tagged would help and the purpose of the acid-washing procedure should be more clearly explained.

      Figure 2: There seems to be a mismatch in the representative images for the Dyn treatments- both concentrations appear to reduce internalization of Robo R ~ 2 fold, but the images show essentially 0 internalized receptor. (2A and B)

      Figure 3: The analysis of the Robo c-terminal AP binding motifs is a bit confusing. The authors refer to these manipulations as Robo alleles; however, my understanding is that these are over-expressed constructs in stably transfected lines. They are not 'alleles.' It is puzzling how the effects of Slit appear to be restricted to the transfected cells, especially given that all of these cells should be expressing endogenous Robo. Some clarification would be welcome.

      Figure 4: This figure presents the 'validation' of the Robo APC interaction. There are major problems here. First, PLA is not an adequate substitute for biochemical interaction and it does not allow for clear documentation of ligand-dependent effects. To suggest as the authors do that this analysis provides evidence for a multi-protein complex between Robo, APC and clathrin is not legitimate. Furthermore, the nature of the PLA assay and what they are counting is unlear and misleading. In the methods the author's state

      'Interactions were quantified by counting the number of dots per nucleus as well as the intensity of the signal per dot. An increase in intensity is the consequence of a concentration of interactions in the same cellular dots (Gauthier et al., 2015)'

      Surely, we are not to believe that nuclear PLA signals would exist between this transmembrane protein and endocytic machinery.

      The authors should perform co-IP experiments +/- Slit to validate their findings from BioID.

      Figures 5 and 6: These data represent the functional analysis of APC's role in Robo signaling. There are several observations that do not it with the model which states that APC associates with Robo to prevent endocytosis until Slit arrives. For example, this model would predict that loss of APC should lead to an increase in Robo internalization and an increase in Robo dependent inhibition of cell spreading- neither of these predictions match their data.


      In their manuscript, Robinson and colleagues explore the role of the APC protein in the regulation of Slit-Robo signaling in mammalian cell culture. In particular, the authors investigate the importance of APC in controlling the endocytosis of Robo and its subsequent signaling. The authors begin by demonstrating that as previously reported in a Drosophila model that Slit induces the internalization of Robo through Clathrin dependent endocytosis and that this effect depends on two AP binding motifs in the Robo c-terminal tail. In a cellular readout for Slit- signaling the authors demonstrate that Slit inhibition of cell spreading in COS7 cells depends on the receptor endocytosis. A BioID screen for proteins that bind Robo in a slit-dependent manner identified a number of candidate proteins and the authors chose to focus on the APC protein whose association with Robo is down-regulated by Slit. Using a series of in vitro and cell based experiments the authors propose a model in which APC negatively regulates Robo internalization and subsequently impacts receptor signaling. Overall the findings are interesting and many of the experiments are well controlled; however, significant technical and conceptual concerns limit enthusiasm for the manuscript in its current form.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this paper, the authors sought to identify the mechanism of Slit2-induced hRobo1 internalization and its signaling. They demonstrated that Slit2-induced hRobo1 internalization is regulated by one of the Robo1 C-terminal binding partners, adenomatous polyposis coli (APC). By using various in vitro experiments, the authors have concluded that APC constitutively interacts with hRobo1, and this interaction is disrupted upon the binding of Slit2 to the extracellular domain of hRobo1. They also showed that the dissociation of interaction between APC and hRobo1 is important for clathrin-mediated endocytosis of hRobo1 and subsequent cell morphology. In conclusion, while this study presents intriguing findings, there are notable experimental concerns. In several instances, the authors fail to sufficiently elucidate the experimental setup or provide specific conditions for certain experiments, which may pose challenges for readers in understanding the methodology thoroughly. Also, the labels for the figures can be more accurate and clearly stated.

      Major comments:

      1. As the authors emphasize the role of NSlit2 in Robo1 internalization throughout their manuscript, I suggest authors include "NSlit" in their title. Something like this "Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) regulates the NSlit2- induced internalization and signaling of the chemo repellent receptor, hRoundabout (ROBO) 1" or maybe a better title.
      2. In addition to transferrin as the control for their internalization studies, have the authors tested the specificity of NSlit-2-induced internalization with other Robo receptors such as Robo2? Does the APC bind to Robo2 also?
      3. The N-Slit group at 0' in Figure 1 b and Figure 2a, the Flag-Robo staining looks very different. Is it because the authors did not use ADAM protease inhibitor in Figure 2a that's why they are seeing more internalized Flag-Robo at 0'? It is not very clear either in the Results or the legend.
      4. Have the authors tested the Surface Robo1 pool in siAPC cells induced with or without N-Slit2?
      5. Does the Robo1 mutated with AP2 binding motifs interact with APC? Have authors performed a Proximity ligation assay with AP2-binding motifs mutated Robo1 and APC?
      6. The resolution of PLA dots in the current version is very low. Authors should include higher magnification pictures for these interactions and also PLA dots channel should be separately represented in addition to the DAPI merged images for better clarity and interpretation.
      7. Do the Slit2 treated cells affect APC mRNA expression? Or does Slit2 only inhibit the interaction between APC and Robo1? Have the authors tested the mRNA expression of APC in slit2-treated and untreated cells?
      8. The authors have tested the effect of Slit2-induced inhibition of cell spreading under different experimental conditions however it is also important to test the cell migration/proliferation rates under control and siAPC conditions with or without Slit2 treatment.
      9. Do authors see the inhibition of Robo1 and Cyfip interactions also in the presence of Slit2 by PLA assay?
      10. Studying the endogenous Robo1 and APC interaction by PLA is good but I suggest authors do standard co-IP assays to visualize these interactions since authors have already generated a variety of general epitope- tagged constructs for both Robo1 and APC. These epitope-specific antibodies that are best suitable for IP are easily available with many antibody companies. This is the first study to suggest that the interaction between Robo1 and APC so the strong biochemistry would have a good impact on the findings.

      Minor comments:

      1. I suggest the authors show the single-channel images of Flag-robo (green) in Figure 2B for a clear visualization of internalized Robo in a cell. With DAPI-merged images, it is hard to specifically visualize Robo in these cells.
      2. In Figure 1C, the Y axis should have a clear indication. Instead of "% internalized" it should be mentioned as "% Internalized Robo1".
      3. I suggest authors to include the simple schematic of the mechanism they are proposing in the manuscript.
      4. The authors should mention the rationale or the function of using the acid wash method for their experimental conditions for a better understanding of the reader.
      5. siRNA-mediated knockdown of specific genes should be correctly denoted in the figure. For example, instead of "CLTC", it should be "siCLTC" for easy understanding. The same correction has to be done in all the figures with siRNA data.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Reviewer 1 comments and suggestions are valid and carry significant weight in improving the manuscript.


      Strengths: The manuscript writing is good and the authors have generated a lot of constructs for a thorough understanding of Robo1 internalization events under different conditions. Studying the differential protein interactions with and without Slit2 with the Robo1-Bir*Flag method is convincing.

      Limitations: The representation of figures and their labels, Figure resolution, poor quality, missing important controls and experiments.

      Advance: Not very conceptual

      Audience: Broad and basic research

      My field of expertise: Endocytosis, receptor surface labeling studies, ligand mediated receptor signaling and its effect on axon guidance during embryonic development.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors investigate the endocytosis of the axon guidance receptor ROBO1 that is triggered by binding to its ligand SLIT2 and required for its ligand-induced inhibition of cell spreading. For this, they perform internalization experiments in a cell line expressing extra- and intracellularly tagged ROBO1. Using BioID they identify the protein APC as novel regulator of ROBO1 endocytosis. Their main finding is that SLIT2 induces the dissociation of APC thereby promoting endocytosis.

      Major comments:

      The data and key conclusions of the paper are convincing. However, the reliability of the findings in terms of the new interaction could be improved by not relying solely on proximity ligation approaches (BioID, PLA), but employing a complementary biochemical strategy.

      The authors state that an immunoprecipitation (IP) was not possible due to a lack of antibodies for IP. This does not seem convincing since in the paper Saito-Diaz et al which they cite commercial antibodies were used to immunoprecipitate APC. Alternatively, the cell line expressing tagged ROBO1 could be used together with endogenous or tagged APC for an biochemical interaction experiment.

      Regarding the PLA experiment, I was very surprised by the very strong labeling for Clathrin+ROBO1 shown in the representative image. It is hard to believe that this image is representative when the average number of dots in the quantification is about 100. From the image it is also hard to see how it would be possible to quantify individual dots. For this, a zoom would be helpful.

      Clathrin and ROBO1 are likely not even direct interactors but come together by their common interaction with AP2. Therefore, to back this surprisingly strong result up, I would recommend to include one more control such as another rabbit antibody recognizing a protein that does not associate with clathrin or use e.g. the ROBO1 wildtype vs the ROBO1 mutant, that does not bind AP2 and therefore should also not associate with clathrin, for the experiment. Even better, the authors could confirm the PLA results by the mentioned complementary biochemical experiments to bolster the findings by an independent approach.

      Minor comments:

      In general, data and methods are presented in a manner that should make them reproducible by others. Some small things to improve are:

      • In the paragraph on antibodies the used concentrations for the different applications should be provided.
      • It should be described how the poly-D-lysine coating was exactly performed.

      The statistical analysis looks adequate. There are just some minor things that should be specified:

      • Just to make sure: Is it really always SD which is provided and not SEM? Sometimes the error bars look so small that I was wondering about this.
      • It should be specified for each experiment which post-hoc test is used or stated that one is always used for the One-Way ANOVA and the other for the Two-Way ANOVA resp. a rationale should be provided why two different post-hoc tests are used.
      • When using the t-test, it should be stated whether it is paired or unpaired and one- or two-tailed.
      • It should be stated whether it was tested that the data fulfill the requirements for parametric tests (normal distribution).

      Text and figures are mostly clear, apart from some small things:

      • I was wondering about figure 1B. If I understand the methods description right, all cells were permeabilized prior to secondary antibody application. Why then is so little fluorescence for Flag visible in the first PBS row at 30 min? That would only make sense for me if the cell was not permeabilized and the protein internalized. So where did the majority of the protein end up after 30 min since you should see the entire population in a permeabilized cell? Could you please comment on this?
      • Fig. 2A the upper left image (0 min PBS) should be very similar to the upper left image in Fig. 1B, shouldn´t it? But it looks quite different to me in terms of surface amount of ROBO1-Flag. Could you please comment on this?
      • Please explain what the molecular difference between bio-active NSLIT2 and bio-inactive CSLIT2 is. Please provide a rationale why you sometimes use CSLIT2 as negative control and sometimes D2SLIT2. In Fig. 3G you are using D2SLIT2. Even though there is no significance reached with the analyzed n, it is very striking that the bars are consistently higher upon D2SLIT2 application. Can you comment on this effect? Or am I misunderstanding the labeling of the figure?
      • On page 3 it states "...endocytosis of ROBO1...requires...APC": I found this confusing since it is the dissociation of APC that is required for promoting endocytosis. Therefore, it would be good to rephrase this sentence.
      • On page 8 is written "...cells surface ROBO1 [is] removed". Please be more accurate since the acid wash does not remove ROBO1, but only the antibody bound to the extracellular epitope.
      • On page 8 provide an explanation for the abbreviation HAC.
      • On page 15 you speak of "mutant AP2". Please be more accurate since there is no mutant AP2 involved, but you are refering to ROBO1 with mutations in its AP2 binding motifs.
      • On page 14 you speak of "cells expressing the mutant alleles of AP2". As above, please be more accurate and replace with "cells expressing ROBO1 harboring mutations in both AP2 binding sites".
      • On page 19 you write: "Using proximity ligation assays, we observed that ROBO1, APC and clathrin interact with one another". I am maybe a bit picky here, but in my eyes with these assays you only show that they are very close together and might be in a complex, but you do not show (direct) interaction in a strict sense. Therefore, I would downtone this a bit.
      • In Fig. 5B I would find it easier for the reader if siRNA and control were shown side by side for the different conditions.
      • Between the internalization assays and the spreading assays, you switch from HEK293 cells to COS7 cells. Please provide a rationale for this for the reader.
      • You provide a table with putative interactors within the paper and as supplementary table. Could you please explain better to the reader what your criteria were for including hits into the "short-list" presented in Table1.


      • p. 6: CO2 instead of CO2
      • p21 last line: Immunoblotting should not be capitzalized.
      • Figure s1 legend: full-lenth is missing a g

      Referees cross-commenting

      I find the comments of Reviewer 2 productive and reasonable, and they overlap in part with mine (e.g. regarding biochemical approaches such as co-IP).


      It was already known from Drosophila and for mammalian cells that SLIT2 induces the endocytosis of ROBO1 and that this is necessary for its repulsive function in axon guidance as the authors point out. The key advance of the study is the identification of APC as an interactor of ROBO1 which decreases its endocytosis until it dissociates upon SLIT2 binding to ROBO1. This is an interesting aspect which opens up parallels to the regulation of Wnt signaling by APC as the authors discuss. The significance of this finding would be even greater if it would have been shown that this mechanism actually operates in axon guidance. That not being the case, the authours might want to discuss in more detail if APC has previously been implicated to affect axon guidance. Researchers working on endocytosis, adhesion, cellular signaling and the development of the nervous system will be interested in these findings.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility____,____ and clarity)

      This manuscript by Tsai et al. shows that phage resistance mutations (LPS truncation) confer a cost during interbacterial competition. The authors show that various phage resistant mutants of S. enterica are inhibited by E. cloacae in a contact-dependent manner (on a solid surface but not in liquid). Further experiments showed that this inhibition of S. enterica was mediated by T6SS in E. cloacae. The authors then dissect which parts of the LPS are required for resistance against T6SS attacks and show that a similar resistance is conferred against T6SS of B. thailandensis and C. rodentium. Moreover, the authors show that enzymatic degradation of LPS by a phage enzyme can also increase sensitivity to T6SS (including when such enzymes are on phage particles). Finally, the authors suggest that the change in the thickness of the LPS surface layer could be the reason for changes in T6SS susceptibility. Overall, the manuscript is very well-written. The experiments and controls are explained in sufficient detail and in a logical order. The figures are clear and easy to navigate. The findings are very interesting and important for the T6SS field but also for general understanding how different evolutionary pressures combine and influence each other. I believe that this manuscript will initiate further research in this direction.

      • We thank the reviewer for their positive remarks on our manuscript and the valuable suggestions for its improvement. Major comments

      The only major point that I would like to raise is that I am not generally convinced that the 2 nm difference in the thickness of LPS is the main reason for the observed differences in T6SS-mediated killing of S. enterica. Based on what we know about T6SS mode of action, we expect that it is potentially pushing effectors by up to several hundreds of nanometers. Therefore, the change in the LPS thickness by a few nanometers (as measured by AFM) seems insufficient to provide enough spacing between the attacker and the prey to significantly decrease T6SS effector delivery. While it is clear that understanding the exact reason for the LPS mediated resistance is beyond the scope of this manuscript, I would suggest that the authors consider the fact that T6SS is known to deliver proteins even to the cytoplasm of target gram-negative cells and discuss the mode of action of the machine in the context of their finding. If the T6SS was drawn to scale in the model figure, it would become apparent that 2 nm change in the distance between two cells has probably no major impact on killing by T6SS and the actual reason for the observed phenotype is likely more complicated than what is proposed.

      We appreciate the reviewer's comments and acknowledge that our manuscript leaves open questions regarding the exact mechanisms underlying LPS-mediated resistance. We have now moderated the Discussion in our revised manuscript to reflect the complexity of this phenomenon (Lines 410-423). Although we agree that the nanometer difference in LPS thickness may not fully explain the observed protective phenotype, we believe it remains a plausible contributing factor that is worth considering.

      To fully understand how LPS influences T6SS effector delivery, future studies will need to address key mechanistic questions regarding the T6SS injection process. For example, 1) how deeply does the T6SS apparatus penetrate the target Gram-negative cells during injection; 2) what is the magnitude of the injection force generated by the T6SS; and 3) does the structural integrity of the T6SS apparatus remain intact throughout and after contraction? While it is well documented that some T6SS effectors act in the cytosol of target cells, there is evidence to suggest that cytosolic effectors are initially delivered into the periplasm and subsequently translocated into the cytosol for intoxication1,2. Furthermore, although contraction of the T6SS apparatus occurs within milliseconds3,4, this rapid action does not preclude the possibility that the injection force could be influenced by the thickness of the LPS layer. In addition, the stability of T6SS structural or delivered proteins-such as PAAR, VgrG, and Hcp-within the delivery complex might be compromised upon encountering physical barriers such as the LPS layer and the outer membrane of target cells. These potential interactions could affect the efficiency of effector delivery, leading to reduced competitiveness during interbacterial antagonism, as shown in our study.

      • We appreciate the reviewer's suggestions and acknowledge that the precise reasons for LPS-mediated resistance likely involve a combination of factors beyond those proposed here. We are actively pursuing these questions as part of an ongoing, long-term effort to better elucidate the mechanisms of T6SS action. Minor comments

      Specify which T6SS of B. thailandensis was tested.

      • We now cite studies by Schwarz, S., et al., 20105 and LeRoux, M., et al., 20156, from which we used the tssM (BTH_I2954) gene deletion strain abrogating the T6SS-1 of the B. thailandensis E264 (Line 234, Supplementary Table 1). Use a different naming of the two strains used in competition assays than "donor" and "recipient".

      • Thank you for this suggestion. In the revised manuscript, we have replaced the terms "donor" and "recipient" with "attacker" and "prey" for clarity. This change has been applied to the text (Lines 441, and 649-667) and to revised Figures 2c-h, Figures 3b, d, g, i, j, Figures 4f, g, Figures 5b, e, g, h, Supplementary Figures 3d-f, and Supplementary Figures 4b-d. Indicate in the material and methods ODs of bacterial mixtures used in the "Bacterial competition assays".

      • We apologize for this oversight. The ODs of bacterial mixtures used in the "Bacterial competition assays" have now been specified in the revised Methods section (Line 6____51). Reviewer #1 (Significance)

      This manuscript is interesting for researchers who study T6SS, phage predation and other evolutionary pressures shaping bacterial interactions. The work provides new and interesting insights. My expertise in LPS biology is limited.

      • We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's interest in and support of our study. Reviewer #____2____ (Evidence, reproducibility____,____ and clarity)

      This work investigates the fitness trade-offs in Salmonella enterica resistant to phages. The authors performed co-culture experiments with S. enterica, E. coli, and E. cloacae and found that phage-resistant S. enterica strains displayed reduced fitness in the presence of E. cloacae. Further experiments demonstrated that phage-resistant S. enterica strains were more susceptible to the type VI secretion system (T6SS) of E. cloacae. The authors then examined the role of the O-antigen of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in T6SS-mediated interbacterial antagonism. By constructing S. enterica mutants with varying O-antigen chain lengths, the authors demonstrated that the O-antigen protects S. enterica from T6SS attack. They then demonstrated that the O-antigen-deficient S. enterica, E. coli, and C. rodentium strains were more susceptible to T6SS attack by E. cloacae. Finally, the authors showed that phage tail spike proteins (TSPs) with endoglycosidase activity could cleave the bacterial O-antigen, thereby increasing susceptibility to T6SS attack.

      The study is well-designed and the experiments are well-executed. The findings are significant and have implications for the understanding of microbial community dynamics.

      • We thank the reviewer for their positive comments regarding our original submission. Major comments

      While the study elegantly demonstrates the link between phage resistance, LPS structure, and T6SS susceptibility, we must remember that these LPS-defective strains are likely at a significant disadvantage in real-world environments without the influence of competing bacteria. Whether it's the gut or external environments, Salmonella needs its LPS for protection against a myriad of host and environmental factors. It seems a bit redundant for T6SS mediated antagonism to select for LPS structures when those structures are essential for bacterial survival outside of this very specific context. It would benefit some discussion about the likelihood of these phage-resistant, LPS-defective strains actually persisting and competing effectively in a more natural setting.

      • We thank the reviewer for their insightful comments and appreciate the opportunity to clarify this point. We agree that LPS-defective bacterial strains face significant disadvantages in natural environments, where they must contend with various host and environmental stresses. Consequently, we did not intend to suggest that T6SS-mediated antagonism is the primary driving force in selecting specific LPS structures. Rather, our study highlights an additional role for LPS during interbacterial interactions, complementing its well-established functions. This notion aligns with the hypotheses proposed in prior studies7-9. The reviewer's comments raise an intriguing question about the essentiality of LPS in Gram-negative bacteria under natural conditions. During our revision process, we identified several examples in the literature demonstrating that LPS may not always be indispensable. For instance, LPS-depleted Neisseria meningitidis strains with an early block in lipid A biosynthesis have been shown to remain viable10,11. These strains may possess adaptive advantages under specific circumstances12. Similarly, some pathogenic bacteria produce truncated LPS structures lacking O-antigen or introduce modified LPS to evade host immune responses13. Additionally, evolutionary pressures, such as phage predation, often drive mutations in O-antigen biosynthesis pathways, resulting in alterations to or an absence of O-antigen14. Furthermore, recent studies have also indicated that trade-offs between abiotic and biotic stresses can influence LPS integrity. For instance, LPS-deficient strains may exhibit selective advantages in extreme environments15,16. These findings underscore the context-dependent nature of LPS functionality and its potential dispensability in certain ecological niches.We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's thought-provoking comments. Our current study aims to provide evidence for the role of interbacterial antagonism as an additional factor influencing LPS integrity. However, we did not mean to overstate the contribution of this mechanism. Instead, we only seek to contribute to a broader understanding of the multifaceted functions of LPS in bacterial survival and adaptation. We have modified the Discussion in our revised manuscript to clarify this idea (Lines 453-466). Minor comments

      Figure 5 could be more effective is panels b and c are together

      • We appreciate this suggestion. We have revised the manuscript accordingly, so panels b and c have been combined in revised Figure 5, __and the respective figure legends have been modified for improved clarity (__Lines 810-823).

      69 Authors should define mucoid

      • The term "mucoid" has now been defined in the revised manuscript (Lines 69-70).

      155 Authors should explain that this result is expected since T6SS acts on solid surface while CDI works in liquid cultures

      • Thank you for this comment. Prior studies have demonstrated that while CDI-mediated antibacterial activity is less efficient in liquid environments, it can still occur on both solid surfaces and in liquid cultures, provided the competitors possess the necessary CdiA binding unit, such as BamA17,18. This understanding supports our initial hypothesis that T6SS and/or CDI contribute to the observed protective phenotype in S. enterica phage-resistant variants (Figure 2).

      clarify what it is meant by unicellular cultures. Should it be monocultures?

      • We apologize for this error and have now replaced "unicellular cultures" with "monocultures" in the revised manuscript (Lines 137, 180, and 258).

      618 add to the text how much dead phage was added per bacterial cell

      • Apologies for this oversight. The multiplicity of infection (MOI) describing the amount of inactivated phages used to treat bacterial cells has now been included in the revised Methods section (Line 661).

      364 references needed for "consistent with predictions for intact LPS structures "

      • We thank the reviewer for pointing out this omission. The relevant reference has now been added to the revised manuscript19 (Line 368). Reviewer #____2____ (Significance)

      This study offers a new perspective on the interplay between phage resistance and bacterial fitness in the context of microbial communities. While the concept of fitness trade-offs associated with antibiotic resistance is well-established, the authors extend this paradigm to phage resistance. They demonstrate that phage-resistant Salmonella enterica strains exhibit reduced fitness in the presence of Enterobacter cloacae due to increased susceptibility to the type VI secretion system (T6SS). This finding is significant as it highlights the potential for interbacterial antagonism to shape the evolution of phage resistance. The authors further show that the O-antigen of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) plays a crucial role in protecting S. enterica from T6SS attack. This observation provides mechanistic insights into the fitness trade-offs associated with phage resistance.

      The study's strength lies in its elegant experimental design and the comprehensive analysis of the interplay between phage resistance, T6SS susceptibility, and O-antigen structure. The authors employ a combination of co-culture experiments, genetic manipulations, and structural analyses to dissect the underlying mechanisms. The findings are robust and have implications for understanding the evolution of bacterial communities in the presence of phages and competing bacterial species.

      This research will be of interest to a broad audience, including researchers in microbiology, synthetic biology, and microbial ecology. The findings have implications for understanding the evolution of phage resistance, and the dynamics of microbial communities. The study's insights into the role of the O-antigen in T6SS susceptibility could also inform the design of novel antimicrobial strategies.

      My expertise is microbial physiology

      • We thank the reviewer for their positive remarks and careful reading of our manuscript. Reviewer #____3____ (Evidence, reproducibility____,____ and clarity)

      Tsai et al. describe LPS biosynthesis mutants arising in selection for phage resistance that increase susceptibility to T6SS-mediated interbacterial antagonism. Phage-derived LPS degrading enzymes also contribute to T6SS susceptibility, which may be due to weakening of the physical barrier of LPS. The mechanisms of this fitness trade-off are elucidated with well-executed and presented experiments.

      • We are grateful to the reviewer for their kind words and critical reading of the manuscript. Major comments

      No major critiques.

      Minor comments

      Others have described two T6SS in Enterobacter cloacae ATCC 13047 (PMID 33072020). Please clarify which of the two are inactivated by the tssM deletion in this study and either provide compelling evidence that both are inactive or change the text throughout to indicate T6SS-1 or T6SS-2 being inactivated.

      • We thank the reviewer for this comment. In our study, we refer to the work by Whitney, J., et al., 201420, from which we used the tssM (ECL_01536) gene deletion strain in which T6SS-1 of the E. cloacae ATCC 13047 is abrogated. Consistent with this detail, we have now clarified in the revised manuscript (Line 155, Supplementary Table 1) that T6SS-1 is inactivated. Moreover, the reference suggested by the reviewer provides additional evidence supporting that T6SS-1, but not T6SS-2, is involved in bacterial competition21, which we also now specify in the revised manuscript. It seems the authors used EHEC EDL933, which has T6SS, in co-culture experiments (Figure 1C). Why do the authors think the S. enterica LPS mutants don't have a competitive disadvantage against EHEC? It seems to run counter to the conclusion that LPS is broadly protective against T6SS.

      • We thank the reviewer for raising this point. While it is true that EHEC O157:H7 strain EDL933 possesses a T6SS gene cluster in its genome, a prior study has shown that the T6SS in this strain appears to be inactivated under laboratory conditions, likely due to repression by the global regulator H-NS22. Consistent with these findings, our data indicate that the S. enterica LPS mutants did not exhibit a competitive disadvantage against EHEC EDL933. These results support the conclusion that, under the conditions tested, the truncated LPS in S. enterica does not affect its fitness against EHEC (Figure 1c), likely due to the inactivity of the EHEC T6SS22. It's not clear if the only Felix O1 and P22 phage-resistant transposon hits were in LPS-related genes, or if that pattern was observed in a more complete transposon sequencing dataset and selected for further study. A complete list of the sequence-identified hits, including the non-LPS related variants, would help clarify this and provide a useful resource to the research community.

      • We thank the reviewer for the opportunity to clarify this point. For each phage, we initially isolated nine phage-resistant transposon variants, which were subsequently used for co-culture assays and transposon insertion site identification, as described in the original manuscript (Figure 1a __and Supplementary Figure 2a__). We agree with the reviewer that a broader screening approach could reveal non-LPS-related variants and provide a more comprehensive resource for the research community. To address this point, during the manuscript revision period, we followed the same procedure and isolated an additional nine phage-resistant variants for each phage (Supplementary Table 1). Interestingly, from this expanded isolation dataset, the transposon insertions were again found exclusively in LPS-related genes (Author Response Figure 1). We have now included this new dataset in the revised manuscript and believe it strengthens the robustness of our findings. This expanded data has been made available below for further reference. The fact that 8 of the 9 Felix O1 resistant variants all have transposon insertions in waaO should be stated in the results. The initial impression of showing R1-R9 is that 9 disrupted genes are being tested - in this case it's really only two. This is a minor critique because clean deletions by allelic exchange are shown for a more extensive set of genes anyway.

      • We thank the reviewer for this comment. As suggested, we have revised the Results section (Lines 126-131) to explicitly state that Felix O1-resistant variants harbor transposon insertions in only two genes (waaO and dagR), which were initially tested in the competition assay (Figure 2). The S. enterica serovar Typhimurium transposon mutagenesis library could benefit from clarification on details. The results section suggests use of a pre-existing "established" transposon library, but the methods and Figure 1 seem to indicate a new library was created based on prior methods. In either case, what is the genome coverage and redundancy of the library? If this is not known or saturation is not reached, the implications of potentially missing phage resistance genes with this approach should be discussed.

      • We thank the reviewer for the opportunity to clarify this point. For our study, we created a transposon library following previously established methods23. The library comprises approximately 12,000 variants, as noted in Figure 1a. While doing so provided substantial genome coverage, it did not achieve full saturation. We have now revised the Results section (Lines 93-94, and 115-117) to better describe the potential limitations of this approach, including by stating the possibility that some phage-resistance genes may have been missed during the screening. There is some variation in phenotype among the strains with transposon insertion into the same gene, such as P22 resistant strain R7 which macroscopically agglutinates while the other waaJ insertions R5 and R1 don't. Is this due to polar effects on waaO, or could it be genetic alterations at other sites driven by stringent phage selection?

      • We thank the reviewer for this comment. We also suspect that the variation in the macroscopically agglutinative phenotypes among P22-resistant strains, such as strain R7 compared to R5 and R1, may be caused by polar effects on waaO. Additionally, the possibility of genetic alterations at other loci driven by stringent phage selection cannot be excluded. To address this potential variability and ensure consistency, we used clean deletions of each LPS biogenesis gene in all subsequent experiments. This approach eliminates the confounding effects of polar mutations or secondary genetic alterations, thereby providing more robust and interpretable data. Figure S1- The graphs with 12 growth curves are difficult to decipher, and the error bars would suggest maybe there are subtle growth differences among the mutants. Quantifying curve parameter(s) and applying a statistical test may clarify. The CFU counts in panel D seem to be not in log scale. Likewise in Figure S3 panel A, the authors say there are no significant growth defects, but the growth curves are modestly right-shifted for several mutants. This is a point of precision rather than a major critique, because the reversal of competitive growth phenotypes by donor T6SS inactivation indicate the potential minor growth defects aren't playing a major role in competition.

      • We thank the reviewer for these suggestions and corrections. We have now revised the manuscript accordingly, including in Supplementary Figures 1 and 3. Quantitative analysis of growth curve parameters and statistical tests have been included below to clarify the observed differences (Author Response Figure 2). The slight right-shift of the growth curves for some mutants, as noted in Supplementary Figure 3, may be attributable to cell aggregation, as shown in Supplementary Figures 2e, f. The growth rate measurements were conducted in a 96-well plate with steady shaking at 200 rpm using a plate reader, which does not fully account for the aggregated cell phenotype. Despite these subtle growth differences, we agree with the reviewer that they do not appear to play a major role in the competitive growth phenotypes, as evidenced by the reversal of phenotypes upon donor T6SS inactivation (Supplementary Figure 3). Figure 3f - The authors say fepE is responsible for very long O-antigen chains, but it is not clear that the delta fepE LPS PAGE differs from wild type, which would fit with the lack of competitive disadvantage against E. cloacae in Figure 3g. The increased VL-modal O-antigen upon fepE overexpression in Figure 3h and increase protection in competition (figure 3i) are convincing. Is there another pathway(s) compensating for fepE deletion?

      • We thank the reviewer for this thoughtful comment. We have repeated the experiment independently at least three times and consistently observed a reduction in the VL-modal O-antigen in the ∆fepE strain. To provide additional clarity, we have included supplementary LPS profiles and quantifications below (Author Response Figure 3). We currently do not have evidence from the literature or our experiments to identify an alternative pathway compensating for the deletion of fepE. Nonetheless, we acknowledge this as a possibility and appreciate the reviewer's insight into this topic. Lines 199-200 - I believe the conclusion from wzzB deletion would be that L-modal O-antigen is necessary for protection against T6SS, and not necessarily sufficient.

      • We thank the reviewer for pointing out this important distinction. The respective sentence has now been revised in the manuscript (Line 204). Do the environmentally isolated phages As2 and As4 encode TSP homologs?

      • We thank the reviewer for this question. We did not identify TSP homologs in the genome of As2 and As4 phages. The genome sequences of As1 to As4 have been uploaded to NCBI's BioProject resource under accession number PRJNA1199570 (Lines 535-544, 741-743). Reviewer #____3____ (Significance)

      This manuscript provides a substantial advance in the field's understanding of how phages affect bacterial community interactions. To my knowledge, it is the first to bring together phage and T6SS defense with a strong mechanistic link. It's a conceptual advance in this regard that will stimulate more thought and experimentation on the roles of phage in bacterial communities like gut and environmental microbiomes. The manuscript's strengths include rigorous overall design, clarity of the communication, and depth of mechanistic investigation, all the way down to atomic force microscopy measurements. There are some minor revisions suggested, but these are addressable with minimal/no additional experiments.

      As someone with expertise in bacterial secretion systems and interbacterial interactions, I think this work will be of interest to microbiologists generally, and specifically in the fields of phage biology, bacterial secretion systems, and microbiome research. While the phage virology components are straightforward and well described, I think a review from someone with more expertise in this specific area would be beneficial.

      • We thank the reviewer for their careful reading of our manuscript and for the suggestions to improve it. References

      • Whitney, J.C., Quentin, D., Sawai, S., LeRoux, M., Harding, B.N., Ledvina, H.E., Tran, B.Q., Robinson, H., Goo, Y.A., Goodlett, D.R., et al. (2015). An interbacterial NAD(P)(+) glycohydrolase toxin requires elongation factor Tu for delivery to target cells. Cell 163, 607-619. 10.1016/j.cell.2015.09.027.

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      • Schwarz, S., West, T.E., Boyer, F., Chiang, W.C., Carl, M.A., Hood, R.D., Rohmer, L., Tolker-Nielsen, T., Skerrett, S.J., and Mougous, J.D. (2010). Burkholderia type VI secretion systems have distinct roles in eukaryotic and bacterial cell interactions. PLoS Pathog 6, e1001068. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1001068.
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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Tsai et al. describe LPS biosynthesis mutants arising in selection for phage resistance that increase susceptibility to T6SS-mediated interbacterial antagonism. Phage-derived LPS degrading enzymes also contribute to T6SS susceptibility, which may be due to weakening of the physical barrier of LPS. The mechanisms of this fitness trade-off are elucidated with well-executed and presented experiments.

      Major comments:

      • No major critiques.

      Minor comments:

      • Others have described two T6SS in Enterobacter cloacae ATCC 13047 (PMID 33072020). Please clarify which of the two are inactivated by the tssM deletion in this study and either provide compelling evidence that both are inactive or change the text throughout to indicate T6SS-1 or T6SS-2 being inactivated.
      • It seems the authors used EHEC EDL933, which has T6SS, in co-culture experiments (Figure 1C). Why do the authors think the S. enterica LPS mutants don't have a competitive disadvantage against EHEC? It seems to run counter to the conclusion that LPS is broadly protective against T6SS.
      • It's not clear if the only Felix O1 and P22 phage-resistant transposon hits were in LPS-related genes, or if that pattern was observed in a more complete transposon sequencing dataset and selected for further study. A complete list of the sequence-identified hits, including the non-LPS related variants, would help clarify this and provide a useful resource to the research community.
      • The fact that 8 of the 9 Felix O1 resistant variants all have transposon insertions in waaO should be stated in the results. The initial impression of showing R1-R9 is that 9 disrupted genes are being tested - in this case it's really only two. This is a minor critique because clean deletions by allelic exchange are shown for a more extensive set of genes anyway.
      • The S. enterica serovar Typhimurium transposon mutagenesis library could benefit from clarification on details. The results section suggests use of a pre-existing "established" transposon library, but the methods and Figure 1 seem to indicate a new library was created based on prior methods. In either case, what is the genome coverage and redundancy of the library? If this is not known or saturation is not reached, the implications of potentially missing phage resistance genes with this approach should be discussed.
      • There is some variation in phenotype among the strains with transposon insertion into the same gene, such as P22 resistant strain R7 which macroscopically agglutinates while the other waaJ insertions R5 and R1 don't. Is this due to polar effects on waaO, or could it be genetic alterations at other sites driven by stringent phage selection?
      • Figure S1- The graphs with 12 growth curves are difficult to decipher, and the error bars would suggest maybe there are subtle growth differences among the mutants. Quantifying curve parameter(s) and applying a statistical test may clarify. The CFU counts in panel D seem to be not in log scale. Likewise in Figure S3 panel A, the authors say there are no significant growth defects, but the growth curves are modestly right-shifted for several mutants. This is a point of precision rather than a major critique, because the reversal of competitive growth phenotypes by donor T6SS inactivation indicate the potential minor growth defects aren't playing a major role in competition.
      • Figure 3f - The authors say fepE is responsible for very long O-antigen chains, but it is not clear that the delta fepE LPS PAGE differs from wild type, which would fit with the lack of competitive disadvantage against E. cloacae in Figure 3g. The increased VL-modal O-antigen upon fepE overexpression in Figure 3h and increase protection in competition (figure 3i) are convincing. Is there another pathway(s) compensating for fepE deletion?
      • Lines 199-200 - I believe the conclusion from wzzB deletion would be that L-modal O-antigen is necessary for protection against T6SS, and not necessarily sufficient.
      • Do the environmentally isolated phages As2 and As4 encode TSP homologs?


      This manuscript provides a substantial advance in the field's understanding of how phages affect bacterial community interactions. To my knowledge, it is the first to bring together phage and T6SS defense with a strong mechanistic link. It's a conceptual advance in this regard that will stimulate more thought and experimentation on the roles of phage in bacterial communities like gut and environmental microbiomes. The manuscript's strengths include rigorous overall design, clarity of the communication, and depth of mechanistic investigation, all the way down to atomic force microscopy measurements. There are some minor revisions suggested, but these are addressable with minimal/no additional experiments.

      As someone with expertise in bacterial secretion systems and interbacterial interactions, I think this work will be of interest to microbiologists generally, and specifically in the fields of phage biology, bacterial secretion systems, and microbiome research. While the phage virology components are straightforward and well described, I think a review from someone with more expertise in this specific area would be beneficial.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This work investigates the fitness trade-offs in Salmonella enterica resistant to phages. The authors performed co-culture experiments with S. enterica, E. coli, and E. cloacae and found that phage-resistant S. enterica strains displayed reduced fitness in the presence of E. cloacae. Further experiments demonstrated that phage-resistant S. enterica strains were more susceptible to the type VI secretion system (T6SS) of E. cloacae. The authors then examined the role of the O-antigen of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in T6SS-mediated interbacterial antagonism. By constructing S. enterica mutants with varying O-antigen chain lengths, the authors demonstrated that the O-antigen protects S. enterica from T6SS attack. They then demonstrated that the O-antigen-deficient S. enterica, E. coli, and C. rodentium strains were more susceptible to T6SS attack by E. cloacae. Finally, the authors showed that phage tail spike proteins (TSPs) with endoglycosidase activity could cleave the bacterial O-antigen, thereby increasing susceptibility to T6SS attack.

      The study is well-designed and the experiments are well-executed. The findings are significant and have implications for the understanding of microbial community dynamics.

      Major comments:

      While the study elegantly demonstrates the link between phage resistance, LPS structure, and T6SS susceptibility, we must remember that these LPS-defective strains are likely at a significant disadvantage in real-world environments without the influence of competing bacteria. Whether it's the gut or external environments, Salmonella needs its LPS for protection against a myriad of host and environmental factors. It seems a bit redundant for T6SS mediated antagonism to select for LPS structures when those structures are essential for bacterial survival outside of this very specific context. It would benefit some discussion about the likelihood of these phage-resistant, LPS-defective strains actually persisting and competing effectively in a more natural setting.

      Minor comments

      Figure 5 could be more effective is panels b and C are together

      69 Authors should define mucoid

      155 Authors should explain that this result is expected since T6SS acts on solid surface while CDI works in liquid cultures

      clarify what it is meant by unicellular cultures. Should it be monocultures?

      618 add to the text how much dead phage was added per bacterial cell

      364 references needed for "consistent with predictions for intact LPS structures "


      This study offers a new perspective on the interplay between phage resistance and bacterial fitness in the context of microbial communities. While the concept of fitness trade-offs associated with antibiotic resistance is well-established, the authors extend this paradigm to phage resistance. They demonstrate that phage-resistant Salmonella enterica strains exhibit reduced fitness in the presence of Enterobacter cloacae due to increased susceptibility to the type VI secretion system (T6SS). This finding is significant as it highlights the potential for interbacterial antagonism to shape the evolution of phage resistance. The authors further show that the O-antigen of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) plays a crucial role in protecting S. enterica from T6SS attack. This observation provides mechanistic insights into the fitness trade-offs associated with phage resistance.

      The study's strength lies in its elegant experimental design and the comprehensive analysis of the interplay between phage resistance, T6SS susceptibility, and O-antigen structure. The authors employ a combination of co-culture experiments, genetic manipulations, and structural analyses to dissect the underlying mechanisms. The findings are robust and have implications for understanding the evolution of bacterial communities in the presence of phages and competing bacterial species. This research will be of interest to a broad audience, including researchers in microbiology, synthetic biology, and microbial ecology. The findings have implications for understanding the evolution of phage resistance, and the dynamics of microbial communities. The study's insights into the role of the O-antigen in T6SS susceptibility could also inform the design of novel antimicrobial strategies.

      My expertise is microbial physiology

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript by Tsai et al. shows that phage resistance mutations (LPS truncation) confer a cost during interbacterial competition. The authors show that various phage resistant mutants of S. enterica are inhibited by E. cloacae in a contact dependent manner (on a solid surface but not in liquid). Further experiments showed that this inhibition of S. enterica was mediated by T6SS in E. cloacae. The authors then dissect which parts of the LPS are required for resistance against T6SS attacks and show that a similar resistance is conferred against T6SS of B. thailandensis and C. rodentium. Moreover, the authors show that enzymatic degradation of LPS by a phage enzyme can also increase sensitivity to T6SS (including when such enzymes are on phage particles). Finally, the authors suggest that the change in the thickness of the LPS surface layer could be the reason for changes in T6SS susceptibility. Overall, the manuscript is very well-written. The experiments and controls are explained in sufficient detail and in a logical order. The figures are clear and easy to navigate. The findings are very interesting and important for the T6SS field but also for general understanding how different evolutionary pressures combine and influence each other. I believe that this manuscript will initiate further research in this direction.

      The only major point that I would like to raise is that I am not generally convinced that the 2 nm difference in the thickness of LPS is the main reason for the observed differences in T6SS-mediated killing of S. enterica. Based on what we know about T6SS mode of action, we expect that it is potentially pushing effectors by up to several hundreds of nanometers. Therefore, the change in the LPS thickness by a few nanometers (as measured by AFM) seems insufficient to provide enough spacing between the attacker and the prey to significantly decrease T6SS effector delivery. While it is clear that understanding the exact reason for the LPS mediated resistance is beyond the scope of this manuscript, I would suggest that the authors consider the fact that T6SS is known to deliver proteins even to the cytoplasm of target gram-negative cells and discuss the mode of action of the machine in the context of their finding. If the T6SS was drawn to scale in the model figure, it would become apparent that 2 nm change in the distance between two cells has probably no major impact on killing by T6SS and the actual reason for the observed phenotype is likely more complicated than what is proposed.


      Specify which T6SS of B. thailandensis was tested.

      Use a different naming of the two strains used in competition assays than "donor" and "recipient".

      Indicate in the material and methods ODs of bacterial mixtures used in the "Bacterial competition assays".


      This manuscript is interesting for researchers who study T6SS, phage predation and other evolutionary pressures shaping bacterial interactions. The work provides new and interesting insights. My expertise in LPS biology is limited.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank reviewers for their comments and constructive criticisms of our study. We have implemented corrections* that were suggested for the manuscript, and we have also clarified any concerns that were raised in our responses below. *

      *Reviewer #1 *

      Overall technology development is good though as they claim that they are first is not true as it has been used earlier by https://doi.org/10.1128/msphere.00160-22. Hence may be that they have used to decipher the cell cycle.

      The cited paper used FUCCI in the host cells and not in the parasites themselves. Our study thus reports the first FUCCI model in a unicellular *eukaryote. *

      • *

      The manuscript is extremely dense and at times very difficult to read and to be clear if they are focussing on the technology or cell cycle. The technology may be a better part of manuscript but the dissection of cell cycle is not very novel and at times very confusing to follow. Many of these aspects has been dissected out previously from their own group and many group in Toxoplasma and Plasmodium and it is quite known about that the cell cycle in Apicomplexa is very complex.

      We adapted FUCCI to the Toxoplasma model to help dissect the organization of its cell cycle, which as the reviewer noted, is highly complex. While overlaps between some phases were anticipated based on prior data, these overlaps had not been measured. We were able to determine the extent of these overlaps in the post-G1 period and describe the organization of the non-conventional cell cycle of T. gondii.

      Another aspect that most FUCCI use Geminin and CDT1 factors and since Geminin is not present it would have been better to validate that with CDT1 that is present in Apicomplexa and may be more relevant than PCNA1.

      Unfortunately, the Toxoplasma ortholog of CDT1 (TgiRD1) cannot be used as a FUCCI marker for the reasons stated in lines 116-117; the expression of TgiRD1 is not limited to a specific cell cycle phase (Hawkins et al., 2024). PCNA1 can be (and has been) used as a FUCCI marker, but it was not considered an ideal marker in mammalian cells due to its relatively low expression levels. However, Toxoplasma PCNA1 is highly abundant in tachyzoites, and its expression correlates with the period of DNA replication. Furthermore, Plasmodium ortholog of PCNA1 had been used as a DNA replication sensor in the recent studies (35353560). *Altogether, it validates PCNA1 as an appropriate S-phase FUCCI probe. *

      The first part of the manuscript only deals with first to identify the function and localisation of PCNA1 and then develop FUCCI technology and then go on to study cell cycle. So the focus of the manuscript is not clear. It seems three different results are just assembled together in one manuscript with out clear focus. In order to get clear focus the authors should clear set out the focus as to why they developed FUCCCI and how they decipher either replication, budding, apical or basal complex, centrosome or cytokinesis as well to be used for drug discovery The way it is organised it is not flowing well and confuses the reader who may not be aware of different compartment of Toxoplasma cell or not a molecular parasitologist.

      We believe the reviewer has described the logic of our study. Our goal was to dissect the cell cycle. Consequently, we adapted a suitable technology, FUCCI. We described the relevant experiments that allowed us to produce a new molecular tool for an apicomplexan model, and illustrated how we used this tool to better understand the complicated processes of its cell division. Therefore, we organized our study accordingly and included our goal, plans, results, and conclusions that support the success of adopted technology and establishment of the cell cycle organization. We hope this brief explanation can provide some clarification for the reviewer.

      Some of the conclusion on the that Replication starts at centromere region is not novel and has been studied previously.

      We agree that the centromeric start of DNA replication is not a novel feature, which is stated in the text. This result was shown to demonstrate that Toxoplasma replicates its DNA according to the rules* conserved across eukaryotes. *

      The manuscript needs revising by writing precisely eliminating too much literature reference in the result section with clear focus. Some of these references can be elaborated in the introduction and discussion to keep the focus.

      We examined the results section, and as much as we wanted to comply with this reviewer, we found no references that could be eliminated or transferred to the introduction. We believe that to aid the reader, some foundational knowledge needs to be presented together with obtained results to support those findings.

      • *

      Some points with respect to figures: Generally with image panels, arrows don't stand out well

      We* have adjusted the images.


      Fig1: no scale bars and the green arrow do not stand out. So may be to make white.

      *The scale bar can be found in the bottom right image, which applies to every image in the panel. We changed the color of the arrows. *

      Fig 2E: state the time point in the fig without IAA treatment (-IAA)

      The requested information was added to the figure legend.

      Fig4: no bell shaped curve

      We rephrased the description. The” bell-shape” analogy applies to the temporal dynamics of DNA replication, which starts with a single aggregate, expands to numerous replication foci, and is reduced to a few aggregates at the end of replication. We attempted to quantify aggregates, but their irregular shape makes this task impossible. Our statement is supported by steady-state images and real-time microscopy of the DNA replication included in the manuscript.

      Fig 5D: it isn't obvious what the numbers on the right hand side of the graph mean. If it is size, there should be a unit given

      We provided an explanation in the figure legend*.


      Figure 6 - how do they determine that the tachyzoites have progressed through 61% of S phase? Make this clearer here.

      *We examined only DNA replicating parasites (S-phase) and determined the fraction of BCC0-positive (39%) and BCC0-negative (61%) tachyzoites. Quantifications can be found in Table S4, in the S-C worksheet. *

      • *

      Fig7: it a strange way of ordering the figure as FigE is after Fig F hence no logical order. Thank you, we have corrected the order of these panels*. *

      Fig 8H is not mentioned in the text

      *Thank you, we referenced the wrong panel. Fig. 8H is now included in the text. *

      Figure 9 is nice and useful but the arrows could be made proportional of time spent in each cell cycle phase. They're a little off in the conventional cell cycle at the minute

      • *These schematics are intended to illustrate the dramatic difference in cell cycle organization rather than to directly describe cell cycle organization, the latter of which can be found in Figure 6.

      Some comment on the text in the manuscript: Line 137: describing the expression pattern: the following papers first described the expression pattern of PCNA1 and 2 can be cited in the result. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molbiopara.2005.03.020 We added the reference.

      Line 154: Provide schematic for AID HA cloning and confirmation.

      The schematics and PCR confirmations* can be found in the supplemental figure S2.


      Line 157: Fig 2 after 4 h treatment FACS analysis shows more than 1 and less than 2n genomic content. Does this study have any -IAA treated control for 4h and 7h to compare as what should the standard genomic content to be there at this time point of development. At 4 h of development can the authors provide any statistical analysis with their 3 experiments to prove their point that the replication is actually stalled. Downregulation of TgPCNA1 as shown is western blot is still basal protein left to carry the genomic replication in 7 mins. Can authors also state that TgPCNA 2 which is although non-essential but has no redundant role in the replication machinery.

      The -IAA control is indicated as 0h and is shown in blue. The statistical analysis of three independent experiments showing the increase of the S-phase population is included in Table S3. The Fig. 2 WB shows over 99% TgPCNA1 degradation, and the residual >1% would be insufficient to carry out full DNA replication. This residual signal is likely due to PCNA1 remaining in complex, which would resist *proteolysis. Unfortunately, we do not feel comfortable to make the final statement suggested. We believe that the lack of TgPCNA2 complementation with yeast PCNA1 (Guerini et al, 2005) is insufficient to draw the conclusion that TgPCNA2 plays a non-redundant role in Toxoplasma replication machinery. *

      Line 178 : typing error "that that

      Thank you, this has been corrected*.


      Line 179: states the role of TgPCNA 1 in DNA1 replication, however line 159 and 160 states the TgPCNA1 deficient can fulfil DNA replication. Can author confirm this contrast in the results. Results trying to illustrate the same fact TgFUCCIs or TgPCNA1ng that TgPCNA1 first aggregates at centromeres and then distributed on many replication forks and disappears late during cytokinesis. The part of the result can be merged.

      We apologize for the *confusion. We rephrased our statements and supported them by corresponding references. Although it may seem repetitive, but it was our intention to emphasize a consistent spatial-temporal expression of TgPCNA1-HA and TgPCNA1-NG. *

      Line 189: Typing error, should say "such as nucleus", currently as is missing

      Thank you, this has *been corrected.


      Line 346-349: basically explaining the same thing twice.

      We apologize for the confusion, the first sentence describes compartments where MORN1 is located. The second sentence describes how MORN1 localization changes during cell cycle progression, information which is used later in our quantitative IFA of cell cycle phases*. *

      • *

      Line 347 - immunfluorescent should be immunofluorescence

      Thank you, this has been corrected*.


      Line 395-399: does this study has any non-inhibited (-IAA control) at 4h and 7 h. for fig 7C & 7G. Can the authors provide any statistical analysis for the significance with their 3 experiments.

      The untreated control (7h mock) is shown as 0h treatment (first bar in each panel). The figure also shows the results of the statistical analysis (t-test, numbers above) that can also be found in Table* S7.


      Line 415: Why the authors have not used the TgFUUCI sc lines which expresses the TgPCNAng and IMCmch both. This could have helped to understand the real time dynamics of DNA replication and budding initiation (cytokenesis), rather then fixing and staining with TgIMC.

      *The recent study by Gubbels lab identified the earliest known budding marker BCC0. Unfortunately, BCC0 is a low abundant factor and cannot be used in FUCCI. IMC3 emerges in the midst of budding when the daughter conoid and polar rings are assembled and thus does not signify either the beginning or the end of cytokinesis. We added IMC3 as a supporting budding marker, while our primary focus remains on the DNA replication marker PCNA1. *

      Overall good technology development as FUCCI but the rest of the manuscript is extremely dense and the focus of the study is not clear after technology part. The complexity of the cell cycle is known and hence not much novelty here and extremely descriptive and hard read. Science can be simplified.

      The reviewer agrees the apicomplexan cell cycle is highly complex, and the field has worked diligently to piece together what we can about it, which contributes to the density of the manuscript. We hope that the targeted audience will find it thoughtful, and we strove to provide sufficient information for those outside our field. We also respectfully disagree that our study offers little novelty; while it is known how complex the apicomplexan cell cycle is, there is still much to uncover. While overlapping cell cycle phases exist in other eukaryotes, there were no such studies that showed the degree of these overlaps across the entire T. gondii cell cycle. We believe there are valuable insights to be gained from the identification of the composite cell cycle phase, which in turn could help draw attention to other understudied features of the cell cycle in non-conventional eukaryotes*. *

      *Reviewer #2 *

      1. It is not always clear where apical and basal ends of the parasite are. E.g. in Fig 3F are the two parasites on the right facing down with their apical end? In Fig 4 it is even harder to see. Might be helpful to turn these images with their apical end up to make comparative interpretation of figures easier. In the text it mentions that PCNA1 concludes at the 'proximal' end of the nucleus (or with the nucleus proximal, which is not clear either??). Please define clearly where the proximal site is, as it is not clear in the figures or in the movie (the 'last focus' marker in Fig 4D??). Thank you for the suggestion. We rotated images in Fig. 3 and marked the parasite ends in Fig. 4. We also indicated parasites’ polarity in the movies.

      Synchrony of replication cycle. Tight synchronization depends on the retention of the cytoplasmic bridge, as mentioned by the authors. In larger vacuoles, it is very conceivable not all parasites are connected with each other (notably in large cysts with bradyzoites), which could lead to loss of tight synchrony. The results section states "One plausible explanation is that the rosette split shortens the communication path between tachyzoites". This is somewhat cryptic language: does a 'rosette split' imply the rupture of the cytoplasmic bridge? This statement should be clarified. Another factor could be centrosome maturation, with the mother centrosome ready sooner than the daughter, which is a model proposed in schizogony, where the nuclear cycles in a shared cytoplasm are even more asynchronous/independent.

      Yes, by ‘rosette split’, we refer to the break of the connection, or a cytoplasmic bridge. The model based on centrosome maturation is interesting, however, it does not explain the synchronization of a vacuole of 16, unless centrosome age resets at that point*. *

      Centrosome duplication. This has been documented to occur at the basal side of the nucleus (the whole nucleus rotates for centrosome duplication). The images as depicted in Fig 6 do not seem to indicate this event, possibly because it is not easy to track apical and basal end of the cell (#1 above). Please comment, as this could be an additional spatial cue to the specific stage of the cycle.

      This is a very interesting suggestion, thank you. Indeed, the centrosome often duplicates away from the apical end (disconnects from the Golgi), sometimes on the side or the basal end, but quickly rotates back to the apical position to reconnect with co-segregating organelles. Centrosome traveling is an interesting feature, and it is possible that this reorientation back to the apical end signifies budding initiation. We will explore this hypothesis in future studies.

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      • The term "Apicomplexan" should be spelled with a lower case "apicomplexan", which is not consistently applied throughout the manuscript. Thank you, we have corrected the spelling*. *

      * 2. Line 567 the term used in 2008 was "tightly knit" not "closely woven". We wanted to avoid the exact citation and rephrased the title of the review.


      *Reviewer #3 *

      -The authors choose to describe PCNA1 and IMC3 as FUCCI markers. The efficiency of this system in mammalian cells is based on the proof that the markers are regulated through a rapid proteolysis process. However, the data available for these markers point toward a transcriptional regulation of these markers (Toxodb and (1)). In contrast, the authors do not provide any data indicating that these proteins are true FUCCI markers. Consequently, they should not use the term FUCCI throughout the paper unless they prove that the cell cycle expression depends on proteolysis. For example, the authors could express these genes with a promoter that is not cell cycle regulated.

      PCNA1 was one of the original FUCCI markers for mammalian cells, later replaced by the more abundant geminin. PCNA1 ubiquitination is well supported across all eukaryotes, and we believe there is much data to support this same turnover mechanism acts to regulate PCNA1 in Toxoplasma. Transcriptional profiles show that TgPCNA1 mRNA is constantly present in cells, never dropping below 80%, making this mRNA is among the most abundant in the cell. It also indicates that proteolysis, rather than halted transcription, controls TgPCNA1 protein levels, since TgPCNA1 protein expression drops to nearly undetectable levels in early G1 and budding (Fig. 1). In addition, TgPCNA1 is highly conserved in structure (Fig. S1) and in function (TgPCNA1 interactome, Fig. 1). The TgPCNA1 Ub sites were detected in global ubiquitome analyses (ToxoDB), supporting the fact that TgPCNA1 protein abundance is regulated by ubiquitin-dependent degradation. Furthermore, PCNA1 as a FUCCI marker in model eukaryotes was not tested for proteolysis because it was unquestionable that PCNA1 is regulated by proteolysis. In addition, Plasmodium ortholog of PCNA1 had been used as a DNA replication sensor in the recent studies (35353560), which validates PCNA1 as an appropriate S-phase FUCCI probe. The modern FUCCI probes are fragments of CDT1 and Geminin mimicking the spatiotemporal expression of the corresponding cell cycle regulators. The transcriptional profile of TgIMC3 is also largely unchanged across the cell cycle, which heavily implies that proteolysis control*s its dynamic protein expression. Therefore, we believe that the term FUCCI applies to TgPCNA1 and TgIMC3. *

      -The authors show that the localization of PCNA1 change during the cell cycle and indicate that the PCNA1 aggregates observed are replication forks. They do not provide data supporting this. They should co-localize these aggregates with other markers such as ORC, MCM proteins or DNA polymerase to better characterize these aggregates. There are number of techniques that could be used to localize the origin(s) of replication. Similarly, ExM should be used to characterize the colocalization between PCNA1 aggregates and the centromeres. As such, the images provided are of poor quality and do not support the author conclusions. The few PCNA1 aggregates toward the end of the S phase are also not characterized. Are they telomeres?

      Although this is an important point, such detailed analyses of the DNA replication machinery is out of the scope of the current study and will be examined in a follow-up study. Data that suggest the aggregates correspond to replication forks include proteomics analyses of chromatin-bound PCNA1 that identified replisome components such as the MCM, high conservation of TgPCNA1 sequence and structure (Fig. S1), and its conserved interactions (Fig. 1). Recent studies used Plasmodium ortholog of PCNA1 to trace DNA replication dynamics during schizogony (35353560), *Therefore, we doubt that TgPCNA1 would perform functions outside of its role as a DNA replication factor, which has been extensively studied in other eukaryotes. *

      • The authors characterized the proteins associated with PCNA1. All the proteins found to potentially interact are chromatin-bound and are not naturally found in other localization (2). It is unclear why the authors insist on the fact that there are two PCNA1 complexes (one chromatin-bound and one non-chromatin bound). More concerning is the lack of verification of this dataset through reciprocal IP for example.

      The PCNA IP was used to confirm its conserved function as a DNA replication factor; similarly to what was observed in other eukaryotes, we detected PCNA in both a chromatin-bound and unbound state. PCNA1 is produced in late G1 (diffuse nuclear stain) but is engaged in the replisome only upon DNA replication initiation (aggregated form). Rather than characterize the function of the highly conserved PCNA1, our primary goal was to determine the Toxoplasma cell cycle organization, which explains our choice of the experimental design.

      • Quantification of some of the phenotypes is lacking. For example, the DNA content analysis are shown but the change in number are not. Similarly, there is no quantification of the PCNA1 mutant phenotypes observed by ExM. Quantification of the bell shape observed by video-microscopy in figure 4 should also be provided.

      The quantifications supporting the main claims of our study are included in the five supplemental Tables S3-S8, including DNA content and microscopy analysis of the phenotype. *The U-ExM microscopy has been solely used to visualize details of the phenotype. *

      • The PCNA1 mutant phenotypes are not sufficiently explored by ExM. What happen to the mitotic spindle? What happens to kinetochore (CenH3 is a centromere protein and does not represent kinetochores)? Many markers for these structures have been described, see (3).

      The primary goal of our study was to examine and map out the organization of the tachyzoite cell cycle. PCNA1 deficiency was used to demonstrate that Toxoplasma PCNA1 is a conserv*ed DNA replication factor and can be used as an S-phase marker in FUCCI. Thus, we focused on the mutant-induced changes in the dynamics of DNA replication (DNA content) and arrest prior to mitosis (unresolved centrocone). *

      • TgPCNA1NG strain has a number of concerns. The localization to the daughter cells conoids seems artificial since not observed in the HA-AID mutant and the expression pattern seems different as well than the previous mutant suggesting the mNG tag is affecting the localization and expression dynamics. Did the authors explore other fluorescent proteins to verify that these discrepancies where not due to this tag ?

      The conoidal PCNA1 accumulation was detected only with NeonGreen-tagged PCNA1. We also built and examined tdTomato- and mCherry-tagged versions and detected minor accumulations in the conoid of tdTomato-tagged PCNA1, but not with the mCherry-tagged variant. We believe these aggregations could be attributed to the partially degraded PCNA1-NeonGreen having an affinity to conoidal proteins, thus producing this unexpected signal. Although not included in the manuscript, our quantifications, based on both PCNA1-HA and PCNA1-NeonGreen, showed similar cell cycle organization (G1, S and budding phases) of tachyzoites. The FUCCI probe is an indicator of the cell cycle phase. It does not have to be a functional protein. As we mentioned before, many FUCCI probes are fragments of the factors that mimic the spatiotemporal expression of the corresponding cell cycle regulators.

      -Cytokinesis seems to be only defined by the presence of IMC3. The marker appears early during the budding process and it is not normally considered as a cytokinesis marker. The author should the text to reflect this.

      We agree with the reviewer that IMC3 is not a true budding marker, which is why we used BCC0 in our quantifications. IMC3 is proven to broadly define the mid-budding stage, making it a convenient supplemental marker. We are currently exploring and testing alternative and additional FUCCI markers. It is not an easy task, since these markers are required to have high expression levels and to be localized into large organelles. For instance, BCC0 was eliminated due to low abundance.

      • Throughout the manuscript, the authors seems to ignore an essential characteristic of the tachyzoite cell cycle: the nuclear cycle and the budding cycle are independently regulated. It is therefore normal they overlap as it has been shown by the authors themselves in previous studies. This should be better described and discussed in the paper to understand the peculiarities of the parasite cell cycle.

      We apologize for the confusion, but the tachyzoite cell cycle does not contain a nuclear cycle, it consists of a single budding cycle. The nuclear cycle is only a feature in multinuclear cell cycles such as schizogony and endopolygeny. This is the main reason why the overlap between phases is so surprising.

      • l196: "The surface of the growing buds": could the authors rephrase?

      We rephrased the statement.

      -L217: proximal end of the nucleus rather than "parasite ".

      *We clarified the statement. It is, in fact, the shift of the nucleus to the proximal end of the parasite.


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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is a manuscript from Batra et al. entitled "A FUCCI sensor reveals complex cell cycle organization of Toxoplasma endodyogeny ". It describes the characterization of PCNA1 as cell cycle marker in the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Tachyzoite endodyogeny is a simplified division process that is crucial for the proliferation of the parasite. Some studies have used fluorescent markers to describe the segregation of organelles and the nuclear division during endodyogeny but the production of more tools to dissect the cell cycle and better characterize mutants is timely. Most of the experiments are based on characterization of PCNA1 mutant and the use of a strain expressing a PCNA1-mNG construct. Unfortunately, there are a number of concerns in this study that need to be addressed.

      Major concerns:

      • The authors choose to describe PCNA1 and IMC3 as FUCCI markers. The efficiency of this system in mammalian cells is based on the proof that the markers are regulated through a rapid proteolysis process. However, the data available for these markers point toward a transcriptional regulation of these markers (Toxodb and (1)). In contrast, the authors do not provide any data indicating that these proteins are true FUCCI markers. Consequently, they should not use the term FUCCI throughout the paper unless they prove that the cell cycle expression depends on proteolysis. For example, the authors could express these genes with a promoter that is not cell cycle regulated.
      • The authors show that the localization of PCNA1 change during the cell cycle and indicate that the PCNA1 aggregates observed are replication forks. They do not provide data supporting this. They should co-localize these aggregates with other markers such as ORC, MCM proteins or DNA polymerase to better characterize these aggregates. There are number of techniques that could be used to localize the origin(s) of replication. Similarly, ExM should be used to characterize the colocalization between PCNA1 aggregates and the centromeres. As such, the images provided are of poor quality and do not support the author conclusions. The few PCNA1 aggregates toward the end of the S phase are also not characterized. Are they telomeres?
      • The authors characterized the proteins associated with PCNA1. All the proteins found to potentially interact are chromatin-bound and are not naturally found in other localization (2). It is unclear why the authors insist on the fact that there are two PCNA1 complexes (one chromatin-bound and one non-chromatin bound). More concerning is the lack of verification of this dataset through reciprocal IP for example.
      • Quantification of some of the phenotypes is lacking. For example, the DNA content analysis are shown but the change in number are not. Similarly, there is no quantification of the PCNA1 mutant phenotypes observed by ExM. Quantification of the bell shape observed by video-microscopy in figure 4 should also be provided.
      • The PCNA1 mutant phenotypes are not sufficiently explored by ExM. What happen to the mitotic spindle? What happens to kinetochore (CenH3 is a centromere protein and does not represent kinetochores)? Many markers for these structures have been described, see (3).
      • TgPCNA1NG strain has a number of concerns. The localization to the daughter cells conoids seems artificial since not observed in the HA-AID mutant and the expression pattern seems different as well than the previous mutant suggesting the mNG tag is affecting the localization and expression dynamics. Did the authors explore other fluorescent proteins to verify that these discrepancies where not due to this tag ? -Cytokinesis seems to be only defined by the presence of IMC3. The marker appears early during the budding process and it is not normally considered as a cytokinesis marker. The author should the text to reflect this.
      • Throughout the manuscript, the authors seems to ignore an essential characteristic of the tachyzoite cell cycle: the nuclear cycle and the budding cycle are independently regulated. It is therefore normal they overlap as it has been shown by the authors themselves in previous studies. This should be better described and discussed in the paper to understand the peculiarities of the parasite cell cycle.


      • l196: "The surface of the growing buds": could the authors rephrase?
      • L217: proximal end of the nucleus rather than "parasite ".

      • Behnke,M.S., Wootton,J.C., Lehmann,M.M., Radke,J.B., Lucas,O., Nawas,J., Sibley,L.D. and White,M.W. (2010) Coordinated progression through two subtranscriptomes underlies the tachyzoite cycle of Toxoplasma gondii. PloS One, 5, e12354.

      • Barylyuk,K., Koreny,L., Ke,H., Butterworth,S., Crook,O.M., Lassadi,I., Gupta,V., Tromer,E., Mourier,T., Stevens,T.J., et al. (2020) A Comprehensive Subcellular Atlas of the Toxoplasma Proteome via hyperLOPIT Provides Spatial Context for Protein Functions. Cell Host Microbe, 28, 752-766.e9.
      • L,B., N,D.S.P., Ec,T., D,S.-F. and M,B. (2022) Composition and organization of kinetochores show plasticity in apicomplexan chromosome segregation. J. Cell Biol., 221.


      This study provides the characterization of a new cell cycle marker to decipher the tachyzoite cell cycle of the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. A better understanding of the cell cycle is needed to prevent the proliferation of this parasite. This study builds on previous works characterizing organellar segregation in T. gondii. It provides data about the overlap of each cell cycle phase and the synchronicity of the cell cycle in a single vacuole. However, it is limited by the use of a single marker and more data are needed to support the conclusions of this study. This study can be of interest to a broad audience.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      • Are the key conclusions convincing?

      The data support the new model put forward in the final figure: a composite cell cycle phase

      There are couple of points that need attention:

      1. It is not always clear where apical and basal ends of the parasite are. E.g. in Fig 3F are the two parasites on the right facing down with their apical end? In Fig 4 it is even harder to see. Might be helpful to turn these images with their apical end up to make comparative interpretation of figures easier. In the text it mentions that PCNA1 concludes at the 'proximal' end of the nucleus (or with the nucleus proximal, which is not clear either??). Please define clearly where the proximal site is, as it is not clear in the figures or in the movie (the 'last focus' marker in Fig 4D??).
      2. Synchrony of replication cycle. Tight synchronization depends on the retention of the cytoplasmic bridge, as mentioned by the authors. In larger vacuoles, it is very conceivable not all parasites are connected with each other (notably in large cysts with bradyzoites), which could lead to loss of tight synchrony. The results section states "One plausible explanation is that the rosette split shortens the communication path between tachyzoites". This is somewhat cryptic language: does a 'rosette split' imply the rupture of the cytoplasmic bridge? This statement should be clarified. Another factor could be centrosome maturation, with the mother centrosome ready sooner than the daughter, which is a model proposed in schizogony, where the nuclear cycles in a shared cytoplasm are even more asynchronous/independent.
      3. Centrosome duplication. This has been documented to occur at the basal side of the nucleus (the whole nucleus rotates for centrosome duplication). The images as depicted in Fig 6 do not seem to indicate this event, possibly because it is not easy to track apical and basal end of the cell (#1 above). Please comment, as this could be an additional spatial cue to the specific stage of the cycle.
      4. Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?

      The authors are on the conservative end of interpretations and clearly outline the limitations of their approaches and observations, while discussing alternative interpretations. - Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.

      No, the presented experiments and data are very complete - Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.

      n/a - Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?

      yes - Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?


      Minor comments:

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.
      • The term "Apicomplexan" should be spelled with a lower case "apicomplexan", which is not consistently applied throughout the manuscript.
      • Line 567 the term used in 2008 was "tightly knit" not "closely woven".
      • Are prior studies referenced appropriately?

      Yes - Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      Yes, exceptional - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?

      See major point #1 above.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Comment to Rev 1: https://doi.org/10.1128/msphere.00160-22. reports on use of FUCCI in the host cell, not in the parasite itself. This comment therefore does not apply.

      Comment to Rev 3: the technicality on FUCCI acting on the protein level. That is a legit concern that needs attention, and could be fixed by avoiding the term FUCCI, or putting the term in the exact context.

      Looks like a shared general concern is that it is not always clear where apical and basal ends are in the presented data. This should be addressed in revision.


      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.

      The presented manuscript reports on a technical innovation in Apicomplexa: establishing a FUCCI system. However they did not stop there and added additional markers to unravel the timing and nature of S/M/G2/C overlaps that illuminated previously underappreciated or unknow details. The tools assembled here will be of great value for understanding not only T. gondii endodyogeny checkpoints and sequence of events, but also paves the way for similar studies in more complex apicomplexan cell division modes, like schizogony and endopolygeny. - Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).

      The authors very appropriately provide the wider context and completely cover where the field stands. E.g. this protein microscopy-based work fills in the fine grain details where recent advances in transcriptional profiles by single cell experiments cannot provide resolution. The authors do also an outstanding job in providing the background on the general understanding of molecular players, structures and process controls across eukaryotes that pinpoint where the Apicomplexa are different. - State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      The audience comprises a wide array of people with interests in cell cycle regulation, cell cycle checkpoints, DNA replication, nuclear organization across biological systems, and Apicomplexa in particular - Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      Toxoplasma gondii cell biology - sufficient expertise across the board

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Batra et al have tried to dissect out two aspect to understand the complex cell cycle of Toxoplasma endodyogeny. One is to development of Fluorescent Ubiquitination-based Cell Cycle Indicator (FUCCI) technology for Toxoplasma gondii and then to use that for understanding the complex cell cycle. The authors have created ToxoFUCCIs and ToxoFUCCIsc probes using TgPCNA1 tagged with NeonGreen and TgIMC3 tagged with mCherry and used to dissect the different phases of cell cycle like S, G2, G1 and cytokinesis. Overall technology development is good though as they claim that they are first is not true as it has been used earlier by https://doi.org/10.1128/msphere.00160-22. Hence may be that they have used to decipher the cell cycle.

      The manuscript is extremely dense and at times very difficult to read and to be clear if they are focussing on the technology or cell cycle. The technology may be a better part of manuscript but the dissection of cell cycle is not very novel and at times very confusing to follow. Many of these aspects has been dissected out previously from their own group and many group in Toxoplasma and Plasmodium and it is quite known about that the cell cycle in Apicomplexa is very complex. Another aspect that most FUCCI use Geminin and CDT1 factors and since Geminin is not present it would have been better to validate that with CDT1 that is present in Apicomplexa and may be more relevant than PCNA1. The first part of the manuscript only deals with first to identify the function and localisation of PCNA1 and then develop FUCCI technology and then go on to study cell cycle. So the focus of the manuscript is not clear. It seems three different results are just assembled together in one manuscript with out clear focus. Some of the conclusion on the that Replication starts at centromere region is not novel and has been studied previously.

      In order to get clear focus the authors should clear set out the focus as to why they developed FUCCCI and how they decipher either replication, budding, apical or basal complex, centrosome or cytokinesisas well to be used for drug discovery The way it is organised it is not flowing well and confuses the reader who may not be aware of different compartment of Toxoplasma cell or not a molecular parasitologist.<br /> The manuscript needs revising by writing precisely eliminating too much literature reference in the result section with clear focus. Some of these references can be elaborated in the introduction and discussion to keep the focus.

      Some points with respect to figures:

      Generally with image panels, arrows don't stand out well

      Fig1: no scale bars and the green arrow do not stand out. So may be to make white.

      Fig 2E: state the time point in the fig without IAA treatment (-IAA)

      Fig4: no bell shaped curve

      Fig 5D: it isn't obvious what the numbers on the right hand side of the graph mean. If it is size, there should be a unit given

      Figure 6 - how do they determine that the tachyzoites have progressed through 61% of S phase? Make this clearer here.

      Fig7: it a strange way of ordering the figure as FigE is after Fig F hence no logical order.

      Fig 8H is not mentioned in the text

      Figure 9 is nice and useful but the arrows could be made proportional of time spent in each cell cycle phase. They're a little off in the conventional cell cycle at the minute

      Some comment on the text in the manuscript:

      Line 137: describing the expression pattern: the following papers first described the expression pattern of PCNA1 and 2 can be cited in the result. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molbiopara.2005.03.020

      Line 154: Provide schematic for AID HA cloning and confirmation.

      Line 157: Fig 2 after 4 h treatment FACS analysis shows more than 1 and less than 2n genomic content. Does this study have any -IAA treated control for 4h and 7h to compare as what should the standard genomic content to be there at this time point of development. At 4 h of development can the authors provide any statistical analysis with their 3 experiments to prove their point that the replication is actually stalled. Downregulation of TgPCNA1 as shown is western blot is still basal protein left to carry the genomic replication in 7 mins. Can authors also state that TgPCNA 2 which is although non-essential but has no redundant role in the replication machinery.

      Line 178 : typing error "that that

      Line 179: states the role of TgPCNA 1 in DNA1 replication, however line 159 and 160 states the TgPCNA1 deficient can fulfil DNA replication. Can author confirm this contrast in the results. Results trying to illustrate the same fact TgFUCCIs or TgPCNA1ng that TgPCNA1 first aggregates at centromeres and then distributed on many replication forks and disappears late during cytokinesis. The part of the result can be merged.

      Line 189: Typing error, should say "such as nucleus", currently as is missing

      Line 346-349: basically explaining the same thing twice.

      Line 347 - immunfluorescent should be immunofluorescence

      Line 395-399: does this study has any non-inhibited (-IAA control) at 4h and 7 h. for fig 7C & 7G. Can the authors provide any statistical analysis for the significance with their 3 experiments.

      Line 415: Why the authors have not used the TgFUUCI sc lines which expresses the TgPCNAng and IMCmch both. This could have helped to understand the real time dynamics of DNA replication and budding initiation (cytokenesis), rather then fixing and staining with TgIMC.

      Overall good technology development as FUCCI but the rest of the manuscript is extremely dense and the focus of the study is not clear after technology part. The complexity of the cell cycle is known and hence not much novelty here and extremely descriptive and hard read. Science can be simplified.


      The development of FUCCI technology is significant part of the manuscript and to understand cellcycle may be they could have used CDT1 rather than PCNA as there is another PCNA 2 that also exist. The authors have given some convincing result for some aspect of cell cycle of which most are known and only it is quite incremental.at some part. The technology may contribute to the methodology development in Apicomplexa.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study by Mordier and colleagues represents an in depth analysis to clarify the evolutionary history and processes of the rapidly evolving Schlafen gene family with a strong focus on primates and rodents.

      The study is of high quality in my opinion, though I do have some minor comments:

      1. Fig 2 and Fig 4B present inferred phylogenetic trees of schalfens in primates and rodents - these trees appear to be unrooted or rooted on a single species rather than an outgroup/gene. I suggest that the authors consider whether an outgroup gene could be included or if an outgroup free approach could be used to estimate the position of the root. This is important because the use of an unrooted tree to make inferences on gene family evolution has important implications - for example, there are no clades in an unrooted tree (Wilkinson et al 2007, Trends Ecol Evol).
      2. Schlafen proteins beyond mammals are referred to as SLFN11, it is not clear why this is the case because they seem to be co-orthologous to all mammal schalfen groups (except SLFNL1) based on supplementary figure S2. In this context, perhaps this image should form part of the main text?
      3. For blast searches parameters should be included - what cutoffs were implied for similarity searches etc. Related to this on line 120-121 homology is described as 'significant'. Homology refers to an evolutionary relationship, sequence similarity may be significant or not based on the search performed but homology is qualitative and simply detectable or not.
      4. The first results section describes the results of phylogenetic analyses, however this section relies heavily on what might better be considered interpretation of these analyses, this is great and should be included but I suggest that the branching patterns in the trees and bootstrap values supporting relationships between genes are also reported in the text to link interpretations to actual results.
      5. Bustos 2009 included viral genes belonging to the family in their analyses and I think it may be pertinent to do so here also to determine if the results are consistent or not.
      6. Was a rate heterogeneity (e.g. gamma rates / +G) parameter considered in phylogenetic analyses or model testing, it is not reported here and very rare for this not to improve model fit and phylogenetic accuracy.
      7. The authors state that all data are available in public databases, but this is not the case for the results they generated. Making various file types produced in this study would be good - e.g. alignments, phylogenetic tree files, structures, etc.


      This study is an important step forward in clarifying our understanding of schalfen evolution. I think the manuscript will be of interest to a number of research areas, including gene family evolution because of its focus on an unusually rapidly evolving gene cluster and to those working on the schalfen gene families functional importance in development and immunity. The results may also draw interest from those interested in the confluence of protein structure, function, and evolution. My expertise In the context of this study is in the phylogenetics and evolution of rapidly evolving gene families.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the current manuscript, Mordier et al. combine bioinformatic searches, synteny, and phylogenetic analysis to reconstruct the duplicative history of the Schlafen Genes in rodents and primates and then use molecular evolution analyses in combination with structural modeling to make inferences regarding the role of natural selection in the evolution of this gene family. The study represents an update on Bustos et al. (2009), who had already presented evidence that Positive Darwinian selection was likely a factor in the diversification of these genes in mammals. In this context, the contribution of this paper is the identification of sites that are candidates to be evolving under natural selection, and the structural exploration of the location of these sites in the proteins. CODEML strength lies in the detection of signatures of positive selection at the codon level, but it is not that accurate when it comes to pinpointing the actual sites that might be under selection. Hence, without experimental data, these inferences remain speculative. The manuscript is well-written and represents an update on the evolution of this gene family.

      Major Issues

      The rationale for the choice of species included in the analyses is never presented, and some of it is hard to understand. Why do authors exclude the platypus but include non-mammalian lobe-finned vertebrates is not clear. If they are going to discuss the evolution of these genes outside mammals, the authors need to survey a much wider array of genomes. Even within mammals, there is little discussion on why some species were included and others not. I think that focusing the study on rodents and primates is OK, but I also think that providing a strong justification of the selection of species to include in the study and a tree that justifies splitting the focus on rodents and primates would also be important.

      In the trees in Figures 2 and 4, several genes considered as orthologs are not in monophyletic groups. These pattern aligns well with the birth-and-death model of gene family evolution, and has implications for their molecular evolution analyses. The authors need to address this issue explicitly. I would use topology tests to evaluate whether these deviations from the expected topology are significant. In addition, the relevant tests to report here are M8 vs M7 and M8 vs M8a. The M0 vs M1a comparison does not provide evidence for positive Darwinian selection. If the M8 vs M7 and M8 vs M8a tests are not significant, the inferences about sites evolving with dN/dS>1 are not really valid.

      CODEML can implements models that are designed to test patterns of gene family evolution, contrasting pre and post duplication branches, which I think would be of value in this family.

      Some analyses are described very succinctly, which would make replication challenging.

      Minor Issues

      Could 2R be responsible for the emergence of SLFN and SLFNL1?

      There are several minor issues authors should fix in a revised manuscript. In general, because results are presented before the materials and methods, I think it is easier for readers to have some of the information in the results section.

      They need to be consistent in using italics for species names as well as for capitalization.

      In the Alignment and maximum-likelihood phylogenies section the authors indicate that they used either Muscle or Mafft for the alignments. What was the rationale for picking one alignment over the other for a given gene? In this section, they also indicate the selected a best-fitting model of substitution using SMS, but then indicate that they used JTT for protein alignments and HKY for nucleotide alignments.

      How did the authors ensure that nucleotide alignments remained in frame?


      I think this is a significant contribution to our understanding of the evolution of the Schlafen gene family. There are two key contributions here: the demonstration that gene conversion is a factor obscuring relationships among genes in this gene family, and the mapping of amino acids inferred be evolving under positive selection to structurally important residues of the proteins. These residues should be of interest for functional assays that evaluate the functional role of these proteins.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Mordier et al. used in-depth phylogenomic methods to analyze the evolution of the mammalian Schlafen gene family. They identified a novel orphan Schlafen-related gene that arose in jawed vertebrates, and they assigned orthology between Schlafen cluster paralogs. This will allow for further accurate selection studies. Throughout the entire manuscript, the authors use nomenclature predating structural and biochemical studies. The nomenclature is purely based on sequence similarities, which are sometimes very weak and not convincing, and not based on the known function of the protein. In my opinion, this causes confusion and does not help scientists in the field. Especially in Figure 3, I wouldn't call it RNAse E (AlbA); instead, tRNA recognition site,endoribonuclease domain, SLFN core domain are the correct domain designations. Since SLFN11 is not a GTPase, why do the authors name the domain GTPase domain? Actually, the SWADL domain comprises a SWAVDL instead of a SWADL sequence motif. Hence, I would name the domain SWAVDL domain instead of SWADL domain, which is, in my opinion, misleading and was wrongly chosen in initial publications.

      In e.g. Figure 3 SLFN11 structure it would be better if the authors illustrated the important residues concerning the known RNase active site and ssDNA binding site. Further, a close-up of the SLFN11 interface with labeled amino acids involved in the interaction and highlighting the residues undergoing positive selection would help understand the evolutionary adaptation.

      Although, according to Metzner et al., the SLFN11 dimer is built up by two interfaces (I and II), where Interface I is situated in the C-terminal helicase domain and Interface II in the N-terminal SLFN11 core domain. It would be helpful for the reader if the authors stuck to this already introduced and widely accepted nomenclature in the field.

      In addition to the antiviral function, SLFN11 expression levels have been reported to show a strong positive correlation with the sensitivity of tumor cells to DNA damaging agents (DDAs). Hence, SLFN11 can serve as a biomarker to predict the response to, e.g., platinum-based drugs. It was revealed that SLFN11 exerts its function by direct recruitment to sites of DNA damage and stalled replication forks in response to replication stress induced by DDAs. Could the authors include this different molecular function of SLFN11 in their discussion of SLFN11s evolution and positive selection?

      Even though it seems unclear from the genetic and evolutionary aspect (Figure 4), mouse Slfn8 and Slfn9 complement human cells lacking SLFN11 during the replication stress response and seem to resemble the function of SLFN11 (Alvi et al. 2023). The authors of this study claim that Slfn8/9 genes may share an orthologous function with SLFN11. Could the authors comment on that discrepancy?


      In general, the work is well conducted and provides valuable new insights in an important and growing field of research. However, there are some limitations to the study including the disregard of known protein function (e.g. SLFN11) and the usage of a purely sequence similarity based nomenclature.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This is an interesting manuscript from two groups of experts in Notch signaling biology with complementary expertise in Drosophila genetics (Klein) and in biophysical studies of the Notch pathway (Sprinzak). The paper provides a cutting-edge structure-function dissection of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Neuralized and its mammalian homologs, Neurl1a and Neurl1a. The work is particularly relevant since the functions of mammalian Neurl1a and Neurl1b have been questioned, and more subtle altogether than those of fly Neuralized (as summarized by the authors in Fig. 1C). This is in part due to the dominant effects of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Mindbomb1 (Mib1) in Notch ligand-expressing cells from mammalian systems. The authors use careful structure-function work in fly development (mostly wing imaginal discs) and in mammalian cell culture systems, including a clever approach to study the function of mammalian Neurl1a and Neurl1b and mammalian/fly Notch ligand hybrids in Drosophila to draw new conclusions about the function of Neurl1a/b, showing that they can function as activators of Notch signaling mediated by the Notch ligands Dll1 and Jag1, and not by Dll4 and Jag2, tracing these differential effects to the recognition of a short NXXN consensus sequence in the N-terminal region of the ligand's intracellular domain.

      __response: __We thank the reviewer for highlighting the novelty of our findings and experimental approach.

      Specific questions: -The current title of the manuscript is not very information-rich and would not allow a reader to gather key information about the findings without reading at least the abstract. Could this be improved? For example, by referring to differential activation of individual Notch ligands, or some other more direct description of the key findings?

      __Response: __We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion; however, we believe that the general nature of the title is appropriate in this case.

      -The authors design most key experiments documenting agonistic effects of Neurl1a/1b in a Mib1-deficient background, both in flies and in cell culture systems. This is understandable experimentally to isolate Neurl1a/b's effects in these experimental systems. However, this leaves open questions as to the prevailing effects of Neurl1a/b in cells that also express Mib1 (which the authors comment on in the discussion based on past findings, including some suggesting that Neurl1a/1b can function as Notch inhibitors through a ligand ubiquitination mechanism that may differ from their activating function).

      Do the authors actually have data that could shed light on this discussion? For example, have they performed cell coculture assays in which Neurl1a or Neurl1b is co-expressed with a Notch ligand, but in the presence of Mib1? This condition seems to be systematically omitted from all the coculture experiments that are presented. It would be interesting to evaluate the net effect of Neurl1a/Neurl1b expression in a Mib1-sufficient system as well.

      Response: We have systematically removed MIB1 in our experiments because it activates all ligands, making its removal necessary to show the differential activity of Neurls. The question regarding competition between Mib1 and Neurls, as highlighted by the reviewer, is indeed intriguing. However, systematically investigating this competition would require varying the relative levels of the two proteins in a controlled manner, which is beyond the scope of this manuscript.

      That said, we will perform the competition experiments suggested by the reviewers (co-expressing ligands with both Neurl1 and Mib1) and test their activity as controls. While these experiments may provide some insight into the competition, they will not comprehensively address the entire topic.

      -The paper suggests important predictions about mammalian functions of Neurl1a/1b, including the neurological effects that have been reported, in double-deficient mice, namely that that there are cells that only express Neurl1a/1b and not Mib1 and do rely on Dll1 and Jag1 for signaling. Could the authors at least comment on this prediction? Are there are any single cell atlases where candidate cells like that can be identified? Or would the authors predict that Neurl1a/1b could actually function as Notch agonist even in cells expressing Mib1? (see also previous comment)

      Response: This is an interesting suggestion. We will try to find if we can identify any specific expression patterns of E3 ubiquitin ligases across different tissues.

      -Some minor typos: line 305 should likely read "flies homozygous for (...)". Line 408, "for providing" repeated twice.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing out this typo.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Thank you for the opportunity to review this lovely collaborative paper. As indicated in my comments to the authors, the findings provide novel structure-function information about an understudied aspect of Notch signaling and clarify conflicting past data about the mammalian homologs of fly Neuralized. The approach is elegant and multidisciplinary, notably in regards to the combination of cell co-culture systems and Drosophila as a platform to study mammalian Neuralized proteins and hybrid Notch ligand molecules. The findings will be interesting to the field and will generate discussion. I would suggest that some additional information would be a plus to substantiate predictions about mammalian functions of Neurl1a/b, and also to clarify its effects in the presence or absence of concomitant Mib1 expression.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive evaluation of our work and for suggesting potential future direction regarding the concomitant expression of Mib1 and Neurls proteins.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The manuscript describes an analysis of specificity of functional interactions between mammalian Neuralized proteins and different human ligands for Notch. To investigate this, the authors take the approach of constructing hybrid proteins that contain the intracellular domain of the human ligands and the extracellular domain of the Drosophila Delta or Serrate, and investigate their activity in vivo, in the Drosophila wing disc. The latter is a well-established model tissue for assessing Notch ligand activity. As a second assay they express mammalian neutralized constructs in human cells for luciferase-based Notch signal reporter assays. The experiments are well presented and described and make a strong case for the conclusions that both Neurl1 and 2 can activate Notch signalling by Dll1 and Jag1 but not Dll4 and Jag2. Use of different mutant intracellular domains is used to show the importance of the NXXN motif, which in Drosophila is required for Neuralized interaction with Delta and Serrate. The use of missense mutations and in particular the reactivation of the cryptic NXXD site in Dll4 by substitution to N is convincing for establishing the importance of the motif. There is also colocalization data to support the conclusion that there is likely to be NXXN-dependent complex formation between the ligand and Neuralized proteins. This latter conclusion would be made firmer fi there were pull down data to support it, although to be fair it is most unlikely that another explanation, other than complex formation could account for the observation of both colocalization and ligand activation.

      __Response: __We appreciate the reviewer's positive assessment of our manuscript and their support for the conclusions drawn from our experiments. We intend to conduct the suggested co-IP experiments with our cell culture assays to further supplement our current data.

      __ Major comments__ The main limitation of the work is that it is mostly based on overexpression of constructs to activate ectopic expression rather than gene editing endogenous genes. It would be helpful if the authors could comment on the limitations of the work in discussion.

      Two points of data included in the work are important in mitigating this limitation. Firstly, the experiments in the wing disc and cell culture are taking place in a mindbomb mutant background and the activation is observed is therefore a rescue of activity that has been lost.

      Secondly, and importantly, the final experiment makes use of a Dl mutant Drosophila line which shows embryo lethality when homozygous, with the characteristic neurogenic phenotype. Rescue of lethality can be brought about by knock-in experiments which restore Dl function and this is also true for the ligand hybrid constructs that introduce mammalian ligand intracellular domains only when they include the NXXN motif This indicates the importance of the motif in normal development- Overall, the data presented in the paper is convincing as regards the conclusions made.

      __Response: __We thank the reviewer for their very positive evaluation and his constructive suggestions, which have helped to improve the manuscript. In line with these suggestions, we will include additional data analyzing the bristle SOP selection, a process dependent on Neur. Our Results show that homozygosity of the DlattP-Dl-DLL1 allele, but not the DlattP-Dl-DLL4 allele, leads to correct Notch mediated selection. This finding provides further evidence that Neur requires the NxxN motif in the ICD of a ligand to activate DSL ligands. Notably, we previously showed that this selection relies on the NxxN motif of Dl (Troost et al., 2023). We will further emphasize in the discussion the ability of Dl-DLL4 hybrid ligands, containing a reconstructed NxxN motif, to rescue the neurogenic phenotype of Dl mutants.

      Minor points In figure 1 the legend for D says that cryptic sites are substitutions of N for E or Q, but the figure and main text indicate that the substitutions are N to E or D.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We will correct this mistake.

      In the remain figures it would be helpful to include in the figure legends and indications of the numbers of wing discs, embryos for which the images shown are representative of.

      __Response: __We will quantify the experiments conducted in the wing imaginal discs of Drosophila by measuring the wing field size along the dorsal-ventral axis relative to the anterior-posterior axis. Statistical analysis will be performed to demonstrate statistical significance across n=5 experiments for each sample.

      In Fg 3 The activation of Notch, by neural1 and Dl-Jag1 in B'" is stronger in the ventral side of the disc than the dorsal whereas, although activation of the same ligand by Neurl2 in C'" is weaker the majority of the ectopic wingless expression is on the dorsal compartment. Is there any reason for the switch in preference between the two neutralized proteins? Overgrowth of the wing disc seems to be similar on both sides and so am wondering if the picture is representative of the ectopic wingless distribution in this case.

      Response: As discussed above we will perform quantification and statistical analysis across multiple experiments to confirm that our images are truly representative.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):


      Previous work on double genetic knockouts of the two mouse Neuralized genes cast doubt as to whether Neuralized proteins play a role in Notch signal activation in mammals, unlike in Drosophila. There is, however, some genetic indications that spatial memory requires both Notch and neutralized proteins and may represent a specialised function limited to the Neuralized interaction. There are likely to be more subtle contexts waiting to be uncovered. The work is therefore showing important proof of principle for establishing the functionality of the mammalian Neurl proteins and highlights new findings indicting specialisation of the different ligands for interactions with Notch components. Elucidation of such specialisations will help understand why the diversity of different homologues of Notch and ligand have evolved and are maintained in the vertebrate genome compared to the single Notch and two ligands in Drosophila. Since Notch and it misregulation are widely involved in development, health and disease and there is much interest in developing therapeutic interactions that alter Notch activity then the work is likely of broad interest.

      We thank the reviewer for the very positive evaluation and his useful suggestions which were helpful in improving the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      Notch signalling is one of the major evolutionarily conserved signalling pathways involved in numerous developmental, physiological and pathological processes. Activation of the Notch receptor first requires ubiquitination of its ligands (collectively temed DSL), leading to a 'pulling force" that, upon ligand-receptor engagement, exposes Notch to intramembrane proteolysis leading to the nuclear translocation of the receptor's intracellular domain and activation of target genes with its DNA-binding co-factors.

      While both Neuralized (Neurl) and Mind bomb are the E3 ubiquitin ligases for Notch ligands required for Drosphila development, in mammals, the Neur homologues Neur1 (officially Neurl1) and Neur2 (officially Neurl1B) are dispensable for development since double Neur1/2 knock-out mice have no developmental phenotype (but both Neur homologues are involved the the memory-related functions of Notch pathway in adulthood). Rather, just one of the two mammalian Mind bomb homologues, Mib1, functions as the chief E3 ligase for Notch ligands during mammalian development as evidenced by its Notch-related knockout phenotype.

      Therefore, it has not been fully established whether and how the NEUR proteins regulate the mammalian Notch ligands. To clarify this issue, the authors assessed the capability of Drosophila Neur and mammalian NEUR1 and 2 proteins to activate the various hybrid Notch ligands (containing extracellularly Drosophila Delta and intracellularly the various Notch ligands' intracellular domains) in Drosophila wing dics and mammalian cell culture. The authors found that NEUR proteins only activate the Notch ligands containing a Neuralized binding motif, with the consensus sequence NxxN, that is present in DLL1 and JAG1, but not in DLL4 and JAG2. The authors also analyse the intracellular domains of mammalian Notch ligands DLL1, DLL4, JAG1 and JAG2 in Drosophila by generating knock-in alleles where endogenous Dl expression had been substituted for those of hybrid Notch ligands. This analysis showed that only in Dl-DLL1 and Dl-JAG1 flies but not in Dl-DLL4 and Dl-JAG" flies is the embryonic lethality rescued, the results being in agreement with the hybrid Dl-DLL experiments on wing dics reported earlier in this work.

      The authors conclude that their findings suggest that the activation mechanism of Notch during development differs between Drosophila (where both Neur and Mib1 are required for Notch-related developmental processes ) and mammals and that this could possibly explain the apparently lesser relevance of mammalian NEUR proteins for developmental Notch signalling.

      *Evidence and clarity*

      The manuscript is quite laconic but clearly written. The evidence presented by the authors, given the heterologous and in vitro nature (i.e using mammalian or hybrid Notch ligands and mammalian E3 ligases thereof in Drosophila and cell cultures) of the study is generally trustworthy but limited in the sense that it probably does not allow definitive conclusions to be drawn as to the differing nature of the action of the E3 ligases of Notch ligands in flies vs mammals in vivo.

      __Response: __We thank the reviewer for their positive evaluation of our work and their constructive criticism. We would like to clarify that we do not conclude that the activation mechanism differs between mammals and flies. Our findings demonstrate that the signalling mechanisms of fly Neur and mammalian Neurl's follow the same fundamental rules. Moreover, our study does not aim to provide a definitive answer to how signalling differs between species. Instead, we utilized the 'humanized fly' system to show that Neurl proteins specifically activate Dll1 and Jag1, but not Dll4 and Jag2, which lack a neuralized binding site.


      As will be mentioned a number of times, these reviewers would like to enquire as to the reasons for not providing a statistical analysis of variation in the fly wing disc-based experiments (where the readout was either resuce of Wg expression or induction of ectopic Wg expression).

      Response: We thank the reviewer for raising this important point. As outlined below, we will quantify the fly experiments and conduct statistical analysis across multiple experimental datasets to further substantiate our claims.

      Also, while the constructs used in the study were inserted into the same genomic landing sites to achieve comparable levels of expression of the various proteins, these reviewers would like to see data on the levels of expression of NEUR1 and 2 as well as the hybrid Notch ligands.

      **Major comments**

      Comment on fly wing disc experiments:

      The authors study both the capability of two different mammalian E3 ubiquitin ligases, Neuralized-like 1 and 2 (mouse Neur1 and human NEUR2) to activate four different Notch receptors (DLL1 and 2, JAG1 and 2) in flies and mammalian cell culture system. In flies, they first analyse the capability of Drosophila Neur (as a positive control) and Neur1 and NEUR2 to activate the various Notch ligands (based on wingless activation as a readout) in wild-type wings (where, Mind bomb 1, or Mib1 is the only E3 ligase for Notch ligands present) and Mib1 mutant wing discs (which lack any E3 ligands of Notch receptors). The authors then test four humanised, hybrid Notch ligands (all five N ligands bar Dll3 since the latter does not transactivate the Notch receptor) - where mammalian Notch ligands' intracellular domains, or ICDs, have been attached to fly Dl (Dl-Dll1, Dl-Dll4, Dl-JAG1, Dl-JAG2) - for their capacity to mediate Mib1-dependent activation of Notch (with ectopic Wg expression in wing discs as its readout). They found that all 4 ligands can activate Nocth in wild-type wings (where Mib1 is present), with Dl-JAG2 being less effective than the other 3 hybrid ligands, implying that such hybrid, humanised ligands can be usd in studying Notch pathway activation in Drosophila (thereby constituting a mixed/heterologous experimental system). The reviewers would like to get a comment as to the reason for the weaker activity of Dl-JAG2 in this set-up?.

      Response: We do not have a definitive answer as to why the ICDs differ in their activity within MIb1-dependent signalling, since this question was not addressed in the scope of this work. However, it our findings demonstrate that the hybrid ligands are functional in Drosophila and that their differential behavior in Neur-mediated signaling is not attributed to a trivial explanation, e. g. that the hybrid ligands generally display no activity. There are several potential explanations for these differences. One possibility is variations in position, arrangement, or number of targeted lysines among the ICDs. These lysines serve as substrates for ubiquitylation and determine the rate of endocytosis, which in turn impacts the signaling activity of the corresponding ligand/hybrid. Another plausible explanation is differences in affinity of the binding sites of Mib1, which would similarly result in variations in ubiquitylation and endocytosis rates. Regardless, we emphasize that resolving this question does not affect any of the conclusions of the manuscript.

      Also, the reviewers would like to get a comment as to why was not a Neur mutant set-up used, only Mib1 mutant dics?

      Response: Neur is only expressed at a very late stage in wing development and is restricted to specific single cells (sensory organ precursors). Consequently, even if mutants were present, their impact would be limited to these cells. Moreover, the Neur promoter has a highly complex architecture, which makes it exceedingly difficult to manipulate for experiments involving this mutation. We will address these considerations in the revised manuscript.

      The authors then found that only two of these hybrid ligands - Dl-DLL1 and Dl-JAG1 but not Dl-DLL4 or Dl-JAG2 - can be used to activate Notch in the above wing assay when Mib1 was mutant. This is consistent with the fact that the NxxN-based Neuralized Binding motif (NBM) is present in DLL1 and JAG1 only. Using the wing paradigm, the authors also show by either mutating the full NBM (NxxN) in DLL1 or changing the cryptic, "weak" NBM in DLL4 (containing NxxD sequence) into "full/strong" NxxN one that the NBM in the various Notch ligands is required and sufficient for activation of the Notch pathway.

      Overall, the fly experiments are convincing in showing diffrential activation of Notch ligands. However, no statistical analysis of the experimental variation in these studies - neither for the number of wing discs analysed per (hybrid) Notch ligand tested nor the extent of a given experimental manipulation's effect is included. We deem that if the images presented in Figures 2 and 3 are truly representative, this needs to be made explicitly clear.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for their positive evaluation of our work and for the constructive comments, which we will consider and include into the manuscript. While we have repeated all experiments with multiple flies, we acknowledge the critique regarding the absence of statistical analysis.

      To address this, we will quantify the experiments conducted in the wing imaginal discs of Drosophila. We will do that by measuring the wing field size along the dorsal-ventral axis relative to the anterior-posterior axis. We will perform statistical analysis to assess the statistical significance between experiments, using data from n=5 experiments for each sample.

      Comment on fly embryonic Delta neurogenic phenotype's rescue experiments by replacing Dl with the hybrid ligands: The authors analysed the capacity of the ICDs of the mammalian ligands to rescue the Dl phenotype in Drosophila, ie. their activation capability at the organismal level. This was achieved by generating knock-in alleles expressing the hybrid ligands in place of Dl. The notion that only NBM-containing hybrid ligands was strengthened by this analysis since it showed that only NBM-containing hybrid ligands - Dl-DLL1 and Dl-JAG1 - but not Dl-DLL4 nor Dl-JAG2 rescued the Dl neurogenic embryonic lethal phenotype. Since this experimental set-up relied on the endogoneous Drosophila E3 ligases for activating the Notch ligands, the capacity of mammalian NEUR1 and 2 proteins to complement the capacity of the hybrid ligands to activate Notch to activate these ligands was not addressed. Please comment as to the reasons for this apparent omission and if such an analyis lies beyond the scope of current work, what would be the expected results of such experiment in the light of other experiments conducted in the course of this work?

      Response: Testing whether mammalian Neurl1 and Neurl2 can replace Drosophila Neur in an endogenous setting is an intriguing question; however, it falls outside the focus of this study. Performing such an experiment would be highly challenging due to complex and not well understood architecture of Neur gene in Drosophila. Additionally, we believe it is highly unlikely that the mammalian NEURLs proteins would fully compensate for the loss of function in a Drosophila Neur mutant.

      Journal-agnostic peer review: evaluate the paper as it stands independently from potential journal fit.

      Are the claims and the conclusions supported by the data or do they require additional experiments or analyses to support them?

      Generaly yes, put please see the above comments on the absence of statistical analysis of reproducibility/ variation (if any) in fly wing disc experiments.

      **Reviewer's additional recommendations:**

      To publish in a higher-ranking journal, the co-localisation analyses of Notch ligands and its various E3 ubiquitin ligases studied probably needs to be replaced by a more rigorous, ideally FRET-based approach.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the comment. The co-localization assay is quite a robust and functional approach, as it provides clear evidence that endocytosis into a different compartment has occurred with functional ligands, as opposed to non-functional ligands. This serves as a quantitative and rigorous indicator for functional differences between these ligand types.

      Nevertheless, we acknowledge that co-localization is not a direct measure of molecular interactions between Neurl1 and Notch ligands. To address this, as suggested by the reviewer, we will perform co-IP to show the differential interaction between Neurl1 and specific Notch ligands. Additionally, we will attempt a proximity ligation assay (PLA), which we consider to be a more direct and suitable method for detecting interactions between NEURLs and Notch ligands in this context, compared to FRET.

      Since previous studies have shown that the Notch ligands are (mostly) poly- or mono-ubiquitylated by the E3 ubiquitin ligases Mib and the NEUR proteins, ideally, this or its follow-up study would benefit from analysis of the ubiquitylation status of the various hybrid Notch ligands.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. The ubiquitylation pattern by Neurl1 is beyond the topic of the current manuscript.

      Also, it would be useful to show the strength of interaction between the hybrid Notch ligands and NEUR1 and NEUR2 by ising a co-immunoprecipitation based approach.

      Response: As suggested by the reviewer, we plan to perform co-IP and/or PLA to show the differential binding of NEURL1 to the different ligands. However, due to the observed toxicity of NEURL2 in our cells, it has been excluded from our assays.

      Please request additional experiments only if they are essential for the conclusions. Alternatively, ask the authors to qualify their claims as preliminary or speculative, or to remove them altogether.

      These reviewers do not strictly request any further rexperiments. However, since the mammalian NEUR2 could not be studied in cell cultures of U2OS cells due to its toxicity, we would like the auhtors to explain the choice of this cell line. Perhaps a cell line whose viability is not impaired by NEUR2 should be (or should have been) used?

      Response: The decision not to use other cell lines was based on several strict experimental requirements. The most stringent requirement was the need to generate a MIB1 knockout cell line, as MIB1 strongly activates all ligands. The availability of having MIB1 KO U2OS cells enabled these experiments.

      If you have constructive further reaching suggestions that could significantly improve the study but would open new lines of investigations, please label them as "OPTIONAL".

      As mentioned above, the NEUR2's capacity to activate the hybrid ligands in U2OS cells could not be addressed to due to its toxicity. A more optimal cell line will have to be used in follow-up studies.

      Also, these findings ultimately warrant in vivo studies using mice to definitively ascertain whether they also hold equally true there.

      Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated time investment for substantial experiments.

      The suggested experiments are optional apart from statistical analysis of variation (if any) in the fly wing disc experiments. If there is no (apparently significant) variation in these data, this needs to explicitly stated.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for their thoughtful assessment. We will conduct the requested statistical analysis and perform some of the suggested supporting experiments as detailed in the response.

      Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?

      Generally yes, but see above about the lack of statistical data on the variation (if any).

      Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?

      Generally yes, but again, please see above about the lack of statistical data on the variation (if any).

      **Minor comments**

      Comment#1 (on the abstract and introduction):

      In the Abstract, the authors state that there are four Notch ligands in mammals (lines 21 and 22): "Thus, it is unclear how NEURL proteins regulate the four mammalian Notch ligands". In the Introduction, they correctly state that there are five Notch ligands in mammals (lines 38 and 39): „In mammals, there are five ligands, three from the Delta-like (Dll) family (Dll1, Dll3, Dll4), and two from the Jagged (Jag) family (Jag1 and Jag2)." There are five Notch ligands in mammals (Dll1, Dll3, Dll4, Jag1, Jag2), and it is obvious that the authors are very well aware of this (they state in lines 146-147): "We excluded the ICD of DLL3 since it is not a ligand capable of trans-activation of Notch" (the four ligands included were Dll1, Dll4, Jag1 and Jag2)." Therefore, a claricifaction is required in the part of Abstract (i.e lines 21 ansd 22) - did the authors mean the four mammalian Notch ligands they actually studied (i.e Dll1, Dll4, Jag1, Jag2) or is there an oversight and the auhtors actually intended to write "the five Nocth ligands in mammals".? In either case, a correction is required in this reviewer's opinion.

      Response: We are fully aware of this point, and will address it by providing clarification in the abstract as suggested.

      Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      NEUR2 could not be studied in mammalian cell cultures due to its toxicity in the U2OS cell line, the one used by the authors. The use of another cell line would not be probably overly time-consuming; however, if this experiment lies outside the scope of current work, we would like to hear the authors' comment on this matter.

      Response: This is addressed above.

      Are prior studies referenced appropriately? Generally yes, but four prior studies go unmentioned: the two 2001 mouse Neur1 knock-out studies reporting no Notch-like developmental phenotype (Ruan et al, PNAS; Vollrath et al, Mol Cell Biol), the 2002 study of mouse, rat and human NEUR1 expression, subcellular localisation (Timmusk et al, Mol Cell Neuroscience) and the 2009 cell culture-based study of NEUR2's interaction with DLL1 and DLL4 (Rullinkov et al, BBRC). The non-requirement of NEUR1 and 2 proteins in mammalian developmental Notch signalling could partly be explained by the fact that NEUR1 is not highly expressed during mouse embryonic/foetal development - its expression becomes considerably more pronounced only postnatally (Timmusk et al, 2002).

      Response: We will incorporate these references into the introduction and discuss the low expression of Neurls during development as a possible reason for the non-requirement in this context.

      Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      Yes. These reviewers find the cartoon-based explanations of the experimental set-up in each figure helpful for enhancing the manuscript's overall clarity.

      Response: We thank the reviewers for the positive feedback!

      Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?

      Please see above about the lack of statistical data on the variation (if any) in fly wing dic experiments and referencing of the 4 papers that are currently excluded.

      Response: These will be corrected in the revised version.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      1. Significance Provide contextual information to readers (editors and researchers) about the novelty of the study, its value for the field and the communities that might be interested. The following aspects are important: General assessment: provide a summary of the strengths and limitations of the study. What are the strongest and most important aspects? What aspects of the study should be improved or could be developed? This study uses the amenability of Drosophila to study the mammalian NEUR proteins' (NEUR1 and NEUR2) activity upon Notch ligands using hybrid Notch ligands containing mammalian ICDs (intracellular domains) fused to the extracellular domain of Drosophila Delta (Dl). It confirms and extends prior studies showing that Notch ligands can be (strongly) activated only by the E3 ubiquitin ligases containing the Neuralized Binding Motif (NBM).

      Response: We respectfully disagree with the reviewer's assessment on this point. Our study is the first to demonstrate that Neurl proteins differentially activate Dll1 and Jag1, but not Dll4 and Jag2. This findings is further supported by the significance comments of the other reviewers.

      However, since this study was based on using hybrid ligands containing mammalian ICDs of Notch ligands fused to the extracellular domain of Drosophila Delta (Dl), it is somewhat artificial. While NEUR1 was also studied in mammalian cell cultures (but not NEUR2 due to its toxicity), only an in vivo study using mice expressing with systematic changes to the Notch ligands' NBM will definitively reveal whether the conclusions reached by the authors hold true in vivo in a non-heterologous system.

      Response: We firmly believe that our combined 'humanized fly' model and quantitative cell culture assay represents an innovative and rigorous approach for testing humanized proteins in in-vivo settings, without the need for extensive mouse genetics. The conclusions of our experiments should not be dismissed solely on the grounds of "not being performed in mice," as this would undermine much of current scientific research.

      Advance: compare the study to the closest related results in the literature or highlight results reported for the first time to your knowledge; does the study extend the knowledge in the field and in which way? Describe the nature of the advance and the resulting insights (for example: conceptual, technical, clinical, mechanistic, functional,...). The study's advances are chiefly mechanistic and functional since they show more definitively that the reason underlying the differing activation of four mammalian Notch ligands by mammalian NEUR1 and NEUR2 is mostly based upon the presence or otherwise of a conserved Neuralized Binding Motif, NBM. Audience: describe the type of audience ("specialised", "broad", "basic research", "translational/clinical", etc...) that will be interested or influenced by this research; how will this research be used by others; will it be of interest beyond the specific field?

      The audience for this study is the research studying the Notch signalling pathway. Since dysregulation of this pathway is implicated in a number of devastating diseases, any improved understanding of its mechanistic underpinnings could in the long run lead to better therapeutic management of diseases with significant involvement of malfunctioning Notch signalling.

      Please define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate. Molecular biology, molecular neuroscience, developmental biology, cell-cell signalling, Notch signalling. All parts of the manuscript fall within our expertise.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Notch signalling is one of the major evolutionarily conserved signalling pathways involved in numerous developmental, physiological and pathological processes. Activation of the Notch receptor first requires ubiquitination of its ligands (collectively temed DSL), leading to a 'pulling force" that, upon ligand-receptor engagement, exposes Notch to intramembrane proteolysis leading to the nuclear translocation of the receptor's intracellular domain and activation of target genes with its DNA-binding co-factors.

      While both Neuralized (Neurl) and Mind bomb are the E3 ubiquitin ligases for Notch ligands required for Drosphila development, in mammals, the Neur homologues Neur1 (officially Neurl1) and Neur2 (officially Neurl1B) are dispensable for development since double Neur1/2 knock-out mice have no developmental phenotype (but both Neur homologues are involved the the memory-related functions of Notch pathway in adulthood). Rather, just one of the two mammalian Mind bomb homologues, Mib1, functions as the chief E3 ligase for Notch ligands during mammalian development as evidenced by its Notch-related knockout phenotype.

      Therefore, it has not been fully established whether and how the NEUR proteins regulate the mammalian Notch ligands. To clarify this issue, the authors assessed the capability of Drosophila Neur and mammalian NEUR1 and 2 proteins to activate the various hybrid Notch ligands (containing extracellularly Drosophila Delta and intracellularly the various Notch ligands' intracellular domains) in Drosophila wing dics and mammalian cell culture. The authors found that NEUR proteins only activate the Notch ligands containing a Neuralized binding motif, with the consensus sequence NxxN, that is present in DLL1 and JAG1, but not in DLL4 and JAG2. The authors also analyse the intracellular domains of mammalian Notch ligands DLL1, DLL4, JAG1 and JAG2 in Drosophila by generating knock-in alleles where endogenous Dl expression had been substituted for those of hybrid Notch ligands. This analysis showed that only in Dl-DLL1 and Dl-JAG1 flies but not in Dl-DLL4 and Dl-JAG" flies is the embryonic lethality rescued, the results being in agreement with the hybrid Dl-DLL experiments on wing dics reported earlier in this work. The authors conclude that their findings suggest that the activation mechanism of Notch during development differs between Drosophila (where both Neur and Mib1 are required for Notch-related developmental processes ) and mammals and that this could possibly explain the apparently lesser relevance of mammalian NEUR proteins for developmental Notch signalling.

      Evidence and clarity

      The manuscript is quite laconic but clearly written. The evidence presented by the authors, given the heterologous and in vitro nature (i.e using mammalian or hybrid Notch ligands and mammalian E3 ligases thereof in Drosophila and cell cultures) of the study is generally trustworthy but limited in the sense that it probably does not allow definitive conclusions to be drawn as to the differing nature of the action of the E3 ligases of Notch ligands in flies vs mammals in vivo.


      As will be mentioned a number of times, these reviewers would like to enquire as to the reasons for not providing a statistical analysis of variation in the fly wing disc-based experiments (where the readout was either resuce of Wg expression or induction of ectopic Wg expression). Also, while the constructs used in the study were inserted into the same genomic landing sites to achieve comparable leves of expression of the various proteins, these reviewers would like to see data on the levels of expression of NEUR1 and 2 as well as the hybrid Notch ligands.

      Major comments

      Comment on fly wing disc experiments:

      The authors study both the capability of two different mammalian E3 ubiquitin ligases, Neuralized-like 1 and 2 (mouse Neur1 and human NEUR2) to activate four different Notch receptors (DLL1 and 2, JAG1 and 2) in flies and mammalian cell culture system. In flies, they first analyse the capability of Drosophila Neur (as a positive control) and Neur1 and NEUR2 to activate the various Notch ligands (based on wingless activation as a readout) in wild-type wings (where, Mind bomb 1, or Mib1 is the only E3 ligase for Notch ligands present) and Mib1 mutant wing discs (which lack any E3 ligands of Notch receptors). The authors then test four humanised, hybrid Notch ligands (all five N ligands bar Dll3 since the latter does not transactivate the Notch receptor) - where mammalian Notch ligands' intracellular domains, or ICDs, have been attached to fly Dl (Dl-Dll1, Dl-Dll4, Dl-JAG1, Dl-JAG2) - for their capacity to mediate Mib1-dependent activation of Notch (with ectopic Wg expression in wing discs as its readout). They found that all 4 ligands can activate Nocth in wild-type wings (where Mib1 is present), with Dl-JAG2 being less effective than the other 3 hybrid ligands, implying that such hybrid, humanised ligands can be usd in studying Notch pathway activation in Drosophila (thereby constituting a mixed/heterologous experimental system). The reviewers would like to get a comment as to the reason for the weaker activity of Dl-JAG2 in this set-up?.

      Also, the reviewers would like to get a comment as to why was not a Neur mutant set-up used, only Mib1 mutant dics? The authors then found that only two of these hybrid ligands - Dl-DLL1 and Dl-JAG1 but not Dl-DLL4 or Dl-JAG2 - can be used to activate Notch in the above wing assay when Mib1 was mutant. This is consistent with the fact that the NxxN-based Neuralized Binding motif (NBM) is present in DLL1 and JAG1 only. Using the wing paradigm, the authors also show by either mutating the full NBM (NxxN) in DLL1 or changing the cryptic, "weak" NBM in DLL4 (containing NxxD sequence) into "full/strong" NxxN one that the NBM in the various Notch ligands is required and sufficient for activation of the Notch pathway.

      Overall, the fly experiments are convincing in showing diffrential activation of Notch ligands. However, no statistical analysis of the experimental variation in these studies - neither for the number of wing discs analysed per (hybrid) Notch ligand tested nor the extent of a given experimental manipulation's effect is included. We deem that if the images presented in Figures 2 and 3 are truly representative, this needs to be made explicitly clear. Comment on fly embryonic Delta neurogenic phenotype's rescue experiments by replacing Dl with the hybrid ligands: The authors analysed the capacity of the ICDs of the mammalian ligands to rescue the Dl phenotype in Drosophila, ie. their activation capability at the organismal level. This was achieved by generating knock-in alleles expressing the hybrid ligands in place of Dl. The notion that only NBM-containing hybrid ligands was strengthened by this analysis since it showed that only NBM-containing hybrid ligands - Dl-DLL1 and Dl-JAG1 - but not Dl-DLL4 nor Dl-JAG2 rescued the Dl neurogenic embryonic lethal phenotype. Since this experimental set-up relied on the endogoneous Drosophila E3 ligases for activating the Notch ligands, the capacity of mammalian NEUR1 and 2 proteins to complement the capacity of the hybrid ligands to activate Notch to activate these ligands was not addressed. Please comment as to the reasons for this apparent omission and if such an analsyis lies beyond the scope of current work, what would be the expected results of such experiment in the light of other experiments conducted in the course of this work? Journal-agnostic peer review: evaluate the paper as it stands independently from potential journal fit.

      Are the claims and the conclusions supported by the data or do they require additional experiments or analyses to support them?

      Generaly yes, put please see the above comments on the absence of statistical analysis of reproducibility/ variation (if any) in fly wing disc experiments.

      Reviewer's additional recommendations:

      To publish in a higher-ranking journal, the co-localisation analyses of Notch ligands and its various E3 ubiquitin ligases studied probably needs to be replaced by a more rigorous, ideally FRET-based approach. Since previous studies have shown that the Notch ligands are (mostly) poly- or mono-ubiquitylated by the E3 ubiquitin ligases Mib and the NEUR proteins, ideally, this or its follow-up study would benefit from analysis of the ubiquitylation status of the various hybrid Notch ligands. Also, it would be useful to show the strength of interaction between the hybrid Notch ligands and NEUR1 and NEUR2 by ising a co-immunoprecipitation based approach. Please request additional experiments only if they are essential for the conclusions. Alternatively, ask the authors to qualify their claims as preliminary or speculative, or to remove them altogether. These reviewers do not strictly request any further rexperiments. However, since the mammalian NEUR2 could not be studied in cell cultures of U2OS cells due to its toxicity, we would like the auhtors to explain the choice of this cell line. Perhaps a cell line whose viability is not impaired by NEUR2 should be (or should have been) used? If you have constructive further reaching suggestions that could significantly improve the study but would open new lines of investigations, please label them as "OPTIONAL". As mentioned above, the NEUR2's capacity to activate the hybrid ligands in U2OS cells could not be addressed to due to its toxicity. A more optimal cell line will have to be used in follow-up studies. Also, these findings ultimately warrant in vivo studies using mice to definitively ascertain whether they also hold equally true there.

      Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated time investment for substantial experiments.

      The suggested experiments are optional apart from statistical analysis of variation (if any) in the fly wing disc experiments. If there is no (apparently significant) variation in these data, this needs to explicitly stated.

      Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?

      Generally yes, but see above about the lack of statistical data on the variation (if any).

      Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?

      Generally yes, but again, please see above about the lack of statistical data on the variation (if any).

      Minor comments

      Comment#1 (on the abstract and introduction):

      In the Abstract, the authors state that there are four Notch ligands in mammals (lines 21 and 22):<br /> "Thus, it is unclear how NEURL proteins regulate the four mammalian Notch ligands". In the Introduction, they correctly state that there are five Notch ligands in mammals (lines 38 and 39): „In mammals, there are five ligands, three from the Delta-like (Dll) family (Dll1, Dll3, Dll4), and two from the Jagged (Jag) family (Jag1 and Jag2)." There are five Notch ligands in mammals (Dll1, Dll3, Dll4, Jag1, Jag2), and it is obvious that the authors are very well aware of this (they state in lines 146-147): "We excluded the ICD of DLL3 since it is not a ligand capable of trans-activation of Notch" (the four ligands included were Dll1, Dll4, Jag1 and Jag2)." Therefore, a claricifaction is required in the part of Abstract (i.e lines 21 ansd 22) - did the authors mean the four mammalian Notch ligands they actually studied (i.e Dll1, Dll4, Jag1, Jag2) or is there an oversight and the auhtors actually intended to write "the five Nocth ligands in mammals".? In either case, a correction is required in this reviewer's opinion.

      Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      NEUR2 could not be studied in mammalian cell cultures due to its toxicity in the U2OS cell line, the one used by the authors. The use of another cell line would not be probably overly time-consuming; however, if this experiment lies outside the scope of current work, we would like to hear the authors' comment on this matter. Are prior studies referenced appropriately? Generally yes, but four prior studies go unmentioned: the two 2001 mouse Neur1 knock-out studies reporting no Notch-like developmental phenotype (Ruan et al, PNAS; Vollrath et al, Mol Cell Biol), the 2002 study of mouse, rat and human NEUR1 expression, subcellular localisation (Timmusk et al, Mol Cell Neuroscience) and the 2009 cell culture-based study of NEUR2's interaction with DLL1 and DLL4 (Rullinkov et al, BBRC). The non-requirement of NEUR1 and 2 proteins in mammalian developmental Notch signalling could partly be explained by the fact that NEUR1 is not highly expressed during mouse embryonic/foetal development - its expression becomes considerably more pronounced only postnatally (Timmusk et al, 2002).

      Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      Yes. These reviewers find the cartoon-based explanations of the experimental set-up in each figure helpful for enhancing the manuscript's overall clarity.

      Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?

      Please see above about the lack of statistical data on the variation (if any) in fly wing dic experiments and referencing of the 4 papers that are currently excluded.


      Provide contextual information to readers (editors and researchers) about the novelty of the study, its value for the field and the communities that might be interested. The following aspects are important:

      General assessment: provide a summary of the strengths and limitations of the study. What are the strongest and most important aspects? What aspects of the study should be improved or could be developed? This study uses the amenability of Drosophila to study the mammalian NEUR proteins' (NEUR1 and NEUR2) activity upon Notch ligands using hybrid Notch ligands containing mammalian ICDs (intracellular domains) fused to the extracellular domain of Drosophila Delta (Dl). It confirms and extends prior studies showing that Notch ligands can be (strongly) activated only by the E3 ubiquitin ligases containing the Neuralized Binding Motif (NBM). However, since this study was based on using hybrid ligands containing mammalian ICDs of Notch ligands fused to the extracellular domain of Drosophila Delta (Dl), it is somewhat artificial. While NEUR1 was also studied in mammalian cell cultures (but not NEUR2 due to its toxicity), only an in vivo study using mice expressing with systematic changes to the Notch ligands' NBM will definitively reveal whether the conclusions reached by the authors hold true in vivo in a non-heterologous system.

      Advance: compare the study to the closest related results in the literature or highlight results reported for the first time to your knowledge; does the study extend the knowledge in the field and in which way? Describe the nature of the advance and the resulting insights (for example: conceptual, technical, clinical, mechanistic, functional,...). The study's advances are chiefly mechanistic and functional since they show more definitively that the reason underlying the differing activation of four mammalian Notch ligands by mammalian NEUR1 and NEUR2 is mostly based upon the presence or otherwise of a conserved Neuralized Binding Motif, NBM.

      Audience: describe the type of audience ("specialised", "broad", "basic research", "translational/clinical", etc...) that will be interested or influenced by this research; how will this research be used by others; will it be of interest beyond the specific field? The audience for this study is the research studying the Notch signalling pathway. Since dysregulation of this pathway is implicated in a number of devastating diseases, any improved understanding of its mechanistic underpinnings could in the long run lead to better therapeutic management of diseases with significant involvement of malfunctioning Notch signalling.

      Please define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate. Molecular biology, molecular neuroscience, developmental biology, cell-cell signalling, Notch signalling. All parts of the manuscript fall within our expertise.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript describes an analysis of specificity of functional interactions between mammalian Neuralized proteins and different human ligands for Notch. To investigate this, the authors take the approach of constructing hybrid proteins that contain the intracellular domain of the human ligands and the extracellular domain of the Drosophila Delta or Serrate, and investigate their activity in vivo, in the Drosophila wing disc. The latter is a well-established model tissue for assessing Notch ligand activity. As a second assay they express mammalian neutralized constructs in human cells for luciferase-based Notch signal reporter assays. The experiments are well presented and described and make a strong case for the conclusions that both Neurl1 and 2 can activate Notch signalling by Dll1 and Jag1 but not Dll4 and Jag2. Use of different mutant intracellular domains is used to show the importance of the NXXN motif, which in Drosophila is required for Neuralized interaction with Delta and Serrate. The use of missense mutations and in particular the reactivation of the cryptic NXXD site in Dll4 by substitution to N is convincing for establishing the importance of the motif. There is also colocalization data to support the conclusion that there is likely to be NXXN-dependent complex formation between the ligand and Neuralized proteins. This latter conclusion would be made firmer fi there were pull down data to support it, although to be fair it is most unlikely that another explanation, other than complex formation could account for the observation of both colocalization and ligand activation.

      Major comments

      The main limitation of the work is that it is mostly based on overexpression of constructs to activate ectopic expression rather than gene editing endogenous genes. It would be helpful if the authors could comment on the limitations of the work in discussion. Two points of data included in the work are important in mitigating this limitation. Firstly, the experiments in the wing disc and cell culture are taking place in a mindbomb mutant background and the activation is observed is therefore a rescue of activity that has been lost. Secondly, and importantly, the final experiment makes use of a Dl mutant Drosophila line which shows embryo lethality when homozygous, with the characteristic neurogenic phenotype. Rescue of lethality can be brought about by knock-in experiments which restore Dl function and this is also true for the ligand hybrid constructs that introduce mammalian ligand intracellular domains only when they include the NXXN motif This indicates the importance of the motif in normal development

      Overall, the data presented in the paper is convincing as regards the conclusions made.

      Minor points

      In figure 1 the legend for D says that cryptic sites are substitutions of N for E or Q, but the figure and main text indicate that the substitutions are N to E or D.

      In the remain figures it would be helpful to include in the figure legends and indications of the numbers of wing discs, embryos for which the images shown are representative of.

      In Fg 3 The activation of Notch, by neural1 and Dl-Jag1 in B'" is stronger in the ventral side of the disc than the dorsal whereas, although activation of the same ligand by Neurl2 in C'" is weaker the majority of the ectopic wingless expression is on the dorsal compartment. Is there any reason for the switch in preference between the two neutralized proteins? Overgrowth of the wing disc seems to be similar on both sides and so am wondering if the picture is representative of the ectopic wingless distribution in this case.


      Previous work on double genetic knockouts of the two mouse Neuralized genes cast doubt as to whether Neuralized proteins play a role in Notch signal activation in mammals, unlike in Drosophila. There is, however, some genetic indications that spatial memory requires both Notch and neutralized proteins and may represent a specialised function limited to the Neuralized interaction. There are likely to be more subtle contexts waiting to be uncovered. The work is therefore showing important proof of principle for establishing the functionality of the mammalian Neurl proteins and highlights new findings indicting specialisation of the different ligands for interactions with Notch components. Elucidation of such specialisations will help understand why the diversity of different homologues of Notch and ligand have evolved and are maintained in the vertebrate genome compared to the single Notch and two ligands in Drosophila. Since Notch and it misregulation are widely involved in development, health and disease and there is much interest in developing therapeutic interactions that alter Notch activity then the work is likely of broad interest.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is an interesting manuscript from two groups of experts in Notch signaling biology with complementary expertise in Drosophila genetics (Klein) and in biophysical studies of the Notch pathway (Sprinzak). The paper provides a cutting-edge structure-function dissection of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Neuralized and its mammalian homologs, Neurl1a and Neurl1a. The work is particularly relevant since the functions of mammalian Neurl1a and Neurl1b have been questioned, and more subtle altogether than those of fly Neuralized (as summarized by the authors in Fig. 1C). This is in part due to the dominant effects of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Mindbomb1 (Mib1) in Notch ligand-expressing cells from mammalian systems. The authors use careful structure-function work in fly development (mostly wing imaginal discs) and in mammalian cell culture systems, including a clever approach to study the function of mammalian Neurl1a and Neurl1b and mammalian/fly Notch ligand hybrids in Drosophila to draw new conclusions about the function of Neurl1a/b, showing that they can function as activators of Notch signaling mediated by the Notch ligands Dll1 and Jag1, and not by Dll4 and Jag2, tracing these differential effects to the recognition of a short NXXN consensus sequence in the N-terminal region of the ligand's intracellular domain.

      Specific questions:

      • The current title of the manuscript is not very information-rich and would not allow a reader to gather key information about the findings without reading at least the abstract. Could this be improved? For example, by referring to differential activation of individual Notch ligands, or some other more direct description of the key findings?
      • The authors design most key experiments documenting agonistic effects of Neurl1a/1b in a Mib1-deficient background, both in flies and in cell culture systems. This is understandable experimentally to isolate Neurl1a/b's effects in these experimental systems. However, this leaves open questions as to the prevailing effects of Neurl1a/b in cells that also express Mib1 (which the authors comment on in the discussion based on past findings, including some suggesting that Neurl1a/1b can function as Notch inhibitors through a ligand ubiquitination mechanism that may differ from their activating function). Do the authors actually have data that could shed light on this discussion? For example, have they performed cell coculture assays in which Neurl1a or Neurl1b is co-expressed with a Notch ligand, but in the presence of Mib1? This condition seems to be systematically omitted from all the coculture experiments that are presented. It would be interesting to evaluate the net effect of Neurl1a/Neurl1b expression in a Mib1-sufficient system as well.
      • The paper suggests important predictions about mammalian functions of Neurl1a/1b, including the neurological effects that have been reported, in double-deficient mice, namely that that there are cells that only express Neurl1a/1b and not Mib1 and do rely on Dll1 and Jag1 for signaling. Could the authors at least comment on this prediction? Are there are any single cell atlases where candidate cells like that can be identified? Or would the authors predict that Neurl1a/1b could actually function as Notch agonist even in cells expressing Mib1? (see also previous comment)
      • Some minor typos: line 305 should likely read "flies homozygous for (...)". Line 408, "for providing" repeated twice.


      Thank you for the opportunity to review this lovely collaborative paper. As indicated in my comments to the authors, the findings provide novel structure-function information about an understudied aspect of Notch signaling and clarify conflicting past data about the mammalian homologs of fly Neuralized. The approach is elegant and multidisciplinary, notably in regards to the combination of cell co-culture systems and Drosophila as a platform to study mammalian Neuralized proteins and hybrid Notch ligand molecules. The findings will be interesting to the field and will generate discussion. I would suggest that some additional information would be a plus to substantiate predictions about mammalian functions of Neurl1a/b, and also to clarify its effects in the presence or absence of concomitant Mib1 expression.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers for their insightful comments, and we address all their comments in the detailed point-by-point responses provided below.

      Reviewer #1

      __Evidence, reproducibility and clarity __

      *In the manuscript entitled "Inhibition of glycolysis in tuberculosis-mediated metabolic rewiring reduces HIV-1 spread across macrophages", Vahlas and colleagues investigated the hypothesis that Mtb interferes with HIV-1 infection of human macrophages, as they represent a common target cell type. In particular, they observed that a conditioned medium generated from Mtb-infected macrophages (Mtb-CM) induces tunneling nanotubes (TNT) in HIV-infected macrophages thereby facilitating viral spreading. At the same time, Mtb-CM induced a glycolytic pathway leading to ATP accumulation in HIV-infected macrophages, an essential pathway for TNT induction whereas pharmacological interference with such a metabolic switch resulted in a reduced viral production.

      Experimental approach: primary human monocytes differentiated into monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) in the presence of a TB-dominated microenvironment (Mtb-CM). The intracellular rate of ATP production was evaluated by the Seahorse technology at day 3 of MDM differentiation. The measurements of basal extracellular acidification rate (ECAR) and basal oxygen consumption rate (OCR) were used to calculate ATP production rate from glycolysis (GlycoATP) and mitochondrial OXPHOS (MitoATP).*

      * This is a well-conducted, innovative study exploring the interaction of two main human pathogens, i.e. Mtb and HIV, sharing macrophages as common target cell. The manuscript is clearly written and the conclusions and hypotheses are supported by experimental evidence. I have two general points that I encourage the authors to address.*

      We thank the Reviewer for his/her valuable comments and address all provided comments below.

      1. __ As mentioned in the Discussion, macrophage infection by HIV is characterized by the accumulation of preformed, infectious virions in VCC (Virus Containing Compartments) that can be pharmacologically modulated both in terms of accumulation and rapid release in the absence of cell cytopathicity. Although the modulation of VCC was not the objective of the present study, it would be important to discuss their role and their potential modulation by Mtb and/or metabolic modifications, if known.__ In the discussion, we mentioned that “In HIV-1 infected macrophages, ATP is also vital for the release of particles from virus-containing compartments (Graziano et al., 2015)”. Graziano et al. (PMID 26056317) showed that extracellular ATP favors the release of virions actively accumulating within the VCC of infected macrophages through its interaction with the P2X7 receptor. This study will be discussed more in detail in the revised version of the manuscript.

      In addition, we fully agree with the reviewer that exploring potential modifications in the formation of virus containing compartments (VCC) following Mtb infection, CmMTB treatment or metabolic alterations is highly relevant. Importantly, VCCs are specific compartments in infected macrophages where new virions are generated and protected from the immune system and antiretroviral therapies. Interestingly, Siglec-1 was shown to be involved in VCC formation in infected macrophages (Jason E Hammonds et al., 2017; PMID 28129379), and we demonstrated that the level of expression of this lectin is increased in CmMTB-treated cells (Dupont et al., PMID: 32223897). We propose to perform new experiments during the revision process to look whether the formation of VCC is disturbed in CmMTB-treated macrophages upon HIV-1 infection, using the tetraspanin CD81 and/or Siglec-1 along with HIV-Gag to assess VCC formation (as in Reviewer Figure 1).

      Reviewer Figure 1: VCC formation in multinucleated HIV-1 infected macrophages. Human macrophages were infected with HIV-1 (NLAd8-VSVG, 3 days) and stained with HIV-gag and CD81 to stain the VCC.

      __ Understanding the purpose of using a VSV-g based infection system, nonetheless it would be important to know whether metabolic modulation does affect CD4 and CCR5 expression on MDM and its consequence for their susceptibility to HIV infection, in addition to the effects on TNT formation and viral transfer between cells.__

      We appreciate this comment. The reviewer correctly understands that we used VSVG pseudotyped virus in this study to eliminate the effect of metabolic modulation on the expression of HIV entry receptors and potentially on virus entry. It has been previously demonstrated in CD4 T cells that the nutrient modulation does not affect HIV entry when the Blam-Vpr assay is used (Clerc et al., 2019, PMID 32373781, supplemental Figure 6).

      In addition, as demonstrated in our earlier work (Souriant et al. Cell Reports, 2019), CmMTB treatment increases the levels of both CD4 and CCR5 on the surface of macrophages. However, it does not impact HIV entry, as shown using the same Blam-Vpr assay. Therefore, the exacerbation of HIV-1 infection in the TB-environment is not a consequence of increased viral entry. This will be clarified in the revised version of the manuscript.

      As suggested by the reviewer, we will also conduct new experiments during the revision process. Specifically, we will assess the levels of entry receptors using flow cytometry analysis and measure virus entry using the Blam-Vpr fusion assay in CmMTB-treated cells, with or without Oxamate treatment (to inhibit glycolysis).

      Specific points:

      1. __ "TB-PE" (pleural effusion) is neither specified in the Results nor in the Methods sections.__ We thank the reviewer for pointing out this omission. TB-PE refers to pleural effusions from TB patients, a term we had previously defined only in the introduction and figure legends. We will ensure that this definition is explicitly stated in the Result and Methods sections of the revised manuscript.

      __ Figure 3A does not seem to display cell viability, but rather HIV Gag expression by IFA. __

      Indeed, there is an error in the text regarding cell viability. Cell viability following drug treatments was assessed by flow cytometry, as shown in Figure S2C. In Figure 3A, we included nuclear staining (in addition to HIV Gag) to confirm that cell density is not affected. This will be corrected in the revised manuscript. Additionally, we will perform F-actin staining to evaluate cell morphology and further confirm that all key parameters, i.e., viability, cell density, and cell morphology, are unaffected by the drugs used in Figure 3.

      Furthermore, Figure 3C indicates Gag expression, not "HIV infection" (see page 8, Results).

      We thank the reviewer for helping us to clarify this issue. In Figure 3C, the term “infection index” refers to the percentage of HIV Gag-positive cells resulting from productive infection. This is calculated as the total number of nuclei in HIV Gag-stained cells divided by the total number of nuclei, multiplied by 100, as described in the Methods section.

      We have previously used this method to estimate the HIV infection rate in our published studies (Souriant et al., 2019; Dupont et al., 2020; Mascarau et al., 2023). To further improve the clarity and interpretation of the figure, we will include a clear definition of the infection index in the figure legend in the revised version of the manuscript.


      The paper addresses a poorly explored area, i.e. the interaction of Mtb and HIV during infection of macrophages. The authors focused on a specific aspect of such an interaction (I,e, the modulation of nanotubes formation and transfer of virions to target cells), but their results can be extrapolated in a broader context, particularly if the authors will be willing to address my general questions. Although specific in its experimental approach, the implication of the study will be of interest to a general audience.

      We appreciate this positive comment.__ __

      Reviewer #2

      __Evidence, reproducibility and clarity __

      The current work is based on previous observations that the abundance of lung macrophages is augmented in NHPs with active TB and exacerbated in those coinfected with SIV (Dupont et al., 2022; Dupont et al., 2020; Souriant et al., 2019). Further work with these TB-induced immunomodulatory macrophages demonstrated an increased susceptibility to HIV-1 replication and spread via the formation of tunneling nanotubes (TNTs), (Souriant et al., 2019). In the present manuscript, the authors connected these findings with the metabolic state of macrophages (glycolysis vs OXPHOS). Using a range of metabolic inhibitors coupled with seahorse assays and microscopy confirmed the role of Mtb-induced glycolytic shift in inducing the formation of TNTs and the spread of HIV. The work is well-planned and executed. However, the study is mainly correlative without any molecular insights. The knowledge generated is important and valuable for future studies to understand the molecular players in regulating immunometabolism during HIV-TB coinfection.

      We thank the Reviewer for his/her valuable comments, and we address all provided comments below.

      Major Comments:

      There are conflicting reports about Mtb's impact on macrophage ECAR and OXPHOS, which authors have acknowledged. Therefore, including OCR and ECAR plots along with the glycoATP and MitoATP data will be useful. Similarly, OCR/ECAR plots without any conditioned medium should be included to clarify the role of Mtb infection on OCR/ECAR.

      In this manuscript, we evaluated the intracellular rate of ATP production in macrophages (day 3 of differentiation) treated with either cmCTR or cmMTB using Seahorse technology. Measurements of extracellular acidification rate (ECAR) and oxygen consumption rate (OCR), both before and after the addition of oligomycin (an ATP synthase inhibitor), were used to calculate the contributions of glycolysis (GlycoATP, Figure 1B) and mitochondrial OXPHOS (MitoATP, Figure S1C) to total ATP production (Figure 1A).

      We agree with the reviewer that displaying basal OCR/ECAR plots (bioenergetic profiles) would help characterize the overall energy phenotypes of macrophages. These graphs will be prepared and included in Figure S1. Furthermore, we will enhance the discussion and interpretation of these findings in the Results section of the revised manuscript.

      As suggested, we will also assess ATP production using Seahorse technology for control cells (day 3 differentiated in RPMI) and provide OCR/ECAR plots for these new experiments.

      __Fig 2G image is not convincing. While HIF1 alpha seems more in the nucleus, the overall morphology of the cell is more compact. Additional verification is needed. __

      Regarding the specific comment on Fig. 2G, the reviewer is correct that the morphology of CmMTB-treated cells differs from that of CmCTR-treated cells. We have previously shown that CmMTB-treated macrophages display an M(IL-10) phenotype, characterized by a CD16+CD163+MerTK+PD-L1+ signature, morphological changes (cells appear rounder and form more TNTs), nuclear translocation of phosphorylated STAT3, and increased susceptibility to Mtb or HIV-1 infection (Dupont et al., 2022; Dupont et al., 2020; Lastrucci et al., 2015; Souriant et al., 2019).

      As shown in Figure 2H, HIF1-α is predominantly cytoplasmic in most control cells, whereas an increased number of cells with nuclear HIF-1α staining were observed in CmMTB-treated cells. To quantify this observation, we manually assessed the ratio of HIF-1α signal intensity between the nucleus and cytoplasm in over 50 cells from three different donors. This methodology was not adequately explained in the Methods section and will be clarified in the revised manuscript. We also propose to include more representative images of HIF-1α-stained cells to support these findings.

      Furthermore, genetic evidence is required in order to confirm if HIF1 alpha is the primary regulator of glycolytic shift by cmMTB/PE-TB, leading to more HIV dissemination by the TNT formation.

      We fully agree that further experiments are essential to formally demonstrate that HIF-1α activation is responsible for the observed increase in HIV-1 infection and TNT formation in CmMTB-treated cells. To address this hypothesis, we propose conducting key experiments during the revision process

      We will first use pharmacological approaches to modulate HIF-1α levels, as described in our recent publication (Maio et al., eLife, PMID 38922679). Specifically, we will test the HIF-1α inhibitor PX-478 as well as dimethyloxalylglycine (DMOG), a compound that stabilizes HIF-1α expression. These drugs will be applied 24h prior to HIV-1 infection in CmMTB-treated cells, and we will quantify HIV-1 infection and TNT formation on day 6 using immunofluorescence (IF).

      In parallel, though technically challenging, we will attempt to reduce HIF-1α expression (and consequently its activity) in primary human monocytes using a siRNA-mediated depletion approach. This method has been successfully employed in our previous studies to target STAT3, STAT1 and Siglec-1 (Dupont et al., 2020; Lastrucci et al., 2015; Dupont et al., 2022). Under these conditions, we will measure HIV-1 infection and TNT formation on day 6 by IF.

      Also, the authors have used only one tool to measure HIV levels -microscopy. While important, another method for verifying findings is needed. This is important as the effect of inhibitors (UK5099) is marginal.

      In the present manuscript, we assess HIV-1 infection levels using two methods: microscopy (Figure 3 and 4I) and flow cytometry (Figure S2H-I). To address the reviewer’s comment, we propose to complement our current analysis of HIV-1 infection by evaluating HIV-1 replication through the measurement of HIV-p24 release in the supernatant of CmMTB-treated macrophages following drug treatments, as previously performed (Dupont et al., 2020; Souriant et al., 2019; Dupont et al., 2022; Mascarau et al., 2024; Raynaud-Messina et al., 2018).

      Regarding the slight increase of HIV-1 infection (Gag expression by IF, Figure 3A) upon UK5099 treatment, we appreciate the reviewer’s valuable observation. Enhancing glycolysis levels remains a considerable challenge in studies targeting metabolic pathways, as most approaches focus on inhibiting glycolysis. However, in our study, the effect UK5099 on HIV-1 infection is reproducible and statistically significant, as demonstrated by analyzes of data from more than ten donors using IF (Figure 3C) and eight donors by flow cytometry (Figure S2H-I).

      We acknowledge that the specific image provided in Fig. 3A for the UK5099 condition may not be the most representative and could cause confusion. To address this, we will replace the current image with a more representative one in the revised version of the manuscript.

      Authors have used oxamate to inhibit glycolysis. Inhibition of LDH could lead to inhibition of NAD/NADH regeneration, thereby slowing down glycolysis. However, lack of lactate could have wide-ranging influence on cells as lactate could regulate several post-translational modifications, including lactylation. While the authors argued against using 2-DG, several findings confirm the glycolysis inhibitory potential of 2-DG when infected with Mtb. This should be included.

      We understand the reviewer’s comment regarding the glucose analog 2-DG, which is widely used to inhibit glycolysis. Notably, recent studies have used it to show that glycolytic activity is critical for reactivating HIV-1 in macrophage reservoirs (Real et al., 2022, PMID 36220814).

      In our study, we did not initially use 2-DG because it also inhibits glucose contribution to OXPHOS, making it challenging to distinguish between the roles of glycolysis and OXPHOS in macrophages (Wang et al., Cell Metabolism, PMID 30184486). Unlike Oxamate or GSK 2837, which specifically target LDHA, 2-DG does not exclusively affect glycolysis. Furthermore, inhibiting glucose metabolism with 2-DG is expected to yield similar results to glucose deprivation, as demonstrated in Figures 3H-K.

      To address this, we propose conducting the suggested experiments using 2-DG in CmMTB-treated macrophages during the revision process. This will allow to assess their susceptibility to HIV-1 under this treatment. We will subsequently discuss the effects of 2-DG and integrate these results into the revised version of the manuscript.

      A standard glycolytic function test (glucose, oligomycin and 2-DG injection) should be performed to assess the effect of TB-PE and cmMTB on the macrophages directly.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s comment and will address it by testing the ability of CmMTB to alter the glycolytic activity of macrophages using the Seahorse Glycolytic Rate Assay. This assay, a refined version of the classical Seahorse Glycolysis Stress Test (see https://www.agilent.com/en/products/cell-analysis/glycolysis-assays-using-cell-analysis-technology), relies on an algorithm that generates the Proton Efflux Rate (PER), providing a robust quantitative measurement of glycolytic function. PER is directly correlated with lactate accumulation, enabling us to calculate glycolytic parameters that will complement our existing assays aimed at characterizing the glycolytic pathway in CmMTB-treated macrophages. We plan to perform these measurements and include the results in Figure 2.

      __ Depriving glucose is not the best way to show the effect of glucose on HIV infection and MGC formation, as it can affect other aspects of cellular physiology, such as redox and bioenergetics. Instead, the use of galactose in place of glucose would generate ATP only by ____OXPHOS. Some key experiments should be repeated using galactose as a sole C source.__

      We agree with this comment. In M2 macrophages, it has been shown that both glucose deprivation (as demonstrated in this study, Figure 3H-K) and glucose substitution with galactose (Wang et al., Cell Metabolism, PMID 30184486) effectively suppress glycolytic activity. Galactose must first be metabolized by the Leloir pathway before entering glycolysis, resulting in a significant reduction in glycolytic flux.

      As suggested by the reviewer, we will complement our study by using galactose as the carbon source instead of glucose in a new set of experiments during the revision process.

      __ UK5099 and oxamate nuclei seem smaller and less bright compared to the control. Images between control and UK5099 appear marginally different (non-significant).__

      Figure 3A may not clearly convey that the nuclei are unaffected by the treatment. To address this, we will adjust the images, particularly the DAPI staining settings, to ensure accurate interpretation.

      Regarding the slight effect of UK5099 treatment on Gag expression (infection index), as discussed above, this effect is reproducible and significant. We will replace the current image in Figure 3A with a more representative one.

      The overall impact of the study is limited as the authors provide no evidence on the mechanism of how glycolysis induces TNT formation, which needs to be more characterized.

      We fully agree that understanding how glycolysis induces tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) is a crucial and challenging question. This challenge stems from the incomplete understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying TNT formation and the contradictory results reported across different cell types.

      In our study, we demonstrated that inhibiting glycolysis—using Oxamate, GSK, or glucose deprivation—reduces TNT formation, whereas promoting glycolysis with UK5099 enhances their formation. We discuss in the manuscript that glycolysis likely provides the energy required for actin cytoskeletal rearrangements, which are essential for TNT formation.

      Moreover, ATP plays a critical role in supporting cellular functions depending on actin remodeling, such as cell migration and the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (DeWane et al., 2021, PMID__33558441).__

      To try to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying TNT formation in our model, we propose the following experiments during the revision process:

      • HIF1-α and TNT formation: IF staining of HIF1-α will be performed to correlate TNT formation with the level of HIF1-α nuclear translocation (as quantified in Figure 2I). This experiment aims to demonstrate a link between HIF1-α activation and TNT formation.
      • Effect of HIF1-α inhibition: TNT formation will be quantified upon inhibiting HIF1-α activity using pharmacological approaches and/or siRNA-mediated gene silencing in HIV-1-infected CmMTB-treated cells.
      • GLUT-1 focalization and TNT formation: To establish a connection between glycolysis and TNT formation, we will localize the primary glucose transporter GLUT-1 in relation to TNTs in CmMTB-treated macrophages. This approach builds on previous work on microvilli, which are F-actin structures with similarities to TNTs (Hexige et al., 2015, PMID: 25561062). Confocal or super-resolution microscopy will be employed to determine whether GLUT-1 accumulates at specific TNT sites. Through these experiments, we aim to provide deeper insights into the role of glycolysis in TNT formation.

      __Minor comments:

      The manuscript does not clearly show how the total ATP was calculated from the ATP rate assay.__

      We will ensure that the method for calculating total ATP is explicitly described in the Methods section of the revised manuscript. __ In figure 1 (and everywhere else) the units on the y-axis should be corrected to [pmol/min] instead of pmol and the Seahorse profiles should mention whether the axis represents OCR or ECAR.__

      The reviewer is correct. The axes in the relevant figures for ATP rate results (Figure 1A, B, C, D and Figure S1A, B, C) will be revised in the updated version of the manuscript.

      The authors have called the macrophages highly glycolytic in first set of results which is misleading. Although the glycoATP contribution is increasing, overall ATP production is still majorly through oxidative phosphorylation (70% vs 25%).

      We fully agree with the reviewer’s comment. As mentioned in the Result section “Approximately 90% of ATP production in macrophages differentiated with cmCTR came from OXPHOS; this parameter was reduced to 70% when conditioned with cmMTB (Figure 1E-F).” CmMTB and TB-PE drive macrophages toward an M2/M(IL-10) phenotype (Lastrucci et al. 2015), and based on the extensive literature on metabolism of anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages, this phenotype primarily relies on OXPHOS and fatty acid oxidation (for review see Biswas and Mantovani, Cell Metabolism, 2012).

      It is therefore logical that overall ATP production in these cells remains predominantly through OXPHOS. However, we observe a significant decrease in OXPHOS activity following CmMTB treatment, alongside a marked increase in glycolysis (Figure 1).

      Referring to CmMTB-treated macrophages as highly glycolytic was inaccurate, indeed, and this terminology will be corrected, with a clearer explanation provided in the revised manuscript.

      Fig 3: Why does the HIV gag protein signal appear as irregular large spots?

      In Figure 3A, the resolution used is sufficient to quantify the number of cells positive for HIV Gag (and thus the infection index). However, it does not allow for detailed examination of the intracellular localization of Gag as “spots”. The reviewer is correct that, within macrophages, the Gag signal often appears as large and intense cytoplasmic “spots” corresponding to the VCC, as illustrated in Reviewer Figure 1 in response to Reviewer 1.

      __Referees cross-commenting:

      I agree with the reviewer# 1 assessment. However, I feel that mechanistically paper could be improved and by performing more experiments.__

      We fully agree that additional experiments are essential to improve the manuscript. We will address all comments and perform the experiments suggested by Reviewer 2, particularly to better characterize the metabolic state of our cells, provide evidence for the role of glycolysis in HIV-1 exacerbation, and further elucidate the mechanism by which glycolysis induces TNT formation.


      The knowledge generated is important and valuable for future studies to understand the molecular players in regulating immunometabolism during HIV-TB coinfection.

      We appreciate this positive comment.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The current work is based on previous observations that the abundance of lung macrophages is augmented in NHPs with active TB and exacerbated in those coinfected with SIV (Dupont et al., 2022; Dupont et al., 2020; Souriant et al., 2019). Further work with these TB-induced immunomodulatory macrophages demonstrated an increased susceptibility to HIV-1 replication and spread via the formation of tunneling nanotubes (TNTs), (Souriant et al., 2019). In the present manuscript, the authors connected these findings with the metabolic state of macrophages (glycolysis vs OXPHOS). Using a range of metabolic inhibitors coupled with seahorse assays and microscopy confirmed the role of Mtb-induced glycolytic shift in inducing the formation of TNTs and the spread of HIV. The work is well-planned and executed. However, the study is mainly correlative without any molecular insights. The knowledge generated is important and valuable for future studies to understand the molecular players in regulating immunometabolism during HIV-TB coinfection.

      Major Comments

      There are conflicting reports about Mtb's impact on macrophage ECAR and OXPHOS, which authors have acknowledged. Therefore, including OCR and ECAR plots along with the glycoATP and MitoATP data will be useful. Similarly, OCR/ECAR plots without any conditioned medium should be included to clarify the role of Mtb infection on OCR/ECAR.

      Fig 2G image is not convincing. While HIF1 alpha seems more in the nucleus, the overall morphology of the cell is more compact. Additional verification is needed. Furthermore, genetic evidence is required in order to confirm if HIF1 alpha is the primary regulator of glycolytic shift by cmMTB/PE-TB, leading to more HIV dissemination by the TNT formation.

      Also, the authors have used only one tool to measure HIV levels -microscopy. While important, another method for verifying findings is needed. This is important as the effect of inhibitors (UK5099) is marginal.

      Authors have used oxamate to inhibit glycolysis. Inhibition of LDH could lead to inhibition of NAD/NADH regeneration, thereby slowing down glycolysis. However, lack of lactate could have wide-ranging influence on cells as lactate could regulate several post-translational modifications, including lactylation. While the authors argued against using 2-DG, several findings confirm the glycolysis inhibitory potential of 2-DG when infected with Mtb. This should be included.

      A standard glycolytic function test (glucose, oligomycin and 2-DG injection) should be performed to assess the effect of TB-PE and cmMTB on the macrophages directly.

      Depriving glucose is not the best way to show the effect of glucose on HIV infection and MGC formation, as it can affect other aspects of cellular physiology, such as redox and bioenergetics. Instead, the use of galactose in place of glucose would generate ATP only by OXPHOS. Some key experiments should be repeated using galactose as a sole C source.

      UK5099 and oxamate nuclei seem smaller and less bright compared to the control. Images between control and UK5099 appear marginally different (non-significant).

      The overall impact of the study is limited as the authors provide no evidence on the mechanism of how glycolysis induces TNT formation, which needs to be more characterized.

      Minor comments:

      The manuscript does not clearly show how the total ATP was calculated from the ATP rate assay.

      In figure 1 (and everywhere else) the units on the y-axis should be corrected to [pmol/min] instead of pmol and the Seahorse profiles should mention whether the axis represents OCR or ECAR.

      The authors have called the macrophages highly glycolytic in first set of results which is misleading. Although the glycoATP contribution is increasing, overall ATP production is still majorly through oxidative phosphorylation (70% vs 25%).

      Fig 3: Why does the HIV gag protein signal appear as irregular large spots?

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with the reviewer# 1 assessment. However, i feel that mechanistically paper could be improved and by performing more experiments.


      The knowledge generated is important and valuable for future studies to understand the molecular players in regulating immunometabolism during HIV-TB coinfection.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript entitled "Inhibition of glycolysis in tuberculosis-mediated metabolic rewiring reduces HIV-1 spread across macrophages", Vahlas and colleagues investigated the hypothesis that Mtb interferes with HIV-1 infection of human macrophages, as they represent a common target cell type. In particular, they observed that a conditioned medium generated from Mtb-infected macrophages (Mtb-CM) induces tunneling nanotubes (TNT) in HIV-infected macrophages thereby facilitating viral spreading. At the same time, Mtb-CM induced a glycolytic pathway leading to ATP accumulation in HIV-infected macrophages, an essential pathway for TNT induction whereas pharmacological interference with such a metabolic switch resulted in a reduced viral production.

      Experimental approach: primary human monocytes differentiated into monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) in the presence of a TB-dominated microenvironment (Mtb-CM). The intracellular rate of ATP production was evaluated by the Seahorse technology at day 3 of MDM differentiation. The measurements of basal extracellular acidification rate (ECAR) and basal oxygen consumption rate (OCR) were used to calculate ATP production rate from glycolysis (GlycoATP) and mitochondrial OXPHOS (MitoATP).

      This is a well-conducted, innovative study exploring the interaction of two main human pathogens, i.e. Mtb and HIV, sharing macrophages as common target cell. The manuscript is clearly written and the conclusions and hypotheses are supported by experimental evidence. I have two general points that I encourage the authors to address.

      1. As mentioned in the Discussion, macrophage infection by HIV is characterized by the accumulation of preformed, infectious virions in VCC (Virus Containing Compartments) that can be pharmacologically modulated both in terms of accumulation and rapid release in the absence of cell cytopathicity. Although the modulation of VCC was not the objective of the present study, it would be important to discuss their role and their potential modulation by Mtb and/or metabolic modifications, if known.
      2. Understanding the purpose of using a VSV-g based infection system, nonetheless it would be important to know whether metabolic modulation does affect CD4 and CCR5 expression on MDM and its consequence for their susceptibility to HIV infection, in addition to the effects on TNT formation and viral transfer between cells.

      Specific points:

      1. "TB-PE" (pleural effusion) is neither specified in the Results nor in the Methods sections.
      2. Figure 3A does not seem to display cell viability, but rather HIV Gag expression by IFA. Furthermore, Figure 3C indicates Gag expression, not "HIV infection" (see page 8, Results).


      The paper addresses a poorly explored area, i.e. the interaction of Mtb and HIV during infection of macrophages. The authors focused on a specific aspect of such an interaction (I,e, the modulation of nanotubes formation and transfer of virions to target cells), but their results can be extrapolated in a broader context, particularly if the authors will be willing to address my general questions.

      Although specific in its experimental approach, the implication of the study will be of interest to a general audience.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reply to the Reviewers

      We thank all the reviewers for their time and their constructive criticism. We are encouraged by the overall positive and enthusiastic responses from the reviewers. We have taken all comments and suggestions seriously and revised the manuscript. These revisions include adding more explanation for the meaning of synaptic learning rules, language definitions, and model characteristics and limitations with more detailed figure legends. We are confident that we have addressed all the reviewer’s concerns by incorporating the reviewer’s suggestions into the revised manuscript. All changes are indicated in red font in the revised manuscript. The point-by-point response to all concerns raised by the reviewers follows. The line numbers indicated here refer to those in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1

      Major comments:

      1. Introduction, line 64 and further: An important omission in the introduction is that several studies have shown that sleep deprivation, i.e., extended wakefulness, results in a loss of spines in some brain regions such as the hippocampus, which is directly opposing the SHY hypothesis (for review, see Raven et al. Sleep Med Rev 39: 3-11, 2018).


      We appreciate the reviewer’s valuable comment. Indeed, as correctly pointed out, several studies have reported synaptic weakening in the hippocampus and cortical regions following sleep deprivation, which appears to contradict the SHY.

      We have incorporated this point into the introduction section (lines 64-67), adding several articles, including Raven et al., the reviewer suggested.

      1. Introduction, line 85-87: A short explanation of what exactly the anti-Hebbian and anti-STDP rules are, is important here. It may seem obvious to the authors, but it is best to spell it out for the potential broad readership interested in this paper.


      We appreciate the reviewer’s important suggestion.

      Previous studies reported that Anti-Hebbian plasticity, which leads to depression when synapses are presented with correlated activity, serves critical functions in the discrimination of specific spike sequences in the cortico-striatal synapses (G. Vignoud et al., Commun. Biol, 2024) and the detection of novel stimuli in mormyrid fish (P. D. Roberts et al., Biol. Cybern, 2008; P. D. Roberts et al, Front. Comput. Neurosci, 2010).

      We have added the explanations for Anti-Hebbian and Anti-STDP rules into the introduction section (lines 87-89).

      1. Results, line 116, 129/130, 333, 395, 400, figure captions: Pleases explain what is meant with the terms 'pre-neuronal synapse' and 'post-neuronal synapses'.


      We appreciate the reviewer’s advice. We have replaced ‘pre-neuronal synapse’ and ‘post-neuronal synapse’ with ‘pre-synaptic’、’post-synaptic’, respectively, for readability in the Results section (lines 118-119, 131-133, 368, 371, 432, 436 and 437) and Figure legends.

      1. Results, line 121-124 say that synaptic efficacy became higher in sleep-like states than in wake-like states under Hebbian and STDP learning rules and opposite results were observed with anti-Hebbian and anti-STDP learning rules. While these relative differences are indeed visible in Figure 1H, the figure also suggests that synaptic efficacy during sleep was largely independent of the average firing frequency. In other words, synaptic efficacy seems to be dependent on firing frequency only during wakefulness. Is that correct?


      The reviewer raised an important point. As shown in Fig. 1H, synaptic efficacy during sleep appears to be largely independent of mean firing rates. Here, the firing rates were adjusted by varying Down-state durations. Regarding the relationship between firing patterns and synaptic efficacy, synaptic efficacy is influenced not only by firing frequency but also by how firing patterns are generated. When firing rates are adjusted by changing ISI, synaptic efficacy during sleep also increases with higher firing rates as wake-like patterns (Fig. 5). In Fig. 2D and E, we demonstrated that the synaptic efficacy during sleep becomes higher than during wakefulness regardless of whether the spike patterns were generated with changing Down-state duration or ISI, assuming the same mean firing rates during the sleep-like and wake-like states. We have clarified this point by adding the explanation in the Discussion section (lines 318-323).

      1. Results, line 199 and down model the effect of differences in mean firing rate between sleep and waking, which is a crucial addition and more realistic approach for most brain regions that have lower average firing rates during sleep. It is interesting that in this case the relative effects of sleep and wakefulness can change direction, depending on the average firing frequency. Would the authors argue that this may even result in opposite effects in different brain regions after waking or sleep deprivation?


      We appreciate the reviewer raising the interesting point. Our model predicted that the direction of synaptic changes depends on learning rules and firing rates. This prediction indicated that different brain regions may exhibit synaptic changes even in opposite directions after prolonged wakefulness or sleep deprivation. For example, under Hebbian and STDP, our model predicted that brain regions with firing rates increased during wakefulness or sleep deprivation compared to sleep would follow SHY, while brain regions where firing rates remain unchanged or decreased compared to sleep would follow WISE. The experimental validation of these predictions, focusing on brain regions with different activation states during wakefulness, is an interesting future work. We have clarified this point into the Discussion section (lines 260-262).

      1. Figure 1: The caption needs more details to help understand the different panels. some work. (B) What is a post-neuronal synapse? (C) How exactly is synaptic efficacy defined? (E) Not totally clear what the colored top panels represent.


      We sincerely appreciate the reviewer’s thoughtful feedback. We agreed that Figure 1 required a more thorough explanation. In response, we have expanded the figure legend to provide more detailed information for readers to easily understand.

      1. Figure 5B. Since this appears to be a graphical abstract and unified framework for all the modelled parameters and learning rules, should this not be a separate figure?

      __Response: __We thank the reviewer for the helpful suggestion. We have renumbered Figure 5B as Figure 6.

      1. Figures captions: The information provided in the figure captions is in many cases quite minimal and does not reflect the complexity of some of the figure panels. This often makes it hard for a reader to extract all the relevant information without thumbing back and forth between figures, captions and main text. I strongly suggest to add more detail to the figure captions to make them more stand-alone and self-explanatory.

      __Response: __We sincerely appreciate the reviewer’s significant feedback. We have added detailed explanations in the figure legends, including Supplementary Figures, for readers to understand easily.

      Reviewer #2

      Major comments:

      1. I am not qualified to review this manuscript because I'm not sufficiently familiar with the type of modelling performed here and the specific use of terms. For example, without providing any explanation, I cannot reconstruct whether the estimates of synaptic efficacy (eq.1) are valid and applicable to the questions asked. I do have 2 general comments. I do find the premise of WISE intriguing and understand the attractiveness of the idea of opposing 'WISE' to SHY. Nevertheless, SHY is a theory that does not discount the occurrence of synaptic strengthening during sleep. It is rather that during sleep there is a net down-scaling. Therefore, the assumptions, as they are presented here, are confusing the issue.


      We are deeply grateful that the reviewer found WISE intriguing and appreciate the insightful comment. We agree that SHY does not deny the occurrence of synaptic strengthening during sleep, but rather proposes a net downward scaling under the assumption of the overall synaptic homeostasis. In the present study, we assumed that SHY describes a net downscaling during sleep (and does not deny the occurrence of synaptic strengthening of some synapses during sleep) while WISE describes a net upscaling during sleep (and does not deny the occurrence of synaptic weakening of some synapses during sleep). Both SHY and WISE fulfill synaptic homeostasis. For example, SHY upscales synaptic strength during wakefulness and downscales during sleep to achieve synaptic homeostasis. On the other hand, WISE upscales synaptic strength during sleep and downscales during wakefulness __to achieve synaptic homeostasis. Our study demonstrated that __WISE is compatible with Hebbian and STDP learning rules when average neuron firing frequency is similar between sleep and wakefulness, and SHY is not compatible with Hebbian and STDP learning rules, but rather compatible with Anti-Hebbian and __Anti-STDP __learning rules.

      We agreed with the reviewer that the lack of an explicit definition of SHY and WISE in the context of the present study could cause confusion for readers. Therefore, we have added a sentence to clarify SHY and WISE in the present study in the first paragraph of the Results section (lines 127-128), specifically defining them in terms of relative net synaptic changes within local neural network.

      1. SHY was, in part, inspired by a type of plasticity that is not considered here, namely synaptic homeostasis. Would adding such a mechanism to the model alter any of the predictions?"

      __Response: __

      We appreciate the reviewer raising an important point on synaptic homeostasis. In this study, we did not explicitly include synaptic homeostasis in the preposition but consider synaptic homeostasis in the definitions of SHY and WISE. For example, we assume that SHY upscales synaptic strength during wakefulness and downscales during sleep to achieve synaptic homeostasis while WISE upscales synaptic strength during sleep and downscales during wakefulness to achieve synaptic homeostasis. Importantly, since both SHY and WISE can achieve synaptic homeostasis, there are two types of synaptic homeostasis. In our study, WISE-type synaptic homeostasis is compatible with Hebbian and STDP learning rules when average neuron firing frequency is similar between sleep and wakefulness, and SHY-type synaptic homeostasis is compatible with Anti-Hebbian and __Anti-STDP __learning rules. Since our studies already consider two types of synaptic homeostasis, adding the further mechanism of synaptic homeostasis in the preposition would not alter our predictions. We described these points in the Model characteristics and limitations part in the Discussion section (lines 332-339).

      Reviewer #3

      Major comments:

      1. This is a well-written manuscript that is easily to follow and amply illustrated. The study seems very exciting but unfortunately I am not a mathematician so I cannot attest to the veracity or originality of the model. Assuming it is robust, it does appear to account for a quite a few anomalies (and inaccuracies depicted in textbooks). It would be helpful to discuss the limitations of other models that have been suggested to synaptic functions of sleep.

      __Response: __

      We appreciated the reviewer’s constructive suggestions. Some computational studies have investigated synaptic changes in neural networks under STDP protocols using Ca2+-based plasticity models (M. Graupner et al., PNAS, 2012; G. Chindemi et al., Nat. Commun, 2022), while other studies have examined how SWO affects synaptic plasticity under STDP conditions (T. Tadros et al., J.Neurosci, 2022). However, these previous studies were limited to a single synaptic learning rule or firing pattern. Our study is the first to comprehensively investigate synaptic dynamics during the sleep-wake cycle by integrating a Ca2+-based plasticity model to represent various types of synaptic learning rules and various simulated sleep-wake firing patterns.

      We have added the sentences related to the reviewer’s comments in the Model characteristics and limitations part in the Discussion section (lines 306-312).

      1. Much of the neurophysiological data comes from recordings in rodents, so the model is simulating rat EEG signatures-how readily applicable is this to the human condition? Indeed, how readily can they compare between mouse and rat? The authors should expand on this in the discussion section.

      Another potential weakness or limitation is the unanswered question of the model can account for sleep/wake changes in other areas of the cortex or thalamus etc.

      Does this model apply equally to males and females?

      __Response: __

      We appreciate the reviewer for raising this significant point. As the reviewer pointed out, we generated firing patterns using parameters derived from rat firing patterns (B. O. Watson et al., Neuron, 2016), such as ISI, Up-state duration, and Down-state duration. While we started our simulations from those parameter sets, we tested a range of different values for each parameter and found consistent results (detailed in Supplementary Materials, Generation of sleep and wake-like firing patterns). The ranges of Up-state and Down-state durations during SWO in mice, rats, and cats are approximately 100-500 milliseconds (M. Steriade et al., J. Neurophysiol, 2001; V. Crunelli et al., Pflugers Arch, 2012), while in humans, Up-state durations range from 250-1000 milliseconds (B. A. Riedner et al., Sleep, 2007), all of which fall within the ranges examined in Figs. 2 D and E. Similarly, wake-state ISI across various species typically range from 2-100 milliseconds (M. Steriade et al., J. Neurophysiol, 2001; G. Maimon et al., Neuron, 2009), mostly within the scope covered in Fig. 2E. Therefore, we suppose our finding in the present study captured universal aspects of synaptic dynamic in the sleep and wake cycles regardless of species, brain region, or sex.

      We have added the description in the Model characteristics and limitations part in the Discussion section (lines 312-331).

      Minor comments:

      Minor typo: ref. 24 is missing page and volume numbers.

      __Response: __

      Thank you for pointing out this typo. We corrected this by adding the page and volume numbers in Ref. 28 in the revised manuscript.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Understanding the functions of sleep has and remains a key question in neuroscience. A popular hypothesis is that sleep is fundamental to learning and memory and that this can be detected and measured at the level of neural networks and connections as increased synaptic weights across waking states and reduced synaptic weights or depression during sleep states. However, there are many contradictions in the literature and while it is accepted that sleep plays a role in memory consolidation, the molecular/cellular basis of this is far from clear. As considerable experimental data on synaptic function have been collected during sleep and wake states, here the authors turned to modelling how manipulating the rules of synaptic plasticity can illuminate the problem. In this manuscript, the authors report the outcomes of these simulations neuronal oscillations, firing, and synaptic plasticity across sleep-like and wake-like neural states. They report that their simulations can account for several irregularities and highlight differential involvement of spike-firing dependent plasticity (STDP) and anti-STDP in wake and NREM sleep. In particular they note that under Hebbian and STDP rules, firing patterns associated with wake lead to decreased synaptic weights, while sleep-like patterns bolster synaptic weights and collectively they describe this tendency as WISE. They also note that under Anti-Hebbian and Anti-STDP rules, synaptic depression was observed under NREM. The chief strength of this study is shows how simulation can aid in bringing together disparate observations into a well-worked study space.

      This is a well-written manuscript that is easily to follow and amply illustrated. The study seems very exciting but unfortunately I am not a mathematician so I cannot attest to the veracity or originality of the model. Assuming it is robust, it does appear to account for a quite a few anomalies (and inaccuracies depicted in textbooks). It would be helpful to discuss the limitations of other models that have been suggested to synaptic functions of sleep.

      Much of the neurophysiological data comes from recordings in rodents, so the model is simulating rat EEG signatures-how readily applicable is this to the human condition? Indeed how readily can they compare between mouse and rat? The authors should expand on this in the discussion section.

      Another potential weakness or limitation is the unanswered question of the model can account for sleep/wake changes in other areas of the cortex or thalamus etc.

      Does this model apply equally to males and females? Minor typo: ref. 24 is missing page and volume numbers.


      As noted above, there are discrepancies in the literature regarding synaptic plasticity and its mechanisms across the sleep-wake cycle. This model appears to answer some of the reasons for these and provides a framework for further experimental research to interrogate these mechanisms.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      I am not qualified to review this manuscript because I'm not sufficiently familiar with the type of modelling performed here and the specific use of terms. For example, without providing any explanation, I cannot reconstruct whether the estimates of synaptic efficacy (eq.1) are valid and applicable to the questions asked.

      I do have 2 general comments. I do find the premise of WISE intriguing and understand the attractiveness of the idea of opposing 'WISE' to SHY. Nevertheless, SHY is a theory that does not discount the occurrence of synaptic strengthening during sleep. It is rather that during sleep there is a net down-scaling. Therefore, the assumptions, as they are presented here, are confusing the issue. SHY was, in part, inspired by a type of plasticity that is not considered here, namely synaptic homeostasis. Would adding such a mechanism to the model alter any of the predictions?"


      I do find the premise of WISE intriguing and understand the attractiveness of the idea of opposing 'WISE' to SHY. Nevertheless, SHY is a theory that does not discount the occurrence of synaptic strengthening during sleep. It is rather that during sleep there is a net down-scaling. Therefore, the assumptions, as they are presented here, are confusing the issue. SHY was, in part, inspired by a type of plasticity that is not considered here, namely synaptic homeostasis. Would adding such a mechanism to the model alter any of the predictions?"

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      While the function of sleep is still an unresolved mystery, some of the most influential theories propose that sleep serves a crucial role in regulating neuronal plasticity and synaptic strength. However, the exact way how synaptic strength is affected by sleep and impaired by sleep deprivation is a topic of much controversy and ongoing debate in the field of sleep research (SHY vs WISE). Using computation models, the manuscript illustrates that opposite effects of sleep on synaptic efficacy can be found, depending on the firing patterns and learning rules. Specifically, sleep promotes synaptic strength and efficacy under Hebbian and spike-timing dependent plasticity rules and it resulted in synaptic depression under anti-Hebbian and anti-STDP rules.

      Major comments:

      Introduction, line 64 and further: An important omission in the introduction is that several studies have shown that sleep deprivation, i.e., extended wakefulness, results in a loss of spines in some brain regions such as the hippocampus, which is directly opposing the SHY hypothesis (for review, see Raven et al. Sleep Med Rev 39: 3-11, 2018).

      Introduction, line 85-87: A short explanation of what exactly the anti-Hebbian and anti-STDP rules are, is important here. It may seem obvious to the authors, but it is best to spell it out for the potential broad readership interested in this paper.

      Results, line 116, 129/130, 333, 395, 400, figure captions: Pleases explain what is meant with the terms 'pre-neuronal synapse' and 'post-neuronal synapses'.

      Results, line 121-124 say that synaptic efficacy became higher in sleep-like states than in wake-like states under Hebbian and STDP learning rules and opposite results were observed with anti-Hebbian and anti-STDP learning rules. While these relative differences are indeed visible in Figure 1H, the figure also suggests that synaptic efficacy during sleep was largely independent of the average firing frequency. In other words, synaptic efficacy seems to be dependent on firing frequency only during wakefulness. Is that correct?

      Results, line 199 and down model the effect of differences in mean firing rate between sleep and waking, which is a crucial addition and more realistic approach for most brain regions that have lower average firing rates during sleep. It is interesting that in this case the relative effects of sleep and wakefulness can change direction, depending on the average firing frequency. Would the authors argue that this may even result in opposite effects in different brain regions after waking or sleep deprivation?

      Figure 1: The caption needs more details to help understand the different panels. some work. (B) What is a post-neuronal synapse? (C) How exactly is synaptic efficacy defined? (E) Not totally clear what the colored top panels represent.

      Figure 5B. Since this appears to be a graphical abstract and unified framework for all the modelled parameters and learning rules, should this not be a separate figure?

      Figures captions: The information provided in the figure captions is in many cases quite minimal and does not reflect the complexity of some of the figure panels. This often makes it hard for a reader to extract all the relevant information without thumbing back and forth between figures, captions and main text. I strongly suggest to add more detail to the figure captions to make them more stand-alone and self-explanatory.


      This paper addresses a major controversy in the field of sleep research: does sleep strengthen neuronal connections in the brain or does it downscale and weaken them (Raven et al. 2018)? Using computation models, the current paper shows that both options are possible and it does an admirable job in bridging the different views on sleep and synaptic strength. As such, the conceptual value of this paper can hardly be overestimated and provides an important framework for future experimental studies.

      This paper is of interest for most everybody interested in sleep and brain function, as well as neuroscientist with a broader interest in brain plasticity.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2024-02465

      Corresponding author(s): Saravanan, Palani

      1. General Statements

      We would like to thank the Review Commons Team for handling our manuscript and the Reviewers for their constructive feedback and suggestions. In our revised manuscript, we have addressed and incorporated all the major suggestions of the reviewers, and we have also added new significant data on the role of Tropomyosin in regulation of endocytosis through its control over actin monomer pool maintenance and actin network homeostasis. We believe that with all these additions, our study has significantly gained in quality, strength of conclusions made, and scope for future work.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      There are 2 Major issues -

      Having an -ala-ser- linker between the GFP and tropomyosin mimics acetylation. This is not the case, and more likely the this linker acts as a spacer that allows tropomyosin polymers to form on the actin, and without it there is steric hindrance. A similar result would be seen with a simple flexible uncharged linker. It has been shown in a number of labs that the GFP itself masks the effect of the charge on the amino terminal methionine. This is consistent with NMR, crystallographic and cryo structural studies. Biochemical studies should be presented to demonstrate that the impact of a linker for the conclusions stated to be made, which provide the basis of a major part of this study.

      Response: We would like to clarify that all mNG-Tpm constructs used in our study contain a 40 amino-acid (aa) flexible linker between the N-terminal mNG fluorescent protein and the Tpm protein as per our earlier published study (Hatano et al., 2022). During initial optimization, we have also experimented with linker length and the 40aa-linker length works optimally for clear visualization of Tpm onto actin cable structures in budding yeast, fission yeast (both S. pombe and S. japonicus), and mammalian cells (Hatano et al., 2022). These constructs have also been used since in other studies (Wirshing et al., 2023; Wirshing and Goode, 2024) and currently represents the best possible strategy to visualize Tpm isoforms in live cells. In our study, we characterized these proteins for functionality and found that both mNG-Tpm1 and mNG-Tpm2 were functional and can rescue the synthetic lethality observed in Dtpm1Dtpm2 cells. During our study, we observed that mNG-Tpm1 expression from a single-copy integration vector did not restore full length actin cables in Dtpm1 cells (Fig. 1B, 1C). We hypothesized that this could be a result of reduced binding affinity of the tagged tropomyosin due to lack of normal N-terminal acetylation which stabilizes the N-terminus. The 40aa linker is unstructured and may not be able to neutralize the charge on the N-terminal Methionine, thus, we tried to insert -Ala-Ser- dipeptide which has been routinely used in vitro biochemical studies to stabilize the N-terminal helix and impart a similar effect as the N-terminal acetylation (Alioto et al., 2016; Palani et al., 2019; Christensen et al., 2017) by restoring normal binding affinity of Tpm to F-actin (Monteiro et al., 1994; Greenfield et al., 1994). We observed that addition of the -Ala-Ser- dipeptide to mNG-Tpm fusion, indeed, restored full length actin cables when expressed in Dtpm1 cells, performing significantly better in our in vivo experiments (Fig. 1B, 1C). We agree with the reviewer that the -AS- dipeptide addition may not mimic N-terminal acetylation structurally but as per previous studies, it may stabilize the N-terminus of Tpm and allow normal head-to-tail dimer formation (Greenfield et al., 1994; Monteiro et al., 1994; Frye et al., 2010). We have discussed this in our new Discussion section (Lines 350-372). Since, the addition of -AS- dipeptide was referred to as "acetyl-mimic (am)" in a previous study (Alioto et al., 2016), we continued to use the same nomenclature in our study. Now as per your suggestions and to be more accurate, we have renamed "mNG-amTpm" constructs as "mNG-ASTpm" throughout the study to not confuse or claim that -AS- addition mimics acetylation. In any case, we have not seen any other ill effect of -AS- dipeptide introduction in addition to our 40 amino acid linker suggesting that it can also be considered part of the linker. Although, we agree with the reviewer that biochemical characterization of the effect of linker would be important to determine, we strongly believe that it is currently outside the scope of this study and should be taken up for future work with these proteins. Our study has majorly aimed to understand the functionality and utility of these mNG-Tpm fusion proteins for cell biological experiments in vivo, which was not done earlier in any other model system.

      My major issue however is making the conclusions stated here, using an amino-terminal fluorescent protein tag that s likely to impact any type of isoform selection at the end of the actin polymer. Carboxyl terminal tagging may have a reduced effect, but modifying the ends of the tropomyosin, which are integral in stabilising end to end interactions with itself on the actin filament, never mind any section systems that may/maynot be present in the cell, is not appropriate.

      Response: __ We agree with the reviewer that N-terminal tagging of tropomyosin may have effects on its function, but these constructs represent the only fluorescently tagged functional tropomyosin constructs available currently while C-terminal fusions are either non-functional (we were unable to construct strains with endogenous Tpm1 gene fused C-terminally to GFP) or do not localize clearly to actin structures (See __Figure R1 showing endogenous C-terminally tagged Tpm2-yeGFP that shows almost no localization to actin cables). To our knowledge, our study represents a first effort to understand the question of spatial sorting of Tpm isoforms, Tpm1 and Tpm2, in S. cerevisiae and any future developments with better visualization strategies for Tpm isoforms without compromising native N-terminal modifications and function will help improve our understanding of these proteins in vivo. We have also discussed these possibilities in our new Discussion section (Lines 391-396).


      This paper explores the role of formin in determining the localisation of different tropomyosins to different actin polymers and cellular locations within budding yeast. Previous studies have indicated a role for the actin nucleating proteins in recruiting different forms of tropomyosin within fission yeast. In mammalian cells there is variation in the role of formins in affiecting tropomyosin localisation - variation between cell type. There is also evidence that other actin binding proteins, and tropomyosin abundance play roles in regulating the tropomyosin-actin association according to cell type. Biochemical studies have previously been undertaken using budding yeast and fission yeast that the core actin polymerisation domain of formins do not interact with tropomyosin directly. The significance of this study, given the above, and the concerns raised is not clear to this reviewer.

      Response: __Our study explores multiple facets of Tropomyosin (Tpm) biology. The lack of functional tagged Tpm has been a major bottleneck in understanding Tpm isoform diversity and function across eukaryotes. In our study, we characterize the first functional tagged Tpm proteins (Fig. 1, Fig. S1) and use them to answer long-standing questions about localization and spatial sorting of Tpm isoforms in the model organism S. cerevisiae (Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. S2, Fig. S3). We also discover that the dual Tpm isoforms, Tpm1 and Tpm2, are functionally redundant for actin cable organization and function, while having gained divergent functions in Retrograde Actin Cable Flow (RACF) (Fig. 4, Fig. 5A-D, Fig. S4, Fig. S5, Fig. S6). We have now added new data on role of global Tpm levels controlling endocytosis via maintenance of normal linear-to-branched actin network homeostasis in S. cerevisiae (Fig. 5E-G)__. We respectfully differ with the reviewer on their assessment of our study and request the reviewer to read our revised manuscript which discusses the significance, limitations, and future perspectives of our study in detail.

      Reviewer #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript by Dhar, Bagyashree, Palani and colleagues examines the function of the two tropomyosins, Tpm1 and Tpm2, in the budding yeast S. cerevisiae. Previous work had shown that deletion of tpm1 and tpm2 causes synthetic lethality, indicating overlapping function, but also proposed that the two tropomyosins have distinct functions, based on the observation that strong overexpression of Tpm2 causes defects in bud placement and fails to rescue tpm1∆ phenotypes (Drees et al, JCB 1995). The manuscript first describes very functional mNeonGreen tagged version of Tpm1 and Tpm2, where an alanine-serine dipeptide is inserted before the first methionine to mimic acetylation. It then proposes that the Tpm1 and Tpm2 exhibit indistinguishable localization and that low level overexpression (?) of Tpm2 can replace Tpm1 for stabilization of actin cables and cell polarization, suggesting almost completely redundant functions. They also propose on specific function of Tpm2 in regulating retrograde actin cable flow.

      Overall, the data are very clean, well presented and quantified, but in several places are not fully convincing of the claims. Because the claims that Tpm1 and Tpm2 have largely overlapping function and localization are in contradiction to previous publication in S. cerevisiae and also different from data published in other organisms, it is important to consolidate them. There are fairly simple experiments that should be done to consolidate the claims of indistinguishable localization, and levels of expression, for which the authors have excellent reagents at their disposal.

      1. Functionality of the acetyl-mimic tagged tropomyosin constructs: The overall very good functionality of the tagged Tpm constructs is convincing, but the authors should be more accurate in their description, as their data show that they are not perfectly functional. For instance, the use of "completely functional" in the discussion is excessive. In the results, the statement that mNG-Tpm1 expression restores normal growth (page 3, line 69) is inaccurate. Fig S1C shows that tpm1∆ cells expressing mNG-Tpm1 grow more slowly than WT cells. (The next part of the same sentence, stating it only partially restores length of actin cables should cite only Fig S1E, not S1F.) Similarly, the growth curve in Fig S1C suggests that mNG-amTpm1, while better than mNG-Tpm1 does not fully restore the growth defect observed in tpm1∆ (in contrast to what is stated on p. 4 line 81). A more stringent test of functionality would be to probe whether mNG-amTpm1 can rescue the synthetic lethality of the tpm1∆ tpm2∆ double mutant, which would also allow to test the functionality of mNG-amTpm2.

      __Response: __We would like to thank the reviewer for his feedback and suggestions. Based on the suggestions, we have now more accurately described the growth rescue observed by expression of mNG-ASTpm1 in Dtpm1 cells in the revised text. We have also removed the use of "completely functional" to describe mNG-Tpm functionality and corrected any errors in Figure citations in the revised manuscript.

      As per reviewers' suggestion, we have now tested rescue of synthetic lethality of Dtpm1Dtpm2 cells by expression of all mNG-Tpm variants and we find that all of them are capable of restoring the viability of Dtpm1Dtpm2 cells when expressed under their native promoters via a high-copy plasmid (pRS425) (Fig. S1E) but only mNG-Tpm1 and mNG-ASTpm1 restored viability of Dtpm1Dtpm2 cells when expressed under their native promoters via an integration plasmid (pRS305) (Fig. S1F). These results clearly suggest that while both mNG-Tpm1 and mNG-Tpm2 constructs are functional, Tpm1 tolerates the presence of the N-terminal fluorescent tag better than Tpm2. These observations now enhance our understanding of the functionality of these mNG-Tpm fusion proteins and will be a useful resource for their usage and experimental design in future studies in vivo.

      It would also be nice to comment on whether the mNG-amTpm constructs really mimicking acetylation. Given the Ala-Ser peptide ahead of the starting Met is linked N-terminally to mNG, it is not immediately clear it will have the same effect as a free acetyl group decorating the N-terminal Met.

      Response: __We agree with the reviewer's observation and for the sake of clarity and accuracy, we have now renamed "mNG-amTpm" with "mNG-ASTpm". The use of -AS- dipeptide is very routine in studies with Tpm (Alioto et al., 2016; Palani et al., 2019; Christensen et al., 2017) and its addition restores normal binding affinities to Tpm proteins purified from E. coli (Monteiro et al., 1994). We agree with the reviewer that the -AS- dipeptide addition may not mimic N-terminal acetylation structurally but as per previous studies, it may help neutralize the impact of a freely protonated Met on the alpha-helical structure and stabilize the N-terminus helix of Tpm and allow normal head-to-tail dimer formation (Monteiro et al., 1994; Frye et al., 2010; Greenfield et al., 1994). Consistent with this, we also observe a highly significant improvement in actin cable length when expressing mNG-ASTpm as compared to mNG-Tpm in Dtpm1 cells, suggesting an improvement in function probably due to increased binding affinity (Fig. 1B, 1C). We have also discussed this in our answer to Question 1 of Reviewer 1 and the revised manuscript (Lines 350-372)__.

      __ Localization of Tpm1 and Tpm2:__Given the claimed full functionality of mNG-amTpm constructs and the conclusion from this section of the paper that relative local concentrations may be the major factor in determining tropomyosin localization to actin filament networks, I am concerned that the analysis of localization was done in strains expressing the mNG-amTpm construct in addition to the endogenous untagged genes. (This is not expressly stated in the manuscript, but it is my understanding from reading the strain list.) This means that there is a roughly two-fold overexpression of either tropomyosin, which may affect localization. A comparison of localization in strains where the tagged copy is the sole Tpm1 (respectively Tpm2) source would be much more conclusive. This is important as the results are making a claim in opposition to previous work and observation in other organisms.

      Response: __We thank the reviewer for this observation and their suggestions. We agree that relative concentrations of functional Tpm1 and Tpm2 in cells may influence the extent of their localizations. As per the reviewer's suggestion, we have now conducted our quantitative analysis in cells lacking endogenous Tpm1 and only expressing mNG-ASTpm1 from an integrated plasmid copy at the leu2 locus and the data is presented in new __Figure S3. We compared Tpm-bound cable length (Fig. S3A, S3B) __and Tpm-bound cable number (Fig. S3A, S3C) along with actin cable length (Fig. S3D, S3E) and actin cable number (Fig. S3D, S3F) in wildtype, Dbnr1, and Dbni1 cells. Our analysis revealed that mNG-ASTpm1 localized to actin cable structures in wildtype, Dbnr1, and Dbni1 cells and the decrease observed in Tpm-bound cable length and number upon loss of either Bnr1 or Bni1, was accompanied by a corresponding decrease in actin cable length and number upon loss of either Bnr1 or Bni1. Thus, this analysis reached the same conclusion as our earlier analysis (Fig. 2) that mNG-ASTpm1 does not show preference between Bnr1 and Bni1-made actin cables. mNG-ASTpm2 did not restore functionality, when expressed as single integrated copy, in Dtpm1Dtpm2 cells (new results in __Fig. S1E, S1F, S5A) thus, we could not conduct a similar analysis for mNG-ASTpm2. This suggests that use of mNG-ASTpm2 would be more meaningful in the presence of endogenous Tpm2 as previously done in Fig. 2D-F.

      We have now also performed additional yeast mating experiments with cells lacking bnr1 gene and expressing either mNG-ASTpm1 or mNG-ASTpm2 and the data is shown in new Figure 3. From these observations, we observe that both mNG-ASTpm1 and mNG-ASTpm2 localize to the mating fusion focus in a Bnr1-independent manner (Fig. 3B, 3D) and suggests that they bind to Bni1-made actin cables that are involved in polarized growth of the mating projection. These results also add strength to our conclusion that Tpm1 and Tpm2 localize to actin cables irrespective of which formin nucleates them. Overall, these new results highlight and reiterate our model of formin-isoform independent binding of Tpm1 and Tpm2 in S. cerevisiae.

      In fact, although the authors conclude that the tropomyosins do not exhibit preference for certain actin structures, in the images shown in Fig 2A and 2D, there seems to be a clear bias for Tpm1 to decorate cables preferentially in the bud, while Tpm2 appears to decorate them more in the mother cell. Is that a bias of these chosen images, or does this reflect a more general trend? A quantification of relative fluorescence levels in bud/mother may be indicative.

      Response: __We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Our data and analysis do not suggest that Tpm1 and Tpm2 show any preference for decoration of cables in either mother or bud compartment. As per the reviewer's suggestion, we have now quantified the ratio of mean mNG fluorescence in the bud to the mother (Bud/Mother) and the data is shown in __Figure. S2G. The bud-to-mother ratio was similar for mNG-ASTpm1 and mNG-ASTpm2 in wildtype cells, and the ratio increased in Dbnr1 cells and decreased in Dbni1 cells for both mNG-ASTpm1 and mNG-ASTpm2 (Fig. S2G). __This is consistent with the decreased actin cable signal in the mother compartment in Dbnr1 cells and decreased actin cable signal in the bud compartment in Dbni1 cells (Fig. S2A-D). Thus, our new analysis shows that both mNG-ASTpm1 and mNG-ASTpm2 have similar changes in their concentration (mean fluorescence) upon loss of either formins Bnr1 and Bni1 and show similar ratios in wildtype cells as well, suggesting no preference for binding to actin cables in either bud or mother compartment. The preference inferred by the reviewer seems to be a bias of the current representative images and thus, we have replaced the images in __Fig. 2A, 2D to more accurately represent the population.

      The difficulty in preserving mNG-amTpm after fixation means that authors could not quantify relative Tpm/actin cable directly in single fixed cells. Did they try to label actin cables with Lifeact instead of using phalloidin, and thus perform the analysis in live cells?

      __Response: __We did not use LifeAct for our analysis as LifeAct is known to cause expression-dependent artefacts in cells (Courtemanche et al., 2016; Flores et al., 2019; Xu and Du, 2021) and it also competes with proteins that regulate normal cable organization like cofilin. Use of LifeAct would necessitate standardization of expression to avoid such artefacts in vivo. Also, phalloidin staining provides the best staining of actin cables and allows for better quantitative results in our experiments. The use of LifeAct along with mNG-Tpm would also require optimization with a red fluorescent protein which usually tend to have lower brightness and photostability. However, during the revision of our study, a new study from Prof. Goode's lab has developed and optimized expression of new LifeAct-3xmNeonGreen constructs for use in S. cerevisiae (Wirshing and Goode, 2024). Thus, a similar strategy of using tandem copies of bright and photostable red fluorescent proteins can be explored for use in combination with mNG-Tpm in the future studies.

      __ Complementation of tpm1∆ by Tpm2:__

      I am confused about the quantification of Tpm2 expression by RT-PCR shown in Fig S3F. This figure shows that tpm2 mRNA expression levels are identical in cells with an empty plasmid or with a tpm2-encoding plasmid. In both strains (which lack tpm1), as well as in the WT control, one tpm2 copy is in the genome, but only one strain has a second tpm2 copy expressed from a centromeric plasmid, yet the results of the RT-PCR are not significantly different. (If anything, the levels are lower in the tpm2 plasmid-containing strain.) The methods state that the primers were chosen in the gene, so likely do not distinguish the genomic from the plasmid allele. However, the text claims a 1-fold increase in expression, and functional experiments show a near-complete rescue of the tpm1∆ phenotype. This is surprising and confusing and should be resolved to understand whether higher levels of Tpm2 are really the cause of the observed phenotypic rescue.

      The authors could for instance probe for protein levels. I believe they have specific nanobodies against tropomyosin. If not, they could use expression of functional mNG-amTpm2 to rescue tpm1∆. Here, the expression of the protein can be directly visualized.

      Response: __We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We would like to clarify that in our RT-qPCR experiments, the primers were chosen within the Tpm1 and Tpm2 gene and do not distinguish between transcripts from endogenous or plasmid copy. We have now mentioned this in the Materials and Methods section of the revised manuscript. So, they represent a relative estimate of the total mRNA of these genes present in cells. We were consistently able to detect ~19 fold increase in Tpm2 total mRNA levels as compared to wildtype and ∆tpm1 cells (Fig. S4D) when tpm2 was expressed from a high-copy plasmid (pRS425). This increase in Tpm2 mRNA levels was accompanied by a rescue in growth (Fig. S4A) and actin cable organization (Fig. S4B) of ∆tpm1 cells containing pRS425-ptpm2TPM2. When tpm2 was expressed from a low-copy number centromeric plasmid (pRS316), we detected a ~2 fold increase in Tpm2 transcript levels when using the tpm1 promoter and no significant change was detected when using tpm2 promoter (Fig. S4E)__. We have made sure that these results are accurately described in the revised manuscript.

      As per the reviewer's suggestion, we have now conducted a more extensive analysis to ascertain the expression levels of Tpm2 in our experiments and the data is now presented in new Figure S5. We used mNG-ASTpm1 and mNG-ASTpm2 to rescue growth of ∆tpm1 (Fig. S5A) and correlated growth rescue with protein levels using quantified fluorescence intensity (Fig. S5B, S5C) and western blotting (anti-mNG) (Fig. S5D, S5E). We find that ∆tpm1 cells containing pRS425-ptpm1mNG-ASTpm1 had the highest protein level followed by pRS425-ptpm2 mNG-ASTpm2, pRS305-ptpm1mNG-ASTpm1, and the least protein levels were found in pRS305-ptpm2 mNG-ASTpm2 containing ∆tpm1 cells in both fluorescence intensity and western blotting quantifications (Fig. S5C, S5E). Surprisingly, we were not able to detect any protein levels in ∆tpm1 cells containing pRS305-ptpm2 mNG-ASTpm2 with western blotting (Fig. S5D) which was also accompanied by a lack of growth rescue (Fig. S5A). This most likely due to weak expression from the native Tpm2 promoter which is consistent with previous literature (Drees et al., 1995). Taken together, this data clearly shows that the rescue observed in ∆tpm1 cells is caused due to increased expression of mNG-ASTpm2 in cells and supports our conclusion that increase in Tpm2 expression leads to restoration of normal growth and actin cables in ∆tpm1 cells.

      __ Specific function of Tpm2:__

      The data about the retrograde actin flow is interpreted as a specific function of Tpm2, but there is no evidence that Tpm1 does not also share this function. To reach this conclusion one would have to investigate retrograde actin flow in tpm1∆ (difficult as cables are weak) or for instance test whether Tpm1 expression restores normal retrograde flow to tpm2∆ cells.

      Response: __We agree with the reviewer and as per the reviewer's suggestion, we have performed another experiment which include wildtype, ∆tpm2 cells containing empty pRS316 vector or pRS316-ptpm2TPM1 or pRS316-ptpm1TPM1. We find that RACF rate increased in ∆tpm2 cells as compared to wildtype and was restored to wildtype levels by exogenous expression of Tpm2 but not Tpm1 (Fig. S6E, S6F). Since, actin cables were not detectable in ∆tpm1 cells, we measured RACF rates in ∆tpm1 cells expressing Tpm1 or Tpm2 from a plasmid copy, which restored actin cables as shown previously in __Fig. 5A-C. We observed that RACF rates were similar to wildtype in ∆tpm1 cells expressing either Tpm1 or Tpm2 (Fig. S6E, S6F), suggesting that Tpm1 is not involved in RACF regulation. Taken together, these results suggest a specific role for Tpm2, but not Tpm1, in RACF regulation in S. cerevisiae, consistent with previous literature (Huckaba et al., 2006).

      Minor comments: __1.__The growth of tpm1∆ with empty plasmid in Fig S3A is strangely strong (different from other figures).

      Response: __ We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have now repeated the drop test multiple times (__Fig. R2), but we see similar growth rates as the drop test already presented in Fig. S4A. __At this point, it would be difficult to ascertain the basis of this difference observed at 23{degree sign}C and 30{degree sign}C, but a recent study that links leucine levels to actin cable stability (Sing et al., 2022) might explain the faster growth of these ∆tpm1 cells containing a leu2 gene carrying high-copy plasmid. However, there is no effect on growth rate at 37{degree sign}C which is consistent with other spot assays shown in __Fig. S1D, S4F, S5A.


      I am a cell biologist with expertise in both yeast and actin cytoskeleton.

      The question of how tropomyosin localizes to specific actin networks is still open and a current avenue of study. Studies in other organisms have shown that different tropomyosin isoforms, or their acetylated vs non-acetylated versions, localize to distinct actin structures. Proposed mechanisms include competition with other ABPs and preference imposed by the formin nucleator. The current study re-examines the function and localization of the two tropomyosin proteins from the budding yeast and reaches the conclusion that they co-decorate all formin-assembled structures and also share most functions, leading to the simple conclusion that the more important contribution of Tpm1 is simply linked to its higher expression. Once consolidated, the study will appeal to researchers working on the actin cytoskeleton.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive assessment of our work and the constructive feedback that has greatly improved the quality of our study. After addressing the points raised by the reviewer, we believe that our study has significantly gained in consolidating the major conclusions of our work.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      Having read the other reviewers' comments, I do agree with reviewer 1 that it is not clear whether the Ala-Ser linker really mimics acetylation. I am less convinced than reviewer 3 that the key conclusions of the study are well supported, notably the issue of Tpm2 expression levels is not convincing to me.

      Response: __We acknowledge the reviewer's point about the effect of Ala-Ser dipeptide and would request the reviewer to refer to our response to Reviewer 1 (Question 1) for a more detailed discussion on this. We have also extensively addressed the question of Tpm2 expression levels as suggested by the reviewer (new data in __Figure S5) which has further strengthened the conclusions of our study.

      __Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary:__ The study presents the first fully functional fluorescently tagged Tpm proteins, enabling detailed probing of Tpm isoform localization and functions in live cells. The authors created a modified fusion protein, mNG-amTpm, which mimicked native N-terminal acetylation and restored both normal growth and full-length actin cables in yeast cells lacking native Tpm proteins, demonstrating the constructs' full functionality. They also show that Tpm1 and Tpm2 do not have a preference for actin cables nucleated by different formins (Bnr1 and Bni1). Contrary to previous reports, the study found that overexpressing Tpm2 in Δtpm1 cells could restore growth rates and actin cable formation. Furthermore, it is shown that despite its evolutionary divergence, Tpm2 retains actin-protective functions and can compensate for the loss of Tpm1, contributing to cellular robustness.

      Major and Minor Comments: 1. The key conclusions of this paper are convincing. However, I suggest that more detail be provided regarding the image analysis used in this study. Specifically, since threshold settings can impact the quality of the generated data and, therefore, its interpretation, it would be useful to see a representative example of the quantification methods used for actin cable length/number (as in refs. 80 and 81) and mitochondria morphology. These could be presented as Supplemental Figures. Additionally, it would help to interpret the results if the authors could be more specific about the statistical tests that were used.

      Response: __We agree with the reviewer's suggestions and have now updated our Materials and Methods section to describe the image analysis pipelines used in more detail. We have also added examples of quantification procedure for actin cable length/number and mitochondrial morphology as an additional Supplementary __Figure S7. Briefly, the following pipelines were used:

      • Actin cable length and number analysis: This was done exactly as mentioned in McInally et al., 2021, McInally et al., 2022. Actin cables were manually traced in Fiji as shown in __ S7A__, and then the traces files for each cell were run through a Python script (adapted from McInally et al., 2022) that outputs mean actin cable length and number per cell.
      • Mitochondria morphology: Mitochondria Analyzer plug-in in Fiji was used to segment out the mitochondrial fragments. The parameters used for 2D segmentation of mitochondria were first optimized using "2D Threshold Optimize" to find the most accurate segmentation and then the same parameters were run on all images. After segmentation of the mitochondrial network, measurements of fragment number were done using "Analyze Particles" function in Fiji. An example of the overall process is shown in __ S7B.__ As per the reviewer's suggestion, we have now included the description of the statistical test used in the Figure Legends of each Figure in the revised manuscript. We have used One-Way Anova with Tukey's Multiple Comparison test, Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn's Multiple Comparisons, and Unpaired Two-tailed t-test using the in-built functions in GraphPad Prism (v.6.04).

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with both reviewers 1 and 2 regarding the issues with the Ala-Ser acetylation mimic and Tpm2 expression levels, respectively. I think the authors should be more careful in how they frame the results, but I consider that these issues do not invalidate the main conclusions of this study.

      Response: __We acknowledge the reviewer's concern about the Ala-Ser dipeptide and would request them to refer our earlier discussion on this in response to Reviewer 1 (Question 1) and Reviewer 2 (Question 2). We would also request the reviewer to refer to our answer to Reviewer 2 (Question 6) where we have extensively addressed the question of Tpm2 expression levels and their effect on rescue of Dtpm1 cells. This data is now presented as new __Figure S5 in our revised manuscript.

      Reviewer#3 (Significance (Required)):

      The finding that Tpm2 can compensate for the loss of Tpm1, restoring actin cable organization and normal growth rates, challenges previous assumptions about the non-redundant functions of these isoforms in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ref. 16). It also supports a concentration-dependent and formin-independent localization of Tpm isoforms to actin cables in this species. The development of fully functional fluorescently tagged Tpm proteins is a significant methodological advancement. This advancement overcomes previous visualization challenges and allows for accurate in vivo studies of Tpm function and regulation in S. cerevisiae.

      The findings will be of particular interest to researchers in the field of cellular and molecular biology who study actin cytoskeleton dynamics. Additionally, it will be relevant for those utilizing advanced microscopy and live-cell imaging techniques.

      As a researcher, my experience lies in cytoskeleton dynamics and protein interactions, though I do not have specific experience related to tropomyosin. I use different yeast species as models and routinely employ live-cell imaging as a tool.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive outlook and assessment of our study. We have incorporated all their suggestions, and we are confident that the revised manuscript has significantly improved in quality due to these additions.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The study presents the first fully functional fluorescently tagged Tpm proteins, enabling detailed probing of Tpm isoform localization and functions in live cells. The authors created a modified fusion protein, mNG-amTpm, which mimicked native N-terminal acetylation and restored both normal growth and full-length actin cables in yeast cells lacking native Tpm proteins, demonstrating the constructs' full functionality. They also show that Tpm1 and Tpm2 do not have a preference for actin cables nucleated by different formins (Bnr1 and Bni1). Contrary to previous reports, the study found that overexpressing Tpm2 in Δtpm1 cells could restore growth rates and actin cable formation. Furthermore, it is shown that despite its evolutionary divergence, Tpm2 retains actin-protective functions and can compensate for the loss of Tpm1, contributing to cellular robustness.

      Major and Minor Comments:

      The key conclusions of this paper are convincing. However, I suggest that more detail be provided regarding the image analysis used in this study. Specifically, since threshold settings can impact the quality of the generated data and, therefore, its interpretation, it would be useful to see a representative example of the quantification methods used for actin cable length/number (as in refs. 80 and 81) and mitochondria morphology. These could be presented as Supplemental Figures. Additionally, it would help to interpret the results if the authors could be more specific about the statistical tests that were used.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with both reviewers 1 and 2 regarding the issues with the Ala-Ser acetylation mimic and Tpm2 expression levels, respectively. I think the authors should be more careful in how they frame the results, but I consider that these issues do not invalidate the main conclusions of this study.


      The finding that Tpm2 can compensate for the loss of Tpm1, restoring actin cable organization and normal growth rates, challenges previous assumptions about the non-redundant functions of these isoforms in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ref. 16). It also supports a concentration-dependent and formin-independent localization of Tpm isoforms to actin cables in this species. The development of fully functional fluorescently tagged Tpm proteins is a significant methodological advancement. This advancement overcomes previous visualization challenges and allows for accurate in vivo studies of Tpm function and regulation in S. cerevisiae.

      The findings will be of particular interest to researchers in the field of cellular and molecular biology who study actin cytoskeleton dynamics. Additionally, it will be relevant for those utilizing advanced microscopy and live-cell imaging techniques.

      As a researcher, my experience lies in cytoskeleton dynamics and protein interactions, though I do not have specific experience related to tropomyosin. I use different yeast species as models and routinely employ live-cell imaging as a tool.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript by Dhar, Bagyashree, Palani and colleagues examines the function of the two tropomyosins, Tpm1 and Tpm2, in the budding yeast S. cerevisiae. Previous work had shown that deletion of tpm1 and tpm2 causes synthetic lethality, indicating overlapping function, but also proposed that the two tropomyosins have distinct functions, based on the observation that strong overexpression of Tpm2 causes defects in bud placement and fails to rescue tpm1∆ phenotypes (Drees et al, JCB 1995). The manuscript first describes very functional mNeonGreen tagged version of Tpm1 and Tpm2, where an alanine-serine dipeptide is inserted before the first methionine to mimic acetylation. It then proposes that the Tpm1 and Tpm2 exhibit indistinguishable localization and that low level overexpression (?) of Tpm2 can replace Tpm1 for stabilization of actin cables and cell polarization, suggesting almost completely redundant functions. They also propose on specific function of Tpm2 in regulating retrograde actin cable flow.

      Overall, the data are very clean, well presented and quantified, but in several places are not fully convincing of the claims. Because the claims that Tpm1 and Tpm2 have largely overlapping function and localization are in contradiction to previous publication in S. cerevisiae and also different from data published in other organisms, it is important to consolidate them. There are fairly simple experiments that should be done to consolidate the claims of indistinguishable localization, and levels of expression, for which the authors have excellent reagents at their disposal.

      Functionality of the acetyl-mimic tagged tropomyosin constructs:

      The overall very good functionality of the tagged Tpm constructs is convincing, but the authors should be more accurate in their description, as their data show that they are not perfectly functional. For instance, the use of "completely functional" in the discussion is excessive. In the results, the statement that mNG-Tpm1 expression restores normal growth (page 3, line 69) is inaccurate. Fig S1C shows that tpm1∆ cells expressing mNG-Tpm1 grow more slowly than WT cells. (The next part of the same sentence, stating it only partially restores length of actin cables should cite only Fig S1E, not S1F.) Similarly, the growth curve in Fig S1C suggests that mNG-amTpm1, while better than mNG-Tpm1 does not fully restore the growth defect observed in tpm1∆ (in contrast to what is stated on p. 4 line 81). A more stringent test of functionality would be to probe whether mNG-amTpm1 can rescue the synthetic lethality of the tpm1∆ tpm2∆ double mutant, which would also allow to test the functionality of mNG-amTpm2.

      It would also be nice to comment on whether the mNG-amTpm constructs really mimicking acetylation. Given the Ala-Ser peptide ahead of the starting Met is linked N-terminally to mNG, it is not immediately clear it will have the same effect as a free acetyl group decorating the N-terminal Met.

      Localization of Tpm1 and Tpm2:

      Given the claimed full functionality of mNG-amTpm constructs and the conclusion from this section of the paper that relative local concentrations may be the major factor in determining tropomyosin localization to actin filament networks, I am concerned that the analysis of localization was done in strains expressing the mNG-amTpm construct in addition to the endogenous untagged genes. (This is not expressly stated in the manuscript, but it is my understanding from reading the strain list.) This means that there is a roughly two-fold overexpression of either tropomyosin, which may affect localization. A comparison of localization in strains where the tagged copy is the sole Tpm1 (respectively Tpm2) source would be much more conclusive. This is important as the results are making a claim in opposition to previous work and observation in other organisms.

      In fact, although the authors conclude that the tropomyosins do not exhibit preference for certain actin structures, in the images shown in Fig 2A and 2D, there seems to be a clear bias for Tpm1 to decorate cables preferentially in the bud, while Tpm2 appears to decorate them more in the mother cell. Is that a bias of these chosen images, or does this reflect a more general trend? A quantification of relative fluorescence levels in bud/mother may be indicative.

      The difficulty in preserving mNG-amTpm after fixation means that authors could not quantify relative Tpm/actin cable directly in single fixed cells. Did they try to label actin cables with Lifeact instead of using phalloidin, and thus perform the analysis in live cells?

      Complementation of tpm1∆ by Tpm2:

      I am confused about the quantification of Tpm2 expression by RT-PCR shown in Fig S3F. This figure shows that tpm2 mRNA expression levels are identical in cells with an empty plasmid or with a tpm2-encoding plasmid. In both strains (which lack tpm1), as well as in the WT control, one tpm2 copy is in the genome, but only one strain has a second tpm2 copy expressed from a centromeric plasmid, yet the results of the RT-PCR are not significantly different. (If anything, the levels are lower in the tpm2 plasmid-containing strain.) The methods state that the primers were chosen in the gene, so likely do not distinguish the genomic from the plasmid allele. However, the text claims a 1-fold increase in expression, and functional experiments show a near-complete rescue of the tpm1∆ phenotype. This is surprising and confusing and should be resolved to understand whether higher levels of Tpm2 are really the cause of the observed phenotypic rescue. The authors could for instance probe for protein levels. I believe they have specific nanobodies against tropomyosin. If not, they could use expression of functional mNG-amTpm2 to rescue tpm1∆. Here, the expression of the protein can be directly visualized.

      Specific function of Tpm2:

      The data about the retrograde actin flow is interpreted as a specific function of Tpm2, but there is no evidence that Tpm1 does not also share this function. To reach this conclusion one would have to investigate retrograde actin flow in tpm1∆ (difficult as cables are weak) or for instance test whether Tpm1 expression restores normal retrograde flow to tpm2∆ cells.

      Minor comments:

      The growth of tpm1∆ with empty plasmid in Fig S3A is strangely strong (different from other figures).

      Referees cross-commenting

      Having read the other reviewers' comments, I do agree with reviewer 1 that it is not clear whether the Ala-Ser linker really mimics acetylation. I am less convinced than reviewer 3 that the key conclusions of the study are well supported, notably the issue of Tpm2 expression levels is not convincing to me.


      I am a cell biologist with expertise in both yeast and actin cytoskeleton.

      The question of how tropomyosin localizes to specific actin networks is still open and a current avenue of study. Studies in other organisms have shown that different tropomyosin isoforms, or their acetylated vs non-acetylated versions, localize to distinct actin structures. Proposed mechanisms include competition with other ABPs and preference imposed by the formin nucleator. The current study re-examines the function and localization of the two tropomyosin proteins from the budding yeast and reaches the conclusion that they co-decorate all formin-assembled structures and also share most functions, leading to the simple conclusion that the more important contribution of Tpm1 is simply linked to its higher expression. Once consolidated, the study will appeal to researchers working on the actin cytoskeleton.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      There are 2 Major issues:

      1. Having an -ala-ser- linker between the GFP and tropomyosin mimics acetylation. This is not the case, and more likely the this linker acts as a spacer that allows tropomyosin polymers to form on the actin, and without it there is steric hindrance. A similar result would be seen with a simple flexible uncharged linker. It has been shown in a number of labs that the GFP itself masks the effect of the charge on the amino terminal methionine. This is consistent with NMR, crystallographic and cryo structural studies. Biochemical studies should be presented to demonstrate that the impact of a linker for the conclusions stated to be made, which provide the basis of a major part of this study.
      2. My major issue however is making the conclusions stated here, using an amino-terminal fluorescent protein tag that s likely to impact any type of isoform selection at the end of the actin polymer. Carboxyl terminal tagging may have a reduced effect, but modifying the ends of the tropomyosin, which are integral in stabilising end to end interactions with itself on the actin filament, never mind any section systems that may/maynot be present in the cell, is not appropriate.


      This paper explores the role of formin in determining the localisation of different tropomyosins to different actin polymers and cellular locations within budding yeast. Previous studies have indicated a role for the actin nucleating proteins in recruiting different forms of tropomyosin within fission yeast. In mammalian cells there is variation in the role of formins in affiecting tropomyosin localisation - variation between cell type. There is also evidence that other actin binding proteins, and tropomyosin abundance play roles in regulating the tropomyosin-actin association according to cell type. Biochemical studies have previously been undertaken using budding yeast and fission yeast that the core actin polymerisation domain of formins do not interact with tropomyosin directly.

      The significance of this study, given the above, and the concerns raised is not clear to this reviewer.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Response to reviewers’ comments for Isbilir et al

      We thank the reviewers for their insightful comments and advice. In light of the reviewers’ constructive suggestions, we have revised our manuscript as detailed below.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In this manuscript, the authors investigate the unique Mycobacteriaceae cell envelope using cryo-tomography/cryo-electron microscopy with Corynebacterium glutamicum as a model organism. Cryo-EM images of C. glutamicum cells successfully resolved previously observed densities corresponding to the MM, arabinogalactan, peptidoglycan, and inner membrane layers of the cell envelope along with the S-layer. The authors found that the S-layer is patchy in a manner dependent on growth phase (i.e. liquid versus solid growth). Intriguingly, when the S-layer was present, the leaflets of the MM appeared to be disrupted. The authors solved the structure of purified S-layer protein PS2 by cryo-EM, however they could not resolve the C-terminal membrane interaction domain. The authors found that PS2 is hexameric and different hexamers are linked by trimeric interface to create a porous structure. Phylogenetic analysis showed conservation of PS2 within corynebacteria and suggested a signature for MM-association.

      Major comments:

      (1) The S-layer structure is porous and the authors suggest that it may function as a molecular sieve or permeability barrier. This hypothesis should either be tested experimentally, or further discussion is needed regarding what small molecules (chemical features, size) would be able to penetrate.

      This is a misunderstanding; we rather expect the opposite scenario in which the dimensions of the PS2 S-layer pores are too large to act as a molecular sieve. We are sorry for the confusion and have further clarified this part of the results and discussion.

      Line 258: “The combination of hexameric and trimeric interfaces results in varying pores sizes of 6 Å, 27 Å, and 81 Å within the lattice (Fig. 3A). Some of these pores are relatively large and are reminiscent of the porous S-layer of Deinococcus radiodurans, which is also patchy on the cell surface (von Kügelgen et al., 2023). This suggests that C. glutamicum S-layer likely does not function as a molecular sieve, i.e. it has no protective role due to large pore dimensions and patchy cellular coating of the S-layer.”


      Line 470: “The large pores (especially the 27 Å- and 81 Å-pores) in the S-layer suggest that its role is not to protect the cells from invading molecules or phages.”

      (2) The authors show cryo-EM images of dividing C. glutamicum cells but don't make any statements as to the presence, morphology, and measurements of the different cell envelope layers. This analysis should be included.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. As suggested, we modified Figure S1 to highlight further details, and we have added the sentences below into the manuscript text.

      Line 175: “To probe the plasticity of the cell envelope during the cell cycle, we analysed the cell envelope layers within the dividing septum (Fig. S1E). The thickness of the septum (~55 nm) was found to be greater than the usual thickness of the cell envelope (~42 nm on the same cell, see also Fig. 1A). The septum is composed of unseparated cell envelopes of the daughter cells that appear to contain a single ‘outer’ membrane, which is likely composed of mycolic acids. Presumably, this membrane will form the future MM once division is completed. Notably, the putative mycolic acid-containing bilayer within the septum was not connected to the MM on the other parts of the cell, whereas the remaining cell envelope layers appeared to be continuous with the rest of the cell. While IM and the putative future MM were clearly distinguishable, PG and AG could not be differentially identified in the dividing septum.”


      Line 422: “In addition to cell envelopes of non-dividing cells, the dividing C. glutamicum septum shows two daughter cell envelopes separated by a bilayer likely containing mycolic acids. Notably, this bilayer was not connected to the MM on the rest of the cell (Fig. S1E). This observation is in line with the previous studies showing that at septal junctions, a contiguous PG layer acts as a diffusion barrier for the MM, and during separation of daughter cells, the PG in the septal junctions is displaced, allowing the bilayer at the septum to merge with the rest of the MM (Zhou et al., 2019).”

      __Figure S1. Cryo-FIB milling of C. glutamicum cells. __

      E) Septum of a dividing C. glutamicum cell. Ten 0.85 nm thick-slices of the tomogram were averaged and bandpass-filtered to boost contrast. Zoomed view of the septum is shown on the right.

      (3) The authors should include more discussion as to the patchiness or "wavy" MM near sites of PS2 contact. Cryo-EM of cells that express a variant of PS2 that lack the membrane anchoring domain would demonstrate that this is specific to PS2-membrane contacts. Minimally, providing some quantification for this phenotype would strengthen the claim (for instance, does the spacing between the perturbations match the expected scale of distance between S-layer membrane contacts).

      We agree with reviewer that demonstrating the “wavy” nature of the MM requires further analysis. While it is our strong impression that the wavy nature is increased underneath the PS2 S-layer, we could not find a suitable metric to show this convincingly, i.e. all our analyses (real space averaging or averaging of power spectra) did not give clear-cut results. This is probably due to the inherent variability in the MM around the cell. In line with this, we have decided to tone down the relevant text in the manuscript.

      Line 151: “Although we cannot be certain given the existing data, we suppose that this perturbation of the MM directly beneath the patchy S-layer could arise due to the interaction of the S-layer anchoring domain with the MM, which has been predicted to be present in the coiled coil part of the PS2 protein forming the S-layer using bioinformatics (Johnston et al., 2024).”

      (4) The authors speculate on complete conservation of certain residues in the C-terminal domain of PS2 and hypothesize that they may be important for maturation or targeting of MM-associated proteins. Two additional examples of proteins with this motif are mentioned as evidence. Authors should search for this motif in pre-existing lists of MM proteins in the literature to test if this hypothesis is robust. Experiments to test if the conserved C-terminal residues of PS2 are required for export or assembly into an S-layer are feasible but optional given the scope of the paper.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point. Upon thoroughly re-examining the literature, we identified a previous study by Marchand et al. (J Bacteriol., 2012) that characterized MM-associated proteins in C. glutamicum. The proteins reported in this study as associated with the inner leaflet of the MM, including the mycoloyltransferases MytA and MytB, as well as those involved in pore formation, such as PorA and PorB, do not possess a phenylalanine as their terminal residue. This observation suggests that the invariant phenylalanine in PS2 does not represent a universal mechanism for targeting proteins to the MM. However, we also noted that several putative cell-surface proteins identified in this study, which feature a PS2-like C-terminal hydrophobic anchor preceded by a disordered segment, harbor a phenylalanine, proline, or lysine at their C-terminus. Additionally, the targeting of porins such as PorA, PorH, PorB, and PorC to the MM in C. glutamicum is known to depend on posttranslational O-mycoloylation. Based on these findings, we speculate that the conserved phenylalanine in PS2 may contribute to its anchoring and stabilization within the MM, rather than functioning as a universal targeting signal—a hypothesis we plan to investigate in future studies. We have revised the manuscript to incorporate these points and provide additional context.

      Line 377: “To explore this hypothesis, we analysed MM-associated proteins of C. glutamicum identified in a previous study (Marchand et al., 2012). Proteins associated with the inner leaflet of the MM, such as the mycoloyltransferases MytA, MytB, MytC, MytD, and MytF, or those involved in pore formation, such as PorA and PorB, do not possess a phenylalanine as their terminal residue, suggesting that the invariant phenylalanine in PS2 does not represent a general mechanism for targeting proteins to the MM. However, several putative cell-surface proteins with a PS2-like C-terminal hydrophobic anchor preceded by a disordered segment were found to harbor a phenylalanine, proline, or lysine at their C-terminus. Examples include a prenyltransferase/squalene oxidase repeat-containing protein (NCBI: WP_011013715.1) and a metallophosphoesterase family protein (WP_011015494.1) (Fig. S8). Based on this conservation, we identified additional putative MM-associated cell-surface proteins in C. glutamicum (Fig. S8), such as an ExeM/NucH family extracellular endonuclease (WP_003854007.1) and a lamin tail domain-containing protein (WP_004567709.1). Interestingly, the targeting of porins PorA, PorH, PorB, and PorC to the MM in C. glutamicum has been shown to depend on posttranslational O-mycoloylation, which facilitates their proper localization and integration into the mycomembrane (Carel et al., 2017). Whether O-mycoloylation is also involved in the targeting of PS2 remains an open question and warrants further investigation. We speculate that terminal residues such as phenylalanine, proline, and lysine may contribute to anchoring cell-surface proteins within the MM by stabilizing interactions with the hydrophobic membrane environment or acting as signals for specific sorting or assembly mechanisms.”

      (5) The authors do not draw the distinction between MM-associated and integral MM proteins (that contain a transmembrane domain). Is the C-terminal membrane anchoring domain of PS2 likely to span the entire bilayer or just be associated by a few amino acids?

      The MM-anchoring hydrophobic segment is approximately 25 residues long across PS2 homologs, corresponding to a ~3.75 nm α-helix. In comparison, the MM has a thickness of 4–5 nm. This suggests that, while the MM-anchoring segment may not strictly qualify as a transmembrane domain integral to the MM, it is sufficiently long to embed deeply into the membrane and potentially span much of its bilayer thickness. To address this, we have added the following clarification to the manuscript:

      Line 363: “The MM-binding segment is predicted by AlphaFold2 models to comprise an N-terminal hydrophobic a-helix and a short C-terminal amphipathic a-helix; however, in the MM, these may function as a single continuous helix. The MM-binding segment of PS2 homologs in Corynebacterium is consistently approximately 25 amino acid residues long, corresponding to a ~3.75 nm α-helix—sufficiently long to nearly traverse the 4–5 nm thickness of the MM.”

      Minor comments:

      (1) The authors comment that the thickness of the MM both with and without the S-layer is the similar and conclude that there is no change in mycolic acid length. The resolution of the technique is not sufficient to make this statement.

      We agree with the reviewer in this point, while we can only measure the thickness of bilayer, we cannot comment on the thickness of each leaflet of the mycomembrane. Therefore, we have revised the text accordingly.

      Line 144: “In 2D projection images of FIB-milled cells, the two leaflets of the MM were clearly resolved (Figs. 1C-D). The thickness of the MM in both cell envelopes with and without S-layer was between 4-5 nm (Table S1).”

      (2) It would be helpful if the authors could comment if their membrane dimension measurements agree with previously published results in the main text of the manuscript. It is currently only included in the legend of Table S1.

      Specifically regarding the MM, the measurements from both studies are quite similar; compare 4-5 nm from our study with 4.7 nm from Zuber et al., 2008. As the reviewer suggested, we have revised the discussion to include the comparison of the measurements with Zuber et al., 2008.

      Line 413: “Our measurements are largely consistent with previous results (Zuber et al., 2008), except that in our data the IWZ was significantly thinner (~9.8 nm in this study vs. ~18 nm in Zuber et al., 2008), which is possibly due to strain differences. Moreover, our measurement of MWZ was slightly different because we could resolve OWZ as a separate layer, which was included into the MWZ measurement in the previous study (~15nm in this study vs. ~20.9 nm in Zuber et al., 2008) (Zuber et al., 2008).”

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript provides compelling images and structures of the C. glutamicum cell envelope and S-layer protein PS2, respectively. These cryo-EM images of the cell envelope appear to agree nicely with pre-existing studies in the field. The introduction of the manuscript was well-written and the data in the manuscript is of broad interest to those who study the Mycobacteriaceae cell envelope. There is a lot of compelling data included in the paper, but the study would be strengthened by further analysis of the data as well as additional experiments to support some of the hypotheses suggested.

      Thank you.

      Reviewer expertise: bacterial genetics, bacterial cell envelope, protein transport

      __ __

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Corynebacterium glutamicum is an organism with important industrial application, and it shares its complex cell-envelop architecture with organism of great relevance in human health such Corynebacterium diphtheriae and pathogenic mycobacteria. Using a cryo-EM and cryo-ET approaches together with phylogenetic studies, the authors provide of an in-deep structural characterization of the cell envelop of C. glutamicum. The authors map the different components of the cell envelope using high-resolution tomography, revealing unseen details of the outer wall zone, previously unsolved and attributed to the AG molecule. They provide with an atomic model of the PS2 S-layer at 3.1 A global resolution. The later discloses key features of the S-layer architecture, consisting of a hexagonal scaffold built by the PS2 protein, and its interaction with the mycolic membrane. The phylogenetic and bioinformatic studies show PS2 S-layer to be exclusively found within the Corynebacterium genus, although sporadically, and a correlation of PS2 presence/absence with other genetic differences. Despite PS2 homologues are shown to share common regions, which suggests all PS2 S-layers to exhibit a hexagonal lattice like the described in this study, but with divergent lattice parameters.

      Major comments:

      The authors provide with solid data supporting the structural models and conclusions stated. Text and figures are clear and nicely presented. I have however an important question regarding a the cryo-EM model. In Figure 3 B-C and Figure S3D-H, the authors depict protein details including hydrogen atoms, which make me question if the PS2 S-layer structure has been modeled including hydrogen atoms. The resolution of the cryo-EM data does not enable to model hydrogens that, if were included in the structure, should be removed of the coordinate file of the S-layer model and figures.

      We agree with the reviewer that the current resolution of the cryo-EM map is not sufficient to model hydrogen atoms. The hydrogens were added to PS2 S-layer model during refinement in ISOLDE (Croll, 2018), and retained during Phenix real space refinement (Afonine et al., 2018; Liebschner et al., 2019). We agree with the reviewer that hydrogens should not be shown in the figures, since their positions have not been determined experimentally in our cryo-EM map. We have therefore removed these atoms from Figures 3 and S4.

      __ “Figure 3. The PS2 S-layer Lattice. …“__

      “Figure S4. Features of the PS2 S-layer lattice”

      Minor comments

      • Regarding the proposed calcium atoms at the S-Layer. The authors should provide further analysis to support the presence of calcium/divalent atoms proposed. Please show how is the coordination around the blobs spotted as potential calcium (or any other potential divalent that might be interacting at those positions). Does the coordination observed fit with the expected for a calcium/divalent binding site? Are the residues coordinating to those blobs well defined in density? Are the blobs of density of the potential cations observed across all the protomers of the PS2 S-layer? Figure 3D-F depicting the proposed cation-binding sites are too busy and unclear, they should focus on the proposed binding sites showing the interacting side/main-chains involved in the proposed coordination.

      This is an interesting point. To investigate, we performed EDTA/EGTA treatment of the purified PS2 S-layer to see whether there would be any observable effect on the S-layer. We observed that S-layer lattices were still intact after EDTA or EGTA treatment. Therefore, we concluded that either cations do not play a role in stabilizing this S-layer or they are not accessible for chelation by EDTA or EGTA. This experiment unfortunately did not allow us to identify the ionic species. About the coordination: in the unknown densities 1 and 2 in the new Fig. S4, the coordination is clearer when compared to unknown density 3, however we cannot say for certain that these ions are calcium ions. Considering this, we have changed the text accordingly.

      Line 237: “At the sequence level, the PS2 protein is enriched in acidic amino acid residues, giving it an overall negative charge, with an estimated isoelectric point of 4.25 (Fig. S4B-C). Consistent with this overall negative charge, we observed putative cationic densities at various locations along the PS2 sequence in the cryo-EM map, which are surrounded and stabilized by negatively charged amino acid residues (Figs. S4D-F). The identity of these cations cannot be ascertained at the current resolution of our cryo-EM map; however, previous studies on other bacterial S-layers suggest that they may correspond to calcium (Baranova et al., 2012; Herdman et al., 2022; Sogues et al., 2023). These cations may further stabilize the lattice, similar to other S-layers where cations were found to be essential for lattice formation (Baranova et al., 2012; Herdman et al., 2022; Sogues et al., 2023; von Kügelgen et al., 2021). To probe this further, we incubated purified PS2 S-layers with either 10 mM EDTA or 10 mM EGTA and examined the effect on the treated S-layers. Following the chemical treatment, S-layer lattices were still intact, with no observable differences under both conditions (Fig. S4I). This suggests that either these putative cations do not play a major role in stabilizing the PS2 S-layer or they are not accessible for chelation by EDTA or EGTA under the chosen experimental conditions”


      “Figure S4. Features of the PS2 S-layer lattice… D, E, F) __Putative densities possibly corresponding to cations and G) SDS detergent molecules are shown, with the respective sigma values of the maps shown in the bottom right. The potential densities are denoted with an “*”, and the surrounding residues also labelled. H) __The coiled-coil segment (residues 405-445) is shown in side view (left) and bottom view (right). __I) __Purified PS2 S-layer sheets incubated with EDTA (middle) and EGTA (right) show no discernible differences from native S-layers (left).”

      • Regarding the potential SDS density. Looking at Figure 3G, it is not clear how the morphology of the density shown (with a T-shape) would fit a linear molecule of SDS (could be the view selected?). Have the authors performed any attempt of modelling the SDS molecule to assess this and/or those PS2 residues contributing to stabilize the SDS? Is this density consistently observed across the other interfaces of the hexamer? That would support their hypothesis.

      This density is observed in the other interfaces of the hexamer as well, and it is also seen in maps that were produced from refinements without any symmetry applied, i.e. when the processing was performed in C1. Nevertheless, taking on board the criticism about the ambiguity of both the putative SDS and calcium densities, combined with the inconclusive results of our EDTA/EGTA treatment, we have changed the panel titles of Fig. S4D-G to “Unknown density 1-4” in revised the manuscript (see above), making sure to not claim more than what is revealed by the density.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      As structural biologist I consider that this study constitutes an important advance in our understanding of the complex architecture and function of the cell-envelop of C. glutamicum. Knowledge that can help to better understand this intricate envelop present in other Mycobacteriaceae relatives, which include important human pathogen such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Corynebacterium diphtheriae. This study is most relevant for the scientific community investigating on the bacterial cell envelop (structure, evolution and function) as well as in host-pathogen interactions. Moreover, the cell envelop constitutes a target for bacteriostatics and thus, this study may be relevant for the scientific community working on antimicrobial development.

      Thank you.

      __ __

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In the manuscript from Isbilir et al, the authors investigate the cell envelope of Corynebacterium glutamicum, a bacterium extensively used in biotechnological applications, using state-of-the-art cryo-electron microscopy methodologies as well as bioinformatics. They convincingly demonstrate that the C. glutamicum S-layer consists of hexagonal PS2 arrays and provide the underlying structural basis of this intriguing assembly. Bioinformatic analysis further revealed conserved and divergent elements of PS2 across Corynebacteria.

      Major comments:

      • My main point of criticism relates to the first part of the results, in which the authors attempt to characterize the cell envelope using cryo-electron tomography. From my own experience, plunge-freezing bacterial lawns often results in bad ice quality (crystalline ice) between the bacterial cells. This seems to be also the case here, looking at the 2D images in Fig. S1D revealing clear Bragg reflections. While often not a problem if interested in intracellular features, the authors are drawing conclusions on the cell envelope, which is in direct contact with these ice crystals, known to be destructive for ultrastructural features. For example, this could be the reason for the "wavy" mycomembrane in Fig. 1A and 1B as well as Fig. S1C. On top, it also might affect their observations of interrupted and discontinuous mycomembranes covered by an S-layer in Fig. 1D. The authors should discuss this limitation, and I would highly recommend rephrasing their conclusions made from this data more carefully.

      We would like to thank the reviewer for their constructive criticism. We agree that it is difficult to vitrify a lawn of bacteria without formation of crystalline ice in all areas of the specimen. In our lamellae, we have primarily vitreous ice (see Fig. S1B, lower right panel for example) but the reviewer has correctly pointed out observed crystalline ice in some areas on the edges of the lamellae. As suggested, we included the following text in the legend to Fig. S1B to warn the readers about this potential shortcoming.

      Line 562: “After milling, lamellae with a 150-200 nm thickness were retained for cryo-ET investigations. Each lamella contained multiple cells suitable for imaging. Although vitreous ice was observed in most lamellae, the edges of some lamellae showed signs of crystalline ice formation…”

      The reviewer’s comment about the MM perturbations is well taken, this was also raised by reviewer 1. Although we attempted to quantify this effect by various image analysis tools, in the end we feel that it is not possible to make clear-cut conclusions about the MM-waviness based on our data. We have therefore toned down our interpretations about the “wavy” nature of the MM in the manuscript text (see also our response to reviewer 1 above).

      Line 151: “Although we cannot be certain given the existing data, we suppose that this perturbation of the MM directly beneath the patchy S-layer could arise due to the interaction of the S-layer anchoring domain with the MM, which has been predicted to be present in the coiled coil part of the PS2 protein forming the S-layer using bioinformatics (Johnston et al., 2024).”

      • The single-particle cryoEM data and the bioinformatic analysis are very well presented, analyzed in much detail, and convincing. While the authors state that the S-layer most probably does not serve to protect the cells from invading molecules or phages, additional experiments to figure out the function of the S-layer would be desirable. However, this might be beyond the scope of this paper but the authors should at least include a clearer discussion about potential function(s).

      As suggested by the reviewer, we have extended the discussion about the potential function of the PS2 S-layer in C. glutamicum.

      Line 465: “We also observed that S-layer coverage appeared to increase when C. glutamicum cells were grown on solid media (Fig. S2A-B). This suggests that the S-layer could be useful for the bacteria to grow in in a colony or in a surface-attached biofilm community, as shown for other bacteria including Clostridium difficile and Tannerella forsythia (Ðapa et al., 2013; Honma et al., 2007; Wong et al., 2023).”


      Line 474: “…Slightly at odds with the large pores, it has been shown that the presence of the PS2 S-layer renders cells more resistant towards lysozyme (Sogues et al., 2024; Theresia et al., 2018). Although lysozyme is much smaller than the pore sizes, it is possible that the S-layer might biochemically sequester such undesirable molecules.”

      • The authors speculate about cations stabilizing the S-layer. To provide further evidence, an optional but straightforward experiment would be to treat the purified S-layer with EDTA and subsequently analyze it with negative stain EM or cryoEM.

      As suggested, we incubated the purified PS2 S-layer with 10 mM EDTA or 10 mM EGTA and imaged the resulting specimens with cryoEM. We found intact S-layers in these treated samples, therefore, we have concluded that either cations do not play a role in stabilizing this S-layer or they are not accessible for chelation by EDTA or EGTA -

      Line 246: “To probe this further, we incubated purified PS2 S-layers with either 10 mM EDTA or 10 mM EGTA and examined the effect on the treated S-layers. Following the chemical treatment, S-layer lattices were still intact, with no observable differences under both conditions (Fig. S4I). This suggests that either these putative cations do not play a major role in stabilizing the PS2 S-layer or they are not accessible for chelation by EDTA or EGTA under the chosen experimental conditions.”


      Figure S4. Cryo-EM of C. glutamicum cells. … I) Purified PS2 S-layer sheets incubated with EDTA (middle) and EGTA (right) show no discernible differences from native S-layers (left).

      • The anchoring of the S-layer to the characteristic mycomembrane is only discussed very briefly. As this is a unique feature, it would be of high interest to understand how the anchoring is different from other S-layer carrying Gram-positive/negative bacteria.

      We agree with the reviewer and have extended our discussion of this unique feature of the PS2 S-layer.

      Line 359: “…the length of the coiled-coil stalk and the MM-binding segment is highly conserved among PS2 homologs across species (Figs S5-S6). This is in line with the fact that the underlying cell envelope architecture, including the MM, is preserved among different Corynebacterium species, necessitating the conservation of the MM anchoring segments in PS2. The MM-binding segment is predicted by AlphaFold2 models to comprise an N-terminal hydrophobic α-helix and a short C-terminal amphipathic α-helix; however, in the MM, these may function as a single continuous helix. The MM-binding segment of PS2 homologs in Corynebacterium is consistently approximately 25 amino acid residues long, corresponding to a ~3.75 nm α-helix—sufficiently long to nearly traverse the 4–5 nm thickness of the MM. Notably, this segment includes the last residue of PS2, a phenylalanine (F), which is remarkably conserved across all PS2 homologs (Figs S5-S6). While the functional significance of this invariant phenylalanine residue remains unclear, the conservation of the preceding residues, particularly the penultimate residue, which is typically either a proline (P) or lysine (K), suggests a potential functional role. It is plausible that these terminal residues collectively contribute to the sorting, export, and insertion of PS2 into the MM or help ensure its stable anchoring within the lipid-rich MM.”


      Line 444: “The PS2 S-layer protein has a distinctive mode of attachment to the prokaryotic cell envelope. In most archaea, S-layers are directly attached to the cytoplasmic membrane (Bharat et al., 2021), either through lipid modification of the SLP (von Kügelgen et al., 2021) or through the action of a secondary protein (von Kügelgen et al., 2024). In Gram-negative bacteria such as C. crescentus, S-layers are non-covalently attached to the O-antigen of lipopolysaccharide layer covering the outer membrane (von Kügelgen et al., 2020). In turn, in Gram-positive bacterial S-layers are non-covalently anchored via SLH domains to the PG-linked secondary cell wall polymers (Blackler et al., 2018). In other diderm bacteria that are positive for Gram-staining such as Deinococcus radiodurans, the SLP HPI (Bharat et al., 2023) is lipidated at its N-terminus (von Kügelgen et al., 2023), allowing the protein to interact with the cell membrane. In the case of C. glutamicum, the attachment of the PS2 S-layer is achieved through the insertion of the C-terminal hydrophobic helix into the MM, which is a distinctive feature for bacterial S-layers that have been studied in detail using structural biology.”

      • Remove the word "accurately" in the second sentence of the second paragraph in the abstract.

      Changed as requested.

      Line 28: “Our cellular imaging allowed us to map the different components of the cell envelope onto the tomographic density.”

      • Remove the word "strong" in the last sentence of the abstract.


      Line 41: “This study, therefore, provides an experimental framework for understanding cell envelopes that contain mycolic acids.”

      • As this is a back-to-back submission, the manuscript from Sogues et al. should be cited.

      Done, as requested.

      Line 191: “Purified S-layers were deposited on cryo-EM grids and vitrified using methods previously described for other S-layers (von Kügelgen et al., 2023, 2024), and specifically for the C. glutamicum S-layer concurrently with this study (Johnston et al., 2024; Sogues et al., 2024).”


      Line 474: “…Slightly at odds with the large pores, it has been shown that the presence of the PS2 S-layer renders cells more resistant towards lysozyme (Sogues et al., 2024; Theresia et al., 2018). Although lysozyme is much smaller than the pore sizes, it is possible that the S-layer might biochemically sequester such undesirable molecules.”

      Minor comments:

      • Line numbers are missing, making the manuscript more complicated to review.

      Sorry about that, the updated version of the manuscript has line numbers included.

      • In the abstract, in the last paragraph of the introduction, and in the first sentence of the discussion, the authors use the term "high-resolution" in conjunction with their cryo-electron tomography imaging. This might be correct if you compare the data to light microscopy or conventional EM imaging. However, given the fact that the authors also used single-particle cryoEM, their cryoET data cannot be called "high-resolution," and they should remove this term as used here.

      We agree with the reviewer and change the text accordingly:

      Line 28: “Our cellular imaging allowed us to map the different components of the cell envelope onto the tomographic density.”


      Line 39: “Our structural and cellular data collectively provide a topography of the unusual C. glutamicum cell surface, features of which are shared by many pathogenic and microbiome-associated bacteria, as well as by several industrially significant bacterial species.”


      Line 102: “Building on these foundational studies, we have used C. glutamicum as a model for MM-containing organisms to perform characterisation of this unusual cell envelope.”


      Line 110: “By combining our S-layer structure with cryo-ET of the cell envelope and bioinformatics analyses, we provide further clues regarding the MM-anchoring mechanisms of the S-layer and offer insights into its conservation and evolution in corynebacteria.”


      Line 124: “To overcome this limitation, we employed FIB milling to create thin sections of the cells, which allowed us to obtain images with enhanced contrast of the cell envelope.”


      Line 401: “In this study, we visualized the C. glutamicum cell envelope by imaging FIB-milled cells using...”

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The single-particle cryoEM and bioinformatics analysis are convincing, but this manuscript resides at a rather descriptive level on the S-layer of C. glutamicum and some major comments should be addressed.

      The findings in this manuscript are exciting for a specialized audience interested in bacterial cell surfaces/surface appendages and S-layers. On top, as C. glutamicum is widely used in biotechnological applications, the results have clear significance within this field.

      Contrary to what the authors claimed, the general insights gained on cell envelopes containing mycolic acids are limited. Only very few insights reported here will advance our understanding of the cell envelope of important human pathogens such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, as this manuscript focuses on the S-layer, which is absent from these strains.

      Thank you for your comments, we have reworded the discussion section with more cautionary statements to present a balanced picture to readers of this manuscript.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In the manuscript from Isbilir et al, the authors investigate the cell envelope of Corynebacterium glutamicum, a bacterium extensively used in biotechnological applications, using state-of-the-art cryo-electron microscopy methodologies as well as bioinformatics. They convincingly demonstrate that the C. glutamicum S-layer consists of hexagonal PS2 arrays and provide the underlying structural basis of this intriguing assembly. Bioinformatic analysis further revealed conserved and divergent elements of PS2 across Corynebacteria.

      Major comments:

      • My main point of criticism relates to the first part of the results, in which the authors attempt to characterize the cell envelope using cryo-electron tomography. From my own experience, plunge-freezing bacterial lawns often results in bad ice quality (crystalline ice) between the bacterial cells. This seems to be also the case here, looking at the 2D images in Fig. S1D revealing clear Bragg reflections. While often not a problem if interested in intracellular features, the authors are drawing conclusions on the cell envelope, which is in direct contact with these ice crystals, known to be destructive for ultrastructural features. For example, this could be the reason for the "wavy" mycomembrane in Fig. 1A and 1B as well as Fig. S1C. On top, it also might affect their observations of interrupted and discontinuous mycomembranes covered by an S-layer in Fig. 1D. The authors should discuss this limitation, and I would highly recommend rephrasing their conclusions made from this data more carefully.
      • The single-particle cryoEM data and the bioinformatic analysis are very well presented, analyzed in much detail, and convincing. While the authors state that the S-layer most probably does not serve to protect the cells from invading molecules or phages, additional experiments to figure out the function of the S-layer would be desirable. However, this might be beyond the scope of this paper but the authors should at least include a clearer discussion about potential function(s).
      • The authors speculate about cations stabilizing the S-layer. To provide further evidence, an optional but straightforward experiment would be to treat the purified S-layer with EDTA and subsequently analyze it with negative stain EM or cryoEM.
      • The anchoring of the S-layer to the characteristic mycomembrane is only discussed very briefly. As this is a unique feature, it would be of high interest to understand how the anchoring is different from other S-layer carrying Gram-positive/negative bacteria.
      • Remove the word "accurately" in the second sentence of the second paragraph in the abstract.
      • Remove the word "strong" in the last sentence of the abstract.
      • As this is a back-to-back submission, the manuscript from Sogues et al. should be cited.

      Minor comments:

      • Line numbers are missing, making the manuscript more complicated to review.
      • In the abstract, in the last paragraph of the introduction, and in the first sentence of the discussion, the authors use the term "high-resolution" in conjunction with their cryo-electron tomography imaging. This might be correct if you compare the data to light microscopy or conventional EM imaging. However, given the fact that the authors also used single-particle cryoEM, their cryoET data cannot be called "high-resolution," and they should remove this term as used here.


      The single-particle cryoEM and bioinformatics analysis are convincing, but this manuscript resides at a rather descriptive level on the S-layer of C. glutamicum and some major comments should be addressed.

      The findings in this manuscript are exciting for a specialized audience interested in bacterial cell surfaces/surface appendages and S-layers. On top, as C. glutamicum is widely used in biotechnological applications, the results have clear significance within this field.

      Contrary to what the authors claimed, the general insights gained on cell envelopes containing mycolic acids are limited. Only very few insights reported here will advance our understanding of the cell envelope of important human pathogens such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, as this manuscript focuses on the S-layer, which is absent from these strains.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Corynebacterium glutamicum is an organism with important industrial application, and it shares its complex cell-envelop architecture with organism of great relevance in human health such Corynebacterium diphtheriae and pathogenic mycobacteria. Using a cryo-EM and cryo-ET approaches together with phylogenetic studies, the authors provide of an in-deep structural characterization of the cell envelop of C. glutamicum. The authors map the different components of the cell envelope using high-resolution tomography, revealing unseen details of the outer wall zone, previously unsolved and attributed to the AG molecule. They provide with an atomic model of the PS2 S-layer at 3.1 A global resolution. The later discloses key features of the S-layer architecture, consisting of a hexagonal scaffold built by the PS2 protein, and its interaction with the mycolic membrane. The phylogenetic and bioinformatic studies show PS2 S-layer to be exclusively found within the Corynebacterium genus, although sporadically, and a correlation of PS2 presence/absence with other genetic differences. Despite PS2 homologues are shown to share common regions, which suggests all PS2 S-layers to exhibit a hexagonal lattice like the described in this study, but with divergent lattice parameters.

      Major comments:

      The authors provide with solid data supporting the structural models and conclusions stated. Text and figures are clear and nicely presented. I have however an important question regarding a the cryo-EM model. In Figure 3 B-C and Figure S3D-H, the authors depict protein details including hydrogen atoms, which make me question if the PS2 S-layer structure has been modeled including hydrogen atoms. The resolution of the cryo-EM data does not enable to model hydrogens that, if were included in the structure, should be removed of the coordinate file of the S-layer model and figures.

      Minor comments

      • Regarding the proposed calcium atoms at the S-Layer. The authors should provide further analysis to support the presence of calcium/divalent atoms proposed. Please show how is the coordination around the blobs spotted as potential calcium (or any other potential divalent that might be interacting at those positions). Does the coordination observed fit with the expected for a calcium/divalent binding site? Are the residues coordinating to those blobs well defined in density? Are the blobs of density of the potential cations observed across all the protomers of the PS2 S-layer? Figure 3D-F depicting the proposed cation-binding sites are too busy and unclear, they should focus on the proposed binding sites showing the interacting side/main-chains involved in the proposed coordination.
      • Regarding the potential SDS density. Looking at Figure 3G, it is not clear how the morphology of the density shown (with a T-shape) would fit a linear molecule of SDS (could be the view selected?). Have the authors performed any attempt of modelling the SDS molecule to assess this and/or those PS2 residues contributing to stabilize the SDS? Is this density consistently observed across the other interfaces of the hexamer? That would support their hypothesis.


      As structural biologist I consider that this study constitutes an important advance in our understanding of the complex architecture and function of the cell-envelop of C. glutamicum. Knowledge that can help to better understand this intricate envelop present in other Mycobacteriaceae relatives, which include important human pathogen such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Corynebacterium diphtheriae. This study is most relevant for the scientific community investigating on the bacterial cell envelop (structure, evolution and function) as well as in host-pathogen interactions. Moreover, the cell envelop constitutes a target for bacteriostatics and thus, this study may be relevant for the scientific community working on antimicrobial development.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, the authors investigate the unique Mycobacteriaceae cell envelope using cryo-tomography/cryo-electron microscopy with Corynebacterium glutamicum as a model organism. Cryo-EM images of C. glutamicum cells successfully resolved previously observed densities corresponding to the MM, arabinogalactan, peptidoglycan, and inner membrane layers of the cell envelope along with the S-layer. The authors found that the S-layer is patchy in a manner dependent on growth phase (i.e. liquid versus solid growth). Intriguingly, when the S-layer was present, the leaflets of the MM appeared to be disrupted. The authors solved the structure of purified S-layer protein PS2 by cryo-EM, however they could not resolve the C-terminal membrane interaction domain. The authors found that PS2 is hexameric and different hexamers are linked by trimeric interface to create a porous structure. Phylogenetic analysis showed conservation of PS2 within corynebacteria and suggested a signature for MM-association.

      Major comments:

      1. The S-layer structure is porous and the authors suggest that it may function as a molecular sieve or permeability barrier. This hypothesis should either be tested experimentally, or further discussion is needed regarding what small molecules (chemical features, size) would be able to penetrate.
      2. The authors show cryo-EM images of dividing C. glutamicum cells but don't make any statements as to the presence, morphology, and measurements of the different cell envelope layers. This analysis should be included.
      3. The authors should include more discussion as to the patchiness or "wavy" MM near sites of PS2 contact. Cryo-EM of cells that express a variant of PS2 that lack the membrane anchoring domain would demonstrate that this is specific to PS2-membrane contacts. Minimally, providing some quantification for this phenotype would strengthen the claim (for instance, does the spacing between the perturbations match the expected scale of distance between S-layer membrane contacts).
      4. The authors speculate on complete conservation of certain residues in the C-terminal domain of PS2 and hypothesize that they may be important for maturation or targeting of MM-associated proteins. Two additional examples of proteins with this motif are mentioned as evidence. Authors should search for this motif in pre-existing lists of MM proteins in the literature to test if this hypothesis is robust. Experiments to test if the conserved C-terminal residues of PS2 are required for export or assembly into an S-layer are feasible but optional given the scope of the paper.
      5. The authors do not draw the distinction between MM-associated and integral MM proteins (that contain a transmembrane domain). Is the C-terminal membrane anchoring domain of PS2 likely to span the entire bilayer or just be associated by a few amino acids?

      Minor comments:

      1. The authors comment that the thickness of the MM both with and without the S-layer is the similar and conclude that there is no change in mycolic acid length. The resolution of the technique is not sufficient to make this statement.
      2. It would be helpful if the authors could comment if their membrane dimension measurements agree with previously published results in the main text of the manuscript. It is currently only included in the legend of Table S1.


      The manuscript provides compelling images and structures of the C. glutamicum cell envelope and S-layer protein PS2, respectively. These cryo-EM images of the cell envelope appear to agree nicely with pre-existing studies in the field. The introduction of the manuscript was well-written and the data in the manuscript is of broad interest to those who study the Mycobacteriaceae cell envelope. There is a lot of compelling data included in the paper, but the study would be strengthened by further analysis of the data as well as additional experiments to support some of the hypotheses suggested.

      Reviewer expertise: bacterial genetics, bacterial cell envelope, protein transport

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Response to Reviewers

      We thank all three reviewers for their time and engagement, for their generally supportive comments, and for raising some important concerns. We are pleased to submit a significantly revised manuscript where we tried to accommodate all suggested changes and extensions. Importantly, we have included additional experiments that support the relevance of FACT for the overall stability of the inner kinetochore. Below is a detailed point-to-point response. Changes to the manuscript relative to the original submission have been highlighted at the end of this response.

      __Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      Summary: The authors investigated molecular interactions between CCAN and FACT complexes. They revealed contact domains in FACT and the cognate subcomplexes of CCAN by in vitro reconstitution from recombinant proteins followed by SEC and pull-down assay.

      They also revealed a couple of potential means to control interactions between FACT and the CCAN. They conclude that phosphorylation of FACT by CK2 is essential for binding to the CCAN; and CENP-A nucleosomes or DNA prevent CCAN from interacting with FACT.

      Major comments:

      The authors show that phosphorylation of FACT is essential for interaction with CCAN.

      They argue that this phosphorylation is partly catalysed by CK2.

      My concerns are:

      -1- The authors assume that the sites phosphorylated in insect cell are also phosphorylated in human cells. However, it is not demonstrated which residues are phosphorylated in human cells and whether they match those from insect cells. Whether phosphorylation of recombinant proteins in insect cells is physiologically relevant to mammalian is uncertain. Kinetochore components are not very well conserved evolutionarily, thus their regulation may be different.

      We thank the reviewer for these remarks, which we answer together with point 2 below.

      -2- They identify several residues which are phosphorylated by CK2 in vitro. However, these are not necessarily the same sites as those phosphorylated in insect cells or more importantly in human cells. The in vitro phosphorylation by CK2 did not restore binding affinity in full, suggesting phosphorylation at other sites may be critical for interaction with CCAN. Further evidence is required to support the claim that those sites are phosphorylated in vivo and important for integrity of kinetochores in mitosis.

      Our analysis of FACT phosphorylation represents a relatively small part of a very data-rich paper, and was not meant to be exhaustive. Nonetheless, the reviewer's comments are important and well received. We agree that we have no definitive evidence that the same sites are phosphorylated in insect cells, in vitro, and in human cells. However, it is quite remarkable, and supports specificity, that the interaction with FACT, lost after dephosphorylation in vitro, is restored with CK2 and not with three additional mitotic kinases (CDK1, Aurora B, and PLK1 - Figure S8D). We also note that S437, S444 and S667 of SSRP1, which were phosphorylated by CK2 in vitro, were also detected as phosphorylated sites on recombinant FACT purified from insect cells (Table S1). So collectively, while we agree with the reviewer that the analysis of FACT phosphorylation is not complete, it does significantly add to the manuscript and more generally to the FACT field.

      Minor comments:

      Figure 1H

      I am confused with 4 stars shown at the top of the right plot. If the 4 stars are meant to show a significant difference, then the statement in the text (line 123) is not correct.

      "SSRP1 localization was also largely unaffected ..."

      Similar discrepancies are found in Figures 3H (line 212), Figures S2 (line 122), S5I (line 197), and S6I (line209). Figure S6H is not referred to anywhere.

      There is no description for the numbers at the top. Are they mean values? Do red bars represent S.D.?

      We thank the reviewer for these comments. In this revised version of the manuscript, we have substantially improved the quantification and statistical analysis. The main problem with the previous automated analysis is that the non-circular shape of the CREST-staining led to inconsistencies with the statistical analysis and the statement. In contrast, the same analysis works well when the CENP-C signal was used for KT identification (e.g. in Figure 3), as CENP-C staining yields well separated circular signals ideally suited for our automated identification of individual KTs and subsequent retrieval of fluorescence intensities. We have therefore modified our analysis macro for all experiments where CREST was used as a reference. We used Othsu-thresholding of the DAPI signal for generating a segmentation mask per each cell. Then, integrated cell intensities were calculated for each fluorescence channel based on the DAPI reference mask. With these adjustments, the statistical analyses (Figures 1, S2, S3) support the claim presented. We have updated the Methods and Results sections to reflect the revised analysis.

      The numbers on top of the graphs are median values, bars represent interquartile ranges. We have now included the description in figure legends.

      We appreciate your feedback, which prompted us to clarify and enhance the rigor of our approach.

      We are now referring to Fig. S6H in the text.

      Figure 1D

      There is no description of R* to the right of gels.

      We have added a description of R* to the relevant figure legend.

      Figure S2

      A 4 hour nocodazole treatment is too short to drive all cells into mitosis. Is the data taken from mitotic cells only?

      Yes, the data are taken only from the mitotic population. We have now clarified this in the figure legend.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The interaction of FACT with kinetochore components has been known for several years. However how FACT contributes to architecture or function of kinetochore is not very well understood. How the FACT complex, which is known for its established role as a histone chaperone, is involved in kinetochore assembly/architecture will attract interest in several fields of basic research including epigenetics, mitosis, structural biology.

      We are grateful to the reviewer for this supportive statement that recognizes the broad potential interest of the manuscript.

      Identification of CCAN subunits that interact with FACT is important for future analysis to understand the kinetochore function of FACT. The authors identified OPQRU and CHIKM subcomplex in addition to TW as FACT-interacting domains. These subcomplexes are geographically scattered in a 3D model of CCAN holocomplex. Stoichiometry of CCAN and FACT might be informative whether a single or multiple FACT binds to the multiple sites of CCAN. The authors do not address whether these multiple sites are occupied simultaneously, separately or sequentially.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point. As mentioned in the discussion, we have not yet been able to perform a structural analysis of the FACT/CCAN complex to determine its stoichiometry. However, we have now added a newexperiment (Figure S1B,C) where we quantified in-gel tryptophan fluorescence after analytical size-exclusion chromatography. This strongly suggests that FACT and CCAN form a complex with a 1:1 stoichiometry. Nevertheless, we cannot comment on which sites are occupied.

      The statement at the end of Abstract (lines 23-25) is a speculative hypothesis without evidence for "a pool of CCAN that is not stably integrated into chromatin", "chaperoning CCAN", and "stabilisation of CCAN".

      We agree with the reviewer that this is speculative, and have therefore modified the Abstract to clearly indicate this point.

      __Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      FACT is a histone chaperone and is involved in various events on chromatin such as transcription and replication. In addition, FACT interacts with various kinetochore components, suggesting potential functions at the kinetochore. However, it is largely unclear how FACT functions in the kinetochore. Authors of this MS took the biochemical approach to understand roles of FACT in the kinetochore.

      Authors demonstrated that FACT forms a complex with the constitutive centromere associated network (CCAN), which contains 16 subunits on centromeric chromatin, using multiple binding sites. They also showed that casein kinase II (CK2) phosphorylated FACT and dephosphorylated FACT did not bind to CCAN. Furthermore, they displayed that DNA addition disrupt the stable FACT-CCAN complex.

      Overall, while authors have done solid and high-quality biochemical analyses (these are elegant), it is still unclear how FACT plays its roles in the kinetochore. Simple knockout or knockdown study on FACT might be complicated, because FACT has multi-functions. If authors can identify specific regions of FACT for interaction with CCAN, they would put specific mutations into FACT to analyze phenotype. Although they did not reach a high-resolution structure for the FACT-CCAN complex, they can utilize AlphaFold and test specific interaction regions, biochemically. Then, using such information, significance of FACT-CCAN interaction might be testable in cells. Such a kind of study would be expected. In summary, biochemical parts are beautiful, but the paper did not address significance of FACT-CCAN interaction.

      We thank the reviewer for praising the biochemical work in our manuscript. The reviewer, however, also underscored the limits of our functional analysis. The reviewer proposes generating separation-of-function mutants in a minimal kinetochore-binding region. Indeed, we have identified the minimal domain for the interaction of FACT with kinetochores. However, this information is insufficient for a reliable functional analysis at this stage, as the region we identified encompasses the AIDs and the phosphorylation-rich region, both of which have been previously shown to be important for transcription and other functions. Furthermore, any suitable mutant should be tested in cells devoid of endogenous FACT, raising the concern that the resulting phenotype may be indirect.

      Nonetheless, as we wanted to provide at least an initial answer to the reviewer's concern, we enriched the manuscript by adding experiments in a recently published cell line (K562-SSRP1-dTAG) where FACT levels can be controlled with a small molecule (Žumer et al. Mol Cell., 2024) and that the authors generously shared with us. In this line, which grows in suspension and that we had to adapt to grow on a substrate for imaging, we were able to deplete FACT while cells were arrested in mitosis. We are glad to report that we found a significant reduction in the kinetochore levels of CENP-TW after this treatment, which is consistent with other conclusions from our study. These experiments add an initial functional characterization of the interaction of FACT with kinetochores, and extend the significance of the manuscript. We refer to these results again below in response to specific point 5.

      Specific point

      Authors showed nice mitotic localization of FACT. Can they observe this localization by a usual IF? Using GFP fusion, do they observe kinetochore localization like IF experiments?

      The localization of FACT was observed using pre-extraction and fixation followed by antibody staining. We have now added a panel demonstrating mitotic localization of GFP-SSRP1 at the kinetochore in transiently transfected RPE-1 cells (Fig. S2A).

      On page 7, authors tested CENP-C binding to FACT and they conclude that C-teminal region of CENP-C preferentially binds to FACT. However, they used N-terminal region of CENP-C (2-545) for CCAN-FACT complex formation in entire MS. therefore, this is complicated, and story on CENP-C N-terminal region can be removed from this MS.

      We were only able to purify full-length CENP-C with tags at the N- and C-terminus, including an MBP tag with a stabilizing effect. At the time of our first successful purification of full-length CENP-C, we had already established the solid phase assay using MBPFACT as a bait on amylose beads and CENP-C2-545HIKM as one of the preys. As we cannot obtain stable full-length CENP-C without MBP, this form of CENP-C is incompatible with our pull-down assay. Nevertheless, CENP-C2-545 still has low affinity for FACT, influencing the FACT/CCAN interaction independent of the PEST-rich region. We, therefore, opted for keeping this information in the manuscript.

      On page 9, authors suddenly focus on N-terminal tails of CENP-Q and CENP-U. Why did they focus on this region. They should explain this. If they perform a structural prediction, they should describe this point.

      Thanks for raising this point. We focused on the N-terminal tails of CENP-QU because they are known interaction hubs. We have now added a sentence to introduce this concept and citing the appropriate literature.

      I agree the fact that FACT phosphorylation is required for FACT-CCAN interaction. They may explain how the phosphorylation contributes to stable FACT-CCAN interaction.

      We have added a sentence explaining that FACT is known to mimic DNA, and negative charges due to phosphorylation could drive this effect. A more detailed mechanistic understanding will require identifying specific phosphorylation sites required for the interaction.

      Readers really want to know phenotype, if FACT-CCAN interaction was compromised without disruption pf CCAN assembly in cells. Although I agree that FACT has some functions in the kinetochore, it is still unclear what FACT does in the kinetochore.

      We wholeheartedly agree with the reviewer. As depletion of FACT by RNAi required 48 h, an unreasonably long time for this multifunctional protein. We therefore turned to engineering RPE-1 cells for rapid degradation of SSRP1. While these attempts were unsucessful, earlier this year, Žumer et al. Mol Cell., 2024 reported generating a K562-SSRP1-dTAG cell line growing in suspension. As already reported, this cell line now allowed to demonstrate a significant effect on the kinetochore stability of CENP-TW upon mitotic depletion of FACT.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      As mentioned above, biochemical parts are beautiful, but the paper did not address significance of FACT-CCAN interaction.

      We thank the reviewer for this positive assessment. In this revision, we have obtained initial evidence that FACT contributes to kinetochore stability.

      __Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      Main findings:

      The major findings of this paper are:

      Detailed dissection of CCAN subunit interactions and requirements to bind the FACT complex using in vitro reconstituted components Binding of FACT and nucleosomes to CENP-C are mutually exclusive FACT phosphorylation by CK2 enhances interaction with CCAN FACT localization in mitosis depends on the CCAN CCAN binding to FACT is outcompeted by DNA and CENP-A nucleosomes The claims and conclusions of the paper are supported by the data and do not require additional experiments. All experiments include biological replicates and appropriate controls.

      We are thankful to the reviewer for this very positive assessment of our work.

      Minor comments

      Intro: • Line 81: In humans [...], here it is worth mentioning that in Drosophila, FACT subunits have been shown to interact directly with the CENP-A assembly factor CAL1 (Ref 61). This paper is perfunctorily cited once in the context of its implication of FACT in CENP-A deposition, but it merits more consideration when setting up the foundational context for the present work.

      We have extended the Introduction and discuss the specified paper more thoroughly.

      Figure 1:

      1F: Add insets.


      1G and all other figures containing IFs: Avoid red/green color scheme (red-green colorblindness is fairly common, affecting about 8% of men).


      1E: Please add a table summarizing interactions.

      We have included this table as Fig. S1E.

      Results: • It's fine to direct readers to previous work in which you reconstituted the CCAN, but the text should mention how proteins are exogenously expressed and purified (as done for FACT in line 247).


      Line 113: FACT has been shown to localize to the mitotic kinetochore also in Drosophila (Ref 61).

      We have included this information now.

      Line 132: The authors should cite work from the Drosophila system as well when they mention centromere transcriptional activity in mitosis (e.g. https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201404097; https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201611087; and Ref 61).

      We have added these citations.

      Figure 2F: The authors could use a line to mark the region interacting with FACT and that interacting with CENP-A to help summarize the data in this diagram.


      Figure 4: Highlight constructs n.2 (FACT^TRUNC) since these are sufficient for interaction (e.g., use a box around them).


      Line 276: "CCAN decodes CENP-A^NCP..." What do the authors mean by "decodes"? This whole sentence would benefit from clearer language.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and have aimed for clearer language.

      Figure 6: There's a lot of information in these experiments that would benefit from two schematics, one showing the mechanism of FACT + CCAN binding with DNA and one with CENP-A nucleosomes.


      Discussion: The authors discuss FACT localization at kinetochores in mitosis. In Drosophila Schneider cells, FACT is observed enriched at the centromeres in both mitosis and interphase (Ref 61). The authors mention their inability to detect FACT in interphase in the discussion, but I did not find this mentioned in the results. The authors state that FACT "redistributes to the entire chromosome" upon entry into interphase. They cite Figure 1F in reference to this statement, but the staining in the early G1 panel is difficult to interpret with the low signal/noise scaling of CENP-C and the lack of zoom insets. Their protocol uses a pre-extraction step with Triton prior to fixation. Apparently, this was not enough to reveal FACT in interphase, but better images and a brief description are warranted.

      We have now added a staining of SSRP1 in interphase in the panel.

      It is unlikely that FACT would change its localization pattern in mitosis. A more likely possibility is that in mitosis FACT is not redistributed, but rather more tightly bound (and thus less easily extracted by Triton treatment) at kinetochores, while along the arms FACT is more readily removed by extraction because at this time transcription is repressed and FACT is likely less engaged in transcription-mediated histone destabilization.

      We thank the reviewer for these remarks and have updated the Discussion.

      Given the well-known function of FACT in transcription and the many studies linking transcription to centromere maintenance, including with the involvement of FACT, the model that "the localization of FACT at the kinetochore coincides with active centromeric transcription in mitosis and interphase" is very tempting. A speculative model would go a long way to help the reader visualize all these complex aspects of FACT's interactions and possible functions.

      We agree with the reviewer that such a model is tempting. However, we also feel that it would be rather speculative at this stage and we feel that the manuscript does not provide sufficient data to support the model.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The strongest aspect of the study is the detailed characterization of protein-protein interactions, as well as competition with DNA and CENP-A nucleosomes. The siRNA experiments in cells complement this largely in vitro study. However, a limitation of the study is that it does not shed light on what FACT might be doing at the centromere. Additionally, it does not sufficiently provide context for these findings in relation to previous studies that have demonstrated the roles of FACT at the centromere in budding yeast, fission yeast, and Drosophila. Nonetheless, this study provides valuable insights into the details of FACT interactions at the kinetochore and will be of interest to readers interested in centromeres and kinetochore. I am a centromere biologist with molecular and cell biology expertise.

      We are very grateful to the reviewer for his/her support.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Main findings:

      The major findings of this paper are:

      • Detailed dissection of CCAN subunit interactions and requirements to bind the FACT complex using in vitro reconstituted components
      • Binding of FACT and nucleosomes to CENP-C are mutually exclusive
      • FACT phosphorylation by CK2 enhances interaction with CCAN
      • FACT localization in mitosis depends on the CCAN
      • CCAN binding to FACT is outcompeted by DNA and CENP-A nucleosomes The claims and conclusions of the paper are supported by the data and do not require additional experiments. All experiments include biological replicates and appropriate controls.

      Minor comments


      • Line 81: In humans [...], here it is worth mentioning that in Drosophila, FACT subunits have been shown to interact directly with the CENP-A assembly factor CAL1 (Ref 61). This paper is perfunctorily cited once in the context of its implication of FACT in CENP-A deposition, but it merits more consideration when setting up the foundational context for the present work.

      Figure 1:

      • 1F: Add insets.
      • 1G and all other figures containing IFs: Avoid red/green color scheme (red-green colorblindness is fairly common, affecting about 8% of men).
      • 1E: Please add a table summarizing interactions.


      • It's fine to direct readers to previous work in which you reconstituted the CCAN, but the text should mention how proteins are exogenously expressed and purified (as done for FACT in line 247).
      • Line 113: FACT has been shown to localize to the mitotic kinetochore also in Drosophila (Ref 61).
      • Line 132: The authors should cite work from the Drosophila system as well when they mention centromere transcriptional activity in mitosis (e.g., https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201404097; https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201611087; and Ref 61).
      • Figure 2F: The authors could use a line to mark the region interacting with FACT and that interacting with CENP-A to help summarize the data in this diagram.
      • Figure 4: Highlight constructs n.2 (FACT^TRUNC) since these are sufficient for interaction (e.g., use a box around them).
      • Line 276: "CCAN decodes CENP-A^NCP..." What do the authors mean by "decodes"? This whole sentence would benefit from clearer language.
      • Figure 6: There's a lot of information in these experiments that would benefit from two schematics, one showing the mechanism of FACT + CCAN binding with DNA and one with CENP-A nucleosomes.


      The authors discuss FACT localization at kinetochores in mitosis. In Drosophila Schneider cells, FACT is observed enriched at the centromeres in both mitosis and interphase (Ref 61). The authors mention their inability to detect FACT in interphase in the discussion, but I did not find this mentioned in the results. The authors state that FACT "redistributes to the entire chromosome" upon entry into interphase. They cite Figure 1F in reference to this statement, but the staining in the early G1 panel is difficult to interpret with the low signal/noise scaling of CENP-C and the lack of zoom insets. Their protocol uses a pre-extraction step with Triton prior to fixation. Apparently, this was not enough to reveal FACT in interphase, but better images and a brief description are warranted. It is unlikely that FACT would change its localization pattern in mitosis. A more likely possibility is that in mitosis FACT is not redistributed, but rather more tightly bound (and thus less easily extracted by Triton treatment) at kinetochores, while along the arms FACT is more readily removed by extraction because at this time transcription is repressed and FACT is likely less engaged in transcription-mediated histone destabilization. Given the well-known function of FACT in transcription and the many studies linking transcription to centromere maintenance, including with the involvement of FACT, the model that "the localization of FACT at the kinetochore coincides with active centromeric transcription in mitosis and interphase" is very tempting. A speculative model would go a long way to help the reader visualize all these complex aspects of FACT's interactions and possible functions.


      The strongest aspect of the study is the detailed characterization of protein-protein interactions, as well as competition with DNA and CENP-A nucleosomes. The siRNA experiments in cells complement this largely in vitro study. However, a limitation of the study is that it does not shed light on what FACT might be doing at the centromere. Additionally, it does not sufficiently provide context for these findings in relation to previous studies that have demonstrated the roles of FACT at the centromere in budding yeast, fission yeast, and Drosophila. Nonetheless, this study provides valuable insights into the details of FACT interactions at the kinetochore and will be of interest to readers interested in centromeres and kinetochore.

      I am a centromere biologist with molecular and cell biology expertise.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      FACT is a histone chaperone and is involved in various events on chromatin such as transcription and replication. In addition, FACT interacts with various kinetochore components, suggesting potential functions at the kinetochore. However, it is largely unclear how FACT functions in the kinetochore. Authors of this MS took the biochemical approach to understand roles of FACT in the kinetochore.

      Authors demonstrated that FACT forms a complex with the constitutive centromere associated network (CCAN), which contains 16 subunits on centromeric chromatin, using multiple binding sites. They also showed that casein kinase II (CK2) phosphorylated FACT and dephosphorylated FACT did not bind to CCAN. Furthermore, they displayed that DNA addition disrupt the stable FACT-CCAN complex.

      Overall, while authors have done solid and high-quality biochemical analyses (these are elegant), it is still unclear how FACT plays its roles in the kinetochore. Simple knockout or knockdown study on FACT might be complicated, because FACT has multi-functions. If authors can identify specific regions of FACT for interaction with CCAN, they would put specific mutations into FACT to analyze phenotype. Although they did not reach a high-resolution structure for the FACT-CCAN complex, they can utilize AlphaFold and test specific interaction regions, biochemically. Then, using such information, significance of FACT-CCAN interaction might be testable in cells. Such a kind of study would be expected. In summary, biochemical parts are beautiful, but the paper did not address significance of FACT-CCAN interaction.

      Specific point

      1. Authors showed nice mitotic localization of FACT. Can they observe this localization by a usual IF? Using GFP fusion, do they observe kinetochore localization like IF experiments?
      2. On page 7, authors tested CENP-C binding to FACT and they conclude that C-teminal region of CENP-C preferentially binds to FACT. However, they used N-terminal region of CENP-C (2-545) for CCAN-FACT complex formation in entire MS. therefore, this is complicated, and story on CENP-C N-terminal region can be removed from this MS.
      3. On page 9, authors suddenly focus on N-terminal tails of CENP-Q and CENP-U. Why did they focus on this region. They should explain this. If they perform a structural prediction, they should describe this point.
      4. I agree the fact that FACT phosphorylation is required for FACT-CCAN interaction. They may explain how the phosphorylation contributes to stable FACT-CCAN interaction.
      5. Readers really want to know phenotype, if FACT-CCAN interaction was compromised without disruption pf CCAN assembly in cells. Although I agree that FACT has some functions in the kinetochore, it is still unclear what FACT does in the kinetochore.


      As mentioned above, biochemical parts are beautiful, but the paper did not address significance of FACT-CCAN interaction.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors investigated molecular interactions between CCAN and FACT complexes. They revealed contact domains in FACT and the cognate subcomplexes of CCAN by in vitro reconstitution from recombinant proteins followed by SEC and pull-down assay.

      They also revealed a couple of potential means to control interactions between FACT and the CCAN. They conclude that phosphorylation of FACT by CK2 is essential for binding to the CCAN; and CENP-A nucleosomes or DNA prevent CCAN from interacting with FACT.

      Major comments:

      The authors show that phosphorylation of FACT is essential for interaction with CCAN. They argue that this phosphorylation is partly catalysed by CK2.

      My concerns are:

      1. The authors assume that the sites phosphorylated in insect cell are also phosphorylated in human cells. However, it is not demonstrated which residues are phosphorylated in human cells and whether they match those from insect cells. Whether phosphorylation of recombinant proteins in insect cells is physiologically relevant to mammalian is uncertain. Kinetochore components are not very well conserved evolutionarily, thus their regulation may be different.
      2. They identify several residues which are phosphorylated by CK2 in vitro. However, these are not necessarily the same sites as those phosphorylated in insect cells or more importantly in human cells. The in vitro phosphorylation by CK2 did not restore binding affinity in full, suggesting phosphorylation at other sites may be critical for interaction with CCAN. Further evidence is required to support the claim that those sites are phosphorylated in vivo and important for integrity of kinetochores in mitosis.

      Minor comments:

      Figure 1H

      I am confused with 4 stars shown at the top of the right plot. If the 4 stars are meant to show a significant difference, then the statement in the text (line 123) is not correct. "SSRP1 localization was also largely unaffected ..." Similar discrepancies are found in Figures 3H (line 212), Figures S2 (line 122), S5I (line 197), and S6I (line209). Figure S6H is not referred to anywhere. There is no description for the numbers at the top. Are they mean values? Do red bars represent S.D.?

      Figure 1D

      There is no description of R* to the right of gels.

      Figure S2

      A 4 hour nocodazole treatment is too short to drive all cells into mitosis. Is the data taken from mitotic cells only?


      The interaction of FACT with kinetochore components has been known for several years. However how FACT contributes to architecture or function of kinetochore is not very well understood. How the FACT complex, which is known for its established role as a histone chaperone, is involved in kinetochore assembly/architecture will attract interest in several fields of basic research including epigenetics, mitosis, structural biology.

      Identification of CCAN subunits that interact with FACT is important for future analysis to understand the kinetochore function of FACT. The authors identified OPQRU and CHIKM subcomplex in addition to TW as FACT-interacting domains. These subcomplexes are geographically scattered in a 3D model of CCAN holocomplex. Stoichiometry of CCAN and FACT might be informative whether a single or multiple FACT binds to the multiple sites of CCAN. The authors do not address whether these multiple sites are occupied simultaneously, separately or sequentially.

      The statement at the end of Abstract (lines 23-25) is a speculative hypothesis without evidence for "a pool of CCAN that is not stably integrated into chromatin", "chaperoning CCAN", and "stabilisation of CCAN".

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Reply to the Reviewers

      I thank the Referees for their...

      Referee #1

      1. The authors should provide more information when...

      Responses + The typical domed appearance of a hydrocephalus-harboring skull is apparent as early as P4, as shown in a new side-by-side comparison of pups at that age (Fig. 1A). + Though this is not stated in the MS 2. Figure 6: Why has only...

      Response: We expanded the comparison

      Minor comments:

      1. The text contains several...

      Response: We added...

      Referee #2

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In the manuscript from Sogues et al, the authors investigate the S-layer of Corynebacterium glutamicum, a bacterium extensively used in biotechnological applications, using single-particle cryoEM of purified PS2 S-layer, advanced light microscopy, and bioinformatics. They convincingly demonstrate that the C. glutamicum S-layer consists of hexagonal PS2 arrays and provide the underlying structural basis of this assembly. Furthermore, they nicely analyze the conserved and divergent elements of PS2 across Corynebacteria. Engineering SP2 for its use with the SpyTag-SpyCatcher technology revealed, that SP2 is incorporated in the S-layer at the poles.

      Minor comments:

      • At first it was unclear to me why the authors decided to heterologously express PS2 in C. glutamicum ATCC 13032 if there are other C. glutamicum strains available that naturally harbor an S-layer (e.g. ATCC 13058). It became clear while reading the manuscript but it would help the reader if the authors would clarify and reason their choice of model strain at the beginning of the results section.
      • Figure 3: The font size as well as the panels are very small - please increase the size. In panel d, a schematic showing the location of the funnel would aid in an easy understanding of the figure.
      • Figure 5: Font sizes are very small. Can the authors make it a full-page figure?
      • As this is a back-to-back submission, the manuscript from Isbilir et al. should be cited.
      • Typo: Supplementary Figure 5 is labeled as Supplementary Figure 4 in its title.
      • Typo in several figure legends: um/nm instead uM/nM (micro/nanometer vs. micro/nanomolar).


      This is a well-written manuscript, scientifically sound, and the conclusions are convincing. Furthermore, I appreciate that the authors are not overselling their findings.

      The findings in this manuscript are exciting for a specialized audience interested in bacterial cell surfaces/surface appendages and S-layers. On top, as C. glutamicum is widely used in biotechnological applications, the results have clear significance within this field.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Corynebacterium glutamicum is an important organism with industrial applications, and it constitutes a model organism for the study of other Corynebacteriales, which include important pathogens such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Corynebacterium diphtheriae. This work provides with a thorough structural and functional characterization of the S-layer structure of C. glutamicum based on solid data acquired through protein engineering, structural biology, and cell microscopy/imaging studies, and phylogenetic analysis. The authors have determined an atomic structural model of the S-layer from C. glutamicum formed by the protein PS2 exhibiting a different degree of conservation between external and mycomembrane facing surfaces; and they show evidence in vivo of how the S-layer assemble at the cell poles in this organism in line with the actinobacterial elongasome. The authors also show that the presence of the S-layer provides resistance to lysozyme, elaborating several hypotheses that may explain this observation, and demonstrate PS2 S-layer as a feasible platform for covalent surface display both in vitro and in vivo.

      The conclusions are well supported by the data provided. When required, experiments have been performed with an adequate number of replicates and their statistical analysis is properly provided. The information provided in the data and methods´ section are sufficient for experimental reproducibility.

      No major comments

      Minor comments. Text and figures are clear but the following aspects/questions should be addressed/clarified:

      • While the authors indicate that "S-layers are two-dimensional monolayered crystals typically composed of a single (glyco)protein ..." (lines 23-24), I haven´t found a reference to whether PS2 is glycosylated or not in the text. If PS2 is glycosylated and its glycosylation sites are known, where would they locate in the glycosylated structure? Would glycosylation affect the size of the pores observed with the recombinant protein?
      • Related to the permeability of lysozyme through the S-layer. Have the authors considered the IP of the lysozyme, which (assuming it is hen white egg lysozyme) it´s > 9. Could the negatively charged PS2 nonspecifically capture/retain at the outward-facing surface? Could glycosylation have something to do with it too?
      • Clarify which AF version was used for predicting the structural model of PS2, AF2 (as described in the main text, lines 160 and 656) or AF3 (supplementary Fig. 2). If it was AF3, the corresponding reference should be updated.
      • Line 205. Replace "Analysis of its surface electrostatics reveals that PS2..." by "Analysis of the electrostatic potential surface of PS2 reveals that..."
      • Figure 2 - panels (e), (g), (i), (j). Cartoons and specially ball-and-stick representations colored in white are very hard to visualize or not visible. Please use a darker color or darken the edges to improve visibility. Labels in panel (g) are very small and difficult to see, please increase their size (panels (i) and (j) seem okay).
      • Line 215. "vivo and recombinant PS2AD" remove "and".
      • Line 1011-12. Replace "...positive in blue to negative in red" by "...positive and negative charges are colored in blue and red, respectively"
      • Supplementary figure 3. Reduce the label size in the why axis (probability)
      • Supplementary figure 5. It is labeled as "4" instead of "5". The view captured in the figure does not allow to visualize the interface clearly. Please consider another orientation or an alternative representation such an open-book view.
      • Supplementary table 1. Replace "BL21(DH3)" by "BL21 (DE3)"
      • Review abbreviations, italics, spaces between number and units... (page 517, C. glutamicum in italic; choose either cryoEM or cryo-EM abbreviation for consistency...)


      From my point of view as structural biologist, the present work uncovers key aspects of PS2 S-layer architecture and assemble over the OM of C. glutamicum, together with evidences in vivo of how the S-layer incorporated at cell poles alongside with the bacterial elongasome, and data supporting an implication of the PS2 S-layer in cell envelop stability. These findings constitute an important advance in the structural and functional understanding of S-layer in corynebacteriales, at the time it opens new questions regarding the role of the S-layer in cell integrity and as an interaction interface with external factors. Moreover, the authors present data supporting the feasibility of the PS2 S-layer of C. glutamicum as a protein-based platform to anchor with potential application in bioengineering materials and synthetic biology, and which has the potential to expand the biotechnological/industrial applications of C. glutamicum. Thus, this work has a significant relevance for the scientific community investigating the structure, function and biogenesis of the S-layer and the cell envelop, in particular. But also in a more general outlook, for the scientific community working in the fields of host-pathogen interactions and bioengineering materials.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study, the authors investigate the structure of the surface layer, or S-layer, in the Corynebacteriales organism Corynebacterium glutamicum. Studies of the S-layer in Corynebacteriales are lacking and both the function and assembly of the S-layer is unclear in the context of the unique cell envelope of these microbes. In other bacterial systems, the S-layer has been implicated in many critical biological processes. The authors report the ex vivo cryo-EM structure of the S-layer protein PS2 from C. glutamicum, which shows hexameric symmetry with additional trimeric interfaces. The authors show that the C-terminal membrane anchor domain, which is not resolved in the reported structure, is important for lipid binding based on heterologous expression experiments in E. coli. Used the Spytag/Spycatcher tagging system and fluorescence microscopy, the authors determine that S-layer assembly occurs at the cell poles and is likely coordinated the polar growth mechanism of C. glutamicum.

      Major comments:

      1. The description of the different types of symmetry within the PS2 structure was confusing and difficult to correlate with the structure as depicted in Fig. 2. Authors should clarify labeling and coloring in Fig. 2e, g-j.
      2. Investigation of the function of the S-layer as a permeability barrier (Fig. 3e) would be strengthened by testing susceptibility of cells +/- S-layer to different classes of antibiotics or osmotic shock (optional).
      3. Due to the probable importance of the membrane-anchoring domain on S-layer function, can the authors comment on potential predicted structure of the regions of the membrane anchoring domain that was not resolved in their structure? How does this region differ between different Corynebacteriales species (or in S-layer proteins in mycobacterial species) that have different mycomembrane dimensions?
      4. The authors need to clarify if the version of PS2 used in the live cell imaging experiments detailed in Fig. 4d-f are PS2AD or PS2FL. While they show that PS2AD-Spytag is able to self-assemble, it is possible that the dynamics of PS2AD assembly in vivo are very different from PS2FL due to the absence of the membrane-anchoring domain. Comparison of dynamics between these two constructs would also be a nice addition to the paper.
      5. The pulse labeling experiments using Spycatcher would be strengthened by including fluorescent D-amino acids within the same cells to show true co-localization of S-layer assembly and PG synthesis. This could also shed light on the timescale of S-layer assembly in relation to biogenesis of other layers of the cell envelope.

      Minor comments:

      1. line 71: authors should elaborate on terminology "P6 symmetry"
      2. In Fig. 1g, it is not immediately clear that there is lattice formation. Authors should consider including an inset zoomed in box to make this clearer.
      3. line 165, 171, 194: do the authors mean "protomers"? If not, use of the word "promoter" is confusing
      4. citation on line 374 is incorrect. The cited paper focuses on inner membrane proteins that transport mycolic acid. Also, many of the mycomembrane porins, especially in C. glutamicum do not have a beta-barrel structure (see Ziegler et al, JMC, 2008)
      5. Citations detailing polar assembly of other envelope layers would provide additional support for generalized polar assembly of Corynebacteriales cell envelope (arabinogalactan- Marando et al, JACS, 2022) (mycolic acid biosynthesis proteins- Thouvenel et al, Sci Reports, 2023)
      6. Some of the supplementary figures are not referenced in the text


      This study is of broad interest to both the Corynebacteriales and S-layer fields. The study is thorough and detailed but could be strengthened by some clarification in how the structure is presented and further discussion of the biological implications of the membrane anchoring domain. There is a long-held interest in understanding how the unique Corynebacteriales cell envelope is assembled, and the work contributes substantially to the field.

      Reviewer expertise: bacterial genetics, bacterial cell envelope, protein transport

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Anne Schreuder et al studied the genetic vulnerabilities of two previously described hypomorphic BRCA1 missense mutations- I26A and R1699Q, and compare these to a BRCA1-depleted setting to identify novel vulnerabilities of the two hypomorphic BRCA1 alleles. The authors showed that BRCA1I26A mutated cells have very similar vulnerabilities to BRCA1 wildtype cells, while the BRCA1R1699Q mutation induced a more similar phenotype to BRCA1-deficient cells. Then the authors unveiled a unique vulnerability to the loss of NDE1 with increased genomic instability specifically in BRCA1R1699Q mutated cells, but not BRCA1-proficient or -deficient cells. While the experiment design strategy is quite reasonable and the data are quite solid, some of the interpretations look not that convincing.

      Major concerns:

      1. According to your data, RAD51 IRIF were reduced to similar levels in BRCA1 depleted cells reconstituted with either BRCA1R1699Q or BRCA1I26A mutants,suggesting that both the two mutants have defects in HR (Line 110-117). And when you tested the Olaparib sensitivity, your results showed that unlike wildtype BRCA1, re-expression of BRCA1I26A only partially rescued the sensitivity, suggesting that BRCA1I26A still have the capacity to perform HR (Line 120-125). Since the function of BRCA1I26A is quite controversial in the field, the authors should explain in your experiment why RAD51 IRIF of BRCA1I26A is not correlated with its HR level, these two data should be consistent.

      Moreover, in line 194-195, you mentioned that this finding correlates with research showing that the I26A mutation does not affect tumour suppression and HR by BRCA1. It is hard to tell whether BRCA1I26A is defective or functional in HR, what's your opinion about it? If you agree that BRCA1I26A is functional in HR, then why it affects RAD51 IRIF. <br /> 2. In line 175, the authors validated the synthetic lethal interaction between BRCA1 and CSA in BRCA1-depleted RPE1 cells and BRCA1-mutated HCC1937 cells (Figure 2D, Supplemental figure 2A, B, C). Actually, HCC1937 is a both BRCA1 and FAM35A-mutated cell line (DOI: 10.15252/embj.201899543), it is a HR functional cell line that does not response to PARPi. According to your CRSIPR data in Table1 and others publications, loss of 53BP1 or its downstream factors such as C20ORF196, FAM35A are synthetic survival with BRCA1 loss. If CSA is synthetic lethal with BRCA1 loss in HCC1937, suggesting that CSA is not simply synthetic lethal with BRCA1 loss of function, at least not only synthetic lethal with HR deficiency. CSA maybe a promising drug target for treating with the PARPi resistant or the PARPi non-response patients. The authors should mention it in the manuscript. 3. RPE1 hTERT P53-/- BRCA1-/- cells have very severe cell growth defects compared with RPE1 hTERT P53-/- BRCA1+/+ cells. Did you see a growth defect or a certain cell death when you induce acute BRCA1 depletion? In Figure 1C, you only showed the survival rate compared with PARPi non-treatment group. Can you also show the growth curve of all these cell lines? 4. Based on your CRISPR screen results from Table 1,2,3, you made the conclusion that BRCA1I26A exhibits vulnerabilities similar to BRCA1-proficient cells and BRCA1R1699Q exhibits vulnerabilities similar to BRCA1-deficient cells. However, when looked at the data carefully, XRCC1 and several FA genes were all found as synthetic lethality hits with BRCA1-deficient, BRCA1I26A, BRCA1R1699Q. And the known genes such as TP53BP1 and ATMIN were found beneficial for survival in the all three screens. If BRCA1I26A exhibits vulnerabilities similar to BRCA1-proficient cells, then why the known hits in the screen are same with BRCA1-deficient cells. Loss of NDE1 is specifically toxic to cells expressing BRCA1R1699Q. Did you find any target that specifically toxic to cells expressing BRCA1I26A?

      It is hard to tell whether your conclusion is correct. Of course, the three cells have some same and also different genetic background, you may consider how to separate the difference. Separate the difference will benefit the treatment for patients with different BRCA1 mutation background.

      Minor concerns:

      1. RPE1 hTERT P53-/- BRCA1-/- cell line has very clear BRCA1 depletion background. Why at the beginning, you did not choose to use RPE1 hTERT P53-/- BRCA1-/- cells reconstituted with BRCA1 wildtype, BRCA1R1699Q or BRCA1I26A mutants to perform the CRISPR screens? What are the advantages of your strategy by first depletion of BRCA1 with auxin and then inducible express BRCA1 constructs? It looks much more complicated.
      2. In Supplemental Figure 2C, a blot to detect BRCA1 should be included.


      If the conclusions are correct, the new findings will tell the importance to differentiate between patient-derived mutations when assessing novel treatment targets.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Exploiting synthetic lethality based on functional correlations has the potential to significantly improve the survival of cancer patients by reducing resistance to targeted therapies and increasing anti-tumour efficacy when combined with other treatment modalities. Schreuder et al., aim to identifying novel vulnerabilities of patient-derived mutations that could improve patient stratification based on a specific genetic background. Precisely, they established a model system to perform a genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 KO screen to identify genomic vulnerabilities of BRCA1 variants with reported hypomorphic phenotypes, namely BRCA1 R1699Q and BRCA1 I26A in engineered RPE1 hTERT cells with AID tag. Using this system the authors were able to confirm known synthetic lethal genes reported in literature (e.g. APEX2, PARP1, POLQ) comparing cells with acute BRCA loss and BRCA1 deficiency. Moreover, the screen identified two genes, CSA and GPX4 that were not previously described as synthetic lethal with BRCA1 loss. What is potentially interesting, but marginally explored, is the identification of a unique synthetic vulnerability of cells expressing BRCA1 R1699Q mutant and NDE1 gene encoding for a dynamic scaffold protein essential in neocortical neurogenesis and heterochromatin patterning by H4K20me3, whose loss of function results in nuclear architecture aberrations and DNA double-strand breaks (Chomiak et al., iScience 2022). Accordingly, cells ablated of NDE1 and expressing BRCA1 R1699Q mutant show less proliferation of cells expressing either BRCA1 WT or BRCA1-depleted. Furthermore, cells lacking NDE1 show increased genomic instability by means of increased micronuclei and anaphase bridges compared to BRCA1 proficient and BRCA1 R1699Q mutant.

      Major comments:

      1. The authors claim that cells expressing BRCA1-I26A are largely HR-proficient, based on a milder effect on Olaparib sensitivity compared to cells expressing BRCA1-R1699A (Fig. 1C). However, I26A mutant cells are defective in RAD51 IRIF (Fig. 1B), indicative of an HR defect. Recently it has been shown that BRCA1 RING mutations that do not impact BARD1 binding, including I26A, render BRCA1 unable to accumulate to DNA damage sites and unable to form RAD51 foci when such mutation is combined with mutations that disable RAP80-BRCA1 interaction (Sherker et al., 2021). How do the authors explain this discrepancy with the literature?
      2. The reduction in survival following CSA depletion in BRCA1-proficient vs. -deficient cells is only 20% (Figure 2 and S2B). In my opinion, such a minor difference is not supporting the notion of a SL interaction between BRCA1 and CSA. To substantiate CSA as synthetic lethal hit, I would recommend the authors comparing the effect of CSA loss to that of EXO1 or BLM loss, both genes recently identified by the same group as SL partners of BRCA1 using the same experimental screening set up (van de Kooij et al, 2024). Moreover, validation data for GPX4 is missing.
      3. Similar to the minor effect observed for CSA, DOT1L and OTUD5 depletions caused rather mild and/or divergent phenotypes between the two sgRNAs used (Figure 4B), rather arguing against robust SL interactions between those genes and BRCA1 deficiency that could be therapeutically exploited.
      4. To strengthen their conclusion in Figure 4C the authors should perform complementation experiments with NDE1 WT and, ideally, with NDE1 mutant(s). On a related note, are NDE1 knock-out cells expressing BRCA1-R1699A more sensitive to PARPi?
      5. Graphs shown in Fig. 1A-C, Fig. 4B, S2D, S3B, S3E and S3F are lacking proper statistical analysis of the differences. Some experiments have only been repeated twice (e.g. Figure 1C), precluding running statistical tests.

      Minor comments:

      1. The authors should include representative images for results shown in Fig.1 A-C
      2. The authors should add immunoblots for BRCA1 in Fig. S2C to indicate successful BRCA1 cDNA complementation in HCC1937 cells.
      3. Most numbers in the Venn diagram shown in Figure 3A cannot be read when printed.
      4. In the western blots shown in Supplemental Figure 1A, the electrophoretic mobility of BRCA1 variants expressed in RPE1 is quite variable. Could the authors indicate in the Figure (e.g. with arrowheads) which bands represent endogenous and which transgenic BRCA1. Moreover, in BRCA-wt complemented cells there are two bands following auxin/DOX addition, whereas there is one band observed in cells expressing BRCA1 hypomorphic variants
      5. Line 229 please correct "BRCA1-proficient" to "BRCA1-depleted".


      General assessment:

      This manuscript starts with an attractive hypothesis, which is the generation of a cellular system to study patient-derived hypomorphic BRCA1 missense mutations rather than using BRCA1 knockout cells. Performing CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome-wide synthetic lethal screens in this system allowed uncovering genetic vulnerabilities of cells expressing BRCA1-R1699A, a pathogenic mutant identified in several cancer patients. The data are of good quality and the manuscript is coherent and generally well written (few typos). However, some data describe mainly negative results (e.g. BRCA1-I26A mutant) or weak phenotypes while other more interesting aspects are not rigorously exploited (e.g. NDE1 SL) and therefore need to be interpreted with more caution and extended by additional experiments.


      BRCA1-R1699Q is classified as a pathogenic variant despite its low penetrance and intermediate cancer risk in breast and ovarian cancer compared to other variants. A recent case report highlighted the unique clinical outcome of a patient with the BRCA1 R1699Q variant, suggesting that this variant may differ from others in terms of cancer risk and drug response (Saito et al., Cancer Treatment and Research Communications 2022). These findings underscore the need for further studies to confirm these observations and to elucidate the specific mechanisms underlying the response to platinum agents and PARP inhibitors in patients with the BRCA1 R1699Q variant. The manuscript proposed by the authors has the potential to help understanding how BRCA1 missense mutations can contribute to determine treatment sensitivity and pave the way to patient stratification.


      This manuscript is suitable for a specialized, basic research audience.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      • *Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors present the use of previously identified biosensors in a single-molecule concentration regime to address lipid effector recruitment. Using controlled and careful single-cell based analysis, the study investigates how expression of the commonly used PIP3 sensor based on Akt-PH domain interferes with the native detection of PIP3. Predominantly live-cell fluorescence microscopy coupled to image analysis drives their studies.

      Conceptually, this manuscript carefully and quantitatively describes the influence of lipid biosensor overexpression and presents a means to overcome the inherent and long-recognized problems therein. This solution, namely employing low expression of the lipid biosensor, should be generally applicable. The work is of general interest to cell biologists focused on answering questions at membranes and organelles, including especially those interested in lipid-mediated signaling transductions.

      Reviewer 1 Major:

      #1.1 The terminology "single molecule biosensor" is not really appropriate. A protein is not "single-molecule". An enzyme does not "single molecule". Better is biosensors at single-molecule expression levels. In most cases, this should be changed. Single-molecule vs single-cell vs. bulk measurements are often poorly defined in quantifications and conflating these does not help the case, which is already supported by generally clear data.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s thoughtful critique of our grammatically incorrect use of jargon; we saw this as soon as they mentioned it! We have amended the manuscript where appropriate as detailed:

      • Title is now changed to “Lipid Biosensors Expressed at Single Molecule Levels Mitigates Inhibition of Endogenous Effector Proteins”
      • Last paragraph of the introduction on __ 2__ now reads “As well as alleviating inhibition of PI3K signaling, biosensors expressed at these low levels show improved dynamic range and report more accurate kinetics than their over-expressed counterparts."
      • The title of the results section on __ 6__ is now: Mitigating PIP3 competition using biosensors expressed at single molecule levels
      • Last paragraph of the results section on 6 now reads: “this showed that when expressed at single molecule levels, the biosensor has substantially better dynamic range”. #1.2 Figure 1D-F, images not as clearly describing quantitation as one would hope. Untransfected cells in 1E should demonstrate more translocated Akt-pS473 than transfected, but it is difficult for this reviewer to find. Consider inset images in addition to the wider field. Consider also moving the "negative" data of Fig 1B-C to Supplement.

      We regret not making this figure easier to interpret; we have substantially updated the figure, as comprehensively detailed in our point-by-point response to reviewer 2’s point 2.3. To specifically address this reviewer’s concerns:

      The older figure used non-confocal, low-resolution images that were used for quantification. Such an approach was employed to enable fluorescence from the entire cellular volume to be captured, which produces more robust quantification. However, to the reviewer’s point, it is not possible to see the translocation of PH-AKT1 nor translocated AKT-pS473 in these images. Fortunately, we had in parallel captured high resolution confocal images for some experiments. These are now shown in Fig 1D-E, which clearly shows translocated AKT-pS473 and PH-AKT-EGFP

      #1.3 The cell line being used is not clearly specified after the initial development of the NG1 followed by CRISPRed NG2 onto Akt. For example, for the Figure 3C experiments, the text states "complete ablation of endogenous AKT1-NG2" but this information is not apparent from the figure legend or figure. Throughout the cell line used and the aspects transfected need to be made explicitly clear.

      We are grateful to the reviewer for highlighting this ambiguity. We have now defined the gene-edited cells used throughout as “AKT1-NG2 cells” and expressly used this term when referring to experiments in figures 2-5.

      #1.4 Fig. 5 shows single cells. It is therefore unclear if broken promoters have resulted in decreased expression. This point is important because the expression plasmids should be made publicly available, and for their use to be understood properly, this must be clarified. The details of the plasmids are unclear. Perhaps listed in the table? - unclear. This aspect would be important for the field to effectively use the reagents.

      Thank you for drawing our attention to the lack of adequate detail here. We have now updated the results text to expressly reference Morita et al., 2022 where the origins of the truncated CMV promoters are detailed. We have also updated the plasmids table 1 to add pertinent details for these constructs: *pCMVd3 plasmids are based on the pEGFP-C1 backbone, with the CMV promoter truncated to remove 18 of the 26 putative transcription factor binding sites in the human Cytomegalovirus Major Intermediate Enhancer/Promoter (pCMV∆3 as described in Morita et al., 2012). The full sequences will be deposited with the plasmids on Addgene.

      We did not perform a formal comparison of full vs truncated promoters. Our only observation is that the truncated promoters greatly help in increasing the number of expressing cells presenting single-molecule resolvable expression levels (though the approach can still work with full promoters).

      #1.5 This manuscript speculates several times that with more abundant PIs like PI45P2, the observed saturation effect is probably not happening. This should be removed. While the back of envelope calculations may reflect an ideal scenario, the heterogeneity of distribution and multiple key cellular structures involved would seem to corral increased PI45P2 levels in certain regions. These factors amid multivalency and electrostatic mechanisms of lipid effector recruitment (e.g. MARCKS) suggest that speculation may be too strong. Moreover, Maib et al JCB 2024 demonstrated PI4P probe overexpression could directly mask the ability to detect PI4P post-fixation - not fully, but partially. Repeating the titration experiments of this manuscript for multiple PIs is entirely beyond the scope of reasonable, and hence, such experiments are not requested, in favor of adopting more conscientious speculation.

      The reviewer’s point is well taken. Whilst we still believe the overall argument for lipids is sounds (for example, PS or cholesterol are far too abundant for any expressed, stoichiometric binding protein to bind the majority of the population) even abundant phosphoinositides like PI4P and PI(4,5)P2 are an edge case. We have therefore undated the first paragraph of the introduction on __p. 1 __to be less explicit: One of the most prominent is the fact that lipid engagement by a biosensor occludes the lipid’s headgroup, blocking its interaction with proteins that mediate biological function. It follows that large fractions of lipid may be effectively outcompeted by the biosensor, inhibiting the associated physiology. We have argued that, in most cases, this is unlikely because the total number of lipid molecules outnumbers expressed biosensors by one to two orders of magnitude (Wills et al., 2018). However, for less abundant lipids, total molecule copy numbers may be in the order of tens to hundreds of thousands, making competition by biosensors a real possibility.

      We also removed the explicit discussion of PI(4,5)P2 from the introduction, and focus now solely on the PI3K lipids.

      Reviewer 1 Minor:

      1.6 Schematics throughout need simplification, enabling their enlargement.

      We have now enlarged the size of all schematics

      #1.7 Numerous spelling (Fig. 4 schemas) and capitalizations need fixing.

      Thank you for drawing our attention to these. We have thoroughly proof-read the figure panels and corrected errors.

      #1.8 Pg 1 Famous is not appropriate wording

      We respectfully beg to differ with the reviewer here. We believe it is perfectly accurate to state that PIP3 is a second messenger molecule that is known about by many people; we see this as the dictionary definition of the word “famous”.

      #1.9 Fig. 1A statistical testing of microscopy quantifications absent (generally, throughout) and should be included.

      This was indeed an oversight on our part. We have now added appropriate multiple comparisons tests to the data presented in figures 1F, 3F, 4C, 4F and 5C.

      #1.10 Fig.1. In a transient transfection, the protein expression is not uniform. Please explain how you normalized the quantification.

      We hope this is now clarified by the expanded “Image Analysis” part of the methods section on pp. 10-11 (relevant sentence is underlined): For immunofluorescence, we identified individual cells by auto thresholding the DAPI channel using the “Huang” method, followed by the Watershed function to segment bunched cells that appeared to touch. We then used the Voronoi function to generate boundary lines for the segmentation of the cells. To identify cytoplasm, auto thresholding of the CellMask channel using the “Huang” function was employed, with the cells segmented by adding the nuclear Voronoi boundaries. The “analyze particles” function was then used to identify individual cellular ROIs that were greater than 10 µm2 and were not touching the image periphery. These ROIs were used to measure the raw 12-bit intensity of the EGFP and AKT-pS473 channels. A cutoff of EGFP > 100 was used to define EGFP-positive cells, since this value was greater than the mean ± 3 standard deviations of the non-transfected cells’ EGFP intensity. Background intensity of AKT-pS473 was estimated from control cells subject to immunofluorescence in the absence of AKT-pS473 antibody; this value was subtracted from the measured values of all other conditions.

      #1.11 Fig. 1D. EGFP expression levels increased with EGF stimulation. How is this possible?

      There appeared to be a difference due to the presence of 5 strongly expressing cells in the chosen field in the original field for the EGF stimulated, EGFP cells. However, this arose just by chance. The new set of high-resolution images in the new figure 1 were selected to be more representative.

      #1.12 Fig. 1D. The images have pS473 whereas the y-axis label on box plots has p473. Can these box plots be labelled separately for consistency?

      Thank you. This has now been corrected in the revised Figure 1.

      #1.13 Fig.1. T308 phosphorylation is mentioned in Figure 1, but only pS473 data is shown.

      Both T308 and S473 phosphorylation are indicative of AKT activation. However, antibodies suitable for immunofluorescence are only available for pS473, hence why our experiments are restricted to this moiety.

      #1.14 Fig.1 legend. 'Over-expression of PH-AKT is hypothesised to outcompete the endogenous AKT's PH domain'. Why do you need to state a hypothesis in the legend?

      We included this statement for the benefit of the casual reader – i.e. one who looks at the pictures, but doesn’t read the main text!

      #1.15 Fig.1E You stated that the PH-AKT R25C-EGFP is stimulated by EGF addition. However, the GFP signal looks the same in both unstimulated and stimulated. Could you please clarify? Are you sure that the stimulation worked?

      We have clarified the second paragraph of the results section “Inhibition of AKT activation by PIP3 biosensor”__on __p. 4 as follows: In the non PIP3 binding PH-AKT1R25C-EGFP positive cells, we still observed an increase in pS473 intensity.

      The revised figure 1 images also show that PH-AKT1R25C does not translocate to the membrane with EGF stimulation.

      #1.16 You mention...that the AKT enzyme is activated by PDK1 and TORC2, which phosphorylate at residues T308 and S473, respectively. Phosphorylation is also known to occur on T450 at c-tail. Does this phosphorylation also contribute to its activation?

      Yes and no. Threonine 450 phosphorylation is thought to occur co-translationally and is important for AKT stability (see Truebestein et al as cited in the manuscript). It is not really relevant in the context for T308 and S473, which are phosphorylated acutely to activate the protein.

      #1.17 Fig. 1 scale bar in all images equivalent?

      We have now added scale bars to panels in both figure 1D and E to clarify.

      __#1.18 __Pg. 1 paragraph 1 "we have argued..." vs. paragraph 3"...consider that an..." feels like arguing with themselves.

      We believe the re-write we have done in response to major point #1.5 clarifies this point also.

      #1.19 Pg. 1 para 3 what is RFC score - must explain

      We have now defined this more clearly in third __paragraph of the __introduction on p. 1: PH domain containing PIP3effector proteins can be predicted based on sequence comparison to known PIP3 effectors vs non effectors using a recursive functional classification matrix for each amino acid (Park et al., 2008).

      #1.20 Discussion of numbers of PIP3 vs. effectors etc may not be appropriate for the introduction, as the points made by these calculations are already made in the previous paragraphs. May fit better in pg 6 Mitigating PIP3 titration... with an accompanying schematic.

      Respectfully, we prefer to keep this discussion of molecular concentrations, as this adds details and specifics to the pathway that is core to the paper.

      #1.21 Pg 2 "a neonGreen" not well defined, needs accurate description.

      We have clarified this in the sentence in the first paragraph of the results section “Genomic tagging of AKT1…” __on __p. 4, which includes the citation to the full description of the tag: To that end, we used gene editing to incorporate a bright, photostable neonGreen fluorescent protein to the C-terminus of AKT1 via gene editing using a split fluorescent protein approach (Kamiyama et al., 2016).

      #1.22 Fig 2C should give a unstimulated trajectory of puncta/100 um2 to compare with the stimulated

      Unfortunately, we did not record a full 5.5-minute video-rate time-lapse with unstimulated cells. However, we do not believe this control is essential for this experiment, since this example data is included to illustrate (1) the problem of photobleaching, which is clear in the 30-s pre-stimulus and (2) the variability in the raw molecule counts.

      #1.23 Fig 2C and F and G should be systematized for easier comparison. E.g. min vs seconds, 0 timepoint of EGF/rapa addition

      We have made the adjustment to figure 2C to be consistent with 2F and G:

      #1.24 Pg 5 "...and calibrated them..." unclear what is being calibrated, as the text later states that the histograms are fit to monomer/dimer/multimer model resulting in 98.1% in monomer. Minor point.

      We have clarified this point in the second paragraph of the results section “__Genomic tagging of AKT1…” __on __p. 4 __as follows: We analyzed the intensity of these spots and compared them to intensity distributions from a known monomeric protein localized to the plasma membrane (PM) and expressed at single molecule levels

      #1.25 Explain why baselines in Fig2CFG are different

      We did not comment on figure 2C; it is a single cell measurement, as opposed to the mean of 20 cells reported in F. However, we do now clarify the difference between figure 2F and G as the very end of the “Genomic tagging of AKT1…” results section on p 4: Notably, baseline AKT-NG2 localization increased from ~5 to ~15 per 100 µm2 in iSH2 cells, perhaps because the iSH2 construct does not contain the inhibitory SH2 domains of p85 regulatory subunits, producing higher basal PI3K activity.

      #1.26 Fig. 2 has quantification with images; Fig. 3 has it separate. Make consistent.

      We sometimes combine images with quantification, and other times separate the panel containing graphs. This is done deliberately, depending on whether the reader is directed to both together, or whether we consider the data separately in the results section.

      #1.27 Fig. 3B comes before images? Where are the images? Also, y-axis = Intensity (a.u.). Is intensity just full image field? Or per cell? All very unclear.

      We have modified both the graph y-axis label and the figure legend to clarify: (C) TIRF imaging of AKT1-NG2 cells from (B) stimulated with 10 ng/ml EGF

      #1.28 Fig. 3C missing images

      We believe the reviewer is referring to the mCherry channel for the “0 ng cDNA” condition. These images are missing because they do not exist. Since these cells were transfected with pUC19, there was no mCherry fluorescence to image.

      #1.29 Fig 3 C needs brightness/contrast adjusted as images are nearly entirely black (zero values).

      We believe the addition of insets addresses this concern. To the reviewer’s specific suggestion, we found that further increases in the brightness and contrast will bring up the camera noise, but this then occludes the signal from single molecules, such as those found after EGF stimulation of the 0 ng condition.

      #1.30 Fig 3C needs scale bar systemization

      We believe that the incorporation of scaled 6 µm insets addresses this point.

      #1.31 Fig 4 needs 4 panels A-D

      We have now added these individual panel labels to figure 4.

      #1.32 Pg 6 5-OH phosphatases needs reference

      We have added a citation to Trésaugues at the very end of the “Sequestration of PIP3 by lipid biosensors” results section on p. 6, which describes the activity of the whole 5-OH phosphatase activity against PIP3, not just the SHIP phosphatases.

      #1.33 Fig 5B, make images bigger

      Again, we trust that the addition of insets to all single molecule images has addressed this point.

      Reviewer 1 Referees cross-commenting**

      I have read the other reviews and find them entirely reasonable. My impression is we landed on similar general content that needs work, none of which is out of line. The importance and care taken in the author's work is uniformly lauded.

      We agree. At the risk of restoring to alliteration, we have been delighted to receive a trio of clear, concise and consistent comments on the manuscript! We believe it is now much improved.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This manuscript clearly and reasonably demonstrates that the commonly used PIP3 sensor can be titrated to low concentrations, at which it does not interfere with Akt translocation and activation. This work is a good technical reference for the field. Signal transduction and membrane biologists should be especially interested in the data. The reviewer/s have core expertise in phosphoinositides, protein biochemistry, cell biology, and membrane biophysics.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors characterize the inhibition of lipid second messenger mediated cell signaling through lipid biosensors that outcompete endogenous effector proteins. This is a very important study that as it quantitatively assesses an issue that many people suspected to exit, yet never properly characterized. This paper is therefore as much a service to the community as a research study in its own right and should be published without undue delay. I am glad that the authors decided to carry out this study & really appreciate their work.

      I do however, have a number of suggestions that I think will make the manuscript stronger and can be readily implemented, mostly by reformulating and/or re-analysis of exiting datasets. I've structured my comments by the datasets in the respective figures to follow the logic of the paper.

      Reviewer 2 Major:

      #2.1 Throughout the manuscript, statistical tests are missing, e.g. in figures 1C-F. This must be amended in the revised version. The authors are making a very quantitative point about buffering, data should be treated accordingly.

      We have now added appropriate multiple comparisons tests to figures 1F, 3F, 4C, 4F and 5C.

      #2.2 I do not think that "PIP3 titration" is the best term to describe the observed effect. "Titration" usually implies the controlled modulation of a concentration, e. g. in analytical chemistry. I think either "competitive binding of PIP3" or "buffering of free PIP3" are more adequate.

      This point is well taken. We have now replaced the word “titration” throughout, replacing it with either “competitive binding” or “sequestration”.

      #2.3 Specific comments: Figure 1

      #2.3a Why are data in 1D-Ff shown as median, with interquartile ranges and 10-90 percentile distance when everything else in the paper is mean +/- se? There might be a good reason for it, but I did not find it mentioned everywhere

      For consistency’s sake, we have changed figure 1F to show a bar graph, though as noted in the figure legend: Graphs show medians ± 95% confidence interval of the median from 82-160 cells pooled from three experiments (medians are reported since the data are not normally distributed).

      #2.3b The authors should test, whether the difference between the +EGF conditions in 1D (EGFP) and 1F (PH-AktR25C-EGFP) is indeed statistically significant. If this observation holds up, what does it mean? Is the mutant still competing with endogenous Akt despite the much-reduced binding affinity? The authors should discuss.

      We have re-analyzed the data in figure 1, with the quantitative data presented in figure 1F combined with statistical analysis. The new data shows no significant effect of the PH-AKT1R25C mutant in either resting or EGF stimulated condition

      There results are also described in the__ second paragraph__ of the first results section on pp. 3-4: This analysis showed that the R25C mutant had no substantial effect on pS473 levels, whereas wild-type PH-AKT greatly inhibited pS473 staining in EGF-stimulated cells as well as reducing basal levels in serum starved cells (Fig. 1F).

      #2.3c How were biosensor/GFP positive cells chosen? Did the authors choose a defined fluorescence intensity cut-off? I think that a pure manual selection is problematic from a methodological point of view as this may introduce biases. Since the authors use Fiji, they can also simply use the "Analyze particles" function, which allows to automatically segment cells from a thresholded image. By choosing the same threshold for all images, it would be ensured that all images are treated exactly the same way.

      We had initially opted for manual outlining of cells since automatic segmentation of irregularly-shaped HEK293a cells is imperfect. However, we agree with André that this opens the possibility of bias. We have therefore re-run the analysis with an automated segmentation and thresholding approach, as suggested. This is detailed in the__ second paragraph__ of the first results section on pp. 3-4: In parallel, we imaged cells with a low resolution 0.75 NA air objective to capture fluorescence from the cells’ entire volume, then quantified these images using an automatically determined threshold for GFP-positive cells (see Materials and Methods). This analysis showed that the R25C mutant had no substantial effect on pS473 levels, whereas wild-type PH-AKT greatly inhibited pS473 staining in EGF-stimulated cells as well as reducing basal levels in serum starved cells (Fig. 1F).

      Further detail is provided in the first paragraph of the “Image analysis” subsection of the methods on pp. 10-11: For immunofluorescence, we identified individual cells by auto thresholding the DAPI channel using the “Huang” method, followed by the Watershed function to segment bunched cells that appeared to touch. We then used the Voronoi function to generate boundary lines for the segmentation of the cells’ cytoplasm. To identify cytoplasm, auto thresholding of the CellMask channel using the “Huang” function was employed, with the images segmented by adding the nuclear Voronoi boundaries. The “analyze particles” function was then used to identify individual cellular ROIs that were greater than 10 µm2 and were not touching the image periphery. These ROIs were used to measure the raw 12-bit intensity of the EGFP and AKT-pS473 channels. A cutoff of EGFP > 100 was used to define EGFP-positive cells, since this value was greater than the mean ± 3 standard deviations of the untransfected cells’ EGFP intensity. Background intensity of AKT-pS473 was estimated from control cells subject to immunofluorescence with the AKT-pS473 antibody omitted; this value was subtracted from the measured values of all other conditions.

      #2.3d I am missing a statement in the methods section that all images were acquired using the same settings.

      This was indeed an important oversight on our part – thanks for spotting the omission of this crucial detail. This is now included at the end of the “Immunofluorescence” section of the Methods on pp. 9-10: Identical laser excitation power, scan speeds and photomultiplier gains were used across experiments to enable direct comparison.

      #2.3e I recommend that the authors include a single cell correlation plot of EGFP fluorescence intensity vs AktpS473 intensity in Figure 1 D-F. This should be rather informative & make the concentration dependence clear.

      We did not observe a strong correlation between PH-AKT1-EGFP intensity and pS473 staining, likely driven by both the imprecision of the cell segmentation and the fact that very low concentrations of PH domain effectively inhibit endogenous AKT1 (as we show in the later figures with the more precise, live cell AKT-NG2 recruitment experiments: see response to #2.5).

      #2.3f I further recommend that the authors look at alterations of baseline Akt activity in the presence of the biosensor. In the images it looks like there might be an effect, but this is then lost in the analysis due to the normalization.

      As covered in our response to #2.3b, there is indeed an inhibition of baseline pS473 in PH-AKT1-EGFP expressing cells, now explicitly quantified and documented in results.

      #2.3g Please include zoomed image insets in Fig. 1D-F, in the current magnification one needs to zoom in quite a bit to see the effect in the raw data. It is a clear effect, but having a zoomed version would make for much easier reading.

      We now include high-resolution confocal images instead of low power, low NA volumes as shown in the last version of the manuscript, which we believe addresses this point and also reviewer #1.2.

      2.3h Up to the authors: I wonder whether it is possible to extract an IC50 value for the competitive inhibition of Akt by the respective biosensors. The transient expression gives the authors access to a wide range of expression levels at the single cell level, which could be quantified by counterstaining with a EGFP-nanobody at a different color (since the EGFP fluorophore went through the fixation process, it is likely unsuitable for quantification) and microscope calibration. Activity could be quantified as the ratio of observed and expected Akt-pS473 fluorescence (derived from the mean FI per cell from the EGFP control). This is not strictly necessary, but would be a beautiful quantitative experiment, give an easy-to-understand number & make the paper much stronger.

      This is a great suggestion, but does not produce precise enough data to work out, as we detail in response to #2.3e. From our data in new figure 3F and figure 5, it seems we have not explored the appropriate expression range to see intermediate levels of inhibition necessary to estimate IC50. This would be a cool experiment though!

      __#2.4 __Specific comments: Figure 2. Overall, compelling data. However, 25 molecules/100 um^2 at maximal recruitment feels low. Assuming a total cell surface area of appr. 2000 um^2 per cell and taking a baseline of 5 molecules/100 um^2 into account, this would mean that only about 400 copies of Akt are recruited in response to a pretty robust stimulus. Is it possible that the association reaction of the split GFP is not complete under these conditions? I think that a direct measurement of intracellular endogenous Akt concentration is required to put these numbers into context.

      This is an excellent point that we had missed. We now specifically address this point in the third paragraph of the “Genomic tagging of AKT…” section on p. 4: __Accumulation of AKT-NG2 was ~25 molecules per 100 µm2, which assuming a surface area of ~1,500 µm2 per cell corresponds to ~375 molecules total. It should be noted that tagging likely only occurred at a single allele in each cell, and the population still exhibited expression of non-edited AKT1 (__Fig. 2B). Given that HEK293 are known to be pseudotriploid (Bylund et al., 2004), the true number of AKT1 molecules would be at least 1,125. However, given an estimated total copy number of 23,000 AKT1 in these cells (Cho et al., 2022), this is still only about 5%. However, we do not interpret these raw numbers due to uncertainties in the efficiency of NG2 complementation under these conditions, as well as potential for reduced expression from the edited allele.

      We also removed the specific comment on molecule density from the abstract.

      #2.5 Specific comments: Figure 3 I think that the classification by plasmid dose does not make a lot of sense, as the resulting expression levels are rather similar. I suggest to pool all traces and calculate mean curves by actual expression levels using a binning approach (e.g. 0-50 au, 50-100 au and so on in raw intensity from Figure 3b). If there is an effect in the realized concentration regime, this should pick it up.

      This is an excellent suggestion, and we have done just that: thank you! The data is now included as a new panel Fig. 3F. The result is described in the results section, “Sequestration of PIP3 by lipid biosensors”, end of the first paragraph on pp. 4-6: To observe the concentration-dependence of AKT1-PH-mCherry inhibition, we pooled the single cell data from these experiments and split transfected cells into cohorts based on raw expression level (excitation and gain were consistent between experiments, allowing direct comparison). This analysis showed profound inhibition of AKT1-NG2 recruitment at all expression levels, with a slightly reduced effect only visible in the lowest expressing cohort (Fig. 2F).

      #2.6 Specific comments: Figure 5 These are very interesting data, in particular with regard to the underlying PIP3 dynamics. I agree with the conclusion of the authors that shielding of PIP3 from degradation is the likely culprit. What I would like to see here is actual kinetic fits - and different terms. On- and off-rate imply biosensor binding, but these are likely rather fast and not on the minute-timescale. The detected processes are much more likely to reflect production and degradation of PIP3 and that should be reflected in the terminology. For the fit: I think that a simple rate law for subsequent reactions ([PIP3]=C(e^-k1t-e^k2t)) will give good results and yield effective rate constants for PIP3 generation and degradation. This implies the quasi-steady state assumption for biosensor binding and implies that [PIP3] is proportional to the biosensor bound [PIP3], but these are reasonable assumptions to make.

      The is an excellent suggestion, which we have added. Specifically, fits are now present on Figs. 5G and 5I; we describe these in the last paragraph of results on p. 8: Normalizing data from both expression modes to their maximum response (Fig. 5G) and fitting kinetic profiles for cooperative synthesis and degradation reactionsrevealed the rate of synthesis is remarkably similar: 1.09 min–1 (95% C.I. 1.02-1.17) for single molecule expression vs 1.02 min-1 (95% C.I. 0.98-1.06) for over-expression. On the other hand, degradation slowed with over expression from 0.34 min–1 (95% C.I. 0.24-0.58) to 0.13 min–1 (95% C.I. 0.12-0.15). This is expected, since synthesis of PIP3molecules would not be prevented by biosensor. On the other hand, PIP3 degradation could be slowed by the over-expressed biosensor competing with PTEN and 5-OH phosphatases that degrade PIP3. An even more exaggerated result is achieved with the cPHx1 PI(3,4)P2 biosensor; this shows an increase in fold-change over baseline of 600% for single molecule expression levels, compared to only 100% in over-expressed cells (Fig. 5H). Again, the degradation rate of the signal is substantially slowed by the over-expressed sensor, reducing from 0.27 min–1 (95% C.I. 0.22-0.39) to 0.16 min–1 (95% C.I. 0.14-0.19), whereas synthesis remains only minorly impacted, changing from 0.61 min–1 (95% C.I. 0.57-0.64) to 0.54 min–1 (95% C.I. 0.52-0.56) with over-expression (Fig. 5I). Collectively, these data show that single molecule based PI3K biosensors show improved dynamic range and kinetic fidelity compared to the same sensors over-expressed.

      Details of the fits are given in a new methods section on p. 11:

      Fitting of reaction kinetics

      Curve fitting was performed in Graphpad Prism 9 or later. For the data presented in Figs. 5G and 5I, both synthesis and degradation phases displayed clear “s” shaped profiles not well fit by simple first order kinetics. Since activation of the PI3K pathway involves many multiplicative interactions between adapters and allosteric activation of the enzymes themselves, we assumed cooperativity and fit reactions with the two phase reaction as follows:

      Where Ft denotes ∆Ft/∆FMAX, nsyn and ndeg are the Hill coefficients of the respective synthesis and degradation reactions, and the rate constants for the reactions are derived from ksyn = 1/τsyn and kdeg = 1/τdeg.

      André Nadler

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      This is an important paper, analyses the effects of over-expressed lipid biosensors on cell signalling in some detail and will be of significant interest to a broad readership.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This is essentially a methods paper in which the authors provide a detailed and highly quantitative analysis of the potentially deleterious effects of expressing phosphoinositide-binding domains as biosensors. Specifically, they study the effects on PIP3 signalling, using biosensors that are widely used in the field.

      They show that the most-commonly used method of expressing PIP3 biosensors using transient transfection with viral promotors has clear deleterious effects on downstream signalling due to out-competing the endogenous effectors. Importantly, they also describe a new approach to overcome this by developing new plasmids and methodology to express these reporters at low levels.

      Reviewer 3 Major comments:

      The work in this paper is thorough and very nicely done. I particularly appreciate the efforts to quantitate or estimate actual numbers and densities of molecules, which significantly strengthen their arguments. The data are excellent and strongly support all their conclusions. I would therefore be happy to see this work published in its current form.

      Reviewer 3 Minor comments:

      I only have some minor and optional suggestions for improvement.

      #3.1 In figure 1D-F they show that PH-Atk-EGFP expression can suppress downstream Akt activation by quantifying P-Akt signal my microscopy. In these panels they say tgey selectively measure this in GFP-expressing cells, but it is not clear how they define which cells are expressing GFP - was a threshold used? Also, it would be nice to also measure both PH-Akt-GFP and P-Akt staining by flow cytometry to look for a correlation. Is there a threshold of biosensor expression that blocks downstream signalling, or is there a linear relationship? This might help specifically measure how much biosensor is too much.

      This is an important comment, also raised by reviewer 2. We provide a detailed explanation and outline revisions that address this in our response to reviewer #2.3c; essentially, we replaced the analysis with an automated segmentation and quantification, estimating GFP-positive cells from a fraction of non transfected cells. We have not performed a FACS analysis, but as we note in our response to #2.3e __and #2.3h, the correlation between EGFP and pAKT staining is imprecise in these experiments. The new __Fig. 3C does address this point for AKT1-NG2 recruitment, as described in our response to #2.5.

      #3.2 Some of their microscopy images (e.g. Fig 1D-F, Fig 5) are very small and would benefit from a zoom box - especially when they are trying to demonstrate single molecule detection.

      This is a fair point raised by all of the reviewers in one form or another. We have added zoomed insets to all of the single molecule images in Figs 2-5, and added higher magnification, confocal section images to Fig. 1.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This is both a methods paper and cautionary tale for cell biologists working in this field. Whilst everyone who uses these probes should be aware of the potential risk of biosensors titrating our effectors, this is often not sufficiently acknowledged. This paper is a very nice and clear demonstration of these risks, exemplified with probably the most highly-used biosensor and key downstream signalling pathway.

      Whilst the concepts presented are not especially novel, this paper nonetheless makes an important contribution to the community and hopefully will make others more cautious in how they use these biosensors.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is essentially a methods paper in which the authors provide a detailed and highly quantitative analysis of the potentially deleterious effects of expressing phosphoinositide-binding domains as biosensors. Specifically, they study the effects on PIP3 signalling, using biosensors that are widely used in the field.

      They show that the most-commonly used method of expressing PIP3 biosensors using transient transfection with viral promotors has clear deleterious effects on downstream signalling due to out-competing the endogenous effectors. Importantly, they also describe a new approach to overcome this by developing new plasmids and methodology to express these reporters at low levels.

      Major comments:

      The work in this paper is thorough and very nicely done. I particularly appreciate the efforts to quantitate or estimate actual numbers and densities of molecules, which significantly strengthen their arguments. The data are excellent and strongly support all their conclusions. I would therefore be happy to see this work published in its current form.

      Minor comments:

      I only have some minor and optional suggestions for improvement.

      In figure 1D-F they show that PH-Atk-EGFP expression can suppress downstream Akt activation by quantifying P-Akt signal my microscopy. In these panels they say tgey selectively measure this in GFP-expressing cells, but it is not clear how they define which cells are expressing GFP - was a threshold used? Also, it would be nice to also measure both PH-Akt-GFP and P-Akt staining by flow cytometry to look for a correlation. Is there a threshold of biosensor expression that blocks downstream signalling, or is there a linear relationship? This might help specifically measure how much biosensor is too much.

      Some of their microscopy images (e.g. Fig 1D-F, Fig 5) are very small and would benefit from a zoom box - especially when they are trying to demonstrate single molecule detection.


      This is both a methods paper and cautionary tale for cell biologists working in this field. Whilst everyone who uses these probes should be aware of the potential risk of biosensors titrating our effectors, this is often not sufficiently acknowledged. This paper is a very nice and clear demonstration of these risks, exemplified with probably the most highly-used biosensor and key downstream signalling pathway.

      Whilst the concepts presented are not especially novel, this paper nonetheless makes an important contribution to the community and hopefully will make others more cautious in how they use these biosensors.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors characterize the inhibition of lipid second messenger mediated cell signaling through lipid biosensors that outcompete endogenous effector proteins. This is a very important study that as it quantitatively assesses an issue that many people suspected to exit, yet never properly characterized. This paper is therefore as much a service to the community as a research study in its own right and should be published without undue delay. I am glad that the authors decided to carry out this study & really appreciate their work.

      I do however, have a number of suggestions that I think will make the manuscript stronger and can be readily implemented, mostly by reformulating and/or re-analysis of exiting datasets. I've structured my comments by the datasets in the respective figures to follow the logic of the paper.

      • Throughout the manuscript, statistical tests are missing, e.g. in figures 1C-F. This must be amended in the revised version. The authors are making a very quantitative point about buffering, data should be treated accordingly.
      • I do not think that "PIP3 titration" is the best term to describe the observed effect. "Titration" usually implies the controlled modulation of a concentration, e. g. in analytical chemistry. I think either "competitive binding of PIP3" or "buffering of free PIP3" are more adequate.

      Specific comments:Figure 1

      • Why are data in 1D-Ff shown as median, with interquartile ranges and 10-90 percentile distance when everything else in the paper is mean +/- se? There might be a good reason for it, but I did not find it mentioned everywhere
      • The authors should test, whether the difference between the +EGF conditions in 1D (EGFP) and 1F (PH-AktR25C-EGFP) is indeed statistically significant. If this observation holds up, what does it mean? Is the mutant still competing with endogenous Akt despite the much-reduced binding affinity? The authors should discuss.
      • How were biosensor/GFP positive cells chosen? Did the authors choose a defined fluorescence intensity cut-off? I think that a pure manual selection is problematic from a methodological point of view as this may introduce biases. Since the authors use Fiji, they can also simply use the "Analyze particles" function, which allows to automatically segment cells from a thresholded image. By choosing the same threshold for all images, it would be ensured that all images are treated exactly the same way.
      • I am missing a statement in the methods section that all images were acquired using the same settings.
      • I recommend that the authors include a single cell correlation plot of EGFP fluorescence intensity vs AktpS473 intensity in Figure 1 D-F. This should be rather informative & make the concentration dependence clear.
      • I further recommend that the authors look at alterations of baseline Akt activity in the presence of the biosensor. In the images it looks like there might be an effect, but this is then lost in the analysis due to the normalization.
      • Please include zoomed image insets in Fig. 1D-F, in the current magnification one needs to zoom in quite a bit to see the effect in the raw data. It is a clear effect, but having a zoomed version would make for much easier reading.
      • Up to the authors: I wonder whether it is possible to extract an IC50 value for the competitive inhibition of Akt by the respective biosensors. The transient expression gives the authors access to a wide range of expression levels at the single cell level, which could be quantified by counterstaining with a EGFP-nanobody at a different color (since the EGFP fluorophore went through the fixation process, it is likely unsuitable for quantification) and microscope calibration. Activity could be quantified as the ratio of observed and expected Akt-pS473 fluorescence (derived from the mean FI per cell from the EGFP control). This is not strictly necessary, but would be a beautiful quantitative experiment, give an easy-to-understand number & make the paper much stronger.

      Specific comments:Figure 2

      • Overall, compelling data. However, 25 molecules/100 um^2 at maximal recruitment feels low. Assuming a total cell surface area of appr. 2000 um^2 per cell and taking a baseline of 5 molecules/100 um^2 into account, this would mean that only about 400 copies of Akt are recruited in response to a pretty robust stimulus. Is it possible that the association reaction of the split GFP is not complete under these conditions? I think that a direct measurement of intracellular endogenous Akt concentration is required to put these numbers into context.

      Specific comments:Figure 3

      • I think that the classification by plasmid dose does not make a lot of sense, as the resulting expression levels are rather similar. I suggest to pool all traces and calculate mean curves by actual expression levels using a binning approach (e.g. 0-50 au, 50-100 au and so on in raw intensity from Figure 3b). If there is an effect in the realized concentration regime, this should pick it up.

      Specific comments:Figure 5

      • These are very interesting data, in particular with regard to the underlying PIP3 dynamics. I agree with the conclusion of the authors that shielding of PIP3 from degradation is the likely culprit. What I would like to see here is actual kinetic fits - and different terms. On- and off-rate imply biosensor binding, but these are likely rather fast and not on the minute-timescale. The detected processes are much more likely to reflect production and degradation of PIP3 and that should be reflected in the terminology. For the fit: I think that a simple rate law for subsequent reactions ([PIP3]=C(e^-k1t-e^k2t)) will give good results and yield effective rate constants for PIP3 generation and degradation. This implies the quasi-steady state assumption for biosensor binding and implies that [PIP3] is proportional to the biosensor bound [PIP3], but these are reasonable assumptions to make.

      André Nadler


      This is an important paper, analyses the effects of over-expressed lipid biosensors on cell signalling in some detail and will be of significant interest to a broad readership.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors present the use of previously identified biosensors in a single-molecule concentration regime to address lipid effector recruitment. Using controlled and careful single-cell based analysis, the study investigates how expression of the commonly used PIP3 sensor based on Akt-PH domain interferes with the native detection of PIP3. Predominantly live-cell fluorescence microscopy coupled to image analysis drives their studies.

      Conceptually, this manuscript carefully and quantitatively describes the influence of lipid biosensor overexpression and presents a means to overcome the inherent and long-recognized problems therein. This solution, namely employing low expression of the lipid biosensor, should be generally applicable. The work is of general interest to cell biologists focused on answering questions at membranes and organelles, including especially those interested in lipid-mediated signaling transductions.


      1. The terminology "single molecule biosensor" is not really appropriate. A protein is not "single-molecule". An enzyme does not "single molecule". Better is biosensors at single-molecule expression levels. In most cases, this should be changed. Single-molecule vs single-cell vs. bulk measurements are often poorly defined in quantifications and conflating these does not help the case, which is already supported by generally clear data.
      2. Figure 1D-F, images not as clearly describing quantitation as one would hope. Untransfected cells in 1E should demonstrate more translocated Akt-pS473 than transfected, but it is difficult for this reviewer to find. Consider inset images in addition to the wider field. Consider also moving the "negative" data of Fig 1B-C to Supplement.
      3. The cell line being used is not clearly specified after the initial development of the NG1 followed by CRISPRed NG2 onto Akt. For example, for the Figure 3C experiments, the text states "complete ablation of endogenous AKT1-NG2" but this information is not apparent from the figure legend or figure. Throughout the cell line used and the aspects transfected need to be made explicitly clear.
      4. Fig. 5 shows single cells. It is therefore unclear if broken promoters have resulted in decreased expression. This point is important because the expression plasmids should be made publicly available, and for their use to be understood properly, this must be clarified. The details of the plasmids are unclear. Perhaps listed in the table? - unclear. This aspect would be important for the field to effectively use the reagents.
      5. This manuscript speculates several times that with more abundant PIs like PI45P2, the observed saturation effect is probably not happening. This should be removed. While the back of envelope calculations may reflect an ideal scenario, the heterogeneity of distribution and multiple key cellular structures involved would seem to corral increased PI45P2 levels in certain regions. These factors amid multivalency and electrostatic mechanisms of lipid effector recruitment (e.g. MARCKS) suggest that speculation may be too strong. Moreover, Maib et al JCB 2024 demonstrated PI4P probe overexpression could directly mask the ability to detect PI4P post-fixation - not fully, but partially. Repeating the titration experiments of this manuscript for multiple PIs is entirely beyond the scope of reasonable, and hence, such experiments are not requested, in favor of adopting more conscientious speculation.


      1. Schematics throughout need simplification, enabling their enlargement.
      2. Numerous spelling (Fig. 4 schemas) and capitalizations need fixing.
      3. Pg 1 Famous is not appropriate wording
      4. Fig. 1A statistical testing of microscopy quantifications absent (generally, throughout) and should be included.
      5. Fig.1. In a transient transfection, the protein expression is not uniform. Please explain how you normalized the quantification.
      6. Fig. 1D. EGFP expression levels increased with EGF stimulation. How is this possible?
      7. Fig. 1D. The images have pS473 whereas the y-axis label on box plots has p473. Can these box plots be labelled separately for consistency?
      8. Fig.1. T308 phosphorylation is mentioned in Figure 1, but only pS473 data is shown.
      9. Fig.1 legend. 'Over-expression of PH-AKT is hypothesised to outcompete the endogenous AKT's PH domain'. Why do you need to state a hypothesis in the legend?
      10. Fig.1E You stated that the PH-AKT R25C-EGFP is stimulated by EGF addition. However, the GFP signal looks the same in both unstimulated and stimulated. Could you please clarify? Are you sure that the stimulation worked?
      11. You mention...that the AKT enzyme is activated by PDK1 and TORC2, which phosphorylate at residues T308 and S473, respectively. Phosphorylation is also known to occur on T450 at c-tail. Does this phosphorylation also contribute to its activation?
      12. Fig. 1 scale bar in all images equivalent?
      13. Pg. 1 paragraph 1 "we have argued..." vs. paragraph 3"...consider that an..." feels like arguing with themselves.
      14. Pg. 1 para 3 what is RFC score - must explain
      15. Discussion of numbers of PIP3 vs. effectors etc may not be appropriate for the introduction, as the points made by these calculations are already made in the previous paragraphs. May fit better in pg 6 Mitigating PIP3 titration... with an accompanying schematic.
      16. Pg 2 "a neonGreen" not well defined, needs accurate description.
      17. Fig 2C should give a unstimulated trajectory of puncta/100 um2 to compare with the stimulated
      18. Fig 2C and F and G should be systematized for easier comparison. E.g. min vs seconds, 0 timepoint of EGF/rapa addition
      19. Pg 5 "...and calibrated them..." unclear what is being calibrated, as the text later states that the histograms are fit to monomer/dimer/multimer model resulting in 98.1% in monomer. Minor point.
      20. Explain why baselines in Fig2CFG are different
      21. Fig. 2 has quantification with images; Fig. 3 has it separate. Make consistent.
      22. Fig. 3B comes before images? Where are the images? Also, y-axis = Intensity (a.u.). Is intensity just full image field? Or per cell? All very unclear.
      23. Fig. 3C missing images
      24. Fig 3 C needs brightness/contrast adjusted as images are nearly entirely black (zero values).
      25. Fig 3C needs scale bar systemization
      26. Fig 4 needs 4 panels A-D
      27. Pg 6 5-OH phosphatases needs reference
      28. Fig 5B, make images bigger

      Referees cross-commenting

      I have read the other reviews and find them entirely reasonable. My impression is we landed on similar general content that needs work, none of which is out of line. The importance and care taken in the author's work is uniformly lauded.


      This manuscript clearly and reasonably demonstrates that the commonly used PIP3 sensor can be titrated to low concentrations, at which it does not interfere with Akt translocation and activation. This work is a good technical reference for the field. Signal transduction and membrane biologists should be especially interested in the data. The reviewer/s have core expertise in phosphoinositides, protein biochemistry, cell biology, and membrane biophysics.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2024-02546

      Corresponding author: Woo Jae, Kim

      1. General Statements

      This is the second version of revision.

      After thoroughly reviewing the comments provided by the EMBO Journal reviewers, we found their feedback to be highly constructive and valuable for enhancing our manuscript without the need for additional experiments. For example, Reviewer 1 acknowledged that our "data are intriguing and some of the experiments are quite convincing," but suggested that the manuscript contained excessive data that required simplification. This sentiment was echoed by Reviewer 2. In response, we have completely reformatted our manuscript to eliminate unnecessary imaging quantification data and CrzR-related screening data. The reviewers noted the density of our experimental data, which has led us to focus on the SIFa to Crz-CrzR circuit mechanisms related to heart function and interval timing in future projects.

      Reviewer 2's comments were generally more moderate, and we successfully addressed all five of their points with detailed explanations and modifications to our manuscript. They positively remarked that "Overall, this highly interesting study advances our knowledge about the behavioral roles of SIFamide and contributes to an understanding of how motivated behavior such as mating is orchestrated by modulatory peptides." Additionally, Reviewer 3 accepted our manuscript without any further comments.

      In summary, we believe we have effectively addressed all concerns raised by Reviewers 1 and 2, resulting in a clearer manuscript that is more accessible to a broader audience.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1

      General Comments: In this revision of their manuscript, Zhang et al have attempted to address most of the points raised by the reviewers, however, they have not assuaged my most important concerns. The manuscript contains a ton of information, but at times this is to the detriment of the narrative flow. I had a lot of trouble following the rationale of each experiment, and the throughline from one experiment to the next is not always obvious. The data are intriguing, and some of the experiments are quite convincing, but other experiments are either superfluous or have methodological issues. I will summarize the most acute issues below.

      • *Answer: Thank you for your thoughtful feedback and for acknowledging our efforts to address your previous comments. We appreciate your recognition of the intriguing nature of our data and the convincing aspects of our experiments. In this second revision, we have taken your concerns regarding the narrative flow and data overload to heart. We have completely reshaped our manuscript, significantly reducing unnecessary data, including the NP5270 data and overlapping quantification results that did not contribute meaningfully to the storytelling. Our goal was to streamline the presentation of our findings to enhance clarity and coherence, ensuring that each experiment clearly supports the overarching narrative. We believe these revisions will not only improve the readability of our manuscript but also allow readers to follow the rationale behind each experiment more easily. We are confident that this refined approach will make our contributions clearer and more impactful. Thank you once again for your constructive insights, which have been invaluable in guiding us toward a more focused and compelling presentation of our work.

      Comment 1. *The authors argue that genetic controls are unnecessary because they have been conducted in previously published papers. I am concerned with this argument, as it is good practice to repeat controls with each experiment. However, I am overall convinced by the basic phenotype indicating that panneuronal SIFaR knockdown eliminates the changes in mating duration associated with previous experience. As for the more restricted 24F06-GAL4, the phenotype is odd-the flies do actually change their mating duration, just in the opposite direction of controls. Doesn't this imply that these flies are still capable of "interval timing", and of changing their mating strategy following exposure to rivals or following sexual experience? *

      • *

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer's critical comments regarding genetic control and the intriguing phenotypes we observed in specific genetic combinations. We fully agree with the reviewer and have repeated all genetic control experiments for this revision, confirming that our genetic controls consistently demonstrate intact LMD and SMD behaviors, as previously reported. These genetic control experiments have been included in Supplementary Information 1-2. We are grateful to the reviewer for the opportunity to reaffirm that LMD and SMD represent stable behavioral phenotypes suitable for genetically studying interval timing, supported by reproducible data.

      • *

      We acknowledge the reviewer's insightful comments about the exciting phenotype observed when SIFaR is knockdown which shows both singly reared and sexually experienced male show lengthened mating duration in contrast to normal LMD and SMD behaviors. Actually, we have observed such phenotype when specific neural circuits are disrupted such as when sNPF peptidergic signaling is disrupted in restricted neuronal population [4]. We are now investigating such phenotype as hypothesis as disinhibition. We explained this phenotype and about disinhibition in main text as below.

      In the spatial, the targeted reduction of SIFaR expression in the GAL424F06 neuronal subset resulted in a notable alteration of mating behavior. Both singly reared and sexually experienced flies exhibited an extended mating duration relative to naïve flies, contrary to the expected reduction. This observation indicates a deficit in the neural mechanism responsible for modulating mating duration, suggesting a disinhibition-like effect within the neural circuitry governing mating behavior. We have also previously observed a similar phenotype when sNPF peptidergic signaling is inhibited in specific neuronal circuits [62]. Disinhibition, characterized by the alleviation of inhibitory constraints, permits the activation of neural circuits that are ordinarily repressed. This process is instrumental in sculpting behavioral patterns and facilitating the sequential progression of behaviors. Through the orchestrated promotion of select neuronal activation and concurrent inhibition of competing neural routes, disinhibition empowers the brain with the ability to dynamically ascertain and preserve the requisite behavioral state, concurrently smoothing the transition to ensuing behavioral phases [63]. It is known that Drosophila neural circuits also exhibit disinhibition phenotypes in light preference and ethanol sensitization [64,65]. Further investigation is needed to uncover the underlying mechanisms of this disinhibition-like phenotype observed in LMD and SMD behaviors.

      This reversed phenotype strongly suggests a disruption in interval timing, as one would expect that if interval timing were normal and intact, male flies would decrease their mating duration in response to appropriate environmental changes. For instance, research has shown that patients with Parkinson's disease exhibit heterogeneity in temporal processing, leading to disrupted interval timing phenotypes [5]. Therefore, if male flies subjected to social isolation or sexual experience do not show a reduction in mating duration compared to control conditions, it indicates a potential disruption in their interval timing mechanisms. We appreciate the reviewer's encouragement to further explore this intriguing disinhibition-like phenotype, and we plan to investigate this aspect in our future projects.

      Comment 2. *I am glad the see the addition of data assessing the extent of SIFaR and CrzR RNAi knockdown; however, this has not completely addressed my concerns about interpretation of behavioral phenotypes. In both cases, the knockdown was assessed by qPCR using the very strong tub-GAL4 driver. mRNA levels are decreased but not nearly eliminated. Thus, when in line 177-178 the authors assert: "Consequently, we infer that the knockdown of SIFaR using the HMS00299 line nearly completely diminishes the levels of the SIFaR protein," the statement is not supported by the data. The qPCR results showed a knockdown at the mRNA level of ~50%. No assays were conducted to measure protein levels. The conclusions should be tempered to align with the data. Furthermore, it is not clear that knockdown is as successful with other drivers, which means that negative behavioral data must be interpreted with caution. For example, the lack of phenotype with repo-GAL4 driving SIFaR RNAi or elav-GAL4 driving CrzR RNAi could be due to a lack of efficient knockdown. This should be acknowledged. *

         __Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer's critical observation regarding the efficiency of SIFaR knockdown. We fully agree that it is essential to confirm both for ourselves and our readers that the SIFaR knockdown phenotype is robust and convincing. At the outset of this project, we tested all available SIFaR-RNAi strains following established protocols within the fly community to ensure consistency in our findings. When we employed strong drivers such as tub-GAL4 and nSyb-GAL4 for SIFaR-RNAi knockdown, we observed that the flies failed to eclose and exhibited a lethal phenotype during the larval stage, which closely resembles the homozygous lethal phenotype seen in SIFaR mutants. This suggests that, in most cases, the effects of SIFaR knockdown can effectively mimic those of SIFaR mutations. To share our methodology and reinforce our findings, we have added clarifying statements in the main text as follows:

      "Employment of broad drivers, including the tub-GAL4 and the strong neuronal driver nSyb-GAL4, with HMS00299 line consistently results in 100% embryonic lethality (data not shown). This phenotype mirrors the homozygous lethality observed in the SIFaRB322 mutant."

      • *

      Due to the significant lethality phenotype observed, we conducted PCR analyses using a combination of tub-GAL80ts and SIFaR-RNAi. As detailed in Fig. 1E, we reared the flies at 22{degree sign}C to suppress RNAi expression and then shifted the temperature to 29{degree sign}C for just three days prior to performing PCR. While our PCR results indicate a 50% reduction in SIFaR levels, we believe that experiments conducted without the tub-GAL80ts system would likely demonstrate an even greater reduction in SIFaR expression. To clarify this point and provide additional context, we have included the following description in the main text:

      "The silencing of SIFaR mRNA was achieved at approximately 50% using the HMS00299 knockdown line in combination with tub-GAL80ts, with RNAi induction lasting for three days (bottom diagram in Fig. 1E). Notably, the same tub-GAL4 driver, when used without the tub-GAL80ts combination, resulted in embryonic lethality while still reducing SIFaR mRNA levels by 50% after three days of RNAi induction. This finding suggests that SIFaR knockdown using the HMS00299 line with GAL4 drivers is likely sufficient to elicit the observed LMD and SMD behaviors. This rationale underscores the effectiveness of our experimental approach and its potential implications for understanding the role of SIFaR in mating behaviors."

      We also concur with the reviewer that the absence of a behavioral phenotype associated with CrzR-RNAi may be due to inefficient RNAi knockdown. Consequently, we have included a description of this issue in the main text as follows:

      • *

      "It is important to consider that the 50% knockdown of SIFaR and CrzR may be sufficient to disrupt LMD and/or SMD behavior. However, the lack of phenotype with repo-GAL4 or elav-GAL4 could be due to a less efficient knockdown. This possibility highlights the need for cautious interpretation of negative behavioral data."

      Comment 3. *Regarding the issue of outcrossing, I am confused by the authors' statement: "To reduce the variation from genetic background, all flies were backcrossed for at least 3 generations to CS strain. For the generation of outcrosses, all GAL4, UAS, and RNAi lines employed as the virgin female stock were backcrossed to the CS genetic background for a minimum of ten generations. Notably, the majority of these lines, which were utilized for LMD assays, have been maintained in a CS backcrossed state for long-term generations subsequent to the initial outcrossing process, exceeding ten backcrosses." It's not clear what this means. Perhaps the authors could definitively state how many times each line was outcrossed. The genetic background is important because of 1) the lack of all controls, and 2) the variability of the behavioral phenotype. Often, the presence or absence of LMD or SMD appears to depend on the behavior of the control flies. When these flies show low mating duration, there is typically not a reduction following sexual experience or group raising. Could these differences derive from genetic background or transgenic insertion effects? *

      Answer: We appreciate the reviewer's concern regarding the potential for confusion stemming from our descriptions of the genetic background. As the reviewer noted, we have published multiple papers on LMD and SMD behaviors, and we have conducted our experiments with careful attention to controlling the genetic background [1-3,6-8]. In response to the reviewer's comments about the importance of genetic control and background, we have completed all necessary genetic control experiments and confirmed that all our flies have been backcrossed for more than ten generations to the Canton-S (CS) strain. We believe that we have adequately addressed the reviewer's concerns regarding potential differences arising from genetic background or transgenic insertion effects. To provide readers with more detailed information about our genetic background, we have added a paragraph in the MATERIALS AND METHODS section as follows:

      "The CS background was selected as the experimental background due to its well-characterized and consistent LMD and SMD behaviors. To ensure that genetic variation did not confound our results, all GAL4, UAS, and RNAi lines employed in our assays were rigorously backcrossed into the CS strain, often exceeding ten generations of backcrossing. This approach was undertaken to isolate the effects of our genetic manipulations from those of genetic background. We assert that the extensive backcrossing to the CS background, in concert with the internal control in LMD and SMD, provides a stable platform for the accurate interpretation of the LMD and SMD phenotypes observed in our experiments."

      Comment 4. *I continue to have substantial concerns about the thresholding method used across many experiments to quantify overlap, and then to claim that this indicates that synaptic connections are being made between different neuronal populations. The degree of overlap will depend on factors including the settings during imaging (was care taken to prevent pixel saturation?). It is also not clear to me from the methods whether analysis was done on single confocal images or on projections. The images shown in the figures look like maximum projections of a confocal stack. Overlap would have to be assessed on individual confocal sections-it is possible that this is what was done for analysis but not clear from the description in the methods. Furthermore, a lot of figure space is dedicated to superfluous information. For example, in Figure 1F-J, there is a massive amount of space dedicated to assessing the agree of overlap between red stinger and CD4GFP, each driven from the same SIFaR2A driver, and further assessing what percentage of the CD4GFP signal overlaps with nc82, with the apparent goal of showing that a lot of the SIFaR signal is at active zones. This information does little to drive the narrative forward, and is quite confusing to read. Finally, the confocal images are generally too small to actually assess. *

         __Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer's concerns regarding our imaging quantification methods. We recognize the importance of providing a clear and transparent methodology for both readers and the broader scientific community. Instead of using maximum projection of confocal images, we employed a projection method that incorporates the standard deviation function available in ImageJ. Based on our experience, this approach yields more reliable quantification results, allowing for a more accurate assessment of our data. To ensure clarity and reproducibility, we have detailed our methods in the MATERIALS AND METHODS section as follows:
      • *

      "The quantification of the overlap was performed using confocal images with projection by standard deviation function provided by ImageJ to ensure precise measurements and avoid pixel saturation artifacts."

      We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion regarding the inclusion of image quantification data for overlapping regions, which may not be essential to the logical flow of our narrative and could lead to confusion for readers. In response, we have removed nearly all of the quantification data related to overlapping regions, retaining only those that we consider critical for the paper. Currently, only Fig. S3B-E remains, as it is important for illustrating how SIFa neuronal arborization interacts with SIFaR neurons in the central nervous system.

      Additionally, we fully agree with the reviewer that the overall size of the confocal images was too small for effective assessment. To address this concern, we have enlarged all confocal images and increased the spacing in the figures. We believe these improvements will enhance the clarity of our manuscript and facilitate a better understanding of our findings.

      • *

      Comment 5. *In general, the figures are still very cluttered, with panels too close together, and the labels are hard to read. *

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for their valuable feedback regarding the clarity of our figures. In response to their concern, we have enlarged the figures to enhance readability and ensure that the panels are more distinct. We believe these adjustments will significantly improve the viewer's ability to interpret the data. We appreciate the reviewer's attention to detail, which has helped us to refine the presentation of our findings.

      Comment 6. *There are no methodological details on how the VFB was used. The authors have not addressed my concern that they are showing only the neuronal skeleton (rather than the actual site of synapses). They are simply identifying all locations where the neuronal skeleton overlaps an entire brain region, and suggesting that these represent synapses. Many papers use the VFB to denote the actual location of synapses, which should be done in Figures 3B and S4A. *

      Answer: We appreciate the reviewer's constructive comments regarding the methodological details of using VFB data. We fully agree that we cannot draw definitive conclusions about SIFa projections to specific regions based solely on neuronal skeleton data, which do not indicate the actual locations of synapses. To address this concern, we have made it clear to readers that the VFB skeleton data serves only as a preliminary indication of potential SIFa projections to GA, FB, and AL.

      To confirm the presence of actual synapses from SIFa neurons, we conducted a thorough analysis using FlyWire data, which validated our findings from VFB. By integrating insights from VFB with the detailed synaptic mapping provided by FlyWire, we can confidently assert the functional relevance of these connections within the context of SIFa neuronal activity. This comprehensive approach not only bolsters our conclusions but also enhances our understanding of how SIFa neurons interact within the broader neural circuitry. We believe this rationale highlights the significance of our work in elucidating the complex relationships among these neuronal populations. We have detailed our findings in the main text as follows:

      "We utilized the "Virtual Fly Brain (VFB)" platform, an interactive tool designed for exploring neuronal connectivity, to gain insights into the connectivity of SIFa neurons with four other neurons, specifically GA, FB, and AL (Fig. 3B and Fig. S4B) [74]. While VFB provides valuable information, it does not offer precise locations of synapses originating from SIFa neurons. To address this limitation, we incorporated data from the FlyWire connectome, which allowed us to confirm that SIFa projections indeed form actual synapses with GA, AL, FB, and SMP (Fig. S3F and S3G) [75]. This multi-faceted approach enhances the robustness of our findings by integrating different data sources to validate neuronal connections."

      • *

      Comment 7. *The changes in GRASP and CaLexA with experience are very interesting, and suggest a substantial rearrangement of synaptic connectivity associated with changes in mating duration following group rearing or female exposure. I am still concerned, however, that the nsyb and tGRASP images look so different. I wouldn't expect them to be identical, but it is puzzling that the nsyb-GRASP data show connections in a few discrete brain areas, while the tGRASP data show connections in a much larger overall brain area, but curiously not in the major regions seen with nsyb-GRASP (ie PI, FB and GA). Shouldn't the tGRASP signal appear in all the places that the nsyb-GRASP does? For CaLexA and GRASP data, the methods should indicate the timing of the dissections and staining relative to the group/sexual experience. *

      Answer: We appreciate the reviewer's constructive comments regarding our GRASP data, which indeed reveal an intriguing neural plasticity phenotype, as the reviewer noted. In our previous response, we suggested that the observed differences may be attributed to the distinct SIFa-GAL4 strains utilized, as described in another manuscript focused on SIFa inputs [9]. In that manuscript, we classified the four SIFa neurons into two groups: SIFaDA (dorsal-lateral) and SIFaVP (ventral-posterior). The SIFa2A-GAL4 specifically labels only the SIFaVP neurons, while the SIFa-PT driver labels all four neurons. We acknowledge that we did not clearly communicate this distinction to the reviewer or our readers, and we apologize for any confusion this may have caused. To rectify this oversight, we have added a detailed explanation of these differences in the main text as follows:

      "The subtle differences in GRASP signals observed in Fig. 3A may stem from the distinct expression patterns of the SIFa2A-lexA and GAL4SIFa.PT drivers. We would like to emphasize that the SIFa2A driver labels only a subset of SIFa neurons in other regions (Kim 2024)."

      We recognize that a clear and transparent methodology is essential for generating reproducible data. In response to the reviewer's suggestion, we have revised our MATERIALS AND METHODS section to include more detailed descriptions of the dissection conditions. This enhancement aims to provide readers with the necessary information to replicate our experiments effectively.

      "To ascertain calcium levels and synaptic intensity from microscopic images, we dissected and imaged five-day-old flies of various social conditions and genotypes under uniform conditions. For group reared (naïve) flies, the flies were reared in group condition and dissect right after 5 days of rearing without any further action. For single reared flies, the flies were reared in single condition and dissect at the same time as group reared flies right after 5 days of rearing without any further action. For sexual experienced flies, the flies were reared in group condition after 4 days of rearing and will be given virgins to give them sexual experience for one day, those flies will also be dissected at the same time as group and single reared flies after one day."

      • *

      Comment 8. *The calcium imaging data are odd. In most cases, the experimental flies don't actually show an increase in calcium levels but rather a lack of a decrease that is present in the ATR- controls. Also, in the cases where they argue for an excitatory affect of SIF neuron stimulation, the baseline signal intensity appears higher in ATR- controls compared to ATR+ experimental flies (eg Fig 5L, 6O), while it is significantly higher in ATR+ flies compared to ATR- controls when the activation results in decreased calcium signals. Perhaps more details on how these experiments were conducted and whether data were normalized in some way would help to clarify this. *

      Answer: Thank you for your valuable feedback. We appreciate your careful analysis of our calcium imaging data and have addressed your concerns below:

      In our experiments, we observed that ATR+ flies maintained relatively stable calcium levels, whereas ATR- controls exhibited a gradual decrease. Under confocal imaging, GFP signals typically decrease over time, which we observed in ATR- controls. However, ATR+ flies did not exhibit this decline. To better convey this observation, we have refined the language in the manuscript. Specifically, we now describe this as a tendency to sustain the activity of Crz neurons in the OL and AG regions (Fig. 6K-M, Fig. S6G-I). This is supported by the sustained intracellular calcium activity in ATR+ flies compared to the gradual decline to baseline levels observed in ATR- controls (Fig. 6K-M).

      Baseline signal intensity differences: You correctly noted that in some cases, the baseline signal intensity appears higher in ATR- controls compared to ATR+ flies. These differences are likely due to technical factors, such as variations in the distance between the imaged brain and the objective lens. Even minor positional shifts in the brain (forward or backward) can affect the observed signal intensity.

      Our analyses focus on relative changes in fluorescence intensity within the same sample, which we present as line graphs to highlight trends rather than absolute values. However, we acknowledge that showing the magnitude of relative values instead of absolute values may have caused some confusion. We have revised the images to better align with our conclusions, ensuring that the adjustments do not affect the observed relative changes.

      Normalization and experimental details: The calcium imaging data were normalized to ΔF/F to account for differences in baseline fluorescence intensity. However, we recognize that further clarification of the normalization process and experimental setup is essential. We have expanded the methods section to include detailed descriptions of data acquisition, normalization steps, and statistical analyses.

      As the reviewer correctly noted, calcium signals in ATR+ flies are generally higher than those in ATR- flies. However, it appears that the calcium levels exhibit a maintained response rather than a dramatic increase compared to the control ATR- condition, particularly in the case shown in Fig. 6K, which illustrates SIFa-to-Crz signaling. We believe this observation may reflect the actual physiological conditions under which SIFa influences SIFaR neurons to sustain activity during activation. We have included our interpretation of these findings in the main text as follows:

      "Upon optogenetic stimulation of SIFa neurons, we observed a tendency to maintain the activity of Crz neurons in OL and AG regions (Fig. 6K-M, Fig. S6H-J), evidenced by a sustained activity in intracellular Ca2+ levels that persisted in a high level compared to control ATR- condition which shows gradual declining to baseline levels (Fig. 6K-M). In contrast to the OL and AG regions, the cells in the upper region of the SIP consistently show a decrease in Ca2+ levels following stimulation of the SIFa neurons (Fig. 6N-P)."

      To enhance readers' understanding of our calcium imaging results, we have reformatted our GCaMP data for improved clarity and included additional details in the MATERIALS AND METHODS section regarding the quantification of GCaMP imaging methods. Furthermore, as the reviewer correctly noted, discrepancies in baseline activity were due to our error in presenting the baseline data. We have now corrected this oversight accordingly.

      • *

      Comment 9. *The models in Fig 4 J and T show data from Song et al, though I could not find a citation for this. I would omit this part of the model since these data are not discussed at all in the manuscript. *

      Answer: We appreciate the reviewer for correctly identifying our oversight in failing to properly cite Song et al.'s paper. This error occurred partly because the preprint was not available at the time we submitted our manuscript. We now have a preprint for Song et al.'s paper, which discusses the contributions of SIFa neurons to various energy balance behaviors, and we plan to submit this paper back-to-back with our current submission to PLOS Biology. We have briefly cited Song et al.'s work in the manuscript; however, we have removed references to it from Fig. 4J and T to avoid any potential confusion for readers.

      Comment 10. *The graphs for the SCOPE data (eg Figure 8I-L) are still too small to make sense of. *

      Answer: We enlarged the tSNE plot generated from the SCOPE data.

      • *

      Comment 11. The rationale behind including the data in Figure 9 is not well explained. I would omit this data to help streamline and focus the manuscript.

      Answer: We fully understand and agree with the reviewer's concerns, and we have removed all previous versions of Figure 9 from the manuscript to prevent any confusion regarding the storyline.

      • *

      Comment 12. *The single control group is still being duplicated in two different graphs but with different names in each graph. The authors updated figure caption hints at this but does not make it explicit. At the very least, these should be given the same name across all graphs, as is done, for example, in the CaLexA experiments in Figure 4B-C. *

      Answer: We concur with the reviewer and have changed the label for all "group" conditions to "naïve" in all figures.

      • *

      Comment 13. *Lines 640-641: Moreover, the pacemaker function is essential for the generation of interval timing capabilities (Meck et al, 2012; Matell, 2014; Buhusi & Meck, 2005), with the heart being recognized as the primary pacemaker organ within the animal body". This is an intriguing idea, however, I attempted to look at the cited references and don't see any claim about the heart being involved in interval timing. I could not find a paper matching the citation of Matell 2014. Meck et al 2012 is an introduction to a Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience Research Topic and does not mention the heart, nor does the Buhusi and Meck 2005 paper. Perhaps there is a more suitable reference to make the assertion that the fly's interval timer would be affected by changes in heart rate. My suggestion would be to simplify the manuscript, focusing on the most robust findings-the behavioral effect of SIFaR knockdown, the GRASP and CaLexA data showing differences following group rearing or female exposure, and the effect of Crz knockdown in SIFaR neurons. Other details could be included but would have to be verified with more rigorous experiments. *

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer's interest in our exploration of the role of heart function in interval timing. While we found that knocking down CrzR in the heart specifically disrupts LMD behavior, we agree that our manuscript needs to be streamlined for clarity. As a result, we have eliminated all CrzR-RNAi knockdown data except for the oenocyte, neuronal and glial knockdown data presented in Fig. S8C-H. This decision was made to ensure a more focused comparison with the SIFaR knockdown experiments shown in Fig. 1. We are dedicated to further investigating the role of Crz-CrzR in heart function and its influence on interval timing in a future project. This approach allows us to maintain clarity in our current manuscript while laying the groundwork for more comprehensive studies ahead.

      In line with the reviewer's suggestions, we have simplified our manuscript by eliminating unnecessary data, such as overlapping image quantification and CrzR-RNAi screening, allowing us to focus on SIFaR knockdown and GRASP, as well as CaLexA with GCaMP imaging. We are grateful to the reviewer for providing us with the opportunity to delineate the role of CrzR in heart function related to LMD as a significant future project. We believe that our manuscript has been greatly improved by the reviewer's constructive feedback.

      • *

      __ __

      Reviewer #2

      General Comments:* The authors investigate mating behavior in male fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, and test for a role of the SIFamide receptor (SIFaR) in this type of behavior, in particular mating duration in dependence of social isolation and prior mating experience. The anatomy of SIFamide-releasing neurons in comparison with SIFamide receptor-expressing neurons is characterized in a detail-rich manner. Isolating males or exposing them to mating experience modifies the anatomical organization of SIFamidergic axon termini projecting onto SIFamide receptor-expressing neurons. This structural synaptic plasticity is accompanied by changes in calcium influx. Lastly, it is reported that corazonin-releasing neurons are modulated by SIFamide releasing neurons and impact the duration of mating behavior.

      Overall, this highly interesting study advances our knowledge about the behavioral roles of SIFamide, and contributes to an understanding how motivated behavior such as mating is orchestrated by modulatory peptides. The manuscript has some points that are less convincing.*

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer's positive feedback regarding our investigation into the role of the SIFamide receptor (SIFaR) in mating behavior in male Drosophila melanogaster. We are pleased that the detailed characterization of SIFamide-releasing neurons and their anatomical changes in response to social isolation and mating experience has been recognized as a valuable contribution to the understanding of synaptic plasticity and its impact on behavior. We are also grateful that the reviewer described our manuscript as a "highly interesting study" that advances knowledge about the behavioral roles of SIFamide and contributes to the understanding of how motivated behaviors, such as mating, are orchestrated by modulatory peptides. We sincerely thank the reviewer for these encouraging comments about our work.

      We acknowledge the reviewer's concerns about certain aspects of our manuscript that may be less convincing. We are committed to addressing these points thoroughly to strengthen our arguments and enhance the clarity of our findings. In response to the feedback, we have made several revisions throughout the manuscript, including clarifying our methodology, enhancing the presentation of our data, and providing additional context where needed. We believe these changes will improve the overall quality of the manuscript and make our conclusions more compelling. Thank you for your thoughtful review, and we look forward to your further insights.

      Comment 1. *It remains unclear why the authors link the differentially motivated duration of mating behavior with the psychological concept of interval timing. This distracts from the actually interesting neurobiology and is not necessary to make the study interesting. The study deals with the modulation of mating behavior by SIFamide. The abstraction that SIFamide plays a role in the neuronal calculation of time intervals for the perception of time sequenc es is not convincing in itself. *

      • Answer: We appreciate the reviewer's thoughtful comments regarding our conclusion that links SIFamide to interval timing in mating behavior. We recognize that our data primarily indicate that SIFamide is essential for normal mating duration and influences the motivation-dependent aspects of this behavior. We also acknowledge the need for more robust evidence to establish a clearer connection between these findings and interval timing. Recent research by Crickmore et al. has provided valuable insights into how mating duration in Drosophila *serves as an effective model for examining changes in motivation over time as behavioral goals are achieved. For example, around six minutes into mating, sperm transfer occurs, resulting in a significant shift in the male's nervous system, where he no longer prioritizes continuing the mating at the expense of his own survival. This pivotal change is mediated by four male-specific neurons that release the neuropeptide Corazonin (Crz). When these Crz neurons are inhibited, sperm transfer does not take place, and as a result, the male fails to reduce his motivation, leading to matings that can extend for hours instead of the typical duration of approximately 23 minutes [10].

      Recent research conducted by Crickmore et al. has secured NIH R01 funding (Mechanisms of Interval Timing, 1R01GM134222-01) to investigate mating duration and sperm transfer timing in Drosophila as a genetic model for understanding interval timing. Their study emphasizes how fluctuations in motivation over time can affect mating behavior, particularly noting that significant behavioral changes occur during mating. For instance, around six minutes into the mating process, sperm transfer takes place, which corresponds with a notable decrease in the male's motivation to continue mating [10]. These findings indicate that mating duration serves not only as an endpoint for behavior but may also reflect fundamental mechanisms associated with interval timing.

         We believe that by leveraging the robustness and experimental tractability of these findings, along with our own work on SIFamide's role in mating behavior, we can gain deeper insights into the molecular and circuit mechanisms underlying interval timing. We will revise our manuscript to clarify this relationship and emphasize how SIFamide may interact with other neuropeptides and neuronal circuits involved in motivation and timing.
         In addition to the efforts of Crickmore's group to connect mating duration with a straightforward genetic model for interval timing, we have previously published several papers demonstrating that LMD and SMD can serve as effective genetic models for interval timing within the fly research community. For instance, we have successfully connected SMD to an interval timing model in a recently published paper [3], as detailed below:

      "We hypothesize that SMD can serve as a straightforward genetic model system through which we can investigate "interval timing," the capacity of animals to distinguish between periods ranging from minutes to hours in duration.....

      In summary, we report a novel sensory pathway that controls mating investment related to sexual experiences in Drosophila. Since both LMD and SMD behaviors are involved in controlling male investment by varying the interval of mating, these two behavioral paradigms will provide a new avenue to study how the brain computes the 'interval timing' that allows an animal to subjectively experience the passage of physical time [11-16]."

         Lee, S. G., Sun, D., Miao, H., Wu, Z., Kang, C., Saad, B., ... & Kim, W. J. (2023). Taste and pheromonal inputs govern the regulation of time investment for mating by sexual experience in male Drosophila melanogaster. *PLoS Genetics*, *19*(5), e1010753.
         We have also successfully linked LMD behavior to an interval timing model and have published several papers on this topic recently [6-8].
         Sun, Y., Zhang, X., Wu, Z., Li, W., & Kim, W. J. (2024). Genetic Screening Reveals Cone Cell-Specific Factors as Common Genetic Targets Modulating Rival-Induced Prolonged Mating in male Drosophila melanogaster. *G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics*, jkae255.
         Zhang, T., Zhang, X., Sun, D., & Kim, W. J. (2024). Exploring the Asymmetric Body's Influence on Interval Timing Behaviors of Drosophila melanogaster. *Behavior Genetics*, *54*(5), 416-425.
         Huang, Y., Kwan, A., & Kim, W. J. (2024). Y chromosome genes interplay with interval timing in regulating mating duration of male Drosophila melanogaster. *Gene Reports*, *36*, 101999.
         Finally, in this context, we have outlined in our INTRODUCTION section below how our LMD and SMD models are related to interval timing, aiming to persuade readers of their relevance. We hope that the reviewer and readers are convinced that mating duration and its associated motivational changes such as LMD and SMD provide a compelling model for studying the genetic basis of interval timing in *Drosophila*.

      "The dimension of time is the fundamental basis for an animal's survival. Being able to estimate and control the time between events is crucial for all everyday activities [25]. The perception of time in the seconds-to-hours range, referred to as 'interval timing', is involved in foraging, decision making, and learning via activation of cortico-striatal circuits in mammals [26]. Interval timing requires entirely different neural mechanisms from millisecond or circadian timing [27-29]. There is abundant psychological research on time perception because it is a universal cognitive dimension of experience and behavioral plasticity. Despite decades of research, the genetic and neural substrates of temporal information processing have not been well established except for the molecular bases of circadian timing [30,31]. Thus, a simple genetic model system to study interval timing is required. Considering that the mating duration in fruit flies, which averages approximately 20 minutes, is well within the range addressed by interval timing mechanisms, this behavioral parameter provides a relevant context for examining the neural circuits that modulate the Drosophila's perception of time intervals. Such an investigation necessitates an understanding of the extensive neural and behavioral plasticity underlying interval timing [32-37]."

      We would like to highlight that many researchers are currently working to bridge the gap between interval timing as a purely psychological concept and its neurobiological underpinnings, as illustrated in the following articles [15,17-20]. We appreciate the reviewer's concerns regarding the relationship between mating duration and interval timing. However, we believe that our LMD and SMD model can effectively bridge the gap between psychological concepts and neurobiological mechanisms using a straightforward genetic model organism. By employing Drosophila as our model, we aim to elucidate the underlying neural circuits that govern these behaviors, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of how interval timing is represented in both psychological and biological contexts.

      Matell, M. S. Neurobiology of Interval Timing. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 209-234 (2014) doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-1782-2_12.

      Matell, M. S. & Meck, W. H. Cortico-striatal circuits and interval timing: coincidence detection of oscillatory processes. Cogn. Brain Res. 21, 139-170 (2004).

      Merchant, H. & Lafuente, V. de. Introduction to the neurobiology of interval timing. Adv Exp Med Biol 829, 1-13 (2014).

      Golombek, D. A., Bussi, I. L. & Agostino, P. V. Minutes, days and years: molecular interactions among different scales of biological timing. Philosophical Transactions Royal Soc B Biological Sci 369, 20120465 (2014).

      Balcı, F. & Toda, K. Editorial: Psychological and neurobiological mechanisms of time perception and temporal information processing: insight from novel technical approaches. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 17, 1208794 (2023).

      Comment 2. *For all behavioral experiments, genetic controls should always be conducted. That is, both the heterozygous Gal4-line as well as the heterozygous UAS-line should be used as controls. This is laborious, but important and common standard. The authors often report data only for offspring from genetc crosses in which UAS-lines and Gal4-lines are combined (e.g. figure S1). This is not sufficient. *

      • *Answer: We are grateful for the reviewer's constructive suggestions regarding the genetic control experiments. In response to similar concerns raised by another reviewer, we have conducted all necessary genetic control experiments and included the results in Supplementary Information 1-2. We hope that this thorough effort will demonstrate to both the reviewer and readers that the LMD and SMD behaviors represent stable and reproducible phenotypes for investigating the genetic components of interval timing.

      Comment 3. *There are quite a lot of citations of preprints, including preprints from the authors's own lab. It seems inappropriate to cite non-peer reviewed preprints in order to present the basic principles of the study (interval timing in flies) as recognized knowledge. In general, it is unclear whether the information presented in these multiple preprints will turn out to be credible and acceptable. *

      • *Answer: We concur with the reviewer and have removed most of the preprint material, retaining only one preprint that discusses SIFa function, which has been co-submitted with this manuscript.

      Comment 4. *Anatomical images are often very small and not informative. For example, figure S1 O, R, S and U shows small images of fly brains and ventral nerve chords that do not convincingly describe the expression of fluorescent proteins. The choice of a threshold to quantify fluorescence seems arbitrary. It is also not clear what the quantification "83% of brain and 71% of VNC SIFaR+ neurons" actually tells us. This quantification does not rely on counting neurons (such as 83% of neurons), but only shows how fluorescence in these neurons overlaps with an immunostaining of an ubiquitous active zone protein. The same is true for figure S2 or S3: overlapping brain areas do not inform you about numbers of cells, as stated in the text. *

      Answer: We appreciate the reviewer's concerns regarding our imaging quantification methods. In response to similar questions raised by another reviewer, we have thoroughly reformatted our methods section and eliminated much of the overlapping data that appeared unnecessary for this paper. We recognize the importance of providing a clear and transparent methodology for both readers and the broader scientific community. Instead of using maximum projection of confocal images, we employed a projection method that incorporates the standard deviation function available in ImageJ. Based on our experience, this approach yields more reliable quantification results, allowing for a more accurate assessment of our data. To ensure clarity and reproducibility, we have detailed our methods in the MATERIALS AND METHODS section as follows:

      • *

      "The quantification of the overlap was performed using confocal images with projection by standard deviation function provided by ImageJ to ensure precise measurements and avoid pixel saturation artifacts."

      We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion regarding the inclusion of image quantification data for overlapping regions, which may not be essential to the logical flow of our narrative and could lead to confusion for readers. In response, we have removed nearly all of the quantification data related to overlapping regions, retaining only those that we consider critical for the paper. Currently, only Fig. S3B-E remains, as it is important for illustrating how SIFa neuronal arborization interacts with SIFaR neurons in the central nervous system.

      Additionally, we fully agree with the reviewer that the overall size of the confocal images was too small for effective assessment. To address this concern, we have enlarged all confocal images and increased the spacing in the figures. We believe these improvements will enhance the clarity of our manuscript and facilitate a better understanding of our findings.

      Comment 5. *The authors have consistently confused the extensive overlap of neuronal processes (dendrites and presynaptic regions) across large brain areas with synaptic connections. One cannot infer functional synaptic connectivity from the overlap of these fluorescent signals. *

      Answer: We appreciate the reviewer's feedback and, in light of similar comments from another reviewer, we have removed most of the DenMark and syt.eGFP data, retaining only Fig. 3A. We are grateful for the constructive suggestions, which have significantly enhanced our manuscript. We believe that these revisions have clarified the narrative for readers, allowing for a more focused exploration of SIFaR's role in synaptic plasticity and neuronal orchestration.

      Reviewer #3

      General Comments: In this revised manuscript, the authors have fully and satisfactorily addressed my comments on the previous version. I recommend publication of this manuscript.

      __ Answer:__ We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for the careful consideration and positive assessment of our revised manuscript. Your insightful feedback has been instrumental in shaping the final version of our work, and we are delighted to hear that our revisions have met your expectations.

      Your dedication to ensuring the quality and rigor of the scientific literature is truly commendable, and we are immensely grateful for the time and effort you have devoted to reviewing our paper. Your support for publication is a significant encouragement to us and validates the hard work we have put into addressing the issues you raised.

      Please accept our sincere appreciation for your professional and constructive approach throughout the review process. We look forward to the possibility of contributing to the scientific community through the dissemination of our research.


      1. Kim WJ, Jan LY, Jan YN. Contribution of visual and circadian neural circuits to memory for prolonged mating induced by rivals. Nat Neurosci. 2012;15: 876-883. doi:10.1038/nn.3104
      2. Kim WJ, Jan LY, Jan YN. A PDF/NPF Neuropeptide Signaling Circuitry of Male Drosophila melanogaster Controls Rival-Induced Prolonged Mating. Neuron. 2013;80: 1190-1205. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2013.09.034
      3. Lee SG, Sun D, Miao H, Wu Z, Kang C, Saad B, et al. Taste and pheromonal inputs govern the regulation of time investment for mating by sexual experience in male Drosophila melanogaster. PLOS Genet. 2023;19: e1010753. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1010753
      4. Zhang X, Miao H, Kang D, Sun D, Kim WJ. Male-specific sNPF peptidergic circuits control energy balance for mating duration through neuron-glia interactions. bioRxiv. 2024; 2024.10.17.618859. doi:10.1101/2024.10.17.618859
      5. Merchant H, Luciana M, Hooper C, Majestic S, Tuite P. Interval timing and Parkinson's disease: heterogeneity in temporal performance. Exp Brain Res. 2008;184: 233-248. doi:10.1007/s00221-007-1097-7
      6. Sun Y, Zhang X, Wu Z, Li W, Kim WJ. Genetic Screening Reveals Cone Cell-Specific Factors as Common Genetic Targets Modulating Rival-Induced Prolonged Mating in male Drosophila melanogaster. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genet. 2024; jkae255. doi:10.1093/g3journal/jkae255
      7. Zhang T, Zhang X, Sun D, Kim WJ. Exploring the Asymmetric Body's Influence on Interval Timing Behaviors of Drosophila melanogaster. Behav Genet. 2024; 1-10. doi:10.1007/s10519-024-10193-y
      8. Huang Y, Kwan A, Kim WJ. Y chromosome genes interplay with interval timing in regulating mating duration of male Drosophila melanogaster. Gene Rep. 2024; 101999. doi:10.1016/j.genrep.2024.101999
      9. Kim WJ, Song Y, Zhang T, Zhang X, Ryu TH, Wong KC, et al. Peptidergic neurons with extensive branching orchestrate the internal states and energy balance of male Drosophila melanogaster. bioRxiv. 2024; 2024.06.04.597277. doi:10.1101/2024.06.04.597277
      10. Thornquist SC, Langer K, Zhang SX, Rogulja D, Crickmore MA. CaMKII Measures the Passage of Time to Coordinate Behavior and Motivational State. Neuron. 2020;105: 334-345.e9. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2019.10.018
      11. Buhusi CV, Meck WH. What makes us tick? Functional and neural mechanisms of interval timing. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2005;6: 755-765. doi:10.1038/nrn1764
      12. Merchant H, Harrington DL, Meck WH. Neural Basis of the Perception and Estimation of Time. Annu Rev Neurosci. 2012;36: 313-336. doi:10.1146/annurev-neuro-062012-170349
      13. Allman MJ, Teki S, Griffiths TD, Meck WH. Properties of the Internal Clock: First- and Second-Order Principles of Subjective Time. Annu Rev Psychol. 2013;65: 743-771. doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-010213-115117
      14. Rammsayer TH, Troche SJ. Neurobiology of Interval Timing. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2014; 33-47. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-1782-2_3
      15. Golombek DA, Bussi IL, Agostino PV. Minutes, days and years: molecular interactions among different scales of biological timing. Philosophical Transactions Royal Soc B Biological Sci. 2014;369: 20120465. doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0465
      16. Jazayeri M, Shadlen MN. A Neural Mechanism for Sensing and Reproducing a Time Interval. Curr Biol. 2015;25: 2599-2609. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.08.038
      17. Balcı F, Toda K. Editorial: Psychological and neurobiological mechanisms of time perception and temporal information processing: insight from novel technical approaches. Front Behav Neurosci. 2023;17: 1208794. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2023.1208794
      18. Gür E, Duyan YA, Arkan S, Karson A, Balcı F. Interval timing deficits and their neurobiological correlates in aging mice. Neurobiol Aging. 2020;90: 33-42. doi:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2020.02.021
      19. Merchant H, Lafuente V de. Introduction to the neurobiology of interval timing. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2014;829: 1-13. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-1782-2_1
      20. Matell MS. Neurobiology of Interval Timing. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2014; 209-234. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-1782-2_12
    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The article investigates the role of the neuropeptide SIFa and its receptor SIFaR in regulating two distinct mating duration behaviors in male Drosophila melanogaster, Longer-Mating-Duration (LMD) and Shorter-Mating-Duration (SMD). The study reveals that SIFaR expression in specific neurons is required for both behaviors. It shows that social context and sexual experience lead to synaptic reorganization between SIFa and SIFaR neurons, altering internal brain states. The SIFa-SIFaR/Crz-CrzR neuropeptide relay pathway is essential for generating these behaviors, with Crz neurons responding to SIFa neuron activity. Furthermore, CrzR expression in non-neuronal cells is critical for regulating LMD and SMD behaviors. The study utilizes neuropeptide RNAi screening, chemoconnectome (CCT) knock-in, and genetic intersectional methods to elucidate these findings.

      Major Comments

      • Are the key conclusions convincing? The key conclusions are intriguing but require more robust data to be fully convincing. While the study presents compelling evidence for the involvement of SIFa and SIFaR in mating behaviors, additional experiments are needed to firmly establish the proposed mechanisms.
      • Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? The authors should qualify certain claims as preliminary or speculative. Specifically, the proposed SIFa-SIFaR/Crz-CrzR neuropeptide relay pathway is only investigated via imaging approach. More experiments using behavioral tests are needed to confirm that Crz relays the SIFa signaling pathway. For example, Crz-Gal4>UAS-SIFaR RNAi should be done to show that SIFaR+ Crz+ cells are necessary for LMD and SMD.
      • Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Yes, additional experiments are essential. Detailed molecular and imaging studies are needed to support claims about synaptic reorganization. For example:
        • More controls are needed for RNAi and Gal80ts experiments, such as Gal4-only control, RNAi-only control, etc.
        • Using synaptic markers and high-resolution imaging to observe synaptic changes directly.
        • Electrophysiological recordings from neurons expressing SIFa and SIFaR to analyze their functional connectivity and activity patterns.
      • Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? The suggested experiments are realistic but will require considerable time and resources. Detailed molecular interaction studies, imaging synaptic plasticity, and electrophysiological recordings could take several months to over a year, depending on the complexity and availability of necessary equipment and expertise. The cost would be moderate to high, involving expenses for reagents, imaging equipment, and animal husbandry for maintaining Drosophila stocks.
      • Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? The methods are generally described in detail, allowing for potential reproducibility. However, more precise documentation of certain experimental conditions, such as the timing and conditions of RNAi induction and temperature controls, is necessary. The methods about imaging analysis are too detailed. The exact steps about how to use ImageJ should be removed.
      • Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Most figures in the manuscript need to be re-plotted. The right y-axis "Difference between means" is not necessary, if not confusing. The image panels are too small to see, while the quantification of overlapping cells are unnecessarily large. The figures are too crowded with labels and texts, which makes it extremely difficult to comprehend the data.

      Minor Comments

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable. Clarify the timing of RNAi induction and provide more detailed figure legends for better understanding and reproducibility.
      • Are prior studies referenced appropriately? Yes.
      • Are the text and figures clear and accurate? The text is generally clear, but the figures need re-work. See comment above.
      • Suggestions to improve the presentation of data and conclusions. Use smaller fonts in the bar plots and make the plots smaller. Enlarge the imaging panels and let the pictures tell the story.


      Nature and Significance of the Advance

      This study aims to advance understanding of how neuropeptides modulate context-dependent behaviors in Drosophila. It provides novel insights into the role of SIFa and SIFaR in interval timing behaviors, contributing to the broader field of neuropeptide research and behavioral neuroscience. However, the significance of the findings is limited by the preliminary nature of some claims and the need for additional supporting data.

      Context in Existing Literature

      The work builds on previous studies that identified various roles of neuropeptides in behavior modulation but lacked detailed mechanistic insights. By elucidating the SIFa-SIFaR/Crz-CrzR pathway, this study attempts to fill a gap in the literature, but more robust evidence is required to solidify its contributions.

      Interested Audience

      The findings will interest neuroscientists, behavioral biologists, and researchers studying neuropeptides and their roles in behavior and neural circuitry. Additionally, this research may have implications for understanding neuropeptidergic systems in other organisms, making it relevant to a broader audience in the fields of neurobiology and physiology.

      Field of Expertise

      Keywords: Neuropeptides, Drosophila melanogaster, Behavioral Neuroscience. Areas without sufficient expertise: courtship behavior.


      I recommend a major revision of this manuscript. The study presents intriguing findings, but several key claims are preliminary and require additional experiments for support. The data is poorly presented and the figures can be significantly improved. Detailed molecular and imaging studies, as well as more rigorous statistical analyses, are necessary to strengthen the conclusions. Addressing these concerns will significantly improve the robustness and impact of the paper.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Zhang et al., "Long-range neuropeptide relay as a central-peripheral communication mechanism for the context-dependent modulation of interval timing behaviors".

      The authors investigate mating behavior in male fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, and test for a role of the SIFamide receptor (SIFaR) in this type of behavior, in particular mating duration in dependence of social isolation and prior mating experience. The anatomy of SIFamide-releasing neurons in comparison with SIFamide receptor-expressing neurons is characterized in a detail-rich manner. Isolating males or exposing them to mating experience modifies the anatomical organization of SIFamidergic axon termini projecting onto SIFamide receptor-expressing neurons. This structural synaptic plasticity is accompanied by changes in calcium influx. Lastly, it is shown that corazonin-releasing neurons are modulated by SIFamide releasing neurons and impact the duration of mating behavior.

      Overall, this highly interesting study advances our knowledge about the behavioral roles of SIFamide, and contributes to an understanding how motivated behavior such as mating is orchestrated by modulatory peptides. The approach to take the entire organism, including peripheral tissue, into consideration, is very good and a rather unique point. The manuscript has only some points that are less convincing, and these should be addressed.

      Major concerns:

      • It is highly interesting that the duration of mating behavior is dependent on external and motivational factors. In fact, that provides an elegant way to study which neuronal mechanisms orchestrate these factors. However, it remains elusive why the authors link the differentially motivated durations of mating behavior to the psychological concept of interval timing. This distracts from the actually interesting neurobiology, and is not necessary to make the study interesting.
      • In figure 4 A and 4K, fluorescence microscopy images of brains and ventral nerve chords are shown, one illustrating GRASP experiments, and one showing CaLexA experiments. The extreme difference between the differentially treated flies (bright fluorescence versus almost no fluorescence) is - in its drastic form- surprising. Online access to the original confocal microscopy images (raw data) might help to convince the reader that these illustrations do not reflect the most drastic "representative" examples out of a series of brain stainings.
      • In particular for behavioral experiments, genetic controls should always be conducted. That is, both the heterozygous Gal4-line as well as the heterozygous UAS-line should be used as controls. This is laborious, but important.

      Minor comments:

      • Line 75: word missing ("...including FEEDING-RELATED BEHAVIOR, courtship, ...").
      • Line 120: word missing ("SIFaR expression in adult neurons BUT not glia...").
      • I find the figures often to be quite overloaded, and anatomical details often very small (e.g., figure 7A).


      Overall, this highly interesting study advances our knowledge about the behavioral roles of SIFamide, and contributes to an understanding how motivated behavior is orchestrated by modulatory peptides. The approach to take the entire organism, including peripheral tissue, into consideration, is very good and a rather unique point.

      Since decades it has been investigated how sensory stimuli are processed and encoded by the brain, and how behavioral actions are executed. Likewise, principles underlying learning and memory, sleep, orentation, circadian rhythms, etc. are subject to intense investigation. However, how motivational factors (sleep pressure, hunger, sexual drive) are actually "encoded", signaled and finally used to orchstrate behavior and guide decision-making is, to a very large degree, unknown - in any species. The model use here (Drosophila and its peptidergic system wit SIFamide as a central hub) represents actually a ideal entry point to study just this question. In this sense, the manuscript is at the forefront of modern, state-of-the-art neurobiology.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript from Zhang et al. primarily investigates the contribution of the SIFa neuropeptide receptor (SIFaR) to mating duration in male fruit flies. Through RNAi-mediated downregulation, they show that SIFaR receptor is necessary for previous experience to alter mating duration. Using cell-specific knockdown and rescue of the SIFaR receptor, they identify a population of ~400 neurons that could underlie this effect. This is still a large number of cells but is narrowed from the ~1,200 total SIFaR-expressing neurons. They then use the GRASP synaptic labeling technique to show that SIFa+ neurons form synapses onto the relevant SIFaR-expressing population, and that the area of synaptic contact is systematically altered depending on the fly's past mating history. Finally, they provide evidence to argue that SIFa neurons act through SIFaR neurons that release the neuropeptide corazonin to regulate mating duration. Overall, the authors have used an impressive array of techniques in their attempt to define the neural circuits and molecules involved in changing internal state to modify the duration of mating.

      Major Comments:

      1. The authors are to be commended for the sheer quantity of data they have generated, but I was often overwhelmed by the figures, which try to pack too much into the space provided. As a result, it is often unclear what components belong to each panel. Providing more space between each panel would really help.
      2. The use of three independent RNAi lines to knock down SIFaR expression is experimentally solid, as the common phenotype observed with all 3 lines supports the conclusion that the SIFaR is important for mating duration choice. However, the authors have not tested whether these lines effectively reduce SIFaR expression, nor whether the GAL80 constructs used to delimit knockdown are able to effectively do so. This makes it hard to make definitive conclusions with these manipulations, especially in the face of negative results. A lack of complete knockdown is suggested by the fact that the F24F06 driver rescues lethality when used to express SIFaR in the B322 mutant background, but does not itself produce lethality when used to express SIFaR RNAi. The authors should either conduct experiments to determine knockdown efficiency or explicitly acknowledge this limitation in drawing conclusions from their experiments. A similar concern relates to the CrzR knockdown experiments (eg Figure 7).
      3. Most of the behavioral experiments lack traditional controls, for example flies that contain either the GAL4 or UAS elements alone. The authors should explain their decision to omit these control experiments and provide an argument for why they are not necessary to correctly interpret the data. In this vein, the authors have stated in the methods that stocks were outcrossed at least 3x to Canton-S background, but 3 outcrosses is insufficient to fully control for genetic background.
      4. Throughout the manuscript, the authors appear to use a single control condition (sexually naïve flies raised in groups) to compare to both males raised singly and males with previous sexual experience. These control conditions are duplicated in two separate graphs, one for long mating duration and one for short mating duration, but they are given different names (group vs naïve) depending on the graph. If these are actually the same flies, then this should be made clear, and they should be given a consistent name across the different "experiments".
      5. The authors have consistently conflated overlap of neuronal processes with synaptic connections. Claims of synaptic connectivity deriving solely from overlap of processes should be tempered and qualified.
        • For example, they say (Lines 201-202) "These findings suggest that SIFa neurons and GAL424F06-positive neurons form more synapses in the VNC than in the brain." This is misleading. Overlap of24F06-LexA>CD8GFP and SIFa-GAL4>CD8RFP tells us nothing about synapse number, or even whether actual synapses are being formed.
        • Lines 210-211: "The overlap of DenMark and syt.EGFP signals was highly enriched in both SOG and ProNm regions, indicating that these regions are where GAL424F06 neurons form interconnected networks". This is misleading. Overlap of DenMark and syt.EGFP does not indicate synapses (especially since these molecules can be expressed outside the expected neuronal compartment if driven at high enough levels).
        • Lines 320-322: "Neurons expressing Crz exhibit robust synaptic connections with SIFaR24F06 neurons located in the PRW region of the SOG in the brain (panels of Brain and SOG in Fig. 5A)". This is again misleading. They are not actually measuring synapses here, but instead looking at area of overlap between neuronal processes of Crz and SIFaR cells.
        • In Figs 3B and S4A, they are claiming that all neuronal processes within a given delineated brain area are synapses. The virtual fly brain and hemibrain resource have a way to actually identify synapses. This should be used in addition to the neuron skeleton. Otherwise, it is misleading to label these as synapses.
        • Furthermore, measuring the area of GRASP signal is not the same as quantifying synapses. We don't know if synapse number changes (eg in lines 240-242).
      6. In general, the first part of the manuscript (implicating SIFaR in mating duration) is much stronger than the second part, which attempts to demonstrate that SIFa acts through Crz-expressing neurons to induce its effects. The proof that SIFa acts through Crz-expressing neurons to modify mating duration is tenuous. The most direct evidence of this, achieved via knockdown on Crz in SIFaR-expressing cells, is relegated to supplemental figures. The calcium response of the Crz neurons to SIFa neuron activation (Fig. 6) is more of a lack of a decrease that is observed in controls. Also, this is only done in the VNC. Why not look in the brain, because the authors previously stated a hypothesis that the "transmission of signals through SIFaR in Crz-expressing neurons is limited to the brain" (lines 381-382)?

      Furthermore, the authors suggest that Crz acts on cells in the heart to regulate mating duration. It would be useful to add a discussion/speculation as to possible mechanisms for heart cells to regulate mating decisions. Is there evidence of CrzR in the heart? The SCope data presented in Fig. 7I-L and S7G-H is hard to read. 7. In several cases, the effects of being raised single are opposite the effects of sexual experience. For example, in Fig. 4T, calcium activity is increased in the AG following sexual experience, but decreased in flies raised singly. Likewise, Crz-neurons in the OL have increased CaLexA signal in singly-raised flies but reduced signals in flies with previous sexual experience. In some cases, manipulations selectively affect LMD or SMD. It would be useful to discuss these differences and consider the mechanistic implications of these differential changes, when they all result in decreased mating duration. This could help to clarify the big picture of the manuscript.

      Minor Comments:

      1. For CaLexA experiments (eg Fig 7A-D), signal intensity should be quantified in addition to area covered. Increased intensity would indicate greater calcium activity within a particular set of neurons.
      2. In Figure 5K: quantification of cell overlap is missing. In the text they state that there are ~100 neurons that co-express SIFaR24F06 and Crz. How was this determined? Is there a graph or numerical summary of this assertion?
      3. In lines 709-711: "Our experience suggests that the relative mating duration differences between naïve and experienced condition and singly reared are always consistent; however, both absolute values and the magnitude of the difference in each strain can vary. So, we always include internal controls for each treatment as suggested by previous studies." I had trouble understanding this section of methods. What is done with the data from the internal controls?
      4. Could the authors comment on why the brain GRASP signal is so different in Figures 3A and 4A? I realize that different versions of GRASP were used in these experiments, but I would expect broad agreement between the different approaches.


      This study will be most relevant to researchers interested in understanding neuronal control of behavior. The manuscript offers a conceptual advance in identifying cell types and molecules that influence mating duration decisions. The strength of the manuscript is the number of different assays used; however, there is a sense that this has occurred at the cost of providing a cohesive narrative. The first part of the manuscript (detailing the role of SIFaR in LMD and SMD) is relatively stronger and more conclusive.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We want to thank both reviewers for their thorough and constructive review of our manuscript. Below, we have re-iterated their comments followed by an explanation of how we have revised the manuscript to address this.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This manuscript presented by Segeren et al. applied an interesting HRASG12V inducible cell model to study the mechanism of cellular resistance to replication stress inducing agents. They also employed a novel reversible fixation technique which allows them to FAC sort cells according to their replication stress levels before applying single cell sequencing analysis to the same cell populations. By comparing cells with low levels of replication stress to cells with high levels of replication stress, they found that reduction in gene expression of FOXM1 target genes potentially protects cells against replication stress induced by CHK1i plus gemcitabine combination. Overall, this is a very interesting study. However, the following points should be addressed prior to publication:

      Major: 1. Figure 3E and 3F showed two lists of differentially expressed genes in γH2Ax low cells. However, instead of arbitrarily extracting the FOXM1 target genes and TP53 targeted genes, it would be appreciated if the author could perform an unbiased and unsupervised gene set enrichment analysis such as Enrichr.

      As recommended, we performed an enrichment analysis using Enrichr to identify transcriptional programs associated with the we used the genes that were downregulated in the γH2AX-low cells. FOXM1 appeared as a prominent hit in different databases (both experimental and computational). We have included the lists of differentially expressed genes as an additional supplemental table (Table S1) and have included the Enrichr results as Table S3 (i.e. CHEA and ENCODE). We have described our results in lines 198-200 of the revised manuscript.

      1. At the experiment design stage, the authors also included HRASG12V status as a test condition because they previously found that HRASG12V mutation induces basal level replication stress and they would like to include this condition to study the adaptation to replication stress (line 110). However, the difference in HRASG12V negative and HRASG12V positive cells was not followed up in the later part of the paper. Can they show lists of differentially expressed genes identified under HRASG12V negative conditions as well (in the same format of Figure 3E and 3F) and comment on the differences as well?

      In the original manuscript, we included heatmaps of differentially expressed genes in the control cells in Figure S2. For improved clarity, we have modified this figure so that the heatmaps are labeled "Control cells". In the revised manuscript, we have also included Table S2, which lists the differentially expressed genes between yH2AX low and yH2AX high control cells, and Table S3, which lists the Enrichr results obtained based on these gene lists.

      We observed FOXM1 target genes in both the control and HRASG12V cells. Thus, the mechanism we identify does not appear to be specific to oncogenic Ras expression. We discuss this in lines 221-225. Because there were no other notable differences between the gene sets, we do not focus on this in the manuscript.

      1. In line 194 and in Figure S2B, the authors claimed that ANLN, HMGB2, CENPE, MKI67, and UBE2C demonstrated co-expression, but other genes displaying similar correlation scores were not commented (such as F3, CYR61, CTGF, etc). To avoid being biased at the analysis stage, the authors should define clearly what the cut-off of correlation score is and why only co-expression of ANLN, HMGB2, CENPE, MKI67, and UBE2C were mentioned.

      As suggested, we explain now in the revised manuscript that we focused on gene clusters consisting of at least 3 genes, that had a correlation coefficient greater than or equal to 0.4 with at least one other gene within the clusters. This cutoff is typically defined as representing a "moderate to good" correlation in biological data (Overholser, Sowinski, 2008). To make clear which clusters correlating gene sets passed these criteria, we have also highlighted these genes in Figure S3B. This returned the cluster we had already identified as FOXM1 targets, and as well spotted by the reviewer, a larger cluster which included F3, CYR61, CTGF, SERPINE1, ANKRD1, KRTAP2-3, UGCG, and AMOTL. Our Enrichr analysis did not identify any putative transcription factors linking the genes in this larger cluster. We are still interested to identify the putative transcription regulation mechanism linking these genes in future studies, but this is beyond the scope of the current manuscript. We have described these observations in lines 211-218.

      1. In line 215, instead of validating CENPE, UBE2C, HMGB2, ANLN, and MKI67 individually, the authors decided to validate FOXM1 instead, because they believe all the aforementioned genes are targets of FOXM1, therefore, validating FOXM1 alone would suffice. Again, this makes the validation process also biased. CENPE, UBE2C, HMGB2, ANLN, and MKI67 should be validated individually because they might sensitize cells to replication stress via different mechanisms. Besides, if all these genes were identified together because they are FOXM1 target genes, why did the authors not identify FOXM1 itself as a differentially expressed gene from the single cell sequencing? The sequencing only analyzed the S/G2/M cells, expression of FOXM1 should be detected easily.

      We agree with the reviewer that the omission of individual FOXM1 target genes in the validation process makes a biased impression. Therefore we ordered siRNAs against CENPE, UBE2C, HMGB2, ANLN, and MKI67. Similar to the other DE genes in the original mini-screen we first knocked down these genes using the siRNA Smartpools (pools of 4 individual siRNAs against each genes). Here, we observed a decrease in γH2AX signal compared to drug-treated cells transfected with all 5 Smartpools compared to drug-treated cells transfected with control siRNA. We next moved on to the deconvolution step of the screen, where we transfected cells with 4 individual siRNA against each gene. Here, we observed inconsistent effects of ANLN, CENPE, and HMGB2 when comparing the individual siRNAs, which all produce efficient knockdown of their target genes. But interestingly, for both MKI67 and UBE2C, each of the 4 individual siRNAs similar decreased yH2AX signal, though it was not as strong as the decrease observed when FOXM1 is knocked out. Understanding the exact mechanism of how MKI67 and UBE2C reduce replication stress is beyond the scope of this paper, but we hypothesize that, as with FOXM1, it is likely linked to their role in promoting progression through the cell cycle. These results are shown in Figures S5, and we mention these remarkable findings in the revised abstract and discuss these in the light of the recent literature in the Discussion section (lines 275-286).

      Then, we also addressed the comment about FOXM1 not being changed in the single cell RNA-seq analysis. We could indeed readily detect FOXM1 expression our single-cell RNA sequencing data. The difference in expression did not change significantly in cells sorted according to γH2AX level (Figure 4C). Because FOXM1 is highly regulated post-translationally, we hypothesized that an increase in the (active) protein is correlated to increased replication stress rather than transcript levels. This was indeed the case and we further explain our experiment to test this hypothesis in response to Point #6 (results are displayed in Figure 4D and described in lines 201-209).

      1. As pointed out by the author in the Discussion, single cell sequencing is not good at differentiating the causes from the consequences. The author tried to validate many of the differentially expressed genes in γH2Ax low cells. However, the fact that only FOXM1 knockdown passed the validation and deconvolution pointed out that the great majority of the identified genes are not the cause of the sensitivity change to replication stress inducing agents but likely the consequences. Therefore, in Figure S2C and S2D, it would be better that the authors could just name the genes as 'downregulated genes' in Figure S2C and 'upregulated genes' in Figure S2D. Taking into consideration that the expression change in the great majority of these genes are just consequences of sensitivity change to replication stress, defining them as 'potentially sensitizing' genes and 'potentially conferring resistance' genes is rather misleading.

      We agree that the way we originally labeled these plots may have been misleading. We have renamed then to "Downregulated in yH2AXlow" and "Upregulated in yH2AXlow", as recommended by the reviewer.

      1. To better prove that FOXM1 is the leading cause of the sensitivity to CHK1i+Gemcitabine induced replication stress, can the authors show the FOXM1 expression status in the tolerant cell population identified in Figure 1B (lowest panel)? Alternatively, can they plot FOXM1 expression level in the same tSNE plots shown in Figure 3B to 3D to see whether some of the γH2Ax low populations also show reduced FOXM1 expression?

      FOXM1 expression levels were not increased with gH2AXhigh versus gH2AXlow HRASG12V cells in the single cell RNA-sequencing data (Figure 4C in revised manuscript). However, as mentioned in our answer to point #4 we performed an additional experiment, which showed a strong positive correlation between phospho-FOXM1 and γH2AX (as measured by flow cytometry) in S-phase cells (Figure 4D). This indicates that the active form of the FOXM1 indeed increases as yH2AX levels increase, consistent with the observed increase in FOXM1 target genes. These results are described in lines 201-209.

      1. Clonogenic survival assay in Figure 4D was not quantified properly in Figure 4E. To rule out the siFOXM1 mediated growth/survival defects and to only focus on the siFOXM1 mediated resistance to CHK1i+Gemcitabine, the survival rate (intensity percent in this case) of CHK1i+Gemcitabine treated condition should be normalized against the survival rate of the Vehicle condition. E.g., the intensity percent of the siSCRAMBLE after treatment should be divided by the intensity percent of the untreated siSCRAMBLE; the intensity percent of the si#1 after treatment should be divided by the intensity percent of the untreated si#1, and so on. If the authors would like to show siFOXM1 induced growth/survival defects, they can still present the left part of the Figure 4E (the Vehicle group).

      Originally, we chose to show the absolute IntensityPercent for all groups, without normalizing to the untreated group, because we wanted to also highlight the FOXM1-mediated changes in growth. We agree that normalizing the IntensityPercent of the drug-treated group to the vehicle group better highlights the siFOXM1-mediated resistance. We have therefore re-analyzed the data and presented it this way in Figure 5E (described in lines 293-295). We moved our original Figure 4E to a new supplemental figure (Figure S4B) to still point out the effects of siFOXM1 on cell growth in untreated cells.


      1. In line 176, the author claimed that 'Interestingly, rare cells treated with CHK1i + gemcitabine are located within the untreated cell cluster (Fig. 3C)'. However, it is not as obvious where these cells are in the plot, especially to people who are new to tSNE plots. It would be appreciated if the authors could label these cells by circling them with red lines and make the point stronger.

      Rather than circling these points (we thought this would make the plot too "busy"), we have created an inset that zooms in on the region where we see the untreated cells within the untreated cell cluster. Within the inset, we use arrows to point out the cells we are referring to. This can be seen in our updated Figure 3C.

      1. In Figure S2B, it will be ideal to label clearly which genes are upregulated genes and which are downregulate.

      On the x-axis of the heatmap, we have drawn lines to separate the downregulated and upregulated genes.

      1. In line 50, the word 'multifaced' needs to be corrected to 'multifaceted'.

      Thank you for catching this, we have fixed it.

      1. It is unclear what 'underly drug resistance' means in line 150.

      We have reworded this sentence so that is more clear. It is now written as follows: "we aimed to identify gene-expression programs that mediate the low level of RS in a subset of cells, which could potentially mediate drug resistance". This change is in lines 155.

      1. It is advised that the phrase 'cell cycle position' could be changed to 'cell cycle phase' or 'cell cycle stage'.

      We purposefully used the phrase "cell cycle position" because we wanted to emphasis gradient-like progress through the cell cycle rather than a discrete distinction from one-phase to the next. We have reworded the text slightly to now say "position within S-phase" (lines 163, 187, 191, 208), since all the cells we are interested in are in S phase, but some are further through S phase than others.

      1. In line 185, the word 'in' after 'within' can be removed.

      Thank you for catching this, we have fixed it.

      1. In line 194, 'Among genes downregulated in γH2AXlow cells, the expression of ANLN, HMGB2, CENPE, MKI67 and UBE2C correlated' is missing an 'are' in front of the word 'correlated'.

      Thank you for catching this, we have fixed it.

      1. In line 239, Fig.SC3 should be Fig. S3C.

      Thank you for catching this, we have fixed it.

      1. FOXM1 is known as a crucial gene for G2/M transition. Therefore, FOXM1 knockdown cells are expected to be mostly arrested at the G2/M interface. Therefore, in line 244, it is incorrect to say stronger FOXM1 knockdown induced a 'lower proportion of cells in G2 phase'. In fact, as shown in Figure 4C, cells are accumulating in G2 phase (peaking around 11M on the DAPI axis) and depleted from G1 phase (peaking around 7M).

      We have reworded this to say that there is "a higher proportion of cells in S-phase and a less distinct G2 peak" (lines 270-271). The DAPI profiles of the scrambled, siFOXM1 #1, and siFOXM1 #2 conditions all show an S-phase "valley" between a G1 and G2 peak (the valley sits at about 8M-9M). In the siFOXM1 #3 and siFOXM1 #4 conditions, we no longer see this valley, therefore we interpret this as cells still in S-phase. If they had progressed from S-phase into G2 phase, we expect that we would again see this "valley" to the left of a clear G2 peak. In the figure below, we overlayed DNA content histograms of the different FOXM1 targeting siRNAs with the scrambled siRNA to demonstrate this point more clearly.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Advance: The study reported a novel reversible fixation technique which can lead to potentially good citations. However, the findings from the single cell sequencing alone fell short in novelty to reach high impact because FOXM1 has been reported to impact on cellular sensitivity to CHK1 inhibition mediated replication stress (PMC7970065). Moreover, the study did not provide mechanistic explanation to the observed phenotype but only validated the finding from the sequencing, and the gene of focus (FOXM1) was not originally identified from the sequencing, slightly undermining the paper's foundation. To make it a better paper. the authors need to be less biased when it comes to data analysis and interpretation.

      Audience: People who are interested in basic research in cell cycle, DNA damage, cancer, chemotherapy would be interested.

      My expertise: Cancer, DNA damage, cell cycle

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      Replication stress activates ATR and CHEK1 kinases as part of the inter S phase DNA damage response. CHEK1 kinase inhibitors (CHK1i) have been shown to induce an accumulation of unresolved replication stress and widespread DNA damage and cell death caused by replication catastrophe, and are therefore under clinical evaluation. At the same time, CHEK1 inhibition results in the activation of CDK1 and FOXM1 and premature expression of G2/M genes (Saldivar et al., 2018 Science). FOXM1-drivent premature mitosis has been shown to be required for the replication catastrophe and CHK1i sensitivity (Branigan et al., 2021 Cell Rep.). In this study, Segeren and colleagues set out to investigate the mechanisms of replication stress tolerance. They used CHK1i inhibitors in combination with the DNA-damaging chemotherapeutic agent Gemcitabine and oncogenic HRASG12V expression to increase replication stress. The authors utilized an intriguing setup of combined immunofluorescence staining followed by single cell RNA-seq analysis to overcome limitations of bulk cell analyses. In particular, the authors sought to identify genes that are differentially regulated in replication stress-tolerant cells compared to sensitive cells. However, even single cell analyses can be confounded by differences in cell cycle distribution. To mitigate this, the authors selected mid S-phase cells for their analysis. While this may not have completely eliminated minor differences in cell cycle progression, the authors identified FOXM1-regulated G2/M cell cycle genes, among others, that were down-regulated in the tolerant cells. When the authors followed up on the effect of these genes on replication stress tolerance, they identified FOXM1 knockdown as the only robust mediator of replication stress tolerance.

      Major comments:

      The authors observed that cell cycle distribution could be a major confounding factor in their single cell analysis and attempted to reduce this variation by selecting mid S-phase cells based on the DAPI signal. The authors then chose to compare gH2AXlow and gH2AXhigh subpopulations of RPE-HRASG12V cells because their "DAPI signal was comparable" (line 181-184). However, their data show that these subpopulations also show differences in their DAPI signal distribution, with gH2AXlow cells tending to have lower DAPI signals than gH2AXhigh cells (Supplementary Figure 2A). Thus, the major confounding factor that the authors sought to remove seems to have prevailed and it remains possible that the difference in cell cycle gene expression is merely due to differences in cell cycle progression of the individual cells. Given that DAPI information seem to be readily available for the individual cells, the authors should normalize their analysis to the DAPI signal to remove this potential confounding effect or clearly state this potential limitation.

      We agree that indeed it is very challenging to fully disentangle the influence of cell cycle distribution on our analysis. And indeed, the γH2AXlow HRASG12V cells have slightly reduced median DNA content compared to γH2AXmid and γH2AXhigh. However, this was not the case in the RPE control cells, and we still found that FOXM1 target genes were strongly enriched in the γH2AXhigh cells (Fig S2C and Table S4). Therefore, it is highly unlikely that bias in S-phase position distributions does not explain our results. Nevertheless, to be transparent about this write in the Results on lines 192-193 the following: "The other groups all showed similar DAPI intensities, although gH2AXlow RPE-HRASG12V cells showed a slight but statistically significant reduction compared to their gH2AXhigh counterparts (Fig. S2A)".

      In our subsequent experiments to assess the relationship between phospho-FOXM1 (representing the transcriptionally active protein) and γH2AX, we observed that though there was a strong correlation between pFOXM1 and γH2AX, there was no correlation between phospho-FOXM1 and DAPI (Figure 4D-E). We therefore would like to point out that although our readout for replication stress inevitably increases as cells progress through DNA replication, heterogeneity in phospho-FOXM1 levels cannot be explained by position in S-phase. These results are described in lines 203-209.

      Finally, we do not think it would be statistically appropriate to use the DAPI signal (generated by fluorescence intensity as measured by the flow cytometer) as a normalization factor for our gene expression data.

      Minor comments:

      The findings of Saldivar et al., 2018 Science and Branigan et al., 2021 Cell Rep. should be mentioned in the introduction.

      As recommended, we mentioned both these papers in the introduction. In line 62, we cite the Branigan paper as showing that modulation of cell cycle regulators is a strategy used by cancer cells to resist replication stress. In lines 63-65, we reference them as follows: "The RS response is tightly linked with cell cycle progression, as multiple intra S-phase checkpoint kinases play a role in curtailing proteins involved in the S-G2 transition (Branigan et al., 2021, Saldivar et al., 2018)."

      The authors conclude that "cell cycle position can be a major confounding factor when evaluating the transcriptomic response to RS." It should be noted that stochastic differences in the cell cycle distribution of bulk cells are perhaps the best-known confounder in single cell analyses (see, for example, Buettner et al., 2015 Nat. Biotechnol.).

      We chose to reference the Buettner paper to justify our decision to select only cycling cells in our scRNA seq approach. Our reference to the paper, and to the fact that cell cycle distribution is a major confounder in single cell analysis, is in lines 138-140.

      Supplementary Figure 2A: The median should be added to the violin plots.

      As suggested, we have added medians to the violin plots. In addition, we added details on statistical analysis.

      The statement "Differential expression analysis revealed 19 genes that were significantly downregulated in gH2AXlow RPE-HRASG12V cells, suggesting that elevated levels of these genes are correlated with sensitivity to RS-inducing drugs" refers to Figure 3E and Table S1. However, Table S1 lists the "key resources" and does not seem to be related to this statement. A table showing log2fold-changes and FDR values should be added and referenced here.

      We have generated tables with the fold change values of differentially expressed genes between the yH2AX low and yH2AX high cells. These are found in Table S1 (for HRAS G12V cells) and Table S2 (for Control cells) in the supplementary file of the revised manuscript. The "key resources" has been moved to Table S5.

      The statement "Remarkably, Braningan and co-workers observed no effect of full FOXM1 deletion on cell cycle progression" seems somewhat inconsistent with what has been stated and assessed in that study. The authors may want to replace "progression" with "distribution". A reduction in proliferation is commonly observed when FOXM1 levels are reduced.

      In addition, the authors may want to consider that their addition of HRASG12V and Gemcitabine may contribute to a more substantial S phase checkpoint response.

      We agree with the reviewer that a reduction in proliferation is commonly observed when FOXM1 levels are reduced (Barger et al., 2021, Cheng et al., 2022, Yang et al., 2015, Wu et al., 2010), but in Branigan et al., they see no decrease in proliferation with knockout of FOXM1. They state "There were no apparent differences in the growth rate of the LIN54 and FOXM1 KO versus EV cells over 10 days (Figure 1G)". Though they do not elaborate on why they see this unexpected response, we suspect a permanent full knockout of FOXM1 could cause compensatory adaptation in their cell lines. In our experiments, we perform transient knockdowns, so cells may not have the time to adapt to the loss of FOXM1 and obtain compensatory mechanisms that would allow them to continue cycling as rapidly as control cells treated with non-targeting siRNA.

      However, we decided to remove this from the Discussion section, as it seemed to interrupt the discussion about the potential mechanisms underlying protection against DNA damage by FOXM1 depletion.

      The statement that "the mechanism by which high FOXM1 activity is a prerequisite to accumulate DNA damage in S-phase during CHK1 inhibition remains to be uncovered" seems to neglect that premature mitosis has been suggested as a mechanistic cause (Branigan et al., 2021 Cell Rep.). It would be helpful if the authors could elaborate on this.

      In our discussion, we do already emphasize the described role of FOXM1 in promoting premature mitosis (lines 330-337), but we argue that in our experimental conditions we are observing another - previously undescribed- role for FOXM1 in promoting replication stress during S phase. We previously observed with live cell imaging that CHK1i + gemcitabine does not cause premature mitosis in RPE-HRASG12V cells (published in Segeren et al. Oncogene 2022, Figure 5). Instead, these cells typically showed a cell cycle exit from G2. This makes it highly unlikely that premature mitosis is the reason why these cells would accumulate excessive DNA damage. We realize now that it was an important omission not to elaborate on this and have added this clarification to the Discussion (lines 341-345 in revised manuscript). In addition, we have removed a few lines of less important text (about the lack of direct effect of FOXM1 KO in the Branigan paper; see answer to previous point) to improve clarity and readability.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment: The strength of the study is the intriguing methodology of combined immunofluorescence followed by single cell RNA-seq. The limitations are that this methodology does not seem to fully solve the stated problems. In addition, the study is essentially limited to confirming previous findings.

      Advance: The study strengthens current knowledge but provides essentially no advance. The authors confirm existing knowledge with an additional approach. While this is not an advance in itself, it is important to the community.

      Audience: I felt that the study would appeal to a basic science audience. In particular, the CHK1i and intra S-phase checkpoint areas, with limited interest beyond that.

      My relevant expertise lies in transcriptomics, gene regulation and the cell cycle.

      Reference list

      Barger, C.J., Chee, L., Albahrani, M., Munoz-Trujillo, C., Boghean, L., Branick, C., Odunsi, K., Drapkin, R., Zou, L. & Karpf, A.R. 2021, "Co-regulation and function of FOXM1/RHNO1 bidirectional genes in cancer", eLife, vol. 10, pp. 10.7554/eLife.55070.

      Branigan, T.B., Kozono, D., Schade, A.E., Deraska, P., Rivas, H.G., Sambel, L., Reavis, H.D., Shapiro, G.I., D'Andrea, A.D. & DeCaprio, J.A. 2021, "MMB-FOXM1-driven premature mitosis is required for CHK1 inhibitor sensitivity", Cell reports, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 108808.

      Cheng, Y., Sun, F., Thornton, K., Jing, X., Dong, J., Yun, G., Pisano, M., Zhan, F., Kim, S.H., Katzenellenbogen, J.A., Katzenellenbogen, B.S., Hari, P. & Janz, S. 2022, "FOXM1 regulates glycolysis and energy production in multiple myeloma", Oncogene, vol. 41, no. 32, pp. 3899-3911.

      Overholser, B.R. & Sowinski, K.M. 2008, "Biostatistics primer: part 2", Nutrition in clinical practice : official publication of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 76-84.

      Saldivar, J.C., Hamperl, S., Bocek, M.J., Chung, M., Bass, T.E., Cisneros-Soberanis, F., Samejima, K., Xie, L., Paulson, J.R., Earnshaw, W.C., Cortez, D., Meyer, T. & Cimprich, K.A. 2018, "An intrinsic S/G(2) checkpoint enforced by ATR", Science (New York, N.Y.), vol. 361, no. 6404, pp. 806-810.

      Segeren, H.A., van Liere, E.A., Riemers, F.M., de Bruin, A. & Westendorp, B. 2022, "Oncogenic RAS sensitizes cells to drug-induced replication stress via transcriptional silencing of P53", Oncogene, vol. 41, no. 19, pp. 2719-2733.

      Wu, Q., Liu, C., Tai, M., Liu, D., Lei, L., Wang, R., Tian, M. & Lu, Y. 2010, "Knockdown of FoxM1 by siRNA interference decreases cell proliferation, induces cell cycle arrest and inhibits cell invasion in MHCC-97H cells in vitro", Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 361-366.

      Yang, K., Jiang, L., Hu, Y., Yu, J., Chen, H., Yao, Y. & Zhu, X. 2015, "Short hairpin RNA- mediated gene knockdown of FOXM1 inhibits the proliferation and metastasis of human colon cancer cells through reversal of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transformation", Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 40-1.

      We want to thank both reviewers for their thorough and constructive review of our manuscript. Below, we have re-iterated their comments followed by an explanation of how we have revised the manuscript to address this.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Replication stress activates ATR and CHEK1 kinases as part of the inter S phase DNA damage response. CHEK1 kinase inhibitors (CHK1i) have been shown to induce an accumulation of unresolved replication stress and widespread DNA damage and cell death caused by replication catastrophe, and are therefore under clinical evaluation. At the same time, CHEK1 inhibition results in the activation of CDK1 and FOXM1 and premature expression of G2/M genes (Saldivar et al., 2018 Science). FOXM1-drivent premature mitosis has been shown to be required for the replication catastrophe and CHK1i sensitivity (Branigan et al., 2021 Cell Rep.). In this study, Segeren and colleagues set out to investigate the mechanisms of replication stress tolerance. They used CHK1i inhibitors in combination with the DNA-damaging chemotherapeutic agent Gemcitabine and oncogenic HRASG12V expression to increase replication stress. The authors utilized an intriguing setup of combined immunofluorescence staining followed by single cell RNA-seq analysis to overcome limitations of bulk cell analyses. In particular, the authors sought to identify genes that are differentially regulated in replication replication stress-tolerant cells compared to sensitive cells. However, even single cell analyses can be confounded by differences in cell cycle distribution. To mitigate this, the authors selected mid S-phase cells for their analysis. While this may not have completely eliminated minor differences in cell cycle progression, the authors identified FOXM1-regulated G2/M cell cycle genes, among others, that were down-regulated in the tolerant cells. When the authors followed up on the effect of these genes on replication stress tolerance, they identified FOXM1 knockdown as the only robust mediator of replication stress tolerance.

      Major comments:

      The authors observed that cell cycle distribution could be a major confounding factor in their single cell analysis and attempted to reduce this variation by selecting mid S-phase cells based on the DAPI signal. The authors then chose to compare gH2AXlow and gH2AXhigh subpopulations of RPE-HRASG12V cells because their "DAPI signal was comparable" (line 181-184). However, their data show that these subpopulations also show differences in their DAPI signal distribution, with gH2AXlow cells tending to have lower DAPI signals than gH2AXhigh cells (Supplementary Figure 2A). Thus, the major confounding factor that the authors sought to remove seems to have prevailed and it remains possible that the difference in cell cycle gene expression is merely due to differences in cell cycle progression of the individual cells. Given that DAPI information seem to be readily available for the individual cells, the authors should normalize their analysis to the DAPI signal to remove this potential confounding effect or clearly state this potential limitation.

      Minor comments:

      The findings of Saldivar et al., 2018 Science and Branigan et al., 2021 Cell Rep. should be mentioned in the introduction.

      The authors conclude that "cell cycle position can be a major confounding factor when evaluating the transcriptomic response to RS." It should be noted that stochastic differences in the cell cycle distribution of bulk cells are perhaps the best-known confounder in single cell analyses (see, for example, Buettner et al., 2015 Nat. Biotechnol.).

      Supplementary Figure 2A: The median should be added to the violin plots.

      The statement "Differential expression analysis revealed 19 genes that were significantly downregulated in gH2AXlow RPE-HRASG12V cells, suggesting that elevated levels of these genes are correlated with sensitivity to RS-inducing drugs" refers to Figure 3E and Table S1. However, Table S1 lists the "key resources" and does not seem to be related to this statement. A table showing log2fold-changes and FDR values should be added and referenced here.

      The statement "Remarkably, Braningan and co-workers observed no effect of full FOXM1 deletion on cell cycle progression" seems somewhat inconsistent with what has been stated and assessed in that study. The authors may want to replace "progression" with "distribution". A reduction in proliferation is commonly observed when FOXM1 levels are reduced. In addition, the authors may want to consider that their addition of HRASG12V and Gemcitabine may contribute to a more substantial S phase checkpoint response.

      The statement that "the mechanism by which high FOXM1 activity is a prerequisite to accumulate DNA damage in S-phase during CHK1 inhibition remains to be uncovered" seems to neglect that premature mitosis has been suggested as a mechanistic cause (Branigan et al., 2021 Cell Rep.). It would be helpful if the authors could elaborate on this.


      General assessment: The strength of the study is the intriguing methodology of combined immunofluorescence followed by single cell RNA-seq. The limitations are that this methodology does not seem to fully solve the stated problems. In addition, the study is essentially limited to confirming previous findings.

      Advance: The study strengthens current knowledge but provides essentially no advance. The authors confirm existing knowledge with an additional approach. While this is not an advance in itself, it is important to the community.

      Audience: I felt that the study would appeal to a basic science audience. In particular, the CHK1i and intra S-phase checkpoint areas, with limited interest beyond that.

      My relevant expertise lies in transcriptomics, gene regulation and the cell cycle.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript presented by Segeren et al. applied an interesting HRASG12V inducible cell model to study the mechanism of cellular resistance to replication stress inducing agents. They also employed a novel reversible fixation technique which allows them to FAC sort cells according to their replication stress levels before applying single cell sequencing analysis to the same cell populations. By comparing cells with low levels of replication stress to cells with high levels of replication stress, they found that reduction in gene expression of FOXM1 target genes potentially protects cells against replication stress induced by CHK1i plus gemcitabine combination.

      Overall, this is a very interesting study. However, the following points should be addressed prior to publication:


      1. Figure 3E and 3F showed two lists of differentially expressed genes in γH2Ax low cells. However, instead of arbitrarily extracting the FOXM1 target genes and TP53 targeted genes, it would be appreciated if the author could perform an unbiased and unsupervised gene set enrichment analysis such as Enrichr.
      2. At the experiment design stage, the authors also included HRASG12V status as a test condition because they previously found that HRASG12V mutation induces basal level replication stress and they would like to include this condition to study the adaptation to replication stress (line 110). However, the difference in HRASG12V negative and HRASG12V positive cells was not followed up in the later part of the paper. Can they show lists of differentially expressed genes identified under HRASG12V negative conditions as well (in the same format of Figure 3E and 3F) and comment on the differences as well?
      3. In line 194 and in Figure S2B, the authors claimed that ANLN, HMGB2, CENPE, MKI67, and UBE2C demonstrated co-expression, but other genes displaying similar correlation scores were not commented (such as F3, CYR61, CTGF, etc). To avoid being biased at the analysis stage, the authors should define clearly what the cut-off of correlation score is and why only co-expression of ANLN, HMGB2, CENPE, MKI67, and UBE2C were mentioned.
      4. In line 215, instead of validating CENPE, UBE2C, HMGB2, ANLN, and MKI67 individually, the authors decided to validate FOXM1 instead, because they believe all the aforementioned genes are targets of FOXM1, therefore, validating FOXM1 alone would suffice. Again, this makes the validation process also biased. CENPE, UBE2C, HMGB2, ANLN, and MKI67 should be validated individually because they might sensitize cells to replication stress via different mechanisms. Besides, if all these genes were identified together because they are FOXM1 target genes, why did the authors not identify FOXM1 itself as a differentially expressed gene from the single cell sequencing? The sequencing only analyzed the S/G2/M cells, expression of FOXM1 should be detected easily.
      5. As pointed out by the author in the Discussion, single cell sequencing is not good at differentiating the causes from the consequences. The author tried to validate many of the differentially expressed genes in γH2Ax low cells. However, the fact that only FOXM1 knockdown passed the validation and deconvolution pointed out that the great majority of the identified genes are not the cause of the sensitivity change to replication stress inducing agents but likely the consequences. Therefore, in Figure S2C and S2D, it would be better that the authors could just name the genes as 'downregulated genes' in Figure S2C and 'upregulated genes' in Figure S2D. Taking into consideration that the expression change in the great majority of these genes are just consequences of sensitivity change to replication stress, defining them as 'potentially sensitizing' genes and 'potentially conferring resistance' genes is rather misleading.
      6. To better prove that FOXM1 is the leading cause of the sensitivity to CHK1i+Gemcitabine induced replication stress, can the authors show the FOXM1 expression status in the tolerant cell population identified in Figure 1B (lowest panel)? Alternatively, can they plot FOXM1 expression level in the same tSNE plots shown in Figure 3B to 3D to see whether some of the γH2Ax low populations also show reduced FOXM1 expression?
      7. clonogenic survival assay in Figure 4D was not quantified properly in Figure 4E. To rule out the siFOXM1 mediated growth/survival defects and to only focus on the siFOXM1 mediated resistance to CHK1i+Gemcitabine, the survival rate (intensity percent in this case) of CHK1i+Gemcitabine treated condition should be normalized against the survival rate of the Vehicle condition. E.g., the intensity percent of the siSCRAMBLE after treatment should be divided by the intensity percent of the untreated siSCRAMBLE; the intensity percent of the si#1 after treatment should be divided by the intensity percent of the untreated si#1, and so on. If the authors would like to show siFOXM1 induced growth/survival defects, they can still present the left part of the Figure 4E (the Vehicle group).


      1. In line 176, the author claimed that 'Interestingly, rare cells treated with CHK1i + gemcitabine are located within the untreated cell cluster (Fig. 3C)'. However, it is not as obvious where these cells are in the plot, especially to people who are new to tSNE plots. It would be appreciated if the authors could label these cells by circling them with red lines and make the point stronger.
      2. In Figure S2B, it will be ideal to label clearly which genes are upregulated genes and which are downregulate.
      3. In line 50, the word 'multifaced' needs to be corrected to 'multifaceted'.
      4. It is unclear what 'underly drug resistance' means in line 150.
      5. It is advised that the phrase 'cell cycle position' could be changed to 'cell cycle phase' or 'cell cycle stage'.
      6. In line 185, the word 'in' after 'within' can be removed.
      7. In line 194, 'Among genes downregulated in γH2AXlow cells, the expression of ANLN, HMGB2, CENPE, MKI67 and UBE2C correlated' is missing an 'are' in front of the word 'correlated'.
      8. In line 239, Fig.SC3 should be Fig. S3C.
      9. FOXM1 is known as a crucial gene for G2/M transition. Therefore, FOXM1 knockdown cells are expected to be mostly arrested at the G2/M interface. Therefore, in line 244, it is incorrect to say stronger FOXM1 knockdown induced a 'lower proportion of cells in G2 phase'. In fact, as shown in Figure 4C, cells are accumulating in G2 phase (peaking around 11M on the DAPI axis) and depleted from G1 phase (peaking around 7M).



      The study reported a novel reversible fixation technique which can lead to potentially good citations. However, the findings from the single cell sequencing alone fell short in novelty to reach high impact because FOXM1 has been reported to impact on cellular sensitivity to CHK1 inhibition mediated replication stress (PMC7970065). Moreover, the study did not provide mechanistic explanation to the observed phenotype but only validated the finding from the sequencing, and the gene of focus (FOXM1) was not originally identified from the sequencing, slightly undermining the paper's foundation. To make it a better paper. the authors need to be less biased when it comes to data analysis and interpretation.


      People who are interested in basic research in cell cycle, DNA damage, cancer, chemotherapy would be interested.

      My expertise:

      Cancer, DNA damage, cell cycle

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2024-02545

      Corresponding author(s): Woo Jae, Kim

      1. General Statements

      We sincerely appreciate the positive and constructive feedback provided by all three reviewers. Their insightful comments have been invaluable in guiding our revisions. In response, we have made every effort to address their suggestions through additional experiments and by restructuring our manuscript to improve clarity and coherence.

      In this revision, we have streamlined the presentation of our data to enhance the narrative flow, ensuring that it is more accessible to a general readership. We believe that these changes not only strengthen our manuscript but also align with the reviewers' recommendations for improvement.

      We are hopeful that the revisions we have implemented meet the expectations of the reviewers and contribute to a clearer understanding of our findings. Thank you once again for your thoughtful critiques, which have greatly aided us in refining our work.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1

      General comment: This manuscript by Song et al. investigates the molecular mechanisms underlying changes in mating duration in Drosophila induced by previous experience. As they have shown previously, they find that male flies reared in isolation have shorter mating duration than those reared in groups, and also that male flies with previous mating experience have shorter mating duration than sexually naïve males. They have conducted a myriad of experiments to demonstrate that the neuropeptide SIFa is required for these changes in mating duration. They have further provided evidence that SIFa-expressing neurons undergo changes in synaptic connectivity and neuronal firing as a result of previous mating experience. Finally, they argue that SIFa neurons form reciprocal connections with sNPF-expressing neurons, and that communication within the SIFa-sNPF circuit is required for experience-dependent changes in mating duration. These results are used to assert that SIFa neurons track the internal state of the flies to modulate behavioral choice.

         __Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer's thoughtful comments and commendations regarding our manuscript. The recognition of our investigation into the molecular mechanisms influencing mating duration in *Drosophila* is greatly valued. In particular, we are grateful for the reviewer's positive remarks about our comprehensive experimental approach to demonstrate the role of the neuropeptide SIFa in these changes. The evidence we provided indicating that SIFa-expressing neurons undergo alterations in synaptic connectivity and neuronal firing due to previous social experiences is crucial for elucidating the underlying neural circuitry involved in experience-dependent behaviors. Finally, we are thankful for the recognition of our assertion that SIFa neurons form reciprocal connections with sNPF-expressing neurons, emphasizing the importance of this circuit in modulating behavioral choices based on internal states. To provide stronger evidence for the interactions between SIFa and sNPF, we conducted detailed GCaMP experiments, which revealed intriguing neural connections between these two neuropeptides. We have included this new data in our main figure. We believe these insights contribute significantly to the existing literature on neuropeptidergic signaling and its implications for understanding complex behaviors in *Drosophila*. We look forward to addressing any further comments and enhancing our manuscript based on your invaluable feedback. Thank you once again for your constructive critique and support.

      Major concerns:

      Comment 1. The authors are to be commended for the sheer quantity of data they have generated, but I was often overwhelmed by the figures, which try to pack too much into the space provided. As a result, it is often unclear what components belong to each panel. Providing more space between each panel would really help.

         __Answer:__ We sincerely appreciate the reviewer’s commendation regarding the extensive data we have generated in our study. It is gratifying to know that our efforts to provide a comprehensive analysis of the molecular mechanisms underlying changes in mating duration have been recognized. We understand the concern regarding the density of information presented in our figures. We aimed to convey a wealth of data to support our findings, but we acknowledge that this may have led to some confusion regarding the organization and clarity of the panels. We are grateful for your constructive feedback on this matter. In response, we have significantly reduced the density of the main figures and decreased the size of the graphs to improve clarity. We have also increased the spacing between panels to ensure that each component is more easily distinguishable. Further details will be provided in our responses to each comment below.
      • *

      Comment 2. This is a rare instance where I would recommend paring down the paper to focus on the more novel, clear and relevant results. For example, all of Figure 2 shows the projection pattern of SIFa+ neuron dendrites and axons, which have been reported by multiple previous papers. Figure 7G and J show trans-tango data and SIFaR-GAL4 expression patterns, which were previously reported by Dreyer et al., 2019. These parts could be removed to supplemental figures. Figure 5 details experiments that knock down expression of different neurotransmitter receptors within the SIFa-expressing cells. The results here are less definitive than the SIFa knockdown results, and the SCope data supporting the idea that these receptors are expressed in SIFa-expressing neurons is equivocal. I would recommend removing these data (perhaps they could serve as the basis for another manuscript) or focusing solely on the CCHa1R results, which is the only manipulation that affects both LMD and SMD.

         __Answer:__ We sincerely appreciate the reviewer’s positive feedback regarding the extensive data generated in our study. We also fully agree with the reviewer that the sheer volume of our data made it challenging to support our hypothesis that SIFa neurons serve as a hub for integrating multiple neuropeptide inputs and orchestrating various behaviors related to energy balance, as highlighted in our new Figure 5N.
         In response to the reviewer's suggestions, we have streamlined our manuscript by removing excessive and redundant data to enhance clarity and simplicity. First, we have moved Figure 2 to the supplementary materials as the reviewer noted that the branching patterns of SIFa neurons are well-documented in previous literature. Second, we relocated the trans-tango data from Figure 7G to Figure S7, since this information is also well-established. We retained this data in the supplementary section to illustrate the connection of SIFa to our recent findings regarding SIFaR24F06 neuron connections. Additionally, we have completely removed the neuropeptide receptor input screening data previously included in Figure 5, as well as Figure S8, which presented fly SCope tSNE data. As suggested by the reviewer, we plan to utilize these data for a future paper focused on investigating the underlying mechanisms of SIFa inputs that modulate SIFa activity. Thanks to the reviewer’s constructive suggestions, we believe our manuscript is now more convincing and clearer for readers.

      Comment 3. Finally, I would like the authors to spend more time explaining how they think the results tie together. For example, how do the authors think the changes in branching and activity in SIFa-expressing neurons tie to the change in mating duration provoked by previous experience? It would benefit the manuscript to simplify and clarify the message about what the authors think is happening at the mechanistic level. The various schematics (eg. Fig 7N) describe the results but the different parts feel like separate findings rather than a single narrative. (MECHANISMS diagram and explanation)

         __Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer’s constructive comments, which have significantly improved our manuscript and conclusions for our readers. As the reviewer will see, we have made substantial revisions in line with the suggestions provided. We dedicated additional time to clarify the electrical activities and synaptic plasticity of SIFa neurons in relation to internal states that orchestrate various behaviors. We have summarized our hypothesis regarding the mechanistic role of SIFa neurons in Figure 5N. In brief, we propose that SIFa neurons function as a hub that receives diverse neuropeptidergic signals, which subsequently alters their electrical activity and synaptic branching. This, in turn, leads to different internal states. The internal states of SIFa neurons can then be interpreted by SIFaR-expressing cells, which help orchestrate various behaviors and physiological responses. We aim to address these aspects further in another manuscript that has been co-submitted alongside this one [1].

      Comment 4. Most of the experiments lack traditional controls. For example, in experiments in Fig 1C-K, one would typically include genetic controls that contain either the GAL4 or UAS elements alone. The authors should explain their decision to omit these control experiments and provide an argument for why they are not necessary to correctly interpret the data. In this vein, the authors have stated in the methods that stocks were outcrossed at least 3x to Canton-S background, but 3 outcrosses is insufficient to fully control for genetic background.

         __Answer:__ We sincerely thank the reviewer for insightful comments regarding the absence of traditional genetic controls in our study of LMD and SMD behaviors. We acknowledge the importance of such controls and wish to clarify our rationale for not including them in the current investigation. The primary reason for not incorporating all genetic control lines is that we have previously assessed the LMD and SMD behaviors of GAL4/+ and UAS/+ strains in our earlier studies. Our past experiences have consistently shown that 100% of the genetic control flies for both GAL4 and UAS exhibit normal LMD and SMD behaviors. Given these findings, we deemed the inclusion of additional genetic controls to be non-essential for the present study, particularly in the context of extensive screening efforts. We understand the value of providing a clear rationale for our methodology choices. To this end, we have added a detailed explanation in the "MATERIALS AND METHODS" section and the figure legends of Figure 1. This clarification aims to assist readers in understanding our decision to omit traditional controls, as outlined below.

      "Mating Duration Assays for Successful Copulation

      The mating duration assay in this study has been reported[33,73,93]. To enhance the efficiency of the mating duration assay, we utilized the Df (1)Exel6234 (DF here after) genetic modified fly line in this study, which harbors a deletion of a specific genomic region that includes the sex peptide receptor (SPR)[94,95]. Previous studies have demonstrated that virgin females of this line exhibit increased receptivity to males[95]. We conducted a comparative analysis between the virgin females of this line and the CS virgin females and found that both groups induced SMD. Consequently, we have elected to employ virgin females from this modified line in all subsequent studies. For naïve males, 40 males from the same strain were placed into a vial with food for 5 days. For single reared males, males of the same strain were collected individually and placed into vials with food for 5 days. For experienced males, 40 males from the same strain were placed into a vial with food for 4 days then 80 DF virgin females were introduced into vials for last 1 day before assay. 40 DF virgin females were collected from bottles and placed into a vial for 5 days. These females provide both sexually experienced partners and mating partners for mating duration assays. At the fifth day after eclosion, males of the appropriate strain and DF virgin females were mildly anaesthetized by CO2. After placing a single female in to the mating chamber, we inserted a transparent film then placed a single male to the other side of the film in each chamber. After allowing for 1 h of recovery in the mating chamber in 25℃ incubators, we removed the transparent film and recorded the mating activities. Only those males that succeeded to mate within 1 h were included for analyses. Initiation and completion of copulation were recorded with an accuracy of 10 sec, and total mating duration was calculated for each couple. All assays were performed from noon to 4pm. Genetic controls with GAL4/+ or UAS/+ lines were omitted from supplementary figures, as prior data confirm their consistent exhibition of normal LMD and SMD behaviors [33,73,93,96,97]. Hence, genetic controls for LMD and SMD behaviors were incorporated exclusively when assessing novel fly strains that had not previously been examined. In essence, internal controls were predominantly employed in the experiments, as LMD and SMD behaviors exhibit enhanced statistical significance when internally controlled. Within the LMD assay, both group and single conditions function reciprocally as internal controls. A significant distinction between the naïve and single conditions implies that the experimental manipulation does not affect LMD. Conversely, the lack of a significant discrepancy suggests that the manipulation does influence LMD. In the context of SMD experiments, the naïve condition (equivalent to the group condition in the LMD assay) and sexually experienced males act as mutual internal controls for one another. A statistically significant divergence between naïve and experienced males indicates that the experimental procedure does not alter SMD. Conversely, the absence of a statistically significant difference suggests that the manipulation does impact SMD. Hence, we incorporated supplementary genetic control experiments solely if they deemed indispensable for testing. All assays were performed from noon to 4 PM. We conducted blinded studies for every test[98,99] .

         While we have previously addressed this type of reviewer feedback in our published manuscript [2–7], we appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion to include traditional genetic control experiments. In response, we conducted all feasible combinations of genetic control experiments for LMD/SMD during the revision period. The results are presented in the supplementary figures and are described in the main text.
         We appreciate the reviewer's inquiry regarding the genetic background of our experimental lines. In response to the comments, we would like to clarify the following. All of our GAL4, UAS, or RNAi lines, which were utilized as the virgin female stock for outcrosses, have been backcrossed to the Canton-S (CS) genetic background for over ten generations. The majority of these lines, particularly those employed in LMD assays, have been maintained in a CS backcrossed status for several years, ensuring a consistent genetic background across multiple generations. Our experience has indicated that the genetic background, particularly that of the X chromosome inherited from the female parent, plays a pivotal role in the expression of certain behavioral traits. Therefore, we have consistently employed these fully outcrossed females as virgins for conducting experiments related to LMD and SMD behaviors. It is noteworthy that, in contrast to the significance of genetic background for LMD behaviors, we have previously established in our work [6] that the genetic background does not significantly influence SMD behaviors. This distinction is important for the interpretation of our findings. To provide a comprehensive understanding of our experimental design, we have detailed the genetic background considerations in the __"Materials and Methods"__ section, specifically in the subsection __"Fly Stocks and Husbandry"__ as outlined below.

      "To reduce the variation from genetic background, all flies were backcrossed for at least 3 generations to CS strain. For the generation of outcrosses, all GAL4, UAS, and RNAi lines employed as the virgin female stock were backcrossed to the CS genetic background for a minimum of ten generations. Notably, the majority of these lines, which were utilized for LMD assays, have been maintained in a CS backcrossed state for long-term generations subsequent to the initial outcrossing process, exceeding ten backcrosses. Based on our experimental observations, the genetic background of primary significance is that of the X chromosome inherited from the female parent. Consequently, we consistently utilized these fully outcrossed females as virgins for the execution of experiments pertaining to LMD and SMD behaviors. Contrary to the influence on LMD behaviors, we have previously demonstrated that the genetic background exerts negligible influence on SMD behaviors, as reported in our prior publication [6]. All mutants and transgenic lines used here have been described previously."

      Comment 5. Throughout the manuscript, the authors appear to use a single control condition (sexually naïve flies raised in groups) to compare to both males raised singly and males with previous sexual experience. These control conditions are duplicated in two separate graphs, one for long mating duration and one for short mating duration, but they are given different names (group vs naïve) depending on the graph. If these are actually the same flies, then this should be made clear, and they should be given a consistent name across the different "experiments".

         __Answer:__ We are grateful to the reviewer for highlighting the potential for confusion among readers regarding the visualization methods used in our figures. In response to this valuable feedback, we have now included a more detailed explanation of the graph visualization techniques in the legends of Figure 1, as detailed below. This additional information should enhance the clarity and understanding of the figure for all readers.

      In the mating duration (MD) assays, light grey data points denote males that were group-reared (or sexually naïve), whereas blue (or pink) data points signify males that were singly reared (or sexually experienced). The dot plots represent the MD of each male fly. The mean value and standard error are labeled within the dot plot (black lines). Asterisks represent significant differences, as revealed by the unpaired Student’s t test, and ns represents non-significant differences M.D represent mating duration. DBMs represent the 'difference between means' for the evaluation of estimation statistics (See MATERIALS AND METHODS). Asterisks represent significant differences, as revealed by the Student’s t test (* p

      Comment 6. The authors use SCope data to provide evidence for co-expression of SIFa and other neurotransmitters or neuropeptide receptors. The graphs they show are hard to read and it is not clear to what extent the gene expression is actually overlapping. It would be more definitive to show graphs that indicate which percentage of SIFa-expressing cells co-express other neurotransmitter components, and what the actual level of expression of the genes is. The authors should also provide more information on how they identified the SIFa+ cells in the fly atlas dataset. These are important pieces of information to be able to interpret the effects of manipulation of these other neurotransmitter systems within SIFa-expressing cells on mating duration.

      __ Answer: We appreciate the reviewer for pointing out the potential for confusion among readers regarding the visualization methods used in our figures, particularly concerning the tSNE plots of scRNA-seq data. As mentioned in our previous response, we have removed most of the tSNE plots related to co-expression data with SIFa and NPRs, which we believe will reduce any confusion for readers interpreting these plots. However, we have retained a few tSNE plots, specifically Figures 2N-O, to confirm the potential co-expression of the ple and Vglut genes in SIFa cells. We understand the reviewer’s concerns about the clarity of the presented data and the necessity for more detailed information regarding the extent of co-expression and the identification of SIFa-expressing cells. To address these concerns, we have included a comprehensive description of our methods in the __MATERIALS AND METHODS section below.

      "Single-nucleus RNA-sequencing analyses

      The snRNAseq dataset analyzed in this paper is published in [112] and available at the Nextflow pipelines (VSN, https://github.com/vib-singlecell-nf), the availability of raw and processed datasets for users to explore, and the development of a crowd-annotation platform with voting, comments, and references through SCope (https://flycellatlas.org/scope), linked to an online analysis platform in ASAP (https://asap.epfl.ch/fca). For the generation of the tSNE plots, we utilized the Fly SCope website (https://scope.aertslab.org/#/FlyCellAtlas/*/welcome). Within the session interface, we selected the appropriate tissues and configured the parameters as follows: 'Log transform' enabled, 'CPM normalize' enabled, 'Expression-based plotting' enabled, 'Show labels' enabled, 'Dissociate viewers' enabled, and both 'Point size' and 'Point alpha level' set to maximum. For all tissues, we referred to the individual tissue sessions within the '10X Cross-tissue' RNAseq dataset. Each tSNE visualization depicts the coexpression patterns of genes, with each color corresponding to the genes listed on the left, right, and bottom of the plot. The tissue name, as referenced on the Fly SCope website is indicated in the upper left corner of the tSNE plot. Dashed lines denote the significant overlap of cell populations annotated by the respective genes. Coexpression between genes or annotated tissues is visually represented by differentially colored cell populations. For instance, yellow cells indicate the coexpression of a gene (or annotated tissue) with red color and another gene (or annotated tissue) with green color. Cyan cells signify coexpression between green and blue, purple cells for red and blue, and white cells for the coexpression of all three colors (red, green, and blue). Consistency in the tSNE plot visualization is preserved across all figures.

      Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data from the Drosophila melanogaster were obtained from the Fly Cell Atlas website (https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abk2432). Oenocytes gene expression analysis employed UMI (Unique Molecular Identifier) data extracted from the 10x VSN oenocyte (Stringent) loom and h5ad file, encompassing a total of 506,660 cells. The Seurat (v4.2.2) package (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2021.04.048) was utilized for data analysis. Violin plots were generated using the “Vlnplot” function, the cell types are split by FCA.

         We have also included detailed descriptions in the figure legends for the initial tSNE plot presented below to help readers clearly understand the significance of this visualization.

      "Each tSNE visualization depicts the coexpression patterns of genes, with each color corresponding to the genes listed on the left, right, and/or bottom of the plot. The tissue name, as referenced on the Fly SCope website is indicated in the upper left corner of the tSNE plot. Consistency in the tSNE plot visualization is preserved across all figures."

      Comment 7. I would like to see more information on how the thresholding and normalization was done for immunohistochemistry experiments. Was thresholding applied equally across all datasets? Furthermore, "overlap" of Denmark and Syt-eGFP is taken as evidence for synaptic connectivity, but the latter requires more than just overlap in the location of the axon terminal and dendrite regions of the neuron.

      __ Answer: Thank you for your continued engagement with our manuscript and for highlighting the need for further clarification on our methods. Your attention to the details of our immunohistochemistry experiments is commendable, and we agree that providing a clear explanation of our thresholding and normalization procedures is essential for the transparency and reproducibility of our results. We concur that the intensity of these signals is indeed correlated with the area measurements, which is a critical factor to consider. In response to the reviewer's valuable suggestion, we have revised our approach and now present our data based on intensity measurements. Additionally, we have updated the labeling of our Y-axis to "Norm. GFP Int.", which stands for "normalized GFP intensity". This change ensures clarity and consistency in the presentation of our data. We primarily adhered to the established methods outlined by Kayser et al. [8]. To address your first point, we have now included a more detailed description of our thresholding and normalization procedures in the __MATERIALS AND METHODS section as below.

      "Quantitative analysis of fluorescence intensity

      To ascertain calcium levels and synaptic intensity from microscopic images, we dissected and imaged five-day-old flies of various social conditions and genotypes under uniform conditions. The GFP signal in the brains and VNCs was amplified through immunostaining with chicken anti-GFP primary antibody. Image analysis was conducted using ImageJ software. For the quantification of fluorescence intensities, an investigator, blinded to the fly's genotype, thresholded the sum of all pixel intensities within a sub-stack to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio, following established methods [93]. The total fluorescent area or region of interest (ROI) was then quantified using ImageJ, as previously reported. For CaLexA or TRIC signal quantification, we adhered to protocols detailed by Kayser et al. [94], which involve measuring the ROI's GFP-labeled area by summing pixel values across the image stack. This method assumes that changes in the GFP-labeled area and intensity are indicative of alterations in the CaLexA and TRIC signal, reflecting synaptic activity. ROI intensities were background-corrected by measuring and subtracting the fluorescent intensity from a non-specific adjacent area, as per Kayser et al. [94]. For normalization, nc82 fluorescence is utilized for CaLexA, while RFP signal is employed for TRIC experiments, as the RFP signal from the TRIC reporter is independent of calcium signaling [76]. For the analysis of GRASP or tGRASP signals, a sub-stack encompassing all synaptic puncta was thresholded by a genotype-blinded investigator to achieve the optimal signal-to-noise ratio. The fluorescence area or ROI for each region was quantified using ImageJ, employing a similar approach to that used for CaLexA or TRIC quantification [93]. 'Norm. GFP Int.' refers to the normalized GFP intensity relative to the RFP signal."

      Comment 8. None of the RNAi experiments have been validated to demonstrate effective knockdown. In many cases, this would be difficult to do because of a lack of an antibody to quantify in a cell-specific manner; however, this fact should be acknowledged, especially in cases where there was found to be a lack of phenotype, which could result from lack of knockdown. The authors could also look for evidence in the literature of cases where RNAi lines they have used have been previously validated. For SIFa, knockdown can be easily confirmed with the SIFa antibody the authors have used elsewhere in the manuscript.

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer’s constructive and critical comments regarding the validation of our RNAi experiments through effective knockdown. We understand the reviewer’s concerns about achieving effective knockdown with RNAi; however, we have demonstrated in our unpublished preprint that the neuronal knockdown using independent SIFa-RNAi lines aligns with the SIFa mutant phenotype, which is consistent with our current findings on SIFa knockdown (Wong 2019). In most cases involving RNAi experiments, we have utilized independent RNAi strains to confirm consistent phenotypes and have compared these results with those from mutant phenotypes [1,9]. Therefore, we are confident that our observed SIFa phenotype results from effective RNAi knockdown. Nevertheless, we respect the reviewer’s comments and have conducted additional SIFa knockdown experiments using various GAL4 drivers, followed by immunostaining with SIFa antibodies. As shown in Figure S1B, both neuronal GAL4 drivers and SIFa-GAL4 effectively reduced SIFa immunoreactivity. We believe this indicates that our SIFa knockdown efficiently phenocopies the SIFa mutant phenotype. We also described this result in manuscript as below:

      "Using the GAL4SIFa.PT driver and the elavc155 driver, we observed a significant decrease in SIFa immunoreactivity following SIFa-RNAi treatment, thereby confirming the effective knockdown of SIFa in these cells. In contrast, when SIFa-RNAi was expressed under the control of the repo-GAL4 driver, no significant change in SIFa immunoreactivity was detected (Fig. S1B). This control experiment highlights the specificity of the SIFa-RNAi effect and supports the conclusion that the behavioral changes observed in SMD and LMD are likely attributable to the targeted reduction of SIFa in the intended neuronal populations."

      Minor comments:

      Comment 1. There are quite a lot of citations to preprints, including preprints of the manuscripts under review. It seems inappropriate to cite a preprint of the manuscript you are submitting because it gives a false sense of strengthening the assertions being made in the manuscript.

         __Answer:__ We agree with the reviewer and have omitted all preprints that are currently under review, except for those that are deemed necessary, such as the Zhang et al. 2024 preprint, which is being submitted alongside this manuscript.

      Comment 2. It seems that labels are incorrect on a number of the immunohistochemistry figures. For example, in Fig 2N, it labels dendrites as green, but this is sytEGFP, which is the presynaptic terminal.

      __ Answer:__ We thoroughly reviewed and corrected the errors in the labels.

      Comment ____3. Fig 4N shows grasp between SIFa-LexA and sNPF-R-GAL4, but the authors have argued that these two components should both be expressed in SIFa-expressing cells. This would make grasp signal misleading, because it would appear in the SIFa-expressing cells even without synaptic contacts due to both split GFP molecules being expressed in these cells.

         __Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer’s critical comments regarding the interpretation of our GRASP experiments. As the reviewer noted, we acknowledge that the GRASP results also indicate synaptic contacts between SIFa cells. We have elaborated on these results in the following sections.

      "This indicates that the synapses between SIFa cells expressing sNPF-R become stronger (S5K to S5M Fig)."

         However, we understand that readers may find the interpretation of this GRASP data confusing, so we have included additional explanations below to clarify.

      This indicates that the synapses between SIFa cells expressing sNPF-R become stronger (S5K to S5M Fig) since we have found that SIFa cells express sNPF-R (Fig 3M, S5E and S5G)

      Comment 4. For quantifying TRIC and CaLexA experiments (eg. Figure 6A-E), intensity of signal should be measured in addition to the area covered by the signal.

      __ Answer:__ We concur with the reviewer. Since all of our analyses indicated that the area covered by the signal correlates with the signal intensity, we opted to use normalized intensity rather than area coverage.

      Conclusive Comments: This study will be most relevant to researchers interested in understanding neuronal control of behavior. It has provided novel information about the mechanisms underlying mating duration in flies, which is used to delineate how internal state influences behavioral outcomes. This represents a conceptual advance, particularly in identifying a cell type and molecule that influences mating duration decisions. The strength of the manuscript is the number of different assays used to investigate the central question from a number of angles. The limitation is that there is a lack of a big picture tying the different components of the manuscript together. Too much data is presented without providing a framework to understand how the data points fit together.

      • Answer: We sincerely appreciate the reviewer’s positive feedback regarding our study and the recognition of its relevance to researchers interested in understanding the neuronal control of behavior. We are grateful for the acknowledgment of our novel insights into the mechanisms underlying mating duration in Drosophila*, particularly in how internal states influence behavioral outcomes. The identification of specific cell types and molecules that affect mating duration decisions indeed represents a significant conceptual advance. We also appreciate the reviewer’s commendation of the diverse array of assays employed in our investigation, which allowed us to approach our central question from multiple perspectives.

        In response to the reviewer’s constructive criticism regarding the lack of a cohesive framework tying the various components of our manuscript together, we have completely restructured our manuscript. We removed redundant data and incorporated additional convincing experiments, such as GCaMP analyses, to enhance clarity and coherence. Furthermore, we have provided a simplified yet comprehensive overview that describes the role of SIFa as a hub for neuropeptidergic signaling. This framework illustrates how SIFa orchestrates multiple behaviors related to energy balance through calcium signaling and synaptic plasticity via SIFaR-expressing cells.

        We believe these revisions address the reviewer’s concerns and provide a clearer understanding of how the different elements of our study fit together, ultimately strengthening the overall impact of our manuscript. Thank you for your valuable feedback, which has guided us in improving our work.

      Reviewer #2

      General Comments:* In the present study, the authors employ mating behavior in male fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, to investigate the behavioral roles of the neuropeptide SIFamide. The duration of mating behavior in these animals varies depending on context, previous experience, and internal metabolic state. The authors use this variability to explore the neuronal mechanisms that control these influences. In an abstraction step, they compare the different mating durations to concepts of neuronal interval timing.

      The behavioral functions of the neuropeptide SIFamide have been thoroughly characterized in several studies, particularly in the contexts of circadian rhythm and sleep, courtship behavior, and food uptake. This study adds new data, demonstrating that SIFamide is essential for the proper control of mating behavior, highlighting the interconnection of various state- and motivation-dependent behaviors at the neuronal level. However, the hypothesis that mating behavior is related to interval timing is not convincingly supported.

      Experimentally, the authors show that RNAi-mediated downregulation of SIFamide affects mating duration in male flies. They use combinations of RNAi lines under the control of various Gal4 lines to identify additional neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and receptors involved in this process. This approach is complemented by neuroanatomical staining and single-cell RNA sequencing.*

      * Overall, the study advances our knowledge about the behavioral roles of SIFamide, which is certainly important, interesting, and worthy of being reported. However, the manuscript also raises several serious caveats and includes points that remain speculative, are less convincing, or are simply incorrect.*

      • Answer: We would like to thank the reviewer for their thoughtful and constructive comments regarding our study. We appreciate the recognition of our investigation into the behavioral roles of the neuropeptide SIFamide in male Drosophila melanogaster*, particularly how we explored the variability in mating duration influenced by context, previous experience, and internal metabolic state. We are grateful for the acknowledgment that our study adds valuable data demonstrating the essential role of SIFamide in regulating mating behavior, highlighting the interconnectedness of various state- and motivation-dependent behaviors at the neuronal level.

        We also appreciate the reviewer's recognition of our experimental approach, which includes RNAi-mediated downregulation of SIFamide, the use of various Gal4 lines to identify additional neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and receptors involved in this process, as well as our incorporation of neuroanatomical staining and single-cell RNA sequencing.

        In response to the reviewer’s concerns regarding the hypothesis that mating behavior is related to interval timing, we acknowledge that this aspect requires further clarification and support. We have revisited this hypothesis in our manuscript to strengthen its foundation and address any speculative elements. We aim to provide more robust evidence and clearer connections between mating behavior and neuronal interval timing.

        Furthermore, we have taken care to address any points that may have been perceived as less convincing or incorrect. We are committed to refining our manuscript to ensure that all claims are well-supported by our data. Thank you once again for your valuable feedback. We believe that these revisions will enhance the clarity and impact of our study while addressing the concerns raised.

      Major concerns:

      Comment 1. The authors conclude from their mating experiments that SIFamide controls interval timing. This conclusion is not supported by the data, which only indicate that SIFamide is required for normal mating duration and modulates the motivation-dependent component of this behavior. There is no clear evidence linking this to interval timing.

      __ Answer: __We appreciate the reviewer’s insightful comments regarding our conclusion linking SIFamide to interval timing in mating behavior. We acknowledge that our data primarily demonstrate that SIFamide is required for normal mating duration and modulates the motivation-dependent aspects of this behavior, and we recognize the need for clearer evidence connecting these observations to interval timing. Current research by Crickmore et al. has shed light on how mating duration in Drosophila serves as a powerful model for exploring changes in motivation over time as behavioral goals are achieved. For instance, at approximately six minutes into mating, sperm transfer occurs, leading to a significant shift in the male's nervous system: he no longer prioritizes sustaining the mating at the expense of his own survival. This change is driven by the output of four male-specific neurons that produce the neuropeptide Corazonin (Crz). When these Crz neurons are inhibited, sperm transfer does not occur, and the male fails to downregulate his motivation, resulting in matings that can last for hours instead of the typical ~23 minutes [10].

         Recent research by Crickmore et al. has received NIH R01 funding (Mechanisms of Interval Timing, 1R01GM134222-01) to explore mating duration in *Drosophila* as a genetic model for interval timing. Their work highlights how changes in motivation over time can influence mating behavior, particularly noting that significant behavioral shifts occur during mating, such as the transfer of sperm at approximately six minutes, which correlates with a decrease in the male's motivation to continue mating [10]. These findings suggest that mating duration is not only a behavioral endpoint but may also reflect underlying mechanisms related to interval timing.
         We believe that by leveraging the robustness and experimental tractability of these findings, along with our own work on SIFamide's role in mating behavior, we can gain deeper insights into the molecular and circuit mechanisms underlying interval timing. We will revise our manuscript to clarify this relationship and emphasize how SIFamide may interact with other neuropeptides and neuronal circuits involved in motivation and timing.
         In addition to the efforts of Crickmore's group to connect mating duration with a straightforward genetic model for interval timing, we have previously published several papers demonstrating that LMD and SMD can serve as effective genetic models for interval timing within the fly research community. For instance, we have successfully connected SMD to an interval timing model in a recently published paper [6], as detailed below:

      "We hypothesize that SMD can serve as a straightforward genetic model system through which we can investigate "interval timing," the capacity of animals to distinguish between periods ranging from minutes to hours in duration.....

      In summary, we report a novel sensory pathway that controls mating investment related to sexual experiences in Drosophila. Since both LMD and SMD behaviors are involved in controlling male investment by varying the interval of mating, these two behavioral paradigms will provide a new avenue to study how the brain computes the ‘interval timing’ that allows an animal to subjectively experience the passage of physical time [11–16]."

         Lee, S. G., Sun, D., Miao, H., Wu, Z., Kang, C., Saad, B., ... & Kim, W. J. (2023). Taste and pheromonal inputs govern the regulation of time investment for mating by sexual experience in male Drosophila melanogaster. *PLoS Genetics*, *19*(5), e1010753.
         We have also successfully linked LMD behavior to an interval timing model and have published several papers on this topic recently [4,5,7].
         Sun, Y., Zhang, X., Wu, Z., Li, W., & Kim, W. J. (2024). Genetic Screening Reveals Cone Cell-Specific Factors as Common Genetic Targets Modulating Rival-Induced Prolonged Mating in male Drosophila melanogaster. *G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics*, jkae255.
         Zhang, T., Zhang, X., Sun, D., & Kim, W. J. (2024). Exploring the Asymmetric Body’s Influence on Interval Timing Behaviors of Drosophila melanogaster. *Behavior Genetics*, *54*(5), 416-425.
         Huang, Y., Kwan, A., & Kim, W. J. (2024). Y chromosome genes interplay with interval timing in regulating mating duration of male Drosophila melanogaster. *Gene Reports*, *36*, 101999.
         Finally, in this context, we have outlined in our INTRODUCTION section below how our LMD and SMD models are related to interval timing, aiming to persuade readers of their relevance. We hope that the reviewer and readers are convinced that mating duration and its associated motivational changes such as LMD and SMD provide a compelling model for studying the genetic basis of interval timing in *Drosophila*.

      "The mating duration of male fruit flies is a suitable model for studying interval timing and it could change based on internal states and environmental context. Previous studies by our group[27–30] and others[31,32] have established several frameworks for investigating the mating duration using sophisticated genetic techniques that can analyze and uncover the neural circuits’ principles governing interval timing. In particular, males exhibit LMD behavior when they are exposed to an environment with rivals, which means they prolong their mating duration. Conversely, they display SMD behavior when they are in a sexually saturated condition, meaning they reduce their mating duration[33,34]."

      Comment 2. On line 160, the authors state, "The connection between the dendrites and axons of the SIFamide neuronal processes is unknown." This is not entirely correct. State-of-the-art connectome analyses can determine synaptic connectivities between SIFamidergic neurons and pre-/postsynaptic neurons. The authors also overlook the thorough connectivity analysis by Martelli et al. (2017), which includes functional analyses and detailed anatomical descriptions that the current study confirms.

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer for acknowledging the efforts of Martelli et al. in elucidating the neuronal architecture of SIFa neurons. We recognize that it was an oversight on our part to state that "the connection between the dendrites and axons of SIFa neurons is unknown." This error arose because our manuscript has been in preparation for over ten years, predating the publication of Martelli et al.'s work. That statement likely reflects an outdated section of the manuscript.

      We fully acknowledge the findings from previous publications and have removed that sentence entirely from our manuscript. In its place, we have added the following statement:

      "The established connections and architecture of SIFa neurons has been described by Martelli et al., which enhances our understanding of their functional roles within the neuronal circuitry [51]. To identify the dendritic and axonal components of SIFa-neuronal processes, we employed a similar approach to that reported by Martelli [51]."

      Thank you for your valuable feedback, which has helped us improve the clarity and accuracy of our manuscript.

      Comment 3. The mating experiments are overall okay, with sufficiently high sample sizes and appropriate statistical tests. However, many experiments lack genetic controls for the heterozygous parental strains, such as Gal4-ines AND UAS-lines. This is of course of importance and common standard.

      __ Answer: __While we have previously addressed this type of reviewer feedback in our published manuscript [2–7] as well as this manuscript by Reviewer #1, we appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion to include traditional genetic control experiments. In response, we conducted all feasible combinations of genetic control experiments for LMD/SMD during the revision period. The results are presented in the supplementary figures and are described in the main text.

      Comment 4. *Using a battery of RNAi lines, the authors aim to uncover which neurotransmitters might be co-released from SIFamide neurons to influence mating behavior. However, a behavioral effect of an RNAi construct expressed in SIFamidergic neurons does not demonstrate that the respective transmitter is actually released from these neurons. Alternative methods are needed to show whether glutamate, dopamine, serotonin, octopamine, etc., are present and released from SIFamide neurons. It is particularly challenging to prove that a certain substance acts as a transmitter released by a specific neuron. For example, anti-Tdc2 staining does not actually cover SIFamide neurons, and dopamine has not been described as present in SIFamide neurons. *

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer’s constructive comments regarding the need to demonstrate the presence of the responsible neurotransmitters in SIFa neurons. While many studies utilize neurotransmitter-synthesizing enzymes such as TH, VGlut, Gad1, and Trhn to assess neurotransmitter effects, we recognize the importance of conclusively establishing that glutamate and dopamine play significant roles in modulating energy balance within SIFa neurons.

         First, the enrichment of tyramine (TA), octopamine (OA), and dopamine (DA) in SIFa neurons was suggested in the study by Croset et al. (2018) [17]. Although we tested Tdc2-RNAi and observed interesting phenotypes, we chose not to publish these findings, as our data on glutamate and dopamine provide a more compelling explanation for how SIFa cotransmission with these neurotransmitters can independently influence various behaviors, including sleep and mating duration.
         To confirm the expression of DA in SIFa neurons, we employed a well-established genetic toolkit for dissecting dopamine circuit function in *Drosophila* [18]. Our findings indicate that TH-C-GAL4 specifically labels SIFa neurons, which have been confirmed as dopaminergic (S4M Fig). Our genetic intersection data, along with Xie et al.'s findings from 2018, confirm that a subset of SIFa neurons is indeed dopaminergic. We have described these new results in the main text as follows:

      To further verify the presence of DA neurons within the SIFa neuron population, we utilized a well-established genetic toolkit for dissecting DA circuits and confirmed part of SIFa neurons are dopaminergic (S4M Fig) [58].

          To confirm the glutamatergic characteristics of SIFa neurons, we conducted several experiments that established glutamate as the most critical neurotransmitter for generating interval timing in both SIFa and SIFaR neurons. First, to demonstrate the presence of glutamatergic synaptic vesicles in SIFa neurons, we utilized a conditional glutamatergic synaptic vesicle marker for *Drosophila*, developed by Certel et al. [19]. Our results confirmed that SIFa neurons exhibit strong expression of glutamatergic synaptic vesicles (Fig. 2P and Fig. S4N as a genetic control). We have described these new results in the main text as follows:

      “To further verify the presence of DA neurons within the SIFa neuron population, we utilized a well-established genetic toolkit for dissecting DA circuits and confirmed part of SIFa neurons are dopaminergic (S4M Fig) [58]. We also employed a conditional glutamatergic synaptic vesicle marker to confirm the presence of glutamatergic SIFa neurons (Fig 2P and Fig S4N) [59].”

         To further confirm that glutamate release from SIFa neurons influences the function of SIFaR neurons, we tested several RNAi strains targeting glutamate receptors. Our results showed that the knockdown of glutamate receptors in SIFaR-expressing neurons produced phenotypes similar to those observed with VGlut-RNAi knockdown in SIFa neurons (Fig. G-L). We believe that this series of experiments demonstrates that glutamate and dopamine work in conjunction with SIFa to modulate interval timing and other behaviors related to energy balance. We have described these new results in the main text as follows:

      "To further substantiate the role of glutamate in SIFa-mediated behaviors. we targeted knockdown of VGlut receptors in SIFaR-expressing neurons. Strikingly, the knockdown of VGlut receptors in these neurons also disrupted SMD behavior, mirroring the phenotype observed upon direct suppression of glutamatergic signaling in SIFa neurons (S4G to S4L Fig). This suggests that glutamate is an essential neurotransmitter for modulating interval timing in SIFa neurons.”

      Comment 5. Single-cell RNA sequencing data alone is insufficient to claim multiple transmitter co-release from SIFamide neurons. Figures illustrating single-cell RNA sequencing, such as Figure 3P-R, are not intuitively understandable, and the figure legends lack sufficient information to clarify these panels. As a side note, Tdc2 is not only present in octopaminergic neurons, but also in tyraminergic neurons.

      __ Answer:__ We agree with the reviewer that scRNA-seq data alone is insufficient to support claims of multiple transmitter co-release in SIFa neurons. We also appreciate the reviewer for highlighting the potential for confusion among readers regarding the visualization methods used in our figures, particularly the tSNE plots of the scRNA-seq data. As noted in our previous response to Reviewer #1, we have removed most of the tSNE plots related to co-expression data involving SIFa and NPRs, which we believe will help clarify the interpretation for readers. However, we have retained a few tSNE plots, specifically Figures 2N-O, to illustrate the potential co-expression of the ple and Vglut genes in SIFa cells.

         We understand the reviewer’s concerns regarding the clarity of the presented data and the need for more detailed information about the extent of co-expression and the identification of SIFa-expressing cells. To address these concerns, we have provided a comprehensive description of our methods in the __MATERIALS AND METHODS__ section below.

      "Single-nucleus RNA-sequencing analyses

      The snRNAseq dataset analyzed in this paper is published in [20]and available at the Nextflow pipelines (VSN, https://github.com/vib-singlecell-nf), the availability of raw and processed datasets for users to explore, and the development of a crowd-annotation platform with voting, comments, and references through SCope (https://flycellatlas.org/scope), linked to an online analysis platform in ASAP (https://asap.epfl.ch/fca). For the generation of the tSNE plots, we utilized the Fly SCope website (https://scope.aertslab.org/#/FlyCellAtlas/*/welcome). Within the session interface, we selected the appropriate tissues and configured the parameters as follows: 'Log transform' enabled, 'CPM normalize' enabled, 'Expression-based plotting' enabled, 'Show labels' enabled, 'Dissociate viewers' enabled, and both 'Point size' and 'Point alpha level' set to maximum. For all tissues, we referred to the individual tissue sessions within the '10X Cross-tissue' RNAseq dataset. Each tSNE visualization depicts the coexpression patterns of genes, with each color corresponding to the genes listed on the left, right, and bottom of the plot. The tissue name, as referenced on the Fly SCope website is indicated in the upper left corner of the tSNE plot. Dashed lines denote the significant overlap of cell populations annotated by the respective genes. Coexpression between genes or annotated tissues is visually represented by differentially colored cell populations. For instance, yellow cells indicate the coexpression of a gene (or annotated tissue) with red color and another gene (or annotated tissue) with green color. Cyan cells signify coexpression between green and blue, purple cells for red and blue, and white cells for the coexpression of all three colors (red, green, and blue). Consistency in the tSNE plot visualization is preserved across all figures.

      Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data from the Drosophila melanogaster were obtained from the Fly Cell Atlas website (https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abk2432). Oenocytes gene expression analysis employed UMI (Unique Molecular Identifier) data extracted from the 10x VSN oenocyte (Stringent) loom and h5ad file, encompassing a total of 506,660 cells. The Seurat (v4.2.2) package (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2021.04.048) was utilized for data analysis. Violin plots were generated using the “Vlnplot” function, the cell types are split by FCA."

         We have also included detailed descriptions in the figure legends for the initial tSNE plot presented below to help readers clearly understand the significance of this visualization.

      "Each tSNE visualization depicts the coexpression patterns of genes, with each color corresponding to the genes listed on the left, right, and/or bottom of the plot. The tissue name, as referenced on the Fly SCope website is indicated in the upper left corner of the tSNE plot. Consistency in the tSNE plot visualization is preserved across all figures."

         We appreciate the reviewer for acknowledging that Tdc2 is present in both TA and OA neurons. As we mentioned earlier, we have completely removed the Tdc2-related results from this manuscript, as we believe that more detailed experiments are necessary to confirm the roles of TA and OA in SIFa neurons.

      Comment 6. The same argument applies to the expression of sNPF receptors in SIFamide neurons. The rather small anatomical stainings shown in figure 4M do not convincingly and unambiguously show that actually sNPF receptors are located on SIFamide neurons.

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer for pointing out that the co-expression of sNPF-R and SIFa needs further verification, and we agree with this assessment. To confirm the co-expression of SIFa with sNPF-R, we conducted a mini-screen of various sNPF-R driver lines and found that the chemoconnectome (CCT) sNPF-R2A driver which represent the physiological expression patterns of sNPF-R, consistently labels SIFa neurons [21].

         To further establish the functional connection between the SIFa and sNPF systems, we performed GCaMP experiments using SIFa-driven GCaMP in conjunction with sNPF-R neurons expressing P2X2, which can be activated by ATP treatment. As shown in Figures 3N-P, we demonstrated that activation of sNPF-R neurons by ATP significantly increases calcium levels in SIFa neurons. Our results strongly suggest that the sNPF-sNPF-R/SIFa system is functionally present and plays a role in modulating interval timing behaviors.

      Comment 7. The authors use the GRASP technique (figure 4N) to determine whether synaptic connections are subject to modulation as a result from the animals' individual experience. The overall extremely bright fluorescence at the dorsal areas of both brain hemispheres (figure 4 N, middle panel) raises doubts whether this signal is actually a specific GRASP fluorescence between two small populations of neurons.

      Answer: We appreciate the reviewer for critically highlighting the inadequacies in our presentation of the GRASP data. We agree that one of our previous panels contained excessive background noise, making it difficult for reviewers and readers to discern the different neuronal connections. To address this issue, we have replaced it with a more representative image that clearly illustrates the strengthening of synaptic connections from SIF to sNPF-R in several neurons, including SIFa cells (Fig. S5J). We hope that this updated image will help convince both the reviewer and readers of the validity of our GRASP data.

      Comment 8. The authors cite Martelli et al. (2017) with the hypothesis that sNPF-releasing neurons provide input signals to SIFamide neurons to modulate feeding behavior. However, the cited manuscript does not contain such a hypothesis. The authors should review the reference in more detail.

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate reviewer to correctly point our misunderstanding of references. We agree with reviewer that Martelli et al.'s paper didn't mention about sNPF signaling transmits hunger and satiety information to SIFa neurons. We removed this sentence and replaced it as below correctly mentioning that sNPF signaling is related to feeding behavior however it's connection to SIFa neurons are not known. We greatly appreciate the reviewer for acknowledging our efforts to accurately cite previous articles that support our rationale and ideas.

      " Short neuropeptide F (sNPF) signaling plays a crucial role in regulating feeding behavior in Drosophila melanogaster, influencing food intake and body size [60,66,67]. However, there is currently no direct evidence reported linking sNPF signaling to SIFa neurons."

      Comment ____9. In lines 281 ff., the authors state that SIFamide neurons receive inputs from peptidergic neurons but simultaneously claim that "this speculation is based on morphological observations." This is incorrect. The functional co-activation/imaging analyses provided in Martelli et al. (2017) should not be ignored.

      * Answer: We fully agree with the reviewer that we misinterpreted Martelli et al.'s analysis. We have removed "this speculation is based on morphological observations." from* the following sentence and finalize as below:

      "The SIFa neurons receive inputs from many peptidergic pathways including Crz, dilp2, Dsk, sNPF, MIP, and hugin"

      Comment 10. Figure 6: A transcriptional calcium sensor (TRIC) was used to quantify the accumulation GFP induced by calcium influx in SIFamide neurons. However, I could not find any description of the method in the materials and methods section, nor any explanation how the data were acquired or analyzed. What is the RFP expression good for? How exactly are thresholds determined, and why are areas rather than fluorescence intensities quantified? Overall, this part of the manuscript is rather confusing and needs more explanation.

      __ Answer: Thank you for your continued engagement with our manuscript and for highlighting the need for further clarification on our methods. Your attention to the details of our immunohistochemistry experiments is commendable, and we agree that providing a clear explanation of our thresholding and normalization procedures is essential for the transparency and reproducibility of our results. We primarily adhered to the established methods outlined by Kayser et al. [8]. To address your first point, we have now included a more detailed description of our thresholding and normalization procedures in the __MATERIALS AND METHODS section as below.

      "Quantitative analysis of fluorescence intensity

      To ascertain calcium levels and synaptic intensity from microscopic images, we dissected and imaged five-day-old flies of various social conditions and genotypes under uniform conditions. The GFP signal in the brains and VNCs was amplified through immunostaining with chicken anti-GFP, rabbit anti-DsRed, and mouse anti-nc82 primary antibodies. Image analysis was conducted using ImageJ software. For the quantification of fluorescence intensities, an investigator, blinded to the fly's genotype, thresholded the sum of all pixel intensities within a sub-stack to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio, following established methods [100]. The total fluorescent area or region of interest (ROI) was then quantified using ImageJ, as previously reported. For CaLexA or TRIC signal quantification, we adhered to protocols detailed by Kayser et al. [101], which involve measuring the ROI's GFP-labeled area by summing pixel values across the image stack. This method assumes that changes in the GFP-labeled area and intensity are indicative of alterations in the CaLexA and TRIC signal, reflecting synaptic activity. ROI intensities were background-corrected by measuring and subtracting the fluorescent intensity from a non-specific adjacent area, as per Kayser et al. [101]. For normalization, nc82 fluorescence is utilized for CaLexA, while RFP signal is employed for TRIC experiments, as the RFP signal from the TRIC reporter is independent of calcium signaling [72] . For the analysis of GRASP or tGRASP signals, a sub-stack encompassing all synaptic puncta was thresholded by a genotype-blinded investigator to achieve the optimal signal-to-noise ratio. The fluorescence area or ROI for each region was quantified using ImageJ, employing a similar approach to that used for CaLexA or TRIC quantification [100]. 'Norm. GFP Int.' refers to the normalized GFP intensity relative to the RFP signal.

      • *

      __Comment 11. __Similarly, it remains unclear how exactly syteGFP fluorescence and DenMark fluorescence were quantified. Why are areas indicated and not fluorescence intensity values? In fact, it appears worrisome that isolation of males should lead to a drastic decline in synaptic terminals (as measure through a vesicle-associated protein) by ~ 30%, or, conversely, keeping animals in groups lead to an respective increase (figure 7D). The technical information how exactly this was quantified is not sufficient.

      __ Answer: __Thank you for your ongoing engagement with our manuscript and for emphasizing the need for clarification on our methods. We appreciate your attention to the details of our immunohistochemistry experiments and agree that a clear explanation of our thresholding and normalization procedures is vital for transparency and reproducibility. We acknowledge that signal intensity correlates with area measurements, which is an important consideration. In response to your valuable suggestion, we have revised our approach to present data based on intensity measurements and updated the Y-axis labeling to "Norm. GFP Int." (normalized GFP intensity) for clarity. We primarily followed the established methods from Kayser et al. (2014) [8]. Additionally, we have included a more detailed description of our thresholding and normalization procedures in the "Quantitative analysis of fluorescence intensity" in __MATERIALS AND METHODS __section as we quoted above.

      • *

      Minor concerns:

      Comment 1. Reference 29 and reference 33 are the same.

         __Answer:__ We removed reference 29.

      Comment 2. In figure legends, abbreviations should be explained when used first (e.g., figure 1 A "MD", is explained below for panel C-F), or "CS males". __ __

      __Answer: __We have ensured that abbreviations are explained only when they are first used in the figure legends.

      Comment 3. Indications for statistical significance must be shown in all figure legends at the end of each figure legend, not only in figure 1. __ __

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer’s advice. However, we have published all our other manuscripts using the same format for mating duration, stating, "The same notations for statistical significance are used in other figures," in the first figure where we describe our statistical significances. We intend to continue with this approach initially and will then adhere to the journal's policy.

      Comment 4. The figures appear overloaded. For example why do you need two different axis designations (mating duration and differences between means)? __ __

      __ Answer: __We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion to refine our figures, and we have indeed reformatted them to provide clearer presentation and improved readability. Our decision is based on the fact that our analysis encompasses not only traditional t-tests but also incorporates estimation statistics, which have been demonstrated to be effective for biological data analysis [22]. The inclusion of DBMs is essential for the accurate interpretation of these estimation statistics, ensuring a comprehensive representation of our findings. This is the primary area where we present two different axis designations.

      Comment 5. Line: 1154: Typo: gluttaminergic should be glutamatergic.

         __Answer:__ We fixed all.

      Comment 6. The authors frequently write "system" when referring to transmitter types, e.g., "glutaminergic system", "octopaminergic system", etc. It I not clear what the term "system" actually refers to. If the authors claim that SIFamide neurons release these transmitters in addition to SIFamide, they should state that precisely and then add experiments to show that this is the case.

         __Answer:__ We agree with reviewer and removed the word 'system' after the name of neurotransmitter's name.

      Comment 7. Figure S6: It is not explained in the figure legend what fly strain "UAS-ctrl" actually is. Does "ctrl" mean control? And what genotype is hat control? __ __

      __Answer: __It was wild-type strain. We fixed it as "+".

      Comment 8. Figure legend S6, line 1371: The authors indicate experiments using UAS-OrkDeltaC. I could not find these data in the figure. __ __

      __Answer: __It's now in Fig.S6U-W.

      Comment 9. Line 470: "...reduced branching of SIFa axons at the postsynaptic level" should perhaps be "presynaptic level"?

      Answer: Reviewer is correct. We fixed it.

      Conclusive Comments:* Overall, the study advances our knowledge about the behavioral roles of SIFamide, which is certainly important, interesting, and worthy of being reported. However, the manuscript also raises several serious caveats and includes points that remain speculative and are less convincing.

      Overall, the neuronal basis of action selection based on motivational factors (metabolic state, mating experience, sleep/wake status, etc.) is not well understood. The analysis of SIFamide function in insects might provide a way to address the question how different motivational signals are integrated to orchestrate behavior.*

      • *Answer: Thank you for your thoughtful review and for recognizing the significance of our study in advancing knowledge about the behavioral roles of SIFamide. We appreciate your acknowledgment that our work is important, interesting, and worthy of publication.

      We understand your concerns regarding the caveats and speculative points raised in the manuscript. We agree that the neuronal basis of action selection influenced by motivational factors—such as metabolic state, mating experience, and sleep/wake status—remains poorly understood. We believe that our analysis of SIFamide function in insects offers valuable insights into how various motivational signals are integrated to orchestrate behavior.

      In response to your comments, we have made revisions to clarify our findings and address the concerns raised. We aim to strengthen the arguments presented in the manuscript and provide a more robust discussion of the implications of our results. Thank you once again for your constructive feedback, which has been instrumental in improving the clarity and impact of our work.

      • *

      * *

      Reviewer #3

      General Comments:* The Manuscript Peptidergic neurons with extensive branching orchestrate the internal states and energy balance of male Drosophila melanogaster by Yuton Song and colleagues addresses the question how SIFamidergic neurons coordinate behavioral responses in a context-dependent manner. In this context the authors investigate how SIFa neurons receive information about the physiological state of the animal and integrate this information into the processing of external stimuli. The authors show that SIFamidergic neurons and sNPPF expressing neurons form a feedback loop in the ventral nerve cord that modulate long mating (LMD) and shorter mating duration (SMD).

      The manuscript is well written and very detailed and provides an enormous amount of data corroborating the claims of the authors. However, before publication the authors may want to address some points of concern that warrant some deeper explanation.*

      • *__Answer: __Thank you for your positive feedback on our manuscript. We appreciate your recognition of the importance of our study in investigating how SIFa neurons integrate information about the physiological state of the animal with external stimuli, as well as your acknowledgment of the substantial data we provide to support our claims. We understand your concerns regarding certain points that require deeper explanation, and we are committed to addressing these issues to enhance the clarity and robustness of our findings. Your insights into the neuronal basis of action selection influenced by motivational factors are invaluable, and we believe that our exploration of SIFamide function in insects contributes significantly to understanding how various motivational signals orchestrate behavior. Thank you once again for your constructive comments, which will help us improve our manuscript before publication.

      Major concerns:

      Comment 1. On page 6 line 110 the authors describe that knocking-down SIFamide in glia cell does not change LMD or SMD and say that SIFa expression in glia does not contribute to interval timing behavior. However, the authors do not provide any information why they investigate the role of SIFa expression in glia. Is there any SIFa-expression in glia? The authors should somehow demonstrate using antibody labelling against SIFamide whether any glia specific expression of this peptide is to be expected. If they cannot provide this data - the take home message of the experiment cannot be that glia knockdown of SIFamide does not affect the behavior because you cannot knockdown anything that is not there.

      • *

      • In the latter case the experiment could be considered as a nice negative control for the elav-Gal4 pan-neuronal knockdown of SIFamide. The authors provide some Figure supplement where they use repo-Gal80 to partially answer this question. However, the authors should keep in mind that Gal4-drivers are not always complete in the expression pattern. Accordingly, the result should be corroborated with immune-labelling against SIFamide directly.*

      __ Answer: __We appreciate the reviewer's constructive and critical comments regarding the use of our glial cell drivers. As the reviewer rightly pointed out, we believe that glial control is not essential for our manuscript, given that the expression of SIFa is well established in only four neurons. Therefore, we have removed the data related to glial drivers from this manuscript.

      Comment 2. At this point I would like to directly comment on the figure quality. The figures are so crowded that the described anatomical details are hardly visible. In my opinion the manuscript would profit from less data in the main part and more stringent description of the core of the biological problem the authors want to address. The authors may want to reduce data from the main text and provide additional data that are not directly related to the main story as supplementary information.

      __ Answer: __We agree with the reviewer. As another reviewer also suggested that we streamline our figures and data, we have completely restructured our figures and their presentation. In response, we have significantly reduced the density of the main figures and decreased the size of the graphs to enhance clarity. Additionally, we have increased the spacing between panels to ensure that each component is more easily distinguishable. Further details will be provided in our responses to each comment below.

      • *

      Comment 3. On page 8 starting with line 140 the authors describe the architecture of SIFamidergic neurons using several anatomical markers e.g., Denmark and further state that they have discovered that the dendrites of SIFa neurons span just the central brain area. Seeing that these data have been published in Martelli et al., 2017 the authors should tune down the claim that this was discovered in their work but rather corroborated earlier results.

      __ Answer: __We acknowledge this error, as another reviewer also raised this issue. We have corrected our manuscript as follows:

      "The established connections and architecture of SIFa neurons has been described by Martelli et al., which enhances our understanding of their functional roles within the neuronal circuitry [51]. To identify the dendritic and axonal components of SIFa-neuronal processes, we employed a similar approach to that reported by Martelli [51]."

      Comment 4. In the next chapter, the authors aim at identifying the presynaptic inputs from SIFa positive neurons that may influence interval timing behavior and make a broad RNAi knock-down screen targeting a majority of neuromodulators. The authors claim that glutaminergic and dopaminergic signaling is necessary for interval timing behavior. I guess the authors mean "glutamatergic" instead of "glutaminergic" as glutamine is the precursor but not the neurotransmitter.

      __ Answer: __The reviewer is correct. We have corrected this error and changed all instances to "glutamatergic."

      Comment 5____. Furthermore, the authors show that the knock down of Tdc2 with RNAi has comparable effects on SMD than Glutamate and dopamine but appear to not further discuss this in the main text. To me it is not clear why the authors exclude Tdc2 from their resume. The authors should explain this in detail.

         __Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer’s constructive comments regarding the need for a more detailed demonstration of the role of Tdc2 data. While we did test Tdc2-RNAi and observed interesting phenotypes, we decided not to include these findings in our publication, as our data on glutamate and dopamine offer a more compelling explanation for how SIFa cotransmission with these neurotransmitters can independently influence various behaviors, such as sleep and mating duration. Consequently, we have removed all data related to Tdc2. We believe that further evaluation is necessary to better understand the roles of the tyramine and octopamine systems in SIFa neurons.

      Comment 6. The authors base their assumptions that the tested neurotransmitters are expressed in SIFamidergic neurons on Scope database analysis. But a transcript does not necessarily mean that it will be translated too. To my knowledge there is no available data in the literature showing that tyrosine hydroxylase is expressed in SIFamidergic neurons (see e.g., Mao and Davis, 2010). To show that ple or Tdc2 are indeed expressed and translated into functional enzymes in SIFamidergic neurons the authors should provide the according antibody labelling corroborating the result from the transcriptome analysis.

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer’s constructive comments regarding the role of neurotransmitters in conjunction with SIFa in modulating interval timing behaviors. To confirm the expression of dopamine (DA) in SIFa neurons, we utilized a well-established genetic toolkit for dissecting dopamine circuit function in Drosophila [18]. Our findings demonstrate that TH-C-GAL4 specifically labels SIFa neurons, which have been confirmed to be dopaminergic (Fig. S4M). This aligns with the genetic intersection data and the findings from Xie et al. (2018), confirming that a subset of SIFa neurons is indeed dopaminergic. We have included these new results in the main text as follows:

      " To further verify the presence of DA neurons within the SIFa neuron population, we utilized a well-established genetic toolkit for dissecting DA circuits and confirmed part of SIFa neurons are dopaminergic (S4M Fig) [58]."

         To confirm the glutamatergic characteristics of SIFa neurons, we conducted several experiments that established glutamate as the most critical neurotransmitter for generating interval timing in both SIFa and SIFaR neurons. First, to demonstrate the presence of glutamatergic synaptic vesicles in SIFa neurons, we utilized a conditional glutamatergic synaptic vesicle marker for *Drosophila*, developed by Certel et al. [19]. Our results confirmed that SIFa neurons exhibit strong expression of glutamatergic synaptic vesicles (Fig. 2P and Fig. S4N as a genetic control). We have described these new results in the main text as follows:

      "To further substantiate the role of glutamate in SIFa-mediated behaviors. we targeted the expression of VGlut receptor in neurons that carry the SIFaR. Strikingly, the knockdown of VGlut receptor in these neurons also disrupted SMD behavior, mirroring the phenotype observed upon direct suppression of glutamatergic signaling in SIFa neurons (S4O-L Fig)."

         To further confirm that glutamate release from SIFa neurons influences the function of SIFaR neurons, we tested several RNAi strains targeting glutamate receptors. Our results showed that the knockdown of glutamate receptors in SIFaR-expressing neurons produced phenotypes similar to those observed with VGlut-RNAi knockdown in SIFa neurons (Fig. S4I-N). We believe that this series of experiments demonstrates that glutamate and dopamine work in conjunction with SIFa to modulate interval timing and other behaviors related to energy balance. We have described these new results in the main text as follows:

      "We also further verified that the knockdown of glutamate receptors in SIFaR-expressing neurons produces phenotypes similar to those resulting from VGlut knockdown in SIFa neurons (S4G to S4L Fig). This suggests that glutamate is an essential neurotransmitter for modulating interval timing in SIFa neurons."

      Comment 7. The authors compare the LMD and SMD behavior of the animals with reduced expression with "heterozygous control animals" the authors should describe in detail what these are - are these controls the driver lines or the effector lines or a mix of both? The authors should provide the data for heterozygous driver line controls as well as heterozygous effector line controls to exclude any genetic background influence on the measured behavior. Accordingly, the authors should provide the data for the same controls for the sleep experiment in figure 3O and all the other behavioral experiments in the following parts of the manuscript.

      __ Answer: __We sincerely thank the reviewer for insightful comments regarding the absence of traditional genetic controls in our study of LMD and SMD behaviors. We acknowledge the importance of such controls and wish to clarify our rationale for not including them in the current investigation. The primary reason for not incorporating all genetic control lines is that we have previously assessed the LMD and SMD behaviors of GAL4/+ and UAS/+ strains in our earlier studies. Our past experiences have consistently shown that 100% of the genetic control flies for both GAL4 and UAS exhibit normal LMD and SMD behaviors. Given these findings, we deemed the inclusion of additional genetic controls to be non-essential for the present study, particularly in the context of extensive screening efforts. We understand the value of providing a clear rationale for our methodology choices. To this end, we have added a detailed explanation in the "MATERIALS AND METHODS" section and the figure legends of Figure 1. This clarification aims to assist readers in understanding our decision to omit traditional controls, as outlined below.

      "Mating Duration Assays for Successful Copulation

      The mating duration assay in this study has been reported [33,73,93]. To enhance the efficiency of the mating duration assay, we utilized the Df (1) Exel6234 (DF here after) genetic modified fly line in this study, which harbors a deletion of a specific genomic region that includes the sex peptide receptor (SPR)[94,95]. Previous studies have demonstrated that virgin females of this line exhibit increased receptivity to males [95]. We conducted a comparative analysis between the virgin females of this line and the CS virgin females and found that both groups induced SMD. Consequently, we have elected to employ virgin females from this modified line in all subsequent studies. For naïve males, 40 males from the same strain were placed into a vial with food for 5 days. For single reared males, males of the same strain were collected individually and placed into vials with food for 5 days. For experienced males, 40 males from the same strain were placed into a vial with food for 4 days then 80 DF virgin females were introduced into vials for last 1 day before assay. 40 DF virgin females were collected from bottles and placed into a vial for 5 days. These females provide both sexually experienced partners and mating partners for mating duration assays. At the fifth day after eclosion, males of the appropriate strain and DF virgin females were mildly anaesthetized by CO2. After placing a single female in to the mating chamber, we inserted a transparent film then placed a single male to the other side of the film in each chamber. After allowing for 1 h of recovery in the mating chamber in 25℃ incubators, we removed the transparent film and recorded the mating activities. Only those males that succeeded to mate within 1 h were included for analyses. Initiation and completion of copulation were recorded with an accuracy of 10 sec, and total mating duration was calculated for each couple. All assays were performed from noon to 4pm. Genetic controls with GAL4/+ or UAS/+ lines were omitted from supplementary figures, as prior data confirm their consistent exhibition of normal LMD and SMD behaviors [33,73,93,96,97]. Hence, genetic controls for LMD and SMD behaviors were incorporated exclusively when assessing novel fly strains that had not previously been examined. In essence, internal controls were predominantly employed in the experiments, as LMD and SMD behaviors exhibit enhanced statistical significance when internally controlled. Within the LMD assay, both group and single conditions function reciprocally as internal controls. A significant distinction between the naïve and single conditions implies that the experimental manipulation does not affect LMD. Conversely, the lack of a significant discrepancy suggests that the manipulation does influence LMD. In the context of SMD experiments, the naïve condition (equivalent to the group condition in the LMD assay) and sexually experienced males act as mutual internal controls for one another. A statistically significant divergence between naïve and experienced males indicates that the experimental procedure does not alter SMD. Conversely, the absence of a statistically significant difference suggests that the manipulation does impact SMD. Hence, we incorporated supplementary genetic control experiments solely if they deemed indispensable for testing. All assays were performed from noon to 4 PM. We conducted blinded studies for every test[98,99] .

         While we have previously addressed this type of reviewer feedback in our published manuscript [2–7], we appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion to include traditional genetic control experiments. In response, we conducted all feasible combinations of genetic control experiments for LMD/SMD during the revision period. The results are presented in the supplementary figures and are described in the main text.

      __Comment 8. __On page 11 line 231 to page 12 line 233 the authors claim that "sNPF signaling transmits hunger and satiety information to SIFa neurons in order to control food search and feeding" and cite Martelli et al., 2017. Could the authors explain more in detail how the Martelli paper somehow proposes this idea? I do not find the link between sNPF signaling hunger and SIFamide in this precise paper.

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer for accurately pointing out our misunderstanding of the references. We agree that Martelli et al.'s paper does not mention that sNPF signaling transmits hunger and satiety information to SIFa neurons. Consequently, we have removed the relevant sentence and replaced it with a statement correctly indicating that while sNPF signaling is related to feeding behavior, its connection to SIFa neurons remains unknown. We are grateful to the reviewer for acknowledging our efforts to accurately cite previous articles that support our rationale and ideas.

      " Short neuropeptide F (sNPF) signaling plays a crucial role in regulating feeding behavior in Drosophila melanogaster, influencing food intake and body size [60,66,67] . However, there is currently no direct evidence reported linking sNPF signaling to SIFa neurons."

      Comment 9. On page 15 line 302 - 303 the authors write that "except for PK2-R2, all other genes coexpress with SIFa in SCope data, indicating that hugin inputs to SIFa may not be transmitted through peptidergic signaling" - if SIFamidergic neurons do not express hugin-receptors how do the authors explain the inverted effect of PK2-R2-RNAi on single housed male courtship index when compared to heterozygous SIFaPT Gal4 control that show a reduction under comparable conditions.

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer’s constructive comments. In line with another reviewer’s suggestion, we have completely removed results of other neuropeptidergic inputs, focusing instead on how sNPF inputs modulate SIFa-mediated behavioral modulation using more advanced techniques such as GCaMP (Fig 3N). Consequently, the phenotypes resulting from various knockdowns of neuropeptide receptors are currently under investigation for a separate manuscript that we are preparing. We hope to successfully address how different neuropeptidergic inputs regulate SIFa neuron activity through various strategies.

      Comment 10. On page 17 line 350 - 351 the authors write that "Stimulation of SIFa neurons resulted in an elevation in food consumption. Further, the authors write that "deactivation of SIFa neurons leads to a decrease in food consumption in male flies". From the way this is formulated it is not visible that the role of SIFamide in feeding control was published by Martelli and colleagues before. As the authors do not discuss the finding further in their discussion but cite the concerned paper in other aspects it appears as the authors intentionally want to omit this information to the reader. The authors may add a note that this has been shown before for female flies by Martelli and colleagues.

      __ Answer:__ We appreciate reviewer's concern for properly mention previous Martelli et al.'s results about female feeding behavior modulated by SIFa neurons' activity. We agree with reviewer and added sentence as below in main text.

      "Nevertheless, the temporary deactivation of SIFa neurons leads to a decrease in food consumption in male flies (Fig 4N and S6F to S6H) as previously described by Martelli et al.'s report in female flies [43]."

      Comment 11. SIFamide receptor and GnIHR are discussed as descendants from a common ancestor and the authors nicely demonstrate that SIFamide does not only control homeostatic behavior as shown by Martelli and colleagues but also controls reproductive behavior. The evolution of such behavior control mechanisms may be integrated in the discussion too.

      Answer: We appreciate the reviewer’s constructive comments, which enhance the evolutionary significance of our study. We agree with the reviewer and have added the following paragraph to the DISCUSSION section:

      "The relationship between SIFamide receptors (SIFaR) and gonadotropin inhibitory hormone receptors (GnIHR) [89] highlights an intriguing evolutionary connection, as both are believed to have descended from a common ancestor [90,91]. This study expands on previous findings by Martelli et al., demonstrating that SIFamide not only regulates homeostatic behaviors but also plays a significant role in reproductive behavior [43]. GnIHR regulates food intake and reproductive behavior in opposing directions, thereby prioritizing feeding behavior over other behavioral tasks during times of metabolic need [92]. The evolution of these behavioral control mechanisms suggests a complex interplay between neuropeptides that modulate both physiological states and reproductive strategies. As SIFamide influences various behaviors, including feeding and sexual activity, it may be integral to understanding how organisms adapt their reproductive strategies in response to environmental and internal cues. This integration of behavioral modulation underscores the evolutionary significance of SIFamide signaling in coordinating essential life functions in Drosophila melanogaster and potentially other species, revealing pathways through which neuropeptides can shape behavior across different contexts."

      Conclusive Comments: The manuscript by Song and colleagues is very interesting and may attract a broad readership. However, the authors miss to make clear what was already known and published on the role of SIFamide in homeostatic behavior control before their own study. Seen that the receptors for SIFamide and GnRHI derive from a common ancestor and apparently both GnRHI and SIFamide share similar roles in behavioral control this might indeed suggests that the basic function of this SIFaR/GnIHR-signaling pathway is conserved. This more broad evolutionary aspect is missing in the discussion of the manuscript.

      • *Answer: We wholeheartedly agree with the reviewer regarding the evolutionary significance of SIFaR's function in relation to GnIHR, and we have expanded the DISCUSSION section to emphasize this important aspect.

      "The relationship between SIFamide receptors (SIFaR) and gonadotropin inhibitory hormone receptors (GnIHR) [89] highlights an intriguing evolutionary connection, as both are believed to have descended from a common ancestor [90,91]. This study expands on previous findings by Martelli et al., demonstrating that SIFamide not only regulates homeostatic behaviors but also plays a significant role in reproductive behavior [43]. GnIHR regulates food intake and reproductive behavior in opposing directions, thereby prioritizing feeding behavior over other behavioral tasks during times of metabolic need [92]. The evolution of these behavioral control mechanisms suggests a complex interplay between neuropeptides that modulate both physiological states and reproductive strategies. As SIFamide influences various behaviors, including feeding and sexual activity, it may be integral to understanding how organisms adapt their reproductive strategies in response to environmental and internal cues. This integration of behavioral modulation underscores the evolutionary significance of SIFamide signaling in coordinating essential life functions in Drosophila melanogaster and potentially other species, revealing pathways through which neuropeptides can shape behavior across different contexts."


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      2. Kim WJ, Jan LY, Jan YN. A PDF/NPF Neuropeptide Signaling Circuitry of Male Drosophila melanogaster Controls Rival-Induced Prolonged Mating. Neuron. 2013;80: 1190–1205. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2013.09.034
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      5. Sun Y, Zhang X, Wu Z, Li W, Kim WJ. Genetic Screening Reveals Cone Cell-Specific Factors as Common Genetic Targets Modulating Rival-Induced Prolonged Mating in male Drosophila melanogaster. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genet. 2024; jkae255. doi:10.1093/g3journal/jkae255
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    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Review on the manscurpit "Peptidergic neurons with extensive branching orchestrate the internal states and energy balance of male Drosophila melanogaster." By Yuton Song and colleagues.

      The Manuscript Peptidergic neurons with extensive branching orchestrate the internal states and energy balance of male Drosophila melanogaster by Yuton Song and colleagues addresses the question how SIFamidergic neurons coordinate behavioral responses in a context-dependent manner. In this context the authors investigate how SIFa neurons receive information about the physiological state of the animal and integrate this information into the processing of external stimuli. The authors show that SIFamidergic neurons and sNPPF expressing neurons form a feedback loop in the ventral nerve cord that modulate long mating (LMD) and shorter mating duration (SMD).

      The manuscript is well written and very detailed and provides an enormous amount of data corroborating the claims of the authors. However, before publication the authors may want to address some points of concern that warrant some deeper explanation.

      On page 6 line 110 the authors describe that knocking-down SIFamide in glia cell does not change LMD or SMD and say that SIFa expression in glia does not contribute to interval timing behavior. However, the authors do not provide any information why they investigate the role of SIFa expression in glia. Is there any SIFa-expression in glia? The authors should somehow demonstrate using antibody labelling against SIFamide whether any glia specific expression of this peptide is to be expected. If they cannot provide this data - the take home message of the experiment cannot be that glia knockdown of SIFamide does not affect the behavior because you cannot knockdown anything that is not there. In the latter case the experiment could be considered as a nice negative control for the elav-Gal4 pan-neuronal knockdown of SIFamide. The authors provide some Figure supplement where they use repo-Gal80 to partially answer this question. However, the authors should keep in mind that Gal4-drivers are not always complete in the expression pattern. Accordingly, the result should be corroborated with immune-labelling against SIFamide directly.

      At this point I would like to directly comment on the figure quality. The figures are so crowded that the described anatomical details are hardly visible. In my opinion the manuscript would profit from less data in the main part and more stringent description of the core of the biological problem the authors want to address. The authors may want to reduce data from the main text and provide additional data that are not directly related to the main story as supplementary information. On page 8 starting with line 140 the authors describe the architecture of SIFamidergic neurons using several anatomical markers e.g., Denmark and further state that they have discovered that the dendrites of SIFa neurons span just the central brain area. Seeing that these data have been published in Martelli et al., 2017 the authors should tune down the claim that this was discovered in their work but rather corroborated earlier results.

      In the next chapter, the authors aim at identifying the presynaptic inputs from SIFa positive neurons that may influence interval timing behavior and make a broad RNAi knock-down screen targeting a majority of neuromodulators. The authors claim that glutaminergic and dopaminergic signaling is necessary for interval timing behavior. I guess the authors mean "glutamatergic" instead of "glutaminergic" as glutamine is the precursor but not the neurotransmitter. Furthermore, the authors show that the knock down of Tdc2 with RNAi has comparable effects on SMD than Glutamate and dopamine but appear to not further discuss this in the main text. To me it is not clear why the authors exclude Tdc2 from their resume. The authors should explain this in detail. The authors base their assumptions that the tested neurotransmitters are expressed in SIFamidergic neurons on Scope database analysis. But a transcript does not necessarily mean that it will be translated too. To my knowledge there is no available data in the literature showing that tyrosine hydroxylase is expressed in SIFamidergic neurons (see e.g., Mao and Davis, 2010). To show that ple or Tdc2 are indeed expressed and translated into functional enzymes in SIFamidergic neurons the authors should provide the according antibody labelling corroborating the result from the transcriptome analysis. The authors compare the LMD and SMD behavior of the animals with reduced expression with "heterozygous control animals" the authors should describe in detail what these are - are these controls the driver lines or the effector lines or a mix of both? The authors should provide the data for heterozygous driver line controls as well as heterozygous effector line controls to exclude any genetic background influence on the measured behavior. Accordingly, the authors should provide the data for the same controls for the sleep experiment in figure 3O and all the other behavioral experiments in the following parts of the manuscript.

      On page 11 line 231 to page 12 line 233 the authors claim that "sNPF signaling transmits hunger and satiety information to SIFa neurons in order to control food search and feeding" and cite Martelli et al., 2017. Could the authors explain more in detail how the Martelli paper somehow proposes this idea? I do not find the link between sNPF signaling hunger and SIFamide in this precise paper. On page 15 line 302 - 303 the authors write that "except for PK2-R2, all other genes coexpress with SIFa in SCope data, indicating that hugin inputs to SIFa may not be transmitted through peptidergic signaling" - if SIFamidergic neurons do not express hugin-receptors how do the authors explain the inverted effect of PK2-R2-RNAi on single housed male courtship index when compared to heterozygous SIFaPT Gal4 control that show a reduction under comparable conditions.

      On page 17 line 350 - 351 the authors write that "Stimulation of SIFa neurons resulted in an elevation in food consumption. Further, the authors write that "deactivation of SIFa neurons leads to a decrease in food consumption in male flies". From the way this is formulated it is not visible that the role of SIFamide in feeding control was published by Martelli and colleagues before. As the authors do not discuss the finding further in their discussion but cite the concerned paper in other aspects it appears as the authors intentionally want to omit this information to the reader. The authors may add a note that this has been shown before for female flies by Martelli and colleagues. SIFamide receptor and GnIHR are discussed as descendants from a common ancestor and the authors nicely demonstrate that SIFamide does not only control homeostatic behavior as shown by Martelli and colleagues but also controls reproductive behavior. The evolution of such behavior control mechanisms may be integrated in the discussion too.


      The manuscript by Song and colleagues is very interesting and may attract a broad readership. However, the authors miss to make clear what was already known and published on the role of SIFamide in homeostatic behavior control before their own study. Seen that the receptors for SIFamide and GnRHI derive from a common ancestor and apparently both GnRHI and SIFamide share similar roles in behavioral control this might indeed suggests that the basic function of this SIFaR/GnIHR-signaling pathway is conserved. This more broad evolutionary aspect is missing in the discussion of the manuscript.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the present study, the authors employ mating behavior in male fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, to investigate the behavioral roles of the neuropeptide SIFamide. The duration of mating behavior in these animals varies depending on context, previous experience, and internal metabolic state. The authors use this variability to explore the neuronal mechanisms that control these influences. In an abstraction step, they compare the different mating durations to concepts of neuronal interval timing.

      The behavioral functions of the neuropeptide SIFamide have been thoroughly characterized in several studies, particularly in the contexts of circadian rhythm and sleep, courtship behavior, and food uptake. This study adds new data, demonstrating that SIFamide is essential for the proper control of mating behavior, highlighting the interconnection of various state- and motivation-dependent behaviors at the neuronal level. However, the hypothesis that mating behavior is related to interval timing is not convincingly supported.

      Experimentally, the authors show that RNAi-mediated downregulation of SIFamide affects mating duration in male flies. They use combinations of RNAi lines under the control of various Gal4 lines to identify additional neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and receptors involved in this process. This approach is complemented by neuroanatomical staining and single-cell RNA sequencing. Overall, the study advances our knowledge about the behavioral roles of SIFamide, which is certainly important, interesting, and worthy of being reported. However, the manuscript also raises several serious caveats and includes points that remain speculative, are less convincing, or are simply incorrect.

      Major concerns:

      • The authors conclude from their mating experiments that SIFamide controls interval timing. This conclusion is not supported by the data, which only indicate that SIFamide is required for normal mating duration and modulates the motivation-dependent component of this behavior. There is no clear evidence linking this to interval timing.
      • On line 160, the authors state, "The connection between the dendrites and axons of the SIFamide neuronal processes is unknown." This is not entirely correct. State-of-the-art connectome analyses can determine synaptic connectivities between SIFamidergic neurons and pre-/postsynaptic neurons. The authors also overlook the thorough connectivity analysis by Martelli et al. (2017), which includes functional analyses and detailed anatomical descriptions that the current study confirms.
      • The mating experiments are overall okay, with sufficiently high sample sizes and appropriate statistical tests. However, many experiments lack genetic controls for the heterozygous parental strains, such as Gal4-ines AND UAS-lines. This is of course of importance and common standard.
      • Using a battery of RNAi lines, the authors aim to uncover which neurotransmitters might be co-released from SIFamide neurons to influence mating behavior. However, a behavioral effect of an RNAi construct expressed in SIFamidergic neurons does not demonstrate that the respective transmitter is actually released from these neurons. Alternative methods are needed to show whether glutamate, dopamine, serotonin, octopamine, etc., are present and released from SIFamide neurons. It is particularly challenging to prove that a certain substance acts as a transmitter released by a specific neuron. For example, anti-Tdc2 staining does not actually cover SIFamide neurons, and dopamine has not been described as present in SIFamide neurons. Single-cell RNA sequencing data alone is insufficient to claim multiple transmitter co-release from SIFamide neurons. Figures illustrating single-cell RNA sequencing, such as Figure 3P-R, are not intuitively understandable, and the figure legends lack sufficient information to clarify these panels. As a side note, Tdc2 is not only present in octopaminergic neurons, but also in tyraminergic neurons.
      • The same argument applies to the expression of sNPF receptors in SIFamide neurons. The rather small anatomical stainings shown in figure 4M do not convincingly and unambiguously show that actually sNPF receptors are located on SIFamide neurons.
      • The authors use the GRASP technique (figure 4N) to determine whether synaptic connections are subject to modulation as a result from the animals' individual experience. The overall extremely bright fluorescence at the dorsal areas of both brain hemispheres (figure 4 N, middle panel) raises doubts whether this signal is actually a specific GRASP fluorescence between two small populations of neurons.
      • The authors cite Martelli et al. (2017) with the hypothesis that sNPF-releasing neurons provide input signals to SIFamide neurons to modulate feeding behavior. However, the cited manuscript does not contain such a hypothesis. The authors should review the reference in more detail.
      • In lines 281 ff., the authors state that SIFamide neurons receive inputs from peptidergic neurons but simultaneously claim that "this speculation is based on morphological observations." This is incorrect. The functional co-activation/imaging analyses provided in Martelli et al. (2017) should not be ignored.
      • Figure 6: A transcriptional calcium sensor (TRIC) was used to quantify the accumulation GFP induced by calcium influx in SIFamide neurons. However, I could not find any description of the method in the materials and methods section, nor any explanation how the data were acquired or analyzed. What is the RFP expression good for? How exactly are thresholds determined, and why are areas rather than fluorescence intensities quantified? Overall, this part of the manuscript is rather confusing and needs more explanation.
      • Similarly, it remains unclear how exactly syteGFP fluorescence and DenMark fluorescence were quantified. Why are areas indicated and not fluorescence intensity values? In fact, it appears worrisome that isolation of males should lead to a drastic decline in synaptic terminals (as measure through a vesicle-associated protein) by ~ 30%, or, conversely, keeping animals in groups lead to an respective increase (figure 7D). The technical information how exactly this was quantified is not sufficient.

      Minor comments:

      • Reference 29 and reference 33 are the same.
      • In figure legends, abbreviations should be explained when used first (e.g., figure 1 A "MD", is explained below for panel C-F), or "CS males".
      • Indications for statistical significance must be shown in all figure legends at the end of each figure legend, not only in figure 1.
      • The figures appear overloaded. For example why do you need two different axis designations (mating duration and differences between means)?
      • Line: 1154: Typo: gluttaminergic should be glutamatergic.
      • The authors frequently write "system" when referring to transmitter types, e.g., "glutaminergic system", "octopaminergic system", etc. It I not clear what the term "system" actually refers to. If the authors claim that SIFamide neurons release these transmitters in addition to SIFamide, they should state that precisely and then add experiments to show that this is the case.
      • Figure S6: It is not explained I the figure legend what fly strain "UAS-ctrl" actually is. Does "ctrl" mean control? And what genotype is hat control?
      • Figure legend S6, line 1371: The authors indicate experiments using UAS-OrkDeltaC. I could not find these data in the figure.
      • Line 470: "...reduced branching of SIFa axons at the postsynaptic level" should perhaps be "presynaptic level"?


      Overall, the study advances our knowledge about the behavioral roles of SIFamide, which is certainly important, interesting, and worthy of being reported. However, the manuscript also raises several serious caveats and includes points that remain speculative and are less convincing.

      Overall, the neuronal basis of action selection based on motivational factors (metabolic state, mating experience, sleep/wake status, etc.) is not well understood. The analysis of SIFamide function in insects might provide a way to address the question how different motivational signals are integrated to orchestrate behavior.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript by Song et al. investigates the molecular mechanisms underlying changes in mating duration in Drosophila induced by previous experience. As they have shown previously, they find that male flies reared in isolation have shorter mating duration than those reared in groups, and also that male flies with previous mating experience have shorter mating duration than sexually naïve males. They have conducted a myriad of experiments to demonstrate that the neuropeptide SIFa is required for these changes in mating duration. They have further provided evidence that SIFa-expressing neurons undergo changes in synaptic connectivity and neuronal firing as a result of previous mating experience. Finally, they argue that SIFa neurons form reciprocal connections with sNPF-expressing neurons, and that communication within the SIFa-sNPF circuit is required for experience-dependent changes in mating duration. These results are used to assert that SIFa neurons track the internal state of the flies to modulate behavioral choice.

      Major Comments:

      1. The authors are to be commended for the sheer quantity of data they have generated, but I was often overwhelmed by the figures, which try to pack too much into the space provided. As a result, it is often unclear what components belong to each panel. Providing more space between each panel would really help.

      This is a rare instance where I would recommend paring down the paper to focus on the more novel, clear and relevant results. For example, all of Figure 2 shows the projection pattern of SIFa+ neuron dendrites and axons, which have been reported by multiple previous papers. Figure 7G and J show trans-tango data and SIFaR-GAL4 expression patterns, which were previously reported by Dreyer et al., 2019. These parts could be removed to supplemental figures. Figure 5 details experiments that knock down expression of different neurotransmitter receptors within the SIFa-expressing cells. The results here are less definitive than the SIFa knockdown results, and the SCope data supporting the idea that these receptors are expressed in SIFa-expressing neurons is equivocal. I would recommend removing these data (perhaps they could serve as the basis for another manuscript) or focusing solely on the CCHa1R results, which is the only manipulation that affects both LMD and SMD.

      Finally, I would like the authors to spend more time explaining how they think the results tie together. For example, how do the authors think the changes in branching and activity in SIFa-expressing neurons tie to the change in mating duration provoked by previous experience? It would benefit the manuscript to simplify and clarify the message about what the authors think is happening at the mechanistic level. The various schematics (eg Fig 7N) describe the results but the different parts feel like separate findings rather than a single narrative. 2. Most of the experiments lack traditional controls. For example, in experiments in Fig 1C-K, one would typically include genetic controls that contain either the GAL4 or UAS elements alone. The authors should explain their decision to omit these control experiments and provide an argument for why they are not necessary to correctly interpret the data. In this vein, the authors have stated in the methods that stocks were outcrossed at least 3x to Canton-S background, but 3 outcrosses is insufficient to fully control for genetic background. 3. Throughout the manuscript, the authors appear to use a single control condition (sexually naïve flies raised in groups) to compare to both males raised singly and males with previous sexual experience. These control conditions are duplicated in two separate graphs, one for long mating duration and one for short mating duration, but they are given different names (group vs naïve) depending on the graph. If these are actually the same flies, then this should be made clear, and they should be given a consistent name across the different "experiments". 4. The authors use SCope data to provide evidence for co-expression of SIFa and other neurotransmitters or neuropeptide receptors. The graphs they show are hard to read and it is not clear to what extent the gene expression is actually overlapping. It would be more definitive to show graphs that indicate which percentage of SIFa-expressing cells co-express other neurotransmitter components, and what the actual level of expression of the genes is. The authors should also provide more information on how they identified the SIFa+ cells in the fly atlas dataset. These are important pieces of information to be able to interpret the effects of manipulation of these other neurotransmitter systems within SIFa-expressing cells on mating duration. 5. I would like to see more information on how the thresholding and normalization was done for immunohistochemistry experiments. Was thresholding applied equally across all datasets? Furthermore, "overlap" of Denmark and Syt-eGFP is taken as evidence for synaptic connectivity, but the latter requires more than just overlap in the location of the axon terminal and dendrite regions of the neuron. 6. None of the RNAi experiments have been validated to demonstrate effective knockdown. In many cases, this would be difficult to do because of a lack of an antibody to quantify in a cell-specific manner; however, this fact should be acknowledged, especially in cases where there was found to be a lack of phenotype, which could result from lack of knockdown. The authors could also look for evidence in the literature of cases where RNAi lines they have used have been previously validated. For SIFa, knockdown can be easily confirmed with the SIFa antibody the authors have used elsewhere in the manuscript.

      Minor Comments:

      1. There are quite a lot of citations to preprints, including preprints of the manuscripts under review. It seems inappropriate to cite a preprint of the manuscript you are submitting because it gives a false sense of strengthening the assertions being made in the manuscript.
      2. It seems that labels are incorrect on a number of the immunohistochemistry figures. For example, in Fig 2N, it labels dendrites as green, but this is sytEGFP, which is the presynaptic terminal.
      3. Fig 4N shows grasp between SIFa-LexA and sNPF-R-GAL4, but the authors have argued that these two components should both be expressed in SIFa-expressing cells. This would make grasp signal misleading, because it would appear in the SIFa-expressing cells even without synaptic contacts due to both split GFP molecules being expressed in these cells.
      4. For quantifying TRIC and CaLexA experiments (eg Figure 6A-E), intensity of signal should be measured in addition to the area covered by the signal.


      This study will be most relevant to researchers interested in understanding neuronal control of behavior. It has provided novel information about the mechanisms underlying mating duration in flies, which is used to delineate how internal state influences behavioral outcomes. This represents a conceptual advance, particularly in identifying a cell type and molecule that influences mating duration decisions. The strength of the manuscript is the number of different assays used to investigate the central question from a number of angles. The limitation is that there is a lack of a big picture tying the different components of the manuscript together. Too much data is presented without providing a framework to understand how the data points fit together.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2024-02648

      Corresponding author(s): Kevin Berthenet (kevin.berthenet@lyon.unicancer.fr) and Gabriel Ichim (gabriel.ichim@lyon.unicancer.fr)

      1. General Statements

      We thank all the reviewers for their time and their constructive criticism, based on which we propose the revision plan detailed bellow. All our responses are indicated in italics font. When is the case, the figures for the reviewers are included just below the answer. Only where indicated they have been included in the manuscript. The line numbers indicated here refer to those in original manuscript.

      The two reviews are listed in full at the end of the document.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer #1

      In this manuscript, the authors report a non-apoptotic role for caspase 3 in promoting cell migration. RNA sequencing revealed a "gene signature" associated with caspase 3 knockdown in a melanoma cell line, although there is no investigation of the connection between caspase 3 expression and the regulation of gene expression. Mass spectrometry-based experiments (AP-MS and BioID) identified numerous interacting proteins, with coronin 1B being the most extensively characterized. Data provided indicates that there is a direct interaction between caspase 3 and coronin 1B, and that caspase 3 influences coronin 1B phosphorylation basally and following ligand stimulation. Both proteins are required for efficient cell migration in scratch wound assays. Data is provided indicating that the actions of caspase 3 are independent of proteolytic activity, although the pharmacological inhibition of caspase activity is not complete, nor is the knockdown of BAX/BAK, making these conclusions poorly substantiated. Evaluation of pathways regulating caspase 3 expression implicates the SP1 transcription factor.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for their supportive comment. Regarding specific pharmacological inhibition of caspase-3, work is under way to complement the results obtained with a pan-caspase inhibitor (qVD-OPh). We will use specific effector caspases inhibitors, complemented by several other approaches: complete KO of BAX and BAK proteins to prevent all eventual mitochondrial permeabilization and low-level effector caspase activation, overexpression (OE) of the anti-apoptotic protein BCL-xL to also prevent residual mitochondrial permeabilization, while also OE XIAP, a potent caspase inhibitor. The promising preliminary data using two effector caspases specific inhibitors (Ac-DEVD-CHO and Ac-DNLD-CHO) in two different melanoma cells, during wound healing migration, is shown below, with no effect on melanoma cell migration.

      Line 129 - The data in Sup. Fig. 1H-L are technical, but where are the mass spectrometry results from the BioID2 experiments? These technical figures are really only relevant if the BioID2 system has been used for protein pull-downs, not for the IF analysis in Fig. 2B.

      Response: We apologize for lack of precision in the article logical flow, we will now incorporate the MS data based on the BioID2 experiment earlier in the manuscript.

      Line 143 - Figure 2C - it is not entirely convincing that caspase 7 is not associated with the cytoskeleton, there is a visible band in lysates from both cell lines, in contrast with GAPDH which is convincingly cytoplasmic. This is particularly true in the WM852 cell lines, in which the Caspase 3 band is almost the same as Caspase 7. These results would also be more convincing if there was IF of Caspase 7 and actin to show whether it is or is not enriched in regions of higher F-actin levels.

      Response: Indeed, our data points towards an enrichment of caspase-3 at the cell cortex. Since generally caspase-7 protein levels are lower, we detected it less in the cytosolic fraction. As suggested, now we performed more sensitive IF colocalization confocal imaging between caspase-7 and F-actin and find it also partially localized to the cortical cytoskeleton (see below). However, this effector caspase is not involved in melanoma cell migration (see wound healing assay below, with two different siRNAs for CASP7 and the positive control of siRNA CASP3).

      Figure 2D - knockdowns with only a single siRNA are insufficient, this should be replicated with additional siRNAs. In addition to the effect on actin anisotropy, it appears as though cells are smaller, is this and any other morphological changes reproducible?

      Response: We plan to strengthen the data shown in Fig.2D with additional siRNAs, as shown below. In addition, high-content screening (HCS) microscopy will provide several other cell morphology descriptors.

      Figure 2D-E. Is it cytochalasin B or D used in these experiments? The text and figures don't agree with each other. 5. Figure 2F-G, same comments above for 2D-E (i.e. comments 3 & 4).

      Response: The experimental conditions will be better detailed in the revised manuscript.

      Figure 2F-G, it appears as though the fewer focal adhesions in the Caspase 3 knockdown cells are bigger per focal adhesion, is this a consistent result? If so, what is the explanation?

      Response: In addition to number, we also plan to quantify the size of focal adhesions.

      Figure 2H - it's not clear how this RNAseq data is relevant to the manuscript. There are some genes in the heat map, but it's not clear which ones are changed in their expression in the caspase 3 knockdown cells, nor is it clear how this is relevant to the proposed mechanisms of Caspase 3 interacting with and influencing the phosphorylation of coronin 1B. If there is no connection, then these data can be removed.* *

      Response: As suggested by the reviewer, the RNAseq data presented in Figure 2H will be removed from the revised manuscript since it is not very relevant.

      Supp. Figure 3 - given that there is data from multiple siRNAs for the incucyte migration data, it should be in the primary figures. And since there are multiple siRNAs and CRISPR/Cas9 KO cells, there should be nothing limiting the replication of the other data presented from only a single siRNA.

      Response: Several siRNA are now used for replicating key results as shown above.

      Figure 3A - how was cell adhesion measured? The methods section says "cell adhesion was determined through cell shape analysis and scoring" But this is very vague.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for spotting out this ambiguity, in the revised manuscript we will be more precise in Material and Methods section.

      Figure 3L - was the Casp7 knockdown experiments done with multiple siRNAs? Both melanoma cell lines? Why is this figure only shown out to 24 hours, whereas the other Incucyte experiment run out to 48 hours? Where is the western blot confirming the caspase 7 knockdown? This is important to establish a clear lack of effect.

      Response*: We apologize for lacking more details, we now provide several siRNA for caspase-7, all showing no or minimal effect of melanoma cell migration (see answer to point 2). *

      Line 190 - it is not true to say that in the presence of QVD there is no longer any caspase activity induced by actinomycin D/ABT263 in supplemental Figures 3J-K. The way that the Y axis has been broken diminishes the difference between untreated and treated cells. In fact, there is apparently over 3-4 times more caspase activity in the actinomycin D/ABT263 treated cells in the presence of QVD relative to basal caspase activity. As a result, it cannot be concluded that there is no residual caspase activity.

      Response: We were not precise enough in describing the data in S3J-K. In the revised manuscript we will clearly say that since treatment with a pan-caspase inhibitor does not have the effect of lowering any basal caspase activity (column 1 versus 2), we conclude that in melanoma cells (WM793 and WM852) there is no basal caspase activation that could drive cell motility. The ActD/ABT263 treatment was used as positive control for bona fide induction of effector caspase activation. These results will be complemented by BAX/BAK DKO and BCLxL OE.

      Line 192 - Does the knockout of BAX/BAK (which apparently reduced but did not eliminate BAX/BAK protein levels in Supp. Fig. 3L) actually "completely block" caspase activity via the mitochondrial pathway? This has not been demonstrated.

      Response: We now provide a fluorometric effector caspases assay showing abrogation of caspase activity in BAX/BAK DKO cells (see below, caspase activating treatment is ActinomycinD plus ABT263). In addition, we will improve the DKO efficacy.

      Line 217 - coronin 1B was a hit from which assays? IP-MS and/or BioID2? I see that this is shown in Figure 5A but not referenced in this sentence.

      Line 218 - the reference to Figure 5A should be in the previous sentence. Line 220 - Can it really be said that the interaction is specific since there is a coronin 1B band in the GFP "negative" control?__ __

      Response*: The revised manuscript will address these inadequacies. *

      Line 222 - it is a good control to show that siRNA-knockdown of Caspase 3 reduced the PLA signal in Figure 5C, but the reciprocal experiment of looking at what happens with Coronin 1B knockdown should be included. How does the PLA signal relate to phalloidin-stained F-actin?

      Response: The proximity ligation assay (PLA) is now complemented by KD of Coronin 1B (see below) and we will try to also add the phalloidin staining for F-actin, if compatible with the PLA protocol.

      Line 224 - looking at the line scans, is the lack of recruitment of coronin 1B to the F-actin at the edge of the protrusion in the Caspase 3 knockdown cells reproducible? Is the point that caspase 3 recruits Coronin 1B? There is an obvious difference in the F-actin at the cell edge, but if the F-actin were as dense in the Caspase 3 knockdown cells as they are for the control, would the same lack of coronin 1B be apparent?

      Response: This aspect will be better addressed/discussed in the revised manuscript.

      Line 227 - where is the western blot showing the effectiveness of the coronin 1B knockdown to accompany Figure 5F.

      Response: The efficacy of coronin 1B KD will be added in the revised manuscript.

      Figure 5G - the blots indicate that there is no change in phospho-PKCalpha in the caspase 3 knockdown cells, although phospho-coronin 1B does decrease. This has not been commented upon in the text. Is the implication that there is a non-PKCalpha mediated mechanism for coronin 1B phosphorylation that is dependent on caspase 3?

      Figure 5H - following from the previous point, there is no phospho-PKCalpha blot that would be a positive control for the effect of PDGF stimulation on PKC activation, in control and caspase 3 knockdown cells, to evaluate whether the effect on coronin 1B phosphorylation was upstream or downstream of PKCalpha. This is also true for Supp. Fig. 4H.

      Response*: Since there are several PKC isoforms that might be co-expressed in melanoma cells, it is possible that PKCalpha is not the one responsible for phosphorylating Coronin 1B. We will be more precise in our investigations by using a pan-phospho-PKC antibody. *

      Does phosphorylation of coronin 1B affect its interaction with caspase 3?

      Response: We will assess by Co-IP the interaction of caspase-3 with both non-phosphorylated and phosphorylated Coronin 1B.

      Figure 6 - as before, only a single siRNA to knockdown SP1 is insufficient to robustly support the conclusions.

      Response: As shown below, we addressed this helpful comment by using several siRNAs to assess the role of SP1 in melanoma cell motility, in two different melanoma cell lines.

      • *

      Reviewer #2

      In this manuscript, the authors provide substantial amounts of experimental evidence that caspase-3, more precisely pro-caspase-3, might be involved in promoting melanoma cell migration and invasion. As such, this function, which might stem from scaffolding roles independent of proteolytic activity (yet not shown entirely convincingly), could possibly be similar to those attributed to other caspases, yet the latter omitted experiments testing for the necessity of enzyme activity. The data are novel and interesting and obviously deserve publication. Yet, a number of criticisms need to be listed.

      Response*: We thank the reviewer for upholding the novelty of our study. As also rightfully pointed by R1, we will strive in a revised manuscript to definitely show that caspase-3 participate to melanoma cell motility independently of its pro-apoptotic protease role: we will use two effector caspases specific inhibitors (Ac-DEVD-CHO and Ac-DNLD-CHO, as shown above) complemented by several other approaches: complete KO of BAX and BAK protein to prevent all eventual mitochondrial permeabilization and low-level effector caspase activation, OE of the anti-apoptotic protein BCL-xL to also prevent residual mitochondrial permeabilization, while also OE XIAP, a potent caspase inhibitor. *

      • *

      • First and foremost, I don't seem to find ethical approval information on the animal experiments. While I do not work with zebrafish myself, I am also somewhat concerned by the size of tumours seen in some of the depicted fish. It is highly important that appropriate information in this direction, including possible endpoints, is provided. Response*: We completely agree with the reviewer, yet the ethical approval is already provided in the manuscript (line 588) and will be complemented by adding the endpoints. *

      The second major issue lies in figure 1. The figure as a whole seems to be very much forced to support or motivate later experimental findings. The authors lack sufficient clarity on some of the approaches and seem to judge on the data to a good bit as they see fit. (…)

      I´d suggest to largely take out Fig1 in its current form, spend time on properly describing any analysis of public data, carefully interpret these and move them probably to the end of the results. Currently, it just leaves the impression that the data were pushed as hard as possible to promote the good work that follows.

      Response*: We will carefully consider the reviewer’s comments and rework the bioinformatics analysis presented in Figure 1 (and associated supplementary figure), making sure we will present certain data as correlation (and not causality) and go into more details on the physio-pathological features of melanoma patients with low/high caspase-3 expression. *

      • *

      The text on line 129ff seems to have omitted any outcomes from the Suppl. Fig1H-L. What was found and what are we supposed to learn from this?

      Response: We apologize for lack of precision in the article logical flow, we will now incorporate the MS data based on the BioID2 experiment earlier in the manuscript.* *

      Lines 146/147 state similar effects upon CASP3 depletion and cytochalasin D. I cannot make that out from Fig.2D. Can you be more specific or visualize this better?

      Response: We will fix this by including zoomed and detailed images of individual cells.

      • Is it possible to state whether effects such as in Fig.3B are general rather than showing just 1 cell?

      Response: The defects in cell adhesion for caspase-3-depleted cells are quantified in Figure 3A. Moreover, we will add representative images.

      • *

      It is unclear how the genes in Fig.2H were defined and why would all of these differ (unless this was an inclusion criterion for the panel). Are these considered to be downstream of CASP3 somehow? I don't fully get the message here. Is this panel even required here?

      Response: As it brings little information, panel 2H will be excluded from the revised manuscript.

      To fully prove independence of caspase-3 activity, it would be appropriate to k/o caspase-3 to then reconstitute the cells with inactive caspase-3.

      • *

      Response: We will try our best of addressing this comment in the revised manuscript.

      Fig.4C and associated text: Statements on changes in tumor size cannot be made from data on tumor free survival.

      Response: We apologize for the misleading data interpretation; this will be tuned down in a revised manuscript.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors provide substantial amounts of experimental evidence that caspase-3, more precisely pro-caspase-3, might be involved in promoting melanoma cell migration and invasion. As such, this function, which might stem from scaffolding roles independent of proteolytic activity (yet not shown entirely convincingly), could possibly be similar to those attributed to other caspases, yet the latter omitted experiments testing for the necessity of enzyme activity. The data are novel and interesting and obviously deserve publication. Yet, a number of criticisms need to be listed.

      Major comments

      • First and foremost, I don't seem to find ethical approval information on the animal experiments. While I do not work with zebrafish myself, I am also somewhat concerned by the size of tumours seen in some of the depicted fish. It is highly important that appropriate information in this direction, including possible endpoints, is provided.
      • The second major issue lies in figure 1. The figure as a whole seems to be very much forced to support or motivate later experimental findings. The authors lack sufficient clarity on some of the approaches and seem to judge on the data to a good bit as they see fit. For example
        • The authors claim CASP3 expression is high in skin, yet the data in Fig.1A proofs this to be wrong, since it is rather medium across the range of available tissues.
        • The authors state that CASP3 stood out to be highly expressed in primary and metastatic melanoma cells, but don't state against what they compared. Other caspases or non-melanoma cell lines? The latter would be relevant comparison, I suppose. Also, names of cell lines were omitted in the figure as were information on whether they were from primary or metastatic tissue.
        • The authors state that CASP3 expression is "clinically relevant" since it differed between primary and metastatic classified TCGA cases. Why would that have clinical relevance at all? It simply correlates with staging. Clinical relevance for example could be found in data where e.g. CASP3 expression in primary melanoma associates with higher risk for recurrence or progression to metastasis.
        • The associated supplemental fig. 1 needs to be criticised as well. Panel S1D shows a Kaplan Meyer plot of high UP vs low UP signatures. Looking at the survival times plotted (less than one year), one wonders how this plot was generated. What stages were included and why, were these balanced in size, what are the group sizes, and why was a cutoff of 300 days chosen (I can only guess this might have been limited to late stage disease, but what would be the point?). There doesn´t seem to be any useful information included in this to make this somewhat interpretable from the disease or clinical side, let alone usefulness when taking into account other confounding variables. Please also note that the TCGA data need to be looked at with great care, since dates of diagnosis often are not the dates when the analysed samples were taken (e.g. diagnosis might be been primary melanoma at the time the initial lesion was removed by a dermatologist, yet the associated TCGA sample was taken much later when the disease had recurred and could already be metastatic).
        • Combining the problems mentioned above with the descriptive rest of the figure leads into a vastly exaggerated but probably wished for claim that "CASP3 expression must confer melanoma cells with certain advantages, likely unrelated to the role of caspase-3 in apoptosis). I´d suggest to largely take out Fig1 in its current form, spend time on properly describing any analysis of public data, carefully interpret these and move them probably to the end of the results. Currently, it just leaves the impression that the data were pushed as hard as possible to promote the good work that follows.
      • The text on line 129ff seems to have omitted any outcomes from the Suppl. Fig1H-L. What was found and what are we supposed to learn from this?
      • Lines 146/147 state similar effects upon CASP3 depletion and cytochalasin D. I cannot make that out from Fig.2D. Can you be more specific or visualize this better?
      • Is it possible to state whether effects such as in Fig.3B are general rather than showing just 1 cell?
      • The micrographs, especially those that were quantitatively analysed, in print display seem largely overexposed. It wouldn't make sense to measure correlations across areas that seemingly are just saturated. If the analyses were done on non-saturated raw images with higher dynamic range, please state so clearly and maybe adjust the settings more appropriately for display items.
      • It is unclear how the genes in Fig.2H were defined and why would all of these differ (unless this was an inclusion criterion for the panel). Are these considered to be downstream of CASP3 somehow? I don't fully get the message here. Is this panel even required here?
      • To fully prove independence of caspase-3 activity, it would be appropriate to k/o caspase-3 to then reconstitute the cells with inactive caspase-3.
      • Fig.4C and associated text: Statements on changes in tumor size cannot be made from data on tumor free survival.

      Minor comments:

      • Please check the sentence on line 43. Obviously this applies to living, not dead organisms, and obviously dead cells don´t migrate. Maybe simply delete.
      • Please add mol. weight markers to all panels.
      • Please check the entire manuscript to ensure, also for interpretability, that procaspase-3 and processed or active caspase-3 variants are appropriately referred to



      Provide contextual information to readers (editors and researchers) about the novelty of the study, its value for the field and the communities that might be interested.

      The following aspects are important: General assessment: provide a summary of the strengths and limitations of the study. What are the strongest and most important aspects? What aspects of the study should be improved or could be developed?

      The main finding is of high significance and already supported very well by experimental evidence. The authors discuss the limitations of their study appropriately, e.g. the possibility that more advanced in vivo settings might provide additional evidence for a pro-migratory role of caspase-3. However, I would clearly NOT suggest to include e.g. mouse models in the study; in my opinions very little would be learned from that in addition to what the authors already show in a well established melanoma zebrafish model. As stated in the previous section, I am clearly very unconvinced about the first figure centering on public data repositories and their analysis. This indeed is the weakest part of the paper.

      Advance: compare the study to the closest related results in the literature or highlight results reported for the first time to your knowledge; does the study extend the knowledge in the field and in which way? Describe the nature of the advance and the resulting insights (for example: conceptual, technical, clinical, mechanistic, functional,...).

      Non-death roles of proteins classically linked to cell death processes are now slowly becoming appreciated more widely. As such, the contribution of the authors is very timely and noteworthy. No other convincing studies exist that would ascribe a non-proteolytic role of caspase-3 to migration or invasion. The novelty thus is high. The advance is primarily seen in the idenfication of this role and the mechanistic and functional basis of it.

      Audience: describe the type of audience ("specialized", "broad", "basic research", "translational/clinical", etc...) that will be interested or influenced by this research; how will this research be used by others; will it be of interest beyond the specific field?

      Primarily, basic researchers with links to cell death /survival regulation will appreciate these results very highly. This could be a fairly large audience. Please define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate. Cell death regulation, cancer, systems biology, cellular imaging

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors report a non-apoptotic role for caspase 3 in promoting cell migration. RNA sequencing revealed a "gene signature" associated with caspase 3 knockdown in a melanoma cell line, although there is no investigation of the connection between caspase 3 expression and the regulation of gene expression. Mass spectrometry-based experiments (AP-MS and BioID) identified numerous interacting proteins, with coronin 1B being the most extensively characterized. Data provided indicates that there is a direct interaction between caspase 3 and coronin 1B, and that caspase 3 influences coronin 1B phosphorylation basally and following ligand stimulation. Both proteins are required for efficient cell migration in scratch wound assays. Data is provided indicating that the actions of caspase 3 are independent of proteolytic activity, although the pharmacological inhibition of caspase activity is not complete, nor is the knockdown of BAX/BAK, making these conclusions poorly substantiated. Evaluation of pathways regulating caspase 3 expression implicates the SP1 transcription factor.

      Major comments:

      1. Line 129 - The data in Sup. Fig. 1H-L are technical, but where are the mass spectrometry results from the BioID2 experiments? These technical figures are really only relevant if the BioID2 system has been used for protein pull-downs, not for the IF analysis in Fig. 2B.
      2. Line 143 - Figure 2C - it is not entirely convincing that caspase 7 is not associated with the cytoskeleton, there is a visible band in lysates from both cell lines, in contrast with GAPDH which is convincingly cytoplasmic. This is particularly true in the WM852 cell lines, in which the Caspase 3 band is almost the same as Caspase 7. These results would also be more convincing if there was IF of Caspase 7 and actin to show whether it is or is not enriched in regions of higher F-actin levels.
      3. Figure 2D - knockdowns with only a single siRNA are insufficient, this should be replicated with additional siRNAs. In addition to the effect on actin anisotropy, it appears as though cells are smaller, is this and any other morphological changes reproducible?
      4. Figure 2D-E. Is it cytochalasin B or D used in these experiments? The text and figures don't agree with each other.
      5. Figure 2F-G, same comments above for 2D-E (i.e. comments 3 & 4).
      6. Figure 2F-G, it appears as though the fewer focal adhesions in the Caspase 3 knockdown cells are bigger per focal adhesion, is this a consistent result? If so, what is the explanation?
      7. Figure 2H - it's not clear how this RNAseq data is relevant to the manuscript. There are some genes in the heat map, but it's not clear which ones are changed in their expression in the caspase 3 knockdown cells, nor is it clear how this is relevant to the proposed mechanisms of Caspase 3 interacting with and influencing the phosphorylation of coronin 1B. If there is no connection, then these data can be removed.
      8. Supp. Figure 3 - given that there is data from multiple siRNAs for the incucyte migration data, it should be in the primary figures. And since there are multiple siRNAs and CRISPR/Cas9 KO cells, there should be nothing limiting the replication of the other data presented from only a single siRNA.
      9. Figure 3A - how was cell adhesion measured? The methods section says "cell adhesion was determined through cell shape analysis and scoring" But this is very vague.
      10. Figure 3L - was the Casp7 knockdown experiments done with multiple siRNAs? Both melanoma cell lines? Why is this figure only shown out to 24 hours, whereas the other Incucyte experiment run out to 48 hours? Where is the western blot confirming the caspase 7 knockdown? This is important to establish a clear lack of effect.
      11. Line 190 - it is not true to say that in the presence of QVD there is no longer any caspase activity induced by actinomycin D/ABT263 in supplemental Figures 3J-K. The way that the Y axis has been broken diminishes the difference between untreated and treated cells. In fact, there is apparently over 3-4 times more caspase activity in the actinomycin D/ABT263 treated cells in the presence of QVD relative to basal caspase activity. As a result, it cannot be concluded that there is no residual caspase activity.
      12. Line 192 - Does the knockout of BAX/BAK (which apparently reduced but did not eliminate BAX/BAK protein levels in Supp. Fig. 3L) actually "completely block" caspase activity via the mitochondrial pathway? This has not been demonstrated.
      13. Line 217 - coronin 1B was a hit from which assays? IP-MS and/or BioID2? I see that this is shown in Figure 5A but not referenced in this sentence.
      14. Line 218 - the reference to Figure 5A should be in the previous sentence.
      15. Line 220 - Can it really be said that the interaction is specific since there is a coronin 1B band in the GFP "negative" control?
      16. Line 222 - it is a good control to show that siRNA-knockdown of Caspase 3 reduced the PLA signal in Figure 5C, but the reciprocal experiment of looking at what happens with Coronin 1B knockdown should be included. How does the PLA signal relate to phalloidin-stained F-actin?
      17. Line 224 - looking at the line scans, is the lack of recruitment of coronin 1B to the F-actin at the edge of the protrusion in the Caspase 3 knockdown cells reproducible? Is the point that caspase 3 recruits Coronin 1B? There is an obvious difference in the F-actin at the cell edge, but if the F-actin were as dense in the Caspase 3 knockdown cells as they are for the control, would the same lack of coronin 1B be apparent?
      18. Line 227 - where is the western blot showing the effectiveness of the coronin 1B knockdown to accompany Figure 5F?
      19. Figure 5G - the blots indicate that there is no change in phospho-PKCalpha in the caspase 3 knockdown cells, although phospho-coronin 1B does decrease. This has not been commented upon in the text. Is the implication that there is a non-PKCalpha mediated mechanism for coronin 1B phosphorylation that is dependent on caspase 3?
      20. Figure 5H - following from the previous point, there is no phospho-PKCalpha blot that would be a positive control for the effect of PDGF stimulation on PKC activation, in control and caspase 3 knockdown cells, to evaluate whether the effect on coronin 1B phosphorylation was upstream or downstream of PKCalpha. This is also true for Supp. Fig. 4H.
      21. Does phosphorylation of coronin 1B affect its interaction with caspase 3?
      22. Figure 6 - as before, only a single siRNA to knockdown SP1 is insufficient to robustly support the conclusions.

      Minor comments:

      1. Figure 2C - all caps for CASP7
      2. Figures 2D,F - Cytochalsin
      3. Figure 2H, the labelling of gene names is too small to read.
      4. Supplemental Fig 1A - why is A375 here? Why plot a graph and not just write a percentage protein remaining under the figure? There are no errors indicated, so presumably this is N = 1.
      5. Line 127 - smal


      The manuscript is interesting and novel, making it relevant for a broad basic research audience. The role of caspase 3 in non-apoptotic biological processes is not extensively characterized, making this study an advance in the field. The methods are appropriate and well-executed. The statistical methods are mostly appropriate, although some assays (e.g. wound healing assays) do not have associated statistical analysis. Most of the conclusions are adequately substantiated by the results, but as indicated above and in the points below, this is not entirely consistent. There is an issue with only a single siRNA being used in several experiments that should be addressed.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1

      Drawbacks: -While the population-specific approach is a strength, it also limits the direct applicability of findings to other populations.

      We thank the Reviewer for highlighting this important question. While we acknowledge the mentioned limitation, we would like to emphasize the benefits of adopting a population-specific approach, especially given that human gut microbiome diversity remains underexplored in many populations worldwide. Researching the Estonian population microbiome, we contribute to the broader global collection of gut microbial species, helping to address this gap.

      Moreover, new microbial species and strains identified in the Estonian population may be relevant for populations with similar environmental and lifestyle factors, such as the Finnish, Baltic, and Nordic populations. These findings can enhance understanding of regionally relevant microbiome characteristics and may serve as a useful reference for studies in these related populations. As more population-based microbiome research is published, it will build a valuable resource for cross-population comparative studies, shedding light on global microbiome diversity and its implications for health.

      Lastly, as part of the Estonian Biobank, our primary objective is to advance personalized medicine for the Estonian population. This requires a highly accurate reference for our specific population. We believe our approach not only benefits Estonian healthcare but also provides insights and methodologies that other population biobanks may find valuable as they embark on similar paths toward personalized medicine.

      -The study primarily focuses on taxonomic composition at the genus or species level, but a more in-depth functional analysis of the novel species could provide additional insights.

      We thank the Reviewer for this valuable addition. Functional analysis plays a crucial role in understanding the mechanisms that link the microbiome to human health, making it an essential. This becomes even more critical when studying newly discovered species. However, before embarking on functional analysis, we believe it is important to emphasize that, while high-quality metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) provide valuable insights, they do not fully represent the genomic completeness and accuracy of genomes reconstructed from pure bacterial cultures. Acknowledging this distinction was one of the reasons we decided not to include functional analysis in the original article. With these considerations in mind, we research a strain structure of four known species of Butyricimonas genus. While the primary interest lies in species associated with diseases, this particular species lacks a substantial number of high-quality MAGs. To gain deeper insights, we prioritized including a new species within the analyzed genus to perform a comparative analysis between the new species and a well-defined strain of a known species, creating a more comprehensive understanding. Among the 758 different genera present in our MAG collection, we selected the Butyricimonas genus for the following reasons: (1) it is a well-described genus of gut bacteria, represented by 300 high-quality MAGs in our dataset (2) it contains four known species along with two newly identified species clusters, and (3) the newly discovered species were shown to be prevalent in the human gut microbiome, being detected in more than 50% of samples through mapping.

      The following section was integrated in the new paragraph “Genome level analysis of species of interest” on page 6 in the revised version of the manuscript:

      “Species-level association studies can help identify candidates for genome-level analysis by exploring strain structure and functional differences. However, such analyses require a large number of high-quality MAGs from the same species, which is only feasible within large cohorts with deep sequencing data. While we currently need more samples to obtain sufficient MAGs for the new disease-associated species, we perform an analysis with the Butyricimonas genus species as an example. We show that the assembled MAGs of Butyricimonas species such as B. faeciominis, B. virosa, B. paravirosa and B. faecalis make up different strains (Figure 4a, Figure 4b, Supplementary results, Supplementary Table S5). After selecting a strain representative, we conducted a pan-genome analysis of species and strain-representative MAGs, including the two new species. The analysis revealed unique gene clusters consistently present in the new species but absent in all other analyzed species and strains (Figure 4c, Supplementary results, Supplementary Table S6).

      Figure 4. Strain-level structure of the Butyricimonas genus and comparative functional analysis of new species and known species strain. a. The strain structure of known Butyricimonas species assembled in the Estonian population - B. paravirosa, B. faecalis, B. virosa, and B. faecihominis (based on ANI index comparison). __b. __Butyricimonas genus structure. Comparisons include all known species from Butyricimonas genus (species assembled in Estonian population and publically available species) and all 4 newly assembled MAGs belonged to a new species. Publicly available Butyricimonas species - B. synergistica, "Candidatus B. faecavium", "Candidatus B. hominis", "Candidatus B. phoceensis", and "Candidatus B. vaginalis"—are each represented by a single genome of the type strain (the strain defining the species according to ISCP). Species assembled from our data are represented by both the type strain and all strain-representative MAGs. ANI values less than 95% (represent that MAGs belonged to different species) are not coloured, 95–100% ANI colored in different colors with 1% step. c. Pan-genome analysis of Butyricimonas genus. The analysis included the same genomes and MAGs as the analysis of the Butyricimonas genus structure and showed a core gene, as well as specific gene, set for the species. The two new species clusters (highlighted in green) also exhibit unique species-specific gene sets.

      We have also added Supplementary Results to our paper, providing a more detailed description of the strain structure analysis of Butyricimonas species and the functional analysis of both known and new species. We chose not to include this in the main text to avoid shifting the focus of the paper.

      Supplementary results

      Butyricimonas genus species strain-level and functional analysis

      Beyond taxonomic characterisation, it is crucial to understand the functional differences of newly detected species, as this insight is key to fully understanding the mechanisms that link the microbiome to human health. Reconstructing MAGs from a large cohort provides multiple genomes of the same species, particularly for prevalent species. During our study, we assembled MAGs from 758 different genera, including 358 genera with more than 10 extracted MAGs. Conducting a detailed in-depth strain-level and functional analysis of all these genera requires substantial effort. Therefore, we conduct an in-depth strain-level and functional analysis using the genus Butyricimonas as an example, because. The genus Butyricimonas was chosen for the following reasons: (1) it is a well-characterized genus of gut bacteria, represented by 300 high-quality MAGs in our dataset (2) it included four known species and two newly identified species clusters, and (3) the new discovered species have been shown to be prevalent in the human gut microbiome.

      *Known Butyricimonas species exhibit a clear strain-level structure based on pairwise ANI comparisons (ANI > 99.0), as calculated using ANIclustermap19 (Figure 4a). From a total of 300 high-quality MAGs selected for strain and functional analysis within the Butyricimonas genus, the species Butyricimonas paravirosa is represented by 23 MAGs and forms 5 distinct strain clusters. While one big cluster (cluster_id: B30) includes 7 highly similar genomes with ANI values close to 100%, other clusters (B31, B32, B34) exhibit more genomic diversity, with genomes showing ANI values greater between 99.0% and 99.6%. The final cluster (B33) contains a single MAG, suggesting unique genomic variation. Butyricimonas faecihominis is represented by 65 MAGs and forms 8 distinct strain clusters, exhibiting high genome similarity within each cluster. Butyricimonas virosa is represented by 67 MAGs and forms 14 distinct strain clusters. These strain clusters can be divided into two strain cluster groups, with low similarity between the groups (ANI values between strain cluster groups ranging from 95.0% to 96% and approaching the species boundary). Within each group, the strain clusters also exhibit genomic diversity, indicating a substantial level of variation even within closely related strains. Finally, Butyricimonas faecalis has the highest number of MAGs within its species 141 MAGs and shows a clean picture of 5 strain clusters with high similarity within the strain cluster (Figure SR1). *

      Figure SR1. The strain structure of known Butyricimonas species assembled in the Estonian population - B. paravirosa, B. faecalis, B. virosa, and B. faecihominis (ANI index comparison histogram).

      In addition to the four known species, we assembled two new species within the Butyricimonas genus. The first new species cluster (id: Bn1) is represented by a single MAG (H0366_Butyricimonas_undS), which serves as the representative genome for this species. The second new species cluster (id: Bn2) comprises three MAGs, with H1068_Butyricimonas_undS designated as the representative genome, selected using dRep. To determine the placement of these new species within the genus, we conducted genome pairwise comparisons based on the Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) index between the MAGs of the new species and other species within the Butyricimonas genus. For the known species identified in our population, we selected representative genomes for each strain. These comparisons were made between the all new species MAGs, strain-level representative MAGs of four known species, and type strain genomes (the strain that defines the species according to ISCP) from other species of the Butyricimonas genus that were not present in our cohort,, such as Butyricimonas synergistica, "Candidatus Butyricimonas faecavium", "Candidatus Butyricimonas hominis", "Candidatus Butyricimonas phoceensis", and "Candidatus Butyricimonas vaginalis" (Figure 4b). The MAGs from the second new species cluster (Bn2) form a distinct and cohesive group, showing a closer relationship to Butyricimonas paravirosa and Butyricimonas faecihominis. In contrast, the first new species (Bn1), represented by a single MAG, is positioned closer to Butyricimonas virosa. Interestingly, while the ANI index between the type strain of Butyricimonas virosa and the Bn1 MAG is less than 95%, certain strains of B. virosa (e.g., strains 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12) show ANI values slightly above 95%, which technically classifies them as the same species.

      To explore functional differences between new species clusters and other known species we perform pangenomic analysis using the analysis and visualization platform for ‘omics data (Anvi’o) workflow for microbial pangenomics20__. As the first new species cluster (id:Bn1) is represented by a single MAG, despite it containing unique genes not found in any other analyzed genomes, it is challenging to draw definitive conclusions. Another new species cluster (id:Bn2) consisting of three MAGs provides clearer insights. All three MAGs within this new species cluster share 183 unique genes that are consistently present across the species cluster but absent in all other analyzed species and strains. (Figure 4c). The majority of these genes (142 genes, 73.96%) have unknown functions. Among the genes with defined functions, the functions are distributed across various COG categories (__Suppl. Table S5,____Suppl. Figure SR2), with the top three categories being “Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis”, “General function prediction only”, and “Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, and chaperones”.

      Figure SR2. COG categories for 183 unique genes that are consistently present across the new species MAGs from Butyricimonas genus (cluster id:Bn2) but absent in all other analyzed species and strains.

      Undoubtedly, further research is needed to understand the role of newly identified species in the human microbiome and to determine whether strain-level differences influence bacterial interactions with the gut and their overall impact. However, our current analysis has already significantly expanded our knowledge of the diversity within this genus. It has added two new species to the ten previously described and revealed the strain structure of known species within the Estonian population.

      -Is it possible for this large dataset to distill information and have plots for strain diversity of abundant and prevalent species, including low abundance species per donor or between donors? Can authors add such a plot or discuss this?

      We thank the Reviewer for this insightful question. Strain-level analysis holds significant potential and is one of the key reasons to use the genome assembly approach, rather than relying on microbiome community profiling using existing human gut species databases. To demonstrate how this can be applied in large datasets like ours, we focused on the same Butyricimonas genus selected for functional analysis. We believe that combining both strain-level and functional analyses provides a more comprehensive understanding when used together.

      The following section has been incorporated into a new paragraph, “Genome-Level Analysis of Species of Interest,” on page 6 of the revised manuscript, and in-depth analysis has been included in the Supplementary Results. As this section has already been cited in a previous response (due to its logical connection with the functional analysis of the new species), we will not cite it again here. Please refer to the previous answer for further details.

      -While associations between microbes and diseases were found, the study design cannot establish causal relationships. Are the authors planning to test some of the associations experimentally and see whether these observations work in vitro or in vivo?

      We agree that elaboration of causal relationships is crucial. However, this was beyond the scope of the current study, which is intended as a foundational step for future investigations. However, the samples are stored in the Estonian Biobank in a way that allows culturomic studies and follow-up experiments as done by Krigul et al [1].

      Krigul KL, Feeney RH, Wongkuna S, Aasmets O, Holmberg SM, Andreson R, Puértolas-Balint F, Pantiukh K, Sootak L, Org T, Tenson T, Org E, Schroeder BO. A history of repeated antibiotic usage leads to microbiota-dependent mucus defects. Gut Microbes. 2024 Jan-Dec;16(1):2377570. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2024.2377570.

      Minor comments:

      • The authors could provide more context on how their findings compare to similar studies in other populations. What are the differences and similarities, and how does this work at the next level and set new directions?

      We thank the Reviewer for this suggestion. We provided a summary of other population cohorts in the Introduction (Lines 79–90). Since MAG recovery from large cohorts is a relatively new approach, there are limited opportunities for direct comparison. However, we did note a decreasing number of newly recovered species in our study compared to previous studies (Lines 274–290).

      • Figures' quality and readability can be improved easily; all of them are low resolution, and the axes are hardly visible, particularly Figure 2, which could benefit from additional labeling or explanations in the legend to improve clarity.

      We apologize for the quality issues with the figures. We completely revised Figure 2 to improve clarity and placed a new higher-resolution version of Figure 2 to improve readability, ensuring that axes and details are clearly visible.

      Summary of performed changes: (1) we introduced a new Figure 2a to showcase the phylogenetic diversity of the recovered species and highlight the position of the newly assembled species identified for the first time in this study (2) We have updated Figure 2b. In the initial figure, a single line was presented. However, to enhance the visualization and emphasize the trend, five lines were subsequently plotted by altering the order of the samples. Since the order of the samples is not significant, this modification allows for a clearer representation of the overall trend of accumulation of the new species (3) we added new Figure 2c, to address the question about the range of diversity of detected species (4) we moved Figure 2a and 2d to Supplementary Figures to enhance clarity and relevance (Figure S4 and Figure S6 respectively).

      “Figure 2. Overview of species from the EstMB MAG collection a. Phylogenetic tree of the Estonian species representative MAGs. The inner circle displays a phylogenetic tree of species cluster representative MAGs, with branches colored according to their assigned phylum in the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) (see color text). The surrounding ring highlights MAGs that represent novel species assembled in the current study, using the same colors as in the inner circle to indicate the phylum to which each new species belongs (see color text). b. The relationship between the number of samples analyzed and the cumulative number of new species identified c. Distribution of number of species detected by mapping per sample “species hits” (yellow color violinplot) and number of recovered MAGs per sample (blue color violinplot) from Estonian representative MAGs number. d. Number of recovered species (blue color dots) and species detected by mapping the reads against the EstMB MAG collection (yellow color dots) for each sample. Samples are sorted from those with the highest to the lowest number of recovered MAGs e. __The prevalence and number of recovered MAGs per species. The top 10 species with the highest number of recovered MAGs are shown. Blue bars represent the number of samples where MAG of the species were recovered, while gray bars show the species prevalence in EstMB __f. The prevalence and number of recovered MAGs per new species. The top 10 new species with the highest number of recovered MAGs are shown. Green bars represent the number of samples where MAG of the new species were recovered, while gray bars show the new species prevalence.”

      -A brief discussion on the potential clinical implications of the new species-disease associations would enhance the relevance. Why discovering new species are in testing and relevant for the microbiome field? Can authors add this somewhere, discussion?

      We thank the Reviewer for this suggestion. As such, the following section was integrated in the Discussion on page 8 in the revised version of the manuscript:

      “Reconstruction of a new species and new strain is critical for many aspects of personal medicine. We can identify three primary applications of the microbiome in personalized medicine: disease risk assessment and prevention, disease diagnosis, and disease treatment. The latter includes approaches such as microbial supplementation, suppression, or metabolite modulation [Karina Ratiner, 2024]. Both disease prevention and diagnosis rely on identifying bacterial biomarkers associated with prevalent or incident disease cases. In our study, an average of 4% of reads belonged to the newly identified species, with a maximum of 34.76%, demonstrating that excluding this species would lead to a significant loss of community diversity. This omission could potentially exclude biomarkers critical for disease prediction and diagnosis. Notably, one-third of the associations between bacterial species and diseases in our analysis involved the newly identified species, further emphasizing its potential importance as a biomarker. For disease treatment, it is crucial to understand the complete microbial diversity to distinguish between beneficial and harmful species. Equally important is knowing the genomic structure of species and strains to develop effective strategies for microbiome modulation. Without genome assembly, we are limited to assumptions based on previously described genomes of related bacteria. However, given the substantial genomic diversity within species, such assumptions may be highly inaccurate, underscoring the importance of genome assembly in advancing microbiome-based interventions.”

      • In lines 265-266, the authors discuss detected species per sample, on average, 389 species. Can the authors guide which plot is linked to it and whether it is possible to show the disturbing median number of species per sample to get an overall idea about the range of diversity this type of analysis can capture now? Maybe this will improve in the future; it is worth mentioning here.

      We thank the Reviewer for highlighting the need for the clarification. Original Figure 2c displayed the number of species detected through mapping (species hits) and the number of assembled MAGs for each individual sample. To provide a broader characterization of the distribution, we calculated the minimum, mean, median, and maximum values across all samples. As such, the __new Figure 2c __and the following section was integrated in the paragraph “Estimation of species prevalence using population-specific reference” on page 5 in the revised version of the manuscript:

      “Distribution of the number of species detected by mapping per sample exhibits a wide range of values, with a maximum of 842 and a minimum of 7, while the mean and median are 399 and 405, respectively. The distribution of numbers of recovered MAGs per sample shows a narrower range, with a maximum of 155 and a minimum of 1, alongside a mean of 45 and a median of 41 (Figure 2c).”

      Figure 2c.* Distribution of number of species detected by mapping per sample “species hits” (yellow color violinplot) and number of recovered MAGs per sample (blue color violinplot). *

      Other comments:

      -The key conclusions are generally convincing. The authors have successfully assembled a large number of MAGs from the Estonian population, identified potentially novel species, and established associations between microbial abundance and diseases.

      We appreciate the Reviewer's positive feedback on our findings. We are pleased that the significance of our MAG assembly, novel species identification, and disease associations is well-received.

      -The data presented appear to support the claims well. However, the authors should emphasize and clarify that the disease associations are correlational, not causal, and further validation is required.

      We agree that this is an important point to emphasize. We revised the manuscript to clarify that the disease associations are correlational and emphasize the need for further validation by adding the following section in Discussion on page 8 in the revised version of the manuscript:

      “While association does not imply causation, analyzing the association between bacterial species and diseases is a crucial first step in identifying potential biomarkers. This can be followed by meta-analyses across different cohorts and laboratory experiments to validate and confirm the observed effects.”

      -Even though I am not an expert in metagenomics analysis, the current experimental design and analysis are sound to support the main claims.

      We thank the Reviewer for recognizing the robustness of our experimental design and analysis.

      -The methods section can be improved by providing more details about how samples were collected and stored and how long after storage gDNA was extracted and processed for sequencing, allowing for reproducibility. The authors provide information on the bioinformatics pipelines, including software versions and parameters, but this can again be improved by adding details about the steps between sample processing and raw data processing.

      We thank the Reviewer for this suggestion and we agree that this is important information. All these details were thoroughly described in our previous paper, which focuses on our cohort description (Aasmets, O., Krigul, K.L., Lüll, K., Metspalu, A., and Org, E. (2022). Gut metagenome associations with extensive digital health data in a volunteer-based Estonian microbiome cohort. Nat. Commun. 13, 869.


      However, to improve accessibility of this information, the following paragraph was integrated in the Methods on page 17 in the revised version of the manuscript:

      “Microbiome sample collection and DNA extraction

      The participants collected a fresh stool sample immediately after defecation with a sterile Pasteur pipette and placed it inside a polypropylene conical 15 mL tube. The participants were instructed to time their sample collection as close as possible to the visiting time in the study centre The samples were stored at −80 °C until DNA extraction. The median time between sampling and arrival at the freezer in the core facility was 3 h 25 min (mean 4 h 34 min) and the transport time wasn’t significantly associated with alpha (Spearman correlation, p-value 0.949 for observed richness and 0.464 for Shannon index) nor beta diversity (p-value 0.061, R-squared 0.0005). Microbial DNA extraction was performed after all samples were collected using a QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit (Qiagen, Germany). For the extraction, approximately 200 mg of stool was used as a starting material for the DNA extraction kit, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. DNA was quantified from all samples using a Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer with a dsDNA Assay Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific).”

      -The study includes a large cohort (1,878 samples), which provides statistical power. The statistical analyses, including linear regression models adjusted for BMI, gender, and age, seem appropriate for the type of data presented. I suggest adding a separate paragraph about how the data is processed and statistically analyzed.

      Authors should include:

      • Appropriateness of the statistical tests used for the data types and experimental designs

      • Adequate description and justification of the statistical models and test and assumptions

      • Proper handling of replicates, controls, and data normalization

      • Reporting of effect sizes, sample size, confidence intervals, and statistical power

      • Data processing and analysis workflows.

      We thank the Reviewer for this recommendation. To highlight the statistical analysis carried out, we have made a separate paragraph for statistical analysis under the Methods section (lines 617-628). We note that we have previously described data processing and normalization. This study has an exploratory nature. Hence, the power calculations are not applicable, but this study can be an input for the power calculations of future studies testing statistical hypotheses. However, we agree that the sample sizes for each phenotype and beta estimation would support our results. We have now added them to __Table 1_. _ __

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      -This study represents an advance in the context of population-specific studies. Creating a comprehensive Estonian population-specific MAG reference and identifying new species contribute to our understanding of microbiome diversity.

      -The work builds upon previous large-scale microbiome projects, such as those that established the Unified Human Gastrointestinal Genome (UHGG) collection but focuses on a specific population.

      -The associations between microbial species (including novel ones) and common diseases provide potential avenues for future research into microbiome-based diagnostics or therapeutics.

      -The findings would interest microbiome researchers, bioinformaticians, and clinicians interested in the role of the gut microbiome in health and disease.

      We thank the Reviewer for the thoughtful feedback and recognition of our study's contributions to microbiome research. By creating an Estonian population-specific MAG reference and identifying new species, we advance population-specific studies and enhance global microbiome diversity. Building on projects like UHGG, we integrate local data into the global context and highlight potential applications in microbiome-based diagnostics and therapeutics. To address your suggestions, we expanded the results section with an example from the Butyricimonas genus. We hope our publicly available data will support future research and further advance understanding of the gut microbiome in health and disease.

      __ Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):__

      The manuscript by Pantiukh et al. presents the collection of MAGs assembled from the Estonian Biobank, with a specific focus on the novel species clusters the authors defined and found associations with some of the diseases as collected among the samples available in their biobank. The manuscript is well organized. However, it lacks a bit in terms of novelty and also some statements that can mislead the readers to overinterpret some parts.


      • The last paragraph of the introduction (lines 91-98) anticipates some results but lacks some methodological details. Please consider whether to move it to the results section or add very brief specifications, like (1) "sequence with deep coverage" is vague, how deep is deep? (2) "84,762 MAGs representing 2,257 species" are the 84k MAGs already quality-controlled? (3) "353 MAGs (15,6%) of the EstMB MAGs collection to represent potentially novel species." 353 are MAGs or species? As species clusters are defined later at 95% ANI, are all these 353 defining their own species clusters?

      We thank the Reviewer for insightful questions and suggestions. To address these points, we have added the following clarifications to the text:

      We specified the depth of coverage for sequences, providing an average reads number per sample - 56 mln reads. (Lines 92). We clarified that among 84,762 assembled MAGs, 42,049 MAGs (49.60 %) were high-quality (HQ) MAGs. (Lines 93-94). We revised the statement about the 353 MAGs, explicitly noting that they represent potentially novel species. Additionally, we clarified that all 2,257 representative MAGs, including these 353 new species MAGs represent separate species clusters based on the 95% ANI threshold mentioned later in the text. (Lines 94-98).

      In the paper, we included only the figure showing the quality group distribution for species cluster representative MAGs to avoid potential confusion between two similar figures: one for all assembled MAGs (n=84,762) and another for cluster representative MAGs (n=2,257). However, in response to this query, we have added a new __Supplementary Figure S1__that illustrates the quality group distribution for all assembled MAGs to provide a more comprehensive view.

      Figure S1. Quality estimation for the assembled MAGs (n=84,762). High-quality MAGs (HQ) – 42,049; Medium-quality MAGs (MQ) – 26,806; Low-quality MAGs (LQ) – 15,907.

      • lines 109 and 265, "11.73 +/- 3.9 Gb data per sample and 56.13 +/- 19.37 million reads per sample", numbers don't match... 11.73 Gbp is about 78M reads at 150nt read length, plus later the average depth is not 56.13 but 53.04, please double check these numbers

      We apologize for any misunderstanding. The numbers mentioned in the paper refer to the number of reads and the file size of each compressed *.fasta.gz file. This file size does not directly represent the total base pairs (Gb) for the current metagenome. Instead, it reflects the disk space occupied by the compressed sequencing data, including additional information such as sequence headers. We selected this parameter to provide an easy point of comparison with file sizes from other metagenome sequencing datasets, as *.fasta.gz is a commonly used format for storing sequence data. To clarify further, here is an example of the relationship between these parameters for one sample:

      Sample XX




      Compressed file size

      4.2 GB

      Represents disk space occupied by the compressed sequencing data. This applies to forward reads only; for a rough estimation of the disk space for both forward and reverse reads, it should be multiplied by 2 or calculated separately for both files.

      du -sh V00HXZ.fq1.gz

      The total number of reads

      41,062,933 reads

      (avg. read len = 147.7 bp)

      Represents number of forward reads. This applies to forward reads only; for a rough estimation of both forward and reverse reads, it should be multiplied by 2 or calculated separately for both files.

      seqkit stats V00HXZ.fq1.gz -a -T

      Total base pairs (Gb)

      6,066,493,002 bp (6.07 Gb)

      Represents total base pairs (Gb) for the current sample. This applies to forward reads only; for a rough estimation of both forward and reverse reads, it should be multiplied by 2 or calculated separately for both files.

      seqkit stats V00HXZ.fq1.gz -a -T

      We now realize this may have caused confusion. To address this, we have calculated the total base pairs (Gb) parameter for both forward and reverse reads and exchanged the __Compressed file size __number to __Total base pairs__with following section in the paragraph “Cohort overview and study design” on page 3 in the revised version of the manuscript:

      “The EstMB-deep samples were resequenced at deep coverage, generating an average of 16.49 ± 6.2 Gb of total base pairs per sample, or 56.13 ± 19.37 million paired reads per sample, with an average forward read length of 146.85 bp and an average reverse read length of 147.01 bp.”

      • line 118, "completeness > 90% and contamination We thank Reviewer for this comment, we use CheckM v2 for evaluation MAG completeness and contamination. We have incorporated the requested information into the manuscript. (Lines 128).

      • line 120, "84,762 MAGs were clustered at the species level with an average nucleotide identity (ANI) threshold of 95%.", as for my previous comment, either specify the Methods or quickly mention the tool used for the ANI analysis.

      We use dRep with default parameters for clustering. We have incorporated the requested information into the manuscript. (Lines 130).

      • lines 135-138, "The bacterial species most represented in our MAGs collection were Odoribacter splanchnicus (MAG recovered from 70.93% samples), Barnesiella intestinihominis (62.83%), Parabacteroides distasonis (60,38%), Alistipes putredinis (54,53%) and Agathobacter rectalis (51.92%) (Figure S2, Table S2).", it will be interesting to compare (some of) these speceis with other populations, to see if these species are globally prevalent in the human gut microbiome or specific to the Estonian population.

      We thank the Reviewer for this question. As highlighted in Figures 4e and 2d, the number of MAGs recovered for a given species often differs significantly from its prevalence in the population. Due to the complexities of MAG assembly, species prevalence is generally much higher, and these values do not correlate linearly, as shown in Supplementary Figure S5. Keeping in mind that species with the higher number of assembled MAGs are not the same as species with the higher prevalence, we compared our top assembled species with the most comprehensive up to date USGG collection of gut bacteria and integrated the following section in the paragraph “Population-specific Metagenome-Assembled Genomes (MAGs) reference” on page 4 in the revised version of the manuscript:

      “... All these species are also well-represented in other cohorts. For example, Parabacteroides distasonis, Alistipes putredinis, and Agathobacter rectalis rank among the top 6 species in the USGG by the number of genomes. Additionally, Barnesiella intestinihominis and Odoribacter splanchnicus rank among the top 40 species out of a total of 4,644 species in the USGG database.”

      • lines 143-144, "MAGs, 353 MAGs (15,64%) represent a new species according to the GTDB criteria.", these 353 MAGs might define fewer species clusters, I think the 'species' word in this sentence is misleading and can lead to an overinterpretation of the diversity, it will be more correct to report how many species clusters these MAGs defined.

      We apologize for not providing sufficient clarification. In our case each cluster represented a new distinct species. We added clarification in lines 152-153.

      • lines 163-168, the paragraph could be an overinterpretation, as it is unlikely that there is 'infinite' diversity, so it could be that by doubling the samples, there is already a plateau in terms of novel species clusters identified. I think this paragraph should be reconsidered.

      We thank the Reviewer for this question. We have updated Figure 2b. Instead of presenting a single version of the cumulative sum of new species discoveries, we reordered the samples five times to provide a more accurate approximation of new species accumulation as the number of samples increases. Additionally, we integrated the following section in the paragraph “Novel species and comparison of the population-specific reference with global reference UHGG” on page 4 in the revised version of the manuscript:

      “Our analysis so far shows a clear linear trend without indication of a plateau (although we can not exclude that plateau had been reached exactly at current sample size, which may not yet be evident).”

      __Figure 4b. __The relationship between the number of samples analyzed and the cumulative number of new species identified.

      • lines 182-184, "Even species which have been recovered from a large number of samples can be found in significantly more samples after mapping (Figure 2e, Table S2).", this is not novel as assembly requires higher coverage than calling a species present via mapping, please, rephrase this part.

      We thank the Reviewer for this thoughtful suggestion. We included this point in the article not because of its novelty but to emphasize that even a small number of recovered MAGs per sample can still hold significant value. This is because despite a small number of assembled genomes, the same species prevalence, as detected through mapping, can still be substantial which makes it possible to use them for, for example, association study. We added this perspective based on our personal experience of initial disappointment with the small number of MAGs recovered for many new species clusters. Our intention is to prevent similar discouragement among other researchers who may begin recovering MAGs from their large population cohorts.

      • lines 185-188, "which are usually extracted from a small number of samples, 185 show a prevalence exceeding 80% for some species. For example, Bacteroides faecalis has a prevalence of 97.23%, although only 1 MAG was assembled, and Bacteroides intestinigallinarum has a prevalence of 95.85% although only 2 MAGs were assembled.", this should be much better contextualized and discussed in terms of relative abundance and not only on the ability to reconstruct (which is highly impacted by coverage, which is a proxy for abundance) with its prevalence, it is known in the field that there are very highly prevalent species at very low abundance values, which are not that often reconstructed via metagenomic assembly.

      We agree that understanding the causes of assembly complications is important in the field, with abundance playing a key role. Moreover, other factors such as the presence of closely related species with similar genomes or multiple strains of the same species within a sample can significantly impact assembly, even for species with high abundance. However, since this paper focuses on the potential applications of MAG assembly in large population cohorts rather than the technical aspects of assembly, our main goal was to emphasize that MAGs assembled from the samples should not be used to estimate species prevalence.

      • Data availability, it appears that the provided accession number does not exist, please double-check this.

      We apologies about that issue, data now available with provided accession number PRJEB76860:


      • line 106, "includes 1,308 women (69.64 %) and 570 men (30.35 %)", these sums up to 99.99%, the ratio for women is 1308/1878=0.69648, so can be rounded up to 69.65%.

      We thank the Reviewer for this correction. We correct numbers from 69.64% to 69.65% (Lines 114).

      • line 293, "ones[Philip Hugenholtz, 2008].", citation to fix.

      Thank you for the correction. We corrected the links. (Lines 414).

      • Fig. 1g, why completeness is up to 25%, from the text it seemed the MAGs were screened for completeness We apologize for not providing sufficient clarification. Indeed, as noted in Lines 124-126, *"We successfully reconstructed 84,762 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), an average of 45 MAGs per sample. Among these, 42,048 according to CheckM, MAGs (49.6%) have completeness > 90% and contamination 90% and contamination 50% and contamination (Lines 131-132).

      • Fig. 2f says "Blue bars represent", but I believe it should be green instead of blue.

      Thank you for the correction. We corrected the color.

      (Lines 520).

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Pantiukh et al. presents the collection of MAGs assembled from the Estonian Biobank, with a specific focus on the novel species clusters the authors defined and found associations with some of the diseases as collected among the samples available in their biobank. The manuscript is well organized. However, it lacks a bit in terms of novelty and also some statements that can mislead the readers to overinterpret some parts.


      • The last paragraph of the introduction (lines 91-98) anticipates some results but lacks some methodological details. Please consider whether to move it to the results section or add very brief specifications, like (1) "sequence with deep coverage" is vague, how deep is deep? (2) "84,762 MAGs representing 2,257 species" are the 84k MAGs already quality-controlled? (3) "353 MAGs (15,6%) of the EstMB MAGs collection to represent potentially novel species." 353 are MAGs or species? As species clusters are defined later at 95% ANI, are all these 353 defining their own species clusters?
      • lines 109 and 265, "11.73 +/- 3.9 Gb data per sample and 56.13 +/- 19.37 million reads per sample", numbers don't match... 11.73 Gbp is about 78M reads at 150nt read length, plus later the average depth is not 56.13 but 53.04, please double check these numbers
      • line 118, "completeness > 90% and contamination < 5%", please specify either the Methods section or briefly which tool was used to estimate quality.
      • line 120, "84,762 MAGs were clustered at the species level with an average nucleotide identity (ANI) threshold of 95%.", as for my previous comment, either specify the Methods or quickly mention the tool used for the ANI analysis.
      • lines 135-138, "The bacterial species most represented in our MAGs collection were Odoribacter splanchnicus (MAG recovered from 70.93% samples), Barnesiella intestinihominis (62.83%), Parabacteroides distasonis (60,38%), Alistipes putredinis (54,53%) and Agathobacter rectalis (51.92%) (Figure S2, Table S2).", it will be interesting to compare (some of) these speceis with other populations, to see if these species are globally prevalent in the human gut microbiome or specific to the Estonian population.
      • lines 143-144, "MAGs, 353 MAGs (15,64%) represent a new species according to the GTDB criteria.", these 353 MAGs might define fewer species clusters, I think the 'species' word in this sentence is misleading and can lead to an overinterpretation of the diversity, it will be more correct to report how many species clusters these MAGs defined.
      • lines 163-168, the paragraph could be an overinterpretation, as it is unlikely that there is 'infinite' diversity, so it could be that by doubling the samples, there is already a plateau in terms of novel species clusters identified. I think this paragraph should be reconsidered.
      • lines 182-184, "Even species which have been recovered from a large number of samples can be found in significantly more samples after mapping (Figure 2e, Table S2).", this is not novel as assembly requires higher coverage than calling a species present via mapping, please, rephrase this part.
      • lines 185-188, "which are usually extracted from a small number of samples, 185 show a prevalence exceeding 80% for some species. For example, Bacteroides faecalis has a prevalence of 97.23%, although only 1 MAG was assembled, and Bacteroides intestinigallinarum has a prevalence of 95.85% although only 2 MAGs were assembled.", this should be much better contextualized and discussed in terms of relative abundance and not only on the ability to reconstruct (which is highly impacted by coverage, which is a proxy for abundance) with its prevalence, it is known in the field that there are very highly prevalent species at very low abundance values, which are not that often reconstructed via metagenomic assembly.
      • Data availability, it appears that the the provided accession number does not exist, please double-check this.


      • line 106, "includes 1,308 women (69.64 %) and 570 men (30.35 %)", these sums up to 99.99%, the ratio for women is 1308/1878=0.69648, so can be rounded up to 69.65%.
      • line 293, "ones[Philip Hugenholtz, 2008].", citation to fix.
      • Fig. 1g, why completeness is up to 25%, from the text it seemed the MAGs were screened for completeness <5%. Like in panel f for contamination that is never below 50%.
      • Fig. 2f says "Blue bars represent", but I believe it should be green instead of blue.


      General assessment: the manuscript presents a large-scale effort to reconstruct microbial genomes from metagenomes present in the Estonian biobank. This can be very useful in future analyses, as the knowledge of novel and population-specific species can improve future studies linking diseases with the microbiome data. However, the analyses presented are quite limited and also do not provide the perspective of how these newly reconstructed genomes will be integrated into public databases that can improve future microbiome profiling (both at the taxonomic and functional levels).

      Advance: the manuscript presents an incremental advancement in the field, and with the limited data made available (the provided accession number was not found in the mentioned database, and only representative MAGs were deposited), it is difficult to assess how much this data can be a resource for the research community.

      Audience: the audience targeted at the moment is specialized people in microbiome analysis and in particular those that are focusing on the analysis tools development (like UGG and GTDB)

      Microbiome expert.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this paper "Metagenome-assembled genomes of Estonian Microbiome cohort reveal novel species and their links with prevalent diseases", the authors present a comprehensive analysis of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from the Estonian Microbiome cohort, offering several key insights and contributions to microbiome research. The authors assembled 84,762 MAGs from stool samples of 1,878 individuals in the Estonian Microbiome Cohort, representing 2,257 species. Notably, they identified 353 potentially novel species (15.6%) and 607 species (26.9%) not present in the global Unified Human Gastrointestinal Genome (UHGG) reference database.

      Work is timely and important for several reasons:

      • It aligns with the growing trend of population-specific microbiome studies, which are crucial for understanding regional variations in gut microbiota.
      • Finding new bacterial species and population-specific microbes contributes to the expanding catalog of human-associated microorganisms.
      • The associations between microbial species and common diseases provide potential avenues for future research to test those ideas into microbiome-based diagnostics or therapeutics.


      • The study provides a valuable population-specific reference for the Estonian gut microbiome, which can enhance the accuracy of future microbiome studies in this population.
      • Identifying potentially new bacterial species contributes to our understanding of microbial diversity.
      • This work uncovered associations between bacterial abundance and 15 common diseases, including links with potentially new species.
      • The study combined deep metagenomic sequencing with extensive phenotypic data, allowing for a more rounded analysis. The paper's focus on an Estonian population and the creation of a population-specific reference set it apart from global microbiome studies. This approach allows for detecting microbial species that need to be included in more general studies.


      • While the population-specific approach is a strength, it also limits the direct applicability of findings to other populations.
      • The study primarily focuses on taxonomic composition at the genus or species level, but a more in-depth functional analysis of the novel species could provide additional insights.
      • Is it possible for this large dataset to distill information and have plots for strain diversity of abundant and prevalent species, including low abundance species per donor or between donors? Can authors add such a plot or discuss this? While associations between microbes and diseases were found, the study design cannot establish causal relationships. Are the authors planning to test some of the associations experimentally and see whether these observations work in in vitro or in vivo?

      Minor comments:

      • The authors could provide more context on how their findings compare to similar studies in other populations. What are the differences and similarities, and how does this work at the next level and set new directions?
      • Figures' quality and readability can be improved easily; all of them are low resolution, and the axes are hardly visible, particularly Figure 2, which could benefit from additional labeling or explanations in the legend to improve clarity.
      • A brief discussion on the potential clinical implications of the new species-disease associations would enhance the relevance. Why discovering new species are in testing and relevant for the microbiome field? Can authors add this somewhere, discussion? In lines 265-266, the authors discuss detected species per sample, on average, 389 species. Can the authors guide which plot is linked to it and whether it is possible to show the disturbing median number of species per sample to get an overall idea about the range of diversity this type of analysis can capture now? Maybe this will improve in the future; it is worth mentioning here.

      Other comments:

      • The key conclusions are generally convincing. The authors have successfully assembled a large number of MAGs from the Estonian population, identified potentially novel species, and established associations between microbial abundance and diseases.
      • The data presented appear to support the claims well. However, the authors should emphasize and clarify that the disease associations are correlational, not causal, and further validation is required.
      • Even though I am not an expert in metagenomics analysis, the current experimental design and analysis are sound to support the main claims.
      • The methods section can be improved by providing more details about how samples were collected and stored and how long after storage gDNA was extracted and processed for sequencing, allowing for reproducibility. The authors provide information on the bioinformatics pipelines, including software versions and parameters, but this can again be improved by adding details about the steps between sample processing and raw data processing.
      • The study includes a large cohort (1,878 samples), which provides statistical power. The statistical analyses, including linear regression models adjusted for BMI, gender, and age, seem appropriate for the type of data presented. I suggest adding a separate paragraph about how the data is processed and statistically analyzed. Authors should include:
      • Appropriateness of the statistical tests used for the data types and experimental designs
      • Adequate description and justification of the statistical models and test and assumptions
      • Proper handling of replicates, controls, and data normalization
      • Reporting of effect sizes, sample size, confidence intervals, and statistical power
      • Data processing and analysis workflows


      • This study represents an advance in the context of population-specific studies. Creating a comprehensive Estonian population-specific MAG reference and identifying new species contribute to our understanding of microbiome diversity.
      • The work builds upon previous large-scale microbiome projects, such as those that established the Unified Human Gastrointestinal Genome (UHGG) collection but focuses on a specific population.
      • The associations between microbial species (including novel ones) and common diseases provide potential avenues for future research into microbiome-based diagnostics or therapeutics.
      • The findings would interest microbiome researchers, bioinformaticians, and clinicians interested in the role of the gut microbiome in health and disease.

      My Expertise:

      Gut microbiome, gut microbiota resilience, ecology, and evolution in microbial communities, antimicrobial resistance, high-throughput drug-bacteria interactions

  3. Nov 2024
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2024-02535

      Corresponding author(s): Modica, Maria Vittoria

      1. General Statements [optional]

      We are grateful to the reviewers for their detailed evaluation and insightful comments on our manuscript, which has led us to introduce several clarifications, expand a few issues initially underscored, and amend some incongruencies.

      We have been able to incorporate changes to reflect most of the suggestions provided by the reviewers, as highlighted in the main text. Most of the additional analyses proposed by the reviewers were carried out, in some cases providing interesting insights that were included in the manuscript, while in others revealed not conclusive, as detailed below.

      We believe that the congruence and readability of the manuscript has been overall improved, and we are confident that our responses align with the level of detail required by the reviewers

      • *

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      * Summary: The manuscript by Modica et al reports characterisation of the venom system in the white sea fan Eunicella singularis, a species of an octocorallian coral. E. singularis is common in the north-western Mediterranean sea. The authors used a proteo-transcriptomic approach followed by extensive bioinformatics analysis. Specifically, they generated a new E. singularis *transcriptome and characterised extracts from nematocysyts (venom-bearing structures) and whole body using tandem mass spectrometry. Toxins were identified by HMMER using Tox-prot and VenomZone databases as queries as well as ClanTox web server.

      Major comments:

      As far as I am aware, venom production by ectodermal gland cells has been reported only in sea anemones (Moran et al, 2011), therefore it is unclear whether it is the case in the octocorallian sea fan as well. Additionally, cnidarian toxin-like proteins might be produced by neurons (Sachkova et al, 2020) or involved in development (Surm et al 2024). Thus, it is probable that in E. singularis not all the toxin-like proteins found in the whole body proteome and missing from the nematocyst proteome are venom components. Thus, additional experiments would be required to localise those proteins to ectodermal gland cells. I suggest to mention this limitation and refer to such proteins as "toxin-like" or "putative toxins".

      • *

      We thank the Reviewer for this observation, which is indeed correct. We have modified the text according to this suggestion and we have added a cautionary statement to the analysis section.

      In addition to submitting proteomics data to PRIDE, it would be helpful for readers/reviewers to provide a supplementary excel file with all the peptides and proteins identified by PEAKS Studio. I could not access the data on PRIDE as I think they still have not been assigned a PXD dataset identifier.

      Excel files with both proteomes have now been provided as supplementary material (Suppl tab. 2 and 3).

      * *Minor comments:

      It would be helpful for readers to split the Results and Discussions into smaller subsections with headings, perhaps according to the identified toxin families. It would be also helpful to provide a summary figure with all the toxins identified and perhaps toxin expression levels. Especially showing cysteine patterns for new toxins would be very useful.

      Wherever possible, Results and Discussions were split into subsections according to toxin families, following reviewer’s suggestion.

      Figure 2.C summarizes the identified toxin families along with the number of validated sequences for each of them. We provided an excel file with the sequences and expression levels of the identified toxins as supplementary table 2. We have now added a column with cysteine patterns to better define and characterize these toxins

      It is unclear why the Toxin annotation pipeline is hidden in the supplementary material. It would be also helpful to show it as a schematic pipeline in the main text.

      We have prepared a figure describing the annotation pipeline that is now provided as Fig.1 in the main text.

      The identification of proteolytic cleavage sites is not really described. It would be also helpful to mark them at the Figure 2.

      We have adjusted the Methods section in the Supplementary Material to give a clearer explanation of the methods applied to identify putative cleavage sites. The figure (now Fig. 3) has been adjusted to include the protease recognition site.

      "Other peptides present in E. singularis nematocysts and displaying protease inhibitory domains, but likely lacking a toxin function (Kazal-type, cystatines, antistasins, and macins)..." - why do they likely lack a toxin function? what is the rational behind this statement?

      • *While we were referring to a strictly neurotoxic function, the statement is indeed misleading and was removed from the amended text and modified as follows “Other peptides present in E. singularis nematocysts displaying protease inhibitory domains (Kazal-type, cystatines, antistasins, and macins) were detected but did not present novelty elements. Their sequences are described in supplementary data.”

      "cell- or tissue-specific differential maturation patterns" - I think the differential maturation needs to be confirmed by additional experiments to exclude a possibility of being an artifact due to low mass spectrometry sensitivity.

      This is indeed true. Nonetheless, our proteomic analyses provided quite convincing evidence of this phenomenon. Figure 3 in the manuscript summarizes the output of our PEAKS studio analyses, but for clarity we reported as Suppl. Fig. 1 the original output for the identification of U-GRTX-Esi2a/b.In the figure, each blue line below the precursor sequence denotes a peptide that was confidently identified by LC-MS/MS. As visible, several peptides were identified for this protein in either proteome, but there is a clear pattern pointing toward the complete absence of the first domain in the NEM-P. The Reviewers have rightfully raised concerns that, given the ethanol extraction protocol employed, our NEM-P may be partial and/or contaminated by other extracted proteins. This is true, and in fact we have added cautionary statements throughout the text. It is reasonable to assume, though, that proteins with similar sequence and physicochemical features, like U-GRTX-ESI-2a and 2b, will respond similarly to the ethanol extraction procedure. If present, we believe the first domain (U-GRTX-ESI-2a) should have produced some detectable peptide also in the NEM-P. This seems even more reasonable if we consider that the WB-P contained a much higher number of proteins, which could have led to the loss of detection of some peptides due to instrument settings. With the due caution, we believe it is reasonable to leave our claim in the manuscript, supporting it by adding the Suppl. Fig.1.

      "three consecutive ShK domains with peculiar characteristics (Suppl. Fig. 2)" - what are these characteristics?* *

      This has been better clarified in the text which now reads “Only the C-terminal domain has the typical ShKT cysteine pattern, whereas the first two domains present an unusual shift of the C-terminal cysteine. None of the domains of U-GRTX-Esi4 presents the key Lys residue necessary for binding KV1.2 and KV1.3, while the subsequent Tyr residue, also important for binding KV1, is extremely conserved”. The reference figure is now Suppl. Fig. 3.

      Fig. S1 legend: "Octocorallia (cyano bar) and Hexacorallia (blue bar)" - the bars look pink and cyan.* *

      *The figure (now Suppl. Fig. 2) was modified in order to fix this issue. *

      * *Referee cross-commenting

      I agree with both reviewers that additional validation of the ethanol extraction method would be required to confirm its specificity and efficiency. Since ethanol is widely used for tissue fixation, I would guess that it is improbable that it leads to disruption of other coral cell types in addition to discharging nematocytes. However, to be 100% sure that would need to be confirmed experimentally. I think the suggestion to use Xenia single cell dataset to validate the nematocyst proteome reported in this paper is really worth trying. However, toxin-like genes in cnidarians might be recruited to non-venom cell types (Sachkova et al, 2020; Surm et al 2024) therefore if a gene is nematocyte-specific in one species it does not mean it would the same in another one, especially if they are distantly related. Thus, the best would be to run some additional experiments in Eunicella singularis, if the tissue is available.

      We have received this concern and addressed it by rephrasing the text. We have also performed the requested check with Xenia nematocysts single cell data set. In detail, we recovered 243 high-confidence single-copy orthologs conserved between Xenia and E. singularis, which were described as belonging to cluster 11, associated to nematocytes by Hu and colleagues in their 2020 Nature article. We comparatively evaluated the abundance of the peptide fragments that could be mapped to the corresponding de novo assembled contigs in E. singularis whole-body and nematocyst proteomes, finding very little overlap, both with the whole-body, and with the nematocyst proteome. In detail, we found none of the sequences shared with Xenia cluster 11 in the NEM-P, while 16 sequences were retrieved in the WB-P. None of the latter corresponded to toxins, but rather possessed PFAM domains indicative of housekeeping functions.

      We believe that these observations are not surprising, due to the following reasons:

      (i) as we show in Figure 6, Xenia appears to display a highly divergent venom arsenal not just from Eunicella singularis, but also from all other Octocorallia. Consequently, we can hardly expect any of the main molecular components of the venom to display a 1:1 orthology between the two species. In addition, Xenia is a zooxanthellate species, obtaining most of its energy autotrophically and complementing with the absorption of particulated organic matter. Due to its trophic ecology, we do not expect this species to produce predatory venom.

      (ii) although Xenia cluster 11 includes genes specifically expressed in the nematocysts, these do not necessarily encode venom components but also other cellular components from the nematocytes. In contrast, if successful, our approach would yield a fraction enriched in secretory products while other intracellular or membrane-bound proteins that are specifically expressed by nematocytes, are not expected to be particularly enriched in the NEM-P.

      In addition, due to the remarkable divergence between these two species, not all Xenia nematocyte-specific transcripts are expected to retain the same specificity also in Eunicella.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This study reports venom composition of an octocoral for the first time. These data are very important for understanding biology and ecology of these animals as they rely on venom for feeding and deterring predators. This study is a significant advancement of the cnidarian venomics as most of the literature is limited to sea anemone and jellyfish venoms. This study will be interesting to the broad audience: venomics and coral ecology communities, evolutionary biologists and marine scientists. The main strength of this work is that it provides a comprehensive overview of the venom system in a widespread octocoral species with important ecological roles. The limitations of this study is that the toxicity and biological function of the identified venom components have not been confirmed experimentally. However, the localisation of the proteins to nematocysts is a very strong indication of being a venom component. My expertise: cnidarian venom (biochemistry, ecology and evolution).


      *Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: The authors of this work explore the venom repertoire of octocoral, a group of cnidarians whose venom has largely been ignored in the literature. As a first step into characterizing the venom of octocorals, the authors use a proteo-transcriptomic approach for Eunicella singularis, Specifically, they generated the transcriptome and proteome from whole-body as well as a more specific proteome of the nematocyst, a specialized sub-cellular structure found only in cnidarians and used to inject venom. The nematocyst proteome is a crucial dataset of the manuscript as it allows the authors to discriminate what is most likely a bona fide toxin compared to general physiological proteins.

      * Major: However, I have some skepticism regarding the legitimacy of this nematocyst proteome. Specifically, the proteins from this are nematocyst-specific. The authors used an approach to soak the animal in ethanol, which theoretically should cause the nematocyst to fire, releasing the venom housed inside. This is a technique previously used in box jellyfish where they show that indeed the nematocyst have fired using histological approaches. However, this was not validated for Eunicella singularis*. I am hesitant to fully accept that the data from the nematocyst-proteome is specific. Other approaches, such as isolating nematocyst using a percoll gradient, will likely generate a more specific nematocyst proteome. This percoll gradient approach has been used to isolate nematocysts from different species of cnidarians ranging from hydra to sea anemones, however, I recognize that although this approach is robust for different cnidarians, acquiring enough material is challenging and maybe beyond the capacity for this octocoral. I would argue this would be the best approach, but if not feasible I can understand. However, other potential validation could be used to help improve the confidence that this is, at least mostly, nematocyst-specific. Furthermore, one could argue that this ethanol approach used in box jellyfish also specifically used tentacle, a tissue significantly enriched in nematocyst likely greatly improving the specificity in isolating nematocyst-specific proteins. whereas in this study they use a collection of whole polyps, therefore, anything that is extracted from the ethanol would precipitate. This is a much more complex collection of tissues which I would assume could interfere with isolating nematocyst-specific proteins

      We thank the Reviewer for these comments. It is indeed true that there are cleaner procedures to extract venom from nematocysts. Preliminary attempts with electrical stimulation of colonies to milk the venom were also performed, but did not yield satisfactory peptide amounts for further analysis. We then decided to attempt ethanol extraction. As also noted by Reviewer #1, ethanol is routinely used for tissue fixation, and we think that it could have only limited effect on other cell types, therefore we assumed that most proteins in this extract had to come from nematocysts firing. While we cannot be sure that we fired all kind of nematocysts from E. singularis, the enrichment of the NEM-P in proteins with typical toxin features (i.e. signal peptide, small size, elaborate cysteines patterns), represented an indirect proof of this hypothesis. We believe this NEM-P may represent a good snapshot of venom components from E. singularis. On the other hand, it is true that the ethanol procedure may introduce some contamination. Indeed, we adopted a conservative approach and discussed in detail only the proteins with toxin-like features. At any rate, we have clearly stated the methodological limitations of our approach in the text and added cautionary statements through the manuscript.

      * *A computational approach, that I think is essential, is to use the Xenia single-cell atlas. Xenia is also an octocoral with a nice single-cell atlas in which the cnidocytes form a distinct cluster. The authors can perform a reciprocal best-blast hit with the xenia genome and Eunicella singularis transcriptome and then see if gene-encoding proteins found in Eunicella nematocyst proteome have orthologs with genes found in the Xenia cnidocyte cluster. A statistical test could then be performed to show that there is a significant overlap between the nematocyst proteins from Eunicella and their orthologs in the Xenia cnidocyte cluster. This is still quite indirect but can give some insights. A better approach would be to perform proteomics from Xenia using the ethanol approach and mapping to see where the proteins captured are found in the atlas. This would massively elevate this work and provide proof that indeed this approach using ethanol is capable of precipitating nematocyst-specific proteins. I would strongly recommend trying to provide some evidence that this is indeed a nematocyst-specific protein, or at the least, is significantly enriched. Because this is unknown, many of the interpretations presented downstream are not well supported.

      As previously stated in response to Reviewer #1, we have performed the requested check on Xenia nematocyte single cell data set. In detail, we followed the advice provided by the reviewer, extracting the protein sequences of the 432 Xenia genes included in cluster 11 from the work by Hu and colleagues, and recovered the nucleotide sequence of the assembled transcripts of 243 high-confidence 1:1 orthologs from E. singularis. In this process, we paid particular attention to excluding ambiguous matches, such as genes subjected to lineage-specific duplications, and therefore we exploited the availability of the annotated genome of the congeneric species E. verrucosa for the first step of orthology detection (performed through a reciprocal BLASTp approach). In the second step of the analysis, the corresponding assembled transcripts from E. singularis were identified with tBLASTn, assuming an inter-specific divergence This subset of putative nematocyst-specific sequences was subjected to an in-depth analysis, which comparatively evaluated the relative abundance of mapped peptide fragments in the whole-body and nematocyst proteomes. This process led to the identification of very little overlap between Xenia and E. singularis. We believe that these observations are not surprising, due to the following reasons:

      (i) as we show in Figure 6, Xenia appears to display a highly divergent venom arsenal not just from Eunicella singularis, but also from all other Octocorallia. Consequently, we can hardly expect any of the main molecular components of the venom to display a 1:1 orthology between the two species. In addition, Xenia is a zooxanthellate species, obtaining most of its energy autotrophically and complementing with the absorption of particulated organic matter. Due to its trophic ecology, we do not expect this species to produce predatory venom.

      (ii) although Xenia cluster 11 includes genes specifically expressed in the nematocysts, these do not necessarily encode venom components but also other cellular components from the nematocytes. In contrast, if successful, our approach would yield a fraction enriched in secretory products while other intracellular or membrane-bound proteins that are specifically expressed by nematocytes, are not expected to be particularly enriched in the NEM-P.

      In addition, due to the remarkable divergence between these two species, not all Xenia nematocyte-specific transcripts are expected to retain the same specificity also in Eunicella.

      Another major issue with the manuscript is the section referring to SCRiPs. First, the authors do not cite Jouiaei, Sunagar et al. (2015) which was the first publication to functionally characterize SCRiPs as toxins. Additionally, the majority of SCRiPs identified in this study and those found in Eunicella have a different cysteine framework. The authors acknowledge this online 245 but claim that, given the alphafold structure is similar, they are from the same gene family. First, I think this is very weak support as typically sharing a conserved cysteine framework is the bare minimum to categorize these toxins in a gene family. Although some cysteine frameworks are somewhat hard to resolve as the space between the cysteines can be variable, in this case, SCRiPs have a very distinct triple repeat of cysteines near the C terminal that is missing in these octocoral SCRiPs. These make me suspicious that these are indeed from the same gene family. Then relying on alphafold to predict the structure and claiming it's similar to Tau-AnmTx Ueq 12-1 from Urticina eques is also fairly weak support. Although I am not an expert in protein structures, I cannot tell from the images comparing the 2 structures in the supplementary figure s1 that these are similar. Perhaps you could align or overlap them, or give some readout of the similarity of these structures. Currently, I am skeptical of any of the SCRiPs described in this manuscript. Additionally, if the authors can show that indeed these are SCRiPs, again I would strongly advise the authors to check the Xenia scRNA-seq to see if these Xenia SCRiP-like sequences are expressed in cnidocytes.

      Given the concerns raised by the Reviewer, throughout the text we now referred to octocoral SCRiPs as SCRIP-like proteins or octo-SCRiPs. Reference to Jouiaei, Sunagar et al. (2015) was added. However, we would like to point out that we do not associate them to hexacoral SCRiPs based on their predicted structure similarity: the Suppl. Fig. 2 presents the alignment of the sequences of these proteins with representative sequences from Hexacorallia, highlighting a sequence similarity up to 68%. Considering the high level of sequence divergence generally recognized within toxin families, this high similarity value contributes to support our claims. Despite the relevance of the cys framework in defining toxin families, a single amino acid shift is not necessarily indicative of a new structural family.

      Concerning the structural comparison between SCRiPs and octo-SCRiPs, Suppl. Figure 2.B has been replaced with a superposition of the structure of AnmTx Ueq 12-1 with the model of U-GRTX-Esi1a. The structures were aligned with TM-align, resulting in a Cα RMSD for the aligned region of 1.86 Å, which confirms the strict similarity of the two proteins.

      Unfortunately, we need to rely on available genome annotations for the evaluation of the Xenia scRNA-seq data. The only currently annotated Xenia gene showing significant homology with the SCRiP-like of E. singularis (Xe_002907) has a highly different organization, as it shows five consecutive cysteine-rich domains, and is therefore not orthologous to any of the three sequences we report in the present work. In the paper by Hu and colleagues, Xe_002907 is associated to cluster 2, which was unrelated with nematocysts.

      * Minor:

      *The ShK protein, U-GRTX-Esi4, strikes me as similar to NEP3 gene family identified in Nematostella, which also has 3 ShK domains (Columbus-Shenkar et al. 2018).

      We have added reference to the NEP3 family in the text and discussed the similarities of U-GRTX-Esi4 with its members, highlighting that while in NEP3 the mature toxin corresponds only to the first ShK domain, U-GRTX-Esi4 is supported as a multidomain protein by our proteomic analyses.

      Interestingly U-GRTX-Esi20 and 21 were found to be structurally similar to acrorhagin 1a but do not share a conserved cysteine framework ( 6 cysteines vs 8). One thing that the authors should be careful of, and perhaps point out that this is indeed not nematocyst-specific, is that an ortholog acrorhagin 1a was found to be expressed in the neurons in Nematostella (Sachkova et al. 2020). Perhaps ancestral acrorhagin 1 was found in the last common ancestor of Anthozoa but was a neuropeptide that got recruited to the venom in Actinia.

      Because of the methodology employed, we expected the NEM-P to be a toxin-enriched subset of the WB-P. Indeed, some of the toxin-like proteins detected in the NEM-P were not observed in the WB-P, where they might have been below the LOD during proteomic analysis. On the other hand, being a whole-body proteome, we expect the WB-P to contain ALSO nematocyst specific proteins. At present, the detection of U-GRTX-Esi20 and 21 in the WB-P does not rule out that these may be nematocyst specific, whereas their presence in the NEM-P, in our view, confirms their occurrence in the venom. At any rate, given the current level of evidence, this Reviewer is right in considering all possibilities, such as their neuropeptide nature. These considerations have been added to the text.

      * Also in general the authors refer to a lot of phylogenetics that I cannot see in the paper. For example, on line 339: "Our genomic survey indicates that these two toxins belong to two distinct monophyletic orthogroups within a very large superfamily of cysteine-rich peptides, encoded by ancestrally duplicated paralogous genes with intronless structures, that also include other members in E. singularis, not detected in the NEM-P." *What genomic survey are you referring to (where is this data)? What do you mean by "belong to two distinct monophyletic orthogroups".

      In the attempt to keep the manuscript more concise, we concentrated comparative genomic analyses in the supplementary material. We now provide in the main text a detailed phylogenetic tree that displays the complex evolutionary relationships between U-GRTX-Esi20 and 21 and a number of other related sequences sharing significant sequence homology and predicted structural organization (Figure 6). In detail, the two Eunicella toxins belong to two groups of sequences, labeled as “type I” and “type VI” which are highly supported by robust bootstrap values (94 and 95, respectively) as monophyletic within Malacalcyonacea. Notably, we could identify four additional monophyletic groups, characterized by similar support values, that included sequences from both Eunicella and other Malacalcyonacea species (type II, III, IV and V). Nevertheless, these sequences were not identified as venom components by our proteomic analyses. Related proteins were also identified in species belonging to Scleralcyonacea, even though their precise relationships with those of Malacalcyonacea were often unclear.

      Also, there is no visualization of the results when the authors refer to the genomic surveys, especially when referring to intron-exon boundaries. Please include which genomes include which sequences and their given intron-exon boundaries for a given gene family. I do not understand how the authors resolved figure 4. How do you know there was a loss not a gain of f exon 2 in the gene encoding for U-GRTX-Esi17. Providing the genomic loci for the toxin gene families would help. Maybe something like figure 5 from Koludarov et al. (2024) would be useful, but ideally including intron-exon boundaries.

      The scenario we propose is far more parsimonious than the alternative hypothesis involving an intron gain, since this would have required an extremely complex combination of far less likely events, i.e. the independent acquisition of two partial colipase-like arrays in positions compatible with the generation of a complete colipase-like cysteine array. Despite being theoretically possible, we believe this scenario to be highly unlikely, also considering the well-established differences between the rates of intron gain and intron loss in eukaryotes, with the latter exceeding the former by several orders of magnitude (see Roy and Gilbert, 2005, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0500383102).

      We present a supplementary figure which schematically displays the architecture of the genes encoding novel putative venom components described in this manuscript. We need to remark the fact that, as mentioned in the main text, no genome assembly is presently available for E. singularis, and therefore such gene architectures have been inferred from the congeneric species E. verrucosa. Despite being certainly interesting, the approach proposed by the reviewer referring to figure 5 from Koludarov et al., which would basically involve a microsynteny analysis for all loci, would go far beyond the aims and scopes of the present work and require an unreasonable workload, with a very marginal increase in the quality of the data we report. First and foremost, no genome assembly is available for our target species. Moreover, just a very few genomes of Octocorallia are associated with publicly available gene annotations (in detail, no gene annotation tracks are available for R. reniformis, P. caledonicum, V. gustaviana, P. papillata, Chrysogorgia sp., H. coerulea, P. subtilis, Trachytela sp. and M. muricata). The lack of existing annotations does de facto prevent the possibility of retrieving flanking genes and providing evolutionary insights at the level requested by the reviewer. We believe that the manual annotation of the target genes of interest in all analyzed species fully meets the objectives of this study.

      In the methods the author's mention:

      "Whenever needed (i.e., U-GRTX-Esi20 and 21), a fine-scale classification of orthologous sequences was aided by Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic inference analyses, carried out with IQ-Tree [49] with 1000 ultrafast bootstrap replicates based on the best-fitting model of molecular evolution detected by ModelFinder [50]."

      So please include this data as supplementary figures. The authors did plenty of analysis they refer to but do not include this in the paper. This lack of data makes it very hard to follow many of the phylogenetic and genomic insights from this manuscript.

      The phylogenetic tree which concerns U-GRTX-Esi20 and 21 has been added in the main text as Figure 6. In pretty much all other cases where we referred to comparative genomics analyses, our inferences were simply based on the detection (or lack thereof) of orthologous genes. Considering the narrow taxonomic distribution of most target sequences, which prevents the possibility of identifying suitable outgroups for tree rooting purposes, and their usual presence as single-copy genes in E. singularis, we don’t think that adding phylogenetic trees would add useful information to the manuscript. Nevertheless, we have added the multiple sequence alignments of all relevant groups of orthologous sequences as supplementary figures.

      • *Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      * *This work is very can be very useful in extending our knowledge of venom in cnidarians and can help build better resolution of the evolutionary history of the ecologically essential proteins

      * *Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      *SECTION A - Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      * =================================================

      Summary: *Provide a short summary of the findings and key conclusions (including methodology and model system(s) where appropriate).

      * This manuscript describes the proteotranscriptomic analysis of samples from the coral Eunicella singularis. A number of putative venom toxins are identified. In silico structural analyses are performed for select putative toxins and inferred activity/function is discussed. In my opinion the subject of the study is important. However, I have some important questions about the methodology (regarding "venom collection" and assignment of "venom components"), and given the preliminary nature of the study I found some of the conclusions (regarding activity) somewhat overstated. *Major comments:

      • Are the key conclusions convincing?

      * While some conclusions were justified, I felt unconvinced by others. Some of my pessimism stems from the technique used to extract the venom i.e. ethanol immersion. I'm not familiar with the use of this technique, however it strikes me as likely to be associated with some limitations. For example, while the nematocysts may indeed discharge their contents I would expect some contents e.g. larger proteins to be insoluble. Was this considered? This would have some major impacts on the conclusions drawn e.g. *(L418: "absence, in the NEM-P of E. singularis, of the common cnidarian cytolytic proteins." AND (L492): "conventional pore forming toxins (PFTs) of Cnidaria, including the aerolysin-like Δ-GRTX-Esi29 and the two actinoporins Δ-GRTX-Esi30 and 31 were not retrieved in the nematocysts' proteome."

      Because of this observation, the authors concluded that these were not venom components in this species and speculated on other functions. However, I can't help wondering if these were simply excluded from analysis as a result of the ethanol extraction i.e. a false negative.

      As anticipated in our response to Reviewer #1, we opted for ethanol extraction due to sample limitation and unsuccessful attempts with other venom collection protocols. The procedure we employed was first described by Jouiaei et al., 2015, to extract venom from the tentacles of Chironex fleckeri. Proteins and peptides extracted from the nematocysts were indeed precipitated from ethanol and subsequently resuspended for proteomic analysis. The original protocol by Jouiaei et al. used precipitation at -80°C to recover the proteins from ethanol. Albeit denaturing, this protocol should not imply sample losses. Large proteins that did precipitate were still resuspended and analyzed. We have introduced an evaporation/lyophilization step, which should not alter the outcome. In fact, we did detect higher molecular weight proteins in the NEM-P (mostly structural and enzymes). While denaturation and precipitation may functionally inactivate these proteins, these should all be detected by proteomics. The authors of the original paper presented a comparison between the venom obtained from ethanol extracted tentacles and the proteome of pressure disrupted purified nematocysts. In both cases, additional “non venom” and “structural” proteins were also detected (e.g. histones, filamin, ribosomal proteins, myosin, actin, collagen…). Given the prevalence of toxins or toxin-like proteins in our extract, we were reasonably convinced of the success of the extraction protocol. For sure, the method may present limitations: as also observed by Reviewer #1 and #3, contamination with non-nematocyst proteins is possible. This has also been considered. In fact, we adopted a conservative approach, choosing to discuss in detail only proteins with structural similarities with known toxins and/or typical toxin-like features. On the other hand, as noted by this Reviewer, our results may be partial, but, in our opinion, this would be most likely due to incomplete nematocysts firing rather than to sample loss. All these possibilities have now been better discussed and addressed in the text. At any rate, we are convinced that the protein diversification detected in the NEM-P is indicative of the presence of several venom components and provides a first indication of the existence of novel, octocoral-specific, venom protein families.

      Comparisons were made to other tissue samples (whole bodies). Were these samples prepared in the same way i.e. ethanol extraction? If not, the power of any comparisons would be limited.

      Following the described experimental approach, we expected the NEM-P to be a subset of the WB-P, for which no purification/enrichment of sort was performed. In fact, we reported both proteomes to confirm the enrichment of the NEM-P in venom components, highlighting the presence of putative toxins that might have been below the instrumental limit of detection in the more crowded whole body protein extract. At any rate, we have now modified the text, adding cautionary statements that may also explain our results.

      • *It was unclear to me exactly how "venom components" (Fig. 1A) were defined. Why are "enzymes" , "structural" and "unknow" NOT considered venom components when they were identified in the "venom" extract?

      The “structural” and “enzymes” categories were used to analyze the hits in the NEM-P. We decided to discuss only putative neurotoxins or cytolytic toxins based on the limited selectivity of the extraction protocol employed and on the lack of histological control. As structural components and enzymes, in the absence of a crude venom extract, may derive from other tissues, we preferred not to discuss them. We hope this is clearer in the amended version of the manuscript.

      Furthermore, a large proportion of proteins detected are "structural" - doesn't this suggest that the "venom" extract included a large proportion of false positives i.e. non-toxin proteins? Is it possible that some of the proteins which are considered as "venom components" are also false positives?

      • *As also noted by Reviewer #1, aside from contamination from other tissues, some of the toxin-like proteins we identified may have different functions (e.g, neuronal, developmental) and their toxin function is presumed on the basis of structural features. This issue is clearly addressed in the manuscript. Nonetheless, putative toxins are definitely enriched in the NEM-P compared to the WB-P, which leads us to believe that the NEM-P is a fraction enriched in nematocysts content. This is now more evident also in the PEAKS output files, provided as Supplementary Tables 2 and 3.

      The nematocyst ethanol extract is referred to throughout the manuscript as "venom". Similarly, what I would consider putative toxins are referred to throughout the manuscript as "toxins". Given the preliminary nature of the study I suggest the authors consider rewording these.

      This has been changed throughout the text.

      In short, the evidence presented left me unconvinced that the nematocyst ethanol extract that was analysed represented the genuine "venom" of this species and that the "toxins" identified represent the genuine toxin repertoire. The authors should at least discuss potential limitations, defend my claims in this context and adjust conclusions accordingly.

      We hope that the additional clarifications provided in the Results and Discussion section, and the amendments we made throughout the manuscript made our statements more convincing

      Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? See comment above regarding venom collection and conclusions drawn.

      We have introduced cautionary statements throughout the text.

      * *Also, despite the absence of any experimental activity/functional data, there was a lot of inference about activity and function.

      A few examples: L299 - "might have acquired peculiar biological activity."

      L301 - "support their relevance for the predatory and/or defensive strategies…"

      L326 - "abundance of this protein suggests a strong functional relevance…"

      L358 - "the structure presented a SCRiP-like W-shaped fold, indicative of a potential neurotoxic function."

      L427 - "suggestive of a peculiar chemical selectivity towards different lipids"

      L506 - "the cytolytic activity seems to be ascribable mostly to the six saposins"

      * *I suggest some removal or rewording throughout the Results/Discussion section to reflect the fact that most of this is purely speculative.

      This has been modified according to the reviewer’s suggestions.

      Regarding the following statement on L300 - "Notably, the transcripts for all these toxins had exceptionally high TPM values (1806, 569, 826 and 429, respectively for the U-GRTX-Esi14 to 17/18), which support their relevance for the predatory and/or defensive strategies of Eunicella singularis." These TPM values don't seem high to me e.g. 1806 TPM = 0.0018% of transcripts. How do these numbers compare to other "non-venom" components of the transcriptome? A graph illustrating this would be helpful.

      We thank the Reviewer for this suggestion. The expression values we report in this work were calculated based on an RNA-seq library generated from a whole body sample. Consequently, considering the low relative abundance of nematocysts to total body weight, we expect that the contribution of this cell type to the total extracted RNA to be rather low. We exploited the available information from a previously published single-cell RNA-seq dataset obtained from another octocoral species (i.e. Xenia, see Hu et al., 2020, Nature) to identify the most likely candidate nematocyst-specific mRNAs venom components having a 1:1 orthology relationship with E. singularis. In detail, we were able to detect high-confidence 1:1 orthologs for 242 out of the 432 Xenia genes included in cluster 11 in the study by Hu and colleagues (i.e. the cluster associated with nematocysts). This allowed us to assess the expression of the orthologous sequences, expected to share a similar cell-specificity, in E. singularis. The 242 putative nematocyst-specific mRNAs displayed an average expression level of 16.65 TPM (median = 4.85 TPM) in the whole body sample, and just 8 out of these (i.e. about 3% of the total) had an expression level higher than 100 TPM. Based on these observations, we believe that our statement that “all these toxins had exceptionally high TPM values” holds true. Supplementary table 2 reports the sequences of the toxins identified in the NEM-P together with the TPM of the corresponding transcripts.

      Regarding the following statement on L463 - "Our investigation unequivocally demonstrated that Octocorallia do produce venom" Was it not already known that Octocorallia have nematocysts and therefore are venomous (in which case this should be cited)? If this wasn't known, I don't think this study was really designed to test this hypothesis. Regardless, I don't think this is a meaningful claim to make here.

      This observation is correct. We have rephrased the text accordingly.

      Table S2: on what basis are the sequences highlighted in red considered "proteomics validated" e.g. confidence, coverage? Could a protein abundance column be included in this table (for NEM and WB tissues)?* *

      Residues highlighted in red in Table S2 (now Suppl tab. 4) correspond to the tryptic peptides identified with good confidence by the LC-MS analysis. We have added supplementary files, as per request of Reviewer #1, with the summary of the PEAKS Studio outputs for the two proteomes, highlighting the confidence and coverage scores. In Suppl. Tab. 4, coverage has been recalculated considering the sequence of the predicted mature peptide (not the precursor identified by PEAKS Studio). Finally, as PEAKS Studio does not provide a quantitative measure of the identified peptides (i.e., counts), we have calculated and added to said tables the exponentially modified Protein Abundance Index (emPAI), which provides an approximate label free measure of each protein’s abundance. We have also added the relative emPAI, which normalizes each protein's emPAI value relative to the total emPAI of all proteins in the sample, providing a percentage abundance. It is noteworthy that all the proteins that have been identified as putative toxins have higher relative emPAI values in the NEM-P, thus providing yet an additional indirect proof of the validity of the ethanol extraction protocol (see Suppl. Tab. 2 and 3).

      • Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation. *Additional experiments e.g. synthesis and activity assays would go a long way towards bolstering some of the conclusions. However, if some of the conclusions can be toned down a little (see comments above), I don't consider these to be essential.

      In my opinion, the study would benefit from some additional analyses (described in the comments above).

      See our answers to the specific comments above.

      Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.

      N/A* * Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?

      Yes. * Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? *No - I may be wrong, but as far as I can tell from the text, replicates were not collected. Three cDNA libraries were generated but were these replicates (please clarify this in the Methods)? It could be reasonably argued (and I would mostly agree) that replicates are not necessary for a general analysis of the composition of the samples. However in a couple of instances conclusions are drawn based on "differential expression". I suggest that in the absence of expression level replicates these conclusions should be withdrawn.

      The statements about differential expression (more correctly differential maturation) are based on proteomics results and not on DEG analysis in the transcriptome (see also reply to reviewer #1). All the claims have been rephrased and the supplementary figure 1 has been added to support our statements.

      Concerning the cDNA libraries, however, they were prepared as technical replicates to account for variations in venom expression among samples, and the resulting assemblies were pooled before assembly, as explained in the Methods section.

      • *"Abundance" of proteins or toxins was mentioned on occasion, but no data on quantification or abundance of proteins is mentioned anywhere (although this is something that could be done with the LC-MS/MS data). In my opinion these data would be very useful and should be included, especially if mentioned in the text.
      • *As previously discussed, we have calculated and added to the PEAKS output file the emPAI and the relative emPAI values. These data are now provided in the supplementary Tables 2 and 3.

      Minor comments:

      * *Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      Are there limitations to the ethanol extraction procedure (please add a paragraph in the Discussion)? Are there any previous studies using this procedure?

      This has been done: the potential drawbacks of the ethanol extraction procedure are now addressed in the Results and Discussion section.

      * *Are prior studies referenced appropriately?

      Yes, for the most part (but see comment above).

      * *Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      In general yes, although I found myself looking for actual data. Most of the current figures are summaries or cartoons. I would have liked to have seen pictures of the species in question (including a picture/diagram of the tissue from which the cDNA libraries and proteomes were derived); a picture of the nematocysts; the total ion chromatogram of the "venom"; Some type of figure to place the "toxin" expression level in the context of all transcripts; some more of the actual sequences identified including alignments (in the main text rather than the SI);

      Various figures in the manuscript have been modified in accordance to the Reviewers’ suggestions. We have included a workflow of the extraction with a picture of E. singularis and modified Fig1 (now Fig 2) to include the TIC of the NEM-P.

      Figure 4: could the motifs and termini for each be labelled please.

      This has been done.

      Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions? See comments above. In my opinion, the work done was quite preliminary (i.e. analysis of a single species and does not include any activity/functional data) but still significant and useful to the field. I felt that some of the conclusions were unnecessarily over-reaching and could be toned down without detracting from the importance of the manuscript.

      Several instances of hyperbole could be toned down e.g. use of the words: remarkable (L27); rich (L28); intricate (L38); significant (L189); peculiar (L299, 427); only (L191); exceptionally (L300); extremely (L316); strong (L326). Similarly, some wording is subjective e.g. "worthy of" (L33); "interestingly" (L220, 382, 426, 492, 535). Please amend.

      We have toned down our statements through the manuscript.

      "Homology" is used throughout when referring to similarity. Please change.

      This has been done

      Minor typos and similar:

      2.5 cm (L97) - use 25 mm (cm is not a standard scientific measure).

      30" (L97) - 30 min?

      ml (L97) - mL is technically correct although some journals use ml, regardless should be consistent throughout. Reverse-phase (L127) – reversed-phase

      30,000 (L141) – units?

      Typos were corrected.


      *Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):


      *SECTION B – Significance

      * ========================

      *- Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.

      * *Cnidarian venoms and toxins have been the subject of extensive study over the past several decades. However there has been very little work performed on corals. In this respect, this subject of this manuscript is significant.

      * *- Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).

      * *The subject of this manuscript i.e. the characterisation of the venom composition of a coral is an interesting topic. The work is rather preliminary, but still represents an important addition to the literature (without requiring overinterpretation of the results-see comments above).

      * *- State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      * *I would expect the manuscript to be of interest to others working in the toxinology field, particularly those working on Cnidarian venoms or toxins.

      * *- Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      * *Venom; Toxins; Pep

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Provide a short summary of the findings and key conclusions (including methodology and model system(s) where appropriate).

      This manuscript describes the proteotranscriptomic analysis of samples from the coral Eunicella singularis. A number of putative venom toxins are identified. In silico structural analyses are performed for select putative toxins and inferred activity/function is discussed. In my opinion the subject of the study is important. However, I have some important questions about the methodology (regarding "venom collection" and assignment of "venom components"), and given the preliminary nature of the study I found some of the conclusions (regarding activity) somewhat overstated.

      Major comments:

      • Are the key conclusions convincing?

      While some conclusions were justified, I felt unconvinced by others. Some of my pessimism stems from the technique used to extract the venom i.e. ethanol immersion. I'm not familiar with the use of this technique, however it strikes me as likely to be associated with some limitations. For example, while the nematocysts may indeed discharge their contents I would expect some contents e.g. larger proteins to be insoluble. Was this considered? This would have some major impacts on the conclusions drawn e.g. (L418: "absence, in the NEM-P of E. singularis, of the common cnidarian cytolytic proteins." AND (L492): "conventional pore forming toxins (PFTs) of Cnidaria, including the aerolysin-like Δ-GRTX-Esi29 and the two actinoporins Δ-GRTX-Esi30 and 31 were not retrieved in the nematocysts' proteome." Because of this observation, the authors concluded that these were not venom components in this species and speculated on other functions. However, I can't help wondering if these were simply excluded from analysis as a result of the ethanol extraction i.e. a false negative.

      Comparisons were made to other tissue samples (whole bodies). Were these samples prepared in the same way i.e. ethanol extraction? If not, the power of any comparisons would be limited.

      It was unclear to me exactly how "venom components" (Fig. 1A) were defined. Why are "enzymes" , "structural" and "unknow" NOT considered venom components when they were identified in the "venom" extract? Furthermore, a large proportion of proteins detected are "structural" - doesn't this suggest that the "venom" extract included a large proportion of false positives i.e. non-toxin proteins? Is it possible that some of the proteins which are considered as "venom components" are also false positives?

      The nematocyst ethanol extract is referred to throughout the manuscript as "venom". Similarly, what I would consider putative toxins are referred to throughout the manuscript as "toxins". Given the preliminary nature of the study I suggest the authors consider rewording these.

      In short, the evidence presented left me unconvinced that the nematocyst ethanol extract that was analysed represented the genuine "venom" of this species and that the "toxins" identified represent the genuine toxin repertoire. The authors should at least discuss potential limitations, defend my claims in this context and adjust conclusions accordingly. - Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?

      See comment above regarding venom collection and conclusions drawn.

      Also, despite the absence of any experimental activity/functional data, there was a lot of inference about activity and function. A few examples: L299 - "might have acquired peculiar biological activity." L301 ¬- "support their relevance for the predatory and/or defensive strategies..." L326 - "abundance of this protein suggests a strong functional relevance..." L358 - "the structure presented a SCRiP-like W-shaped fold, indicative of a potential neurotoxic function." L427 - "suggestive of a peculiar chemical selectivity towards different lipids" L506 - "the cytolytic activity seems to be ascribable mostly to the six saposins" I suggest some removal or rewording throughout the Results/Discussion section to reflect the fact that most of this is purely speculative.

      Regarding the following statement on L300 - "Notably, the transcripts for all these toxins had exceptionally high TPM values (1806, 569, 826 and 429, respectively for the U-GRTX-Esi14 to 17/18), which support their relevance for the predatory and/or defensive strategies of Eunicella singularis." These TPM values don't seem high to me e.g. 1806 TPM = 0.0018% of transcripts. How do these numbers compare to other "non-venom" components of the transcriptome? A graph illustrating this would be helpful.

      Regarding the following statement on L463 - "Our investigation unequivocally demonstrated that Octocorallia do produce venom" Was it not already known that Octocorallia have nematocysts and therefore are venomous (in which case this should be cited)? If this wasn't known, I don't think this study was really designed to test this hypothesis. Regardless, I don't think this is a meaningful claim to make here.

      Table S2: on what basis are the sequences highlighted in red considered "proteomics validated" e.g. confidence, coverage? Could a protein abundance column be included in this table (for NEM and WB tissues)? - Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.

      Additional experiments e.g. synthesis and activity assays would go a long way towards bolstering some of the conclusions. However, if some of the conclusions can be toned down a little (see comments above), I don't consider these to be essential.

      In my opinion, the study would benefit from some additional analyses (described in the comments above). - Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.

      N/A - Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?

      Yes. - Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?

      No - I may be wrong, but as far as I can tell from the text, replicates were not collected. Three cDNA libraries were generated but were these replicates (please clarify this in the Methods)? It could be reasonably argued (and I would mostly agree) that replicates are not necessary for a general analysis of the composition of the samples. However in a couple of instances conclusions are drawn based on "differential expression". I suggest that in the absence of expression level replicates these conclusions should be withdrawn.

      "Abundance" of proteins or toxins was mentioned on occasion, but no data on quantification or abundance of proteins is mentioned anywhere (although this is something that could be done with the LC-MS/MS data). In my opinion these data would be very useful and should be included, especially if mentioned in the text.

      Minor comments:

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      Are there limitations to the ethanol extraction procedure (please add a paragraph in the Discussion)? Are there any previous studies using this procedure? - Are prior studies referenced appropriately?

      Yes, for the most part (but see comment above). - Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      In general yes, although I found myself looking for actual data. Most of the current figures are summaries or cartoons. I would have liked to have seen pictures of the species in question (including a picture/diagram of the tissue from which the cDNA libraries and proteomes were derived); a picture of the nematocysts; the total ion chromatogram of the "venom"; Some type of figure to place the "toxin" expression level in the context of all transcripts; some more of the actual sequences identified including alignments (in the main text rather than the SI);

      Figure 4: could the motifs and termini for each be labelled please. - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?

      See comments above. In my opinion, the work done was quite preliminary (i.e. analysis of a single species and does not include any activity/functional data) but still significant and useful to the field. I felt that some of the conclusions were unnecessarily over-reaching and could be toned down without detracting from the importance of the manuscript.

      Several instances of hyperbole could be toned down e.g. use of the words: remarkable (L27); rich (L28); intricate (L38); significant (L189); peculiar (L299, 427); only (L191); exceptionally (L300); extremely (L316); strong (L326). Similarly, some wording is subjective e.g. "worthy of" (L33); "interestingly" (L220, 382, 426, 492, 535). Please amend.

      "Homology" is used throughout when referring to similarity. Please change.

      Minor typos and similar:

      2.5 cm (L97) - use 25 mm (cm is not a standard scientific measure). 30" (L97) - 30 min? ml (L97) - mL is technically correct although some journals use ml, regardless should be consistent throughout. Reverse-phase (L127) - reversed-phase 30,000 (L141) - units?


      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.

      Cnidarian venoms and toxins have been the subject of extensive study over the past several decades. However there has been very little work performed on corals. In this respect, this subject of this manuscript is significant. - Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).

      The subject of this manuscript i.e. the characterisation of the venom composition of a coral is an interesting topic. The work is rather preliminary, but still represents an important addition to the literature (without requiring overinterpretation of the results-see comments above). - State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      I would expect the manuscript to be of interest to others working in the toxinology field, particularly those working on Cnidarian venoms or toxins. - Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      Venom; Toxins; Peptides

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors of this work explore the venom repertoire of octocoral, a group of cnidarians whose venom has largely been ignored in the literature. As a first step into characterizing the venom of octocorals, the authors use a proteo-transcriptomic approach for Eunicella singularis, Specifically, they generated the transcriptome and proteome from whole-body as well as a more specific proteome of the nematocyst, a specialized sub-cellular structure found only in cnidarians and used to inject venom. The nematocyst proteome is a crucial dataset of the manuscript as it allows the authors to discriminate what is most likely a bona fide toxin compared to general physiological proteins.


      However, I have some skepticism regarding the legitimacy of this nematocyst proteome. Specifically, the proteins from this are nematocyst-specific. The authors used an approach to soak the animal in ethanol, which theoretically should cause the nematocyst to fire, releasing the venom housed inside. This is a technique previously used in box jellyfish where they show that indeed the nematocyst have fired using histological approaches. However, this was not validated for Eunicella singularis. I am hesitant to fully accept that the data from the nematocyst-proteome is specific. Other approaches, such as isolating nematocyst using a percoll gradient, will likely generate a more specific nematocyst proteome. This percoll gradient approach has been used to isolate nematocysts from different species of cnidarians ranging from hydra to sea anemones, however, I recognize that although this approach is robust for different cnidarians, acquiring enough material is challenging and maybe beyond the capacity for this octocoral. I would argue this would be the best approach, but if not feasible I can understand. However, other potential validation could be used to help improve the confidence that this is, at least mostly, nematocyst-specific. Furthermore, one could argue that this ethanol approach used in box jellyfish also specifically used tentacle, a tissue significantly enriched in nematocyst likely greatly improving the specificity in isolating nematocyst-specific proteins. whereas in this study they use a collection of whole polyps, therefore, anything that is extracted from the ethanol would precipitate. This is a much more complex collection of tissues which I would assume could interfere with isolating nematocyst-specific proteins

      A computational approach, that I think is essential, is to use the Xenia single-cell atlas. Xenia is also an octocoral with a nice single-cell atlas in which the cnidocytes form a distinct cluster. The authors can perform a reciprocal best-blast hit with the xenia genome and Eunicella singularis transcriptome and then see if gene-encoding proteins found in Eunicella nematocyst proteome have orthologs with genes found in the Xenia cnidocyte cluster. A statistical test could then be performed to show that there is a significant overlap between the nematocyst proteins from Eunicella and their orthologs in the Xenia cnidocyte cluster. This is still quite indirect but can give some insights. A better approach would be to perform proteomics from Xenia using the ethanol approach and mapping to see where the proteins captured are found in the atlas. This would massively elevate this work and provide proof that indeed this approach using ethanol is capable of precipitating nematocyst-specific proteins. I would strongly recommend trying to provide some evidence that this is indeed a nematocyst-specific protein, or at the least, is significantly enriched. Because this is unknown, many of the interpretations presented downstream are not well supported.

      Another major issue with the manuscript is the section referring to SCRiPs. First, the authors do not cite Jouiaei, Sunagar et al. (2015) which was the first publication to functionally characterize SCRiPs as toxins. Additionally, the majority of SCRiPs identified in this study and those found in Eunicella have a different cysteine framework. The authors acknowledge this online 245 but claim that, given the alphafold structure is similar, they are from the same gene family. First, I think this is very weak support as typically sharing a conserved cysteine framework is the bare minimum to categorize these toxins in a gene family. Although some cysteine frameworks are somewhat hard to resolve as the space between the cysteines can be variable, in this case, SCRiPs have a very distinct triple repeat of cysteines near the C terminal that is missing in these octocoral SCRiPs. These make me suspicious that these are indeed from the same gene family. Then relying on alphafold to predict the structure and claiming it's similar to Tau-AnmTx Ueq 12-1 from Urticina eques is also fairly weak support. Although I am not an expert in protein structures, I cannot tell from the images comparing the 2 structures in the supplementary figure s1 that these are similar. Perhaps you could align or overlap them, or give some readout of the similarity of these structures. Currently, I am skeptical of any of the SCRiPs described in this manuscript. Additionally, if the authors can show that indeed these are SCRiPs, again I would strongly advise the authors to check the Xenia scRNA-seq to see if these Xenia SCRiP-like sequences are expressed in cnidocytes.


      The ShK protein, U-GRTX-Esi4, strikes me as similar to NEP3 gene family identified in Nematostella, which also has 3 ShK domains (Columbus-Shenkar et al. 2018).

      Interestingly U-GRTX-Esi20 and 21 were found to be structurally similar to acrorhagin 1a but do not share a conserved cysteine framework ( 6 cysteines vs 8). One thing that the authors should be careful of, and perhaps point out that this is indeed not nematocyst-specific, is that an ortholog acrorhagin 1a was found to be expressed in the neurons in Nematostella (Sachkova et al. 2020). Perhaps ancestral acrorhagin 1 was found in the last common ancestor of Anthozoa but was a neuropeptide that got recruited to the venom in Actinia.

      Also in general the authors refer to a lot of phylogenetics that I cannot see in the paper. For example, on line 339:

      "Our genomic survey indicates that these two toxins belong to two distinct monophyletic orthogroups within a very large superfamily of cysteine-rich peptides, encoded by ancestrally duplicated paralogous genes with intronless structures, that also include other members in E. singularis, not detected in the NEM-P."

      What genomic survey are you referring to (where is this data)? What do you mean by "belong to two distinct monophyletic orthogroups".

      Also, there is no visualization of the results when the authors refer to the genomic surveys, especially when referring to intron-exon boundaries. Please include which genomes include which sequences and their given intron-exon boundaries for a given gene family. I do not understand how the authors resolved figure 4. How do you know there was a loss not a gain of f exon 2 in the gene encoding for U-GRTX-Esi17. Providing the genomic loci for the toxin gene families would help. Maybe something like figure 5 from Koludarov et al. (2024) would be useful, but ideally including intron-exon boundaries.

      In the methods the author's mention:

      "Whenever needed (i.e., U-GRTX-Esi20 and 21), a fine-scale classification of orthologous sequences was aided by Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic inference analyses, carried out with IQ-Tree [49] with 1000 ultrafast bootstrap replicates based on the best-fitting model of molecular evolution detected by ModelFinder [50]."

      So please include this data as supplementary figures. The authors did plenty of analysis they refer to but do not include this in the paper. This lack of data makes it very hard to follow many of the phylogenetic and genomic insights from this manuscript


      This work is very can be very useful in extending our knowledge of venom in cnidarians and can help build better resolution of the evolutionary history of the ecologically essential proteins

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript by Modica et al reports characterisation of the venom system in the white sea fan Eunicella singularis, a species of an octocorallian coral. E. singularis is common in the north-western Mediterranean sea. The authors used a proteo-transcriptomic approach followed by extensive bioinformatics analysis. Specifically, they generated a new E. singularis transcriptome and characterised extracts from nematocysyts (venom-bearing structures) and whole body using tandem mass spectrometry. Toxins were identified by HMMER using Tox-prot and VenomZone databases as queries as well as ClanTox web server.

      Major comments:

      1. As far as I am aware, venom production by ectodermal gland cells has been reported only in sea anemones (Moran et al, 2011), therefore it is unclear whether it is the case in the octocorallian sea fan as well. Additionally, cnidarian toxin-like proteins might be produced by neurons (Sachkova et al, 2020) or involved in development (Surm et al 2024). Thus, it is probable that in E. singularis not all the toxin-like proteins found in the whole body proteome and missing from the nematocyst proteome are venom components. Thus, additional experiments would be required to localise those proteins to ectodermal gland cells. I suggest to mention this limitation and refer to such proteins as "toxin-like" or "putative toxins".
      2. In addition to submitting proteomics data to PRIDE, it would be helpful for readers/reviewers to provide a supplementary excel file with all the peptides and proteins identified by PEAKS Studio. I could not access the data on PRIDE as I think they still have not been assigned a PXD dataset identifier.

      Minor comments:

      1. It would be helpful for readers to split the Results and Discussions into smaller subsections with headings, perhaps according to the identified toxin families. It would be also helpful to provide a summary figure with all the toxins identified and perhaps toxin expression levels. Especially showing cysteine patterns for new toxins would be very useful.
      2. It is unclear why the Toxin annotation pipeline is hidden in the supplementary material. It would be also helpful to show it as a schematic pipeline in the main text.
      3. The identification of proteolytic cleavage sites is not really described. It would be also helpful to mark them at the Figure 2.
      4. "Other peptides present in E. singularis nematocysts and displaying protease inhibitory domains, but likely lacking a toxin function (Kazal-type, cystatines, antistasins, and macins)..." - why do they likely lack a toxin function? what is the rational behind this statement?
      5. "cell- or tissue-specific differential maturation patterns" - I think the differential maturation needs to be confirmed by additional experiments to exclude a possibility of being an artifact due to low mass spectrometry sensitivity.
      6. "three consecutive ShK domains with peculiar characteristics (Suppl. Fig. 2)" - what are these characteristics?
      7. Fig. S1 legend: "Octocorallia (cyano bar) and Hexacorallia (blue bar)" - the bars look pink and cyan.

      Referee cross-commenting

      I agree with both reviewers that additional validation of the ethanol extraction method would be required to confirm its specificity and efficiency. Since ethanol is widely used for tissue fixation, I would guess that it is improbable that it leads to disruption of other coral cell types in addition to discharging nematocytes. However, to be 100% sure that would need to be confirmed experimentally. I think the suggestion to use Xenia single cell dataset to validate the nematocyst proteome reported in this paper is really worth trying. However, toxin-like genes in cnidarians might be recruited to non-venom cell types (Sachkova et al, 2020; Surm et al 2024) therefore if a gene is nematocyte-specific in one species it does not mean it would the same in another one, especially if they are distantly related. Thus, the best would be to run some additional experiments in Eunicella singularis, if the tissue is available.


      This study reports venom composition of an octocoral for the first time. These data are very important for understanding biology and ecology of these animals as they rely on venom for feeding and deterring predators. This study is a significant advancement of the cnidarian venomics as most of the literature is limited to sea anemone and jellyfish venoms. This study will be interesting to the broad audience: venomics and coral ecology communities, evolutionary biologists and marine scientists. The main strength of this work is that it provides a comprehensive overview of the venom system in a widespread octocoral species with important ecological roles. The limitations of this study is that the toxicity and biological function of the identified venom components have not been confirmed experimentally. However, the localisation of the proteins to nematocysts is a very strong indication of being a venom component.

      My expertise: cnidarian venom (biochemistry, ecology and evolution).

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This study analyses the shugoshin gene (SGO1) of the single-celled basidiomycete Cryptococcus neoformans. The function of Sgo proteins has been studied in various organisms, including yeasts (budding and fission yeast, C. albicans), flies, frog eggs, mammals, and plants. In general, Sgo proteins function as adapter proteins that recruit activities, such as the PP2A phosphatase, the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), kinesins, or condensin to the pericentromeric region and kinetochores. This is required for proper biorientation of sister kinetochores at metaphase, correction of erroneous microtubule-kinetochore attachments, signaling by the spindle-assembly checkpoint (SAC), and protection of centromeric cohesin from removal by separase at meiosis and a non-proteolytic pathway in mammalian mitosis. These processes are interconnected, which has made distinguishing different functions of Sgo proteins a challenging and ongoing task.

      The authors use plate assay to show that proliferation of the sgo1 mutant is sensitive to microtubule-depolymerizing drugs. Double mutants with a deletion of the SAC component MAD2 or a non-essential kinetochore subunit are even more sensitive. The sgo1 mutant fails to halt cell division, re-budding, and DNA replication in the presence of a MT drug, suggesting that it is defective in inducing or maintaining SAC activity.

      Live-cell imaging is used to analyze the kinetochores recruitment of several proteins involved in error correction and/or SAC activity in the presence of a MT drug. They conclude that sgo1 mutants fail to maintain the SAC kinase Bub1 at kinetochores. Furthermore, sgo1 mutants fail to maintain at kinetochores the Aurora B kinase, which is required for error correction and SAC activity. Conversely, sgo1 mutants recruit higher levels of the PP1 phosphatase, which is known to oppose Aurora B in several processes. The authors suggest that the sgo1 mutant is defective in SAC function because it shifts the balance between Aurora B and PP1 towards the latter.

      While the kinase activity of Bub1 promotes the SAC, it is not essential. However, kinase activity is required for recruitment of Sgo1 to centromeres/kinetochores. Bub1 phosphorylates histone H2A to which Sgo1 is thought to bind via its conserved SGO domain. The authors analyzed a BUB1 kinase-dead mutant and find it to be defective in SAC activity, while a mutation in Sgo1's SGO domain is SAC proficient. The authors conclude that Sgo1 recruitment in Cryptococcus differs from the conventional, Bub1-dependent mechanism.

      Finally, the author present experiments suggesting that Sgo1 localizes to spindle pole bodies (SPBs) and the spindle, whereas it accumulates at the pericentromere in other organisms.

      Major comments

      This work might be seen against the background of a large body of work on Sgo proteins in various organisms, including detailed and mechanistic studies in yeast and animals. The author should better explain what we might learn from a less-commonly studied microorganism in which detailed mechanistic studies are much harder. They briefly mention that Cryptococcus has an unconventional kinetochore but do not elaborate. Studying Sgo in such a context is certainly interesting and would give this work a unique angle.

      One of the challenges of working on Sgo function is to distinguish its functions in the interconnected processes of biorientation, error correction, and SAC activity. For instance, the authors show that sgo1 mutants fail to arrest at metaphase in response to microtubule depolymerization. Does this failure lead to the loss of Bub1/Aurora from kinetochores or is this loss the reason for the inability to arrest? Furthermore, error correction leads to SAC activation, which in turn leads to accumulation of proteins relevant to error correction. The authors should discuss these issues.

      The authors might want to refrain from making detailed claims about the mechanism of Sgo recruitment to subcellular structures, while the experiments presented are not detailed enough to reject more conventional models. The authors detect Sgo on SPBs and the spindle, which does not mean that it is absent from kinetochores or the pericentromere. I note that vertebrate Sgo1 has originally been identified as a microtubule-binding protein.

      Recruitment of Sgo to the pericentromere is more complex than implied by the authors. Bub1's kinase activity is important but not essential for SAC function. It is required for Sgo recruitment even in cells containing a phosphomimic version of histone H2A, and Sgo proteins have additional binding partners at the pericentromere, including cohesin and HP1.

      Minor comments

      The time course experiments are difficult to interpret. It would be preferably to show separate curves for large-budded cells and e.g. Bub1 or Aurora B at kinetochores. It is difficult to see what fraction of cells arrested at metaphase and what fraction recruited Bub1/Aurora B.

      I cannot judge the live imaging experiments. Materials and Methods mentions the removal of outliers and the bridging of gaps in the imaging but lacks information on how these procedures might affect the data presented. Furthermore, the graphs showing statistics are unconventional. They present the means of three experiments (open circles) and all the individual data points (colored circles), while the (very small) error bars refer to the means (that is what I assume). It would be preferable to separately show the individual data points and their respective means and then use an ANOVA to compare them.

      The live -cell imaging experiments could be presented as montages (or, indeed, movies) to capture changes over time. Also, the quantification might be presented as percentages or intensities over time - not just a single timepoint. After all, the authors claim that the relevant proteins are first recruited to but then lost from kinetochores in the sgo1 mutant.

      Referee Cross-Commenting

      I agree with the comments made by the other reviewers. In particular, all reviewers indicate that claims about a new mechanism (Bub1-independent role of Sgo1) should be toned down or backed-up by new experiments. Same for the relevance of the localization of Sgo1 to spindles and SPBs. In agreement with reviewer #2, I would strongly recommend describing and discussing the use of C. neoformans. I still feel that presentation, analysis, and statistics of the live-imaging experiments should be improved.


      This study is interesting to researchers working on mechanisms of chromosome segregation in microorganisms and the functions of Sgo proteins. As stated above, the author could make their study more appealing if they explained the unique features of Cryptococcus with regards to chromosome segregation. This reviewer works on mechanisms controlling chromosome segregation including Sgo proteins but is not familiar with the Cryptococcus system.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study investigates the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) in a budding yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. The authors propose that Sgo1, the shugoshin homolog in the above species, maintains the SAC activity independently of the Bub1 kinase activity, which is usually critical for the full SAC activity in other species.

      Major comments:

      The main conclusion of the manuscript may not appear convincing because of the following reasons (1) The spotting assay in Fig. 5B can be interpreted as Sgo1 depends on the Bub1 kinase activity as in other species, but Sgo1 also has additional roles in chromosome segregation, which leads to the stronger sensitivity to TBZ in sgo1∆ compared to bub1-kd. (2) Both bub1-kd and sgo1∆ show defects in maintaining SAC arrest (Fig. 2D). If Sgo1 does not depend on the Bub1 kinase activity to maintain SAC arrest, Bub1 is maintaining the arrest through other pathways. Therefore, if the authors repeated this experiment with sgo1∆ bub1-kd double mutants, there would be an additive effect and the cells would arrest less efficient compared to single mutants. On the other hand, if Sgo1 depends on Bub1, the double mutant will behave similarly to single mutants. I strongly recommend the authors to perform this experiment. (3) Along the same line; if it is not through Sgo1, how does the Bub1 kinase activity support the SAC arrest? (4) The authors conclude that the SPB localization is critical for Sgo1 functions. However, there are some dotty Sgo1 signals between the SPBs in metaphase (Fig. 6A) that could be centromeric localization. I would recommend the authors to repeat this experiment in bub1-kd mutant to see if they detect similar centromeric enrichment of Sgo1. If not, this indicate that there is a Sgo1 pool at the centromere that depends on Bub1, similar to other species. (5) The only convincing supporting evidence is the Sgo1-K382A mutant showing no TBZ sensitivity, but this data is not sufficient to draw the conclusion (and having this conclusion as their tile) because the SGO motif is not so conserved and this mutation may not be completely abolishing the interaction with H2ApT120.

      Minor comments:

      Line 180-181: Mad2 is the master regulator of SAC, and mad2 mutants cancel the SAC completely in other systems. However, it appears that sgo1∆mad2∆ has slightly "stronger" SAC compared to mad2∆. This is an interesting observation, and I recommend the authors to speculate why deleting sgo1 made the SAC stronger in mad2∆ cells. Also, this contradicts with the TBZ sensitivity that sgo1∆mad2∆ shows higher sensitivity compared to mad2∆. This would also be a nice discussion point.

      Line 210: The evidence presented to make this point is flawed. Fig. 2D shows that the sgo1 mutant starts with a percent large-budded cells with signal below the other two (see 40 min). It would make sense then that the peak for sgo1∆ cells is lower at the inflection point the authors are referring to around 160min. A better argument is that bub1-kd and sgo1∆ act like each other, not that there is a particular difference. This again points out the possibility that Sgo1 and the Bub1 kinase activity is in the same pathway for the SAC signaling.

      Line 330: Is the centromeric localization actually killed in Sgo1-K382A mutant? Tagging the mutant protein with GFP would be informative (also see comments above regarding Sgo1 localization experiment in bub1-kd background).

      Line 385: The resolution used in this microscopy is not enough to tell whether or not Sgo1 localizes to centromeres in this species. Perhaps the kinetochore pool of Sgo1 is buried in the spindle signal the authors see. I understand the technical difficulty but an experimental system to completely dissociate kinetochores from SPB (like nda3-cs mutant in pombe) is required to make this conclusion.

      Line 418: Again, this conclusion is supported by weak evidence. Perhaps Sgo1 localization is more diffuse than expected along the spindle and concentrated at SPBs, but it is premature to conclude that there is not a pool of Sgo1 that does not localize in the proximity of centromeres in this particular species.

      • There are no error bars in the Figure 3F and Supp Figure 4B. Are these experiments repeated?
      • The quantification of the intensity of the fluorescent signals is performed on the maximum intensity Z-projected images, and it is recommended to use sum-projected images for accurate measurement.


      The authors investigate fundamental mechanisms that support faithful chromosome segregation, using a non-typical model organism. It is very important to study diverse model systems to comprehensively understand what the conserved mechanisms are in each lineage.

      our expertise: mitosis and meiosis, mouse oocytes, spindle, chromosome segregation, centromere, confocal microscopy, genetics, cell biology

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors characterized the mitotic function of Shugoshin SGO1 in a basidiomycete budding yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. Sgo1 is well conserved protein, which ensures the maintenance of spindle assembly checkpoint signals in response to unattached kinetochore. Based on their results the authors propose that Shugoshin monitors the kinetochore-MT attachments by maintaining higher Aurora B and lower PP1 levels at kinetochores. Shugoshin localizes to centromeres/kinetochores during mitosis in most species, however Shugoshin in C. neoformans specifically localizes to SPBs and along the mitotic spindle. Two of the distinctive findings are the unique localization of Sgo1 and the Bub1 kinase independent checkpoint maintenance function of Sgo1.

      The experiments are performed thoroughly with appropriate controls. suitable statistical measures, and results are presented in a manner that is logical and easy to understand. Although results are interesting for the centromere and chromosome biology communities, mechanistic studies for localization of Sgo1 and how the unique Bub1 independent kinase function of Sgo1 mediates its function has not been adequately addressed. Also, I was not very clear of the unique advantage of pursuing studies with this yeast? How are these studies advancing our understanding of chromosome segregation in human health and disease? Are there other differences between findings from C. neoformans and budding/fission yeast wrt to chromosome segregation?

      Major Comments:

      1. Localization of Sgo1 to CEN or not? Authors report that Sgo1 is recruited to SPBs and along the mitotic spindle (lines 332-362). They have also observed Sgo1 signal at the periphery of the kinetochore. In other systems, Sgo1 has been associated with CEN and peri-CEN chromatin (Deng and Kuo 2018 G3 8:2901-2911; Garcia-Nieto et al. 2023 NSMB 30: 853-859). Cell biology is not most definitive to rule out kinetochore localization, ChIP experiments are most definitive can these be done?
      2. Localization of Sgo1 to SPB. As highlighted in summary of the review, recruitment of Sgo1 to the SPBs is an interesting observation for C. neoformans, however, the molecular mechanisms involved in this novel function of Sgo1 remains unknown. Which factors mediate the localization of Sgo1 to the SPBs during the cell cycle? The recruitment of Sgo1 to SPBs could be influenced or mediated by the geometric changes in the mitotic spindle that occur during the mitosis. It is possible that orientation of mitotic spindle relative to the kinetochore during the mitotic cell cycle may dictate the recruitment of Sgo1 to the SPBs. There is precedent from S. cerevisiae where kinetochore protein Ndc10 was found to be associated with SPBs and along mitotic spindle (Bouck and Bloom, 2005 PNAS 102: 5408-5413). It is likely that similar mechanisms might be involved for Sgo1. One of the candidate genes mediating localization of Sgo1 to the SPBs could be the components of CPCs (Abad et al. 2022 JCB 221:e202108156). Authors should at least examine one of them that will help provide a mechanistic insight into the novel role of Sgo1 at the SPBs.
      3. Bub1 independent function of Sgo1. It would be useful to provide the evolutionarily timescale for the gain or loss of Bub1-independent SAC function of Sgo1. An evolutionary comparison between basidiomycetes and ascomycetes would help readers understand the biological reasoning and significance of Bub1-independent SAC function of Sgo1.
      4. Bub1 independent function of Sgo1. What is the localization of Sgo1 in bub1-kd strain?
      5. Authors have established a relationship between Sgo1, Bub1 and Aurora B (lines 247-248). However, such observations could also be mediated by other molecular factors.. It will improve their manuscript and conclusions if they provide further evidence for in vivo interaction of Sgo1 with Bub1 or Aurora B in C. neoformans using Co-IP.

      Minor Comments:

      1. Figure 1D: The figure is very crowded and difficult to understand. Authors should use letters to show the statistical significance instead of drawing multiple lines.
      2. Figures 1B and 5D: The sgo1null strain is not sensitive to 3 ug of thiabendazole in Figure 1B but it is in figure 5D. Please explain.
      3. Figures 1 and 2: Authors have used 1 ug of nocodazole in figure 1 and it is 2.5 ug in figure 2. Please explain.
      4. Figure 2C-2E: Is GFP-Bub1 signals in sgo1∆ similar to GFP-bub1-kd signals? To clarify the GFP-bub1-kd signals in Figure 2, the authors should show pictures of GFP-bub1-kd signals in Figure 2C, as well as GFP-bub1-kd intensity in Figure 2E. They need to explain how they score the diffused GFP-Bub1 signals in the whole cells of 280 min post-nocodazole treatment.
      5. In line 253-256, the authors incubated the Aurora B-overexpressed cells (galactose medium) at permissive temperature, but Aurora B-depleted cells (glucose medium) at non-permissive temperature. What is the purpose for incubations at different temperatures? Do the Aurora B-overexpressed cells show a ts phenotype?
      6. Reproducibility of localization pattern of GFP-Sgo1 in Figure 6. Can the signals be quantified?
      7. Figure 5: Since Sgo1 in C. neoformans has unique localization pattern, it is possible that the target of phosphorylation by Bub1 is different, rather than binding to phosphorylated H2A. The authors should at least discuss the possibility.
      8. Authors have used a linker protein Bgi1 as a control (lines 148-150). However, there are other controls, which are more suitable than Bgi1. Perhaps authors should use a protein that interacts with microtubules. One of the candidates in this experiment would be evolutionarily conserved Ndc80.
      9. Bub1 independent function of Sgo1. It is unclear which factors are involved in Bub1-independent function of Sgo1.. It is possible that histone H3 or its variant CENP-A might have some role in Sgo1 recruitment as has been shown for S. cerevisiae and other systems (Luo et al. 2016 Genetics 204:1029-1043; Wu et al. 2023 JMCB, mjad061; Mishra et al. 2018 Cell Cycle 17:11-23). Authors can try to deplete CENP-A and examine the localization of Sgo1 at the kinetochore and at the SPBs in Bub1 and its mutant strains.

      Referee Cross-Commenting

      Summary: The data supporting an unusual role of Sgo1 as indicated in the title is not supported by the data. Two main conclusions of the paper are the unique localization of Sgo1 and the Bub1 kinase independent role of Sgo1. With respect to localization: Molecular evidence to rule out lack of Sgo1 at centromeric and pericentromeric regions is needed (ChIP, FRET) is needed. Same is true for SPB association is this affected in spb mutants?

      Bub1 kinase independent role of Sgo1 needs further experimentation.

      Discussion about the significance of studying C. neoformans needs to be included.


      The experiments are performed thoroughly with appropriate controls. suitable statistical measures, and results are presented in a manner that is logical and easy to understand. Although results are interesting for the centromere and chromosome biology communities, mechanistic studies for localization of Sgo1 and how the unique Bub1 independent kinase function of Sgo1 mediates its function has not been adequately addressed. Also, I was not very clear of the unique advantage of pursuing studies with this yeast? How are these studies advancing our understanding of chromosome segregation in human health and disease? Are there other differences between findings from C. neoformans and budding/fission yeast wrt to chromosome segregation?

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors present a thorough characterization of the mitotic protein Shugoshin (Sgo1) in the context of Cryptococcus neoformans, an interesting and medically important fungal species. Sgo1 function in chromosome segregation has been well-studied in other eukaryotic species: it recruits the error correction kinase Aurora B and Protein Phosphatase 2 to the centromere and promotes the loading of cohesion at the centromeric locus. The primary function of these proteins is to enable the bipolar attachment of sister chromatids to the spindle apparatus. In this manuscript, Polysetty et al mainly investigate the "secondary" function of Sgo1 in Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) signaling. They show that: (1) sgo1Δ cells fail to maintain a prolonged SAC response to spindle poisons, because they cannot achieve or maintain normal Bub1 recruitment at unattached kinetochores. (2) The lower Bub1 recruitment is mainly due to the loss of centromeric Aurora B recruitment and increased PP1 recruitment to the kinetochore. There are some interesting departures from the behavior Sgo1 known in other eukaryotes. (3) Sgo1 localizes to the spindle poles in C neoformans with smaller amounts dispersed along the spindle. (4) Furthermore, Sgo1 localization at the centromeres does not require Bub1 kinase activity. Based on these and other observations, the authors advance a model for how Sgo1 is recruited to the centromeres and how it promotes strong SAC response to spindle poisons.

      Main comments:

      1. In interpreting the effects of thiabendazole on colony growth, the authors should also consider the role of Sgo1 in promoting bipolar attachments by establishing centromeric cohesion and proper geometry (Indjeian and Murray Current Biology 2007, Verzijlbergen et al. eLife 2014). In the absence of Sgo1, cells are more likely to divide with wrongly attached chromosomes and become highly aneuploid, which may promote mortality. The relative importance of Sgo1 function in biorientation and SAC signaling will have to be established using known separation of function mutations in Sgo1.
      2. Unless I am missing something, the phenotypes of Sgo1 related to the SAC are completely consistent with the established model of Aurora B and PP1 roles in regulating SAC signaling. Sgo1 promotes Aurora B activity at the kinetochore, and the increased Aurora B activity can promote SAC signaling by: (1) delaying SAC silencing by creating unattached kinetochores during error correction, (2) suppressing PP1 recruitment to the kinetochore, and (3) potentially phosphorylating MELT motif-proximal residues to promote Bub1 recruitment as has been observed in Drosophila (Audette et al MBoC 2021). Conversely, Sgo1 deletion will result in hyperstabilization of even wrong kinetochore-microtubule attachments, higher PP1 recruitment and, therefore, weaker SAC signaling. These points should be discussed when interpreting the results in this study.
      3. Phenotypes related to the sgo1-K382A mutations are interesting, and they suggest that Sgo1 recruitment may be independent of Bub1 kinase activity. However, the data need to be strengthened to fully support this conclusion. First, the multiple sequence alignment for Sgo1 shows lysine residues at position 381 and 382 in Cryptococcus. This makes me wonder if the point mutation is sufficient to abolish the Sgo1-pH2A interaction. Second, the expression levels of the mutant should be compared with the wild type to confirm that the phenotype is not due to over-expression/stabilization of the mutant protein. I understand that the thiabendazole resistance of Bub1-kd is quite interesting, but Haspin kinases are also involved in loading Sgo1 at the centromere. The authors could investigate their role in Crypotcoccus to define the alternative mechanism of centromere specific Sgo1 loading.
      4. In Figure 6, the authors find strong Sgo1 colocalization at the spindle poles and what they describe as "spindle-like location along the pole-to-pole axis" (lines 358-360). The authors should consider the possibility that this is the pool of centromere associated Sgo1 because it colocalizes reasonably well with CENPA. This interpretation obviates the necessity of the complex model in Figure 6E explaining Sgo1 loading at the centromeres. Given that there must be Sgo1 at the centromeres, the null hypothesis has to be that this Sgo1 is associated with centromeres rather than microtubules. The authors could use biochemical methods to test the hypothesis. Alternatively, BiFC ro FRET based assays may be useful if the authors want to persist with cell biology experiments.

      Minor points:

      1. The authors use gene repression and over-expression using the Gal1 promoter, but do not assay protein levels for the degree of over-expression. This is fine in many cases because the phenotypes are consistent with over-expression/repression. However, it needs to be confirmed when interpreting the effects of point mutations, e.g., Bub1-kd, Sgo1-K382, etc.
      2. I found the model in 5A confusing because the arrows are used to indicate both protein recruitment and promotion/expression of downstream proteins/events. Adding to the confusion is the inverted sgo1 → Aur B direction. The authors should simplify this important panel.
      3. The model in Figure 6E is missing some information: gradients in Sgo1 and Ipl1 pools are shown, but they don't line up with the spindle direction and are not otherwise indicated on the spindle. Importantly, this model is necessary only if the authors can conclusively show that the Sgo1 along the spindle axis is associated with microtubule and not the centromere.
      4. The authors examine Sgo1's role in loading cohesin at the centromere in Figure S6. An interesting experiment would be to test the thiabendazole sensitivity of Scc1 over-expressing cells to understand whether it can suppress the effects of sgo1Δ.

      Referee Cross-Commenting

      I think Reviewer #2's comment above summarizes the all the comments effectively. I don't have anything else to add.


      This is a well-constructed and well-executed study. However, the interpretation of many of the results and how strongly these results depart from what's already known in other systems is debatable. Almost all the results describing CnSgo1 involvement in SAC signaling reinforce the established model that Sgo1 recruits Aurora B, which suppresses the recruitment of PP1, the main antagonist for Bub1 recruitment. Thus, Δsgo1 cells are unable to mount a strong SAC response because increased PP1 recruitment antagonizes SAC signaling. In my view, the novel findings are the Bub1 kinase activity-independent loading of Sgo1 at the centromere and the surprising Sgo1 localization at the spindle poles. The manuscript will generate wider interest if the authors dissected the molecular basis of these unexpected observations rather than its established functions. Doing so will require a functional and molecular dissection of Sgo1.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Reply to the Reviewers

      I thank the Referees for their...

      Referee #1

      1. The authors should provide more information when...

      Responses + The typical domed appearance of a hydrocephalus-harboring skull is apparent as early as P4, as shown in a new side-by-side comparison of pups at that age (Fig. 1A). + Though this is not stated in the MS 2. Figure 6: Why has only...

      Response: We expanded the comparison

      Minor comments:

      1. The text contains several...

      Response: We added...

      Referee #2

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Dr. Ancheta et al. designed several parameters to assess different velocity algorithms, including local consistency, method agreement, overlap of derived genes, and robustness to sequencing depth. Generally, this helps scientists understand the performance of each software. However, I don't think this is enough to help scientists judge which one is better. The biggest problem in the manuscript is the lack of a ground truth. I suggest the authors choose tissues with reliable ground truth, such as spermiogenesis, which has a single lineage direction. You would see a clear streamline from pachytene spermatocytes to sperm, or embryonic cells with different culture days, where the direction should go from earlier to later stages. I strongly suggest the authors use clear lineage samples like spermiogenesis. After that, I think it will be a very helpful paper for scientists.

      1. Local consistency is a useful parameter that helps scientists determine which one has more uniform directions.

      2. Method agreement is problematic because I don't know which one is ground truth. If you cannot get ground truth, you could use the average direction or angle as the ground truth to see which one is significantly biased from the averages.

      3. The overlap of the driver genes also lacks ground truth. Fig4C is good; we could use the overlap of all methods' genes as ground truth to see which one is too biased. I suggest you perform a GO term analysis to see the driver gene distribution and count how many genes are related to the expected GO term. That would also provide evidence to support the ground truth.

      4. Robustness to sequencing depth is a good parameter. No comment.

      5. The discussion could include more about other methods, such as nascent RNA single-cell sequencing methods and full-length single-cell sequencing methods, which improve the estimation of alpha, beta, and gamma. This could help delve deeper into enhancing the velocity program.


      The biggest problem in the manuscript is the lack of a ground truth. I suggest the authors choose tissues with reliable ground truth, such as spermiogenesis, which has a single lineage direction. You would see a clear streamline from pachytene spermatocytes to sperm, or embryonic cells with different culture days, where the direction should go from earlier to later stages. I strongly suggest the authors use clear lineage samples like spermiogenesis. After that, I think it will be a very helpful paper for scientists.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors present a comparative statistical analysis of five RNA velocity methods using two datasets and a single performance metric. Using the selected statistical metric, they describe the variable performance of RNA velocity methods, their variable robustness across different cell states, and the discrepancy of sets of identified lineage-specific driver genes.

      At this point, the scientific community extensively documented limitations and lack of stability of RNA velocity performance across methods and datasets. In that context, the manuscript lacks clear theoretical and practical conclusions that would be beneficial to the scientific community.

      The choice to focus on only a subset of RNA velocity methods is not discussed. Recent and important extensions, such as VeloVAE, VeloVI, LatentVelo, and Pyro-Velocity, are omitted, which limits the generality of the analysis. The statistical properties of the chosen consistency metric are not explored. The authors do not provide a justification for why this metric is appropriate for comparative analysis. Additionally, the authors do not present how the consistency score can be utilized to evaluate RNA velocity performance on user datasets. Overall, a discussion of the pressing issue of choosing statistical metrics to interpret RNA velocity results is lacking. The pros and cons of different RNA velocity methods, especially in light of the various statistical metrics, are not discussed. The manuscript does not present conclusions from the sampling analysis of sequencing depth. For instance, formalizing these findings with code that users can employ for their datasets would enhance the manuscript's practical utility. Overall, the manuscript would benefit from a thorough benchmark of the methodological approaches in the RNA velocity field, and testing various methods to evaluate RNA veloicty performance.


      At this point, the scientific community extensively documented limitations and lack of stability of RNA velocity performance across methods and datasets. In that context, the manuscript lacks clear theoretical and practical conclusions that would be beneficial to the scientific community.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors present a survey of RNA velocity methods, evaluate them on a variety of model datasets, and introduce metrics to determine the local consistency of each individual method. They investigate differences between the methods with a separate metric that identifies consistency across methods, and using this, comment on applicability of each method to novel datasets. The effect of these differences on a downstream driver-gene identification task is also evaluated, and further conclusions are drawn related to this, particularly related to variability as a function of sequencing depth.

      Major comments:

      • There are a few changes that could be made to improve future applicability. One assumption seems to be that consistency between methods will indicate the most likely trajectory, however without a number of ground truth trajectories it seems that this is difficult to justify. In fact, there are probably good reasons why this would not be the case and that some methods might well be expected to underperform in certain cases. A deep comparison of the mechanics of the methods, or validating a robust set of novel ground truth trajectories, is probably beyond the scope of this paper, but it would be good to make some reference to the fact that these methods do differ in ways that might lead one to expect that some outperform others for good reasons.
      • Related to this, it's still tricky to identify a clear path between the underlying approaches of the methods, the empirical observations in Fig 6, and how a reader coming cold to the field could match these aspects to the aims for the analysis of their own dataset. Though, I think that this might well be solved by rephrasing Fig 6 to include statements on the dataset itself - e.g., if you have large transcriptional diversity and a smaller dataset, then probably you would disfavour DeepVelo.

      • One other suggestion relates to the uncertainties in the trajectories. This is touched upon in the case of the 'DeepVelo' method, where, for example, it's mentioned that these have a large number of parameters and could be prone to overfitting. However, the paper doesn't go as far to suggest that this could result in the trajectories having a much higher variance, which is is potentially evident in the sequencing depth study. This is perhaps a confounding issue in the comparisons in, for example, Fig 1a, where it seems that there is much more dynamical structure in the DeepVelo plot, but in reality this may be due to a higher degree of variance in the predictions. In this case, it may be that, in fact, all of the trajectories are perfectly consistent between the methods, within their uncertainties, despite the 'mean' values displayed in the plot looking quite different.

      • Likely a full accounting of the uncertainties on all of the outputs of these models is also beyond the scope of the paper, however some indication of what the variance of these trajectories looks like (or the average value of this across the UMAMP plot, etc), although optional, would also be another valuable point of comparison between the methods. Bootstrap resampling of the data and re-running the methods, for example, would likely give a good indication of the consequences of the behaviour seen in the sequencing depth studies.

      Minor comments on specific sections:


      It would be good to define exactly what you mean by 'state' with respect to the expression (or expression programs, etc) up front here.

      • lineages between states' sounds a little awkward to me, I would suggest something like 'state lineages' instead.
      • During cellular transitions' - suggest removing and starting with 'scRNASeq data...'
      • Also would be good to define concretely what you mean by 'trajectory' with respect to expression
      • inconsistent or incorrect directionalities' - suggest 'inconsistent or incorrect trajectories'?

      Perhaps move 'RNA velocity has been applied...' after the description of RNA velocity

      • Given these limitations...' - it would perhaps be nice to give some vignettes of how the methods differ before discussing their limitations
      • As the mRNA matures...' - perhaps mention the key piece of information is the splicing out of introns, and this permits identification of the mature and immature mRNA (otherwise it seems a bit vague), and/or define splicing in the text
      • The method yields...' - redundant?
      • ...linear differential equations with constant slope...' - unclear what 'constant slope' means here
      • steady state solution' - not clear whether 'steady state' here is synonymous with 'equilibrium', so it would be good to define (e.g., whether this means alpha = gamma, or whether this is a statement on beta, etc).
      • ..the directionality in the cell-cell graph,...' - not clear how this becomes a graph, so it would be good to expand on how this is obtained
      • the results depend heavily on chosen hyperparameters' - not clear that the other methods don't have this issue. I would guess that this is a matter of degree, but it would be good to indicate whether there are specific reasons why some models are expected to be less sensitive by construction.
      • treating them as probabilistic events and resulting in a Markov process' -> 'treating them as probabilistic events in a Markov process
      • a dynamic model (scv-Dyn) to address many of the original issues' - not clear from this description how the methods fixes these issues. Perhaps also talk a bit more about this 'latent time' parameter, if it's useful to contextualise the results later.
      • deriving gene-specific splicing parameters in a single step,' - not clear what doing this in a 'single step' is, or why it might be advantageous.
      • graph convolution' -> graph convolutional
      • ...but also its neighbors...' - neighbours in what space?
      • the mouse pancreas, a well studied lineage' - phrasing sounds a bit weird, maybe 'with a well studied lineage'?
      • RNA velocity streams' -> trajectories? (if defined before)
      • Therefore, a general benchmark that compares RNA velocity methods...' It might be nice here also to explain what exactly one might expect to be the ground truth in this case, as it's not particularly clear that something like VeloCyto that apparently predicts basically nothing is a 'bad' result compared to something like scv-Sto which predicts much more complicated dynamics where there may not be any.
      • Disparate or contradictory results from various RNA velocity methods undermine our confidence in the predicted trajectories.' -

      As mentioned before, I think it is important here to add that these methods were each individually developed for a specific purpose, and likely with an aim to improve upon previous techniques in the literature. So I think this kind of statement would have to be motivated a bit better, if claiming this without specific reference to the designs of each of the techniques on their own merit. For example, one could imagine in future an 'oracle' method that somehow predicts all trajectories with 100% accuracy, but its results are rejected because they don't align with the earlier and more primitive methods in the field. Equivalently, it could be such that one model is designed specifically for a specific type of dataset, or in the low data size regime, so a comparison using other datasets is more unfair (I don't think that is necessarily the case here, but without surveying the rest of the literature, a reader would not know that).


      • 30 nearest neighbors' - With a fixed number of neighbours rather than a fixed similarity, it seems like you might end up getting results that are hard to compare if this is calculated in a sparse region (or the datasets have significantly different sizes)?
      • Cell types from well-defined lineages...', '...those with more complex cellular heterogeneity...' - it would be good to indicate how these are considered 'well defined' and what 'more complex cellular heterogeneity' refers to (whether this is just from the UMAP, or whether these are statements that include prior biological assumptions that are used to evaluate the method).
      • ...their differentiation process is more complex..' ... '..lineages with complex diversity...' - is this a statement based purely on the variation in expression? If so, it would be good to be clear here.
      • ...the landscape's smoothness varies depending on cell type.' - it's been a while since you mentioned 'landscape', so it would be good to remind the reader that this is the distribution of expression in your high dimensional space.
      • correlated with cell diversity' -> cell type diversity? Although 'notochord, endoderm and hindbrain' have already been indicated as 'cell types' here, so this is a little confusing
      • ...can indicate overtraining or over smoothing...' - this seems a little contradictory, where I would assume that overtraining would result in higher variance, and oversmoothing would give the opposite effect?
      • Altogether, the variation in agreement...' - it would be nice to go a little further here and make specific recommendations, even if it's something very vague, as there will be cases where there are no clear biological clues.


      • ..overlap in macrostates...' - even if macrostates is a term defined in CellRank, it would be good to redefine it here for the reader
      • ..scv-Dyn and UniTVelo both utilize a shared latent time variable..' - is it possible to give any indication why this might lead to a difference? Or even which might be more plausible?
      • RNA Velocity' -> RNA velocity

      Robustness to sequencing depth:

      • DeepVelo, scv-Dyn, and UniTVelo maintained low levels of correlation with the magnitudes from the full reads... - this seems like quite a startling effect. It seems like this indicates the models are really quite unstable, if the removal of 2% of the dataset gives such a considerable difference.


      • Our research emphasizes the importance of implementing a method that best fits the dataset...' - You don't indicate any goodness of fit metrics prior to this, so it's not really clear what this means in practice.

      • Because the pancreas dataset is often used as a benchmark dataset for RNA velocity methods...' - presumably also this could mean that methods are developed to overfit to this dataset?

      • Capturing the full splicing dynamics..' - not clear what 'full splicing dynamics' means here

      Fig 1c. (and elsewhere):

      Often it's hard to see the trajectory arrows in the rasterised plots. If this isn't just an issue with the review PDF, in Matplotlib it's possible to rasterise the points without rasterising the annotations and axes (https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/misc/rasterization_demo.html), which makes things a lot easier to read, but also doesn't leave you with giant file sizes.

      Fig 2a.: The equation is a bit confusing, as k seems to be the size of the set of neighbours and the set itself, where in the text k is only ever the number of neighbours. Perhaps it would be better to have something like a set K of neighbours k (where k ∈ K), and then the sum is normalised by |K| and the sum is over k (or alternatively have k = |K| to be consistent with the text).

      Fig 2d. (and others) A label on the z axis would be good here


      This is a commendable effort, and will be of use to practitioners navigating the properties of current and future RNA velocity methods, particularly those without a background in the more advanced mathematical formulations of the newer methods. It also is the first time, to my knowledge, that a systematic comparison has been performed using a number of real datasets and with a novel metric.

      However, the paper does not go as far as to link specific approaches or assumptions within the methods directly to their empirical observations, which could limit the applicability of the conclusions to only datasets and methods similar to those studied.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2024-02640

      Corresponding author(s): Purusharth I, Rajyaguru; Stephan Vagner

      1. General Statements

      This section is optional. Insert here any general statements you wish to make about the goal of the study or about the reviews.

      In the manuscript titled, "RGG motif-containing Scd6/LSM14A proteins regulate the translation of specific mRNAs in response to hydroxyurea-induced genotoxic stress" we elucidate a conserved role of an RNA-binding protein with low-complexity sequences (RGG-motifs) in genotoxic stress response. This work uncovers HU-stress mediated translation regulation of SRS2, Ligase IV and RTEL1 transcripts by Scd6 (yeast)/LSM14 (human). It further identifies RNP condensates and arginine methylation as sites and means of this regulation.

      We heartily thank all three reviewers for their overall encouraging comments about the significance of this manuscript. Specifically, we appreciate their view that the manuscript provides new functional insights into the role of RGG-motif-containing RNA-binding protein in genotoxic stress response. They further agree that such knowledge will impact and interest the general audience of RNA biology and stress biology.

      We have carefully noted all the comments raised by three reviewers. We have addressed almost all the comments, including several by performing new experiments. The new results and their analysis have helped us improve the manuscript, allowing us to provide a stronger mechanistic and functional insight underlying the findings presented in this work. We thank the reviewers for their insightful comments. Below, we provide a point-by-point response to each of the comments.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Insert here a point-by-point reply that explains what revisions, additional experimentations and analyses are planned to address the points raised by the referees.

      Reviewer 3

      Major Comment 4: Page 7, top: '...indicating that Scd6 regulated the expression of SRS2 in a HU-dependent manner.' In my opinion, the results so far suggest that Scd6 and SRS2 are somehow functionally connected during HU-treatment. To substantiate the statement of the authors, they should provide a Western blot showing that the levels of SRS2 change upon Scd6 KO or OE during HU-treatment. This will also substantiate the results shown in Figs 2G-H.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this comment. Detecting Srs2 protein has been technically challenging. The SRS2 construct used in this study is untagged. Unfortunately, the commercial SRS2 antibody has been discontinued. We requested several groups who have used SRS2 antibody in their past studies but they have either closed down their labs or are unable to find an aliquot to share. We have tried tagging SRS2 with 6xHis/1XFLAG/3xFLAG tags at N and C-terminal, but unfortunately, the protein was undetectable in the Western blot analysis using either of the tag-specific antibodies. We have also tried western blot analysis using SRS2-GFP strain, but the protein does not get detected by anti-GFP antibody, probably because of very low expression.

      Since we will not be able to provide western blots for Srs2 protein levels due to technical challenges, we shall provide western blots for RTEL1 (human homolog of Srs2) protein levels upon Lsm14A knockdown in the presence and absence of HU. This will validate the polysome data we have of RTEL1 regulation by LSM14A, and would, by extension, substantiate the SRS2 polysome data.

      Major Comment 5: Figs 3: How are the localization of Scd6 protein and SRS2 mRNA to granules, and the levels of Srs2 protein, in cells exposed to HU after deletion of Hmt1? This would substantiate a role of Hmt1 in vivo.

      Response: We will provide the data for Scd6 protein localization and SRS2 mRNA localization in granule enriched fraction upon HU treatment in Δhmt1 background. This experiment is ongoing.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Reviewer 1

      Major Comment 1: Fig. 1 F/G: were the delta RGG and LSM variants expressed at an equivalent level to the WT protein in these experiments?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this comment. We have quantified the total fluorescence intensity of GFP from the existing microscopy images for WT and domain deletion mutants for both Scd6 and Sbp1 (Now Figure 3A and 3D). This result (added as a new figure panel Fig 3C and 3F) indicates that the levels of Scd6∆RGG mutant is more whereas Scd6∆Lsm protein levels are comparable than WT. Similarly, Sbp1∆RGG mutant expression is comparable to WT in the given experimental conditions.

      Major Comment 2: Fig. 3G: The 6 data points for the delta LSM variant are literally spread evenly up and down the graph, making these data appear highly questionable as to whether one can draw a definitive conclusion from them.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that the data points are varied. To address the scatter in data, we have performed additional experiments and added those to the existing results. Even though there is a spread in the points, except for one data point, all others show an increase in methylation of LSM domain deletion mutant compared to WT, which is statistically significant. The old blot and graph (Old Figure 3F and 3G) have now been replaced with new ones (Figure 5F and 5G) which look more convincing. The result and conclusion derived from it remain unchanged.

      Minor Comments

      Comment 1: Abstract: the acronym NHEJ likely will need to be defined for the general reader.

      Response: The acronym has been expanded in the abstract and explained in the introduction.

      Comment 2: Introduction, first paragraph: change gene expression to 'transcription' in the phrase 'Even if the contribution of gene expression to GSR..' as I assume this is what is meant here. Gene expression consists of synthesis, processing, translation and decay.

      Response: The required change has been made.

      Comment 3: Pg. 3 Introduction: Since they are liquid-liquid phase condensates and ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) refer to any protein-RNA interaction, I think that referring to PBs and SGs as mRNPs is a bit misleading (especially the 'major mRNPs').

      Response: The statement has been rewritten.

      Comment 4: Introduction: are PBs truly 'sites' of mRNA decay as stated? There are papers in the literature that would argue otherwise.

      Response: The statement has been modified with more citations.

      Comment 5: Pg. 3, three lines from bottom. Change LSM14 to LSM14A

      Response: The addition has been done.

      Comment 6: Pg. 4 top - What is an 'LCS' - containing protein? The acronym has not been defined

      Response: The acronym has been defined now. We have also defined acronyms wherever they were missing.

      Comment 7: Fig. S1 - there are a lot of important data in this figure that demonstrate the coordinated movement of Scd6 and Sbp1 to granules. They should be moved into the main body of the manuscript in my opinion. Likewise, a whole section of the Results is dedicated to Fig. S2 - thus I would suggest moving these data into the main body of the manuscript to assist the reader.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Figure S1 has now been added to the main body of the manuscript as Figure 2. Figure S2 has now been added to Figure 1 and new Figure 3. This rearrangement has improved the flow of the manuscript.

      Comment 8: Fig. 1F should be flipped in the figure with panel G since G is discussed in the results section before F

      Response: Figure 1F and 1G are now Figure 3A and 3D and in the same order as mentioned in the text.

      Comment 9: Be sure to define all acronyms for the reader.

      Response: All acronyms in the manuscript have been defined wherever applicable.

      Comment 11: Fig. 3H/I: It might be optimal to calculate and compare Kd's for the methylated and unmethylated variants. Also, the labels at the top of 3H do not line up with the wells of the EMSA gel.

      Response: We have calculated the Kd’s for the EMSA, and it has been added to the results section. We have also aligned the labels at the top of the EMSA gel (now Figure 5I) to match with the wells.

      Reviewer 2

      Major Comment 1: Fig. 2A, B. While there seems to be an effect on the lag phase, it could be revealing if the authors pls. calculate the doubling times for the strains and treatments (taking through the exponential growth phase). Furthermore, it would be good if the authors can show the rescue of phenotypes for deletion strains (ie. reintroduction of respective gene on ARS-CEN based plasmids or (if not available) with the OE plasmids.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this remark. We have calculated the doubling times for the strains in the tested conditions and added in the text. We have analyzed the effect of complementing the deletion strains with the respective genes on the CEN plasmid. We observe that Δscd6 shows tolerance to HU stress as previously seen, which gets rescued almost completely upon complementation with WT SCD6. This result has been included in the manuscript as a new figure panel (Figure S1A) . Δsbp1 also shows marginal tolerance to HU stress, but complementation with WT SBP1 only slightly rescues the phenotype, which is not statistically significant (Figure S1B). This result highlights a more important role of Scd6 as compared to Sbp1 in genotoxic stress response.

      Major Comment 2 (part 1): Fig. 3H. The authors tested the 5'UTR of SRS2 for interaction with recombinant Scd6. Firstly, it is unclear why the authors have chosen the 5'UTR for investigation? Can the authors explain.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this important comment. During experimentation and analysis, we assayed Scd6 binding to two different fragments of SRS2 mRNA: 5’ and 3’UTR of same lengths (200 bases). We used the UTR fragments because there are numerous reports indicating the role of UTRs in the regulation by RNA binding proteins (https://doi.org/10.1093/bfgp/els056, https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aad9868, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erae073). RNA EMSAs with purified Scd6 and in vitro transcribed UTR RNA fragments revealed a significantly better binding of Scd6 with the 5’ UTR fragment of SRS2 mRNA compared to the 3’ UTR. Therefore, we proceeded with the 5’ UTR fragment for further analysis. We have now added this as a supplementary figure panel and explanation in the manuscript text (Figure S2B).

      Major Comment 2 (part 2): Secondly, the affinities are relatively low (µM), and the gel shift assay lacks a negative control. The authors should test an unrelated RNA fragment of approximately the same size to control for specificity (negative control). It is unclear whether the protein could interact with any RNA fragment through a charged RNA backbone.

      Response: Our in vivo data suggests that the binding of Scd6 with SRS2 mRNA is condition and RNA-specific and is regulated by methylation (now Figure 5C, S2A and 5E). As the reviewer mentioned, Scd6, in principle, could bind to any RNA molecule given the affinity of an RNA-binding protein (with positively charged amino acids such as arginine) to RNA molecule. Nevertheless, the significant difference in the binding of Scd6 to the 5’UTR and 3’UTR fragments itself acts as a relative control for EMSA. The aim of the in vitro experiment (EMSA) was to establish the difference, if any, in the binding affinities of unmethylated vs methylated Scd6, like the in vivo data, where we observe significantly increased binding to SRS2 mRNA upon decreased Scd6 methylation.

      Major Comment 2 (part 3): Thirdly, it would be good if the authors could show a Coomassie gel for the recombinant protein used in those assays.

      Response: The Coomassie gel which was provided as part the supplementary data (now Figure S2C), have now been added as another gel image to the main figure (Figure 5H), next to the EMSA, for better clarity.

      Major Comment 3: Methods and Materials: The Materials and Methods section lacks important information and requires further details to evaluate the study (see below 11 – 17)

      Response: The comment has been duly noted.

      Minor Comments


      Comment 4: The numbering of Figure S1, S2 is confused in the first part of the results section. The authors should check numbering. In general, numbering should follow in the order of the text - pls. check.

      Response: Based on the comment#7 by Reviewer 1, Figure S1 and S2 have now been added to the main figure, and the changes in the text have been made accordingly.

      Comment 5: Pg. 5. CHX treatment leads to a decrease in Scd6-GFP and SBP-1 GFP granules. Essentially, CHX blocks translation elongation so the result indicates that puncta depend on active translation. The authors may want to add this liaising point towards the claim that mRNAs could be present in those puncta. How this results integrates with data shown in Fig. S5B*.


      Response: We thank the reviewer for this comment. Since granules are dynamic structures that depend on active translation, CHX treatment leads to the dissociation of Scd6 and Sbp1 granules. This indicate that most of the mRNAs present in these granules could be recycled for translation in polysomes. This strategy has been used in multiple research articles for similar deductions (10.1091/mbc.E08-05-0499, https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.151.6.1257, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gku582). We have now modified the text in the manuscript to accommodate this point. It has been previously reported that core components of stress granules, once formed are stable and resistant to RNase, EDTA and NaCl treatment ex vivo (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2015.12.038), even when these structures have RNA. Figure S5B (now S3C) indicates that the granule enriched fraction derived from untreated and treated cells indeed behaves like stress granule cores and not protein aggregates allowing us to proceed with downstream experiments.

      Comment 6: Fig. 2H. It would be helpful to the reader, if the authors could mark the respective fraction in the polysomes taken for analysis of relative enrichments. How was this relative enrichment was calculated needs further description.

      Response: The modification has been made (now Figure 4G) and added to the methods and materials.

      Comment 7: Fig. S5B. 1% SDS treatment cause absence for Scd6 signal from the pellet fraction. Based on this result, I am not clear how based on this result they can claim for presence of higher order mRNA-protein complexes? Why does it exclude the possibility for Scd6 aggregates accumulating in the pellet? The authors need to explain/ modify this statement. Related to earlier findings that showed dependency of puncta upon CHX treatment, one wonders how this result matches to this earlier observation (ie.EDTA should dissassemble ribosomes)? Can the authors explain?

      Response: The very stable β-zipper interactions present in prion like domains, which leads to aggregation, is resistant to 1-2% SDS treatment (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2015.12.038). Hence, we think that solubilization upon 1% SDS treatment indicates that these are not aggregates. EDTA and NaCl are capable of disrupting interactions, which are stabilized mainly by electrostatic forces. Our observations (now Figure S3C) indicate that Scd6 could be part of the more stable mRNP condensate core structure and are therefore resistant to these treatments. Such observations have been previously reported, for example, stress granules in yeast are not affected by EDTA and NaCl treatments (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2015.12.038).

      Comment 8 (part 1): Fig. 5E, F. For the RNA-seq, the authors compared polysomes with free RNAs (up to 80S) and found enrichment of LIG4 and RTEL1. However, the polysomal profiling mainly shows a slight shift of those mRNAs in higher polysomes; while there is no difference compared to free fractions. How can this be explained?

      Response: We observed a shift from lower polysome fractions (11-12-13) (not from free fractions) to higher polysome fractions (14-15) indicating an increased number of ribosomes translating the RTEL1 mRNA.

      Comment 8 (part 2): On the line, the authors should indicate clearly what fractions were pooled for RNA seq analysis. It is also not clear how the authors quantified percentage of RNA in individual fractions (have they spiked-in an RNA?) - this needs to be stated in the M&M section.

      Response: We have now added the requested information in the Materials and Methods section. Fractions 13 to 17 were pooled for RNAseq analysis. The % of RNA in each fraction was calculated as described in Panda AC et al. Bio Protoc . 2017 Feb 5;7(3):e2126. doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2126

      Comment 9: At the end, if may be beneficial to the reader if the authors could provide a simple scheme depicting the model develop during this study.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this comment. We have included a model derived from our study as a new figure (Figure 8).

      Comment 10: Supplemental Data set (.xls) The adjusted p-values are clustered and >0.05. Can the authors check and describe how those were calculated. How does it match with Volcano plots.

      Response: The adjusted p-values are indeed >0.05. The p-values (and not the adjusted p-values) are plotted in the Volcano plot (now Fig. 7E)

      Materials and Methods:

      Comment 11: A list of primers should be given with specification of their use.

      Response: The list has been added in the supplementary files (Table S3)

      Comment 12: The plasmids constructed for (over)expression of proteins/ production of recombinant proteins should be added. If published, references should be added accordingly.

      Response: The list has been added in the supplementary files (Table S4)

      Comment 13: RIP: the media for growing yeast cells should be added. Check also other section if defined.

      Response: The information has been added wherever required.

      Comment 14: RT-qPCR is not sufficiently described. RT kit needs specification, PCR reaction cycles should be given.

      Response: The information has been added

      Comment 15: Quantification of mRNA levels in polysomes is unclear. How was the distribution of mRNA profiles determined? Have the authors added some RNA spikes to fractions?

      See above.

      Response: The % of RNA in each fraction was calculated as described in Panda AC et al. Bio Protoc . 2017 Feb 5;7(3):e2126. doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2126. Details have now been added in the Mat and Meth section.

      Comment 16: The calculation for the enrichments in IPs is not described conclusively and should be added.

      Response: The calculation has now been elaborated and added to the methods and materials section.

      Comment 17: Polysomes fractionation (mammalian). It is indicated that the resultant supernatant was adjusted to 5M NaCl and 1 M MgCl2. This seems to be very high - is this a typo? OR why such high concentrations have been chosen?

      Response: The sentence has been removed. There is no need for such adjustment.

      Review 3

      Major Comment 2: Fig 2A-F: The effects of Scd6 and Sbp1 deletion upon HU-treatment are very small. A more convincing effect is observed upon over-expression of both SRS2 and SCD6. What is the effect of over-expression of SCD6 and SBP1 alone (i.e. without SRS2 over-expression)?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this comment. The effects are indeed small but consistent and reproducible with two different kinds of assays (growth curve and plating assay, now Figure 4A-C). Overexpression of Scd6 or Sbp1 alone when expressed from a CEN/2u plasmid does not have any phenotype in the presence of HU (Figure S1A and S1B). Although, it has been previously reported that galactose-inducible Scd6 causes a severe growth defect (https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkw762), we performed spot assays with galactose inducible Scd6 and Sbp1 on control and HU plates, but did not see any difference in the extent of growth upon HU treatment. This data has now been presented as Figure S1C.

      Major Comment 3: Fig 2E: Why is there an opposite effect of deletion of Scd6 and Sbp1in the SRS2 over-expression background?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this comment; however, we respectfully disagree with the idea that overexpression of SRS2 yields opposite phenotypes in SCD6 and SBP1 deletion backgrounds. Figure 2E (now Figure 4E) gives the impression that SRS2 overexpression in SBP1 deletion grows significantly more for two reasons. There was an increased spotting of Dsbp1 cells overexpressing SRS2 (row#6) as compared to Dscd6 cells overexpressing SRS2 (row#4), which is evident in the plate without HU (left panel). Additionally, there is also reduced spotting of wild-type cells overexpressing SRS2 (row#2) as compared to Dscd6 cells overexpressing SRS2 (row#4). We have now replaced these panels with another image with better loadings. Quantitation of five experiments (Figure S1F) indicates that Dsbp1 grows slightly better in both EV and SRS2 over-expression background, but the increase is not statistically significant. We interpret this data to suggest that SRS2 is not a direct target of Sbp1. Another protein perhaps performs the specific role of Sbp1 in assisting Scd6 in genotoxic stress response in Dsbp1 background.

      Major Comment 6: Fig 3C: Is the increased interaction of SRS2 mRNA with Scd6 due to increased levels of SRS2 mRNA upon HU treatment? See also comment below.

      Response: Based on RT-qPCR of total RNA, SRS2 mRNA levels do not seem to increase, which has now been added as a Supplementary figure (Figure S3D, left panel). Moreover, quantification of SRS2 mRNA from the FISH data also does not support an increase in mRNA levels (Figure 6D, left panel).

      Major Comment 7: Fig 4A: There seems to be an enrichment of SRS2 mRNA both in the granule-enriched pellet and in the supernatant upon HU treatment in the Scd6-GFP context, suggesting increased SRS2 mRNA levels altogether. The enrichment in granules upon HU is difficult to see, as one should measure the distribution of the mRNA in the pellet relative to the supernatant. Can the authors represent the ratio pellet/supernatant normalized to a control transcript? A similar calculation can be done for the protein normalized to a control protein.

      Response: As mentioned earlier, RT-qPCR data with SRS2 mRNA levels in total lysate has been added to supplementary data (Figure S3D, left panel). Based on RT-qPCR of total RNA, SRS2 mRNA levels do not seem to increase.

      The quantification of SRS2 mRNA and Scd6 protein enrichment is done such that the supernatant and pellet fractions are separately normalized to their respective controls (Scd6GFP, untreated sample) and therefore do not represent the mRNA distribution but relative mRNA enrichment. However, as per the recommendation by the reviewer, the data has been replotted as a ratio of supernatant and pellet with the addition of two more data points and has been added in the main figure (Figure 6E). The data concludes increased enrichment of SRS2 mRNA in granules upon HU treatment. The previous data has been included in the supplementary data as Supplementary figure (Figure S3D, right panel).

      Major Comment 8: Fig 4B: Increased juxtaposition of SRS2 mRNA and Scd6 granules upon HU treatment does not really mean increased colocalization. Granules are likely significantly apart such that increased interactions between the two partners are not explained by increased juxtaposition. Please, comment, tune-down and provide examples where increased granule juxtaposition is associated with increased interaction.

      Response: We believe that the usage of term ‘juxtaposition’ is leading to misinterpretation of the data. Therefore, we have replaced it with ‘percentage area overlap’ analysis to demonstrate that the SRS2 mRNA foci indeed overlap/localize with Scd6GFP foci up to an average of 43.5% in HU stress. This analysis has been added as an additional panel (Figure 6C), indicating that the SRS2 mRNA interacts with Scd6 in the granules. Even though the granules do not overlap/localize completely, the observed area of granule overlap (43.5%) is functionally effective as it leads to the physical interaction of Scd6 and SRS2 (Figure 6E & 5C) and, consequently, repression (Figure 4H). The FISH data, granule enrichment, and RNA immunoprecipitation data demonstrate Scd6 protein and SRS2 mRNA interaction in granules.

      Major Comment 9: Fig 4D: These results are in direct contradiction with those shown in Fig 1C.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this comment. Figure 1C (now Figure 1B and 1C) demonstrates that Scd6 localization to puncta, when expressed from a CEN plasmid, significantly increases upon HU stress. The same trend is visible in Figure 4D (now Figure 6D) where Scd6 is expressed from a 2μ plasmid; however, it is not significant. The data in 1C and 4D (now 1C and 6D respectively) are rather inconsistent with each other than being contradictory. Nevertheless, we understand this reviewer’s concern and address it below.

      The initial localization experiments were performed using Scd6 expressed from CEN plasmid or genomically tagged Scd6. Since both these versions of Scd6 are not detectable using western blotting, we used Scd6 expressed from 2μ plasmid. Localization to condensates by liquid-liquid phase separation is a concentration-driven phenomenon. Therefore, when Scd6 is expressed from a 2μ plasmid amounting to increased protein levels, its localization to puncta increases even in the absence of stress, which is visible in the quantitation provided in the figure (Figure 6D) as compared to Figure 1C. We have now analyzed the percentage granular localization (granule intensity) of Scd6 (2µ), which significantly increases upon HU stress (Figure S3A). Thus although number of Scd6 granules does not increase upon HU stress when expressed from a 2µ plasmid, there is significant increase in localization of Scd6 to granule upon HU stress (Figure S3A).

      Major comment 10: Fig 5E: Can the authors provide a GO analysis of the up- and down- regulated transcripts?

      Response: We have now provided a GO analysis (Table S2). However, due to the low number of regulated genes, only a few GO terms with weak scores appeared in the analysis.

      Minor comments:

      Comment 11: Figures S1 and S2 seem to be swapped. Please make sure that Figures and panels are arranged in the order they are mentioned in the main text.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing it out. Based on the comment#7 by Reviewer 1, Figure S1 and S2 have now been added to the main figure, and the changes in the text have been made accordingly. We have ensured that the order of figures matches the text.

      Comment 12: Page 5, sentence: 'our results argue for the role of Scd6 and Sbp1 in HU-mediated stress response'. I do not agree, as no functional assays showing that these proteins affect HU-mediated stress response have been provided at this point of the story. Please, delete.

      Response: We have removed the sentence from the existing paragraph.

      Comment 13: Page 6: The authors state 'Since Dscd6 and Dsbp1 showed tolerance to chronic HU exposure...'. Where is this shown?

      Response: The growth curve in Figure 2A and 2B (now Figure 4A and 4B) and the plating assay in Figure 2C (now Figure 4C) was done with hydroxyurea in the media/plate. Hence, we state that deletion of either SCD6 or SBP1 shows tolerance to chronic (or continuous) HU stress.

      Comment 14: Fig 2F: The rescue by SCD6 OE is not complete, as mentioned in the main text.

      Response: We have now included the quantification of the spot assay in 2F (now Figure 4F) to show that the rescue by SCD6 overexpression is complete (Fig S1G).

      Comment 15: Figure 2G-H: Please, indicate in the figure what the authors consider 'translated' and 'untranslated’ fractions.

      Response: The fractions have now been labelled to indicate the missing information in Figure 2G (now Figure 4G).

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Review 1

      Minor Comment 10: Pg. 8/Fig. S3D/4A: It would be interesting to complete the story and determine the functional relationship of Scd6 to the DNL4 mRNA

      Response: It is indeed an interesting observation and is currently being pursued as part of another story. We believe it is beyond the scope of the current manuscript.

      Review 3

      Major Comment 1: Page 5 and Fig S2E-F: The CLHX experiment to conclude that mRNA is present in Scd6 and Sbp1 puncta is rather indirect. The fact that RNase treatment of a granule-enriched pellet has no effect (Fig S5B) does not help. The authors should perform RNase treatment of intact cells and see that the puncta disappear.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this comment. Cycloheximide treatment is a well-accepted assay to detect the presence of mRNA in granules. Since granules are dynamic structures, and these depend on active translation, CHX treatment leads to the dissociation of Scd6 and Sbp1 granules. This indicates that granule assembly depends on the availability of mRNA derived from translating ribosomes. The observation that Scd6 puncta are sensitive to cycloheximide but not to RNase A treatment is not surprising. It indeed is consistent with the properties of some of the condensates reported in the literature. For example, stress granule cores that are sensitive to cycloheximide, like Scd6 puncta, are resistant to RNase treatment in lysate, indicating that once formed, these structures are quite stable (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2015.12.038). It is interpreted to suggest that the RNAs in these condensates are protected by the RNA-binding proteins. Also, subsequently, in the study, we do RNA immunoprecipitation and granule enrichment experiments and show specific RNA enrichment with Scd6 (Figure 5C, 6A).

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Rajyaguru, Vagner and colleagues address the role of yeast Scd6 in translation regulation during hydroxyurea (HU) stress response. They first show that Scd6 associates to puncta upon HU-treatment, in a manner that depends on the RGG and LSm domains of the protein. They then show that deletion of Scd6 has a mild effect on cell survival under HU-treatment, and over-expression of SCD6 restores the defects observed upon over-expression of SRS2 (a known regulator of the DNA damage response-DDR), suggesting that SRS2 is an SCD6 target, and that SCD6 negatively regulates SRS2. The authors further show that SCD6 binds to SRS2 mRNA and inhibits its translation. Binding to mRNA is somewhat regulated by methylation of the RGG domain, and methylation seems to be controlled by the LSm domain. Finally, the role of SCD6 as a translation regulator during HU-response is conserved, because its mammalian homolog, LSM14A, stimulates the translation of DDR factors under similar conditions. Altogether, this is a nice report showing a function of Scd6/LSM14A in regulation of translation upon HU treatment. However, there are some contradictions that need to be resolved, and the role of puncta in the whole picture is not clear.

      Major comments:

      1. Page 5 and Fig S2E-F: The CLHX experiment to conclude that mRNA is present in Sdc6 and Sbp1 puncta is rather indirect. The fact that RNase treatment of a granule-enriched pellet has no effect (Fig S5B) does not help. The authors should perform RNase treatment of intact cells and see that the puncta disappear.
      2. Fig 2A-F: The effects of Scd6 and Sbp1 deletion upon HU-treatment are very small. A more convincing effect is observed upon over-expression of both SRS2 and SCD6. What is the effect of over-expression of SDC6 and SBP1 alone (i.e. without SRS2 over-expression)?
      3. Fig 2E: Why is there an opposite effect of deletion of Scd6 and Sbp1in the SRS2 over-expression background?
      4. Page 7, top: '...indicating that Scd6 regulated the expression of SRS2 in a HU-dependent manner.' In my opinion, the results so far suggest that Scd6 and SRS2 are somehow functionally connected during HU-treatment. To substantiate the statement of the authors, they should provide a Western blot showing that the levels of SRS2 change upon Scd6 KO or OE during HU-treatment. This will also substantiate the results shown in Figs 2G-H.
      5. Figs 3: How are the localization of Scd6 protein and SRS2 mRNA to granules, and the levels of SRS2 protein, in cells exposed to HU after deletion of Hmt1? This would substantiate a role of Hmt1 in vivo.
      6. Fig 3C: Is the increased interaction of SRS2 mRNA with Scd6 due to increased levels of SRS2 mRNA upon HU treatment? See also comment below.
      7. Fig 4A: There seems to be an enrichment of SRS2 mRNA both in the granule-enriched pellet and in the supernatant upon HU treatment in the Scd6-GFP context, suggesting increased SRS2 mRNA levels altogether. The enrichment in granules upon HU is difficult to see, as one should measure the distribution of the mRNA in the pellet relative to the supernatant. Can the authors represent the ratio pellet/supernatant normalized to a control transcript? A similar calculation can be done for the protein normalized to a control protein.
      8. Fig 4B: Increased juxtaposition of SRS2 mRNA and Scd6 granules upon HU treatment does not really mean increased colocalization. Granules are likely significantly apart such that increased interactions between the two partners are not explained by increased juxtaposition. Please, comment, tune-down and provide examples where increased granule juxtaposition is associated with increased interaction.
      9. Fig 4D: These results are in direct contradiction with those shown in Fig 1C.
      10. Fig 5E: Can the authors provide a GO analysis of the up- and down- regulated transcripts?

      Minor comments:

      1. Figures S1 and S2 seem to be swapped. Please make sure that Figures and panels are arranged in the order they are mentioned in the main text.
      2. Page 5, sentence: 'our results argue for the role of Scd6 and Sbp1 in HU-mediated stress response'. I do not agree, as no functional assays showing that these proteins affect HU-mediated stress response have been provided at this point of the story. Please, delete.
      3. Page 6: The authors state 'Since scd6 and sbp1 showed tolerance to chronic HU exposure...'. Where is this shown?
      4. Fig 2F: The rescue by SCD6 OE is not complete, as mentioned in the main text.
      5. Figure 2G-H: Please, indicate in the figure what the authors consider 'translated' and 'untranslated´fractions.


      The findings provide a new function for Scd6/LSM14A in regulation of translation upon HU treatment. There are limitations regarding the strength of effects in some cases, and the integration of the role of granule formation. These findings are useful for scientists working on genotoxic stress, RNA-binding proteins and/or translation.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors describe a novel role for the RGG-box containing RNA-binding protein Scd6 and its human ortholog LSM14A in the genotoxic stress to HU treatment. The proteins accumulate in granules upon HU treatment and may be involved in the translational repression of mRNAs coding for relevant factors mediating the HU response. For instance, they show that yeast Scd6 interact with SRS2 mRNA and represses translation during HU response. Interestingly, the also show that interaction with RNAs is dependent on arginine methylation in the LSM domain, which greatly affects interaction with the RNA though specificity needs to be shown. At the end, the authors performed initial analysis with the human ortholog LSM14A, indicating that the cellular function of the protein is evolutionary conserved.

      The study is interesting and adds new aspects for understanding RGG-containing proteins and their molecular functions. While it has been previously known that Scd6 accumulates in granules and acts as a translational repressor via eIF4G, this study reveals the regulation of a particular target (SRS2) in context of a relevant stress response. The experiments are usually well performed, though some controls and descriptions need to be added.

      Major points:

      1. Fig. 2A, B. While there seems to be an effect on the lag phase, it could be revealing if the authors pls. calculate the doubling times for the strains and treatments (taking through the exponential growth phase). Furthermore, it would be good if the authors can show the rescue of phenotypes for deletion strains (ie. reintroduction of respective gene on ARS-CEN based plasmids or (if not available) with the OE plasmids.
      2. Fig. 3H. The authors tested the 5'UTR of SRS2 for interaction with recombinant Scd6. Firstly, it is unclear why the authors have chosen the 5'UTR for investigation? Can the authors explain. Secondly, the affinities are relatively low (µM) and the gel shift assay lacks a negative control. The authors should test an unrelated RNA fragment of approximately the same size to control for specificity (negative control). It is unclear whether the protein could interact with any RNA-fragment through charged RNA backbone. Thirdly, it would be good if the authors could show a Coomassie gel for the recombinant protein used in those assays.
      3. The Materials and Methods section lacks important information and requires further details to evaluate the study (see below 10 - 17).

      Minor points:


      1. The numbering of Figure S1, S2 is confused in the first part of the results section. The authors should check numbering. In general, numbering should follow in the order of the text - pls. check.
      2. Pg. 5. CHX treatment leads to a decrease in Scd6-GFP and SBP-1 GFP granules. Essentially, CHX blocks translation elongation so the result indicates that puncta depend on active translation. The authors may want to add this liaising point towards the claim that mRNAs could be present in those puncta. How this results integrates with data shown in Fig. 5S5.
      3. Fig. 2H. It would be helpful to the reader, if the authors could mark the respective fraction in the polysomes taken for analysis of relative enrichments. How was this relative enrichment was calculated needs further description.
      4. Fig. S5B. 1% SDS treatment cause absence for Scd6 signal from the pellet fraction. Based on this result, I am not clear how based on this result they can claim for presence of higher order mRNA-protein complexes? Why does it exclude the possibility for Scd6 aggregates accumulating in the pellet? The authors need to explain/ modify this statement. Related to earlier findings that showed dependency of puncta upon CHX treatment, one wonders how this result matches to this earlier observation (ie.EDTA should dissassemble ribosomes)? Can the authors explain?
      5. Fig. 5E, F. For the RNA-seq, the authors compared polysomes with free RNAs (up to 80S) and found enrichement of LIG4 and RTEL1. However, the polysomal profiling mainly shows a slight shift of those mRNAs in higher polysomes; while there is no difference compared to free fractions. How can this be explained? On the line, the authors should indicate clearly what fractions were pooled for RNA seq analysis. It is also not clear how the authors quantified percentage of RNA in individual fractions (have they spiked-in an RNA?)
        • this needs to be stated in the M&M section.
      6. At the end, if may be beneficial to the reader if the authors could provide a simple scheme depicting the model develop during this study.
      7. Supplemental Data set (.xls) The adjusted p-values are clustered and >0.05. Can the authors check and describe how those were calculated. How does it match with Volcano plots.

      Materials and Methods:

      1. A list of primers should be given with specification of their use.
      2. The plasmids constructed for (over)expression of proteins/ production of recombinant proteins should be added. If published, references should be added accordingly.
      3. RIP: the media for growing yeast cells should be added. Check also other section if defined.
      4. RT-qPCR is not sufficiently described. RT kit needs specification, PCR reaction cycles should be given.
      5. Quantification of mRNA levels in polysomes is unclear. How was the distribution of mRNA profiles determined? Have the authors added some RNA spikes to fractions?
      6. The calculation for the enrichments in IPs is not described conclusively and should be added.
      7. Polysomes fractionation (mammalian). It is indicated that the resultant supernatant was adjusted to 5M NaCl and 1 M MgCl2. This seems to be very high - is this a typo? OR why such high concentrations have been chosen?


      The study appears solid and well done, except some weaknesses that need to be addressed (see above section). Overall, the interplay with translation could be better investigated and the involvement for interactions with eIF4G/ ribosomes could be better investigated but possibly beyond this study.

      Essentially, the study adds a nice mix of experimental approaches to manifeste the linkage between granules formation, translation and the physiological implications for genotoxic stress response. However, it is not clear how the chosen conditions reflect any natural conditions (yeast may never be exposed to 100-200 mM HU) and hence, it is unclear howfar the observations reflect nature and occur like that. It is certainly a limitiation that only one particual stress condition was investigated and it is unclear whether it is also seen with other genotoxic stress inducing agents.

      Audience: The study will attract the interest of researchers working with cytoplasmic RBPs, translation and stress granules. The latter topic is currently on a high wave as many researchers jumped on this topic. The study may though remain within this circle as the analysis is rather specialised and contrained on one stress (genotoxic) and wider implications of the findings in a physiological context are unclear.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript demonstrates that RGG containing proteins (Sbp1, Scd6/LSM14A) localize to granules upon treatment with hydroxyurea, Scd6 binds and regulates SRS2 in a manner that is regulated by arginine methylation of the RGG motif, that the RGG and LSM motifs are crucial for the process, and that NHEJ is influenced by LSM14A, suggesting the functional significance of this regulation. Overall the data generally support the conclusions that are drawn. In terms of overall presentation, the manuscript is a bit of a dense read and some of the supplementary figures should be moved to the main body of the manuscript to reflect their importance to the story. I do believe the manuscript will have impact to field, particularly to the specialized RGG protein and stress response niche. I do have several suggestions to polish the manuscript/study:

      Major Points:

      1. Fig. 1 F/G: were the delta RGG and LSM variants expressed at an equivalent level to the WT protein in these experiments?
      2. Fig. 3G: The 6 data points for the delta LSM variant are literally spread evenly up and down the graph, making these data appear highly questionable as to whether one can draw a definitive conclusion from them.

      Minor Points:

      1. Abstract: the acronym NHEJ likely will need to be defined for the general reader.
      2. Introduction, first paragraph: change gene expression to 'transcription' in the phrase 'Even if the contribution of gene expression to GSR..' as I assume this is what is meant here. Gene expression consists of synthesis, processing, translation and decay.
      3. Pg. 3 Introduction: Since they are liquid-liquid phase condensates and ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) refers to any protein-RNA interaction, I think that referring to PBs and SGs as mRNPs is a bit misleading (especially the 'major mRNPs').
      4. Pg. 3 Introduction: are PBs truly 'sites' of mRNA decay as stated? There are papers in the literature that would argue otherwise.
      5. Pg. 3, three lines from bottom. Change LSM14 to LSM14A
      6. Pg. 4 top - What is an 'LCS' - containing protein? The acronym has not been defined
      7. Fig. S1 - there are a lot of important data in this figure that demonstrate the coordinated movement of Scd6 and Sbp1 to granules. They should be moved into the main body of the manuscript in my opinion. Likewise, a whole section of the Results is dedicated to Fig. S2 - thus I would suggest moving these data into the main body of the manuscript to assist the reader.
      8. Fig. 1F should be flipped in the figure with panel G since G is discussed in the results section before F
      9. Be sure to define all acronyms for the reader.
      10. Pg. 8/Fig. S3D/4A: It would be interesting to complete the story and determine the functional relationship of Scd6 to the DNL4 mRNA
      11. Fig. 3H/I: It might be optimal to calculate and compare Kd's for the methylated and unmethylated variants. Also the labels at the top of 3H do not line up with the wells of the EMSA gel.


      Overall the data generally support the conclusions that are drawn. In terms of overall presentation, the manuscript is a bit of a dense read and some of the supplementary figures should be moved to the main body of the manuscript to reflect their importance to the story. I do believe the manuscript will have impact to field, particularly to the specialized RGG protein and stress response niche

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements [optional]

      We are grateful to the reviewers for their many valuable suggestions for improving this paper. In particular, we fully understand the points raised by Reviewers #1 and #2 regarding the insufficient data analysis and the points raised by Reviewers #2 and #3 regarding the insufficient analysis of the mechanism. In future revisions, we will perform sufficient analysis of our datasets and we will also conduct an analysis focusing on Dmrt3 to investigate the mechanisms for chromatin accessibility and changes in gene expression during neuronal differentiation. We will also make revisions to address other minor points.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors have developed a method for labeling a specific stage of differentiating neurons. Using this approach, they tracked the four-day differentiation process of deep-layer excitatory neurons in the mouse embryonic cortex. They investigated genome-wide changes in transcription patterns and chromatin accessibility using RNA-seq and DNase-seq. Additionally, they provided H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 ChIP-seq data from E12.0 NPCs. This resulting omics data would be a valuable resource for the field. While initial data analyses show potentially interesting findings, only part of the analyses are presented in the figures, lacking sufficient detail. Before publishing the manuscript, the authors should include more comprehensive analyses of their datasets. Specific suggestions are below.

      We appreciate this reviewer's positive comments describing our study as 'a valuable resource for the field.' We plan to revise the paper, as noted below, to address this reviewer's concerns.

      Figure 4 focuses on promoter-specific chromatin accessibility analysis. The author can process the data similarly to the transcription data. They should identify differentially accessible promoter regions across E13.0 to E16.0 and generate a heatmap with clustering. Additionally, the author should provide matched gene expression data, either in the form of a heatmap or box plot, corresponding to those differentially accessible promoter regions. Currently, Figure 4 only presents E16.0 data compared to E12.0, which is not comprehensive.

      We thank the reviewer for the useful suggestions. In the following submission, we will determine gene sets for all chromatin accessibility change patterns, not just open/closed gene sets from E12 to E16. We will then illustrate the changes in gene expression for each gene set.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Multi-omics data from the differentiation process of deep-layer excitatory neurons would be a valuable resource for the field.

      Once again, we would like to thank the reviewers for their positive comments.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: The manuscript from Sakai et al. examines changes in chromatin accessibility during the differentiation of deep-layer excitatory neurons in the neocortex. The authors establish a novel genetic labelling method that tracks differentiating neurons based on their birthdates allowing following neuronal differentiation in vivo. By combining RNA-seq and DNase-seq they provide a comprehensive dataset of gene expression and chromatin accessibility changes during neuronal differentiation of deep-layer neurons and reveal that key genes linked to mature neuronal functions and bivalent genes in neural precursor cells become accessible during early differentiation. These findings underscore the crucial role of chromatin regulation in preparing neurons for maturation and unravel novel key insights into the regulatory mechanisms governing deep-layer neuronal differentiation.

      Overall, this manuscript presents a novel technique for tracking neuron development from NPCs with specific birthdates. However, in its current form, it is largely descriptive and relies on correlative observations rather than elucidating a clear mechanism underlying chromatin and transcriptional changes. The provided data could be further leveraged to gain deeper insights into the molecular mechanisms governing deep-layer neuron development.

      We would like to thank the reviewer for recognizing the methods used in this paper as 'a novel technique for tracking neuron development from NPCs with specific birthdates'. As the reviewer commented, this paper was descriptive, and we plan to prepare a revised version that includes results that approach 'the molecular mechanisms governing deep-layer neuron development' by analyzing the role of Dmrt3 in neuronal differentiation, as shown in the response below, especially for point 9.

      Major comments:

      The authors have generated extensive RNA- and DNAse-seq datasets across different developmental time points following birthdate labelling. However, the bioinformatics analyses and interpretations are limited and need further clarification and refinement:

      The violin plots used to demonstrate expression and accessibility changes across developmental time points and the conclusions drawn from them are not convincing. The authors used a rank test to assess significant changes in expression, which only indicates the enrichment of genes with increased or decreased expression in each group. This cannot be directly interpreted as "significant upregulation." For instance, in Figures 4a and 4b, similar violin plots yield different statistical outcomes. The mean values on both graphs are comparable, yet Figure 4a suggests significant changes, while Figure 4b does not conclude significant downregulation of closing DHS genes. This is unconvincing. A more robust approach would be identifying DEGs between time points and analysing functional terms associated with these genes. The current plots do not support interpretations of gene upregulation, as each dot represents a gene, and the violin plot serves more as a population representation. The authors should either revisit their explanations and conclusions or include additional analyses and appropriate plots that support their claims of significant upregulation and downregulation of specific genes during development. We would like to thank the reviewer for their helpful suggestions on presenting the data in Figure 4 more effectively. In future reanalysis, we will add an analysis focusing on DEGs, as suggested by the reviewer. Specifically, we will examine the overlap between DEGs identified by RNA-seq and genes with altered chromatin accessibility and test this using Fisher's exact test and other methods. This will allow us to verify the conclusions of this paper from multiple perspectives.

      Figure 6b lacks clarity regarding the cutoff value used to categorise genes as K4me3 and K27me3 negative or positive from the heatmap. Even the "K4me3 negative" cluster displays a detectable signal of the mark, albeit at lower levels. Since only one plot of the entire gene body is provided, it is unclear what levels of enrichment are present, particularly at the promoter region. The authors are encouraged to provide additional informative plots and analyses of this ChIP-seq experiment, as this is a critical point where they draw conclusions about bivalent genes. This would not only strengthen their claims but could also uncover additional findings with more detailed analyses. A heatmap of clustered ChIP-seq signals of K4me3 and K27me3 alongside expression levels of the same genes (similar to Figure 2c) and differential accessibility (e.g., between NPC and E16) would better visualise and correlate histone modifications with chromatin and gene expression states.

      We would also like to thank this reviewer for their useful suggestions regarding Figure 6. In the next submission, we will try different methods to quantify H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 signals. Specifically, we plan to try methods using peak calling and methods that quantify signals in promoter regions.

      We also plan to show new figures for changes in gene expression and chromatin accessibility in gene sets categorized by H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 signals.

      The DNase-seq dataset can be better utilised to investigate differentially accessible motifs through development. Is this something the authors already looked into? This could strengthen mechanism investigation together with the ChIP-atlas results in Fig.6a

      In the revised version, we will perform motif analysis and ChIP-atlas analysis for all genomic region sets showing differential accessibility. We will then use the results obtained to discuss the mechanisms of chromatin accessibility changes during the neuronal differentiation process in more depth.

      The two distinct modes of H3K4me3 enrichment observed are not addressed and should be explained. Which genes belong to these two clusters? Is there a difference in DHS and gene expression between them?

      In relation to point 2 of this reviewer, we will also re-analyze the differences in H3K4me3 patterns and changes in gene expression and chromatin accessibility. We believe that we can answer this reviewer's questions through the analyses using peak calling and signal quantification, as described in point 2.

      The same concern regarding the use of violin plots to correlate gene expression with bivalent genes through development (Figure 6c) as mentioned earlier. It would be better to use DEGs and intersect them. This is particularly important given the wide range of gene expression levels in the already poised state.

      In relation to this reviewer's point 1, we will also perform a reanalysis focusing on DEGs in Figure 6.

      The authors limited their analyses to promoter/gene body regions. A survey of the bivalent marks and accessibility at enhancer regions would be also beneficial for understanding the changes at the chromatin landscape through development.

      The results of Figure 3 showed that chromatin accessibility in the promoter region changes significantly during neuronal differentiation, and this paper has focused on the promoter region. However, as this reviewer has commented, we have realized that analysis of enhancers is also useful. We plan to re-analyze the changes in chromatin accessibility in the enhancer region for the revised version.

      The mechanisms driving the activation and expression of poised neuronal genes through the development of deep-layer neurons is not uncovered. The authors suggest certain histone modifiers and the DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3 as potential drivers of chromatin landscape and transcriptional regulation changes; however, this remains speculative, as there is no direct evidence or validation of these factors binding to the identified target regions or changes in DNA methylation states. The authors should provide validation of their candidate factors' presence at potential targets, as well as changes in DNA methylation if they want to conclude these as the mechanisms driving deep-layer neuron development.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out the critical issue of the mechanism for the activation of poised genes. We agree that investigating the mechanism in more depth would improve our paper.

      To this end, we will analyze the role of Dmrt3, not Dnmt3, in activating poised genes. Dmrt3 is a transcription factor mainly involved in transcriptional repression, and our RNA-seq results indicate that it is highly expressed in NPCs, and its expression decreases during neuronal differentiation. Therefore, Dmrt3 may suppress poised genes in NPCs. Indeed, our preliminary results using public data have shown that knocking out Dmrt3 increased the expression of poised genes.

      In future analyses, we plan to analyze the role of Dmrt3 using RNA-seq data from Dmrt3 knockout NPCs and Dmrt3 ChIP-seq data from NPCs.

      Minor comments:

      The motif analysis can be included in the main figures.

      We appreciate the reviewer's positive suggestions. Regarding point 9, we will move the results of the motif analysis to the main figure after reanalysis about Dmrt3.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      By introducing a novel genetic labelling method that tracks neurons based on their birthdates, the study provides a precise way to examine differentiation in vivo, adding valuable insights beyond traditional in vitro approaches. The combination of RNA-seq and DNase-seq analyses reveals how chromatin accessibility changes, particularly in bivalent genes, play a crucial role in neuronal maturation. This work highlights the importance of chromatin dynamics in establishing neuronal identity. The techniques and findings provide a useful framework for future studies, offering a path for deeper exploration of chromatin regulation across different neuronal types, stages of development, or disease contexts, making it a valuable contribution to the field of developmental neurobiology.

      While the manuscript suggests the involvement of chromatin regulators such as Trithorax and Polycomb proteins, as well as Dnmt3 and DNA methylation, it lacks direct mechanistic evidence, such as ChIP-seq, bisulfite-seq, or loss-of-function experiments, to substantiate these claims.

      The bioinformatics analyses and interpretations are limited and require further clarification and refinement.

      The proposed mechanisms are not fully explored, leaving the manuscript largely descriptive rather than providing a detailed mechanistic understanding.

      We would like to thank the reviewer again for their various suggestions for improving our manuscript. By performing the experimental plan described above, we try to resolve the reviewer's concerns and improve this paper.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript the authors use in utero electroporation of tamoxifen inducible reporters to permanently mark cortical neurons with a common birthdate. They then FACS harvest these cells for bulk DNAse seq and RNA seq to see changes in chromatin regulation and gene expression as these newborn immature cortical neurons become deep layer neurons. As has been shown in prior studies that have addressed other neuronal types or used different methods to isolate developmental cell stages in the CNS, the authors find correlated changes between the opening or closing of chromatin with changes in gene expression. They use this information to localize chromatin marks that are associated with the differential expression of genes and conclude that many of the differential genes are bivalent for active and repressive chromatin marks. Finally the authors cross this dataset with a microarray they did of BDNF-inducible genes in cortical culture and suggest enrichment of this program in the differentially regulated gene set from in vivo.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The idea that chromatin regulation coordinates developmental changes in gene expression in neurons has been addressed with several different strategies over the past decade including prior strategies that allow for isolation of neurons with common birth dates. Many current strategies (well cited by the authors) use single cell sequencing and computational algorithms to deconvolve differentiation state from complex mixtures. This study takes an alternative approach to experimentally label these developmental stages which is nice to see for the validation of ground truth. However the study does not go far beyond current knowledge to use this method to add new concepts to the field. The main point of innovation seems to be the observation that the newborn neurons are primed at the chromatin level to express deep layer markers at the time they are born during embryonic life. This is useful to see but not unexpected on the basis of large scale single cell datasets. They also show that bivalent promoters prime developmental stage specific gene expression (in addition to the well-established function of this form of regulation in fate determination), however this too has been shown already in other neuron types.

      We are very pleased that the reviewer evaluated our method as 'nice to see for the validation of ground truth' and distinguished it from the current mainstream method to trace the differentiation process computationally using single-cell analysis that tracks. On the other hand, we also agree with the reviewer's assessment that our results do not exceed previous knowledge. Therefore, as mentioned in our response to Reviewer #2, we plan to analyze the role of Dmrt3 in gene expression and chromatin structure during the neuronal differentiation process. This will allow us to clarify the novel insight into the neuronal differentiation process.

      In addition to these conceptual limitations, there are some poorly supported comments in the text. For example, the fact that their microarray shows some genes in a category called "apoptosis" that are BDNF-sensitive does not meaningful suggest that BDNF induces excitotoxicity in embryonic cortical culture. BDNF has been well established as a survival factor for many kinds of neurons and is a common additive to serum-free media supplements (like B27). The appearance of "apoptosis" terms in the upregulated genes on the microarray more likely suggests either that the microarray is a poor detector of differential gene expression or that the genes in question are inaccurately categorized as "apoptotic" (GO terms are not terribly specific indicators of gene function). If the authors really wanted to test if BDNF was inducing apoptosis their cultures they could test this. However to use only the GO term data in such a strong statement about the biology of their system caused me to question the rigor of either their data or their analysis.

      We are grateful to the reviewers for their important comments. We also agree that BDNF is an important neurotrophic factor and do not believe that it induces cell death. Therefore, we checked the following 40 genes, which showed chromatin closing from E12 to E16, upregulation upon BDNF stimulation, and the GO term 'programmed cell death'.

      Cdip1, Diablo, Pla2g6, Braf, Tnfrsf25, Pa2g4, Mcl1, Hpn, Cebpb, Epha2, Plk3, Herpud1, Crip1, Dusp1, Sphk1, Irf5, Bag3, Stil, Fosl1, Cadm1, Lhx3, Hip1r, Relt, Irs2, Bmp8a, Ptcra, Mef2d, Prkcz, Rnf41, Pcid2

      As a result, we found that there were no genes involved in the main pathway of apoptosis. From this, we understand that the GO terms related to cell death are listed in Figure 5f because 'the genes in question are inaccurately categorized as "apoptotic" ', as this reviewer pointed out.

      We apologize for the misleading discussion in the previous manuscript and would like to thank the reviewer again for realizing this important point. We have corrected this in the new manuscript (page 9, line 263).

      In addition, we will perform a reanalysis to confirm this conclusion of chromatin opening at neuronal activity-associated gene loci using public gene expression analysis data of neuronal stimulation.

      A second example is the section about promoters being the focus of their discussion for DHS sites. Sure figure 3c shows promoters are more likely to be open compared with their contribution to the genome overall, but this is entirely expected since they are major gene TF binding sites, which is what DNAse detects. However promoters do not look to be more likely to be differentially regulated over time (3c vs 3e), and the statement that promoters are more enriched in opening compared with closing sites would require a statistical statement. Distal DHS sites appear equally more abundant in opening sites too.

      We thank the reviewer for their thoughtful comments on our results. As the reviewer points out, the proportion of promoter regions in the opening DHS in Figure 3e is not so high compared to that in Figure 3c. However, as described in the Abstract and Introduction sections, we are interested in how neurons acquire their function during the differentiation process, and our main focus was on comparing neuron-specific and NPC-specific DHS here. In the comparison within Figure 3e, it is clear that the opening DHS has a higher proportion of promoter regions than the closing DHS. We made the necessary revisions to avoid any misunderstanding on this point (page 7, line 192).

      On the other hand, as noted in the discussion, we are also interested in the role of the alteration in distal DHS. As in our response to Reviewer #2, we also plan to analyze changes in DHS in enhancer regions.

      • *

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In Figure 1c, the actual values of the differentially expressed genes are unclear. Is this a Z-score? Please provide the log2 expression values and specify the scale used for the heatmap and clustering.

      We apologize for the unclear expression value of Figure 2c. As this reviewer pointed out, the heatmap shows the Z-score, and we provided the actual scale in the new figure.

      • *

      Figure 5: It is somewhat unusual that the authors used microarray instead of RNA-seq for the BDNA stimulation of in vitro cortical neurons. Please provide a justification for this choice.

      Gene expression analysis using microarrays is a well-established technique, though it is currently unfamiliar. Compared to RNA-seq, microarrays have the disadvantage that they can analyze only RNAs with probes and have a lower dynamic range. However, on the other hand, they have the advantages of reasonable cost and a simpler analysis method. In this paper, we performed microarray analysis for BDNF experiment, considering these advantages.

      Figure 6: again, the data analyses are not comprehensively presented. What are the gene expression profiles of the other clusters (H3K27me3+, H3K4me3-/H3K27me3-, H3K4me3+)? Additionally, the sequencing data is inaccessible, and it is unclear how many samples (e.g., replicates) were used in this study for RNA-seq, DNase-seq, and ChIP-seq.

      We apologize for the lack of gene expression patterns of other clusters in Figure 6c. We provided them in the new figure and confirmed that only bivalent genes (H3K4me3+, H3K27me3+) showed increased gene expression levels during neuronal differentiation and other clusters slight reduction (new Figure 6c). This result again suggests that the bivalent state in NPCs contributes to their activation during neuronal differentiation.

                We described these data in the revised manuscript (page 10, line 296).

      Raw sequence datasets (fastq files) and processed data were deposited in the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) Sequence Read Archive, a partner of International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC), as already described in the Data Availability section. Although DDBJ does not provide a reviewer access system for raw sequence datasets,

      the reviewer's access to the processed data is as follows.

      To review GEA accession E-GEAD-803, E-GEAD-859, E-GEAD-860:

      Please see the instructions below.


      We will provide the access tokens in the final revised manuscript.

      For replicate numbers, we apologize for forgetting to describe them for the BDNF microarray experiment, though those for RNA-seq, DNase-seq, and ChIP-seq were already described in the Methods section. The replicates numbers are as follows:

      RNA-seq: two replicates

      DNase-seq: two replicates

      Microarray: three replicates

      ChIP-seq: two replicates

      We provided the replicate number of the microarray experiment in the revised manuscript (page 17, line 543).

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Major comments:

      The authors begin by examining TFs enriched at E16 DHS regions and suggest that TrxG and PcG factors are highly enriched in neurons, initiating their investigation of bivalent marks. However, they later conclude that bivalent marks are present in the NPC state and later become accessible. It is unclear why PRC factors would be enriched at the neuronal stage when the authors conclude that the chromatin becomes more open (potentially by removal of K27me3). The authors should refine this section of the manuscript to better rationalise their methodology and results.

      We are grateful to the reviewers for pointing out our poor explanation in Figure 6.

      This section aimed to investigate the mechanism by which open genomic regions in E16 were established. We used ChIP-atlas to investigate the transcription factors enriched in the E16 DHS and found many of the components of TrxG and PcG in the previous experiments using ES cells, which are the stem cells as NPCs. Therefore, we hypothesized that binding both TrxG and PcG, meaning a bivalent state, in NPCs may be important for chromatin opening until E16.Therefore, we analyzed bivalent genes in NPCs rather than E16 neurons in Figure 6b-d.

      We explained the rationale in detail in the revised version (page 9-10, line 269-288).

      Do the authors find any expressional changes of the suggested candidate proteins at the RNA or protein levels through development?

      We thank this reviewer for the useful suggestions. We agree that changes in the expression of TrxG and PcG components during neuronal differentiation are important information for considering the mechanism of chromatin structural changes in bivalent genes. Therefore, we checked the expression levels of genes encoding components of PcG or TrxG, determined by Schuettengruber et al., Cell, 2017, in our RNA-seq dataset (new Supplementary Data 5). More than half of them showed significant alteration, suggesting the possible contribution of alteration in the activity of PcG or TrxG or both on chromatin opening.

                We described this point in the revised manuscript (page 12, line 370).

      Minor comments:

      1. The manuscript would improve with proofreading by a native English speaker.

      We have already had proofreading by a native English speaker performed. We will also do it when submitting the revised version.

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      One additional point, which may be beyond the scope of this paper, is that to demonstrate the temporal resolution of this birthdate tracking method robustly, the authors should also apply the technique to upper-layer neuron development and compare developmental differences that were previously challenging to capture due to lower resolution.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The study focuses exclusively on deep-layer excitatory neurons, without comparisons to other neuronal subtypes or non-neuronal cells. Including such comparisons would help determine whether the observed chromatin changes are unique to this specific population or part of a broader developmental process.

      We are grateful for the reviewer's meaningful suggestions. We also think that by comparing with upper-layer neurons and non-neuronal cells, we can more comprehensively understand the development of the cerebral cortex . However, this paper primarily focuses on deep-layer neurons, and analysis of upper-layer neurons and non-neuronal cells will be future work.

      We described this point in the revised manuscript (page 13, line 384).

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript the authors use in utero electroporation of tamoxifen inducible reporters to permanently mark cortical neurons with a common birthdate. They then FACS harvest these cells for bulk DNAse seq and RNA seq to see changes in chromatin regulation and gene expression as these newborn immature cortical neurons become deep layer neurons. As has been shown in prior studies that have addressed other neuronal types or used different methods to isolate developmental cell stages in the CNS, the authors find correlated changes between the opening or closing of chromatin with changes in gene expression. They use this information to localize chromatin marks that are associated with the differential expression of genes and conclude that many of the differential genes are bivalent for active and repressive chromatin marks. Finally the authors cross this dataset with a microarray they did of BDNF-inducible genes in cortical culture and suggest enrichment of this program in the differentially regulated gene set from in vivo.


      The idea that chromatin regulation coordinates developmental changes in gene expression in neurons has been addressed with several different strategies over the past decade including prior strategies that allow for isolation of neurons with common birth dates. Many current strategies (well cited by the authors) use single cell sequencing and computational algorithms to deconvolve differentiation state from complex mixtures. This study takes an alternative approach to experimentally label these developmental stages which is nice to see for the validation of ground truth. However the study does not go far beyond current knowledge to use this method to add new concepts to the field. The main point of innovation seems to be the observation that the newborn neurons are primed at the chromatin level to express deep layer markers at the time they are born during embryonic life. This is useful to see but not unexpected on the basis of large scale single cell datasets. They also show that bivalent promoters prime developmental stage specific gene expression (in addition to the well-established function of this form of regulation in fate determination), however this too has been shown already in other neuron types.

      In addition to these conceptual limitations, there are some poorly supported comments in the text. For example, the fact that their microarray shows some genes in a category called "apoptosis" that are BDNF-sensitive does not meaningful suggest that BDNF induces excitotoxicity in embryonic cortical culture. BDNF has been well established as a survival factor for many kinds of neurons and is a common additive to serum-free media supplements (like B27). The appearance of "apoptosis" terms in the upregulated genes on the microarray more likely suggests either that the microarray is a poor detector of differential gene expression or that the genes in question are inaccurately categorized as "apoptotic" (GO terms are not terribly specific indicators of gene function). If the authors really wanted to test if BDNF was inducing apoptosis their cultures they could test this. However to use only the GO term data in such a strong statement about the biology of their system caused me to question the rigor of either their data or their analysis.

      A second example is the section about promoters being the focus of their discussion for DHS sites. Sure figure 3c shows promoters are more likely to be open compared with their contribution to the genome overall, but this is entirely expected since they are major gene TF binding sites, which is what DNAse detects. However promoters do not look to be more likely to be differentially regulated over time (3c vs 3e), and the statement that promoters are more enriched in opening compared with closing sites would require a statistical statement. Distal DHS sites appear equally more abundant in opening sites too.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript from Sakai et al. examines changes in chromatin accessibility during the differentiation of deep-layer excitatory neurons in the neocortex. The authors establish a novel genetic labelling method that tracks differentiating neurons based on their birthdates allowing following neuronal differentiation in vivo. By combining RNA-seq and DNase-seq they provide a comprehensive dataset of gene expression and chromatin accessibility changes during neuronal differentiation of deep-layer neurons and reveal that key genes linked to mature neuronal functions and bivalent genes in neural precursor cells become accessible during early differentiation. These findings underscore the crucial role of chromatin regulation in preparing neurons for maturation and unravel novel key insights into the regulatory mechanisms governing deep-layer neuronal differentiation.

      Overall, this manuscript presents a novel technique for tracking neuron development from NPCs with specific birthdates. However, in its current form, it is largely descriptive and relies on correlative observations rather than elucidating a clear mechanism underlying chromatin and transcriptional changes. The provided data could be further leveraged to gain deeper insights into the molecular mechanisms governing deep-layer neuron development.

      One additional point, which may be beyond the scope of this paper, is that to demonstrate the temporal resolution of this birthdate tracking method robustly, the authors should also apply the technique to upper-layer neuron development and compare developmental differences that were previously challenging to capture due to lower resolution.

      Major comments:

      The authors have generated extensive RNA- and DNAse-seq datasets across different developmental time points following birthdate labelling. However, the bioinformatics analyses and interpretations are limited and need further clarification and refinement:

      1. The violin plots used to demonstrate expression and accessibility changes across developmental time points and the conclusions drawn from them are not convincing. The authors used a rank test to assess significant changes in expression, which only indicates the enrichment of genes with increased or decreased expression in each group. This cannot be directly interpreted as "significant upregulation." For instance, in Figures 4a and 4b, similar violin plots yield different statistical outcomes. The mean values on both graphs are comparable, yet Figure 4a suggests significant changes, while Figure 4b does not conclude significant downregulation of closing DHS genes. This is unconvincing. A more robust approach would be identifying DEGs between time points and analysing functional terms associated with these genes. The current plots do not support interpretations of gene upregulation, as each dot represents a gene, and the violin plot serves more as a population representation. The authors should either revisit their explanations and conclusions or include additional analyses and appropriate plots that support their claims of significant upregulation and downregulation of specific genes during development.
      2. Figure 6b lacks clarity regarding the cutoff value used to categorise genes as K4me3 and K27me3 negative or positive from the heatmap. Even the "K4me3 negative" cluster displays a detectable signal of the mark, albeit at lower levels. Since only one plot of the entire gene body is provided, it is unclear what levels of enrichment are present, particularly at the promoter region. The authors are encouraged to provide additional informative plots and analyses of this ChIP-seq experiment, as this is a critical point where they draw conclusions about bivalent genes. This would not only strengthen their claims but could also uncover additional findings with more detailed analyses. A heatmap of clustered ChIP-seq signals of K4me3 and K27me3 alongside expression levels of the same genes (similar to Figure 2c) and differential accessibility (e.g., between NPC and E16) would better visualise and correlate histone modifications with chromatin and gene expression states.
      3. The DNase-seq dataset can be better utilised to investigate differentially accessible motifs through development. Is this something the authors already looked into? This could strengthen mechanism investigation together with the ChIP-atlas results in Fig.6a
      4. The two distinct modes of H3K4me3 enrichment observed are not addressed and should be explained. Which genes belong to these two clusters? Is there a difference in DHS and gene expression between them?
      5. The same concern regarding the use of violin plots to correlate gene expression with bivalent genes through development (Figure 6c) as mentioned earlier. It would be better to use DEGs and intersect them. This is particularly important given the wide range of gene expression levels in the already poised state.
      6. The authors limited their analyses to promoter/gene body regions. A survey of the bivalent marks and accessibility at enhancer regions would be also beneficial for understanding the changes at the chromatin landscape through development.
      7. The authors begin by examining TFs enriched at E16 DHS regions and suggest that TrxG and PcG factors are highly enriched in neurons, initiating their investigation of bivalent marks. However, they later conclude that bivalent marks are present in the NPC state and later become accessible. It is unclear why PRC factors would be enriched at the neuronal stage when the authors conclude that the chromatin becomes more open (potentially by removal of K27me3). The authors should refine this section of the manuscript to better rationalise their methodology and results.
      8. Do the authors find any expressional changes of the suggested candidate proteins at the RNA or protein levels through development?
      9. The mechanisms driving the activation and expression of poised neuronal genes through the development of deep-layer neurons is not uncovered. The authors suggest certain histone modifiers and the DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3 as potential drivers of chromatin landscape and transcriptional regulation changes; however, this remains speculative, as there is no direct evidence or validation of these factors binding to the identified target regions or changes in DNA methylation states. The authors should provide validation of their candidate factors' presence at potential targets, as well as changes in DNA methylation if they want to conclude these as the mechanisms driving deep-layer neuron development.

      Minor comments:

      1. The manuscript would improve with proofreading by a native English speaker.
      2. The motif analysis can be included in the main figures.


      By introducing a novel genetic labelling method that tracks neurons based on their birthdates, the study provides a precise way to examine differentiation in vivo, adding valuable insights beyond traditional in vitro approaches. The combination of RNA-seq and DNase-seq analyses reveals how chromatin accessibility changes, particularly in bivalent genes, play a crucial role in neuronal maturation. This work highlights the importance of chromatin dynamics in establishing neuronal identity. The techniques and findings provide a useful framework for future studies, offering a path for deeper exploration of chromatin regulation across different neuronal types, stages of development, or disease contexts, making it a valuable contribution to the field of developmental neurobiology.

      While the manuscript suggests the involvement of chromatin regulators such as Trithorax and Polycomb proteins, as well as Dnmt3 and DNA methylation, it lacks direct mechanistic evidence, such as ChIP-seq, bisulfite-seq, or loss-of-function experiments, to substantiate these claims.

      The study focuses exclusively on deep-layer excitatory neurons, without comparisons to other neuronal subtypes or non-neuronal cells. Including such comparisons would help determine whether the observed chromatin changes are unique to this specific population or part of a broader developmental process. The bioinformatics analyses and interpretations are limited and require further clarification and refinement. The proposed mechanisms are not fully explored, leaving the manuscript largely descriptive rather than providing a detailed mechanistic understanding.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors have developed a method for labeling a specific stage of differentiating neurons. Using this approach, they tracked the four-day differentiation process of deep-layer excitatory neurons in the mouse embryonic cortex. They investigated genome-wide changes in transcription patterns and chromatin accessibility using RNA-seq and DNase-seq. Additionally, they provided H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 ChIP-seq data from E12.0 NPCs. This resulting omics data would be a valuable resource for the field. While initial data analyses show potentially interesting findings, only part of the analyses are presented in the figures, lacking sufficient detail. Before publishing the manuscript, the authors should include more comprehensive analyses of their datasets. Specific suggestions are below.

      In Figure 1c, the actual values of the differentially expressed genes are unclear. Is this a Z-score? Please provide the log2 expression values and specify the scale used for the heatmap and clustering.

      Figure 4 focuses on promoter-specific chromatin accessibility analysis. The author can process the data similarly to the transcription data. They should identify differentially accessible promoter regions across E13.0 to E16.0 and generate a heatmap with clustering. Additionally, the author should provide matched gene expression data, either in the form of a heatmap or box plot, corresponding to those differentially accessible promoter regions. Currently, Figure 4 only presents E16.0 data compared to E12.0, which is not comprehensive.

      Figure 5: It is somewhat unusual that the authors used microarray instead of RNA-seq for the BDNA stimulation of in vitro cortical neurons. Please provide a justification for this choice.

      Figure 6: again, the data analyses are not comprehensively presented. What are the gene expression profiles of the other clusters (H3K27me3+, H3K4me3-/H3K27me3-, H3K4me3+)? Additionally, the sequencing data is inaccessible, and it is unclear how many samples (e.g., replicates) were used in this study for RNA-seq, DNase-seq, and ChIP-seq.


      Multi-omics data from the differentiation process of deep-layer excitatory neurons would be a valuable resource for the field.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript by Torres Esteban et. al., the authors investigate how Pellino1/2 are recruited to chromatin surrounding DSBs. These two proteins contain the well-established FHA phospho-peptide binding domain that are present in other DDR chromatin binding such as RNF8. These two proteins were recently implicated as being involved in the DNA damage response, however, the exact phosphorylation-dependent recruitment method Pellino1/2 is not well defined.

      The authors first attempt to identify proteins that bind to the multiple MDC1 TQXF motif, specifically when phosphorylated on the Threonine residue. In two independent experiments both Pellino1 and Pellino2 were pulled down with a phosphorylated MDC1 pTQXF peptide along with RNF8, as expected. They further show that this interaction between Pellino1/2 and the MDC1 is not specific to just a single MDC1 TQXF motif and that it requires a phosphorylated Threonine residue both from nuclear extracts and an in-vitro binding assay. The authors also show that Pellino1/2 cannot be pulled down from nuclear extracts using a pS139 H2AX peptide, as had been suggested by immunoprecipitation methods previously. Next, in Figure 2 the authors investigate if any of the 4 MDC1 TQXF motifs are preferentially bound by Pellino1/2 in comparison to RNF8. The authors further provide evidence for this phosphor-dependent interaction with a crystal structure of Pellino2-FHA along with a pTQXF MDC1 peptide. They then show that while this Pel1/2-MDC1 interaction can be observed using immunoprecipitation of HA/Flag-MDC1, it appears to be IR-induced DNA damage independent with this method. Using PLA as a second approach they validate that Pellino1 and MDC1 can be found in close proximity within the nucleus in cells and that this interaction is enhanced upon IR-induced DNA damage. As a control they see no PLA foci in MDC1 KO U2OS cells. The authors further this notion that MDC1 is important for Pellino1/2 recruitment to DSBs with laser micro-irradiation and see that GFP-Pellino1 is recruited to DNA damage in an MDC1-dependent manner. They further show that this MDC1-dependent recruitment of Pellino1 requires the TQXF motif of MDC1 as mutation of all 4 TQXF residues to AQXF abolished Pellino1 recruitment to laser induced DNA damage. The authors then show that this same AQXF mutant is also devoid of Pellino1 recruitment ability using IR.

      Overall, the manuscript is very clear and concise and presents a reasonable model that MDC1 pTQXF motifs are required for recruitment of Pellino1/2 to DSBs. The explanations of data and figures, including the rationale behind experiments are easily understood and well presented. There are a few points that should be addressed.

      Major Comments:

      1. What were the other proteins that came down with the phospho-MDC1 pTQXF peptide pulldown, and what were the statistics of the pulldowns from the mass spectrometry experiments (i.e. number of distinct peptides, coverage, etc, for all of the interacting proteins that were identified. I was not able find a table showing all of the other interactors (Table S1? Not included in the files). These data are critical and need to be presented in the manuscript.

      2. Given that the FHA domain structure primarily recognizes the three amino acids C-terminal to the pThr residue, why do the authors think that the measured KD for the pT765 site (pTQPF) is 5-fold lower than the measured KD for the pT752 site (pTQPF)? Please provide some rationale for this in the text. (See point 4 below as well)

      3. In Figure 2, the pT699 peptide binds strongest to RNF8 and PELI1/2. Is this a consequence of other factors (conformational or allosteric changes, or other modifications on these proteins from the nuclear extracts) in the full length proteins compared to the isolated FHA domains? If the authors repeat this pulldown experiment using only the isolated FLAG- or GST-tagged FHA domains, do they also get the same result? The data in Table T1 suggests this will not be the case. Please confirm this, and if the data and discordant, please comment on the difference in full-length RNF8 and PELI1/2 binding from the HeLa nuclear extracts versus the isolated FHA domains in the text.

      4. In Figure 3, I am confused by the reference to Asp+5. The sequence around pT765 is pTQPFDT, so isn't the critical Asp in the +4 position? Is this interaction sufficient to account for the 5-fold tighter binding of this site than to the pT752 site? Or is this higher affinity a consequence of the pT-1 Glu residue, or both? Perhaps showing a full side chain interaction map would help here.

      5. It would be helpful if the authors looked at RNF8 levels in the FLAG Ips shown in Figure 4A. It looks like DNA damage slightly reduced PELI1/2 binding which might be accounted for by RNF8 competition.

      6. Do the authors have any data, or can they speculate, on whether the entire MDC1 699-770 region can simultaneously bind to both RNF8 and PELI1/2 though different sites at the same time on a single MDC1 molecule or is the RNF8-PELI1/2 co-localization from adjacent MDC1 molecules? While clearly not required, it would be interesting to ask whether transfecting MDC1-knockout cells with variations of MDC1 containing 1, 2, or 3 Thr-Ala mutations at these sites compromises co-localization and DNA damage responses? Can co-transfection of two constructs containing distinct single TQXF sites - one optimized for RNF8 binding and one optimized for PELI1/2 binding, can rescue the co-localization phenotype.

      7. What effect does the combined knock-down of PELI1/2 have on some aspect of DNA damage signaling or cell cycle progression? Is the repair/loss of gH2AX or 53BP1 foci delayed if PELI1/2 are absent?

      8. Figure 4A shows that the interaction between MDC1 and Pellino1/2 is independent of IR-induced DNA damage as observed using immunoprecipitation. 4B shows that PLA foci between MDC1 and Strep-HA-GFP-Pellino1 can be observed in undamaged cells and PLA foci are increased when observed 3h post 3Gy IR damage. Is this discrepancy explainable by differences between PELI1/2 recruitment given that the antibody in 4A used recognizes both isoforms but the PLA in 4B is specific to Pellino1? It would be nice to see if there are any differences between Pellino1/2 by performing IP +/- DNA damage using exogenously expressed Pelliono1 or 2 variants. Additionally, repeating PLA in 4B with a Pellino2 construct would help address this question.

      9. Similar to the comment above, a further investigation into if there are any differences in recruitment between Pellino1/2 using the experimental systems used in Figure 5 would greatly support the model presented, particularly since the crystal structure presented in Figure 3 is with Pellino2. Is there any rationale for this based upon amino acid sequence differences between Pellino1/2?

      10. Using the experimental approaches in Figures 4 & 5 and the insight from the crystal structure in Figure 3, making point mutations in Pellino1/2 that would be predicted to disrupt the phospho-specific interaction would provide further confidence in the model proposed.

      Minor Comments:

      1. Could the authors please comment on if Pellino3a/b came down in the initial IP experiment and if not, is there potentially an explanation based upon sequence similarities/differences as inferred by the crystal structure of Pellino2?

      2. Is there a rationale for why only single TQXF motifs were tested in isolation for binding in 2A? Given the proximity of the TQXF sites one could imagine that 2 or 3 TQXF sites being simultaneously phosphorylated could provide an even better peptide for Pellino1/2 FHA binding.

      3. In Figure 2B, how is the data "Adjusted"?

      4. Table T2 is provided twice, but the Table of co-precipitating proteins from the mass spectrometry experiments is not shown.


      It seems that most of us hit on the same set of core issues - whether the MDC stretch of 4 pTQxF motifs simutaneously recruits RNF8 and Pellino1/2 to the same MDC1 molecules or not, a few more mutational studies, and whether the Pellino recruitment is important in events downstream of MDC1 binding. This latter issue could entail significantly more work, though its inclusion would likely influence which of the journals that use Review Commons was interested in pursuing the paper. A purely biochemical study is fine, at least in my opinion, depending on the type of journal, but adding some functional DNA damage context and relevant cell biology would bring the work to a deeper level. Just my thoughts, of course....


      The general significance of the data presented by Torres Esteban et. al., provide a mechanistic understanding of how Pellino1/2 are recruited to DNA damage, a role that has previously not been characterized. While this manuscript does not delve into the role of Pellino1/2 downstream of its recruitment, much of this has been investigated by a paper by Ha et. al., 2019 as cited in this manuscript. In fact, the Ha et. al., propose that Pellino1/2 directly interacts with pS139 H2AX. Torres Esteban et. al., convincingly show that this is likely not the case and provide robust biochemical and cellular evidence to support their mechanistic model, very nicely contributing to the body of knowledge regarding Pellino1/2 in the DDR. The audience that this paper would be important for would be those in the DNA damage field or structural biologists interested in phospho-peptide binding domains.

      Our expertise is in DNA damage signaling, FHA and other protein modular domains, and determination of protein structure by X-ray crystallography.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors in this work provide compelling evidence to support a critical role of MDC1 as a molecular scaffold that dock Pellino1/2 at DSBs. Using an unbiased approach Pellino1/2, alongside RNF8, were identified as FHA-containing DNA damage responsive factors that bear affinity for an MDC1 TQXF phospho-peptide. Results from a series of interaction studies suggest that Pellino1/2 highly likely interact with MDC1 in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. Consistently, Pellino1/2 assembly at DSBs required MDC1 and its TQXF phosphorylation. Overall the work is of high quality and observations that highlight the MDC1-Pellino1/2 interaction are solid.


      The work offers an alternative perspective that details MDC1 as an important molecular scaffold that allows DSB targeting of Pellino1/2. I have only two minor comments -

      1) As opposed to examining interaction between Pellino1/2 and the MDC1 fragment (Figure 4A), to unequivocally demonstrate that Pellino1/2 interacts with MDC1 in response to genotoxic stress the authors should show that Pellino1/2 interacts with full-length MDC1 but not its AQXF mutant. In this setting IR should further enhance the Pellino1/2-MDC1 interaction.

      2) For visualisation purpose the authors should provide density map that shows the MDC1-pTQXF and the key interacting residues on the PELI2 FHA.


      Given the plausibility that Pellino1/2 may co-occupy MDC1 with NBS1 and RNF8 it would be of interest to examine if that is indeed the case. & Does Pellino1/2 expression affect RNF8-dependent ubiquitylation?

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors present a series of experiments demonstrating a physical interaction between the phosphorylated TQXF motifs of MDC1 and Pellino1 / Pellino 2 proteins (PELI1/PELI2). Both proteins are enriched in a peptide pull-down mass spectrometry experiment using HeLa nuclear extracts, and shown to bind preferentially to MDC1-pThr699 and -pThr765. These data are nicely supported by iso-thermal titration calorimetry experiments with a dissociation constant of 230nM determined for interaction with a synthetic pT765 phospho-peptide. The authors go on to determine an X-ray crystal structure of the FHA domain from PELI2 in complex with the MDC1-pThr765, to reveal the molecular determinants underpinning the interaction. Additional experiments, including immunoprecipitation, proximity ligation assay, and laser micro-irradiation support a phospho-specific interaction, driven by DNA damage, between MDC1 and PELI1/2 - and discount a direct interaction of PELI1/2 with the phosphorylated tail of histone H2AX as proposed previously in Ha et al (2019).

      Major comments:

      a) In all cases, RNF8 binds more tightly to the MDC1-pTQXF motifs, with the notable exception of pThr765; however, the affinity of RNF8 for the MDC1-pThr765 peptide has not been determined by ITC, which would be a useful comparator. Esp., given the question of how the authors envisage the interchange between binding to RNF8 vs PELI1/2?

      b) Does Wing-II of PELI1/2 provide a secondary interaction pocket, capable of interacting with an extended bis-phosphorylated peptide? Is it highly conserved in terms of amino acid sequence?

      c) Do the authors findings support the idea of PELI1 acting as part of a positive feedback mechanism that functions via PELI1-dependent ubiquitylation of NBS1?

      d) The manuscript appears a little truncated, and does not explore the downstream (cellular) effects of disrupting the PELI1/2 - MDC1 interaction.


      Overall, the manuscript contains a robust and well-controlled set of experiments that confirm a direct interaction between the PELI1/2 protein and MDC1, dependent on prior phosphorylation of MDC1 (at its TQXF ) sites in response to DNA damage. With that said, it is somewhat limited in scope, and does not explore the cellular consequences of breaking/interfering with the ability of PELI1/2 to interact with MDC1 and how this might be integrated into our understanding of the mammalian DNA damage response.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript by Esteban et al. provides compelling evidence that MDC1, in addition to its well-known interaction with the E3 ligase RNF8, also directly binds to the E3 ubiquitin ligases Pellino1 and Pellino2, both of which have recently emerged as important players in the DNA damage response. The authors convincingly show that MDC1 mediates the recruitment of Pellino1/2 to sites of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) via a phosphorylation-dependent interaction.

      Major Comments:

      1. Competitive Binding Dynamics: The manuscript should address whether RNF8 and Pellino1/2 compete for binding to phosphorylated MDC1. Understanding whether these interactions are competitive, cooperative, or mutually exclusive is crucial for deciphering the functional implications of MDC1's ability to interact with multiple E3 ligases.

      2. DNA Damage-Independent Interaction: The observation that MDC1 and Pellino1/2 interact in the absence of DNA damage (as depicted in Figure 4A) is unexpected. While the authors note that MDC1 is phosphorylated to some degree in non-irradiated cells, this explanation does not fully clarify the mechanism or significance of this interaction in the absence of DNA damage. Since DNA damage typically enhances MDC1 phosphorylation, one would anticipate a corresponding increase in the interaction between MDC1 and Pellino1/2. Further investigation into this aspect is needed to better understand the context in which these interactions occur.

      Minor Comments:

      Figure 1E Labeling: There is a labeling error in Figure 1E; the labels should be corrected to "H2AX" and "pS139-H2AX."


      While the discovery of this interaction is intriguing, the manuscript would benefit from a more thorough exploration of its physiological significance.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      miRNAs are important for the control of many cellular processes, with the miR-29 family of miRNAs implicated in the regulation of cell growth in different cell types in both the epidermis and dermis of the skin. However, the roles of miRNAs in specific cell types in general, and of the miR-29 family in the skin, are currently unknown. Here, the authors use a range of cellular and molecular techniques, including miRNA cross-linking and immunoprecipitation (miRNA-CLIP) and antisense oligonucleotides (ASO), as well as RNA-Seq, qPCR, Western blotting, in situ hybridization, adhesion and ECM assays, ELISA and immunofluorescence, to interrogate the roles of the miR-29 family of miRNAs in controlling cell growth in epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts, using 2D and 3D ex vivo models. The coupling of miR-CLIP with functional assays allowed the authors to identify both miRNA-mRNA complexes, and the biological pathways that these ultimately manipulate.

      The authors report the identification of unbiased, tangible miR-29/mRNA pairs, together with functional roles in cell adhesion, ECM regulation and fibroblast proliferation, that are distinct between keratinocytes and fibroblasts. miR-29 is identified as a valuable target for interventions that seek to promote healthy skin regeneration, including applications for wound healing. Many of the pathways identified here have previously been described, but the novelty of this manuscript lies in the innovative combination of miR-CLIP with functional assays, the application of these in combination to specific cell types, the identification of miR-29 as a novel master regulator of epidermal keratinocyte adhesion via a range of different pathways, and the demonstration that miR-29 inhibition in fibroblasts can influence keratinocyte adhesion via paracrine signalling.

      The experiments are well designed and reported. The interpretations are sound and appropriate for the data presented (though see the comment on potential normalisation of ECM data to cell numbers in cultures for the miR-29 mimic/inhibitor data for fibroblasts and the query about the number of direct miR-29 targets in fibroblasts that are ECM-related).

      Major Comments: I have no major concerns to raise over this manuscript. The claims and conclusions are supported by the data and no additional experiments are required (though please note the comment on normalisation mentioned above and detailed below). The methods are clearly reported and statistical reporting is adequate.

      Minor Comments: Pg3, 7th line from the bottom: "processed into three functional miRNA..." - minor edit needed here, it looks like there's a word missing somewhere. Pg3, last line on the page: "results supported..." - is there a missing 'are' here? Pg5, 15th line of the main text: "of miRNA-29-mediate repression..." - is there a missing 'd' here ('-mediated...')? There is lots on minor presentation errors like this throughout the manuscript - I won't point them out exhaustively, but the manuscript needs a good thorough proof-read, maybe from a fresh pair of eyes? - We fully agree with the reviewer. The manuscript has been proofread and corrected throughout. Fig. 1C: Can the figure be edited to better highlight the basal layer with lack of (nsm image) and expression of (abm image) K10? Maybe a box around that layer, rather than the current arrows only on the abm image (which are not particularly closely indicating the basal layer)? We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. The arrows on the Fig.1C point to the areas where keratin K10 filaments are reaching the basal membrane (indicated by collagen IV staining). It was difficult to box out the basal level without covering the K10 signal. We decided to explain this in the legend to clarify how the data shows this pre-mature expression of keratin K10 in the miR-29ab mimic sample. ____The basal layer of the control (nsm) sample thus remains K10-free and only shows nuclear DAPI staining. Fig. 2 legend should include definitions of abbreviations shown on the figure. - Added Pg8/Fig. 4A: Can the reporting of shared transcript targets of miR-29 in IFK/HFK/DF cells be better communicated? Maybe just adding the actual percentage overlap in transcriptomes for IFK/HFL and keratinocytes/fibroblasts to the main text would help . – Actual percentages of the overlaps added in the text. Similarly, I think a direct report somewhere (in the main text?) of total number for relevant groups shown in Fig. 4E would also be useful - e.g. there are 45 transcripts that are direct targets of miR-29 in keratinocytes and also associated with ECM, and 190 that are direct targets of miR-29 in keratinocytes and also associated with cell adhesion, but these number are difficult to come by quickly at the moment. It would be nice to be able to quickly compare these numbers for keratinocytes to their equivalents for fibroblasts__. – This is a very helpful suggestion with a good example. We incorporated the suggestion into the text and made changes to the figure to make it easier to compare pro-adhesive and miR-29-regulated functions in keratinocytes and fibroblasts. Fig. 4B: It's interesting that ~15% of miR-29 binding targets identified using miR-CLIP are not predicted targets based on TargetScan/microT-CDS. I'd like to see a little more information on this added to the manuscript - perhaps listing some of these or including a table of them? And perhaps some discussion of this could be added also. - Indeed, almost 170 mRNAs are in this category and are now listed in a table in Suppl. File 1. Non-canonical binding is briefly discussed in the text. Fig. 4E: I would be nice to see the Venn numbers for keratinocyte proliferation (either is a supp figure, or addition to the main text?), to help illustrate the lack of a role for miR-29 in the regulation of keratinocyte proliferation. – It is an interesting point; the cell proliferation seems to be a function of miR-29 in fibroblasts but not in keratinocytes. We did not detect cell proliferation as a significantly enriched function among keratinocyte mRNAs directly regulated by miR-29. It is consistent with the lack of change in BrdU incorporation in keratinocytes grown in 3D (Figure 2). We also never noticed any change in keratinocyte proliferation while expanding them in 2D after miR-29 transfection or inhibition. This has been further highlighted in the text. Fig. 4E: Is the reported number of direct miR-29 targets in fibroblasts that are ECM-related correct? This number is reported as 10 in the main text (pg10, 3rd paragraph), but it looks like 10 is only for direct miR-29 targets in fibroblasts that are ECM-related AND related to proliferation. Should this number be 58? The 10 that are direct miR-29 targets in fibroblasts that are ECM-related AND related to proliferation can be reported in the next sentence, where this group is specifically referred to. – This has now been amended in the text according to the reviewer’s suggestion. Fig. 7 (and related main text): Did you take any steps to normalise ECM measurements to cell numbers present in cultures in the miR-29 mimic/inhibition experiments in fibroblasts? This should really be included as it would provide an answer to the speculation of whether the effects of manipulating miR-29 on ECM are due to proliferation or classical pro-fibrotic pathways - it is probably based on proliferation not pro-fibrosis because TGFb is one of the most pro-fibrotic cytokine known and it’s response is abrogated by miR-29KD. Need to check the original excel for Fig. 7D. – Yes, the concentration of the ECM was measured in ng/ml and normalized per number of cells. We calculated the concentration of oligonucleotides per cell by dividing the amount of transfected oligo per number of transfected cells counterstained with nuclear DAPI signal. We could do so because every cell showed a similar transfection rate by calculating fluorescence of Cy3 conjugated to the miR oligos. Then, we divided the ECM concentration by the number of transfected cells per well, thus normalizing the ECM deposition to the cell number. The reviewer is correct, both the increase in ECM after miRNA-29 KD and the decrease in ECM after miRNA-29 overexpression is consistent with increased and decreased cell numbers, correspondingly. As suggested, we later confirm that the increased deposition of the ECM was not a result of activated pro-fibrotic pathway (Figure 7).__

      Fig. 8E: The upper and lower image need to have nsa/abc labels added to them. – This has been done, thank you for noticing! Pg12, 1st sub-heading: typo (cell-specific). -corrected.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      All reviews appear to be fair and balanced to me. I agree that in places wording could be amended to temper the strengths of some claims, and it would also be nice to see some additional functional assays included, to complement the adhesion and ECM deposition assays that are currently presented, though I do not think this should necessarily be a requirement for publication and could be included in subsequent follow-up work from the group. I did not spot the reuse of images between Fig. 1 and 2, but clearly this should be addressed - either by replacing one set of images, or by removing the relevant panels from Fig. 1 and changing in-text reference to guide the reader to Fig. 2A. I also agree that it would be nice to see miR-29 staining of mouse dermal fibroblasts during wound healing, to complement the images already shown for keratinocytes, and to see miR-29 staining in human skin__. – We thank Reviewer 1 for cross-checking other reviews, and we address these comments in response to Reviewers 2 and 3. __

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      miR-CLIP is a powerful, recently developed technique, with enormous promise for the identification of true miRNA-mRNA pairs, that has not yet been widely adopted by the research community. As such, its application here is itself relatively novel, adding enormously to our existing knowledge of likely miR-29 targets, providing tangible information in miR-29/mRNA pairs in specific cell types in different layers of the skin, but also further adding novel functional information to this, with demonstrations of the regulation of specific relevant biological pathways through manipulation of targets identified using miR-CLIP. The methods are sound (and impressive), results are reported well and not over-interpreted. There is the potential for better characterisation of the relative importance of canonical pro-fibrotic pathways vs proliferation-related effects on ECM production, and this should not be difficult to address. This paper will be on interest to a wide readership, including those engaged in fundamental research and clinicians.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The article entitled, "miRNA-29-CLIP uncovers new targets and functions to improve skin repair", by Thiagarajan et al. describes the characterization of the functions of miRNA-29 in keratinocytes and fibroblasts, its RNA interactors and potential mechanisms of action. Using candidate interactors and 2D cell culture and 3D skin equivalents combined with loss-of-function (inhibitor) and gain-of-function (mimic), and changes in expression analyses, the authors conclude that the major function of miRNA-29 is to regulate cell-substrate adhesion.

      Major comments:

      • While the interactors and expression changes are useful resources, the claims and the conclusions that are based on them are exaggerated. The treatments are associated with changes in expression, but no functional data support the conclusions. Additional functional experiments are required to assertively make the claims. The title is misleading when stating "to improve skin repair" and the abstract also makes some bold general claims, which are tangentially supported by the findings. For example, "protein folding" only appears in the abstract and "RNA processing" is in the abstract and figures but not referred to in the text__. – We thank the reviewer for valid criticism. While this manuscript was in preparation, we were publishing our other study showing the function of miRNA-29 in wound healing in cutaneous mouse-based model. This study demonstrated an improved re-epithelialization and wound closure in Mir29ab1 KO mice (Robinson et al, Am. J. of Pathology 2024). It was difficult not to think about the role of miR-29 in a wider context of skin repair, which was the goal of the in vivo part of the project. We could not cite the other manuscript at that time as a reference and should have toned down our claims to improved skin repair in this manuscript.__

      • The authors may want to tune their language that their data suggest the conclusions as opposed to being definitive and assertive. This should be done in the Discussion, while the Results should represent the direct conclusions__. – This has now been amended accordingly (highlighted in green).__

      • A couple of examples to the above, in the conclusion to section 1 of the Results, how was the "loss of basal adhesion" assessed? Is it by beta1-integrin localization changes? – We have not performed assays specific to activated integrins, but this is planned studies where we will address the molecular details of the miRNA-29-controlled cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix adhesion mechanism. Also, how is "growth" defined"? proliferation is not changed and a more accurate way to describe the result is to refer to thickness__. – Indeed, our results clearly demonstrate no change in keratinocyte proliferation in response to a change in miRNA-29 levels either way. We therefore speculate that the reason for differences in 3D cultures of keratinocytes (the SEs) is pre-mature differentiation, induced by miRNA-29. While we do not have a mechanistic answer to this observation (e.g., keratin K14 is not a direct target of miRNA-29), premature expression of K10 in the basal layer may be a consequence of altered adhesion mechanisms in the basal layer. As noted earlier, we are currently investigating the mechanism of miRNA-29-regulated adhesion of mouse and human keratinocytes, but this was beyond the scope of presented study, which has identified the phenomenon at the first instance using organismal and tissue-level approach.__

      • The images in Fig 1C are reused in Fig 2A, where new examples should be shown instead. – We had erroneously inserted the same panel as in Figure 2. The correct day 6 panel is now inserted instead in Figure 1C, along with an additional control of normal human skin.

      • Fig 1C and Fig 2A are not quantified to make the claims about premature differentiation and integrin expression changes. – We struggled to find an accurate method of quantifying the fluorescent signal coming from varied cell shapes and the basal lamina of human SEs. We however see certain consistency in deposition of integrin beta 1 and alpha 6 (ITGB1and ITGA6) in our SEs. The signal for ITGB1 completely disappears in miRNA-29 treated SEs while ITGA6 goes down. Conversely, increased ITGB1 after inhibition of miR-29 coincides with a higher signal of ITGA6 (Figure 2A). ITGB1 and ITGA6 are co-expressed in basal layer of ____human skin____ and ____SEs____(____Solé-Boldo et al, Comm. Biology 2020, ____Fig. 1c____; Stabel et al, Cell Rep. 2023, Fig. 3E) and can heterodimerize to form integrin α6β1 in various tissues (____reviewed by Zhou et al. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2018____). We have changed the way we discuss the results in the text.

      • Fig 3: It is not clear from the figure legends what statistical methods were used for which experiment or how many times the experiment was performed (not just biological replicates), especially given the variability among experiments in Fig 3C. - Adhesion assay in Fig. 3A was performed in four biological replicates with one batch of primary human keratinocytes (pooled neonatal), and in 3C, as two independent experiments (exp) with two different batches of keratinocytes (exp 1 and exp 2). Lower numbers of cells in exp 1 as compared to expt 2 are due to an unfortunate but usual variability between batches of primary cells. The variability noted by the reviewer is most likely coming from lower numbers of cells in exp 1 as compared to exp 2. We have now clarified this in the figure legend.

      Minor comments:

      • The Introduction is focused on methodology and should include elements that pave the way to the Results. Some information that belongs in the introduction are present in the Results section. In this respect, please define the miRNA processing Dicer pathway and its components in the introduction so that the reader can follow the nomenclature (AGO2, RISC, etc.). Also, introduce human skin equivalents or organotypic culture as a model system in the Introduction.

      • Some information in the Results belongs in the Introduction, for example, the first seven lines of the Results section. - We have changed the introduction accordingly

      • The authors might want to consider including quantifications in the main figures, so they are immediately apparent to the reader, for example, Fig S1C. Also, Fig S2B is an important measure for the immediate outcome of the treatment on miRNA-29__. – We have included the quantification of the SE epidermal thickness in Fig. 1D and emphasized the KD effect of miR-29 anti-sense oligos in the text.__

      • Please change "imidiate" to "immediate", "sculp" to "scalp", "has to be releaved of miRNA-29-mediate repression" to "has to be relieved of miRNA-29-mediated repression" - Done.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with my colleagues' assessments and suggestions. The miRNA-CLIP data in keratinocytes and fibroblasts are important resources. The figures and text require reconsideration to more accurately represent the data as detailed in our collective reviews

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The study utilizes 2D and 3D cultures and presents an important resource for miRNA-29 interactors in keratinocytes and fibroblasts, as well as the expression changes associated with its inhibition and overexpression. However, the conclusions are exaggerated and based on expression changes. If the conclusions are rephrased, the findings would be of interest to a broad audience interested in miRNA, cell adhesion and epithelial and mesenchymal biology.

      My expertise is in skin development and maintenance, genetics and cell biology. I have limited knowledge in RNA biology.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      Thiagarajan et al. report on the functions and molecular targets of miR-29 in human primary skin cells. They first focus on the potential role of miR-29 in wound healing and in the adhesion of keratinocytes to the basement membrane using both in vivo wounding assays in the mouse and human cultures/skin equivalents. The authors report that miR-29 negatively affects adhesion in vivo and in vitro and characterise the transcriptome of fast and slow-adhering cells with or without miR-29inhibition. They proceed to identify miR-29 targets in three primary skin cell types (follicular keratinocytes, interfollicular keratinocytes and fibroblasts) by performing miRNA-clip. By comparing these targets to genes altered in keratinocytes with high adhesion capacity after miR-29 inhibition or fibroblasts after miR-29 inhibition, the authors describe a model in which miR-29 inhibits multiple adhesion-associated pathways in keratinocytes and negatively regulates proliferation and ECM deposition by dermal fibroblasts.

      Major comments:

      Overall, the paper is interesting, and the experiments performed are generally sensible for the questions being investigated. However, I thought the data was presented in a very confusing and unclear way, both in the main text and in the figures. I found the paper quite difficult to navigate, with contradictory statements between text and figures, cryptic or confounding graphs or arrangement of the figures and, in at least one instance, re-use of the same image with inconsistent labelling. The paper will thus greatly benefit from extensive tidying up and review of both text and figures to improve clarity. I highlight several points below, with many being related to this overarching issue, and I try to offer suggestions to the authors improve the quality of the manuscript.

      • The stainings in Figure 1A should be repeated in intact sections as it is difficult to understand the exact distribution of miR-29 when the whole epidermis appears to be falling apart in the section. It is possible to see the pattern the authors are describing based on the current images, but it is not convincing. – We fully agree with the reviewers that an intact section would inform the reader on the distribution of miRNA-29 inside the wound much better when the wound morphology is preserved. We have tried repeating the staining (fluorescent in situ hybridization coupled with the antibody staining). The protocol involves multiple washing steps performed at high temperature (for the FISH) and detergent (for the immunodetection step) to ensure specific miRNA probe binding and a low background for the antibody binding. As a result, we could not get a more intact section at the end unfortunately. We have however published a miRNA-29 FISH only stained mouse wounds in ____Robinson et al, Am Journal of Pathology 2024, Figure 1C and Suppl. Fig. 1B____ showing more intact sections with miRNA-29 signal against DAPI. There, one can see the same pattern of miRNA-29 expression as in Figure 1 of this manuscript, with less miRNA in the basal layer of wound keratinocytes vs more miRNA-29 in the skin peripheral to the wound.

      The authors should comment on the fact that miR-29 signal in the inset (at the edge of the wound) appears more basal than in the wound epidermis or in the unwounded__. – We have now inserted this suggestion and discussed it where appropriate (highlighted in cyan)__

      Quantifications and statistical analysis of the intensity and distribution of miR-29 for panels A and B and K10 for panel C will need to be included to help get a better sense of the data in its entirety and strengthen the observations. – We agree with the reviewer that such quantifications would be extremely helpful. The nature of the miRNA FISH protocol relies on signal amplification, allowing detection of mature miRNA specifically despite their short length. We could not therefore rely on conventional methods to quantify the fluorescence reliably as it can only be interpreted relatively to other areas/sections stained at the same time. We have attempted to do the miRNA FISH without amplifying the signal by attaching the FITC probe directly to the miRNA-29 probe but the signal was too weak to reliably detect and quantify miRNA-29 expression in wounds. Importantly, Figure 1C is described as staining after 6 days of skin equivalent cultures, but the same images are used in Figure 2A, where they are described as stainings after 11 days of culture. The authors should try to harmonise the data presentation so that the same data is not presented multiple times if possible. If repeated data presentation is necessary, it should be clearly stated and justified, and the authors should be careful to correctly indicate what the images represent. – This has been corrected.

      • ITGB1 stainings in Figure 2 do not convincingly match the statements in the main text ("miRNA-29 mimic-transfected SE struggled to attach through the integrin beta1 (ITGB1)-mediated adhesion__"). – This should have been phrased rather as a suggestion. We detected virtually no integrin beta 1 in miRNA-29 overexpressing cells, which strongly suggested that high levels of miRNA-29 prevent ITGB1-mediated adhesion of keratinocytes to the basal membrane. __

      All stainings, or at least the most important ones, like ITGB1, should have quantifications and statistical analyses of their intensity and distribution to support any observations. – We thank the reviewer for this comment and fully agree it would be ideal to have quantifications of all staining. We have tried to do so but were able to reliably quantify only BrdU, ITGB1, and ITGA6. The data has now been added to results and discussion.

      Staining of basement membrane proteins at 6 days could help better visualize if indeed there are any attachment defects in the mimic-overexpressing cells – We stained 6 day section for basement proteins collagen IV and laminin 5 but could not detect any differences in attachment (data added below). Since both keratinocytes and fibroblasts contribute to the epidermal-dermal adhesion on the BM, a more sophisticated method of detecting adhesion in human skin equivalents may be needed following miRNA-29 manipulation (e.g., electron microscopy of keratinocyte-BM contacts like hemidesmosomes).

      Since the authors use transient transfections, the significance ant interpretation of the stainings performed at 11 days will be reliant on the transfection strategy employed, the rate of proliferation of the cells, and the half-life of the proteins stained.

      The transfection strategy is not clearly explained (this is a more general problem, see below) and staining for miR-29 in these sections is necessary to ensure that the treatments are still in effect after this prolonged time in culture__. – We have now clarified the transfection protocol and added the quantification of miRNA-29 levels in skin equivalents at day 6 and day 11 (Figure S2D). The overexpression and the inhibition of miRNA-29 is still evident at day 6 and day 11, probably because of the high levels of miRNA mimics and the stabilizing chemistry of miRNA-29 anti-sense oligos (MOE-PS modifications). - The mimic/inhibitor transfection strategy employed by the authors throughout the paper is not clearly explained and this is a very important detail to understand the results of many of the assays they perform. The methods and Figures S2/S3 describe a 'double transfection' transfected twice on D2 and D4 strategy for the inhibitors, but it is unclear if the same approach was used for the mimics (which is important since some of the experiments where they are employed have functional assays that can last longer than a week). Additionally, the strategy used for the inhibitors described in the methods section seems different than the one described in Figure S3. In the methods, the cells are transfected at day 1 and day 3 and collected for functional assays at day 5. Figure S3 instead shows two transfections at 'day 0' and an additional one at 'day 4' with miRNA levels measured at day 0 and day 8 (this bar plot should be modified to better reflect that measurements were only taken on specific days). The legend for Figure S3 reads "keratinocytes (P3/4) were transfected twice on subsequent days" and mentions "representative images of the cells from each treatment after the third transfection". This is all extremely confusing. The authors should make sure they explain what they did clearly and univocally, for both mimics and inhibitors, and they should add a time course with miR-29 levels following transfections of mimics and inhibitors covering the span of their longest assay. – We thank the reviewer for carefully checking the flow and apologize for the confusion. The successful transfection of primary keratinocytes with miRNA mimics is more straightforward than with the anti-sense oligos as the chemistry quite differ. Mimics go in as a ‘stem loop’ RNA structures _and require only one transfection round. Anti-sense ‘inhibitors’ oligos (ASOs) are 15-16 nt single-stranded, _phosphorothioate (PS)-methoxyethyl (MOE)-modified ASO_ require a double-transfection. This way, ASO remain in ‘fast’ cells for days and during adhesion assay as shown here._ The additional experiment for the cell viability and proliferation was following the 2nd transfection, which is now clarified in the text and in the Suppl. Figure S3.__

      • Figure 3 includes reference to morphological parameters that would be predictive of a keratinocyte ability to form a holoclone (red arrows). While the larger size and low nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio of differentiated cells is well-established, to my knowledge there is no accepted consensus about strong predictive capacity of simple morphological parameters when it comes to holoclone formation. The consensus regarding keratinocyte clonogenicity is generally missing in the field, relying primarily on early passage, low cytoplasm/nucleus ratio, and colony boundaries. Another important characteristic is the number of passages that the cells can undergo before they growth arrest or die. We are currently performing follow up experiments to characterize the miRNA-29 KD (abc) clones and consistently observe higher growth capacity (longevity) of the miRNA-29 depleted keratinocytes. This is also consistent with the data shown in Figure 3A and S3A.

      • The inhibition of miR-29 in experiment 1 of the growth factor depletion assay seems to have failed according to Figure S2C, so the results of experiment 1 (-GF) in Figure 3 should be disregarded and the experiment repeated. We have disregarded the failed experiment and repeated adhesion assays under -GF conditions with more controls. While the improved adhesion upon depletion of miRNA-29 was reproducible, we also found that the growth factor depletion using a specific inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) AG-1478 abrogated the fast ____adhesion effect of miRNA-29 inhibition. It possibly means that miRNA-regulated adhesion requires EGF (but not other GF) signaling; however, more experiments would be needed to uncouple the role of GF in miRNA-29 adhesion.

      • The authors report reduced keratinocyte differentiation in the miR-29 inhibited cells. This statement is mostly supported by the cell number time course shown in Figure S3B, but this experiment is not mentioned in the main text, which instead focuses on (less reliable) morphological parameters alone. Moreover, Figure S3 only shows the morphology of cells at day 4 and does not provide any information about the cell morphology at day 6 or day 8 as suggested by the main text. Assessing differentiation based on morphology alone is prone to inaccuracy and while the cell number experiment is good support for the stated decrease in differentiation in the miR-29 inhibited cells, it should be complemented with differentiation marker staining and/or clonogenicity assays. - We agreed with the reviewer and made the appropriate changes in the text. Figure S3 has been updated as well, and we also ran a side analysis of differentiation markers (keratin K10 and loricrin). We found that miRNA-29 does not change significantly during keratinocyte differentiation in 2D (please, see the Support Figure A below).

      • The authors' claim that their results "revealed the direct in vivo targetome and functions of miRNA-29 in three types of cells isolated from human skin" is not accurate. While their experiments are indeed compelling, they are performed in cultured primary cells grown for at least 3 passages, which are akin, but not the same as cells in vivo and may behave differently. – We agree and have changed this now in the text. On a similar note, while there is some evidence from mouse that miR-29 may intervene in the regulation of the wound healing response in keratinocytes in vivo (Figure 1A), no analogous in vivo data is presented for fibroblasts. The authors should consider showing miR-29 stainings of mouse dermal fibroblasts and the potential variation in its level during wound healing. - While this manuscript was in preparation, we were in the process of publishing our study showing the function of miRNA-29 in wound healing in cutaneous mouse-based model. This study shows the staining for miRNA-29 in mouse wounds during healing and includes the staining in dermal fibroblasts (____Robinson et al, Am. J. of Pathology 2024, Figure S1B____). We have isolated total RNA from mouse wounds at different points of healing and checked miRNA-29a/b levels using TaqMan assays. While we detected a change in miRNA-29 expression (Support Figure C, D), this possibly included miRNA-29 in the normal surrounding skin, inevitably present in a wound biopsy. __They should also show miR-29 staining of normal human skin to confirm that its expression pattern mimics the mouse. - We could not cite the other manuscript at that time, but it shows lower levels of miRNA-29 in dermal fibroblasts compared to keratinocytes in the epidermis by FISH (_Robinson et al, Am. J. of Pathology 2024, Figure S1B_). We also quantified levels of miRNA-29a/b in primary mouse keratinocytes and fibroblasts using TaqMan assays, and consistently with FISH, detected more miRNA-29 in keratinocytes (Support Figure B). The FISH for miRNA-29 in human skin was published earlier, also showing much lower signal of miRNA-29 in the dermis (Kurinna, S. Nuc. Acid Res. 2021, Supplementary Figure S3A). If possible, they could also 'wound' human skin explants and check what happens during re-epithelialisation to miR-29 expression and to the key targets they identified (explants may be challenging to obtain, though). These experiments could provide some more compelling (though inevitably correlative) suggestion that miR-29 could intervene in the wound healing response in vivo in humans. – This is a very good experiment suggested by the reviewer. The human skin explants were indeed challenging to obtain. We could only get a few sections of paraffin-embedded samples, which were suboptimal for miRNA-29 FISH. We included the data as Figure S1A. __

      Minor comments:

      • I would encourage the authors to avoid, when possible, the use of red/green colour palettes both in stainings and in graphs, as it makes the paper less accessible to colourblind individuals. – We sincerely apologise for the use of these colours in many stainings. We substituted red and green everywhere we could, but our technical capabilities did not permit changing colours on all Figures.

      • I would suggest avoiding the use of "stacked" bar plots to show data as they might lend themselves to misinterpretation. It would likely increase clarity if the bars for different conditions were plotted next to rather than on top of one another. - We replaced the stacked plots as suggested on Figures 3, 6, and Figure 8. We kept one stacked plot in Figure 6D to show variability in the nsa-treated samples for some mRNAs. The control samples on these plots were set to one (nsa) and the stacked part on top reflected the fold increase in mRNA levels after knock-down of miRNA-29 (abc).

      • The first inset in Figure 1B does not appear to match the box in the lower magnification image. – We moved the inset to the correct location.

      • The title of the section "Rescue of miRNA-29 mRNA targets improves basal adhesion of human keratinocytes" should be changed, as no rescue experiments are performed. The term is used again in the text when referring to targets upregulated (or "de-repressed") after miR-29 inhibition, but it is not accurate and should be changed__. – We followed the suggestion and highlighted changes throughout the text.__

      • The authors should specify the most important details of the adhesion assay in the Results section (for example the fact that the assay is carried out on fibronectin). – We added this to the Results.

      • The main text is imprecise when describing the RNAseq of fast/slow attaching keratinocytes, because it does not mention that the assay also includes miR-29 inhibition. - We have amended this and highlighted the changes in the text.

      • The insets in the middle of Figure 3 are not described in the figure legend and it is unclear what they are meant to be highlighting. The Authors should also double-check the accuracy of the scale bars across Figure 3A. - We described the insets in the legend and double-checked the scale bars in Figure 3A.

      • The pattern in the "abc" bars in Figure 3C makes it difficult to see the symbols – We increased the font and adjusted the label.

      • The area overlaps in the Venn diagram in Figure 4A should reflect the numbers. Since the diagram is comparing only three sets, accurate overlaps should improve the representation of the data. – We have re-created the Venn diagram to reflect the representation of the data on Figure 4A.

      • The colour scheme of the label borders in Figure 4E does not match the colour of set for the right-most sets in both keratinocyte and fibroblast Venn diagrams, leading to confusion. – We adjusted the colours to match the diagram in Figure 4E.

      • The figure legend for Figure 6E reads "Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) generated heat map of diseases and functions from the fast keratinocytes (abc) versus control (nsa)", but this is not what is displayed in the figure panel at all. - We apologise for the mistake; we corrected the legend.

      • The methods section for the miRNA-CLIP should include information about the number of cells used in each experiment. – The change is highlighted in the Methods.

      • The authors should carefully review the text for typos and misspellings and try to improve the readability of the manuscript__. – The manuscript has been carefully reviewed for these.__

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I generally agree with the comments of the other reviewers: I think the paper is interesting and a valuable contribution to the field, particularly with regard to the role of miRNAs in the skin and the application of miRNA-CLIP to primary skin cells. While I did not remark on any gross overstatements, I agree that the data needs some strengthening to more adequately support some of the author's claims (I have tried to offer some realistic suggestions). There seems to be some difference of opinion regarding the data presentation, but all Reviewers thought it needed improvement in some capacity. While the way in which the paper is laid out and the results are displayed will be perceived subjectively by different readers, I believe it is in the best interest of the authors to try to reach the widest readership and thus I would maintain that the manuscript requires adjustments to increase clarity. I have tried to indicate specific sources of confusion and offer appropriate suggestions in my review.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This paper complements previous work that highlighted the role of miR-29 in desmosome formation in keratinocytes (Kurinna et al., 2014) and in skin repair in the mouse (Robinson et al., 2024), adding depth to these findings by understanding the molecular details of the key genes regulated by miR-29 in primary human skin cells. While the influence of miRNA on skin biology is well known, the details of which miRNAs and molecular mechanisms are involved are somewhat understudied. For this, I believe this paper, adequately amended, could be an interesting and useful contribution to the field and help highlight the role of miRNAs in the skin. This is also, to my knowledge, the first use of miRNA-CLIP in primary keratinocytes or fibroblasts and can provide a useful precedent for other studies looking to investigate miRNA interactomes in these cells.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Thiagarajan et al. report on the functions and molecular targets of miR-29 in human primary skin cells. They first focus on the potential role of miR-29 in wound healing and in the adhesion of keratinocytes to the basement membrane using both in vivo wounding assays in the mouse and human cultures/skin equivalents. The authors report that miR-29 negatively affects adhesion in vivo and in vitro and characterise the transcriptome of fast and slow-adhering cells with or without miR-29inhibition. They proceed to identify miR-29 targets in three primary skin cell types (follicular keratinocytes, interfollicular keratinocytes and fibroblasts) by performing miRNA-clip. By comparing these targets to genes altered in keratinocytes with high adhesion capacity after miR-29 inhibition or fibroblasts after miR-29 inhibition, the authors describe a model in which miR-29 inhibits multiple adhesion-associated pathways in keratinocytes and negatively regulates proliferation and ECM deposition by dermal fibroblasts.

      Major comments:

      Overall, the paper is interesting, and the experiments performed are generally sensible for the questions being investigated. However, I thought the data was presented in a very confusing and unclear way, both in the main text and in the figures. I found the paper quite difficult to navigate, with contradictory statements between text and figures, cryptic or confounding graphs or arrangement of the figures and, in at least one instance, re-use of the same image with inconsistent labelling. The paper will thus greatly benefit from extensive tidying up and review of both text and figures to improve clarity. I highlight several points below, with many being related to this overarching issue, and I try to offer suggestions to the authors improve the quality of the manuscript.

      • The stainings in Figure 1A should be repeated in intact sections as it is difficult to understand the exact distribution of miR-29 when the whole epidermis appears to be falling apart in the section. It is possible to see the pattern the authors are describing based on the current images, but it is not convincing. The authors should comment on the fact that miR-29 signal in the inset (at the edge of the wound) appears more basal than in the wound epidermis or in the unwounded. Quantifications and statistical analysis of the intensity and distribution of miR-29 for panels A and B and K10 for panel C will need to be included to help get a better sense of the data in its entirety and strengthen the observations. Importantly, Figure 1C is described as stainings after 6 days of skin equivalent cultures, but the same images are used in Figure 2A, where they are described as stainings after 11 days of culture. The authors should try to harmonise the data presentation so that the same data is not presented multiple times if possible. If repeated data presentation is necessary, it should be clearly stated and justified, and the authors should be careful to correctly indicate what the images represent.
      • ITGB1 stainings in Figure 2 do not convincingly match the statements in the main text ("miRNA-29 mimic-transfected SE struggled to attach through the integrin beta1 (ITGB1)-mediated adhesion"). All stainings, or at least the most important ones, like ITGB1, should have quantifications and statistical analyses of their intensity and distribution to support any observations. Staining of basement membrane proteins at 6 days could help better visualise if indeed there are any attachment defects in the mimic-overexpressing cells. Since the authors use transient transfections, the significance ant interpretation of the stainings performed at 11 days will be reliant on the transfection strategy employed, the rate of proliferation of the cells, and the half-life of the proteins stained. The transfection strategy is not clearly explained (this is a more general problem, see below) and staining for miR-29 in these sections is necessary to ensure that the treatments are still in effect after this prolonged time in culture.
      • The mimic/inhibitor transfection strategy employed by the authors throughout the paper is not clearly explained and this is a very important detail to understand the results of many of the assays they perform. The methods and Figures S2/S3 describe a 'double transfection' strategy for the inhibitors, but it is unclear if the same approach was used for the mimics (which is important since some of the experiments where they are employed have functional assays that can last longer than a week). Additionally, the strategy used for the inhibitors described in the methods section seems different than the one described in Figure S3. In the methods, the cells are transfected at day 1 and day 3 and collected for functional assays at day 5. Figure S3 instead shows two transfections at 'day 0' and an additional one at 'day 4' with miRNA levels measured at day 0 and day 8 (this bar plot should be modified to better reflect that measurements were only taken on specific days). The legend for Figure S3 reads "keratinocytes (P3/4) were transfected twice on subsequent days" and mentions "representative images of the cells from each treatment after the third transfection". This is all extremely confusing. The authors should make sure they explain what they did clearly and univocally, for both mimics and inhibitors, and they should add a time course with miR-29 levels following transfections of mimics and inhibitors covering the span of their longest assay.
      • Figure 3 includes reference to morphological parameters that would be predictive of a keratinocyte ability to form a holoclone (red arrows). While the larger size and low nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio of differentiated cells is well-established, to my knowledge there is no accepted consensus about strong predictive capacity of simple morphological parameters when it comes to holoclone formation.
      • The inhibition of miR-29 in experiment 1 of the growth factor depletion assay seems to have failed according to Figure S2C, so the results of experiment 1 (-GF) in Figure 3 should be disregarded and the experiment repeated.
      • The authors report reduced keratinocyte differentiation in the miR-29 inhibited cells. This statement is mostly supported by the cell number time course shown in Figure S3B, but this experiment is not mentioned in the main text, which instead focuses on (less reliable) morphological parameters alone. Moreover, Figure S3 only shows the morphology of cells at day 4 and does not provide any information about the cell morphology at day 6 or day 8 as suggested by the main text. Assessing differentiation based on morphology alone is prone to inaccuracy and while the cell number experiment is good support for the stated decrease in differentiation in the miR-29 inhibited cells, it should be complemented with differentiation marker staining and/or clonogenicity assays.
      • The authors' claim that their results "revealed the direct in vivo targetome and functions of miRNA-29 in three types of cells isolated from human skin" is not accurate. While their experiments are indeed compelling, they are performed in cultured primary cells grown for at least 3 passages, which are akin, but not the same as cells in vivo and may behave differently. On a similar note, while there is some evidence from mouse that miR-29 may intervene in the regulation of the wound healing response in keratinocytes in vivo (Figure 1A), no analogous in vivo data is presented for fibroblasts. The authors should consider showing miR-29 stainings of mouse dermal fibroblasts and the potential variation in its level during wound healing. They should also show miR-29 stainings of normal human skin to confirm that its expression pattern mimics the mouse. If possible, they could also 'wound' human skin explants and check what happens during re-epithelielisation to miR-29 expression and to the key targets they identified (explants may be challenging to obtain, though). These experiments could provide some more compelling (though inevitably correlative) suggestion that miR-29 could intervene in the wound healing response in vivo in humans.

      Minor comments:

      • I would encourage the authors to avoid, when possible, the use of red/green colour palettes both in stainings and in graphs, as it makes the paper less accessible to colourblind individuals.
      • I would suggest avoiding the use of "stacked" bar plots to show data as they might lend themselves to misinterpretation. It would likely increase clarity if the bars for different conditions were plotted next to rather than on top of one another.
      • The first inset in Figure 1B does not appear to match the box in the lower magnification image.
      • The title of the section "Rescue of miRNA-29 mRNA targets improves basal adhesion of human keratinocytes" should be changed, as no rescue experiments are performed. The term is used again in the text when referring to targets upregulated (or "de-repressed") after miR-29 inhibition, but it is not accurate and should be changed.
      • The authors should specify the most important details of the adhesion assay in the Results section (for example the fact that the assay is carried out on fibronectin).
      • The main text is imprecise when describing the RNAseq of fast/slow attaching keratinocytes, because it does not mention that the assay also includes miR-29 inhibition.
      • The insets in the middle of Figure 3 are not described in the figure legend and it is unclear what they are meant to be highlighting. The Authors should also double-check the accuracy of the scale bars across Figure 3A.
      • The pattern in the "abc" bars in Figure 3C makes it difficult to see the symbols.
      • The area overlaps in the Venn diagram in Figure 4A should reflect the numbers. Since the diagram is comparing only three sets, accurate overlaps should improve the representation of the data.
      • The colour scheme of the label borders in Figure 4E does not match the colour of set for the right-most sets in both keratinocyte and fibroblast Venn diagrams, leading to confusion.
      • The figure legend for Figure 6E reads "Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) generated heat map of diseases and functions from the fast keratinocytes (abc) versus control (nsa)", but this is not what is displayed in the figure panel at all.
      • The methods section for the miRNA-CLIP should include information about the number of cells used in each experiment.
      • The authors should carefully review the text for typos and misspellings and try to improve the readability of the manuscript.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I generally agree with the comments of the other reviewers: I think the paper is interesting and a valuable contribution to the field, particularly with regard to the role of miRNAs in the skin and the application of miRNA-CLIP to primary skin cells.

      While I did not remark on any gross overstatements, I agree that the data needs some strengthening to more adequately support some of the author's claims (I have tried to offer some realistic suggestions). There seems to be some difference of opinion regarding the data presentation, but all Reviewers thought it needed improvement in some capacity. While the way in which the paper is laid out and the results are displayed will be perceived subjectively by different readers, I believe it is in the best interest of the authors to try to reach the widest readership and thus I would maintain that the manuscript requires adjustments to increase clarity. I have tried to indicate specific sources of confusion and offer appropriate suggestions in my review.


      This paper complements previous work that highlighted the role of miR-29 in desmosome formation in keratinocytes (Kurinna et al., 2014) and in skin repair in the mouse (Robinson et al., 2024), adding depth to these findings by understanding the molecular details of the key genes regulated by miR-29 in primary human skin cells. While the influence of miRNA on skin biology is well known, the details of which miRNAs and molecular mechanisms are involved are somewhat understudied. For this, I believe this paper, adequately amended, could be an interesting and useful contribution to the field and help highlight the role of miRNAs in the skin. This is also, to my knowledge, the first use of miRNA-CLIP in primary keratinocytes or fibroblasts and can provide a useful precedent for other studies looking to investigate miRNA interactomes in these cells.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The article entitled, "miRNA-29-CLIP uncovers new targets and functions to improve skin repair", by Thiagarajan et al. describes the characterization of the functions of miRNA-29 in keratinocytes and fibroblasts, its RNA interactors and potential mechanisms of action. Using candidate interactors and 2D cell culture and 3D skin equivalents combined with loss-of-function (inhibitor) and gain-of-function (mimic), and changes in expression analyses, the authors conclude that the major function of miRNA-29 is to regulate cell-substrate adhesion.

      Major comments:

      • While the interactors and expression changes are useful resources, the claims and the conclusions that are based on them are exaggerated. The treatments are associated with changes in expression, but no functional data support the conclusions. Additional functional experiments are required to assertively make the claims. The title is misleading when stating "to improve skin repair" and the abstract also makes some bold general claims, which are tangentially supported by the findings. For example, "protein folding" only appears in the abstract and "RNA processing" is in the abstract and figures but not referred to in the text.
      • The authors may want to tune their language that their data suggest the conclusions as opposed to being definitive and assertive. This should be done in the Discussion, while the Results should represent the direct conclusions.
      • A couple of examples to the above, in the conclusion to section 1 of the Results, how was the "loss of basal adhesion" assessed? Is it by beta1-integrin localization changes? Also, how is "growth" defined"? proliferation is not changed and a more accurate way to describe the result is to refer to thickness.
      • The images in Fig 1C are reused in Fig 2A, where new examples should be shown instead.
      • Fig 1C and Fig 2A are not quantified to make the claims about premature differentiation and integrin expression changes.
      • Fig 3: It is not clear from the figure legends what statistical methods were used for which experiment or how many times the experiment was performed (not just biological replicates), especially given the variability among experiments in Fig 3C.

      Minor comments:

      • The Introduction is focused on methodology and should include elements that pave the way to the Results. Some information that belongs in the introduction are present in the Results section. In this respect, please define the miRNA processing Dicer pathway and its components in the introduction so that the reader can follow the nomenclature (AGO2, RISC, etc.). Also, introduce human skin equivalents or organotypic culture as a model system in the Introduction.
      • Some information in the Results belongs in the Introduction, for example, the first seven lines of the Results section.
      • The authors might want to consider including quantifications in the main figures, so they are immediately apparent to the reader, for example, Fig S1C. Also, Fig S2B is an important measure for the immediate outcome of the treatment on miRNA-29.
      • Please change "imidiate" to "immediate", "sculp" to "scalp", "has to be releaved of miRNA-29-mediate repression" to "has to be relieved of miRNA-29-mediated repression"

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with my colleagues' assessments and suggestions. The miRNA-CLIP data in keratinocytes and fibroblasts are important resources. The figures and text require reconsideration to more accurately represent the data as detailed in our collective reviews


      The study utilizes 2D and 3D cultures and presents an important resource for miRNA-29 interactors in keratinocytes and fibroblasts, as well as the expression changes associated with its inhibition and overexpression. However, the conclusions are exaggerated and based on expression changes. If the conclusions are rephrased, the findings would be of interest to a broad audience interested in miRNA, cell adhesion and epithelial and mesenchymal biology.

      My expertise is in skin development and maintenance, genetics and cell biology. I have limited knowledge in RNA biology.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      miRNAs are important for the control of many cellular processes, with the miR-29 family of miRNAs implicated in the regulation of cell growth in different cell types in both the epidermis and dermis of the skin. However, the roles of miRNAs in specific cell types in general, and of the miR-29 family in the skin in particular, are currently unknown. Here, the authors use a range of cellular and molecular techniques, including miRNA cross-linking and immunoprecipitation (miRNA-CLIP) and antisense oligonucleotides (ASO), as well as RNASeq, qPCR, Western blotting, in situ hybridization, adhesion and ECM assays, ELISA and immunofluorescence, to interrogate the roles of the miR-29 family of miRNAs in controlling cell growth in epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts, using 2D and 3D ex vivo models. The coupling of miR-CLIP with functional assays allowed the authors to identify both miRNA-mRNA complexes, and the biological pathways that these ultimately manipulate.

      The authors report the identification of unbiased, tangible miR-29/mRNA pairs, together with functional roles in cell adhesion, ECM regulation and fibroblast proliferation, that are distinct between keratinocytes and fibroblasts. miR-29 is identified as a valuable target for interventions that seek to promote healthy skin regeneration, including applications for wound healing. Many of the pathways identified here have previously been described, but the novelty of this manuscript lies in the innovative combination of miR-CLIP with functional assays, the application of these in combination to specific cell types, the identification of miR-29 as a novel master regulator of epidermal keratinocyte adhesion via a range of different pathways, and the demonstration that miR-29 inhibition in fibroblasts can influence keratinocyte adhesion via paracrine signalling.

      The experiments are well designed and reported. The interpretations are sound and appropriate for the data presented (though see the comment on potential normalisation of ECM data to cell numbers in cultures for the miR-29 mimic/inhibitor data for fibroblasts and the query about the number of direct miR-29 targets in fibroblasts that are ECM-related).

      Major Comments:

      I have no major concerns to raise over this manuscript. The claims and conclusions are supported by the data and no additional experiments are required (though please note the comment on normalisation mentioned above and detailed below). The methods are clearly reported and statistical reporting is adequate.

      Minor Comments:

      Pg3, 7th line from the bottom: "processed into three functional miRNA..." - minor edit needed here, it looks like there's a word missing somewhere.

      Pg3, last line on the page: "results supported..." - is there a missing 'are' here?

      Pg5, 15th line of the main text: "of miRNA-29-mediate repression..." - is there a missing 'd' here ('-mediated...')? There is lots on minor presentation errors like this throughout the manuscript - I won't point them out exhaustively, but the manuscript needs a good thorough proof-read, maybe from a fresh pair of eyes?

      Fig. 1C: Can the figure be edited to better highlight the basal layer with lack of (nsm image) and expression of (abm image) K10? Maybe a box around that layer, rather than the current arrows only on the abm image (which are not particularly closely indicating the basal layer)?

      Fig. 2 legend should include definitions of abbreviations shown on the figure.

      Pg8/Fig. 4A: Can the reporting of shared transcript targets of miR-29 in IFK/HFK/DF cells be better communicated? Maybe just adding the actual percentage overlap in transcriptomes for IFK/HFL and keratinocytes/fibroblasts to the main text would help. Similarly, I think a direct report somewhere (in the main text?) of total number for relevant groups shown in Fig. 4E would also be useful - e.g. there are 45 transcripts that are direct targets of miR-29 in keratinocytes and also associated with ECM, and 190 that are direct targets of miR-29 in keratinocytes and also associated with cell adhesion, but these number are difficult to come by quickly at the moment. It would be nice to be able to quickly compare these numbers for keratinocytes to their equivalents for fibroblasts.

      Fig. 4B: It's interesting that ~15% of miR-29 binding targets identified using miR-CLIP are not predicted targets based on TargetScan/microT-CDS. I'd like to see a little more information on this added to the manuscript - perhaps listing some of these or including a table of them? And perhaps some discussion of this could be added also.

      Fig. 4E: I would be nice to see the Venn numbers for keratinocyte proliferation (either is a supp figure, or addition to the main text?), to help illustrate the lack of a role for miR-29 in the regulation of keratinocyte proliferation.

      Fig. 4E: Is the reported number of direct miR-29 targets in fibroblasts that are ECM-related correct? This number is reported as 10 in the main text (pg10, 3rd paragraph), but it looks like 10 is only for direct miR-29 targets in fibroblasts that are ECM-related AND related to proliferation. Should this number be 58? The 10 that are direct miR-29 targets in fibroblasts that are ECM-related AND related to proliferation can be reported in the next sentence, where this group is specifically referred to.

      Fig. 7 (and related main text): Did you take any steps to normalise ECM measurements to cell numbers present in cultures in the miR-29 mimic/inhibition experiments in fibroblasts? This should really be included as it would provide an answer to the speculation of whether the effects of manipulating miR-29 on ECM are due to proliferation or classical pro-fibrotic pathways.

      Fig. 8E: The upper and lower image need to have nsa/abc labels added to them.

      Pg12, 1st sub-heading: typo (cell-specifcic).

      Referees cross-commenting

      All reviews appear to be fair and balanced to me. I agree that in places wording could be amended to temper the strengths of some claims, and it would also be nice to see some additional functional assays included, to complement the adhesion and ECM deposition assays that are currently presented, though I do not think this should necessarily be a requirement for publication and could be included in subsequent follow-up work from the group. I did not spot the reuse of images between Fig. 1 and 2, but clearly this should be addressed - either by replacing one set of images, or by removing the relevant panels from Fig. 1 and changing in-text reference to guide the reader to Fig. 2A. I also agree that it would be nice to see miR-29 staining of mouse dermal fibroblasts during wound healing, to complement the images already shown for keratinocytes, and to see miR-29 staining in human skin.


      miR-CLIP is a powerful, recently developed technique, with enormous promise for the identification of true miRNA-mRNA pairs, that has not yet been widely adopted by the research community. As such, its application here is itself relatively novel, adding enormously to our existing knowledge of likely miR-29 targets, providing tangible information in miR-29/mRNA pairs in specific cell types in different layers of the skin, but also further adding novel functional information to this, with demonstrations of the regulation of specific relevant biological pathways through manipulation of targets identified using miR-CLIP. The methods are sound (and impressive), results are reported well and not over-interpreted. There is the potential for better characterisation of the relative importance of canonical pro-fibrotic pathways vs proliferation-related effects on ECM production, and this should not be difficult to address. This paper will be on interest to a wide readership, including those engaged in fundamental research and clinicians.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements

      We are very grateful for the three reviewers’ positive and considered comments. We copy specific comments below in bold font, and address them in turn including quotations from the revised manuscript in italics.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      One Supplementary Figure could be copied from an earlier manuscript to show the model circuits, please see Reviewer 3 comment 1, below.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Reviewer 1

      Major 1. In this work, the authors observed discrepancies between the estimated and actual values of DNA-binding dissociation constant (Kd). Such inconsistencies may arise if the model used to simulate Kd omits certain regulatory mechanisms. For example, previous studies (_https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008340, ____https://doi.org/10.1098/rsfs.2021.0084_) showed that when specific gene regulatory mechanisms are missing, the dissociation constant required for generating oscilla-tions can be underestimated. Thus, the inconsistency between the estimated and ac-tual Kd values might result from missing mechanisms in the model. It would be benefi-cial if the authors could discuss this possibility. __

      We thank the reviewer for these examples, which illustrate the relevant point that multiple biochemical processes can contribute to the non-linearity required to simulate a particular clock behaviour within biochemically-reasonable parameter values. We now cite both, along with the original Buchler & Louis paper on the titration mechanism in general, as follows:

      “It is possible that the measured, bulk clock protein levels might over-estimate the protein available for promoter binding due to mechanisms absent from the model, such as protein partitioning outside the nucleus (Yakir et al, 2009), protein titration (Buchler & Louis, 2008), clustering of proteins within the nucleus, a processing step akin to the formation of a smaller EC pool from a fraction of the bulk LUX protein or any combination of these mechanisms (Jeong et al, 2022b; Yao et al, 2022).”

      __ Minor 1. The order in which the figures are mentioned does not match the order of the figures. Please adjust the sequence of the figures accordingly. __

      • The amalgamated PDF for review presented the Figures and Supplementary Figures in the order of citation, which we intended for the reviewers’ convenience. As this didn’t help two of the reviewers, they are now in numerical sequence.

      __ In the last paragraph of Introduction, the authors state, 'The absolute numbers of proteins directly constrain their possible biochemical activities (Kim & Forger, 2012)'. It would be helpful to also cite Jeong et al. (_https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2113403119_), who showed that two circadian neuronal groups in Drosophila, containing different amount of clock proteins, exhibit distinct molecular properties within the circadian clock. __

      • Added a citation to this relevant example later in that sentence.

      __ In the title of the first section of Results, 'Predicting clock proteins levels' should be revised to 'Predicting clock protein levels.' __

      • Done

      __ The description of the results in Figure 4 is unclear. Please, refer to the color and shape of the points when explaining the results for better clarity.__

      • The legend of Figure 4 now refers to both characteristics. Reviewer 2

      __2.1. Limited Generalizability of Some Assumptions: __

      __The translation and degradation rate assumptions are based on data from specific temperature and light conditions, which may not generalize well to other growth conditions. The authors could address this point by explicitly stating this limitation and explaining how variable conditions would affect the model's underlying assumptions. __

      • To address this point, we now note in Discussion: “For example, the reporter assays could quickly test protein numbers under different conditions from those reported here, to understand the biochemical mechanisms for the canonical ‘temperature compensation’ of circadian period in constant conditions (as modelled in Gould et al, 2013) and/or the adaptation to fluctuating, natural conditions (see Future perspectives: models informed by genome sequence, below).”

      __2.5. Simplified Model for Translational Efficiency: __

      __The model simplifies translational efficiency, which may not fully capture the complexity of clock protein synthesis. A more comprehensive approach, considering factors like ribosome density variation across transcripts, would add depth to the protein quantification model. Experiments are not required here. But it'd be nice to explain how a more complex model involving differential ribosomal density per transcript could affect the overall conclusions. __

      • The ‘simple model’ is intentionally simple. We note in the Results that it even ignores the published light/dark-regulation of translation rate, both generally in Arabidopsis and specifically for LHY. To address this point, we have added in Discussion, “In other words, the bulk levels of these clock proteins might be rather simply regulated. The simple model’s approach could justifiably be repeated to estimate the levels of other proteins, and extended to test where more complex biochemical mechanisms, such as translational regulation, are functionally significant.”

      __ Minor Points __

      __- Figure Legends: Several figures lack sufficient detail in legends, particularly Figures 3 and 5, where the methodology for generating the predicted protein levels and Kd values could be described a bit more, without majorly elongating the caption length. __

      • Both legends have been updated. However, the methods are described in detail in the Supplementary Information, which provides much more space. - Unclear Units in Supplementary Table 1: Some units in Supplementary Table 1 for translation and degradation rates are not clearly specified.

      • Units seem clear in the column headings, as follows:

      s (proteins per mRNA per hour)

      k or klight (per hour)

      kdark (per hour)

      The reviewer might be highlighting that some values of kdark were given as “-“ because that protein did not have light-regulated degradation in the simple model, so degradation rate was just k rather than klight and kdark. This notation has been updated to NA, with an explanatory note in the supplementary table legend.

      Reviewer 3

      1. __ I would have appreciated inclusion of an additional figure describing the U2019 and U2020 that were previously published by this group in 2021, along with a brief clarification of the differences between the simple and full versions of these models (Beyond the small summary presented in Figure 8). __ Supplementary Figure 3 of Urquiza and Millar 2021 shows simplified circuit diagrams of the two models and could be added as a new Supplementary Figure in this manuscript, as the editor prefers. To address this point, we added an introduction to the detailed models in the Results: “Our detailed models of the clock gene circuit (see Introduction) are not driven by rhythmic data input like the simple model, but rather use ordinary differential equations to recapitulate the dynamics of each RNA and protein component in the clock circuit, along with their interconnected feedback loops and their regulation by light signals. The models autonomously generate rhythmic patterns of RNA and protein expression that match the rhythmic data. The gene circuits in models U2019 and U2020 differ only in the regulation of daytime processes, involving LHY/CCA1 and the PRR genes (Urquiza-García & Millar, 2021). The circuit of U2019 is closer to its antecedent model P2011 (Pokhilko et al, 2011), using gene activation, whereas U2020 uses repression (for circuit diagrams, see Supplementary Figure 3 of (Urquiza-García & Millar, 2021). Repression is better supported by molecular data but U2020 simulations fit the data no better than, or slightly worse than, the activation-based model U2019 (consistent with Fogelmark & Troein, 2014), so we use both circuits here.”

      __Minor comments __

      __Supplemental figure 2 is partially cut off __

      • Corrected. Only the edge of a label was affected. It would be useful if figures/supplemental figures were provided in order.

      • Corrected, see reviewer 1 above.

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Reviewer 1


      Reviewer 2

      __2.2. Discrepancies in CCA1 Binding Affinity: __

      __The model's simulated Kd values for CCA1 largely deviate from empirical measurements, suggesting missing mechanisms that may impact protein binding affinity. This might be due to some structural or environmental factors influencing CCA1 binding. No experiments are needed here but some plausible explanations would enhance the manuscript. __

      • This point is addressed in the section ‘Future perspectives: investigating Kd in vivo’, now enhanced by our response to reviewer 1’s major comment, as noted above. __2.3. Limited Data for Evening Complex Proteins: __

      __The model assumptions for ELF3, ELF4, and LUX rely on estimated degradation rates, which could introduce inaccuracies in the predictions. Empirical quantification of these rates would strengthen the reliability of these protein dynamics in the model. If these experiments are too resource and time intensive, then include some explanation of how changing these estimated degradation rates would affect the overall result. __

      • We assume that the reviewer is referring to the k parameters of the simple model driven by RNA data, as in Figure 2, which gives the predicted protein levels that we compare to measured protein levels in Table 1. Both the prior degradation rate data and our NanoLUC reporter measurements are strongest for LHY, CCA1, PRR7 and TOC1, so these are our focus. New measurements of degradation rate for ELF3, ELF4 and LUX are indeed beyond our scope. Our reporter methods might facilitate future measurement of such parameters by other researchers. In the Supplementary Information, we outline the estimation of degradation rates k, which returned biologically plausible protein half-lives for LUX = 3.7 h, ELF4 = 1.3 h and ELF3 8.7 h. We have no data for ELF4 and we highlight the specific limitations of our ELF3 and LUX data in the Results and Discussion text, Table 1, Methods and Supplementary Information. Taking the in vivo data for ELF3 for example (Table 1), the protein levels predicted by the simple model using that degradation rate were within 6% to 7% of the measured levels at the peak and at the trough under LD. This independent result supports the estimated degradation rate: varying the estimated degradation rate for ELF3 would not maintain a prediction so remarkably close to the data.

      __2.4. Unexplained Variability in Reporter Data: __

      __The NanoLUC reporter assays show some variability that the model does not account for, possibly due to factors like differential protein stability or folding in vivo. Further tests across different expression contexts, or including protein stability measurements, would clarify these inconsistencies. If these experiments are too resource and time intensive, then include some explanation of how changing these estimated degradation rates would affect the overall result. __

      • This comment cannot be addressed without knowing which of the many possible data series the reviewer is referring to, and whether the variability of interest is in level, timing or a higher-order dynamic behaviour. For example, we discuss three specific instances where reporter and model behaviour differs, in detail, in Discussion section ‘Refining the modelled protein profiles’ (726 words).

      Reviewer 3

      __ It would have been useful to quantify the mRNA expression levels in the rescued transgenic lines to enable direct comparison to WT. The use of multiple independent transgenic lines supports the authors' conclusions but this characterisation would aid future research. __

      The proposed study most directly addresses whether RNA from the reporter transgene is functionally equivalent to wild-type RNA, whereas the focus of this article is at the protein level. As the reviewer notes, the proposed study would principally be an aid to future research, so we prefer not to start that additional experimental work.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This is a valuable manuscript that begins to factorise the plant circadian model according to estimated protein translation and degradation rates. These models are iterative by nature, but the latest models provide a significant advance in our understanding and highlight avenues for future exploration. The use of Nanoluc protein:reporter fusions enables estimation of protein abundance, providing additional support for the modelled biological process.

      The latest models highlight discrepancies between protein abundance predicted in the model compared to the experimental evidence, and sensible suggestions are discussed to prioritise experiments to enable greater biological understanding.

      Major comments

      1. I would have appreciated inclusion of an additional figure describing the U2019 and U2020 that were previously published by this group in 2021, along with a brief clarification of the differences between the simple and full versions of these models (Beyond the small summary presented in Figure 8).
      2. It would have been useful to quantify the mRNA expression levels in the rescued transgenic lines to enable direct comparison to WT. The use of multiple independent transgenic lines supports the authors' conclusions but this characterisation would aid future research.

      Minor comments

      Supplemental figure 2 is partially cut off

      It would be useful if figures/supplemental figures were provided in order.


      This work extends models of the plant circadian system to assess absolute protein numbers. This enables the biological 'plausibility' of the model to be assessed and also highlights where the model diverges from experimental data, indicating where additional understanding is required.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      1. Summary of this work

      This manuscript delves into the Arabidopsis circadian clock by addressing a major gap in plant gene circuit models-particularly, the lack of absolute units for protein quantification, which has historically hindered comparisons to biochemical data. By recalibrating two mathematical models of Arabidopsis thaliana's circadian clock from relative to absolute units, the authors introduce a framework that allows protein levels to be quantified in terms of copies per cell. This approach facilitates more direct comparisons between model predictions and empirical measurements.

      The core of the study involves both analytical predictions and experimental validation to quantify protein levels for key clock proteins (such as LHY, CCA1, PRR7, and TOC1) using RNA data and luciferase reporter protein fusions. The simple model predicts the abundance of clock proteins, suggesting that the protein concentration may reach up to 100,000 copies per cell, which was then verified through experiments involving NanoLUC reporters. The recalibration of detailed mathematical models enabled the calculation of DNA-binding dissociation constants (Kd) based on empirical data, establishing a bridge between theoretical and experimental insights for understanding plant circadian rhythms.

      The authors further explore how recalibrated models align with data by focusing on Kd values associated with DNA binding, particularly with LUX and CCA1 proteins. In vitro binding assays validated these predictions, while certain discrepancies emerged for CCA1 binding, implying other mechanisms could be influencing the observed results. Importantly, the recalibrated models provide a more realistic representation of protein-DNA interactions within the circadian clock, and the framework can be applied to understand other plant gene regulatory networks.

      Overall, the authors demonstrate how absolute protein quantification can advance our understanding of circadian rhythm dynamics in Arabidopsis. This study highlights the broader applicability of their methods, suggesting potential adaptations for investigating gene regulation across plant species and evolutionary contexts. The integration of empirical data with mathematical models introduces a new standard for rigor in plant gene circuit modeling and opens up avenues for exploring gene regulation in crop species and adaptive evolution in plants. 2. Major points

      2.1. Limited Generalizability of Some Assumptions:

      The translation and degradation rate assumptions are based on data from specific temperature and light conditions, which may not generalize well to other growth conditions. The authors could address this point by explicitly stating this limitation and explaining how variable conditions would affect the model's underlying assumptions.

      2.2. Discrepancies in CCA1 Binding Affinity:

      The model's simulated Kd values for CCA1 largely deviate from empirical measurements, suggesting missing mechanisms that may impact protein binding affinity. This might be due to some structural or environmental factors influencing CCA1 binding. No experiments are needed here but some plausible explanations would enhance the manuscript.

      2.3. Limited Data for Evening Complex Proteins:

      The model assumptions for ELF3, ELF4, and LUX rely on estimated degradation rates, which could introduce inaccuracies in the predictions. Empirical quantification of these rates would strengthen the reliability of these protein dynamics in the model. If these experiments are too resource and time intensive, then include some explanation of how changing these estimated degradation rates would affect the overall result.

      2.4. Unexplained Variability in Reporter Data:

      The NanoLUC reporter assays show some variability that the model does not account for, possibly due to factors like differential protein stability or folding in vivo. Further tests across different expression contexts, or including protein stability measurements, would clarify these inconsistencies. If these experiments are too resource and time intensive, then include some explanation of how changing these estimated degradation rates would affect the overall result.

      2.5. Simplified Model for Translational Efficiency:

      The model simplifies translational efficiency, which may not fully capture the complexity of clock protein synthesis. A more comprehensive approach, considering factors like ribosome density variation across transcripts, would add depth to the protein quantification model. Experiments are not required here. But it'd be nice to explain how a more complex model involving differential ribosomal density per transcript could affect the overall conclusions. 3. Minor Points - Figure Legends: Several figures lack sufficient detail in legends, particularly Figures 3 and 5, where the methodology for generating the predicted protein levels and Kd values could be described a bit more, without majorly elongating the caption length. - Unclear Units in Supplementary Table 1: Some units in Supplementary Table 1 for translation and degradation rates are not clearly specified.


      1. Overall Evaluation

      The recalibration of models to absolute units for protein quantification is a novel advancement in the field, allowing more direct comparison to experimental data. The study's combination of modeling and empirical validation is robust, and the use of quantitative NanoLUC reporters adds rigor to the experimental design. The study offers a clear protocol for estimating Kd values by integrating Protein-Binding Microarray (PBM) data and Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) data, which is a significant methodological contribution. These approaches could become a new standard for studies aiming to link molecular and phenotypic traits in plants. Moreover, through NanoLUC reporter assays, the study provides empirical data for protein levels that align closely with the model's predictions, enhancing the validity of their model. Additionally, by creating a framework that can be adapted to other plant gene regulatory networks, the authors extend the impact of their work beyond the Arabidopsis circadian clock, hinting at potential applications in agriculture and crop science.

      I recommend this study with a minor revision, addressing the points below.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      1. In this work, the authors observed discrepancies between the estimated and actual values of DNA-binding dissociation constant (Kd). Such inconsistencies may arise if the model used to simulate Kd omits certain regulatory mechanisms. For example, previous studies (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008340, https://doi.org/10.1098/rsfs.2021.0084) showed that when specific gene regulatory mechanisms are missing, the dissociation constant required for generating oscilla-tions can be underestimated. Thus, the inconsistency between the estimated and ac-tual Kd values might result from missing mechanisms in the model. It would be benefi-cial if the authors could discuss this possibility.


      1. The order in which the figures are mentioned does not match the order of the figures. Please adjust the sequence of the figures accordingly.
      2. In the last paragraph of Introduction, the authors state, 'The absolute numbers of proteins directly constrain their possible biochemical activities (Kim & Forger, 2012)'. It would be helpful to also cite Jeong et al. (https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2113403119), who showed that two circadian neuronal groups in Drosophila, containing different amount of clock proteins, exhibit distinct molecular properties within the circadian clock.
      3. In the title of the first section of Results, 'Predicting clock proteins levels' should be revised to 'Predicting clock protein levels.'
      4. The description of the results in Figure 4 is unclear. Please, refer to the color and shape of the points when explaining the results for better clarity.


      In the manuscript by U. Urquiza-Garcia et al., entitled "Abundant clock proteins point to missing molecular regulation in the plant circadian clock," the authors refactored two models of the plant circadian clock to use absolute units, allowing direct comparison with biochemical data. This study significantly advances the integration of experimental data into computational models.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      'The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.'

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Takenaka et al revisits the role of the maternal-effect gene abnormal oocyte (ao) in the regulation of canonical histone gene expression in Drosophila. The authors generated both a knockout allele of ao and a V5-tagged ao allele using CRISPR/Cas9. They show that (i) loss of ao results in maternal-effect lethality; (ii) Ao protein is localised to histone locus bodies; (iii) an increased dosage of AO heterochromatin partially rescues maternal-effect lethality. These results are consistent with previous reports. However, this study convincingly demonstrates that ao is not required to suppress histone expression, which is in contrast to previous suggestions.

      The manuscript is well structured and written. The conclusions are supported by the data. However, I have a few comments that may help to improve the manuscript:

      1. Localisation of the Ao-V5 protein: Ao-V5 co-localises with Mxc, a marker for the histone locus body. The authors state that some Ao-V5 puncta are without Mxc colocalisation. As far as I can see, it looks more like the other way around - Ao-V5 co-localises with Mxc, but there are some Mxc-marked HLBs without Ao-V5, which would imply that Ao-V5 does not have any other additional genomic loci as suggested. Therefore, I think a quantification of the existing images would be beneficial.
      2. qPCR analysis of histone gene expression in ao mutant ovaries shows that histone H1 RNA is slightly upregulated, while all other canonical histones remain unchanged compared to control. However, Western blot analysis shows a significant decrease in histone H3 protein levels (~50%), which the authors describe as 'slightly decreased'. This result needs to be considered in more detail, as it would suggest that Ao is required to maintain (at least) histone H3 protein levels?
      3. Some of the supplementary figures are not referenced in the main text (only in the figure legends).
      4. Ao deletion (Figure S1): I suggest including the Sanger sequencing results (as mentioned in the text) to demonstrate that neighbouring gene sequences remain unaffected.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I also think that all reviews are consistent with only a few suggestions for improving the manuscript.


      Strength: This paper shows that ao is not a histone gene repressor, as previously thought, which is an important finding. It also describes new alleles of ao, which are valuable tools for the Drosophila research community.

      Limitations: The study lacks insight into the actual molecular role of ao. The finding that H3 protein levels are considerably reduced in ao ovaries could be further investigated.

      Advances and audience: As described above, this paper extends our knowledge of the role of ao by showing that it is not a histone gene repressor, which is of interest to the scientific community working in the fields of chromatin and development.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study by Takenaka et al. explores the role of the abnormal oocyte (ao) gene in Drosophila melanogaster. Historically, ao was thought to regulate histone gene expression, causing maternal-effect lethality when disrupted. However, the lack of critical reagents including some alleles limited further testing of this hypothesis. In this study, the authors created new CRISPR/Cas9-generated ao knockouts and an epitope-tagged allele to clarify its role. Findings confirmed ao's maternal-effect lethality, which can be rescued by reducing histone copy number or increasing Y-chromosome heterochromatin. Contrary to previous studies, they found ao does not repress histone transcript levels, leaving its lethality mechanism unresolved. This work challenges the previously assumed role of ao in histone regulation at the level of transcription.

      Major comments: Overall, this manuscript was a joy to read, and the experiments are well controlled and done and presented in a clear and precise manner.

      Minor comments: My only two suggestions are if there is a way to include that ao is a conserved gene in the introduction that may broaden the readership of this manuscript. Also, there are many supplementary data panels showing Ao expression that could be condensed.

      Referees cross-commenting

      All the comments sound good to me.


      The significance of the study lies in its challenge to the previously accepted role of ao gene in regulating histone expression. While earlier research suggested ao acted as a repressor of histone expression, this study, using new and well-controlled tools, did not find evidence supporting that role. The findings not only question the previous assumptions but also emphasize the complexity of ao's function, highlighting the need for further exploration of the mechanisms underlying maternal-effect lethality and its genetic interactions with heterochromatin and histone genes. This will contribute to a better understanding of gene regulation during early development.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: In this manuscript Takenaka et al address the function of the gene abnormal oocyte (ao, formerly abo) in Drosophila oogenesis. Previous reports implicated ao as a negative regulator of histone biogenesis based on its localization to the histone locus body (HLB), rescue by reduction of histone copy number, and reports that histone production is increased in ao mutants. Only one of the two original ao mutants are still available and the other has been lost. The authors sought to confirm ao's mechanism of action by generating a CRISPR null allele for ao. They also generate a tagged rescue construct which allows them to visualize ao localization. First, they confirm that a clean deletion of ao does indeed confer maternal lethality and that their tagged construct does localize to the HLB. Next they test histone expression levels in ao null ovaries and find that histones are not, in fact, overexpressed at the RNA or protein level. They also test the RNA levels in unfertilized embryos and find that H2B is decreased rather than increased. Finally, they confirm the previous report that histone deficiency or reduced copy number reduces ao's maternal effect lethality indicating that there is a relationship between ao and the histone locus.

      Major comments: I have only one suggestion and a possible extension of the work.

      Suggestion: Since ao localizes to the HLB it presumably only affects the replication coupled histones. It would be very interesting to know how replication independent histone RNAs change (or do not) in ao null ovaries.

      Extension: (This may be beyond the scope of this work). One wonders if the partial rescue of ao mutants by the histone deficiency/reduced histone copy number is due to a change in the localization of other HLB components in the absence of ao. To test this the authors could image Mxc in the ao null.

      Minor comments: None


      General assessment: Overall, I think that this is an important story that sets the record straight about the molecular function of ao, particularly because it was recently suggested as a tool to manipulate histone levels. The experiments appear to be carefully done and provide good support for the claims. The manuscript is clearly written and easy to interpret.

      Advance: The main takehome of this story is that the previously described and long-standing mechanism of ao on histone biogenesis and oogenesis is flawed. This story will be the starting point for future characterization of this mutant.

      Audience: Those interested in histone biogenesis, especially in flies, will be interested in this story. It does not provide an alternative molecular mechanism (nor does it claim to) which will somewhat limit the general interest. However, this story provides a vital correction to the record.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 The manuscript by Consorte and coworkers focusses on the role of the tudor-doman containing proteins, Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c in Germplasm stability in zebrafish. Single mutants for each protein do not affect germ plasm stability or germ cell fates, Through the use of double mutants lacking the function of both proteins, the authors find that germ plasm complexes form and the Balbiani body of mutant oocytes are unaffected. However, the germ plasm complexes disperse during early development, leading to loss of primordial germ cells and eventually sterility of adult double mutant fish. Domain analysis of Tdrd6c showed that the Tudor domains are not required for interactions with the germ plasm organiser Bucky ball (Buc), but function in germ plasm dynamics. The prion-like domains of Tdrd6c were found to be required for interactions with Buc. Tdrd6c protein localizes to perinuclear granules in germ cells, but not in the Bb, unlike Tdrd6a. The manuscript is generally well done, and the findings are of interest to researchers interested in germline development, RNA-protein complexes and intrinsically disordered /prion-like proteins. Some further work would bolster the findings and support the main conclusions better. Major comments:

      • Regarding the 6a6c double mutants, figure 3 and S4 show preliminary evidence that the gonads are severely underdeveloped. However it is unclear when/what stage the gonads are arrested and whether there is a loss of germline stem cells. This can be shown.


      As the PCGs are already missing at 1 day post fertilization, there will be no germ cells in the gonads, leading to the rudimentary gonad structures we show in Figure S4. This phenotype has been described before by us and others (PMID: 17418787; PMID: 12932328; PMID: 15728735). Hence, a tissue analysis would not yield any further information.

      • The authors show that germplasm forms in single mutants for 6a and 6c and Buc-eGFP reporter transgene localization does not show overt germpalsm defects in the single mutant embryos. But PGC numbers are reduced by larval stages. Are germplasm RNAs destabilised to some extent in the single mutants? This should be examined.


      Thanks for bringing up this interesting point. In Roovers et al. (PMID: 30086300) we did an extensive analysis in tdrd6a mutants in this regard, showing that indeed germ plasm transcripts were generally reduced in PGCs. We do not plan to repeat such analysis for tdrd6c mutants. However, we propose to address this by smFISH experiments on known germ plasm transcripts, like vasa and dazl. This would not only reveal potential abundance issues, but also localization issues.

      • Relevant to the PGC defects shown in Fig 3, is there is more male bias or earlier defects in the 6c single mutants ? What is the tissue shown in Fig S4 B in the double mutant? Some sections and markers would be useful.


      In figure 3D that no male bias was observed in the offspring of single mutant females. While we cannot exclude earlier defects, these will be minor as no fertility defects have been noted. Hence, we do not plan to look at gonad development in offspring of single mutants.

      • Regarding expressing of the Tdrd6c constructs in BmN4 cells: the expression levels do not appear uniform and the background fluorescence is very high in some images, making comparisons and differences in expression levels/distribution difficult to see.eg Fig S6. These images (eg S6 6c and 6a6c double mutant images) should be assessed carefully and replaced with better representative images.


      Thank you for pointing this out. We fully agree, and we plan to quantify the images we have on these experiments to provide a more complete and possibly less biased results.

      Minor comments:

      • Fig 1 a: spelling error in the schematic "Antibody Binging site" should be changed to "Antibody binding site".


      This will be fixed.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): How germ plasm stability is controlled is not well understood. In this manuscript, the role of the related Tudor-domain proteins, Tdrd6a and 6c proteins are compared. The proteins have redundant roles in germplasm stability and germ cells in early zebrafish embryos, and the combined loss of the proteins leads to germplasm destabilisation, germ cell loss and sterility. The manuscript is generally well done, and the findings are of interest to researchers interested in germline development, RNA-protein complexes and intrinsically disordered /prion-like proteins. Some further work would bolster the findings and support the main conclusions better (as detailed in major and minor comments above).

      Reviewer #2

      In this report, the authors utilize the zebrafish model to examine two multi-Tudor proteins, Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c, demonstrating that both are essential for the stability of germplasm during primordial germ cell (PGC) formation. They reveal that the Prion-like domain of Tdrd6c is key to Tdrd6c's self-interaction and its interaction with Bucky ball, a key organizer of germplasm in zebrafish, and that these interactions are regulated by the Tudor domains of Tdrd6c. These findings provide new insights into the mechanisms governing this phase-separated structure during development. Overall, the results are interesting, and the manuscript is generally well-written. However, additional experimental evidence is required to substantiate these findings.

      Major Points 1. Compared to single mutations in tdrd6a or tdrd6c, the tdrd6a/tdrd6c double mutations result in more severe PGC defects. Is there evidence for genetic compensation in single tdrd6 mutations? This needs to be clarified.


      This is an interesting point. We plan to do RT-qPCR on tdrd6a and tdrd6c in the single mutants to test this idea.

      In Figure 3, can injecting another tdrd6 mRNA into single mutant embryos for tdrd6a or tdrd6c rescue the PGC defect?


      Thank you for pointing out this idea. We had contemplated the idea, but reasoned that most likely any injected mRNA would be expressed too late to make a difference. However, we should just try it, because if it works it opens up possibilities (as also brought up by other reviewers). Hence, we plan to test this by injecting mRNAs for tdrd6a and/or tdrd6c in embryos derived from double mutant females. We believe that this approach would be more sensitive than a potential rescue on single mutants as the phenotype of the double is simply much stronger and consistent.

      Given the distinct subcellular localization of Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c during oocyte stages, it is suggested that Tdrd6a, Tdrd6c, and Buc may interact differently. This variation might contribute to differences in germplasm distribution in early embryonic development. It would be useful to assess germplasm levels and distribution in the different mutants using single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH).


      This is a good idea, and we will test this as suggested, with smFISH.

      In Figure 5, co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) experiments are recommended to further confirm the interaction between Buc and Tdrd6a.


      Most likely the reviewer refers to Tdrd6c, and not Tdrd6a. For Tdrd6a we have shown before that it co-IPs with Buc (Roovers et al.(2018) Figure 5). Also Tdrd6c comes down in these IPs. In panel 5H we furthermore show that the coIP between Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c is disrupted in absence of Buc, implying that Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c interact with each other via Buc. Hence, we will not perform further coIP experiments from the artificial setting of BmN4 cells.

      The functional role of zebrafish Tdrd6c may not be fully elucidated through cellular experiments alone. Would injecting mutant variants of tdrd6c into tdrd6a mutant embryos rescue the PGC defects?


      Thank you for the good suggestion. We plan to try such rescue experiments by injection of mRNAs

      Line 368, improper writing style. "I selected, cloned and expressed...". The sentence should not use "I" as the subject.


      This will be fixed.

      Minor Points 1. The fonts in Figures 3C, 3D, 5B, 6B, etc., are too small and difficult to read. 2. Figure 3C and other charts are somewhat rough in appearance; optimization is recommended. 3. In line 171, an inappropriate reference is cited and should be revised.


      These will be addressed in the revision.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): Strength and limitation: Strength: showing that Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c contribute to the stability of germplasm is novel. Limitation: the direct interaction between Tdrd6c and Buc is not fully supported by the experiments and results.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript "Germplasm stability in zebrafish requires maternal Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c" by Consorte and colleagues explores the poorly understood process of how the formation of the germ plasm, a collection of phase-separated RNA and protein components that segregate asymmetrically in the embryo to the future germ cells in many vertebrates, is regulated. In this study, the authors show that Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c are necessary to stabilize the germplasm in zebrafish embryos, while they are not required for the formation of a related structure during oogenesis, the Balbiani body. Interestingly, Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c are not required for the initial formation of the germ plasm in the embryo, but rather for stabilizing the germ plasm after its initial segregation from the rest of the cytoplasm: the absence of both of these proteins together in the oocyte causes a dispersal of the germ plasm during the first hours of embryogenesis, and consequently an absence of primordial germ cells in the larvae as well as sterility of the adult fish (fish looking like males were sterile, and no adult female fish in line with severely diminished gonad formation). The authors further imply a role of the prion-like domain of Tdrd6c in mediating self-interaction (clustering in the cytoplasm) as well as interaction with Bucky ball, and that these dynamics are modulated by Tdrd6c Tudor domains1-3 and lead, again in cells, to an immobilization of the Buc-Tdrd6c complex. The main new finding in this study is that Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c act redundantly and are together required for germ plasm stabilization in zebrafish. The mutant phenotype of Tdrd6a had already been previously published by the lab (and the authors introduce their prior work in the introduction). In prior work, the authors had shown that absence of Tdrd6a caused a mild phenotype in germ plasm assembly and loss of PGCs in the embryo, similar as they show now for the single Tdrd6c mutant. Moreover, Tdrd6a was also shown to interact with Buc, albeit via its Tudor domain, which is in contrast to the new finding that Tdrd6c interacts with Buc not with its Tudor but instead with its prion-like domain, which is absent in Tdrd6a. Together with the new findings presented here, this identifies Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c as redundantly acting factors that can both interact with Buckyball and can stabilize the germ plasm in the embryo.

      Major comments: The authors provide a careful analysis of the mutants, and most of the claims are fully supported by data. The data presented is very clear and the paper is well written. There is one aspect that I think would require further in vivo evidence, and that is the analysis of the interaction between Tdrd6c and Buc, which is currently performed only in vitro in the Bombyx cell line, which has clear limitations regarding conclusion that can be drawn for the in vivo situation. The observation that Tdrd6c-PrLD-TDR123 and Buc condensates localize adjacently/colocalize and that Buc condensates are immobilized on Tdrd6c granules via its PrLD domain do in my opinion suggest that Bb interacts with Tdrd6c via its PrLD domain, but this could still be indirect or an overexpression effect. To really show this, the authors should consider performing at some experiment in this regard in zebrafish embryos. I realize this is tricky given that the double mutants do not give you oocytes/embryos to work with, but maybe also here the overexpression in a single mutant would at least have the in vivo normal environment and endogenous (or transgenically labelled) Buc there. This could be either via imaging, or IPs (e.g. using the tagged line or AB). Potential AlphaFold modeling could also help though this might not result in anything given the unstructured nature of both proteins. Another alternative to show direct interaction could be a peptide-Spot-assay that might be able to detect direct interaction between those two proteins (and/or protein domains)?


      We believe the main point of the reviewer is that the interaction between Tdrd6c and Buc may be indirect. This is a valid point, but hard to address. As indicated in our replies to reviewer 2, we did already publish IP-MS data suggesting that Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c interact likely directly with Buc (Roovers et al.(2018)). First, a pull-down with a Buc-peptide pulled down Tdrd6a. Second, Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c interact with each other via Buc. There is no experiment that does not include artificial setting that would help us further here. However, we did recently manage to make full length Buc and Tdrd6c, and plan to use these in in vitro Buc phase-separation assays (which are working) to test if Tdrd6c may participate in Buc granules under our experimental conditions.

      Suggestion for additional experiments:

      • The authors show that ziwi-driven transgenic Tdrd6c is expressed during oogenesis but does not localize to the Balbiani body, which is rather surprising given that Tdrd6a localizes there (also confirmed again in this manuscript). Is (endogenous) Tdrd6c present already during oogenesis, and does it localize there to the Balbiani body? The authors should check this with AB staining for Tdrd6c in ovaries.


      This is an excellent point. We will put renewed effort in getting our Tdrd6c antibody to work on ovary samples.

      • It is currently unclear whether (endogenous) Tdrd6c is indeed already present and required in the ovary/oocyte, or whether very early expression in the embryo could be sufficient for rescuing the mutant phenotype, particularly since the initial germ plasm forms rather normally in the embryo in the double mutant. Can the authors attempt to rescue the double mutant phenotype by zygotic expression of either Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c (e.g. mRNA injection)?


      The phenotype we observed is strictly maternal. Zygotic, wild-type tdrd6a/c cannot not rescue the phenotype. Nevertheless, as also requested by the other reviewers, attempting rescue by mRNA injection is worthwhile, and we plan to do this.

      Minor comments: - The videos were not labelled with the respective numbers (only Movie 3 was assigned as Movie 3) - please assign them the corresponding numbers.


      This will be fixed.

      • In Fig 2B, DAPI would be nice to show to see directly where the nuclei are.


      DAPI does not stain the DNA in oocytes because the nuclei are so large. Nevertheless, we will use a Lamin antibody, or other suitable antibody, to indicate the nuclei.

      • In Fig 2C, indicate with a box the area of the zoom in D; plus make the contrast particularly for red brighter in 2C since the red is almost invisible


      This will be fixed.

      • Fig 4B, I would suggest still showing the 'no volume measured' data (=0) for the double mutant for the 3h timepoint (or at least indicate in the right blot as 'no data'), otherwise it's easy to miss if one just looks at the figure


      This will be fixed.

      • Fig 5d/E: the phenotype is visible, but it's unclear from the figure whether these images are cherry-picked and how penetrant it is; thus some quantification would be helpful (e.g. clustering amount? Relative percentage of area of the cytoplasm of a cell pink? Or granularity of the cytoplasm?)


      This comment was also raised by other reviewers. We will quantify the imaging we have performed.

      • Fig 6A: any speculation what is different in the few cells that have the colocalization of Buc and Tdrd6c (full-length) vs those that don't? could it be the level of the protein, or something else? In addition, I was missing to see just the Buc as a control on its own (without the co-transfection of Tdrd6c); and same comment as before, also here some quantification of changes to the Buc localization could be helpful (and changes/quantification of the Tdrd6c localization)


      We apologies we leaving out our Buc-only control. We have done that experiment, showing Buc alone yields nice round foci in these cells. Will include that in the revision.

      The variability in co-localization we believe indeed stems from expression levels.

      • This is more of a comment: I find it surprising that the two similar proteins would use different motifs/domains for interacting with Bb. Can it be ruled out that the previously found interaction between Tdrd6a and Bb could be mediated by Tdrd6c (via an interaction of Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c via their Tudor domains)? I assume Tdrd6c was not present in those cells during the previous assay, but could there have been another Tdrd6-like (endogenous) protein in the cells that could take 'Tdrd6c's' spot', making the interaction with Tdrd6a and Bb potentially indirect? Given this difference in domains and the in vitro overexpression cell-based assay as main evidence for this point, I do think this will require some experimental work to confirm the present model.


      Please see our reply to the general comments: in Roovers et al. (2018) we showed that Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c coIP with each other via Buc. Hence, Tdrd6a seems not to need Tdrd6c for Buc binding.

      *Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): Overall, this manuscript identifies and provides an initial characterization of two factors that are required for germ plasm stabilization and thus reproductive ability in zebrafish. The paper is solid in what it shows. It's main limitation is that the conceptual insights it provides in its current stage are rather limited. However, it does provide a useful and important foundation for future work, that will need to address how these factors regulate germ plasm condensation, and why there is a specific requirement in the embryo (but not during oogenesis). *

      Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This is an excellent manuscript from the Ketting lab describing generation of a double mutant of tdrd6a and tdrd6c and showing that PGCs fail to form in their absence, whereas PGCs are present and functional in each single maternal-zygotic mutant, although PGCs are reduced in number. The Ketting lab previously published the tdrd6a mutant and here they describe the tdrd6c mutant and the double mutant. They find that Buc-GFP aggregation occurs normally in the double mutant but fails to persist to 3 hpf presumably due to a role of Tdrd6a/c in stabilizing the germplasm granules that have formed. The Balbiani while mildly affected in tdrd6a mutants is little or not affected in the double mutant. They perform co-localization and aggregation analysis in a cell culture system, which suggests that the Tdrd6c prion-like domain (PrLD) can self-aggregate, although not in the context of the full-length Tdrd6c. Further, the Tdrd6c PrLD with the Tudor domains 1,2, 3 co-localizes fully with Buc-GFP in granules in the cell system, while the Tdrd6c PrLD domain alone only leads to Buc-GFP docking on the Tdr6c-PrLD large aggregate. Interestingly, Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c appear to associate via distinct mechanisms to Buc, since Tdrd6a does not contain a PrLD. The points below would strengthen the manuscript.

      1. The authors should examine Tdrd6c localization in oocytes using their antibody to ensure that the Tdrd6c-mKate fusion is accurately reflecting endogenous Tdrd6c localization.


      This is an excellent point. We plan to do these experiments. This antibody thus far failed to work on ovary samples, but we will give it some more effort.

      The authors should test if the Tdrd6c-mKate transgene can rescue the tdrd6c mutant to ensure the mKate fusion is not altering its function, which could lead to mis-localization.


      This is an excellent point. We plan to do these experiments. The crossing schemes will, however, take significant time. Nevertheless, this is an important suggestion and we will try it.

      Please describe in fig 3 legend or methods the exact locations of the sequences deleted in the crispr allele generated in tdrd6c.


      This will be addressed.

      Line 152-153, is it not indicative of maternal expression of both tdrda and c being important, since each one alone is sufficient?


      Exactly, and therefore it follows that '*maternal inheritance of at least one of the Tdrd6 proteins is crucial for the specification of PGCs.' When embryo lack only one, they do relatively fine. We will look at this passage, however, to phrase it in an easier manner. *

      Lines 202-204, what percent of cells showed colocalization of Tdrdc with Buc-GFP and include the number of cells examined in a particular area. Quantitation would make more clear what is meant by 'occasional'.


      We will quantify the imaging experiments on the BmN4 cells.

      1. The authors previously published a balbiani body defect in the tdrda mutant in Roovers et al, 2018. The authors state in lines 235-236 that there is no Balbiani body defect in the double mutant? Is there not the same balbiani defect in the double mutant as found in the tdrd6a mutant? The authors should show their data for the normal Balbiani body and comment on this point.


      Thank you for pointing this out. The balbiani body defect in tdrd6a mutants is not an easy one, and we have not analysed the balbiani body in as much detail in this study as we did before for the tdrd6a mutant, as the major defect was observed in the germ plasm. However, we agree we should also addres the balbiani body in more detail. We plan to address this by looking at balbiani body morphology using smFISH markers in the various mutants.

      The authors previously published that Tdrd6a localizes around Buc droplets, at the periphery of the Buc aggregate. Tdrd6c localization in the embryo germplasm appears different and to be fully within the Buc aggregate. The authors should discuss this point, if it still holds.


      We will repeat the stainings at higher resolution to address this.

      Minor points:

      1. End of Introduction lines 65-67, 'demonstrate' is too strong here, since the work was done in a heterologous cell system, not the embryo, and their correct association requires both Tdrd domains 1-3 and the PrLD.

      2. Figure 1A has a typo in 'binding' site.

      3. How were the fish lines genotyped? The exact method should be included and if by PCR, the primer sequences used.

      4. Only one of the five supplementary movies is labelled, rest are all identically named, so this reviewer could not be sure of what video corresponded to what data. Also the two AVI videos did not run on the website, so could not be viewed by this reviewer.


      These minor issues will be resolved in the revision.

      **Referees cross-commenting** Reviewer 1: the PGCs/germline stem cells were shown to be absent at 1 dpf, re comment 1. Comment 4, Fig S6 is Zili IF in oocytes, not BmN4, although it does see a lot of background without a control of a zili mutant. Reviewer 2: I agree with point 5. For a higher impact paper, this would be required in my view. Data in cells is not necessarily reflective of in vivo. The authors are generally cautious in their interpretation though. Reviewer 3 also raises this point, although incorrectly states that there are not embryos to work with from the double mutant--they could indeed inject Tdrdc FL and the fragments as mRNA into the early embryo and test for colocalization with Buc in the germplasm at the cleavage furrows to provide in vivo evidence and increase the impact of the manuscript and then it could be appropriate for a higher impact journal. REviewer 3, I agree with point on Fig 5d/E, some measure and quantification would be helpful. I agree with comment on Fig 6A too, I thought the same. Reviewer 3 refers to the Bb multiple times, when I believe they mean the embryo germ plasm, including their last comment before Signifance. This is a good point too that Tdrd6a and c may interact with each other and only one interacts with Buc. I agree with their Significance statements.

      Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)): This manuscript will be of interest to those studying germ cells, as well as the Piwi pathway and phase separation. The advance is an important first step to understanding how Tdrd6 proteins function in germ plasm persistence or stability in the early embryo. Interesting self-aggregation and interaction with Bucky ball studies are shown in a cell culture system that suggests the Prion-like domain of Tdrdc is important for its co-localization with Buc in droplet-like puncta, a mechanism distinct from Tdrd6a which does not contain a PrLD.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is an excellent manuscript from the Ketting lab describing generation of a double mutant of tdrd6a and tdrd6c and showing that PGCs fail to form in their absence, whereas PGCs are present and functional in each single maternal-zygotic mutant, although PGCs are reduced in number. The Ketting lab previously published the tdrd6a mutant and here they describe the tdrd6c mutant and the double mutant. They find that Buc-GFP aggregation occurs normally in the double mutant but fails to persist to 3 hpf presumably due to a role of Tdrd6a/c in stabilizing the germplasm granules that have formed. The Balbiani while mildly affected in tdrd6a mutants is little or not affected in the double mutant. They perform co-localization and aggregation analysis in a cell culture system, which suggests that the Tdrd6c prion-like domain (PrLD) can self-aggregate, although not in the context of the full-length Tdrd6c. Further, the Tdrd6c PrLD with the Tudor domains 1,2, 3 co-localizes fully with Buc-GFP in granules in the cell system, while the Tdrd6c PrLD domain alone only leads to Buc-GFP docking on the Tdr6c-PrLD large aggregate. Interestingly, Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c appear to associate via distinct mechanisms to Buc, since Tdrd6a does not contain a PrLD. The points below would strengthen the manuscript.

      1. The authors should examine Tdrd6c localization in oocytes using their antibody to ensure that the Tdrd6c-mKate fusion is accurately reflecting endogenous Tdrd6c localization.
      2. The authors should test if the Tdrd6c-mKate transgene can rescue the tdrd6c mutant to ensure the mKate fusion is not altering its function, which could lead to mis-localization.
      3. Please describe in fig 3 legend or methods the exact locations of the sequences deleted in the crispr allele generated in tdrd6c.
      4. Line 152-153, is it not indicative of maternal expression of both tdrda and c being important, since each one alone is sufficient?
      5. Lines 202-204, what percent of cells showed colocalization of Tdrdc with Buc-GFP and include the number of cells examined in a particular area. Quantitation would make more clear what is meant by 'occasional'.
      6. The authors previously published a balbiani body defect in the tdrda mutant in Roovers et al, 2018. The authors state in lines 235-236 that there is no Balbiani body defect in the double mutant? Is there not the same balbiani defect in the double mutant as found in the tdrd6a mutant? The authors should show their data for the normal Balbiani body and comment on this point.
      7. The authors previously published that Tdrd6a localizes around Buc droplets, at the periphery of the Buc aggregate. Tdrd6c localization in the embryo germplasm appears different and to be fully within the Buc aggregate. The authors should discuss this point, if it still holds.

      Minor points:

      1. End of Introduction lines 65-67, 'demonstrate' is too strong here, since the work was done in a heterologous cell system, not the embryo, and their correct association requires both Tdrd domains 1-3 and the PrLD.
      2. Figure 1A has a typo in 'binding' site.
      3. How were the fish lines genotyped? The exact method should be included and if by PCR, the primer sequences used.
      4. Only one of the five supplementary movies is labelled, rest are all identically named, so this reviewer could not be sure of what video corresponded to what data. Also the two AVI videos did not run on the website, so could not be viewed by this reviewer.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Reviewer 1: the PGCs/germline stem cells were shown to be absent at 1 dpf, re comment 1. Comment 4, Fig S6 is Zili IF in oocytes, not BmN4, although it does see a lot of background without a control of a zili mutant.

      Reviewer 2: I agree with point 5. For a higher impact paper, this would be required in my view. Data in cells is not necessarily reflective of in vivo. The authors are generally cautious in their interpretation though. Reviewer 3 also raises this point, although incorrectly states that there are not embryos to work with from the double mutant--they could indeed inject Tdrdc FL and the fragments as mRNA into the early embryo and test for colocalization with Buc in the germplasm at the cleavage furrows to provide in vivo evidence and increase the impact of the manuscript and then it could be appropriate for a higher impact journal.

      REviewer 3, I agree with point on Fig 5d/E, some measure and quantification would be helpful. I agree with comment on Fig 6A too, I thought the same. Reviewer 3 refers to the Bb multiple times, when I believe they mean the embryo germ plasm, including their last comment before Signifance. This is a good point too that Tdrd6a and c may interact with each other and only one interacts with Buc. I agree with their Significance statements.


      This manuscript will be of interest to those studying germ cells, as well as the Piwi pathway and phase separation. The advance is an important first step to understanding how Tdrd6 proteins function in germ plasm persistence or stability in the early embryo. Interesting self-aggregation and interaction with Bucky ball studies are shown in a cell culture system that suggests the Prion-like domain of Tdrdc is important for its co-localization with Buc in droplet-like puncta, a mechanism distinct from Tdrd6a which does not contain a PrLD.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript "Germplasm stability in zebrafish requires maternal Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c" by Consorte and colleagues explores the poorly understood process of how the formation of the germ plasm, a collection of phase-separated RNA and protein components that segregate asymmetrically in the embryo to the future germ cells in many vertebrates, is regulated. In this study, the authors show that Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c are necessary to stabilize the germplasm in zebrafish embryos, while they are not required for the formation of a related structure during oogenesis, the Balbiani body. Interestingly, Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c are not required for the initial formation of the germ plasm in the embryo, but rather for stabilizing the germ plasm after its initial segregation from the rest of the cytoplasm: the absence of both of these proteins together in the oocyte causes a dispersal of the germ plasm during the first hours of embryogenesis, and consequently an absence of primordial germ cells in the larvae as well as sterility of the adult fish (fish looking like males were sterile, and no adult female fish in line with severely diminished gonad formation). The authors further imply a role of the prion-like domain of Tdrd6c in mediating self-interaction (clustering in the cytoplasm) as well as interaction with Bucky ball, and that these dynamics are modulated by Tdrd6c Tudor domains1-3 and lead, again in cells, to an immobilization of the Buc-Tdrd6c complex.

      The main new finding in this study is that Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c act redundantly and are together required for germ plasm stabilization in zebrafish. The mutant phenotype of Tdrd6a had already been previously published by the lab (and the authors introduce their prior work in the introduction). In prior work, the authors had shown that absence of Tdrd6a caused a mild phenotype in germ plasm assembly and loss of PGCs in the embryo, similar as they show now for the single Tdrd6c mutant. Moreover, Tdrd6a was also shown to interact with Buc, albeit via its Tudor domain, which is in contrast to the new finding that Tdrd6c interacts with Buc not with its Tudor but instead with its prion-like domain, which is absent in Tdrd6a. Together with the new findings presented here, this identifies Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c as redundantly acting factors that can both interact with Buckyball and can stabilize the germ plasm in the embryo.

      Major comments:

      The authors provide a careful analysis of the mutants, and most of the claims are fully supported by data. The data presented is very clear and the paper is well written. There is one aspect that I think would require further in vivo evidence, and that is the analysis of the interaction between Tdrd6c and Buc, which is currently performed only in vitro in the Bombyx cell line, which has clear limitations regarding conclusion that can be drawn for the in vivo situation. The observation that Tdrd6c-PrLD-TDR123 and Buc condensates localize adjacently/colocalize and that Buc condensates are immobilized on Tdrd6c granules via its PrLD domain do in my opinion suggest that Bb interacts with Tdrd6c via its PrLD domain, but this could still be indirect or an overexpression effect. To really show this, the authors should consider performing at some experiment in this regard in zebrafish embryos. I realize this is tricky given that the double mutants do not give you oocytes/embryos to work with, but maybe also here the overexpression in a single mutant would at least have the in vivo normal environment and endogenous (or transgenically labelled) Buc there. This could be either via imaging, or IPs (e.g. using the tagged line or AB). Potential AlphaFold modeling could also help though this might not result in anything given the unstructured nature of both proteins. Another alternative to show direct interaction could be a peptide-Spot-assay that might be able to detect direct interaction between those two proteins (and/or protein domains)?

      Suggestion for additional experiments:

      • The authors show that ziwi-driven transgenic Tdrd6c is expressed during oogenesis but does not localize to the Balbiani body, which is rather surprising given that Tdrd6a localizes there (also confirmed again in this manuscript). Is (endogenous) Tdrd6c present already during oogenesis, and does it localize there to the Balbiani body? The authors should check this with AB staining for Tdrd6c in ovaries.
      • It is currently unclear whether (endogenous) Tdrd6c is indeed already present and required in the ovary/oocyte, or whether very early expression in the embryo could be sufficient for rescuing the mutant phenotype, particularly since the initial germ plasm forms rather normally in the embryo in the double mutant. Can the authors attempt to rescue the double mutant phenotype by zygotic expression of either Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c (e.g. mRNA injection)?

      Minor comments:

      • The videos were not labelled with the respective numbers (only Movie 3 was assigned as Movie 3) - please assign them the corresponding numbers.
      • In Fig 2B, DAPI would be nice to show to see directly where the nuclei are.
      • In Fig 2C, indicate with a box the area of the zoom in D; plus make the contrast particularly for red brighter in 2C since the red is almost invisible
      • Fig 4B, I would suggest still showing the 'no volume measured' data (=0) for the double mutant for the 3h timepoint (or at least indicate in the right blot as 'no data'), otherwise it's easy to miss if one just looks at the figure
      • Fig 5d/E: the phenotype is visible, but it's unclear from the figure whether these images are cherry-picked and how penetrant it is; thus some quantification would be helpful (e.g. clustering amount? Relative percentage of area of the cytoplasm of a cell pink? Or granularity of the cytoplasm?)
      • Fig 6A: any speculation what is different in the few cells that have the colocalization of Buc and Tdrd6c (full-length) vs those that don't? could it be the level of the protein, or something else? In addition, I was missing to see just the Buc as a control on its own (without the co-transfection of Tdrd6c); and same comment as before, also here some quantification of changes to the Buc localization could be helpful (and changes/quantification of the Tdrd6c localization)
      • This is more of a comment: I find it surprising that the two similar proteins would use different motifs/domains for interacting with Bb. Can it be ruled out that the previously found interaction between Tdrd6a and Bb could be mediated by Tdrd6c (via an interaction of Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c via their Tudor domains)? I assume Tdrd6c was not present in those cells during the previous assay, but could there have been another Tdrd6-like (endogenous) protein in the cells that could take 'Tdrd6c's' spot', making the interaction with Tdrd6a and Bb potentially indirect? Given this difference in domains and the in vitro overexpression cell-based assay as main evidence for this point, I do think this will require some experimental work to confirm the present model.


      Overall, this manuscript identifies and provides an initial characterization of two factors that are required for germ plasm stabilization and thus reproductive ability in zebrafish. The paper is solid in what it shows. It's main limitation is that the conceptual insights it provides in its current stage are rather limited. However, it does provide a useful and important foundation for future work, that will need to address how these factors regulate germ plasm condensation, and why there is a specific requirement in the embryo (but not during oogenesis).

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this report, the authors utilize the zebrafish model to examine two multi-Tudor proteins, Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c, demonstrating that both are essential for the stability of germplasm during primordial germ cell (PGC) formation. They reveal that the Prion-like domain of Tdrd6c is key to Tdrd6c's self-interaction and its interaction with Bucky ball, a key organizer of germplasm in zebrafish, and that these interactions are regulated by the Tudor domains of Tdrd6c. These findings provide new insights into the mechanisms governing this phase-separated structure during development. Overall, the results are interesting, and the manuscript is generally well-written. However, additional experimental evidence is required to substantiate these findings.

      Major Points

      1. Compared to single mutations in tdrd6a or tdrd6c, the tdrd6a/tdrd6c double mutations result in more severe PGC defects. Is there evidence for genetic compensation in single tdrd6 mutations? This needs to be clarified.
      2. In Figure 3, can injecting another tdrd6 mRNA into single mutant embryos for tdrd6a or tdrd6c rescue the PGC defect?
      3. Given the distinct subcellular localization of Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c during oocyte stages, it is suggested that Tdrd6a, Tdrd6c, and Buc may interact differently. This variation might contribute to differences in germplasm distribution in early embryonic development. It would be useful to assess germplasm levels and distribution in the different mutants using single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH).
      4. In Figure 5, co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) experiments are recommended to further confirm the interaction between Buc and Tdrd6a.
      5. The functional role of zebrafish Tdrd6c may not be fully elucidated through cellular experiments alone. Would injecting mutant variants of tdrd6c into tdrd6a mutant embryos rescue the PGC defects?
      6. Line 368, improper writing style. "I selected, cloned and expressed...". The sentence should not use "I" as the subject.

      Minor Points

      1. The fonts in Figures 3C, 3D, 5B, 6B, etc., are too small and difficult to read.
      2. Figure 3C and other charts are somewhat rough in appearance; optimization is recommended.
      3. In line 171, an inappropriate reference is cited and should be revised.


      Strength and limitation:

      *Strength: showing that Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c contribute to the stability of germplasm is novel.

      Limitation: the direct interaction between Tdrd6c and Buc is not fully supported by the experiments and results.

    5. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Consorte and coworkers focusses on the role of the tudor-doman containing proteins, Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c in Germplasm stability in zebrafish. Single mutants for each protein do not affect germ plasm stability or germ cell fates, Through the use of double mutants lacking the function of both proteins, the authors find that germ plasm complexes form and the Balbiani body of mutant oocytes are unaffected. However, the germ plasm complexes disperse during early development, leading to loss of primordial germ cells and eventually sterility of adult double mutant fish. Domain analysis of Tdrd6c showed that the Tudor domains are not required for interactions with the germ plasm organiser Bucky ball (Buc), but function in germ plasm dynamics. The prion-like domains of Tdrd6c were found to be required for interactions with Buc. Tdrd6c protein localizes to perinuclear granules in germ cells, but not in the Bb, unlike Tdrd6a. The manuscript is generally well done, and the findings are of interest to researchers interested in germline development, RNA-protein complexes and intrinsically disordered /prion-like proteins. Some further work would bolster the findings and support the main conclusions better.

      Major comments:

      • Regarding the 6a6c double mutants, figure 3 and S4 show preliminary evidence that the gonads are severely underdeveloped. However it is unclear when/what stage the gonads are arrested and whether there is a loss of germline stem cells. This can be shown.
      • The authors show that germplasm forms in single mutants for 6a and 6c and Buc-eGFP reporter transgene localization does not show overt germpalsm defects in the single mutant embryos. But PGC numbers are reduced by larval stages. Are germplasm RNAs destabilised to some extent in the single mutants? This should be examined.
      • Relevant to the PGC defects shown in Fig 3, is there is more male bias or earlier defects in the 6c single mutants ? What is the tissue shown in Fig S4 B in the double mutant? Some sections and markers would be useful.
      • Regarding expressing of the Tdrd6c constructs in BmN4 cells: the expression levels do not appear uniform and the background fluorescence is very high in some images, making comparisons and differences in expression levels/distribution difficult to see.eg Fig S6. These images (eg S6 6c and 6a6c double mutant images) should be assessed carefully and replaced with better representative images.

      Minor comments:

      • Fig 1 a: spelling error in the schematic "Antibody Binging site" should be changed to "Antibody binding site".


      How germ plasm stability is controlled is not well understood. In this manuscript, the role of the related Tudor-domain proteins, Tdrd6a and 6c proteins are compared. The proteins have redundant roles in germplasm stability and germ cells in early zebrafish embryos, and the combined loss of the proteins leads to germplasm destabilisation, germ cell loss and sterility. The manuscript is generally well done, and the findings are of interest to researchers interested in germline development, RNA-protein complexes and intrinsically disordered /prion-like proteins. Some further work would bolster the findings and support the main conclusions better (as detailed in major and minor comments above).

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers for their thorough review of our manuscript and believe it has been much improved based on their comments.

      A detailed response to each comment is itemized below.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This is an interesting manuscript where the authors systematically measure rG4 levels in brain samples at different ages of patients affected by AD. To the best of my knowledge this is the first time that BG4 staining is used in this context and the authors provide compelling evidence to show an association with BG4 staining and age or AD progression, which interestingly indicates that such RNA structure might play a role in regulating protein homeostasis as previously speculated. The methods used and the results reported seem robust and reproducible.

      In terms of the conclusions, however, I think that there are 2 main things that need addressing prior to publication:

      1) Usually in BG4 staining experiments to ensure that the signal detected is genuinely due to rG4 an RNase treatment experiment is performed. This does not have to be extended to all the samples presented but having a couple of controls where the authors observe loss of staining upon RNase treatment will be key to ensure with confidence that rG4s are detected under the experimental conditions. This is particularly relevant for this brain tissue samples where BG4 staining has never been performed before.

      Response____: With what is now known about RNA rG4s and the recent reconciliation of the controversy on rG4 formation (Kharel, Nature Communications 2023), this experiment is no longer strictly required for demonstration of rG4 formation. Despite this change, we did attempt this experiment at the reviewer's suggestion, but the controls were not successful, suggesting it may not be feasible with our fixing and staining conditions. That said, we agree that despite the G4 staining appearing primarily outside the nucleus, it would be helpful to have some direct indication of whether we were observing primarily RNA or DNA G4s, and so we performed an alternate experiment to determine this.

      In our previous submission, we had performed ribosomal RNA staining (Figure S7), and the staining patterns were similar to that of BG4, especially the punctate pattern near the nuclei. Therefore, we directly asked whether the BG4 was largely binding to rRNA and have now shown the resulting co-stain in Figure 3b. These results show that at least a large amount of the BG4 staining does arise from rG4s in ribosomes. At high magnification, we observe that the BG4 stains a subset of the ribosomes, consistent with previous observations of high rG4 levels in ribosomes both in vitro and in cells (Mestre-Fos, 2019 J Mol Biol, Mestre-Fos 2019 PLoS One, Mestre-Fos 2020 J Biol Chem), but this had never been demonstrated in tissue. This experiment has therefore both answered the primary question of whether we are primarily observing rG4s, as well as provided more detailed information on the cellular sublocalization of rG4 formation, and provided the first evidence of rG4 formation on ribosomes in tissue.

      2) The authors have an association between rG4-formation and age/disease progression. They also observe distribution dependency of this, which is great. However, this is still an association which does not allow the model to be supported. This is not something that can be fixed with an easy experiment and it is what it is, but my point is that the narrative of the manuscript should be more fair and reflect the fact that, although interesting, what the authors are observing is a simple correlation. They should still go ahead and propose a model for it, but they should be more balanced in the conclusion and do not imply that this evidence is sufficient to demonstrate the proposed model. It is absolutely fine to refer to the literature and comment on the fact that similar observations have been reported and this is in line with those, but still this is not an ultimate demonstration.

      Response: ____We agree that these are correlative studies (of necessity when studying human tissue), but recent experiments have shown that rG4s affect the aggregation of Tau in vitro - and we have now better clarified this in the text itself. We have now also been more careful in drawing causative conclusions as shown in the revised text (see yellow highlighted portions of the text).

      Minor point:

      3) rG4s themselves have been shown to generate aggregates in ALS models in the absence of any protein (Ragueso et al. Nat Commun 2023). I think this is also important in the light of my comment on the model, could well be that these rG4s are causing aggregates themselves that act as nucleation point for the proteins as reported in the paper I mentioned. Providing a broader and more unbiased view of the current literature on the topic would be fair, rather than focusing on reports more in line with the model proposed.

      __Response: ____ We agree and have modified the discussion and added a broader context, including the Ragueso report described above. __

      __Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): __ This is a significant novel study, as per my comments above. I believe that such a study will be of impact in the G4 and neurodegenerative fields. Providing that the authors can address the criticisms above, I strongly believe that this manuscript would be of value to the scientific community. The main strength is the novelty of the study (never done before) the main weakness is the lack of the RNase control at the moment and the slightly over interpretation of the findings (see comments above).

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      RNA guanine-rich G-quadruplexes (rG4s) are non-canonical higher order nucleic acid structures that can form under physiological conditions. Interestingly, cellular stress is positively correlated with rG4 induction. In this study, the authors examined human hippocampal postmortem tissue for the formation ofrG4s in aging and Alzheimer Disease (AD). rG4 immunostaining strongly increased in the hippocampus with both age and with AD severity. 21 cases were used in this study (age range 30-92). This immunostaining co-localized with hyper-phosphorylated tau immunostaining in neurons. The BG4 staining levels were also impacted by APOE status. rG4 structure was previously found to drive tau aggregation. Based on these observations, the authors propose a model of neurodegeneration in which chronic rG4 formation drives proteostasis collapse. This model is interesting, and would explain different observations (e.g., RNA is present in AD aggregates and rG4s can enhance protein oligomerization and tau aggregation).

      Main issue: There is indeed a positive correlation between Braak stage severity and BG4 staining, but this correlation is relatively weak and borderline significant ((R = 0.52, p value = 0.028). This is probably the main limitation of this study, which should be clearly acknowledged (together with a reminder that "correlation is not causality".

      __Response: _ We believe that we had not explained this clearly enough in the text (based on the reviewer's comment), as the correlation mentioned by the Reviewer was for the CA4 region only, and not the OML, which was substantially more correlated and statistically significant (_Spearman R= 0.72, p = 0.00086). As a result, we believe this was a miscommunication that is rectified by the revised text: __

      "In the OML, plotting BG4 percent area versus Braak stage demonstrated a strong correlation (Spearman R= 0.72) with highly significantly increased BG4 staining with higher Braak stages (p = 0.00086) (Fig. 2b)."

      Related to this, here is no clear justification to exclude the four individuals in Fig 1d (without them R increases to 0.78). Please remove this statement. On the other hand, the difference based on APOE status is more striking.

      Response: We did not mean to imply that deleting these outliers was correct, but merely were demonstrating that they were in fact outliers. To avoid this misinterpretation, we have now deleted the sentence in the Figure 1d caption mentioning the outliers.

      Minor suggestions - "BG4 immunostaining was in many cases localized in the cytoplasm near the nucleus in a punctate pattern". Define "many"

      Response: This is seen in nearly every cells and this is now altered in the text and is now identified as ribosomes containing rG4s using the rRNA antibody (Fig. 3b).

      • Specify that MABE917 corresponds to the specific single-chain version of the BG4 antibody

      __Response:____ Yes, this is correct, and this clarification has been added to the manuscript __

      • Define PMI, Braak, CERAD (add a list of acronyms or insert these definitions in Fig 1b legend)

      Response: ____These definitions have all been added when they first appear.

      • Fig 3: scale bar legend missing (50 micrometers?)

      Response:____ This has been added, and the reviewer was correct that it was 50 micrometers.

      • Supplementary data Table 1: indicate target for all antibodies

      Response: ____The target for each antibody has been added to supplementary Table 1.

      • Supplementary data Table 2: why give ages with different levels of precision? (e.g. 90.15 vs 63)

      Response:____ We apologize for this oversight and have altered the ages to the same (whole years) in the figure.

      • Supplementary data Fig 1 X-axis legend: add "(nm)" after wavelength. Sequence can also be added in the legend. Why this one? Max/Min Wavelengths in the figure do not match indications in the experimental part. Not sure if that part is actually relevant for this study.

      Response: The CD spectrum in Sup Fig 1 is the sequence that had previously been shown to aid in tau aggregation seeding, but had not been suspected by those authors to be a quadruplex. So we tested that here and showed it is a quadruplex, as described at the end of the introduction. We have added wording to the figure legend to clarify where its corresponding description in the main text can be found. We have also checked and corrected the wavelength and units.

      • Supplementary data Fig 7: Which ribosomal antibody was used?

      Response: The details of this antibody have now been added to Supplementary Table 2 which lists all the antibodies used.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Provide a link between Alzheimer disease and RNA G-quadruplexes.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This study investigated the formation of RNA G quadruplexes (rG4) in aging and AD in human hippocampal postmortem tissue. The rG4 immunostaining in the hippocampus increases strongly with age and with the severity of AD. Furthermore, rG4 is present in neurons with an accumulation of phosphorylated tau immunostaining.

      Major comments 1.The method used in this study is primarily immunostaining of BG4, and the results cannot be considered correct without additional data from more multifaceted analyses (biochemical analysis, RNA expression analysis, etc.).

      __Response: ____We respectfully disagree with the Reviewer's assessment of the value of these experiments. The most relevant biochemical experiments at the cellular and molecular level showing the role of G4s in aggregation in general and Tau in particular have been done and are referenced in the text. The results here stand on their own and are highly novel and significant, as evaluated by both of the other reviewers. There has been no previous work demonstrating the presence of rG4s in human brain - either in controls or in patients with AD. AD is a complex condition that only occurs spontaneously in the human brain and no other species; because of this complexity, novel aspects are best first studied in human brain tissue using the methods employed here. __

      Overall, the quality of the stained images is poor, and detailed quantitative analysis using further high quality data is essential to conclude the authors' conclusions.

      Response:____ We have again looked at our images and they are not poor quality -they are confocal images taken at recommended resolution of the confocal microscope. It is possible the poor quality came from pdf compression by the manuscript submission portal, which is beyond our control as they were uploaded at high resolution. These data were quantified by scientists who were blinded to the diagnosis of each case.____ The level of description on the detailed quantification is higher than we have observed in similar studies. We therefore disagree with the reviewer's conclusion.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Overall, this study is not a deeply analyzed study. In addition, the authors of this study need further understanding regarding G4.

      __Response____: It is also unclear why the reviewer believes that we do not have sufficient understanding of G4s, and would request that the reviewer instead provides specific comments regarding what is lacking in terms of knowledge on G4s, as we respectfully disagree with this judgement of our knowledge-base (see other G4 papers from the Horowitz lab, Begeman, 2020, Litberg 2023, Son, 2023 referenced below). __

      __ ____Litberg TJ, Sannapureddi RKR, Huang Z, Son A, Sathyamoorthy B, Horowitz S. Why are G-quadruplexes good at preventing protein aggregation? Jan;20(1):495-509. doi: 10.1080/15476286.2023.2228572. RNA Biol. (2023)​__

      __ ____Son A*, Huizar Cabral V*, Huang Z, Litberg TJ, Horowitz S. G-quadruplexes rescuing protein folding. May 16;120(20):e2216308120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2216308120. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2023)__

      ​____Guzman BB*, Son A*, Litberg TJ*, Huang Z*, Dominguez ‡, Horowitz S. Emerging Roles for G-Quadruplexes in Proteostasis FEBS J​.doi: 10.1111/febs.16608. (2022)

      __ ____Begeman A*, Son A*, Litberg TJ, Wroblewski TH, Gehring T, Huizar Cabral V, Bourne J, Xuan Z, Horowitz S‡. G-Quadruplexes Act as Sequence Dependent Protein Chaperones. EMBO Reports Sep 18;e49735. doi: 10.15252/embr.201949735. (2020)__

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study investigated the formation of RNA G quadruplexes (rG4) in aging and AD in human hippocampal postmortem tissue. The rG4 immunostaining in the hippocampus increases strongly with age and with the severity of AD. Furthermore, rG4 is present in neurons with an accumulation of phosphorylated tau immunostaining.

      Major comments

      1.The method used in this study is primarily immunostaining of BG4, and the results cannot be considered correct without additional data from more multifaceted analyses (biochemical analysis, RNA expression analysis, etc.). 2. Overall, the quality of the stained images is poor, and detailed quantitative analysis using further high quality data is essential to conclude the authors' conclusions.


      Overall, this study is not a deeply analyzed study. In addition, the authors of this study need further understanding regarding G4.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      RNA guanine-rich G-quadruplexes (rG4s) are non-canonical higher order nucleic acid structures that can form under physiological conditions. Interestingly, cellular stress is positively correlated with rG4 induction. In this study, the authors examined human hippocampal postmortem tissue for the formation ofrG4s in aging and Alzheimer Disease (AD). rG4 immunostaining strongly increased in the hippocampus with both age and with AD severity. 21 cases were used in this study (age range 30-92).

      This immunostaining co-localized with hyper-phosphorylated tau immunostaining in neurons. The BG4 staining levels were also impacted by APOE status. rG4 structure was previously found to drive tau aggregation. Based on these observations, the authors propose a model of neurodegeneration in which chronic rG4 formation drives proteostasis collapse. This model is interesting, and would explain different observations (e.g., RNA is present in AD aggregates and rG4s can enhance protein oligomerization and tau aggregation).

      Main issue

      There is indeed a positive correlation between Braak stage severity and BG4 staining, but this correlation is relatively weak and borderline significant ((R = 0.52, p value = 0.028). This is probably the main limitation of this study, which should be clearly acknowledged (together with a reminder that "correlation is not causality"). Related to this, here is no clear justification to exclude the four individuals in Fig 1d (without them R increases to 0.78). Please remove this statement. On the other hand, the difference based on APOE status is more striking.

      Minor suggestions

      • "BG4 immunostaining was in many cases localized in the cytoplasm near the nucleus in a punctate pattern". Define "many"
      • Specify that MABE917 corresponds to the specific single-chain version of the BG4 antibody
      • Define PMI, Braak, CERAD (add a list of acronyms or insert these definitions in Fig 1b legend)
      • Fig 3: scale bar legend missing (50 micrometers?)
      • Supplementary data Table 1: indicate target for all antibodies
      • Supplementary data Table 2: why give ages with different levels of precision? (e.g. 90.15 vs 63)
      • Supplementary data Fig 1 X-axis legend: add "(nm)" after wavelength. Sequence can also be added in the legend. Why this one? Max/Min Wavelengths in the figure do not match indications in the experimental part. Not sure if that part is actually relevant for this study.
      • Supplementary data Fig 7: Which ribosomal antibody was used?


      Provide a link between Alzheimer disease and RNA G-quadruplexes.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is an interesting manuscript where the authors systematically measure rG4 levels in brain samples at different ages of patients affected by AD. To the best of my knowledge this is the first time that BG4 staining is used in this context and the authors provide compelling evidence to show an association with BG4 staining and age or AD progression, which interestingly indicates that such RNA structure might play a role in regulating protein homeostasis as previously speculated. The methods used and the results reported seems robust and reproducible. In terms of the conclusions,. however, I think that there are 2 main things that need addressing prior publication:

      1. Usually in BG4 staining experiments to ensure that the signal detected is genuinely due to rG4 an RNase treatment experiment is performed. This does not have to be extended to all the samples presented but having a couple of controls where the authors observe loss of staining upon RNase treatment will be key to ensure with confidence that rG4s are detected under the experimental conditions. This is particularly relevant for this brain tissue samples where BG4 staining has never been performed before.
      2. The authors have an association between rG4-formation and age/disease progression. They also observe distribution dependency of this, which is great. However, this is still an association which does not allow the model to be supported. This is not something that can be fixed with an easy experiment and it is what it is, but my point is that the narrative of the manuscript should be more fair and reflect the fact that, although interesting, what the authors are observing is a simple correlation. They should still go ahead and propose a model for it, but they should be more balanced in the conclusion and do not imply that this evidence is sufficient to demonstrate the proposed model. It is absolutely fine to refer to the literature and comment on the fact that similar observation have been reported and this is in line with those, but still this is not an ultimate demonstration.

      Minor point:

      1. rG4s themselves have been shown to generate aggregates in ALS models in the absence of any protein (Ragueseo et al. Nat Commun 2023). I think this is also important in the light of my comment on the model, could well be that these rG4s are causing aggregates themselves that act as nucleation point for the proteins as reported in the paper I mentioned. Providing a broader and more unbiased view of the current literature on the topic would be fair, rather than focusing on reports more in line with the model proposed.


      This is a significant novel study, as per my comments above. I believe that such a study will be of impact in the G4 and neurodegenerative fields. Providing that the authors can address the criticisms above, I strongly believe that this manuscript would be of value to the scientific community. The main strength is the novelty of the study (never done before) the main weakness is the lack of the RNase control at the moment and the slightly over interpretation of the findings (see comments above).

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      __Dear Reviewers, __

      We would like to thank you for the time and attention dedicated to reviewing our manuscript. We have taken all the questions and comments into consideration, which we believe have helped us to improve the paper.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The study by Aguirre-Botero et al. shows the dynamics of 3D11 anti-CSP monoclonal antibody (mAb) mediated elimination of rodent malaria Plasmodium berghei (Pb) parasites in the liver. The authors show that the anti-CSP mAb could protect against intravenous (i.v.) Pb sporozoite challenge along with the cutaneous challenge, but requires higher concentration of antibody. Importantly, the study shows that the anti-CSP mAb not only affects sporozoite motility, sinusoidal extravasation, and cell invasion but also partially impairs the intracellular development inside the liver parenchyma, indicating a late effect of this antibody during liver stage development. While the study is interesting and conducted well, the only novel yet very important observation made in this manuscript is the effect of the anti-CSP mAb on liver stage development.

      Major This observation is highlighted in the manuscript title but is supported by only limited data. A such it needs to be substantiated and a mechanism should be investigated. The phenomenon of intracellular effects of the anti-CSP mAb should be analyzed in much more detail. For example, can the authors demonstrate uptake of the Ab together with the parasite during hepatocyte invasion? What cellular mechanism leads to elimination?

      Lines 234 - 243; 308 - 325: These results are the gist of the entire study and also defined the title of the manuscript. Thus, it would be pre-mature to claim the substantial effect of 3D11 antibody in late killing of the parasite in the infected hepatocytes just by looking at the decreased GFP fluorescence. The authors need to at least verify the fitness of the liver stages by measuring the size of the developing parasites as well as using different parasite specific markers (UIS4, MSP1, HSP70 etc.) in immunofluorescence assays on the infected liver sections and in vitro infections.


      We greatly appreciate the comments. We have taken the suggestions into consideration and deepened the characterization of 3D11's late killing of parasites. We first analyzed the presence of 3D11 in the intracellular parasite after the invasion and compared it with the CSP expression on the surface of control parasites (new Fig. 4F). Next, we tested a potential action of 3D11 added in the cell culture after the invasion (new Fig. 4G). The two new panels and the text accompanying them are shown below.

      *“Post-invasion labeling of 3D11 bound to the membrane of intracellular parasites revealed a strong staining surrounding the parasite at 2 and 15h, but only punctual traces of 3D11 at 44h (Figure 4F, 3D11, 3D11). Of note, CSP was detected surrounding the control parasites at all time-points indicating that the lack of staining at 44h is not due to a decrease in the CSP amount on the parasite surface (Figure 4F, CSP, Control). To evaluate the potential post-invasion entry of 3D11 into the PV of infected cells and posterior neutralization of intracellular parasites, we incubated invaded cells from 2 to 44 h with 3D11, but no effect on the parasite intracellular development was observed (Figure 4G, 2h p.i.). 3D11 incubated for 2 h with sporozoites and cells elicited, as expected, a dose-dependent inhibition of parasite development. Altogether, our results indicate that the late inhibition of parasite development is already achieved at 15h and likely caused by antibodies dragged inside cells bound to sporozoites before or during the invasion.” *

      Finally, we better characterized the parasite loss of fitness caused by 3D11 in infected cells by quantifying the parasite size, GFP intensity and the presence and intensity of UIS4, a parasitophorous vacuole membrane developmental marker at 2, 4 and 44h as described below in the new figure 5 and accompanying text.

      “*To further characterize the killing of intracellular parasites by 3D11 in HepG2 cells, we next evaluated the expression of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) marker, UIS4 37, to infer the parasite intracellular development at 2, 4 and 44h. HepG2 cells were incubated with Pb-GFP expressing sporozoites in the absence (Control, Figure 5) or presence of 1.25 µg/mL of 3D11 during the first two hours of incubation (3D11, Figure 5). The chosen 3D11 concentration led to ~50% decrease in cell invasion (Figure 4C, 2h) and ~30% decrease in the post-invasion number of EEFs (Figure 4D), leaving enough parasites to be analyzed by microscopy. To distinguish between extracellular and intracellular parasites at 2h, washed and fixed samples were incubated with mouse 3D11 mAb (1µg/mL) and revealed with a fluorescent anti-mouse secondary antibody (Figure 5A, 3D11 in blue). Samples were then permeabilized and incubated with a goat anti-UIS4 polyclonal antibody revealed with a fluorescent anti-goat secondary antibody (Figure 5A, UIS4 in red). DNA was stained with Hoechst (Figure 5A, DNA in white). *

      *Extracellular GFP+ sporozoites were identified by their 3D11+UIS4- phenotype (Figure 5A, 2h, extracellular). Conversely, intracellular parasites were identified by their 3D11- phenotype and stained positive or negative for UIS4 (Figure 5A, 2h and 44h, intracellular). UIS4+ PVM is normally associated with a productive cell infection 37. However, a small number of EEFs can develop in the absence of UIS4 37 , likely inside the host cell nucleus (Figure 5A, 44h, intranuclear). *

      *In the control and 3D11-treated groups, the percentage of intracellular UIS4- parasites decreased 2 to 3-fold from 2 to 44h, as expected of a parasite population negative for a marker of productive infection (Figure 5B). However, while at 2h in the control group, this population represented 14% of intracellular parasites, in the 3D11-treated group, it reached 48% (Figure 5B). This ~3-fold increase in the UIS4 negative population could explain the late killing of intracellular sporozoites by 3D11. Whether this population is constituted by intracellular transmigratory sporozoites lacking a PVM or parasites surrounded by a PVM, but incapable of secreting UIS4 still needs to be determined. At 44h, surviving EEFs in the 3D11-treated samples presented a similar area and UIS4 staining intensity than control parasites (Figure 5C, D). However, as observed by flow cytometry (Figure 4D), the GFP intensity of 3D11-treated parasites was significantly lower than control EEFs, indicating that 3D11 can somehow affect protein expression with undetermined effects in the genesis of red blood cell infecting stages.” *

      ____Reviewer #1__ Minor comments __

      • Line 44 - 43: The statement is applicable only to the rodent infecting Plasmodium parasites. The authors need to clarify that.


      This is an important clarification. We have modified the text that now reads:

      "The sporozoite surface is covered by a dense coat of the immunodominant circumsporozoite protein (CSP), shown to be an immunodominant protective antigen using a rodent malaria model".

      • Line 68: Replace the second 'against' after the CSP with 'of'.

      It is done.

      • Line 141 - 143: The 3D11 mAb does affect the homing and killing in the blood of cutaneous injected sporozoites. The authors need to clearly state that the statement is true only for i.v. injected sporozoites.

      Thank you for the comment. Now the text reads "Altogether, these data indicate that 3D11 rather than having an early effect on i.v. inoculated sporozoites, e.g. in the homing or killing in the blood, requires more than 4 h to eliminate most parasites in the liver."

      • Figure 3B: The numbers of sporozoites detected in the experiment varies from 0 h (line 172) to 2 h (line 184). Therefore, the numbers need to be mentioned on all the bars of each timepoint.

      This information was missing but now we have added the numbers to Figure 3B.

      • Figure 3C: If the authors have used flk1-GFP mice, then how well they were able to detect the Pb-PfCSP GFP parasites in the vessel vs. parenchyma in the intravital imaging? The representative images for Pb-PfCSP GFP should also be included.

      Since 3D11 does not target PbPf parasites most of them are motile in the movies, making them easily distinguishable from the endothelial cells. In addition, the stronger GFP intensity of sporozoites make them easily detectable in the sinusoids. Representative images were added in the supplementary figures (now Figure S3).

      • It is not mentioned anywhere how the viability of the sporozoites was determined. This has to be described especially in the methods section.

      • Also, the flow acquisition and data analysis of the sporozoites and infected HepG2 cells must be described in the method section.

      __We briefly mentioned it in the results (line 228- 230): “____In addition, by comparing the total number of recovered GFP+ sporozoites at 2 h in the two studied conditions, we measured the early lethality (%viable sporozoites, Figure 4B) of the anti-CSP Ab on the extracellular forms of the parasite (Figure 4A).” __

      A more detailed description has been added in the methods section that now reads:

      After 2 h, the supernatant was collected, and the culture was washed 2x with 0.5 volume of PBS. The cells were subsequently trypsinized. The supernatant plus the washing steps and the trypsinized cells were analyzed by flow cytometry to quantify the amount of GFP+ events inside and outside cells (Figure 3A and Figure S4). Viability was then quantified by the sum of the total number of sporozoites (GPF+ events) in the supernatant, inside and outside the cells. We calculated the percentage of parasite viability by dividing the average of the total number of sporozoites in the treated samples by the average in controls using three technical replicates for each condition. Additionally, we quantified the percentage of infected cells using the total number of GFP+ events in the HepG2 gate (Figure S4). To compare the biological replicates, we further normalized to the control of each experiment. For the samples used to analyze parasite development, the cells were incubated for 15 or 44 h after sporozoite addition, and the medium was changed after 2 and 24 h. The cells were trypsinized and the percentage of intracellular parasites was determined by flow cytometry as described above (Figure S4). The prolonged effect between 2 h and 15/44 h was calculated by normalizing the percentage of infected cells at 15/44 h to that of 2 h. For all flow cytometry measurements, the same volume was acquired.”

      • Figure 4: The flow layouts should be included for at least comparing the 0 vs. 5 μg/ml of 3D11 mAb concentrations.

      Flow layouts were added in the supplementary figures.

      • Line 651 (Figure S1 legend): Typographical error '14'.

      Thank you for noticing. We corrected it.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required____)):

      Aguirre-Botero and collaborators report on the dynamics of Plasmodium parasite elimination in the liver using the 3D11 anti-CSP monoclonal antibody (mAb). By using microscopy and bioluminescence imaging in the P. berghei rodent malaria model, the authors first demonstrate that higher antibody concentrations are required for protection against intravenous sporozoite challenge, when compared to cutaneous challenge, which is not surprising. The study also shows that the 3D11 mAb reduces sporozoite motility, impairs hepatic sinusoidal barrier crossing, and more relevantly inhibits intracellular development of liver stages through its cytotoxic activity. These findings highlight the role of this specific monoclonal antibody, 3D11 mAb against CSP, in targeting sporozoites in the liver.

      Major Comments

      The study provides valuable insights into the mechanisms of protection conferred by the 3D11 anti-CSP monoclonal antibody against P. berghei sporozoites and this finding allow the field to speculate that other monoclonal antibodies against CSP of P. Falciparum may act similarly. However, an important experiment is missing that would significantly strengthen the conclusions. Specifically, the authors should perform experiments where the monoclonal antibody is added immediately after the sporozoites have completed invasion. This should be done both in vitro and in vivo to show whether the antibody has any effect on intracellular development of liver stages when added after invasion.

      While the claims are generally supported by the data presented, to comprehensively conclude the late cytotoxic effects of 3D11, the additional experiment of post-invasion antibody application is relevant. This would help determine if the observed effects are due to the antibody's action during invasion or its continued action post-invasion.

      The data and methods are presented in a manner that allows for reproducibility. The use of microscopy and bioluminescence imaging is well-documented. The experiments appear adequately replicated, and statistical analyses are appropriate.


      We thank reviewer 2 for these important suggestions. To be sure that the effect might not come from the internalization of the antibodies after sporozoite invasion, we tested the amount of 3D11 bound to the parasite following invasion (new Fig. 4F) and the potential post-invasion neutralizing effect of 3D11 ____in vitro____. The results obtained are presented below.

      *“Post-invasion labeling of 3D11 bound to the membrane of intracellular parasites revealed a strong staining surrounding the parasite at 2 and 15h, but only punctual traces of 3D11 at 44h (Figure 4F, 3D11, 3D11). Of note, CSP was detected surrounding the control parasites at all time-points indicating that the lack of staining at 44h is not due to a decrease in the CSP amount on the parasite surface (Figure 4F, CSP, Control). To evaluate the potential post-invasion entry of 3D11 into the PV of infected cells and posterior neutralization of intracellular parasites, we incubated invaded cells from 2 to 44 h with 3D11, but no effect on the parasite intracellular development was observed (Figure 4G, 2h p.i.). 3D11 incubated for 2 h with sporozoites and cells elicited, as expected, a dose-dependent inhibition of parasite development. Altogether, our results indicate that the late inhibition of parasite development is already achieved at 15h and likely caused by antibodies dragged inside cells bound to sporozoites before or during the invasion.” *

      __Reviewer #2 ____Minor Comments __

      • The text and figures are clear and accurate. Some minor typographical errors should be corrected.

      Thank you for the remark, we have worked on that and hope that the text reads better now.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Aguirre-Botero et al have studied the effect of a potent monoclonal antibody against the circumsporozoite protein, the major surface protein of the malaria sporozoite. This is an elegantly designed, performed, and analyzed study. They have efficiently delineated the mode of action of anti-CSP repeat mAb and confirmed previous in vitro work (not cited) that demonstrated the same intracellular effect. Specific comments :

      • Line 51: The authors claim a correlation between high antibody levels and protection. However, they did not provide direct proof that these antibodies were responsible for protection, nor did they establish a cut-off level of anti-CSP antibodies that would distinguish between protected and unprotected individuals.

      We would first like to thank reviewer 3 for the comments. Indeed, we agree with reviewer 3, these are correlative studies where the causality cannot be established. We modified the ensuing sentence to specify the causality between anti-CSP mAbs and in vivo protection against sporozoite infection. Now the text reads: "Extensive research has demonstrated a positive correlation between high levels of anti-CSP antibodies (Abs) induced by the RTS,S/AS01 vaccine and its efficacy against malaria 11-13. Remarkably, anti-CSP monoclonal Abs (mAbs) have been proven to protect in vivo against malaria in various experimental settings, including, mice 14-21, monkeys 23, and humans 24-26"

      • Line 326: The late intrahepatic effect of mAb against the CSP repeat has been previously reported (see Figure 2, Nudelman et al, J Immunol, 1989). The effect was shown to affect the transition from liver trophozoites to liver schizonts. This study should be cited and discussed.

      Thank you for the remark. Now the text reads: Notably, a similar effect has been previously reported using sera from mice immunized with PfCSP or mAb against P. yoelii (Py) CSP. Incubation of Pf or Py sporozoites with the immune sera or mAbs not only affected sporozoite invasion in vitro but continued to affect intracellular forms for several days after invasion38,39. Additionally, using anti-PfCSP sera, it was also observed that late EEFs from sera-treated sporozoites had abnormal morphology38. Altogether, it was thus concluded that the anti-CSP Abs present in the sera had a long-term effect on the parasites38,39.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Aguirre-Botero et al have studied the effect of a potent monoclonal antibody against the circumsporozoite protein, the major surface protein of the malaria sporozoite. This is an elegantly designed, performed, and analyzed study. They have efficiently delineated the mode of action of anti-CSP repeat mAb and confirmed previous in vitro work (not cited) that demonstrated the same intracellular effect.

      Specific comments

      Line 51: The authors claim a correlation between high antibody levels and protection. However, they did not provide direct proof that these antibodies were responsible for protection, nor did they establish a cut-off level of anti-CSP antibodies that would distinguish between protected and unprotected individuals.

      Lone 326: The late intrahepatic effect of mAb against the CSP repeat has been previously reported (see Figure 2, Nudelman et al, J Immunol, 1989). The effect was shown to affect the transition from liver trophozoites to liver schizonts. This study should be cited and discussed.


      A well-done study that elucidates the mechanisms of a protective monoclonal antibody against malaria sporozoites. These data are important and will interest a large audience of researchers working in infectious diseases and immunology.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Aguirre-Botero and collaborators report on the dynamics of Plasmodium parasite elimination in the liver using the 3D11 anti-CSP monoclonal antibody (mAb). By using microscopy and bioluminescence imaging in the P. berghei rodent malaria model, the authors first demonstrate that higher antibody concentrations are required for protection against intravenous sporozoite challenge, when compared to cutaneous challenge, which is not surprising. The study also shows that the 3D11 mAb reduces sporozoite motility, impairs hepatic sinusoidal barrier crossing, and more relevantly inhibits intracellular development of liver stages through its cytotoxic activity. These findings highlight the role of this specific monoclonal antibody, 3D11 mAb against CSP, in targeting sporozoites in the liver.

      Major Comments

      The study provides valuable insights into the mechanisms of protection conferred by the 3D11 anti-CSP monoclonal antibody against P. berghei sporozoites and this finding allow the field to speculate that other monoclonal antibodies against CSP of P. Falciparum may act similarly. However, an important experiment is missing that would significantly strengthen the conclusions. Specifically, the authors should perform experiments where the monoclonal antibody is added immediately after the sporozoites have completed invasion. This should be done both in vitro and in vivo to show whether the antibody has any effect on intracellular development of liver stages when added after invasion.

      While the claims are generally supported by the data presented, to comprehensively conclude the late cytotoxic effects of 3D11, the additional experiment of post-invasion antibody application is relevant. This would help determine if the observed effects are due to the antibody's action during invasion or its continued action post-invasion.

      The data and methods are presented in a manner that allows for reproducibility. The use of microscopy and bioluminescence imaging is well-documented. The experiments appear adequately replicated, and statistical analyses are appropriate.

      Minor Comments

      The text and figures are clear and accurate. Some minor typographical errors should be corrected.


      The study's strengths lie in its detailed analysis of the 3D11 mAb's effect on sporozoite motility and liver stage development. The use of advanced imaging techniques adds robustness to the findings. The main limitation is the lack of data on the antibody's effect post-invasion. Additionally, the study's conclusions are based on a single monoclonal antibody and its target region, which may not be representative of other anti-CSP antibodies. Still, the findings offer insights into the cytotoxic action of anti-CSP antibodies, which could inform the development of more effective malaria vaccines and therapeutic antibodies.

      This research will primarily interest a specialized audience in malaria research, particularly those focused on vaccine development and antibody therapeutics. It also holds value for broader audiences in immunology and infectious disease research.

      My expertise: Malaria research and liver invasion by Plasmodium sporozoites

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study by Aguirre-Botero et al. shows the dynamics of 3D11 anti-CSP monoclonal antibody (mAb) mediated elimination of rodent malaria Plasmodium berghei (Pb) parasites in the liver. The authors show that the anti-CSP mAb could protect against intravenous (i.v.) Pb sporozoite challenge along with the cutaneous challenge, but requires higher concentration of antibody. Importantly, the study shows that the anti-CSP mAb not only affects sporozoite motility, sinusoidal extravasation, and cell invasion but also partially impairs the intracellular development inside the liver parenchyma, indicating a late effect of this antibody during liver stage development. While the study is interesting and conducted well, the only novel yet very important observation made in this manuscript is the effect of the anti-CSP mAb on liver stage development.


      This observation is highlighted in the manuscript title but is supported by only limited data. A such it needs to be substantiated and a mechanism should be investigated.

      • The phenomenon of intracellular effects of the anti-CSP mAb should be analyzed in much more detail. For example, can the authors demonstrate uptake of the Ab together with the parasite during hepatocyte invasion? What cellular mechanism leads to elimination?


      • Line 44 - 43: The statement is applicable only to the rodent infecting Plasmodium parasites. The authors need to clarify that.
      • Line 68: Replace the second 'against' after the CSP with 'of'.
      • Line 141 - 143: The 3D11 mAb does affect the homing and killing in the blood of cutaneous injected sporozoites. The authors need to clearly state that the statement is true only for i.v. injected sporozoites.
      • Figure 3B: The numbers of sporozoites detected in the experiment varies from 0 h (line 172) to 2 h (line 184). Therefore, the numbers need to be mentioned on all the bars of each timepoint.
      • Figure 3C: If the authors have used flk1-GFP mice, then how well they were able to detect the Pb-PfCSP GFP parasites in the vessel vs. parenchyma in the intravital imaging? The representative images for Pb-PfCSP GFP should also be included.
      • It is not mentioned anywhere how the viability of the sporozoites was determined. This has to be described especially in the methods section.
      • Also, the flow acquisition and data analysis of the sporozoites and infected HepG2 cells must be described in the method section.
      • Figure 4: The flow layouts should be included for at least comparing the 0 vs. 5 μg/ml of 3D11 mAb concentrations.
      • Lines 234 - 243; 308 - 325: These results are the gist of the entire study and also defined the title of the manuscript. Thus, it would be pre-mature to claim the substantial effect of 3D11 antibody in late killing of the parasite in the infected hepatocytes just by looking at the decreased GFP fluorescence. The authors need to at least verify the fitness of the liver stages by measuring the size of the developing parasites as well as using different parasite specific markers (UIS4, MSP1, HSP70 etc.) in immunofluorescence assays on the infected liver sections and in vitro infections.
      • Line 651 (Figure S1 legend): Typographical error '14'.


      The phenomenon of intracellular effects of the anti-CSP Ab is the only novel observation and as such, should be analyzed in much more detail. For example, can the authors demonstrate uptake of the Ab together with the parasite during hepatocyte invasion? What cellular mechanism leads to elimination?

  4. Oct 2024
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reply to the Reviewers

      I would like to thank the reviewers for their comments and interest in the manuscript and the study.

      Referee #1

      1. I would assume that there are RNA-seq and/or ChIP-seq data out there produced after knockdown of one or more of these DBPs that show directional positioning.

      Response: As the reviewer pointed out, a wet experimental validation of the results of this study would give an opportunity for more biological researchers to have an interest in the study. I plan to promote the wet experimental analysis in collaboration with biological experimental researchers as a next step of this study. The same analysis would be performed in immortalized cells for CRISPR experiment (e.g. Guo Y et al. Cell 2015).

      1. Figure 6 should be expanded to incorporate analysis of DBPs not overlapping CTCF/cohesin in chromatin interaction data that is important and potentially more interesting than the simple DBPs enrichment reported in the present form of the figure.

      Response: Following the reviewer's advice, I performed the same analysis with the DNA-binding sites that do no overlap with the DNA-binding sites of CTCF and cohesin (RAD21 and SMC3) (Fig. 6 and Supplementary Fig. 3). The result showed the same tendency in the distribution of DNA-binding sites. The height of a peak on the graph became lower for some DNA-binding proteins after removing the DNA-binding sites that overlapped with those of CTCF and cohesin. I have added the following sentence on lines 359 and 705: For the insulator-associated DBPs other than CTCF, RAD21, and SMC3, the DNA-binding sites that do not overlap with those of CTCF, RND21, and SMC3 were used to examine their distribution around interaction sites.

      1. Critically, I would like to see use of Micro-C/Hi-C data and ChIP-seq from these factors, where insulation scores around their directionally-bound sites show some sort of an effect like that presumed by the authors - and many such datasets are publicly-available and can be put to good use here.

      Response: As suggested by the reviewer, I have added the insulator scores and boundary sites from the 4D nucleome data portal as tracks in the UCSC genome browser. The insulator scores seem to correspond to some extent to the H3K27me3 histone marks from ChIP-seq (Fig. 4a and Supplementary Fig. 2). The direction of DNA-binding sites on the genome can be shown with different colors (e.g. red and green), but the directionality is their overall tendency, and it may be difficult to notice the directionality from each binding site.

      I found that the CTCF binding sites examined by a wet experiment in the previous study may not always overlap with the boundary sites of chromatin interactions from Micro-C assay (Guo Y et al. Cell 2015). The chromatin interaction data do not include all interactions due to the high sequencing cost of the assay. The number of the boundary sites may be smaller than that of CTCF binding sites acting as insulators and/or some of the CTCF binding sites may not be locate in the boundary sites. It may be difficult for the boundary location algorithm to identify a short boundary location. Due to the limitations of the chromatin interaction data, I planned to search for insulator-associated DNA-binding proteins without using chromatin interaction data in this study.

      1. The suggested alternative transcripts function, also highlighted in the manuscripts abstract, is only supported by visual inspection of a few cases for several putative DBPs. I believe this is insufficient to support what looks like one of the major claims of the paper when reading the abstract, and a more quantitative and genome-wide analysis must be adopted, although the authors mention it as just an 'observation'.

      Response: According to the reviewer's comment, I performed the genome-wide analysis of alternative transcripts where the DNA-binding sites of insulator-associated proteins are located near splicing sites. The DNA-binding sites of insulator-associated DNA-binding proteins were found within 200bp centered on splice sites more significantly than the other DNA-binding proteins (Fig. 4E and Table 2). I have added the following sentences on lines 329 - 337: We performed the statistical test to estimate the enrichment of insulator-associated DNA-binding sites compared to the other DNA-binding proteins, and found that the insulator-associated DNA-binding sites were significantly more abundant at splice sites than the DNA-binding sites of the other proteins (Fig 4e and Table 2; Mann‒Whitney U test, p value 5. Figure 1 serves no purpose in my opinion and can be removed, while figures can generally be improved (e.g., the browser screenshots in Figs 4 and 5) for interpretability from readers outside the immediate research field.

      Response: I believe that the Figure 1 would help researchers in other fields who are not familiar with biological phenomena and functions to understand the study. More explanation has been included in the Figures and legends of Figs. 4 and 5 to help readers outside the immediate research field understand the figures.

      1. Similarly, the text is rather convoluted at places and should be re-approached with more clarity for less specialized readers in mind.

      Response: Reviewer #2's comments would be related to this comment. I have introduced a more detailed explanation of the method in the Results section, as shown in the responses to Reviewer #2's comments.

      Referee #2

      1. Introduction, line 95: CTCF appears two times, it seems redundant.

      Response: On lines 91-93, I deleted the latter CTCF from the sentence "and examined the directional bias of DNA-binding sites of CTCF and insulator-associated DBPs, including those of known DBPs such as RAD21 and SMC3".

      1. Introduction, lines 99-103: Please stress better the novelty of the work. What is the main focus? The new identified DPBs or their binding sites? What are the "novel structural and functional roles of DBPs" mentioned?

      Response: Although CTCF is known to be the main insulator protein in vertebrates, we found that 97 DNA-binding proteins including CTCF and cohesin are associated with insulator sites by modifying and developing a machine learning method to search for insulator-associated DNA-binding proteins. Most of the insulator-associated DNA-binding proteins showed the directional bias of DNA-binding motifs, suggesting that the directional bias is associated with the insulator.

      I have revised the statement in lines 97-104 as follows: To validate these findings, we demonstrate that the DNA-binding sites of the identified insulator-associated DBPs are located within potential insulator sites, and some of the DNA-binding sites in the insulator site are found without the nearby DNA-binding sites of CTCF and cohesin. Our method and analyses contribute to the identification of insulator- and chromatin-associated DNA-binding sites that influence EPIs and reveal novel functional roles and molecular mechanisms of DBPs associated with transcriptional condensation, phase separation and transcriptional regulation.

      1. Results, line 111: How do the SNPs come into the procedure? From the figures it seems the input is ChIP-seq peaks of DNBPs around the TSS.

      Response: On lines 115-118, to explain the procedure for the SNP of an eQTL, I have added the sentence in the Methods: "If a DNA-binding site was located within a 100-bp region around a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of an eQTL, we assumed that the DNA-binding proteins regulated the expression of the transcript corresponding to the eQTL".

      1. Again, are those SNPs coming from the different cell lines? Or are they from individuals w.r.t some reference genome? I suggest a general restructuring of this part to let the reader understand more easily. One option could be simplifying the details here or alternatively including all the necessary details.

      Response: On line 113, I have included the explanation of the eQTL dataset of GTEx v8 as follows: "The GTEx v8 dataset, after quality control, consists of 838 donors and 17,382 samples from 52 tissues and two cell lines". On lines 569 and 753, I have added the filename of the eQTL data "(GTEx_Analysis_v8_eQTL.tar)".

      1. Figure 1: panel a and b are misleading. Is the matrix in panel a equivalent to the matrix in panel b? If not please clarify why. Maybe in b it is included the info about the SNPs? And if yes, again, what is then difference with a.

      Response: The reviewer would mention Figure 2, not Figure 1. If so, the matrices in panels a and b in Figure 2 are equivalent. The green boxes in the matrix show the regions with the ChIP-seq peak of a DNA-binding protein overlapping with a SNP of an eQTL. I used eQTL data to associate a gene with a ChIP-seq peak that was more than 2 kb upstream and 1 kb downstream of a transcriptional start site of a gene. For each gene, the matrix was produced and the gene expression levels in cells were learned and predicted using the deep learning method. I have added the following sentences to explain the method in lines 125 - 131: Through the training, the tool learned to select the binding sites of DNA-binding proteins from ChIP-seq assays that were suitable for predicting gene expression levels in the cell types. The binding sites of a DNA-binding protein tend to be observed in common across multiple cell and tissue types. Therefore, ChIP-seq data and eQTL data in different cell and tissue types were used as input data for learning, and then the tool selected the data suitable for predicting gene expression levels in the cell types.

      1. Line 386-388: could the author investigate in more detail this observation? Does it mean that loops driven by other DBPs independent of the known CTCF/Cohesin? Could the author provide examples of chromatin structural data e.g. MicroC?

      Response: As suggested by the reviewer, to help readers understand the observation, I have added Supplementary Fig. S3c to show the distribution of DNA-binding sites of "CTCF, RAD21, and SMC3" and "BACH2, FOS, ATF3, NFE2, and MAFK" around chromatin interaction sites. I have modified the following sentence to indicate the figure on line 417: Although a DNA-binding-site distribution pattern around chromatin interaction sites similar to those of CTCF, RAD21, and SMC3 was observed for DBPs such as BACH2, FOS, ATF3, NFE2, and MAFK, less than 1% of the DNA-binding sites of the latter set of DBPs colocalized with CTCF, RAD21, or SMC3 in a single bin (Fig. S3c).

      In Aljahani A et al. Nature Communications 2022, we find that depletion of cohesin causes a subtle reduction in longer-range enhancer-promoter interactions and that CTCF depletion can cause rewiring of regulatory contacts. Together, our data show that loop extrusion is not essential for enhancer-promoter interactions, but contributes to their robustness and specificity and to precise regulation of gene expression. Goel VY et al. Nature Genetics 2023 mentioned in the abstract: Microcompartments frequently connect enhancers and promoters and though loss of loop extrusion and inhibition of transcription disrupts some microcompartments, most are largely unaffected. These results suggested that chromatin loops can be driven by other DBPs independent of the known CTCF/Cohesin. I added the following sentence on 470: The depletion of cohesin causes a subtle reduction in longer-range enhancer-promoter interactions and that CTCF depletion can cause rewiring of regulatory contacts. The loop extrusion is not essential for enhancer-promoter interactions, but contributes to their robustness and specificity and to precise regulation of gene expression.

      FOXA1 pioneer factor functions as an initial chromatin-binding and chromatin-remodeling factor and has been reported to form biomolecular condensates (Ji D et al. Molecular Cell 2024). CTCF have also found to form transcriptional condensate and phase separation (Lee R et al. Nucleic acids research 2022). FOS was found to be an insulator-associated DNA-binding protein in this study and is potentially involved in chromatin remodeling, transcription condensation, and phase separation with the other factors such as BACH2, ATF3, NFE2 and MAFK. I have added the following sentence on line 467: FOXA1 pioneer factor functions as an initial chromatin-binding and chromatin-remodeling factor and has been reported to form biomolecular condensates.

      1. In general, how the presented results are related to some models of chromatin architecture, e.g. loop extrusion, in which it is integrated convergent CTCF binding sites?

      Response: Goel VY et al. Nature Genetics 2023 identified highly nested and focal interactions through region capture Micro-C, which resemble fine-scale compartmental interactions and are termed microcompartments. In the section titled "Most microcompartments are robust to loss of loop extrusion," the researchers noted that a small proportion of interactions between CTCF and cohesin-bound sites exhibited significant reductions in strength when cohesin was depleted. In contrast, the majority of microcompartmental interactions remained largely unchanged under cohesin depletion. Our findings indicate that most P-P and E-P interactions, aside from a few CTCF and cohesin-bound enhancers and promoters, are likely facilitated by a compartmentalization mechanism that differs from loop extrusion. We suggest that nested, multiway, and focal microcompartments correspond to small, discrete A-compartments that arise through a compartmentalization process, potentially influenced by factors upstream of RNA Pol II initiation, such as transcription factors, co-factors, or active chromatin states. It follows that if active chromatin regions at microcompartment anchors exhibit selective "stickiness" with one another, they will tend to co-segregate, leading to the development of nested, focal interactions. This microphase separation, driven by preferential interactions among active loci within a block copolymer, may account for the striking interaction patterns we observe.

      The authors of the paper proposed several mechanisms potentially involved in microcompartments. These mechanisms may be involved in looping with insulator function. Maz and MyoD1 among the identified insulator-associated DNA-binding proteins form loops without CTCF (Xiao T et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2021 ; Ortabozkoyun H et al. Nature genetics 2022 ; Wang R et al. Nature communications 2022). If chromatin loop anchors have some structural conformation, as shown in the paper entitled "The structural basis for cohesin-CTCF-anchored loops" (Li Y et al. Nature 2020), directional DNA binding would occur similarly to CTCF binding sites. I have included the following explanation on line 476: Maz and MyoD1 among the identified insulator-associated DNA-binding proteins form loops without CTCF.

      1. Do the authors think that the identified DBPs could work in that way as well?

      Response: Liquid-liquid phase separation was shown to occur through CTCF-mediated chromatin loops and to act as an insulator (Lee, R et al. Nucleic Acids Research 2022). Among the identified insulator-associated DNA-binding proteins, CEBPA has been found to form hubs that colocalize with transcriptional co-activators in a native cell context, which is associated with transcriptional condensate and phase separation (Christou-Kent M et al. Cell Reports 2023). The proposed microcompartment mechanisms are also associated with phase separation. Thus, the same or similar mechanisms are potentially associated with the insulator function of the identified DNA-binding proteins. I have included the following information on line 465: CEBPA in the identified insulator-associated DNA-binding proteins was also reported to be involved in transcriptional condensates and phase separation.

      1. Also, can the authors comment about the mechanisms those newly identified DBPs mediate contacts by active processes or equilibrium processes?

      Response: Snead WT et al. Molecular Cell 2019 mentioned that protein post-transcriptional modifications (PTMs) facilitate the control of molecular valency and strength of protein-protein interactions. O-GlcNAcylation as a PTM inhibits CTCF binding to chromatin (Tang X et al. Nature Communications 2024). I found that the identified insulator-associated DNA-binding proteins tend to form a cluster at potential insulator sites (Supplemental Fig. 2d). These proteins may interact and actively regulate chromatin interactions, transcriptional condensation, and phase separation by PTMs. I have added the following explanation on lines 478-484: Furthermore, protein post-transcriptional modifications (PTMs) facilitate control over the molecular valency and strength of protein-protein interactions. O-GlcNAcylation as a PTM inhibits CTCF binding to chromatin. We found that the identified insulator-associated DNA-binding proteins tend to form a cluster at potential insulator sites (Supplementary Fig. 2d). These proteins may interact and actively regulate chromatin interactions, transcriptional condensation, and phase separation through PTMs.

      1. Can the author provide some real examples along with published structural data (e.g. the mentioned micro-C data) to show the link between protein co-presence, directional bias and contact formation?

      Response: Structural molecular model of cohesin-CTCF-anchored loops has been published by Li Y et al. Nature 2020. The structural conformation of CTCF and cohesin in the loops would be the cause of the directional bias of CTCF binding sites, which I mentioned in lines 454 - 458.

      Referee #3

      1. Some of these TFs do not have specific direct binding to DNA (P300, Cohesin). Since the authors are using binding motifs in their analysis workflow, I would remove those from the analysis.

      Response: When a protein complex binds to DNA, one protein of the complex binds to the DNA directory, and the other proteins may not bind to DNA. However, the DNA motif sequence bound by the protein may be registered as the DNA-binding motif of all the proteins in the complex. The molecular structure of the complex of CTCF and Cohesin showed that both CTCF and Cohesin bind to DNA (Li Y et al. Nature 2020). I think there is a possibility that if the molecular structure of a protein complex becomes available, the previous recognition of the DNA-binding ability of a protein may be changed. Therefore, I searched the Pfam database for 99 insulator-associated DNA-binding proteins identified in this study. I found that 97 are registered as DNA-binding proteins and/or have a known DNA-binding domain, and EP300 and SIN3A do not directory bind to DNA, which was also checked by Google search. I have added the following explanation in line 239 to indicate direct and indirect DNA-binding proteins: Among 99 insulator-associated DBPs, EP300 and SIN3A do not directory interact with DNA, and thus 97 insulator-associated DBPs directory bind to DNA. I have updated the sentence in line 22 of the Abstract as follows: We discovered 97 directional and minor nondirectional motifs in human fibroblast cells that corresponded to 23 DBPs related to insulator function, CTCF, and/or other types of chromosomal transcriptional regulation reported in previous studies.

      1. I am not sure if I understood correctly, by why do the authors consider enhancers spanning 2Mb (200 bins of 10Kb around eSNPs)? This seems wrong. Enhancers are relatively small regions (100bp to 1Kb) and only a very small subset form super enhancers.

      Response: As the reviewer mentioned, I recognize enhancers are relatively small regions. In the paper, I intended to examine further upstream and downstream of promoter regions where enhancers are found. Therefore, I have modified the sentence in line 805 of the Fig. 2 legend as follows: Enhancer-gene regulatory interaction regions consist of 200 bins of 10 kbp between -1 Mbp and 1 Mbp region from TSS, not including promoter.

      1. I think the H3K27me3 analysis was very good, but I would have liked to see also constitutive heterochromatin as well, so maybe repeat the analysis for H3K9me3.

      Response: Following the reviewer's advice, I have added the ChIP-seq data of H3K9me3 as a truck of the UCSC Genome Browser. The distribution of H3K9me3 signal was different from that of H3K27me3 in some regions. I also found the insulator-associated DNA-binding sites close to the edges of H3K9me3 regions, but the number of the sites may be less than for H3K27me3. I took some screenshots of the UCSC Genome Browser of the regions around the sites in Supplementary Fig. 2b. I have modified the following sentence on line 853 in the legend of Fig. 4: a Distribution of histone modification marks H3K27me3 (green color) and H3K9me3 (turquoise color) and transcript levels (pink color) in upstream and downstream regions of a potential insulator site (light orange color). I have also added the following result on lines 313 - 316: The same analysis was performed using H3K9me3 marks, instead of H3K27me3. We found that the distribution of H3K9me3 signal was different from that of H3K27me3 in some regions, and discovered the insulator-associated DNA-binding sites close to the edges of H3K9me3 regions (Fig. S2b).

      1. I was not sure I understood the analysis in Figure 6. The binding site is with 500bp of the interaction site, but micro-C interactions are at best at 1Kb resolution. They say they chose the centre of the interaction site, but we don't know exactly where there is the actual interaction. Also, it is not clear what they measure. Is it the number of binding sites of a specific or multiple DBP insulator proteins at a specific distance from this midpoint that they recover in all chromatin loops? Maybe I am missing something. This analysis was not very clear.

      Response: The resolution of the Micro-C assay is considered to be 100bp and above, as the human nucleome core particle contains 145bp (and 193bp with linker) of DNA. However, internucleosomal DNA is cleaved by endonuclease into fragments of multiples of 10 nucleotides (Pospelov VA et al. Nucleic Acids Research 1979). Highly nested focal interactions were observed (Goel VY et al. Nature Genetics 2023). Base pair resolution was reported using Micro Capture-C (Hua P et al. Nature 2021). Sub-kilobase (20bp resolution) chromatin topology was reported using an MNase-based chromosome conformation capture (3C) approach (Aljahani A et al. Nature Communications 2022). On the other hand, Hi-C data was analyzed at 1kb resolution. (Gu H et al. bioRxiv 2021). If the resolution of Micro-C interactions is at best at 1kb, the binding sites of a DNA-binding protein will not show a peak around the center of the genomic locations of interaction edges. Each panel shows the number of binding sites of a specific DNA-binding protein at a specific distance from the midpoint of all chromatin interaction edges. I have modified and added the following sentences in 487-491: High-resolution chromatin interaction data from a Micro-C assay indicated that most of the predicted insulator-associated DBPs showed DNA-binding-site distribution peaks around chromatin interaction sites, suggesting that these DBPs are involved in chromatin interactions and that the chromatin interaction data has a high degree of resolution. Base pair resolution was reported using Micro Capture-C.

      Minor comments:

      1. PIQ does not consider TF concentration. Other methods do that and show that TF concentration improves predictions (e.g., https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.07.15.549134v2 or https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37486787/). The authors should discuss how that would impact their results.

      Response: The directional bias of CTCF binding sites was identified by ChIA-pet interactions of CTCF binding sites. The analysis of the contribution scores of DNA-binding sites of proteins considering the binding sites of CTCF as an insulator showed the same tendency of directional bias of CTCF binding sites. In the analysis, to remove the false-positive prediction of DNA-binding sites, I used the binding sites that overlapped with a ChIP-seq peak of the DNA-binding protein. This result suggests that the DNA-binding sites of CTCF obtained by the current analysis have sufficient quality. Therefore, if the accuracy of prediction of DNA-binding sites is improved, althought the number of DNA-binding sites may be different, the overall tendency of the directionality of DNA-binding sites will not change and the results of this study will not change significantly.

      As for the first reference in the reviewer's comment, chromatin interaction data from Micro-C assay does not include all chromatin interactions in a cell or tissue, because it is expensive to cover all interactions. Therefore, it would be difficult to predict all chromatin interactions based on machine learning. As for the second reference in the reviewer's comment, pioneer factors such as FOXA are known to bind to closed chromatin regions, but transcription factors and DNA-binding proteins involved in chromatin interactions and insulators generally bind to open chromatin regions. The search for the DNA-binding motifs is not required in closed chromatin regions.

      1. DeepLIFT is a good approach to interpret complex structures of CNN, but is not truly explainable AI. I think the authors should acknowledge this.

      Response: In the DeepLIFT paper, the authors explain that DeepLIFT is a method for decomposing the output prediction of a neural network on a specific input by backpropagating the contributions of all neurons in the network to every feature of the input (Shrikumar A et al. ICML 2017). DeepLIFT compares the activation of each neuron to its 'reference activation' and assigns contribution scores according to the difference. DeepLIFT calculates a metric to measure the difference between an input and the reference of the input.

      Truly explainable AI would be able to find cause and reason, and to make choices and decisions like humans. DeepLIFT does not perform causal inferences. I did not use the term "Explainable AI" in our manuscript, but I briefly explained it in Discussion. I have added the following explanation in lines 503-508: AI (Artificial Intelligence) is considered as a black box, since the reason and cause of prediction are difficult to know. To solve this issue, tools and methods have been developed to know the reason and cause. These technologies are called Explainable AI. DeepLIFT is considered to be a tool for Explainable AI. However, DeepLIFT does not answer the reason and cause for a prediction. It calculates scores representing the contribution of the input data to the prediction.

      Furthermore, to improve the readability of the manuscript, I have included the following explanation in lines 152-158: we computed DeepLIFT scores of the input data (i.e., each binding site of the ChIP-seq data of DNA-binding proteins) in the deep leaning analysis on gene expression levels. DeepLIFT compares the importance of each input for predicting gene expression levels to its 'reference or background level' and assigns contribution scores according to the difference. DeepLIFT calculates a metric to measure the difference between an input and the reference of the input.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Osato and Hamada propose a systematic approach to identify DNA binding proteins that display directional binding. They used a modified Deep Learning method (DEcode) to investigate binding profiles of 1356 DBP from GTRD database at promoters (30 of 100bp bins around TSS) and enhancers (200 bins of 10Kb around eSNPs) and use this to predict expression of 25,071 genes in Fibroblasts, Monocytes, HMEC and NPC. This method achieves a good prediction power (Spearman correlation between predicted and actual expression of 0.74). They then use PIQ, and overlap predicted binding sites with actual ChIP-seq data to investigate the motifs of TFs that are controlling gene expression. They find 99 insulator proteins showing either a specific directional bias or minor non-directional bias, corresponding to 23 DBP previously reported to have insulator function. Of the 23 proteins they identify as regulating enhancer promoter interactions, 13 are associated with CTCF. They also show that there are significantly more insulator proteins binding sites at borders of polycomb domains, transcriptionally active or boundary regions based on chromatin interactions than other proteins.

      Major Comments:

      1. Some of these TFs do not have specific direct binding to DNA (P300, Cohesin). Since the authors are using binding motifs in their analysis workflow, I would remove those from the analysis.
      2. I am not sure if I understood correctly, by why do the authors consider enhancers spanning 2Mb (200 bins of 10Kb around eSNPs)? This seems wrong. Enhancers are relatively small regions (100bp to 1Kb) and only a very small subset form super enhancers.
      3. I think the H3K27me3 analysis was very good, but I would have liked to see also constitutive heterochromatin as well, so maybe repeat the analysis for H3K9me3.
      4. I was not sure I understood the analysis in Figure 6. The binding site is with 500bp of the interaction site, but micro-C interactions are at best at 1Kb resolution. They say they chose the centre of the interaction site, but we don't know exactly where there is the actual interaction. Also, it is not clear what they measure. Is it the number of binding sites of a specific or multiple DBP insulator proteins at a specific distance from this midpoint that they recover in all chromatin loops? Maybe I am missing something. This analysis was not very clear.

      Minor comments:

      1. PIQ does not consider TF concentration. Other methods do that and show that TF concentration improves predictions (e.g., https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.07.15.549134v2 or https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37486787/). The authors should discuss how that would impact their results.
      2. DeepLIFT is a good approach to interpret complex structures of CNN, but is not truly explainable AI. I think the authors should acknowledge this.

      Referee Cross-Commenting

      I would like to mention that I agree with the comments of reviewers 1 and 2.


      General assessment:

      This is the first study to my knowledge that attempts to use Deep Learning to identify insulators and directional biases in binding. One of the limitations is that no additional methods were used to show that these DBP have directional binding bias. It is not necessarily to employ additional methods, but it would definitely strengthen the paper.


      This is a useful catalogue of potential DNA binding proteins of interest, beyond just CTCF. Some known TFs are there, but also new ones are found.


      Basic research mainly, with particular focus on chromatin conformation and TF binding fields.

      My expertise:

      ML/AI methods in genomics, TF binding models, epigenetics and 3D chromatin interactions.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this work, the authors describe a deep learning computational tool to identity binding motifs of DNA binding proteins associated to insulators that led to the discovery of 99 motifs related to insulation. This is in turn related to chromatin architecture and highlight the importance of directional bias in order to form chromatin loops.

      In general, there are some aspects to be clarified and better explored to make stronger conclusions. In particular, there are some aspects to clarify in the text about the Machine Learning procedure (see my points below). In addition, I have some general questions about the biological implications of the discussed findings, listed in detail in the following list.

      Also, I encourage the authors to integrate the current presentation of the data with other (published) data about chromatin architecture, to make more robust the claims and go deeper into the biological implications of the current work. Se my list below.

      It follows a specific list of relevant points to be addressed:

      Specific points:

      1. Introduction, line 95: CTCF appears two times, it seems redundant;
      2. Introduction, lines 99-103: Please stress better the novelty of the work. What is the main focus? The new identified DPBs or their binding sites? What are the "novel structural and functional roles of DBPs" mentioned?
      3. Results, line 111: How do the SNPs come into the procedure? From the figures it seems the input is ChIP-seq peaks of DNBPs around the TSS;
      4. Again, are those SNPs coming from the different cell lines? Or are they from individuals w.r.t some reference genome? I suggest a general restructuring of this part to let the reader understand more easily. One option could be simplifying the details here or alternatively including all the necessary details;
      5. Figure 1: panel a and b are misleading. Is the matrix in panel a equivalent to the matrix in panel b? If not please clarify why. Maybe in b it is included the info about the SNPs? And if yes, again, what is then difference with a.
      6. Line 386-388: could the author investigate in more detail this observation? Does it mean that loops driven by other DBPs independent of the known CTCF/Cohesin? Could the author provide examples of chromatin structural data e.g. MicroC?
      7. In general, how the presented results are related to some models of chromatin architecture, e.g. loop extrusion, in which it is integrated convergent CTCF binding sites?
      8. Do the authors think that the identified DBPs could work in that way as well?
      9. Also, can the authors comment about the mechanisms those newly identified DBPs mediate contacts by active processes or equilibrium processes?
      10. Can the author provide some real examples along with published structural data (e.g. the mentioned micro-C data) to show the link between protein co-presence, directional bias and contact formation?


      In this work, the authors describe a deep learning computational tool to identity binding motifs of DNA binding proteins associated to insulators that led to the discovery of 99 motifs related to insulation. This is in turn related to chromatin architecture and highlight the importance of directional bias in order to form chromatin loops.

      In general, chromatin organization is an important topic in the context of a constantly expanding research field. Therefore, the work is timely and could be useful for the community. The paper appears overall well written and the figures look clear and of good quality. Nevertheless, there are some aspects to be clarified and better explored to make stronger conclusions. In particular, there are some aspects to clarify in the text about the Machine Learning procedure (see list of specific points). In addition, I have some general questions about the biological implications of the discussed findings, listed in detail in the above reported points.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study by Osato and Hamada aims at computationally identifying a set of novel putative insulator-associated DNA binding proteins (DBPs) via estimation of their contribution to the expression of genes in the same chromosome region of their binding sites (+- 1Mbp from TSS). To achieve this, the authors leverage a deep learning architecture already published via which ChIP-seq peaks of DBPs in the TSS of a given gene are used to predict its expression level in four human cell lines.

      Building on this, the authors used another tool called DeepLIFT to evaluate the weight of each DBP binding site on the final gene expression value. Hence they made the assumption that if a given DBP had an insulator function they could restrict the prediction of the gene's expression to the region included between pairs of that DBP binding sites, and evaluate the pair's motif directionality bias in the distribution of weights. They exemplify their approach's validity by the fact that they can predict the known directionality bias of CTCF/cohesin-bound sites as the highest of the lot, with the F-R orientation of the pairs the most enriched, recapitulating what already known in literature: i.e., that F-R chromatin interaction peaks are the most enriched. In addition, they find several new DBPs showing significant directionality bias; hence they could be candidates for insulation activity. They then provide correlation between these putative insulator binding sites and sites of transition between euchromatin and heterochromatin by independently using histone mark and gene expression datasets. This, of course, is not surprising because (a) there is insulation between regions with heterotypic chromatin identities, and (b) it was already known from the first papers describing insulated chromatin domains that their boundaries were well-enriched for active transcription and transcriptional regulators (e.g., Dixon et al, Nature 2012).

      Finally, they use chromatin interaction (looping) sites to check the overlap between CTCF and all other DBPs and define a subset of putative insulator DBPs not overlapping CTCF peaks, suggesting potentially new insulatory mechanisms. These factors were all known transcriptional activators, but this part of the findings carry most of the novelty in the work and have the potential of opening up new directions for research in chromatin organization.

      Overall, the methodology applied here is adequate, clear, and reproducible. The major issue, in our view, is that the entire manuscript's findings relies on the usage of deepLIFT, a tool which was not benchmarked previously or by the current study. In fact, deepLIFT is public as regards its code, and also appears as a preprint from 2017 on biorXiv and published in the Proceedings of Machine Learning Research conference. Also, this key tool was developed by the Kundaje lab (who produce high quality alogrithms), and not by the authors. Therefore, the manuscript is predominantly based on the execution of existing workflows to publicly-available data. This does not take anything away from the interesting question posed here, but at the same time does not provide the community with any new algorithm/workflow.

      Finally, although I appreciate that the authors are purely computational and have likely no capacity for experimental validation of their claims of new DBPs having insulator roles, I would assume that there are RNA-seq and/or ChIP-seq data out there produced after knockdown of one or more of these DBPs that show directional positioning. Using this kind of data, effects on gene expression can at least be tested in regard to the authors' predictions. Moreover, in terms of validation, Figure 6 should be expanded to incorporate analysis of DBPs not overlapping CTCF/cohesin in chromatin interaction data that is important and potentially more interesting than the simple DBPs enrichment reported in the present form of the figure. Critically, I would like to see use of Micro-C/Hi-C data and ChIP-seq from these factors, where insulation scores around their directionally-bound sites show some sort of an effect like that presumed by the authors - and many such datasets are publicly-available and can be put to good use here.

      As secondary issues, we would point out that:

      • The suggested alternative transcripts function, also highlighted in the manuscript;s abstract, is only supported by visual inspection of a few cases for several putative DBPs. I believe this is insufficient to support what looks like one of the major claims of the paper when reading the abstract, and a more quantitative and genome-wide analysis must be adopted, although the authors mention it as just an 'observation'.
      • Figure 1 serves no purpose in my opinion and can be removed, while figures can generally be improved (e.g., the browser screenshots in Figs 4 and 5) for interpretability from readers outside the immediate research field.
      • Similarly, the text is rather convoluted at places and should be re-approached with more clarity for less specialized readers in mind.


      The scientific novelty of the work lies primarily in the identification of a set of DBPs that are proposed to confer insulator activity genome-wide. This has been long sought after in human data (whilst it is well understood and defined in Drosophila). The authors produce a quantitative ranking of the putative insulation effect of these DBPs and, most importantly, go on to identify a smaller subset that are apparently non-overlapping with anchors of CTCF-cohesin loop anchors; the presence of strong motif orientation biases in many DBPs can also be of broad interest, especially those that cannot be trivially ascribable to the loop extrusion process.

      However, although these findings open the way for speculation on multiple insulation mechanisms via proteins with multiple regulatory functions, the manuscript provide no experimental or computational means to test the proposed roles of these DBPs - and, as such, this limits the potential impact of the work and mostly targets researchers in the field of genome organization that can test these findings. Having said this, if validated, this work can significantly broaden our understanding of how chromatin is organized in 3D nuclear space.

      I typically identify myself to the authors: A. Papantonis, expertise in 3D genome architecture, chromatin biology, and genomics/bioinformatics.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We sincerely thank all three reviewers for their professional and constructive feedback. We appreciate the thorough evaluation of our manuscript and are committed to revising both the manuscript and supplemental materials based on the suggestions. We have carefully considered each comment and have addressed most of them in the initial revised version, which has been transferred. Additionally, we are currently conducting new experiments to provide the requested data to address a few comments. We are confident that these revision experiments will be completed in a couple of months or so, which will significantly enhance the quality of our study.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In the manuscript by Agarwal and Ghosh, the authors examine yeast Scm3 function in the DNA damage response. They show that Scm3 loss results in DNA damage sensitivity and more Rad52 foci. Importantly, Scm3 is recruited to DSB sites using an HO-cut site and its loss results in an attenuated DNA damage checkpoint as measured by Rad53 phosphorylation. The authors demonstrate convincingly that Scm3, like its human counterpart HJURP, plays a role in the DNA damage response through altered Rad53 activation. However, what its specific role in DNA repair is remains ambiguous.

      Major comments:

      1. It is unusual to see multiple DNA repair foci as those observed in Figure 2B. What is the distribution of cells with 1, 2, 3, 4, or more foci? Are more observed in SCM3-AID cells perhaps suggesting that the DSB ends are not being clustered as would be expected in WT cells exposed to DNA damage?

      Response: As per the reviewer’s comment, we have included a graph (Figure R2) showing the distribution of cells with 1, 2, 3, 4, or more Rad52-GFP foci when they are treated with MMS. There are more cells with 4 or more foci when Scm3 is depleted (SCM3-AID + Auxin) compared to the wild type (SCM3-AID). The average number of Rad52-GFP foci per cell presented in Figure 2B (2.8 in the mutant vs. 1.9 in the wild type) is well in accord with the previous report (Conde and San-Segundo, 2008), where the same was reported as ~2.5 in the cells lacking a methyl transferase Dot1, vs ~ 1.5 in the wild type. More Rad52-GFP foci in MMS-treated cells lacking Scm3 may arise due to the creation of too many damaged sites to be accommodated in 1-2 foci and/or due to the inability of the cells to cluster the DSB ends.

      This result has been incorporated as a new supplementary Figure S4C and new text has been added in the revised manuscript as: “We further quantified the distribution of cells with 1, 2, 3, or >4 Rad52-GFP foci in wild type (SCM3-AID) or Scm3 depleted (SCM3-AID + auxin) cells treated with MMS. Scm3 depleted cells showed a significantly higher number of cells with more than >4 Rad52-GFP foci, suggesting the possibility of the creation of too many damaged sites to be accommodated in 1-2 foci or the inability of such cells to cluster the DSB ends.” in page 7, lines: 237-241.

      2. The peaks with increased Scm3 recruitment by ChIP-seq upon MMS is confusing as MMS does not induce specific damage at genomic locations. Is Scm3 being recruited at other genomic sites that might be more susceptible to DNA damage? Is Scm3 recruited to Pol2 sites for example? Or fragile sites?

      __Response: __We believe that the MMS induced increase in association of Scm3 with the non-centromeric chromatin loci depends on MMS sensitive vulnerable chromosomal sites. We agree with the reviewer that MMS might cause DNA damage at these sites, leading to Scm3 occupancy at those sites. Therefore, we compared the sites of Scm3 occupancy with possible such sites available from the literature that include fragile sites, RNA Pol II binding sites, double strand break hotspots, and coldspots. Based on our analysis, we have included the following lines in the ‘discussion’ section in page 16-17, lines 566-594 as follows:

      “Moreover, an overall increase in the chromatin association of Scm3 in response to MMS also suggests that Scm3 might be recruited to several repair centers or sites that are susceptible to DNA damage, for example, the fragile sites (Figure 3B, C, E, S6). These sites in yeast are DNA regions prone to breakage under replication stress, often corresponding to replication-slow zones (RSZs) (Lemoine et al., 2005). These regions include replication termination (TER) sequences, tRNA genes, long-terminal repeats (LTRs), highly transcribed genes, inverted repeats/palindromes, centromeres, autonomously replicating sequences (ARS), telomeres, and rDNA (Song et al., 2014). Since the helicase Rrm3 is often associated with these fragile regions (Song et al., 2014), we compared Scm3 binding sites with the top 25 Rrm3 binding sites from the literature (Azvolinsky et al., 2009). In untreated cells, Scm3 sites overlapped with three Rrm3 sites on chromosomes X, XII, and XIV. Whereas in MMS treated cells, overlapping was found with four Rrm3 sites, with two (on chromosomes XII and XIV) shared with untreated cells and two new sites were observed on chromosomes II and XII (Table R1). Mapping of the Scm3 sites with the tRNA genes and LTRs revealed that these sites from the untreated cells did not overlap with the LTRs (Raveendranathan et al., 2006). However, the same from the treated cells showed overlap with two LTRs on chromosome XVI. No overlap with tRNA genes was observed in the treated cells (Table R1). We next examined Scm3 occupancy at 71 TERs documented in the literature (Fachinetti et al., 2010). Scm3 was found to bind to 6 TERs in both untreated and MMS-treated cells. Notably, MMS treatment resulted in three new peaks, while three peaks were shared with untreated samples (Table R1). Lastly, we compared Scm3 sites with top 25 RNA Pol II sites obtained from the literature (Azvolinsky et al., 2009). In untreated cells, Scm3 was found at only one of these Pol II sites, whereas after MMS treatment, Scm3 sites overlapped with four such sites (Table R1). We further checked the occupancy of Scm3 at a few DSB hotspots (BUD23, ECM3, and CCT6) and DSB coldspot (YCR093W) as mentioned in the literature (Dash et al., 2024; Nandanan et al., 2021). However, we did not find Scm3 binding to these sites. Overall, in-silico analysis of the binding sites indicates that the non-centromeric enrichment of Scm3 occurs at sites that are amenable to DNA damage.”

      Table R1: The table summarising the occupancy of Scm3 in untreated or MMS treated conditions at the indicated regions



      Scm3 occupancy


      MMS treated

      Rrm3 binding sites

      Chr II


      Chr X


      Chr XII


      Chr XII



      Chr XIV




      Chr XVI


      Chr XVI



      Chr XV



      Chr IV


      Chr V


      Chr VI



      Chr VII


      Chr X


      Chr X


      Chr XIV



      Chr XV



      Chr XVI


      Pol II binding sites

      Chr II


      Chr X


      Chr XII


      Chr XII


      Chr XV


      The Table R1 has been incorporated as Table S1 in the revised manuscript.

      3. The phosphorylation aspect of Scm3 is intriguing and the authors show that Mec1 is not responsible for mediating its phosphorylation. Tel1 is another kinase that should be examined.

      __Response: __We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We are in the process of examining the role of Tel1 kinase on Scm3 phosphorylation. The results from the experiment will be incorporated in the manuscript.

      Minor comment: 1. It is hard to see what MMS resistance the authors state is observed in Mif2-depleted cells in Figure S3. Perhaps this could be better explained or the claim removed.

      __Response: __We agree with the comment and have removed the claim from the manuscript.

      2. Protein levels of Scm3 or any of the other factors depleted with AID were never assessed.

      __Response: __We have assessed the protein level of Scm3 and a control protein, tubulin using western blotting as per the reviewer’s suggestion (Figure R3). We did not observe any significant change in the protein levels in SCM3-HA or SCM3-HA-AID cells, suggesting that the AID tagging of Scm3 per se did not make the cells non-functional and the protein was degraded as expected upon addition of auxin. Moreover, the SCM3-AID cells were used previously to examine the effect of Scm3 on kinetochore assembly (Lang et al., 2018).

      This result has been incorporated as Figure S2C, and new text has been added in the revised manuscript as: “The depletion of Scm3 was verified by observing a higher percentage of G2/M arrested cells and by western blot analysis verifying degradation of Scm3-AID after auxin treatment (Figure S2B, C).” in page 5, lines: 150-152.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This manuscript describes a study implicating the Scm3 protein from budding yeast in the DNA damage response (DDR). Scm3 is a chaperone protein, whose main role is considered to be the loading of CENP-A(Cse4) at centromeres to facilitate chromosome segregation. However, the human ortholog of Scm3, HJURP, is known to have a role in DDR and in this study the authors provide evidence that Scm3 is also involved in the DDR in yeast. For the most part, the results presented support the conclusions made.

      Main Points

      1. Figure 1 Could depletion of Scm3 arrest cells in late G2/M and it is this delay that causes increased sensitivity to DNA damaging agents? A control with nocodazole or other means - that also arrests cells at this point - might provide a nice control for this. Perhaps the other kinetochore mutants, used therein, achieve this control - but cell cycle phase would need to be assessed.

      __Response: __ We thank the reviewer for pointing out to a probable effect of the cell cycle stage on the observed MMS sensitivity. In fact, we were also concerned that the observed DNA damage sensitivity in Scm3 depleted cells might be due to G2/M arrest. To rule out this possibility, we monitored Rad52-GFP foci as a marker for DNA damage in the wild type and Scm3 depleted cells both arrested at G2/M using nocodazole (Figure S4). While Scm3 depleted condition exhibited >20% Rad52-GFP positive cells, less than 10% wild type cells showed the same in the absence of any DNA damaging agents (Figure S4E, no MMS, 60 mins). Upon challenging these cells with MMS in the presence of nocodazole, Scm3 depleted condition exhibited over 40% Rad52-GFP positive cells, whereas less than 20% wild-type cells harboured Rad52-GFP. This significant increase in Rad52-GFP positive cells when Scm3 is depleted clearly indicates that the observed MMS sensitivity in these cells is due to the absence of Scm3 rather than due to an effect of a cell cycle stage. Furthermore, we have also used Cdc20 depleted G2/M arrested cells as a wild type control to test the activation of the DNA damage checkpoint by Rad53 phosphorylation. These cells showed robust Rad53 activation in response to MMS, in contrast to poor activation in Scm3 depleted cells (Figure 6), suggesting that G2/M arrest is not the reason for the DNA damage sensitivity observed in the latter cells.

      However, as per the reviewer's suggestion, we examined the MMS sensitivity of the wild type cells arrested at G2/M by nocodazole. As expected, these cells did not show increased sensitivity which further confirms that the DNA damage sensitivity observed in the scm3 mutant is not due to G2/M arrest (Figure R4B). This result has been incorporated within Figure S3, replacing the earlier Figure S3.

      To include this result, we have included new text, and revised the result section in page 5-6, lines 160-181 as follows:

      “The increased sensitivity of scm3-depleted cells to DNA-damaging agents could be due to the weakening of the kinetochores as Scm3-mediated deposition of Cse4 promotes kinetochore assembly or due to the delay in cell cycle, as Scm3 depleted cells arrest in late G2/M phase (Camahort et al., 2007; Cho and Harrison, 2011). If either of these holds true, perturbation of the kinetochore by degradation of other kinetochore proteins or wild type cells arrested at metaphase must show a similar sensitivity to MMS. In budding yeast, Ndc10 is recruited to the centromeres upstream of Scm3 (Lang et al., 2018), whereas the centromeric localization of Mif2, another essential inner kinetochore protein, depends on Scm3 and Cse4 (Xiao et al., 2017). We constructed NDC10-AID and MIF2-AID strains and used them for our assay to represent the proteins independent or dependent on Scm3 for centromeric localization, respectively. We also included one non-essential kinetochore protein, Ctf19, a protein of the COMA complex, to remove any possible mis-judgement in distinguishing cell-growth-arrest phenotype occurring due to drug-sensitivity vs. auxin-mediated degradation of essential proteins. The COMA complex is directly recruited to the centromeres through interaction with the N terminal tail of Cse4, hence dependent on Scm3 (Chen et al., 2000; Fischböck-Halwachs et al., 2019). Mid-log phase cells were harvested and spotted on the indicated plates, however, we did not observe any increased sensitivity of such cells to MMS (Figure S3). Further, wild type cells, when challenged in the presence of nocodazole and MMS, also did not show any increased sensitivity to MMS. Therefore, the increased sensitivity to MMS in scm3 mutant but not in other kinetochore mutant or metaphase arrested cells indicates that Scm3 possesses an additional function in genome stability besides its role in kinetochore assembly.”

      Further we have also revised the discussion section to include the observed results in page 15, lines 502-510 as follows:

      “However, since the primary function of Scm3 is to promote kinetochore formation by depositing Cse4 at the centromeres, it is important to address if the observed sensitivity is due to perturbation in kinetochores or due to cell cycle delay imposed in the absence of Scm3. Therefore, we similarly partially depleted two essential kinetochore proteins, Ndc10 and Mif2, and deleted one non-essential kinetochore protein, Ctf19, in separate cells and also challenged wild type cells to metaphase block but failed to detect any increased sensitivity to DNA damage stress (Figure S3). These results indicate that the drug sensitivity phenotype of Scm3 depleted cells is not due to weakly formed kinetochores or cell cycle delay.”

      2. Mutants of the HR pathway in yeast (e.g. rad52∆ with mre11∆ for example) are typically epistatic. The observation that Scm3 depletion is not epistatic with rad52∆ (Figure 1C) suggests the Scm3 acts via another pathway than the classic Rad52 HR pathway. This should be pointed out and discussed.

      __Response: __We have now included the discussion “In yeast, although HR is the preferred repair pathway, in the case of perturbed HR, an alternate pathway named non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) can occur. The absence of epistatic interaction between SCM3 and RAD52 (Figure 1C) suggests that Scm3 may function in ways other than the Rad52-mediated classical HR pathway. In this context, it would be interesting to test how Scm3 might interact with the key proteins of the NHEJ pathway, such as Ku70/Ku80 and Lig4 (Gao et al., 2016). It is possible that Scm3 may promote a certain chromatin architecture facilitating the DSB ends to stay together to be accessible for NHEJ-mediated end joining.” in page 16, lines 541-548.

      3. Figure 2 should include auxin treatment of RAD52-GFP cells (without the Scm3 degron) to show that the auxin treatment alone does not increase Rad52 foci.

      __Response: __ We performed the suggested experiment and did not observe any significant increase in Rad52-GFP positive cells when treated the cells with auxin+DMSO as compared to only DMSO (Figure R5).

      This result has been incorporated as a new supplementary Figure S4A,B and new text has been added in the revised manuscript as “To rule out the possibility that auxin treatment alone can cause increased Rad52-GFP foci formation, we challenged the wild type (RAD52-GFP) cells with auxin or DMSO and counted the number of cells with Rad52-GFP foci. We did not observe any increase in Rad52-GFP positive cells when treated with auxin+DMSO as compared to only DMSO (Figure S4A, B).” in page 7, lines: 233-236.

      4. Line 246-247 For the data presented, it seems to me possible that Scm3 depleted cells may indicate a defective DDR pathway (as stated) or may indicate defects in DNA replication or an increase in some other form of DNA damage?

      __Response: __We agree with the reviewer’s comment that the depletion of Scm3 can cause replication error or other form of DNA damage in addition to the defect in DDR pathway. To include this, we have modified the sentence as “Taken together, Scm3 depleted cells exhibit more Rad52 foci, indicating a compromised DDR pathway in these cells. Although, defects in DNA replication or creation of other DNA lesions producing more foci also cannot be ruled out.” in page 8, lines 255-257.

      5. In Figure 1 and throughout, please describe in the figure legends how error bars and p values are derived, and the number of experiments involved.

      __Response: __We have now verified all the figure legends and described how error bars and p values are derived and have mentioned the number of experiments involved.

      Minor points Line 35 replace 'cell survival' with 'cell division' - non-dividing cells can survive fine without chromosome segregation. See also line 62.

      __Response: __We have now changed ‘cell survival’ with ‘cell division’ in lines 35 and 62.

      Line 52 and throughout, I suggest replacing CenH3 with CENP-A or Cse4. The term CenH3 is confusing since regional centromeres contain both CENP-A nucleosomes and H3 nucleosomes - the latter of which can also be called CenH3 nucleosomes.

      __Response: __We have replaced CenH3 with CENP-A or Cse4 at the appropriate locations.

      Lines 69-79 specific references are needed for the sentences starting "HJURP was so named...", "In addition,...", "As a corollary,..." and "Finally,..." The final sentence of this paragraph, starting "Perhaps due to..." is unclear.

      __Response: __We have included the reference as mentioned by the reviewer. Also, we have changed the last line as “Notably, HJURP has been visualized to be diffusely present throughout the nucleus (Dunleavy et al., 2009; Kato et al., 2007), which may be due to its global chromatin binding and involvement in DDR.” in page 3, lines 77-79.

      Line 96 "gross chromatin" is unclear; also line 476.

      __Response: __We have changed gross chromatin to “bulk of the chromatin.” and incorporated it into the main text.

      Line 103 "dimerize"

      __Response: __We have replaced ‘dimerizes’ with ‘dimerize’

      Line 109 "most" and "highly" don't work together - perhaps better to say "the functions appear conserved from humans to yeast".

      __Response: __We have changed the wording as the reviewer suggested.

      Line 175 "grown" to "phase", see also line 223.

      __Response: __We have changed the wording as the reviewer suggested.

      Line 293 delete "besides"

      __Response: __We have deleted the word ‘besides’.

      Figure 5 - panels C & D, please make x axis labels clearer - they are directly underneath the 2kb ChIP. They should include a horizontal bar to indicate that all 5 ChIP experiments are included in each time point.

      __Response: __We have now included a horizontal bar in both Figure 5 and the corresponding supplementary Figure S8, to better represent the ChIP experiments. We thank the reviewer for pointing this out.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary This manuscript studies the role of the Cse4 histone chaperone Scm3 in the S. cerevisiae DNA damage response. The authors show that decreased Scm3 levels exhibit genetic interactions with mutations in the Rad52 gene and sensitivity to MMS. They go on to show that some Scm3 co-localizes with sites of DNA damage using spreads and ChIP-seq techniques and that decreased levels of Scm3 have a reduced DNA damage checkpoint response. The Scm3 protein is also phosphorylated in response to DNA damage. Taken together, the authors propose a model whereby DNA damage recruits the Scm3 protein and Scm3 then helps mediate the checkpoint response. Overall, the data make a case that Scm3 has a relationship to the DNA damage checkpoint but the authors should be careful not to over-conclude that it has a precise role in checkpoint activation based on the data.

      Major Comments 1. The western blots in the paper are not always entirely convincing. In addition, they are not described in enough detail to understand if a membrane was cut or if multiple gels were run. For example, the tubulin loading in Figure 6D is interrupted toward the end of the blot and the bands in Figure 7D go in different directions for the two blots for the MMS treated cells. In figure 6B, there are no detectable phospho-forms of Rad53 detected on the upper blot for the WT and scm3 lanes even though quantification is given on the right. It would be good to present better examples of the westerns or at least better describe what the reader is visualizing so the quantification and conclusions can be understood. How were the blots quantified? How were the westerns run and processed?

      Response: We have now included a separate paragraph in materials and methods regarding the gel run, processing and quantification of the western blots in the revised manuscript for better understanding of the readers:

      “To detect Scm3-6HA, Rad53, and g-H2A, the total proteins isolated from the appropriate cells were run on 12%, 8%, and 15% SDS gels, respectively. The proteins were transferred to the membranes, which were cut to detect the above proteins and the control protein tubulin separately. For the quantification of the bands on the western blots, a region of interest (ROI) was made around the band of interest, and the intensity of the band was calculated using ImageJ. A same ROI from a no-band area of the blot was used to calculate the background intensity. The background intensity was subtracted from the band intensity. The same process was done for the tubulin bands. The intensity of the target bands (Scm3-6HA, Rad53, and g-H2A) was divided by control tubulin band intensity to get the normalized values for the target bands, which were plotted using GraphPad Prism 9.0 (Version 9.4.1) software.” This has been added in page 25, lines: 881-890.

      Furthermore, we will again perform the experiments for a better representation of the western blots in figures 6B, D, and 7D.

      2. The argument that scm3 depletion leads to a defect in DNA damage checkpoint activation is not strongly supported. Monitoring exit from the cell cycle by multibudding is not the most rigorous assay, especially since the image shows one cell with 5 nuclei. The authors should release cells from G1 into auxin and MMS and monitor cell cycle progression at least one other cell cycle marker, such as anaphase onset, DNA replication and/or Pds1 levels.

      Response: As per the reviewer’s suggestion, in order to support our argument that the absence of Scm3 causes a defect in DNA damage checkpoint activation, we will examine if these cells abrogate G2/M arrest and show an early anaphase onset. For this, we will monitor the levels of Pds1, as a marker of anaphase onset, along the cell cycle in wild type and Scm3-depleted cells both deleted for Mad2 to remove any inadvertent effect of spindle assembly checkpoint. The schematics of the experimental workflow is given in Figure R1. Typically, the cells will be released from alpha factor arrest in the absence or presence of auxin (for the depletion of Scm3) and in the absence or presence of MMS. The samples will be harvested at the indicated time points and will be analyzed for:

      1. Western blot: Pds1-Myc (to detect anaphase onset)
      2. Western blot: Rad53 and p-Rad53 (to detect DNA damage activation)
      3. Immunofluorescence: Tubulin (to detect cell cycle stages) The results of the above experiment will be incorporated in the revised manuscript.

      3. The quantification in Figure 3B is not clear. Is it done on a per/nuclei basis? What pools of Scm3 and Ndc10 are being normalized?

      Response: The intensity was calculated as done before (Mittal et al., 2020, Shah et al., 2023). Typically, the intensity was first measured from the total signal of Scm3/Ndc10 from each chromatin mass or spread (DAPI) by making a polygon (ROI) around the Scm3/Ndc10+DAPI signal. The same ROI was dragged to the background area, from where two separate intensities were calculated. The average of the background intensities was then subtracted from the Scm3/Ndc10 intensity obtained from the same spread to get the normalized intensity depicting each dot in the box plot of Figure 3B. At least 30 spreads were quantified in a similar manner.

      We have mentioned this in the materials and methods section under “Microscopic image analysis.” section in page 22, lines 770-777 as follows: “For intensity calculation, a Region of Interest (ROI) was drawn around the Scm3/Ndc10/g-H2A+DAPI signal, and the intensity of Scm3/Ndc10/g-H2A was measured from each chromatin mass or spread (DAPI). An ROI of the same size was put elsewhere in the background area, from where two separate intensities were calculated. The average of the background intensities was then subtracted from the Scm3/Ndc10/g-H2A intensity obtained from the same spread to get the normalized intensity depicting each dot in the box plot of the respective figures as mentioned previously (Mittal et al., 2020; Shah et al., 2023).”

      Minor Comments 1. The model is elegant but there are chromatin pools (beyond the kinetochore pool) of Scm3 that do not contain Rad52 and/or gamma-H2X and vice versa. It would be helpful if the authors could speculate on how to reconcile these different pools. It might be premature to suggest such a detailed model at this point since the function of Scm3 in the checkpoint is still very unclear so I would encourage the authors to make a less detailed model.

      Response: By showing the green hallow, we have depicted the nuclear pool of Scm3, and we have not shown that the pool contains DDR proteins viz., Rad52 or g-H2A. Rather, we have shown the recruitment of these proteins at the DNA damage sites. Since the focus of this manuscript is on the non-centromeric functions of Scm3, we have not shown the kinetochore pool of Scm3. Although the model is a detailed one, the contribution from this work has been mentioned legitimately at every stage so that the readers can judge the merit of this work. We believe that a detailed model would provide a better perspective to the readers to correlate the revealed as well as yet-to-reveal functions of Scm3 in a spatiotemporal manner with the other players of the DDR pathway. Therefore, we prefer to keep the model in a detailed form.

      2. The chip-seq data is not publicly accessible. There is no reference to the data being available to review.

      __Response: __The data will be uploaded to the public domain.

      3. Line 103: not clear what "both the proteins dimerize" means...probably should be "both proteins dimerize"

      __Response: __We have changed the wording to “both proteins dimerize”.

      4. The argument that Ndc10 does not have a growth defect on MMS is a weak conclusion given that almost no control cells grow on auxin in the absence of MMS.

      __Response: __We have now repeated the spotting assay with a lesser concentration of auxin and replaced Figure S3 with a new Figure S3 (Figure R4) to better represent and conclude that the loss of Ndc10 does not cause MMS sensitivity.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This manuscript studies the role of the Cse4 histone chaperone Scm3 in the S. cerevisiae DNA damage response. The authors show that decreased Scm3 levels exhibit genetic interactions with mutations in the Rad52 gene and sensitivity to MMS. They go on to show that some Scm3 co-localizes with sites of DNA damage using spreads and ChIP-seq techniques and that decreased levels of Scm3 have a reduced DNA damage checkpoint response. The Scm3 protein is also phosphorylated in response to DNA damage. Taken together, the authors propose a model whereby DNA damage recruits the Scm3 protein and Scm3 then helps mediate the checkpoint response. Overall, the data make a case that Scm3 has a relationship to the DNA damage checkpoint but the authors should be careful not to over-conclude that it has a precise role in checkpoint activation based on the data.

      Major Comments

      1. The western blots in the paper are not always entirely convincing. In addition, they are not described in enough detail to understand if a membrane was cut or if multiple gels were run. For example, the tubulin loading in Figure 6D is interrupted toward the end of the blot and the bands in Figure 7D go in different directions for the two blots for the MMS treated cells. In figure 6B, there are no detectable phospho-forms of Rad53 detected on the upper blot for the WT and scm3 lanes even though quantification is given on the right. It would be good to present better examples of the westerns or at least better describe what the reader is visualizing so the quantification and conclusions can be understood. How were the blots quantified? How were the westerns run and processed?

      2. The argument that scm3 depletion leads to a defect in DNA damage checkpoint activation is not strongly supported. Monitoring exit from the cell cycle by multibudding is not the most rigorous assay, especially since the image shows one cell with 5 nuclei. The authors should release cells from G1 into auxin and MMS and monitor cell cycle progression at least one other cell cycle marker, such as anaphase onset, DNA replication and/or Pds1 levels.

      3. The quantification in Figure 3B is not clear. Is it done on a per/nuclei basis? What pools of Scm3 and Ndc10 are being normalized?

      Minor Comments

      1. The model is elegant but there are chromatin pools (beyond the kinetochore pool) of Scm3 that do not contain Rad52 and/or gamma-H2X and vice versa. It would be helpful if the authors could speculate on how to reconcile these different pools. It might be premature to suggest such a detailed model at this point since the function of Scm3 in the checkpoint is still very unclear so I would encourage the authors to make a less detailed model.

      2. The chip-seq data is not publicly accessible. There is no reference to the data being available to review.

      3. Line 103: not clear what "both the proteins dimerize" means...probably should be "both proteins dimerize"

      4. The argument that Ndc10 does not have a growth defect on MMS is a weak conclusion given that almost no control cells grow on auxin in the absence of MMS.



      This is the first examination of the role of Scm3 in the DNA damage response in S. cerevisiae. My expertise is in the chromatin and segregation fields, but I believe this work will be of interest to the DNA damage field as well. While the homologs of Scm3 are known to have a role in DNA damage, it was unclear if this was conserved in budding yeast. The data in this manuscript are consistent with findings in other organisms but the precise role of the chaperone in the DNA damage response is still unclear.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript describes a study implicating the Scm3 protein from budding yeast in the DNA damage response (DDR). Scm3 is a chaperone protein, whose main role is considered to be the loading of CENP-A(Cse4) at centromeres to facilitate chromosome segregation. However, the human ortholog of Scm3, HJURP, is known to have a role in DDR and in this study the authors provide evidence that Scm3 is also involved in the DDR in yeast. For the most part, the results presented support the conclusions made.

      Main Points:

      1. Figure 1 Could depletion of Scm3 arrest cells in late G2/M and it is this delay that causes increased sensitivity to DNA damaging agents? A control with nocodazole or other means - that also arrests cells at this point - might provide a nice control for this. Perhaps the other kinetochore mutants, used therein, achieve this control - but cell cycle phase would need to be assessed.

      2. Mutants of the HR pathway in yeast (e.g. rad52∆ with mre11∆ for example) are typically epistatic. The observation that Scm3 depletion is not epistatic with rad52∆ (Figure 1C) suggests the Scm3 acts via another pathway than the classic Rad52 HR pathway. This should be pointed out and discussed.

      3. Figure 2 should include auxin treatment of RAD52-GFP cells (without the Scm3 degron) to show that the auxin treatment alone does not increase Rad52 foci.

      4. Line 246-247 For the data presented, it seems to me possible that Scm3 depleted cells may indicate a defective DDR pathway (as stated) or may indicate defects in DNA replication or an increase in some other form of DNA damage?

      5. In Figure 1 and throughout, please describe in the figure legends how error bars and p values are derived, and the number of experiments involved.

      Minor points:

      1. Line 35 replace 'cell survival' with 'cell division' - non-dividing cells can survive fine without chromosome segregation. See also line 62.

      2. Line 52 and throughout, I suggest replacing CenH3 with CENP-A or Cse4. The term CenH3 is confusing since regional centromeres contain both CENP-A nucleosomes and H3 nucleosomes - the latter of which can also be called CenH3 nucleosomes.

      3. Lines 69-79 specific references are needed for the sentences starting "HJURP was so named...", "In addition,...", "As a corollary,..." and "Finally,..." The final sentence of this paragraph, starting "Perhaps due to..." is unclear.

      4. Line 96 "gross chromatin" is unclear; also line 476.

      5. Line 103 "dimerize"

      6. Line 109 "most" and "highly" don't work together - perhaps better to say "the functions appear conserved from humans to yeast".

      7. Line 175 "grown" to "phase", see also line 223.

      8. Line 293 delete "besides"

      9. Figure 5 - panels C & D, please make x axis labels clearer - they are directly underneath the 2kb ChIP. They should include a horizontal bar to indicate that all 5 ChIP experiments are included in each time point.


      This is a nice complement to the human work on HJURP and provides convincing evidence that Scm3 can be used to model the function of HJURP. Since yeast is such a tractable model, this work provides a route to study the role of this chaperone in DNA damage repair, which may also be true for human HJURP. The work itself is perhaps not too surprising, but is a solid advance in our understanding of the role of Scm3.

      My own expertise is in yeast DNA repair and chromosome segregation.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript by Agarwal and Ghosh, the authors examine yeast Scm3 function in the DNA damage response. They show that Scm3 loss results in DNA damage sensitivity and more Rad52 foci. Importantly, Scm3 is recruited to DSB sites using an HO-cut site and its loss results in an attenuated DNA damage checkpoint as measured by Rad53 phosphorylation. The authors demonstrate convincingly that Scm3, like its human counterpart HJURP, plays a role in the DNA damage response through altered Rad53 activation. However, what its specific role in DNA repair is remains ambiguous.

      Major comment:

      1. It is unusual to see multiple DNA repair foci as those observed in Figure 2B. What is the distribution of cells with 1, 2, 3, 4, or more foci? Are more observed in SCM3-AID cells perhaps suggesting that the DSB ends are not being clustered as would be expected in WT cells exposed to DNA damage?

      2. The peaks with increased Scm3 recruitment by ChIP-seq upon MMS is confusing as MMS does not induce specific damage at genomic locations. Is Scm3 being recruited at other genomic sites that might be more susceptible to DNA damage? Is Scm3 recruited to Pol2 sites for example? Or fragile sites?

      3. The phosphorylation aspect of Scm3 is intriguing and the authors show that Mec1 is not responsible for mediating its phosphorylation. Tel1 is another kinase that should be examined.

      Minor comment:

      1. It is hard to see what MMS resistance the authors state is observed in Mif2-depleted cells in Figure S3. Perhaps this could be better explained or the claim removed.

      2. Protein levels of Scm3 or any of the other factors depleted with AID were never assessed.


      As mentioned above, a clear link for Scm3 in DNA damage repair has now been established in this work but its function in this process is descriptive.

  5. Sep 2024
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Response to Reviewer Comments:

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      *Glaucoma-associated optineurin mutations increase transmitophagy in vertebrate optic nerve.

      Summary In Jeong et al., the authors perform live imaging of the X. laevis optic nerve to track neuronal mitochondrial movement and expulsion in an intact nervous system. The authors observe similar mitochondrial dynamics in vivo as previously described in other systems. They find that stationary mitochondria are more likely to be associated with OPTN, suggestive of mitochondria undergoing mitophagy. Forced expression of OPTN mutations results in a larger pool of stationary mitochondria that colocalize withLC3B, and OPTN. Finally, the authors argue that extra-axonal mitochondria are observed more frequently in OPTN mutants, suggesting that mutations in OPTN that are associated with disease can lead to an increase in the expulsion of mitochondria through exopher-like structures.

      Major Findings and impact: • The authors establish that mitochondria dynamics can be tracked in the X. laevis optic nerve. • OPTN mutations increase the stationary pool of mitochondria and likely result in increased rates of mitophagy. • Exopher-like structures containing mitochondria and LC3 can be expelled from the optic nerve and increase in the presence of OPTN mutations. These structures were observed in a living system and have interesting implications in the context of disease.

      Concerns: • The authors state in their results that the secreted blebs are exophers. While these initial observations are consistent with exophers, additional data are needed to strengthen this claim. For example: what are the sizes of secreted vesicles? Do all express LC3? How frequently do these occur? From where are they expelling? Alternatively, the discussion of exophers could be moved to the discussion.*

      We agree that calling the axon shedding intermediates “exophers” was an overreach on our part. While we believe that in all probability time will demonstrate this to be the case, reviewers are correct in stating that putting our work in the context of exophers is best left to the discussion. We have removed all mention of exophers from the results and graphical abstract and now use the term only once in the discussion. We do provide detail as to the frequency of the structures, what fraction contain mitochondria, and morphological parameters of the contained mitochondria. And while all of these new data support them being exophers, the point remains that the use of the nomenclature “exopher” in the results section was inappropriate.

      • Quantifications in sparse labeling experiments seem quite surprising and concerns related to these findings should be addressed. As the authors used LC3b expression to represent axonal volume, the authors should demonstrate that this is the case using an axonal fill or membrane marker in both the wt and E50K conditions. This is important as it is unclear whether LC3b expression is consistent between the wild type and the E50K conditions. Lower expression of LC3b in E50K could account for the large changes in axonal width that seem to be observed and could confound the measured amount of expelled mitochondria.*
      • *

      We agree that using EGFP-LC3b as a “cell fill” was problematic in a situation where the interventions likely perturb autophagy/mitophagy and therefore might have also perturbed LC3b. We do provide some axon width and LC3b-EGFP intensity data for a partial dataset that had been imaged side-by-side, showing that expression of LC3b is not different in the two conditions. We also provide independent measures of extra-axonal mitochondria based on a membrane-GFP reporter. While in principle there would be value to repeat the studies of Wt vs. E50K in the context of the membrane-GFP reporter, these experiments would involve new constructs and new breedings, and would likely take months to years to complete.

        • Could large amounts of exogenous mitochondria in explant experiments be from cells that died during the plantation?* The concern that some of the exogenous mitochondria signal might derive from degenerating axons is one that we worry much about, and not only in the transplantation experiments. In our sparse labeling experiments we do occasionally see axons undergoing Wallerian degeneration, but it is rare and does not appear to be more common in the expression of the mutated OPTN, at least not at the stage after transgene expression that the analyses were performed. We do provide new data that expression of E50K OPTN does not compromise vision at the time that experiments were carried out, ruling out that extra-axonal mitochondria are the result of large-scale degeneration. However, from other data we know that axon loss would likely need to be very extensive to manifest itself in functional vision loss in our behavioral assay, so milder axon loss contributing some noise to the measures cannot be excluded. But, the point raised is heard, and now we include a sentence in the discussion acknowledging that some of the signal outside of axons could have been due to degenerating axons, but still contend that our documentation of shedding intermediates support the view that many of the axonal mitochondria outside of axons were shed from otherwise intact axons.

      Suggested experiments/quantifications: • In OPTN/MITO/LC3b trafficking experiments, does flux/number of events change? Representative kymograph in Figure 2D seems to show far more OPTN-positive mitochondria which is opposite of what is shown in Figure 2C.

      Multiple reviewers rightfully point out that we did not carry out the flux experiments which would be necessary to make definitive statements regarding the amount of mitophagy. New experiments show that inhibiting lysosomal activity through chloroquine does increase the amount of astrocytic autophagosomes not yet acidified as expected, and that they contain axonal mitochondria signal, supporting the idea that astrocytes are involved in the degradation of axonal mitochondria. However, they did not show changes in the amount of stopped mitochondria, supporting the view that the co-localization of OPTN and mitochondria in axons is not conventional autophagy. This is a very important point that affects the interpretation of our results, and we thank reviewers for suggesting this experiment.

      • Demonstrate that axonal width measured with LC3B is representative of axonal fill/membrane marker in wt and E50K. Axonal area appears to change, is this accurate? This appears to be the case for both figure 3 and figure 4.* Addressed above.

      • Raw images in addition to the reconstruction would be beneficial.* Now include raw images beside the reconstruction at the first use of reconstructions.

      • Further characterization of exopher-like structures.**

      * Addressed above.

      ***Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with the concerns of the other reviewers, and perhaps was over-optimistic about a timeline for revision. However, I do think the work is worth the effort, and I hope to see a revised manuscript published somewhere, as these observations are novel

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This work reports potentially novel biology, and thus will be of interest to the field. The strength of the study is that it is an initial description of this biology, rather than a complete analysis. The work raises many more questions than it answers, and much further work on this topic is required to support these initial findings, but the manuscript will likely be of interest to many. Revisions are required to improve the rigor and clarity of the work, but following these revisions we recommend publication to facilitate follow-up work.*

      Fully agree that our study raises far more questions than it answers. Believe that the revisions made to address reviewer comments go a long way to improve rigor and clarity of the work. We hope that the reviewers agree and deem the changes sufficient.

      *Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: This article studied transmitophagy in xenopus optic nerves in the context of overexpressing glaucoma-associated optineurin mutations. Using a series of labeling, imaging and transplantation techniques, the authors found that overexpressing mutated optineurins stops mitochondria movements and potentially induces transmitophagy, and that astrocytes are responsible for taking up the extra-axonal mitochondria. Below are my comments on this article.

      Major comments: 1. Identifying extra-axonal mitochondria is key to this research. In Figure 3, the authors used EGFP-LC3B as a marker for RGC boundaries. However, it is unconvincing how perfect LC3B is as a cell membrane marker. Particularly in the case of OPTN E50K OE, it seems that the optic nerve is thinner than the WT condition, which makes the quantification of extra-axonal OPTN less convincing. The authors should detect extra-axonal mitochondria with an RGC membrane marker or cytosolic marker. In addition, in Figure 3, the extra-axonal mitochondria seem to localize mostly on the dorsal surface. Why is there such a polarity?*

      As stated above, we acknowledge that the use of LC3b as both an autophagosome marker and a cell fill was somewhat problematic and now provide additional experiments ruling out that the LC3b expression or axon thickness in our sparse axon labeling experiments, or that E50K might affect the thickness of the optic nerve. In addition, we also provide additional new data using a bona fide membrane marker together a transgenic labeling or RGC mitochondria that also shows under the “baseline state” extensive mitochondria signal outside the axons on the surface of the optic nerve (New Fig. 6A and new Suppl Fig. 3D). All the new data are consistent with the previous data and support the view that using LC3b potentially could have been problematic, for the reasons reviewers state, but in practice it was not.

      The reviewer observes that the E50K optic nerve appears thinner--this observation is not a consistent difference in optic nerves across the experimental groups. The images we show are always near the mean values for the quantitative results presented, and we rather not include prettier nerves that are not representative of the whole datasets.

      As for why the extra-axonal mitochondria localize mostly to the dorsal surface, it remains undetermined. There are dorsoventral differences in the optic nerve established during development, as developmental Sonic hedgehog signaling emanating from the midline appears to affect dorsoventral aspects of the optic nerve differentially. Early axon loss in humans and some models of glaucoma do show a dorsal bias, and there may be optic nerve lymphatic structure reported in mice that also may be preferentially dorsal. However, it is not known whether any of these observations are connected, so we did not want to speculate beyond what the data say. We do now explicitly mention the dorsoventral difference in the discussion, and state why we think it may be worth further study.

      • The experiment in Figure 5 is very important as it gives direct evidence of transmitophagy. However, one caveat is that the mitotracker injection is done after the transplantation. If in rare cases the dye is leaky after injection and is taken up by astrocytes directly, then the conclusion that mitochondria from RGCs are phagocytosed by astrocytes will be flawed. The authors should either use a transgene in the donor to label mitochondria or inject mitotracker into the donor before the transplantation and repeat the experiments. In addition, in Figure 5E, what is the large membranous structure inside the highlighted astrocyte? Is it associated with phagocytosis?*

      We fully agree that MitoTracker is an imperfect tool, both for the reason stated here that the dye may get into the astrocytes directly (or may label astrocyte mitochondria after it is released from degrading RGC mitochondria), and, also as stated by reviewer 3, that it requires healthy mitochondria for labeling. For this reason, we have added new datasets that rely on RGC mitochondria labeling not by Mitotracker but through a genetic reporter. As to identity of the conspicuous structure shown inside the astrocytes, it remains an open question, and we are avidly pursuing what astrocytic organelles are involved through additional transgenic reporters and correlated-light-EM studies, but those are complicated experiments that are beyond the scope of the current manuscript.

      • This research is entirely based on overexpression of OPTN. Since overexpressing WT OPTN does seem to affect mito trafficking (Figure S2G, and the description in the manuscript is often inconsistent with this result), it is unclear what the increased stalled mitochondria really mean when overexpressing mutated OPTN. Similarly, the authors examined extra-axonal mitochondria in Figures 3 and 4 all in overexpressing conditions, and made the connection that increased stalled mitochondria lead to transmitophagy. However, this conclusion will be better supported by using mutant animals rather than overexpression. The authors should consider using OPTN mutant xenopus if available or using CRISPR to introduce the specific mutations and repeat mitochondria trafficking and transmitophagy.*

      • *

      We thank this reviewer by pointing out an important detail that we failed to highlight, namely that transgenic overexpression of Wt OPTN (and/or Wt LC3B) does have a small but significant effect on mitochondria trafficking. Interestingly, it is affecting just the speed of retrogradely transported mitochondria, which based on the elegant work of Holzbaur and colleagues, include mitochondria destined for degradation. So, we now acknowledge more explicitly that, since our studies involve expression of OPTN and LC3b transgenes (fluorophore tagged human genes, no less), that some caution should be exercised in not overinterpreting the results. Nonetheless, since we show that expression of Wt OPTN behaves similarly to expression of a mitochondria reporter (Tom20-mCherry) in not affecting either stopped mitochondria or extra-axonal mitochondria, we believe that our results still stand. Nonetheless, we now make mention of the effect Wt OPTN on retrograde mitochondria movement. We have embarked on OPTN loss-of-function studies and have some founder animals carrying CRISPR-generated mutations; however, these experiments will take additional time, and based on the results in mammals may or may not show any measurable effects in our assays, not only because of possible redundancy by the other damaged mitochondria adaptors that we mention in the introduction, but also because the mutations that affect the shedding process (as well as cause glaucoma) are thought to be gain-of-function mutations. However, we decided not to dwell on these complexities in the discussion, as the discussion was previously quite extensive and now is even moreso with the added discussion on how our studies relate to those of exophers.

      • On Page 12, the authors claim that even overexpressing WT OPTN causes extra-axonal mitochondria in the optic nerve. However, there is no control condition without OE to support this conclusion. It is thus unclear to what extent extra-axonal mitochondria occur at baseline and how many extra-axonal mitochondria can be induced by overexpression. The authors should include, in Figure 3 and 4, controls without overexpression.*

      We acknowledge that our language was confusing and somewhat misleading on this point. With the caveat mentioned above that WT OPTN expression does perturb the system somewhat (by increasing the speed of mitochondria retrograde transport, perhaps by increasing the proportion of retrograde moving mitochondria tagged for degradation), we still contend that the state observed after WT OPTN expression is close to the “baseline” state. In support of that, in the new data included in response to the LC3b concern, we observe plentiful shedding events in the absence of any OPTN or LC3b transgenes. Indeed, what may be the most surprising finding of our studies is that in the absence of any significant perturbation of OPTN, there is already a large fraction of axonal mitochondria that are outside of axons and inside of astrocytes, which is consistent with what we previously observed in the optic nerve head of mice; however, the current studies provide much more rigorous quantification of the process and live imaging of intermediates, but also provide for an intervention that increases the process. While there are many more questions to answer, we do believe our studies contribute mechanistic insights.

      • A technical question regarding kymographs: Based on Figure 2C, it looks that OPTN and LC3B labeling are pretty diffuse in axons and this makes sense since they may only be associated with damaged mitos. But this raises a question about how accurate the kymograph assay is. It may significantly underestimate the fraction of OPTN/LC3B that is stationary since they appeared diffusedon the kymograph. This may explain why the percentage of stationary OPTN/LC3B is so small when the authors OE WT OPTN in Figure 2E and 2E', compared to the percentage of moving mitochondria shown in Figure 1E.*

      We fully agree that the kymograph studies likely underestimate the amounts of stationary mitochondria for the reasons stated. However, we interpret the discrepancy between Figure 1E and 2E and 2E’ differently. We believe that the value of stopped mitochondria in the sparse labeling experiments are actually more accurate, as the value of stopped mitochondria in the whole nerve experiments likely include mitochondria stopped within the axons, but also mitochondria recently shed either by those or nearby axons which are perceived to be in axons due to limitations of imaging resolution. In the discussion we now make very explicit that all the measures we provide need should be interpreted as estimates, as every experiment relies on assumptions and is subject to technical limitations.

      Minor: 1. Figure 2E and 2E' do not agree with the text on page 7 and page 8. Not only F178A, but also H486R and D474N have no effect on OPTN trafficking. The authors should make their conclusions more accurate.

      F178 was the only mutation that had no effect on either OPTN or LC3b in either F0 or F1 experiments. However, we agree that our language should have been clearer, and now we have made our description of the results (and conclusions) more accurate.

      • Figure S2E-F: why does OE of mutated OPTN in F1s but not in F0s reduce trafficking speed compared to WT?*

      We do not know the reason for this discrepancy. Though it does not wholly agree with the rest of the story, we felt it important to include all relevant data, not only that which perfectly fit our interpretation. One possible reason may be that the F1 data derives from a single integration event, which is the reason why we trust more the F0 data that derive from multiple integrations, in what are essentially outbred animals, which is the reason we present the F0 data as the primary results where possible.

      * In movie 5, fusion of exopher with other structures is not clear and also the GFP signal does not disappear, which is in contrast to the statement in the text that the GFP signal is quenched in acidified environment. To confirm that LC3B leaves RGC axons in exophers, the authors should consider switching the fluorophores and examine LC3B localization during exopher formation.*

      This too is a valid point, and we have amended our description of these results. While swapping fluorophores between OPTN and LC3b is a highly worthy experiment, for technical reasons it likely would take many months to carry out just because of how involved it is to make the relevant constructs (recombineering details provided in the methods section).

      • In figure 6, to better show exopher formation and the pinching-off step, the authors should consider labeling the membrane and mitochondria instead of using the LC3B and OPTN marker.*

      This arguably was the biggest weakness of our initial submission, and now provide new experiments using a bona fide membrane marker. We have not yet captured a pinching-off event with these better reporters, but that is not surprising given how rare they are, which we now quantify. Indeed, a membrane reporter and a mitochondria transgene in sparsely labeled axons are the ideal tool for figuring out the frequency of these structures and what fraction contain mitochondria, data which we now provide.

      ***Referees cross-commenting**

      Generally agree with the criticisms voiced by the other reviewers; in aggregate the reviews indicate the manuscript needs more than just a quick fix.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Previous literature has already described the transmitophagy process in the optic nerve. The significance of this paper lies in the observation that overexpressing glaucoma-associated OPTN mutants can induce increased transmitophagy through astrocytes, which points to a potential role of OPTN in glaucoma. A highlight of this paper is the use of correlated light SBEM to directly show transmitophagy in astrocytes. However, the significance of this paper may be limited for the following reasons: 1. everything is based on overexpression of mutated OPTN, which makes it hard to translate the results to real disease conditions; 2. The consequence of increased transmitophagy on RGC survival or visual functions is unclear.


      While we agree that much of the paper is based on OPTN overexpression, we did have experiments and now provide more that that were not based on OPTN overexpression. Some of these still involve expression of a different transgene (Tom20-mCherry) that might in principle perturb the system, though we show that expression of Tom20-mCherry does not affect mitochondria movement parameters as measured by Mitotracker. As to “the consequence of increased transmitophagy”, we do now provide data showing that there is no vision loss suggestive of axon loss or severe dysfunction at the time that the imaging studies were carried out. Whether longer term expression of these OPTN transgenes lead to axon degeneration and visual dysfunction are studies that are ongoing, but those studies involve extensive characterizations and controls that are beyond what could be included in this study.

      *Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary In this work, Jeong et al describe the effect of Optineurin (OPTN) mutations in the transcellular degradation of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) mitochondria by astrocytes at the Optic Nerve (ON), a process previously described this group and referred as "transmitophagy" (Davis et al 2014). Here, authors use Xenopus laevis animal model to image the optic nerve of animals carrying different OPTN mutations associated to disease or with compromised function and explore its effect in mitochondria dynamics at the RGC axons. They find that OPTN mutants lead to increased stationary mitochondria in the nerve and affect their co-localization with mitophagy-related markers, suggesting alterations in this pathway. Finally, they found that mitochondria co-localizing with OPTN can be found in the periphery of the ON under different conditions and this is particularly increased in glaucoma-associated E50K mutation. This extracellular mitochondria are transferred in vesicles to astrocytes, as they previously described in mice (Davis 2014), where they are presumably degraded. Major comments - OPTN levels at a given time point cannot be used as readout for mitophagy level/flux. Both OPTN and LC3b are degraded upon fusion with acidic compartment (i.e. lysosomes, PMID: 33783320, 33634751) and that is the reason why the field of autophagy /mitophagy blocks lysosomal activity to measure autophagy/mitophagy flux (PMID: 33634751). In this document, authors claim that there is low levels of mitophagy in RGC axons at baseline and increased levels of mitophagy in glaucoma associated perturbations just based on increased presence of OPTN+ mitochondria in this condition. This could be also interpreted as an accumulation of non-degraded defective mitochondria due to a mitophagy block in neurons carrying the glaucoma associated mutation, which is the opposite of what they propose. If authors want to evaluate mitophagy levels in this system, mitophagy/autophagy flux experiments should be performed.*

      In response to reviewers, we do now include “lysosome inhibition” experiment, using chloroquine at doses modestly above those used in aquaculture as an anti-parasitic. After testing various chemical means to inhibit lysosome activity, it was the only one that did not adversely affect the animals. We know the chloroquine intervention works because we see the expected increase in autophagosomes using the standard LC3b-tandem reporter, and in those unacidified astrocytic autophagosomes we do indeed find axonal mitochondria signal. However, since the amount of mitochondria signal there is small relative to the total amount of axonal mitochondria in the astrocytes, we do not feel it would be appropriate to make mechanistic claims, for example claiming this to be related to LC3b associated phagocytosis; much more work would be needed to make that claim. However, we were surprised to find no alteration in either stopped mitochondria in axons or axonal mitochondria material within the astrocytes. There are technical reasons why this result might be difficult to interpret, but now having done it (as we should have before), we are even more careful in describing the process as transcellular degradation rather than transmitophagy. We elaborate further on this point in the next response.

      - I find inappropriate the use of the term "transmitophagy". Although this term transmits very well the message that the authors try to strength, the term "mitophagy" refers to the specific elimination of mitochondria through autophagy (PMID: 21179058). There are many reasons why I think that "transmitophagy" is not adequate to describe this phenomena but I will just refer to these three: First, authors do not provide data showing that this mechanism is specific for mitochondria as they have never checked for the presence of other type of cargo in the vesicles produced by RGCs. If these are related to exophers as they suggest in the document, is very probable that they contain other type of cargo; Second, if the final destiny for those particles is the acidic compartment of astrocytes, this process may have nothing to do with autophagy/mitophagy and just share some molecular mediators with those pathways; Third, they should explore if other canonical mitophagy molecular mediators (i.e. Parkin/Pink) are regulating the production or the mitochondria recruitment to this extracellular particles.

      We too struggle with our own “transmitophagy” term, for the very reasons stated. To address this concern, we now refer to the process as “transcellular degradation of mitochondria”, which is how we described it initially in mice as well. We do present new data that show that while the majority of axonal outpocketings contain mitochondria, not all do. This suggests that the others may contain other cargo, which supports the view that what we are dealing with in axons are indeed exophers. And yet, since what we measure is mitochondria, we think most appropriate to describe the process narrowly and not extrapolate to other types of exophers. We agree that what we originally discovered in mice and now live image and perturb in frog, may not be “autophagy” according to the strict definition of the term, but rather a process that uses some of the same molecular machinery, which given the evolutionary link between autophagy and phagocytosis that should be no surprise. Terminology can be tricky, and we thank the reviewer for calling us out on this point. We now use the term “transmitophagy” only once in the discussion section making the link between our work and the emerging field of exopher biology, and use that occasion to elaborate the point that the more descriptive term “transcellular degradation of mitochondria” is more appropriate in our case.

      *- In several experiments, authors use Mitotracker instead of genetic tools to quantify the amount of mitochondria co-localizing with OPTN (Fig2, Fig3) or being transferred to astrocytes (Fig4). A problem here is that Mitotracker needs the mitochondria to be active at the time of injection in order to label them (PMID: 21807856) and it has a clear effect in mitochondria dynamics in their setting, as pointed by the authors. Since most mitochondria transferred to astrocytes would be presumably damaged and not able to import Mitotracker, I am concern about how this is affecting their quantifications and the conclusions.


      We agree. The use of Mitotracker to label the RGC mitochondria can be problematic for the reasons stated by reviewers 1 and 3. Indeed, our opinion is that many of the studies out there that claim to demonstrate transfer of mitochondria between cells likely are just showing the transfer of the dye rather than the mitochondria. While the previous submission included a number of controls to address this concern, we now provide multiple new experiments that measure the transfer of mitochondria through a transgene rather than Mitotracker. The provided experiments use a new Tom20-mCherry transgene which is highly specific to mitochondria due to the use of an SOD2 UTR. We have similar data using RGC-expressed Mito-mCherry and Mito-EGFP-mCherry (using the commonly used Cox8 mitochondria matrix targeting sequence); we do not include such data because we find the provided data sufficiently compelling, and the story is already sufficiently long and complicated.

      - Some conclusions are based on single images with no quantifications or statistics. This is the case for: 1) Page 6) "Most of the mCherry and Mitotracker objects colocalized with each other both in the merged images (Fig. S1C) and kymographs (Fig. S1D), indicating that the mitochondria-targeted transgene and Mitotracker similarly label the RGC axonal mitochondria".

      That is a fair comment. After reanalyzing the original dataset used, it would be very difficult to quantify that statement, largely because the Tom20-mCherry expression was relatively weak in those particular animals. We are confident that we could generate a new dataset to provide support for this statement, but instead chose to just provide side-by-side movies of mitochondria labeled by Mitotracker or the Tom20-mCherry transgenes, which we believe is far more compelling than any quantification we could provide.

      2) Page 8) "In the nerves labeled by Mitotracker, visual inspection of the raw images (Fig. 2C) and the derived kymographs (Fig. 2D) showed that OPTN and the Mitotracker labeled mitochondria often co-localized, particularly in the stopped populations, and more so in the animals expressing E50K OPTN, further suggesting that at least a fraction of the stopped LC3b, OPTN and mitochondria might represent mitophagy occurring in the axons".

      While we have made a minor change to this sentence, we feel that it is appropriate given that it serves just as a justification to carry out the quantitative studies that follow. We would not have quantified the process had it not been obvious to the eye. However, we do not interpret the results as supporting that mitophagy occurs in axons, for the reasons explained above.

      3) Page 14) "We also observed similar axonal dystrophies and exopher-like structures in E50K OPTN under similar imaging settings, but with 2-min intervals and additional Mitotracker labeling (Mov. 6), demonstrating that these structures not only contain OPTN but also mitochondria or mitochondria remnants". Image in video is not clear and there is not quantification for OPTN or OPTN+ mitochondria.*


      We have removed Mov. 6.

      *Minor comments

      • In Figures showing the reconstruction of OPTN+ mitochondria outside nerve (Fig.3 and Fig.4), those seem to be present only in one lateral of the nerve. Is this process polarized in any way (i.e. faced to astrocytes) or is the result of a technical issue (i.e. difference in laser penetration for blue vs Yellow lasers)? I think it will be important to include this in the discussion.*

      This was also pointed out by reviewer 1, and we agree that it is worth including in the discussion, which we now do. While we do not believe it to be a light penetration issue (based on fluorescence intensities and apparent spatial resolution), we also do not yet have an explanation. Having studied dorsoventral differences in the visual pathway both during my graduate and post-doctoral years, I am very interested in this asymmetry, and we have some theories that might explain it, mentioned above. The asymmetry is obvious and thus we think it would have been inappropriate not to show, but it also be inappropriate to be overly speculative.

      - In Pag.13 authors claim "OPTN and mitochondria leave RGC axons in the form of exophers". After "exophers" were coined by the Driscoll lab in 2017, too few people has adopted this terminology and the molecular machinery involved in this process is still under research. It is clear that the particles described here share some similarities with exophers like size (in the range of microns) and cargo (mitochondria), but you have not demonstrated if they share the same origin or are part of the same phenomena. For that reason, I recommend to be more cautious with this statement and point these limitations in the discussion. Additionally, since Exophers are not a consensus or well defined particles, authors should include an introductory paragraph at the beginning of this section for readers to understand what they are talking about.

      We wholly agree with all points. We now have moved all mention of exophers to just the discussion.

      - Exophers described by Monica Driscoll and Andres Hidalgo laboratories are presented as "garbage bags" that help cells to stay fit through elimination of unwanted material. If the extracellular vesicles presented here are part of the same mechanism and potentially beneficial for the RGCs, why are they increased in OPTN mutants? Is it part of RGCs response to a proteomic stress generated by malfunctioning OPTN? I think that is critical to understand this to figure out the relevance of your findings.

      • *

      Our personal opinion is that the OPTN mutants most likely lead to stress focally in the axons, thus triggering exopher generation. We are carrying additional experiments to determine whether too much exopher generation or their insufficient degradation by astrocytes might be deleterious (by causing inflammation). However, those are big stories that would not stand on their own were we not able to first rigorously demonstrate that certain OPTN mutants increase exopher generation, which I believe our study demonstrates, albeit now without calling them exophers.

      - Related to Fig.5G, authors say "The soma of the astrocytes were located at the optic nerve periphery but had processes that extended deep into the parenchyma". This is very interesting and opens the possibility that many mitochondria are directly transferred to astrocytes through that processes instead of the lateral of the nerve, meaning that your quantifications of "transmitophagy" may be underestimated.

      * *We also agree that this. Our limited optical resolution, and limitations intrinsic to carrying out quantifications with Imaris software, are likely the main reasons for the discrepancy between the whole nerve and sparse-labelled-axon estimates of how much axonal material is outside of axons. Our view is that most of the transcellular degradation occurs within fine astrocyte processes, and that only in the case of failure to degrade material in these fine processes that significant amounts accumulate in the cell body (optic nerve periphery), and that in the cell body additional or different degradative pathways are utilized. Experiments using various transgenes and correlated EM as well as perturbation experiments are ongoing attempting to firmly establish what organelles are used in processes versus soma. However, we believe that such studies are well beyond the scope of this manuscript..

      - Reference to Fig. S2G is missing. Now mentioned twice. Thank you.

      - I cannot find in Fig.5 E-I legends what are the cells/structures labelled in Green and Red. Thank you.

      ***Referees cross-commenting**

      In agreement with my colleagues, I think that a revision is needed to support some important points of the paper. The the work is interesting and I think it deserves a chance for revision. Having that said, I am not familiar with the breeding and experimental times when working with Xenopus but, considering the amount of work requested, it may require more than 3 months to have the work done.


      *Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Until not very long ago, it was thought that mitochondria could not cross cell barriers. In recent years however, there has been an explosion in the number of works showing mitochondria transfer between different cell types in vivo. This may happen either as an organelle donation to improve energy production or as a quality control mechanism to get rid of damaged mitochondria, as it is the case in this work. The laboratory of Nicholas Marsh-Armstrong was pioneer in this field with a foundational work in 2014 where they show how RGC-derived mitochondria are captured and eliminated by astrocytes in mice (PMID: 24979790). This work was particularly relevant because it proposed for the first time that mitochondrial degradation can occur in RGC axons far from the cell soma, and surrogated in a different cell type, something that changed completely the view of how quality control is maintained in neurons and other cell types. In the present study, Jeong and collaborators explore how Glaucoma-associated Optineurin mutations affect this process, which is of potential interest for the broad cell biologist community due to its possible implications in other tissues and cell types (OPTN is broadly expressed), but especially for those researchers interested in neurobiology, quality control mechanisms and mitochondria biology. Since some OPTN mutations studied here cause disease, they are also relevant for the clinic. This work provides a thorough characterization of how relevant Optineurin mutations affect mitochondria dynamics in RGCs and their transference to astrocytes, as fairly claimed in the title. However, the mechanism by which they result in pathology is not either explored or carefully discussed, making this a descriptive work with no much conceptual insight. In addition, conclusions are often not unambiguously stated and the results part contains a lot of large sentences and unnecessary technical data that hinders reading and difficult the transmission of the key messages. Even if it stands as a descriptive work, the physiological and clinical relevance of these findings is not clear. There are some claims related with mitophagy activity that may require more sophisticated experiments (mitophagy flux with lysosomal inhibitors). Please see comments above. A critical point to understand the relevance of this work would be to demonstrate if alterations in transmitophagy are either causing or involved in the disease generated by these OPTN mutations in any way, or just a correlative phenomenon. To help authors contextualize my point of view, my field of expertise includes cell biology, imaging, quality control pathways, mitochondria biology and phagocytosis, among others. I am not familiar with Xenopus Laevis genetics or the limitations to work with this animal model.*

      • *

      We appreciate both the complements and the critiques. To a fault, we rather undersell than oversell. We are actively pursuing the possibility that dysregulation of this process is disease causing, and not just for glaucoma. However, those studies will not stand without a strong foundation, which we believe this study provides.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this work, Jeong et al describe the effect of Optineurin (OPTN) mutations in the transcellular degradation of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) mitochondria by astrocytes at the Optic Nerve (ON), a process previously described this group and referred as "transmitophagy" (Davis et al 2014). Here, authors use Xenopus laevis animal model to image the optic nerve of animals carrying different OPTN mutations associated to disease or with compromised function and explore its effect in mitochondria dynamics at the RGC axons. They find that OPTN mutants lead to increased stationary mitochondria in the nerve and affect their co-localization with mitophagy-related markers, suggesting alterations in this pathway. Finally, they found that mitochondria co-localizing with OPTN can be found in the periphery of the ON under different conditions and this is particularly increased in glaucoma-associated E50K mutation. This extracellular mitochondria are transferred in vesicles to astrocytes, as they previously described in mice (Davis 2014), where they are presumably degraded.

      Major comments

      • OPTN levels at a given time point cannot be used as readout for mitophagy level/flux. Both OPTN and LC3b are degraded upon fusion with acidic compartment (i.e. lysosomes, PMID: 33783320, 33634751) and that is the reason why the field of autophagy /mitophagy blocks lysosomal activity to measure autophagy/mitophagy flux (PMID: 33634751). In this document, authors claim that there is low levels of mitophagy in RGC axons at baseline and increased levels of mitophagy in glaucoma associated perturbations just based on increased presence of OPTN+ mitochondria in this condition. This could be also interpreted as an accumulation of non-degraded defective mitochondria due to a mitophagy block in neurons carrying the glaucoma associated mutation, which is the opposite of what they propose. If authors want to evaluate mitophagy levels in this system, mitophagy/autophagy flux experiments should be performed.
      • I find inappropriate the use of the term "transmitophagy". Although this term transmits very well the message that the authors try to strength, the term "mitophagy" refers to the specific elimination of mitochondria through autophagy (PMID: 21179058). There are many reasons why I think that "transmitophagy" is not adequate to describe this phenomena but I will just refer to these three: First, authors do not provide data showing that this mechanism is specific for mitochondria as they have never checked for the presence of other type of cargo in the vesicles produced by RGCs. If these are related to exophers as they suggest in the document, is very probable that they contain other type of cargo; Second, if the final destiny for those particles is the acidic compartment of astrocytes, this process may have nothing to do with autophagy/mitophagy and just share some molecular mediators with those pathways; Third, they should explore if other canonical mitophagy molecular mediators (i.e. Parkin/Pink) are regulating the production or the mitochondria recruitment to this extracellular particles.
      • In several experiments, authors use Mitotracker instead of genetic tools to quantify the amount of mitochondria co-localizing with OPTN (Fig2, Fig3) or being transferred to astrocytes (Fig4). A problem here is that Mitotracker needs the mitochondria to be active at the time of injection in order to label them (PMID: 21807856) and it has a clear effect in mitochondria dynamics in their setting, as pointed by the authors. Since most mitochondria transferred to astrocytes would be presumably damaged and not able to import Mitotracker, I am concern about how this is affecting their quantifications and the conclusions.
      • Some conclusions are based on single images with no quantifications or statistics. This is the case for:
        1. Page 6) "Most of the mCherry and Mitotracker objects colocalized with each other both in the merged images (Fig. S1C) and kymographs (Fig. S1D), indicating that the mitochondria-targeted transgene and Mitotracker similarly label the RGC axonal mitochondria".
        2. Page 8) "In the nerves labeled by Mitotracker, visual inspection of the raw images (Fig. 2C) and the derived kymographs (Fig. 2D) showed that OPTN and the Mitotracker labeled mitochondria often co-localized, particularly in the stopped populations, and more so in the animals expressing E50K OPTN, further suggesting that at least a fraction of the stopped LC3b, OPTN and mitochondria might represent mitophagy occurring in the axons".
        3. Page 14) "We also observed similar axonal dystrophies and exopher-like structures in E50K OPTN under similar imaging settings, but with 2-min intervals and additional Mitotracker labeling (Mov. 6), demonstrating that these structures not only contain OPTN but also mitochondria or mitochondria remnants". Image in video is not clear and there is not quantification for OPTN or OPTN+ mitochondria.

      Minor comments

      • In Figures showing the reconstruction of OPTN+ mitochondria outside nerve (Fig.3 and Fig.4), those seem to be present only in one lateral of the nerve. Is this process polarized in any way (i.e. faced to astrocytes) or is the result of a technical issue (i.e. difference in laser penetration for blue vs Yellow lasers)? I think it will be important to include this in the discussion.
      • In Pag.13 authors claim "OPTN and mitochondria leave RGC axons in the form of exophers". After "exophers" were coined by the Driscoll lab in 2017, too few people has adopted this terminology and the molecular machinery involved in this process is still under research. It is clear that the particles described here share some similarities with exophers like size (in the range of microns) and cargo (mitochondria), but you have not demonstrated if they share the same origin or are part of the same phenomena. For that reason, I recommend to be more cautious with this statement and point these limitations in the discussion. Additionally, since Exophers are not a consensus or well defined particles, authors should include an introductory paragraph at the beginning of this section for readers to understand what they are talking about.
      • Exophers described by Monica Driscoll and Andres Hidalgo laboratories are presented as "garbage bags" that help cells to stay fit through elimination of unwanted material. If the extracellular vesicles presented here are part of the same mechanism and potentially beneficial for the RGCs, why are they increased in OPTN mutants? Is it part of RGCs response to a proteomic stress generated by malfunctioning OPTN? I think that is critical to understand this to figure out the relevance of your findings.
      • Related to Fig.5G, authors say "The soma of the astrocytes were located at the optic nerve periphery but had processes that extended deep into the parenchyma". This is very interesting and opens the possibility that many mitochondria are directly transferred to astrocytes through that processes instead of the lateral of the nerve, meaning that your quantifications of "transmitophagy" may be underestimated.
      • Reference to Fig. S2G is missing.
      • I cannot find in Fig.5 E-I legends what are the cells/structures labelled in Green and Red.

      Referees cross-commenting

      In agreement with my colleagues, I think that a revision is needed to support some important points of the paper. The the work is interesting and I think it deserves a chance for revision. Having that said, I am not familiar with the breeding and experimental times when working with Xenopus but, considering the amount of work requested, it may require more than 3 months to have the work done.


      Until not very long ago, it was thought that mitochondria could not cross cell barriers. In recent years however, there has been an explosion in the number of works showing mitochondria transfer between different cell types in vivo. This may happen either as an organelle donation to improve energy production or as a quality control mechanism to get rid of damaged mitochondria, as it is the case in this work. The laboratory of Nicholas Marsh-Armstrong was pioneer in this field with a foundational work in 2014 where they show how RGC-derived mitochondria are captured and eliminated by astrocytes in mice (PMID: 24979790). This work was particularly relevant because it proposed for the first time that mitochondrial degradation can occur in RGC axons far from the cell soma, and surrogated in a different cell type, something that changed completely the view of how quality control is maintained in neurons and other cell types.

      In the present study, Jeong and collaborators explore how Glaucoma-associated Optineurin mutations affect this process, which is of potential interest for the broad cell biologist community due to its possible implications in other tissues and cell types (OPTN is broadly expressed), but especially for those researchers interested in neurobiology, quality control mechanisms and mitochondria biology. Since some OPTN mutations studied here cause disease, they are also relevant for the clinic.

      This work provides a thorough characterization of how relevant Optineurin mutations affect mitochondria dynamics in RGCs and their transference to astrocytes, as fairly claimed in the title. However, the mechanism by which they result in pathology is not either explored or carefully discussed, making this a descriptive work with no much conceptual insight. In addition, conclusions are often not unambiguously stated and the results part contains a lot of large sentences and unnecessary technical data that hinders reading and difficult the transmission of the key messages.

      Even if it stands as a descriptive work, the physiological and clinical relevance of these findings is not clear. There are some claims related with mitophagy activity that may require more sophisticated experiments (mitophagy flux with lysosomal inhibitors). Please see comments above. A critical point to understand the relevance of this work would be to demonstrate if alterations in transmitophagy are either causing or involved in the disease generated by these OPTN mutations in any way, or just a correlative phenomenon. To help authors contextualize my point of view, my field of expertise includes cell biology, imaging, quality control pathways, mitochondria biology and phagocytosis, among others. I am not familiar with Xenopus Laevis genetics or the limitations to work with this animal model.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: This article studied transmitophagy in xenopus optic nerves in the context of overexpressing glaucoma-associated optineurin mutations. Using a series of labeling, imaging and transplantation techniques, the authors found that overexpressing mutated optineurins stops mitochondria movements and potentially induces transmitophagy, and that astrocytes are responsible for taking up the extra-axonal mitochondria. Below are my comments on this article.

      Major comments:

      1. Identifying extra-axonal mitochondria is key to this research. In Figure 3, the authors used EGFP-LC3B as a marker for RGC boundaries. However, it is unconvincing how perfect LC3B is as a cell membrane marker. Particularly in the case of OPTN E50K OE, it seems that the optic nerve is thinner than the WT condition, which makes the quantification of extra-axonal OPTN less convincing. The authors should detect extra-axonal mitochondria with an RGC membrane marker or cytosolic marker. In addition, in Figure 3, the extra-axonal mitochondria seem to localize mostly on the dorsal surface. Why is there such a polarity?
      2. The experiment in Figure 5 is very important as it gives direct evidence of transmitophagy. However, one caveat is that the mitotracker injection is done after the transplantation. If in rare cases the dye is leaky after injection and is taken up by astrocytes directly, then the conclusion that mitochondria from RGCs are phagocytosed by astrocytes will be flawed. The authors should either use a transgene in the donor to label mitochondria or inject mitotracker into the donor before the transplantation and repeat the experiments. In addition, in Figure 5E, what is the large membranous structure inside the highlighted astrocyte? Is it associated with phagocytosis?
      3. This research is entirely based on overexpression of OPTN. Since overexpressing WT OPTN does seem to affect mito trafficking (Figure S2G, and the description in the manuscript is often inconsistent with this result), it is unclear what the increased stalled mitochondria really mean when overexpressing mutated OPTN. Similarly, the authors examined extra-axonal mitochondria in Figures 3 and 4 all in overexpressing conditions, and made the connection that increased stalled mitochondria lead to transmitophagy. However, this conclusion will be better supported by using mutant animals rather than overexpression. The authors should consider using OPTN mutant xenopus if available or using CRISPR to introduce the specific mutations and repeat mitochondria trafficking and transmitophagy.
      4. On Page 12, the authors claim that even overexpressing WT OPTN causes extra-axonal mitochondria in the optic nerve. However, there is no control condition without OE to support this conclusion. It is thus unclear to what extent extra-axonal mitochondria occur at baseline and how many extra-axonal mitochondria can be induced by overexpression. The authors should include, in Figure 3 and 4, controls without overexpression.
      5. A technical question regarding kymographs: Based on Figure 2C, it looks that OPTN and LC3B labeling are pretty diffuse in axons and this makes sense since they may only be associated with damaged mitos. But this raises a question about how accurate the kymograph assay is. It may significantly underestimate the fraction of OPTN/LC3B that is stationary since they appeared diffusedon the kymograph. This may explain why the percentage of stationary OPTN/LC3B is so small when the authors OE WT OPTN in Figure 2E and 2E', compared to the percentage of moving mitochondria shown in Figure 1E.


      1. Figure 2E and 2E' do not agree with the text on page 7 and page 8. Not only F178A, but also H486R and D474N have no effect on OPTN trafficking. The authors should make their conclusions more accurate.
      2. Figure S2E-F: why does OE of mutated OPTN in F1s but not in F0s reduce trafficking speed compared to WT?
      3. In movie 5, fusion of exopher with other structures is not clear and also the GFP signal does not disappear, which is in contrast to the statement in the text that the GFP signal is quenched in acidified environment. To confirm that LC3B leaves RGC axons in exophers, the authors should consider switching the fluorophores and examine LC3B localization during exopher formation.
      4. In figure 6, to better show exopher formation and the pinching-off step, the authors should consider labeling the membrane and mitochondria instead of using the LC3B and OPTN marker.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Generally agree with the criticisms voiced by the other reviewers; in aggregate the reviews indicate the manuscript needs more than just a quick fix.


      Previous literature has already described the transmitophagy process in the optic nerve. The significance of this paper lies in the observation that overexpressing glaucoma-associated OPTN mutants can induce increased transmitophagy through astrocytes, which points to a potential role of OPTN in glaucoma. A highlight of this paper is the use of correlated light SBEM to directly show transmitophagy in astrocytes. However, the significance of this paper may be limited for the following reasons: 1. everything is based on overexpression of mutated OPTN, which makes it hard to translate the results to real disease conditions; 2. The consequence of increased transmitophagy on RGC survival or visual functions is unclear.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Glaucoma-associated optineurin mutations increase transmitophagy in vertebrate optic nerve.


      In Jeong et al., the authors perform live imaging of the X. laevis optic nerve to track neuronal mitochondrial movement and expulsion in an intact nervous system. The authors observe similar mitochondrial dynamics in vivo as previously described in other systems. They find that stationary mitochondria are more likely to be associated with OPTN, suggestive of mitochondria undergoing mitophagy. Forced expression of OPTN mutations results in a larger pool of stationary mitochondria that colocalize withLC3B, and OPTN. Finally, the authors argue that extra-axonal mitochondria are observed more frequently in OPTN mutants, suggesting that mutations in OPTN that are associated with disease can lead to an increase in the expulsion of mitochondria through exopher-like structures.

      Major Findings and impact:

      • The authors establish that mitochondria dynamics can be tracked in the X. laevis optic nerve.
      • OPTN mutations increase the stationary pool of mitochondria and likely result in increased rates of mitophagy.
      • Exopher-like structures containing mitochondria and LC3 can be expelled from the optic nerve and increase in the presence of OPTN mutations. These structures were observed in a living system and have interesting implications in the context of disease.


      • The authors state in their results that the secreted blebs are exophers. While these initial observations are consistent with exophers, additional data are needed to strengthen this claim. For example: what are the sizes of secreted vesicles? Do all express LC3? How frequently do these occur? From where are they expelling? Alternatively, the discussion of exophers could be moved to the discussion.
      • Quantifications in sparse labeling experiments seem quite surprising and concerns related to these findings should be addressed. As the authors used LC3b expression to represent axonal volume, the authors should demonstrate that this is the case using an axonal fill or membrane marker in both the wt and E50K conditions. This is important as it is unclear whether LC3b expression is consistent between the wild type and the E50K conditions. Lower expression of LC3b in E50K could account for the large changes in axonal width that seem to be observed and could confound the measured amount of expelled mitochondria.
      • Could large amounts of exogenous mitochondria in explant experiments be from cells that died during the plantation?

      Suggested experiments/quantifications:

      • In OPTN/MITO/LC3b trafficking experiments, does flux/number of events change? Representative kymograph in Figure 2D seems to show far more OPTN-positive mitochondria which is opposite of what is shown in Figure 2C.
      • Demonstrate that axonal width measured with LC3B is representative of axonal fill/membrane marker in wt and E50K. Axonal area appears to change, is this accurate? This appears to be the case for both figure 3 and figure 4.
      • Raw images in addition to the reconstruction would be beneficial.
      • Further characterization of exopher-like structures.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with the concerns of the other reviewers, and perhaps was over-optimistic about a timeline for revision. However, I do think the work is worth the effort, and I hope to see a revised manuscript published somewhere, as these observations are novel


      This work reports potentially novel biology, and thus will be of interest to the field. The strength of the study is that it is an initial description of this biology, rather than a complete analysis. The work raises many more questions than it answers, and much further work on this topic is required to support these initial findings, but the manuscript will likely be of interest to many. Revisions are required to improve the rigor and clarity of the work, but following these revisions we recommend publication to facilitate follow-up work.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This manuscript by Xu, Hörner, Schüle and colleagues is an RNA-seq study focusing characterization of axonal transcriptomes from human iPSC-derived cortical neurons. The authors have differentiated iPSC into neurons, cultured them in microfluidic devices and isolated axonal RNA, comparing this to corresponding cell soma transcriptomes. Second, axonal transcriptomes are compared between wild type and Kif1c knockout axons to determine Kif1c-dependently localized transcripts. Characterization of the latter allows the authors to suggest differentially expressed transcripts in Kif1c-KO axons can be mRNAs relevant for motor neuron degeneration owing to Kif1c mutations in hereditary spastic paraplegias.

      Major comments: Overall, his manuscript reads like work in (early) progress. This manuscript provides an interesting dataset, but needs substantial additional experimental and/or bioinformatic work to merit publication. The technical complexity of steps that have led to obtaining axonal transcriptomes can be appreciated, the soundness of generating these data is beyond doubt. However, the study stops at the point of generating axonal transcriptomes from wild type and Kif1c axons. No follow-up experiments are performed to study genes of interest found in RNA-seq. This could be compensated by in-depth bioinformatic analysis (e.g. comparisons with the many different datasets in known in the field), but this is clearly lacking as well. The results section only contains minimal bioinformatic analysis and nothing else. Introduction and discussion are well, clearly written and are in good dialogue with the existing body of work. To improve the manuscript, at minimum these two aspects should be addressed: 1. Characterization of the iPSC-derived neurons is missing (immunostaining with neuronal markers, e.g. Tau, MAP2, exclusion of glial markers, and lack of stem cell markers) 2. Validation of candidates of interest (e.g. FISH analysis in axons vs somata, Kif1c vs wt). Very specific requests from the review are useless at this point, as the authors should have the liberty to focus.

      Thank you for the review of our manuscript. We appreciate your recognition of the technical complexity involved in generating axonal transcriptomes and the clarity of our introduction and discussion sections.

      __Characterization of iPSC-derived neurons: __We acknowledge the importance of immunostaining with neuronal markers to ensure the purity of our neuronal population. We included this characterization in our revised manuscript and added it into the results and methods section of the paper (Supplementary Figure S1). Additionally, we included RT-qPCR analysis that confirmed the presence of cortical markers and added these to the results and method section of the paper (Supplementary Figure S2).

      Additional bioinformatic work: We agree that additional bioinformatic work will greatly benefit this paper. Therefore, we compared our datasets to all additional datasets that we were able to retrieve. This was added to the main text (results and discussion) and supplementary material (Supplementary Figure S5 and S6). We believe this strengthens the merit of our paper, and adds a lot of new unpublished information to the manuscript

      __Validation of candidates of interest: __We understand the necessity of validating our RNA-seq findings through experimental approaches such as FISH analysis and comparisons between KIF1C knockout and wild-type neurons. While we appreciate the comment and agree on the importance of high-resolution RNA FISH, we believe it is beyond the scope of this manuscript due to the considerable complexity of these experiments in human iPSC-derived cortical neurons. We will focus on incorporating this aspect into future studies and added a corresponding statement outlining the limitations of our study in the discussion stressing the importance of this.

      Minor comments: 1. Details of RNA seq technicalities are redundant in the results section, e.g. „Our RNA-seq pipeline encompassed read quality control (QC), RNA-seq mapping, and gene quantification" (p. 7) is a trivial description - this and similar details should be skipped or described in methods.

      We will ensure that technical details are appropriately placed in the methods section and avoid redundancy in the results. Technical details included in the results section have been moved to the methods.

      1. Fig1A: Y axis should start from 0

      We adjusted Figure 1A to start the Y-axis from 0.

      1. Too much interpretational voice in figure legends (e.g. see Fig. 1, „PC1 clearly distinguishes the soma (blue)"

      We revised the interpretational voice in the figure legends to maintain objectivity.

      1. PCA analysis seems redundant in Fig. 2C

      We removed the PCA analysis in Fig. 2A (2C corresponds to Gene ontology term enrichment analysis).

      1. Subheading „Human motor axons show a unique transcription factor profile" is misleading - you are not dealing with motor iPS-derived motoneurons (Isl-1 positive), but cortical neurons (again, no marker information provided to assess this!)

      The subheading „Human motor axons show a unique transcription factor profile" was adjusted. Furthermore, validation of neuronal identity has been added to the supplementary figures (Supplementary Figure S1 and S2), as well as main text and methods section.

      1. Fig. 3: Just by comparing top expressed factors in axonal samples is not informative - overall high expression of a certain transcript likely makes it easier for it to be picked up in the axonal compartment. Axon/soma ratios would perhaps be more appropriate.

      After careful consideration, we decided that we will not change the data presentation in Figure 3. Our aim in this figure was not to compare axon and soma but to see highly expressed transcripts in the axon, regardless of whether they are highly expressed in the soma as well. We think that looking at transcripts present in the axon can give information about axonal function, that we might lose when we only consider transcripts that are upregulated compared to the soma. The fact that 25 out of 50 transcription factor RNAs detected in the axon are actually specific to the axons supports this point of view. The comparison between transcripts expressed in axon and soma are presented in Figure 2.

      1. Figure 4 (KIF1C modulates the axonal transcriptome): you should show also data for the same genes in the soma, axonal data only is misleading (is overall expression changed?)

      We appreciate your suggestion. This data was already included in Supplementary Figure S6 (now Supplementary Figure S9). To make this easier to find, we've added a section to the results part to more clearly state how transcript expression changes in the soma.


      Axonal transcriptomes have been studied since early 2010s by a number of groups and several datasets exist from different model systems. The authors know these studies well, address their findings and cite them appropriately. Is the dataset in this manuscript novel? Does it contribute to the field? Several axonal transcriptomes have been characterized in thorough studies, and even in the specific niche (human IPS-derived motoneurons) a point of reference exists - as the authors themselves point out, it is the Nijssen 2018 study. With appropriate presentation and follow-up experiments this material could have merit as a replication study.

      Audience: specialized

      We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion to clarify the differences between our findings and previously published data. In response, we have added a dedicated section to the discussion, where we provide a more detailed comparison of our results with existing research. This includes an in-depth examination of the methodologies, experimental conditions, and biological contexts that may explain the observed discrepancies (e.g., variations in methods, neuronal types, and disease contexts). As prior studies primarily focused on mouse-derived neurons, we have included a new section in both the results (Supplementary Figure S6) and the discussion to highlight the limited overlap in gene expression between the axons of mouse- and human-derived neurons. Furthermore, previous studies on human-derived cells either investigated i3 neurons -induced by transcription factors but not fully representative of human-derived CNS-resident neurons - or neurons of the peripheral nervous system (lower motor neurons). In contrast, our study focuses on human-derived CNS-resident cortical neurons (Supplementary Figure S1, S2; comparison shown in Supplementary Figure S5), emphasizing the greater translatability of our findings.

      Moreover, we have expanded our bioinformatic analyses and compared our dataset with additional datasets to further substantiate our conclusions (Supplementary Figure S5, S6)

      We believe that these revisions significantly enhance the clarity, quality, and impact of our manuscript. We sincerely thank the reviewer for their constructive feedback.

      Reviewer #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study seeks to identify axonal transcriptome by RNA-sequencing of the iPSC-derived cortical neuron axons. This is achieved by comparing the RNA expressions between the axonal and soma compartments using microfluid system. The specific expression of axon specific RNAs in the axonal compartment validate the specificity of the approach. Some unique RNAs including TF specific RNAs are identified. Furthermore, this study compared the KIF1C-knockout neurons (which models hereditary spastic paraplegia characterized by axonal degeneration) with wildtype (WT) control neurons, which led to the identification of specific down-regulated RNAs involved in axonal development and guidance, neurotransmission, and synaptic formation.

      The data of this study are interesting and clearly presented. The major concerns are the lack of characterization of the neuron identities and the examination of functional deficits in the KIF1C-knockout neurons. For example: 1) are these neurons express layer V/VI markers at protein levels, and the proportion of positive neurons (efficiency of cortical neuron differentiation); 2) What are the phenotypic changes in the KIF1C-knockout neurons; are there change sin axonal growth or transport? 3) Day 58 was selected for collecting RNA for sequencing study: how this time point is selected? And are there phenotypic differences between the WT and knockout neurons at this time point?

      We appreciate the favorable review of our manuscript and the insightful comments:

      Characterization of neuron identities: We agree on the importance of validating neuron identities and included protein-level characterization of layer V/VI markers and efficiency of cortical neuron differentiation in our revised manuscript: We conducted immunohistochemical staining for layer V/VI and other neuronal markers, as well as qRT-PCR to validate the identity of the neurons, ensuring a comprehensive characterization of our neuronal population.

      Functional deficits in KIF1C-knockout neurons: We have conducted phenotypic examinations of the neurons but did not observe gross differences in differentiation, axon growth or axon length. We added a corresponding statement to the results section. Neurons were harvested at DAI 58 because at this time we achieved a nearly confluent chamber that yielded enough material for in-depth RNA-sequencing. We did not observe phenotypic differences between wt and KIF1C-KO neurons at this time point. We added a statement to the method section outlining this.

      Some minor comments:1. The protein levels of some critical factors needs to be validated.

      We validated neuronal identities on qRT-PCR level (Supplementary Figure S2). While we understand the necessity of validating our RNA-seq findings on protein level, we believe it is beyond the scope of this manuscript. However, we will focus on incorporating this aspect into future studies and added a corresponding statement outlining the limitations of our study in the discussion stressing the importance of this.

      1. Figure 4C, for the list genes, statistical analyses between WT and knockout groups are required.

      In Figure 4C we only included differentially expressed genes with a p-value We added a corresponding statement in the main text and figure legend.

      1. Page 15, the 5th to last sentence: "nucleus nucleus" (repeat)

      The repeat word on page 15 was deleted.

      1. The sequencing data requires public links to the deposited library

      We will provide public links to the deposited library for the sequencing data once the data is submitted to a journal (depending on journal guidelines).


      The strength of this study is the combinations of iPSC differentiation, gene editing (KIF1C knockout iPSC) and microfluidic system. This allows the identification of specific axonal transcriptomes. Moreover, the comparisons of control and KIF1C knockout neurons at both axon and soma compartments enables the identification of RNAs and pathways caused by the loss of KIF1C.

      The limitation is the lack of functional assessment of the iPSC-derived neurons, especially phenotypic changes in the KIF1C-knockout neurons. Only one time point is selected for comparing the WT and KIF1C knockout neurons, and the relationship between this time point and disease phenotypes is unclear.

      This study will be of interest to researchers from both basic and translational fields, and in the fields of stem cells, neuroscience, neurology and genetics.

      My expertise includes stem cells, iPSC modeling, motor neuron diseases, and nerve degeneration.

      We appreciate the favorable significance statement and believe addressing these points will strengthen the scientific rigor and impact of our study. Thank you for your valuable feedback.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):  Using microfluidics chambers and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of axons from iPSC-derived human cortical neurons, authors use RNA profiling to investigate the RNAs present in the soma and axons and the impact of KIF1C molecular motor downregulation (KIF1CKO) on the axonal transcriptome. The rationale is that mutations in KIF1C are associated with an autosomal recessive form of hereditary spastic paraplegia, and KIF1C is implicated in the long-range directional transport of APC-dependent mRNAs and RNA-dependent transport of the exon junction complex into neurites.  Employing a well-defined RNA-seq pipeline for analysis, they obtained RNA sequences particular to axonal samples, outperforming previous studies. They detected over 16,000 genes in the soma (which includes axons) and RNA for more than 5,000 genes in axons. A comparison of the list of axonal genes revealed a strong correlation with previous publications, but they detected more genes overall. They identified transcripts enriched in axons compared to somas, notably those for ribosomal and mitochondrial proteins. Indeed, they observed enrichment for ribosomal subunits, respiratory chain complexes, ion transport, and mRNA splicing.  The study also found that human axons exhibit a unique RNA transcription profile of transcription factors (TFs), with TFs such as GTF3A and ATF4 predominant in axons. At the same time, CREB3 was highly expressed in the soma.  Upon analyzing the soma and axon transcriptomes from KIF1CKO cultures, they identified 189 differentially regulated transcripts: 89 downregulated and 100 upregulated in the KIF1CKO condition. Some of these transcripts are critical for synaptic growth and neurotransmission. Notably, only two targets of APC-target RNAs were downregulated, contrary to their expectation. Their data indicates that KIF1C downregulation significantly alters the axonal transcriptome landscape.  Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):  The study is well-performed and informative, particularly for researchers interested in the local translation of axonal proteins and the axonal transcriptome. However, the authors did not validate their findings for any transcripts and did not perform any functional assays, so the manuscript lacks mechanistic insight. Interestingly, GTF3A is a transcription factor that stimulates polymerase III transcription of ribosomal proteins, and mRNAs for ribosomal proteins are enriched in human axons. Maybe there is an interesting story there. 

      We appreciate the favorable significance statement and the valuable feedback. We have conducted phenotypic examinations of the neurons but did not observe gross differences in differentiation, axon growth or axon length. We added a corresponding statement to the results section. While we understand the necessity of validating our RNA-seq findings on protein level, we believe it is beyond the scope of this manuscript. However, we will focus on incorporating this aspect into future studies and added a corresponding statement outlining the limitations of our study in the discussion stressing the importance of this.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Using microfluidics chambers and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of axons from iPSC-derived human cortical neurons, authors use RNA profiling to investigate the RNAs present in the soma and axons and the impact of KIF1C molecular motor downregulation (KIF1CKO) on the axonal transcriptome. The rationale is that mutations in KIF1C are associated with an autosomal recessive form of hereditary spastic paraplegia, and KIF1C is implicated in the long-range directional transport of APC-dependent mRNAs and RNA-dependent transport of the exon junction complex into neurites.

      Employing a well-defined RNA-seq pipeline for analysis, they obtained RNA sequences particular to axonal samples, outperforming previous studies. They detected over 16,000 genes in the soma (which includes axons) and RNA for more than 5,000 genes in axons. A comparison of the list of axonal genes revealed a strong correlation with previous publications, but they detected more genes overall. They identified transcripts enriched in axons compared to somas, notably those for ribosomal and mitochondrial proteins. Indeed, they observed enrichment for ribosomal subunits, respiratory chain complexes, ion transport, and mRNA splicing. The study also found that human axons exhibit a unique RNA transcription profile of transcription factors (TFs), with TFs such as GTF3A and ATF4 predominant in axons. At the same time, CREB3 was highly expressed in the soma. Upon analyzing the soma and axon transcriptomes from KIF1CKO cultures, they identified 189 differentially regulated transcripts: 89 downregulated and 100 upregulated in the KIF1CKO condition. Some of these transcripts are critical for synaptic growth and neurotransmission. Notably, only two targets of APC-target RNAs were downregulated, contrary to their expectation. Their data indicates that KIF1C downregulation significantly alters the axonal transcriptome landscape.


      The study is well-performed and informative, particularly for researchers interested in the local translation of axonal proteins and the axonal transcriptome. However, the authors did not validate their findings for any transcripts and did not perform any functional assays, so the manuscript lacks mechanistic insight. Interestingly, GTF3A is a transcription factor that stimulates polymerase III transcription of ribosomal proteins, and mRNAs for ribosomal proteins are enriched in human axons. Maybe there is an interesting story there.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study seeks to identify axonal transcriptome by RNA-sequencing of the iPSC-derived cortical neuron axons. This is achieved by comparing the RNA expressions between the axonal and soma compartments using microfluid system. The specific expression of axon specific RNAs in the axonal compartment validate the specificity of the approach. Some unique RNAs including TF specific RNAs are identified. Furthermore, this study compared the KIF1C-knockout neurons (which models hereditary spastic paraplegia characterized by axonal degeneration) with wildtype (WT) control neurons, which led to the identification of specific down-regulated RNAs involved in axonal development and guidance, neurotransmission, and synaptic formation.

      The data of this study are interesting and clearly presented. The major concerns are the lack of characterization of the neuron identities and the examination of functional deficits in the KIF1C-knockout neurons. For example: 1) are these neurons express layer V/VI markers at protein levels, and the proportion of positive neurons (efficiency of cortical neuron differentiation); 2) What are the phenotypic changes in the KIF1C-knockout neurons; are there change sin axonal growth or transport? 3) Day 58 was selected for collecting RNA for sequencing study: how this time point is selected? And are there phenotypic differences between the WT and knockout neurons at this time point?

      Some minor comments:

      1. The protein levels of some critical factors needs to be validated.
      2. Figure 4C, for the list genes, statistical analyses between WT and knockout groups are required.
      3. Page 15, the 5th to last sentence: "nucleus nucleus" (repeat)
      4. The sequencing data requires public links to the deposited library


      The strength of this study is the combinations of iPSC differentiation, gene editing (KIF1C knockout iPSC) and microfluidic system. This allows the identification of specific axonal transcriptomes. Moreover, the comparisons of control and KIF1C knockout neurons at both axon and soma compartments enables the identification of RNAs and pathways caused by the loss of KIF1C.

      The limitation is the lack of functional assessment of the iPSC-derived neurons, especially phenotypic changes in the KIF1C-knockout neurons. Only one time point is selected for comparing the WT and KIF1C knockout neurons, and the relationship between this time point and disease phenotypes is unclear.

      This study will be of interest to researchers from both basic and translational fields, and in the fields of stem cells, neuroscience, neurology and genetics.

      My expertise includes stem cells, iPSC modeling, motor neuron diseases, and nerve degeneration.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This manuscript by Xu, Hörner, Schüle and colleagues is an RNA-seq study focusing characterization of axonal transcriptomes from human iPSC-derived cortical neurons. The authors have differentiated iPSC into neurons, cultured them in microfluidic devices and isolated axonal RNA, comparing this to corresponding cell soma transcriptomes. Second, axonal transcriptomes are compared between wild type and Kif1c knockout axons to determine Kif1c-dependently localized transcripts. Characterization of the latter allows the authors to suggest differentially expressed transcripts in Kif1c-KO axons can be mRNAs relevant for motor neuron degeneration owing to Kif1c mutations in hereditary spastic paraplegias.

      Major comments:

      Overall, his manuscript reads like work in (early) progress. This manuscript provides an interesting dataset, but needs substantial additional experimental and/or bioinformatic work to merit publication. The technical complexity of steps that have led to obtaining axonal transcriptomes can be appreciated, the soundness of generating these data is beyond doubt. However, the study stops at the point of generating axonal transcriptomes from wild type and Kif1c axons. No follow-up experiments are performed to study genes of interest found in RNA-seq. This could be compensated by in-depth bioinformatic analysis (e.g. comparisons with the many different datasets in known in the field), but this is clearly lacking as well.

      The results section only contains minimal bioinformatic analysis and nothing else. Indroduction and discussion are well, clearly written and are in good dialogue with the existing body of work. To improve the manuscript, at minimum these two aspects should be addressed:

      1. Characterization of the iPSC-derived neurons is missing (immunostaining with neuronal markers, e.g. Tau, MAP2, exclusion of glial markers, and lack of stem cell markers)
      2. Validation of candidates of interest (e.g. FISH analysis in axons vs somata, Kif1c vs wt). Very specific requests from the review are useless at this point, as the authors should have the liberty to focus.

      Minor comments:

      1. Details of RNA seq technicalities are redundant in the results section, e.g. „Our RNA-seq pipeline encompassed read quality control (QC), RNA-seq mapping, and gene quantification" (p. 7) is a trivial description - this and similar details should be skipped or described in methods.
      2. Fig1A: Y axis should start from 0
      3. Too much interpretational voice in figure legends (e.g. see Fig. 1, „PC1 clearly distinguishes the soma (blue)"
      4. PCA analysis seems redundant in Fig. 2C
      5. Subheading „Human motor axons show a unique transcription factor profile" is misleading - you are not dealing with motor iPS-derived motoneurons (Isl-1 positive), but cortical neurons (again, no marker information provided to assess this!)
      6. Fig. 3: Just by comparing top expressed factors in axonal samples is not informative - overall high expression of a certain transcript likely makes it easier for it to be picked up in the axonal compartment. Axon/soma ratios would perhaps be more appropriate.
      7. Figure 4 (KIF1C modulates the axonal transcriptome): you should show also data for the same genes in the soma, axonal data only is misleading (is overall expression changed?)


      Axonal transcriptomes have been studied since early 2010s by a number of groups and several datasets exist from different model systems. The authors know these studies well, address their findings and cite them appropriately. Is the dataset in this manuscript novel? Does it contribute to the field? Several axonal transcriptomes have been characterized in thorough studies, and even in the specific niche (human IPS-derived motoneurons) a point of reference exists - as the authors themselves point out, it is the Nijssen 2018 study. With appropriate presentation and follow-up experiments this material could have merit as a replication study.

      Audience: specialized

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, the authors investigate potential developmental changes in Leishmania infantum isolates from different regions of Brazil (plus a single isolate from Portugal) both in vitro and in vivo. The manuscript present interesting phenotypic comparisons between isolates with a 12-kb deletion of a subtelomeric region on Chr31 and isolates with a complete sequence. The authors suggest that distinctions associated with the presence or absence of that region may potentially be linked with fitness in the wild. A more detailed analysis of such valuable sample cohort would increase the significance of this research. Therefore, I highlight a few important concerns that need to be addressed, as well as a disconnect between the presented data and conclusions made.

      Major issues

      • The % of metacyclics in all the sand fly infection experiments was extremely low ( <6%). The only exception was NonDEL_PI_2972, which showed around 16% metacyclics. This tells me that the parasites did not develop properly inside any of the 3 vectors used. Does an increase from 2% to 4% make any difference in vector competence? If metacyclogenesis is not significantly higher in DEL isolates, then there will most likely not be an increase in fitness concerning transmission. Also, I assume that both the stomodeal valve infection and the metacyclic % were assessed at 192h p.i., but this must be clearly stated in the text. At what time-point were parasites per gut counted at Charles Univ.? The parameters used in all the different sand fly experiments should be clearly labeled.
      • If the metacyclic % data are available for the Fiocruz colony experiments, then it will be important to present those. Conversely, are the #s of parasites/gut available using another time point at Charles Univ.?
      • It is mentioned that at least 3 independent sand fly infections were performed, so the data points should be shown for each of the replicates where applicable. A bar plot without error bars is not ideal for representing the stomodeal valve and metacyclic % data either. Based on the current plots, it is difficult to infer biological significance.
      • The entire presentation of the sand fly infection experiments is confusing and does not provide consistent findings to support the conclusions, which should be toned down. The whole rationale for the different vector species should be better explained.
      • The 3'NT activity in two HTZ isolates is as high as in some NonDEL, while in one HTZ strain it is as low as the DEL isolates. Is there any genomic difference between the HTZ to justify this difference? Since 3254 HTZ was not included in the qPCR analysis presented in Schwabl, et al. 2021, it is difficult to see any correlation.
      • Pg. 16 ln.398: The authors conclude that DEL isolates cause effective, yet less pathogenic infection compared to NonDEL isolates. However, it is not possible to reach that conclusion based on the early-infection data presented. For that, i.v.-infected mice would have to be monitored for several weeks and assessed for visceralization and VL severity.
      • The most relevant data in this work suggest that metacyclics in nonDEL vs DEL might present important differences. The META2 gene expression, the different M0 infection% rather than different # of intracellular amastigotes, and increases in parasite #s in the draining lymph node at 13-16 hours after ear inoculation suggest to me that the metacyclics could have different infection competence. That possibility should be addressed. Do they display similar morphology? Do they differentiate at similar rates to axenic amastigotes? SHERP transcript levels should be quantified in metacyclics from the different isolates.

      Minor issues

      • Gene IDs of the transcripts measured should be listed somewhere.
      • Fig.1C, Fig2A&B: missing p-value labels.
      • Fig.1B needs more detail on the statistical test used. Is it One-way ANOVA? What post-hoc test was used?
      • Figs. 2 & 3: "Mann Whitney Rank Sum", "Mann Whitney t-test". The name of the statistical test is either Mann Whitney U test or Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
      • Figs. 4 & 5: information missing on statistical tests used in both.
      • Pg.8 ln.212: The NT1 median FC in the NonDEL group does not seem to be 0.8 in Fig.2B.


      • Fig.2 title: "promastigotes harvest from" -> harvested
      • Fig2. legend: "Paraflagellar". Is this a paraflagellar rod protein (PFR)? If so, it should be specified throughout the text.
      • Fig 2 & 3: "ns = no significant" -> not significant
      • Different parts of the text: "alfa-tubulin" -> alpha-tubulin
      • Fig.4A: Y-axis reads "Inspected sand flies"


      Despite constituting the same species, significant genetic differences exist in Leishmania infantum variants found in the American continent compared to those in Europe, Africa and Asia. Phenotypic comparison studies such as reported here are relevant to the Parasitology field and may lead to new insights on the pathogenesis of specific clinical outcomes of leishmaniasis disease. The authors attempt to associate a major genetic deletion found in specific neotropical Leishmania infantum strains, isolated in Brazil, with phenotypic changes that could potentially lead to fitness increase during cyclical transmission in the wild.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript the authors have investigated the role of sub chromosomal deletion found in new world Leishmania infantum species. The deletion (12 kb) spans over across the four copies of tetrasomic chromosome 31 which includes the loss of four open reading frames (ORF) LinJ.31.2370 (ecto-3ʹ-nucleotidase/nuclease), LinJ.31.2380 (ecto-3'-nucleotidase precursor), LinJ.31.2390 (helicase-like protein) and LinJ.31.2400 (3,2-trans-enoyl-CoA isomerase). The ecto-3'-nucleotidase/nuclease (3'NU/NT) activity has been shown to have an important role in trypanosomatids in the purine salvage pathway implicated as virulence factor affecting the parasite's ability to infect macrophages. The authors showed that having such deletions enhances the metacyclogenesis in vitro but are highly susceptible to killing by neutrophils and macrophages. In addition, they are also less virulent in vivo. The authors claim that enhanced metacyclogenesis increases its transmissibility in the invertebrate host but may not be highly infectious in the vertebrate host. They speculate that that such parasites may provide immune response that may control the infection in endemic population by having large group of asymptomatic individuals. These outcomes are highly speculative. This study is thought provoking but needs to be studied thoroughly.

      Following are the comments:

      1. Leishmania 3"NU/NT plays an important role in virulence of the parasite and its survival,

      a. how do 3'-NU/NT DEL parasites survive in the host which lack all the 4 copies of NT?

      b. what is the advantage of having such parasites circulating in the endemic areas? 2. Since metacyclics are important for the pathogenesis of the parasites,

      a. What is the mechanism of increased metacyclogenesis of L. Infantum 3'-NU/NT DEL parasites in the absence of 3'-NU/NT activity which is essential for the virulence? 3. How does lack of 3'NU/NT enhance transmissibility since such metacyclics from 3'-NU/NT DEL parasites barely survive in vivo?

      a. the parasites are less resistant to NET and are killed easily.

      b. there is reduced recruitment of neutrophils (NT) and monocytes in the ear. 4. Fig.7C: what is the reason for higher parasite load of DEL in dLN? 5. Do you think there is reduced recruitment of NT in the infected site which would have controlled the parasites, hence they migrate quickly in the dLN? To test this possibility the authors should perform an in vitro NT recruitment assay. 6. Line 417: How are the 3'-NU/NT DEL parasites continuous source for infection in sand flies, If such parasites are not infectious and will be cleared by the host? 7. Line 400: Is it possible that having 3'-NU/NT DEL parasites in circulation dampens the infectivity of the NON-DEL and thus over all infection rate in the population goes down? 8. Could the 3'-NU/NT DEL parasites be the source of asymptomatic infections? 9. Is there literature evidence for such a possibility in the endemic region?


      The authors claim that enhanced metacyclogenesis increases transmissibility of Leishmania in the invertebrate host but may not be highly infectious in the vertebrate host. They speculate that that such parasites may provide immune response that may control the infection in endemic population by having large group of asymptomatic individuals. These outcomes are highly speculative. This study is thought provoking but needs to be studied thoroughly.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Florencio et al., presented a detailed analysis of Brazilian L. infantum isolates with about half with a 4 gene deletion on chromosome 31 and the other half without that deletion. This deletion was first observed in the context of miltefosine responsiveness by the Mottram group. Here a multinational team is concluding that this deletion is associated with increased metacyclogenesis, increase parasite load in some sandfly vector species factors that contribute to their prevalence in South American. Yet the deleted strains show decreased survival invitro including in macrophages, but from what I understand increased load in an animal model, possibly in line with their reduced efficacy in attracting/activating key immune cells.

      The authors provide an interesting hypothesis on the equilibrium between pathogenesis (virulence) and capacity to transmit. The perfect parasite would like to infect as many hosts as possible while not killing them. I will try to provide the pro and cons.

      1. Obviously (and as acknowledged on p. 344-346) the conclusive experiment would be to add the 4 gene locus (the authors believe that it is the 3'NU/NT gene, so a single gene would even be simpler) in a DEL strain or alternatively KO the locus in a nonDEL strain. This would prove that the phenotype observed is indeed due to the loss of this locus. I understand that this is additional work but it would provide a definite answer. Now we have to rely on associations but alas the associations are not as tight as one would wish.
      2. Not sure if it is a dichotomy but they show decreased survival in the presence of NET (Fig. 6A) in vitro but reducing the attraction of immune cells including neutrophils in vivo (Fig. 7). For the nonDEL strain they observe no effect of NET in vitro (Fig. 6) while they seem to attract more immune cells (Fig. 7) in vivo. The in vitro data seems to reach significance for the three group of strains but not for the in vivo work (one out of three).
      3. The authors can be lauded for adding more pair of strains but this also adds to the complexity and frankly raises questions. The two strains derived from the PI and MT location differs in many aspects compared to the MS-Rj comparators.
      4. It is remarkable that the authors have tested other sandfly vector species (Fig. 5) but what is the conclusion and does it help in our understanding? I see variations in the figure between strains and vectors but not sure what it means.

      Secondary points

      1. Please confirm that the data in Fig. 1D and 1E are all the DEL and nonDEL strains. The number of dots does not match with the number of strains tested.
      2. Do we really need Fig. 2 and 3? Not part of the main message.
      3. Why is Fig. 4A only parasite count and 4B,C parasite count (please specify the number of hours) and additional information about stomodeal valve and metacyclics?
      4. Please explain sentence on p. 374-375. I thought that DEL is associated with increased metacyclics and increase parasite count in the sandfly
      5. Just for curiosity, have the authors try to rescue the phenotype in vitro by adding purines in the medium with the DEL strains?


      Florencio et al., presented a detailed analysis of Brazilian L. infantum isolates with about half with a 4 gene deletion on chromosome 31 and the other half without that deletion. This deletion was first observed in the context of miltefosine responsiveness by the Mottram group. Here a multinational team is concluding that this deletion is associated with increased metacyclogenesis, increase parasite load in some sandfly vector species factors that contribute to their prevalence in South American. Yet the deleted strains show decreased survival invitro including in macrophages, but from what I understand increased load in an animal model, possibly in line with their reduced efficacy in attracting/activating key immune cells.

      The authors provide an interesting hypothesis on the equilibrium between pathogenesis (virulence) and capacity to transmit. The perfect parasite would like to infect as many hosts as possible while not killing them.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank both reviewers for their detailed and critical assessment of our work. Below we provide a step-by-step response to your concerns.

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript presents data demonstrating the function of BRI1 in removing the H3K27me3 epigenetic marks in genes involved in seed coat development in Arabidopsis. The results support that BRI1 may function here independently of brassinosteroid. The work combines genetics with a large panel of mutant lines, phenotyping by quantitative microscopy and chemical treatment, H3K27me3 profiling by CUT&TAG, and data mining for published gene profiling. The introduction is adequately informative, complete and explaining the state-of-the-art to the readers. The result part may be a bit lengthy (especially the first part) and some parts may be a bit repetitive.

      Thank you for your positive assessment of our work and for the constructive criticism. Below we respond to each of your points.


      1. Seed size is dependent of multiple factors. And few are explained here, notably the number of seeds per silique, the number of ovule per silique, the position of the silique of the branch (related to the age of the meristem), the total number of produced siliques (fertilised flowers) by the inflorescence meristem and the plant. And maybe if produced by the main and lateral branches. Were the authors consistent in the evaluation of analyzed siliques coming from the same type of branches, same age of the meristem, etc? Especially as some of the analysed mutants are dwarf, which is a sign of different plant fitness compared to WT.

      This is a valid point. We did aim to analyze seeds coming from the main inflorescences of the plants and at similar stages of shoot development. This was harder to achieve in some genotypes, as indeed some BR and JMJ mutants have different plant architectures. However, we did repeat those experiments multiple times and always found consistent differences between the WTs and the mutants. See also our response to your next point and to the first point raised by Reviewer 2, as well as our new Fig. S6.

      1. The seed perimeter measurements in BR mutant seeds (Figure S6) are variable. Are you sue the ovule size does not have any influence? What about presenting the relative size as earlier in the text?

      Yes, this is particularly true for the Col-0 vs dwf5 comparison. The reason for this is that a different growth chamber was used for this experiment (greenhouse vs a climate chamber). We have observed that absolute seed growth phenotypes can change depending on the environmental conditions, which is something we are currently studying. However, importantly, we do not see changes in relative growth of the mutants when compared to the WT, independently of the growth conditions. That is, BR mutants produce consistently smaller seeds than the WT, independently of the conditions in which the plants are grown. To illustrate this point, we now add a new Figure, Fig. S6, where we show four independent biological replicates of assays comparing seed size between WT and det2 or bri1. These replicates were done in different growth chambers.

      Indeed, presenting the data as relative size would solve this issue, but we worried that we would be hiding the "real" values by doing so. However, if the Reviewer and Editor deem it necessary, we could replot the data as relative to WT.

      1. The number of evaluated samples is often {plus minus} n = 30, sometimes less, meaning less than what a silique contains of seeds. Did the authors evaluate the variability and reproductibility of their measurements, e.g, how many siliques per plant, how many plants, how many biological repeats? For example, in Figure S6, the number of measured ovules were as low as 16, which could be the reason why no significant difference in size were observed (low statitical strength). The variation in the Col WT is already visible. Is this variation significant?

      On average we pooled seeds from 6-10 siliques coming from 2-3 different plants of the same genotype. We then took microscopic photos of 60 to 100 random seeds in those pools. Out of those, 30 random photos were used for the measurements. You are right this is an important point. We now added this information to the Methods section.

      Moreover, we did calculate whether the sample size we were using provided enough statistical power. For the differences that we see, of around 50 um in perimeter, 26 samples would have been enough to achieve 80% statistical power, which most studies use as standard. In most of our experiments we used closer to 30 samples, which gives us 95% power.

      Indeed, the left-most panel on Fig S6B is the exception. With that plot we mostly wanted to test if ovules produced by BR mutants were smaller than those of WT plants. That does not seem to be the case, even if the sample size is small. However, if deemed necessary, we can repeat those measurements with a higher sample number.

      1. You indicate (line 149) that REF6 is not expressed in the gametophyte but GFP signal is observed in the cytoplasm for the central cell in Fig 1. The same goes for the expression pattern with the GUS line in Figure S2. (Line 290) One can not exclude expression in the endosperm or embryo with the presented pictures, or in the seed coat in older seeds.

      We interpreted those diffuse signals in the cytoplasm of the gametophyte as background noise, as REF6 should be nuclearly localized. But we could be wrong. We therefore made changes to the text in lines 150-152 to reflect this.

      And you are right that REF6 is expressed in the endosperm and embryo in later stages of development. We mention this in lines 157-159.

      1. Make sure that you do not overstate your result conclusions, or add a reference to some of the statements. For example, line 185, for the choice of 3 DAP time point and the fact that seed coat development is based on cell expansion and interaction with the endosperm. Another example, in line 262, is where it is stated that the jmj mutants are compromised in ovule and pollen development. This was not assessed. You only checked the reduced seed set, not the fitness of the gametophytes. Or in line 337, where you indicate that KLUH is not expressed in all integument layers.

      Thank you for pointing this out. For the claim that seed size at early time points is dictated only by the seed coat and endosperm, and not by the embryo, we added the appropriate reference. For the claim that jmj mutants are compromised in ovule development, this was based on our observations of Fig. S3C. We do see malformed or absent megagametophytes in jmj mutants. For pollen development, you are correct that we did not formally address this. We rephrased the sentence to reflect that. For the statement that KLU is not expressed in all integument cell layers, we added the reference.

      1. Another example of this is in line 289 where you stated "a sporophytic function of JMJs at early stages of seed development, [..] and to a zygotic function at the later stages of seed development". I am not sure on what data do you base this conclusion as in all three categories (endosperm, embryo, seed coat) in Fig 2 and S5, genes are expressed in pre-globular stages. And again in line 475: "seed coat growth genes are expressed independentlyof fertilization". Do you have any evidence, a reference?

      The evidence for a sporophytic JMJ function at early stages of seed development, and zygotic function at later stages, comes from our observations that jmj seed phenotypes are maternal in origin at early stages, but become zygotic later in development. But you are correct that we have to be careful with this interpretation. We now modified that sentence accordingly.

      For the data of Fig 2E and Fig S5, we cannot rule out that some putative REF6 target genes are also expressed even when in the absence of REF6. The expression of those genes is also likely controlled by other factors. The point we wanted to make with those plots is that REF6 may have different target genes in different seed tissues, thus potentially regulating different developmental processes in a tissue-specific manner. We mention this in lines 288-290.

      For your second point, we added the adequate reference.

      1. (around lines 461) I understand that using a 35S promoter is not a good strategy as it would affect many other tissues. Did you consider using a tissue-specific approach as presented in Figure 4?

      We suppose you mean the 35S::ELF6 construct. Yes, this makes sense and we did spend quite some time trying to come up with a good strategy. However, we failed to find a suitable promoter. The issue is that we would need a promoter that is active in all (or most) seed coat layers, but only after fertilization. There are promoters like those of TT genes which are active post-fertilization, but only in one cell layer, and thus likely not useful for our purpose. And there are other promoters, like those of STK or ANT, which are expressed in most integument cell layers, but are also expressed during integument development, and not just after fertilization. So they would have the same issue as the 35S promoter. Unfortunately, so far we have not identified a promoter that would be useful for this kind of experiment, which is why we went with a constitutive promoter, but which is specific to the sporophytic tissues.

      1. You observed that the triple swn clf bri mutant is less dwarf than bri1 mutant and stated in line 483 that it is larger, has more leaves, grow tallerm and flower later and longer. Do you have any qunatitative data? If not, I would state that these observations are qualitative from growing plant aside.

      You are correct that this was based on qualitative assessments, rather than on quantitative data (as it was not the point of the manuscript). We now indicate this in lines 489-490.

      Minor: 1. The title should precise the studies species, here Arabidopsis thaliana. Also the title of one of the part could be rephrased. "in a zygotic manner" sounds strange.

      We modified both title and subtitle, as suggested.

      1. Scale bars are missing in many figures.


      1. The font size in the graphs is small. The authors may use the empty space of the figures to increase the size of the graphs for clarity. Guidelines could be found here https://tpc.msubmit.net/html/TPC_Detailed_Figure_Guidelines.pdf, as example of good practices.

      You are right. We revised all the figures and increased the font size, especially in the plot labels.

      1. Be consitent in the mutant name, e.g., brz1-D is also presented as brz1-d.


      1. Figure legend S1: I would not use the word "extremely" while you still have 30% seed set. Extremely would qualifiy for

      We suppose you mean Fig. S3. We corrected the legend.

      1. Figure S8 is missing the WT control for comparison.


      1. Figure S12, stats are missing


      1. I would recommend to add a line in the Supplemental tables with the name as this name disappears from the file name during upload. It would help the readers to navigate the data.

      We now made it so the top line is static and is always visible.

      1. Methods: Are all the lines listed used in the study? SR2200 is missing for the method, and please indicate the selection marker for each of the generated lines for open-access of the data if other researchers later use your lines.

      You are right that some references had been left over from a previous document. We now updated the list of lines.

      And indeed, we forgot to mention the use of SR2200. It is now added to the Methods section. We also added the information on the selection markers for the lines we generated.

      1. You have a duplicate for reference Vukašinovíc et al.


      1. Line 393, remove "s" in embryo and endosperm, in coat (line 674), in size (lines 684, 686


      1. Line 410, write RPS5A in upper case.

      Fixed throughout the manuscript.

      1. LIne 676, the sentence "...H3K27me3 to be removed from the integuments." I would recomend to be more precise. For example "H3K27mme3 marks to be removed from genes to be expressed in the integuments" or something like that.

      We rephrased this sentence to "We thus hypothesized that BR signaling would be required for JMJ function, allowing for H3K27me3 to be removed from genes necessary for seed coat formation."


      The authors provide novel information on the step-wise regulation of seed coat development and its influence on seed size. This is a topic of general interest, beyond the plant model Arabidopsis, especially in the context of reduced seed set caused by (a)biotic stress. The results of this study are valuable to understand seed size regulation in differnet growth context or species. The group previously showed that the auxin phytohormone is necessary after fertilization to initiate seed coat differentiation by inhibiting PRC2. However, as seed coat develops mainly as cell elongation, the epigenetic marks are not diluted by cell division and needs to be actively removed. This study provides insight into this process by identifcation 2 JMJ proteins responsible for removing H3K27me3 marks in the seed coat after fertilization to initiation seed coat development and regulating seed size. BRI1, BES1 and BZR1 are involved in this process, indepently of brassinosteroid, to guide JMJ to their target loci. While the study bring some genetic evidence of this process, molecular insight is still missing. Notably the identification of the target genes and how BRI1 is regulated/activated upon fertilization. Or how auxin and BRI1 co-regulate the process. These questions appear how of scope of this current study.

      Thank you for the assessment. Indeed, the identification of BRI1 downstream genes is out of scope of this work. As you point out earlier in the review, the manuscript is already quite long, and adding such data would make it even more so.

      Reviewer #2

      In this study, Pankaj et al. investigate the role of brassinosteroids and H3K27me3 in seed development, particularly in controlling seed size. They demonstrate that defects in these pathways affect seed size control and suggest that this control occurs in the maternal seed coat. This paper presents novel findings that merit publication and would be of interest to the plant community. However, the data interpretation and presentation could be improved. Additionally, I have a few comments that necessitate further analysis and revision.

      Thank you for the careful and critical assessment of our work. Below we respond to each of the points you raised.

      Major Comments

      1. My main concern is the use of seed size measurement as a proxy for seed coat development. Mature seed size measurements can vary significantly with growth conditions, so it is crucial that the authors present at least three independent experiments (wild type and mutant grown in parallel) in a single box plot to ensure data reliability. Additionally, due to the high number of seeds analyzed, significant changes are often observed, though they are not always reproducible. The authors should standardize their seed measurements, using either seed area or seed perimeter.

      You are right that we do see some variation in seed size between experiments. And, indeed, we suspect this is due to slightly different plant growth conditions, for example when different growth chambers are used. As you suggest, we now show data from four independent biological replicates of seed size comparisons of WT and BR mutants. This is in the new Fig. S6. As you can see, although we do see variations in absolute seed sizes, depending on the growth conditions, there is a consistent difference between WT and mutant seeds across experiments.

      1. It would be beneficial to include data on cell division and cell elongation in the seed coat if the authors aim to extend the seed size phenotype to a seed coat phenotype.

      This is indeed a good point. However, we already showed in a previous publication that seed coat growth is driven by cell elongation and not cell division (https://elifesciences.org/articles/20542). But you are right that this is important to point out. We mention it in lines 66-67.

      1. It is challenging to be fully convinced by the seed coat specificity of the phenotype, as the authors observe variations in total seed set and phenotypic differences in self-crosses and when the mutants are used paternally. Some of the observed phenotypes do not support their hypothesis. In all mutant analyses, the authors should complement their phenotype analysis using seed coat-specific promoters and include heterozygote measurements, as done in some figures.

      We assume you mean the effect of jmj mutations. For BR mutants, we do show data supporting a seed coat effect (Fig. 4). For PRC2 mutants, that has also been previously described (doi.org/10.7554/eLife.20542 and doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1117111108).

      For the JMJ mutants, you are right that we cannot be 100% sure that their effect is purely sporophytic. We now modified the text accordingly to reflect this (see also the response to point 6 of Reviewer 1). We indeed show that REF6 and ELF6 are expressed in the sporophytic tissues of the ovule and that the double mutant has seed coat defects (smaller seed coats and defects in accumulation of proanthocyanidins). And although we can say that those defects are maternal in nature, we can not 100% conclude that they are simply due to the effect of those JMJs in the sporophyte. There may be gametophytic effects that we cannot rule out, even though we do not see either protein expressed in embryo sacs. Thank you for pointing this out.

      Doing a tissue-specific rescue of these phenotypes would be very informative indeed, but also very hard. As we mention in the response to point 7 of Reviewer 1, we do not currently have suitable promoters for this. So we simply cannot run such experiments in a reasonable time frame.

      Overall, we now tried to be more careful in our conclusions and avoid claiming that the effect of JMJs is purely sporophytic. We can make that argument for the BR machinery and for PRC2, but not necessarily for JMJs. You are correct in that assessment.

      1. The authors need to include a fluorescent reporter for ELF6; tissue-specific expression cannot be conclusively determined with the GUS reporter.

      We did obtain an ELF6::GFP line from Caroline Dean's lab (https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1605733113), but could not see much expression during endosperm or seed coat development. As you can see from that publication, even in embryos and in roots the expression of ELF6:GFP is very blurry. It seems ELF6 is simply expressed at very low levels. We therefore used the GUS reporter, as a more sensitive means to visualize where ELF6 is expressed. You are right that the results are not as precise as that obtained with a fluorescent reporter. However, note that we simply claim that ELF6 is expressed in the integuments and seed coat (line 155). This can be clearly seen in Fig. 1B. The blue product of the β-glucuronidase reaction should be immotile and not travel between tissues (also note that there are no plasmodesmata between endosperm and seed coat). Therefore, we believe that GUS is a suitable reporter to test the seed coat expression of ELF6.

      1. Text editing: In some places, the text is unclear and could benefit from simplification. The authors should replace the term "seed coat formation," as developmentally, integuments are already present before fertilization. The authors are not studying the formation of the seed coat but rather its growth. They should also clarify the term "PRC2 removal." It is unclear whether the authors mean PRC2 lack of expression in the integument, PRC2 eviction from chromatin, or removal of H3K27me3.

      Thank you for noting that. It is very important to us that the text is clear to the reader. If you could indicate where the text is unclear, we are happy to simplify it.

      Regarding the wording, we refer to "seed coat formation" because the seed coat only indeed forms after fertilization. Before fertilization, the sporophytic tissues that cover the megagametophyte are called integuments, and not seed coat. Therefore, we see the seed coat as "forming" from the integuments (i.e., the integuments become seed coat via growth and differentiation).

      With PRC2 removal we indeed mean reduction of expression of PRC2 components. We now make this clear in lines 54-55.

      Minor Comments

      1. L151: Is REF6 expressed in zygotic tissues?

      Reviewer 1 also raised this question. We now added this information to lines 148-150.

      1. Confirm mutant complementation with the different reporter lines.

      All mutant lines that we used have been previously described to be either loss-of-function or hypomorphic mutants. We did not use any mutant line that has not been previously described. We added all references to the corresponding publications in the Methods.

      1. Confirm by qPCR that JMJ13 is indeed not expressed in seeds.

      We tested JMJ13 as a possible factor involved in H3K27me3 removal in the seed coat due to it being described, together with ELF6 and REF6, as one of the three main H3K27 demethylases. But there are, in fact, transcriptomic datasets showing that the expression of JMJ13 is indeed very low or absent in seeds: see RNAseq data in Table S3 in doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.998664. Moreover we checked CPMs on published seed scRNAseq datasets (doi.org/10.1038/s41477-021-00922-0) and JMJ13 (AT5G46910) has zero transcript counts in these datasets.

      Because of these two independent instances showing that the expression of JMJ13 is extremely low in seeds (or even totally absent), together with the analysis that we did of the fluorescent reporter line, we believe this is sufficient evidence that this JMJ is specific to the pollen during reproductive development. Note that the reporter that we used is strongly expressed in pollen grains, as had been previously described (doi.org/10.1038/s41556-020-0515-y).

      Even so, if the Reviewer and the Editor deem it necessary that we check JMJ13 expression by qPCR, we can of course do so.

      1. Fig1a and Fig1b: Align the panels in the figure.


      1. L183-189: This section is unclear.

      I am sorry that the section is not clear. If you direct us to the points that need to be cleared, we are happy to make changes.

      1. There may be a PDF artifact, but most figures have unattractive misaligned boxes.

      We went through every figure and made slight modifications to avoid such artifacts. We hope they now appear more clear in the new version.

      1. Change the color in Fig 2a.


      1. The introduction is heavily self-cited. The authors should try to include a broader range of literature.

      It is not clear to us why the Reviewer sees it like that. We only refer to three of our publications in the Introduction. One review manuscript and two research manuscripts. We cite almost 40 manuscripts in the introduction. Therefore, citing three of our works does not seem out of line to us, especially since those manuscripts laid the foundation for this work.

      1. Fig3F: Typo in "microM."


    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Review of "BRI1-mediated removal of seed coat H3K27me3 marks is a brassinosteroid-independent process" In this study, Pankaj et al. investigate the role of brassinosteroids and H3K27me3 in seed development, particularly in controlling seed size. They demonstrate that defects in these pathways affect seed size control and suggest that this control occurs in the maternal seed coat. This paper presents novel findings that merit publication and would be of interest to the plant community. However, the data interpretation and presentation could be improved. Additionally, I have a few comments that necessitate further analysis and revision.

      Major Comments

      • My main concern is the use of seed size measurement as a proxy for seed coat development. Mature seed size measurements can vary significantly with growth conditions, so it is crucial that the authors present at least three independent experiments (wild type and mutant grown in parallel) in a single box plot to ensure data reliability. Additionally, due to the high number of seeds analyzed, significant changes are often observed, though they are not always reproducible. The authors should standardize their seed measurements, using either seed area or seed perimeter.

      • It would be beneficial to include data on cell division and cell elongation in the seed coat if the authors aim to extend the seed size phenotype to a seed coat phenotype.

      • It is challenging to be fully convinced by the seed coat specificity of the phenotype, as the authors observe variations in total seed set and phenotypic differences in self-crosses and when the mutants are used paternally. Some of the observed phenotypes do not support their hypothesis. In all mutant analyses, the authors should complement their phenotype analysis using seed coat-specific promoters and include heterozygote measurements, as done in some figures.

      • The authors need to include a fluorescent reporter for ELF6; tissue-specific expression cannot be conclusively determined with the GUS reporter.

      • Text editing: In some places, the text is unclear and could benefit from simplification. The authors should replace the term "seed coat formation," as developmentally, integuments are already present before fertilization. The authors are not studying the formation of the seed coat but rather its growth. They should also clarify the term "PRC2 removal." It is unclear whether the authors mean PRC2 lack of expression in the integument, PRC2 eviction from chromatin, or removal of H3K27me3.

      Minor Comments:

      • L151: Is REF6 expressed in zygotic tissues?

      • Confirm mutant complementation with the different reporter lines.

      • Confirm by qPCR that JMJ13 is indeed not expressed in seeds.

      • Fig1a and Fig1b: Align the panels in the figure.

      • L183-189: This section is unclear.

      • There may be a PDF artifact, but most figures have unattractive misaligned boxes.

      • Change the color in Fig 2a.

      • The introduction is heavily self-cited. The authors should try to include a broader range of literature.

      • Fig3F: Typo in "microM."


      I think our reviews highlight the same issues. For me, the first point is definitely the most critical.


      This paper presents novel findings that merit publication and would be of interest to the plant community. However, the data interpretation and presentation could be improved. Additionally, I have a few comments that necessitate further analysis and revision.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript presents data demonstrating the function of BRI1 in removing the H3K27me3 epigenetic marks in genes involved in seed coat development in Arabidopsis. The results support that BRI1 may function here independently of brassinosteroid. The work combines genetics with a large panel of mutant lines, phenotyping by quantitative microscopy and chemical treatment, H3K27me3 profiling by CUT&TAG, and data mining for published gene profiling. The introduction is adequately informative, complete and explaining the state-of-the-art to the readers. The result part may be a bit lengthy (especially the first part) and some parts may be a bit repetitive.

      Major comments:

      1. Seed size is dependent of multiple factors. And few are explained here, notably the number of seeds per silique, the number of ovule per silique, the position of the silique of the branch (related to the age of the meristem), the total number of produced siliques (fertilised flowers) by the inflorescence meristem and the plant. And maybe if produced by the main and lateral branches. Were the authors consistent in the evaluation of analyzed siliques coming from the same type of branches, same age of the meristem, etc? Especially as some of the analysed mutants are dwarf, which is a sign of different plant fitness compared to WT.

      2. The seed perimeter measurements in BR mutant seeds (Figure S6) are variable. Are you sue the ovule size does not have any influence? What about presenting the relative size as earlier in the text?

      3. The number of evaluated samples is often {plus minus} n = 30, sometimes less, meaning less than what a silique contains of seeds. Did the authors evaluate the variability and reproductibility of their measurements, e.g, how many siliques per plant, how many plants, how many biological repeats? For example, in Figure S6, the number of measured ovules were as low as 16, which could be the reason why no significant difference in size were observed (low statitical strength). The variation in the Col WT is already visible. Is this variation significant?

      4. You indicate (line 149) that REF6 is not expressed in the gametophyte but GFP signal is observed in the cytoplasm for the central cell in Fig 1. The same goes for the expression pattern with the GUS line in Figure S2. (Line 290) One can not exclude expression in the endosperm or embryo with the presented pictures, or in the seed coat in older seeds.

      5. Make sure that you do not overstate your result conclusions, or add a reference to some of the statements. For example, line 185, for the choice of 3 DAP time point and the fact that seed coat development is based on cell expansion and interaction with the endosperm. Another example, in line 262, is where it is stated that the jmj mutants are compromised in ovule and pollen development. This was not assessed. You only checked the reduced seed set, not the fitness of the gametophytes. Or in line 337, where you indicate that KLUH is not expressed in all integument layers.

      6. Another example of this is in line 289 where you stated "a sporophytic function of JMJs at early stages of seed development, [..] and to a zygotic function at the later stages of seed development". I am not sure on what data do you base this conclusion as in all three categories (endosperm, embryo, seed coat) in Fig 2 and S5, genes are expressed in pre-globular stages. And again in line 475: "seed coat growth genes are expressed independentlyof fertilization". Do you have any evidence, a reference?

      7. (around lines 461) I understand that using a 35S promoter is not a good strategy as it would affect many other tissues. Did you consider using a tissue-specific approach as presented in Figure 4?

      8. You observed that the triple swn clf bri mutant is less dwarf than bri1 mutant and stated in line 483 that it is larger, has more leaves, grow tallerm and flower later and longer. Do you have any qunatitative data? If not, I would state that these observations are qualitative from growing plant aside.

      Minor comments:

      1. The title should precise the studies species, here Arabidopsis thaliana. Also the title of one of the part could be rephrased. "in a zygotic manner" sounds strange.

      2. Scale bars are missing in many figures.

      3. The font size in the graphs is small. The authors may use the empty space of the figures to increase the size of the graphs for clarity. Guidelines could be found here https://tpc.msubmit.net/html/TPC_Detailed_Figure_Guidelines.pdf, as example of good practices.

      4. Be consitent in the mutant name, e.g., brz1-D is also presented as brz1-d.

      5. Figure legend S1: I would not use the word "extremely" while you still have 30% seed set. Extremely would qualifiy for <5%, I guess.

      6. Figure S8 is missing the WT control for comparison.

      7. Figure S12, stats are missing

      8. I would recommend to add a line in the Supplemental tables with the name as this name disappears from the file name during upload. It would help the readers to navigate the data.

      9. Methods: Are all the lines listed used in the study? SR2200 is missing for the method, and please indicate the selection marker for each of the generated lines for open-access of the data if other researchers later use your lines.

      10. You have a duplicate for reference Vukašinovíc et al.

      11. Line 393, remove "s" in embryo and endosperm, in coat (line 674), in size (lines 684, 686

      12. Line 410, write RPS5A in upper case.

      13. LIne 676, the sentence "...H3K27me3 to be removed from the integuments." I would recomend to be more precise. For example "H3K27mme3 marks to be removed from genes to be expressed in the integuments" or something like that.


      I have been comparing our peer-review reports of the manuscript and found much similarity on our assessment:

      1. The seed size assemment and how this relates to seed coat development

      2. The GUS expression of ELF6 is not sufficient for the provided conclusion of the ELF6 expression

      3. The same would be for REP6

      4. Use of tissue-specific (seed coat specific) promoters to confirm the conclusion.


      The authors provide novel information on the step-wise regulation of seed coat development and its influence on seed size. This is a topic of general interest, beyond the plant model Arabidopsis, especially in the context of reduced seed set caused by (a)biotic stress. The results of this study are valuable to understand seed size regulation in differnet growth context or species. The group previously showed that the auxin phytohormone is necessary after fertilization to initiate seed coat differentiation by inhibiting PRC2. However, as seed coat develops mainly as cell elongation, the epigenetic marks are not diluted by cell division and needs to be actively removed. This study provides insight into this process by identifcation 2 JMJ proteins responsible for removing H3K27me3 marks in the seed coat after fertilization to initiation seed coat development and regulating seed size. BRI1, BES1 and BZR1 are involved in this process, indepently of brassinosteroid, to guide JMJ to their target loci. While the study bring some genetic evidence of this process, molecular insight is still missing. Notably the identification of the target genes and how BRI1 is regulated/activated upon fertilization. Or how auxin and BRI1 co-regulate the process. These questions appear how of scope of this current study.

      My filed of expertise: hormones, plant reproduction, Arabidopis, oilseed rape, microscopy, transformation

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Thank you very much for your editorial handling of our manuscript entitled 'A conserved fungal Knr4/Smi1 protein is vital for maintaining cell wall integrity and host plant pathogenesis'. We have taken on board the reviewers' comments and thank them for their diligence and time in improving our manuscript.

      Please find our responses to each of the comments below.

      Reviewer(s)' comments

      Reviewer #1

      Major comments:

      __1.1. As a more critical comment, I find the presentation of the figures somewhat confusing, especially with the mixing of main figures, supplements to the main figures, and actual supplemental data. On top of that, the figures are not called up in the right order (e.g. Figure 4 follows 2D, while 3 comes after 4; Figure 6 comes before 5...), and some are never called up (I think) (e.g. Figure 1B, Figure 2B). __

      __Response: __The figure order has been revised according to the reviewer's suggestion, while still following eLife's formatting guidelines for naming supplementals. Thank you.

      1.2. I agree that there should be more CWI-related genes in the wheat module linked to the FgKnr4 fungal module, or, vice-versa, CW-manipulating genes in the fungal module. It would at least be good if the authors could comment further on if they find such genes, and if not, how this fits their model.

      Response: Thank you for your insightful suggestion regarding the inclusion of more CWI-related genes in the wheat module linked to the FgKnr4 fungal module F16, or vice versa. We did observe a co-regulated response between the wheat module W05 which is correlated to the FgKnr4 module F16. Namely, we observed an enrichment of oxidative stress genes including respiratory burst oxidases and two catalases (lines 304 - 313) in the correlated wheat module (W05). Early expression of these oxidative stress inducing genes likely induces the CWI pathway in the fungus, which is regulated by FgKnr4. Knr4 functions as both a regulatory protein in the CWI pathway and as a scaffolding protein across multiple pathways in S. cerevisiae (Martin-Yken et al., 2016, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cmi.12618 ). Scaffolding protein-encoding genes are typically expressed earlier than the genes they regulate to enable pre-assembly with their interacting partners, ensuring that signaling pathways are ready to activate when needed. In this context, the CWI integrity MAPKs Bck1 and Mkk1 are part of module F05, which includes two chitin synthases and a glucan synthase. This module is highly expressed during the late symptomless phase. The MAPK Mgv1, found in module F13, is expressed consistently throughout the infection process, which aligns with the expectation that MAPKs are mainly post-transcriptionally regulated. Thank you for bringing our attention to this, this is now included in the discussion (lines 427 - 443) along with eigengene expression plots of all modules added to the supplementary (Figure 3 - figure supplement 1).

      To explore potential shared functions of FgKnr4 with other genes in its module, we re-analyzed the high module membership genes within module F16, which includes FgKnr4, using Knetminer (Hassani-Pak et al., 2021; https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/pbi.13583 ). This analysis revealed that 8 out of 15 of these genes are associated with cell division and ATP binding. Four of the candidate genes are also part of a predicted protein-protein interaction subnetwork of genes within module F16, which relate to cell cycle and ATP binding. In S. cerevisiae, the absence of Knr4 results in cell division dysfunction (Martin-Yken et al., 2016, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cmi.12618 ). Accordingly, we tested sensitivity of ΔFgknr4 to microtubule inhibitor benomyl (a compound commonly used to identify mutants with cell division defects; Hoyt et al., 1991 https://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/0092-8674(81)90014-3.pdf). We found that the ΔFgknr4 mutant was more susceptible to benomyl, both when grown on solid agar and in liquid culture. This data has now been added Figure 7, and referred to in lines 338-348.

      __Specific issues: __

      1.3. In the case of figure 5, I generally find it hard to follow. In the text (line 262/263), the authors state that 5C shows "eye-shaped lesions" caused by ΔFgknr4 and ΔFgtri5, but I can't see neither (5C appears to be a ΔFgknr4 complementation experiment). The figure legend also states nothing in this regard.

      __Response: __Thank you for your suggestion. We have amended the manuscript to include an additional panel that shows the dissected spikelet without its outer glumes, making the eye shaped diseased regions more visible in Figure 5.

      __1.4. Figure 5D supposedly shows 'visibly reduced fungal burden' in ΔFgknr4-infected plants, but I can't really see the fungal burden in this picture, but the infected section looks a lot thinner and more damaged than the control stem, so in a way more diseased. __

      Response: __Thank you for your insight. We have revised our conclusions based on this image to state that while ΔFgknr4 can colonise host tissue, it does so less effectively compared to the wild-type strain as we are unable to quantitatively evaluate fungal burden using image-colour thresholding due to the overlapping colours of the fungal cells and wheat tissues. Decreased host colonisation is evidenced by (i) reduced fungal hyphae proliferation, particularly in the thicker adaxial cell layer, (ii) collapsed air spaces in wheat cells, and (iii) increased polymer deposition at the wheat cell walls, indicating an enhanced defence response. __Figure 5 has been amended to include these observations in the corresponding figure legend and the resin images now include insets with detailed annotation.

      __1.5. The authors then go on to state (lines 272-273) that they analyzed the amounts of DON mycotoxin in infected tissues, but don't seem to show any data for this experiment. __

      Response: __We have amended this to now include the data in __Figure 5 - figure supplement 2B, thank you.

      Reviewer #2

      __Major issues: __

      2.1 If Knf4 is involved in the CWI pathway, what other genes involved in the CWI pathway are in this fungal module? one of the reasons for developing modules or sub-networks is to assign common function and identify new genes contributing to the function. since FgKnr4 is noted to play a role in the CWI pathways, then genes in that module should have similar functions. If WGCN does not do that, what is the purpose of this exercise?

      Response: __Thank you for raising this point regarding the role of FgKnr4 in the CWI pathway and the expectations for genes of shared function within the FgKnr4 module F16. We did observe that the module containing FgKnr4 (F16) was also correlated to a wheat module (W05) which was significantly enriched for oxidative stress genes. This pathogen-host correlated pattern led us to study module F16, which otherwise lacks significant gene ontology term enrichment, unique gene set enrichments, and contains few characterised genes. This is now highlighted in __lines 233-246. This underscores the strength of the WGCNA. By using high-resolution RNA-seq data to map modules to specific infection stages, we identified an important gene that would have otherwise been overlooked. This approach contrasts with other network analyses that often rely on the guilt-by-association principle to identify novel virulence-related genes within modules containing known virulence factors, potentially overlooking significant pathways outside the scope of prior studies. Therefore, our analysis has already benefited from several advantages of WGCNA, including the identification of key genes with high module membership that may be critical for biological processes, as well as generating a high-resolution, stage-specific co-expression map of the F. graminearum infection process in wheat. This point is now emphasised in lines 233-252. As discussed in response to reviewer 1, Knr4 functions as both a regulatory protein in the CWI pathway and as a scaffolding protein across multiple pathways in S. cerevisiae (Martin-Yken et al., 2016, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cmi.12618 ) which would explain its clustering separate from the CWI pathway genes. The high module membership genes within module F16 containing FgKnr4 were re-analysed using Knetminer (Hassani-Pak et al., 2021; https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/pbi.13583 ), which found that 8/15 of these genes were related to cell division and ATP binding. Four of the candidate genes are also part of a predicted protein-protein interaction subnetwork of genes within module F16, which relate to cell cycle and ATP binding. In S. cerevisiae, the absence Knr4 leads to dysfunction in cell division. Accordingly, we tested sensitivity of ΔFgknr4 to the microtubule inhibitor benomyl (a compound commonly used to identify mutants with cell division defects; Hoyt et al., 1991 https://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/0092-8674(81)90014-3.pdf). We found that the ΔFgknr4 mutant was more susceptible to benomyl, both when grown on solid agar and in liquid culture. This data has now been added as Figure 7 and referred to in lines 338-348.

      2.2. Due to development defects in the Fgknr1 mutant, I would not equate to as virulence factor or an effector gene.

      __Response: __We are in complete agreement with the reviewer and are not suggesting that FgKnr4 is an effector or virulence factor, we have been careful with our wording to indicate that FgKnr4 is simply necessary for full virulence and its disruption results in reduced virulence and have outlined how we believe FgKnr4 participates in a fungal signaling pathway required for infection of wheat.

      2.3. What new information is provided with WGCN modules compared with other GCN network in Fusarium (examples of GCN in Fusarium is below) ____https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5069591/ https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-020-6596-y____ DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013021. The GCN networks from Fusarium have already identified modules necessary/involved in pathogenesis.

      Response: __The 2016 New Phytologist gene regulatory network (GRN) by Guo et al. is large and comprehensive. However, only three of the eleven datasets are in planta, with just one dataset focusing on F. graminearum infection on wheat spikes. The other two in planta datasets involve barley infection and Fusarium crown rot. By combining numerous in planta and in vitro datasets, the previous GRNs lack the fine resolution needed to identify genetic relationships under specific conditions, such as the various stages of symptomatic and symptomless F. graminearum infection of mature flowering wheat plants. This limitation is highlighted in the 2016 paper itself. This network is expanded in the Guo et al., 2020 BMC genomics paper where it includes one additional in planta and nine in vitro datasets. However, the in planta dataset involves juvenile wheat coleoptile infection, which serves as an artificial model for wheat infection but is not on mature flowering wheat plants reminiscent of Fusarium Head Blight of cereals in the field. This model differs significantly in the mode of action of F. graminearum, notably DON mycotoxin is not essential for virulence in this context (Armer et al. 2024, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38877764/ ). The Guo et al., 2020 paper still faces the same issues in terms of resolution and the inability to draw conclusions specific to the different stages of F. graminearum infection. Additionally, these GRNs use Affymetrix data, which miss over 400 genes (~ 3 % of the genome) from newer gene models. In contrast, our study addresses these limitations by analysing a meticulously sampled, stage- and tissue-specific in planta RNA-seq dataset using the latest reference annotation. Our approach provides higher resolution and insights into host transcriptomic responses during the infection process. The importance of our study in the context of these GRNs is now addressed in the introduction (__lines 85-92).

      2.4. Ideally, the WGCN should have been used identify plant targets of Fusarium pathogenicity genes. This would have provided credibility and usefulness of the WGCN. Many bioinformatic tools are available to identify virulence factors and the utility of WGCN in this regard is not viable. However, if the authors had overlapped the known virulence factors in a fungal module to a particular wheat module, the impact of the WGCN would be great. The module W12 has genes from numerous traits represented and WGCN could have been used to show novel links between Fg and wheat. For example, does tri5 mutant affect genes in other traits?

      __Response: __Thank you for your suggestions. In this study we have shown the association between the main fungal virulence factor of F. graminearum, DON mycotoxin, with wheat detoxification responses. Through this we have identified a set of tri5 responsive genes and validated this correlation in two genes belonging to the phenylalanine pathway and one transmembrane detoxification gene. Although we could validate more genes in this tri5 responsive wheat module, our paper aimed to investigate previously unstudied aspects of the F. graminearum infection process and how the fungus responded to changing conditions within the host environment. We accomplished this by characterising a gene within a fungal module that had limited annotation enrichment and few characterised genes. Tri5 on the other hand is the most extensively studied gene in F. graminearum and while the network we generated may offer new insights into tri5 responsive genes, this is beyond the scope of our current study. In addition to the tri5 co-regulated response, we have also demonstrated the coordinated response between the fungal module F16, which contains FgKnr4 that is necessary for tolerance to oxidative stress, and the wheat module W05, which is enriched for oxidative stress genes.

      While our co-expression network approach can be used to explore and validate other early downstream signaling and defense components in wheat cells, several challenges must be considered: (a) the poor quality of wheat gene calls, (b) genetic redundancy due to both homoeologous genes and large gene families, and (c) the presence of DON, which can inhibit translation and prevent many transcriptional changes from being realised within the host responses. Additionally, most plant host receptors are not transcriptionally upregulated in response to pathogen infection (most R gene studies for the NBS-LRR and exLRR-kinase classes), making their discovery through a transcriptomics approach unlikely. These points will be included in our discussion (lines 408-413), thank you.

      Specific issues

      • *

      2.5. Since tri5 mutant was used a proof of concept to link wheat/Fg modules, it would have been useful to show that TRI14, which is not involved DON biosynthesis, but involved in virulence ( https://doi.org/10.3390/applmicrobiol4020058____) impact the wheat module genes.

      Response: __Our goal was to show that wheat genes respond to the whole TRI cluster, not just individual TRI genes. Therefore, the tri5 mutant serves as a solid proof-of-concept, because TRI5 is essential for DON biosynthesis, the primary function of the TRI gene cluster, thereby representing the function of the cluster as a whole. This is now clarified in __lines 217-219. Additionally, the uncertainties surrounding other TRI mutants would complicate the question we were addressing-namely, whether a wheat module enriched in detoxification genes is responding to DON mycotoxin, as implied by shared co-expression patterns with the TRI cluster. For instance, the referenced TRI14 paper indicates that DON is produced in the same amount in vitro in a single media. Although the difference is not significant, the average DON produced is lower for the two Δtri14 transformants tested. Therefore, we cannot definitively rule out that TRI14 is involved in DON biosynthesis and extrapolate this to DON production in planta. Despite this, the suggestion is interesting, and would make a nice experiment but we believe it does not contribute to the overall aim of this study.

      2.6. Moreover, prior RNAseq studies with tri5 mutant strain on wheat would have revealed the expression of PAL and other phenylpropanoid pathway genes?

      __Response: __We agree that this would be an interesting comparison to make but unfortunately no dataset comparing in planta expression of the tri5 mutant within wheat spikes exists.

      2.7. Table S1 lists 15 candidate genes of the F16 module; however, supplementary File 1 indicates 74 genes in the same module. The basis of exclusion should be explained. The author has indicated genes with high MM was used as representative of the module. The 59 remaining genes of this module did not meet this criteria? Give examples.

      Response: __The 15 genes with the highest module membership were selected as initial candidates for further shortlisting from the 74 genes within module F16. In WGCNA, genes with high module membership (MM) (i.e. intramodular connectivity) are predicted to be central to the biological functions of the module (Langfelder and Horvath, 2008; https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2105-9-559 ) and continues to be a metric to identify biologically significant genes within WGCN analyses (https://bmcplantbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12870-024-05366-0 Tominello-Ramirez et al., 2024; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9151341/ ;Zheng et al., 2022; https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-80945-3 Panahi and Hejazi et al 2021). Following methods by Mateus et al. (2019) (https://academic.oup.com/ismej/article/13/5/1226/7475138 ) key genes were defined as those exhibiting elevated MM within the module, which were also strongly correlated (R > |0.70|) with modules of the partner organism (wheat). We have clarified this point in the manuscript. Thank you for the suggestion. (__Lines 253-263).

      2.____8. A list from every module that pass this criteria will be useful resource for functional characterization studies.

      __Response: __A supplementary spreadsheet has been generated which includes full lists of the top 15 genes with the highest module membership within the five fungal modules correlated to wheat modules and a summary of shared attributes among them. Thank you for this suggestion.

      2.9. Figure 3 indicates TRI genes in the module F12; your PHI base in Supp File S2 lists only TRI14. Why other TRI genes such as TRI5 not present in this File?

      Response: For clarity, the TRI genes in module F12 are TRI3, TRI4, TRI11, TRI12, and TRI14 which was stated in Table 1. TRI5 clusters with its neighboring regulatory gene TRI6 in module F11, which exhibits a similar but reduced expression pattern compared to module F12. To improve clarity on this the TRI genes in module F12 are also listed in-text in line 168 and added to Figure 4. The enrichment and correlated relationship of W12 to a cluster's expression still imply a correlated response of the wheat gene to the TRI cluster's biosynthetic product (DON), which is absent in the Δtri5 mutant.

      TRI14 and TRI12 are listed in PHI-base. TRI12 was mistakenly excluded due to an unmapped Uniprot ID, which were added separately in the spreadsheet. We will recheck all unmapped ID lists to ensure all PHI-base entries are included in the final output. Thank you for pointing out this error.

      2.10. What is purpose of listing the same gene multiple times? Example, osp24 (a single gene in Fg) is listed 13 times in F01 module.

      __Response: __This is a consequence of each entry having a separate PHI ID, which represents different interactions including inoculations on different cultivar. Cultivar and various experimental details were omitted from the spreadsheet to reduce information density, however the multiple PHI base ID's will be kept separate to make the data more user friendly when working with the PHI-base database. An explanation for this is now provided in the file's explanatory worksheet, thank you.

      Reviewer #3:

      3.1. Why only use of high confidence transcripts maize to map the reads and not the full genome like Fusarium graminearum? I have never analyzed plant transcriptome.

      __Response: __ In the wheat genome, only high-confidence gene calls are used by the global community (Choulet et al., 2023; https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-38294-9_4 ) until a suitable and stable wheat pan-genome becomes available.

      3.2. The regular output of DESeq are TPMs, how did the authors obtain the FPKM used in the analysis?

      Response: FPKM was calculated using the GenomicFeatures package and included on GitHub to enhance accessibility for other users. However, the input for WGCNA and this study as a whole was normalised counts rather than FPKM. The FPKM analysis was done to improve interoperability of the data for future users and made available on Github. To complement this, the information regarding FPKM calculation is now included in the methods section of the revised manuscript (line 491).

      3.3. Do the authors have a Southern blot to prove the location of the insertion and number of insertions in Zymoseptoria tritici mutant and complemented strains?

      __Response: __No, but the phenotype is attributed to the presence or absence of ZtKnr4, as the mutant was successfully complemented in multiple phenotypic aspects. This satisfies Koch's postulates which is the gold standard for reverse genetics experimentation (Falkow 1988; https://www.jstor.org/stable/4454582 ).

      __3.4. Boxplots and bar graphs should have the same format. In Figures 5 B and F and supplementary figure 6.3 the authors showed the distribution of samples but it is lacking in figure 3 B and all bar graphs. __

      __Response: __Graphs have been modified to display the distribution of all samples, thank you.

      3.5. Line 247 FGRAMPH1_0T23707 should be FGRAMPH1_01T23707

      __Response: __Thank you this has now been amended.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors of the manuscript entitled "A conserved fungal Knr4/Smi1 protein is vital for maintaining cell wall integrity and host plant pathogenesis" used a weighted gene co-expression network to identify Fusarium graminearum genes highly expressed during early symptomless infection of wheat. Based on its sequence and previous studies, authors selected FgKnr4 from the early symptomless Fusarium modules. The characterization of knockout strains revealed a role in morphogenesis, growth, cell wall stress tolerance, and virulence in F. graminearum and the phylogenetically distant fungus Zymoseptoria tritici.

      The methods are properly described and statistical analysis are reasonable so reproducibility is possible. The RNA-seq dataset is already published and the authors provided a repository with the code used to create the co-expression network. However, I have the following questions:

      • Why only use of high confidence transcripts maize to map the reads and not the full genome like Fusarium graminearum? I have never analyzed plant transcriptome.
      • The regular output of DESeq are TPMs, how did the authors obtain the FPKM used in the analysis?
      • Do the authors have a southern blot to prove the location of the insertion and number of insertions in Zymoseptoria tritici mutant and complemented strains?
      • Boxplots and bar graphs should have the same format. In Figures 5 B and F and supplementary figure 6.3 the authors showed the distribution of samples but it is lacking in figure 3 B and all bar graphs.
      • Line 247 FGRAMPH1_0T23707 should be FGRAMPH1_01T23707

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with reviewer 1, the order in which the figures are called in the text is confusing. Regardless of figures 5C-D I am no expert in the field therefore I can only say they look like they have not been edited.

      I agree with reviewer 1, data of DON mycotoxin production in infected issues is need it to support statement in line 272-273.

      I agree with Reviewer 2, the criteria to exclude genes from the final selection list should be explained.


      The study showed, once again, that a weighted gene co-expression network is a great method to identify new genes of interest regardless of the organism or condition even if not very popular in the fungal pathogen field yet. The study proved that functions identified in a WGCN module from a pathogen have their opposite in the host module. The authors go beyond the theory and demonstrate the effect of the highest expressed gene during the early symptomless stage of infection in maize and wheat fungal pathogens.

      Fungal pathogen, RNA-seq, metabolic models, metabolism, comparative genomics

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: The authors in this manuscript use "dual weighting" to identify clusters or modules of genes from the fungus F. graminearum (Fg) with coordinated expression patterns with genes in wheat modules - potentially uncover key regulators or pathways linking Fg genes with plant traits, including plant pathogenesis. As proof of concept, the authors use one of the fungal genes FgKnr4 identified in a fungal module that has strong link with the wheat module. They were able to show that this gene is likely involved in CWI pathway and affects virulence properties of the fungus

      Major comments:

      Does the WGCN provide useful framework to link fungal genes affecting plant traits? If Knf4 is involved in the CWI pathway, what other genes involved in the CWI pathway are in this fungal module? This is not forthcoming. Due to development defects in the Fgknr1 mutant, I would not equate to as virulence factor or an effector gene.

      Since tri5 mutant was used a proof of concept to link wheat/Fg modules, it would have been useful to show that TRI14, which is not involved DON biosynthesis, but involved in virulence ( https://doi.org/10.3390/applmicrobiol4020058) impact the wheat module genes. Moreover, prior RNAseq studies with tri5 mutant strain on wheat would have revealed the expression of PAL and other phenylpropanoid pathway genes?

      Table S1 lists 15 candidate genes of the F16 module; however, supplementary File 1 indicates 74 genes in the same module.

      The basis of exclusion should be explained. The author has indicated genes with high MM was used as representative of the module. The 59 remaining genes of this module did not meet this criteria? Give examples. Did similar exclusion criteria used for other modules and if so, how many genes in each module pass the criteria? For example, Did TRI5 in module F12 pass this criteria. A list from every module that pass this criteria will be useful resource for functional characterization studies.

      Minor comments:

      Figure 3 indicates TRI genes in the module F12; your PHI base in Supp File S2 lists only TRI14. Why other TRI genes such as TRI5 not present in this File? What is purpose of listing the same gene multiple times? Example, osp24 (a single gene in Fg) is listed 13 times in F01 module.

      Referees cross-commenting

      agree with both reviewers regarding clarification of Figures.

      one of the reasons for developing modules or sub-networks is to assign common function and identify new genes contributing to the function. since FgKnr4 is noted to play a role in the CWI pathways, then genes in that module should have similar functions. If WGCN does not do that, what is the purpose of this exercise?


      What new information is provided with WGCN modules compared with other GCN network in Fusarium (examples of GCN in Fusarium is below)

      https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5069591/ https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-020-6596-y DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013021

      The GCN networks from Fusarium have already identified modules necessary/involved in pathogenesis. Ideally, the WGCN should have been used identify plant targets of Fusarium pathogenicity genes. This would have provided credibility and usefulness of the WGCN.

      Many bioinformatic tools are available to Identify virulence factors and the utility of WGCN in this regard is not viable. However, if the authors had overlapped the known virulence factors in a fungal module to a particular wheat module, the impact of the WGCN would be great. The module W12 has genes from numerous traits represented and WGCN could have been used to show novel links between Fg and wheat. For example, does tri5 mutant affect genes in other traits?

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      A public mRNA-seq dataset from Dilks et al. (2019) for wheat spikelets infected by Fusarium graminearum was used to generate a dual weighted gene co-expression network (WGCN). Since colonization of the spike by F. graminearum progresses from spikelet to spikelet, thereby forming an infection-gradient from early to late stages, quasi spatio-temporal resolution for the transcriptomic dataset can be achieved by cutting the spike into equal pieces along this gradient (in this case cuts were done at rachis internodes 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8. The authors created co-expression networks for both, fungal and plant genes, and cross-correlated them. They identify several modules specific for each infection stage. For further analysis, the authors focus on two module pairs. (1) the wheat module 12 (W12), which correlates to Fusarium module 12 (F12), and (2) the Fusarium module 16 (F16) and the correlated wheat modules 1 and 5 (W01/W05). The W12/F12 modules were deemed of interest because they were specific to the transition from symptomless to symptomatic infection stage. Here, the authors find genes related to mycotoxin production to be upregulated in the F12 module, while the W12 is enriched in genes involved in detoxification. F16 and W01/W05 are specific to the earliest stages of infection, and thus most likely involved in fungal virulence. Here, one of the key genes identified is FgKnr4, which the authors show to be important for fungal virulence, as gene knockout leads to a premature stop of disease progression. As the authors show that FgKnr4 is involved in activating cell wall-integrity mechanisms, and may function in oxidative stress-resistance, this reduced virulence may be the result a reduced ability of the fungus to withstand plant defense mechanisms. Interestingly, knocking out an orthologue of FgKnr4 in Zymoseptoria tritici led to similarly reduced virulence of this pathogenic fungus on wheat plant.


      Overall, I find the WGCN analysis to be very interesting and informative, especially because of the different stages of infection. As the dataset is made public (I believe), I think that this will be a really important resource for the community. The exemplary functional analysis of the F16/W01/W05 modules via FgKnr4 is very interesting and demonstrates that novel genes involved in virulence can be identified via this approach. A similar more detailed analysis of the W12/F12 modules with a focus on detoxification mechanisms in the plant (i.e. the W12 module) would be a very interesting bonus, but as much as I would be interested in reading about it, functional gene analyses in wheat are obviously time-consuming, and it is not essential to this manuscript. As a more critical comment, I find the presentation of the figures somewhat confusing, especially with the mixing of main figures, supplements to the main figures, and actual supplemental data. On top of that, the figures are not called up in the right order (e.g. Figure 4 follows 2D, while 3 comes after 4; Figure 6 comes before 5...), and some are never called up (I think) (e.g. Figure 1B, Figure 2B). In the case of figure 5, I generally find it hard to follow. In the text (line 262/263), the authors state that 5C shows "eye-shaped lesions" caused by ΔFgknr4 and ΔFgtri5, but I can't see neither (5C appears to be a ΔFgknr4 complementation experiment). The figure legend also states nothing in this regard. Figure 5D supposedly shows 'visibly reduced fungal burden' in ΔFgknr4-infected plants, but I can't really see the fungal burden in this picture, but the infected section looks a lot thinner and more damaged than the control stem, so in a way more diseased. The authors then go on to state (lines 272-273) that they analyzed the amounts of DON mycotoxin in infected tissues, but don't seem to show any data for this experiment. In contrast to the sometimes confusing data presentation, I find the table of correlated modules (table 1) very helpful, and obviously am happy to see that all data is available in the first author's GitHub account.

      Referees cross-commenting

      just to clarify in regards to my comment on Figures 5C-D, and Reviewer #3's comment "Regardless of figures 5C-D I am no expert in the field therefore I can only say they look like they have not been edited." - I didn't want to insinuate that the images have been edited. Based on the images provided, I just can't see what the authors state is shown. So this is not about editing/manipulation - just about image quality/choice. The phenotypic descriptions by the authors are quite detailed ("eye-shaped lesions", 'visibly reduced fungal burden'...), but at least for me, the images aren't good enough to illustrate and underpin their statements. Maybe better images are needed, maybe magnifications of the exact regions showing the phenotypes? But this is simply a matter of presentation, not of editing/manipulation.

      Second, I agree that there should be more CWI-related genes in the wheat module linked to the FgKnr4 fungal module, or, vice-versa, CW-manipulating genes in the fungal module. It would at least be good if the authors could comment further on if they find such genes, and if not, how this fits their model.


      In summary, I think that the presented WGCN analysis of mRNA-seq data with quasi-spatio-temporal resolution is a very helpful approach to identify novel fungal virulence and plant immunity genes, and with the created datasets made public, this will be an interesting and valuable resource for the community. The identification and functional analysis of FgKnr4 works as proof-of-principle. If the data presentation is improved, I believe that this will be an interesting publication.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study identified Cpn1, a fission yeast ortholog of human Caprin1, to be involved in heterochromatin re-establishment in S. pompe by potentially regulating heterochromatic transcript stability and localization. Moreover, Cpn1 was shown to be important for stress granule formation. Although the role of Cpn1 for heterochromatin establishment and granule formation is strong, the point that there is a crosstalk between the two is weaker and could be explained through multiple independent effects. Overall, the manuscript provides interesting new observations with regards to Cpn1 function that are adequate for publication, however, a few additional validations need to be performed to strengthen the crosstalk conclusion, which could be a new significant connection.

      The following comments could be addressed before publication to improve the manuscript.

      Specific Comments

      1. The point that there is a "Crosstalk between heterochromatin integrity and cytoplasmic RNP granule formation" could be strengthened before publication, or the tone of the manuscript revised to reflect the issues below.

      A) There is no data in this section showing a direct crosstalk between heterochromatin integrity and granules. The results show that certain mutants alter heterochromatin integrity the formation of PABP-containing granules. However, those proteins could have different functions in the nucleus, cytoplasm and upon stress. Thus, granule formation could be independent of heterochromatin perturbation. E.g. Loss of Ago1 could impact cytoplasmic RNA abundance/ stability and this therefore influence granule assembly. Similarly, Cpn1/Caprin could be a multifunctional protein in S. pombe and affect various aspects of RNA metabolism. The possibility, that these proteins have multiple different functions in the cell and heterochromatin integrity and cytoplasmic RNP granule formation could be due to different functions of those proteins and not due to a crosstalk should be discussed as well.

      B) Figure 5 title says that "disruption of heterochromatin alters the formation of PABP-containing RNP granules". There is no data in this figure that shows that "disruption of heterochromatin" directly causes granules. Its rather that heterochromatin mutants show altered PABP-containing RNP granules. While this is fine, it should be pointed out that this is a correlation, with a direct connection being inferred.

      C) The strongest connection of heterochromatin integrity to RNP granules is the accumulation of heterochromatic transcripts in those granules. Therefore, the manuscript could be strengthened by rearranging the sections/figures.

      In addition, Fig. 5A shows PABP containing granules in unstressed conditions for rik1, clr4, ago1 loss. This suggests that those granules contain lots of polyadenylated RNA. Evidence is needed that the mutations studied are not affecting global cytoplasmic translation or mRNA decay (e.g. by puromycin staining and smRNA-FISH staining or qPCR (e.g. GAPDH)). Moreover, it needs to be shown that endogenous expression of Cpn1 is unchanged. If those perturbations affect Cpn1 (or Nxt3) levels, the granule phenotype could be solely due to changes in stress granule promoting proteins. 2. The work would be strengthened by adding some additional experiments. Specifically:

      A) "Previous studies by ourselves and others have provided evidence that accumulation of transcripts on chromatin can impair heterochromatin assembly, possibly through increased formation of RNA-DNA hybrids". Increased RNA-DNA hybrids/ R-loop structures were shown to lead to genomic instability, which could lead to micronuclei formation and nuclei leakage in the cytoplasm during stress. It would be nice to provide close-up view images of those stress induced cytoplasmic granules, that contain cenRNA. Do they contain weaker DAPI signal in those granules, which would be indicative of micronuclei? Moreover, providing an additional stain using either an R-loop antibody, cGAS, or a nuclei membrane marker such as LAMIN B1 could be used to rule out micronuclei/ membranous assemblies.

      B) RNA FISH and quantification for PABP foci in unstressed and stressed clr4Δ dhp1-2 cells is key, which should show the highest changes in foci and RNA accumulation in foci. Are those cells showing an even stronger effect on heterochromatin establishment?

      C) Compared to clr4Δ cpn1Δ, do clr4Δ dhp1-2 cpn1Δ (or cpn1Δ and dhp1-2 cpn1Δ) form more stress induced granules? And do those granules contain more heterochromatic transcripts?

      D) Is heterochromatic transcripts localization in -glucose induced granules also seen with heat shock? 3. Additional tests and quantification is needed to support that conclusion: "...whereas heterochromatin mutants show increased Pabp granule formation in absence of stress, they show a significant reduction in the average number of Pabp foci formed in the presence of stress,...". Different proteins could regulate/loss of proteins impact granule assembly in different manners, for example RNA localization, assembly, disassembly, foci number, foci size, % cells with foci etc. It looks like rik1Δ shows larger foci. Therefore, upon stress, there could be indeed fewer foci because they are larger. A quantification of foci area and total foci area per cell should support or reject that conclusion. Moreover, is the same trend also observed with starvation stress, or only heat shock? 4. The field generally believes G3BP1 is not an endonuclease, and therefore the authors might want to edit the section: " ...these could include, for example, Cpn1 binding partner Nxt3, the human ortholog of which, G3BP1, has been shown to function as an endoribonuclease for degradation of selected RNAs (63)." Although, it was shown that G3BP1 has endoribonuclease activity in that reference, this was never reproduced and is generally now accepted in the field that G3BP1 does not function as a endoribonuclease to regulate RNA homeostasis.

      Minor comment:

      1. Fig. 2 is a bit confusing. Maybe it could help if the controls - to rule out heterochromatin maintenance (B, C,D) - could be better grouped together or put into supplementary.
      2. Fig 4 A, figures for Cpn1R6A-GFP upon glucose starvation is missing.
      3. Fig 4 D, intensity is weaker in mkt1Δ, its difficult to see the granules. It looks like based on the image that there are less granules, but the quantification shows unchanged granules.
      4. Fig 5 D/ Supl S5A, images with stress are missing for rik1 loss (the ones leading to qualifications in 5D)
      5. Fig 5 C, rik1Δ, ago1Δ, co-colocalised with Cpn1-GFP are missing
      6. Fig.6D, one arrow showing cytoplasmic foci is shifted. PABP stain needs to be added to highlight these are cytoplasmic PABP foci.
      7. cen(dg) transcripts show lack of localization in granules in unstressed cells. The explanation why is a bit unclear. "It remained possible that these foci might rather be associated with RNA degradation, ...". Or RNA degradation happens in the nucleoplasm or cytoplasm. Moreover, in the discussion: "Although we were not able to detect stable accumulation of heterochromatic RNAs in these granules by RNA-FISH, we suspect that this may be because these granules are associated with RNA turnover, although it is also possible that they arise as a result of altered RNP homeostasis more broadly." This is confusing. If those granules form due to accumulation of heterochromatic RNAs, then they cannot be the sites for their degradation, because then they would disassemble, if heterochromatic RNAs are degraded.
      8. Clr4Δ and other conditions shows accumulation of cen(dg) RNA-FISH at the centromeres. It would be informative to see if Cpn1-GFP shows colocalization, which could provide additional evidence for the two models in Fig. 7.
      9. Fig. 6D/E: Its difficult to see changes of cen(dg) RNA-FISH intensity at the centromeres in the images. A close-up view should be provided without overexposure to indicate differences.


      This manuscript begins to address a possible relationship between stress granule formation and the regulation of heterochromatin. This is an interesting connection, although the mechanism by which such these two processes are connected is unclear at this time.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In their manuscript titled "Fission yeast Caprin protein is required for efficient heterochromatin establishment", Zhang and colleagues describe the role of Caprin1 (Cpn1), the fission yeast ortholog of mammalian CAPRIN1, in the de novo establishment of heterochromatin. Using reporter assays for heterochromatin formation, they found that deletion of Cpn1 reduces H3K9 methylation, thereby impairing the de novo establishment of silencing, while the maintenance of silencing at centromeric repeats remains unaffected.

      The authors demonstrate that Cpn1 interacts with the fission yeast orthologs of known human CAPRIN1 interaction partners, Nxt3 and Ubp3. These factors are then tested for their influence on the establishment of silencing.

      Using microscopy to observe tagged Cpn1 and known stress granule markers, the authors show that Cpn1 localizes to stress granules. They also quantitatively assess the impact of Cpn1 interactors on stress granule formation. Additionally, the authors note that different RNAi mutants have stress granules even in the absence of envirmental stresses.

      Finally, they investigate the subcellular localization of the cen(dg) transcript using single-molecule RNA FISH. They find that in heterochromatin mutant cells, cen(dg) transcripts localize to the nucleus and exhibit both nuclear and cytoplasmic localization under glucose starvation conditions. The authors also show, through quantification of RNA FISH and RT-qPCR, that cen(dg) transcripts accumulate in Cpn1 mutants.

      Major comments:

      The authors suggest that Cpn1 is requried for efficient degradation of RNA which in-turn helps the establishemnt of heterochromatin potentially by preventing the formation of R-loops. Yet the localization of Cpn1 under non-stressed conditions is cytoplasmic. Additionally the authors show that Cpn1 helps to limit the accumulation of heterochromatic trancripts on chromatin, yet there is no evidence for a nuclear pool of Cpn1 in these condtions.

      In order to strengthen the link between these nuclear processes it is important that the authors follow up on some of the aspects detailed below.

      Is Cpn1 also present in the nucleus in non-stressed conditions? This would be a pre-requesit for a direct mechanisic link for the model that the authors suggest. This could be, for example, adressed by LeptomycinB treatment followed by imaging of Cpn1. Such an experiment could reveal if the protein is shutteling between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.

      In Fig 6 C the authors show co-localization of dh-transcripts with Papb1 under glucose starvation conditions. To strengthen their hypothesis of cen(dg) RNA binding/regulation by Cpn1 show and quantify co-localization of Cpn1 and cen(dg) transcripts.

      The authors observe cytoplasmic cenRNA in Clr4-delta dhp1-2 cells. To substantiate the hypothesis that Cpn1 binds such transcript co-localization of Cpn1-GFP with cen(dg) transcripts should be examined.

      Can the authors rule out that deletion of Cpn1 affects the RNA levels of proteins important for heterochromatin establishment? As Cpn1 could regulate the stability of mRNAs in the cytoplasm it might be worthwhile to consider also an indirect effect of Cpn1 deletion on the process of heterochromatin establishment. The study would benefit from a genomic characterization of Cpn1-delta cells using RNAseq or an extended discussion of this potential caveat.

      Minor comments:

      RNA-FISH images are labeled cen RNA, please provide consistent lables for the transcript throught the manuscript (cen(dg)).

      Please display individual data points for replicate experiments when displaying qPCR results. This would give the reader more opportunities to judge the distribution of the data points. (Fig2 C,D,F,G,H, Fig6 F)

      Fig 2 G: it is not immediately obvious that the two bar plots display different HOOD amplicons. The presentation of the data could be improved.


      In the presented manuscript Zhang and colleauges place Cpn1 as a novel factor into the fission yeast RNAi pathway. This study suggests a link between RNAi and stress granule biology which would provide a novel connection of these fields. The manuscript will be of interest to a specialized audience, both in RNAi/heterochromation formation and stress granule biology and additionally would provide a novel function of a CAPRIN ortholog.

      The manuscript is well written and overall the data is presented well. Furthermore the authors provide a solid genetic characterization of Cpn1's effect on heterochromatin establishment. While the manuscript provides several interesting observations their mechanistic link remains unclear and I belive that it would be very important to substaniate their observations with experiments supporting a direct mechanistic link between heterochromatin establishemnt and Cpn1.

      Field of expertise: small RNA mediated heterochromatin formation, RNA biology, chromatin biology

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study, Zhang et al. identified a novel factor named Cpn1 promoting de novo heterochromatin establishment in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The authors established an elegant genetic approach to identify mutants impaired in the de novo heterochromatin assembly, allowing the quantitative assessment of heterochromatin establishment in a highly reproducible manner. This approach allowed them to revisit potential candidates for heterochromatin establishment from a previous study, leading to the identification of Cpn1. Cells lacking Cpn1 display primarily defects in heterochromatin establishment but not maintenance at constitutive heterochromatin. While the function of Cpn1 was unknown, the authors established a functional link to stress granule formation, demonstrating that Cpn1 is the ortholog of the human RNA-binding protein CAPRIN1, likewise forming a complex with two other factors, Nxt3 and Ubp3. Mutating a putative RNA-binding RRG motif in Cpn1 largely phenocopied the establishment defect seen in the deletion mutant. Moreover, Cpn1 and its complex members co-localize with the stress granule marker poly(A)-binding protein, Pabp. Conversely, deleting Cpn1 or mutating its RRG motif resulted in a reduced number of stress granule formation.

      Providing a further link between heterochromatin and stress granules, the authors showed that heterochromatin-deficient mutants accumulate Papb foci in the absence of stress cells, which was largely dependent on Cpn1. Conversely, the number of stress granules was reduced under stress conditions in these mutants, suggesting that heterochromatic transcripts compete with canonical RNPs that form stress granules. The molecular mechanism by which Cpn1 contributes to heterochromatin establishment remains unclear, though. In contrast to Mkt1, another establishment factor previously studied by the authors, no heterochromatic transcripts were found to be associated with Cpn1 when performing RNA-IP (RIP) experiments. The authors then analyzed pericentromeric transcripts (cen RNA) by smRNA-FISH. Deleting the H3K9 methyltransferase Clr4 resulted in the formation of nuclear foci that co-localized with the centromeric histone variant CENP-A. Glucose starvation increased the number of foci, which were also found in the cytoplasm under this stress condition and partially co-localized with Pabp. Notably, inactivating the exoribonuclease Dph1/Xrn2 also resulted in increased nuclear foci formation and accumulation in the cytosol, which was prevented when Cnp1 was absent. Hence, the authors proposed a model, by which Cpn1 limits accumulation of heterochromatic transcripts on chromatin by facilitating their export and cytoplasmic degradation by Dhp1.

      Major comments

      1. The authors suggest that Cnp1 contributes to heterochromatin establishment by facilitating the removal of excessive heterochromatic transcripts from chromatin. Nevertheless, despite the accumulation of pericentromeric transcripts inside the nucleus in clr4∆, direct evidence for their accumulation on chromatin remains elusive. While the authors cautiously avoid assigning Cnp1 a definite role in heterochromatic transcripts removal, investigating RNA:DNA hybrid accumulation through DNA-RNA immunoprecipitation (DRIP) could strengthen their conclusions. Given the successful application of DRIP by the authors in their Mkt1 study (Taglini et al., 2020) and its prior used by others (PMID: 28404620), this approach appears feasible and judicious when appropriate controls are implemented.
      2. While the data support the hypothesis that Cpn1 binds RNA, the authors could not detect Cpn1 association with heterochromatin transcripts. This could be due to transient interactions and their fast turnover, as the authors suggested. The authors could repeat the RIP experiments in mutants that prevents turnover of transcripts, for instance in dhp1-2 and rrp6∆ mutants.

      Minor comments:

      1. How was the quantification of Pabp and Cpn1 foci performed? Little information is provided ("images were [...] exported to ImageJ analysis"). Given the presence of additional (diffuse) signals even under stress conditions, I'm wondering how foci were distinguished from background? Was there a threshold for signals considered to be 'foci' versus background? The authors should give a more detailed description in the figure legends or Materials & Methods section.
      2. How was the relative sm-FISH intensity in Figure 6D and E determined? Have there been internal controls to ensure that hybridization efficiency was comparable for different strains/samples?


      The is an intriguing study that provides several functional links between heterochromatin establishment and stress responses, using a combination of elegant yeast genetics, imaging, biochemical approaches and proteomics. While it was previously shown that heterochromatic transcripts can accumulate on chromatin interfering with heterochromatin assembly (Broenner et al., 2017), this study conceptionally advances our understanding of this process by describing a potential role for Cpn1 in facilitating nuclear export of heterochromatic transcripts. This study further describes the conservation of the human CAPRIN1 complex and its role in cytosolic stress granule assembly in yeast and therefore will be of broad interest for researchers interested in heterochromatin assembly and RNP homeostasis. A limitation of this study is the lack of a distinct molecular mechanism by which Cpn1 promotes heterochromatin establishment. Performing additional experiments could strengthen the authors' arguments and contribute to a better understanding of the underlying mechanism(s).

      I have a longstanding expertise in heterochromatin assembly, transcriptional silencing and yeast genetics using S. pombe and S. cerevisiae as model systems.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2024-02546

      Corresponding author: Woo Jae, Kim

      1. General Statements

      The goal of this study is to provide the insights of one specific neuron ‘SIFa’ controls interval timing behavior by its receptor ‘SIFaR’ through neuropeptide relay. Interval timing, or the sense of time in the seconds to hours range, is important in foraging, decision making, and learning in humans via activation of cortico-striatal circuits. Interval timing requires completely distinct brain processes from millisecond or circadian timing. In summary, interval timing allows us to subjectively sense the passage of physical time, allowing us to integrate action sequences, thoughts, and behavior, detect developing trends, and predict future consequences.

      Many researchers have tried to figure out how animals, including humans, can estimate time intervals with such precision. However, most investigations have been conducted in the realm of psychology rather than biology thus far. Because the study of interval timing was limited in its ability to intervene in the human brain, many psychologists concentrated on developing convincing theoretical models to explain the known occurrence of interval timing.

      To overcome the limits of studying interval timing in terms of genetic control, we have reported that the time investment strategy for mating in Drosophila males can be a suitable behavioral platform to genetically dissect the principle of brain circuit mechanism for interval timing. For example, we previously reported that males prolong their mating when they have previously been exposed to rivals (Kim, Jan & Jan, "Contribution of visual and circadian neural circuits to memory for prolonged mating induced by rivals" Nature Neuroscience, 2012) (Kim et al, 2012), and this behavior is regulated by visual stimuli, clock genes, and neuropeptide signaling in a subset of neurons (Kim, Jan & Jan, “A PDF/NPF Neuropeptide Signaling Circuitry of Male Drosophila melanogaster Controls Rival-Induced Prolonged Mating” Neuron, 2013) (Kim et al, 2013). And we also reported that the sensory inputs are required for sexual experienced males to shorten their mating time (Lee, Sun, et al, “Taste and pheromonal inputs govern the regulation of time investment for mating by sexual experience in male Drosophila melanogaster” PLOS genetics, 2023) (Lee et al, 2023).

      Throughout their lives, all animals must make decisions in order to optimize their utility function. Male reproductive success is determined by how many sperms successfully fertilize an egg with a restricted number of investment resources. To optimize male reproductive fitness, a time investment strategy has been devised. As a consequence, we believe that the flexible responses of mating duration to different environmental contexts in Drosophila males might be an excellent model to investigate neural circuits for interval timing.

      The most well-known features of mammalian modulating energy homeostasis between the gut and the brain is one of the most intensively studied neuro-modulatory circuits via the neuronal relay of neuropeptides. In this article, we report that SIFa controls two alternate interval timing behaviors through neuropeptide relay signaling by SIFaR and other important neuropeptides and transmits the internal states of the male brain into decision making. According to our findings, male Drosophila utilize SIFa-SIFaR signaling modulating LMD and SMD behaviors. During our investigation in this regulation, we found a subset of cells that express SIFaR in SOG and AG region are important for the modulation of interval timing behaviors. Furthermore, we discovered a neuropeptide named Corazonin (Crz) which expressed in SIFaR is important for both LMD and SMD behaviors.

      Our discovery of neuropeptide relay of SIFa-SIFaR-Crz-CrzR in male Drosophila in modulating interval timing behaviors will be a huge step forward in our knowledge of interval timing behavior.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1

      Comment 1. The authors are to be commended for the sheer quantity of data they have generated, but I was often overwhelmed by the figures, which try to pack too much into the space provided. As a result, it is often unclear what components belong to each panel. Providing more space between each panel would really help.

      __ Answer:__ We are grateful for the insightful feedback regarding the structure of our data presentation. In response to your valuable suggestion, we have made adjustments in this revised version by downsizing the diagram and ensuring the spacing between the panels.

      Comment 2. The use of three independent RNAi lines to knock down SIFaR expression is experimentally solid, as the common phenotype observed with all 3 lines supports the conclusion that the SIFaR is important for mating duration choice. However, the authors have not tested whether these lines effectively reduce SIFaR expression, nor whether the GAL80 constructs used to delimit knockdown are able to effectively do so. This makes it hard to make definitive conclusions with these manipulations, especially in the face of negative results. A lack of complete knockdown is suggested by the fact that the F24F06 driver rescues lethality when used to express SIFaR in the B322 mutant background, but does not itself produce lethality when used to express SIFaR RNAi. The authors should either conduct experiments to determine knockdown efficiency or explicitly acknowledge this limitation in drawing conclusions from their experiments. A similar concern relates to the CrzR knockdown experiments (eg Figure 7).

         __Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer's attention to the details of our experimental design. Indeed, the validation of SIFaR-RNAi efficiency is crucial for interpreting our results accurately. In our initial experiments, we focused on the consistent phenotypic outcomes across the three independent RNAi lines, which collectively suggest the importance of SIFaR in LMD and SMD behaviors. However, we recognize the importance of confirming the effectiveness of our RNAi constructs in reducing SIFaR expression. Initially, we incorporated experiments utilizing *elav-GAL80* to demonstrate that the SIFaR knockdown mediated by the *elavc155* driver is sufficient to eliminate LMD and SMD behaviors. The corresponding results are presented in Figure 1C-D, with a detailed description provided in the manuscript as detailed below.

      "The inclusion of elav-GAL80, which suppresses GAL4 activity in a pan-neuronal context, was found to restore both LMD and SMD behaviors when SIFaR was knocked down by a pan-neuronal elavc155 driver (Fig. 1C-D). This observation suggests that the reduction in SIFaR expression mediated by the elavc155 driver is sufficient to significantly impair LMD and SMD behaviors."

         In response to the comments, we have conducted a thorough reevaluation in our revised manuscript. Specifically, we have confirmed the efficiency of the SIFaR-RNAi line HMS00299, which exhibited the most pronounced phenotype when co-expressed with the tub-GAL4 and nSyb-GAL4 drivers, using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). It has come to our attention that we omitted mentioning the embryonic lethality induced by the HMS00299 line when combined with either tub-GAL4 or nSyb-GAL4 drivers, which is consistent with the homozygous lethality observed in the *SIFaRB322* mutant. To address this, we have performed qRT-PCR experiments by crossing the HMS00299 line with tub-GAL4; tub-GAL80ts, allowing for the temporary knockdown of SIFaR specifically during the adult stage. We utilized w-/SIFaR-RNAis as a control in these experiments. The outcomes are illustrated in Figure 1E, and we have made the necessary modifications and additions to the manuscript to accurately reflect the efficiency of the SIFaR-RNAi line as detailed below.

      "To ensure that RNAi did not have an off-target effect, we tested three independent RNAi strains and found that all three RNAi successfully disrupted LMD/SMD when expressed in neuronal populations. (Fig. S1E-J). We chose to use the HMS00299 line as SIFaR-RNAi for all our experiments because it efficiently disrupts LMD/SMD without UAS-dicer expression. Employment of broad drivers, including the tub-GAL4 and the strong neuronal driver nSyb-GAL4, with HMS00299 line consistently results in 100% embryonic lethality (data not shown). This phenotype mirrors the homozygous lethality observed in the SIFaRB322 mutant. The efficiency of HMS00299 SIFaR-RNAi lines was also validated through quantitative PCR analysis (Fig. 1E). Consequently, we infer that the knockdown of SIFaR using the HMS00299 line nearly completely diminishes the levels of the SIFaR protein."

      We also examined the knockdown efficiency of CrzR in the experiments related to Figure 8 (revised version), following a similar approach (Fig. S7K).

      Comment 3. Most of the behavioral experiments lack traditional controls, for example flies that contain either the GAL4 or UAS elements alone. The authors should explain their decision to omit these control experiments and provide an argument for why they are not necessary to correctly interpret the data. In this vein, the authors have stated in the methods that stocks were outcrossed at least 3x to Canton-S background, but 3 outcrosses is insufficient to fully control for genetic background.

      • *Answer: We sincerely thank the reviewer for insightful comments regarding the absence of traditional genetic controls in our study of LMD and SMD behaviors. We acknowledge the importance of such controls and wish to clarify our rationale for not including them in the current investigation. The primary reason for not incorporating all genetic control lines is that we have previously assessed the LMD and SMD behaviors of GAL4/+ and UAS/+ strains in our earlier studies. Our past experiences have consistently shown that 100% of the genetic control flies for both GAL4 and UAS exhibit normal LMD and SMD behaviors. Given these findings, we deemed the inclusion of additional genetic controls to be non-essential for the present study, particularly in the context of extensive screening efforts. Consequently, in accordance with the reviewer's recommendation, we conducted genetic validation experiments on novel genetic crosses, including SIFaR-RNAi/+, CrzR-RNAi/+, and GAL4NP5270/+, and incorporated the results in the supplementary figures (Supplementary information 1). We have made the necessary modifications and additions to the manuscript as below.

      "Given those genetic controls, as evidenced by consistent exhibition of normal LMD and SMD behaviors (Supplemental information 1), the observed reduction in SIFaR expression, driven by elavc155, is deemed sufficient to induce significant disruptions in LMD and SMD behaviors."

      However, we understand the value of providing a clear rationale for our methodology choices. To this end, we have added a detailed explanation in the "MATERIALS AND METHODS" section and the figure legends of Figure 1. This clarification aims to assist readers in understanding our decision to omit traditional controls, as outlined below.

      "__Mating Duration Assays for Successful Copulation__The mating duration assay in this study has been reported (Kim et al. 2012; Kim et al. 2013; Lee et al. 2023). To enhance the efficiency of the mating duration assay, we utilized the Df(1)Exel6234 (DF here after) genetic modified fly line in this study, which harbors a deletion of a specific genomic region that includes the sex peptide receptor (SPR) (Parks et al. 2004; Yapici et al. 2008). Previous studies have demonstrated that virgin females of this line exhibit increased receptivity to males (Yapici et al. 2008). We conducted a comparative analysis between the virgin females of this line and the CS virgin females and found that both groups induced SMD. Consequently, we have elected to employ virgin females from this modified line in all subsequent studies. For group reared (naïve) males, 40 males from the same strain were placed into a vial with food for 5 days. For single reared males, males of the same strain were collected individually and placed into vials with food for 5 days. For experienced males, 40 males from the same strain were placed into a vial with food for 4 days then 80 DF virgin females were introduced into vials for last 1 day before assay. 40 DF virgin females were collected from bottles and placed into a vial for 5 days. These females provide both sexually experienced partners and mating partners for mating duration assays. At the fifth day after eclosion, males of the appropriate strain and DF virgin females were mildly anaesthetized by CO2. After placing a single female into the mating chamber, we inserted a transparent film then placed a single male to the other side of the film in each chamber. After allowing for 1 h of recovery in the mating chamber in 25℃ incubators, we removed the transparent film and recorded the mating activities. Only those males that succeeded to mate within 1 h were included for analyses. Initiation and completion of copulation were recorded with an accuracy of 10 sec, and total mating duration was calculated for each couple. Genetic controls with GAL4/+ or UAS/+ lines were omitted from supplementary figures, as prior data confirm their consistent exhibition of normal LMD and SMD behaviors (Kim et al. 2012; Kim et al. 2013; Lee et al. 2023; Huang et al. 2024; Zhang et al. 2024). Hence, genetic controls for LMD and SMD behaviors were incorporated exclusively when assessing novel fly strains that had not previously been examined. In essence, internal controls were predominantly employed in the experiments, as LMD and SMD behaviors exhibit enhanced statistical significance when internally controlled. Within the LMD assay, both group and single conditions function reciprocally as internal controls. A significant distinction between the naïve and single conditions implies that the experimental manipulation does not affect LMD. Conversely, the lack of a significant discrepancy suggests that the manipulation does influence LMD. In the context of SMD experiments, the naïve condition (equivalent to the group condition in the LMD assay) and sexually experienced males act as mutual internal controls for one another. A statistically significant divergence between naïve and experienced males indicates that the experimental procedure does not alter SMD. Conversely, the absence of a statistically significant difference suggests that the manipulation does impact SMD. Hence, we incorporated supplementary genetic control experiments solely if they deemed indispensable for testing. All assays were performed from noon to 4 PM. We conducted blinded studies for every test."

         We appreciate the reviewer's inquiry regarding the genetic background of our experimental lines. In response to the comments, we would like to clarify the following. All of our GAL4, UAS, or RNAi lines, which were utilized as the virgin female stock for outcrosses, have been backcrossed to the Canton-S (CS) genetic background for over ten generations. The majority of these lines, particularly those employed in LMD assays, have been maintained in a CS backcrossed status for several years, ensuring a consistent genetic background across multiple generations. Our experience has indicated that the genetic background, particularly that of the X chromosome inherited from the female parent, plays a pivotal role in the expression of certain behavioral traits. Therefore, we have consistently employed these fully outcrossed females as virgins for conducting experiments related to LMD and SMD behaviors. It is noteworthy that, in contrast to the significance of genetic background for LMD behaviors, we have previously established in our work (Lee *et al*, 2023) that the genetic background does not significantly influence SMD behaviors. This distinction is important for the interpretation of our findings. To provide a comprehensive understanding of our experimental design, we have detailed the genetic background considerations in the __"Materials and Methods"__ section, specifically in the subsection __"Fly Stocks and Husbandry"__ as outlined below.

      "To reduce the variation from genetic background, all flies were backcrossed for at least 3 generations to CS strain. For the generation of outcrosses, all GAL4, UAS, and RNAi lines employed as the virgin female stock were backcrossed to the CS genetic background for a minimum of ten generations. Notably, the majority of these lines, which were utilized for LMD assays, have been maintained in a CS backcrossed state for long-term generations subsequent to the initial outcrossing process, exceeding ten backcrosses. Based on our experimental observations, the genetic background of primary significance is that of the X chromosome inherited from the female parent. Consequently, we consistently utilized these fully outcrossed females as virgins for the execution of experiments pertaining to LMD and SMD behaviors. Contrary to the influence on LMD behaviors, we have previously demonstrated that the genetic background exerts negligible influence on SMD behaviors, as reported in our prior publication (Lee et al, 2023). All mutants and transgenic lines used here have been described previously."

      Comment 4. Throughout the manuscript, the authors appear to use a single control condition (sexually naïve flies raised in groups) to compare to both males raised singly and males with previous sexual experience. These control conditions are duplicated in two separate graphs, one for long mating duration and one for short mating duration, but they are given different names (group vs naïve) depending on the graph. If these are actually the same flies, then this should be made clear, and they should be given a consistent name across the different "experiments".

      * * Answer: We are grateful to the reviewer for highlighting the potential for confusion among readers regarding the visualization methods used in our figures. In response to this valuable feedback, we have now included a more detailed explanation of the graph visualization techniques in the legends of Figure 1, as detailed below. This additional information should enhance the clarity and understanding of the figure for all readers.

      "In the mating duration (MD) assays, light grey data points denote males that were group-reared (or sexually naïve), whereas blue (or pink) data points signify males that were singly reared (or sexually experienced). The dot plots represent the MD of each male fly. The mean value and standard error are labeled within the dot plot (black lines). Asterisks represent significant differences, as revealed by the unpaired Student’s t test, and ns represents non-significant differences (*p* *

      Comment 5.* The authors have consistently conflated overlap of neuronal processes with synaptic connections. Claims of synaptic connectivity deriving solely from overlap of processes should be tempered and qualified.

      • For example, they say (Lines 201-202) "These findings suggest that SIFa neurons and GAL424F06-positive neurons form more synapses in the VNC than in the brain." This is misleading. Overlap of 24F06-LexA>CD8GFP and SIFa-GAL4>CD8RFP tells us nothing about synapse number, or even whether actual synapses are being formed.*

      • *Answer: We sincerely thank the reviewer for their insightful and constructive feedback regarding the interpretation of our data. We acknowledge the important point raised about the limitations of inferring synapse numbers from the overlap of membrane GFP and RFP signals. We fully concur that more specific techniques, such as the GRASP method, are necessary to accurately quantify synapse numbers, as we have demonstrated in subsequent sections of our manuscript. In the section where we describe the SIFa-SIFaR neuronal architecture labeled with membrane GFP and RFP, we recognize the need for caution in not overstating the implications of these findings as indicative of synapse formation. In light of the reviewer's comments, we have revised our discussion to more accurately reflect the nature of the SIFa-SIFaR neuronal arborizing patterns, as detailed below. This revision aims to provide a more nuanced interpretation of our observations and to align with the current scientific understanding of synaptic quantification.

      "As previously reported, SIFa neurons arborize extensively throughout the CNS, but the neuronal processes of GAL424F06-positive neurons are enriched in the optic lobe (OL), sub-esophageal ganglion (SOG), and abdominal ganglion (AG) (GFP signal in Fig. 2F). Neuronal processes that are positive for SIFa and SIFaR strongly overlap in the prow (PRW), prothoracic and metathoracic neuromere (ProNm and MesoNm), and AG regions (yellow signals in Fig. S3A). We quantified these overlapping neuronal processes between SIFa- and SIFaR-positive neurons and found that approximately 18% of SIFa neurons and 52% of GAL424F06-positive neurons overlap in brain (Fig. S3B, C), whereas approximately 48% of SIFa and 54% of GAL424F06-positive neurons overlap in VNC (Fig. S3D, E). These findings suggest that SIFa neurons and GAL424F06-positive neurons form more neuronal processes in the VNC than in the brain."

      • * Lines 210-211: "The overlap of DenMark and syt.EGFP signals was highly enriched in both SOG and ProNm regions, indicating that these regions are where GAL424F06 neurons form interconnected networks". This is misleading. Overlap of DenMark and syt.EGFP does not indicate synapses (especially since these molecules can be expressed outside the expected neuronal compartment if driven at high enough levels).*

      • *Answer: We are grateful for the reviewer's critical insights regarding our interpretation of the DenMark and syt.eGFP experiments. We acknowledge the reviewer's point that the overlap of DenMark and syt.eGFP signals does not conclusively indicate synapses and that some of these signals can be expressed outside the expected neuronal compartments, particularly at high levels.

        It is important to note that DenMark and syt.eGFP are markers of synaptic polarity. In the original publication of DenMark, the authors demonstrated that while these two markers are closely apposed, they do not necessarily overlap, as seen in the labeled yellow areas. They concluded that these areas could represent closely apposed regions where "LNv neurons establish presynaptic contacts within the aMe, suggesting that these contacts are on the postsynaptic sites of the LNv neurons themselves. (Nicolaï et al, 2010)" The authors also observed that DenMark-enriched structures appear juxtaposed to, rather than coexpressed with, syt.eGFP, indicating a potential for synapse formation between R neurons within the eb. In contrast, projections to the suboesophageal ganglion, which show strong Syt–GFP expression, are devoid of DenMark, suggesting a different interpretation of the signals (Nicolaï et al, 2010).

        Building on these findings, we have reanalyzed our data with caution (as shown in Figure S3). In the SOG region, where we observed strong yellow signals, these were not limited to cell bodies but also extended to the middle region filled with neural processes. Upon close examination of the DenMark and syt.eGFP signals, we confirmed that these yellow signals are closely juxtaposed, suggesting the possibility of synapse formation between SIFaR24F06 neurons within the SOG. We emphasize that this interpretation is based on the original findings from the DenMark study. To provide clarity for general readers, we have added further explanations regarding the interpretation of these signals, as detailed below. We believe that our revised analysis and the additional explanations will help to clarify the potential implications of our findings, while also acknowledging the limitations and the need for further investigation.

      "DenMark-enriched structures, localized within the SOG, are observed in close apposition to syt.eGFP signals, as indicated by the white-dashed circles (Fig. S3Fa). This spatial relationship suggests that SIFaR-expressing neurons, identified by GAL424F06 labeling, may form synapses with one another within the SOG. The colocalization of yellow signals resulting from the interaction between DenMark and syt.eGFP has been previously interpreted and validated by other researchers, supporting our observation (Nicolaï 2010,Kennedy 2018). In contrast to the yellow signals observed in the SOG, which are indicative of neural processes, the yellow signals detected in the ProNm appear to be associated with cell bodies rather than neural processes, as DenMark signals are often observed to leak out (as shown in Fig. S3Fb) (Nicolaï 2010,Kennedy 2018). Despite the presence of juxtaposed DenMark and syt.GFP signals in the ProNm, the interpretation of the yellow signals as potential synapses between SIFaR neurons remains an open question (indicated by the question mark in Fig. S3K).

        • Lines 320-322: "Neurons expressing Crz exhibit robust synaptic connections with SIFaR24F06 neurons located in the PRW region of the SOG in the brain (panels of Brain and SOG in Fig. 5A)". This is again misleading. They are not actually measuring synapses here, but instead looking at area of overlap between neuronal processes of Crz and SIFaR cells.*

        Answer: We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's critical feedback regarding our initial data interpretation. We acknowledge the important distinction that overlapping membrane markers do not provide a direct measure of synapse formation. In line with the reviewer's suggestion, we have revised the relevant sentence to more accurately reflect this understanding, as detailed below.

      "Neurons expressing Crz were observed in close proximity to SIFaR24F06-expressing neurons within the PRW-SOG of the brain (panels of Brain and SOG in Fig. 6A)."

      • * In Figs 3B and S4A, they are claiming that all neuronal processes within a given delineated brain area are synapses. The virtual fly brain and hemibrain resource have a way to actually identify synapses. This should be used in addition to the neuron skeleton. Otherwise, it is misleading to label these as synapses.*

        Answer: We are grateful for the reviewer's insightful comments that highlighted the potential for misleading information in our previous submission. Upon careful reexamination of the virtual fly brain model, we have made the necessary corrections and updated the figures in our revised manuscript (Figure 3B and S4B). This reanalysis has allowed us to further substantiate our findings, confirming that SIFa neurons indeed establish dense synaptic connections with multiple regions of the central brain.

      • * Furthermore, measuring the area of GRASP signal is not the same as quantifying synapses. We don't know if synapse number changes (eg in lines 240-242).*

      • Answer: We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's valuable suggestion regarding our quantification methods for assessing synaptic changes using GRASP signals. We acknowledge the reviewer's accurate observation that GRASP signals alone cannot provide an exact quantification of synapse number changes. In response to this feedback, we have employed the 'Particle analysis' function of ImageJ to infer the number of synapses from GRASP signals, clearly labeling them as 'number of particles' (as exemplified in Figures S4G and S4J). Additionally, we have compared the average size of each particle to enable a more precise comparison of synapse number changes (as shown in Figures S4H and S4K). While it is true that GRASP signals should not be directly equated with synapse counts, the quantification of GRASP signal intensity can still provide insights into the underlying synaptic connectivity, as described in the original GRASP paper (Feinberg et al, 2008a). Following this approach, previous studies have used signal intensity quantifications to draw conclusions about changes in synaptic specificity in various mutants. Since our methods for measuring GRASP intensity are consistent with the original techniques, we have updated our Y-axis labeling to reflect 'normalized GFP intensity (Norm. GFP Int.)', as exemplified in Figure 4. This change aims to provide a clearer and more accurate representation of our data.

      Comment 6.* In general, the first part of the manuscript (implicating SIFaR in mating duration) is much stronger than the second part, which attempts to demonstrate that SIFa acts through Crz-expressing neurons to induce its effects. The proof that SIFa acts through Crz-expressing neurons to modify mating duration is tenuous. The most direct evidence of this, achieved via knockdown on Crz in SIFaR-expressing cells, is relegated to supplemental figures. The calcium response of the Crz neurons to SIFa neuron activation (Fig. 6) is more of a lack of a decrease that is observed in controls. Also, this is only done in the VNC. Why not look in the brain, because the authors previously stated a hypothesis that the "transmission of signals through SIFaR in Crz-expressing neurons is limited to the brain" (lines 381-382)?

      Furthermore, the authors suggest that Crz acts on cells in the heart to regulate mating duration. It would be useful to add a discussion/speculation as to possible mechanisms for heart cells to regulate mating decisions. Is there evidence of CrzR in the heart? The SCope data presented in Fig. 7I-L and S7G-H is hard to read.*

      • Answer: We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's constructive feedback on the section of our manuscript that discusses the role of the SIFa-SIFaR connection in regulating mating duration. We understand that the initial presentation may not have been sufficiently convincing. As we detailed in our previous biorXiv preprint (Wong et al, 2019), we conducted a comprehensive screen of numerous neuropeptides and their receptors that mediate SIFa signals through SIFaR and added those data in Supplementary Table S1 and S2. Among these, Crz was identified as a key neuropeptide in this pathway and is also well-documented for its role in mating duration (Tayler et al, 2012). Our data clearly demonstrate that Crz neurons are responsive to the activity of SIFa neurons, supporting the validity of this connection. Additionally, in another manuscript focusing on the input signals for SIFa (Kim et al*, 2024), we established that CrzR does not function in SIFa neurons, confirming the bidirectional nature of SIFa-to-Crz signaling.

        Inadvertently, we had relegated the Crz knockdown results to supplementary figures, under the assumption that our screening results regarding the relationship between SIFaR and neuropeptides were already well-covered (Wong et al, 2019). In light of the reviewer's comments, we have now relocated the Crz knockdown results, particularly those involving SIFaR-expressing cells, to the main figures (Figure 6F-G). We have also included a more detailed description of our previous screening results within the manuscript, as outlined below, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of our findings.

      "Furthermore, the Crz peptide and Crz-expressing neurons have been characterized as pivotal relay signals in the SIFa-to-SIFaR pathway, which is essential for modulating interval timing behaviors (Wong 2019)."

         We greatly appreciate the reviewer's critical and constructive feedback regarding the detection of SIFa-to-Crz long-distance signaling, particularly their observation that this signaling is detectable from the brain to the VNC but not between brain regions. In response to the reviewer's suggestions, we have made the following adjustments to our manuscript:
      1. We have relocated our SIFa-Crz GCaMP data pertaining to the VNC region to the Figures 6L-O) to maintain focus on the primary findings within the main text.
      2. Our deeper analysis has led to the identification of two cells in the Super Intermediate Protocerebrum (SIP) regions that coexpress both Crz and SIFaR24F06, as well as OL cells (Figure 6D-E).
      3. We have included GCaMP data from the brain region in the main figure to provide a comprehensive view of the signaling dynamics (Fig. 6P-R and Fig. S6N-P).
      4. Upon examining the SIFa-to-Crz signaling through GCaMP calcium imaging, we observed that the calcium levels in Crz+/SIFaR+ SIP neurons consistently decreased upon SIFa activation (Figure 6P-R). In contrast, the calcium signals in Crz+/SIFaR+ OL neurons increased upon SIFa activation, similar to the pattern observed in Crz+ AG neurons in the VNC (Figure 6M-O and Figure S6N-P).
      5. We have summarized these findings in Figure 6S and provided a detailed description of the results in the manuscript, as outlined below. "To elucidate the direct response of Crz neurons to the activity of SIFa neurons, we conducted live calcium (Ca2+) imaging in the Super Intermediate Protocererbrum (SIP), OL and AG region of the VNC, where Crz neurons are situated (Fig. 6D, Fig. S6M). Upon optogenetic stimulation of SIFa neurons, we observed a significant increase in the activity of Crz in OL and AG region (Fig. 6L-O, Fig. S6N-P), evidenced by a sustained elevation in intracellular Ca2+ levels that persisted in a high level before gradually declining to baseline levels, where the cells in top region of the SIP exhibit consistently drop down after stimulated the SIFa neurons (Fig. 6P-R). These calcium level changes were in contrast to the control group (without all-trans retinal, ATR) (Fig. 6L-R, Fig. S6N-P). These findings confirm that Crz neurons in OL and AG are activated in response to SIFa neuronal activity, but the activity of Crz neurons in SIP are inhibited by the activition of SIFa neuron, reinforcing their role as postsynaptic effectors in the neural circuitry governed by SIFa neurons. Moreover, these results provide empirical support for the hypothesis that SIFa-SIFaR/Crz-CrzR long-range neuropeptide relay underlies the neuronal activity-based measurement of interval timing."

        We are grateful for the reviewer's opportunity to elaborate on the intriguing findings concerning the expression of CrzR in the heart and its potential link to mating duration. In the context of traditional interval timing models (Meck et al, 2012; Matell, 2014; Buhusi & Meck, 2005), the role of a pacemaker in generating a temporal flow for measuring time is considered essential. The heart, being a well-known pacemaker organ in animals, provides a compelling framework for our discussion. In response to the reviewer's insightful comments, we have expanded upon our hypotheses in the DISCUSSION section, exploring the possible connections between cardiac function and the regulation of mating duration. Our reflections on this topic are detailed as follows:

      "It has been reported that the interaction between the brain and the heart can influence time perception in humans (Khoshnoud et al, 2024). Heart rate is governed by intrinsic mechanisms, such as the muscle pacemaker, as well as extrinsic factors including neural and hormonal inputs (Andersen et al, 2015). Moreover, the pacemaker function is essential for the generation of interval timing capabilities (Meck et al, 2012; Matell, 2014; Buhusi & Meck, 2005), with the heart being recognized as the primary pacemaker organ within the animal body. Consequently, the CrzR in the fly heart may respond to the Crz signal sent by SIFaR+/Crz+ cells and modulate the heart rate, thereby impacting the perception of time in male flies."

         We appreciate the reviewer's interest in the expression of CrzR in the heart and its potential implications for our study. In response to the reviewer's comments, we have conducted a thorough examination of the fly SCope RNAseq dataset. Our analysis revealed that CrzR is indeed broadly expressed in heart tissue, particularly in areas where the Hand gene is also expressed. This significant finding has been incorporated into our manuscript and is depicted in Figure 8L. As illustrated in Figures 8I-L, which present the SCope tSNE plot for various cell types including neurons, glial cells, muscle systems, and heart, the heart tissue exhibits the most robust expression of CrzR. This observation suggests that the Hand-GAL4 mediated CrzR knockdown experiments may provide insights into the role of CrzR expression in the heart and its influence on the interval timing behavior of male fruit flies. We have expanded upon this interpretation in the relevant sections of our manuscript to ensure a clear and comprehensive understanding of our results.
      • *

      Comment 7. In several cases, the effects of being raised single are opposite the effects of sexual experience. For example, in Fig. 4T, calcium activity is increased in the AG following sexual experience, but decreased in flies raised singly. Likewise, Crz-neurons in the OL have increased CaLexA signal in singly-raised flies but reduced signals in flies with previous sexual experience. In some cases, manipulations selectively affect LMD or SMD. It would be useful to discuss these differences and consider the mechanistic implications of these differential changes, when they all result in decreased mating duration. This could help to clarify the big picture of the manuscript.

         __Answer:__ We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's insightful suggestions regarding the potential mechanistic underpinnings of how differential calcium activities may modulate LMD and SMD behaviors. In response to this valuable input, we have expanded our discussion to include a hypothesis on how neuropeptide relays could potentially induce context-dependent modulation of synaptic changes and calcium activities within distinct neuronal subsets. This addition aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the complex interactions at play, as detailed in the revised manuscript.

      "Employing two distinct yet comparable models of interval timing behavior, LMD and SMD, we demonstrated that differential SIFa to SIFaR signaling is capable of modulating context-dependent behavioral responses. Synaptic strengths between SIFa and SIFaR neurons was notably enhanced in group-reared naive males. However, these synaptic strengths specifically diminished in the OL, CB, and AG when males were singly reared, with a particular decrease in the AG region when males were sexually experienced (Fig. 4A-J). Intriguingly, overall calcium signaling within SIFaR24F06 neurons was significantly reduced in group-reared naive males, yet these signals surged dramatically in the OL with social isolation and in the AG with sexual experience (Fig. 4K-T). These calcium signals, as reported by the transcriptional calcium reporter CaLexA, were corroborated by GCaMP live imaging in both the AG and OL regions (Fig. 6L-O and Fig. S6N-P), indicating a close association between elevated calcium levels and LMD and SMD behaviors. The modulation of context-dependent synaptic plasticity and calcium dynamics by the SIFa neuropeptide through a single SIFaR receptor raises the question of how a single receptor can elicit such diverse responses. Recent neuroscientific studies in Drosophila have shown that individual neurons can produce multiple neurotransmitters and that neuropeptides are often colocalized with small molecule neurotransmitters (Nässel 2018,Deng 2019,Croset 2018,Kondo 2020). Consistent with this, we have previously reported that SIFa neurons utilize a variety of neurotransmitters, including glutamate, dopamine, and tyramine (Kim 2024). Therefore, we propose that the SIFa-SIFaR-Crz-CrzR neuropeptidergic relay circuitry may interact with different neurotransmitters in distinct neuronal subpopulations to regulate context-dependent behaviors. Supporting this hypothesis, glutamate, known to function as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the olfactory pathway of Drosophila (Liu 2013), may be one such candidate. We speculate that neuropeptide cotransmission could underlie the mechanisms facilitating these complex, context-dependent behavioral patterns. Further research is warranted to elucidate how such cotransmission contributes to the intricate behavioral repertoire of the fly."

      Minor Comments: Comment 8. For CaLexA experiments (eg Fig 7A-D), signal intensity should be quantified in addition to area covered. Increased intensity would indicate greater calcium activity within a particular set of neurons.

      • *Answer: We appreciate the reviewer's insightful comments and acknowledge the importance of using intensity measurements in our analysis of CaLexA signals. We concur that the intensity of these signals is indeed correlated with the area measurements, which is a critical factor to consider. In response to the reviewer's valuable suggestion, we have revised our approach and now present our data based on intensity measurements. These have been incorporated as a primary dataset in all our CaLexA results to provide a more accurate representation of our findings. Additionally, we have updated the labeling of our Y-axis to "Norm. GFP Int.", which stands for "normalized GFP intensity". This change ensures clarity and consistency in the presentation of our data, aligning with the reviewer's recommendations and enhancing the overall quality of our manuscript.

      Comment 9. In Figure 5K: quantification of cell overlap is missing. In the text they state that there are ~100 neurons that co-express SIFaR24F06 and Crz. How was this determined? Is there a graph or numerical summary of this assertion?

          __Answer:__ We sincerely thank the reviewer for pointing out the oversight in our initial submission regarding the quantification data. In response to this valuable feedback, we have now included the quantification of neurons co-expressing SIFaR24F06 and Crz in the optic lobe (OL) within Figure 6E. This addition ensures that the figure is complete and provides the necessary numerical support for our observations.

      Comment 10. In lines 709-711: "Our experience suggests that the relative mating duration differences between naïve and experienced condition and singly reared are always consistent; however, both absolute values and the magnitude of the difference in each strain can vary. So, we always include internal controls for each treatment as suggested by previous studies." I had trouble understanding this section of methods. What is done with the data from the internal controls?

         __Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer's attention to the methodology of our study, particularly regarding the use of internal controls in our mating duration assays. As referenced in our cited work by Bretman et al. (2011) (Bretman *et al*, 2011), our internal control strategy involves a comparison of mating durations between males that have been presented with specific sensory cues and those that have not. This approach includes assessing both males that have been exposed to signals and those that have not, which serves as an internal control for each experimental setup. The purpose of this design is to isolate the effects of our manipulations from other potential confounding factors. In response to the reviewer's comments, we have provided a more detailed description of our mating duration assay in the Methods section. We have also expanded our explanation to clarify how this internal control mechanism ensures that any observed differences in mating duration are attributable to the experimental manipulations and not to extraneous variables. This additional information should provide a clearer understanding of our methodology and the rationale behind our experimental design.

      Comment 11. Could the authors comment on why the brain GRASP signal is so different in Figures 3A and 4A? I realize that different versions of GRASP were used in these experiments, but I would expect broad agreement between the different approaches.

         __Answer: __We appreciate the reviewer’s insight. GRASP and t-GRASP are similar technologies that can clearly show the synaptic connection between neurons. GRASP technology was first generated and performed in *C. elegens* (Feinberg *et al*, 2008b). In 2018, the researchers developed a targeted GFP Reconstitution Across Synaptic Partners method, t-GRASP, which resulted in a strong preferential GRASP signal in synaptic regions.
         In our study, we utilized both techniques because of the limitations of the chromosomes where GAL4 and lexA lines located. We also found that during data processing, our method could clearly distinguish the changes in GRASP and t-GRASP signals across three different conditions (naïve, single, and exp.). Therefore, we do not have a particular preference for one technique over the other; both methods are applicable to our experiment.
         The genotype we used in Figure 3A is *SIFa2A-lexA, GAL424F06; lexAop-nSyb-spGFP1-10, UAS-CD4-spGFP11*, where the synaptic transmission occurs from *SIFa2A-lexA *to* GAL424F06*. In Figure 4A, the genotype we used is *GAL4SIFa.PT, lexASIFaR-2A; lexAop-2-post-t-GRASP, UAS-pre-t-GRASP*, where the synaptic transmission occurs from SIFa. PT to SIFaR-2A.
         In our back-to-back submission paper, “Peptidergic neurons with extensive branching orchestrate the internal states and energy balance of male *Drosophila melanogaster,*” (Kim *et al*, 2024) we identified that *SIFa2A* can label posterior-ventral SIFa neurons (SIFaVP), which can only project to ellipsoid body and fan-shaped body. Combining the GRASP technique, Figure 3A cannot show a strong signal as in Figure 4A. We’ve shown in Figure 1G that *SIFaR-2A *covers almost the whole CNS in *Drosophila*. Thus, the synaptic transmission from SIFa. PT (label 4 SIFa neurons) to SIFaR-2A shows a strong signal under the use of the t-GRASP technique. In this case, the GRASP signals in Figure 3A and Figure 4A are so different because of the usage of different GRASP techniques and different fly lines. We appreciate the reviewer's attention to the clarity of our presentation. In response to the comments, we have taken the opportunity to meticulously revise the figure legends to ensure that the differences are explicitly highlighted and easily understood by the readers.

      __ __

      Reviewer #2

      Major concerns: Comment 1.* It is highly interesting that the duration of mating behavior is dependent on external and motivational factors. In fact, that provides an elegant way to study which neuronal mechanisms orchestrate these factors. However, it remains elusive why the authors link the differentially motivated durations of mating behavior to the psychological concept of interval timing. This distracts from the actually interesting neurobiology, and is not necessary to make the study interesting. *

      * * Answer: We are grateful for the opportunity provided by the reviewer to elaborate on our rationale for utilizing the mating duration of male fruit flies as an exemplary genetic model for studying interval timing. At the outset, we would like to acknowledge that mating duration has gained recognition as a valuable genetic model for interval timing, as evidenced by the NIH-NIGMS R01 grant awarded to Michael Crickmore. This grant, which can be reviewed at the provided link (https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-GM134222-01), underscores the significance of this model. Crickmore and colleagues have described in the grant's abstract that "mating duration in Drosophila offers a powerful system for exploring changes in motivation over time as behavioral goals are achieved," and it has the potential to provide "the first mechanistic description of a neuronal interval timing system."

         In light of this, we have incorporated our rationale into the INTRODUCTION section of our manuscript, as detailed below. We believe that our argumentation, supported by the grant's emphasis on the topic, will not only address the reviewer's concerns but also demonstrate to the broader scientific community the significance of the fruit fly's mating duration as a model for interval timing. This concept has been a cornerstone in the historical development of neuroscientific understanding of time perception. We hope that our expanded discussion will effectively convey the potential of the fruit fly mating duration as a genetic model to offer profound insights into the neural mechanisms underlying interval timing, a concept of enduring importance in the field of neuroscience.

      "The dimension of time is the fundamental basis for an animal's survival. Being able to estimate and control the time between events is crucial for all everyday activities (RICHELLE & LEJEUNE, 1980). The perception of time in the seconds-to-hours range, referred to as ‘interval timing’, is involved in foraging, decision making, and learning via activation of cortico-striatal circuits in mammals (Golombek et al, 2014). Interval timing requires entirely different neural mechanisms from millisecond or circadian timing (Meck et al, 2012; Merchant et al, 2012; Buhusi & Meck, 2005). There is abundant psychological research on time perception because it is a universal cognitive dimension of experience and behavioral plasticity. Despite decades of research, the genetic and neural substrates of temporal information processing have not been well established except for the molecular bases of circadian timing (Buhusi et al, 2009; Tucci et al, 2014). Thus, a simple genetic model system to study interval timing is required. Considering that the mating duration in fruit flies, which averages approximately 20 minutes, is well within the range addressed by interval timing mechanisms, this behavioral parameter provides a relevant context for examining the neural circuits that modulate the Drosophila's perception of time intervals. Such an investigation necessitates an understanding of the extensive neural and behavioral plasticity underlying interval timing (Thornquist et al, 2020; Gautham et al, 2024; Crickmore & Vosshall, 2013)."

      Comment 2.* In figure 4 A and 4K, fluorescence microscopy images of brains and ventral nerve chords are shown, one illustrating GRASP experiments, and one showing CaLexA experiments. The extreme difference between the differentially treated flies (bright fluorescence versus almost no fluorescence) is - in its drastic form- surprising. Online access to the original confocal microscopy images (raw data) might help to convince the reader that these illustrations do not reflect the most drastic "representative" examples out of a series of brain stainings. *

      * * Answer: We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's thoughtful suggestion to enhance the accessibility of our microscopy images for readers who may be interested. In response to this valuable feedback, we have compiled all of our quantified image files into zip format and included them as Supplementary Information 2 and 3. We believe that this additional material will be beneficial for readers seeking a more in-depth view of our data.

      Comment 3. In particular for behavioral experiments, genetic controls should always be conducted. That is, both the heterozygous Gal4-line as well as the heterozygous UAS-line should be used as controls. This is laborious, but important.

         __Answer:__ We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's critical feedback regarding the genetic controls in our study. We acknowledge the importance of this aspect and wish to clarify that we have indeed conducted a substantial number of genetic control experiments for both LMD and SMD behaviors. It is worth noting that much of this data has been previously published in other works. Recognizing the interest from another reviewer on the same topic, we have chosen to reiterate our response here for clarity and convenience. Our comprehensive approach to genetic controls ensures the robustness of our findings, and we believe that the published data further substantiates the reliability of our experimental procedures.
         We sincerely thank the reviewer for insightful comments regarding the absence of traditional genetic controls in our study of LMD and SMD behaviors. We acknowledge the importance of such controls and wish to clarify our rationale for not including them in the current investigation. The primary reason for not incorporating all genetic control lines is that we have previously assessed the LMD and SMD behaviors of GAL4/+ and UAS/+ strains in our earlier studies. Our past experiences have consistently shown that 100% of the genetic control flies for both GAL4 and UAS exhibit normal LMD and SMD behaviors. Given these findings, we deemed the inclusion of additional genetic controls to be non-essential for the present study, particularly in the context of extensive screening efforts. However, in accordance with the reviewer's recommendation, we conducted genetic validation experiments on novel genetic crosses, including SIFaR-RNAi/+, CrzR-RNAi/+, and GAL4NP5270/+, and incorporated the results in the supplementary figures (Supplementary information 1). We have made the necessary modifications and additions to the manuscript as below.

      "Given those genetic controls, as evidenced by consistent exhibition of normal LMD and SMD behaviors (Supplemental information. 1), the observed reduction in SIFaR expression, driven by elavc155, is deemed sufficient to induce significant disruptions in LMD and SMD behaviors."

      We understand the value of providing a clear rationale for our methodology choices. To this end, we have added a detailed explanation in the "MATERIALS AND METHODS" section and the figure legends of Figure 1. This clarification aims to assist readers in understanding our decision to omit traditional controls, as outlined below.

      "__Mating Duration Assays for Successful Copulation__The mating duration assay in this study has been reported (Kim et al. 2012; Kim et al. 2013; Lee et al. 2023). To enhance the efficiency of the mating duration assay, we utilized the Df(1)Exel6234 (DF here after) genetic modified fly line in this study, which harbors a deletion of a specific genomic region that includes the sex peptide receptor (SPR) (Parks et al. 2004; Yapici et al. 2008). Previous studies have demonstrated that virgin females of this line exhibit increased receptivity to males (Yapici et al. 2008). We conducted a comparative analysis between the virgin females of this line and the CS virgin females and found that both groups induced SMD. Consequently, we have elected to employ virgin females from this modified line in all subsequent studies. For group reared (naïve) males, 40 males from the same strain were placed into a vial with food for 5 days. For single reared males, males of the same strain were collected individually and placed into vials with food for 5 days. For experienced males, 40 males from the same strain were placed into a vial with food for 4 days then 80 DF virgin females were introduced into vials for last 1 day before assay. 40 DF virgin females were collected from bottles and placed into a vial for 5 days. These females provide both sexually experienced partners and mating partners for mating duration assays. At the fifth day after eclosion, males of the appropriate strain and DF virgin females were mildly anaesthetized by CO2. After placing a single female into the mating chamber, we inserted a transparent film then placed a single male to the other side of the film in each chamber. After allowing for 1 h of recovery in the mating chamber in 25℃ incubators, we removed the transparent film and recorded the mating activities. Only those males that succeeded to mate within 1 h were included for analyses. Initiation and completion of copulation were recorded with an accuracy of 10 sec, and total mating duration was calculated for each couple. Genetic controls with GAL4/+ or UAS/+ lines were omitted from supplementary figures, as prior data confirm their consistent exhibition of normal LMD and SMD behaviors (Kim et al. 2012; Kim et al. 2013; Lee et al. 2023; Huang et al. 2024; Zhang et al. 2024). Hence, genetic controls for LMD and SMD behaviors were incorporated exclusively when assessing novel fly strains that had not previously been examined. In essence, internal controls were predominantly employed in the experiments, as LMD and SMD behaviors exhibit enhanced statistical significance when internally controlled. Within the LMD assay, both group and single conditions function reciprocally as internal controls. A significant distinction between the naïve and single conditions implies that the experimental manipulation does not affect LMD. Conversely, the lack of a significant discrepancy suggests that the manipulation does influence LMD. In the context of SMD experiments, the naïve condition (equivalent to the group condition in the LMD assay) and sexually experienced males act as mutual internal controls for one another. A statistically significant divergence between naïve and experienced males indicates that the experimental procedure does not alter SMD. Conversely, the absence of a statistically significant difference suggests that the manipulation does impact SMD. Hence, we incorporated supplementary genetic control experiments solely if they deemed indispensable for testing. All assays were performed from noon to 4 PM. We conducted blinded studies for every test."

      Minor comments: Comment 4.* Line 75: word missing ("...including FEEDING-RELATED BEHAVIOR, courtship, ..."). *

         __Answer:__ We appreciate your vigilance in identifying this error. We have made the necessary correction to ensure the accuracy of our manuscript.*


      Comment 5.* Line 120: word missing ("SIFaR expression in adult neurons BUT not glia..."). *

         __Answer:__ We appreciate your careful review and attention to detail. Thank you for bringing this to our notice. We have made the necessary corrections to address the error.*


      Comment 6.* I find the figures often to be quite overloaded, and anatomical details often very small (e.g., figure 7A). *

      * * Answer: We appreciate the constructive critique on the layout of our data presentation. Following your insightful recommendation, we have revised the manuscript to enhance clarity. Specifically, we have resized the diagram to be more compact and have also increased the spacing between the panels for better readability.

      __ __

      Reviewer #3

      Major Comments Comment 1.* Are the key conclusions convincing? The key conclusions are intriguing but require more robust data to be fully convincing. While the study presents compelling evidence for the involvement of SIFa and SIFaR in mating behaviors, additional experiments are needed to firmly establish the proposed mechanisms. *

      * * Answer: We are deeply grateful for the insightful and constructive feedback provided by the reviewer on the SIFa-to-SIFaR signaling pathway. We are particularly encouraged by the reviewer's agreement with our findings that support the role of SIFa and SIFaR in regulating mating duration. We concur with the reviewer's suggestion that additional experiments and mechanistic insights are essential to substantiate our conclusions. To this end, we have conducted and included several new experiments, particularly GCaMP data, in the main figures (Figure 6 and S6). Our focus has been intensified on the SIFa-to-Crz signaling, given Crz's established role in controlling mating duration behavior. Below is a summary of the additional experiments we have incorporated:

      1. We have repositioned the SIFa-Crz GCaMP data related to the VNC to Figures 6L-O to ensure that the main text highlights our primary findings.
      2. Our more detailed analysis has identified two cells in the Super Intermediate Protocerebrum (SIP) regions that co-express Crz and SIFaR24F06, along with OL cells (Figure 6D-E).
      3. To provide a complete view of the signaling dynamics, we have included GCaMP data from the brain region in the main figure (Figure 6P-R and Supplementary Figure S6N-P).
      4. Through GCaMP calcium imaging to assess SIFa-to-Crz signaling, we found that calcium levels in Crz+/SIFaR+ SIP neurons consistently decreased with SIFa activation (Figure 6P-R). Conversely, calcium signals in Crz+/SIFaR+ OL neurons increased with SIFa activation, mirroring the pattern seen in Crz+ AG neurons in the VNC (Figure 6M-O and Supplementary Figure S6N-P).
      5. A synthesis of these results is presented in Figure 6S, and we have elaborated on these findings in the manuscript with a detailed description, as detailed below. "To elucidate the direct response of Crz neurons to the activity of SIFa neurons, we conducted live calcium (Ca2+) imaging in the Super Intermediate Protocererbrum (SIP), OL and AG region of the VNC, where Crz neurons are situated (Fig. 6D, Fig. S6M). Upon optogenetic stimulation of SIFa neurons, we observed a significant increase in the activity of Crz in OL and AG region (Fig. 6L-O, Fig. S6N-P), evidenced by a sustained elevation in intracellular Ca2+ levels that persisted in a high level before gradually declining to baseline levels, where the cells in top region of the SIP exhibit consistently drop down after stimulated the SIFa neurons (Fig. 6P-R). These calcium level changes were in contrast to the control group (without all-trans retinal, ATR) (Fig. 6L-R, Fig. S6N-P). These findings confirm that Crz neurons in OL and AG are activated in response to SIFa neuronal activity, but the activity of Crz neurons in SIP are inhibited by the activition of SIFa neuron, reinforcing their role as postsynaptic effectors in the neural circuitry governed by SIFa neurons. Moreover, these results provide empirical support for the hypothesis that SIFa-SIFaR/Crz-CrzR long-range neuropeptide relay underlies the neuronal activity-based measurement of interval timing."

        We are truly grateful for the reviewer's perceptive recommendations concerning the possible mechanisms of LMD and SMD behaviors. In light of this constructive feedback, we have enhanced our discussion to encompass a theoretical framework on the potential role of neuropeptide relays in mediating context-dependent adjustments of synaptic plasticity and calcium signaling within specific neuronal populations. This supplementary perspective is designed to elucidate the intricate dynamics involved, as further elaborated in the updated manuscript.

      "Employing two distinct yet comparable models of interval timing behavior, LMD and SMD, we demonstrated that differential SIFa to SIFaR signaling is capable of modulating context-dependent behavioral responses. Synaptic strengths between SIFa and SIFaR neurons was notably enhanced in group-reared naive males. However, these synaptic strengths specifically diminished in the OL, CB, and AG when males were singly reared, with a particular decrease in the AG region when males were sexually experienced (Fig. 4A-J). Intriguingly, overall calcium signaling within SIFaR24F06 neurons was significantly reduced in group-reared naive males, yet these signals surged dramatically in the OL with social isolation and in the AG with sexual experience (Fig. 4K-T). These calcium signals, as reported by the transcriptional calcium reporter CaLexA, were corroborated by GCaMP live imaging in both the AG and OL regions (Fig. 6L-O and Fig. S6N-P), indicating a close association between elevated calcium levels and LMD and SMD behaviors. The modulation of context-dependent synaptic plasticity and calcium dynamics by the SIFa neuropeptide through a single SIFaR receptor raises the question of how a single receptor can elicit such diverse responses. Recent neuroscientific studies in Drosophila have shown that individual neurons can produce multiple neurotransmitters and that neuropeptides are often colocalized with small molecule neurotransmitters (Nässel 2018,Deng 2019,Croset 2018,Kondo 2020). Consistent with this, we have previously reported that SIFa neurons utilize a variety of neurotransmitters, including glutamate, dopamine, and tyramine (Kim 2024). Therefore, we propose that the SIFa-SIFaR-Crz-CrzR neuropeptidergic relay circuitry may interact with different neurotransmitters in distinct neuronal subpopulations to regulate context-dependent behaviors. Supporting this hypothesis, glutamate, known to function as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the olfactory pathway of Drosophila (Liu 2013), may be one such candidate. We speculate that neuropeptide cotransmission could underlie the mechanisms facilitating these complex, context-dependent behavioral patterns. Further research is warranted to elucidate how such cotransmission contributes to the intricate behavioral repertoire of the fly."

      • *

      Comment 2. Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? The authors should qualify certain claims as preliminary or speculative. Specifically, the proposed SIFa-SIFaR/Crz-CrzR neuropeptide relay pathway is only investigated via imaging approach. More experiments using behavioral tests are needed to confirm that Crz relays the SIFa signaling pathway. For example, Crz-Gal4>UAS-SIFaR RNAi should be done to show that SIFaR+ Crz+ cells are necessary for LMD and SMD.

         __Answer:__ We are grateful for the reviewer's constructive suggestion regarding the need to provide additional behavioral assays using RNAi knockdown to substantiate the SIFa-SIFaR/Crz-CrzR neuropeptide relay. Following the reviewer's advice, we have conducted experiments involving SIFaR24F06/Crz-RNAi and Crz-GAL4/SIFaR-RNAi. The outcomes of these experiments have been detailed and are now presented in a clear and comprehensive manner.
         To further aid in the understanding of our results, we have also included a summary diagram in Figure 6S, which illustrates the key findings from these assays. This visual representation is intended to provide a concise overview of the data and to highlight the significance of the SIFa-SIFaR/Crz-CrzR neuropeptide relay in the context of our study.

      Comment 3.* Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Yes, additional experiments are essential. Detailed molecular and imaging studies are needed to support claims about synaptic reorganization. For example: ○ More controls are needed for RNAi and Gal80ts experiments, such as Gal4-only control, RNAi-only control, etc. *

         __Answer:__ We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's critical feedback regarding the genetic controls in our study. We acknowledge the importance of this aspect and wish to clarify that we have indeed conducted a substantial number of genetic control experiments for both LMD and SMD behaviors. It is worth noting that much of this data has been previously published in other works. Recognizing the interest from another reviewer on the same topic, we have chosen to reiterate our response here for clarity and convenience. Our comprehensive approach to genetic controls ensures the robustness of our findings, and we believe that the published data further substantiates the reliability of our experimental procedures.
         We sincerely thank the reviewer for insightful comments regarding the absence of traditional genetic controls in our study of LMD and SMD behaviors. We acknowledge the importance of such controls and wish to clarify our rationale for not including them in the current investigation. The primary reason for not incorporating all genetic control lines is that we have previously assessed the LMD and SMD behaviors of GAL4/+ and UAS/+ strains in our earlier studies. Our past experiences have consistently shown that 100% of the genetic control flies for both GAL4 and UAS exhibit normal LMD and SMD behaviors. Given these findings, we deemed the inclusion of additional genetic controls to be non-essential for the present study, particularly in the context of extensive screening efforts. However, in accordance with the reviewer's recommendation, we conducted genetic validation experiments on novel genetic crosses, including SIFaR-RNAi/+, CrzR-RNAi/+, and GAL4NP5270/+, and incorporated the results in the supplementary figures (Supplementary information 1). We have made the necessary modifications and additions to the manuscript as below.

      "Given those genetic controls, as evidenced by consistent exhibition of normal LMD and SMD behaviors (Supplemental information 1), the observed reduction in SIFaR expression, driven by elavc155, is deemed sufficient to induce significant disruptions in LMD and SMD behaviors."

      We understand the value of providing a clear rationale for our methodology choices. To this end, we have added a detailed explanation in the "MATERIALS AND METHODS" section and the figure legends of Figure 1. This clarification aims to assist readers in understanding our decision to omit traditional controls, as outlined below.

      "__Mating Duration Assays for Successful Copulation__The mating duration assay in this study has been reported (Kim et al. 2012; Kim et al. 2013; Lee et al. 2023). To enhance the efficiency of the mating duration assay, we utilized the Df(1)Exel6234 (DF here after) genetic modified fly line in this study, which harbors a deletion of a specific genomic region that includes the sex peptide receptor (SPR) (Parks et al. 2004; Yapici et al. 2008). Previous studies have demonstrated that virgin females of this line exhibit increased receptivity to males (Yapici et al. 2008). We conducted a comparative analysis between the virgin females of this line and the CS virgin females and found that both groups induced SMD. Consequently, we have elected to employ virgin females from this modified line in all subsequent studies. For group reared (naïve) males, 40 males from the same strain were placed into a vial with food for 5 days. For single reared males, males of the same strain were collected individually and placed into vials with food for 5 days. For experienced males, 40 males from the same strain were placed into a vial with food for 4 days then 80 DF virgin females were introduced into vials for last 1 day before assay. 40 DF virgin females were collected from bottles and placed into a vial for 5 days. These females provide both sexually experienced partners and mating partners for mating duration assays. At the fifth day after eclosion, males of the appropriate strain and DF virgin females were mildly anaesthetized by CO2. After placing a single female into the mating chamber, we inserted a transparent film then placed a single male to the other side of the film in each chamber. After allowing for 1 h of recovery in the mating chamber in 25℃ incubators, we removed the transparent film and recorded the mating activities. Only those males that succeeded to mate within 1 h were included for analyses. Initiation and completion of copulation were recorded with an accuracy of 10 sec, and total mating duration was calculated for each couple. Genetic controls with GAL4/+ or UAS/+ lines were omitted from supplementary figures, as prior data confirm their consistent exhibition of normal LMD and SMD behaviors (Kim et al. 2012; Kim et al. 2013; Lee et al. 2023; Huang et al. 2024; Zhang et al. 2024). Hence, genetic controls for LMD and SMD behaviors were incorporated exclusively when assessing novel fly strains that had not previously been examined. In essence, internal controls were predominantly employed in the experiments, as LMD and SMD behaviors exhibit enhanced statistical significance when internally controlled. Within the LMD assay, both group and single conditions function reciprocally as internal controls. A significant distinction between the naïve and single conditions implies that the experimental manipulation does not affect LMD. Conversely, the lack of a significant discrepancy suggests that the manipulation does influence LMD. In the context of SMD experiments, the naïve condition (equivalent to the group condition in the LMD assay) and sexually experienced males act as mutual internal controls for one another. A statistically significant divergence between naïve and experienced males indicates that the experimental procedure does not alter SMD. Conversely, the absence of a statistically significant difference suggests that the manipulation does impact SMD. Hence, we incorporated supplementary genetic control experiments solely if they deemed indispensable for testing. All assays were performed from noon to 4 PM. We conducted blinded studies for every test."

      *○ Using synaptic markers and high-resolution imaging to observe synaptic changes directly. *

         __Answer:__ We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's constructive suggestion to provide high-resolution imaging for a more direct observation of synaptic changes. While we have already included high-resolution imaging data showcasing postsynaptic and presynaptic alterations using Denmark and syt.eGFP (Figure S3), GRASP (Figure 3A-D), and tGRASP (Figure 4A-J), we recognize the value of further elucidation. Consequently, we have conducted additional experiments to examine the presynaptic changes in SIFaR24F06 neurons under varying social contexts, as presented in Figure 5A-G. We are confident that the comprehensive dataset we have now provided, which includes these new findings, will not only address the reviewer's concerns but also effectively convey to the readers the dynamic and critical nature of SIFa-SIFaR synaptic changes in modulating interval timing behaviors.

      *○ Electrophysiological recordings from neurons expressing SIFa and SIFaR to analyze their functional connectivity and activity patterns. *

         __Answer:__ We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's constructive suggestions regarding the inclusion of electrophysiological recordings from neurons expressing SIFa and SIFaR to analyze functional connectivity and activity patterns. In response to this valuable feedback, we have conducted *in vivo* calcium imaging using the GCaMP indicator. The results have been incorporated into our manuscript, demonstrating SIFa-SIFaR connectivity and alterations in activity patterns (Figure 5H-L), as well as SIFa-Crz connectivity and changes in activity patterns (Figure 6 and Figure S6). We are confident that these additional data provide compelling evidence supporting the notion that the SIFa-SIFaR/Crz-CrzR neuropeptide relay circuits are robustly interconnected and exhibit activity changes in concert with the observed neuronal modifications.
      • *

      Comment 4.* Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? The suggested experiments are realistic but will require considerable time and resources. Detailed molecular interaction studies, imaging synaptic plasticity, and electrophysiological recordings could take several months to over a year, depending on the complexity and availability of necessary equipment and expertise. The cost would be moderate to high, involving expenses for reagents, imaging equipment, and animal husbandry for maintaining Drosophila stocks. *

      * * Answer: We are grateful for the reviewers' understanding and support for our additional analysis in the revision experiments. While we have already conducted a multitude of experiments pertinent to this manuscript, we are well-positioned to provide a comprehensive revision of the data within a relatively short timeframe.

      Comment 5. Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? The methods are generally described in detail, allowing for potential reproducibility. However, more precise documentation of certain experimental conditions, such as the timing and conditions of RNAi induction and temperature controls, is necessary. The methods about imaging analysis are too detailed. The exact steps about how to use ImageJ should be removed.

      * * Answer: We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's meticulous comments regarding the omission of certain methodological details in our manuscript. In response, we have now included a detailed description of the temperature control procedures for conditional RNAi induction in the "Fly Stocks and Husbandry" section, as detailed below.

      "For temperature-controlled experiments, including those utilizing the temperature-sensitive tub-GAL80ts driver, the flies were initially crossed and maintained at a constant temperature of 22℃ within an incubator. The temperature shift was initiated post-eclosion. Once the flies had emerged, they were transferred to an incubator set at an elevated temperature of 29℃ for a defined period, after which the experimental protocols were carried out. Wild-type flies were Canton-S (CS)."

         We appreciate the reviewer's guidance on refining our manuscript. In response to the suggestion, we have streamlined the image analysis methods section, removing excessive details to present the information in a more concise and clear manner as below.

      "Quantitative analysis of fluorescence intensity

      To ascertain calcium levels and synaptic intensity from microscopic images, we dissected and imaged five-day-old flies of various social conditions and genotypes under uniform conditions. The GFP signal in the brains and VNCs was amplified through immunostaining with chicken anti-GFP primary antibody. Image analysis was conducted using ImageJ software. For the quantification of fluorescence intensities, an investigator, blinded to the fly's genotype, thresholded the sum of all pixel intensities within a sub-stack to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio, following established methods (Feinberg 2008). The total fluorescent area or region of interest (ROI) was then quantified using ImageJ, as previously reported. For CaLexA signal quantification, we adhered to protocols detailed by Kayser et al. (Kayser et al, 2014), which involve measuring the ROI's GFP-labeled area by summing pixel values across the image stack. This method assumes that changes in the GFP-labeled area are indicative of alterations in the CaLexA signal, reflecting synaptic activity. ROI intensities were background-corrected by measuring and subtracting the fluorescent intensity from a non-specific adjacent area, as per Kayser et al. (Kayser et al, 2014). For the analysis of GRASP or tGRASP signals, a sub-stack encompassing all synaptic puncta was thresholded by a genotype-blinded investigator to achieve the optimal signal-to-noise ratio. The fluorescence area or ROI for each region was quantified using ImageJ, employing a similar approach to that used for CaLexA quantification (Feinberg 2008)."

      Comment 6. Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Most figures in the manuscript need to be re-plotted. The right y-axis "Difference between means" is not necessary, if not confusing. The image panels are too small to see, while the quantification of overlapping cells are unnecessarily large. The figures are too crowded with labels and texts, which makes it extremely difficult to comprehend the data.

         __Answer:__ We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion to refine our figures, and we have indeed reformatted them to provide clearer presentation and improved readability. Regarding the removal of dot blot membranes (DBMs), we have given this considerable thought. While we understand the recommendation, we have chosen to retain the DBMs in our manuscript. Our decision is based on the fact that our analysis encompasses not only traditional t-tests but also incorporates estimation statistics, which have been demonstrated to be effective for biological data analysis (Claridge-Chang & Assam, 2016). The inclusion of DBMs is essential for the accurate interpretation of these estimation statistics, ensuring a comprehensive representation of our findings.

      Minor Comments Comment 7. Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable. Clarify the timing of RNAi induction and provide more detailed figure legends for better understanding and reproducibility.

         __Answer:__ We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's suggestion aimed at enhancing our manuscript. As previously addressed in our response to __*Comment 5*__, we have incorporated additional details regarding the timing of RNAi induction within the Methods section. Furthermore, we have expanded upon the figure legends to provide a clearer understanding of our findings, ensuring that the content is accessible to a broader readership.

      * Comment 8. Are prior studies referenced appropriately? Yes. *

      __ Answer:__ We are grateful for the reviewer's acknowledgment that our references have been appropriately included and integrated into the manuscript.

      * Comment 9. Are the text and figures clear and accurate? The text is generally clear, but the figures need re-work. See comment above. *

      • *Answer: We appreciate the feedback from the reviewers regarding the clarity of our figures. In response to other reviewers' concerns about the figures appearing too crowded, we have carefully revised the layout of all figures to ensure they are more spacious and aesthetically improved for better readability and visual appeal.

      * Comment 10. Suggestions to improve the presentation of data and conclusions. Use smaller fonts in the bar plots and make the plots smaller. Enlarge the imaging panels and let the pictures tell the story. *

      * * Answer: We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's constructive suggestion. In response, we have revised the figures by enlarging the images and adjusting the font sizes in the bar plots to enhance readability and clarity.


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    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The article investigates the role of the neuropeptide SIFa and its receptor SIFaR in regulating two distinct mating duration behaviors in male Drosophila melanogaster, Longer-Mating-Duration (LMD) and Shorter-Mating-Duration (SMD). The study reveals that SIFaR expression in specific neurons is required for both behaviors. It shows that social context and sexual experience lead to synaptic reorganization between SIFa and SIFaR neurons, altering internal brain states. The SIFa-SIFaR/Crz-CrzR neuropeptide relay pathway is essential for generating these behaviors, with Crz neurons responding to SIFa neuron activity. Furthermore, CrzR expression in non-neuronal cells is critical for regulating LMD and SMD behaviors. The study utilizes neuropeptide RNAi screening, chemoconnectome (CCT) knock-in, and genetic intersectional methods to elucidate these findings.

      Major Comments

      • Are the key conclusions convincing? The key conclusions are intriguing but require more robust data to be fully convincing. While the study presents compelling evidence for the involvement of SIFa and SIFaR in mating behaviors, additional experiments are needed to firmly establish the proposed mechanisms.
      • Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? The authors should qualify certain claims as preliminary or speculative. Specifically, the proposed SIFa-SIFaR/Crz-CrzR neuropeptide relay pathway is only investigated via imaging approach. More experiments using behavioral tests are needed to confirm that Crz relays the SIFa signaling pathway. For example, Crz-Gal4>UAS-SIFaR RNAi should be done to show that SIFaR+ Crz+ cells are necessary for LMD and SMD.
      • Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Yes, additional experiments are essential. Detailed molecular and imaging studies are needed to support claims about synaptic reorganization. For example:
        • More controls are needed for RNAi and Gal80ts experiments, such as Gal4-only control, RNAi-only control, etc.
        • Using synaptic markers and high-resolution imaging to observe synaptic changes directly.
        • Electrophysiological recordings from neurons expressing SIFa and SIFaR to analyze their functional connectivity and activity patterns.
      • Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? The suggested experiments are realistic but will require considerable time and resources. Detailed molecular interaction studies, imaging synaptic plasticity, and electrophysiological recordings could take several months to over a year, depending on the complexity and availability of necessary equipment and expertise. The cost would be moderate to high, involving expenses for reagents, imaging equipment, and animal husbandry for maintaining Drosophila stocks.
      • Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? The methods are generally described in detail, allowing for potential reproducibility. However, more precise documentation of certain experimental conditions, such as the timing and conditions of RNAi induction and temperature controls, is necessary. The methods about imaging analysis are too detailed. The exact steps about how to use ImageJ should be removed.
      • Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Most figures in the manuscript need to be re-plotted. The right y-axis "Difference between means" is not necessary, if not confusing. The image panels are too small to see, while the quantification of overlapping cells are unnecessarily large. The figures are too crowded with labels and texts, which makes it extremely difficult to comprehend the data.

      Minor Comments

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable. Clarify the timing of RNAi induction and provide more detailed figure legends for better understanding and reproducibility.
      • Are prior studies referenced appropriately? Yes.
      • Are the text and figures clear and accurate? The text is generally clear, but the figures need re-work. See comment above.
      • Suggestions to improve the presentation of data and conclusions. Use smaller fonts in the bar plots and make the plots smaller. Enlarge the imaging panels and let the pictures tell the story.


      Nature and Significance of the Advance

      This study aims to advance understanding of how neuropeptides modulate context-dependent behaviors in Drosophila. It provides novel insights into the role of SIFa and SIFaR in interval timing behaviors, contributing to the broader field of neuropeptide research and behavioral neuroscience. However, the significance of the findings is limited by the preliminary nature of some claims and the need for additional supporting data.

      Context in Existing Literature

      The work builds on previous studies that identified various roles of neuropeptides in behavior modulation but lacked detailed mechanistic insights. By elucidating the SIFa-SIFaR/Crz-CrzR pathway, this study attempts to fill a gap in the literature, but more robust evidence is required to solidify its contributions.

      Interested Audience

      The findings will interest neuroscientists, behavioral biologists, and researchers studying neuropeptides and their roles in behavior and neural circuitry. Additionally, this research may have implications for understanding neuropeptidergic systems in other organisms, making it relevant to a broader audience in the fields of neurobiology and physiology.

      Field of Expertise

      Keywords: Neuropeptides, Drosophila melanogaster, Behavioral Neuroscience. Areas without sufficient expertise: courtship behavior.


      I recommend a major revision of this manuscript. The study presents intriguing findings, but several key claims are preliminary and require additional experiments for support. The data is poorly presented and the figures can be significantly improved. Detailed molecular and imaging studies, as well as more rigorous statistical analyses, are necessary to strengthen the conclusions. Addressing these concerns will significantly improve the robustness and impact of the paper.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Zhang et al., "Long-range neuropeptide relay as a central-peripheral communication mechanism for the context-dependent modulation of interval timing behaviors".

      The authors investigate mating behavior in male fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, and test for a role of the SIFamide receptor (SIFaR) in this type of behavior, in particular mating duration in dependence of social isolation and prior mating experience. The anatomy of SIFamide-releasing neurons in comparison with SIFamide receptor-expressing neurons is characterized in a detail-rich manner. Isolating males or exposing them to mating experience modifies the anatomical organization of SIFamidergic axon termini projecting onto SIFamide receptor-expressing neurons. This structural synaptic plasticity is accompanied by changes in calcium influx. Lastly, it is shown that corazonin-releasing neurons are modulated by SIFamide releasing neurons and impact the duration of mating behavior.

      Overall, this highly interesting study advances our knowledge about the behavioral roles of SIFamide, and contributes to an understanding how motivated behavior such as mating is orchestrated by modulatory peptides. The approach to take the entire organism, including peripheral tissue, into consideration, is very good and a rather unique point. The manuscript has only some points that are less convincing, and these should be addressed.

      Major concerns:

      • It is highly interesting that the duration of mating behavior is dependent on external and motivational factors. In fact, that provides an elegant way to study which neuronal mechanisms orchestrate these factors. However, it remains elusive why the authors link the differentially motivated durations of mating behavior to the psychological concept of interval timing. This distracts from the actually interesting neurobiology, and is not necessary to make the study interesting.
      • In figure 4 A and 4K, fluorescence microscopy images of brains and ventral nerve chords are shown, one illustrating GRASP experiments, and one showing CaLexA experiments. The extreme difference between the differentially treated flies (bright fluorescence versus almost no fluorescence) is - in its drastic form- surprising. Online access to the original confocal microscopy images (raw data) might help to convince the reader that these illustrations do not reflect the most drastic "representative" examples out of a series of brain stainings.
      • In particular for behavioral experiments, genetic controls should always be conducted. That is, both the heterozygous Gal4-line as well as the heterozygous UAS-line should be used as controls. This is laborious, but important.

      Minor comments:

      • Line 75: word missing ("...including FEEDING-RELATED BEHAVIOR, courtship, ...").
      • Line 120: word missing ("SIFaR expression in adult neurons BUT not glia...").
      • I find the figures often to be quite overloaded, and anatomical details often very small (e.g., figure 7A).


      Overall, this highly interesting study advances our knowledge about the behavioral roles of SIFamide, and contributes to an understanding how motivated behavior is orchestrated by modulatory peptides. The approach to take the entire organism, including peripheral tissue, into consideration, is very good and a rather unique point.

      Since decades it has been investigated how sensory stimuli are processed and encoded by the brain, and how behavioral actions are executed. Likewise, principles underlying learning and memory, sleep, orentation, circadian rhythms, etc. are subject to intense investigation. However, how motivational factors (sleep pressure, hunger, sexual drive) are actually "encoded", signaled and finally used to orchstrate behavior and guide decision-making is, to a very large degree, unknown - in any species. The model use here (Drosophila and its peptidergic system wit SIFamide as a central hub) represents actually a ideal entry point to study just this question. In this sense, the manuscript is at the forefront of modern, state-of-the-art neurobiology.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript from Zhang et al. primarily investigates the contribution of the SIFa neuropeptide receptor (SIFaR) to mating duration in male fruit flies. Through RNAi-mediated downregulation, they show that SIFaR receptor is necessary for previous experience to alter mating duration. Using cell-specific knockdown and rescue of the SIFaR receptor, they identify a population of ~400 neurons that could underlie this effect. This is still a large number of cells but is narrowed from the ~1,200 total SIFaR-expressing neurons. They then use the GRASP synaptic labeling technique to show that SIFa+ neurons form synapses onto the relevant SIFaR-expressing population, and that the area of synaptic contact is systematically altered depending on the fly's past mating history. Finally, they provide evidence to argue that SIFa neurons act through SIFaR neurons that release the neuropeptide corazonin to regulate mating duration. Overall, the authors have used an impressive array of techniques in their attempt to define the neural circuits and molecules involved in changing internal state to modify the duration of mating.

      Major Comments:

      1. The authors are to be commended for the sheer quantity of data they have generated, but I was often overwhelmed by the figures, which try to pack too much into the space provided. As a result, it is often unclear what components belong to each panel. Providing more space between each panel would really help.
      2. The use of three independent RNAi lines to knock down SIFaR expression is experimentally solid, as the common phenotype observed with all 3 lines supports the conclusion that the SIFaR is important for mating duration choice. However, the authors have not tested whether these lines effectively reduce SIFaR expression, nor whether the GAL80 constructs used to delimit knockdown are able to effectively do so. This makes it hard to make definitive conclusions with these manipulations, especially in the face of negative results. A lack of complete knockdown is suggested by the fact that the F24F06 driver rescues lethality when used to express SIFaR in the B322 mutant background, but does not itself produce lethality when used to express SIFaR RNAi. The authors should either conduct experiments to determine knockdown efficiency or explicitly acknowledge this limitation in drawing conclusions from their experiments. A similar concern relates to the CrzR knockdown experiments (eg Figure 7).
      3. Most of the behavioral experiments lack traditional controls, for example flies that contain either the GAL4 or UAS elements alone. The authors should explain their decision to omit these control experiments and provide an argument for why they are not necessary to correctly interpret the data. In this vein, the authors have stated in the methods that stocks were outcrossed at least 3x to Canton-S background, but 3 outcrosses is insufficient to fully control for genetic background.
      4. Throughout the manuscript, the authors appear to use a single control condition (sexually naïve flies raised in groups) to compare to both males raised singly and males with previous sexual experience. These control conditions are duplicated in two separate graphs, one for long mating duration and one for short mating duration, but they are given different names (group vs naïve) depending on the graph. If these are actually the same flies, then this should be made clear, and they should be given a consistent name across the different "experiments".
      5. The authors have consistently conflated overlap of neuronal processes with synaptic connections. Claims of synaptic connectivity deriving solely from overlap of processes should be tempered and qualified.
        • For example, they say (Lines 201-202) "These findings suggest that SIFa neurons and GAL424F06-positive neurons form more synapses in the VNC than in the brain." This is misleading. Overlap of24F06-LexA>CD8GFP and SIFa-GAL4>CD8RFP tells us nothing about synapse number, or even whether actual synapses are being formed.
        • Lines 210-211: "The overlap of DenMark and syt.EGFP signals was highly enriched in both SOG and ProNm regions, indicating that these regions are where GAL424F06 neurons form interconnected networks". This is misleading. Overlap of DenMark and syt.EGFP does not indicate synapses (especially since these molecules can be expressed outside the expected neuronal compartment if driven at high enough levels).
        • Lines 320-322: "Neurons expressing Crz exhibit robust synaptic connections with SIFaR24F06 neurons located in the PRW region of the SOG in the brain (panels of Brain and SOG in Fig. 5A)". This is again misleading. They are not actually measuring synapses here, but instead looking at area of overlap between neuronal processes of Crz and SIFaR cells.
        • In Figs 3B and S4A, they are claiming that all neuronal processes within a given delineated brain area are synapses. The virtual fly brain and hemibrain resource have a way to actually identify synapses. This should be used in addition to the neuron skeleton. Otherwise, it is misleading to label these as synapses.
        • Furthermore, measuring the area of GRASP signal is not the same as quantifying synapses. We don't know if synapse number changes (eg in lines 240-242).
      6. In general, the first part of the manuscript (implicating SIFaR in mating duration) is much stronger than the second part, which attempts to demonstrate that SIFa acts through Crz-expressing neurons to induce its effects. The proof that SIFa acts through Crz-expressing neurons to modify mating duration is tenuous. The most direct evidence of this, achieved via knockdown on Crz in SIFaR-expressing cells, is relegated to supplemental figures. The calcium response of the Crz neurons to SIFa neuron activation (Fig. 6) is more of a lack of a decrease that is observed in controls. Also, this is only done in the VNC. Why not look in the brain, because the authors previously stated a hypothesis that the "transmission of signals through SIFaR in Crz-expressing neurons is limited to the brain" (lines 381-382)?

      Furthermore, the authors suggest that Crz acts on cells in the heart to regulate mating duration. It would be useful to add a discussion/speculation as to possible mechanisms for heart cells to regulate mating decisions. Is there evidence of CrzR in the heart? The SCope data presented in Fig. 7I-L and S7G-H is hard to read. 7. In several cases, the effects of being raised single are opposite the effects of sexual experience. For example, in Fig. 4T, calcium activity is increased in the AG following sexual experience, but decreased in flies raised singly. Likewise, Crz-neurons in the OL have increased CaLexA signal in singly-raised flies but reduced signals in flies with previous sexual experience. In some cases, manipulations selectively affect LMD or SMD. It would be useful to discuss these differences and consider the mechanistic implications of these differential changes, when they all result in decreased mating duration. This could help to clarify the big picture of the manuscript.

      Minor Comments:

      1. For CaLexA experiments (eg Fig 7A-D), signal intensity should be quantified in addition to area covered. Increased intensity would indicate greater calcium activity within a particular set of neurons.
      2. In Figure 5K: quantification of cell overlap is missing. In the text they state that there are ~100 neurons that co-express SIFaR24F06 and Crz. How was this determined? Is there a graph or numerical summary of this assertion?
      3. In lines 709-711: "Our experience suggests that the relative mating duration differences between naïve and experienced condition and singly reared are always consistent; however, both absolute values and the magnitude of the difference in each strain can vary. So, we always include internal controls for each treatment as suggested by previous studies." I had trouble understanding this section of methods. What is done with the data from the internal controls?
      4. Could the authors comment on why the brain GRASP signal is so different in Figures 3A and 4A? I realize that different versions of GRASP were used in these experiments, but I would expect broad agreement between the different approaches.


      This study will be most relevant to researchers interested in understanding neuronal control of behavior. The manuscript offers a conceptual advance in identifying cell types and molecules that influence mating duration decisions. The strength of the manuscript is the number of different assays used; however, there is a sense that this has occurred at the cost of providing a cohesive narrative. The first part of the manuscript (detailing the role of SIFaR in LMD and SMD) is relatively stronger and more conclusive.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      This section is mandatory. *Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. *

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility, and clarity (Required)): This is an interesting manuscript from the Jagannathan laboratory, which addresses the interaction proteome of two satellite DNA-binding proteins, D1 and Prod. To prevent a bias by different antibody affinities they use GFP-fusion proteins of D1 and Prod as baits and purified them using anti GFP nanobodies. They performed the purifications in three different tissues: embryo, ovary and GSC enriched testes. Across all experiments, they identified 500 proteins with surprisingly little overlap among tissues and between the two different baits. Based on the observed interaction of prod and D1 with members of the canonical piRNA pathway the authors hypothesized that both proteins might influence the expression of transposable elements. However, neither by specific RNAi alleles or mutants that lead to a down regulation of D1 and Prod in the gonadal soma nor in the germline did they find an effect on the repression of transposable elements. They also did not detect an effect of a removal of piRNA pathway proteins on satellite DNA clustering, which is mediated by Prod and D1. However, they do observe a mis-localisation of the piRNA biogenesis complex to an expanded satellite DNA in absence of D1, which presumably is the cause of a mis-regulation of transposable elements in the F2 generation.This is an interesting finding linking satellite DNA and transposable element regulation in the germline. However, I find the title profoundly misleading as the link between satellite DNA organization and transgenerational transposon repression in Drosophila has not been identified by multi-tissue proteomics but by a finding of the Brennecke lab that the piRNA biogenesis complex has a tendency to localise to satellite DNA when the localisation to the piRNA locus is impaired. Nevertheless, the investigation of the D1 and Prod interactome is interesting and might reveal insights into the pathways that drive the formation of centromeres in a tissue specific manner.

      We thank the reviewer for the overall positive comments on our manuscript. As noted above, we have performed a substantial number of revision experiments and improved our text. We believe that our revised manuscript demonstrates a clear link between our proteomics data and the transposon repression. We would like to make three main points,

      1. Our proteomics data identified that D1 and Prod co-purified transposon repression proteins in embryos. To test the functional significance of this association, we have used Drosophila genetics to generate flies lacking embryonic D1. In adult ovaries from these flies, we observe a striking elevation in transposon expression and Chk2-dependent gonadal atrophy. Along with the results from the control genotypes (F1 D1 mutant, F2 D1 het), our data clearly indicate that embryogenesis (and potentially early larval development) are a period when D1 establishes heritable TE silencing that can persist throughout development.
      2. Based on the newly acquired RNA-seq and small RNA seq data, we have edited our title to more accurately reflect our data. Specifically, we have substituted the word 'transgenerational' with 'heritable', meaning that the presence of D1 during early development alone is sufficient to heritably repress TEs at later stages of development.
      3. In addition, our RNA seq and small RNA seq experiments demonstrate that D1 makes a negligible contribution to piRNA biogenesis and TE repression in adults, despite the significant mislocalization of the RDC complex. In this regard, our results are substantially different from the recent Kipferl study from the Brennecke lab (Baumgartner et al. 2022).

        Major comments Unfortunately, the proteomic data sets are not very convincing. Not even the corresponding baits are detected in all assays. I wonder whether the extraction procedure really allows the authors to analyze all functionally relevant interactions of Prod and D1. It would be good to see a western blot or an MS analysis of the soluble nuclear extract they use for purification compared to the insoluble chromatin. It may well be that a large portion of Prod or D1 is lost in this early step. I also find the description of the proteomic results hard to follow as the authors mostly list which proteins the find as interactors of Prod and D1 without stating in which tissue or with what bait they could purify them (i.e. p7: Importantly, our hits included known chromocenter-associated or pericentromeric heterochromatin-associated proteins, such as Su(var)3-9[52], ADD1[23,24], HP5[23,24],mei-S332[53], Mes-4[23], Hmr[24,39,54], Lhr[24,39], and members of the chromosome passenger complex, such as borr and Incenp[55]). It would be interesting to at least discuss tissue specific interactions.

      Out of six total AP-MS experiments in this manuscript (D1 x 3, Prod x 2 and Piwi), we observe a strong enrichment of the bait in 5/6 attempts (log2FC between 4-12). In the initial submission, the lack of a third high-quality biological replicate for the D1 testis sample meant that only the p-value (0.07) was not meeting the cutoff. To address this, we have repeated this experiment with an additional biological replicate (Fig. S2A), and our data now clearly show that D1 is significantly enriched in the testis sample.

      As suggested by the reviewer, we have also assessed our lysis conditions (450mM NaCl and benzonase) and the solubilization of our baits post-lysis. In Fig. S1D, we have blotted equivalent fractions of the soluble supernatant and insoluble pellet from GFP-Piwi embryos and show that both GFP-Piwi and D1 are largely solubilized following lysis. In Fig. S1E, we also show that our IP protocol works efficiently.

      GFP-Prod pulldown in embryos is the only instance in which we do not detect the bait by mass spectrometry. Here, one reason could be relatively low expression of GFP-Prod in comparison to GFP-D1 (Fig. S1E), which may lead to technical difficulties in detecting peptides corresponding to Prod. However, we note that Prod IP co-purified proteins such as Bocks that were previously suggested as Prod interactors from high-throughput studies (Giot et al. 2003; Guruharsha et al. 2011). In addition, Prod IP from embryos also co-purified proteins known to associate with chromocenters such as Hcs and Saf-B. Finally, the concordance between D1 and Prod co-purified proteins from embryo lysates (Fig. 2A, C) suggest that the Prod IP from embryos is of reasonable quality.

      We also acknowledge the reviewer's comment that the description of the proteomic data was hard to follow. Therefore, we have revised our text to clearly indicate which bait pulled down which protein in which tissue (lines 148-156). We have also highlighted and discussed bait-specific and tissue-specific interactions in the text (lines 162-173).

      Minor comments The authors may also want to provide a bit more information on the quantitation of the proteomic data such as how many values were derive from the match-between runs function and how many were imputed as this can severely distort the quantification.

      Figure 1: Distribution of data after imputation in embryo (left), ovary (middle) and testis (right) datasets. Imputation is performed with random sampling from the 1% least intense values generated by a normal distribution.

      To ensure the robustness of our data analysis, we considered only those proteins that were consistently identified in all replicates for at least one bait (GFP-D1, GFP-Prod or NLS-GFP). This approach resulted in a relative low number of missing values. However, it is also important to bear in mind that in an AP-MS experiment, the number of missing values is higher, as interactors are not identified in the control pulldown. Importantly, the imputation of missing values during the data analysis did not alter the normal distribution of the dataset (Fig. 1, this document). Detailed information regarding the imputed values is also provided (Table 1, this document). The coding script used for the data analysis is available in the PRIDE submission of the dataset (Table 2, this document). This information has been added to our methods section under data availability.

      Table 1: ____Number of match-between-runs and imputations for embryo, ovary and testis datasets

















      Table 2: ____Access to the PRIDE submission of the datasets


      ID PRIDE

      UN reviewer

      PW reviewer

      IP-MS of D1 from Testis tissue




      IP-MS of Piwi from Embryo tissue




      IP-MS of Prod and D1 proteins from Ovary tissue




      IP-MS of Prod and D1 proteins from Embryo tissue




      **Referee Cross-Commenting** I agree with the two other reviewers that the connection between the interactome and the transgenerational phenotype is unclear. This is also what I meant i my comment that the title is somewhat misleading. A systematic analysis of the D1 and Prod knock down effect on mRNAs and small Rnas would indeed be helpful to better understand the interesting effect.

      As suggested by the reviewer, we have performed RNA seq and small RNA seq in control and D1 mutant ovaries (Fig. 4) to fully understand the contribution of D1 in piRNA biogenesis and TE repression. Briefly, the mislocalization of RDC complex in D1 mutant ovaries does not significantly affect TE-mapping piRNA biogenesis (Fig. 4C, E). In addition, loss of D1 does not substantially alter TE expression in the ovaries (Fig. 4B) or alter the expression of genes involved in TE repression (Fig. 4F). Along with the results presented in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, our data clearly indicate that embryogenesis (and potentially early larval development) is a critical period during which D1 makes an important contribution to TE repression.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): Nevertheless, the investigation of the D1 and Prod interactome is interesting and might reveal insights into the pathways that drive the formation of centromeres in a tissue specific manner. It may be mostly interesting for the Drosophila community but could also be exiting for a broader audience interested in the connection of heterochromatin and its indirect effect on the regulation of transposable elements.

      We thank the reviewer again for the helpful and constructive comments, which have enabled us to significantly improve our study. We are excited by the results from our study, which illuminate unappreciated aspects of transcriptional silencing in constitutive heterochromatin.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): Chavan et al. set out to enrich our compendium of pericentric heterochromatin-associated proteins - and to learn some new biology along the way. An ambitious AP-Mass baited with two DNA satellite-binding proteins (D1 and Prod), conducted across embryos, ovaries, and testes, yielded hundreds of candidate proteins putatively engaged at chromocenters. These proteins are enriched for a restricted number of biological pathways, including DNA repair and transposon regulation. To investigate the latter in greater depth, the authors examine D1 and prod mutants for transposon activity changes using reporter constructs for multiple elements. These reporter constructs revealed no transposon activation in the adult ovary, where many proteins identified in the mass spec experiments restrict transposons. However, the authors suggest that the D1 mutant ovaries do show disrupted localization of a key member of a transposon restriction pathway (Cuff), and infer that this mislocalization triggers a striking, transposon derepression phenotype in the F2 ovaries.

      The dataset produced by the AP-Mass Spec offers chromosome biologists an unprecedented resource. The PCH is long-ignored chromosomal region that has historically received minimal attention; consequently, the pathways that regulate heterochromatin are understudied. Moreover, attempting to connect genome organization to transposon regulation is a new and fascinating area. I can easily envision this manuscript triggering a flurry of discovery; however, there is quite a lot of work to do before the data can fully support the claims.

      We appreciate the reviewer taking the time to provide thoughtful comments and constructive suggestions to improve the manuscript. We believe that we have addressed all the comments raised to the significant advantage of our paper.

      Major comments 1. The introduction requires quite a radical restructure to better highlight the A) importance of the work and B) limit information whose relevance is not clear early in the manuscript. A. Delineating who makes up heterochromatin is a long-standing problem in chromosome biology. This paper has huge potential to contribute to this field; however, it is not the first. Others are working on this problem in other systems, for example PMID:29272703. Moreover, we have some understanding of the distinct pathways that may impact heterochromatin in different tissues (e.g., piRNA biology in ovaries vs the soma). Also, the mutant phenotypes of prod and D1 are different. Fleshing out these three distinct points could help the reader understand what we know and what we don't know about heterochromatin composition and its special biology. Understanding where we are as a field will offer clear predictions about who the interactors might be that we expect to find. For example, given the dramatically different D1 and prod mutant phenotypes (and allele swap phenotypes), how might the interactors with these proteins differ? What do we know about heterochromatin formation differences in different tissues? And how might these differences impact heterochromatin composition?

      The reviewer brings up a fair point and we have significantly reworked our introduction. We share the reviewer's opinion that improved knowledge of the constitutive heterochromatin proteome will reveal novel biology.

      1. The attempt to offer background on the piRNA pathway and hybrid dysgenesis in the Introduction does not work. As a naïve reader, it was not clear why I was reading about these pathways - it is only explicable once the reader gets to the final third of the Results. Moreover, the reader will not retain this information until the TE results are presented many pages later. I strongly urge the authors to shunt the two TE restriction paragraphs to later in the manuscript. They are currently a major impediment to understanding the power of the experiment - which is to identify new proteins, pathways, and ultimately, biology that are currently obscure because we have so little handle on who makes up heterochromatin.

      We agree with this suggestion. We have introduced the piRNA pathway in the results section (lines 205 - 216), right before this information is needed. We've also removed the details on hybrid dysgenesis, since our new data argues against a maternal effect from the D1 mutant.

      The implications of the failure to rescue female fertility by the tagged versions of both D1 and Prod are not discussed. Consequently, the reader is left uneasy about how to interpret the data.

      We understand this point raised by the reviewer. However, in our proteomics experiments, we have used GFP-D1 and GFP-Prod ovaries from ~1 day old females (line 579, methods). These ovaries are morphologically similar to the wild type (Fig. S1C) and their early germ cell development appears to be intact. Moreover, chromocenter formation in female GSCs is comparable to the wildtype (Fig. 1C-D). These data, along with the rescue of the viability of the Prod mutant (Fig. S1A-B), suggest that the presence of a GFP tag is not compromising D1 or Prod function in the early stages of germline development and is consistent with published and unpublished data from our lab. In addition, D1 and Prod from ovaries co-purify proteins such as Rfc38 (D1), Smn (D1), CG15107 (Prod), which have been identified in previous high-throughput screens (Guruharsha et al. 2011; Tang et al. 2023). For these reasons, we believe that GFP-D1 and GFP-Prod ovaries are a good starting point for the AP-MS experiment. We speculate that the failure to completely rescue female fertility may be due to improper expression levels of GFP-D1 or GFP-Prod flies at later stages of oogenesis, which are not present in ovaries from newly eclosed females and therefore unlikely to affect our proteomic data.

      1. How were the significance cut-offs determined? Is the p-value reported the adjusted p-value? As a non-expert in AP-MS, I was surprised to find that the p-value, at least according to the Methods, was not adjusted based on the number of tests. This is particularly relevant given the large/unwieldy(?) number of proteins that were identified as signficant in this study. Moreover, the D1 hit in Piwi pull down is actually not significant according to their criteria of p We used a standard cutoff of log2FC>1 and p2FC and low p-value) since these are more likely to be bona fide interactors. Third, we have used string-DB for functional analyses where we can place our hits in existing protein-protein interaction networks. Using this approach, we detect that Prod (but not D1) pulls down multiple members of the RPA complex in the embryo (RPA2 and RpA-70, Fig. S2B) while embryonic D1 (but not Prod) pulls down multiple components of the origin recognition complex (Orc1, lat, Orc5, Orc6, Fig. S2C) and the condensin I complex (Cap-G, Cap-D2, barr, Fig. S2D). Altogether, these filtering strategies allow us to eliminate as many false positives as possible while making sure to minimize the loss of true hits through multiple testing correction.

      How do we know if the lack of overlap across tissues is indeed germline- or soma-specialization rather than noise?

      To address this part of the comment, we have amended our text (lines 162-173) as follows,

      'We also observed a substantial overlap between D1- and Prod-associated proteins (yellow points in Fig. 2A, B, Table S1-3), with 61 hits pulled down by both baits (blue arrowheads, Fig. 2C) in embryos and ovaries. This observation is consistent with the fact that both D1 and Prod occupy sub-domains within the larger constitutive heterochromatin domain in nuclei. Surprisingly, only 12 proteins were co-purified by the same bait (D1 or Prod) across different tissues (magenta arrowheads, Fig. 2C, Table S1-3). In addition, only a few proteins such as an uncharacterized DnaJ-like chaperone, CG5504, were associated with both D1 and Prod in embryos and ovaries (Fig. 2D). One interpretation of these results is that the protein composition of chromocenters may be tailored to cell- and tissue-specific functions in Drosophila. However, we also note that the large number of unidentified peptides in AP-MS experiments means that more targeted experiments are required to validate whether certain proteins are indeed tissue-specific interactors of D1 and Prod.'

      To make this inference, conducting some validation would be required. More generally, I was surprised to see no single interactor validated by reciprocal IP-Westerns to validate the Mass-Spec results, though I am admittedly only adjacent to this technique. Note that colocalization, to my mind, does not validate the AP-MS data - in fact, we would a priori predict that piRNA pathway members would co-localize with PCH given the enrichment of piRNA clusters there.

      Here, we would point out that we have conducted multiple validation experiments with a specific focus on the functional significance of the associations between D1/Prod and TE repression proteins in embryos. While the reviewer suggests that piRNA pathway proteins may be expected to enrich at the pericentromeric heterochromatin, this is not always the case. For example, Piwi and Mael are present across the nucleus (pulled down by D1/Prod in embryos) while Cutoff, which is present adjacent to chromocenters in nurse cells, was not observed to interact with either D1 or Prod in the ovary samples.

      Therefore, for Piwi, we performed a reciprocal AP-MS experiment in embryos due to the higher sensitivity of this method (GFP-Piwi AP-MS, Fig. 3B). Excitingly, this experiment revealed that four largely uncharacterized proteins (CG14715, CG10208, Ugt35D1 and Fit) were highly enriched in the D1, Prod and Piwi pulldowns and these proteins will be an interesting cohort for future studies on transposon repression in Drosophila (Fig. 3C).

      Furthermore, we believe that determining the localization of proteins co-purified by D1/Prod is an important and orthogonal validation approach. For Sov, which is implicated in piRNA-dependent heterochromatin formation, we observe foci that are in close proximity to D1- and Prod-containing chromocenters (Fig. 3A).

      As for suggestion to validate by IP-WBs, we would point out that chromocenters exhibit properties associated with phase separated biomolecular condensates. Based on the literature, these condensates tend to associate with other proteins/condensates through low affinity or transient interactions that are rarely preserved in IP-WBs, even if there are strong functional relationships. One example is the association between D1 and Prod, which do not pull each other down in an IP-WB (Jagannathan et al. 2019), even though D1 and Prod foci dynamically associate in the nucleus and mutually regulate each other's ability to cluster satellite DNA repeats (Jagannathan et al. 2019). Similarly, IP-WB using GFP-Piwi embryos did not reveal an interaction with D1 (Fig. S4B). However, our extensive functional validations (Figures 4-6) have revealed a critical role for D1 in heritable TE repression.

      The AlphaFold2 data are very interesting but seem to lack of negative control. Is it possible to incorporate a dataset of proteins that are not predicted to interact physically to elevate the impact of the ones that you have focused on? Moreover, the structural modeling might suggest a competitive interaction between D1 and piRNAs for Piwi. Is this true? And even if not, how does the structural model contribute to your understanding for how D1 engages with the piRNA pathway? The Cuff mislocalization?

      In the revised manuscript, we have generated more structural models using AlphaFold Multimer (AFM) for proteins (log2FC>2, p0.5 and ipTM>0.8), now elaborated in lines 175-177. Despite the extensive disorder in D1 and Prod, we identified 22 proteins, including Piwi, that yield interfaces with ipTM scores >0.5 (Table S4, Table S8). These hits are promising candidates to further understand D1 and Prod function in the future.

      For the predicted model between Prod/D1 and Piwi (Fig. S4A), one conclusion could indeed be competition between D1/Prod and piRNAs for Piwi. Another possibility is that a transient interaction mediated by disordered regions on D1/Prod could recruit Piwi to satellite DNA-embedded TE loci in the pericentromeric heterochromatin. These types of interactions may be especially important in the early embryonic cycles, where repressive histone modifications such as H3K9me2/3 must be deposited at the correct loci for the first time. We suggest that mutating the disordered regions on D1 and Prod to potentially abrogate the interaction with Piwi will be important for future studies.

      The absence of a TE signal in D1 and Prod mutant ovaries would be much more compelling if investigated more agnostically. The observation that not all TE reporter constructs show a striking signal in the F2 embryos makes me wonder if Burdock and gypsy are not regulated by these two proteins but possibly other TEs are. Alternatively, small RNA-seq would more directly address the question of whether D1 and Prod regulate TEs through the piRNA pathway.

      We completely agree with this comment from the reviewer. We have performed RNA seq on D1 heterozygous (control) and D1 mutant ovaries in a chk26006 background. Since Chk2 arrests germ cell development in response to TE de-repression and DNA damage(Ghabrial and Schüpbach 1999; Moon et al. 2018), we reasoned that the chk2 mutant background would prevent developmental arrest of potential TE-expressing germ cells and we observed that both genotypes exhibited similar gonad morphology (Fig. 4A). From our analysis, we do not observe a significant effect on TE expression in the absence of D1, except for the LTR retrotransposon tirant (Fig. 4B). We also do not observe differential expression of TE repression genes (Fig. 4F).

      We have complemented our RNA seq experiment with small RNA profiling from D1 heterozygous (control) and D1 mutant ovaries. Here, overall piRNA production and antisense piRNAs mapping to TEs were largely unperturbed (Fig. 4C-E).

      Overall, our data is consistent with the TE reporter data (Fig. S7) and suggests that zygotic depletion of D1 does not have a prominent role in TE repression. However, we have uncovered that the presence of D1 during embryogenesis is critical for TE repression in adult gonads (Fig. 6, Fig. S9).

      I had trouble understanding the significance of the Cuff mis-localization when D1 is depleted. Given Cuff's role in the piRNA pathway and close association with chromatin, what would the null hypothesis be for Cuff localization when a chromocenter is disrupted? What is the null expectation of % Cuff at chromocenter given that the chromocenter itself expands massively in size (Figure 4D). The relationship between these two factors seems rather indirect and indeed, the absence of Cuff in the AP would suggest this. The biggest surprise is the absence of TE phenotype in the ovary, given the Cuff mutant phenotype - but we can't rule out given the absence of a genome-wide analysis. I think that these data leave the reader unconvinced that the F2 phenotype is causally linked to Cuff mislocalization.

      We apologize that this data was not more clearly represented. In a wild-type context, Cuff is distributed in a punctate manner across the nurse cell nuclei, with the puncta likely representing piRNA clusters (Fig. 5A-B). We find that a small fraction of Cuff (~5%) is present adjacent to the nurse cell chromocenter (inset, Fig. 5A and Fig. 5D). In the absence of D1, the nurse cell chromocenters increase ~3-4 fold in size. However, the null expectation is still that ~5% of total Cuff would be adjacent to the chromocenter, since the piRNA clusters are not expected to expand in size. In reality, we observe ~27% of total Cuff is mislocalized to chromocenters. Our data indicate that the satellite DNA repeats at the larger chromocenters must be more accessible to Cuff in the D1 mutant nurse cells. This observation is corroborated by the significant increase in piRNAs corresponding to the 1.688 satellite DNA repeat family (Fig. 4E).

      The lack of TE expression in the F1 D1 mutant was indeed surprising based on the Cuff mislocalization but as the reviewers pointed out, we only analyzed two TE reporter constructs in the initial submission. In the revised manuscript, we have performed both RNA seq and small RNA seq. Surprisingly, our data reveal that the Cuff mislocalization does not significantly affect piRNA biogenesis (Fig. 4C, D) and piRNAs mapping to TEs. As a result, both TE repression (Fig. 4B) and fertility (Fig. 6D) are largely preserved in the absence of D1 in adult ovaries.

      Finally, we thank the reviewer for their excellent suggestion to incorporate the F2 D1 heterozygote (Fig. S9) in our analysis! This important control has revealed that the maternal effect of the D1 mutant is negligible for gonad development and fertility (Fig. 6B-D). Rather, our data clearly emphasize embryogenesis (or early larval development) as a key period during which D1 can promote heritable TE repression. Essentially, D1 is not required during adulthood for TE repression if it was present in the early stages of development.

      Apologies if I missed this, but Figure 5 shows the F2 D1 mutant ovaries only. Did you look at the TM6 ovaries as well? These ovaries should lack the maternally provisioned D1 (assuming that females are on the right side) but have the zygotic transcription.

      As mentioned above, this was a great suggestion and we've now characterized this important control in the context of germline development and fertility, to the significant advantage of our paper.

      Minor comments 9. Add line numbers for ease of reference

      We apologize for this. Line numbers have been added in the full revision.

      1. The function of satellite DNA itself is still quite controversial - I would recommend being a bit more careful here - the authors could refer instead to genomic regions enriched for satellite DNA are linked to xyz function (see Abstract line 2 and 7, for example.)

      The abstract has been rewritten and does not directly implicate satellite DNA in a specific cellular function. However, we have taken the reviewer's suggestion in the introduction (line 57-58).

      "Genetic conflicts" in the introduction needs more explanation.

      This sentence has been removed from the introduction in the revised manuscript.

      "In contrast" is not quite the right word. Maybe "However" instead (1st line second paragraph of Intro)

      Done. Line 57 of the revised manuscript.

      Results: what is the motivation for using GSC-enriched testis?

      We use GSC-enriched testes for practical reasons. First, they contain a relatively uniform population of mitotically dividing germ cells unlike regular testes which contain a multitude of post-mitotic germ cells such as spermatocytes, spermatids and sperm. Second, GSC-enriched testes are much larger than normal testes and reduced the number of dissections that were needed for each replicate.

      1. Clarify sentence about the 500 proteins in the Results section - it's not clear from context that this is the union of all experiments.

      Done. Lines 145-149 in the revised manuscript.

      The data reported are not the first to suggest that satellite DNA may have special DNA repair requirements. e.g., PMID: 25340780

      We apologize if we gave the impression that we were making a novel claim. Specialized DNA repair requirements at repetitive sequences have indeed been previously hypothesized(Charlesworth et al. 1994) and studied and we have altered the text to better reflect this (lines 193-195). We have cited the study suggested by the reviewer as well as studies from the Chiolo(Chiolo et al. 2011; Ryu et al. 2015; Caridi et al. 2018) and Soutoglou(Mitrentsi et al. 2022) labs, which have also addressed this fascinating question.

      Page 10: indicate-> indicates.


      1. Page 14: revise for clarity: "investigate a context whether these interactions could not take place"

      We've incorporated this suggestion in the revised text (lines 383-386).

      1. Might be important to highlight the 500 interactions are both direct and indirect. "Interacting proteins" alone suggests direct interactions only.

      Done. Lines 145-149.

      The effect of the aub mutant on chromocenter foci did not seem modest to me - however, the bar graphs obscure the raw data - consider plotting all the data not just the mean and error?

      Done. This data is now represented by a box-and-whisker plot (Fig. S5), which shows the distribution of the data.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The dataset produced by the AP-Mass Spec offers chromosome biologists an unprecedented resource. The PCH is long-ignored chromosomal region that has historically received minimal attention; consequently, the pathways that regulate heterochromatin are understudied. Moreover, attempting to connect genome organization to transposon regulation is a new and fascinating area. I can easily envision this manuscript triggering a flurry of discovery; however, there is quite a lot of work to do before the data can fully support the claims.

      This manuscript represents a significant contribution to the field of chromosome biology.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation of our manuscript, and we really appreciate the great suggestion for the F2 D1 heterozygote control! Overall, we believe that our manuscript is substantially improved with the addition of RNA seq, small RNA seq and important genetic controls. Moreover, we are excited by the potential of our study to open new doors in the study of pericentromeric heterochromatin.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): In the manuscript entitled "Multi-tissue proteomics identifies a link between satellite DNA organization and transgenerational transposon repression", the authors used two satellite DNA-binding proteins, D1 and Prod, as baits to identify chromocenter-associated proteins through quantitative mass spectrometry. The proteomic analysis identified ~500 proteins across embryos, ovaries, and testes, including several piRNA pathways proteins. Depletion of D1 or Prod did not directly contribute to transposon repression in ovary. However, in the absence of maternal and zygotic D1, there was a dramatic increase of agametic ovaries and transgenerational transposon de-repression. Although the study provides a wealth of proteomic data, it lacks mechanistic insights into how satellite DNA organization influence the interactions with other proteins and their functional consequences.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting that this study will be a valuable resource for future studies on the composition and function of pericentromeric heterochromatin. Based on the reviewer's request for more mechanistic knowledge into how satellite DNA organization affects transposon repression, we have performed RNA seq and small RNA seq, added important genetic controls and significantly improved our text. In the revised manuscript, our data clearly demonstrate that embryogenesis (and potentially early larval development) is a critical time period when D1 contributes to heritable TE repression. Flies lacking D1 during embryogenesis exhibit TE expression in germ cells as adults, which is associated with Chk2-dependent gonadal atrophy. We are particularly excited by these data since TE loci are embedded in the satellite DNA-rich pericentromeric heterochromatin and our study demonstrates an important role for a satellite DNA-binding protein in TE repression.

      Major____ comments 1. While the identification of numerous interactions is significant, it would be helpful to acknowledge that lots of these proteins were known to bind DNA or heterochromatin regions. To strengthen the study, I recommend conducting functional validation of the identified interactions, in addition to the predictions made by Alphfold 2.

      We are happy to take this comment on board. In fact, we believe that the large number of DNA-binding and heterochromatin-associated proteins identified in this study are a sign of quality for the proteomic datasets. In the revised manuscript, we have highlighted known heterochromatin proteins co-purified by D1/Prod in lines 148-151 as well as proteins previously suggested to interact with D1/Prod from high-throughput studies in lines 153-156 (Guruharsha et al. 2011; Tang et al. 2023). In this study, we have focused on the previously unknown associations between D1/Prod and TE repression proteins and functionally validated these interactions as presented in Figures 3-6.

      The observation of transgenerational de-repression is intriguing. However, to better support this finding, it would be better to provide a mechanistic explanation based on the data presented.

      We appreciate this comment from the reviewer, which is similar to major comment #6 raised by reviewer #2. To generate mechanistic insight into the underlying cause of gonad atrophy in the F2 D1 mutant, we have performed RNA seq, small RNA seq and analyzed germline development and fertility in the F2 D1 heterozygous control (Fig. S9).

      For the RNA seq, we used D1 heterozygous (control) and D1 mutant ovaries in a chk26006 background. Since Chk2 arrests germ cell development in response to TE de-repression and DNA damage(Ghabrial and Schüpbach 1999; Moon et al. 2018), we reasoned that the chk2 mutant background would prevent developmental arrest of potential TE-expressing germ cells and we observed that both genotypes exhibited similar gonad morphology (Fig. 4A). From our analysis, we do not observe a significant effect on TE expression in the absence of D1, except for the LTR retrotransposon tirant (Fig. 4B). We also do not observe differential expression of TE repression genes (Fig. 4F).

      We have complemented our RNA seq experiment with small RNA profiling from D1 heterozygous (control) and D1 mutant ovaries. Here, overall piRNA production and antisense piRNAs mapping to TEs were largely unperturbed (Fig. 4C-E). Together, these data are consistent with the TE reporter data (Fig. S7) and suggests that zygotic depletion of D1 does not have a prominent role in TE repression.

      However, we have uncovered that the presence of D1 during embryogenesis is critical for TE repression in adult gonads (Fig. 6, Fig. S9). Essentially, either only maternal deposited D1 (F1 D1 mutant) or only zygotically expressed D1 (F2 D1 het) were sufficient to ensure TE repression and fertility. In contrast, a lack of D1 during embryogenesis (F2 D1 mutant) led to elevated TE expression and Chk2-mediated gonadal atrophy.

      Our results also explain why previous studies have not implicated either D1 or Prod in TE repression, since D1 likely persists during embryogenesis when using depletion approaches such as RNAi-mediated knockdown or F1 generation mutants.

      Minor____ comments 3. Given the maternal effect of the D1 mutant, in Figure 4, I suggest analyzing not only nurse cells but also oocytes to gain a more comprehensive understanding.

      We agree with the reviewer that this experiment can be informative. In the F2 D1 mutant ovaries, germ cell development does not proceed to a stage where oocytes are specified, thus limiting microscopy-based approaches. Nevertheless, we have gauged oocyte quality in all the genotypes using a fertility assay (Fig. 6D) since even ovaries that have a wild-type appearance can produce dysfunctional gametes. In this experiment, we observe that fertility is largely intact in the F1 D1 mutant and F2 D1 heterozygote strains, suggesting that it is the presence of D1 during embryogenesis (or early larval development) that is critical for heritable TE repression and proper oocyte development.

      The conclusion that D1 and Prod do not directly contribute to the repression of transposons needs further analysis from RNA-seq data. Alternatively, the wording could be adjusted to indicate that D1 and Prod are not required for specific transposon silencing, such as Burdock and gypsy.

      Agreed. We have performed RNA-seq in D1 heterozygous (control) and D1 mutant ovaries in a chk26006 background (Fig. 4A, B) as described above.

      As D1 mutation affects Cuff nuclear localization, it would be insightful to sequence the piRNA in the ovaries.

      Agreed. We have performed small RNA profiling from D1 heterozygous (control) and D1 mutant ovaries. Despite the significant mislocalization of the RDC complex, overall piRNA production and antisense piRNAs mapping to TEs were largely unaffected (Fig. 4C-E). However, we observed significant changes in piRNAs mapping to complex satellite DNA repeats (Fig. 4D), but these changes were not associated with a maternal effect on germline development or fertility (F2 D1 heterozygote, Fig. 6B-D).

      **Referee Cross-Commenting**

      I appreciate the valuable insights provided by the other two reviewers regarding this manuscript. I concur with their assessment that substantial improvements are needed before considering this manuscript for publication.

      1. The proteomics data has the potential to be a valuable resource for other scientific community. However, I share the concerns raised by reviewer 1 about the current quality of the data sets. Addressing this, it will augment the manuscript with additional data to show the success of the precipitation. Moreover, as reviewer 2 and I suggested, additional co-IP validations of the IP-MS results are needed to enhance the reliability.

      In the revised manuscript, we have performed multiple experiments to address the quality of the MS datasets based on comments raised by reviewer #1. They are as follows,

      Out of six total AP-MS experiments in this manuscript (D1 x 3, Prod x 2 and Piwi), we observe a strong enrichment of the bait in 5/6 attempts (log2FC between 4-12, Fig. 2A, B, Fig. S2A, Table S1-S3, Table S7). In the D1 testis sample from the initial submission, the lack of a third biological replicate meant that only the p-value (0.07) was not meeting the cutoff. To address this, we have repeated this experiment with an additional biological replicate (Fig. S2A), and our data now clearly show that D1 is also significantly enriched in the testis sample.

      As suggested by the reviewer #1, we have assessed our lysis conditions (450mM NaCl and benzonase) and the solubilization of our baits post-lysis. In Fig. S1D, we have blotted equivalent fractions of the soluble supernatant and insoluble pellet from GFP-Piwi embryos and show that both GFP-Piwi and D1 are largely solubilized following lysis. In Fig. S1E, we also show that our IP protocol works efficiently.

      The only instance in which we do not detect the bait by mass spectrometry is for GFP-Prod pulldown in embryos. Here, one reason could be relatively low expression of GFP-Prod in comparison to GFP-D1 (Fig. S1E), which may lead to technical difficulties in detecting peptides corresponding to Prod. However, we note that Prod IP from embryos co-purified proteins such as Bocks that were previously suggested as Prod interactors from high-throughput studies (Giot et al. 2003; Guruharsha et al. 2011). In addition, Prod IP from embryos also co-purified proteins known to associate with chromocenters such as Hcs(Reyes-Carmona et al. 2011) and Saf-B(Huo et al. 2020). Finally, the concordance between D1 and Prod co-purified proteins from embryo lysates (Fig. 2A, C) suggest that the Prod IP from embryos is of reasonable quality.

      As for the IP-WB validations, we would point out that chromocenters exhibit properties associated with phase separated biomolecular condensates. In our experience, these condensates tend to associate with other proteins/condensates through low affinity or transient interactions that are rarely preserved in IP-WBs, even if there are strong functional relationships. One example is the association between D1 and Prod, which do not pull each other down in an IP-WB (Jagannathan et al. 2019), even though D1 and Prod foci dynamically associate in the nucleus and mutually regulate each other's ability to cluster satellite DNA repeats (Jagannathan et al. 2019). Similarly, IP-WB using GFP-Piwi embryos did not reveal an interaction with D1 (Fig. S4B). However, our extensive functional validations (Figures 4-6) have revealed a critical role for D1 in heritable TE repression.

      I agree with reviewer 2 that the present conclusion is not appropriate regarding D1 and Prod do not contribute to transposon silencing. As reviewer 2 and I suggested, the systematical analysis by using both mRNA-seq and small RNA-seq is required to draw the conclusion.

      Agreed. We have performed RNA seq and small RNA seq as elaborated above. Our conclusions on the role of D1 in TE repression are now much stronger.

      1. The transgenerational phenotype is an intriguing aspect of the study. I agree with reviewer 2 that the inclusion of TM6 ovaries would be a nice control. Further, it is hard to connect this phenotype with the interactions identified in this manuscript. It would be appreciated if the author could provide a mechanistic explanation.

      We have significantly improved these aspects of our study in the revised manuscript. Through the analysis of germline development in the F2 D1 heterozygotes as suggested by reviewer #2, in addition to the recommended RNA seq and small RNA seq, we have now identified embryogenesis (and potentially early larval development) as a time period when D1 makes an important contribution to TE repression. Loss of D1 during embryogenesis leads to TE expression in adult germline cells, which is associated with Chk2-dependent gonadal atrophy. Taken together, we have pinpointed the specific contribution of a satellite DNA-binding protein to transposon repression.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Although this study successfully identified several interactions, the authors did not fully elucidate how these interactions contribute to the transgenerational silencing of transposons or ovary development.

      We thank the reviewer for the thoughtful comments and overall positive evaluation of our study, especially the proteomic dataset. We are confident that the revised manuscript has improved our mechanistic understanding of the contribution made by a satellite DNA-binding protein in TE repression.


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    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript entitled "Multi-tissue proteomics identifies a link between satellite DNA organization and transgenerational transposon repression", the authors used two satellite DNA-binding proteins, D1 and Prod, as baits to identify chromocenter-associated proteins through quantitative mass spectrometry. The proteomic analysis identified ~500 proteins across embryos, ovaries, and testes, including several piRNA pathways proteins. Depletion of D1 or Prod did not directly contribute to transposon repression in ovary. However, in the absence of maternal and zygotic D1, there was a dramatic increase of agametic ovaries and transgenerational transposon de-repression. Although the study provides a wealth of proteomic data, it lacks mechanistic insights into how satellite DNA organization influence the interactions with other proteins and their functional consequences.


      1. While the identification of numerous interactions is significant, it would be helpful to acknowledge that lots of these proteins were known to bind DNA or heterochromatin regions. To strengthen the study, I recommend conducting functional validation of the identified interactions, in addition to the predictions made by Alphfold 2.
      2. The observation of transgenerational de-repression is intriguing. However, to better support this finding, it would be better to provide a mechanistic explanation based on the data presented. Minor
      3. Given the maternal effect of the D1 mutant, in Figure 4, I suggest analyzing not only nurse cells but also oocytes to gain a more comprehensive understanding.
      4. The conclusion that D1 and Prod do not directly contribute to the repression of transposons needs further analysis from RNA-seq data. Alternatively, the wording could be adjusted to indicate that D1 and Prod are not required for specific transposon silencing, such as Burdock and gypsy.
      5. As D1 mutation affects Cuff nuclear localization, it would be insightful to sequence the piRNA in the ovaries.

      Referee Cross-Commenting

      I appreciate the valuable insights provided by the other two reviewers regarding this manuscript. I concur with their assessment that substantial improvements are needed before considering this manuscript for publication.

      1. The proteomics data has the potential to be a valuable resource for other scientific community. However, I share the concerns raised by reviewer 1 about the current quality of the data sets. Addressing this, it will augment the manuscript with additional data to show the success of the precipitation. Moreover, as reviewer 2 and I suggested, additional co-IP validations of the IP-MS results are needed to enhance the reliability.
      2. I agree with reviewer 2 that the present conclusion is not appropriate regarding D1 and Prod do not contribute to transposon silencing. As reviewer 2 and I suggested, the systematical analysis by using both mRNA-seq and small RNA-seq is required to draw the conclusion.
      3. The transgenerational phenotype is an intriguing aspect of the study. I agree with reviewer 2 that the inclusion of TM6 ovaries would be a nice control. Further, it is hard to connect this phenotype with the interactions identified in this manuscript. It would be appreciated if the author could provide a mechanistic explanation.


      Although this study successfully identified several interactions, the authors did not fully elucidate how these interactions contribute to the transgenerational silencing of transposons or ovary development.