2 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
    1. Consider c h ess, for example. The rules of c hess are a fixed set of constra ints.

      I thought this was a really good example of the difference between constraints and state when in the context of games. This line of thinking can easily be applied to any game if you take the time to compare the difference.

  2. Mar 2021
    1. Digital life is, simply, real life.

      I think this is more important than ever for people to understand. It is important to remember that everyone you interact with online, via game, chatroom, etc, is a real person. It always pays to be kind and treat people with respect from the get-go, despite the anonymity that comes with being on the internet (That is slowly going away as time moves on). Your actions and words have real consequences despite being within a digital space.