43 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2018
    1. The outrage created by this error of communication demonstrates how they could have used another type of communication for the impaired in such a crucial moment. For example, subtitles could have been used for the hearing impaired to understand crearly what was happening.

    2. ocial media users were outraged, writing that the bogus interpreter posed a “danger” to society.

      Regarding social media, they way the authors of the webpage utilized the space on the bottom left to provides their social media is also a spacial strategy in order to keep readers among their network.

    3. Who is this person you are using as a sign language interpreter? This person is not qualified!” Sandra Roche commented on the county’s video of the press conference.

      This quote evidences that a lack of proper communication could diminish the credibility of a source. Furthermore, it also demonstrates the caos it could caos amongst the people receiving the message.

    4. t was horribly unnerving for me to watch that, knowing I could provide a qualified, certified interpreter,” she fumed. Greene’s family told WFLA he was just doing what the county asked of him. “He can’t expect to communicate something he doesn’t know,” Greene’s father told the station.

      The improper way of gestural communication by the interpreter demonstrates how every single way of communication should be done properly. Referring to Arola's text this shows how in order to deliver messages efficiently a proper communication is needed.

    5. “It was horribly unnerving for me to watch that, knowing I could provide a qualified, certified interpreter,” she fumed.

      In the gestural aspect, it is communicated by the body language, the speaker's posture and the facial expression of the people in the video that the moment they are going is not an easy one and is also a way to communicate to the people what are they going to encounter.

    6. n amateur interpreter for the deaf was tapped at the last minute to provide sign language during a press conference — and things got out of hand.

      In the visual aspect, it is probably evident how the size of the tittle of this article is used to attract people's attention to read this news. Furthermore, the colors utilized is also a way to attract viewers and persuade them to navigate through different pages as well.

    7. More On: hurricane irma Man drowned after killing mom with a hammer ahead of Hurricane Irma: cops Cop drama ‘Oath’ braved Hurricanes Irma and Maria to film Six months after Hurricane Irma, Saint Martin rebuilds Florida 'hot cop' resigns amid allegations of anti-Semitism

      Taking a look at the page is evident that space is used efficiently in order for the readers to navigate easily through the digital news paper and now were they are heading. At the top you can see how the latest news are attached for the viewers to continue reading other articles. On the right it is seen clearly how you could navigate on other articles related to the topic that you are reading as well. All of these demonstrates Arola's argument of how multi-modality ifs efficient in communicating and helping readers to navigate though texts.

    8. Greene, a lifeguard for the county, veered off course when he began signing words like “pizza,” “bear,” and “monster,” among others — words that had nothing to do with the press conference.

      Along with the video and as you get more into the news story, you can tell that this is a crucial moment by the sounds and pronunciation of words along with the video. In the aural aspect it can be said that it was crucial for the interpreter to develop the message clearly and properly to the deaf community.

    9. By Alex Mendoza View author archive email the author Get author RSS feed Contact The Author Name(required) Email(required) Comment(required) September 16, 2017 | 12:49am | Updated September 16, 2017 | 10:10am Deaf community outraged after interpreter signed gibberish before IrmaDeaf community outraged after interpreter signed gibberish before IrmaShareVideo Player is loading.Play VideoPlayMute0:00/3:19Loaded: 0%0:00Progress: 0%Stream TypeLIVE-3:19 Playback Rate1xChaptersChaptersDescriptionsdescriptions off, selectedCaptionscaptions settings, opens captions settings dialogcaptions off, selectedAudio Trackdefault, selectedFullscreenThis is a modal window.Beginning of dialog window. 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player.addClass( coverPlayer ); } else { videoIndex = 0; } loadVideo( videosInPlaylist[ videoIndex ] ); } ); player.one( "play", function( evt ) { // stop autoplay if player is not visible if ( $( this.el_ ).is( ":hidden" ) ) { // at this point it is too late to set autoplay false player.pause(); } } ); player.on( "loadedmetadata", function( evt ) { player.removeClass( coverPlayer ); } ); player.on( "adstart", function( evt ) { player.removeClass( coverPlayer ); } ); player.on( "adserror", function( evt ) { player.removeClass( coverPlayer ); } ); // Remove latency due to postroll ad timeout from end of video. if ( "undefined" !== typeof player.ads ) { player.trigger( "nopostroll" ); } } } ); } } ); } )( jQuery ); More On: hurricane irma Man drowned after killing mom with a hammer ahead of Hurricane Irma: cops Cop drama ‘Oath’ braved Hurricanes Irma and Maria to film Six months after Hurricane Irma, Saint Martin rebuilds Florida 'hot cop' resigns amid allegations of anti-Semitism An amateur interpreter for the deaf was tapped at the last minute to provide sign language during a press conference — and things got out of hand. Before Hurricane Irma ripped through Florida, Manatee County leaders were preparing to address the public with “crucial” information. That’s when, “in a pinch,” they called Marshall Greene to communicate using sign language, according to WFLA. Greene, a lifeguard for the county, veered off course when he began signing words like “pizza,” “bear,” and “monster,” among others — words that had nothing to do with the press conference.–– ADVERTISEMENT –– “I knew something went horribly wrong,” Charlene McCarthy told WFLA. McCarthy owns VisCom, a company that regularly provides interpreters for the county. “It was horribly unnerving for me to watch that, knowing I could provide a qualified, certified interpreter,” she fumed. Greene’s family told WFLA he was just doing what the county asked of him. “He can’t expect to communicate something he doesn’t know,” Greene’s father told the station. Social media users were outraged, writing that the bogus interpreter posed a “danger” to society. “Who is this person you are using as a sign language interpreter? This person is not qualified!” Sandra Roche commented on the county’s video of the press conference. “What a disservice to the deaf community at such a critical time,” Maggie Gregory wrote. Others weren’t as quick to be angry: “Take it easy on the guy!” Becky Bates-Williams fired back. “I’ve been in his position and it is frightening… He is doing the best he can.” The makeshift interpreter also should have been facing forward, instead of looking at the speaker. “It was obvious to me he wasn’t a professional interpreter. I was totally shocked,” Chris Wagner, former president of the National Association of the Deaf, told WFLA. The deaf community is demanding an apology from the county for the blunder, according to WFLA. Share this:FacebookTwitterGoogleFacebook MessengerWhatsAppEmailCopy Filed under florida ,  hurricane irma ,  sign language Share this article: Share this:FacebookTwitterGoogleFacebook MessengerWhatsAppEmailCopy Read Next 'Mentally ill' teen avoids jail in Slender Man stabbing Read Next 'Mentally ill' teen avoids jail in Slender Man stabbing   /* dynamic basic css */ .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob-widget-items-container {margin:0;padding:0;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob-widget-items-container .ob-clearfix {display:block;width:100%;float:none;clear:both;height:0px;line-height:0px;font-size:0px;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob-widget-items-container.ob-multi-row {padding-top: 2%;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob-dynamic-rec-container {position:relative;margin:0;padding;0;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob-dynamic-rec-link, .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob-dynamic-rec-link:hover {text-decoration:none;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob-rec-image-container .ob-video-icon-container {position:absolute;left:0;height:30%;width:100%;text-align:center;top:35%;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob-rec-image-container .ob-video-icon {display:inline-block;height:100%;float:none;opacity:0.7;transition: opacity 500ms;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob-rec-image-container .ob-video-icon:hover {opacity:1;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_what{direction:ltr;clear:both;padding:5px 10px 0px;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_what a{color:#999;font-size:11px;font-family:arial;text-decoration: none;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_what.ob-hover:hover a{text-decoration: underline;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_amelia, .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_logo, .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_feed_logo, .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_sfeed_logo, .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_text_logo{vertical-align:baseline !important;display:inline-block;vertical-align:text-bottom;padding:0px 5px;box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_amelia{background:url('https://widgets.outbrain.com/images/widgetIcons/ob_logo_16x16.png') no-repeat center top;width:16px;height:16px;margin-bottom:-2px;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_logo{background:url('https://widgets.outbrain.com/images/widgetIcons/ob_logo_67x12.png') no-repeat center top;width:67px;height:12px;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_text_logo{background:url('https://widgets.outbrain.com/images/widgetIcons/ob_text_logo_67x22.png') no-repeat center top;width:67px;height:22px;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_feed_logo{background:url('https://widgets.outbrain.com/images/widgetIcons/ob_feed_logo.png') no-repeat center top;width:86px;height:23px;} .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_sfeed_logo{background:url('https://widgets.outbrain.com/images/widgetIcons/ob_feed_logo.svg') no-repeat center top;width:86px;height:13px;margin-top:5px;} @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),(min-resolution: 192dpi) { .CRAB_3.ob-widget .ob_amelia{background:url('https://widgets.outbrain.com/images/widgetIcons/ob_logo_16x16@2x.png') no-repeat center top;width:16px;height:16px;margin-bottom:-2px; 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      As I took my first glance to this news, I instantly saw how it is multimodal. I could definitely perceive Arola's argument that "every text is multimodal" It also demonstrates how a text having multiple ways of communicating its message to the audience is an effective strategy to appeal and deliver.

    10. n amateur interpreter for the deaf was tapped at the last minute to provide sign language during a press conference — and things got out of hand

      By taking a look of how the paragraphs in these post are structured, taking my knowledge from Arola's text I could tell that the post includes short and concise paragraphs as a linguistic strategy because viewers who tend to read newspapers prefer to read short and concise texts rather than long ones. Moreover, the author utilizes common or usual words in order for the message to get to the viewers easily and without no obstacle.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On the right-hand base of the rainbow lay three hills made of different patches. These patches contain the 44 names t and other designs. Most of the names have been shortened to first and last initial. Each patch contains a different style and color. For example, KB’s patch is a white patch with pink letters. Between the initial is a gold cross encased in what appears to be a black for leaf clover. Unlike KB’s patch Marc’s patch has a mustard-yellow background with lime-green letters and red car.

      Within this description, you could describe more the examples that you gave and how they related to the others.

    2. Below the center of the rainbow there are a couple of things; the first is the sun. This seems to be made of a circular, shiny, yellow fabric. The sun is either rising or setting above a purple mountain. Some of the mountain peaks are sharp and jagged while others are slightly dull. Within the mountain case lies a multi-level gray and white building.

      In this specific description you could also describe the buildings along the mountain just to go more detailed.

    3. Directly above the ribbons are two white clouds. As opposed to the painted-on rainbow, these clouds appear to be extra layers of fabric laying on top of the sky. One is about a foot across and three to four inches in width. The other cloud is about three inches across and two inches in width. Both clouds contain a long, thin, wavy piece of shiny material. This material spans across almost the entire cloud. In the top right corner, there are three clouds with similar widths, lengths, fabrics and styles.

      Looking inside the clouds, I wonder what are the figures inside it, if they are figures. Maybe you would like t describe or talk more about those.

    4. As stated before, the rainbow is an immediate eye-catcher. It is composed of 6 colors include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo, and it arcs across most of the teal-colored sky. It appears to be painted on rather than sewn into the underlying fabric. The rainbow is rather large. It spans about 4 feet across the quilt, and it is about 2 feet in height. Since it is made of 6 colors, it is also rather thick. It appears to be 6 inches in diameter On the left-hand base of the rainbow are 26 red ribbons about an inch in length and a half inch in width. They are placed in a diagonal positions, so that they are curved along the rainbow.

      Really good description, good work on describing everything about this piece of the panel.

    5. NAMES projected in May of 1994.

      I would do the same here too, just add a little bit more of information about the Names Project so the reader is more clear about what you are talking about.

    6. The AIDS quilt was created to commemorate those who died from contracting AIDS. Family and friends of victims designed panels in ways they felt best represent the loved ones they lost.

      In this sentence I would add more information about the Aids Quilt.

    1. nterpretive analysis should not be mistaken for the sum of all the analytic exercises that precede it: description and deduction followed by speculation and then, in turn, by research findings. The method is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Analysis should digest, develop, and present perceptions generated from these exercises, but differ from them in being structured by an argument, a clearly-worded claim defended though detailed references to both the object (entailing passages of description and deduction) and its context (entailing some citation of sources, primary and secondary, as well as figures and notes).

      With this conclusion, I understand that analysis comes from critical thinking and not just gathring reasearch, I consider this extremely important because I feel that this is what make your work yours!

    2. A research prospectus should be detailed enough to give a clear sense of what in your object has given rise to interpretation. From what that you See or know or feel has your sense of your object's thematic content emerged? Be aware that different questions lead to different areas of the library (or to places other than the library, including collections of comparative objects) in which to do originali research.

      When studying objects you have to be able to tell how much this object has given for interpretation

    3. o recognize and so to evaluate, indeed question, the myriad conclusions we risk otherwise to draw uncritically; only thus can we control for our own-however well-intended-careless or precipitous or culturally-biased leaps to arguably wrong conclusions.

      When reviewing an object you should take your time and evaluate yourself. This will reduce cultural biases and wrong deductions.

  3. Jan 2018
    1. he point is to begin to recognize the ways in which the object has created its effect. These more emotional deductions serve as a bridge to speculation about meaning

      The author of my reading dos this while studying the history of the Machete

    2. How does the object make one feel? Specifically, what in or about the object brings those feelings out? As these will be, to a certain extent at least, personal responses, the challenge-beyond recognizing and articulating-is to account for them materially.

      In relation to the supplemental text this statements explains how emotions can portray the meaning of this object to certain people or culture.

    3. The more self-conscious one becomes, the more complex one’s relationship to an object becomes, physically and ocularly as well as psychologically and experientially. For the purpose of analysis, there is value in isolating different realms of deductive response so that these can be handled more circumspec

      I could relate this with my supplemental reading in the sense that we can see how the author gets involves with the complexity and the cultural significance of this object.

    4. These observations can be summarized asfollows:●we do not analyze objects; we analyze our descriptions of objects●writing constitutesanalysis: we do not really see with clarity what we have not said that we have seenComposing and revising an objective-as-possible description frees one to move from a narro

      This refers back to the synthesis mentioned earlier that we analyze our description because that is what opens to interpretations and often leads us with the cultural significance of the object.

    5. ormalizing our observations in language, we generate a set of carefully selected nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and verbs which effectively determine the bounds of possible interpretation. This is why the words we choose in saying what we see have such far reaching importance.

      In this sentence, the author is going back to the point that we should be careful with the words we choose and that these will determine any bounds of possible interpretation.

    6. void uasting precious words at this point on introductions, conclusions, restatements of the assignment, or autobiographicalconfessions; just describe uhat you see.

      while describing the object you are suppose to just tell what you are watching, feel it but not give an opinion or describe those feelings, just what you can tell about the object.

    7. t seems to depend on a linkage-formal, iconographic, functional-between the object and some fundamental human experience, whether engagement with the physical world, interaction with other individuals, sense of self (often expressed anthropomorphically), common human emotions, or significant life

      I agree with this statement because I believe that I depends on your knowledge and your experiences and/or interactions with and object can tell you its value for an entire culture and not just to yourself.

    8. 2beyond their state of being, to these objects' cultural significance; attention not just to whatthey might be said to signify but, as importantly, to how they might be said to signify; to their gerundial meaning (active verb form:to bring meaning into being), to the uay they mean, both phenomenologically and metaphorically. This method of investigation may be usefully schematized in the form of an annotated course assignment.Choose an object to consider.All objects signify; some signify more expressively than others.

      The concept of studying material culture is paying attention to not just what an object says but what is the meaning behind it and how it is portrayed.

    9. students will find value principally in learning from the models that these readings offer of how such interpretation can be carried Öut.While only some of culture takes material form, the part that does records the shape and imprint of otherwise more abstract, conceptual, or even metaphysical aspects of that culture that they quite literally embody

      his two sentences gives more shape to what are these essays are about and how I will be applying those concepts.

    10. They constitute a sort of pedagogic sampler, an anthology of essays in the strictly etymological sense: experiments in orelaborations of a rigorously practical (as opposed to purely theoretical) approach to understanding things

      Information of what the essays are going to be about..

    1. Looking at the cover now, it’s hard not to notice that one of the villainous figures looks a lot like Fidel Castro, and one of his comrades wields a machete. It’s hard to say whether or not this moment of recognition is related, but in high school I fell hard for Che Guevara, whose Jon Lee Anderson-penned biography I read with great enthusiasm.

      This statement is an evidence of what is stated in Haltman essays that our interpretation of object is based on our experiences and interactions with it.

    2. the machete has a special place in the labor history of Florida, where for three and a half centuries slaves and wageworkers cut sugarcane in the fields by hand. Indeed, machetes are unique to the extent that they have always been used for both purposes—and not just as a plot device in horror flicks, either.

      Furthermore, through this comparison, it can be concluded that the machete is seen with different point of views.

    3. That’s not entirely true: Florida state law requires that all carriers of concealed weapons, including knives, have a permit. But Wilson’s machete wasn’t concealed: it was tied to his thigh.

      this is one point of view about what the machete could represent to a culture.

    4. In the film, the Chicano anti-hero enacts a popular revolt against the white-dominated economic and political power structure of the director’s native Texas.

      This film, might enhance what the machete represents for many cultures in Latin America. Furthermore, this could demonstrate what is it about the machete that explains its significant to these cultures.

    5. Despite its Spanish word origin, the first major industrial manufacturers of machetes were English and American. English machete makers did their briskest business in the regions under the Empire’s control: Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, British Guiana, and Grenada.

      Knowing the origin of this too could tell more about it from an analytic perspective.

    6. One of the women wields a long knife as he cowers; it might be a sword, but it could be a machete. Not far away, I bought a souvenir blade emblazoned with the state seals of the five nations involved in Walker’s ouster. It was difficult to get past customs.

      Having the machete, in such a historical statue evidences that the machete definitely is an object that could be seen as the material culture of different countries.

    7. Looking at the cover now, it’s hard not to notice that one of the villainous figures looks a lot like Fidel Castro, and one of his comrades wields a machete. It’s hard to say whether or not this moment of recognition is related, but in high school I fell hard for Che Guevara, whose Jon Lee Anderson-penned biography I read with great enthusiasm.

      From this specific line, I can tell that the machete has been part of different cultures, and may have been given different names.

    8. the machete has a special place in the labor history of Florida, where for three and a half centuries slaves and wageworkers cut sugarcane in the fields by hand.

      In this comparison, it can be seen how the machete has a place in Florida's culture and history.

    1. A massive anti-Vietnam war demonstration in London on March 18, 1968. Hundreds were arrested as they demonstrated outside the United States embassy. #

      This image truly touch me by the simple fact that, ironically, this people are fighting for no more war. I am surprised that this mass of people were unified against violence.

    2. This aerial view shows clouds of smoke rising from burning buildings in northeast Washington, D.C., on April 5, 1968. The fires resulted from rioting and demonstrations after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. # AP Read more

      I genuinely believe that images convey emotions, and this one definitely does. When I see this image I can see courage fear, frustration and extreme sadness which is intriguing for me to understand the complete story behind this image.

    3. Civil-rights leader Andrew Young (left) and others stand on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel pointing in the direction of an assailant after the assassination of civil-rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who is lying at their feet, in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968.

      This image completely froze me. First, I had never seen a picture of M.L.K's death scene which also surprise me more. However, I was even more surprised because I feel that this image talks by itself.

    4. U.S Marine with several days of beard growth sits in a helicopter on July 18, 1968, after being picked up from a landing zone near Con Thein on the southern edge of the demilitarized zone in South Vietnam. His unit had just been relieved of duty after patrolling the region around the DMZ. # Stone / AP Read more

      I find incredibly interesting his facial expression and the look in his eyes. You can clearly see that he has been touched by war.

    5. much of the world appeared to be in a state of crisis. Protests erupted in France, Czechoslovakia. Germany, Mexico, Brazil, the United States, and many other places.

      Possible topic of discussion of the article.

    6. Two of the biggest catalysts for protest were the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War and the ongoing lack of civil rights in the U.S. and elsewhere. Two of America’s most prominent leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Senator Robert F. Kennedy, were assassinated within months of each other. But some lessons were being learned and some progress was being made—this was also the year that NASA first sent astronauts around the moon and back, and the year President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law. It’s fitting that I post this retrospective today, since it is the day I was born—January 10, 1968. So, a 50th birthday present from me to you today: a look back at 1968.

      This definitely describes the full topic of discussion in this article and is more interesting than anything. Sincerely, I had no idea that so many important events happened in 1968.