- Aug 2021
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young children need not learn how to read before they learned how to write, language arts instruc-tors now teach reading and writing alongside each other. They do so because research has shown that students learn to read and write better when they are instructed in both simultaneously.
I agree with the first statement because even as an older student I always found "writing something out" to be more helpful than just envisioning it. However, the author slightly lost me during the second sentence because she was incorporating evidence as to why reading and writing are or should be connected, as opposed to the title of the essay.
While students’ eyes may make their way over every word, that does not mean that students have comprehended a text
My question is that should comprehension become a class of its own? For example, a student can have expository writing and english literature (reading) while writing and reading comprehension is a separate, but equally as important, class.
This hierarchy is evidenced by the universal first-year writing requirement in American colleges and universities, as well as by writing across the curriculum programs.
I also believe this hierarchy is shown by the average school system in America. As students get older "reading" or "Reading, English, Language, Arts" class slowing starts to be exchanged with "English" which mostly focuses on writing and the different conventions of writing. I question the supremacy of writing in American colleges and universities because employers and such stress communication skills. Meanwhile, we are taught to never write like how you talk in school.
but nowhere were students asked to demonstrate their ability to “analyze texts to identify the author’s attitudes, view-points, and beliefs and to critique how these relate to the larger historical, social, and cultural contexts of the texts,”
Personally, I think I would enjoy standardized testing a little bit if we were able to write such instead of rotating the same questions for 3 different reading passages. In addition to that, I think asking students to identify the author's attitudes and connect them to larger historical, social, and cultural contexts makes students more aware of the different influence around them.
First, there exists an educational culture that privileges test-ing over sustained and meaningful encounters with texts.
This is probably one of the biggest reasons why many students dread going to school. Nowadays school is not even about learning, it is about memorizing the information, and passing all the tests so you can make everyone else proud. This toxic practice of testing over genuine learning has lead to the exposure of the poor mental health of students nationwide.
This often manifests itself in teaching only surface-level reading strategies in K–12 such as skimming and reading for the gist, and in cries of, “They should know this stuff before they get here!” at the university level.
I remember being taught how to skim through a passage and be able to get the main ideas. Up to now, skimming through passages have not helped me whatsoever. I would have to go back and re-read the text 2-4 times after skimming, which would be a waste of time on a timed test. It wasn't until 2years ago, that I was taught how to properly skim through a passage.