4 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2023
    1. By random assignment, one seed was planted in the center of each 21 × 21 cm round nursery pot containing Promix BX supplemented with 5.5 g of ferrous sulfate heptahydrate and 10.5 g of 20-20-20 fertilizer as a growth medium.

      Maize: Potting Mix

  2. Dec 2022
    1. purrr::map()

      purr: map()

      mtcars %>% select(-mpg) = .x A list or atomic vector. In this case, we are selecting all vectors except for mpg.

      cor.test, = A function, formula, or vector (not necessarily atomic).In this case, the function iscor.test`

      y - mtcars#mpg = arguments passed on to the mapped function.

    1. Here, the tree is the experimental unit and the data hierarchy is sample within stem position within tree.

      What is data hierarchy?

    1. tidymodels_prefer()

      tidymodels_prefer() uses the conflicted package to handle common conflicts with tidymodels and other packages.