30 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2016
    1. They deserve a college edu cation." Another future teacher asked, "How can students show respect for an institution when the institution does not care about itself

      This unfortunately proves to be true within education, many institutions do not give students the opportunity to succeed, making the achievement gap even more significant

    2. achers can make a significant difference in the lives of almost all students. I

      What a powerful statement, and the main reason many of us pre-service teachers decide to teach

    3. Biographies and autobiographies can succeed as a way to teach and involve stu dents about particular issues. This

      This article provided me some significant insight towards the importance of Biographies. When students read these pieces of text, they become connected to the person and their achievements in life. If a person's biography involves an achievement a student is interested in, then that student not only feels connected to the person but sees the achievement as being realistic for them too.

    4. Most preservice teachers are very con cerned with discipline issues.

      This is an important part of the article to point out as many pre-service teachers are nervous about the control of their classroom. Much of the time the focus of the class is almost babysitting the students, so a level of control exists within the class. many students was to establish a dominate role in the class room so students respect the teachers authority. However when this occurs, much of the time controlling take up the time given for students to be learning. I believe that classroom management is important, however, learning should be the main focus

    5. By having their respect and giving them respect in return she solicited learning as an active sport, getting all the players involved, and allowing no one to sit on the bench. Jessica's main goal was to show her students the connections between various subjects and life itself; for this I salute her.

      This portion of the article stuck out to me tremendously as many teachers do not respect their students. Education is about the relationship between the student and the teacher. In this relationship, it is fundamental that there is a level of respect between the teacher and the student so that the learning environment is a comfortable one.

    1. Fantasy just happens to be a more exaggerated departure from reality.

      Are teachers, administrators, etc afraid to involve fantasy into the curriculum because they are scared by its abstract and objective nature? Could going beyond the borders of what has been always taught, furnish a sense of creativity and innovation within students learning?

    2. Little Brother is thus highly political – an effective example of how fantasy writing can directly comment upon real-life scenarios.

      I highly agree with this statement, why not integrate a fantasy novel into the curriculum that will engage students while providing historical context.

    3. Little Brother uses this historical background, but imaginatively subverts the facts by placing an innocent child, who is also a legitimate US citizen, in the same situation as the “non-citizens” who were detained at Guantanamo Bay

      Utilizing this type of novel in schools could align with the curriculum of history while engaging students into an interesting, fantastical novel.

    4. Last year, the top most-read children’s books – at least in the UK – was almost entirely comprised of fantasy novels.

      Isn't this some indication as to how to get students engaged in a text relationship? Reading informational texts can be all and well until a student checks out of the un-interesting book

    5. antasy caters primarily to children or those who view reading as a form of escapism. The assumption is that fantasy is of lesser value than realist writing – which is why it is commonly associated with children and the imagination.

      This statement carries significance to my life, as I feel as if in my educational experience I have been told that I should have grown out of the the fictional genre by now. It seems to me that a world so fantastical with creatures, wizards etc seems much more interesting than a biography novel

  2. Nov 2016
    1. And by making them aware that myths and folktales embody more than a handful of tales about Greek gods and heroes, that they touch a core that reaches back to the roots of our evolution, we give them incisive tools that help them understand themselves and their place in the world

      The author provides an extremely powerful argument asserting that these stories are more than just leaning about Greek god's and goddesses. These stories can expose people into an expanded world of literacy and its connection to the roots of culture

    2. how ideas are handed down from cultures in a number of ways

      I believe the notion that culture can be formed through the stories passed down is underappreciated. The beliefs that shape a culture can be formed through the words of ancestors and the way they are passed down. An examination into the world of Myths could provide students exposure into how these stories could have helped to shape their own cultures.

    3. rs ac- quire a BA without coming near them. Conse- quently, few high-school curricula require myth instruction because (in a tautological stance) few colleges require undergraduate coursework in it.

      I believe the author has a very significant point to make here. Upon reading the assignment for this week, I really had to sit down and brainstorm what Myth's I actually knew. I can completely describe what fairy tales I learned about in school, however, I can barely remember learning about myths.

    4. The truth, of course, is that these tales are a small part of the world of myth, and mythmaking is very much alive, a multicultural expression of universal symbols and belief

      Teachers could utilize these forms of stories in order to expand upon a unit of diversity. I think it is interesting that the article notes that these forms of stories are apart of the multicultural world to which we live

    1. : Ideas are essential to solving problems, but even more essential is knowing how to execute the idea.

      This lesson sticks out to me because it does not contain, for a lack of better words, "A Cookie Cutter Moral". When I think fable, I think that the moral of the story generally pertains to friendship, hard work, or honestly. It is interesting to me to see a lesson in this sense about problem solving, considering this is a fundamental skill learned in elementary schools.

    2. here there's a will, there's a way. Persistence is the key to solving any problem you have because eventually—even if the situation seems dire—you WILL find a solution.

      I never thought how many fables exist with similar lessons. When I read the the story and the lesson of "The crow and the Pitcher I automatically thought of the classic fable: "The Tortoise and the Hare". Despite the two fables containing contrasting plot lines, the two story's have the same underlying lesson the persistence will lead to achievement.

    1. s issues. They are not innocent; they represent popular

      When examining the nature of a picture vs a text, one must look at the nature of what is being portray and how it is being portrayed. For example, it is one thing to read about the Holocaust. However, it is another thing to see visual images portrayed in a book. Pictures can generate numerous emotions and may make people uncomfortable. Is there a line that may be crossed when teaching sensitive subjects and utilizing picture books?

  3. Oct 2016
    1. etry is often neglected in classroom literacy experiences (Denman, 1988). We have discovered, however, that it is a genre that is not only accessible to primary children, but can be the genre that excites children and motivates them to read and write. A

      I highly agree with this statement. When I was in elementary school, particularly 3rd grade I remember briefly learning about poetry and creating poems. When I look back I remember being excited to learn, it was a creative outlet that had no rules, only suggestions. My teacher told us to rhyme words and come up with any topic we wanted to write about. for those artistically inclined such as myself, I saw this as an opportunity to express myself similarly to a price of artwork but through the way I arrange text. If more children were exposed to this creative form of writing, they could develop an interest in their writing at an early age.

    1. The sound I hear when I come to each underlined letter a is /a/. Read this part of the story with me slowly and listen for the /a/ sound." The teacher and students can reread the story excerpt several times until the stu dents make the short a letter-sound associa tion.

      Reinforcing a lesson by practicing it numerous times aids in the overall comprehension of the lesson. As a child growing up I really struggled with my reading skills. I knew that having a teacher reinforce a lesson through repetition really helped me develop my skills.

    2. . Another alternative is partner reading (Whisler, 1976): Working as a team, two students read aloud, alternating pages, and provide support for one another

      Working in pairs is an excellent way for students to establish the skill of working together. Moreover if is sometimes beneficial for students to receive help from their peers when learning a subject. The nature of reading in pairs creates an exciting edge to reading a book independently.

    1. Next you draft your story (after careful pre-writing of course

      If students have trouble with comprehension skills, especially in their writing than they will really enjoy this tool. As they create a visual story for the one they have written, students who may struggle with connecting words in a text to the plot of the overall story will have a reinforcement to compare words of a text with images on a screen.

    2. To pilot Storyscape I had two goals. I wanted to reinforce words with r-controlled vowels and then I wanted cowrite a story that included characters, settings, problem and a solution.

      When learning these fundamental skills in learning such as r-controlled vowels and then pairing it with the creativity to design their own story, allows students to think creatively while learning skills needed to reach grade level standards in the common core.

    3. Next you draft your story (after careful pre-writing of course).

      I think that is an amazing instructional tool for teacher's to get their students to become interested and visualize their writing. Also, I think that teaching various writing skills, applying it to a writing workshop, and then allowing students to create their work digitally gives students incentive to learn.

    1. his helps to de velop the notion that the class is a com munity of writers.

      I like the use of the words, "community of writers" as the word community to me, instills a sense of belonging. Being a member of a community allows an individual to grow and learn alongside their peers. Being in this community of writers allows children to feel apart of the larger scope as well as have other members to collaborate and ask questions to.

    2. f I believe several children could profit from a given mini lesson, it is time to teach it to the class. I repeat the content of most minilessons several times throughout the year, so if a child does not pick up on what is taught initially, there will be other op portunities to learn.

      Initially, I never heard of what Mini Lesson's were, or how teachers utilized them to reenforce previous topics learned within a class. Upon examination, this type of instruction allows children to review topics in class as well as target students who may not have grasped the subject matter the first time. The students who may have struggled with these various topics, have the opportunity to engage within the lesson and ask questions that may not have initially.

    3. he third category of minilessons, writer's craft, deals with aspects that contribute to the effectiveness of a piece of writing. These elements include focus?staying on topic and excluding unrelated information; organization of ideas; and support?the inclusion of de tails or other means of elaboration. Even beginning writers can make deci sions that affect the clarity and power of their message when they are aware of

      It is imperative that students develop their own writers craft at an early age. When children understand this type of Minilesson they develop the ability to write clearly, while staying on topic, and developing a sense of clarity. This skill can be expanded upon in upcoming grades to eventually produce cohesive pieces of writing.

    4. I lead the class in brainstorming pos sible topics for writing, and I add the ideas to the class topics list. The writ ten list helps jog children's thinking as they plan their writing. It simultaneous ly prpvide

      This is an excellent way for children to visually see what topics to write about. When struggling to brainstorm, they can look at this cart and expand upon the ideas written.

    1. RGs are made up of students who come together by choice, not assignment, to read and respond to a chosen piece of literature and develop re lated projects. The teacher meets with one LRG each day to participate in and facilitate

      This seems to be a progressive teaching strategy, however, there are issues that may arise from the freedom within the groups. I feel as if the open nature of these groups can be problematic at their core, being that children have varying personalities when it comes to participation. As the "type a" children fully immerse themselves within the group, what happens to the children who are more reserved? As the more talkative children discuss their views on a given text, the children who may not contribute, lose the opportunity to share their voice. Perhaps a differentiated instruction targeting these particular children could engage every child within the text they are focusing on.

    2. Goal pages are daily reading goals established by students them selves to accomplish the reading of a book within a given time frame.) T

      This allows children to read at their own pace within the given guidelines. When children set their own goals, the pressure to compete with their peer is eliminated. As a result, feelings of inadequacy are eliminated as children are not comparing their level of reading skills to one another. Moreover, students will develop at an early age a sense of internal motivaton i.e a Type A personality.

    3. Second, with basal programs children are al most always placed into ability groups for reading instruction, a practice which can be detrimental to self-esteem and reading devel opment.

      I distinctly remember this practice of grouping even as a child. When I was in first grade I was placed in a reading group known as "The Beavers". The Beavers were a group that always had extra time with the teacher, less pages within books, and a lower amount of words on a spelling test. Being a member of this group made me ashamed, like I was not good enough to be in the "panda group", who had the maximum amount of words on a spelling test and more advanced literature to read. Children are more intelligent than they seem, most begin to understand context at a very young age. If this method of teaching is making children feel less smart for being at a different pace than their peers, what is the point? I know going into the teaching field that I never want my students to feel as if they are inadequate due to their weaknesses in a subject Children should want to strive towards improvement not wish to be ignored.