4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2019
    1. Some holes are easier to patch than others.

      This is a really important sentence to sum up the article with. There is so much hope being given to the reader throughout this piece that it overshadows the struggles that come with everything. Some peoples struggles are simply worse than others and its good to know that. They will never be able to replace the ones they've lost but they can keep going and create new memories with the new firefighters.

    2. You cry together at enoughfunerals, you figure you can bleed together on a football field,too. One thing about firemen, they don't let each other fightbattles alone.

      This portion conveys a lot of the mental aspects of sports. Everyone needs a balance in their mental, physical and social health throughout their lives. once one of them fails, then the rest collapse with it. However, sports gave these people the opportunity for socializing, strengthening their bodies physically and mentally putting their minds into the sport and people they love. Playing in this sport gave them relationships that kept them healthy. They can carry out with their newly found teamwork throughout the rest of their lives.

    3. Even if you can replace the players who were lost, how do youreplace all the other guys who made the team so damn much fun?

      This is a very difficult question to think about. Of course it's difficult loses people who have created a safe and comfortable environment for everyone around them. It take a lot of courage to move on from what once was so amazing, yet you don't need to forget it. Moving on is a big part of life and everyone has to be put through it at one point or another. Other people will come along and might even make as big of an impact as anyone else.

    4. WTC cough,which is what you get from digging week after week, up to 18hours a day, and inhaling dust, smoke, glass particles, asbestosand, indeed, microscopic remains of their fallen comrades. Butthe guys are playing. "Damn right," says fullback Tom Narducci."It's tradition."

      It's obvious that they play the sport for more multiple reasons other than enjoying it. Even through their pain this sport is ultimately what brought them together in the first place and they won't stop the tradition because of a cough.