- Oct 2017
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Creativity is a spark thatcomes when mental conditions are just right, and high incentive seemsto mess up those conditions
I dont think creativity is easily measurable in this sense, as different people have different standards of creativity.
There is every reason to believe that this principle, that evaluation fa-cilitates the performance of those who are already skilled and inhibitsthat of learners, applies to students in school.
While I do believe the effect on one's performance under other's observation, I do not think that one can substitute a speech, debate, or sport environment with that of a school's.
All in all, the average suc-cess rate of the experts rose from 71 percent up to 80 percent under ob-servation, while that for novices fell from 36 percent to 25 percent.
Is a 9 and 11 percent difference in expert and novice performance really able to make a conclusion? Correlation does not equals causation.
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In order to escape falsifica-tion they destroyed the testability of their theory. It is a typical soothsayer's trick to predict things so vaguely that the predictions can hardly fail: that they become irrefutable.
In Popper's eyes, astrologist strives to take away any possibility of them being wrong, and make their theories irrefutable
Even if our measuring instruments at the time did not allow us to pronounce on the results of the tests with complete assurance, there was clearly a possibility of refuting the theory
Even though there was no precise evidence to prove the possible refute of the theory, the possibility of it being incorrect is enough.
The theory is incompatible with certain possible results of observation
Part of science is to fail again and again, until you reach the only truth.
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an obvious absurdity in every respect-but that the way God has been thought of for thousands of years is no longer convincing;
God can never "die", as God had never existed. The notion of God is merely a extension of human imagination, and that the "death of God' is only that people are starting to stop imagining God.
rather alarming fact that only good people are ever bothered by a bad conscience whereas it is a very rare phenomenon among real criminals
But what are good and bad? In this case the bad conscience is coined by the "good people", but there is no universal good or bad. This phrase is objective.
Is wickedness, however we may define it, this being "determined to prove a villain," not a necessary con-dition for evil-doing?
Perhaps the writer is trying to challenge the rules of law and court
- Sep 2017
www.bartleby.com www.bartleby.com
If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
I don't believe it is a necessity to listen to all and everyone's opinion, it is in fact a set back to all but the one. Even if the 99% is wrong and the 1% is right, what the 99% believes is right becomes the truth.
The best government has no more title to it than the worst
The writer is stating that no matter how good the government is, they should never have any power in interfering the freedom of the press.
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One of the greatest disadvantages to being personally attached to beliefsis that personal attachment increases the likelihood that anadversarial,competitive, or debater’s stancewill be taken in a discussion. If there is a‘‘my’’ view and a ‘‘your’’ view, it becomes more likely that the focus willbe on winning and proving that ‘‘I am right and you are wrong.
Often times the cause of an argument comes from the clash between two people's different views and ideologies. And when one person finds personal investment in his views, he would often rise up to defend his view from another different view, provoked or not. This could be caused by the desire of self gratification, to prove that he/she is correct and therefore gain a moral/wisdom high ground.
Since this is such a deeply rooted unconscious stance, it is necessary tospend some time working with it. Within the classroom, the approachI have adopted has been two-pronged. First, I talk about how our beliefschange over time. Clearly, none of us has all the same beliefs we hadfifteen years ago, or ten or five years ago, before last school term, or lastweek (or even perhaps a few minutes ago in this particular discussion).And yet, in some sense, we are the samepersonthroughout all this. Just asclothing fashions come and go, so do beliefs; neither fashion nor beliefneeds to be viewed as who we are.
Our views are what made us, us. However, there are also many other things that make us who we are. Thus, despite the drastic changes in one's view point and beliefs through one's lifetime, he/she remains who they are.
There is now no ‘‘your view’’ and ‘‘my view,’’ only ‘‘the view thatwe are examining right now.’
This enables the students or whoever participating in the debate to throw away their subjective views on the topic, and enables them to look at the topic with an objective view.
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is to compel the best natures to go to the study which we were saying before is the greatest, to see the good and to go up that ascent; and, when they have gone up and seen sufficiently, not to permit them what is now permitted
It is the founders' job to provide an enivornment in which one can form the greatest assets.
For they are really not there ~.beforehand and are later produced by habits and exercises,
He believes that the virtues of the soul, or personality in another word, is formed through the environment not by nature.
Don't you suppose he'd be at a loss and believe that what was seen before is truer than what is now shown?"
Perspective and knowledge is only subjective, what is to one might be very different to another
- Aug 2017
lti.hypothes.is lti.hypothes.is
PHIL101Fall 2017Sample reading