- Dec 2016
blog.jenkster.com blog.jenkster.com
more specifically: A functional language actively helps you eliminate side-effects wherever possible, and tightly control them wherever it's not.
more specifically: A functional language actively helps you eliminate side-effects wherever possible, and tightly control them wherever it's not.
A functional programming language is one that supports and encourages programming without side-effects.
spinroot.com spinroot.com
I have deliberately rejected this alternative
so csp does not supporst buffered channels which means that it's all about sync communication
www.learnprolognow.org www.learnprolognow.org
This won't work through browser though Because browser version already put ?- for you in front of your code
- Oct 2016
www.haskell.org www.haskell.org
Why it's not working.....it;s just freezing there
blog.jenkster.com blog.jenkster.com
Functional programming is about writing pure functions, about removing hidden inputs and outputs as far as we can, so that as much of our code as possible just describes a relationship between inputs and outputs.
I love this definition!
cs.lmu.edu cs.lmu.eduTypes1
coerced to
like casting? A: The word coercion is used to denote an implicit conversion.
The word cast typically refers to an explicit type conversion (as opposed to an implicit conversion), regardless of whether this is a re-interpretation of a bit-pattern or a real conversion.
- Sep 2016
cs.lmu.edu cs.lmu.eduTypes1
In programming language theory, a language's type system defines:
like a manual for every kinds of language system?
connex.csc.uvic.ca connex.csc.uvic.ca
"Prolog is based on first-order logic, also known as predicate logic. Programmers only describe the problem, and computer will find the answer for you, so programmers probably don't know how computer get the solution". It sound amazing, but how?
cs.brown.edu cs.brown.edu
LISt Processing (or LISP) language
Based on lambda calculus. It is really concise.