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  1. Apr 2020
    1. he hacktivist group Anonymous began what it called Operation Tunisia to combat the government's censorship and suppression of dissent.

      This is the first time I am learning about the term "hacktavist." I think it is interesting how activism can take form in the cyber realm as well, as shown in this example.

    1. By exposing vulnerabilities, they push the Internet to become stronger and healthier, wielding their power to create a better world.

      It was interesting watching this video because the term "hacker" has such a negative connotation to it and to watch her explain how hackers may be benefiting the security of the internet, it really opened my eyes.

    1. Offering your product in a free and paid version is nothing new and it’s entirely legitimate for OSS products,

      I feel as if this has been popular in the whole entire software industry!

    2. By far the most common method of income is to provide a service alongside the OSS product. Pick any OSS project from random and there’s a good chance that they utilize this method in one way or another.

      This makes sense