40 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. .p6{

      Try using more descriptive names for classes or comments so you can easily recognize purpose of styles and they can be reused

    2. "/

      Not sure if this is why the images are not showing, the path is not correct

    3. "B"

      Did not see this class in stylesheet maybe that is why it doesn't appear as you expect.

    4. b3

      Same as b2, so streamline your stylesheet by removing one and using same class in index

    5. ="main-div2"

      If you float these divs left and use the width as calc(33%- marging width*2) you will fulfil the requirement as per assignment. You can even use it in the other sections

    6. <h6>Aliquam et iaculis sapien</h6>

      These headings may be a bit small, try h3 or h4

    7. .b1{

      You can add some padding to the button

    1. <section>

      This section is well structured to handle the multiple elements in each card, an alternative to the div for the grey box was a button.

    2. /* end footer */

      Overall clear and well formatted, some comments on the classes to indicate where they will be applied would be helpful, if reusing code at a later time

    3. <footer>

      I think this could have been left as a section and only the part with Copyright information be placed in the footer.

    4. <div class="wrapper-article"> <div class="centerize">

      Could these have been placed in one div, class="wrapper-article centerize"

    1. /img7.webp"

      Path given will not cause image to be displayed, images should be in a folder, so path would be "foldername/imagename.type"

    2. img1

      Use a filename that gives developer an idea of what image is

    3. image1

      Use text that describes the image

  2. Oct 2022
    1. >These pages have few text colors and don’t have appropriate space.</a>

      You have excellent points but it seems like a lot of reading, consider reducing number of points.

    2. Create 3 levels of importance

      Did you mean use three colours to create levels of importance, or font size. You can specify for the reader.

    3. “Our team” page, some long sentences make users give up reading

      This point can be combined with the one above since solution is the same

    1. 3px solid khaki

      Nice complimentary border colour

    2. font-size: 1.6rem;

      Ideal font size

    3. antiquewhite

      This background is nice, a shade closer to accent colours would be more impactful visually.

    4. hsl(0, 0%, 100%);

      Good accent color that goes with border

    5. width: 80%;

      Make the content fit a wider area so the user doesn't have to scroll down as much. Even though there are links the user may not want to click on too many.

    1. card-three

      Recall from Week 3 notes that you can specify how elements within a class will be styled. The example given was, .hotdog p {...}, will style all paragraph elements in the hotdog class as given in the {}. Try using this for the different headings in card three and add padding to position them on the card

    2. url(images/TIGER.jpg);

      This is repeated

    3. images/.jpg

      image not specified

    4. background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(236,171,171,0.685064935064935) 15%, rgba(108,78,78,1) 40%, rgba(69,69,45,0.685064935064935) 69%);

      This is repeated

    5. margin-top: 50px; margin-bottom: 50px; margin-left: 50px; margin-right: 50px;

      You can simply use margin: 50px to shorten code whenever all sides are the same

    6. img

      Border radius property will change the image to circular

    7. headline

      Alt tag should contain information describing image

    8. Live Breaking UK

      Having all of these as H4 will not allow individual styling. Try enclosing each in a span or button tag then you can add background colour to each.

    1. </div>

      Use of comments to indicate which div you are closing, would help you if you need to review your code

    2. button class

      This was a good use of a button, to add style to the text, as well as to match the meaning of the text 'watch video" which may require user to click on something

    3. rc="images/rum2.jfif

      make sure to add alt tag

    1. </small></p>

      Perhaps small tag could have been used for a smaller amount of text placed on a separate line instead of an entire paragraph for the sake of readability.

    2. <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li> <li><a href="services.html">Services</a></li> <li><a href="contact.html">Contact Us</a></li>

      Good use of indentation

  3. Sep 2022
    1. my expectations for this course is to learn the knoledge so I can get a job in the tech industry so i don't have to be a wage slave anymore.</p> </main>

      A few mistakes in content, typos, make sure to review before publishing

    2. <li>html and css</li> <li>javascript</li> <li>java</li> <li>C++</li>

      Good use of ordered list

    1. <header> <h1>Assignment B</h1> </header>

      Good use of header and footer tags

    2. <!-- Please login the slack website in your pc before accessing this link. -->

      I think this comment should be visible, not a comment so the person reading the site can read it and be logged in when they are trying to contact you

    1. <h1>Hello World</h1> <p>This is Sai Srinivas Alahari speaking.</p> <img src="images/Nature.jpg" width="600" alt="Nature image">

      This was well written in that you paid attention to indenting and making sure it was readable.