40 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. <h6>

      This is a caption not a heading.

    2. servises

      Use Grammarly or a similar app to catch your spelling mistakes

    3. clicable

      Use Grammarly or a similar app to catch your spelling mistakes

    4. class="left"

      this is the second class left on this page

    5. right

      if you decide to change the position of this you will also have to change the name of this class and the associated css. Try using a name which is related to the content rather than position

    1. div

      use the p element instead of making a class paragraph

    2. </div>

      The page needs a footer and remember to format with prettier. It makes the code easier to read

    3. </figure>

      You need headings on your page for visual hierarchy and also seo and screenreaders

    4. <figcaption>

      correct use of figcaption

    5. <br>

      use css to position content on the page.

  2. Oct 2022
    1. <p>Below is a list of services we proudly offer.</p>

      This seems out of place as there is no list that follows. It might be better to put it below the <main> and above the cuts where the list is.

    2. <span> 😀 </span>

      I like your emoji

    1. <div>

      I would use main and sections instead of div

    2. <div id="officeHours"> <p><strong>Monday</strong> ~ Closed</p> <p><strong>Tuesday</strong> 9:00am ~ 5:00pm</p> <p><strong>Wednesday</strong> 9:00am ~ 8:00pm</p> <p><strong>Thursday</strong> 9:00am ~ 8:00pm</p> <p><strong>Friday</strong> 9:00am ~ 5:00pm</p> <p><strong>Saturday</strong> 9:00am ~ 4:00pm</p> <p><strong>Sunday</strong> ~ Closed</p></div>

      I don't think you need strong for the hours of operation. You could use to bold instead

    3. <small>If you're looking to make an appointment online, please do so here.</small>

      Needs link as you are asking people to make an appointment here. Link is expected

    1. <h1>Welcome to Hairpins Boutique Salon</h1>

      I believe you put the h1 inside the main tag

    2. width="50" height="50"

      It would be nice if the picture could be larger and take up the full width of the page.

    1. <body> <!--F22 DGL 103 CVS1 - RENU GOPINATHA PILLAI - Assignment A --> <h1>Hello World</h1> <p>This is Renu Gopinatha Pillai speaking.</p> <img src="images/HTML.png" width="400" alt="HTMLCSS"> </body> </html>

      Indenting the h1 and p elements makes it visually easier to read the code.

  3. Sep 2022
    1. href="rpillai1@nic.bc.ca">rpillai1@nic.bc.ca

      To create an e-mail link the href attribute value needs to start with mailto:"rpillail@nic.bc.ca

    2. <P>

      Requires a lowercase "p"

    3. CSS,JavaScript

      requires space between CSS and JavaScript

    4. .I

      requires a space between the period and the I

    5. <hr> <!--The <hr> element is displayed as a horizontal rule that is used to separate content in an HTML page.-->

      This is a really useful element that visually breaks up your page nicely.

    1. some

      As you are referencing a list below, "these" would be a more direct choice of word. The word some is a more ambiguous (vague) one.

    2. Especially I

      We don't usually start a sentence with the word especially. "I especially like" is less awkward a sentence and more grammatically correct.

    3. any website

      Either a website or any websites Any suggests plural (more than one)

    4. <b>Yuki</b>.</p> <p>I was born in <b>Japan</b>

      Excellent and correct use of bold

    5. came

      The verb "come" in some circumstances requires a "to" following it, as it does in this instance. We talk about coming to a place, person or object = "came to" (a place in this instance)

    6. Canana

      spelling mistake

    7. .But

      but joins the two sentences so you need a comma rather than a period and the b is a small b.

    1. Yuki Onishi

      I believe alt is a description of the image you have included, not your name. The purpose is to describe the image if it doesn't load properly or for accessibility, for example, for people who have difficulty seeing. It is also used for SEO (search engine optimization)