- Aug 2021
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Numerous writing studies scholars have documented how attitudes toward students, learning, and writing itself have influenced writing instruction.
Attitude can change students learning capabilities. Those who have positive attitudes have more interests in reading and writing. It helps them remember well, focus, proficient and absorb as much information possible that can help them learn. People that start on changing their reading habits can effectively change how one writes. Students are able to increase the vocabulary if they have the positive attitude for it. In addition, it is more concrete for them when developing good practices.
Acknowledge their reading difficulties and guide students in assessing their own reading struggles
Knowing the difficulties students struggle on, helping them despite understanding the situation would improve their reading. Some may have difficulties reading and it often confuses them with some words. People with reading difficulties like this and not receive any help from a teacher/instructor, it ruins their education and success.
Of course, even explicit reading instruction in a writing-inten-sive classroom will not benefit students fully if they are unable to recognize how their reading can help them improve as writ-ers.
That is quite true that students will not benefit if they are unable to recognize if reading cannot help them improve as writers. Reading does benefit students from improving their writing through hard vocabularies within a text. Therefore, students are able develop their own way of writing. In addition, it can also help students by transferring their knowledge in the future.
Instructors must delib-erately teach students how to actively read the words and images and, by extension, the world around them. Instructors must do so not only so students can succeed in their courses, but so that students can be prepared to actively engage in the complex inter-pretive work that is expected of citizens in an information-rich culture.
Teachers that do this will not only prepare their students for the better, but to improve in order for them to succeed. Not many teachers are actively engaged in teaching students. For example, I feel as if this relates to me. If I can't understand the world around me, then life would be very complex or arduous. Teachers being actively engaged with their students would give them moral. Wouldn't it be hard for students if a teacher doesn't engage with them?
When one writes, one is creating mean-ing by putting words and ideas together.
Whenever it comes to literature, authors/writers do combine their words and ideas together in order to convey a message. For example, some may use metaphors to give readers a sense of curiosity to understand what they mean. An author can simply stumble across anything within an environment and express what they've experienced and combine it to their ideas.
Students may lack the ability to read the world around them because they do not have the tools to recognize the values and assumptions that inform the images, advertisements, news stories, political campaigns, and ideas with which they come into contact on a daily basis.
Without the information given to students, they will automatically assume what's right or wrong. Most will not recognize things that often occur to them to such degree. Therefore, they will struggle understand what's going on around them. Lacking the ability to read around one's surroundings is very difficult as one would make countless mistakes; however, we can learn from our mistakes. Taking the opportunity to continue practicing reading and writing would benefit us throughout our life and career.