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  1. Sep 2024
    1. Specific worries include a lack of protection for online data privacy, the prospect of job loss, the opportunity for students to cheat and even the possibility of overall human obsolescence

      It's definitely scary how AI can make people voice sound just like the real person and use their voice for fraudulent activities.

    2. As a means of protest, some Luddites destroyed the new machines, hoping to dissuade manufacturers from installing them elsewhere. The heart of the movement was not about fear of the machines and new technology, as many people think,  but Luddite objections to the way that, according to Evan Andrews, “mechanized manufacturers and their unskilled laborers undermined the skilled craftsmen of the day.”

      In todays time, people are worried about the same things. But now, people can lose their jobs to AI and robots. Different year, but with the same problems and even more advanced technology.

    3. expressed anxiety about how written words – which he called “external marks” – would weaken people's memories and limit our ability to take in new information. In Plat

      He's pretty much saying the same thing in both of the second paragraphs. That he feels writing would replace memories. As well as having conversations with one another would be more beneficial.

    4. , the prospect of job loss,

      When it comes to different jobs and tasks, having that personal touch is important. Sometimes, being online can lack that personal connection and emotional depth. For example, I appreciate the convenience of online classes, but I truly enjoy meeting my professors in person and forming a personal bond with them. As everything moves towards a digital and automated world, there is a risk of losing that human touch in various interactions. I've come across videos showing robot waitresses in China, and it makes me wonder about the personal aspect of such interactions. How can you form a connection with a robot waitress and decide how to tip them? Everything shouldn't be solely reliant on technology and automation; maintaining human connections and emotions is crucial in different aspects of life.

    5. Currently our society is dealing with questions about the impact of social media, smartphones, and artificial intelligence – while there are benefits to these technologies, their social and cultural impact is not yet fully known.

      I strongly believe that social media has a significant impact, both positive and negative, on our lives. On the positive side, it serves as a platform for learning about holistic healing, connecting with motivational speakers, discovering quick cooking tips, and enjoying entertaining content like dances. However, when it comes to young people, social media can have a negative effect. They are bombarded with images of celebrities and influencers promoting unrealistic body standards, leading to feelings of low self-esteem and body shaming. Moreover, there is a danger of exploitation, especially with predators targeting vulnerable individuals, including children, who share too much personal information online. Social media is also concerning, as it can consume hours of our time without us even realizing it. Smartphones have become a constant companion, even for infants, which may have negative effects on their development. The increasing reliance on technology has led to a decline in face-to-face interactions and emotional connections, as people prefer texting over talking. While artificial intelligence can be a valuable tool for learning and understanding complex concepts, it becomes problematic when individuals rely on it too heavily and fail to develop their own skills. This overdependence on technology can result in a lack of practical knowledge and skills, ultimately hindering personal and professional growth.

    6. dissuade

      The meaning of DISSUADE is to advise (a person) against something.

    7. artisans

      ar·ti·san [ˈärdəzn, ˈärdəˌzan] noun artisans (plural noun) a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand: "street markets where local artisans display handwoven textiles, painted ceramics, and leather goods" Similar: craftsman craftswoman craftsperson mechanic

    8. vehemently

      ve·he·ment [ˈvēəmənt] adjective vehement (adjective) showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense: "her voice was low but vehement" · "vehement criticism"

    9. “Luddites,”

      noun Luddites (plural noun) derogatory a person opposed to new technology or ways of working: "a small-minded Luddite resisting progress" · "I'm not a Luddite, after all I work with the internet for my job"

    1. rapturous

      rap·tur·ous /ˈrap(t)SHərəs/ adjective characterized by, feeling, or expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm. "he was greeted with rapturous applause"

    2. The first draft is the child’s draft, where you let it all pour out and then let it romp all over the place, knowing that no one is going to see it and that you can shape it later

      Great advise.

    3. We all often feel like we are pulling teeth,

      I agree. But, I can talk for hours. When putting it on paper sometimes I freeze up.

    4. It’s not like you don’t have a choice, because you do — you can either type, or kill yourself.”

      Wow! That is an interesting way to look at it.

    5. writing a shitty first draft is that you don’t have to worry about the flaws — you just go where the writing takes you

      Using this method, we may write some of our best work.

    6. drafts


    1. I must question my argument: I must modify, amend, complicate and refine my thesis; I must take into account counterarguments; and I must continuously reorganize and reword whatever I am writing.

      I can connect with this statement because when I write, I often need to rearrange my thoughts and keep going back to make sure it all make sense.