218 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2017
    1. broyant

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **broyer**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [brwaje] verbe transitif

      1. [écraser - couleur, matériau friable, nourriture]<font color="grey"> **to grind**</font> ; [ - pierre, sucre, ail]<font color="grey"> **to crush**</font> ; [ - grain]<font color="grey"> **to mill**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to grind**</font> ; [ - fibre]<font color="grey"> **to break**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to crush**</font> ; [ - main, pied]<font color="grey"> **to crush**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">*se faire broyer*</font><font color="grey"> to be *ou* get crushed</font>

      2. <font color="black"> *(locution)* </font>

      <font color="steelblue">*broyer du noir*</font><font color="grey"> to be in the doldrums, to think gloomy thoughts</font></font>

    2. contempteur

      Word Not Found</font>

    1. hantise

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **hantise**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ˈɑ̃tiz] nom féminin

      <font color="grey"> **obsession**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **obsessive fear**</font><font color="steelblue">*avoir la hantise de la mort*</font><font color="grey"> to be haunted *ou* obsessed by the fear of death</font><font color="steelblue">*sa hantise d'un accident l'empêche de conduire*</font><font color="grey"> his obsessive fear of accidents stops him from driving</font>

      <font color="steelblue">*chez lui, c'est une hantise*</font><font color="grey"> he's obsessed by it, it's an obsession with him</font></font>

    2. Recroquevillé

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **recroqueviller**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      <font color="steelblue">***se recroqueviller***</font> verbe pronominal intransitif **1.** \[confortablement\]<font color="grey"> **to curl up**</font>

      [dans l'inconfort]<font color="grey"> **to hunch *ou* to huddle up**</font>

      2. [feuille, pétale]<font color="grey"> **to shrivel *ou* to curl (up)**</font></font>

  2. May 2017
    1. Karikatur

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Karikatur**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. f; -, -en caricature (auch fig.); (Witzzeichnung) meist cartoon</font>

    2. volksschauspielhaften

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **volksschauspielhaften**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      trans. folk spectacle stick


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Volk**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. n; -(e)s, Völker 

      1. people; (Nation) auch nation; das deutsche Volk the Germans, the German people (oder nation); die Völker Afrikas the peoples of Africa

      2. nur Sg. (Einwohner) people Pl.; (Masse) the masses Pl.; pej. auch hoi polloi, the plebs Pl.; (Pöbel) mob, rabble; die gewählten Vertreter des Volkes the people's elected representatives; im Namen des Volkes in the name of the people; Volkes Stimme geh. the voice of the people; das Volk Gottes REL God's chosen people, the elect; ein Mann aus dem Volke a man of the people; ein Gerücht etc. unters Volk bringen fam. spread a rumo(u)r etc.; etwas unters Volk bringen fam. (verkaufen) sell, get rid of; sich unters Volk mischen mingle with the crowd; blödes Volk! beleidigend: you stupid lot! fam.; * auserwählt, fahrendII 2*


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **fahrend**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I Part. Präs. fahren 

      II Adj. 

      1. Fahrzeug: moving; auf den fahrenden Zug aufspringen jump on the moving train (fig. on the bandwagon)

      2. (wandernd) travel(l)ing, itinerant; fahrender Ritter HIST knight errant; fahrender Sänger HIST wandering minstrel; fahrendes Volk travel(l)ers, Am. gypsies, migrants


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **fahren**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. fährt, fuhr, gefahren 

      I v/i. (ist);

      1. Person: (auch reisen) go (mit by); selbst lenkend: drive; auf Fahrrad, Motorrad: ride; längere Strecke: travel (by); auf Schiff: sail; mit dem Aufzug/Bus etc. fahren auch take the lift (Am. elevator) / a (oder the) bus etc.; ich fahre öffentlich (mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln) I use (oder go by) public transport (Am. transportation); fahr rechts (bleib rechts) keep to the right; (bieg rechts ab) turn right; an den Straßenrand fahren pull over to the side of the road; nach Köln fährt man sieben Stunden mit dem Auto: it's a seven-hour drive to Cologne; mit dem Zug: it's a seven-hour train journey to Cologne, it's seven hours on the train to Cologne; langsamer/schneller fahren slow down / accelerate; über einen Fluss etc. fahren cross a river etc.; ich will noch mal fahren auf Karussell etc.: I want another ride

      2. (abfahren) leave, go; wir fahren in fünf Minuten we're leaving in five minutes

      3. (in Fahrt sein) be moving; * fahrend II 1* 

      4. Fähigkeit: sie fährt gut/schlecht she's a good/bad driver

      5. (verkehren) run; das Boot/der Zug fährt zweimal am Tag the boat/train goes twice a day, there are two sailings / two trains a day

      6. AUT etc. (funktionieren) go, run; das Auto fährt nicht (ist kaputt) the car isn't going (oder won't go); das Auto fährt ruhig the car is quiet(-running); mit Benzin/Diesel fahren Fahrzeug: run on petrol (Am. gas) /diesel; Person: have a petrol- (Am. gas) /diesel-engine car; mit Strom fahren be driven by electric power; mit Dampf fahren be steam-driven

      7. mit der Hand etc. durch/über etwas (Akk.) fahren run one's hand etc. through/over s.th.

      8. in etwas (Akk.) fahren Kugel, Messer etc.: go into s.th.; Blitz: hit (oder strike) s.th.; in die Kleider fahren slip into (oder slip on) one's clothes; aus dem Bett fahren jump (oder leap) out of bed; der Hund fuhr ihm an die Kehle the dog leapt at his throat; * Himmel 2, Hölle 1* 

      9. etwas fahren lassen (loslassen) let go of s.th.; alle Hoffnung etc. fahren lassen fig. give up (oder abandon) all hope; einen fahren lassen fam. let one go, fart vulg. 

      10. fig.: sie ist sehr gut/schlecht damit gefahren she did very well/badly out of it; was ist nur in ihn gefahren? what's got into him?; der Schreck fuhr ihm in die Glieder he froze with terror; * Haut 4*, Mund etc. 

      II v/t. 

      1. (hat); (lenken, besitzen) drive; (Fahrrad, Motorrad) ride; er hat das Auto gegen den Zaun gefahren he drove the car into the fence; ein Auto zu Schrott fahren drive a car into the ground; bei einem Unfall: write a car off, Am. total a car; ein Schiff auf Grund fahren run a ship aground; jemanden über den Haufen fahren fam. knock s.o. down, run s.o. over

      2. (hat); (befördern) take, drive; (Güter) auch transport; ** spazieren 

      3. (ist); (Aufzug, Skilift) ride in; (Karussell, U-Bahn etc.) ride on; (Segelboot) sail; (Ruderboot) row; Boot fahren go boating; Rad fahren cycle; Roller fahren scooter; (Motorroller) ride a scooter; Schlittschuh fahren skate; Schlitten fahren (rodeln) toboggan; (Pferdeschlitten) ride in a sledge (Am. sleigh); Ski fahren ski

      4. (hat oder ist); (Strecke) cover, travel; (Kurve, anderen Weg etc.) take; (Umleitung) follow; (Rennen) take part in; (Umweg) make; sie fuhren eine andere Strecke they took a different route; Kurven fahren weave about (Am. back and forth); Slalom fahren do a slalom

      5. (hat oder ist); (Zeit) record, clock; (Rekord) set; wir fuhren gerade 100 km/h, als ... we were doing 62 mph when ...; das Auto fährt 200 km/h (leistet) the car will do (oder can reach) 124 mph

      6. (hat); (Normal, Super) use, run on

      7. TECH (Hochofen) operate; INFORM (Programm) run

      8. (Sonderschicht) work

      III v/refl. (hat): dieser Wagen fährt sich gut this car is pleasant to drive (oder handles well); unpers.: auf dieser Straße fährt es sich gut this is a good road to drive on


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Himmel**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -s, - (Pl. selten, meist poet.) 

      1. sky; MET auch skies Pl.; lit. heavens Pl.; am Himmel in the sky; unter freiem Himmel in the open air; unter südlichem Himmel under southern skies; der Rauch steigt zum Himmel (auf) the smoke is rising up into the sky; der Himmel lacht fig. (die Sonne scheint) the sun has got his hat on

      2. REL heaven; im Himmel in heaven; in den Himmel kommen go to heaven; zum oder in den Himmel auffahren oder gen Himmel fahren bibl. ascend into heaven; im Himmel sein euph. be with the angels; Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen fig. move heaven and earth; Himmel und Hölle Hüpfspiel: hopscotch

      3. fig. heaven, paradise; der Himmel auf Erden geh. heaven on earth; den Himmel auf Erden haben geh. live in paradise; aus heiterem Himmel fam. (completely) out of the blue; in den Himmel heben fam. praise to the skies; im sieb(en)ten Himmel sein oder sich [wie] im sieb[en]ten Himmel fühlen fam. be on cloud nine, be walking on air, be in the seventh heaven; ihm hängt der Himmel voller Geigen geh. he thinks life's a bed of roses; das schreit oder fam. stinkt zum Himmel it's a scandal; vom Himmel fallen appear from nowhere; ... fallen nicht (einfach) vom Himmel ... don't grow on trees; Erfolge, Fortschritte etc.: don't (just) happen by themselves; Wolken am politischen Himmel clouds on the political horizon; * Meister 2* 

      4. in Ausrufen: dem Himmel sei Dank! thank heavens!; der Himmel ist oder sei mein Zeuge! altm. as God is my witness!; gütiger oder du lieber Himmel! fam. my goodness!, good Heavens!; um Himmels willen! for Heaven's (oder God's) sake!; weiß der Himmel! fam. God knows; Himmel (noch mal oder Herrgott, Sakrament)! fam. for heaven's sake!; Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn oder Wolkenbruch Sl. bloody hell, Am. holy smoke

      5. vom Bett etc.: canopy; im Auto: roof; fam. (Gaumen) roof of one's mouth


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Haut**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. f; -, Häute 

      1. meist Sg. skin; helle/dunkle Haut haben have a fair/dark skin; nass bis auf die Haut soaked to the skin; auf bloßer Haut tragen wear next to one's skin; er trägt die Jacke auf der bloßen Haut auch he's got nothing on under his jacket; sich (Dat.) die Haut aufschürfen graze o.s.; sich (Dat.) die Haut an den Knien etc. aufschürfen skin (oder graze) one's knees etc.; viel Haut zeigen fam. hum. Person: show a lot of bare flesh, be scantily clad; Kleidung: be very revealing

      2. abgezogene, von kleinem Tier: skin; von großem Tier: hide; abgeworfene, einer Schlange etc.: slough; auf Braten: skin; einem Tier die Haut abziehen skin an animal

      3. einer Frucht: skin; meist entfernt: peel; einer Wurst, auf der Milch: skin; auf Flüssigkeiten: film; (Membran) membrane; um Organe: tunic; am Fingernagel: cuticle; TECH, eines Ballons, Flugzeugs etc.: skin; (Überzug) sheathing

      4. nur Sg.; fam. fig.: eine ehrliche/gute Haut an honest / a good soul; mit Haut und Haar(en) completely, hook, line and sinker; aus der Haut fahren go through (oder hit) the roof, go ballistic; es ist zum Aus-der-Haut-Fahren! it's enough to drive you up the wall!; eine dicke Haut haben have a thick skin, be thick-skinned; seine Haut retten save one's skin (fam. hum. bacon); sich seiner (Gen.) Haut wehren defend o.s. (with all one's might); ihr ist oder sie fühlt sich nicht wohl in ihrer Haut she feels (rather) uncomfortable (oder uneasy); ich möchte nicht in seiner Haut stecken I wouldn't like to be in his shoes; er ist nur noch Haut und Knochen he's just skin and bones; es kann eben keiner aus seiner Haut a leopard can't change its spots; das geht einem unter die Haut it gets under your skin; seine Haut zu Markte tragen (sein Leben riskieren) risk one's neck; (sich verkaufen) sell o.s.; Frau: sell one's body; seine Haut teuer verkaufen sell one's life dearly; * faul I 2*, heil


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Mund**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -(e)s, Münder mouth; den Mund aufmachen open one's mouth; fam. fig. speak up; mit vollem Mund sprechen talk with one's mouth full; aus dem Mund riechen have bad breath; sie küsste seinen Mund she kissed him on the lips; ein Mund voll fig. a mouthful; Flüssigkeit: auch a gulp; von Mund zu Mund beatmen give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation; es ist in aller Munde everyone's talking about it, it's the talk of the town; Mund und Nase aufsperren oder aufreißen fam. fig gape open-mouthed (in astonishment); halt den Mund! fam. shut up!; den Mund nicht aufmachen oder auftun fam. fig. not utter a word; sie hat den Mund nicht aufgekriegt fam. fig. she didn't say a word; den Mund voll nehmen fam. fig. talk big, shoot one's mouth off; jemandem den Mund verbieten fig. stop s.o. saying anything, silence s.o.; jemandem etwas in den Mund legen fig. put words into s.o.'s mouth; jemandem das Wort aus dem Mund nehmen fam. fig. take the words (right) out of s.o.'s mouth; jemandem das Wort im Mund umdrehen twist s.o.'s words; jemandem nach dem Mund(e) reden fig. echo s.o.'s words; um zu gefallen: say what s.o. wants to hear; jemandem über den Mund fahren fam. fig. cut s.o. short; nicht auf den Mund gefallen sein fam. fig. have the gift of the gab; sich (Dat.) den Mund verbrennen fam. fig. put one's foot in it; von Mund zu Mund gehen Neuigkeit: be passed on from one person to the next, fam. do the rounds; in Redewendungen  auch Maul; * berufen IV 1, Blatt 1, fransig 2, stopfen II 1*, wässrig etc.


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **spazieren**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/i. walk (around), stroll; spazieren gehen go for a walk (oder stroll); er geht gern im Wald spazieren he likes to walk (oder go for walks) in oder through the woods; wir waren im Wald spazieren we went for a walk in (oder through) the woods; spazieren fahren go for a ride (oder run, fam. spin) (in the car); jemanden spazieren fahren take s.o. for a ride (oder run, fam. spin) (in the car); jemanden spazieren führen take s.o. (out) for a walk; den Hund spazieren führen auch walk the dog


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Meister**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -s, - 

      1. (im Handwerk) master (craftsman); ein Meister im Bäckerhandwerk a master baker; seinen Meister machen take one's master craftsman's diploma

      2. (Künstler, Könner) master (auch fig., iro.); alter Meister MUS, Kunst etc.: old master; ein Meister im Lügen a master at (oder in the art of) lying; seinen Meister finden fig. find (oder meet) one's match; Übung macht den Meister Sprichw. practice makes perfect; früh übt sich, was ein Meister werden will Sprichw. you can't start too young; es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen Sprichw. you can't expect to get it right first time

      3. SPORT etc.: champion; (Mannschaft) champions Pl. 

      4. im Betrieb: foreman

      5. als Anrede, vertraulich: Sl. guv, chief, Am. Mac

      6. in Märchen: Meister Lampe Master Hare; Meister Petz Master Bruin (the Bear)


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **faul**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I Adj. 

      1. Obst, Gemüse, Ei, Zähne etc.: rotten, bad; Fisch, Fleisch: bad, präd. Brit. off, Am. bad; (stinkend) putrid; Holz: rotten; Wasser: foul, brackish; Luft: foul

      2. (träge) lazy, idle; faules Aas fam. pej. Mann: lazy sod (Am. bum) Sl.; Frau: lazy bitch; fam. hum. lazybones (Sg.); auf der faulen Haut liegen oder sich auf die faule Haut legen take one's ease; er, nicht faul, handelte sofort he was on the ball and took immediate action; am Wochenende war ich mal so richtig schön faul I had a really lazy time at the weekend

      3. fig. pej. Ausrede: lame; Kompromiss etc.: shabby; Friede: phon(e)y fam.; Witz: bad; Scheck, Wechsel: dud; (verdächtig) Person: shady; Sache: fishy; fauler Zauber humbug; da ist doch etwas faul there's something fishy about it; etwas ist faul im Staate Dänemark something is rotten in the state of Denmark

      4. (säumig) Zahler: late

      II Adv.: faul herumliegen laze around (oder about); häng hier nicht faul rum, hilf mir lieber fam. instead of hanging around doing nothing you could help me


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **heil**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. Adj. (unversehrt) Person: unhurt, unharmed, safe and sound; Sache: undamaged, intact; (geheilt) healed, cured; Welt: intact, ideal, sugarcoated iro.; etwas heil überstehen come through (s.th.) unscathed; da bist du noch mal mit heiler Haut davongekommen iro. you got off lightly this time; wieder heil machen fix, mend; Kinderspr. (einen verletzten Finger etc.) make s.th. better; die Vase etc. ist heil geblieben didn't break, is still intact (oder in one piece)


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Maul**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. n; -(e)s, Mäuler 

      1. ZOOL mouth; (Kiefer) jaws Pl.; (Schnauze) muzzle, snout

      2. Sl. von Menschen: trap, gob; ein großes Maul haben have a big mouth, be a big-mouth; ein böses/loses Maul haben have a malicious/loose tongue; das Maul halten keep one's mouth shut; halt's Maul! shut up!; sich (Dat.) das Maul zerreißen gossip (über + Akk. about); jemandem das Maul stopfen fam. shut s.o. up; er hat sechs Mäuler zu stopfen fam. fig. he's got six hungry mouths to feed; jemandem übers Maul fahren cut s.o. short; dem Volk aufs Maul schauen listen to what people are saying;  auch Mund


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **berufen**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I v/t. (unreg.) 

      1. zu einer Funktion: jemanden zum Vorsitzenden / zu einem Amt berufen appoint s.o. chairman / to an office; jemanden auf oder an einen Lehrstuhl berufen offer s.o. a chair (at university); an einen Ort: nach Berlin berufen werden be called to Berlin

      2. fam. ** beschreien 

      II v/refl. (unreg.): sich berufen auf (+ Akk.) als Autorität, Quelle etc.: cite, quote, refer to; auf jemanden persönlich: mention s.o.'s name; sich auf jemanden als Zeugen berufen appeal to s.o. as a witness; sich darauf berufen, dass ... plead that ...; darf ich mich auf Sie berufen? may I mention your name?; (zitieren) may I quote you?

      III v/i. (unreg.) österr. JUR appeal

      IV Adj. 

      1. (befähigt) qualified, competent; aus berufenem Munde from a reliable source, on good authority, straight from the horse's mouth fam.; berufen sein / sich berufen fühlen zu (+ Inf.) be/feel competent enough (oder qualified) to (+ Inf.); moralisch: have / feel one has a mission to (+ Inf.); ich fühlte mich (nicht) berufen einzugreifen I felt called upon / I didn't feel it was for me to intervene

      2. zum Priester etc. berufen sein have a calling to be a priest (oder to the priesthood etc. ); zur Malerei etc. berufen sein have a vocation for painting etc.; sich zu Höherem berufen fühlen feel one is destined for higher things


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Blatt**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. n; -(e)s, Blätter 

      1. BOT leaf; von Blüte: petal; Kelch: sepal; kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen fig. not mince matters (oder one's words)

      2. Buch: leaf; (Seite) page; (Papier) sheet; hast du ein Blatt Papier? do you have a piece of paper?; 500 Blatt Papier 500 sheets of paper; ist das Blatt voll geschrieben? have you used (oder filled) up that page?; das steht auf einem anderen Blatt fig. 

      a) that's a completely different matter,

      b) that's another story fam.; ** unbeschrieben 

      3. MUS (Notenblatt) sheet; vom Blatt spielen/singen sight-read / sight-sing; etwas vom Blatt spielen/singen auch play/sing s.th. at sight

      4. (Zeitung) (news)paper

      5. Kunst: (Druck) print; (Zeichnung) drawing; (Stich) engraving


      a) (Spielkarte) card; (gezogene Karten) hand; ein gutes/schlechtes Blatt haben have a good/bad hand; das Blatt hat sich gewendet fig. the tide has turned

      b) Spielfarbe im deutschen Kartenspiel: spade

      7. TECH plate, lamina, (Folie) foil; Säge, Ruder etc.: blade (auch FLUG)

      8. MUS für Blasinstrumente: reed

      9. Jagd: shoulder


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **fransig**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. 

      1. verziert: fringed

      2. (ausgefranst) frayed; sich (Dat.) den Mund fransig reden fam. fig. talk till one is blue in the face


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **stopfen**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I vt/i. (Strümpfe etc.) darn, mend; Oma stopft beim Fernsehen Granny does her darning while watching TV

      II v/t. 

      1. (hineinstopfen) stuff (in + Akk. into); (füllen) (Kissen etc.) stuff; (Pfeife, Wurst) fill; sich (Dat.) das Hemd in die Hose stopfen tuck one's shirt into one's trousers; sich (Dat.) Süßigkeiten in den Mund stopfen stuff sweets into one's mouth; jemandem den Mund stopfen fig. silence s.o., shut s.o. up fam.; ** gestopft 

      2. (ausfüllen, zumachen) (Lücke) fill; (Loch) auch plug

      3. (mästen) stuff, fatten

      III v/i. 

      1. (sättigen) be filling; Reis stopft auch rice fills you up

      2. (verstopfen) cause constipation; das stopft auch that gives you constipation


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **beschreien**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/t. (unreg.); fam.: ich will es nicht beschreien touch (Am. knock on) wood, I don't want to put the kiss of death on it


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **unbeschrieben**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. Papier: blank; INFORM empty; ein unbeschriebenes Blatt sein fig. (unbekannt) be an unknown quantity; (unerfahren) be inexperienced; er ist kein unbeschriebenes Blatt fam. fig. (hat schon einiges auf dem Kerbholz) he hasn't kept clear of trouble


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **gestopft**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I P.P. stopfen 

      II Adv. fam.: gestopft voll jampacked, chock-a-block, chock-full


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Schauspiel**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. n 

      1. THEA play; drama

      2. fig. spectacle, sight


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **haften**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. v/i. (für for) (bürgen) be liable, be responsible, answer; (bei einem Schaden etc. belangt werden) be held responsible; haften für (garantieren) guarantee; Sie haften mir persönlich für etwaige Schäden I shall hold you personally responsible for any damage</font>

    3. spotten

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **spotten**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/i. mock, laugh, höhnisch: scoff (über +Akk. at); über jemanden spotten (sich lustig machen) make fun of s.o.; jeder Beschreibung spotten defy (oder beggar) description</font>

    4. offenherzigen

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **offenherzig**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. 

      1. open, frank, candid; (aufrichtig) sincere

      2. fam. fig. Kleid: low-cut, ... with a plunging neckline</font>

    5. rührend

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **rühren**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I v/t. 

      1. (umrühren) stir; Butter in die Soße rühren stir butter into the sauce

      2. (bewegen) move; * Finger 2*, Trommel 

      3. fig. innerlich: touch; (ergreifen) move; das rührte ihn wenig it left him cold, he was unmoved (by it); ** Donner, gerührt, rührend 

      II v/i. 

      1. (umrühren) stir

      2. rühren an (+ Akk.) touch; fig. (erwähnen) touch on; an diesen Punkt darf man bei ihm nicht rühren fig. you mustn't mention that to him, it's a sore point with him; lass uns nicht an Vergangenes rühren let's not stir up the past

      3. rühren von come from, stem from; das rührt daher, dass ... that is due to the fact that ...

      III v/refl. 

      1. (sich bewegen) stir, auch Körperteil: move; er rührte sich nicht vom Fleck he didn't budge; ich konnte mich nicht mehr rühren I could no longer move; rührt euch! MIL at ease!

      2. fig. (tätig werden) do something; nebenan rührt sich gar nichts it's very quiet next door; dreimal haben wir es schon beantragt, aber da rührt sich nichts we have applied three times, but nothing ever happens

      3. fig. (sich bemerkbar machen) Person: say something; Gefühl: stir; wenn du was willst, musst du dich rühren if you want anything, you must say so (oder let me etc. know)


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Finger**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -s, - 

      1. finger (auch des Handschuhs); der kleine Finger the little finger; einen Finger breit/dick/lang the width/thickness/length of a finger, as wide/thick/long as a finger; einen Ring am Finger tragen wear a ring on one's finger; mit dem Finger drohen wag one's finger; mit den Fingern schnippen snap one's fingers; etwas an den Fingern abzählen können be able to count s.th. on the fingers of one hand; das kannst du dir an den oder fünf Fingern abzählen fam. fig. that's clear as daylight; eins auf die Finger kriegen fam. get a rap across the knuckles (auch fig. ); sich in den Finger schneiden cut one's finger; fam. fig. make a big mistake; sich die Finger verbrennen burn one's fingers (auch fam. fig.); Finger weg! oder lass die Finger davon! fam. hands off!, don't touch!; fig. don't you get involved; mit dem Finger zeigen auf (+ Akk.) point at (oder to); fig. point one's finger at

      2. fig.: das sagt mir mein kleiner Finger a little bird told me; etwas im kleinen Finger haben fam. have s.th. at one's fingertips; das macht sie mit dem kleinen Finger fam. she can do that with her eyes shut; jemanden um den (kleinen) Finger wickeln fam. twist s.o. (a)round one's little finger; gibt man ihm den kleinen Finger, nimmt er gleich die ganze Hand give him an inch, and he'll take (you) a mile; krumme oder lange Finger machen fam. get itchy fingers; mit spitzen Fingern anfassen hold at arm's length; jemandem auf die Finger klopfen rap s.o.'s knuckles; jemandem auf die Finger sehen fam. keep a close eye on s.o.; jemandem durch die Finger schlüpfen oder gehen slip through s.o.'s fingers (Verbrecher etc.: auch clutches); Verbrecher etc.: auch give s.o. the slip; das lasse ich mir nicht durch die Finger gehen fam. I'm not going to let the opportunity slip; jemandem in die Finger geraten oder fallen fam. fall into s.o.'s hands; in oder zwischen die Finger bekommen fam. get hold of, get one's hands on; der soll mir nur unter die Finger kommen! fam. drohend: just wait till I lay my hands on him!; wenn ich die in oder zwischen die Finger kriege! fam. drohend: if I lay my hands on her!; (überall) seine Finger im Spiel oder drin haben fam. have a hand in it (have got a finger in every pie); keinen Finger rühren oder krümmen oder krumm machen fam. not lift a finger (für jemanden to help s.o.); er macht sich die Finger nicht gern schmutzig fam. he doesn't like getting his hands dirty; es juckt oder kribbelt mich in den Fingern, ihn zu schlagen fam. I'm longing (oder dying) to hit him; ich würde mir die oder alle zehn Finger danach lecken fam. I'd give my right arm for it; sich (Dat.) etwas aus den Fingern saugen make s.th. up; den Finger auf die Wunde legen touch on a sore point; sie hat an jedem Finger einen oder zehn fam. she has one for every day of the week


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Trommel**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. f; -, -n drum (auch TECH, für Kabel etc. ); TECH auch cylinder, barrel; für etwas die Trommel rühren fig. beat (oder bang) the (big) drum for s.th., plug s.th. fam.


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Donner**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -s, - thunder (auch fig.); wie vom Donner gerührt thunderstruck</font>

    6. rastlosen

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **rastlos**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I Adj. 

      1. (unermüdlich) indefatigable, tireless; Arbeit: unceasing

      2. (unruhig) restless

      II Adv.: rastlos tätig sein work nonstop, be on the go all the time fam.</font>

    7. Trottel

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Trottel**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -s, -; fam. dope; alter Trottel old fool; ich Trottel! what an idiot I am!</font>

    1. Traceback (most recent call last):

        File "/Users/jeromecarney/Desktop/Dropbox/Python/StarDict/share/pystardict/morph-fr.py", line 165, in \<module>

          theSplits =theSplits.splitlines()[0].split()

      IndexError: list index out of range</font>

    2. amont

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **amont**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [amɔ̃] nom masculin

      [d'une rivière]<font color="grey"> **upstream water**</font>

      [d'une montagne]<font color="grey"> **uphill slope**</font>

      [amɔ̃] adjectif invariable

      [ski, skieur]<font color="grey"> **uphill *(avant nom)* </font>**

       <font color="steelblue">**en amont**</font> locution adverbiale

      <font color="black"> *(sens propre & figuré)* </font><font color="grey"> **upstream**</font>

       <font color="steelblue">**en amont de**</font> locution prépositionnelle

      [rivière]<font color="grey"> **upstream from**</font>

      [montagne]<font color="grey"> **uphill from *ou* above**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">les étapes en amont de la production</font><font color="black"> *(figuré)* </font><font color="grey"> the stages upstream of production, the pre-production stages</font></font>

    3. dévalé

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **dévaler**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [devale] verbe transitif

      [en courant]<font color="grey"> **to run *ou* to race *ou* to hurtle down**</font>

      [en roulant]<font color="grey"> **to tumble down**</font>

      [devale] verbe intransitif

      1. [personne]<font color="grey"> **to hurry *ou* to hurtle down**</font>

      [torrent]<font color="grey"> **to gush down**</font>

      [animal]<font color="grey"> **to run down**</font>

      2. [s'abaisser - terrain]<font color="grey"> **to fall *ou* to slope away**</font>

      3. [rouler]<font color="grey"> **to tumble *ou* to bump down**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">le chariot a dévalé tout seul</font><font color="grey"> the trolley ran off on its own</font></font>

    4. Traceback (most recent call last):



      line 165, in \\<module\>

          theSplits =theSplits.splitlines()\[0\].split()

      IndexError: list index out of range\</font></font>Traceback (most recent call last):



      line 165, in \\<module\>

          theSplits =theSplits.splitlines()\[0\].split()

      IndexError: list index out of range\</font></font>

    5. belvédère

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **belvédère**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [bɛlvedɛr] nom masculin

      [pavillon]<font color="grey"> **belvedere**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **gazebo**</font>

      [terrasse]<font color="grey"> **panoramic viewpoint**</font></font>

    1. pomper

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **pomper**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [pɔ̃pe] verbe transitif

      1. [aspirer - pour évacuer]<font color="grey"> **to pump (out)**</font> ; [ - pour boire]<font color="grey"> **to suck (up)**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">tu me pompes l'air</font><font color="black"> *(familier)* </font><font color="grey"> you're being a real pain in the neck</font>

      2. [absorber - suj: éponge]<font color="grey"> **to soak up *(separable)* </font> ; [ - suj: sol]<font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to soak ou to drink up (separable) </FONT>**</font>

      <font color="grey">

      3. <font color="black"> *(familier)* </font> [utiliser - économies, réserves]<font color="grey"> **to take up *(inseparable),* </font><font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to eat up (figuré)</FONT>** ; [ - prendre]</font>

      <font color="grey"> <font color="steelblue">il se fait pomper tout son argent par son ex-femme</font><font color="grey"> his ex-wife spends all his money</font>

      4. <font color="black"> *(familier)* </font> [fatiguer]<font color="grey"> **to wear out *(separable),* </font><font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to do in (separable) </FONT>**</font>

      <font color="grey">

      5. <font color="black"> *(très familier)* </font> [boire]<font color="grey"> **to knock back *(separable)* </font>**

      6. <font color="black"> *(argot scolaire)* </font> [copier]<font color="grey"> **to crib**</font>

      [pɔ̃pe] verbe intransitif

      1. [appuyer]<font color="grey"> **to pump**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">pomper sur la pédale du frein</font><font color="grey"> to pump the brake pedal</font>

      2. <font color="black"> *(argot scolaire)* </font> [copier]<font color="grey"> **to crib**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">j'ai pompé sur Anne</font><font color="grey"> I cribbed from Anne</font></font>

    2. sommet

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **sommet**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [sɔmɛ] nom masculin

      1. [plus haut point - d'un mont]<font color="grey"> **summit**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **highest point**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **top**</font> ; [ - d'un bâtiment, d'un arbre]<font color="grey"> **top**</font>

      2. [partie supérieure - d'un arbre, d'une colline]<font color="grey"> **crown**</font> ; [ - d'une montagne]<font color="grey"> **top**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **summit**</font> ; [ - d'une vague]<font color="grey"> **crest**</font> ; [ - de la tête]<font color="grey"> **crown**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **vertex *(terme spécialisé)*</font>**

      <font color="steelblue">leurs émissions n'atteignent pas des sommets</font><font color="black"> *(figuré)* </font><font color="grey"> their programmes don't aim very high *ou* aren't exactly intellectually ambitious</font>

      3. [degré suprême - d'une hiérarchie]<font color="grey"> **summit**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **top**</font> ; [ - d'une carrière]<font color="grey"> **top**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **summit**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **acme *(soutenu)*</font>**

      <font color="steelblue">une décision prise au sommet</font><font color="grey"> a decision taken from the top</font><font color="steelblue">le sommet de la gloire</font><font color="grey"> the pinnacle of fame</font><font color="steelblue">elle est au sommet de son talent</font><font color="grey"> she's at the height of her talent</font>

      4. <font color="black"> MATHÉMATIQUES</font> [d'un angle, d'une hyperbole]<font color="grey"> **vertex**</font>

      5. <font color="black"> POLITIQUE</font><font color="grey"> **summit (meeting)**</font></font>

    3. montant

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **monter**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [mɔ̃te] verbe intransitif<font color="black"> *(auxiliaire être ou avoir)* </font>

      1. [personne, animal - vu d'en bas]<font color="grey"> **to go up**</font> ; [ - vu d'en haut]<font color="grey"> **to come up**</font>

      [avion, soleil]<font color="grey"> **to rise**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to climb (up)**</font>

      [drapeau]<font color="grey"> **to go up**</font>

      [rideau de théâtre, air, fumée]<font color="grey"> **to go up**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to rise**</font>

      [chemin]<font color="grey"> **to go up**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to rise**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to climb**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">monte par l'ascenseur</font><font color="grey"> go up in *ou* use the lift</font><font color="steelblue">monte sur une chaise pour que j'épingle ton ourlet</font><font color="grey"> stand on a chair so I can pin up your hem</font><font color="steelblue">le premier de cordée continuait à monter</font><font color="grey"> the leader continued to climb *ou* continued the ascent</font><font color="steelblue">es-tu déjà montée au dernier étage de la tour Eiffel?</font><font color="grey"> have you ever been up to the top of the Eiffel Tower?</font><font color="steelblue">monter en pente douce</font><font color="grey"> to climb gently (upwards)</font><font color="steelblue">monter en pente raide</font><font color="grey"> to climb steeply *ou* sharply</font><font color="steelblue">ça monte trop, passe en première</font><font color="grey"> it's too steep, change down into first</font><font color="steelblue">monter de</font> \[suj: odeur, bruit\]<font color="grey"> to rise (up) from, to come from</font>

      2. [dans un moyen de transport]

      <font color="steelblue">monter dans</font>

       a. [avion, train]<font color="grey"> to get on *ou* onto, to board</font>

       b. [bus]<font color="grey"> to get on, to board</font>

       c. [voiture]<font color="grey"> to get into</font>

      <font color="steelblue">tu montes (avec moi)?</font> \[dans ma voiture\]<font color="grey"> are you coming with me (in my car)?</font><font color="steelblue">elle monte à Versailles</font> \[dans le train\]<font color="grey"> she gets on at Versailles (station)</font><font color="steelblue">monter sur un *ou* à bord d'un bateau</font><font color="grey"> to board a ship</font><font color="steelblue">monter sur un cheval</font><font color="grey"> to get on *ou* to mount a horse</font><font color="steelblue">monter sur une bicyclette</font><font color="grey"> to get on a bicycle</font><font color="steelblue">ça fait longtemps que je ne suis pas monté sur une bicyclette</font><font color="grey"> it's a long time since I've been on a bicycle</font><font color="steelblue">monter à</font> \[pratiquer\]<font color="steelblue"> : </font><font color="steelblue">monter à cheval/bicyclette</font><font color="grey"> to ride (a horse)/a bicycle</font><font color="black"> ÉQUITATION</font><font color="grey"> **to ride**</font>

      3. [apparaître suite à une émotion]

      <font color="steelblue">les larmes lui sont montées aux yeux</font><font color="grey"> tears welled up in his eyes, his eyes filled with tears</font><font color="steelblue">le rouge lui est monté aux joues</font><font color="grey"> the colour rose to her cheeks</font><font color="steelblue">le sang lui monta au visage</font><font color="grey"> the blood rushed to his face</font>

      4. [s'élever - température]<font color="grey"> **to rise**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to go up**</font> ; [ - fièvre]<font color="grey"> **to rise**</font> ; [ - prix, taux]<font color="grey"> **to rise**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to go up**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to increase**</font> ; [ - action]<font color="grey"> **to rise**</font> ; [ - rivière]<font color="grey"> **to rise**</font> ; [ - mer, marée]<font color="grey"> **to come in**</font> ; [ - anxiété, mécontentement]<font color="grey"> **to grow**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to increase**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">faire monter</font> \[tension, peur\]<font color="grey"> to increase</font><font color="steelblue">faire monter les prix</font>

       a. [surenchère]<font color="grey"> to send *ou* to put prices up</font>

       b. [marchand]<font color="grey"> to put up *ou* to increase prices</font>

      <font color="steelblue">empêcher les prix de monter</font><font color="grey"> to keep prices down</font><font color="steelblue">les loyers ont monté de 25 %</font><font color="grey"> rents have gone up *ou* increased by 25%</font><font color="steelblue">le thermomètre monte</font><font color="black"> *(familier)* </font><font color="black"> MÉTÉOROLOGIE</font><font color="grey"> it's *ou* the weather's getting warmer</font><font color="steelblue">le lait monte</font>

       a. [il bout]<font color="grey"> the milk is boiling</font>

       b. [chez une femme qui allaite]<font color="grey"> lactation has started</font>

      <font color="steelblue">prends de grosses aiguilles, ton pull montera plus vite</font><font color="grey"> your sweater will knit up more quickly if you use big needles</font><font color="steelblue">faire monter des blancs en neige</font><font color="black"> CUISINE</font><font color="grey"> to whisk up egg whites</font><font color="steelblue">le soufflé a bien monté/n'a pas monté</font><font color="grey"> the soufflé rose beautifully/didn't rise</font><font color="steelblue">le ton montait</font>

       a. [de colère]<font color="grey"> voices were being raised, the discussion was becoming heated</font>

       b. [d'animation]<font color="grey"> the noise level was rising</font>

      5. [atteindre un certain niveau]

      <font color="steelblue">la cloison ne monte pas assez haut</font><font color="grey"> the partition isn't high enough</font><font color="steelblue">monter à *ou* jusqu'à</font> \[eau, vêtement, chaussures\]<font color="grey"> to come up to</font><font color="steelblue">son plâtre monte jusqu'au genou</font><font color="grey"> his leg is in a plaster cast up to the knee</font><font color="steelblue">les pistes de ski montent jusqu'à 3 000 m</font><font color="grey"> the ski runs go up to *ou* as high as 3,000 m</font><font color="steelblue">je peux monter jusqu'à 200 km/h</font><font color="black"> *(familier)* </font><font color="grey"> I can do up to 200 km/h</font><font color="steelblue">l'hectare de vigne peut monter jusqu'à 30 000 euros</font><font color="grey"> one hectare of vineyard can cost up to *ou* fetch as much as 30,000 euros</font>

      6. <font color="black"> MUSIQUE</font> [voix]<font color="grey"> **to go up**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to rise**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">il peut monter jusqu'au "si"</font><font color="grey"> he can go *ou* sing up to B</font>

      7. [pour attaquer]

      <font color="steelblue">monter à l'abordage</font><font color="black"> NAUTIQUE</font><font color="grey"> to board</font><font color="steelblue">monter à l'attaque *ou* à l'assaut</font><font color="black"> MILITAIRE</font><font color="grey"> to go into the attack</font><font color="steelblue">monter à l'assaut de</font><font color="grey"> to launch an attack on</font><font color="steelblue">monter au filet</font><font color="black"> TENNIS</font> \[au volleyball\]<font color="grey"> to go up to the net</font>

      8. [dans une hiérarchie]<font color="grey"> **to rise**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">monter en grade</font><font color="grey"> to be promoted</font><font color="steelblue">un chanteur qui monte</font><font color="grey"> an up-and-coming singer</font>

      [dans le temps]

      <font color="steelblue">la génération qui monte</font><font color="grey"> the rising *ou* new generation</font>

      9. [aller vers le nord]

      <font color="steelblue">je monte à Paris demain</font><font color="grey"> I'm going (up) to Paris tomorrow</font><font color="steelblue">il a dû monter à Lyon pour trouver du travail</font><font color="grey"> he had to move (up) to Lyons in order to find work</font>

      10. <font color="black"> JEUX</font>

      <font color="steelblue">monter sur le valet de trèfle</font><font color="grey"> to play a club higher than the jack</font>

      [mɔ̃te] verbe transitif<font color="black"> *(auxiliaire avoir)* </font>

      1. [gravir]<font color="grey"> **to go up *(inseparable)* </font>**

      <font color="steelblue">monter l'escalier</font><font color="grey"> to go *ou* to climb up the stairs, to go upstairs</font><font color="steelblue">la voiture a du mal à monter la côte</font><font color="grey"> the car has difficulty getting up the hill</font><font color="steelblue">monter la gamme</font><font color="black"> MUSIQUE</font><font color="grey"> to go up *ou* to climb the scale</font>

      2. [porter en haut - bagages, colis]<font color="grey"> **to take *ou* to carry up *(separable)* </font> ; [ - courrier]<font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to take up (separable) </FONT>**</font>

      <font color="grey"> <font color="steelblue">monte-moi mes lunettes</font><font color="grey"> bring my glasses up for me</font><font color="steelblue">je lui ai monté son journal</font><font color="grey"> I took the newspaper up to him</font><font color="steelblue">peut-on se faire monter le repas dans les chambres?</font><font color="grey"> is it possible to have meals brought to the room?</font>

      3. [mettre plus haut]

      <font color="steelblue">monte l'étagère d'un cran</font><font color="grey"> put the shelf up a notch</font><font color="steelblue">monte la vitre, j'ai froid</font><font color="grey"> wind up the (car) window, I'm cold</font>

      4. [augmenter - son]<font color="grey"> **to turn up *(separable)* </font> ; [ - prix]<font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to put up (separable) </FONT>**</font>

      <font color="grey"> <font color="steelblue">monte la télé</font><font color="black"> *(familier)* </font><font color="grey"> turn the TV up</font>

      [mettre en colère]

      <font color="steelblue">monter quelqu'un contre</font><font color="grey"> to set somebody against</font>

      5. [assembler - kit]<font color="grey"> **to assemble**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to put together *(separable)* </font> ; [ - tente]<font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to pitch</FONT><font color="grey"></font><font color="grey">, </FONT><font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to put up (separable) </FONT> ; [ - abri]<font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to rig up (separable) </FONT>**</font></font></font></font>

      <font color="grey"><font color="grey"><font color="grey"> <font color="steelblue">monter une page</font><font color="black"> IMPRIMERIE</font><font color="grey"> to make up *ou* to paste up *ou* to lay out a page</font><font color="steelblue">monter en parallèle/série</font><font color="black"> ÉLECTRICITÉ</font><font color="grey"> to connect in parallel/series</font>

      6. [fixer - radiateur]<font color="grey"> **to fit**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to mount**</font> ; [ - store]<font color="grey"> **to put up *(separable),* </font><font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to mount**</FONT></font>

      <font color="grey"> <font color="steelblue">monter une gravure</font>

       a. [sur une marie-louise]<font color="grey"> to mount an engraving</font>

       b. [dans un cadre]<font color="grey"> to frame an engraving</font>

      <font color="steelblue">il a monté un moteur plus puissant sur sa voiture</font><font color="grey"> he has put a more powerful engine into his car</font><font color="black"> JOAILLERIE</font><font color="grey"> **to mount**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to set**</font>

      7. [organiser - généralement]<font color="grey"> **to organize**</font> ; [ - pièce, spectacle]<font color="grey"> **to put on *(separable),* </font><font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to stage</FONT><font color="grey"></font><font color="grey">, </FONT><font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to produce</FONT> ; [ - canular]<font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to think up (separable) </FONT> ; [ - complot, machination]<font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to set up (separable) </FONT>**</font></font></font></font></font>

      <font color="grey"><font color="grey"><font color="grey"> <font color="steelblue">monter un atelier de poterie</font><font color="grey"> to set up a pottery workshop</font><font color="steelblue">il avait monté tout un scénario dans sa tête</font><font color="grey"> he'd thought up some weird and wonderful scheme</font>

      8. [pourvoir - bibliothèque, collection, cave]<font color="grey"> **to set up *(separable)* </font>**

      <font color="steelblue">monter son ménage *ou* sa maison</font><font color="grey"> to set up house</font>

      9. <font color="black"> ÉQUITATION</font>

      <font color="steelblue">monter un cheval</font><font color="grey"> to ride a horse</font>

      10. <font color="black"> CINÉMA</font> [bobine]<font color="grey"> **to mount**</font>

      [film]<font color="grey"> **to edit**</font>

      11. <font color="black"> COUTURE</font><font color="grey"> **to fit (on)**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">monter une manche</font><font color="grey"> to sew on *ou* to attach a sleeve</font><font color="steelblue">le pantalon est prêt à être monté</font><font color="grey"> the trousers are ready to assemble *ou* to be made up</font>

      [tricoter - maille]<font color="grey"> **to cast on *(separable)* </font>**

      12. <font color="black"> CUISINE</font>

      <font color="steelblue">monter des blancs en neige</font><font color="grey"> to whisk up egg whites</font><font color="steelblue">monter une mayonnaise</font><font color="grey"> to make some mayonnaise</font>

      13. <font color="black"> MÉDECINE VÉTÉRINAIRE</font><font color="black"> & ZOOLOGIE</font><font color="grey"> **to cover**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to serve**</font>

      14. <font color="black"> NAUTIQUE</font><font color="grey"> **to crew**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">monter un gréement</font><font color="grey"> to rig a ship</font><font color="black"> PÊCHE</font><font color="grey"> **to assemble**</font><font color="steelblue">**se monter à**</font> verbe pronominal plus préposition \[coût, dépenses\]<font color="grey"> **to come *ou* to amount *ou* to add up to**</font><font color="steelblue">**se monter en**</font> verbe pronominal plus préposition <font color="grey"> **to equip *ou* to provide oneself with**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">se monter en vins</font><font color="grey"> to stock (up) one's cellar</font></font>

    4. propos

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **propos**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [prɔpo] nom masculin

      1. [sujet]<font color="grey"> **subject**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **topic**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">à ce propos</font><font color="grey"> in this respect *ou* connection</font><font color="steelblue">c'est à quel propos?</font><font color="grey"> what's it about?</font><font color="steelblue">à quel propos a-t-elle téléphoné?</font><font color="grey"> what was the reason for her telephone call?</font>

      2. [but]<font color="grey"> **intention**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **aim**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">mon propos n'est pas de vous convaincre</font><font color="grey"> my aim is not to convince you</font><font color="steelblue">là n'est pas le/mon propos</font><font color="grey"> that is not the/my point</font>

      [prɔpo] nom masculin pluriel

      [paroles]<font color="grey"> **words**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **talk**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">tenir des propos injurieux</font><font color="grey"> to make offensive remarks</font><font color="steelblue">**à propos**</font> locution adjectivale <font color="grey"> **appropriate**</font><font color="steelblue">elle n'a pas trouvé à propos de nous le dire</font><font color="grey"> she didn't think it appropriate to tell us</font><font color="steelblue">**à propos**</font> locution adverbiale **1.** \[opportunément\]<font color="grey"> **at the right moment**</font><font color="steelblue">arriver *ou* tomber à propos</font><font color="grey"> to occur at the right time</font><font color="steelblue">répondre à propos</font>

       a. [pertinemment]<font color="grey"> to answer appropriately</font>

       b. [au bon moment]<font color="grey"> to answer at the right moment</font>

      <font color="steelblue">mal à propos</font><font color="grey"> at the wrong moment</font>

      2. [au fait]<font color="grey"> **by the way**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **incidentally**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">à propos, as-tu reçu ma carte?</font><font color="grey"> by the way *ou* incidentally, did you get my postcard?</font><font color="steelblue">**à propos de**</font> locution prépositionnelle <font color="grey"> **about**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **concerning**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **regarding**</font><font color="steelblue">j'ai quelques remarques à faire à propos de votre devoir</font><font color="grey"> I have a few things to say to you about your homework</font><font color="steelblue">dis donc, à propos d'argent</font><font color="grey"> hey, (talking) about money *ou* on the subject of money</font><font color="steelblue">elle se met en colère à propos de tout et de rien *ou* à propos d'un rien</font><font color="grey"> she gets angry for no reason at all</font><font color="steelblue">**à tout propos**</font> locution adverbiale <font color="grey"> **constantly**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **at the slightest provocation**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**de propos délibéré**</font> locution adverbiale

      <font color="grey"> **deliberately**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **on purpose**</font></font>

    5. annoncé

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **annoncer**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [anɔ̃se] verbe transitif

      1. [communiquer - décision, événement]<font color="grey"> **to announce**</font> ; [ - mauvaise nouvelle]<font color="grey"> **to break**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to announce**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">je n'ose pas le lui annoncer</font><font color="grey"> I daren't break it to her</font><font color="steelblue">on annonce des réductions d'impôts</font><font color="grey"> tax reductions have been announced</font><font color="steelblue">on m'a annoncé sa mort</font><font color="grey"> I was told *ou* informed of his death</font><font color="steelblue">je vous annonce que je me marie</font><font color="grey"> I'd like to inform you that I'm getting married</font><font color="steelblue">je leur ai annoncé que je m'en allais</font><font color="grey"> I told them I was leaving</font>

      2. [prédire]<font color="grey"> **to forecast**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">ils annoncent du soleil pour demain</font><font color="grey"> sunshine is forecast for tomorrow, the forecast for tomorrow is sunny</font><font color="steelblue">on annonce une hausse des taux d'intérêt</font><font color="grey"> an increase in interest rates is predictedforecast</font>

      3. <font color="black"> COMMERCE</font> [proposer]<font color="grey"> **to quote**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">annoncer un prix</font><font color="grey"> to quote a price</font>

      4. [présenter - visiteur]<font color="grey"> **to announce**</font> ; [ - projet, changement]<font color="grey"> **to introduce**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to usher in *(separable)* </font>**

      <font color="steelblue">qui dois-je annoncer?</font><font color="grey"> what name shall I say?</font><font color="steelblue">se faire annoncer</font><font color="grey"> to give one's name</font><font color="steelblue">elle est arrivée sans se faire annoncer</font><font color="grey"> she came unannounced</font>

      5. [présager]<font color="grey"> **to announce**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to foreshadow**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to herald *(littéraire)*</font>**

      <font color="steelblue">ça n'annonce rien de bon</font><font color="grey"> it doesn't bode well, it isn't a very good sign</font>

      [être signe de]<font color="grey"> **to be a sign *ou* an indication of**</font>

      6. <font color="black"> JEUX</font><font color="grey"> **to declare**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">annoncer la couleur *(familier)* </font><font color="steelblue"> : </font><font color="steelblue">j'ai annoncé la couleur, ils savent que je démissionnerai s'il le faut</font><font color="grey"> I've laid my cards on the table *ou* made no secret of it, they know I'll resign if I have to</font><font color="steelblue">**s'annoncer**</font> verbe pronominal<font color="black"> *(emploi réfléchi)* </font>

      [prévenir de sa visite]<font color="grey"> **to notify *ou* to warn (that one will visit)**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**s'annoncer**</font> verbe pronominal intransitif **1.** \[se profiler\]<font color="grey"> **to be looming *ou* on the horizon**</font><font color="steelblue">une grave crise s'annonce</font><font color="grey"> a serious crisis is looming</font>

      2. [dans des constructions attributives]

      <font color="steelblue">la journée s'annonce très belle</font><font color="grey"> it looks like it's going to be a beautiful day</font><font color="steelblue">s'annoncer bien</font><font color="grey"> cela s'annonce très bien**,** </font><font color="grey"> things are looking very promising *ou* good</font><font color="steelblue">mes premiers oraux s'annoncent bien</font><font color="grey"> I seem to have done all right in my first orals</font><font color="steelblue">s'annoncer mal</font><font color="steelblue"> : </font><font color="steelblue">cela s'annonce plutôt mal</font><font color="grey"> it doesn't look very promising, the picture doesn't look *ou* isn't too good</font>

      <font color="steelblue">voilà un anniversaire qui s'annonce mal</font><font color="grey"> it's an inauspicious start to *(soutenu)*</font> ou a bad way to start a birthday</font>

    6. responsable

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **responsable**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [rɛspɔ̃sabl] adjectif

      1. [garant de]

      <font color="steelblue">responsable de</font><font color="grey"> responsible (for)</font><font color="steelblue">j'en suis responsable</font><font color="grey"> I'm responsible for it</font><font color="steelblue">il n'est pas responsable de ses actes</font><font color="black"> DROIT</font><font color="grey"> he cannot be held responsible for his (own) actions</font>

      2. [chargé de]

      <font color="steelblue">responsable de</font><font color="grey"> in charge of, responsible for</font><font color="steelblue">il est responsable du service après-vente</font><font color="grey"> he's in charge of the after-sales department</font>

      3. <font color="steelblue">responsable de</font> [à l'origine de]<font color="steelblue"> : </font><font color="steelblue">l'abus des graisses animales est largement responsable des affections cardiaques</font><font color="grey"> the main contributing factor to heart disease is over-consumption of animal fats</font>

      4. <font color="black"> DROIT</font><font color="grey"> **liable**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">responsable civilement</font><font color="grey"> liable in civil law</font>

      5. [réfléchi]<font color="grey"> **responsible**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">ce n'est pas très responsable de sa part</font><font color="grey"> that isn't very responsible of him</font><font color="steelblue">elle s'est toujours comportée en personne responsable</font><font color="grey"> she has always acted responsibly</font>

      [rɛspɔ̃sabl] nom masculin et féminin

      1. [coupable]

      <font color="steelblue">le responsable, la responsable</font><font color="grey"> the person responsible *ou* to blame</font><font color="steelblue">qui est le responsable de l'accident?</font><font color="grey"> who's responsible for the accident?</font><font color="steelblue">nous retrouverons les responsables</font><font color="grey"> we will find the people *ou* those responsible</font>

      2. [dirigeant - politique]<font color="grey"> **leader**</font> ; [ - administratif]<font color="grey"> **person in charge**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">parler avec les responsables politiques</font><font color="grey"> to speak with the political leaders</font>

      <font color="steelblue">réunion avec les responsables syndicaux</font><font color="grey"> meeting with the union representatives</font></font>

    7. passage

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **passage**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [pasaʒ] nom masculin


      1. [allées et venues]

      <font color="steelblue">prochain passage du car dans deux heures</font><font color="grey"> the coach will be back *ou* will pass through again in two hours' time</font><font color="steelblue">chaque passage du train faisait trembler les vitres</font><font color="grey"> the windows shook every time a train went past</font><font color="steelblue">laisser le passage à quelqu'un/une ambulance</font><font color="grey"> to let somebody/an ambulance through, to make way for somebody/an ambulance</font><font color="steelblue">ils attendaient le passage des coureurs</font><font color="grey"> they were waiting for the runners to go by</font><font color="steelblue">les gens se retournent sur son passage</font><font color="grey"> heads turn when he walks by *ou* past</font><font color="steelblue">‘passage de troupeaux’</font><font color="grey"> ‘cattle crossing’</font>

      2. [circulation]<font color="grey"> **traffic**</font>

      3. [arrivée, venue]

      <font color="steelblue">elle attend le passage de l'autobus</font><font color="grey"> she's waiting for the bus</font>

      4. [visite]<font color="grey"> **call**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **visit**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">c'est le seul souvenir qui me reste de mon passage chez eux</font><font color="grey"> that's the only thing I remember of my visit to them</font><font color="steelblue">lors de mon prochain passage à Paris</font><font color="grey"> next time I'm in Paris</font><font color="steelblue">‘le relevé du compteur sera fait lors de notre prochain passage’</font><font color="grey"> ‘we will read your meter the next time we call’</font>

      5. [franchissement - d'une frontière, d'un fleuve]<font color="grey"> **crossing**</font> ; [ - d'un col]<font color="grey"> **passing**</font> ; [ - de la douane]<font color="grey"> **passing (through)**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">après le passage du sucre dans l'urine</font><font color="grey"> after the sugar has gone *ou* passed into the urine</font><font color="steelblue">‘passage interdit’</font><font color="grey"> ‘no entry’</font><font color="steelblue">passage à l'ennemi</font><font color="black"> MILITAIRE</font><font color="grey"> going over to the enemy</font>

      6. [changement, transition]<font color="grey"> **change**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **transition**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">le passage de l'hiver au printemps</font><font color="grey"> the change *ou* passage from winter to spring</font><font color="steelblue">le passage de l'autocratie à la démocratie</font><font color="grey"> the changeover *ou* transition from autocracy to democracy</font>

      7. [dans une hiérarchie]<font color="grey"> **move**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">passage d'un employé à l'échelon supérieur</font><font color="grey"> promotion of an employee to a higher grade</font><font color="steelblue">le passage dans la classe supérieure</font><font color="black"> ÉDUCATION</font><font color="grey"> going *ou* moving up to the next class *(UK)*</font> *ou* grade <font color="black"> *(US)*</font>

      8. [voyage sur mer, traversée]<font color="grey"> **crossing**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">ils travaillaient durement pour payer leur passage</font><font color="grey"> they worked hard to pay their passage *ou* to pay for their crossing</font>

      9.<font color="black"> ASTRONOMIE</font><font color="grey"> **transit**</font>

      10.<font color="black"> INFORMATIQUE</font>

      <font color="steelblue">passage machine</font><font color="grey"> run</font>

      11.<font color="black"> PSYCHOLOGIE</font>

      <font color="steelblue">passage à l'acte</font><font color="grey"> acting out</font>

      12.<font color="black"> RADIO</font><font color="black"> & THÉÂTRE</font><font color="black"> & TÉLÉVISION</font>

      <font color="steelblue">lors de son dernier passage à la télévision</font>

       a. [personne]<font color="grey"> last time he was on TV</font>

       b. [film]<font color="grey"> last time it was shown on TV</font>

      <font color="steelblue">pour son premier passage au Théâtre du Rocher</font><font color="grey"> for her first appearance at the Théâtre du Rocher</font>


      1. [chemin]<font color="grey"> **passage**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **way**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">enlève ton sac du passage</font><font color="grey"> move your bag out of the way</font><font color="steelblue">il y a des passages dangereux dans la grotte</font><font color="grey"> there are some dangerous passages in the cave</font><font color="steelblue">donner *ou* livrer passage à quelqu'un/quelque chose</font><font color="grey"> to let somebody/something in</font><font color="steelblue">essaye de trouver un passage dans cette foule</font><font color="grey"> try to find a way through the crowd</font><font color="steelblue">passage secret</font><font color="grey"> secret passage</font>

      2. [ruelle]<font color="grey"> **alley**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **passage**</font>

      [galerie commerçante]<font color="grey"> **arcade**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">passage couvert</font><font color="grey"> passageway</font>

      3. [tapis de couloir]<font color="grey"> **runner**</font>

      4.<font color="black"> AUTOMOBILE</font>

      <font color="steelblue">passage de roue</font><font color="grey"> wheel housing</font>

      5.<font color="black"> RAIL</font>

      <font color="steelblue">passage à niveau</font><font color="grey"> level crossing *(UK)*</font>, grade crossing <font color="black"> *(US)*</font>

      6.<font color="black"> TRAVAUX PUBLICS</font>

      <font color="steelblue">passage clouté *ou* (pour) piétons</font><font color="grey"> pedestrian *ou* zebra crossing *(UK)*</font>, crosswalk <font color="black"> *(US)*</font><font color="steelblue">passage protégé</font><font color="grey"> priority over secondary roads</font><font color="steelblue">passage souterrain</font><font color="grey"> (pedestrian) subway *(UK)*</font>, underpass **C.**\[D'UN FILM, D'UN ROMAN\]<font color="grey"> **passage**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **section**</font><font color="steelblue">elle m'a lu quelques passages de la lettre de Paul</font><font color="grey"> she read me a few passages from Paul's letter</font><font color="steelblue">tu te souviens du passage où ils se rencontrent?</font><font color="grey"> do you remember the bit where they meet?</font><font color="steelblue">**au passage**</font> locution adverbiale \[sur un trajet\]<font color="grey"> **on one's *ou* the way**</font><font color="steelblue">les enfants doivent attraper la cocarde au passage</font><font color="grey"> the children have to catch the ribbon as they go past</font><font color="black"> *(figuré)* </font><font color="grey"> **in passing**</font><font color="steelblue">j'ai noté au passage que...</font><font color="grey"> I noticed in passing that...</font><font color="steelblue">**au passage de**</font> locution prépositionnelle <font color="steelblue">au passage du carrosse, la foule applaudissait</font><font color="grey"> when the carriage went past *ou* through, the crowd clapped</font><font color="steelblue">**de passage**</font> locution adjectivale \[client\]<font color="grey"> **casual**</font><font color="steelblue">être de passage</font> \[voyageur\]<font color="grey"> to be passing through</font><font color="steelblue">je suis de passage à Paris</font><font color="grey"> I'm in Paris for a few days</font><font color="steelblue">**sur le passage de**</font> locution prépositionnelle <font color="steelblue">la foule s'est massée sur le passage du marathon</font><font color="grey"> the crowd gathered on the marathon route</font>

       <font color="steelblue">**passage à tabac**</font> nom masculin

      <font color="grey"> **beating up**</font>

       <font color="steelblue">**passage à vide**</font> nom masculin

      <font color="steelblue">avoir un passage à vide</font>

       a. [syncope]<font color="grey"> to feel faint, to faint</font>

       b. [moralement]<font color="grey"> to go through a bad patch</font>

       c. [intellectuellement]<font color="grey"> to have a lapse in concentration</font>

      <font color="steelblue">j'ai eu un petit passage à vide juste avant midi</font><font color="grey"> I was feeling a bit faint just before lunch</font>passage</font>

    8. sévèrement

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **sévèrement**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [sevɛrmɑ̃] adverbe

      <font color="grey"> **severely**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **harshly**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **strictly**</font></font>

    9. critiqué

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **critiquer**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [kritike] verbe transitif

      1. [blâmer - initiative, mesure, personne]<font color="grey"> **to criticize**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to be critical of**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">tu es toujours à me critiquer\!</font><font color="grey"> you find fault with everything I do\!</font><font color="steelblue">il s'est déjà fait critiquer pour sa négligence</font><font color="grey"> he has already been criticized for his negligence</font>

      2. [analyser]<font color="grey"> **to critique**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to criticize**</font></font>

    10. canaux

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **canal**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      (<font color="steelblue">***pluriel* canaux**</font>) [kanal, o] nom masculin

      1. <font color="black"> NAUTIQUE</font><font color="grey"> **canal**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">canal maritime *ou* de navigation</font><font color="grey"> ship canal</font><font color="steelblue">le canal du Midi</font><font color="grey">*canal linking the Garonne estuary to the Mediterranean*</font><font color="steelblue">le canal de Mozambique</font><font color="grey"> the Mozambique Channel</font><font color="steelblue">le canal de Panama/Suez</font><font color="grey"> the Panama/Suez Canal</font>

      2. <font color="black"> TRAVAUX PUBLICS</font><font color="grey"> **duct**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **channel**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">canal d'amenée</font><font color="grey"> feed *ou* feeder channel</font>

      3. <font color="black"> AGRICULTURE</font><font color="grey"> **canal**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">canal de drainage/d'irrigation</font><font color="grey"> drainage/irrigation canal</font>

      4. <font color="black"> AUDIO</font><font color="black"> & INFORMATIQUE</font><font color="grey"> **channel**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">Canal + *ou* Plus</font><font color="grey">*French pay TV channel*</font><font color="black"> *(Québec)* </font> \[chaîne\]<font color="grey"> **(TV) channel**</font>

      5. <font color="black"> ANATOMIE</font><font color="black"> & BOTANIQUE</font><font color="grey"> **duct**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **canal**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">canal auditif</font><font color="grey"> auditory canal</font><font color="steelblue">canal biliaire</font><font color="grey"> bile duct</font><font color="steelblue">canal lacrymal</font><font color="grey"> tear duct, lacrymal canal *(terme spécialisé)*</font>

      6. <font color="black"> ÉCONOMIE</font>

      <font color="steelblue">canal de distribution</font><font color="grey"> distribution channel</font>

      7. <font color="black"> ARCHITECTURE</font><font color="grey"> **flute**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**par le canal de**</font> locution prépositionnelle <font color="grey"> **through**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **via**</font>

      CANAL +

      Canal + is a private television channel. It broadcasts programmes that have to be unscrambled using a special decoding unit which is supplied to subscribers. Some of its programmes can be seen without this device.</font>

    11. invectives

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **cinquantaine**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [sɛ̃kɑ̃tɛn] nom féminin

      1. [nombre]

      <font color="steelblue">une cinquantaine de voitures</font><font color="grey"> fifty or so cars, about fifty cars</font>

      2. [d'objets]<font color="grey"> **(lot of) fifty**</font>

      3. [âge]<font color="grey"> **fifty**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">il frise la cinquantaine</font><font color="grey"> he's nearly fifty</font><font color="steelblue">il a la cinquantaine bien sonnée</font><font color="grey"> he's well into his fifties</font></font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **cinquantaine**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"> \[sɛ̃kɑ̃tɛn\] nom féminin **1.** \[nombre\] <font color="steelblue">une cinquantaine de voitures</font><font color="grey"> fifty or so cars, about fifty cars</font>

      2. [d'objets]<font color="grey"> **(lot of) fifty**</font>

      3. [âge]<font color="grey"> **fifty**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">il frise la cinquantaine</font><font color="grey"> he's nearly fifty</font><font color="steelblue">il a la cinquantaine bien sonnée</font><font color="grey"> he's well into his fifties</font></font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **invective**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"> \[ɛ̃vɛktiv\] nom féminin <font color="grey"> **invective *(substantif non comptable),* </font>**<font color="grey"> **insult**</font><font color="steelblue">il s'est répandu en invectives contre moi</font><font color="grey"> he started hurling abuse at me</font>


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **invectiver**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ɛ̃vɛktive] verbe transitif

      <font color="grey"> **to curse**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to insult**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to heap insults *ou* abuse upon**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**invectiver contre**</font> verbe plus préposition

      <font color="grey"> **to curse**</font></font>

    12. militaire

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **militaire**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [militɛr] adjectif

      [généralement]<font color="grey"> **military**</font>

      [de l'armée de terre]<font color="grey"> **army *(modificateur),* </font><font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">service (modificateur) </FONT>**</font>

      <font color="grey">

      [de l'armée de l'air, de la marine]<font color="grey"> **service *(modificateur)* </font>**

      [militɛr] nom masculin

      [soldat - généralement]<font color="grey"> **soldier**</font> ; [

      • de l'armée de terre]<font color="grey"> **soldier**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **serviceman**</font> ; [ - de l'armée de l'air, de la marine]<font color="grey"> **serviceman**</font>
      <font color="steelblue">c'est un ancien militaire</font><font color="grey"> he's an ex-serviceman</font>

      <font color="steelblue">militaire de carrière</font><font color="grey"> professional soldier</font></font>

    13. l’épineuse

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **épineux**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      (féminin <font color="steelblue">**épineuse**</font>) [epinø, øz] adjectif

      1. <font color="black"> BOTANIQUE</font><font color="grey"> **thorny**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **prickly**</font>

      2. [délicat - problème, contexte]<font color="grey"> **thorny**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **tricky**</font>

      (féminin <font color="steelblue">**épineuse**</font>) [epinø, øz] nom masculin

      <font color="grey"> **thorn bush**</font></font>

    14. consistait

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **consister**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      <font color="steelblue">**consister à**</font> verbe plus préposition <font color="grey"> **to consist in**</font><font color="steelblue">son rôle consistait à claquer une porte</font><font color="grey"> his part consisted in slamming a door</font><font color="steelblue">**consister dans**</font> verbe plus préposition,  <font color="steelblue">**consister en**</font> verbe plus préposition <font color="grey"> **to consist of**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">en quoi consiste votre mission?</font><font color="grey"> what does your mission consist of?, what is your mission all about?</font></font>

    15. revient
      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"><font color="steelblue" style="font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">prix de revient</font><font color="grey" style="font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>cost price</font>
    16. échaudés

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **échauder**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [eʃode] verbe transitif

      1. [ébouillanter - volaille]<font color="grey"> **to scald**</font> ; [ - vaisselle]<font color="grey"> **to run boiling water over**</font> ; [ - théière]<font color="grey"> **to warm**</font>

      2. [décevoir]

      <font color="steelblue">l'expérience de l'année dernière m'a échaudé</font><font color="grey"> my experience last year taught me a lesson</font>

      <font color="steelblue">il a déjà été échaudé une fois</font><font color="grey"> he's had his fingers burned once already</font></font>

    17. étanche

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **étancher**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [etɑ̃ʃe] verbe transitif

      1. [rendre étanche]<font color="grey"> **to make waterproof**</font>

      2. [arrêter - sang]<font color="grey"> **to stanch**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to staunch**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to stem**</font> ; [ - voie d'eau]<font color="grey"> **to stop up *(separable)* </font>**

      <font color="steelblue">étancher sa soif</font><font color="grey"> to quench *ou* to slake one's thirst</font>


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **étanche**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [etɑ̃ʃ] adjectif

      [chaussure, montre]<font color="grey"> **waterproof**</font>

      [réservoir]<font color="grey"> **watertight**</font>

      [surface]<font color="grey"> **water-resistant**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **water-repellent**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">étanche à l'air</font><font color="grey"> airtight</font>

      <font color="steelblue">rendre étanche</font><font color="grey"> to waterproof</font></font>

    18. boudent

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **bouder**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [bude] verbe intransitif

      <font color="grey"> **to sulk**</font>

      [bude] verbe transitif

      [ami]<font color="grey"> **to refuse to talk to**</font>

      [dessert, cadeau]<font color="grey"> **to refuse to accept**</font>

      [élection]<font color="grey"> **to refuse to vote**</font>

      [fournisseur]<font color="grey"> **to stay away from**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">le public a boudé son film</font><font color="grey"> hardly anyone went to see her film</font></font>

    19. s’infléchissent

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **infléchir**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ɛ̃fleʃir] verbe transitif

      <font color="black"> *(soutenu)* </font>

      1. [courber]<font color="grey"> **to bend**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to inflect**</font>

      2. [influer sur]<font color="grey"> **to modify**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to influence**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">infléchir le cours des événements</font><font color="grey"> to affect *ou* to influence the course of events</font><font color="steelblue">**s'infléchir**</font> verbe pronominal intransitif **1.** \[décrire une courbe\]<font color="grey"> **to bend**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to curve (round)**</font>

      2. <font color="black"> *(figuré)* </font> [changer de but]<font color="grey"> **to shift**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to change course**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">la politique du gouvernement s'infléchit dans le sens du protectionnisme</font><font color="grey"> government policy is shifting *ou* veering towards protectionism</font></font>

    20. hache

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **hache**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ˈaʃ] nom féminin

      1. [instrument tranchant]<font color="grey"> **axe**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">abattre un arbre à la hache</font><font color="grey"> to chop a tree down</font><font color="steelblue">hache de guerre</font><font color="grey"> tomahawk</font><font color="steelblue">enterrer la hache de guerre</font><font color="black"> *(sens propre & figuré)* </font><font color="grey"> to bury the hatchet</font><font color="steelblue">déterrer la hache de guerre</font><font color="black"> *(sens propre & figuré)* </font><font color="grey"> to be on the warpath (again)</font>

      2. <font color="black"> *(figuré)* </font>

      <font color="steelblue">fait *ou* taillé à coups de hache</font>

       a. [ouvrage]<font color="grey"> rough-hewn, crudely worked</font>

       b. [visage]<font color="grey"> rough-hewn**,** </font><font color="grey"> rugged</font>


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **hacher**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ˈaʃe] verbe transitif

      1. [légumes, fines herbes]<font color="grey"> **to chop (up)**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">hacher de la viande</font><font color="grey"> to mince *(UK)*</font> *ou* to grind <font color="black"> *(US)*</font> meat <font color="steelblue">le persil doit être haché menu</font><font color="grey"> the parsley should be chopped finely</font><font color="steelblue">je vais le hacher menu comme chair à pâté</font><font color="grey"> I'll make mincemeat (out) of him</font><font color="steelblue">se faire hacher (menu *ou* en morceaux)</font><font color="steelblue"> : </font><font color="steelblue">il se ferait hacher plutôt que de reconnaître ses torts</font><font color="grey"> he'd die (screaming) rather than admit he was wrong</font>

      2. [saccader]<font color="grey"> **to break up *(inseparable)* </font>**</font>

    21. affranchi

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **affranchir**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [afrɑ̃ʃir] verbe transitif

      1. <font color="black"> HISTOIRE</font> [esclave]<font color="grey"> **to (set) free**</font>

      2. [colis, lettre]<font color="grey"> **to stamp**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to put a stamp *ou* stamps on**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">paquet insuffisamment affranchi</font><font color="grey"> parcel with insufficient postage on it</font>

      3. <font color="black"> *(très familier & argot milieu)* </font> [renseigner]

      <font color="steelblue">affranchir quelqu'un</font><font color="grey"> to give somebody the lowdown, to tip somebody off *(separable)* </font>

      4. <font color="black"> JEUX</font> [carte]<font color="grey"> **to clear**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**s'affranchir**</font> verbe pronominal intransitif \[colonie\]<font color="grey"> **to gain one's freedom**</font>

      [adolescent]<font color="grey"> **to gain one's independence**</font>

      [opprimé]<font color="grey"> **to become emancipated *ou* liberated**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">s'affranchir de la domination étrangère</font><font color="grey"> to throw off foreign domination</font></font>

    22. émoussée

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **émousser**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [emuse] verbe transitif

      1. [rasoir, épée]<font color="grey"> **to blunt**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to take the edge off**</font>

      2. [affaiblir - appétit, goût, peine]<font color="grey"> **to dull**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to take the edge off**</font> ; [ - curiosité]<font color="grey"> **to temper**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**s'émousser**</font> verbe pronominal intransitif **1.** \[couteau\]<font color="grey"> **to become blunt**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to lose its edge**</font>

      2. [faiblir - appétit, peine]<font color="grey"> **to dull**</font> ; [ - curiosité]<font color="grey"> **to become tempered**</font>


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **émoussé**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [emuse] adjectif

      <font color="grey"> **blunt**</font></font>

    23. ambages

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **ambages**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


       <font color="steelblue">**sans ambages**</font> locution adverbiale

      <font color="black"> *(soutenu)* </font><font color="grey"> **without beating about the bush**</font></font>

    24. ménagé

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

      <font face="arial" size="4">ménager</font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div class="sdct_h" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">[menaʒe] verbe transitif<br>1.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[économiser]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to be sparing with</font><br><font color="steelblue">sans ménager ses efforts</font><font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>tirelessly</font><br><font color="steelblue">elle ne ménage pas ses efforts</font><font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>she spares no effort</font><br><font color="steelblue">ménager ses forces</font><font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to conserve one's strength</font><br>2.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[traiter avec soin]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to treat<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>ou<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to handle carefully</font><br><font color="steelblue">je prends l'ascenseur pour ménager mes vieilles jambes</font><font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>I take the lift to spare my old legs</font><br>3.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[respecter]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to spare</font><br><font color="steelblue">ménage sa susceptibilité</font><font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>humour him</font><br><font color="steelblue">ménager la chèvre et le chou</font><font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to sit on the fence, to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds</font><br>4.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[arranger - passage, escalier]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to put in<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><font color="black">(inseparable)</font></font>; [ - entretien, rencontre]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to organize</font><font color="grey">,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></font><font color="grey">to arrange</font><br><font color="steelblue">j'ai ménagé un espace pour planter des légumes</font><font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>I've left some space for growing vegetables</font></div></html></font>

    25. pourvoyeur

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

      <font face="arial" size="4">pourvoyeur</font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div class="sdct_h" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><font color="steelblue">,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><font color="steelblue">pourvoyeuse</font></font><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[purvwajœr, øz] nom masculin, nom féminin<br>[d'armes, de marchandises]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>supplier</font><br>[de drogue]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>dealer</font></div></html></font>

    26. échafaudé

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

      <font face="arial" size="4">échafauder</font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div class="sdct_h" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">[eʃafode] verbe transitif<br>1.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[entasser]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to stack<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>ou<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to heap<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>ou<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to pile (up)</font><br>2.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[construire - systèmes, théories]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to build up</font><font color="grey">,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></font><font color="grey">to construct</font><br><font color="steelblue">échafauder des projets</font><font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to make plans</font></div></html></font>

    27. distendus

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **distendre**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [distɑ̃dr] verbe transitif

      1. [étirer - ressort]<font color="grey"> **to stretch**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to overstretch**</font> ; [ - peau]<font color="grey"> **to stretch**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to distend *(terme spécialisé)*</font> ; [ - muscle]<font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to strain**</FONT></font>

      <font color="grey">

      2. [rendre moins intime - liens]<font color="grey"> **to loosen**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**se distendre**</font> verbe pronominal intransitif

      1. [s'étirer - peau, ventre]<font color="grey"> **to stretch**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to become distended *(terme spécialisé)*</font>**

      2. [devenir moins intime - liens]<font color="grey"> **to loosen**</font></font>

    28. flambarde

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

      <font face="arial" size="4">flambard</font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div class="sdct_h" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">nom masculin,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br><font color="steelblue">flambart</font><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>nom masculin [flɑ̃bar]<br><font color="black">(familier & vieilli)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></font><font color="grey">braggart</font></div></html</font>>

    29. inédit

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

      <font face="arial" size="4">inédit</font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div class="sdct_h" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">(féminin<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><font color="steelblue">inédite</font>)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[inedi, it] adjectif<br>1.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[correspondance, auteur]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(hitherto) unpublished</font><br><font color="steelblue">ce film est inédit en France</font><font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>this film has never been released in France</font><br>2.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[jamais vu]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>new</font><font color="grey">,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></font><font color="grey">original</font></div></html></font>

    30. ruiné

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **ruiner**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [rɥine] verbe transitif

      1. [financièrement]<font color="grey"> **to ruin**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to cause the ruin of**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to bring ruin upon *(soutenu)*</font>**

      <font color="steelblue">ça ne va pas te ruiner\!</font><font color="grey"> it won't break *ou* ruin you\!</font>

      2. <font color="black"> *(littéraire)* </font> [endommager - architecture, cultures]<font color="grey"> **to ruin**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to destroy**</font> ; [ - espérances]<font color="grey"> **to ruin**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to dash**</font> ; [ - carrière, santé]<font color="grey"> **to ruin**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to wreck**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">cet échec ruine tous ses espoirs</font><font color="grey"> this failure wrecks all his hopes</font><font color="steelblue">**se ruiner**</font> verbe pronominal intransitif \[perdre sa fortune\]<font color="grey"> **to ruin *ou* to bankrupt oneself**</font>

      [dépenser beaucoup]<font color="grey"> **to spend a fortune**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">elle se ruine en vêtements/disques</font><font color="grey"> she spends a fortune on clothes/records</font><font color="steelblue">**se ruiner**</font> verbe pronominal transitif <font color="steelblue">se ruiner la santé</font><font color="grey"> to ruin one's health</font>

      <font color="steelblue">se ruiner la vue</font><font color="grey"> to destroy one's eyesight</font></font>

    31. contribue

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **contribuer**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [kɔ̃tribɥe] verbe intransitif

      [financièrement]<font color="grey"> **to contribute (money)**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to pay a share**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**contribuer à**</font> verbe plus préposition <font color="steelblue">contribuer à l'achat d'un cadeau</font><font color="grey"> to contribute to (buying) a present</font><font color="steelblue">contribuer au succès de</font><font color="grey"> to contribute to *ou* to have a part in the success of</font><font color="steelblue">elle n'a pas contribué à la discussion</font><font color="grey"> she took no part in the discussion</font>

      <font color="steelblue">contribuer à faire quelque chose</font><font color="grey"> to go towards doing something</font></font>

    32. clivages

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **clivage**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [klivaʒ] nom masculin

      1. [de roche, de cristal]<font color="grey"> **cleavage**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **splitting**</font>

      2. [séparation]<font color="grey"> **divide**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **division**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">clivage social</font><font color="grey"> social divide</font></font>

    33. l’investiture

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **investiture**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ɛ̃vɛstityr] nom féminin

      1. <font color="black"> POLITIQUE</font> [d'un candidat]<font color="grey"> **nomination**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **selection**</font>

      [d'un gouvernement]<font color="grey"> **vote of confidence**</font>

      2. <font color="black"> HISTOIRE</font><font color="black"> & RELIGION</font><font color="grey"> **investiture**</font></font>

    34. limogé

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **limoger**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      [limɔʒe] verbe transitif

      <font color="grey"> **to dismiss**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">il s'est fait limoger</font><font color="grey"> he was dismissed</font></font>

    35. l’appréciation

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **appréciation**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      [apresjasjɔ̃] nom féminin

      1. [estimation - d'un poids, d'une valeur]<font color="grey"> **appreciation**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **estimate**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **assessment**</font> ; [ - d'une situation]<font color="grey"> **assessment**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **appreciation**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **grasp**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">je laisse cela à votre appréciation</font><font color="grey"> I leave it to your judgment</font>

      2. [observation]<font color="grey"> **remark**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **comment**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">il a obtenu d'excellentes appréciations</font><font color="black"> ÉDUCATION</font><font color="grey"> he got very good comments from his teachers *(in his report)*</font>

      3. [augmentation - d'une devise]<font color="grey"> **appreciation**</font></font>

    36. repéré

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **repérer**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      [rəpere] verbe transitif

      1. [indiquer par un repère]<font color="grey"> **to mark**</font>

      <font color="black"> TECHNOLOGIE</font><font color="grey"> **to mark out *ou* off *(separable)* </font>** **2.** \[localiser\]<font color="grey"> **to locate**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to pinpoint**</font>

      3. [remarquer]<font color="grey"> **to spot**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to pick out *(separable),* </font><font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to notice**</FONT></font>

      <font color="grey"> <font color="steelblue">je l'avais repéré au premier rang</font><font color="grey"> I'd noticed *ou* spotted him in the first row</font><font color="steelblue">tu vas nous faire repérer avec tes éternuements</font><font color="grey"> you'll get us caught *ou* spotted with your sneezing</font><font color="steelblue">les ravisseurs se sont fait repérer près de l'hôpital</font><font color="grey"> the kidnappers were spotted near the hospital</font>

      4. [dénicher]<font color="grey"> **to discover**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**se repérer**</font> verbe pronominal intransitif **1.** \[déterminer sa position\]<font color="grey"> **to find *ou* to get one's bearings**</font><font color="steelblue">on n'arrive jamais à se repérer dans un aéroport</font><font color="grey"> you can never find your way about *ou* around in an airport</font>

      2. <font color="black"> *(figuré)* </font>

      <font color="steelblue">je n'arrive plus à me repérer dans ses mensonges</font><font color="grey"> I don't know where I am any more with all those lies she tells</font></font>

    1. fumeuse

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **fumeur**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3"> <font color="steelblue">**,** **fumeuse</font>** \[fymœr, øz\] nom masculin, nom féminin **1.** \[adepte du tabac\]<font color="grey"> **smoker**</font><font color="steelblue">un gros fumeur</font><font color="grey"> a heavy smoker</font><font color="steelblue">compartiment fumeurs</font><font color="grey"> smoking compartment *ou* car *(US)*</font>

      2. <font color="black"> INDUSTRIE</font><font color="grey"> **curer**</font>


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **fumeux**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      (féminin <font color="steelblue">**fumeuse**</font>) [fymø, øz] adjectif

      1. [confus]<font color="grey"> **hazy**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">idée fumeuse</font><font color="grey"> vague *ou* nebulous idea</font><font color="steelblue">il a l'esprit fumeux</font><font color="grey"> his ideas are a bit woolly, he's woolly-minded</font>

      2. [bougie, lampe]<font color="grey"> **smoky**</font></font>

    1. frohlockt

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **frohlocken**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      v. geh. v/i. (untr., hat) 

      1. geh. rejoice (über + Akk. at), be jubilant (at); schadenfroh: gloat (over)

      2. KIRCHL altm. Engel etc.: sing joyfully</font>

    1. Rechtsaußen

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Rechtsaußen**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -, - 

      1. Fußball: right wing, outside right

      2. POL extreme right-winger</font>

    2. strenggläubige

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **strenggläubig**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. (very) strict; strenggläubiger Katholik etc. ** strict (oder orthodox) Catholic etc.</font>

    3. wittern

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **wittern**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I v/t. 

      1. scent, smell

      2. fig. (ahnen) sense; eine Chance wittern see one's chance; ein Geschäft / einen Vorteil wittern get wind of a deal / sense an advantage

      II v/i. sniff the air</font>

    4. Erwartungshaltung

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Erwartungshaltung**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. f (level of) expectations Pl.</font>

    5. bescheiden

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **bescheiden**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. (unreg.) 

      I v/refl. 

      1. make do with what one has got; sich mit etwas bescheiden be content (oder satisfied) with s.th., content o.s. with s.th., make do with s.th.

      II v/t. 

      1. geh.: es war ihm nicht beschieden zu (+ Inf.) it wasn't given to him to (+ Inf.), he wasn't destined (oder meant) to (+ Inf.); es war ihm nicht beschieden it wasn't (meant) to be; ihm / der Sache war kein Erfolg etc. beschieden he/it wasn't destined to succeed etc. 

      2. förm. (entscheiden) make a decision on; auch JUR (informieren) (jemanden) notify, advise; ein Gesuch abschlägig oder negativ bescheiden reject a petition

      3. geh., förm. (beordern) summon (zu jemandem to appear before s.o.)


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Bescheid**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -(e)s, -e 

      1. nur Sg.; (Nachricht) notification; Bescheid bekommen be told, be informed; (jemandem) Bescheid geben oder sagen let s.o. know (über + Akk. about); gib bitte Bescheid! let me know

      2. (Antwort) answer, reply; offiziell: auch notification; (Entscheidung) decision; ein günstiger Bescheid a favourable reply (Entscheidung: decision); ein abschlägiger Bescheid a rejection, a refusal; wir warten noch auf einen Bescheid we are still waiting for a reply (Entscheidung: decision; JUR ruling)

      3. nur Sg.: Bescheid wissen (informiert sein) know, be in the picture fam. (über + Akk. about); (sich auskennen) know about things (oder how things work etc. ); er weiß dort Bescheid in einer Stadt etc.: he knows his way around there; über jemanden Bescheid wissen auch know all about s.o.; auf einem Gebiet Bescheid wissen know about a subject; in einer Sache genau Bescheid wissen know all the ins and outs of s.th.; ich weiß überhaupt nicht Bescheid I've no idea (how it works etc. ); ich weiß überhaupt nicht mehr Bescheid I don't know what's going on any more; Sie brauchen nur meinen Namen zu nennen, dann weiß er schon Bescheid just mention my name and he'll know what it's about; ich weiß Bescheid! auch iro. I know all about it; jemandem gehörig Bescheid sagen oder stoßen fam. give s.o. a piece of one's mind</font>

    6. fasst

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

      <font face="arial" size="4"><font color="steelblue">zusammenfassen</font></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">vt/i. (trennb., hat -ge-)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br>1.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(Rede, Text etc.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>sum up, summarize;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(kürzen)condense;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(kurz wiederholen)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>recapitulate<br>2.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(vereinigen)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>unite, integrate (in<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>+ Akk.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>into);<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>in Gruppen/Kategorien zusammenfassen<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>group / classify<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>oder<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>categorize<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>s.th., gather in groups/categories;unter einem Oberbegriff zusammenfassen<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>bring together under a general heading</div></html></font>

    7. Vorgesetzten

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Vorgesetzte**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m, f; -n, -n superior</font>

    8. Traceback (most recent call last):

        File "/Users/jeromecarney/Desktop/Dropbox/Python/StarDict/share/pystardict/morph.py", line 169, in \<module>

          theSplits =theSplits.splitlines()[0].split()

      IndexError: list index out of range</font>

    9. Ausschau

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Ausschau**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. f: Ausschau halten keep a lookout; Ausschau halten nach look out for, be on (oder keep) a lookout for; keep one's eyes peeled for fam.; nach einer Stelle etc.: look around for</font>

    10. Jungfernfahrt

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"><span class="gdarticle gdactivearticle" id="gdfrom-482dd5c8b6b39fd1355956dac976a0e2" onclick="gdMakeArticleActive( '482dd5c8b6b39fd1355956dac976a0e2' );" oncontextmenu="gdMakeArticleActive( '482dd5c8b6b39fd1355956dac976a0e2' );" style="display: block; padding-top: 1px; margin-top: -9px; margin-bottom: 8px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-style: normal; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;"><font face="arial" size="4"><span class="gdarticlebody gdlangfrom-de" id="gdarticlefrom-482dd5c8b6b39fd1355956dac976a0e2" lang="en" style="display: inline;"></span></font></span>

      <font face="arial" size="4"><font color="steelblue">Jungfernfahrt</font></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div>f<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>maiden (oder<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>inaugural) voyage</div><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; clear: both;"></div><span class="gdarticleseparator" style="margin-top: 10px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); margin-bottom: 0px; width: 429.460205078125px; display: inline-block; clear: both; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;"></span><br class="Apple-interchange-newline"></html></font>

    11. heikel

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **heikel**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. 

      1. Angelegenheit etc.: awkward; auch Problem: tricky; Thema: delicate

      2. Dial. (wählerisch) fussy, hard to please; (anspruchsvoll) choosy; beim Essen: fussy about one's food (oder what one eats), a fussy eater</font>

    12. vorgenommen

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"><span style="line-height:1.5"></span>

      <font face="arial" size="4"><font color="steelblue">vornehmen</font></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">v/t. (unreg., trennb., hat -ge-)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br>1.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(durchführen)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>carry out;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(Änderung, Verbesserung etc.)auch<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>make;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>auch<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>sich<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(Dat.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>etwas<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>vornehmen<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(in Angriff nehmen)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>tackle;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(anfangen)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>get down to;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>sich(Dat.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>etwas<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>vornehmen<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(sich kümmern um)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>take care of, see to;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>sich<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(Dat.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>eine Arbeit vornehmen<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>set out to do a job;<exampleu><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>sich<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(Dat.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>jemanden vornehmen<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>fam.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>verbal: take s.o. to task, have s.o. on the carpet,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Am. auch<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>give s.o. a tongue-lashing;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>tätlich: take care of s.o.;<exampleu><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>den werde ich mir mal vornehmen!<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>fam.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>I'm going to have a few words with him<br>2.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>sich<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(Dat.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>etwas<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>vornehmen<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(planen)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>plan, have (oder<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>make) plans for;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>sich<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(Dat.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>vornehmen, etwas zu tun<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(beschließen)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>decide to do s.th.;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>stärker: resolve to do s.th.;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(planen)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>plan to do s.th.;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(beabsichtigen)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>intend to do s.th.;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>das habe ich mir fest vorgenommen<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>I've definitely decided to do it;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>sich<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(Dat.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>zu viel vornehmentake on too much, bite off more than one can chew<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>fam.;<exampleu>sich<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(Dat.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>einiges vorgenommen haben<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>fam.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>have taken on quite a job</exampleu></exampleu></exampleu></div><br class="Apple-interchange-newline"></html></font>

    13. voraus

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **voraus**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adv. Adv. in front; auch fig. ahead (+ Dat. of);  auch voran; im Voraus in advance; Kopf voraus head first; seiner Zeit voraus sein be ahead of one's time; jemandem weit voraus sein be streets (Am. miles) ahead of s.o.; backbord / mit voller Kraft voraus! NAUT on the port bow / full steam ahead!


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **voran**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adv. Adv. at the head (+ Dat. of), in front, up front fam.; mit den Füßen etc. voran feet etc. first; (nur) voran! let's go!; immer weiter voran keep going</font>

    14. Fettnäpfchen

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Fettnäpfchen**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. n fig.: ins Fettnäpfchen treten put one's foot in it (Am. in one's mouth)</font>

    1. vigie

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **vigie**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [viʒi] nom féminin

      1. <font color="black"> RAIL</font><font color="grey"> **observation box**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">vigie de frein/signaux</font><font color="grey"> brake/signal cabin</font>

      2. <font color="black"> NAUTIQUE</font> [balise]<font color="grey"> **danger-buoy**</font>

      <font color="black"> *(vieilli)* </font> \[guetteur\]<font color="grey"> **look-out**</font>

      [poste]<font color="grey"> **look-out post**</font>

      [panier]<font color="grey"> **crow's nest**</font></font>

    2. Cafouillage

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **cafouillage**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [kafujaʒ] nom masculin

      <font color="black"> *(familier)* </font>

      1. [désordre]<font color="grey"> **shambles**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **muddle**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">il y a eu un cafouillage devant les buts</font><font color="grey"> there was a scramble in front of the goal</font>

      2. <font color="black"> AUTOMOBILE</font><font color="grey"> **misfiring**</font></font>

    1. Hebel

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Hebel**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -s, - 

      1. PHYS lever

      2. am Automat etc.: handle; (Kurbel) crank

      3. fig. lever; den Hebel ansetzen fam. get things moving; wo willst du den Hebel ansetzen? fam. where are you going to start?, how are you going to set about it?; alle Hebel in Bewegung setzen fam. do everything in one's power, move heaven and earth, leave no stone unturned; am längeren Hebel sitzen have the whip (oder upper) hand; an den Hebeln der Macht sitzen be at the levers of power</font>

    2. Kostprobe

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Kostprobe**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. f sample; fig. auch taste</font>

    3. Ablauf

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Ablauf**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m 

      1. (Abfluss) flowing, outflow, discharge; (Vorrichtung) outlet, drain; (Ablaufrohr) waste pipe

      2. (Verlauf) einer Sitzung etc.: order of events; der Ablauf der Ereignisse the course (oder sequence) of events

      3. einer Frist etc.: expiry; mit Ablauf des Jahres at the end of the year; nach Ablauf von zwei Wochen at the end of two weeks, after two weeks; noch vor Ablauf einer Stunde in less than an hour, before an hour has passed</font>

    4. Härte

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Härte**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. f; -, -n 

      1. hardness; des Stahls: auch temper; Bleistifte in verschiedenen Härten pencils of varying degrees of hardness

      2. (Wucht) force

      3. fig. (Zähigkeit, Brutalität, Aggressivität) toughness; SPORT tough play; (Strenge) severity; eines Verlusts etc.: severity; (Belastung, Ungerechtigkeit) hardship; soziale Härte social hardship; unbillige Härte JUR undue hardship; mit aller Härte extremely hard; (verbissen) fiercely; (erbarmungslos) relentlessly; (drastisch) drastically; es traf sie in seiner ganzen Härte it hit her with all its force; das ist die Härte! Jugendspr. that's not on!, Am. no way!

      4. fig. der Währung: stability; FOT contrast; der Aussprache, des Tons etc.: harshness; eines Konsonanten: hardness; PHYS, von Strahlung etc.: degree of penetration


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **härten**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I v/t. harden; (Stahl) temper

      II v/i. harden, grow hard</font>

    5. Verderbtheit

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Verderbtheit**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. f; nur Sg.; altm. depravity, corruptness, corruption</font>

    6. brenzliger

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **brenzlig**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. 

      1. fam. fig. dangerous allg.; es wird mir zu brenzlig things are getting too hot for me

      2. altm. Geruch etc.: burnt</font>

    7. Heilsbringer

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Heilsbringer**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      trans. savior</font>

    8. ergebenen

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **ergeben**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I P.P. ergeben <sup>1</sup>

      II Adj. 

      1. einem Schicksal: resigned (to); dem Laster ergeben altm. a slave to vice

      2. (hingebungsvoll) devoted (+ Dat. to)

      3. (treu) loyal (+ Dat. to), faithful (to); Diener: trusty lit., obedient; Ihr sehr ergebener X oder Ihr ergebenster Diener X altm. Briefschluss: (I am, Sir etc., ) Your obedient servant</font>

    9. vorgibt

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      <font face="arial" size="4"><font color="steelblue">vorgeben</font></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">v/t. (unreg., trennb., hat -ge-)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br>1.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>fam.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(nach vorn geben)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>pass<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>s.th.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to the front;jemandem etwas vorgeben<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>pass s.th. (on) to s.o.<br>2.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(behaupten)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>allege, claim;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>vorgeben, reich zu sein<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>etc.pretend to be rich<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>etc.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br>3.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(festlegen, verbindlich machen)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>set;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>man hat uns die Bearbeitungsrichtlinien vorgegeben<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>the processing guidelines have been laid down for us<br>4.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>SPORT<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>give;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>jemandem 50 Meter vorgeben<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>give s.o. 50 metres (Am.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>-ers) start</div></html></font>

    10. schüren

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **schüren**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/t. (Feuer) poke, rake; fig. stir up, förm. foment; damit schürt man noch den Hass this only serves to stir up more hatred (oder fan the flames of hatred)</font>

    11. handgreiflichen

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **handgreiflich**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I Adj. 

      1. Auseinandersetzungen etc.: violent; handgreiflich werden turn (oder get) violent, lash out, get rough fam.; mehrere: auch come to blows; fam. sexuell: get physical

      2. fig. palpable; (offensichtlich) evident, manifest; handgreifliche Lüge out and out (oder blatant oder bald-faced) lie

      II Adv.: jemandem etwas handgreiflich vor Augen führen show s.o. s.th. quite plainly</font>

    12. unterlegten

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      <font face="arial" size="4"><font color="steelblue">'unterlegen<sup>1</sup></font></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">v/t. (trennb., hat -ge-)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>lay (oder<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>put) under</div>

      <font face="arial" size="4"><font color="steelblue">unter'legen<sup>2</sup></font></font>

      <div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">v/t. (untr., hat)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br>1.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>underlay, line, back (mit<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>with)<br>2.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>mit Musik unterlegen<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>add music to</div>

      <font face="arial" size="4"><font color="steelblue">unter'legen<sup>3</sup></font></font>

      <div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Adj.:<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>jemandem unterlegen sein<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>be inferior to s.o., not be up to s.o.;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>zahlenmäßig unterlegen sein<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>be outnumbered, be inferior in numbers;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>die unterlegene Partei<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>etc.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>the losing party<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>etc.</div></html></font>

    13. Halten

      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Halten**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. n; -s, kein Pl.: zum Halten bringen stop, bring to a halt (oder stop); Halten verboten! no stopping; da gab es kein Halten mehr there was no holding them etc. (back)

    1. abrogées

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **abroger**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [abrɔʒe] verbe transitif

      <font color="grey"> **to repeal**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to rescind**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to abrogate *(soutenu)*</font>**</font>

    2. affres

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **affres**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [afr] nom féminin pluriel

      <font color="black"> *(littéraire)* </font><font color="grey"> **pangs**</font><font color="steelblue">les affres de la jalousie</font><font color="grey"> the pangs of jealousy</font>

      <font color="steelblue">les affres de la création</font><font color="grey"> the throes of creativity</font></font>

    3. s'amorce

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **amorcer**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [amɔrse] verbe transitif

      1. [commencer - travaux]<font color="grey"> **to start**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to begin**</font> ; [ - réforme]<font color="grey"> **to initiate**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to begin**</font> ; [ - discussion, réconciliation]<font color="grey"> **to start**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to begin**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to initiate**</font> ; [ - virage]<font color="grey"> **to go into *(inseparable)* </font> ; [ - descente]<font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to start</FONT><font color="grey"></font><font color="grey">, </FONT><font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to begin**</FONT></font></font></font>

      <font color="grey"><font color="grey"><font color="grey"> <font color="steelblue">les travaux sont bien amorcés</font><font color="grey"> the work is well under way</font><font color="steelblue">elle amorça un pas vers la porte</font><font color="grey"> she made as if to go to the door</font>

      2. <font color="black"> ARMEMENT</font><font color="black"> & TECHNOLOGIE</font><font color="grey"> **to prime**</font>

      <font color="black"> ÉLECTRICITÉ</font><font color="grey"> **to energize**</font>

      3. <font color="black"> PÊCHE</font><font color="grey"> **to bait**</font>

      <font color="black"> *(en usage absolu)* </font><font color="steelblue">amorcer au pain</font>

       a. [un hameçon]<font color="grey"> to bait one's line with bread</font>

       b. [répandre dans l'eau]<font color="grey"> to use bread as ground bait</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**s'amorcer**</font> verbe pronominal intransitif <font color="grey"> **to begin**</font>


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **amorce**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [amɔrs] nom féminin

      1. <font color="black"> ARMEMENT</font> [détonateur]<font color="grey"> **primer**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **detonator**</font>

      [d'un obus]<font color="grey"> **percussion cap**</font>

      [d'une balle]<font color="grey"> **cap**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **primer**</font>

      [pétard]<font color="grey"> **cap**</font>

      2. <font color="black"> PÊCHE</font><font color="grey"> **bait**</font>

      3. [début]<font color="grey"> **beginning**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">l'amorce d'une réforme</font><font color="grey"> the beginnings of a reform</font></font>

    1. désarçonner

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **désarçonner**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [dezarsɔne] verbe transitif

      1. <font color="black"> ÉQUITATION</font><font color="grey"> **to unseat**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to unhorse**</font>

      2. [déconcerter]<font color="grey"> **to throw**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to put off one's stride**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">son intervention a désarçonné l'orateur</font><font color="grey"> his remark threw the speaker off balance</font></font>

    2. biscotos

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

      <font face="arial" size="4">biscoteaux</font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div class="sdct_h" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">nom masculin pluriel,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br><font color="steelblue">biscotos</font><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>nom masculin pluriel [biskɔto]<br><font color="black">(familier)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></font><font color="grey">biceps</font></div></html></font>

    3. inculte

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **inculte**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ɛ̃kylt] adjectif

      1. [campagne, pays]<font color="grey"> **uncultivated**</font>

      2. [esprit, intelligence, personne]<font color="grey"> **uneducated**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **uncultured**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **uncultivated**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">ils sont complètement incultes</font><font color="grey"> they're totally ignorant</font>

      3. [cheveux]<font color="grey"> **unkempt**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **dishevelled**</font>

      [barbe]<font color="grey"> **untidy**</font></font>

    4. écarquillent

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **écarquiller**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ekarkije] verbe transitif

      <font color="steelblue">écarquiller les yeux</font><font color="grey"> to open one's eyes wide, to stare (wide-eyed)</font></font>

    5. tança

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

      <font face="arial" size="4">tancer</font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div class="sdct_h" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 15.833333015441895px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">[tɑ̃se] verbe transitif<br><font color="black">(littéraire)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></font><br><font color="grey">to scold</font><br><font color="steelblue">tancer vertement quelqu'un</font><font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to berate somebody<font color="black">(soutenu)</font></font></div></html</font>>

    6. rétréci

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **rétrécir**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [retresir] verbe transitif

      <font color="black"> TEXTILES</font> \[vêtement\]<font color="grey"> **to shrink**</font><font color="steelblue">rétrécir une jupe</font><font color="black"> COUTURE</font><font color="grey"> to take in a skirt</font>

      [retresir] verbe intransitif

      <font color="black"> TEXTILES</font> \[vêtement\]<font color="grey"> **to shrink**</font><font color="steelblue">rétrécir au lavage</font><font color="grey"> to shrink in the wash</font><font color="steelblue">**se rétrécir**</font> verbe pronominal intransitif \[allée, goulot\]<font color="grey"> **to narrow**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to get narrower**</font>

      [cercle, diaphragme]<font color="grey"> **to contract**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to get smaller**</font>

      [budget]<font color="grey"> **to shrink**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to dwindle**</font></font>

    1. manches

      effet de manche<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span class="API" style="font-family: 'DejaVu Sans', 'Segoe UI', 'Segoe UI Symbol', 'Lucida Grande', 'Arial Unicode MS', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Charis SIL', 'Doulos SIL', Gentium, GentiumAlt, 'Adobe Pi Std', Code2000, 'Chrysanthi Unicode', 'TITUS Cyberbit Basic', 'Bitstream Cyberbit', 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro', 'Matrix Unicode', sans-serif; text-decoration: none;" title="prononciation API">\e.fe də mɑ̃ʃ\</span><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span class="ligne-de-forme" style="color: rgb(0, 32, 0);">masculin</span>

      1. Action exagérée, factice, destinée à impressionner un public par un discours grandiloquent ou des gestes emphatiques inutiles.

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **manche**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [mɑ̃ʃ] nom masculin

      1. [d'un outil]<font color="grey"> **handle**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">à manche court</font><font color="grey"> short-handled</font><font color="steelblue">à manche long</font><font color="grey"> longhandled</font><font color="steelblue">être *ou* se mettre du côté du manche</font><font color="black"> *(familier)* </font><font color="grey"> to side with the winner</font><font color="steelblue">il ne faut jamais jeter le manche après la cognée</font><font color="black"> *(proverbe)* </font><font color="grey"> never say die *(proverbe)*</font>, always have another go **2.** <font color="black"> *(très familier)* </font> \[personne maladroite\]<font color="grey"> **clumsy oaf**</font><font color="steelblue">tu t'y prends comme un manche</font><font color="grey"> you're making a right mess of it</font>

      3. <font color="black"> AÉRONAUTIQUE</font>

      <font color="steelblue">manche à balai</font><font color="black"> *(familier)* </font><font color="grey"> joystick, control column</font>

      4. <font color="black"> MUSIQUE</font><font color="grey"> **neck**</font>

      [mɑ̃ʃ] nom féminin

      1. [vêtement]<font color="grey"> **sleeve**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">sans manches</font><font color="grey"> sleeveless</font><font color="steelblue">à manches courtes/longues</font><font color="grey"> short-/long-sleeved</font><font color="steelblue">être en manches de chemise</font><font color="grey"> to be in one's shirt-sleeves</font><font color="steelblue">manche bouffante/trois-quarts</font><font color="grey"> puff/three-quarter sleeve</font><font color="steelblue">manche gigot/raglan</font><font color="grey"> leg-of-mutton/raglan sleeve</font><font color="steelblue">manche ballon</font><font color="grey"> puff sleeve</font><font color="steelblue">manche chauve-souris</font><font color="grey"> batwing sleeve</font><font color="steelblue">avoir quelqu'un dans sa manche</font><font color="black"> *(familier & figuré)* </font><font color="grey"> to have somebody in one's pocket</font>

      2. [conduit]

      <font color="steelblue">manche à air</font>

       a. <font color="black"> AÉRONAUTIQUE</font><font color="grey"> wind-sock</font>

       b. <font color="black"> NAUTIQUE</font><font color="grey"> air shaft</font>

      <font color="steelblue">manche à charbon</font><font color="grey"> coal chute</font>

      3. <font color="black"> GÉOGRAPHIE</font><font color="grey"> **channel**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **straits *(singulier)* </font>**

      4. <font color="black"> JEUX</font> [généralement]<font color="grey"> **round**</font>

      [au bridge]<font color="grey"> **game**</font>

      <font color="black"> SPORT</font> \[généralement\]<font color="grey"> **leg**</font><font color="black"> TENNIS</font><font color="grey"> **set**</font><font color="steelblue">gagner la première manche</font><font color="black"> *(figuré)* </font><font color="grey"> to win the first round</font>

      5. <font color="black"> *(familier & locution)* </font>

      <font color="steelblue">faire la manche</font>

       a. [mendiant]<font color="grey"> to beg</font>

       b. [musicien, mime]<font color="grey"> to busk *(UK)*</font>, to perform in the streets


    2. compromissions

      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **compromission**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [kɔ̃prɔmisjɔ̃] nom féminin

      <font color="grey"> **base action**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **(piece of) dishonourable behaviour**</font><font color="steelblue">elle est prête à n'importe quelle compromission pour réussir</font><font color="grey"> she will stoop to anything in order to succeed</font></font>
    3. rodomontades

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **rodomontade**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [rɔdɔmɔ̃tad] nom féminin

      <font color="black"> *(littéraire)* </font><font color="grey"> **bragging *(substantif non comptable),* </font><font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">swaggering (substantif non comptable) </FONT>**</font>

      <font color="grey">

      <font color="steelblue">faire des rodomontades</font><font color="grey"> to brag**,** </font><font color="grey"> to bluster</font></font>

    4. esquisse

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **esquisser**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ɛskise] verbe transitif

      1. <font color="black"> ART</font><font color="grey"> **to sketch**</font>

      2. [projet, histoire]<font color="grey"> **to outline**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to draft**</font>

      3. [geste, mouvement]<font color="grey"> **to give a hint of**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">il esquissa un geste d'approbation</font><font color="grey"> he gave a slight nod of approval</font><font color="steelblue">esquisser un sourire</font><font color="grey"> to give a faint *ou* slight smile</font><font color="steelblue">**s'esquisser**</font> verbe pronominal intransitif \[sourire\]<font color="grey"> **to appear**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to flicker**</font>

      [solution, progrès]<font color="grey"> **to appear**</font>


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **esquisse**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ɛskis] nom féminin

      1. <font color="black"> ART</font><font color="grey"> **sketch**</font>

      2. [d'un projet, d'un discours, d'un roman]<font color="grey"> **draft**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **outline**</font>

      3. [d'un sourire]<font color="grey"> **hint**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **shadow**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **ghost**</font>

      [d'un geste]<font color="grey"> **hint**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">sans l'esquisse d'un regret</font><font color="grey"> with no regrets at all, without the slightest regret</font></font>

    5. convivial

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

      <font face="arial" size="4">convivial</font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div class="sdct_h" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">(féminin<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><font color="steelblue">conviviale</font><font color="steelblue">,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></font>pluriel masculin<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><font color="steelblue">conviviaux</font>)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[kɔ̃vivjal, o] adjectif<br>1.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[ambiance, fête]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>convivial</font><br>2.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><font color="black">INFORMATIQUE</font><font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>user-friendly</font></div></html</font>>

    6. raclée

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

      <font face="arial" size="4">raclée</font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div class="sdct_h" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">[rakle] nom féminin<br><font color="black">(familier)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></font><br>1.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[coups]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>thrashing</font><font color="grey">,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></font><font color="grey">hiding</font><br><font color="steelblue">donner une raclée à quelqu'un</font><font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to give somebody a good thrashing<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>ou<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>hiding</font><br>2.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[défaite]<font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>thrashing</font><font color="grey">,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></font><font color="grey">hammering</font><br><font color="steelblue">il a pris sa raclée en finale</font><font color="grey"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>he got thrashed<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>ou<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>hammered in the final</font><br></div><br class="Apple-interchange-newline"></html></font>

    7. écopé

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **écoper**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ekɔpe] verbe transitif

      [barque, bateau]<font color="grey"> **to bail out**</font>

      [ekɔpe] verbe intransitif

      <font color="black"> *(familier)* </font> \[recevoir une sanction, une réprimande\]<font color="grey"> **to take the rap**</font><font color="steelblue">c'est lui qui a écopé</font><font color="grey"> he was the one who took the rap</font><font color="steelblue">**écoper de**</font> verbe plus préposition <font color="black"> *(familier)* </font><font color="grey"> **to cop *(UK),* </font>**<font color="grey"> **to get**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">il a écopé de cinq ans de prison</font><font color="grey"> he got five years inside</font></font>

    8. désinvoltes

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **désinvolte**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      [dezɛ̃vɔlt] adjectif

      1. [sans embarras]<font color="grey"> **casual**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **nonchalant**</font>

      2. <font color="black"> *(péjoratif)* </font> [trop libre]<font color="grey"> **offhand**</font></font>

    9. dérapages

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **dérapage**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      [derapaʒ] nom masculin

      1. <font color="black"> SPORT</font> [en ski]<font color="grey"> **side-slipping**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">faire du dérapage</font><font color="grey"> to sideslip</font>

      [en moto]<font color="grey"> **skidding**</font>

      2. <font color="black"> AÉRONAUTIQUE</font><font color="black"> & AUTOMOBILE</font><font color="grey"> **skid**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">dérapage contrôlé</font><font color="grey"> controlled skid</font>

      3. [dérive]<font color="grey"> **(uncontrolled) drifting**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">le dérapage des prix</font><font color="grey"> the uncontrolled increase in prices</font>

      4. [erreur]<font color="grey"> **mistake**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **slip-up**</font></font>

    10. magouilles

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **magouiller**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      [maguje] verbe intransitif

      <font color="black"> *(familier)* </font><font color="grey"> **to scheme**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to do a bit of wheeler-dealing**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to wangle**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">il l'a eu en magouillant</font><font color="grey"> he got it by a wangle, he wangled it</font></font>

    11. haletante

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **haletant**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      (féminin <font color="steelblue">**haletante**</font>) [ˈaltɑ̃, ɑ̃t] adjectif

      [chien]<font color="grey"> **panting**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">il est entré, tout haletant</font><font color="grey"> he came in, all out of breath</font></font>

    12. truquée

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **truquer**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      [tryke] verbe transitif

      1. [élection, statistiques]<font color="grey"> **to rig**</font>

      [entretien]<font color="grey"> **to set up *(separable)* </font>**

      [tableau]<font color="grey"> **to fake**</font>

      2. <font color="black"> CINÉMA</font>

      <font color="steelblue">truquer une scène</font><font color="grey"> to use special effects in a scene</font></font>

    13. chahuteur

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

      <font face="arial" size="4">chahuteur</font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div class="sdct_h" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">(<font color="steelblue">féminin<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>chahuteuse</font>)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>[ʃaytœr, øz]<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><font color="black">(familier)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></font>adjectif<br><font color="grey">rowdy</font><font color="grey">,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></font><font color="grey">boisterous</font></div></html></font>

    1. infimes

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **infime**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ɛ̃fim] adjectif

      [quantité, proportion]<font color="grey"> **infinitesimal**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **minute**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **tiny**</font>

      [détail]<font color="grey"> **minor**</font></font>

    1. personenbezogenen

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **personenbezogen**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj.: personenbezogene Daten personal data</font>

    2. erheben

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **erheben**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      v. (unreg.) 

      I v/t. 

      1. (in die Höhe heben) (Arm, Glas, Augen) raise, lift (up); seine Hand gegen jemanden erheben lift a hand against s.o.; erhobenen Hauptes geh. with head held high; seine Stimme erheben (zu sprechen anfangen) (begin to) speak, make one's voice heard; (sich einsetzen) speak (out) (für/gegen in support of / against), declare o.s. (for/against); (seine Meinung sagen) express one's view(s); (lauter sprechen) raise one's voice, talk louder; erhoben; ein großes Geschrei erheben fam. make (oder kick up) a great fuss (wegen* about s.th. ), make a great song and dance about nothing; (protestieren) be up in arms (at once), protest furiously; Interessengruppe etc.*: respond with a storm of protest

      2. lit. fig. (erbauen) (Geist, Gemüt) elevate, edify, improve, focus on higher things

      3. (in einen hö heren Rang einsetzen ) elevate, promote, raise in status; in Redewendungen häufig: make; ein Dorf zur Stadt erheben make a village a town, give a village town status; etwas zum Prinzip etc. erheben make s.th. a principle etc.; zum König etc. erhoben werden be made king etc. 

      4. MATH raise; ins Quadrat erheben square; zur dritten/vierten Potenz erheben cube / raise to the fourth power

      5. (einfordern, einziehen) (Steuern, Zoll etc.) impose; (Gebühr) charge; (Beiträge) require

      6. besonders südd., österr. (amtlich feststellen) assess, register, record

      7. (Daten etc.) (sammeln) collect, compile, assemble; Beweise erheben JUR assemble evidence

      8. (vorbringen, geltend machen) (Bedenken) express (oder voice) (gegen about); (Einwand) raise (oder put forward) (gegen to); Beschuldigungen/Vorwürfe gegen jemanden erheben criticize/reproach s.o. (wegen for); Protest erheben gegen (make a) protest against;  auch 1; * Anspruch 1, Einspruch, Klage 3* 

      II v/refl. 

      1. (aus dem Liegen oder Sitzen hochkommen) stand up, get up, rise förm., get (oder rise förm. ) to one's feet; geh. (Bett verlassen) rise

      2. (in die Höhe steigen) Flugzeug, Vogel etc.: rise, climb; schnell, mühelos: soar (up)

      3. (emporragen) Berg, Turm etc.: rise; stärker: tower (up); sich erheben über (+ Akk.) rise (oder tower) above; fig. (hinauskommen) rise above; (überlegen sein) be superior to

      4. (rebellieren) Volk: rise (up) (gegen against), rebel (against), revolt (against)

      5. fig. geh. (aufkommen, ausbrechen) Sturm: arise, come up, break; Wind: rise, get up, begin to blow; Frage: arise, be raised; Schwierigkeit: arise, crop up, occur; Zweifel etc.: arise, begin to form; Geschrei, Wehklagen etc.: break out, fill the air; es erhob sich lauter Protest there were (oder this brought) loud protests


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **erhoben**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I P.P. erheben 

      II Adj.: mit erhobener Stimme raising his (oder her) voice, at the top of his (oder her) lungs


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Anspruch**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m 

      1. auch JUR (Anrecht, Forderung) claim (auf + Akk. to); (Forderung) auch demand (for); (Anrecht) auch right; JUR title; Pl. (Anforderungen) demands; große Ansprüche stellen be very demanding; hohe Ansprüche an jemanden stellen Person und Aufgabe: make great demands on s.o.; Person auch: expect (oder demand) a great deal of s.o., be very exacting (oder demanding); Aufgabe auch: take a lot out of s.o., be very demanding; Anspruch erheben auf oder für sich in Anspruch nehmen claim, lay claim to; Anspruch haben auf (+ Akk.) be entitled to; JUR have a legitimate claim to; der Film erhebt keinen Anspruch auf historische Genauigkeit fig. the film doesn't claim to be historically accurate

      2. (Beschlag) in Anspruch nehmen Person: (jemandes Hilfe) call on; (Kredit, jemandes Zeit) take (up); (Angebot, Möglichkeit) make use of, take advantage of; Aufgabe etc.: (jemanden) keep s.o. busy, take a lot out of s.o.; (Platz, Zeit) take (up); (jemandes Aufmerksamkeit) engross (oder preoccupy); (jemandes Kräfte, Mittel) make demands; i-e Arbeit nimmt sie stark in Anspruch her work keeps her very busy (oder takes up most of her time [and energy])


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Einspruch**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m auch JUR objection (gegen to); JUR (Berufung) appeal (against); Patentrecht: opposition (to); Einspruch erheben oder einlegen raise an objection (gegen to), object (to); JUR (file an) appeal (against); ich erhebe Einspruch! I object!; JUR objection!


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Klage**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. f; -, -n 

      1. geh. (Ausdruck des Schmerzes) complaint; (Wehklage) lament (um for)

      2. (Beschwerde) complaint; (keinen) Grund zur Klage haben have (no) cause (oder grounds) for complaint; über etwas Klage führen lodge a complaint about s.th.

      3. JUR suit, action; Klage erheben gegen file a suit against, sue (wegen for); eine Klage auf Schadenersatz an action for damages;  auch Anklage


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Anklage**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. f 

      1. JUR charge (gegen against); besonders Am. indictment; wegen Amtsvergehens: besonders Am. impeachment (of); Anklage erheben bring (oder prefer) a charge; die Anklage fallen lassen quash (oder dismiss) the charge(s); unter Anklage stehen be on (oder stand) trial (wegen for); die Anklage lautet auf (+ Akk.) the charge is (as follows), you, they etc. are charged with

      2. JUR (Anklagevertretung) the prosecution; die Anklage vertreten be counsel for the prosecution

      3. (Vorwurf) accusation (gegen against)</font>

    1. Koalitionsverhandlungen

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Koalitionsverhandlungen**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      trans. coalition talks


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Koalition**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. f; -, -en; POL coalition; große Koalition grand coalition


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **verhandeln**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      v. vt/i. 

      1. negotiate (über + Akk. about, on); über Bedingungen etc. verhandeln auch negotiate (oder discuss) conditions etc. 

      2. JUR hold proceedings; Strafrecht: hold a trial (gegen against); (über) eine Sache oder einen Fall verhandeln hear (strafrechtlich: try) a case</font>

    2. Minderheit

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Minderheit**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. f minority</font>

    3. <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **sein**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I Poss. Pron. 

      1. adjektivisch: his; Mädchen: her; Sache: its; Tier: meist its; Haustier: his; Schiff, Staat: oft her; unbestimmt: one's; sein Glück machen make one's fortune; all sein bisschen Geld what little money he has (oder had); Seine Majestät His Majesty; es kostet (gut) seine tausend Dollar it costs a good thousand dollars

      2. substantivisch: his; seiner, seine, sein(e)s, der (die, das) sein(ig)e oder Sein(ig)e his; Mädchen: hers; jedem das Seine oder seine to each his own

      II pers. Pron. (Gen. von er und es ) of him; Mädchen: of her; er war seiner nicht mehr mächtig he had lost control of himself completely</font>

    1. potentielle

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **potentiell**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adj. ** potenziell


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **potenziell**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. potential</font>

    2. sondern

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **sondern**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/t. separate (von from)</font>

    3. erklären

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **erklären**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I v/t. 

      1. Person: explain ( jemandem to s.o.); (begründen) explain (mit by); sie erklärte i-e Abwesenheit mit Krankheit she explained her absence by saying that she had been ill, she gave illness as the reason for her absence; der Absturz lässt sich durch Materialermüdung erklären the crash can be put down to metal fatigue; erklären Sie mir bitte, warum ... could you tell me why ...; ich kann es mir nicht erklären I don't understand it, it's a mystery to me, I can't make anything of it; ich erkläre mir das so: ... this is how I explain (oder understand) it:, this is how it seems to me:, the way I see it is: ...

      2. Sache: account for, explain; Beispiel: illustrate

      3. (verkünden) declare; (Unabhängigkeit) auch proclaim; (Rücktritt etc.) announce; (Einverständnis) give; jemandem seine Liebe erklären declare one's love for s.o.; einem Land den Krieg erklären declare war on a country; hiermit erkläre ich die Sitzung für eröffnet I hereby declare this meeting open; * Austritt 1*, Beitritt etc. 

      4. (bezeichnen, nennen) declare (für [to be] s.th. ), pronounce; jemanden für tot erklären (Patienten, Vermissten) pronounce s.o. dead

      5. in Interview etc.: say; JUR (aussagen) declare, state

      II v/refl. 

      1. Sache: be explained (aus oder durch by), explain itself (by); das erklärt sich daraus, dass ... that can be explained by the fact that ..., the reason for that is that ...; das erklärt sich von selbst that is self-explanatory

      2. Person: explain o.s., give an explanation

      3. altm., lit.: sich (jemandem) erklären Liebeserklärung: declare o.s. (to s.o.)

      4. sich erklären für/gegen declare o.s. for/against

      5. sich für etwas erklären (bezeichnen) declare oneself (to be) s.th.; sich einverstanden erklären signify one's agreement; sich mit etwas zufrieden erklären express one's satisfaction with s.th.

      III v/i.: sie kann gut erklären she's good at explaining things


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Austritt**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m 

      1. aus einer Partei: resignation (aus from); aus einem Verein: withdrawal (from); sein Austritt aus der Kirche hat viele schockiert many people were shocked when he left the church; seinen Austritt erklären aus einer Partei: hand in one's resignation; aus der Kirche, einem Verein: announce (oder say) that one is leaving

      2. von Luft, Gas: escape; von Blut: issue; von Eiter: discharge; von Harz etc.: secretion; MED, eines Bruchs: protrusion; einer Kugel bei Schussverletzungen: exit


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Beitritt**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m joining (zu of a party etc. ); zu einem Bündnis: auch entry (into), membership (of); den Beitritt beantragen zu einem Verein, Bündnis, einer Partei: apply for membership; seinen Beitritt erklären become a member, join</font>

    1. commencement

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **commencement**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      com·mence·ment (kə-měnsmənt)


      A beginning; a start.

       A ceremony at which academic degrees or diplomas are conferred. The day on which such a ceremony occurs.


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **commence**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      com·mence (kə-měns)

      v. com·menced, com·menc·ing, com·menc·es 

      v. tr.

      To begin; start.

      v. intr.

      To enter upon or have a beginning; start. See Synonyms at begin.

      [Middle English commencen, from Old French comencier, from Vulgar Latin *cominitiāre : Latin com-, intensive pref.; see com- + Late Latin initiāre, to begin (from Latin initium, beginning. See ei- in Indo-European Roots).]

      com·mencer n.</font>

    2. similarities

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **similarity**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      sim·i·lar·i·ty (sĭmə-lărĭ-tē)

      n. pl. sim·i·lar·i·ties 

      The quality or condition of being similar; resemblance. See Synonyms at likeness.

      A corresponding aspect or feature; equivalence: a similarity of writing styles.</font>

    3. familiar

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **familiar**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      fa·mil·iar (fə-mĭlyər)


      Often encountered or seen. See Synonyms at common.

      Having fair knowledge; acquainted: was familiar with those roads.

      Of established friendship; intimate: on familiar terms.

      Natural and unstudied; informal: lectured in a familiar style.

      Taking undue liberties; presumptuous: Students should not be familiar toward an instructor.


      Domesticated; tame. Used of animals.


      A close friend or associate.

      An attendant spirit, often taking animal form.

      One who performs domestic service in the household of a high official.

      A person who frequents a place.

      [Middle English, from Old French familier, from Latin familiāris, domestic, from familia, family. See family.]

      fa·miliar·ly adv.</font>

    1. Maulwürfe

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Maulwurf**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m ZOOL mole (auch Sl. fig.)</font>

    2. missliebige

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **missliebig**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. unpopular</font>

    3. aufgepasst

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **aufpassen**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. v/i. (trennb., hat -ge-); (aufmerksam sein) pay attention; (vorsichtig sein) take care; aufpassen auf (+ Akk.) take care of, look after; nebenbei: keep an eye on; bei Examen invigilate, Am. proctor; aufgepasst! oder pass auf! look out!, watch out!; aufpassen wie ein Luchs watch like a hawk; da muss man höllisch aufpassen you have to be really (oder terribly) careful</font>

    1. stützen

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **stützen**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I v/t. 

      1. support; (abstützen) auch prop up; ARCH shore up; seine Ellenbogen stützen auf (+Akk.) prop (oder rest) one's elbows on; jemanden beim Gehen stützen support s.o. as they walk; sie ging auf einen Stock gestützt she walked leaning (oder supporting herself) on a stick

      2. fig. support, back (up); ÖKON (Kurse, Währung) support; etwas stützen auf (+Akk.) base s.th. on

      II v/refl.: sich stützen auf (+Akk.) rest on; Person: lean on; fig. Argument, Urteil etc.: be based on, rest on; (auf eine Quelle) auch draw upon; sich beim Gehen auf etwas/jemanden stützen walk leaning (oder supporting o.s.) on s.th./s.o.</font>

    2. <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **ausschliessen**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      trans. exclude</font>

    1. preisgegeben

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

      <font face="arial" size="4"><font color="steelblue">preisgeben</font></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">v/t. (Geheimnis, Namen etc.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>give away, reveal (+ Dat.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to);(Heimat)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>give up;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(Gebiet, Freiheit etc.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>surrender, give up;(Prinzip, Ehre etc.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>sacrifice; (sich<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Dat.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>dem Gelächter etc.preisgeben<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>expose (o.s.) to;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>jemanden dem Elend preisgeben<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>abandon s.o. to poverty;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>etwas dem Verfall preisgeben<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>let s.th. go to rack and ruin;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(hilflos) preisgegeben<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(+ Dat.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>at the mercy of</div></html></font>

    2. Traceback (most recent call last):

        File "/Users/jeromecarney/Desktop/Dropbox/Python/StarDict/share/pystardict/morph.py", line 151, in \<module>

          theHTML = getDefinition(theString)

        File "/Users/jeromecarney/Desktop/Dropbox/Python/StarDict/share/pystardict/morph.py", line 68, in getDefinition

          theMorphList = hobj.stem(theString)

      UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode character u'\u2028' in position 4: ordinal not in range(256)</font>

    3. erörtert

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **erörtern**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/t. geh. discuss; ausführlich erörtern discuss in detail</font>

    4. lüften

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **lüften**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. v/t. 

      1. (Raum) air; ständig: ventilate; (Kleidung etc.) air; AUT (Bremsen) bleed; hier muss mal gelüftet werden this place needs airing; das Zimmer ist gut gelüftet the room is well ventilated

      2. (heben) lift; (Hut) raise; fig. (Geheimnis) reveal, take the wraps off; sein Inkognito lüften drop one's mask; das Geheimnis ist gelüftet the secret is out</font>

    1. rééditer

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **rééditer**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [reedite] verbe transitif

      1. <font color="black"> IMPRIMERIE</font><font color="grey"> **to republish**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">son livre a été réédité chez Leroux</font><font color="grey"> his book has been republished by Leroux *ou* brought out again by Leroux</font>

      2. <font color="black"> *(familier)* </font> [refaire]<font color="grey"> **to repeat**</font></font>

    2. adoube

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **adouber**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [adube] verbe transitif

      1. [chevalier]<font color="grey"> **to dub**</font>

      2. <font color="black"> JEUX</font><font color="grey"> **to adjust**</font></font>

    1. weltberühmter

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **weltberühmter**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      trans. world famous</font>

    2. Widerspruch

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Widerspruch**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m 

      1. nur Sg. contradiction (gegen to), opposition; (Protest) protest; er duldet keinen Widerspruch he won't tolerate any argument, he brooks no argument geh.; kein Widerspruch! no arguments!; Widerspruch einlegen (gegen) JUR appeal (against); Widerspruch / keinen Widerspruch einlegen oder erheben protest / make no protest; heftigen Widerspruch hervorrufen provoke vehement protest (bei from)

      2. (Gegensatz) contradiction (zu, mit to); (Abweichung) discrepancy; im Widerspruch zu contrary to; im Widerspruch stehen zu be inconsistent with, contradict s.th.; sich in Widersprüche verwickeln keep contradicting o.s., get caught up in a web of contradictions; es ist ein Widerspruch in sich it's a contradiction in terms, it's self-contradictory</font>

    3. Nachtmahl

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Nachtmahl**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. n österr., sonst geh. evening meal</font>

    1. rénovation

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **rénovation**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [renɔvasjɔ̃] nom féminin

      1. [d'un meuble, d'un immeuble]<font color="grey"> **renovation**</font>

      [d'un quartier]<font color="grey"> **redevelopment**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **renovation**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">la maison est en rénovation</font><font color="grey"> the house is being done up *ou* is having a complete facelift</font><font color="steelblue">rénovation urbaine</font><font color="grey"> urban renewal</font>

      2. <font color="black"> *(figuré)* </font> [rajeunissement]<font color="grey"> **updating**</font></font>

    2. affronter

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **affronter**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [afrɔ̃te] verbe transitif

      1. [ennemi, mort]<font color="grey"> **to face**</font>

      [problème]<font color="grey"> **to face (up to)**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to square up to *(inseparable)* </font>**

      2. <font color="black"> MENUISERIE</font> [planche]<font color="grey"> **to butt-joint**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**s'affronter**</font> verbe pronominal<font color="black"> *(emploi réciproque)* </font><font color="grey"> **to confront one another**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">deux thèses s'affrontent dans le débat sur la peine de mort</font><font color="grey"> there are two opposing theories in the debate on the death penalty</font></font>

    1. bürgerliche

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **bürgerlich**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. 

      1. auch JUR Pflichten etc.: civil, civic; (Zivil...) civilian; bürgerliches Recht civil law; bürgerliche Rechte civic rights; im bürgerlichen Leben in civil (oder civilian) life; Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (abgek. BGB) (German) Civil Code

      2. (Mittelstands...) middle-class, pej. bourgeois; die bürgerlichen Parteien POL the non-socialist parties; er führt ein sehr bürgerliches Leben he has (oder leads) a very bourgeois lifestyle; bürgerliches Trauerspiel LIT domestic tragedy

      3. (nicht adelig) untitled

      4. (einfach) plain, simple; bürgerliche Küche home cooking, good plain cooking (oder food)

      5. pej. (spießig) conventional, plebeian, philistine</font>

    2. verschreiben

      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

      <font face="arial" size="4"><font color="steelblue">verschreiben</font></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3"><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">(unreg.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br>I<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>v/t.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br>1.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>MED<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>prescribe (+ Dat.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>for);<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>sich<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(Dat.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>etwas verschreiben lassen<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>get a prescription for s.th.<br>2.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>JUR<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(vermachen)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>make over (+ Dat.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to)<br>3.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(Papier etc.)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>use up<br>II<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>v/refl.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br>1.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>make a mistake (in writing);<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>da habe ich mich wohl verschrieben<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>that must have been a slip of the pen<br>2.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>fig.:<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>sich einer Sache verschreiben<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>devote (pej.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>sell) o.s. to s.th., espouse s.th.;<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>sich jemandem verschreibenbecome a devotee of s.o.</div></html></font>

    3. Sinnhaftigkeit

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Sinnhaftigkeit**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      trans. meaningfulness</font>

    4. wozu

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **wozu**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adv. Adv. 

      1. fragend: to what?, what ... to?; (wofür) for what?, what (...) for?; (warum) why?; wozu gehört das? what does it belong to?; wozu hast du dich entschlossen? what have you decided on?; ich frage mich, wozu das gut sein soll I'm wondering what the point of it is; wozu auch? what for?

      2. in Relativsätzen: to which; (wofür) for which; wozu ich bereit bin what (im Nachsatz: which) I'm prepared to do; wozu er noch Salz gab to which he added salt; wozu ich euch rate, ist ... what I advise you (to do) is; ..., wozu es dann aber zu spät war for which it was then too late</font>

    1. froissée

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **froissé**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [frwase] adjectif

      1. [chemise, tissu]<font color="grey"> **creased**</font>

      2. [personne]<font color="grey"> **hurt**</font>


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **froisser**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [frwase] verbe transitif

      1. [friper - tissu]<font color="grey"> **to crease**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to crumple**</font> ; [ - papier]<font color="grey"> **to crumple**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to crease**</font>

      2. [carrosserie]<font color="grey"> **to dent**</font>

      3. [blesser - orgueil]<font color="grey"> **to ruffle**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to bruise**</font> ; [ - personne]<font color="grey"> **to offend**</font>

      4. <font color="black"> MÉDECINE</font><font color="grey"> **to strain**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**se froisser**</font> verbe pronominal intransitif **1.** \[vêtement\]<font color="grey"> **to crush**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to crease**</font>

      2. [personne]<font color="grey"> **to get hurt**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to take offence**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to be offended**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**se froisser**</font> verbe pronominal transitif

      <font color="steelblue">se froisser un muscle</font><font color="grey"> to strain a muscle</font></font>

    2. rabibocher

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **rabibocher**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [rabibɔʃe] verbe transitif

      <font color="black"> *(familier)* </font>

      1. [réconcilier]<font color="grey"> **to patch things up between**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **to bring together again**</font>

      2. <font color="black"> *(vieilli)* </font> [réparer]<font color="grey"> **to fix *ou* to patch up**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**se rabibocher**</font> verbe pronominal intransitif <font color="grey"> **to make up**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">se rabibocher avec quelqu'un</font><font color="grey"> to patch things up with somebody</font></font>

    3. soudé

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **souder**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [sude] verbe transitif

      1. <font color="black"> TECHNOLOGIE</font> [par soudure - hétérogène]<font color="grey"> **to solder**</font> ; [ - autogène]<font color="grey"> **to weld**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">souder à l'arc</font><font color="grey"> to arc-weld</font>

      2. [unir]<font color="grey"> **to bring *ou* to bind *ou* to join together**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">**se souder**</font> verbe pronominal intransitif

      [vertèbres, mots]<font color="grey"> **to become fused**</font></font>

    4. jalons

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **jalon**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ʒalɔ̃] nom masculin

      1. [piquet]<font color="grey"> **ranging pole *ou* rod**</font>

      2. [référence]<font color="grey"> **milestone**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **landmark**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">planter *ou* poser des jalons</font><font color="black"> *(figuré)* </font><font color="grey"> to prepare the ground**,** </font><font color="grey"> to clear the way</font></font>

    5. ardus

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **ardu**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      (féminin <font color="steelblue">**ardue**</font>) [ardy] adjectif

      [difficile - problème, question]<font color="grey"> **tough**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **difficult**</font> ; [ - tâche]<font color="grey"> **arduous**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **hard**</font></font>

    6. trébuchet
      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"><div class="dsl_headwords" style="font-weight: bold; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 17.5px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">


      </div><div class="dsl_definition" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Bookerly, 'Segoe UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Arial Unicode MS'; font-size: 16.363636016845703px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">[<span class="dsl_t" style="font-weight: bold;">tʀebyʃɛ</span>]

      <div class="dsl_m1" style="padding-left: 9px; font-size: 17.5px;"><span class="dsl_p" style="font-style: italic; cursor: default; font-weight: normal; color: green !important;"><span class="dsl_trn" style="font-style: italic; cursor: default; font-weight: normal; color: green !important;">nom</span></span><span class="dsl_trn"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span class="dsl_p" style="font-style: italic; cursor: default; font-weight: normal; color: green !important;">masculin</span></span></div>

      <div class="dsl_m1" style="padding-left: 9px; font-size: 17.5px;">1)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span class="dsl_trn">(<span class="dsl_com" style="color: black;">piège</span>) bird-trap</span></div>

      <div class="dsl_m1" style="padding-left: 9px; font-size: 17.5px;">2)<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span class="dsl_trn">(<span class="dsl_com" style="color: black;">balance</span>) assay balance</span></div></div>
    7. pesée

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **peser**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [pəze] verbe transitif

      1. [avec une balance]<font color="grey"> **to weigh**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">peser quelque chose dans sa main</font><font color="grey"> to feel the weight of something</font>

      2. <font color="black"> *(familier)* </font> [valoir]

      <font color="steelblue">un mec qui pèse dix millions de dollars</font><font color="grey"> a guy worth ten million bucks</font>

      3. [évaluer, choisir]<font color="grey"> **to weigh**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">peser ses mots</font><font color="grey"> to weigh *ou* to choose one's words</font><font color="steelblue">et je pèse mes mots\!</font><font color="grey"> and I'm not saying this lightly\!</font><font color="steelblue">peser le pour et le contre</font><font color="grey"> to weigh (up) the pros and cons</font><font color="steelblue">peser les risques</font><font color="grey"> to weigh up the risk, to evaluate the risks</font><font color="steelblue">tout bien pesé</font><font color="grey"> all things considered, all in all</font>

      [pəze] verbe intransitif

      1. [corps, objet]<font color="grey"> **to weigh**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">combien pèses-tu/pèse le paquet?</font><font color="grey"> how much do you/does the parcel weigh?</font><font color="steelblue">ce truc-là pèse une tonne\!</font><font color="black"> *(familier)* </font><font color="grey"> that thing weighs a ton\!</font>

      2. <font color="black"> *(figuré)* </font> [personne, opinion]<font color="grey"> **to weigh**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">peser lourd</font><font color="grey"> to weigh a lot</font><font color="steelblue">il ne pèse pas lourd face à lui</font><font color="grey"> he's no match for him</font><font color="steelblue">la question d'argent a pesé très lourd dans mon choix</font><font color="grey"> the question of money was a determining *ou* major factor in my choice</font><font color="steelblue">mes raisons ne pèsent pas lourd dans la balance</font><font color="grey"> my arguments don't carry much weight *ou* don't matter very much</font>

      3. [faire pression sur]

      <font color="steelblue">peser sur</font><font color="grey"> to press (heavily) on</font><font color="steelblue">peser sur un levier</font><font color="grey"> to lean on a lever</font><font color="steelblue">peser sur</font> \[accabler\]<font color="grey"> to weigh down, to be a strain on</font><font color="steelblue">les responsabilités qui pèsent sur moi</font><font color="grey"> the responsibilities I have to bear</font><font color="steelblue">des présomptions pèsent sur elle</font><font color="grey"> she's under suspicion</font><font color="steelblue">ça me pèse sur l'estomac/la conscience</font><font color="grey"> it's lying on my stomach/weighing on my conscience</font><font color="steelblue">peser sur</font> \[influer sur\]<font color="grey"> to influence**,** </font><font color="grey"> to affect</font>

      4. [être pénible pour]

      <font color="steelblue">peser à</font><font color="grey"> to weigh down *ou* heavy on</font><font color="steelblue">ton absence me pèse</font><font color="grey"> I find your absence difficult to bear</font><font color="steelblue">la vie à deux commence à me peser</font><font color="grey"> living with somebody else is beginning to weigh me down</font><font color="steelblue">la solitude ne me pèse pas</font><font color="grey"> being alone doesn't bother me</font><font color="steelblue">**se peser**</font> verbe pronominal<font color="black"> *(emploi réfléchi)* </font><font color="grey"> **to weigh oneself**</font><font color="steelblue">**se peser**</font> verbe pronominal<font color="black"> *(emploi passif)* </font><font color="grey"> **to be weighed**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">les mangues ne se pèsent pas</font> [au magasin]<font color="grey"> mangoes are not sold by weight</font></font>

    8. cordeau

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **cordeau**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      (féminin <font color="steelblue">**cordeaux**</font>) [kɔrdo] nom masculin

      1. [fil]<font color="grey"> **string**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **line**</font>

      <font color="steelblue">tiré au cordeau</font> \[allée\]<font color="grey"> perfectly straight, straight as a die</font>

      2. [mèche]<font color="grey"> **fuse**</font></font>

    9. entonner

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **entonner**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [ɑ̃tɔne] verbe transitif

      1. [hymne, air]<font color="grey"> **to strike up *(inseparable),* </font><font color="grey"> </font><font color="grey">to start singing**</FONT></font>

      <font color="grey"> <font color="steelblue">entonner les louanges de quelqu'un</font><font color="grey"> to start singing somebody's praises</font>

      2. [vin]<font color="grey"> **to barrel**</font></font>

    1. limogeage

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **limogeage**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      [limɔʒaʒ] nom masculin

      <font color="grey"> **dismissal**</font></font>

    1. überwiegend

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **überwiegen**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      v. vt/i. (unreg., untr., hat) zahlenmäßig: predominate; (vorherrschen) auch be predominant; Zustimmung überwog there was a consensus, most people etc. were in agreement; die Neugier überwog seine Angst his curiosity outweighed his fear</font>

    2. Lehranstalten

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Lehranstalt**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. f förm. educational establishment, school</font>

    3. deutschen

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **deutsch**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">


      I Adj. 

      1. German; deutsch reden talk (in) German; fam. fig. not mince matters (oder one's words), tell it like it is; der deutsche Michel the simple honest German; deutsche Schrift German (oder Sütterlin) script; die deutsche Schweiz German-speaking Switzerland

      2. in Bezeichnungen großgeschrieben: Deutsche Bahn (abgek. DB) German Rail; die Deutsche Bucht GEOG the German Bight; Deutsche Demokratische Republik (abgek. DDR) HIST German Democratic Republic; Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft (abgek. DLRG) German Life Saving Society; Deutsche Mark (abgek. DM) HIST the (German) Mark, the Deutschmark; Deutsches Reich HIST the German Reich (oder Empire)

      II Adv.: deutsch gesinnt sein think of o.s. as (a) German, feel a kinship with Germans</font>

    1. rauschende

      Word Not Found</font>

    2. auflaufen

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **auflaufen**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. (unreg., trennb., -ge-) 

      I v/i. (ist) 

      1. Gelder: accumulate; Zinsen: accrue; Unkosten: mount (up)

      2. NAUT run aground; auf ein Riff aufgelaufenes Schiff a ship run aground on a reef

      3. (aufprallen) run into; jemanden auflaufen lassen SPORT obstruct (Am. block) s.o., bodycheck s.o.; fig. put s.o. in his (oder her) place

      4. Gewässer: rise

      5. Saat: germinate, sprout

      6. SPORT (aufholen) catch up (zu with)

      II v/t. (hat): sich (Dat.) die Füße auflaufen walk (oder run) one's feet sore</font>

    1. Tötung

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **töten**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">


      I vt/i. kill; fig. auch destroy; du sollst nicht töten bibl. thou shalt not kill; ** Nerv 

      II v/refl. kill o.s., commit suicide, take one's (own) life, die by one's own hand geh.


      </font><font face="arial" size="4"> **Nerv**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -s, -en; ANAT nerve; BOT auch vein; jemandem auf die Nerven fallen oder gehen fam. get on s.o.'s nerves; jemandem den Nerv töten oder rauben fam. drive s.o. mad; die Nerven behalten keep calm, fam. keep one's cool; die Nerven verlieren lose one's nerve (oder head), fam. snap; im Zorn: lose one's temper (fam. one's cool); an die Nerven gehen fam. be very upsetting; er ist mit den Nerven (völlig) fertig his nerves are (absolutely) shot, he's a(n absolute) nervous wreck, fam. his nerves have been worn to a frazzle; es kostet Nerven it's nerve-racking; sie hat Nerven wie Drahtseile her nerves must be made of steel; den Nerv haben zu (+ Inf.) fam. have the nerve to (+ Inf.); der hat vielleicht Nerven! fam. he's got a (Am. a lot of) nerve (oder cheek); deine Nerven möcht ich haben! fam. I'd like to have some of your nerves; dazu braucht's ganz schöne Nerven! fam. it takes a fair bit of nerve (to do that); dazu hab ich keine Nerven fam. I don't have the nerve for that; dieses Buch trifft den Nerv der Zeit fig. this book taps the pulse of the age</font>

    2. tatsächlich

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **tatsächlich**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">


      I Adj. real, actual, true

      II Adv. really; tatsächlich? really?, do you (oder is it etc. ) really?; es regnet tatsächlich it (really) 'is raining; es hat tatsächlich geklappt it actually worked, it 'did work; tatsächlich aber but in reality, the fact is (however) that</font>

    3. Zugverkehr

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Zugverkehr**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. m train services Pl.</font>

    4. Bahn

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Bahn**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. f; -, -en 

      1. (Weg) way, path; Bahn frei! make way!, stand aside!

      2. fig.: die Bahn ist frei the road is clear; freie Bahn haben have the go-ahead, have the green light fam. (für for); du hast freie Bahn it's all yours; sich (Dat.) Bahn brechen (sich durchsetzen) win through; Idee etc.: gain acceptance; (vorwärts kommen) forge ahead; einer Sache Bahn brechen pioneer s.th., blaze the trail for s.th.; auf die schiefe Bahn geraten oder kommen go astray, stray off the straight and narrow; in die richtigen Bahnen lenken direct into the right channels; sich in den gewohnten Bahnen bewegen move along the same old track, be stuck in the same old rut pej.; bewusst: keep to the well-trodden paths; wieder in geregelten Bahnen verlaufen be back to normal again; jemanden aus der Bahn werfen oder bringen throw s.o. off track; seelisch etc.: knock s.o. sideways


      a) (Eisenbahn) railway, Am. railroad; (Zug) train; (Straßenbahn) tram, Am. streetcar, trolley; in der Bahn on the train; mit der Bahn by train; Waren per Bahn schicken ÖKON send goods by rail; (mit der) Bahn fahren travel by train; ich fahre gern (mit der) Bahn auch I enjoy travel(l)ing on trains, I enjoy rail travel; jemanden zur Bahn bringen take s.o. to the station, see s.o. off (at the station); jemanden von der Bahn abholen (go and) meet s.o. at the station

      b) nur Sg.; Unternehmen: railway (Am. railroad) authorities Pl. (oder operators Pl. ); bei der Bahn arbeiten work for the railway (Am. railroad)

      4. (Fahrbahn) lane

      5. (Flugbahn) trajectory

      6. ASTR, von Mond, Sonne: course; (Umlaufbahn) orbit (auch eines Elektrons); von Komet: path

      7. SPORT 

      a) Anlage: (Rennbahn) track; (Eis-, Rollschuhbahn) rink; (Schlitten-, Bobbahn) run; (Kegelbahn) alley

      b) für einzelne Läufer, Schwimmer etc.: lane

      8. von Tapete: length; aus Papier, Kunststoff: web; Tuch etc.: width; eines Rocks: gore

      9. TECH, Amboss, Hammer, Hobel: face

      10. TECH (Führung) guide, track


      </font><font face="arial" size="4"> **bahnen**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. v/t.: einen Weg bahnen clear a path (+ Dat. for); sich (Dat.) einen Weg durch etwas bahnen fight (oder force) one's way through s.th.; jemandem den Weg nach oben bahnen fig. put s.o. on the road (oder path) to the top</font>

    5. Unternehmen

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **unternehmen**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. v/t. (unreg., untr., hat) do; (durchführen) undertake; einen Ausflug unternehmen go on (oder make) a trip; lasst uns heute etwas unternehmen let's do something today; sie unternehmen viel zusammen they do a lot together; einen Versuch unternehmen make (oder launch) an attempt; er unternahm nichts he did nothing; dagegen muss man etwas unternehmen something has got to be done about it; so geht es nicht weiter - wir müssen etwas unternehmen it can't go on like this, we've got to do something


      </font><font face="arial" size="4"> **Unternehmen**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. n; -s, - 

      1. ÖKON (Betrieb) firm, (business) enterprise, business, concern, company; privates/staatliches Unternehmen private (oder privately owned) / state-owned (oder -run) concern; ein Unternehmen gründen set up a business

      2. (Vorhaben) enterprise, undertaking; (Projekt) project; MIL operation; ein gewagtes Unternehmen a bold (bzw. risky) undertaking; bei dem Unternehmen kamen vier Menschen ums Leben four people were killed during the operation</font>

    1. ballots

      [balo] nom masculin

      1. [paquet]<font color="grey"> **bundle**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **package**</font>

      2. <font color="black"> *(familier)* </font> [sot]<font color="grey"> **nitwit**</font><font color="grey">**,** </font><font color="grey"> **blockhead**</font>

    1. unerträglich

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **erträglich**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">


      I Adj. bearable; (auch leidlich) tolerable

      II Adv. (leidlich) tolerably well</font>

    2. Ansatz

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Ansatz**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. m 

      1. des Halses, der Nase: base; (Haaransatz) an der Stirn: hairline; an den Haarwurzeln: roots; (Blüten-, Blattansatz) stipule

      2. TECH ** Ansatzstück 

      3. fig. (Anzeichen) first sign(s Pl. ), beginning(s Pl. ); etwas schon im Ansatz ersticken nip s.th. in the bud; er zeigt den Ansatz zum Bauch he's starting to get a paunch; gute Ansätze zeigen show promise; er zeigt Ansätze zur Besserung leistungsmäßig: he's slowly beginning to improve; moralisch: it looks as if he's turning over a new leaf

      4. fig. (Versuch) attempt; (Methode) approach; das ist im Ansatz richtig, aber ... you've got the right idea, but ...

      5. MUS eines Bläsers: lip(ping); eines Sängers: intonation

      6. ÖKON (Voranschlag) estimate; eines Preises: fixing, quotation; im Budget: appropriation, estimate; die Kosten mit 10 Millionen Mark in Ansatz bringen estimate the costs at 10 million marks

      7. BIOL (Anlage) tendency, disposition; zu einem Organ: rudiment

      8. CHEM (Präparat) setting up

      9. von Kalk, Rost etc.: (das Ansetzen) formation; (Schicht) coating

      10. CHEM, GEOL deposit, sediment</font>

    3. Flaute

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Flaute**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. f; -, -n 

      1. NAUT calm; in eine Flaute geraten be becalmed

      2. ÖKON fig. slack period, bad patch (auch SPORT); in der Bauindustrie herrscht Flaute the building industry is going through a slack period</font>

    1. Weigerung

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **weigern**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/refl. refuse</font>

    2. herausragende

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **herausragend**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">


      I Part. Präs. herausragen 

      II Adj. fig. outstanding


      </font><font face="arial" size="4"> **herausragen**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/i. (trennb., hat -ge-) 

      1. jut out; Haus etc.: tower, rise (aus above)

      2. fig. stand out</font>

    3. eigenhändig

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **eigenhändig**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">


      I Adj. Delikt etc.: personal; eigenhändiges Testament holographic will; es muss Ihre eigenhändige Unterschrift sein it has to be signed by you personally, it needs your signature

      II Adv. personally; (ohne Hilfe) oneself, on one's own, without any (outside) help; bauen etc.: with one's own two hands; eigenhändig übergeben deliver personally (oder in person)</font>

    4. klarkommen

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **klarkommen**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/i. (unreg., trennb., ist -ge-) fam.: (mit etwas) klarkommen manage (s.th.), cope (with s.th.); (verstehen) understand (s.th.); mit jemandem klarkommen get along with s.o.</font>

    5. unantastbar

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **unantastbar**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. unimpeachable; Rechte: inviolable; die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar human dignity is sacrosanct</font>

    6. Geschasste

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Geschasste**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      trans. ousted</font>

    7. Seitenhieb

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Seitenhieb**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. m Fechten: side cut; fig. sideswipe (gegen, auf +Akk. at)</font>

    1. überraschenden

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **überraschend**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">


      I Part. Präs. überraschen

      II Adj. surprising; (unerwartet) unexpected, sudden; das Überraschende daran the surprising thing about it

      III Adv. surprisingly; überraschend kommen come as a surprise (für to)


      </font><font face="arial" size="4"> **überraschen**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      v. vt/i. (untr., hat) surprise; Unvorhergesehenes, Unwetter etc.: catch s.o. out, Am. trip s.o. up, catch s.o. by surprise; (überrumpeln) take s.o. by surprise; jemanden bei etwas überraschen (ertappen) catch s.o. doing s.th.; der Einbrecher wurde von einem Nachbarn überrascht the burglar was surprised by a neighbo(u)r; im Schlaf überrascht werden be caught sleeping; der Torwart wurde von dem Schuss überrascht the shot caught the goalkeeper unawares; vom Regen überrascht werden be caught in the rain; es überrascht, dass ... it's surprising that ...; lassen wir uns überraschen fam. let's wait and see</font>

    1. Abwegig

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **abwegig**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. (sonderbar) bizarre, outlandish, off-beat fam.; (unangebracht) inept, out of place; (seltsam) weird, peculiar; (grundlos) unfounded, mistaken, groundless</font>

    2. Ausrufezeichen

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Ausrufezeichen**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. n LING exclamation mark</font>

    3. bekanntermaßen

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **bekanntermaßen**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      adv. Adv. bekanntlich


      </font><font face="arial" size="4"> **bekanntlich**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      adv. Adv. as everybody knows, as we all know; das ist bekanntlich eine Fälschung it's a known forgery (oder fake), it's known to be a forgery (oder fake)</font>

    4. anmutende

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **anmuten**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. (trennb., hat -ge-) 

      I v/t.: jemanden seltsam etc. anmuten strike s.o. as strange etc. 

      II v/i.: wie ein Traum anmuten seem like a dream</font>

    5. Vertuschungsaktion

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Vertuschungsaktion**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      f cover-up campaign-Vertuschungsaktion</font>

    6. pflichtet

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **pflichtet**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      trans. agrees</font>

    7. verstrickten

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **stricken**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      v. vt/i. knit; zwei links, zwei rechts stricken purl two, knit two


      </font><font face="arial" size="4"> **verstrickt**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">


      I P.P. verstricken 

      II Adj.: verstrickt sein in (+ Akk.) be entangled (oder involved) in


      </font><font face="arial" size="4"> **verstricken**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">


      I v/t. 

      1. ensnare, involve (in + Akk. in); verstrickt werden in (+ Akk.) auch become enmeshed in

      2. (Wolle etc.) use (in knitting) 

      II v/refl. 

      1. sich verstricken in (+ Akk.) get entangled (oder involved, caught up) in

      2. Wolle: (sich verstricken lassen) knit

      3. (beim Stricken Fehler machen) make a mistake (in knitting)</font>

    8. Machenschaften

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Machenschaften**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      trans. machinations</font>

    9. Nachforschungen

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **nachforschen**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/i. (trennb., hat -ge-) investigate, inquire (oder look) into the matter; make inquiries (oder enquiries)


      </font><font face="arial" size="4"> **Nachforschung**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. f investigation, inquiry, enquiry; Nachforschungen anstellen oder betreiben ** nachforschen</font>

    10. poltern

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **poltern**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/i. 

      1. make a racket; (fallen) crash; (sich polternd bewegen) rumble (along); polternd umfallen fall over (oder down) with a crash; der LKW polterte durch die Straße the lorry (Am. truck) rumbled down the street

      2. fam. (schimpfen) rant and rave

      3. am Vorabend der Hochzeit: have an eve-of-the-wedding party</font>

    11. Absprachen

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Absprache**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. f arrangement; mündliche Absprache verbal agreement; laut Absprache according to the agreement (oder arrangement); in Absprache mit in consultation (oder arrangement) with</font>

    12. eingangs

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **eingangs**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">


      I Adv. at the beginning (oder start, outset); (einleitend) by way of introduction; eingangs erwähnt mentioned at the start; (oben erwähnt) mentioned above

      II Präp. + Gen.; geh. at the beginning of


      </font><font face="arial" size="4"> **Eingang**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. m 

      1. entrance (+ Gen. of oder to), way in; kein Eingang! no entry

      2. des Darms, Magens etc.: inlet; einer Höhle, eines Tunnels: entrance, mouth; am Eingang des Dorfes where you enter the village

      3. nur Sg.; (Eintritt) entry (in + Akk. into); (Zugang) access (zu to); Eingang finden in (+ Akk.) fig. Sache: become established in; (in eine Gruppe) Person: be accepted into; sich Eingang verschaffen in (+ Akk.) gain admission to

      4. ÖKON, Amtsspr. von Waren: arrival; von Schreiben, Summe: receipt; Eingänge von Waren/Zahlungen goods/payments received; (Einnahmen) receipts; "Eingänge" Aufschrift: "In"; bei oder nach Eingang on receipt

      5. nur Sg.; geh. (Anfang) beginning; zu Eingang at the beginning

      6. ELEK, ELEK source, input</font>

    13. einhellige

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **einhellig**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. unanimous</font>

    14. enthoben

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **entheben**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/t. (unreg., untr., hat) einer Verantwortung etc.: relieve of; einer Pflicht etc.: auch release (oder exempt) from; des Amtes: remove from; jemanden vorläufig seines Amtes entheben suspend s.o. (from office oder his/her post)</font>

    15. Entschluss

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Entschluss**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. m decision, resolution, resolve geh.; einen Entschluss fassen oder zu einem Entschluss kommen make (oder take, reach, come to) a decision, make up one's mind, form a resolve geh.; zu dem Entschluss kommen zu (+ Inf.) make up one's mind (oder decide) to (+ Inf.); es ist sein fester Entschluss zu (+ Inf.) he firmly intends to (+ Inf.), it is his firm intention to, he is resolved geh. to; aus eigenem Entschluss on one's own (initiative), Brit. auch off one's own bat fam.</font>

    16. Übelkeit

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Übelkeit**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. f feeling of sickness, sick feeling, nausea; eine plötzliche Übelkeit verspüren suddenly feel sick (oder nauseous)</font>

    17. Aufruhr

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **Aufruhr**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -s, -e, meist Sg. commotion, turmoil; (Tumult) riot, tumult, fracas; (Rebellion) uprising, revolt; innerlicher: turmoil, conflict; öffentlicher Aufruhr public clamo(u)r; in Aufruhr in a state of turmoil; Menge, Volk etc.: up in arms; jemanden in Aufruhr versetzen stir s.o. up, throw (oder plunge poet. ) s.o. into turmoil</font>

    18. siegreicher

      <font face="arial" size="4"> **siegreich**</font><font face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font face="arial" size="3">


      I Adj. 

      1. SPORT etc.: attr. winning ...; auch fig. successful, lit. victorious

      2. Feldzug etc.: victorious, successful; Heer: auch triumphant

      II Adv. ein Turnier etc. siegreich beenden bring to a victorious conclusion, emerge as the winner of</font>

    1. Reiz

      n. m; -es, -e 

      1. PHYSIOL, PSYCH und fig. stimulus, Pl. stimuli; einen Reiz auf etwas ausüben act as a stimulus on s.th.; zu vielen Reizen ausgesetzt sein have too many sources of stimulus, be exposed to too many stimuli

      2. (Wirkung, Anziehungskraft) appeal, attraction; einer Landschaft etc.: auch charm; der Reiz des Neuen the novelty appeal; der Reiz des Verbotenen the lure of forbidden fruit; seinen Reiz verlieren lose its attraction, begin to pall (für on); der Reiz (an der Sache) liegt in (+ Dat.) ... what is so fascinating about it is ...; darin liegt gerade der Reiz that's the whole fun of it; seine Reize spielen lassen display one's charms; sie spielt ihre weiblichen Reize aus she brings her feminine charms into play; jemandes Reizen erliegen fall prey to s.o.'s charms




      I v/t. 

      1. (ärgern) annoy, rile; (provozieren) provoke; **er ist nervös

      • reiz ihn nicht he's on edge - don't irritate him; gereizt 

      2. MED irritate

      3. (anregen) (Gefühle, Neugier etc.) (a)rouse; (Appetit) stimulate, whet; (Gaumen) tickle; (locken) lure, tempt; die Herausforderung reizt mich the challenge really attracts (oder appeals to) me; ihn reizt die Gefahr danger has a great attraction for him, he likes to be where the danger is; es reizte ihn, etwas ganz Neues zu machen he was attracted by the idea of doing something completely different; das kann mich (überhaupt) nicht reizen fam. that doesn't appeal to me in the slightest, it doesn't grab me (at all) Sl. 

      4. Kartenspiel: bid

      II v/i. 

      1. MED irritate the skin (oder eyes etc. ), be an irritant

      2. Kartenspiel: bid




      I P.P. reizen 

      II Adj. (aufgebracht) irritated; (reizbar) irritable, edgy; Atmosphäre: tense, strained; in gereiztem Ton antworten answer irritably (oder testily)

    1. verantworten


      I v/t. answer for, take the responsibility for; du musst es verantworten you'll have to answer for it (oder take [the] responsibility); das kann ich kaum verantworten I can hardly justify it; es ist nicht zu verantworten it can't be justified; ich glaube, das können wir verantworten I believe we can justify it

      II v/refl.: sich für etwas verantworten answer for s.th.; sich vor jemandem verantworten müssen have to answer to s.o.; er hat sich wegen Mordes zu verantworten he has been accused of murder



      n. (trennb., hat -ge-) 

      I vt/i. answer (jemandem s.o.), reply (to s.o.); scharf: retort; auf etwas (Akk.) antworten answer s.th., reply to s.th.; mit Ja/Nein antworten reply with yes/no; answer in the affirmative/negative förm.; der Wahrheit gemäß antworten answer truthfully; was hat sie geantwortet? what did she say (to that)?

      II v/i. (reagieren) respond (to) (mit with)

    2. entwickelt


      I v/t. 

      1. (fördern, vorwärtsbringen) develop (aus from; zu into); (jemanden) auch bring on; (Appetit) build up, develop

      2. (hervorbringen, entfalten, zeigen) (Wärme etc.) generate, produce; (Dampf, Geruch) give off, emit, produce; (Initiative, Tatkraft, Talent, Phantasie etc.) display, show; (Geschmack) auch acquire (für for)

      3. (erfinden, konstruieren) develop; (Theorie, Verfahren etc.) auch evolve

      4. (darlegen) explain (in detail), give a detailed account of

      5. FOT develop

      II v/refl. 

      1. (allmählich entstehen, sich herausbilden) develop, evolve, grow (aus from; zu into); Gase etc.: form,be given off, be generated; (Gestalt annehmen) form, take shape; aus der Raupe entwickelt sich der Schmetterling the caterpillar develops into a butterfly; daraus entwickelte sich eine Krise it became (oder turned into) a crisis, a crisis ensued, it gave rise to a crisis

      2. (Reife erlangen) develop, mature, reach (oder come to) maturity

      3. (vorankommen) (make) progress, advance, come on fam.; sich gut entwickeln be shaping up (well), be coming on (well) fam., be making good (oder steady) progress

    3. bedrohlich


      I Adj. threatening, menacing; Lage: dangerous; Ausmaß etc.: alarming; (unheilvoll) ominous; in bedrohliche Nähe rücken come (oder get) dangerously (oder threateningly) close; bedrohliche Ausmaße annehmen take on alarming proportions

      II Adv. threateningly; bedrohlich nahe dangerously (oder threateningly) close; ... hat sich bedrohlich verschlechtert / ist bedrohlich angestiegen there's been an alarming deterioration/increase in ...

    1. Rennfahrer

      n. m, Rennfahrerin f AUT racing driver, Am. racecar driver; Fahrrad: racing cyclist; Motorrad: racing motorcyclist

    2. Abmahnkosten

      v/t. (trennb., hat -ge-); JUR, ÖKON give s.o. a (written) warning

    3. Persönlichkeitsrechte

      n. n JUR personal (oder individual) right

    1. Schnupperphase

      trans. trial phase

    2. nachentwickeln

      trans. reverse engineer




      I Präp. 

      1. räumlich: to; (bestimmt nach) for, bound for; Richtung: auch toward(s); nach außen outward(s); nach rechts to the right; nach unten down; im Haus: downstairs; nach oben up; im Haus: upstairs; nach England reisen go to England; nach England abreisen leave for England; der Zug nach London the train to London; das Schiff fährt nach Australien is bound for (oder is going to) Australia; nach Hause home; das Zimmer geht nach hinten/vorn hinaus the room faces the back/front; der Balkon geht nach Süden the balcony faces south; Balkon nach Süden south-facing balcony; wir fahren nach Norden we're travel(l)ing north (oder northward[s]); bei bestimmten Verben: die Blume richtet sich nach der Sonne the flower turns toward(s) the sun; nach dem Arzt schicken send for the doctor; nach dem Messer greifen grab for the knife

      2. zeitlich: after; fünf (Minuten) nach eins five (minutes) past (Am. auch after) one; nach zehn Minuten ten minutes later; nach einer Stunde von jetzt an: in an hour('s time); nach Ankunft/Erhalt on arrival (receipt)

      3. Reihenfolge: after; einer nach dem anderen one by one, one after the other; der Reihe nach in turn; der Reihe nach! take (it in) turns!, one after the other!; der Größe nach by (oder according to) size

      4. (entsprechend) according to;  auch gemäß I; nach dem, was er sagte auch going by what he said; nach Ansicht (+ Gen.) in (oder according to) the opinion of; nach meiner Ansicht oder meiner Ansicht nach in my opinion; nach Gewicht verkaufen sell by weight; nach Bedarf as required; seine Uhr nach dem Radio etc. stellen set one's watch by the radio etc.; wenn es nach mir ginge if I had my way; dem Namen nach by name; seinem Namen/Akzent etc. nach judging oder going by his name/accent etc.; Rehbraten nach Art des Hauses roast venison à la maison; sie kommt ganz nach der Mutter she's just like her mother; nach Musik tanzen etc.: to music; nach Noten from music; nach Vorlage zeichnen draw from a pattern; eine Geschichte nach dem Leben a story taken from real life; es ist nicht nach i-m Geschmack it's not to her taste; riechen/schmecken nach smell (taste) of; nach seiner Weise in his usual way; nach Shakespeare after Shakespeare; frei nach Heine freely adapted from Heine; nach bestem Wissen to the best of one's knowledge; nach Stunden etc. gerechnet in (terms of) hours etc.; ** Ermessen, Meinung etc. 

      5. nach jemandem fragen ask for s.o.; die Suche nach dem Glück etc. ** the pursuit of (oder search for) happiness etc. 

      II Adv. after; mir nach! follow me!; nach und nach gradually, bit by bit, Am. auch little by little; nach wie vor still, as ever



      n. n; -s, kein Pl. judg(e)ment; (freies) Ermessen discretion; nach meinem Ermessen as I see it, in my opinion (oder estimation); nach eigenem Ermessen handeln act as one sees fit; das steht nicht in seinem Ermessen that's not within his discretion, that's not for him to decide; das liegt ganz in Ihrem Ermessen auch it's entirely up to you; nach bestem Ermessen to the best of one's judg(e)ment; nach menschlichem Ermessen as far as is humanly possible to tell, in all probability



      n. f opinion (über + Akk. of, about, on); meiner Meinung nach oder nach meiner Meinung in my opinion; der Meinung sein, dass ... think (oder believe oder be of the opinion) that ...; eine Meinung äußern express (oder put forward) an opinion; derselben/anderer Meinung sein think the same / think differently, agree/disagree; ganz meine Meinung! I quite (Am. totally) agree; seine Meinung ändern change one's opinion; (es sich anders überlegen) change one's mind; sich (Dat.) eine Meinung bilden form an opinion (über + Akk. on, about); eine hohe/schlechte Meinung von jemandem/etwas haben have a high/low opinion of s.o./s.th.; ich habe dazu eine dezidierte Meinung my mind is quite made up on the subject; jemandem (gehörig) die Meinung sagen give s.o. a piece of one's mind; * öffentlich I 1*, vorgefasst



      adj. Adj.: vorgefasste Meinung prejudice, preconceived idea (oder notion); eine vorgefasste Meinung haben be prejudiced, be bias(s)ed (von, gegen against)




      I v/t. 

      1. (fördern, vorwärtsbringen) develop (aus from; zu into); (jemanden) auch bring on; (Appetit) build up, develop

      2. (hervorbringen, entfalten, zeigen) (Wärme etc.) generate, produce; (Dampf, Geruch) give off, emit, produce; (Initiative, Tatkraft, Talent, Phantasie etc.) display, show; (Geschmack) auch acquire (für for)

      3. (erfinden, konstruieren) develop; (Theorie, Verfahren etc.) auch evolve

      4. (darlegen) explain (in detail), give a detailed account of

      5. FOT develop

      II v/refl. 

      1. (allmählich entstehen, sich herausbilden) develop, evolve, grow (aus from; zu into); Gase etc.: form,be given off, be generated; (Gestalt annehmen) form, take shape; aus der Raupe entwickelt sich der Schmetterling the caterpillar develops into a butterfly; daraus entwickelte sich eine Krise it became (oder turned into) a crisis, a crisis ensued, it gave rise to a crisis

      2. (Reife erlangen) develop, mature, reach (oder come to) maturity

      3. (vorankommen) (make) progress, advance, come on fam.; sich gut entwickeln be shaping up (well), be coming on (well) fam., be making good (oder steady) progress

    3. vorzufühlen

      v. v/i. (trennb., hat -ge-) fig. put one's feelers out; bei jemandem vorfühlen sound s.o. out (wegen on)

    4. Werkstätten

      n. f Werkstatt



      n. f; -, Werkstätten workshop; AUT garage; (Atelier) studio; THEA (Bühne) studio

    5. bezahlt


      I P.P. bezahlen 

      II Adj. 

      1. Ware: paid for

      2. paid; bezahlte Kräfte paid employees; bezahlter Urlaub paid leave

      3. sich bezahlt machen pay (off); es macht sich bezahlt zu (+ Inf.) it pays to (+ Inf.); es hat sich bezahlt gemacht it paid off, it was worth it




      I v/t. 

      1. mit Geld etc.: pay; (Ware, Leistung) pay for; (Schulden) pay (off), settle; (entlohnen) pay; etwas mit Kreditkarte bezahlen pay for s.th by credit card; das kann ich nicht bezahlen I can't afford (oder pay for) that, that's beyond my means(, I'm afraid); das ist einfach nicht mehr zu bezahlen who can afford that?, that's daylight (Am. highway) robbery Sl.; er hat mir die Reise bezahlt he paid for my trip (auch holiday); die Getränke bezahle ich I'll pay for (oder get) the drinks, the drinks are on me fam.; das ist nicht mit Geld zu bezahlen it's priceless, no amount of money could buy that

      2. (entlohnen) pay, reward; dafür bezahlt werden, dass get (oder be) paid for (+ Ger.); als ob er es bezahlt bekäme fam. he did it etc. like crazy (oder mad); ich bezahle dich nicht fürs Herumstehen I'm not paying you to stand around

      3. fig. (büßen) pay for; (bereuen) regret; etwas teuer bezahlen pay dearly for s.th.; das wirst du teuer bezahlen! you'll pay for that, you'll live to regret that

      II v/i. 

      1. pay; ich möchte gern bezahlen im Restaurant etc.: can I have the bill (Am. check), please?

      2. fig.: bezahlen für  I 3

    6. pudelwohl

      adj. Adj. fam.: sich pudelwohl fühlen feel great, feel on top of the world