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    1. on Mr. Smith attempting to go into another room for his pistols, the monkey leaped on his back with the speed of lightning, made various efforts to reach his throat, broke his watch guard assunder in rage, and, dropping to the [page 523:] ground, bit his leg, and again fled to the basin-stand. Mr. Smith pursued him and flung him off many times in his leaping attacks. After skirmishing a considerable time, the worried animal dashed through the window, carrying the frame and glass along with him.

      All these incidents and fights happened in seconds, making the readers nervous and scared as if we were there. Meanwhile, it gave me a shock about the intelligence and strength of the animal, for it almost hit him every single time! This is the most surprising part for me to know the power of the Pongo pygmaeus.

    2. but an unusual quantity of soot being observed in the fire-place, a search was made in the chimney, and (horrible to relate!)(24) the corpse of the daughter, head downward,{h} was dragged therefrom; it having been thus forced up the narrow aperture for a considerable distance.

      I was horrified by this scene, but also curious at the same time. I couldn’t understand how the daughter could be “head downward and was dragged”. Was she trying to hide in the fire-place but fell down? Or was she trying to run but being caught by the animal?

    3. They seemed to be{r} screams of some person (or persons) in great agony — were loud and drawn out, not short and quick. Witness led the way up stairs. Upon reaching the first landing, heard two voices in loud and angry contention — the one a gruff voice, the other much shriller — a very strange voice. Could distinguish some words of the former, which was that of a Frenchman. Was positive that it was not a woman's voice. Could distinguish the words ‘sacré’{s} and ‘diable.’ The shrill voice was that of a foreigner. Could not be sure whether it was the voice of a man or of a woman.

      It is interesting to read the description of the voice. I am imagining the “not like man or woman” voice in my mind when reading this part. I am still wandering how the voice could be.