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  1. Feb 2023
    1. It fueled a bitter national debate over U.S. involvement overseas, a precursor to the outcry over the Vietnam War a half-century later.

      America was involved in a lot of conflicts during this century. WW1/2 and Vietnam

    1. Many Haitians resisted the American occupation. In the fall of 1918, Charlemagne Peralte, a former Haitian army officer, launched a guerrilla war against the U.S. Marines to protest a system of forced labor imposed by the United States to build roads in Haiti. In 1919, he was captured and killed by U.S. Marines, and his body was photographed against a door with a crucifix and a Haitian flag as a lesson to others. During the first five years of the occupation, American forces killed about 2,250 Haitians. In December 1929, U.S. Marines fired on a crowd of protesters armed with rocks and machetes, killing 12 and wounding 23. The incident stirred international condemnation and ultimately led to the end of the American occupation.

      America only ended the occupation due to international intervention. Similar patterns of resistance can be seen in America's early and modern times. Native Americans, the Middle East, and parts of South Asia. Whether the U.S. was/is right or wrong can be left for subjective interpretations depending on which timeline and conflict is being considered.

    1. The 144-day war also resulted in the United States taking control of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam.

      This was a pivotal time that played a big role in making America what it is today. By this time, most of the Native American populations had been either wiped out or forced into small reservations.

    1. there were about 300,000 Hawaiians on the islands; however, infectious diseases reduced the native population. Today, about 20 percent of Hawaii's people are of native Hawaiian ancestry, and only about 10,000 are of pure Hawaiian descent

      Native Americans throughout America suffered a similar fate. Due to colonizers taking over their hunting grounds, diminishing their culture and leaving little to choice apart from playing the game according to their rules.

    1. During the late 1880s, American foreign policy makers began to display a new assertiveness. The United States came close to declaring war against Germany over Samoa in 1889; against Chile in 1891, over the treatment of U.S. sailors; and against Britain in 1895, over a territorial dispute between Venezuela and Britain.

      These moves of dominance show just how much the U.S. had grown since the country had formed.

    2. The U.S. was growing immensely by the end of the 1800s. The east had begun to transition towards a new age while the American west was coming to an end and bound to follow the new industrial age of America