60 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
  2. Jun 2023
    1. distinct_id

      The real unique id in mixpanel's backend.

    2. $user_id

      provided by the identify method as .identify(<user_id>).

  3. Jan 2023
    1. Vue recommends using templates to build applications in the vast majority of cases. However, there are situations where we need the full programmatic power of JavaScript. That's where we can use the render function.

      Template will be converted to a internal 'render' function, so they are basically the same, but 'render' function can be more flexible.

    1. name: string

      Is this from the attribute name?

    2. name: string,

      Is this from the tag?

    3. getComponentName(

      return isFunction(Component) ? Component.displayName || Component.name : Component.name || (includeInferred && Component.__name)

    4. type: AssetTypes,

      type can be one of: 1. COMPONENTS 2. DIRECTIVES 3. FILTERS

    5. typeof COMPONENTS | typeof DIRECTIVES | typeof FILTERS

      Isn't it String?

    6. currentRenderingInstance || currentInstance

      import { currentInstance } from '../component' import { currentRenderingInstance } from '../componentRenderContext';

    7. else if (__DEV__)

      when instance is null or undefined (or is false, etc.).

  4. Dec 2022
    1. If you use an <img> to embed your SVG

      Does this mean embedding with <img src ... or <svg ...>?

  5. Nov 2022
    1. 我们需要告知React的仅仅是去递增状态 - 不管它现在具体是什么值


    2. () => { const id = setInterval(() => { setCount(1 + 1); }, 1000)


    3. React并不能猜测到函数做了什么如果不先调用的话。


    4. “mount”和“update”之于渲染并没有什么区别


    1. ChatAPI

      Imagine ChatAPI is something like below: async function fetchFriendStatus(id, cb) { setTimeout( () => { const status = await fetchFiendStatus(id); cb(status) }, 1000) } If the component is destroyed later, we have to remove this timer.

      So the memory leak is somewhere ELSE not inside the component itself.

  6. Sep 2022
    1. 1) Fix your JUnit run configuration settings and add VM option: `-Didea.force.use.core.classloader=true`. You could change this in `Edit configuration templates..` dialog to apply the fix to all JUnit run confugrations that you will create later using a context menu.

      Solve the problem: jarFiles is not set for PluginDescriptor

    1. The menu item is available in internal mode only, starting with 2021.3 platform registry key ide.browser.jcef.contextMenu.devTools.enabled must be set to true explicitly.

      How to enable context menu in JCEF? Note that "Registry" can be found in "Help -> Actions".

    1. Take a look at the com.intellij.httpRequestHandler extension point. Easiest way of using it is to extend org.jetbrains.ide.RestService.

      How a JetBrains plugin listen to a port and accept http requests

    1. Open menu item Help  Find action…​ and search for “Choose Boot Java runtime for the IDE…​” Choose a runtime “17.0.x…​” labeled “JetBrains Runtime with JCEF” and install it. The IDE will restart.

      How to enable JCEF on Android Studio

  7. Feb 2022
  8. Jan 2022
    1. DB enrichment calls

      What does this mean?

    2. This was great for passing things between services where fire-and-forget was adequate.

      In which cases, "fire-and-forget" is not adequate?

    1. https://www.vectary.com/

      seems only landing page used webflow.

    1. which manages the authentication procedures, “where” the credentials are in the Request.

      This is about the "How".

  9. Mar 2021
    1. registration and deregistration on the target Atlassian application for you at startup and shutdown

      This should be for dev environment only. There is no "target Atlassian application" in prod env.

  10. Aug 2020
    1. Every single save was recorded in the version history so data was never lost, but people would sometimes save over each other without realizing it.


  11. Jul 2020
    1. QuickReload

      From my experience, we do not need to add the plugin to pom.xml. Running atlas-mvn package and reloading the page is enough.

  12. Apr 2020
    1. React components are (despite their name) not reactive out of the box.

      Seriously? React components are reactive to props and states, right?

  13. Jan 2020
    1. Each state has its own constitution and its own parliament.

      Which of these statements about state governments is correct?

      A. All states have the same constitution
      B. The states have no constitution
      C. Each state has its own constitution
    2. Members of the House of Representatives also discuss matters of national importance.

      Which of the following statements about the House of Representatives is correct?

      A. The House of Representatives is also called the Low House
      B. Half of the members in the House of Representatives are elected from New South Wales
      C. Members of the House of Representatives discuss matters of national importance
    3. How are laws made?

      How many steps does a Bill have to go through to become a law?

      A. 3
      B. 5
      C. 4
    4. referenduma vote by all voters on a proposed change to the Australian Constitution

      What is a referendum?

      A. A vote to change the Australian Constitution
      B. A vote to change the Prime Minister
      C. A vote to change the government
    5. A member of the Australian Parliament proposes a new law or a change to the law. This proposal is called a Bill.

      What is the name of a proposal to make a law in parliament?

      A. Bill
      B. Debate
      C. Royal Assent
    6. Mayor or Shire PresidentThe leader of a local council

      Who is the leader of a local council?

      A. Chief Minister
      B. Councillor
      C. Mayor or Shire President
    7. The Australian Constitution established the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, created with a House of Representatives and a Senate. The Constitution also established the High Court of Australia, which has the power to apply and interpret the laws of Australia.

      Which political power established the High Court of Australia?

      A. The political party that wins the federal election
      B. The Australian Constitution
      C. The Queen or the King
    8. Australian citizens may have children born overseas.

      Which of the below statements is correct?

      A. Australian citizens may have children born overseas
      B. Only Australian female citizens may have children born overseas
      C. Australian Permanent Residents may have children born overseas
    9. The yellow circle represents the sun.

      What does the yellow circle in the Australian Aboriginal Flag represent?

      A. The Sun
      B. The moon
      C. The Queen
    10. On the eve of Australia Day, the Prime Minister announces the Australian of the Year Awards in Canberra.

      Who announces the Australian of the Year Awards On the eve of Australia Day?

      A. The Prime Minister
      B. The President
      C. The Queen
    11. Western Australia is the largest state.

      Which state is the largest state in Australia?

      A. South Australia
      B. Tasmania
      C. Western Australia
    12. A wave of non-British migration came after World War II, when millions of people in Europe had to leave their homelands.

      After which war did a wave of non-British migration come to Australia?

      A. World War II
      B. American civil War
      C. World War I
    13. European settlement started when the first 11 convict ships, which became known as the ‘First Fleet’, arrived from Great Britain on 26 January 1788.

      On what date did European settlement start?

      A. 26 January 1798
      B. 26 February 1788
      C. 26 January 1788
    14. The House of Representatives is sometimes called the Lower House or the People’s House.

      Which of the following statements about the House of Representatives is correct?

      A. The House of Representatives is also called the Low House
      B. Half of the members in the House of Representatives are elected from New South Wales
      C. Members of the House of Representatives discuss matters of national importance

      Correct answer: C

    15. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is a Commonwealth agency. It conducts federal elections and referendums and maintains the Commonwealth electoral roll.

      Which organisation conducts federal elections and referendums and maintains the Commonwealth electoral roll?

      A. AEC
      B. AVC
      C. AVO

      What is the Australian Electoral Commission?

      A. A governmental organizationIncorrect
      B. A private company
      C. A Commonwealth agency
    16. The Council of Australian Government (COAG) has been set up to encourage cooperation between the levels of government.

      What does COAG stand for?

      A. The Council of Australian Government
      B. The Commission for Australian Governors
      C. The Centre for Official Australian Governance
    17. There are 12 representatives elected from each state. Both mainland territories elect two representatives each. There are 76 representatives elected in total and they are called Senators.

      How many representatives from each state are there in the Senate?

      A. 76
      B. 150
      C. 12
    18. Australia has a Judaeo-Christian heritage

      What type of religious heritage does Australia have?

      A. Protestant
      B. Judaeo-Christian
      C. Atheist
    19. Governor Phillip set up the first colony in New South Wales.

      What was the first colony established by the British?

      A. Queensland
      B. Victoria
      C. New South Wales
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