132 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. Stating everything in your thesis statement rivals sharing all the places you will visit on your travels at once, which can be overwhelming and provoke your audience to lose interest.

      I remember I would do this in my early writing - and as a draft, it seems like a good 'guide' for your Topic sentences in the body paragraphs... but important point. **We want to avoid/revise: **

      "In this paper I will show A, B, C, and D, and conclude with Y."

  2. Oct 2023
    1. formation about the budget has been extremely one-sided, with management dominatingcampus discourse

      Budget discourse is always about enrollment and state funding, never about admin salary or other priotities...

    2. 2015 the University Budget Committee (UBC) recognized a “structural deficit” of$7.5 million in San Francisco State University’s budge

      different administrations have done it in the past

    3. existing CSU cashreserves and investment accounts

      our main argument...

    4. arget the workload of tenure track faculty.

      also pits us against tenured faculty

    5. pits students againstfaculty, implicitly hinting that the student fee increases are needed to meet the faculty’s contract

      divide and conquer strategy

  3. Aug 2022
    1. When I tell you to sit up straight,

      This reminds me of my own elders...but perhaps for a less noble reason...

    2. both the Americans and Filipinos

      I have a feeling the filipino story is left out of most of WWII..,

    3. Bataan,

      I've heard of this battle, but don't have any concrete knowledge from school...

  4. Jun 2022
    1. a health resource.

      To Michaela and all: here are the Mindmaps from class on 10/14 where your colleagues explore many other solutions that might spark new questions on your research journey...


  5. Apr 2022
    1. One current example includes how algorithms reflect and promote bigotry. Algorithms are coded problem-solving processes that determine who shows up in your Facebook friends list, what tweets you’re more likely to come across, and the results that search engines provide. Made up of sequenced steps, most users might assume algorithms are impartial constructs. As scholars like Safiya Noble have shown, algorithms reveal the biases of the human beings behind their construction and use.

      focus for critical digital literacy; opening door to use social media in critical, activist, change oriented ways ...can also engage students in a unit about finding valid orgs or nonprofits on the web...

    2. potentialities for solidarity across advocacy groups.

      Could be a major unit or focus in the CSL class: solidarity and networking (respectfully) across 'advocacy groups.'

    3. Writing as a disabled Latinx individual myself, I believe that familiarity with the online tactics of disabled activists would prove useful in the development of new tactics for promoting visibility regarding Latinx issues; such understanding would also hone attention on the needs of multiply-marginalized Latinxs, ensuring that the needs of the most vulnerable are centered in the struggle for human rights.

      authors connection as a disabled Latinx writer...

    4. #CripTheVote tweets by disabled activist-users, I explain how disabled activists compose spaces that reflect their embodied identities. In these spaces, activists contest ableist narratives to establish a form of visibility that challenges stereotypical (and stereotyping) forms of in/visibility.

      using social media to promote an intersectional movement; possibly connect with new partners? Engage in service remotely?

    5. Histories of im/migration[1] and medical pathologization show that disability has often been used as a marker for ethnic, racial, and sexual undesirability. Ableism has long informed the immigration process, popular stereotypes, and im/migrants’ access to resources in fundamentally racist ways (Ba

      hidden history of abelism intersecting with immigrationn

    6. In/visibility has major implications for other marginalized groups’ wellbeing, including queer folks, im/migrants, and members of gender and racial minority groups

      interesting intersectionality

    7. Such “benevolence” does not counter ableism so much as perpetuate it.

      reinforces privilege and superiority

  6. Nov 2021
    1. learning is an active process in which learners construct new understandings and knowledge by integrating new experiences into their existing knowledge structures. 

      this falls in line with our learning philosophy so far in our textbook, as well as ideas of "schema-building" and the importance of reflecting on your past knowledge...

    2. Critical reflection is important for understanding the ways in which visual messages are trying to persuade us.

      This is essential for today's activities, Tuesday, 11/30. We will analyze all the ways artists of a visual image associated with your book or organization try to persuade you in some way...

    3. Visual message awareness:

      awareness of how you "read" visuals and how visual texts 'act on you' as a reader. Then you can replicate those moves in your own "creating and communicating" just like the "Reading like a Writer" model.

    4. involves reflecting on our media experiences.

      We have to slow down...

    5. Evidence from neuroscience indicates that presenting information in multiple ways helps learners because it engages multiple channels for processing the information presented

      Capitalizing on y'all's visual learning styles!

    6. In almost all people, visual and verbal literacies operate together.*  Visual thinking contributes the ability to see the big picture –  to provide context and an understanding of relationships.

      By strengthening our visual literacy, we strengthen our verbal literacy, as well as (or through) greater rhetorical awareness of multiple ways to get our message across to our audience...

  7. Oct 2021
    1. racial difference, tho my man Stan be talkin explicitly bout language differences. The two be intertwined.

      important point to establish!

    2. hould Colleges Teach? Part 3.”

      This is a blog that Stanley Fish wrote...

    3. e affirm the students’ right to their own patterns and varieties of language

      This is from the 1974 "Student's Right to Their Own Language" resolution passed by the national council of Composition Teachers. ...

    1. talk on this page.

      Woah, interesting! Is he talking to Harlem? How can two people talk on a page? What does this mean?

    2. page for English B

      Ah hah! This was what he turned in! What do you think? Does his "page" follow the instructor's prompt? Why or why not?

    3. Sometimes perhaps you don't want to be a part of me. Nor do I often want to be a part of you.But we are, that's true!

      The power dynamics in this stanza, along race, nationality, teacher-student relationships are deep. It makes me more aware of my positionality as a white male, cisgendered instructor. ...Why is this important in this poem?

    4. The steps from the hill lead down into Harlem,through a park,

      He seems very connected to these places. What is the significance of place, I wonder, in this poem? What does it have to do with him being a student in English B?

    1. Adults attending community and technical col-leges

      While this is not the primary population of students we serve at our institution (aside from transfer students), how does the way she describes these students relate to your students? What stands out?

    1. Students who commit to doing so become part of a program called UHin4, and the university in turn promises to make space for them in any class they need to graduate on time.

      This seems like a good idea for providing structure, pathways, and guaranteed classes. But does it also limit options and put too much pressure on students? What do you think? Does Metro do this?

    2. At Troy, Fulmer said, the student-support center used to be seen as “the center for students with problems.” He instead wants it to be like a kitchen table in the student’s home. “The kitchen table is where I did my homework, where I got encouragement, where sometimes I got behavior modification,” he said. “It was a safe place.”

      I like the kitchen table metaphor for the "student support center" at LaVerne university

    3. Money Works

      Anyone having financial worries? Anyone worried about affording housing on or near campus next year? What should SFSU do about it?

    4. Many colleges also publish “degree road maps” that guide students

      This sounds like the kind of "Structure" that Metro helps provide...

    5. It then encourages students to attend a college with a relatively high rate. “A bachelor’s degree,” Suitor said, “is the single most influential determinant in multigenerational change and ending the cycle of poverty.”

      The rationale, or bigger reason why this problem is important...to society, social justice, equity, etc.

    6. This suggests that the problem isn’t the students — it’s the schools.

      thesis of article

    7. About one in three students who enroll in college never earn a degree.

      This is where author establishes the problem. And its not students, it's the school's problem...

  8. Aug 2021
    1. Because we all live in a white supremacy culture,

      (Harry) It's difficult to see when we're all being oppressed by the white supremacy we growing up in...

    2. Culture is powerful precisely because it is so present and at the same time so very difficult to name or identify.

      (Bel) We know that culture is there, but difficult to realize it...

    3. Culture is powerful precisely because it is so present and at the same time so very difficult to name or identify.

      "Culture" can be easy to generalize until you know them...talk to them...

      Culture is important because it makes us different/diverse...

    4. used as norms and standards without being pro-actively named or chosen by the group.

      subconscously we are all underneath these norms and standards, and it promotes white supremacy thinking and we're not aware of it...(Laila)

  9. Jan 2021
    1. elcome video

      Ack! Video production has become part of our jobs now. (Exco teachers are not expected to create one, but all signs are pointing that we should...)

    2. The gap between online and in-person retention and achievement can be discouraging.

      This is still the larger question, but helps future ExCo teachers consider whether they want to teach online or in person, when the in person option is available to them again...

    3. brings the DFW rate back down to in-person levels, where rapport is more likely to develop spontaneously.

      interesting...points to the very real need for interventions in online learning, where there may not have needed such interventions in person. What do we think about this? How much intentional community -and rapport-building is needed in person, compared to online?

    4. The overall DFW rate for all students in nonrapport sections is 42.9%, compared to 29.4%for the rapport sections.

      Significant results...

    5. personal e-mail contact. I

      We've discussed, and will continue to discuss the importance of consistent email communication

    6. roviding extensive, personalized feedback on assignments

      Many teachers from last semester reported that this worked extremely well, esp. in asynchronous classes.

    7. st, I try to build rapport by presenting myself as a friendly and accessible professor.

      Step 1: teaching persona

    8. describe it as humanizing the sometimes sterile electronic environment

      We had 2 workshops focused on that!

    9. Of Chickering and Gamson’s (1987) classic seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education, five relate directly to interaction among faculty and students (contact between students and faculty, reciprocity and cooperation among students, prompt feedback, emphasis on time on task, communication of high expectations).

      Grace Yoo, FYE Coordinator, mentions Chickering often...

    10. Studies also indicate that self-motivated, self-regulated, and independent learner

      This is an important characteristic to point out to your students...

    11. Thus, it may be possible to improve online retention simply by improving rapport. I

      Glazier's thesis

    12. because states are increasingly allocating higher education funding based on performance indicators such as course completion and time to degree

      This would be why I get pressure from administrators to avoid ExCo students failing at all costs...even though it has to happen sometimes.

    13. single-campus studies usually place the online retention rate between 10%and 35%lower than the in-person retention rate

      lower retention in online learning is a significant problem that we know about, so we have to take any steps we can to mitigate attrition (students dropping our class, or failing our class) early. ..

  10. Oct 2020
    1. controls articulation

      How many of you have considered this? Schools? Standardized tests? Grades? I hope you all realize that by NOT GRADING your writing, but grading how much labor you put into it, I am attempting to NOT CONTROL YOUR ARTICULATION...

    2. Yo! Why dese books neva be about my peoples

      That's a real question everyone should ask...

    3. culate"

      how does she define articulate?

    1. He defines OEP as: "...practices which support the (re)use and production of OER through institutional policies, promote innovative pedagogical models, and respect and empower learners as co-producers on their lifelong learning path" (Ehlers, 2011,

      nice definition of open pedagogy

    2. e. The key is that learning occurs seamlessly between the classroom and everyday activities" (Hegarty, 2014b, para 10). Accordingly, I define arc-of-life learning as: a seamless process that occurs throughout life when participants engage in open and collaborative networks, communities, and openly shared repositories of informa- tion in a structured way to create their own culture of learning

      I think this is a beautiful definition of 'transfer', which illuminates how students cannot go use the knowledge of the iLearn interface in their lives, while they can use hypothes.is and wordpress in their lives.

    1. Another broad category of OER-enabled pedagogy approaches concern the creation or revision/remixing of learning resources.

      like my textbook!

    2. When student works are openly licensed, granting others 5R permissions in their use of the artifacts, each work becomes the beginning of an ongoingconversation in which other learners participate as they contextualize and extend the work in support of their own learning.

      wow, students creating OER...

    3. open educational resources and open pedagogy marksa significant departure

      their thesis

  11. Sep 2020
    1. pity, is feeling bad enough? What are the implications of building emancipatory struggle around pity? 

      What is the purpose? What action can be taken? How does the 'porn producer' invoke action?

    2. students were given writing assignments, and instructed to “pay particular attention to Black suffering” and the author examines “how ‘feeling bad

      wow this is a shockingly worded assignment...

    3. Privilege is being able to read, listen, or look at portraits of dehumanized “others” (even if one feels fleeting moments of compassion) and not critically interrogate the systemic causes of the suffering of others and engaging in po

      privilege = responsibiliy to address the root of injustice, and solutions

    4. weaponization of subaltern trauma, which functions to entertain, enlighten, educate, generate profit, or arouse privileged audiences.

      what strikes me here is when they say used 'to educate...' grouped in there with the others...and would it dependon the positionality of the teacher, and students?

    1. we directly

      Source: https://slideplayer.com/slide/7827943

      To add an image to the margins:

      1. first find the image, Control/Click, and "Copy Image Address."
      2. Then Click the 'image icon' above (square box with mountain and sun), and paste the Image Address between parentheses.
      3. Copy and paste the website URL/direct source
      4. Click Post to Public
  12. Aug 2020
    1. e and write

      I've never actually assigned a writing prompt. like this before. What do you all think about it?

  13. Jul 2020
  14. readingandwritingyour.world readingandwritingyour.world
    1. Open-source textbook

      What does open source mean?

  15. Jan 2020
  16. Dec 2019
    1. There are also some really creepy and horrible people you’ll encounter at bart

      I never really considered this was scary for some people...

    2. relaxing

      Don't underestimate the importance of this!

    1. multi-tasking b

      I think this is probably the most wise advice. What do people think about this idea??

    2. ll have more control over your day

      Sounds like a lot of your ideas from the day we discussed our time management strategies...

    3. And for me, being a CEO of ProofHub, managing stress was a tough row to hoe.

      Right off the bat, I'm not sure how I relate; especially with his picture of him sitting in a fancy car. What does he know about the stress of my life??

    4. sed will make you grumpy and irritated too.

      Uh oh!

    1. consider other steps to cool the overheated market.

      Yes, stronger rent control regulations, not weaker

    2. home prices aren’t the only thing that has gone up. Transportation, utilities and food are also costly

      That's why supply and demand doesn't work: You have people who are willing/able to pay higher prices and that offsets the demand, so suppliers can charge whatever they want. This displaces people= gentrification

    3. 117,400

      I'm half way there! Working 2 jobs!!

    1. , it’s an illusion you’ll have a hard time bursting.

      My problem is: At night there are no hard deadlines, only the ones I set for myself (like when to go to bed), so I feel more free at night. I pay for it the next day though!!!

    2. When my brain isn’t firing on all cylinders, it loves to feed on less demanding tasks.

      This reminds me of motivation also...

    1. ou want to know the single most powerful professional life hack out there

      I have started doing this! Check out danielcurtiscummins.com if you want to see my personal brand!

    2. e by this golden rule.

      Uh oh, this is how I usually start my day. And making a To do list for the day, but also emails.

    3. emails you requesting a call —

      Interesting- I've noticed people do that with me in professional settings/meetings. Maybe I should start...

    1. they would be paying $382 a month for the next decade.

      That's a lot of burden for the first 10 years of your career

    2. a jump of 241%

      It seems like a trap

    3. xtracurricular activities when you struggle to afford books or a night out with friends.

      That's a lot of debt per second!!!

    1. o CTSOs serve?

      are they for privileged groups/colleges?

    2. teamwork

      Maybe this article helps us see the value of group projects for the future???

    3. re 11 federally recognized CTSOs that receive funding through the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act.

      Hmmm, you all should start one and get funding from them!!!

    4. soft skills — leadership qualities like collaboration and communication

      soft skills are important, part of what I try to teach in this class...

    1. room and board and

      believing! : We know about this one!

    2. For most Americans, cancellation will take place automatically using data already available to the federal government about income and outstanding student loan de

      I like this, not too much paperwork or red tape to get through (like the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program I am currently enrolled in)

    3. the cancellation of up to $50,000 in student loan debt for 42 million Americans.

      Oh, this would just fall short of my bill...

    4. of higher education towards taking out loans

      believing: that's me!

    5. Today, it’s virtually impossible for a young person to find that kind of opportunity

      believing: OK, she clarifies the distinction between then and now..., so I'm believing again

    6. But it turned out that tuition was just $50 a semester.

      Doubting: How is this relevant now, when tuition is thousands of dollars?

    1. and you are a total badass.

      Or you're working on it! It's all about progress and growth, not perfection...

    2. Weed them out like the toxic life killers they are.

      Surround yourself with people worth your time!

    3. Know that most teachers have no idea how to teach a subject correctly.

      Ha! Interesting point

    4. Understand that the world does not end if you fail.

      It's not the end of the world...

    5. Don’t let anyone drug you with psych drugs.

      Good strategy!!! Be weary of overprescribing...

    6. A good 25% of college students are depressed.

      That's a lot!

    1. UNC-Charlotte

      How relevant is UNC's reality to SFSU?

    2. campus-wide lockdown system for active shooter situations.

      Should we have this at our school?

    3. full-time campus law enforcement officers

      Is this a good thing? Has crime gone down?

    4. alcohol-fueled assault and sexual violence.

      Is this a major security concern on campuses?

    1. Get organized. In high school, the teachers tended to lead you through all of your homework and due dates.

      Organized and independent!

    1. that doesn’t mean you’re alone

      Believing! I have tried to emphasize this throughout the semester!

    2. You don’t have teachers nagging you to turn in your work and you don’t have your parents waking you up for class.

      Believing! : We talked about this last week - and guess what. People who were more independent with their time management are the people who are getting an A for the course (for the most part). Or B. Still a sign!

    3. “PB&J Club”

      Doubting: so it really doesn't matter what club you join? As long as you are making connections and friends? Is PB &J club really a thing???

    4. You’ll meet some of your future friends, business partners

      Doubting: do you really meet future business partners at orientation? Friends, sure, but your career partners? Is it that important?

  17. Oct 2019
    1. traditions, conventions, and standards to which the members of that community conform

      what traditions, conventions, and standards do you see in the articles you found in class?

    2. Note that "culture" can refer not just to national cultures (such as that of the Japanese) bur also to academic culture

      culture and subcultures that influence us, and that we influence...

    1. But if they’re going to, they need to play by the rules they themselves have set out and proffer actual, substantive evidence that kids are getting sicker, that, over time, otherwise-similar groups of kids are showing increasing amounts of anxiety or depression or suicidality

      Doubting: Aren't we seeing this already? As teachers we talk about how we're seeing more anxiety in students...is there really a lack of substantive evidence?

    2. In other words, kids aren’t getting sicker, overall, but more of the kids who are sick lack other treatment options and are seeking out services via their universities.

      Doubting: what about all the social media and screen time? Doesn't this factor into students' mental health?

    3. and schools were faced with picking up the slack,” said Schwartz.

      Doubting: I'm not sure schools should take on this burden; unless this is Brooks' argument, then I'm Believing.

    4. counseling centers have found themselves increasingly — and unfamiliarly — taking on the roles of frontline mental-health service providers.

      Doubting: Is Jess Brooks saying this is a good thing?

  18. Sep 2019
    1. Conversely, during the later cycles, when the experienced writers' primary attention is focused upon stylistic concerns, they are still attuned, although in a reduced way, to the form of the argument.

      The different stages of revision overlap; they are "recursive"...

    1. It was difficult for me to learn to use my left brain.

      but she did! didn't have a fixed mindset; knew she could improve through practice even though it didn't seem natural or intuitive...

    2. I want to tell him it's not true, he just has to work and get stronger in that area of his life. He, like many people, tells himself and the world that he’s “not creative” (left-siders), or “not good with numbers” (right-siders).

      growth mindset! We all can strengthen our other "side" through deliberate practice and labor...

    3. The left side of the brain is said to control logic and analysis, while the right side controls creativity and intuition (among other things).

      Left brain: categories, single stories, fixed mindsets (like to explain things, find one right answer) Right brain: fluid, open minded; many stories, flexible mindsets (OK with the unknown, asks questions and explores different ways of doing things)...

  19. Aug 2019
  20. professordanongrades.files.wordpress.com professordanongrades.files.wordpress.com
    1. Who’s Asking?

      The questions we will focus on in class are: 1.So What? Why do you think this text is important to this class? Why did I have you read it?

      1. and/or How does this article help you think about this class?
  21. Apr 2019
    1. experience on this campus, this environment, classroom culture, and “classroom ecology” (Inoue 2015) must be open, democratic, and negotiable.  

      leave an anonymous note!

  22. Jan 2019
    1. Does your curriculum reflect its location in Africa and the global South? To what extent does it draw on subjugated histories, voices, cultures and languages?

      This is applicable anywhere that has been colonized. I often point out that Spanish and other languages were spoken here (in California) as long or longer than English...

    2. Do you articulate your own social and intellectual position, from which you speak when lecturing?

      This reminds me of Dariotis' CEETL talk on 'Positional Pedagogy' that a few of us attended last semester...

    1. How does a college writing

      This is the PUBLIC GROUP; A key step to joining the Marginal Syllabus will be to be sure you Click the Pull Down Menu to "NEWSocialJusticeLCInoue"...

      ...All of this will be clarified in a new How-To-Join at our wordpress site. Access via Slack!