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  1. Oct 2022
    1. Teachers provide explicit instruc-tion of useful comprehension strategies, teach stu-dents to monitor and repair, use multiple strategyapproaches, scaffold support, and make readingand writing connections visible to students.

      This is important for children and adults with mental and reading disorders. I didn't know I had dyslexia until I was a sophomore in high school. Looking back, this impacted ,y reading skills because I just got so lost in text but didn't realize why. I think teachers should be trained to recognize reading disorders and then help build and repair the student's reading strength to pass it.

    2. Many individual reader fac-tors (e.g., cognitive development, culture) are notwithin a teacher’s control. However, teachers canmotivate students by providing them with interest-ing texts, allowing them choices in reading andwriting, and helping students set authentic purpos-es for reading

      I think this is particularly important when it comes to reading. Many of my friends or past classmates including myself have been turned off to reading from a young age due to a great deal of pressure to read and complete a certain amount of quizzes but were also not given much choice at a young age either. It make all reading feel boring.

  2. Sep 2022
    1. When studentsperformbelowaverage inthiscriticalarea,itisessential thattheyreceivepromptandeffectivetreatment and thattheybetaughtbywell-qualified professionals(Moats,2010

      How can teachers of all ages identify this better, and adapt to help the student surpass or deal with this issue/ roadblock.

    2. As students move on to high school, their word-reading (decoding)skills may continue to be challenged by numerous polysyllabic words thatappear in their textbooks, along with increasing levels of lexical and syntactic complexity

      I feel like this is true but not in the way one wants it to be. Since American schools are lagging behind, I feel many students may be struggling simply because they were not challenged as children or were not let surpass their peers due to No Child Left Behind.

    1. Another contrast between early and later language development concerns therole of metalinguistic competence—the ability to reflect upon and analyzelanguage as an entity itself. Gombert (1992) reported that around the age of6 or 7 years, a time when children typically begin first grade, they displayan increasing tendency to employ metalinguismic competence to enhancetheir own understanding and use of language in all domains—phonological,morphological, lexical, semantic. syntactic. and pragtnatic.

      I think this aspect of development is very important, especially when applied to ways language has changed due to technology

    1. “teaching approaches should enhance and accommodate the diverse skills, abilities, andprior knowledge of young adolescents”

      This is a topic were were talking about in my technology edsf course: how does an effective teacher accomadate their students by making an equitable space for them to learn so that all needs are met.

    2. Choice

      I feel like giving your students a choice allows for them to feel more empowered in a classroom setting as well as giving them a form of trust that they cant then return to you.

    3. Together, students and their teacher create aclassroom community, and the environment strongly influences the learn-ing that takes place (Angelillo, 2008). The classroom community should be inviting,supportive, and safe so young adolescents will be motivated to participate in readingand writing activities.

      This almost my exact reason for wanting to become a teacher: becoming the safe space I needed and had when I came to school.