30 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2015
    1. “There is no evidence that Robert Durst had anything to do with Kathleen’s disappearance. Anybody can file a lawsuit, but eventually they’ll have to come with evidence.”

      His lawyer is going to take his side and come up with things that makes him sound better. That's what lawyers are for. There may not have been evidence for Kathleen's disappearance, but what is her family left with? Nothing.

    2. fueled by a constant flow of cash from his estranged family’s New York City real estate empire.

      He was always the odd one of the family. He never pursued in working for the family business. So, why would is family still be is constant source of income?

    3. proper and dignified burial

      A proper burial for Kathleen is not much being asked from her family.

    4. His lawyers had warned him against the idea, citing the risk of stirring up investigators and prosecutors who suspected him in the deaths of at least three people.

      If he would have sided with his lawyers and never did any of the interviews he might have never been caught.

    5. The documentary, which explored his connection to the deaths of Ms. Berman, the decapitation of a boardinghouse neighbor in Texas, and the disappearance of his wife, concluded with Mr. Durst’s own whispered words: “What the hell did I do? Killed them all, of course.”

      He opening admits that he killed them all. That should have helped Kathleens family with getting the money they sued him for. They may not have all the evidence from all of his killings, but they have his recorded statement.

    6. six-part documentary — “The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst” — that was broadcast on HBO in February and March.

      This documentary showed bits of Robert Dursts bizarre life. He kept a distance from his family even while they provided him with money and lawyers when in need. He is no doubt a psychopath that made careless mistakes that put him in jail.

    7. The lawsuit contends that Mr. Durst, his marriage having collapsed amid violence, “murdered Kathleen,” his first wife. If successful, the lawsuit would strip Mr. Durst of much of his wealth; authorities put his net worth at about $100 million

      Although getting that much money from him isn't going to bring her back, why shouldn't the family get a lot of his money. He is in jail. His first wife's family deserves something from the hardship they went through.

    8. On Monday, Ms. Durst’s mother, Ann McCormack, who is 101, and three sisters — Carol Bamonte, Mary Hughes and Virginia McKeon — filed a $100 million lawsuit against the man they have long suspected of killing her: Robert A. Durst, her husband. The lawsuit contends that Mr. Durst violated the McCormack family’s right to sepulcher, a rarely used New York law granting family members the immediate right to possession of a body for burial.

      The first person to become a suspect in a murder case is the spouse of the victim. I think filing a lawsuit against the person suspected seems fair. But getting $100 million from it isn't going to bring her back. Why would they think that much money is necessary?

    1. Then in the 1990s the U.S. donated billions of federal dollars worth of military-grade weapons to local police departments. Following 9/11 more advanced tactical weapons were introduced.

      Mixing mixing military weapons and police departments should not go together. The military gets specific training to use these weapons and police officers don't get the same kind of training. People should know there is a huge difference between the military and police, but when police are getting the same weapons it can change the way people look at our military.

    1. "My Brother's Keeper"
    2. The Task Force released its final report Monday with a "blue print" for law enforcement and communities to utilize including recommendations of how to promote trust within the community, such as police embracing "a guardian- rather than a warrior" mindset to build legitimacy. Other recommendations include creating a diverse police workforce, implementing policies that reflect community values and better training for officers.

      https://www.policeone.com/leadership/articles/8633970-Warriors-vs-Guardians-A-seismic-shift-in-policing-or-just-semantics/ “Law enforcement should embrace a guardian — rather than a warrior — mindset to build trust and legitimacy both within agencies and with the public.” You need to have trust within a community and should be able to look up to local police officers. Seeing huge tanks around a city may not be a solution.

    3. Task Force on 21st Century Policing
    4. These include riot control equipments and drones. Federal agencies will also require local police to provide more data so the government can better track equipment. Local police can still bypass the federal restrictions and bans by buying the equipment from private sellers.

      The controlled list is much more police based. Riots do happen around the country and the police need the right type of tools in order to control it. Bypassing the federal restrictions by buying equipment from private sellers seems wrong. The equipment being banned is banned for a reason.

    5. The banned list includes: tank-like armored vehicles that move on tracks, certain types of camouflage uniforms, bayonets, firearms and ammunition of .50 caliber or higher, grenade launchers, and weaponized aircraft.

      All of these on the list are some things you could find in a war. They should not be allowed to be used by police. It makes sense that they are banned.

    6. "It can alienate and intimidate local residents and send the wrong message."

      It can very easily send the wrong message to the local residents. Even knowing there is a military vehicle in Rockford makes me a little uneasy. It makes sense to the police to park it near areas of high crime but I think people get nervous enough seeing a police car parked somewhere in their neighborhood. I couldn't imagine seeing a huge tank.

    7. The Obama administration on Monday moved to prohibit federal agencies from providing local cops with certain kinds of military equipment such as grenade launchers, high-caliber weapons and bayonets,

      Local cops shouldn't have military based equipment. I understand that tragic events that lead to riots occur, but the local police should not be the ones with this sort of power.

    1. “allows the department to stay in step with the criminals who are arming themselves more heavily every day.”

      This might help the department crack down on criminals who might be armed but it may be taking a toll on the families in the community. I'm sure when children see these tanks they could think its a cool thing, but it also could be terrifying knowing they need that sort of thing in their town.

    1. female psychopaths may process moral judgment differently

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      Their findings showed that women psychopaths show less emotional responses in their tests.

    2. The MIND Research Network in Albuquerque

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      A brain research facility.

    3. Until recently, how these areas operate in female psychopaths was relatively unknown

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      Women in general have a different way of thinking. So, it makes sense that when it comes to committing a crime, men and women would go about it in a different way. We just need to know what is going on in their brain that makes them commit a crime and why they did it in that way.

    4. analyzed in males while little research has been done in females

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      This also helps my thesis in a way. It could be that women psychopaths are unnoticed because we haven't done enough research on them to know exactly how to catch one.

    5. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      This website is a very useful page for different articles.

  2. Oct 2015
    1. video

      Most music videos designed by professional choreographers. It is possible that Drake decided to make this up himself. This may be what "good dancing" is to him.

    1. The cause of death was determined to be hypertensive and arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease,

      He had health problems. Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease is caused by heart complications. Which could have been from obesity, and that explains the meaty face he had.

    1. “There are an equal amount of female psychopaths out there as male ones. Females tend to fly under society’s radar as they are less likely to commit criminal offences, just moral ones. I have 2 children with a female psycho which she has used as tools to dismantle my life and my soul and greatly enjoyed herself in the process. This enjoyment of cruelty is the hard fact to come to terms with and baffles us all. They are very good at creating a good impression of themselves and portraying their victim as the real culprit. This is what really gets me. I’ve been in hell and everybody thinks I’m the monster………..except a few who have had experience themselves.”

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      No one would assume women can be just as psycho as men. Its so much easier for women to portray themselves as victims and people will believe them before men.

    2. like those of most other people, are shaped by the sex-role stereotypes cultivated by society.

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      Society has a huge role in what people think a real psychopath is. Just because one might seem a little out there doesn't automatically mean they are a psychopath. People often pay less attention to the ones that don't "fit in." Not fitting in what other often leads to depression, and can strike an urge for ones emotions to lead into psychopathic thinking.

    3. women diagnosed with other psychological disorders may actually be psychopathic:

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      This makes me think psychological disorders are getting mixed up with others. How does one conclude with someone being an actual psychopath? I may be easier for women to get these disorders confused with others because women have so many emotions.

    4. Many experts say there are fewer female psychopaths than males…but some estimate there might actually be more.

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      I wonder how the experts differ between men and women psychopaths? What makes one psychopath more or less crazy than another?

    1. I recently evaluated a 27-year old female who met nearly every criterion for psychopathy. She sat on the couch in my office and recounted how she mutilated and killed her pet bunny with a pencil; how she took a video of the entire act; and how she hasn't regretted her actions for a moment. She epitomized cool and calm as she explained, "I looked at him and knew his days were over." This young woman is a psychopath, just one of many that may go unnoticed at work, the gym, or the supermarket.

      Women psychopaths are often unnoticed because society sees them as less likely to do a certain crime.

      That is just it. Psychopaths look completely normal. Someone you pass by at the grocery store could be just like this women. Just like in Snapped, a show that deals just with women that kill or harm their spouse, you would never guess that something was wrong with these them. Knowing this make me all that more curious if walking around the mall I bumped into a women psychopath.
