39 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2016
    1. But if they broke the covenant, the entire community would feel God's wrath.

      so they have to become one community but if they break that then there all screwed. Sounds like a difficult task to me

    2. A central element in Puritan social and theological life was the notion of the covenant

      They were english protestants that wanted to purify the church by roman catholic practices.

    1. shall be inhabited by us

      i like hearing this!

    2. Edward Waterhous

      once the chancellor of ireland

    1. In 1622, at the dawn of the tobacco boom,

      was first founded in 1558, but didn't get serious until 1622

    2. The English used a model of forcible segregation with the Irish that would mirror their future relationships with Native Americans.

      separating whites from other races and etc

    3. The New World, too, he said, offered obvious economic advantages. Trade and resource extraction would enrich the English treasury.

      Mainly foods though

    4. New World colonization won support in England amid a time of rising English fortunes among the wealthy

      why only the wealthy and not the poor or middle-class?

    5. 1558

      same year tobacco was introduced into the world

    6. They tended to focus their disappointment on the younger generation.

      They should put there focus on improving there society and becoming wealthy

    7. Despite the lamentations of the Mathers and other Puritan leaders of their failure, they left an enduring mark on New England culture and society that endured long after the region’s residents ceased to be called “Puritan.”

      still lives on today that I know of

    8. Pressure from the powerful Iroquois in the east pushed many Algonquian-speaking peoples toward French territory in the mid-seventeenth century and together they crafted what historians have called a “middle ground,”

      The Algonquins were from north america and spoke the language ojibwe which is from the algonquin family. They were a bit different in the way they went through life even though they were from the same base area.

    9. Catholicism

      Is a type of practice the christain churches hold

    10. Few Spaniards relocated to the southwest due to the distance from Mexico City and the dry and hostile environment.

      Sounds like living in a war zone type of area to me

    11. The Apalachee, one of the most powerful tribes in Florida at the time of contact, claimed the territory from the modern Florida-Georgia border to the Gulf of Mexico

      They were founded in Florida but made there way out due to war in the 1700's. Some live in Alabama and Louisiana.

    12. Juan Ponce de Leon

      He founded the oldest settlement in puerto rico. fun fact

    13. New World, eager to match the gains of the Spanish.

      The New World is what the europeans considered to settle first.

    1. And as soon as they are taken by the white men they are immediately ironedand branded with fire,

      Suggesting they are slaves which they are then branded with a tag. This is cruel but this is how things were back then.

    2. The slave trade of the 16th century was an economic boost to Portugal but wasdevastating to Africa.

      They were sold and bought by americans

  2. Jan 2016
    1. How did animals help create the world? • How were the earth, sun, and moon formed? • Who created human beings? 0 How did Coyote influence the world?

      1.) the animals were basically the care givers or for when someone needed it. Just like when they provided help for the chiefs daughter. 2.) The sun, moon, and earth were created by mother and father. 3.) Mother and father also created humans by birth.

    2. What was the source of life? • What were the differences between Earth-mother and Sky-father? • Where did the moon and stars come from? How were human beings created? • Where did they obtain their knowledge, and how did they provide for themselves?

      1.) Awonawilona was the source of all life i believe because he was the maker of all. He controlled everything. 2.) They repulsed each other. Dad represented the cold while mom represented the warmth. to go to each other separate for different needs for there wandering. 3.) Sky father i believe created the moon and stars. 4.)Birth 5.) Father gave them his offspring and they obtained the knowledge that way.

    3. How did human beings arrive in the world? • How were animals helpful? • What did twins do to create the world?

      1.) I am almost positive they "fell from the sky". In which they were taken care from by earth. 2.) The animals cared and supplied food and treated her as a daughter. 3.) They created forests and lakes and supplied syrup and food. They did everything that would help others.

    4. Flint

      One of the most important pieces to survive in the wilderness. If anyone doesn't know, it is used to make fire.

    5. One of the friends of the chief had a dream, in which he was advised to tell the chief that in order to cure his daughter he must lay her beside this tree, and that he must have the tree dug up.

      This doesn't make to much sense to me, can anyone clear this up?

    1. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

      he saw this as producing offspring and this was good

    2. And God said, Let there be light: 2 Cor. 4.6 and there was light.

      He saw light as the positive and darkness as the negatives. Which is completely true because light represents the good. he wanted everything to be positive and happy.

    1. Wave after wave she unleashed, until much of the land was underwater and many of the people were drowned.

      survival of the fittest

    2. He did as he was told, whereupon the hen landing on the sand began scratching and scattering it about.

      doing it as slavery or on his own?

    3. The chief god Olorun ruled the sky, and the goddess Olokun ruled what was below.

      zeus and hades

    1. Slaves and Indians occupied the lowest rungs of the social ladder.

      on the hearty system, they were ranked at the bottom . they didn't have much rights.

    2. hierarchy

      people that are ranked. you are ranked within your society.

    3. After two years of conflict, a million-person strong empire was toppled by disease, dissension, and a thousand European conquerors.

      the bubonic plague?

    4. encomienda

      the right to demand tribute and forced labor from the indian inhabitants.

    5. Educated Asians and Europeans of the fifteenth century knew the world was round. They also knew that while it was therefore technically possible to reach Asia by sailing west from Europe–thereby avoiding Italian or Portuguese middlemen–the Earth’s vast size would doom even the greatest caravels to starvation and thirst long before they ever reached their destination.

      by using shadows, mathematics and the circumference, he then figured out the earth was round.

    6. Asian goods flooded European markets, creating a demand for new commodities. This trade created vast new wealth, and Europeans battled one another for trade supremacy.

      I would assume this created a jump in the economy for both parties

    7. Elaborately carved totem poles, masks, and other wooden items carved out of the great trees of the region produced some of the world’s most unique art.

      Totem poles usually take 3-9 months. The more difficult they're, the longer it takes.

    8. Roughly one-thousand years ago, the largest Mississippian settlement, Cahokia, located just east of modern-day St. Louis, peaked at a population of between 10,000-30,000.

      to them that is huge, but to us that is tiny, Think about it... haywards population is 149,000.

    9. was pulled by horses or ox to break up the soil or dirt

    10. And as paleo-Indians populated mountains, prairies, deserts, and forests, cultures and ways of life as arose as varied as the geography. Paleo-Indian groups spoke hundreds of languages and adopted distinct cultural practices.

      Paleo-Indians- are nomadic people who first populated North america.

      Where did they learn to speak all these languages?