- Jan 2025
bio.libretexts.org bio.libretexts.org
Each amino acid is attached to another amino acid by a covalent bond, known as a peptide bond, which is formed by a dehydration synthesis (condensation)
I remember that proteins have multiple structures. Proteins can be denatured at high temperatures because the IMFs that hold the structure together (for example hydrogen bonds) can be overcome, but the primary structure (amino acids attached to each other by covalent peptide bonds) cannot be broken.
I know that mRNA is messenger RNA, rRNA is ribosomal RNA, tRNA is transfer RNA and miRNA is microRNA
can be reorganized in a number of ways to build chemically and functionally different molecules. In this examples, all three sugars have the same chemical forumla (i.e. the same building blocks), but because those building blocks have been organized a bit differently, each sugar is a unique kind of molecule.
structure determines function
the prefix iso means same, like isotonic and isotope
glucose is 1:2:1 exactly (C6H12O6), but this ratio is approximate for more complex molecules
Phospholipid are therefore amphipathic molecules,
phospholipids are lipids that contain phosphate groups, while most lipids are made up of just CHO. they have a hydrophobic part and a hydrophilic part, making them perfect to form bilayered membranes to keep things from leaving or entering the cell
butter is solid at room temperature while vegetable oil is liquid
saturated fats are 'saturated' with hydrogens forming long straight chains that can pack together tightly and efficiently, making them solid at room temperature. unsaturated fats have double bonds and thus less hydrogens. this creates kinks that prevent them from packing tightly, instead causing them to be liquid at room temperature.