- Apr 2017
www.colorlines.com www.colorlines.com
educators must create safe and trusting environments that are respectful of students’ culture. Teaching the neoindigenous requires recognition of the spaces in which they reside, and an understanding of how to see, enter into, and draw from these spaces.
Make them feel of having social capital, the society/ community they trust and rely on
are ill equipped for helping each other through the work of navigating who they truly are and who they are expected to be in a particular place.
We need to help students develop the positive sense of self.
To be in touch with the community, one has to enter into the physical places where the students live, and work to be invited into the emotion-laden spaces the youth inhabit
I consider this as authenticity.
Urban education experts typically don’t live in urban communities.
This is also a problematic situation when experts do not really involve in the community where they are needed the most in order to get more information that can help them thinking in different perspective.
What’s important to note is that the teacher in this scenario had rendered the student’s self-image as “prepared and on time” invisible.
This is interesting in the way that a teacher should be able to understand the perspective of the student itself.
- Mar 2017
marginalsyllab.us marginalsyllab.us
A growth-mindset idea in this saying.
Yes, Sometimes I found that some events happened in my life that helping me developing ideas to get progressed either in as a member of family or communities as well as the practical things in those community.
be mindful with surrounding, especially the classroom and have the responsive thought to make sure there would always be progress, no matter how slow it might be.
Yoga metaphor is awesome. Yes, extending the previous quality and eventually, we will become flexible meaning that we get progressed.
questioning and reflection leading to improvement.
Is this the opposite idea of ethnocentric? If Yes, I do agree, It is important to consider others culture.
I used to be a homeroom teacher for four years and I did find that there will always be achievement gap between students coming from affluent family and students coming from lower class economic family. As I teacher, the only things I could do were motivating them and being ready to help them regarding with their academic performance.
- Jan 2017
marginalsyllab.us marginalsyllab.us
Under present conditions, all activity, to be successful, has to be directed somewhere and somehow by the scientific expert—it is a case of applied science
I was reading about the decision of educational objectives, which in many aspects determined by the subject expert. However, it should be emphasized on how the subject field connect to another field or how it contribute to another field of subject the students take.
It has a chance to affiliate itself with life, to become the child’s habitat, where he learns through directed living; instead of being only a place to learn lessons having an abstract
Yes, School must be a place where children can learn things that they could directly practice in real life. Perhaps, as the response to solve a problem certain society may face. For example, including swimming in local curriculum for society lives nearby beach or lake as the response to many drown for not being able to swim.
We cannot overlook the factors of discipline and of character-building involved in this: training in habits of order and of industry, and in the idea of responsibility, of obligation to do something, to produce something, in the world. There was always something which really needed to be done, and a real necessity that each member of the household should do his own part faithfully and in coöperation with others
I am interested in this point of view. I do agree with this. Character building is very important for students. They won't only develop their knowledge and skill for themselves but also to contribute for the goodness of others.