19 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. Will waste, as this flea’s death took life from thee.

      Giving your virginity to me won't be a big deal, just how nothing happened when you killed the flea.

    2. And in this flea our two bloods mingled be;

      When John Donne was alive, when any body fluids were mixed it was sexual.

    3. Tis true; then learn how false, fears be:     Just so much honor, when thou yield’st to me,     Will waste, as this flea’s death took life from thee.

      Give your virginity to me and see how you'll lose fear, the same way you weren't scared to kill the innocent flea which was us three.

    4. Wherein could this flea guilty be, Except in that drop which it sucked from thee?

      The flea was innocent besides it sucking and taking a drop of your blood.

    5. Cruel and sudden, hast thou since Purpled thy nail, in blood of innocence?

      Cruel and sudden you have killed the flea and stained your nail with its innocent blood.

    6. Though use make you apt to kill me,     Let not to that, self-murder added be,     And sacrilege, three sins in killing three

      You may want to kill me, but don't add suicide and sacrilege. Because killing the flea is killing us three.

    7. Though parents grudge, and you, w’are met, And cloistered in these living walls of jet.

      Even if your parents disapprove, we are meant to and safe inside these walls.

    8. Yet thou triumph’st, and say’st that thou Find’st not thy self, nor me the weaker now;

      You killed the flea and say neither you or I are weaker. So you take it as a win.

    1. Tells me from you, that now it is

      If she were to get undressed he would be able to get tired by having sex and would be able to fall asleep.

    2. That still can be, and still can stand so nigh

      Her clothes can touch her and remain close to her. Something he wants to do as well.

    3. Off with that happy busk, which I envy,

      Off with your clothe that I envy because they can feel your body and I can't.

    4. Unlace yourself, for that harmonious chime,

      Take of your clothe so we can have sex and we can make each other moan.

    5. That th’eyes of busy fools may be stopped there.

      She is wearing this belt to hide her body from people who wish to see.

    6. Off with that girdle, like heaven’s Zone glistering, But a far fairer world encompassing.

      Since gridle is defined similar to a belt, he is asking to remove the belt to show what it's holding in place. So clothing could fall and reveal what's being covered.

    7. Until I labour, I in labour lie.

      He won't be able to get tired without having sex. So he needs to have sex before falling asleep.

    8. Unpin that spangled breastplate which you wear,

      Undo the clothing that hides your chest.

    9. Come, Madam, come, all rest my powers defy,

      He wants his madam to come to bed, luring her to have sex so he can be able to fall asleep.

    10. Madam
