- Sep 2021
d2l.msu.edu d2l.msu.edu
Reminds me of the reading about discourses and how we talk to teachers, parents, friends, and significant others all differently.
My first encounter with the word "Ebonics" actually came from an internet video making fun of AAVE
I have heard all of these stated in classrooms before in one way or another
When I was in high school, I would often say, "What's up?" in place of "Hello." My English teacher during Junior year didn't like that and told me if I wanted to say "What's up?" I shouldn't speak in her class. The next day I went to class I didn't speak at all - she actually ended up apologizing to me after a week of me actively not speaking in her class.
Gives kids the idea of if someone doesn't speak like this, then they're less intelligent than you.
This reminds me of our student discussion on how there was no set definition for what SAE is, or who came up with that other than upper-middle class/old boring white people.
I saw this in high school: Black, Asian, and low-income students were all corrected more on their English and punished more severely for things like talking in class than the majority of the upper-class white students. I graduated in 2011.
d2l.msu.edu d2l.msu.edu
This definitely echoes my education from school
This reminds me of a Journalism class I took years ago where the teacher told the class that the Midwest accent is what most broadcasters try to go for when working since it's easily understood. I'm not sure how true that actually is, or if there was more social aspects I wasn't aware of at the time in play.
So then what is "non-standard" English? Language changes pretty often (we add new words to the dictionary every year).
This line contradicts the study from the Myth reading of the 76 white people from Indiana who were asked to show where SAE is used in the US. This line suggests that the South and West Coast do use SAE.
How do we see this in the US? Do we "correct" students for using a different word choice when we fully understand the meaning?
This would probably create a cycle - the higher educated people are using their own vocabulary to set the standard and then use themselves as examples of what "good english" sounds and is written like.
I also think it is international because of the colonization English speaking countries exhibited in the past.
This is definitely a stereotyped used in pop-culture constantly. Especially to show someone who isn't supposed to be intelligent.
This line, as well as the examples, stood out because children were actively denied a form of communication that they knew - or is important to their families. I feel like this would hurt the children's motivation to learn as well as their comfort level socially.
This reminds me of thinking negatively of people who use a lot of "filler words/phrases" when talking. Filler words/phrases are things you say to give your brain a second to catch up, the words "like" and "uh" are two common ones that I use.
I never thought using "sort of" was bad English, I just thought it was a phrase.
I do this myself, a lot of the times when I say I need a split-second I'll just say, "Gimme a split." or "Need a split."
I don't think having an accent is a lazy way of speaking, but I also know I am guilty of making snap judgements on people in the past based on the way they speak. This is something I've been actively trying to address in myself after deciding on becoming a teacher.
I have often wondered both questions, I know I always felt shame if I made a grammatical mistake and a teacher would point it out to the class. Also, am I problematic if I use SAE? Or is it more problematic to force my students to use SAE?
d2l.msu.edu d2l.msu.edu
The first time I heard the word "Ebonics" was from an online video in the mid-2000s which was focused on stereotypes in a (very bad) attempt at humor.
I have only seen astericks used online for spelling mistakes in a text message or to show action.
That is a very limited sample of people for a study. Especially if they are all white and from the same area.
Does this mean anyone with an accent can't use Standard American English? I don't like that thought.
What is their definition of lesser educated? Is it people who do not hold a college degree? Anyone without a doctorate? Not finishing high school? What is their definition of education and lesser educated?
When I think of Standard American English, my mind immediately thinks of what I was taught in school, which is honestly problematic because I came from a middle-class family and attended private (catholic) schools. My definition - or implicit bias - is already set with a privilege others do not have.
I think we have already hit a form of linguistic anarchy through text abbreviations, instant messaging (especially my own use of MSN in 2005-2008, and social media.
While the "double negative" thing was drilled into me during school, I don't think it makes "he don't go there no more" inferior to "he doesn't go there anymore." I always took it as a different way of speaking developed from the context of home life.
Children who are from lower-income homes are not going to get the same opportunities for developing their linguistic skills. Is that because of their parents? Or do more socio-economic factors come into play here?
This challenged an internal belief (or at least already defined word) of literacy being reading and writing skills - much like the problematic definition given to us at the start of the paper.
The language and use of language a child hears at home helps shape their understanding of the world and how to articulate what they see. How does this shape their experiences going into school? How does this shape their daily interactions with others?
This one challenges me, I think it's because of my bias of if we learn a language naturally, we would understand it's societal use better and that would help push linguistics studies to understand how language is actually used in the world.
This exactly describes my experience with Spanish in college. During class periods when I was required to speak or write, I would get lost in my head trying to remember how to do every little thing correctly. One of the assignments was to have a half hour conversation with someone who speaks Spanish as a first language, and during those I felt more confident because even though I wasn't getting things 100% grammatically right, I was still being understood.
A discourse is how we act and speak in a social setting.