186 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2016
    1. Empowered Men Empower Women

      I plan to use this source to present the fact that the violence against women is directly related to the lack of emotional resources men receive, often causing men to resort to physical means rather than communicative means.

    2. “Violence is a choice a man makes, and he is responsible for it.”

      It is true that men must learn to control their emotions rather than taking out their aggression on women. However, some men are brought up being taught to suppress their feelings and must feel powerful in order to feel fulfillment. Society needs to stop stereotyping people based on sex and start giving men the emotional resources they so desperately need.

    3. Society’s expectation that “boys don’t cry” robs males of experiencing their emotional side. The external command to suppress inner realities is similar to the abusive control that men in turn exert on women, so as to avoid certain feelings.

      By telling boys that "crying is for girls" or to "man up," parents are encouraging aggression within their children. Although it may be done subconsciously, this causes males to develop anger problems and react with violence in many cases.

    4. Some women, for example, expect men to be breadwinners and uninterested in childcare. In my opinion, such an expectation is as limiting to a man as saying that a woman cannot do manual labor or manage a company.

      The stereotypes go both ways. Women should not be doubted in their capabilities to lead a company, and men should not be doubted in their ability to raise a child.

    5. Ultimately, the violence that a male learns not only harms others; it also harms himself. Dominant cultural norms often define “men” as unemotional, physically strong and domineering, and these norms give men other traits that constrain full expression of their humanity.

      All human beings inevitably experience the same emotions. It is unfair for men to be expected to suppress these feelings in order to fit society's ideals.

    6. Understandably, a boy who is raised in an environment of abuse experiences shame, fear, anger and other emotions that, when left unchecked, may led to violent expressions.

      Many boys are not given the nurturing environment that many girls are given throughout childhood. They are not given as much sympathy or as many emotional resources as females typically are. This leads to many males growing up with a predisposition toward violent activity.

    7. In other words, our social norms foster a culture in which male violence is tolerated, if not encouraged and men have both the power and resources to stop that violence.

      Society has created unrealistic expectations for men, which has encouraged and fostered toughness and violence from men. If people stopped tolerating this behavior and men were given further emotional resources, there would be a decrease in discrimination and violence against women.

    8. Women can organize politically, support survivors emotionally, fight back physically, and work toward prevention educationally, but ultimately, only men themselves can choose not to be violent against women.

      No matter how hard women work to achieve gender equality, they will not make much progress without the support of men.

    9. Violence against women is not just a “women’s issue,” as it often has been referred to; rather, it is primarily a men’s issue, because with rare exceptions, men are the sole perpetrators of violence against women.

      The majority of attacks on women are committed by men. Men need to be taught how to effectively communicate rather than channeling their emotions through anger. This way, women would not be such frequent targets of men's outbursts.

    10. So while we are told to dress this way, walk that way, avoid those men and stay indoors during these hours, so as to prevent sexual assault, the fact is that women are not the ones who can prevent sexual assault. Men are.

      No matter what preventative steps women take to avoid being victims of sexual assault and violence, he acts continue. It is not women who need to change their behavior, it is men who must be given the proper resources to express themselves. By holding in their emotions, men develop controlling and aggressive tendencies.

    1. Can Men Really Be Feminists?

      I plan to use this source in an effort to prove men's essential role in combating misogyny and further argue that the rights of men and women go hand-in-hand.

    2. When I call myself a male feminist, I'm not doing it because I think I'm going to save women. I'm doing it because I think it's important for men to acknowledge that as long as women aren't free, men won't be either.

      The two sexes and their rights go hand-in-hand. They should not separate from one another and alienate themselves. The rights of men and women affect one another directly, and individuals should unite to combat gender inequalities.

    3. Misogyny, then, is a way to manipulate, shame, and control people, marginalizing not just women, but men, too. And that's why men should be feminists.

      Men should be feminists because both sexes face gender-based discrimination. When men are free to express themselves, the path for women will be much more promising.

    4. Misogyny makes the victims ashamed of the violence done to them; vulnerability, rather than assault, becomes the crime.

      Men who are victims of sexual assault are often left in the dark rather than given the resources to speak out. Because of society's pressure on men to guard their emotions, many males refuse to come forward. They experience internal turmoil, when in reality their perpetrator should be the one punished.

    5. The fear of being feminized can lead to violence in many situations.

      Men's fear of being persecuted by their peers can push them to commit acts of violence. For so long, society has made it unacceptable for men to have feminine traits, and it has become so drilled into people's minds that it has affected the mental health of many males.

    6. o man is perfectly, ideally masculine, which means anyone could be considered too feminine.

      Society's expectations of men are impossible to reach. People need to stop being defined by how "feminine" or "masculine" they are, and they need to start being defined by their unique traits and talents.

    7. Men who are not white, who don't play sports, who are interested in video games, or who, like me, do a lot of child care—if they can be construed as feminine in any way, they become targets of ridicule and, sometimes, violence.

      Men are often subject to ridicule for any bit of "feminine" activity they do. Due to men's fear of being compared to women, they often lash out at other men to take the spotlight off themselves.

    8. Heterosexual guys get many advantages from misogyny; they’re perceived as the least feminine kind of person, and as a result, they are seen as the most valuable and worthy of respect.

      For some reason, femininity has become a sign of weakness in individuals. If women or gay men project femininity in any way, they are often judged harshly by society. However, heterosexual males are seen as stronger and more respectable due to their lack of feminine traits.

    1. Roles of Men with Feminism and Feminist Theory

      I plan to use this source in order to argue the essential role of men in the feminist movement and the necessity of men and women to unite under one cause.

    2. Above all, men need to engage with feminist theory and practice, letting it work on them, in order to liberate all genders and build a society constructed on justice and nourished by love.

      By joining the feminist movement, men will empower women but also break free from rigid gender stereotypes that pressure men to hide their emotions. Both sexes should receive the same care, sympathy, and emotional resources.

    3. She suggests that the men’s movement should not beseparate from the women’s movement but instead become a segment under the larger feminist movement.

      Men should join women should unite against gender inequality rather than separating into different movements. By coming together, the movement will strengthen and the progression of equality will be much quicker. It is time for men and women to realize their similarities and stop looking for inherent differences. Both sexes are equally capable and should be treated equally.

    4. also about changing the structure of gender relations and acting to eliminate all forms of patriarchy.

      Feminism is not solely about women's rights, it's about the rights of men and women being equal to one another. Feminism fights to stop gender inequalities altogether and stop society's systemic stereotypes.

    5. Vulnerable, acquiescent behavior is not commonly accepted as manly in today’s society.

      Most men are not made to feel comfortable expressing their emotions or showing vulnerability, which is the primary reason for men's controlling behavior and aggression.

    6. Men, on the other hand, are less likely to recognize their gender privilege and probably have not shared stories of wounding women through their own oppressive behaviors nor have they grieved with other men over the harm they have caused to women.

      Men are less likely to realize the issue, as they are the group benefiting from privilege. They are also less likely to confront their own emotional issues as a result of society's unrealistic pressures.

    7. regardless of these and other secondary effects of sexism, men still benefit from patriarchy (the social system of sexism) whether or not they choose to fight sexism in others or themselves.

      The author claims that men continue have more benefits than women, whether or not they join the feminist movement. Without full support from the male population, society will continue to overlook the problem and feed off of sexist stereotypes.

    8. Sexism negatively impacts men by forcing them into a hyper-masculinity which engages high-risk behavior and limits their emotional expression as full human beings.

      Sexism has caused men to shield their emotions from others and channel their feelings into anger, violence, and aggression.

    9. Men cannot really be feminists anymore than whites can be black nationalists. However, men can be pro-feminist and whites can be pro-black nationalists.

      The author argues that men cannot be feminists, but can identify as pro-feminist. In other words, when someone is not in the targeted group, they will never experience the unique first-hand discrimination or fully understand the circumstances.

    10. If feminism is to attain its goal of liberating women, men must be a part of the struggle. Indeed, men probably bear more of the responsibility for ending oppression of women since patriarchal men have been the main perpetrators of that very oppression.

      Men are a much-needed factor in the fight for gender equality. The individuals largely responsible for the oppression can greatly advance the movement of the oppressed. By recognizing their privilege and realizing the importance of equal rights, men have the ability to help the feminist movement in a huge way.

    1. Men of the world, let’s unite for women’s empowerment

      I plan to use this source in order to showcase society's nourishment of male dominance and aggression, while also presenting the systemic discrimination against women.

    2. Women represent 70 per cent of the world’s poor.

      The facts presented in this paragraph are largely disheartening. Women should not be at a higher disadvantage than men simply because of their sex. It is time that society lifts its pressure of traditional gender roles, men begin to realize the negative effects of their aggression, and both sexes come together to combat inequality.

    3. By continuing to deny this reality or leave the responsibility to women to "do something about it" themselves, the injustices against women are only exacerbated.

      Women cannot combat gender inequality alone. To bring about change, people must come together and demand reform. It is essential for men to realize their crucial role in the movement toward social justice for both sexes.

    4. Let's challenge established gender roles and mandates. Let us decide to live better together and take steps to build communities that will respect men and women equally and have no need for abuse and violence to maintain a power imbalance.

      Traditional gender roles should not define people's identities. Rather than being pitted against one another, men and women should be seen as alike beings with similar aspirations. Men should not continuously exert dominance over women due to society's pressures.

    5. our cultures and institutions tend to maintain and nourish male dominance in a way which undermines human development – hampering the ability for individuals to realize their potential according to their own interests and preferences.

      People should be given equal opportunities to explore their interests rather than women continually looking on while their male counterparts succeed. As human beings, it is imperative for both sexes to participate in the movement toward gender equality; this would mean liberation for both men and women.

    6. The intent and discrimination behind this system becomes more obvious every day whereby men create the conditions  to conserve their power and exercise control, even if it means resorting to violence or abuse.

      When men are unsure of how to handle their emotions, they frequently lash out rather that communicating. Since a young age, men are taught to suppress their emotions and remain in control. When they feel that control slipping away, many men turn to violence and anger.

    7. In many countries, our social relations are organized under a patriarchal system, which builds and maintains a hierarchy around men.

      Most countries around the world foster men's dominance through societal structures and the portrayal of sexes. Men are often presented as more independent, strong, and capable while women are seen as submissive, weak, and dependent.

    1. Let's Empower Women by Empowering Men

      I plan to use this source in order to showcase the need for further resources to allow men to express themselves and let go of their need for dominance.

    2. In coming up with a typology, we see how acute the needs are in supporting men. For example, how many hotlines are out there to support the men that need help? There is much work to do.

      Men are given many more resources and made to feel much more comfortable than men are. This needs to change if women want equal rights and men want their voices heard.

    3. Most gender initiatives continue to focus on women. This is understandable. But as we argue, we need interventions targeting and supporting men for change.

      Men should not be left out of the gender equality conversation. Both sexes must combat pressures from society, and while women face more severe discrimination, men are also treated unjustly. Men must be invited to join the feminist movement, as women will be able to prevail once men surrender their constant dominance.

    4. This is not an easy thing. Men are critically judged and assessed - by themselves, by their peers, by their elders and by most women themselves - based on the dominant ideals of manhood.

      Attractive men are portrayed as strong, dominant, macho figures with the ability to take control. They are constantly pressured by those around them to suppress their feelings and emulate a tough exterior.

    5. We must also empower men. Of course, not in the conventional sense by giving men more power over women. Rather, by empowering men to challenge prevailing norms and change their behaviors.

      If men are given the resources to express themselves rather than being forced to conform to society's unrealistic expectations, they would not continue to exert dominance over the female population.

    1. Male Aggression

      I plan to use this source in order to address the opposition's opinion that men and women are inherently different by nature, with men being predisposed to aggressive behavior.

    2. The social environment only cultivates and points out these predispositions towards fighting and aggression.

      While some may argue that men are genetically wired to be more aggressive, it can be more accurately argued that men are pressured into controlling behaviors by the media, their family, their peers, and society overall.

    3. men are more suited for battle than women, and these skills are native; they were selected and evolutionary polished

      Just because the bodies of men and women may be built differently does not mean that one sex is naturally more aggressive than the other. Muscle mass and brain function have no correlation; rather, men have been made to develop anger issues due to society's unrealistic ideals.

    4. Also important in this regard are the findings of social psychologists who have noted that the social emancipation of women in recent decades has barely influenced or enhanced the expressiveness of aggressive behavior in women, which is additional proof that the higher degree of masculine aggressiveness is, first of all, due to genetic factors.

      This argument fails on many levels, however. Although women have been given more opportunities in the workforce, that does not correlate to aggressiveness. Women are already taught to be effective communicators and emotionally vulnerable, while men are taught to hide their feelings. The lack of emotional outlets for men is what causes them to acquire aggressive tendencies, not their ability to attain a job. Just because women have gained a more prominent role in society does not mean their anger levels will increase. Men are frustrated due to their inability to express themselves, and it is time that we combat this injustice.

    5. First of all, it’s not the parents that impose behavioral styles on their children, but their reaction at the latter’s requests; toy guns are bought for boys and dolls for girls because these are usually the children’s preferences (in part genetically predetermined). And as parents respond to children’s preformed wishes, so do media, offering a content which corresponds to behavioral patterns already existing on a social level

      The opposition often states that boys and girls are born with genetically-based preferences. However, it does not seem likely for the brain to be developed and already acquire toy preferences without any prior influences. Children see television ads, other children, and observe their parents' behaviors as well. This is what causes boys to reach for guns and girls to reach for dolls; it is not some biological inclination.

    6. Folk literature and the media constantly present men, and not women, fighting. Parents buy toy guns for boys and dolls for girls. Parents are more willing to endorse and encourage the aggressive behavior of boys, and not of girls.

      Men are bred to be more aggressive due to family, media, and societal influences. The lack of emotional support they received, paired with the unrealistic pressures placed on them, causes men to develop an inner frustration that commonly translates into anger.

    7. One of the most popular theories belongs to American social psychologist Leonard Berkowitz. According to him, men and women are educated, traditionally, to carry out different social roles.

      Men and women are influenced in different ways and this causes them to develop separate characteristics over time. For example, men are conventionally more violent than women due, in many cases, to their harsher upbringing. Men are told to hold in their emotions rather than expressing them.

    1. Gender roles: Men and women are not so different after all

      I plan to use this source in order to contend that women and men share similar fundamental characteristics and the two should not be placed into separate categories.

    2. They identified 10 attributes in which there was a significant gap between genders.

      While men and women do seem to be very similar, there are some instances where the two seem to differ substantially. However, these differences could very well be due to the pressures and influences placed on the two sexes.

    3. If you look at incarceration rates to compare the aggressiveness of men and women, the fact that men constitute the vast majority of the prison population supports the idea that men are extremely more aggressive. However, it’s a misleading estimate of how much typical men and women differ on aggressiveness, if that’s the only thing you look at for comparison,” he said.

      There is a diverse array of factors that must be looked at before feeding into gender stereotypes. Men tend to be seen as more aggressive simply due to the proportion of men in jail compared to women. Even though men do tend to hold more anger than women, one must look at all angles before grouping people together.

    4. Their report, published in American Psychologist, found an almost 80 percent overlap for more than 75 percent of the psychological characteristics, such as risk taking, occupational stress and morality. Simply put, our differences are not so profound.

      Contrary to popular belief, men and women share a lot of characteristics and feelings in common. The difference comes regarding communication; while women are able to express their emotions, men are extremely hesitant to do so.

    5. Gender stereotypes can influence beliefs and create the impression that the differences are large, said Zlatan Krizan, an associate professor of psychology at ISU.

      The gender-based stereotypes presented by the media have made people feel as though men and women have irreconcilable differences. In reality, men and women are more alike than society makes them out to be.

    1. Big boys don’t cry BUT deep down they’re more emotional than women, according to new study

      I plan to use this source in order to show that although men often fail to communicate, they still have plenty of emotions and thoughts that they must be made able to share.

    2. We tend to oversimplify and exaggerate the perceived differences between men and women and are more likely to focus on evidence that supports our existing gender stereotypes.

      Men and women really aren't that different. Society and the media make the two sexes seem more separate than they actually are. Both men and women feel similar emotions, men just feel less comfortable expressing those emotions.

    3. As expected, women said they felt more emotional in response to the content compared to the men.

      Women are more likely to communicate their emotions and admit to their sensitivity, while men are traditionally taught to shield their emotions from others and toughen up in emotional situations.

    4. the women admitted feeling more emotional than the men did.

      While the men physiologically felt more emotional than women, women were more open about their feelings. Men feel the need to hide their emotions in order to fit society's expectations. It's time that men start feeling comfortable to express themselves rather than channeling their emotions through anger and aggression.

    5. The experiment found that when men and women watched the same heart-warming videos, it was the men who experienced stronger physiological reactions.

      Interestingly enough, men showed higher sensitivity in comparison to women. Although men may have more intense feelings, they continue to lack an effective outlet to express those feelings.

    1. Families and Gender Equity

      I plan to use this source in order to prove the importance of co-parenting and to provide practical solutions to men's controlling behaviors.

    2. Because sharing family work is linked to cooperation in other realms, men's involvement could increase women's public status and reduce men's propensity for violence.

      Men's participation in the parenting process could allow women to enter the workforce and men to adopt more caring characteristics.

    3. The biggest change in marriage has been that men's jobs no longer guarantee them spouses, and women no longer select husbands based primarily on earning potential.

      Although men have been seen as the more capable sex in the past, individuals are moving away from these stereotypes and women have begun to take a stand.

    4. Conversely, because many men worry about their masculinity, they refuse to perform activities they consider "women's work."

      Men often stray from helping women with domestic work because they are embarrassed or feel ashamed to do so. If this stigma was removed, women would not feel so overwhelmed with housework and unable to pursue their other life goals.

    5. Predictably, men who assume responsibility for routine parenting report that it is profoundly enriching. They usually develop the kinder and gentler sides of themselves that are rarely displayed on the job or in all-male social groups.

      Through parenting, men are able to become more kind-hearted and sensitive. In turn, this allows for husbands and wives to communicate and relate better. On top of this, men helping to parent allows women to explore their interests outside of the home.

    6. Compared with mothers, men spend more of their child-care time in games or rough-and-tumble play. We now know that children learn important skills in this kind of interaction, such as how to regulate their emotions.

      Although men are traditionally more aggressive, child care can be an outlet for them to channel their emotions in a positive way. On top of this, men can become more nurturing and less controlling through parent-child interactions.

    7. In spite of these recent trends, many Americans continue to assume that men are the "real" breadwinners and that women should be responsible for child care and housework.

      Even though women have proven themselves through taking on jobs over the past few decades, men continue to be seen as the more dominant, independent, and responsible sex.

    8. Historical and cross-cultural studies show that when men share in routine child care, women enjoy higher public status and share political authority with men. When fathers are intimately involved in the lives of young children, men are unlikely to celebrate their manhood through combative contests, vociferous oratory, and violent rituals. These findings suggest that if we want to move toward gender equity in the society, we should abandon the Victorian ideal of separate spheres. If women are to be equal participants in the economy and the polity, men must become equal partners in maintaining homes and raising children.

      By men sharing the responsibility of raising children, women are given more freedom to explore their similar aspirations. On top of this, men are able to develop more nurturing characteristics through interactions with children. This has the ability to hinder aggressive behavior and better the relationship between men and women. Since women have begun to enter the economy in large numbers, men should begin helping in the home.

    9. Fathers, in contrast, are seen as competitive protectors and providers, enabling them to assume their "rightful" position as head and master of the family.

      Women are constantly forced into roles as mothers and wives since men are pressured to be bread-winners. Women and men should share parenting responsibilities, and both sexes should be given the ability to work if they aspire to do so.

    10. he primary justification for excluding women from positions of authority is a holdover from the nineteenth century. According to the Victorian ideal of separate spheres, frail but morally pure women found true fulfillment in their domestic roles as wives and mothers, and rugged manly men left home to earn a family wage.

      Since the nineteenth century, women have been driven into domestic positions with little opportunity to break from the traditional mold. Nowadays, women are given more of a chance to pursue their interests; however, women continue to be rarely seen in positions of leadership or dominance. This has largely to do with the controlling tendencies of men and society's long-standing portrayal of men as stronger and more capable.

    11. Subservient women and macho men are the product of historically specific social, political, and economic arrangements and are both cause and consequence of identifiable patterns of family life.

      The positions that men and women have acquired throughout history can be primarily blamed on the prejudice fostered by society. Men have gained dominant roles over women through the social, political, and economic status of the country. The various influences upon men and women throughout childhood and adulthood make women feel less able to assert themselves.

    1. The primary justification for excluding women from positions of authority is a holdover from the nineteenth century. According to the Victorian ideal of separate spheres, frail but morally pure women found true fulfillment in their domestic roles as wives and mothers, and rugged manly men left home to earn a family wage.

      Since the nineteenth century, women have been driven into domestic positions with little opportunity to break from the traditional mold. Nowadays, women are given more of a chance to pursue their interests; however, women continue to be rarely seen in positions of leadership or dominance. This has largely to do with the controlling tendencies of men and society's long-standing portrayal of men as stronger and more capable.

    2. Subservient women and macho men are the product of historically specific social, political, and economic arrangements and are both cause and consequence of identifiable patterns of family life.

      The positions that men and women have acquired throughout history can be primarily blamed on the prejudice fostered by society. Men have gained dominant roles over women through the social, political, and economic status of the country. The various influences upon men and women throughout childhood and adulthood make women feel less able to assert themselves.

    1. A BOY'S LIFE

      I plan to use this source in order to present the traditional expectations given to men from society and the aggression they have developed as a result.

    2. While the new curriculum catered to behavior and activities traditionally associated with males, the center's aim was to allow boys to explore any and all of their needs and talents. One boy, for example, displayed an ear for music, while another showed proficiency at dance and movement, recalls Cathy Waller, the center's administrator. Teachers also reassured boys that if they were hurt or felt sad, it was all right to cry. Society often teaches boys to internalize emotions and suppress tears, Waller notes, "and that takes its toll on boys."

      By providing boys with an array of activities to choose from and emotional encouragement from adults, they are less likely to become aggressive and controlling.

    3. Older boys have issues with aggression and violent behavior, which some researchers believe is rooted in depression and an inability for boys to express themselves emotionally, King says.

      Aggression and violence in boys can be directly linked to their inability to express themselves.

    4. "If we're going to improve the social conditions of women by ameliorating the levels of violence or discrimination or attacks on the rights of women, we must look not only at women, but men as well."

      Women will stop being mistreated once men are able to express their emotions and lessen their levels of aggression.

    5. Some argue that men have long been a subject for researchers and fear that masculinity studies will shove women out of the scholarly spotlight

      Inequalities of men should be explored alongside the inequalities of women. If men don't feel the need to control and obtain power, women won't need to be submissive.

    6. Schools, families, and peer groups need to allow young men greater flexibility in expressing their emotions and sharing their feelings without responding with ridicule, Hatty suggests.

      If men's emotions were welcomed rather than denounced, their controlling behaviors could be prevented.

    7. Men view their bodies as weapons and instruments of will. Pushing the body to injury, then overcoming the pain, as seen in sports, is considered courageous. However, this can make men feel detached from their bodies, which then become targets for disgust. They may project those feelings onto women, sparking violence.

      Due to the portrayal of men as machines in many movies, advertisements, and athletics, they become aggressive and channel their violence onto women.

    8. In the classroom, boys are more likely to repeat a grade, receive special education, or be prescribed Ritalin to control aggressive behavior. And in the past few years, young men have acted out their frustration through a series of shocking school shootings, a mirror of the type of workplace violence carried out in recent times by adult men.

      Since many men feel unable to express themselves, they act out more frequently and show anger and aggression more commonly.

    9. The recipe for manhood was simple in the first half of the 20th century: Men were hard-working breadwinners, respected fathers, chivalrous gentlemen. Soldiers flexed their brawn in two world wars and athletes were cultural icons.

      The perception of men as dominant, strong, superior figures began decades ago. These traditional gender assumptions continue in many people's modern-day mindsets. Individuals born in the mid-20th century are raising their sons with the same ideals they grew up around.


      I plan to use this source to present the opposition's view that the two sexes are inherently different and that boys' toughness can be seen as beneficial more than hurtful.

    2. Children have lived through war; they have survived abject poverty; they have worked 18 hour days at the age of five or six in the foulest conditions.

      This is not acceptable. Just because children have lived under unjust circumstances in the past does not mean we should repeat it in the future. Society should learn from these mistakes and provide further support to children.

    3. But children who never meet a challenge will never feel the satisfaction of accomplishment.

      This is true in certain cases, but it falls short when it comes to the male advocacy argument. No child should be forced to face the challenge of emotional neglect. Every male and female should be given the support they deserve and be given the opportunity to communicate their feelings. By giving adolescents an outlet for expression, they would become more successful in the long run, not less.

    4. The boy advocates, who are disturbed by the differences between males and females, want to persuade us that normal male traits are personality disorders. This is clearly wrong. We should acknowledge that the sexes are different and work with what nature has provided.

      Nature and biology are not the primary reasons for the differences between men and women. Family and society influences are the primary reasons for their differences. If men were not made to hide their emotions and toughen up, women would not feel the need to be submissive to their male counterparts. We should not merely accept that the two are inherently different; rather, we need to take steps to ensure that males feel comfortable expressing themselves and women feel comfortable being assertive. This starts by educating the general population and encouraging parents to raise their children to be androgynous rather than feed into gender-based stereotypes.

    5. Parents of aggressive boys tend not to take an interest in their sons' friends and do not keep track of their activities. Aggressive boys tend to have parents who use halfhearted and inept disciplinary techniques. They threaten, scold, and nag without backing up their threats with effective action. Families of aggressive boys employ confrontation instead of negotiation to resolve conflicts.

      Family life and one's upbringing can be a huge influence on their aggression later in life. If they are always disciplined and taught to hide their emotions, men are likely to develop anger problems and crave positions of control.

    6. Even with respect to aggression--where the most robust sex differences are reported--a person's gender is responsible for only 5 percent of the difference. This means that general human variation is usually the result of such factors as genetic heritage, temperament, child-rearing experience, personal values, attitudes toward life, and so forth and so on. Sex, in the final tally, just doesn't count for much.

      Biological makeup accounts for minuscule differences in men and women. It is their upbringing, heritages, experiences, values, and pressures from society that shape the behaviors of each sex.

    7. if we buy into the fantasy that boys are china dolls, we risk eventually making them into just that.

      What's so wrong with allowing boys to express themselves? Both girls and boys should be able to do so, and nobody should be labeled as a "china doll" or weak because they have natural feelings that come along with human life.

    8. Only a small minority of boys and girls is afflicted by the kinds of problems described by the boy advocates.

      I strongly disagree with this. I believe most - if not, all - males are affected by the pressures society has placed on men. Most people are not diagnosed with anything, but they still continue to shield their emotions and demonstrate aggressive behavior as a result. Even if they are subconsciously hiding their feelings, the majority of men are made to feel ashamed of their sensitivities. This is a serious problem that must be addressed.

    9. if we have a boy problem, then we have a girl problem too

      If men are not able to express themselves emotionally, it causes them to act aggressively and make women feel inferior. The two sexes affect one another.

    10. Men who, as adults, are preoccupied with the pursuit of money, status, or some other real or illusory power, are only trying to fill the empty void inside themselves that is the result of our cruel demands that a little boy should just shape up and "take it like a man."

      GREAT QUOTE: Men adopt controlling and aggressive personalities is a result of their inability to express emotions. They try to put on a stoic front in order to appear strong and insensitive. If men did not feel the need to fill emotional voids with powerful positions, women would not be oppressed as a consequence.

    11. just as we have been stifling female development, beginning at adolescence, so we are undermining the emotional development of four- and five-year-old boys

      Many young males are held back by their fear of emotions and communication. They learn to suppress their feelings from a young age, and this leads to control problems and depression.

    12. We fail to give them the emotional support that they need--which we are willing and eager to provide for our daughters. We do not encourage boys to express their feelings, and we do not provide them with the necessary support for emotional growth.

      This is the reason why many boys suffer emotionally and have vulnerability problems. Girls are given permission to show their feelings, while boys are not shown this same sympathy.

    13. Feminists had a solution to this "girl problem": Raise both little girls and boys to be androgynous. Androgyny, a grab bag of masculine and feminine traits, would liberate not only females but also males from the tyranny of sex roles. The androgynous person would exhibit a blend of desirable male and female characteristics--for instance, assertiveness and nurturing. In an androgynous world, females would be assertive and males sensitive, and everyone would be better off, for equality between the sexes could only be achieved when females acquired masculine traits and when males softened their rough edges.

      By raising children to have well-rounded personalities with various positive traits, there wouldn't be such a large divide between the sexes. Boys and girls should both be expressive and assertive.

    14. Many boys who SEEM to be doing well are actually living lives of quiet desperation.

      Many men will put up a front in order to hide their deeper emotions. We should make boys feel comfortable expressing themselves.

    15. they haven't got the emotional resources, or support from others, to cope with the pain.

      Many boys are not given the resources or encouragement needed to express their emotions. They are taught to shield their emotions from others and remain strong. However, males should be taught that true strength comes through opening up and being vulnerable. If boys were given the opportunity to share their feelings, they would experience much less stress, frustration, and sadness.

    16. boys today are plagued by depression, isolation, despair, and fragile self-esteem. Boys are performing poorly in school

      Many boys feel extremely isolated due to the pressure to hide their emotions. Many males feel humiliated if they express their feelings due to the many gender stereotypes within society.

    1. Depression's Machismo Mask

      I plan to use this source to show how men are often pressured to shield their emotions from others, and in many cases develop depression and anger issues as a consequence.


      I plan to use this source in order to show than men and women reach the same outcomes equally as successful, regardless of the small differences in their brain activities.


      I plan to use this source to prove that the small differences between men and women's biological makeups do not account for the primary differences between the two sexes; rather, it is society's pressures on men to hide their emotions that accounts for their aggression.

    1. "This guy trudges into my office, collapses into the chair and says, 'My wife/partner/friend sent me. She says I'm depressed.'"

      Men are so afraid to confront their emotions, and this needs to be stopped. If men can express themselves, all individuals will be affected positively. Open communication fosters healthy relationships and overall happiness.

    2.  From the time he was small, "I was told that I had to be a man"--and that meant no crying, no admission of the sadness he could not escape.

      Many parents and other dominant figures in children's lives try to combat crying and emotional outbursts by telling their sons to "be a man." This makes children subconsciously connect crying and sensitivity as feminine, and thus connect femininity with weakness. By stopping these unrealistic pressures, men would not feel the need to hide their emotions and act aggressively.

    3. depression as a predominately "women's disease,

      Men can have emotions too, and it's about time that society starts realizing that.

    4. Among tradition-bound Asian Americans of his parents' generation, "depression is a sign of weakness and that weakness is a shame on the family," says Maruyama. "And to bring shame on the family, you may as well just commit suicide."

      This is a devastating truth. Men should not be driven to suicide simply because society's gender assumptions make them feel insufficient and worthless due to emotions. Feelings are unavoidable and men should not be held to impractical ideals.

    5. Pollack, author of "Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood." In the American ethos, Pollack says, "a man who's vulnerable is not even a man any more....It's the equivalent of being psychologically castrated."

      Emotions are seen as feminine and weak, which leads men to keep their feelings secret. If they were given the chance to express these feelings, the gender assumptions of men and women would be weakened as a consequence. This would allow women and men to be who they want to be, instead of being whom society wants them to be.

    6.   "It's embarrassing to be sad," he says. "And the difference between being sad and lazy is hard to distinguish."

      This is the thought process of many men throughout the world. They feel embarrassed to show emotions, and thus hide their feelings until they reach severe unhappiness.

    7. Instead of acting like they are filled with self-doubt, depressed men may bully and bluster and accuse those around them of failing them. For many men, anger--a masculine emotion that one "manages" rather than succumbs to--is a mask for deep mental anguish.

      Men turn to anger instead of words. They are not properly taught how to communicate their feelings from a young age, which must change in order to prevent the tragedies that have come from society's unrealistic pressures on men.

    8. In the United States, a man is four times more likely than a woman to commit suicide, according to government statistics. Yet, he is only half as likely to be diagnosed with depression.

      Traditionally, women are given society's permission to show emotion and expression while men are taught to be tough and insensitive. Rather than continuing this trend, it is imperative for boys to be given the opportunity to share their thoughts. By doing so, they would feel refreshed and free while girls would feel free to rise up and emulate strength.

    9. a muscular mixture of fast-driving, heavy drinking, hard-charging cussedness. For perhaps 3 million American men yearly, that's the plot line for depression.

      Since men are unable to express their deep thoughts and emotions due to society's pressures of men to be strong figures, many try to block their feelings and often become depressed as a result.

    1.  When asked whether women or men are more intelligent, the essayist Samuel Johnson responded, "Which man? Which woman?" In fact, there is greater variability in cognitive skills among women or men than between the sexes. Intelligence per se appears equal in both, although on tests they may well take different routes to arrive at the same answers.

      Men and women are ultimately equal in their capabilities although they make take different routes to reach their goals. One sex is not superior to the other when it comes to overall intelligence. If men and women are equal when it comes to brain function, the two should be given equal treatment and equal opportunities to express their emotions.

    2. As adults, women's vocabularies are no larger than men's, but we tend to be more verbally adept.

      Society teaches men that expression and communication is a sign of weakness rather than a beneficial outlet for help. Women are more able to voice their emotions, while men are more concerned about people's perception of their strength and toughness.

    3. Most male brains "idle" in an evolutionarily ancient region of this system--sometimes called the "reptilian brain"--that gives rise to unsubtle, active expressions of emotion, such as aggression and violence.

      Men's brains make them more prone to physical outbursts of emotion rather than being able to communicate their feelings.

    4. the sexes clearly respond differently to emotions, especially sadness. In his experiments, melancholy feelings activated, or turned on, neurons in an area eight times larger in women than men.

      Part of the reason men respond hesitantly to emotions in comparison to women could be the pressures they face growing up. They are constantly taught to suppress their feelings, which eventually causes them to be insensitive to emotional triggers. Although their biological makeup may be part of the equation, it is undeniable that all human beings are naturally emotional and men are bred to ignore their emotional temptations.

    5.  Some studies have found that this connector is thicker in females, allowing more "crosstalk" between the emotional, intuitive right hemisphere and the rational, just-the-facts left.      Because the male brain is more compartmentalized, George notes, men may be better able to focus intensely, a possible advantage for tasks like higher mathematics that require cognitive "superspecialization."

      While women's brains tend to see the larger pictures, men's brains traditionally focus in on one thing at a time. Even though the two sexes may have different perspectives, their ability to get the job done is not lessened.

    6. "Male and female brains do the same things, but they do them differently," says neuropsychologist Raquel Gur, Ph.D., of the University of Pennsylvania.

      Even though the brains of men and women are not identical, they are able to do the same actions and activities in equally efficient ways.

    7. Men's and women's brains are, in fact, more alike than unlike, but they are definitely not the same--in size, structures or sensitivities.

      Although the biological makeup of men and women may be slightly different, the two sexes are more similar than they are different. On top of this, their varying sensitivities and habits may be to blame for small behavioral observations, but do not make them incapable of success in the workforce.

    1. One provocative study showed babies happily tugging a string in order to change a projected image; when the string no longer worked, the girl gave up and cried, while the boy became angry and pulled harder.

      From such a young age, the two sexes show distinct differences in their reactions and behaviors. To combat these systemic problems, parents and guardians must stress the importance of assertiveness and strength without forgetting the value of kindness and expression.

    2.  Some believe that society has already started making remedial adjustments through upbringing and education, such as encouraging assertiveness in girls and placing more emphasis on co-operation and empathy from boys.

      Schools breaking down barriers between boys and girls would allow both sexes to freely express themselves rather than trying to hide their true emotions in order to fit gender-related pressures.

    3. "The data linking aggressive behaviour [in humans] and testosterone is suggestive but not conclusive," says Dr. Heino Meyer-Bahlburg, the behavioural endocrinologist at Columbia University.

      While some believe that testosterone is solely to blame for men's aggressive behavior, the environment they grow up is what predominantly affects their perceptions and actions. Scientists have failed to find that testosterone is what leads to men's controlling tendencies.

    4.  Certainly, there has been a lot of social resistance to the consistent demonstration over decades that boys develop verbal skills more slowly than girls. And that girls in turn are outnumbered by boys in the top echelons of math ability by ratios exceeding 10 to one.

      In some instances, girls excel in comparison to boys, while other cases show the opposite. It is time for society to stop grouping people by gender and start caring on an individual basis.

    5. scientists don't dispute that quantifiable physiological differences are relatively small.

      Even though there may be small differences in the brain functions and biological makeups of men and women, they are diminutive and largely insignificant when it comes to the competence of each sex.

    6. New technology in brain imaging reveals that men and women actually use different parts of their brains to deal with the same tasks. "There is a critical mass of evidence which has made it inescapable that there is a biological difference in behaviour between the sexes," says Dr. Witelson.

      OPPOSITION: Some medical researchers have found that women and men use different parts of their brain when carrying out similar actions. This has led many to believe that men and women are inevitably different. However, the possible difference in brain activity is minuscule and should not mean separate opportunities for men and women. Just because they use different parts of the brain does not mean one sex is less capable than the other. They both have the ability to complete the same tasks in an effective manner and should be given the chance to do so.

    7. Women talk to express caring, gain consensus and build community; men talk to rank one another and maintain a competitive position.

      Men are bred to be competitive, while women are taught to collaborate and exude kindness. If this were to change, the two sexes would be less polarized. This would allow society to take proper steps toward gender equality.

    8. The boys' interaction is punctuated by cries of, "Gimmie that!" and "Get outta here!" The girls say things like, "Let's do this" and "How about doing that?"

      The differing behaviors among boys and girls starts from an early age. They are taught by family members and society to be tough, assertive, and commanding. On the other hand, girls are brought up in a more peaceful environment that teaches them manners, politeness, and tenderness. Instead of being treated differently as children, boys and girls should be taught the same values and lessons. By doing this, boys would stop controlling and girls would not feel intimidated.

    1. Emma Watson: Gender equality is your issue too

      I plan to use this source in order to show the beneficial consequences of men's vulnerability and to prove that gender equality is an important issue for both men and women.

    2. I want men to take up this mantle. So their daughters, sisters and mothers can be free from prejudice but also so that their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human too—

      Women are not the only group affected by gender assumptions, men are as well. Once men begin to realize their important role in the equal rights movement, both sexes will feel comfortable expressing themselves. Women will be free to demonstrate their leadership skills, and men will be free to discuss their thoughts and feelings. In order to better future generations, it is essential for humanity to take crucial steps toward equality.

    3. Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong… It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum not as two opposing sets of ideals.

      Men and women shouldn't be pitted against one another. All human beings have the same emotions and capabilities, and it is time that society's unjust expectations are exchanged for humility. If men are given the opportunity to share their inner feelings, women will feel enabled to do the same.

    4. If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted women won’t feel compelled to be submissive. If men don’t have to control, women won’t have to be controlled.

      When men are given the freedom to express themselves rather than exuding an unemotional front, women will be given the opportunity to break free of traditional gender stereotypes.

    5. We don’t often talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereotypes but I can see that that they are and that when they are free, things will change for women as a natural consequence.

      When men stop being desensitized, they will not require constant positions of power. This will allow women to also emulate strength rather than being deemed as weak.

    6. How can we affect change in the world when only half of it is invited or feel welcome to participate in the conversation?

      All human beings have natural emotions that come along with each stage of life, and men should not be forced to hide their feelings in order to fit society's unrealistic criteria. When it comes to equal rights, women should not be the only ones on board.

    7. When at 18 my male friends were unable to express their feelings.

      Since a young age, boys are taught to suppress their emotions to appear strong and stoic. Because of society's pressure on men, they acquire controlling behaviors and a need for dominance. If men were made to embrace their sensitivity rather than shielding it from others, women would not be forced into submissive roles. If both men and women were equally able to be vulnerable, neither sex would feel the need to gain control of the other.

  2. Feb 2016
    1. G

      Summary: This article uses blatant language in order to powerfully break down the importance of feminism and the various eras of feminism. It explains that women should not be held up to society's standards, and that feminists shouldn't be stereotyped and given a negative reputation. I will use this source to strengthen my argument that the feminism movement is a crucial step toward progress and that all people should be welcome to join the fight for equal rights.

    1. m

      Summary: This article explains the inequalities women face in the workforce. The author uses facts to show how much less women make than men, the different jobs women are expected to do, and the lack of benefits women receive on the job. Since women are cheaper to hire, many companies take advantage of women and treat them unfairly. I will use this article to prove the importance of the feminist movement,which is to uplift women and fight for equal rights to men.

    2. As long as feminists are lauding the ascension of women to boardrooms for equality’s sake and not questioning what happens in those boardrooms, true liberation is a long way off.

      Simply earning a traditional "man's job" shouldn't be the sole accomplishment. Women should also question how they're treated at the job, what they're paid, and the benefits they receive. Rather than accepting what they think they can get, it is essential for women to always dig deeper and fight for total equality.

    3. And so we are at this point, where all too many feminists see “saving” sex workers as an appropriately feminist activity but not walking a picket line with striking teachers or nurses or hotel housekeepers.

      Even of those who identify as feminists, many of these women abstain from activist activities. While this shouldn't be requirement of being a feminist, it definitely helps the movement by gaining media attention and the support of others. If more women were confident in themselves and their right to equal treatment, change would happen much faster.

    4. The National Domestic Workers Alliance isn’t out to end domestic work, but by calling for fair standards and better wages, its members are saying that the work they do is as valuable as any other kind of work, and that it is not the “natural” place of women, mainly women of color and immigrant women, to clean up after others.

      Women shouldn't be forced into domestic work just because they have traditionally been portrayed as cookers and cleaners. If they do choose to pursue domestic work, though, they should be treated fairly and paid appropriate wages for their labor. It shouldn't be expected that women will clean for cheap - it's a job that should have certain regulations.

    5. the decision to hire women as teachers was made, as the nation moved to providing public schools, because women were cheaper—and politicians and public intellectuals concealed that reasoning by portraying women as natural carers, morally superior angels.

      The amount of women hired as teachers may not be due to their ability to care or nurture more than men (which is still sexist), it may just be that they're cheaper to hire.

    6. It is, of course, the argument of the Right that women freely choose lower-paid work because they prefer caring professions or more free time to spend with their children.

      Sometimes women are forced to take lower paid jobs, though, because other industries won't hire them. Plus, it is society that has made occupations like a librarian a woman's job and truck driving a man's job. These jobs can be done by either gender, and individuals shouldn't be restricted to occupations that are traditionally held by one sex.

    7. the retail behemoth exploited the specific skills of Southern white Christian women going to work outside the home for the first time as much as their willingness to work for little pay because they’d never been paid before.

      Many industries take advantage of inexperienced women and pay them less due to their gender. Many of these women don't even realize the inequality happening right before their eyes because they have never worked outside of home before. On top of this, they don't always have the resources to compare their pay/treatment to that of their co-workers.

    8. even in retail, women make only 90 percent of what men make.

      Women consistently make less than men.

    9. Some 60 percent of the jobs lost in the public sector were held by women, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. And women have regained only 12 percent of the jobs lost during the recession, while men have regained 63 percent of the jobs they lost.

      This fact shows the undeniable inequality between men and women in the workforce. Women lost more jobs than men during the recession, and women were also far less likely to gain those jobs back.

    10. women in the restaurant industry earn 83 cents to a man’s dollar.

      Even though food service is a female-dominated industry, women continue to earn less than their male counterparts.

    1. Case

      Summary: This article explains the frustration that many women feel toward the inferior label we are given. The author also explains that we should stop chasing perfection, stop trying to fit in and match society's ideals, and that we should put more emotion into our arguments rather than striving for political correctness. The feminist movement should make women feel empowered, not scare them away. I will use this article in order to contend that no woman is perfect, and everyone should be accepted for who they choose to be.

    2. There’s plenty of room for all genders at the positive accolades and Nobel Prize galas, so let’s change our brains and get the late-to-the-party women and LGBT pioneers into the history books where they belong; for good and for bad

      Women are largely misrepresented in history books, and maybe its time we add more influential women into historical texts. Women who have pushed for social justice should be recognized for their efforts.

    3. Knowledge is power, indeed.

      Very true - if more people educated themselves on the subject, more people would realize the importance of the feminism movement.

    4. Why do we even have to talk about this in the year 2015? It’s maddening beyond expression. I want to know at which point (or the many “points”) in history men and women were truly made separate, and women became “less than?

      This is an interesting question posed by the author. How and when were women decided to be the inferior sex? There is no real difference between the two's ability, so how were women categorized as something less than men?

    5. “Don’t be old.” “Don’t be fat.” “Wealthy people are mostly white and are much smarter than you.” “Get expensive, damaging surgery to be ‘good enough’ and in control”

      Society has created so many stereotypes and pressures that it seems impossible to fit in or impress others. These unrealistic standards make so many people feel insufficient.

    6. But we should also cut ourselves a little slack when our intentions are good.

      "Essential feminism" needs to stop and people shouldn't be held to a high standard in order to identify as a feminist.

    7. “Democrat” and “Republican” don’t mean a goddamn thing.

      Being a Democrat or a Republican shouldn't matter when it comes to feminism. What matters is that everyone recognizes the inequalities that women face. It is undeniable, and no political party should say differently.

    8. I try to remind myself that honoring the works of the amazing humans who gave their hearts, souls, blood, sweat, genius, jail time, and even their LIVES so women could occupy an equal place in this world is far more important than any personal discomfort I may feel in fighting/living for what I believe.

      Even though there are still many inequalities between men and women, we have a much easier fight than women had in the past. They went through so much to lift women up that we should at least try to continue their legacy.

    9. some of the harshest critics of feminism are self-proclaimed feminists.

      True - feminists should unite rather than holding each other up to some unrealistic ideal.

    10. Some of the most inspiring feminists in my life have been men!

      Even though men might not fully understand the struggle, they should stand up for equal rights for women because "women's rights are human rights." Just because men are not female doesn't mean they're not impacted by females. We all have mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc., that are women. If these people play an important role in a man's life (sometimes GIVING a man life), then why wouldn't that person stand up and fight for their equality? If the Civil Rights Movement lacked support from any other race/ethnicity, the movement would've gone much slower. It is essential for the privileged group to use their advantages to speak up for underprivileged individuals.

    11. Some feminists are teachers, some are helpers, defenders and reminders, and some just gently let people be themselves. All are needed. We especially need more men feeling invited and helping out.

      The feminism movement needs support from everyone, not just those who are the loudest or fit society's feminist stereotype.

    12. HUMANS! There isn’t one core group that sticks out, I found: it seems to be a bunch of self-aware folks, mostly women, some in clumps and some alone, who (to whatever extremes) think everyone should get their fair shake.

      This ties back to the fact that people shouldn't be held to some standard when identifying as a feminist, everyone's perspectives and interests are unique. If everyone agrees that there should be gender equality, then other factors shouldn't stop someone from being a feminist. The less judgmental people are of each other, the more people will join the feminism movement rather than abstaining out of fear.

    13. Physically, I am a woman, but my gender doesn’t dominate my thoughts or passions every waking moment.

      Someone's entire identity shouldn't be determined based off of their gender. People should be looked at equally regardless of their sex.

    14. After a while, the same words and dogmatic phrases don’t sound like they are coming from real people, so our eyes and ears can easily start tuning them out. When we become numb to the message we get lazy, and when we use other people’s words over and over, we become uninspired and lose the spark and urgency we had in the first place.

      Instead of solely relying on academic writings regarding feminism, ordinary people should be encouraged to join the conversation. Often, these people have more first-hand experience with the topic and can offer a passion that would otherwise be lost. The emphasis on political correctness within the United States can sometimes exclude the emotions attached to a topic.

    15. I want all of us to be able to drown in the varieties of humans.

      When we embrace each other's differences and learn from one another's experiences, our society becomes so much more interesting, enlightening, and peaceful.

    16. I already FEEL equal, so what’s the fucking hold up?

      Women and men are not different in what they are capable of doing and shouldn't be treated differently in the workforce, music industry, or by society in general. If men and women ARE equal, then why aren't we given equal rights?

    1. favorite

      Summary: This article explains how feminist women are expected to act/look a certain way in order for their voice to count. It presents the feeling of fear and embarrassment many women get for identifying as a feminist, simply because they don't meet society's feminist ideals or they are afraid to be judged by others. I will utilize the information in this article in order to argue that women should all be invited to join the feminist movement, not just those who are extremely nontraditional.

  3. Jan 2016
    1. Like most people, I’m full of contradictions

      It's impossible to never contradict yourself. Human beings are complicated, and just because you fit certain "feminine" characteristics shouldn't mean you can't fight for equal rights.

    2. groundbreaking women and industry leaders, are afraid to be labeled feminists, afraid to stand up and say, “Yes, I am a feminist,” for fear of what that label means, for fear of how to live up to it,

      Very true and needs to be changed.

    3. And while I may be a bad feminist, I am deeply committed to the issues important to the feminist movement.

      Being a feminist doesn't have to be a huge commitment that makes you feel guilty for enjoying the things you do. People are scared of identifying as a feminist because of being criticized or given a negative reputation. Feminism is simply believing that women should be equal to men, and although it helps to be vocal about the issue, no woman should be shunned from the movement because they have unique ideals.

    4. I very much like men. They’re interesting to me, and I mostly wish they would be better about how they treat women so I wouldn’t have to call them out so often.

      Feminism doesn't mean man-hating. It just means having a passion for equal rights to men. The movement is not supposed to be degrading to the other sex.

    5. Pink is my favorite color. I used to say my favorite color was black to be cool, but it is pink—all shades of pink. If I have an accessory, it is probably pink.

      Again, people shouldn't feel like they have to abandon their preferences in order to fit in with society's perception of feminists. Liking the color pink and liking dresses doesn't make you a "bad feminist." Everyone is different, and you can still want equal rights for women if you enjoy traditional "girly" things.

    6. When I drive to work I listen to thuggish rap at a very loud volume even though the lyrics are degrading to women and offend me to my core.

      The author's sarcasm toward the end of this article is very interesting. It makes readers realize that there is no right way to be a feminist. No one is perfect, and no one can completely erase their inner feelings. You can be a feminist and still be yourself.

    7. Trailblazing female leaders in the corporate world tend to reject the feminist label, too. Marissa Mayer, who was appointed president and CEO of Yahoo! in July 2012, said in an interview, I don’t think that I would consider myself a feminist. I think that I certainly believe in equal rights, I believe that women are just as capable, if not more so in a lot of different dimensions, but I don’t, I think, have, sort of, the militant drive and the sort of, the chip on the shoulder that sometimes comes with that. And I think it’s too bad, but I do think that feminism has become in many ways a more negative word. You know, there are amazing opportunities all over the world for women, and I think that there is more good that comes out of positive energy around that than negative energy.

      This is so frustrating. Somebody that obviously has an education to serve as President and CEO of Yahoo! still has a misconception of the word. She even says that women should be treated equally and that women are sometimes even more capable in different situations, but refuses to call herself a feminist because that would be "negative." And there are already "amazing opportunities all over the world for women." Categorization should not be so scary.

    8. we see this fear of categorization, this fear of being forced into a box that cannot quite accommodate a woman properly.

      So many women are afraid to categorize themselves as feminists for fear of being connected to the negative connotation that the word has adopted over the years. The education and perception about feminism needs to change. People are so afraid of this idea of "essential feminism" and that you have to act/be a certain way to be an actual feminist. This shouldn't be the case, rather women should be encouraged to join the feminism movement as they are - that's part of what feminism fights for in the first place.

    9. the movement has been warped by misperception for so long that even people who should know better have bought into this essential image of feminism

      The way that society and the media have presented feminism has lead to widespread misconceptions across both genders. There is no "right way" to be a feminist.

    10. Good women work but are content to earn 77 percent of what men earn. Depending on whom you ask, good women bear children and stay home to raise them without complaint. Good women are modest, chaste, pious, submissive. Women who don’t adhere to these standards are the fallen, the undesirable.

      Many people in society, mostly men who are uneducated on the subject, have a subconscious prejudice against women and often stray from nontraditional females. It is unfair that women are expected to work for less, bear children regardless of their own preferences, and be submissive to men. If women refuse to follow these guidelines, they are often abandoned by a large portion of the male population. These expectations of women are extremely unrealistic.

    1. If you have no idea what male privilege is, there's a good chance you are currently benefiting from male privilege. That's how privilege works.

      People who are receiving fair treatment and benefits will never fully understand the struggle of those who are being unjustly treated. However, that doesn't mean men should ignore the feminism battle. It is still important for men to play a role in the feminism battle, as they unfortunately hold more power and have a more prominent voice in today's world. If they help women speak up, the strides toward equality could become much larger and faster.

    2. A lot of heterosexual men get very angry when women don't look the way they think women "should" look. But guess what? "Should" is not a thing.

      So true! There is no perfect answer when it comes to people. Everyone is different and these differences should be embraced and respected rather than discouraged. If society would stop presenting one type of woman, then maybe the male/female population would stop discriminating based on appearance alone.

    3. Immigrant women exist. Trans-women exist. Entirely gruntled upper-middle-class white housewives exist. Sex workers exist. Third-wave feminism is the idea that women can and should define their own womanhood.

      I totally agree with this point - women should not be held to the same standard. Everyone is unique and has experienced different upbringings, experiences, and influences that shape their personality. Women's personal characteristics are all different, and many women are looked over because they don't fit society's perfectionist criteria. Affluent white women with slim figures aren't the only kind of women.

    4. To identify as a feminist is to acknowledge that women are people, and, as such, women deserve the same social, economic, and political rights and opportunities as other styles of people

      This definition of feminism is largely unnoticed by many. Many individuals falsely believe that feminism equates to man-hating and "unladylike" behavior. Women shouldn't be pressured to present themselves a certain way to fit the stereotypes created by ignorant members of society.

    1. Wetouristsgettoindulgeourten-deranimal-rightsfeelingswithourtummiesfullofbacon

      This is so true - society calls for the better treatment of animals but we continue consuming meat.

    2. ThenitoccurstomethatIhadbaconyester-dayandamevennowlookingforwardtomyfirstcomdogofthefair.

      This is definitely true with so many people - they see the inhumane treatment of animals but continue to support the act by eating meat. It's a moral battle that so many people have.

    3. Ifeelenormousstress-thenauseoussmell,impotentsympathy,pluswe'rebehindschedule.

      I like that the author takes a different approach to the Illinois State Fair, focusing on details like the animals and their treatment rather than attending every small event.

    4. Pigsmellisbothvomityandexcremental,likesomehideousdigestivedisorderonagrandscale.Maybeacholerawardwouldcomeclose

      The diction used by the author here gives readers a more accurate idea of the smell. Words like, "vomity," "excremental," "hideous," "digestive disorder," and, "cholera," make the reader realize the intensity of the disgusting smell.

    5. Alotoftheseswinearefranklyhuge-sayathirdthesizeofaVolkswagen

      Again, the author uses comparisons to better convey the pig's size to the reader. This gives readers a more accurate idea and invited them into the reading.

    6. Ru-ralMidwesternerslivesurroundedbyunpopu-'latedland,maroonedinaspacewhoseemptinessisbothphysicalandspiritual.

      The author's reasoning of the fair's popularity makes a lot of sense. People in countryside communities throughout Illinois crave human interaction and they use this once-a-year festivity to engage in social interactions.

    7. Lackingarealjournalist'skillerinstinct,I'vebeenjostledwaytotheback

      The author seems to be very honest about his lack of journalistic skills, almost being sarcastic in some parts. He gives the account of a normal State Fair goer rather than that of the press.

    8. tents

      I appreciate how detailed the author is in his reporting. His descriptive writing gives the reader the experience of being at the fair even though they're not.

    9. AugustcominIllinoisisastallasatallman.

      I really like how the author uses comparisons in this paragraph to establish the setting for readers. The imagery here is exceptional and very detailed.

  4. Dec 2015
    1. I think the footage you included is interesting. However, I think the first video clip could've been shortened and more footage could've been added. Good job though!

  5. magic.piktochart.com magic.piktochart.com
    1. I think you did a really good job with this site. There's lots of good points presented for each side of the argument, and I really like how you incorporated stats from our own school!

    1. I really like how you included an interesting video on your site - it really lets viewers get a more in-depth look at the topic at hand.

    1. truth

      I like that you added visuals, but maybe more updated facts would be nice to back up your point. More visuals would always help too.

  6. rhetoricremix.weebly.com rhetoricremix.weebly.com
    1. I like that you incorporated pictures onto this site to make it a little more interesting.

    1. College

      I love all the resources available on this site! It seems like it would really be helpful to prospective college students - good job!