3 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2021
  2. psycnet-apa-org.lib-ezproxy.concordia.ca psycnet-apa-org.lib-ezproxy.concordia.ca
    1. Both higher levels of reported stress and theperception that stress affects health were independently associated with an increased likelihood of worsehealth and mental health outcomes. The amount of stress and the perception that stress affects healthinteracted such that those who reported a lot of stress and that stress impacted their health a lot had a 43%increased risk of premature death (HR1.43, 95% CI [1.2, 1.7])

      Căng thẳng ảnh hưởng xấu gia tăng nguy cơ tử vong

    2. extent

      phạm vi, miền

    3. sociodemographic

      xã hội học