21 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. Replace the card, reinstall Sophos and restart the system.

      Wi-Fi MK-755が装着無しよりエラーが発生、対応策なし。

      An error occurred when Wi-Fi MK-755 was not installed, and there was no countermeasure.

    2. Hardware connectivity in Separate Kitting

      Sanity check 1 is missing.

    3. Installing the Wi-Fi Communication Terminal MK-755 (optional)

      The description of Wi-Fi MK-755 remains

    4. following address

      address --> URL か?

    5. --repo-user <repo username>

      repo user とはなんだ?

    6. ph-platform_2.0.2020102021275716537694816175_all.deb



    7. Setting the Time Zone of Page Scope Web Connection

      MFP time zone setting procedure remains

    8. 4G SIM card APN configuration

      Disabling 4G connection configuration procedure is not described

    9. Launching Initial Setup Wizard

      Insufficient procedure for connecting PC and LAN in ISW

    10. Prerequisites

      TPM / Secure Boot description is missing

    11. Connect the iLO cable and the WAN cable.

      Insufficient connection information between PXE server and WPH

  2. Sep 2019
    1. Navigate to the Workplace Hub account and backup Management

      Backup procedure is different from CSB Implementaion Guide." Please refer to " Navigate to the Workplace Hub account and backup Management" of the CSB Implementation Guide.

    2. Accessing the Acronis Management Console

      Add note "Apply only to administrator accounts."

      Please refer to " Access the Acronis Management Console login page" of the CSB Implementation Guide.

    3. After, please disable maintenance mode

      Add " To shub-backup restore sophos --sophos-restart command. • The connection will be lost for a few minutes, but when it's back the restore will have been completed. • After restore completed, please disable maintenance mode(refer back to12.3.15. Appendix C for instructions). " Please refer to " Check effectiveness criteria" of the CSB Implementation Guide.

    4. log out from postgres container

      Replace "log out from postgres container using the command: exit (Probably, it will be necessary to type exit twice, since the first time it will exit from the user." Please refer to " Delete the region of the Postgresql" of the CSB Implementation Guide.

    5. Run lxc list to ensure that the container entered a STOPPED state:

      Add "lxc list wph-postgresql-0" Please refer to " Stop the dns and postgresql containers" of the CSB Implementation Guide.

    6. Make sure DNS service is running. Otherwise, the start for postgresql will not work:

      Replace "Make sure DNS service is running by checking output of lxc exec wph-dns-0 bash -- -c "ps -ef | grep dnsmasq | grep -v grep", otherwise, the start for postgresql will not work" Please refer to " Start the dns and postgresql containers. " of the CSB Implementation Guide.

    7. Warning

      Add warning "The restore fails if you try to restore the backup data which was created with the different version.(WPHT-31107)" Please refer to "12.3.5. Warning" of the CSB Implementation Guide.

    8. check Appendix B

      Make a Link to Appendix B

    9. Before creating a template from an existing virtual machine,

      There are two same explanation and there are different link. "Before creating a template from an existing virtual machine, check the Preparing and transferring Windows VM templates guide where you find preparation steps for this action."

    10. Log in to the ServiceNow platform using the Cloud User account:

      There is only CMP Prod URL, they should be including the Pre-Prod and Staging URL too.

      https://wphtest.service-now.com (Pre-Prod) https://kmtemp.service-now.com (Staging)