- Apr 2018
on a load and written on a store
load: read from memory on a load store: and write to memory on a store
Local file Local file
yes these are spots/buckets for those numbers
2 results will be the same since we have two 2s in our given split
The number of distinct arrangements with a man at each end is6!3!3!=20, since we are arranging3M’s and3W’s in the middle 6 positions. Thenumber with a woman at each end is6!5!1!=6.Thus
amalt awalt
aren−(r−1) =n−r+1
simple explano of the final temrm
- Jan 2018
Local file Local file
We cannot think of Earth radiation as being radiated into space directly from the surface. Much of the radiation emitted will be absorbed, primarily by water.
There are regions in the atmosphere which absorb Earth’s radiation. This atmosphere is acting as a body, radiation from this atmosphere layer will be directed downward, as well as upward, and hence the surface will receive not only the net solar radiation, but IR from the atmosphere as well.
- Dec 2017
raphaelkoh.me raphaelkoh.me
Observer Pattern
optimal for multiple subjects (ex: product types) and multiple observers (ex: store types)
- Nov 2017
anthony-zhang.me anthony-zhang.me
which makes it so that the type of the object is considered at runtime, rather than from the type of the variable
object is of type B, variable is of type A
if (this == other) return *this;
self-assignment would cause an infinite loop
- Oct 2017
raphaelkoh.me raphaelkoh.me
how that legal?
anthony-zhang.me anthony-zhang.me
To avoid implicit conversion, we can use the explicit keyword, which goes right before the Node in the declaration. This makes the compiler give an error if we attempt to perform implicit conversion.
int *data = this->data;
does this->data return an address??
ANS; no
pretty sure it should day "Node" here
delete constructor
incorrect, should be Vector
new always allocates on hea
#include <libx> #define __LIBX__
body of if statement
- Jan 2017
pdf-objects.com pdf-objects.com
where the integrand on the left side is the product of the derivative of an outer function and the derivative of the inner function,
just a pattern to recognize-- so the derivative of the inside function was obviously 4x^3 (to get here) and the derivative of the outer function was obviously cos(x^4+2)
- Nov 2016
pdf-objects.com pdf-objects.com
implicitly by a relation between x and y such a
it is implied that it is defined by a relation between x and y
- Oct 2016
pdf-objects.com pdf-objects.com
minh1, «y7j.
epsilon/7 can be greater than 1, no problem, so by proving epsilon/7 we also prove 1.
0,|x23|,, then |x23|,1 ? 2,x,4 ?|x13|,7
But how does this part here prove that if delta = 1, then x^2-9 < epsilon
|x229|−|x13| |x23|,7?«7−«
This part here proves that if delta = epsilon/7 then x^2-9 < epsilon
- Sep 2016
docs.racket-lang.org docs.racket-lang.org
Why the question mark?
www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca
data definitions.
what is this?
Taking notes helpsfix information in your long-term memory, keeps you active, and allows you to preserve insightsthat you gain during the course of a lecture
The same way we preserve insights on hypothesis
fixed ways of doing things
www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca
An application of a user-defined function substitutes some values forthe corresponding parameters in the definition’s expression
The application of a function will substitute some values in the place of the corresponding parameters in the function's definition (body) expression.
there is at most one choice of substitution;
Using our current rule-set, there can only be one or no choices for substitution
An application suppliesargumentsfor the parameters
The arguments themselves are what?
ixed ways of doing things
ex: for loops
the computed final result is the same as for other choices.
if you were to do this a different way you would get the same result?
Integers in Racket are unbounded.
infinitely precise
(6−4)(3 + 2)becomes (∗(−6 4) (+3 2))
Say that I add open and close brackets around this expression.
Dr Racket will see this and see that we have one argument (which is also an application) and no defined function... So it will yell @ you
uniformly for functions and operators.
uniformly meaning constant/consistent results
so constant and consistent results for the mixing of functions and operators
www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca
sign Programs” (H
- Jul 2016
cs50.wiki cs50.wiki
ask the actual address of this server
www.w3schools.com www.w3schools.com
childNodes[0] - the first child of the <title> element (the text node)
There are no nested childnodes beneath it, so of course the title element is the only one. So choose the first. If there was an element nested beneath it, then childNodes[1] would be functional.
cdn.cs50.net cdn.cs50.net
we leave it to you to decide just how tolerate search.php will be of abbreviations, punctuation, and the like
$("#q").on("typeahead:selected", function(eventObject, suggestion, name)
The event handler will be invoked with 3 arguments: the jQuery event object, the suggestion object, and the name of the dataset the suggestion belongs to.
developers.google.com developers.google.comMarkers1
origin: new google.maps.Point(0, 0),
like if you want a sprite you would specify a different origin
developers.google.com developers.google.com
associative array goes here
a constructor
#map { height: 100%; }
isn't html and body already declared as having height of 100%?
Why isnt' that enough?
"Note that divs usually take their width from their containing element, and empty divs usually have 0 height. For this reason, you must always set a height on the
<div> explicitly." </div>
cdn.cs50.net cdn.cs50.net
alias for literally, "jQuery"
go get w/e element has a unique id of "symbol"
return false;"
we return false because by default we submit to the same webpage, and if we submit to the page then the page reloads-- not what we're looking for here
<form onsubmit="quote(); return false;">
is an event handler
IT handles the event of a submission. :)
cdn.cs50.net cdn.cs50.net
same as CSS, # refers to element ID
which child element do you want to manipulate, separated with a space
like an associative array, looking for where the attribute name = confirmation
cdn.cs50.net cdn.cs50.netWeek 93
[dot] operator to access elements like structs in C.
script src
Point to an external JavaScript file: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_script_src.asp
onsubmit attribute within our script, which we know is a valid event listener for a form element.
from the list of event listeners
I hear dollar sign underscore GET quote, unquote username.
"username" is the key, what $_GET returns will be the value.
key-value pair
- Jun 2016
uwaterloo.ca uwaterloo.ca
UWP gallery
Bunk bed
www.google.ca www.google.caGoogle1
No annotations?
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
A class method can be called from the class itself.
This makes sense. If you're calling a class method from outside the class, you do the following 1 - Reference the class 2 - Use a dot operator to call the specific method.
Australian dollar—viewed as a proxy for China's growth—spiked as much as up 1 percent against the greenback.
China uses Aussie raw materials.
Chinese demand for the Aussie Dollar is reflected in growth in the dollar. ↑ AUD = ↑ CHINA
- May 2016
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
in a UML diagram
the thing that the arrow goes down to
are those objects that extend the properties of the objects above it?
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
How am I able to set the text of my label and the image??
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt){
What exactly is the action that you're hearing?
A static variable is shared by all objects.
Since the static variable odes not change between objects. Static information is available even when you don't have an object.
When you design your own classes, you can also include static methods, also called class methods. Class methods are declared with the word static. They can be invoked using the class name, without the need to create instances/objects.
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
Why did I need to setVisible(true) after drawing?
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.caContent1
//Instance Variables private String name = ""; private String sex = ""; private int max_hit_points = 0; private current_hit_points = 0;
//Constructors Character (String name, String sex, int max_hit_points, int current_hit_points){ this.name = name; this.sex = sex; this.max_hit_points = max_hit_points; this.current_hit_points = current_hit_points; } Character ( ){ this.name = "harvester"; this.sex = "male"; this.max_hit_points = 50; this.current_hit_points = 0; }
The name, sex, and max_hit_points given to the Character constructor won't override what's in the class by default, will it?
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
Class - Is the description or the blueprint of an object. Once a class is defined, we can create objects/instances of that class. A class name should be a noun, should begin with an uppercase letter, and each word within the name should also begin with an uppercase letter. Class names may not contain spaces.
Body of a class - The body of a class starts with an opening brace { and ends with a closing brace }. Member variables are declared after the opening brace, and outside of any methods. Class constructors and methods are coded within the opening brace { and closing brace }. Private variables and methods have a local scope ( visibility ), that extends from the opening brace of the class body to the closing brace. (see Encapsulation)
Constructor - A constructor is automatically called when an object is created. The constructor is were variables are initialized.
Getters - Getters or accessor methods are called to determine the value of a variable.
Setters - A setter or a modifier method is called to change the value of a variable.
Other Methods - We can include as many methods in the class as we like. Some useful methods are: toString(), equals(), clone(), draw(), etc.
Client Code - Refers to an application that uses one or more classes. The client can access the methods ot the class, but cannot directly access the data declared private in the class.
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
you cannot access the JFrame from in here esp. using this
this.addMouseListener (new MouseAdapter() {
adding a mouse listener to THE WINDOW
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
The statements below placed in the main() method runs the GUI (Graphical User Interface) from an event dispatching-thread. GUIs should ve invoked from an event-dispatching thread to ensure that each event-handler finishes executing before the next one executes. Thorough coverage of this topic is beyond the scope of this lesson. However, the code shown is needed in every application that implements a Swing GUI.
A Swing timer (an instance of javax.swing.Timer) fires one or more action events after a specified delay. You can use Swing timers to perform a task repeatedly. For example, you might perform animation or update a component that displays progress toward a goal.
Swing timers are very easy to use. You create the timer, and you specify an action listener to be notified when the timer "goes off". The actionPerformed() method in this listener should contain the code for whatever task you need to be performed. To start the timer, call its start() method. In our example, the actionPerformed() method contains a call to the repaint() method. Basically this is how the paint() method is being called. We don't call paint() directly, we call repaint(), and the Java environment will run the paint() method.
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
It makes sense that we do "addActionListener(this)" because this object is an action listener (We have implemented it, and made it a child of ActionListener. Someone (who?) calls actionPerformed upon an action event )
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
g2.drawString("Hello world", 100, 100)
How does g2 know where to paint? Is it because it is in the JFrame object? And within the paint method?
this is whoever is drawing the object, in this case it is
, which is the panel itselfthe panel itself is the object we are inside of, (the one who called paint)
- fill
- setStroke
- setPaint
so whenever paint is called, it is passed an argument
which we then modify.so it paints based on what we have modified on the next run
Graphics2D.draw = with a stroke Graphics2D.fill = fills shape
(which is the halfway point of the right side of the rectangular area).
- <-- first quadrant in the grid
super acts on the parent object.
So it is calling JFrame's (who is FirstFrame's parent-- FirstFrame inherits JFrame's properties (i.e: parent)) paint method.
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
Calling the object's method
If your method overrides one of its superclass's methods, you can invoke the overridden method through the use of the keyword super.
Here, we are invoking the superclass's constructor
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
A class can only "implement" an interface. A class only "extends" a class. Likewise, an interface can extend another interface. A class can only extend one other class. A class can implement several interfaces.
Extends makes it a child, inherit the class' methods and shit. You can override its shit if you want.
Implements allows you inherit the constants that are declared, and you can define these constants. The way that works is it provides a bunch of empty methods, and you fill in the gaps
www.sparknotes.com www.sparknotes.com
gives Biff a host of tips about asking for a loan from one of Biff’s old employers, Bill Oliver.
page 49
Happy intervenes and eventually proposes that he and Biff go into the sporting goods business together.
page 46
Happy grows angry and rebukes Biff for his failure in the business world
page 44
Biff tells her that he knows Willy is a fake, but he refuses to elaborate
page 42
As Ben is about to leave, Willy daydreams further, and Charley and Bernard rush in to tell him that Biff and Happy are stealing lumber.
page 36
Charley offers Willy a job, but Willy, insulted, refuses it.
page 29
Charley, having heard the commotion, enters.
page 28
As Linda consoles him, he hears the laughter of his mistress.
page 24
Willy points out to his sons that although Bernard is smart, he is not “well liked,
page 18
He praises his sons, now younger, who are washing his car
page 15
www.shmoop.com www.shmoop.com
3.1 Post-battle, Regan tries to fight with Goneril over Edmund, but finds herself too sick to really do anything. We find out later that Goneril has poisoned her, and Regan dies offstage.
Still fighting over Edmund, dies of poision
5.1 In the middle of a pre-battle hookup with Edmund, Regan demands to know if he and Goneril have done the deed behind Albany's back. Edmund tells her she's crazy.
"did they do anything?" --no answer
Regan gets letters from both her father and Goneril about a fight at Goneril's house. To avoid having to take Lear into her own house, she shows up at Gloucester's castle and asks to stay the night.
There's a fight i'm coming to your house ~ lear
he's coming over ~Goneril
www.shmoop.com www.shmoop.com
Lear had planned to live with Cordelia when he retired.
He did wrong here, he is the one sinning
abc.xyz abc.xyz
Stockholder's equity is the capital received from investors. So, treasury stock cannot be included as a company cannot invest in itself.
So upon a share repurchase, both cash and equity is decreased by the same amount
Stockholder's equity (=Share capital + retained earnings - treasury stock) is the money invested in the company
So it makes sense that retained earnings is a part of it.
- Apr 2016
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
federal funds rate
overnight lending rate to institutions
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
say on pay
"Say on pay is a term used for a rule in corporate law whereby a firm's shareholders have the right to vote on the remuneration of executives." (src)
www.quora.com www.quora.com
hoof it out
literally meaning to go out on their hooves-- i.e: walk.