11 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. formed part of the treasures taken away by Nero.

      Treasuries description

    2. By the side of what is called the Hippodamium is a semicircular stone pedestal,

      Hippodrome mentioned

    3. Eleans call the pillar of Oenomaus is in the direction of the sanctuary of Zeus as you go from the great altar.

      Pillar of Oenomaus should be a tag added. Wish there was a better location description

    4. It remains after this for me to describe the temple of Hera

      First mention of the temple of Hera

    1. an altar of Artemis of the Market,

      Another possible tag? How many alters should we consider important to tag?

    2. an altar of Aphrodite

      Could this be a potential tag on the map that we dont have?

    3. he Leonidaeum is outside the sacred enclosure, but at the processional entrance to the Altis, which is the only way open to those who take part in the processions.

      Leonidaeum description

    4. The altar of Olympic Zeus is about equally distant from the Pelopium and the sanctuary of Hera, but it is in front of both

      Alter of Zeus confirmation, location description is also provided

    5. lies the Pelopium. It is far enough removed from the temple for statues and other offerings to stand in the intervening space,

      Pelopion description

    6. The order of the games in our own day, which places the sacrifices to the god for the pentathlum and chariot-races second,

      Possibly the alter of Zeus

    7. Alpheius,

      This is a river in Greece