5 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2018
    1. o take hold of every item of the original diction and wrench it across into German exactly as it stood in its syntax, word order and lexical sense

      "stick to the facts"

    2. he wants to make us see something we don’t yet have eyes for

      leaves no room for interpretation, gives viewers instructions to see exactly what he wants to be seen.

    3. a color so hard, flat, bright, motionless, it is impossible to enter into it or wonder about it. There is a desolation of curiosity in it. He once said he’d like to “put a Sahara desert or the distances of a Sahara” in between parts of a painting.(6) His color has an excluding and accelerating effect, it makes your eye move on. It’s a way of saying, Don’t linger here and start thinking up stories, just stick to the facts

      when it comes to translation of stories, the original words of the old language are often changed to make more sense in our current language, or aren't altered and make little to no sense at all. this makes it difficult to "stick to the facts" when there are few "hard, flat, bright, motionless" aspects to a translated work, but we must stick to what can be salvaged nonetheless.

    4. humans are creatures who crave a story

      in relation to the language of silence (and Bacon's use of color), we must consider we may be reading too deeply into some of these works. how can we draw conclusions and meaning out of a painting, let alone stories older than most trees and from completely different societies without projecting our own feelings and experiences onto them? with this, can we trust that much of human experience over all known time are similar enough to trust and put weight into these projections?

    5. it seems to come from somewhere else and it brings a whiff of immortality with it

      comparing the line to another lost, untranslatable work; it is something we may never fully grasp. "Comes from somewhere else" in that it is foreign and "immortal" in that it could be simple and timeless in meaning, though still not ours to understand today.