33 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. 分析:由BLR一阶差分自相关图和偏自相关图,自相关图的短期(阶数为5期),自相关系数衰减快,具有短期自相关性,表现为拖尾。除了延迟4期和14期跳出阴影图,其余均落在2倍标准误范围内,绕零值做上下不超过0.2的波动。偏自相关图的短期(阶数为5期),自相关系数衰减快,具有短期自相关性,表现为拖尾。除了延迟4期、14期和18期跳出阴影图,其余均落在2倍标准误范围内,绕零值做上下不超过0.1的波动

      什么样的模型要验证直到20阶以后的(偏)自相关系数呀都不用看。 所以这两个图都是拖尾

    1. Fleurs


  2. Jan 2024
    1. You're getting an error when delta=c(0,1) because parameters cannot be set on a boundary


    2. So the first state seems not to honor the given initial distribution, because the first sequence starts from state 2 instead of state 1.

      ID step angle x y states 1 1 833.60385 NA 0.0000 0.0000 2

  3. Sep 2023
    1. Only salary statements from a sponsor will be accepted.


    2. Incoming J-1 Exchange Students


    3. bank statements


    4. Tuition Insurance

      但是这个tuition insurance 需不需要买呢?

    5. Once you enroll in classes


  4. Aug 2023
    1. Note that if we added a random slope, the number of rows in Z would remain the same, but the number of columns would double.

      这里只考虑了随机截距,没有随机斜率。但是可以有些变量也有随机效应的 \(z\)的列双倍,那意味着\(u\)的行也要双倍

    2. .878


    3. the 20th, 40th, 60th, and 80th percentiles

      下面的 u = -.158,-0.47,0.54,1.82 分别对应随机效应u的这四个分位数

    4. remission


    5. GLMM

      genelarized linear mixed model 多了个mixed

    6. Note that we call this a probability mass function rather than probability density function because the support is discrete (i.e., for positive integers).

      第一次明白 probability mass function 和 probability density function的区别

    7. We could also frame our model in a two level-style equation

      不再使用开头的矩阵表达,转为 two level-style equation


    8. The final element in our model is the variance-covariance matrix of the residuals

      开始讨论模型的最后一个元素,the variance-covariance matrix of the residuals

    9. Because we directly estimated the fixed effects, including the fixed effect intercept, random effect complements are modeled as deviations from the fixed effect, so they have mean zero


    1. To my knowledge there is no way to "fit the HMM in parallel".


  5. Jul 2023
  6. Jun 2023
    1. 这个图有三种颜色的原因是:红色和绿色重合了,变成了另外一种颜色

  7. May 2023
    1. The superscript (-1)

      这里写错了,应该是上标 $$(-i)$$

    2. We say the first subset participated in a trail, and that Si=1Si=1S_i = 1, and the second did not: Si=0Si=0S_i = 0.

      trail population $$S_i=1$$ covariates + binary treatment + response

      target population $$S_i=0$$ 只有covariates

    3. RCT

      In the context of the article you mentioned, RCT stands for Randomized Controlled Trial. It refers to a subset of a population for which we have access to results from a randomized/observational trial/study 在你提到的文章中,RCT代表随机对照试验。它指的是我们可以从随机/观察性试验/研究中获得结果的人群的一个子集

  8. Apr 2023
    1. 一旦获得了 _weight 变量,就相当于对样本的匹配情况进行了标记,我们可以直接在 regress 命令后附加加 fweight = _weight 进行样本匹配后的回归。其中,fweight 为「frequency weights」的简写,是指观测值重复次数的权重。若是 1:2 重复匹配,成功匹配的处理组 _weight = 2 / 2,成功匹配的控制组 _weight = 参与匹配次数 / 2,即都要除以 2 进行标准化。因此,若想继续使用 fweight 选项,需要 _weight * 2 转化为频数。

      忽略了处理组个体的 _weight 需要为1

    1. Replace all NaN elements in column ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, and ‘D’, with 0, 1, 2, and 3 respectively.


    1. 通常在使用xtreg, fe命令时(即控制了企业层面的个体固定效应),如果再控制行业或者区域就会出现多重共线性的问题,会被stata自动drop掉,因为企业层面的个体固定效应已经包含了行业或者区域固定效应。

      肯定的呀,你自己都知道因为多重共线性被 omitted 了

      典型的 nested 固定效应

    2. 那为什么reghdfe可以同时控制这三者(即企业、地区、行业)并且不提示共线性的问题?(虽然结果是与xtreg, fe命令一致的)。

      因为 -reghdfe- 根本不会汇报固定效应,而是直接在redundant 栏汇报

      -xtreg, fe- 除了个体固定效应外,其他的都会汇报

  9. Mar 2023